#I'll concede to tag this as
arctic-hands · 3 months
Long ass post about being a sick and disabled child with pediatric imposter syndrome and inattentive and flat out ableist adults ahead. It got ahead of me but there's nothing I want to cut. No I'm not putting it under a read more. Look at my post, boy.
I wonder if my childhood fascination with wheelchairs was based in the chronic pain and exhaustion I was feeling even by the age of seven.
In second grade we had a "disability week" (tho I wouldn't be surprised if they had called it "differently abled" but I can't remember for certain) where we had disabled adults come to speak to our (allegedly) able-bodied class and the school as a whole. The ones i remember were just explaining the disability and a simplified ways to treat it and things like it's rude to stare and such. Not too too glurgy in that out of context...
...but the memories about it are def tainted by the fact that any kid who was sick or disabled was forced to give presentations on their medical conditions to "educate and de-stigmatize" the students.
This wasn't part of Differently Abled Week, we were just forced to present when we just got diagnosed or whenever the condition got noticed by anyone. The first one i saw was in first grade as a fifth grader gave all the individual classes a presentation on her diabetes. I was forced to give one in third grade after I came back from being dramatically rushed to the hospital after my heart started beating so fast and hard that you could see it thru my shirt, and after about a week out of school in another hospital in the bigger city two hours away because my hometown hospital wasn't equipped to treat pediatric cardiac problems. My third grade presentation on supraventricular tachycardia was well-received, and the school was sympathetic because all my classmates and teachers were like omg this angelic little child has a heart condition and everyone was scared that I might die 😢
... Next year's fourth grade presentation on I Shit Too Much Disease was less well-received, even as I tried to self-censor the inherently disgusting details. To add to that, my SVT had been corrected (for a few decades, it appears to be coming back after 2) by an ablation in late third grade, so the Scary Heart Explodey (not really) Disease had been tied up neatly and I was free to live as a Normal Child. But Crohn's disease was something else, something relatively new to the lexicon in the early millennium and I constantly had to explain my health to strangers as the unwilling IBD Ambassador of the town. This would be and still is life-long and particularly hard to treat (my Crohn's was once compared to brittle diabetes in the way it never did and still doesn't respond to treatment), and the sympathy of the ableds is fickle and short lasting. Even just a year after my Diagnosis, my teachers stopped caring WHY I was missing school and sleeping all the time and in the bathroom too long and only saw these as delinquent behaviors to be punished, and my classmates no longer had sympathy for the perceived special treatment I barely got and were convinced I was faking it all for attention
Anyway I'm digressing, but I did need to feel the need to give context to my school's attitude towards sick kids. Back to Disability/Differently Abled Week
...We were allowed to play with mobility aids. Yeeeah. To de-stigmatize of course, totes not to keep us occupied. At one point we played with wooden beads of different shapes to make "hearing aids" and microphones in the style of the day, and each class was allowed one wheelchair, two sets of crutches, and a few arm slings for kids to be assigned to use for half the day.
I had seen these before. There were only a few sick kids in my school and none in mobility aids, but 7 year olds do have some life experience in being in the outer world, and my hometown was a city and not insular, so I had been exposed to disabled people before. My grandmother's best friend was an old lady with a basic prosthetic foot and used a cane, and she was patient and i daresay a little proud to show it off when i was really little and we'd go to have tea/hot chocolate with her and i stared in fascination and asked innocently offensive questions. At seven I hadn't been diagnosed with SVT or Crohn's yet and my intense and agonizing leg pains had been dismissed by my pediatrician as a hysteric and melodramatic little girl's response to "growing pains" (I've stopped growing but still feel them, I'm just used to them enough after thirty years that I barely notice them unless my legs are touched). I knew about broken bones and as someone who still had potent memories of toddler ear infections that were bad enough to send me to the E.R, I had even taken a few rides in wheelchairs.
But being in a wheelchair constantly was a new experience for me, especially as this was a manual wheelchair that you pushed yourself with the big wheels in, not the hospital kind that nurses push for you. The thought of never having to use my legs was an intoxicating thought, and I had childhood delusions of being strong and muscley enough to be able to handle maneuvering it with my scarily emaciated noodle arms.
Aides were assigned by last name down the list, and the teacher just arbitrarily decided which one you'd get. My last name is fairly down the list, so I waited the better part of a week to get assigned, all the while eyeballing the wheelchair enviously as my classmates assigned to it got to play disabled in it. I wondered how to pop a wheelie in it (for the record, my immediate reaction to being given roller skates on my fourth birthday was to immediately try to do a trick jump off the porch and landed hard on my ass with miraculously intact bones and face). But mostly I was fascinated by the thought of never having to use my legs for an entire half a day. I kept my composure at school so not to be labeled a crybaby, but by the time I got home I sometimes couldn't even focus on Pokémon because my legs were too agonizing and I'd be crying. My parents were sympathetic enough to my leg pains that they bought me hot water bottles to sooth my knees and tried to get me to take my mind off it by meditating the pain away (I'm too bipolar to focus in meditation even then but everyone's reaction to my bipolar is another long ass post in the making). But they didn't care enough to advocate for me against my pediatrician, even as he ignored all my other dramatic symptoms that were beginning to become un-ignorable. It took until my heart emergency for any adult (ily Dr. Stein, my pediatric cardiologist who immediately realized I needed more help than just for SVT) to notice the misery I was in and get me the right help (ily Dr. Maizle, my first pediatric gastroenterologist and the only one who actually listened to me when i said some of the meds felt worse than the disease).
Anyway I was assigned crutches when my name was called and i nearly did finally snap and cry at school. Nearly. And the crutches (basic under armpit ones, not forearm crutches) sucked. They were painful in my armpits, they weren't adjusted to my height properly, and I fell a few times because I was trying to swing both my legs at the same time because BOTH my legs were in constant agony and I was trying to alleviate my body's pressure on them both. I had a miserable time "pretending" to be disabled, but I was the only one who complained about the crutches and so I went ignored, setting up the theme for my childhood.
This fascination with wheelchairs stuck with me and as I became a bigger kid and my body just piled on more illness and pain, but despite all that my legs were technically functional so I kept my yearning for a chair quiet for fear of being offensive (didn't know what appropriation meant back then but that was the feeling) and an actual attention seeker like my classmates accused me off. Sure, I was sick and constantly in pain, but at least I wasn't actually "stuck in a wheelchair". Could be worse. At least it's not cancer, after all.
It got to the point that by middle school i was having idle fantasies about being grievously and dramatically injured to the point I lose my aching leg(s) and thus was finally granted a wheelchair. In my darkest moments I wondered how much pain doing it myself would be in the moment, but the thing that snapped me out of crippling (I use that word deliberately) myself was that I genuinely love the feeling of sand beneath my feet and the way beach sand (I wouldn't see the ocean until my twenties, but the artifical lake we went to had sand) felt in between your toes and how my feet didn't ache so much as the hot sand conformed around them. I still kept this quiet because I knew it was crazy and was beginning to realize that I as a whole being was crazy, but I didn't want to be treated as crazy so I kept my fantasies secret.
I've lost the point I was trying to make as I ramble on about these physically painful memories but I'm going to end by saying lmfao I've been using a cane for my pain (to not great success tbh) and have been told I'll prolly need a wheelchair in the next few years. My trepidation about this is totally devoid of any "be careful what you wish for!" karma and everything to do with how infamously inaccessible the Atlantic Coast of the United States is for mobility access. The buildings are all old and pretty and no one wants to ruin the aesthetics of the rowhomes and the shops (except the liquor stores, make of that as you will) don't want to put in the money to add or replace the stairs getting up to the shops with ramps.
This is really dumb even before I started using aides, because EVERYONE can use a ramp while only SOME people can use stairs. And that's not even the end of it, if you manage to get into the shops the aisles are too small to get even a folding chair in between, and no one wants to put in the extra work to rearrange the store to cater to those seeking "special treatment". For years I thought the A.D.A had a grandfather clause that said historical buildings didn't have to adapt unless they renovate and that's why the older cities on the East Coast are the way they are. Nope, that clause doesn't exist. But no one is willing to enforce the A.D.A except SOMETIMES for federal buildings. Even some medical facilities are on stairs with no ramp. Baltimore IS in the middle of a years-long A.D.A lawsuit, but it's only for the absolutely abysmal sidewalks that prevent wheelchairs from going over them at all and makes it treacherous for canes and crutches. I see people in wheelchairs on the road more than I see them on sidewalks because it's the only way to get a wheelchair to move. Baltimore drivers are legitimately and legendarily terrifying. I wouldn't even want to ride a bike (were I still able) in the bike lanes, let alone wheel myself IN a major road. This is going to be a terrifying experience here, unless something very much changes and soon. But will the abled leaders care enough even if they're under lawsuit? I don't feel optimistic. But what choice do/will I have? It doesn't HAVE to be hard, but it WILL be because ableds don't care enough to make even the slightest change to make it easier for EVERYONE if it takes even the slightest bit of effort. See: their collective response to covid
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celecaster · 2 months
'Being liked' is difficult, but not nearly as much as 'liking somebody else'. Since I tend not to feel anything towards individual people, I'm not incentivised to interact with them.
