impromptu-sketches · 1 year
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thranduel · 2 years
here’s why mike and will are the ones that belong together and need each other more than anything
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this smile right here happened because of will, and only will. this is one of the only scenes we see a real, genuine smile from mike all season because will is the only person he can truly be himself with (the other scene where he smiles like this is the one with will in season 4 episode 4). will makes mike feel loved and needed, just like mike has always done for him. mike is clearly struggling with his own insecurities and self-doubt and will is the one that cheered him up and made him feel like he was worth something. he told him he was needed and that he's "the heart" of the group, always leading and taking care of others. he painted something special for him to remind him of this, and we know how important will's art is to mike. he keeps a binder of his artwork and has his art all over his basement and room. you could see how excited he felt when he first opened the painting and found out will painted it.
will needs mike because mike has always been his safe place and the person who understands him most, and mike needs will for those exact reasons as well. they both make each other feel accepted for who they are and they were each other's first friend which makes their relationship even more special and beautiful. it's also important to remember that mike was the one who made the choice to walk up to will and ask him to be his friend because he saw that he was lonely, just like him. this made them more emotionally connected and they've always been able to understand each other from the moment they met. mike also likes the feeling of being needed because his role has always been to protect others and look out for them. that's what makes him feel genuinely happy and worth something. he's been pushed to the side his entire life, just like will, but when he can be there for people, it makes him feel so much better because he knows he's helping others too.
but the most heartbreaking thing about this entire scene is that will used eleven's name instead of his own... it could've been his moment, and mike could've finally realised how important he is to will and how important will is to him, but the timing unfortunately didn't work out. mike ended up thinking that those words and the art came from eleven, which it didn't, and that's the only reason why he ended up saying his monologue to eleven, because he was convinced she needed him and saw him as "the heart" when she never even said anything like that... the one who truly needs him, especially right now, is will. the car monologue, the painting and the speech about the heart was all from will. that is what touched mike's heart and made him truly happy because he needed to hear that more than anything.
will is the one that gave mike hope and strength, just like mike has always done for him. even when they were apart, will was thinking of mike and the party because they are so important to him and they have always provided him safety and comfort. mike and will's last private moment before leaving each other was when mike asked "what if you wanna join another party?" and will said "not possible". this painting shows that will kept his promise and thought of mike and the party even when he was far away. even in this scene, will sacrifices his own feelings and disguises his confession to protect mike and eleven's relationship and help them fix their problems when he didn't have to, especially after how he's been treated and excluded. so anyone that doubts how much will loves mike and how much mike means to him need to remember this. it's not just a "little crush" and will can't just "move on and find someone else". people who say things like that have no idea what they're talking about and they're just invalidating will’s feelings and his love for mike. will has always been in love with mike, long before eleven was in the picture, and none of this is easy for him.
will byers is the only person that can make mike wheeler smile like he did in the photo above. and the reason why it's different from all the other times mike smiles is because mike isn't pretending to be someone he's not, and he doesn't feel insecure around will. that is how you know it's real. this is true, genuine love. mike feels safe in his own skin when he's with will and he doesn't feel inferior to him at all. they are equals in the relationship and they always have been. will is the only person mike can truly be himself with, and mike is the only person will can truly be himself with too. we've seen it so many times throughout the entire series. they both understand each other, they feel equal to each other, they can be themselves with each other, they can open up and be honest and vulnerable with each other, they feel comfortable with each other, they bring out the best in each other, they've known each other the longest, they were each other's first friend and they have the closest and most genuine relationship in the entire show. mike and will are the ones that need each other more than anything and they don't even realise it.
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renmackree · 10 months
derek hale comes back to the town he grew up in. //
Why that post had to rip my heart and stomp on it?
Derek always came back and he never got a day to rest. He always sacrificing, always being the punching bag, always loosing something that he thought he could cherish.
And the in the movie. He was having a normal life, being a single dad working as mechanic and pining for his anchor.
Why he always has to fight for his happy ending?
T H I S. Oh my god this morning I woke up like, oh it's going to be a good day and then I'm sitting there, reading my dash líke
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He never got to rest, he never got to grieve. He never got to be a teenager. He never got to be a leader. He never got to truly love someone. He never got to just REST.
He had finally gotten a family in the movie, finally settled and maybe just MAYBE was able to give himself time to heal. THEN THEY TEAR THAT AWAY AND GIVE HIM COMPLICATED FEELINGS.
OK. But yes, Derek Punching Bag Hale deserves nice things. He deserves everything and tea and cake and maybe a nice steak dinner ~~and stiles~~
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ophernelia · 1 month
thought i'd drop this here for no reason other than to say i love your drive. you seem to be extremely passionate about storytelling, and telling your story like only you can. i'm here to tell you that these small details matter and i LOVE reading you gush about something like your choice for aesthetic and how you plan your episodes. storytellers like you always get me all fired up. thank you for sharing your art with me and everyone!!
Omg! Thank you so much!!! I truly appreciate this! It's so sweet!!! <33333
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supermarvelgirl15 · 1 year
That little moment when Ellie was hesitant to lay her head on Joel and cuddle up against him and Joel subconsciously leaning his head towards her spoke so many volumes
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rainbowmarta · 2 years
Does the teen wolf movie look bad? Yes
Did I cry at the very sight of Derek Hale? Absolutely!
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I really love the boys' musical number in the finale! Roy mouthing the lyrics and Trent bobbing along to the music 😂❤️
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beanghostprincess · 7 months
y'all don't know how therapeutic and cathartic it is to watch whole cake island when you relate to sanji. like, it hurts like hell, of course, but damn if it doesn't feel amazing to see yourself in somebody that doesn't forgive his awful family and yet still saves them because he's better than them.
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rainingmbappe · 2 months
Anon I almost dont want to answer your ask and keep it in my inbox forever
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ss-trashboat · 11 months
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i have been blessed and i am an emotional mess
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binch-i-might-be · 11 months
being on your period means crying about a comic of a little cat being adopted while eating potato salad straight from the tub
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wilsonwandmagician · 2 years
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elitehoe · 2 years
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kkumyoongi · 2 years
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i love him so much.
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baronessblixen · 2 years
William cries every time he watches the sad scene in the Fox and the Hound. Scully never watches to movie with him bc she cries too, but the baby fox reminds her of William.
I can so relate to this. It's so sad when she gives him up! How is this a children's movie?
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binoculares · 2 years
the final episode of supernatural should have been called the truman show and they should have just streamed the movie instead of the garbage that carry on was
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