Every once in a while I find somebody I do like—maybe not 'intensely' compared to how it works for most people but relative to my usual emotions, it's definitely worth noting.
I think the times I successfully got 'what I want' (in terms of our relationship dynamic), I could count on one hand. Throughout my entire life! That's a long time since I'm older than most of the demographic here. lol.
Every other time ends badly, or rather the other person doesn't have any interest in me and doesn't say or do anything with me.
I think this is not an unusual problem, even if I have 'eccentricities' that make the nature of how it presents for me unusual. Still, 'the people I like don't want to talk to me' is run-of-the-mill among the socially inept and socially adept at like.
However, I think there's this sort of... discrepancy, I suppose, or a difficulty for the latter to imagine how the former work. I've noticed the latter sometimes act (unintentionally) that people are... interchangeable?
What I mean is, whenever friendly people try to give advice or reassurance on the matter, it's always approaching from the premise that you should make a friend, it doesn't really matter who. Even derisive comments made about people who either can't hold relationships or simply don't want to focus a lot on this more generic aspect of having 'nobody'.
I can't really articulate it properly but sometimes it feels like arguing when you're not even on the same book, much less the same page. I understand the rationale for it sometimes [ eg some socially inept people may be lonely enough to want 'anybody' ] but I'm surprised at how much sociable people never seem to acknowledge or even remember that in many cases people don't want to 'settle' for 'anybody', there are real individual people that the socially inept are interested in, and those people don't reciprocate.
I'm not saying they have to, just that this is a different issue from not engaging with 'just anyone', so conversation about the latter often misses the mark.
And honestly, I wonder why it happens this way? The 'lack of reciprocation from individuals' is sometimes acknowledged for romance, so maybe it's another issue of 'friendship' being subtextually viewed as shallow and mile-a-million, despite overt claims to the contrary.
A more mean-spirited but not baseless way of viewing it is I think people who have always had somebody in their corner have a very difficult time imagining people who have no social circles, or do so in constrained ways [ eg 'Certainly it couldn't have been like that forever, maybe this is just a phase of your life because of the circumstances,' 'You have people you get along with, you're just underplaying how close you guys really are,' 'You're Edgy Emo Posturing, do you think that makes you Special?' ]. A different but tangentially related topic is this phenomena I've observed of not making strong distinctions between being hated, unloved and unwanted, ergo, when you report to a debilitating lack of relationships, I think this is often interpreted in the lens of persecution—a lot of people hate you (or you think they do). 'Socially inept people' are those weird nerdy freaks that get picked on by the popular kids and get stuffed in lockers.
Not to suggest that solitude isn't correlated to being mistreated (and in turn correlated to eccentricity), but there just seems to be very little said about people whose situations are just... being alone, plain and simple.
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pillarsalt · 1 year
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Now what the fuck is this lmao... I've stayed out of the bi discourse so far but this is excruciatingly chronically online behaviour.
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haeroniel-doliet · 1 year
God that mood where you both need to do stuff and want to do stuff but both needs are vague and have too many options so you just. Do nothing you want or need to do and realize all the time you had is disappearing. A good time!!!
#haeroniel talks#forget the tag oh well#but for real. had 4 days off work and a ton of real life stuff i both have to get done and have been meaning to get done for a long time#ive pretty much only played video games and called my friends. genuinely not time wasted and i love when i get to do that#and like rn i would love to play more games and spend time with my friends like if one offers you know i never say no#but its also already getting dark and i have to go back to work tomorrow and ive not done everything i promised to have done yknow?#time doesnt feel real and i dont wanna get up even if the anxiety slowly builds to hopefully productive panic#but in the mean time im like ugghh i wanna stop laying around just playing sudoku and watching lame youtube. i wanna play something#(unclear what it is i actually wanna play too many options i kinda wanna play all of them and none huehheh)#im also very sad i havent drawn in ages and any attempt just feels shit. like maybe if i read enough fanfic thatll respark the love.#id love to post something before christmas to get me excited to draw again over the break but who the hell knows if i'll manage#and yeah still have the annoying job related/driving school related/therapy applying/other life admin that really really should be done#im just being grouchy and stuck and need to vent hi tumblr love you all kiss kiss i wish i could function better#i think maybe perhaps. ill concede that driving school and therapy arent priority (important but ive wasted ages on them already)#i think i can do work related things bc theyre sort of fun. i can use my parents help to whack through the life admin and then#maybe i can let myself spend the rest of the evening guilt free either calling my friends and/or playing or if im going totally w drawin
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ghouljams · 5 months
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Missing (part 2) Tags: Ghost x f!reader/f!oc, 1870s cowboy au, kidnapping, guns, violence, damsel not exactly in distress Summary: Ghost finds the men that took his wife, and is reminded exactly why he fell for her in the first place. Part 1
The gag is overkill.
Although you suppose after hours of your swearing and threats, the multiple people you've bitten, and all the spitting in your captor's faces, it's reasonable. They've had to change your bindings at least three times, your hands bound in front, then moved to being bound behind your back, now your legs roped together as well. Fuckers can barely tie a decent knot, it's their fault you keep getting loose. The fact that they've confidently left you without a blindfold is a wonder. You can't imagine what they have to be so sure of themselves over.
You rub your wrists against one of the rocks poking you in the back, working the rope over the rough surface. It's not the sharpest thing around, but then again neither is the asshole "watching" you. He learned to keep his hands to himself after the second time you headbutted him. Even dogs know what "no" means.
You narrow your eyes at him, glare as he levels his pistol on you and makes a faux firing noise. When you get your hands on him...
A commotion further up in the cave draws your attention. Gunshots and shouting are never a good sign. You turn your head to listen, eyeing the opening to your little prison area. You watcher looks confident, or at least looks like he's trying to be confident. Moron. You work your ropes a little faster and feel the knot come loose. A last tug and you have to hold back a sigh feeling the rope untangle and fall to the ground.
You make a noise to try and get your watch's attention, he glances at you before fixing his eyes back on the entrance. You let out an exasperated breath and try again, louder, and really glare at him to make your point. "Shut up," He tells you. You give your best impression of fear and scream behind your gag. You don't particularly care if whoever's outside hears you, but it makes your watch crouch in front of you and wave his gun for you to see. "If you don't shut up, I'll give you somethin' to scream about," He threatens, just long enough for you to smash your head into his nose.
When he reels back to clutch his nose you make a grab for his pistol. It's enough of a surprise to keep his grip loose, and you're quick to clock him with the butt of the gun as soon as it's in your hands. You hit his temple square on and the man crumbles to the side. Asshole. You tug your gag down around your neck and debate shooting the guy as you untie the knots holding your ankles together. You suppose you have more important problems, you concede grabbing the rifle leaned next to his chair.
You check that it's loaded and holster the pistol in your skirt as best you can. "You just stay there, I'm gonna go find a ride." You tell the, you think he's unconscious, man on the ground. He doesn't object.
The commotion at the mouth of the cave seems to have drawn most of the outlaws hiding out in it, but that doesn't stop you from running into the few cowards that are still in the back. You dispatch them quickly, your rifle raised as you move through the cave's tunnel. It's too bad cowards are slow shots, smart of them to carry extra ammunition though. You swipe one of their hats, since they so rudely tossed yours.
You reload as you move, eyes darting between your hands and your way out. It's not a big cave, but you're happy to know the way out. Not a big crew either you decide, shooting the first man to see you as you find yourself in the open air of the main cavern. You're happy to see a familiar silhouette in the midst of the chaos near the mouth of the cave. The setting sun gives your husband a nice unearthly glow to him. You smash your rifle into the gut of the man that tries to come up behind you, and shoot another just to clear your path. You're not particularly in the mood for being grabbed again.
"What took you so long?" You yell, watching Ghost shoot a man twice between the eyes.
"Was picking up your wedding gift," He yells back, voice rough from a lack of sleep. At least he still has the energy to make jokes and shoot straight. He stalks over to you, flipping his pistol to bash the butt into the temple of the first man to try and stop him.
"Hell of a honeymoon," You grumble, shaking your head. Ghost stops in front of you his eyes fixed on your growing smile. "Hey there pretty boy," You grin, he snorts.
"Darlin'," He greets you with a quick tip of his head, "got a horse waitin' if you're ready."
"Any of these fools have a bounty on 'em?" You ask, glancing around your husband to eye the corpses littering the cave.
"Couple," He tells you, holding your chin to turn your head, inspecting you for injuries, "You look good."
You hum, "Better than the guys who were watching me." Ghost's eyes crinkle behind his mask, brown and warmly affectionate. Your heart clenches in your chest, he looks so proud of you.
"Good." He tugs his mask up and you catch the quirk of his smile, the tug of the scars around his mouth, just before he kisses you.
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byullielle · 10 months
Shy Shy Shy // Bang Chan x AFAB!Reader
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"What is it that you really want then babe?" "A lot," you whisper softly, looking away from him, "And quite frankly I'm terrified,"
Tags: Smut, Oral Sex (f receiving), Use of Hitachi Wand, Fluff, Slight Name-Calling (by author and chan lmao im so sorry), Petnames (baby, baby girl, etc.), Praises, Shy!Reader, Beginner!Reader,
Disclaimer: title is from TWICE's Cheer Up but the song is FAR from the story. i will make a part 2, but for now enjoy this one. Minors DNI. NSFW Content.
You and Chan have had sex once. He was your first time, and to say that it was sweet and tender was an understatement—and as much as you were shy to admit it, it got you hooked. However, it has been nearly a month since then and nothing seems to transpire between the both of you which left you slightly restless.
Did he find you inadequate the last time? Do you need to practice more? Did he not like it? And one of the self talk that jarred you so much was Why am I constantly horny? Laughable really, you bought a Hitachi wand just to get off yet it wasn't quite the same. Somehow in some way you turned insatiable, only stopped by your shyness and the want to preserve your dignity in front of Chan despite the raging horniness internally embedded in your system.
And worse part is you chose to shut up about it, letting it be kept in like a dirty little secret.
So whenever you and Chan are cuddling for movie night you have to make a more conscious effort to not touch too much, or grind on his thigh, or prolong the kiss just so that you don't jump him and immediately regret it because you have zero clue on what to do. Like right now;
He has one hand on your back, another on your waist, both of you laid down on the couch while he runs his fingers across your clothed spine gently, not even putting pressure. It was relaxing until it suddenly just wasn't. The touch was extremely light yet somehow exhilarating to you, like the little virgin whore that you are. "Y/N-ah?" his voice snaps you out as you rigidly look up, realizing that his ministrations stopped and his hand is parked up at the couch instead, a small frown forming on your face, "I'm sorry, did you not like that?" he softly asks before you tilt your head in confusion.
"The what Channie?"
"You suddenly tensed up, I thought maybe you didn't like being touched on your back,"
Your cheeks redden up, heat flaring on your face as you shake your head shyly, "Not at all!" you defend, wanting to be swallowed whole by the couch, "I–I don't hate it," you stammer.
"Baby, you can tell me if something makes you uncomfortable," Chan frowns, sitting both you and him up instead of laying down, "And I might've pulled your attention from the movie, I'm sorry,"
"No! I swear I'm not lying," you shake your head vehemently, "I didn't hate it Channie. I just–" and before you start to ramble on you stop, tongue automatically lodged in your mouth you couldn't even make a sound even if you wanted to. Chan furrows his brows a bit, "Just what?"
'I'm just incredibly horny when you do that,' was the sentence in mind but where was your tact. You remained seated there like an idiot, unmoving and absolutely speechless.
"I just hope you aren't forced to go ahead with my own whims, Y/N," and oh no he was pulling out the first names. What happened to baby, babe? "If it isn't what you want I can always compromise and comply,"
"Channie," you frown and take his hand, "Like I said it's not that I don't want it,"
"What is it that you really want then babe?"
"A lot," you whisper softly, looking away from him and simply conceding because that face was enough ti tear your heart into two. 0/10, not recommended. "And quite frankly I'm terrified," you admit before your grip against his hand fall weak.
"Like what? I promise I won't judge. I'll give you the world baby, just say the word," he cajoles, cupping your face tenderly as you peer through your lashes, "Promise?"
"I promise, sweet girl. What is it?"
You bite your lower lip, feeling a new surge and boost of confidence before you cup his face and gently pull him towards you, entrapping him in a kiss. You had no idea how to deepen it, simply pushing your lips against his and tugging on his shirt shyly with two fingers until he gets the request. He licks on your bottom lip as you give him leeway to slip it in, trying to slowly move along his motions while trying not to fuck things up by being greedy.
He slots into you perfectly, guiding your tongue against his as you let out a cute little whimper, eyes tightening shut before you both pull away–you for a reprieve and him to check if you were alright, always the gentleman. "Y/N?"
"I have a confession to make," you keep your two fingers on the hem of his shirt, "I–Ever since last month," you squeak out as nervousness makes its way to his face, "It's... It's like I turned into an entirely new person? Like I'm always..." you struggle to properly pull the words out as he patiently waits, "I always need you, Channie. For gods sake I bought a sex toy because of you," you reveal while burying your face in your hands as your boyfriend's eyes widen.
"Really baby?" he asks, his hands finding your arms while he rubs them comfortingly, "Do you...want to do it again?" he asks as you nod, still buried in your hands. "Look at me baby," he coerces you out of your palms, urging you to look up at him, "Do you?"
"Please Channie," you whine, "Don't make me say it out loud,"
"Then how am I gonna know what my baby wants if I don't?" he chuckles lightly, "What do you want? I can help you play with the toy, show me how you do it. Or you can ride my thigh, pretty little baby rubbing her pussy against my leg. Or I can fuck your pretty little cunt, what do you say?"
"Either and all?" you let out in barely a whisper before he chuckles, eyes glazing over with affection and lust before he pulls you to his lap, effectively straddling him. "All it is then," he smiles at you, "Just tell me what you want. I'm all yours,"
Your heart tightens at that, absolutely in love with this man and somehow your core tightens along making you tentatively grind against his thigh, clothed cunt flush against his shorts. "C–Can you guide me?" you ask. He nods before thumbing the garters of your pyjama shorts, "Let's get this off first pretty girl," he instructs before pulling it off, lifting the hem of his shorts so that his bare thigh is pressed against your clothed pussy.
He grips onto your hips, guiding you along as you grind softly, friction building up as your wet and aching cunt rubs along his skin, a series of sweet and small whimpers getting knocked off you as he simply observes, staring at your face intently while your hands try to scramble for anything. "You can touch yourself baby girl, it'll help,"
And without hesitation this time you start rubbing on your clit, feeling the dampness in your underwear grow before looking down to see a tent in Chan's underwear. "Chris, I wanna grind on your cock please," you request as he lets out a 'Fuck,' before tugging his shorts off, leaving him with only his boxer as you shift your placement and start grinding on his boner, a breathless sigh knocked out of you while you lazily rub your clit. "Mnh, fuck baby, I never knew you were this slutty," he chuckles while watching you, "Pretty little baby has so much to show me. Don't you?"
"Only for you," you moan while grinding, the knot in your stomach tightening as you look down and see the feral glint in his eyes adding up. "Kiss?" you ask before he cups the back of your head and pulls you down while you continue your ministrations against his hard cock, now nestled between the gap formed by your soaking underwear.
The kiss turns more and more obscene, the smacking sounds absolutely fuel to the fire in your core, spit swapping between the two of you. Suddenly your clit gets tugged up against your underwear, a louder much more prominent moan knocked out of you which makes Chan's body tense up, "Fuck baby, I wanna eat you out," he begs, "I wanna hear more of that. Can I please?"
You nod before he grabs you by the back of your thighs, instinctively locking your own legs around his waist while he carries you to your bedroom.
Placing you down, he immediately crawls to your aching heat, wet and warm against the fabric of your panties. He tugs on them wordlessly, nearly ripping them off before he simply stares at it. "Where's the toy you bought my love?"
You crawl over the night stand, opening a drawer before pulling out the Hitachi wand and handing it to him shyly. "I–I love playing with my clit," you explain, "It feels good,"
"Alright, I got you," he nods before grabbing the backs of your knees and placing it on his broad shoulders while your stomach tenses up in anticipation. You still had your shirt and bra on but essentially bottomless already, feeling more of a pervert than if you were completely naked. And without warning, Chan licks up a stripe on your pussy, making you yelp out.
He kisses up on your folds before slotting his tongue through, the vibrations of the Hitachi suddenly come to life as he presses it against your clit while fucking into you with his tongue. A loud, obscene moan escapes you, tugging on his hair and your thighs tightening against his face which makes the vibrations more intense.
"Chan!" you yell out, name slipping from your raw bitten lips line a mantra, "Fuck! Fuck! Channie!" you cry out, slowly getting more and more overwhelmed before he stops the wand and detaches his face, making you whine.
Spit and slick cover his chin and nose as he laughs breathlessly, "Fuck, you're so delicious baby girl,"
"Daddy make me cum," you whimper and beg.
"We have all night baby," he soothingly rubs his hand over your thigh, before ducking back in between your lap, "Feeling alright?"
"The best," you choke out, "It feels so amazing Channie,"
"Good," he simply states before you could feel a finger prod into your hole while his tongue starts laving at your cunt again, slurping heard as it makes you roll your eyes back and arch up in pleasure. A litany of moans and whines escape you uncontrollably, Chan's name and profanities a steady stream.
As you approach your high, you can feel the tension in your stomach tightening, toes curling in pleasure while you fist the sheets. He grabs the wand again and presses it against your bud, tongue still spearing into you as the noises spilling out your throat get louder. You tug on his hair, biting your lip with a long drawn groan mixing with his' before you feel the knot unfurl, sensitivity at its peak while you spill into Chan's mouth, his tongue laving and lapping up at your juices.
Your thighs tremble by the sides of his head, a cry escaping you while he keeps on overstimulating you with the Hitachi, making you tug on his arm, "Good girl, take it for now sweet thing. My shy slut," he grins down at you.
Your legs continue to writhe about because of the spent nerves on your clit before he finally pulls away and you let out a deep breath out of relief, eyes clouded with lust and half lidded. You reach out to cup Chan's face, wiping off the slick on his chin with your thumb before licking it off.
"Thank you Daddy," you whisper before pulling his face closer, "Would you please fuck me now? Pretty please? Put your dick into me?"
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irisintheafterglow · 7 months
(⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍⁠)🌷✨🩷🍪 Greetings Author-nim
Can I please request (⁠^⁠_⁠^⁠メ⁠)
(OPLA Zoro x You) Where Reader is an Assassin or Ninja and is a Pirate hunter, When Zoro used to be one too, they would always compete who gets the target first. Sometimes Zoro wins, sometimes reader.
So, imagine Reader's reaction when they saw Zoro with the crew.
And also, Luffy, somehow by some miracle with his own style of talk-no-jutsu managed to convince reader to join them(⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠)
(⁠ ⁠˘⁠ ⁠³⁠˘⁠)⁠♥. Hope u have a great day and it's okay if u don't want to do this. I'll understand.
baby, let the games begin
wc: 2k (surprise, shawty)
cw/tags: gn!reader, swearing, canon-typical violence, mentions of drinking and alcohol, pining pining pining pining PINING
note: hi love, thank you so much for your request!! i hope you like this because i certainly love writing for this stupid himbo man
likes, reblogs, and replies are always appreciated <3
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Honor be damned, you really wanted to kill him. 
“Dirty play, demon,” you huff irritatedly, scowling at the asshole who skewered your target before you could. In a single clean slash, the head is relieved of its body and unceremoniously kicked into a bag. “We both know that one was mine.”
“Better luck next time.” Asshole. Stupid, selfish, infuriatingly attractive asshole. A million different ways you could end his life flashed through your mind and, with his back turned to you, became more of a possibility the longer you sat in your disappointment. The dock creaks beneath his receding footsteps and you spit a curse under your breath. The head now bouncing around in the pirate hunter’s hand would have had you living comfortably for months, not to mention buying some shelter for the stray dogs wandering your home island. Monsoon season was coming and you didn’t have nearly enough space to keep all of them dry. Finding food that wasn’t old bread and horse balls was hard in itself and shelter was just another task added to the to-do list. “You’re not gonna try and take it from me?” 
“Why would I? You killed him; you get the bounty,” you reply scornfully, praying that whoever came up with the idea of hunter’s honor is torn to shreds by an octopus. “Guess it is your turn,” you concede reluctantly and take note of the blood dripping from the dirty fabric sack as he reapproaches. You’d have to clean your shoes when you were done. “I did take that guy from you in Flamingo Village, last week.” 
“The one with the big, ugly hat,” he confirms and you don’t budge when he stands right in front of you. He had pretty eyes, you’d give him that. Too bad you wanted to slam your fist into his nose. “I was mad about that one.”
“Well, you got this one. Aren’t you gonna cash ‘em in?”
“I will. I’m just curious,” he says and his expression is unreadable. It bordered on amusement and suspicion with a little bit of awe. “You could have killed me a million times since I killed the target.” Already thought that, buddy. “Why didn’t you?”
“Like I said, hunter’s honor–”
“No,” he shakes his head decidedly and you narrow your eyes. “You’ve been following this guy for four days, watching other hunters fail to bring him in. My question is, why do you need this bounty so badly, and why aren’t you willing to kill me over it?”
“Technically, that’s two questions,” you deadpan and your heart does an unwanted little stutter when he scoffs, the tiniest smile pulling at his mouth. “If you really wanna know why I need it, it’s ‘cause I need to take care of some friends back home.” It wasn’t a complete lie, but you also didn’t need the most feared hunter in the seas knowing that you needed the money to buy squeaky toys and dog beds. 
“Those friends aren’t worth killing for?”
“It’s sounding like you want me to kill you,” you fire back incredulously. “Do I need to worry about you, Zoro?” 
“Look, all I’m saying is, all other hunters would be leaping at my throat as soon as I take their kill. I just don’t understand why you won’t, especially if it’s worth four days of stalking.” 
“Maybe I like playing this little game,” you admit. It’s no secret to you that your job becomes incredibly boring at times. All the other hunters you come across take their jobs too seriously and believe that they’re purging the seas of evil. You, however, knew that the real evil was pacing around ivory towers and putting up the wanted posters. When you first met Zoro, it seemed like he didn’t take his job seriously at all. He killed like it was breathing and remained unamused at the melodramatic theatrics of flashier hunters. You ran into each other often because, besides being the only ones who survive their hunts, you were the top-earning hunters of your generation and ended up following the same pace every time. “I take a bounty; you take a bounty. I try to beat the pirate hunter at his own game; he throws a fit when I’m faster than him.”
“But, today I was faster than you,” he corrects and you stick your tongue out at him in defiance. “Who’s throwing a fit now?”
“Get out of my sight, demon,” you frown but you can’t hold it for long. It becomes a tired, melancholy smile and you start to make your way back to the town to book passage home. “Hope you enjoy all that Berry.” 
“Let me buy you a drink with it before you go,” he calls after you and you freeze where you stand. “Consolation for kicking your ass this time around.” You shoot him a scathing look over your shoulder and take the bait. 
“I did all the dirty work for you, asshole, so it better be three drinks at the least.” He chuckles softly under his breath and you roll your eyes, letting him catch up to you before heading to the nearest bar together. “I hate you so much.” 
“No, you don’t.”
As time passed and you ran into him more during your hunts, that hatred turned into something different, an annoying feeling of excitement every time you heard a sword unsheathed or spotted someone with green hair. You found yourself checking your watch when you were ahead of him, counting down the hours until he caught up. You knew the sound of his footsteps and the rhythm of his breathing and memorized how the sun hit his eyes down to the iris. Sometimes, you’d work with him directly and split the bounty evenly once it was completed. During conversations to kill time, though he never admitted it, he liked being around you as often as he was. Eventually, you told him about your furry friends back on the island and started marking the places you’d been with a hasty drawing of a dog. It became part of your routine and the time that it took for him to catch up to you decreased exponentially as a result. You’re easier to follow, is what he said. On a particular mission where you were unusually behind, you were delighted to find his gross attempt at mimicking the mark scratched into the wooden bar counter. 
You lose touch with him after a year or so of working together and you don’t expect it to hurt as much as it did. Word floated around that he was captured by Marines and posted up in Shells Town, but the same mouths reported that he escaped with pirates the following day. None of it sounded like him and it reminded you that you really didn’t know him at all. Still, you marked that silly dog into every barstool and backdoor you came across as you fell back into the same boring routines. 
Taking a rest day at a floating restaurant called Baratie, you think you’ve found the perfect spot to scratch into the counter when you realize that someone has already done it for you. It was horrendous and nearly incomprehensible, but you choke back a sob when you run your thumb over the mangled wood. There was only one person who could have drawn the little dog so badly.
And it’s like your body senses him before your mind does. 
In an instant, you’re hyper fixated on the familiar rhythm of his boots and the soft noise as his swords clank together with every step. There are four others with him, but you know his approach like the back of your hand. A boy in a straw hat whom you recognize from wanted posters rushes the bar, loudly requesting a glass of milk for himself and the finest rum for his swordsman companion. When he slides into the seat next to you, you can barely look at him, rendered defenseless from the conflict of emotions stirring in your mind. Thousands of questions were screaming to be answered but you couldn’t even open your mouth. The alcohol in your half-finished glass is all you can see. 
“You found me,” he murmurs, flagging down the bartender and asking for a bottle of whatever you’re drinking.
“I wasn’t looking for you,” you reply just as quietly, watching his hand carefully replenish your glass before filling his own and downing it in a few swallows. You stop him from pouring another with a light hand on his shoulder and he wordlessly sets down the bottle, making you smile softly. “You still drink too much.”
“I don’t have you to slow me down,” he replies without hesitation, glancing at your fingertip as it traces the mark he made on the wood. “I’ve been putting those everywhere since I joined up with Luffy. Figured we’d run into each other at some point.” 
“Luffy,” you echo. “That’s your pirate captain?” The irony of your situation escapes neither of you. If you were smart, you’d have every single one of them dead and bouncing around a burlap sack, just like the pirate all those years ago. But, just the same as the first time, you were stopped by a profound desire to be closer to Zoro. 
“He’s not like other pirates. Not like the ones you and I know.” 
“I’ll let the Marines know next time I bring in a head, then,” you laugh humorlessly, feeling the rum burn down your throat when you take another sip. You feel his eyes watching you carefully but you don’t look back at him. “I’m sure they’ll be thrilled to hear that.”
“They don’t have to hear anything,” he says in a low tone, one that sends goosebumps up your spine and has your heart beating a little faster. “They don’t have to hear anything from you ever again.”
“You’re not saying…”
“That's exactly what I’m saying.” 
“You want me to just switch sides like it’s nothing?”
“This job has been nothing to you from the beginning, nothing but a way to feed strays that, thanks to you, have loving homes,” he reminds you and you exhale deeply. He was right, but part of you wanted vengeance for all the times you secretly wished he was still with you. “So, come with me.”
“Zoro, I–”
“You know, I’ve missed you so much I can’t sleep,” he shakes his head and sighs in defeat. “Every time we dock at a new city, I’m hoping you’re on a hunt because, as much as I care for them, they’ll never know me the way you do.” He looks back at his crew with something like sad fondness in his eyes. They wouldn’t ever know him the way you did, as a bounty hunter with no real place to call home and no real people to call friends. “It gets lonely when you’re not forced to be alone anymore.”
“And it’s lonely when you are forced to,” you add. “It’s lonely either way–”
“But I’d rather be that way with you,” he concludes. “It’s not bad when I’m with you.” You pause, collecting your thoughts and calculating how much money you’d have if you suddenly abandoned your current line of work. It was risky, sure, but something about risking it on Zoro made it feel a little less dangerous. “Your silence tells me I convinced you.”
“I’m not the one you need to convince; it’s your captain you should be talking to.”
“Trust me, he’s the least of our problems.” As if to drive home his point, a choir of cheers rises up from behind you as a loud belch sounds through the harbor. 
“‘Our’ as in the crew, or ‘our’ as in you and I?”
“It’s always been you and I, hasn’t it?”
“It always will be,” you promise, letting your head fall onto his shoulder. He’s warm and safe and everything you were needing. “But, I need to teach you how to draw a better dog.” He hums in agreement, downing another glass contentedly. 
“Yeah, you need to teach me how to draw a better dog.”
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mechaknight-98 · 1 month
Gathering CEDH edition Birds of Paradise
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Author’s note: Optimization furthers as I try to sharpen the story.
stroll up to our rendezvous fashionably late, but the guys greet me with raised eyebrows and a mix of surprise and concern.
"Um, we've got a bit of a situation," Connor blurts out.
"Yeah, we need you to watch our backs," Dexter adds, his tone urgent.
"Alright, spill the beans before we dive into this," I reply, trying to keep my cool despite the unexpected turn of events.
Following the uproarious success of the "Fearless Kkura" episode, Connor and Dexter found themselves fielding calls from various companies eager to tap into their expertise with idols. Amidst the flood of emails, Connor's phone buzzes with a call from Jennifer Huh.
"Yo, Jenny, what's crackin'?" Connor answers, brimming with excitement.
"Hey, so don't freak out, but I sorta RSVPed you and me for a gala in Florida," Jennifer confesses.
"Why? You know I'm not a fan of those formal shindigs," Connor retorts.
"Well, Chaewon and Kkura had tight schedules, Kazuha's chilling in Japan, and Eunchae's practically a baby," Jennifer explains.
"Fair point... Before I reluctantly agree, what's this gala all about?" Connor inquires, wary of Jennifer's sudden enthusiasm for fancy affairs.
"Oh, it's a Tricell Charity Gala, honoring survivors of bio-terrorist attacks. My family made it out alive thanks to Tricell's aid during a crisis in New Jersey," Jennifer elaborates.
Connor sighs, attempting to mask his inner turmoil, but Jennifer, being Jennifer, picks up on his unease like a shark scenting blood in the water.
"Ah, that sigh. I know that sigh. That's the 'please don't make me do this' sigh," Jennifer remarks, her intuition sharp as ever.
"I'm not sure, Jen. Sounds like walking into a danger zone," Connor hesitates.
"What're you not telling me?" Jennifer presses, sensing there's more to the story.
"Oh, what the heck. Count me in," Connor concedes, against his better judgment.
Arriving a day ahead of schedule to meet Yunjin, Connor is taken aback by the absence of a welcoming committee as she approaches my rental. She envelops him in a warm hug.
"Hey, Connor! How's it hanging?" she chirps, eyeing my choice of wheels with a playful smirk. "Wow, you really diggin' that truck, huh?"
He offers a sheepish nod, managing a grin. "Doing alright, and yeah, I'm quite fond of it. Hungry?"
Yunjin nods eagerly, and the duo hops into the rental, heading for a quaint café nearby.
En route, Connor turns to Jennifer. "So, Jen, while we're here, I need to catch up with my sister and mom," Connor started, hinting at his plans.
"Oh, I'll tag along," Jennifer chimes in.
"That's not what I had in mind," Connor points out.
"Too bad, I'm crashing the party," Jennifer declares, flashing a mischievous grin. He groans in defeat as we pull up to a cozy Creole café just a stone's throw from the hotel and airport. Over a meal, Yunjin broaches the topic of His beef with Tricell.
He tenses up momentarily but then decides that honesty is the best policy. Taking a cue from Dexter's/My playbook, and he dives into oversharing mode. "Well, I lost both my folks to the T-virus outbreak back in '98, masterminded by Tricell's former bigwig, Albert Wesker. His son, Alexander, also cost me my adopted older brother. So, yeah, I've got a bone to pick with Umbrella, Tricell, and the Weskers. But hey, they're supposedly turning over a new leaf, right? If not, I'll happily take 'em down again."
"So, you and Dexter both have a score to settle with the Wesker clan?" Jennifer probes, surprising him with her insight.
"Wait, how'd you know that? Dex never mentioned anything about it," Connor replies, taken aback.
"Well, Kkura spilled the beans. Apparently, Eunbi spilled the tea after her second date with Dex," Jennifer reveals.
"Eunbi and Dex?" Connor exclaims, connecting the dots.
"Yeah, Kkura played matchmaker after your stint on 'Fearless Kkura' together," Jennifer confirms.
"That explains a lot," Connor muses, reflecting on Dexter's recent trips to Korea.
"Indeed. They make quite the adorable couple," Jennifer adds, steering the conversation back to romance. "Speaking of which, are you still chasing after Giselle... I mean Aeri?"
"Nah, she's not into guys like me," Connor confesses.
"Really now?"
"Okay, let me rephrase that: I don't think she's into me like that."
"Ah, gotcha. Maybe she can sense that you're taken?" Jennifer teases, her disappointment palpable.
"Cut it out, Jen," Connor chirps, rolling my eyes.
"Why? Don't you like me?" Jennifer pouts, her expression genuinely crestfallen.
"Yeah, but c'mon, you're the fabulous Ms. Starlet herself, Yunjin Jennifer Huh. I'm just plain ol' Connor Sun-Won Young," Connor quips.
"Wait, is 'Sun-Won' your middle name?" Jennifer probes further.
"Not the point, but no, it's actually Connor. Sun-Won's my middle name, but it's easier for most folks to say," Connor explains.
"Got it. From now on, you're Sunny," Jennifer declares, earning an exaggerated groan from me.
"Anyway, Dex had a run-in with a Wesker during his college days. There was an outbreak at his school, and let's just say it didn't end well," Jennifer divulges, catching Connor off guard.
"I wish he'd told me about that," Connor admits, feeling a pang of hurt.
Connor nods in acknowledgment. After they finish their meal, Connor escorts Yunjin to her hotel to help her with her luggage. As he bids farewell, confusion clouds her expression. "Hey, where are you off to?" she wonders aloud.
"To visit my mom, then back to my hotel room," Connor replies hesitantly.
"Uh, why?" Yunjin probes, cornering him.
"Your manager made it clear that while you're here, you're to be 'untouched,'" Connor responds.
Yunjin laughs, "Um, how about no?" she says, grabbing him by his necklace. Tilting her head as she inspects it, she remarks, "Oh, this is nice. It suits you. Is it new?"
"No, I just got it back," Connor answers.
"Well, it looks good on you. Silver suits you," Yunjin compliments as she pulls Connor onto the bed. As they both gaze up at the ceiling, an awkward silence descends.
"So, have you asked Aeri out yet?" Jen's voice breaks the silence.
Connor turns to her and responds, "She laughed and said she sees me as an older brother."
Jen stifles a chuckle before saying, "You, an older brother? Oh, I'm so sorry. Come here, hug Noona to make it all better." Connor accepts her hug but scowls at her use of "Noona."
"Noona? Where did that come from? I'm older than you," Connor retorts.
She squints at him, "No, you're not?" Connor groans, pulling out his ID to prove his point. Yunjin smirks, "Huh, I guess you are my oppa then. Sorry, Oppa. That explains why Aeri was calling you that now. I thought she liked you."
"It's no big deal," Connor responds.
"I just thought because you're such a teddy bear that you were younger than Chae and I," Jen rebuts.
"Nope. I'm a year older than Kkura, to be exact, six months. But I digress," Connor says matter-of-factly.
Connor gets up and begins the process of heading to his mom's place. Jennifer is all smiles as she also gets up with him. They get into his car and drive to Miami, where his mother resides. Upon arriving, Connor begins to get cold feet, his hands shaking visibly. Jennifer notices this and smiles reassuringly at him as they both step out of the car. Connor approaches his mom's door and knocks, the house remaining quiet until it opens.
"Oh, Baruuk, how good to see you," Connor's sister, Valkyr, says to him. Connor offers a weak smile.
"Is Mom home?" he asks.
"Yeah, but are you sure you want to talk to her?" Valkyr inquires.
"Yeah, I have some stuff I'd like to tell her," Connor affirms.
"Okay, but wait, who's this pretty young lady behind you?" Valkyr asks.
"Oh, hi, I'm Jen, his girlfriend," Jennifer introduces herself.
Connor shoots Jen a look, to which she just smiles back at him. Valkyr observes their interaction and laughs, "Well, Ms. Jen, can I talk to you while my little Ruuk goes to our mom?" Valkyr asks, and Jen nods. This gives Connor the freedom to head back to his mom, who is in the backyard.
Mrs. LesProux had known since his arrival that Connor was going to show up. Call it mother's intuition. What she didn't know was the reason behind his visit.
"Hey, Mom," Connor says upon entering the backyard. His mother, a tall, statuesque woman, stands facing the morning light.
"Hello, Little cub. I'm surprised to see you," she says coldly.
"I didn't expect to be back, but here I am... You know, I've done some thinking, and I finally have an answer for you."
"Oh, really? And what is that? Do you still hate me for taking you from your birth parents? Do you still seek revenge?" Mrs. LesProux questions.
"No, I said those things in anger and resentment because I couldn't have a normal life. But that was never your fault," Connor apologizes.
Mrs. LesProux turns to her adopted son, seeing his remorse. She gets closer to him, "Wait, so you're not angry anymore?" she asks skeptically.
"No... I can't be, really. In this time away from this life, I realized I'm not built for war," Connor admits.
"Oh, then what are you built for?" Mrs. LesProux asks, intrigued.
"Diplomacy and art. But I appreciate what you did for me because, as you've said numerous times, fate had other plans," Connor answers.
Mrs. LesProux chuckles at her son's response. "That's a surprising answer."
"Why so?" Connor inquires.
"To forge peace, one must know war," Mrs. LesProux replies.
"Yes, and you've taught me war. The time I've spent with Dexter, or as you call him, the fool, has brought me peace, and I needed that," Connor adds.
"Well, then I guess I may have been harsh in my judgment of him. Especially after learning about him," Mrs. LesProux asserts.
Connor looks at his mom, confused. "What do you mean?" he asks.
"He was in love with that Wesker girl a few years back, and according to my sources, she betrayed him when he tried to purge all records of that event," Mrs. LesProux explains.
"That explains why he never talks about it," Connor realizes.
"I assume it's a sore spot. Speaking of pretty, who's that girl talking to Valkyr?" Mrs. LesProux asks, redirecting the conversation.
"Oh, that's Jennifer. She's a friend," Connor reassures.
"Really? She doesn't look at you like you're just a friend," Mrs. LesProux observes.
"How do you figure that?" Connor asks.
"I've seen the look of love, Baruuk, and believe me, she has it," Mrs. LesProux states.
"Well, then I'll keep that in mind," Connor says, falling silent. Mrs. LesProux smiles at her son's bashfulness.
She goes to hug him, "Still my shy and humble little boy, I see. I should have known that bringing you into the fold was a mistake. But that being said, I think you've grown into a fine young man."
"Thanks, Voruna," Connor says to his mom.
"You're welcome, Baruuk," Mrs. LesProux replies. "So what will you do now?" she asks.
"I'm going to the Tricell Gala tomorrow with Jennifer as her plus one," Connor answers.
"Oh, well, then we shall see each other again then," Mrs. LesProux says.
"Okay," Connor says.
After that, Connor walks back with his mom to the living room, where Valkyr and Jennifer are engaged in conversation. Mrs. LesProux scrutinizes Jennifer for a moment before asking, "What are your intentions with my son?"
Yunjin blushes at the question, as does Connor before Valkyr gives them an out.
"Come on, Mom, can't you see they're blushing? Baruuk, Jen, leave before you get more embarrassed," Valkyr says, ushering the couple out. They then drive back to the hotel, and Jen starts to become sleepier, likely due to the effects of the flight. Once they're back in her hotel room, she cuddles with Connor.
"So, you've met my mom and sister. What did you think?" Connor asks.
"I'm still surprised. You're so manly and gentlemanly, but your mom and Valkyr are very cold," Jen replies plainly.
"Well, that's because of my older brother, Atlas. He taught me a lot of the manners stuff. You would've loved him. He was tall, kind, and..." Before Connor could finish his sentence, Jen asks what happened to Atlas. "He was the brother who died because of Alexander Wesker," Connor answers.
Jen nods, “Oh... learning new things about you every day.” She falls silent after that. Connor notices she hasn’t broken the hug after 30 minutes, and then he hears her breathing become rhythmic as she falls asleep. Eventually, the calming sound of her breathing lulls Connor to sleep as well. He wakes up from his nap when Jen’s alarm goes off, blaring "No Return." As he attempts to get up, he is struck by his arm being very asleep. Realizing this, he tries to remedy it. As Jen wakes up to his movements, she laughs excitedly, watching as Connor tries to wake his sleeping arm up
"So, where to next?" Connor says, attempting to push his emotions aside. Seeing an out, Yunjin replies, "Oh, we're meeting with Winter and Hosang before they just flew in, so we're all getting dinner together." Connor nods and follows her as she changes her jacket to something lighter, as the morning cool has burned off into a humid heat more common to Florida. He looks away, trying not to see her exposed.
Jen smiles at Connor and says, "You know you don't have to look away while I change."
"Um, yes I do," Connor rebukes.
"You're so cute when you're bashful," Jen teases, laughing while watching him still trying to get his arm awake again. After a few minutes, he succeeds, and he gets up, now having his arm almost back to normal. They get into their rental truck and drive to the airport again. Winter and Hosang are surprised when Connor picks them up.
"Oh hi, Yunjin… and Connor," Hosang says in surprise to see Connor and Yunjin together.
Connor waves as they put their bags in the truck bed. Winter and Hosang both begin to whisper in Korean. They’re quiet enough to not hear every word. Connor turns to them when he hears "American," and both he and Jen scowl suspiciously.
"What?" Winter says innocently.
"What was that about? 'They are so American?'" Jen says.
Hosang laughs and says, "Well, looks like we were caught. Winter and I were just talking about how you two look so American together. (He gestures to the truck) It's so funny how you are both so American and so not American." Connor watches as Jen rolls her eyes before she goes back to face him with a smile and drives the couple to their hotel.
While on the way in, Jen asks, “Hey, how did you guys get the okay from SM to date?”
Hosang answers, “Um, so we haven't, so if you could keep it on the down-low, that would be great.” Jen’s eyes go wide, and she nods in understanding. She smiles and says, “Your secret is safe with us. Isn’t it, Connor?”
Teasingly, Connor says, “Absolutely not. I need compensation for Giselle putting me in the brother zone, and a dating scandal for her group sounds like a fat payday. So two birds, one stone.” They look at Connor for a moment, thinking he is serious, but when they see his face change, they all break into a smile.
“You had us worried for a minute,” Winter says, and Connor laughs.
While helping them, Hosang comes to Connor and asks, “I know you were joking about the Aeri thing, but are you sure you’re okay?” Connor shrugs.
“I can’t do anything about it, so why would I care? As my friend Dexter says, 'Time keeps moving forward, so will I.' I’ll just work my hardest and then move on,” Connor says to Hosang, who nods.
“Ah, the good old keep moving forward,” Hosang says, and Connor nods. After he helps the couple into their room, Connor, Jen, Winter, and Hosang all get back into the car and drive to the restaurant where they will be eating for the night. They arrive at the small Cuban spot that Jen found (spotted earlier on the way in) and all file in. Jen smiles as Connor and her walk in, and she grabs his arm, linking with hers and smiling brighter. Connor smiles back, her dark hair bouncing as she walks with him. A wave of calm washes over Connor as he sits with her. She feels... pleasant around her in a way Connor is unfamiliar with and not used to.
After the waiter takes the drink and appetizer orders, Hosang asks Connor the fated question.
“So how did you meet Aeri Uchinaga, Mr. Connor?”
Connor looks around and then to Winter, who smirks. “Tell him then, Magic Man," she teases.
“Well, long story short. I play MTG to deal with some PTSD issues I had in the past. So naturally, I played MTGA, where I met Scorpion’s love-00. I beat this person. This person sends me a Discord message, and we begin an online friendship. That friendship eventually led to me meeting this person, who turned out to be the illustrious Giselle of Aespa.” Jen smiles as Connor tells his story.
When Connor got to the part about PTSD, Winter looked at Connor in surprise. After he finishes his tale, she pries a little into that. “You mentioned PTSD… um, Connor, are you okay?” You shrug.
“Yeah, just some bad stuff happened while before I got into college. MTG helped me get out of that bad place, but it also made it worse because I became obsessed. Overall, I think I am good though now,” Winter squints as she stares at Connor. He could see the worry on her face. He smiles to allay her worry. After all, they didn’t need to be bothered with his tales of misery. After Connor finishes talking, his food arrives, and while he eats, he swears he sees Voruna. When his friends catch him spacing out looking for her, they quickly bring him back. Connor smiles at them as they all get back to eating and enjoying their company.
When Connor goes to pay, the waiter says, “Oh, your meal was already paid for by Karena LesProux. She left the message, 'For my lost cub who is found again.'” Everyone looks weirdly at the waiter, except Connor, who knows who that is and what that means. He smirks casually, then eases into the seat and says to everyone, “Wow, that is so weird but cool. A free meal.” They all look at Connor weirdly at first, but then it’s put past them. After that, Connor takes Winter and Hosang back to their hotel and says their goodbyes until tomorrow.
Winter stops for a moment before going in to talk to Connor. She gets him out of earshot of the others and says, “I heard about your situation with Giselle, don't be too mad at her. She’s just got a lot going on.” Connor smirks, then says (while looking at Yunjin), "I think I will be fine," and waves as they leave.
He goes to drop Jen off, and as he attempts to leave, she says, “Can you stay with me tonight?”
Connor sees the anxiety in her eyes, and all he can say is, “Sure,” so he follows her. The couple (I know they aren't technically a couple yet, but at this point like come on) fall asleep. They take turns using the shower and getting ready for the night. After finishing, the two cuddle in the bed. It’s awkward at first until she says, “Hey, it’s okay. I don’t bite.” Her eyes are bright and happy. Her smile is innocent and inviting.
Connor says to her, “This isn’t very hot girl of you.”
She laughs and responds, “Maybe I want to be a soft girl for the night.” Connor laughs content and Jen hugs him tight. The couple falls asleep roughly around the same time. At 4 am though, Connor wakes up. He gets up to leave, but Jen, still partially asleep, says, “Don’t go. Don’t leave me alone.” Connor looks at her confused. She looks so lonely, so afraid. It was a far cry from the confident star who lives for the stage.
“What’s wrong, Jen?” Connor asks. When he doesn't hear from her, he looks at her worried but clearly sees she is still half asleep.
“I feel so isolated, and you make me feel connected. Idol life it’s great, but there’s too much pressure, too rigid. I want someone who’s fluid and goes with the flow. I live in fear every day that because of who I am and my background everything is going to collapse on me. I want someone by my side who is strong and confident yet gentle and reassuring. So please stay with me,” Jen says. Also, remember that Jen said all of this while still half asleep and probably wouldn’t remember it. Connor breathes in and out before going back to lie next to her. He hugs her tight, intent on helping her feel better. As he drifts off, his mind settles in a familiar place. Stars litter the endless void.
When Connor opens his eyes, he is greeted by Jen’s smiling face. She is elated that he stayed with her. The next thing he hears is his phone ringing. It’s Dexter.
As Connor recounted I nodded and then Dexter started speaking to me as well. following the pause at Dexter's call Dexter starts speaking.
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pinkroseblooms · 3 months
Boy Toy, Pt.2
Sugar Baby!TojixSugar Mama!f!Reader
Summary: Something's changed in your dynamic lately; Toji makes it clear the night you unknowingly push him towards desperate measures to ensure you keep your promise. AU without sorcerers and curses, etc, forgot if I mentioned that in the previous part. wc: 4.3k a/n: warnings and tags include smut, rough sex, creampie, breeding kink, dubcon, threats of forced impregnation/kidnapping, yandere!Toji, possessive behavior, toxic ass behavior, emotional manipulation, jealousy, sub/dom elements, sort of pet play(ngl I'm not sure?) reader is pretty twisted as well, lots inappropriate stuff, I'll add more later if I need to. Enjoy!
Nothing really changes the next few weeks; in the aftermath of your attempt to cut ties with Toji, you’ve found it fairly easy to return to the previous “arrangement” between the two of you. The only difference is that Toji is more...affectionate?
Granted, he’s never been shy: when the line between client and employer had been crossed, Toji became quickly accustomed to invading your personal space pretty much any time the mood struck him. Whether it was sweeping you up in his arms to pin you against whatever nearby surface was stable enough to rail you against or just giving your bottom a playful pinch, Toji would strike without warning or care for your busy schedule. For the most part, you had no complaints, as long as Toji was mindful to not leave marks that couldn’t be easily covered. As for non sexual contact, it was almost always you who initiated hugs, chaste kisses, hand holding, etc. Toji allowed it, welcomed it eventually, but it was rare for him to be the one to initiate unless the physical touches were leading to sex. 
“You smell so good.” 
“You need to shave.” You chuckle softly as Toji nuzzles his face into the crook of your neck, his stubble leaving a slightly red mark as it itches the skin. “I should smell nice; because of someone I had to wash up again.”
After you finally managed to pry Toji off you, you had hopped into the shower while he stayed lounging in the bed, feeling too lazy to do more than wipe himself off with the shirt he had practically ripped in two to take off earlier. You were sitting in front of your vanity, having planned out your outfit ahead of time and now you were trying to decide what to accessorize with while Toji offered such helpful suggestions as, “don’t wear panties” and “are you sure you don’t want to go again?” 
“Whatcha getting all dolled up for?” Toji asks absently, pressing slow, sensual kisses down your shoulder. “Come back to bed. Let’s stay in tonight.”
“You say that like that isn’t what we do most nights.”
“You hate going out more than I do.”
“As true as that is,” You conceded lightly. “I still have obligations: the current CEO of Kamo invited me to dinner to discuss some proposals about shipping their products through us. You can eat without me, I’m planning on taking advantage of the free meal.”
“That’s my girl.”
One of your family’s company’s most influential associates cornered you after that morning’s meeting for a separate one on one dinner to go over the plans. You can grin and bear it to keep things genial, tedious as it all is. Choso Kamo is a little less rigid when he’s not around a group of people and you suppose he feels more relaxed speaking to someone he’s more familiar with. 
“But ya know, I could just kill him for you.”
“Did you run out of your allowance already?” Your eyes drift from your face in the mirror to where Toji has returned to sit on the edge of the bed. “I told you, if you want more for betting, you’re on your own.”
“You can afford it.” Toji replies with a shrug, not making any move to slip his boxers back on. “I didn’t actually: what makes you assume I blew through the cash already?”
“Because, it sounds like you’re fishing for a job. Anyway, I don’t need you to kill anyone.” You dab a dot of cream over the faint dark circles under your eyes. “Not at the moment.”
“I heard this guy is into some shady side deals. Is he dangerous?”
“Allegedly. Anybody who does get their hands on incriminating evidence always seems to go radio silent.” You apply a touch of red to your lips. “He could be a problem if I offend him during our meeting, but he’s smart enough to know his place; as long as I don’t directly challenge what authority he believes he has over me, our negotiation will be smooth sailing. He’s not the type to try anything.”
“No worries, he’s not gonna try shit with me there.”
You raise an eyebrow at Toji’s smirking face. “Absolutely not.”
“I’m your bodyguard: shouldn’t I go along and, ya know, guard your body?” Toji’s eyes travel down your shoulders and back to your ass; you’re perched on the cushioned stool in front of your vanity. He loves watching you get ready, at least, he usually does. “I wouldn’t wear that clingy dress to a business dinner.”
“Which dress would you wear?”
“Cute.” Toji snorts. “When are we leaving?”
“I’m leaving in an hour and a half. Do I really need to explain why your presence would be detrimental to this occasion?” You absentmindedly fix your hair, mentally debating on wearing it up or down. Luckily the marks Toji had so savagely left had mostly faded; nothing that a little makeup and a strategically placed necklace wouldn’t cover. “We plan to discuss business, and that’s all.”
“I’d be going as your chaperone; he’ll probably have a couple men of his own posted outside the restaurant.”
“We’re meeting at his place.”
“His place.” Toji repeats flatly, easy going smirk falls. His eyes are boring holes into your head and you don’t need to glance in the mirror to know.
“It’s not the first time he’s had me over for a meal; he’s never made any inappropriate advances or threatened me.”
You sound bored as you explain all this to Toji, but it isn’t doing anything to pacify him. Why are you adamant about not having him come with you? He doesn’t need to be at the dinner table, he could stay outside the dining hall or sit in the car. It wouldn’t be the first time, even if it’s been a long while since you’ve had Toji play the role of hired muscle. 
“How long have you known him?”
You pause to think. “Technically since we’ve been children, but we’ve never been particularly close. Our families' companies have always worked in tandem together and now we end up working together every now and then. He’s my age, give or take a year.”
“Good looking?”
“Yes, I’d say so.” You turn around slightly. “Don’t tell me you’re planning to leave me for my colleague?”
Toji doesn’t find much humor in your attempt to get him to crack a smile. 
“What if he does make a move? If you turn him down, isn’t that bad for business?”
“I highly doubt it; that’s really not Choso’s style.”
“Sure sounds like you know him well.”
“My point is, there’s nothing to get worked up about. I’m going to a business dinner, not a battlefield.”
Toji is vaguely familiar with who Choso Kamo is and his family’s reputation, but their questionable business dealings isn’t what’s making his hackles raise.
When he escorts you to social events, Toji can see what he suspects you don’t pay attention to: men and women alike seem to hold their breath when you speak to them directly. Their eyes linger, they don’t seem to even be cognizant of their own behavior. Men in particular will cast scornful looks Toji’s way, the bravest make snide comments under their breath only to wither under his own cold gaze. 
It’s entirely possible that part of your allure is due to being so scarce in public: you only grace a function with your presence if it’s absolutely necessary or if it would be considered an affront to refuse the invitation. You’re not exactly a people person and you’re not actually as good at reading people as Toji: you prefer everything cut and dry; you’ve managed to get along by charisma more than anything else. Toji has noted that you’re a person people want to be liked by. They want your approval. Choso Kamo isn’t an exception. Toji recalls on two separate occasions the imposing man peeled himself away from his solitary position at his table to greet you and you alone. He’s the only one who holds Toji’s stare and returns it with a look of utter contempt.
Blind as you might be to it, Toji’s perceptive eyes can see how the man practically bounds over to you, eager gaze trained on your polite, but kind smile, the way his paw-like hand grips yours ever so carefully when you ask Choso about his brothers and make small talk. Choso wants your approval and Toji would bet a cool one million it’s not all he wants from you.
“Hey big guy, why don’t you order in something special for yourself for dinner?” You sit down on the edge of the bed next to him, lean your head against his shoulder and run one of your hands up and down his forearm. “What I want you to do is stay here, all warm and cozy in bed, while I handle all this boring work stuff. There’s absolutely no reason you need to concern yourself with Choso Kamo or anybody I might need to have these silly, boring dinner meetings with. Do you understand?”
“How often do you expect to be called out this late for ‘business dinners’?” Toji whips his head around, a deep frown marred his handsome features. “Don’t condescend to me; I’m not a fucking idiot.” he pulls his arm away from your comforting touch. “Shit, why don’t you just go marry the guy? He’s obviously the better fit: rich, got his own business, bet your family will fucking love him.”
“Oh for goodness sakes, I am not listening to this-”
“Sit down.” Toji easily pushes you by your shoulders so you plop right back down onto the mattress. “Don’t walk away from me. I already told you, if you think you can go behind my back and mess around with other men, you’re dead wrong. You get that lumbering jackass on the phone and cancel tonight because I’m telling you you’re not going.”
You stare up at him strangely. “You’re serious.”
“As a heart attack.”
“No, I mean,” A half smile of bewilderment comes to your lips. “I thought you were teasing, but…are you actually jealous?”
You give Toji an unimpressed look. “Then why are you throwing a tantrum?”
“I’m not throwing a tantrum!” Toji barks, red faced and fists clenched; he’s itching to hit the pillows or the wall. He can’t remember the last time he had gotten this angry. “I’m just pissed.”
“Maybe, but I think you’re also worried.” You reply coolly. “I never even considered Choso before…but you know, he is my type. And he’s very agreeable when he’s not moody, reliable…I’m sure he would be a lot easier to train than another rabid dog I know.”
“I know what game you’re trying to play, little girl.” Toji leans down at the waist, arms on either side of you on the bed, as if to emphasize how much bigger and stronger he is. “You’re really pushing your luck.”
“Says the man with the gambling addiction.” You glance down between Toji’s legs. “Is that your way of trying to distract me?”
Toji follows your eyes; he hadn’t even noticed. He’s hard as a rock.
“I wonder what did it for you: was it pushing me down? Barking orders at me?” You reach up to poke Toji’s scrunched up nose. “Or did that talk about training do something to you?”
Toji doesn’t have to look down; he felt his cock twitch. You kiss his nose and put your hands on either side of his face.
“I really don’t intend on adopting another puppy anytime soon. Please Toji, be reasonable; I’ll only be gone for a few hours, you’ll barely miss me.”
Toji doesn’t say anything, but continues to scowl. He can hardly bring himself to think about it, but you’re wrong; he misses you every time you have to leave the house. Sure, Toji can spend his time however he likes with the allowance you give him and a house stocked with food and entertainment, but it doesn’t take long for him to get bored and sluggish. When you have to leave the house and don’t need him to escort you, Toji finds the things he used to get so much enjoyment out of have lost some of their charm. More and more lately Toji finds himself curling up either in your bed where he’s surrounded by your scent or napping on the nearest couch to the door. He hates how the click of the front door lock sends a wave of relief crashing over him, how a little voice echoes in his head “she’s home, finally” but Toji can ignore it while he’s busy stealing your breath away with kisses and clawing at your business casual clothes.
Besides, what if while he’s away at the track or the tables, you come back early? You might see he’s not there and decide to go back out or take on some other task thinking Toji’s content being left to his own devices. Maybe on one of those days you’ll stop at a cafe or a bar and you meet someone? 
“You’re the smartest dumb person I ever met.” Toji chuckles softly in spite of how irritated he still feels. “Everywhere I go with you, there’s all these people and they’re all better suited and they all want you. It’s constant. You know how exhausting it is, knowing there’s all these assholes out there waiting to snatch you up the minute they see an opening?”
“Now you’re exaggerating.”
“And you’re wrong. I will…that much.” Toji tells you firmly. “Miss you. I don’t like you going out. Even if I get to go with you, I hate it ‘cause I gotta see how they all look at you. I didn’t used to; fuck, you made me proud. You make me proud,” he corrects himself quietly. “I feel like I’m losing my mind.”
You look conflicted and Toji is hopeful; he’d like to avoid using force on you, even if he does get a kick out using his strength on you and handling you like a ragdoll. But this is different. 
“Baby, why don’t you reschedule? Say you’re not feeling good and can’t make it tonight, any excuse.” Toji smiles roguishly as he slowly presses you down onto the bed, straddling your hips so you can feel the full weight of him and how hard he is. “You look too good dressed up like this…makes me wanna lock you up and keep you all to myself.”
“I suppose…I could speak with him over coffee. Something more casual.” You move up the bed and sigh as a spark comes back to Toji’s cold eyes. “You really are a scary guy, Toji.” 
“I just don’t want to share you.” Toji rocks his hips, dragging the tip of his cock over the soft material of your dress; drops of precum stain the fabric. “So, so pretty.”
“Toji, I just got this!”
“Buy another.” Toji grinds against your thigh and gropes one of your tits roughly. “I’m gonna rip this one off anyway.”
You gasp as Toji makes good on his promise, his hands gripping the front of your dress and pulling it apart down the middle. The seams pop and the fabric tears right down the middle, revealing the matching lingerie set you had been wearing underneath; Toji curses under his breath.
“That’s what you were wearin’ underneath?” he asks incredulously. “Was this meant for him?”
“Of course not. I was going to surprise you when I got home.” You scolded him tersely. “Honestly, you have no tact.”
“Guess you need to train me better.” 
Toji kisses you hard, not giving you much time to react as he forces his tongue into your mouth and starts grinding himself into your still covered pussy. You don’t fight it when Toji takes your wrists in one hand and holds them over your head; he’s not letting you go anytime soon. You’re too busy rubbing yourself back on him, loving the feel of his cock desperately trying to fuck you, like he can’t even wait for you to take off the panties. 
“From now on you have to always tell me where you’re going and who’s gonna be there.” Toji’s demanding tone is a bit undermined by the way he’s groaning at the sight of your nipples poking through the lacey bra. “No late night meetings. And I don’t want you alone with him.”
“Choso wouldn’t do anything.”
“Bullshit. He’s probably a bigger freak than I am.” Toji pinches and rolls your nipple in his free hand. “I should fuck you while you call him.”
“Toji,” You say warily. “I thought we talked about this: you know I love you. I don’t want to be with anyone else. Please, try to not let your temper get the best of you: I have a job to do and if you act up too much-”
“What?” Toji asks mockingly; he’s already pulling aside your soaked panties and rubbing his tip along your folds. “Come on, I’m dyin’ to know. Am I being a bad dog?”
You’re about to retort, but then Toji bends down, eyes locked on yours as he runs his tongue up your cheek with a slow, wet lick. You stare at him slightly taken aback but that turns into shock when Toji slams his cock into you all at once.
“Fuck!” Toji hisses. “So fucking tight…come on, tell me baby, tell me how you’ll punish me!”
But the second you open your mouth, Toji is thrusting; his hold around your wrists is painfully tight and he’s able to keep your thighs spread by pinning one down with his other hand. You cry out every time he slams into you, making the whole bed shake and the headboard slam against the wall. 
“Think he can fuck you this good? Huh? You think he could make this pussy cream like I can?” Toji huffs and puffs, not slowing down even as he lowers his head to suck and rolls his tongue around your nipples, one at a time, making them shiny and wet with spit. “Got me trained to only want to fuck this pussy now anyway.”
“Too much!” You whine as Toji lets your hands go only to hook your knees under each of his elbows. “Toji, so deep, it’s too deep!”
“But babyyyyy, I have to.” Toji groans almost as if he’s exasperated with your protests. “I gotta breed you.”
“Wha-what are you…?”
“Uh huh. Nice and deep, gonna make sure all my cum takes.” Toji kisses your forehead with a twisted grin. “I’m going to fill you up and make you a mommy now.”
“What?!” This is the most panicked he’s ever seen you. “I don’t want kids! I’m on birth control and-”
“They can only prevent so much. I’ll keep you tied up for a while,” Toji traces his fingers along your trembling lips. “I’ll keep cumming inside you, all night, every day, over and over. I’ll even destroy the pills if I have to.”
“But I thought you loved me? It’s the only way I can think of keeping you…I mean, unless you were willing to do something else to make things a little more official?” Toji slows down his thrusts and looks down at you with a shit eating grin. “Ya know, something that shows other people you’re taken.”
“Something…?” You can barely breathe from exertion and confusion. “Official? Wait, are you saying you want us to get married?”
“Sounds fair enough, yeah? You already promised you would take care of me from now on.” Toji sighs and brushes hair out of your face. “Think of it this way, I get to put a ring around your finger ‘cause after all, you already put a collar around my neck.”
“You know, some people propose with a ring prepared and flowers, not threats of forcible impregnation.” Your voice is hardly more than a whisper. “Toji, I love you, you big idiot. If you wanted to, why not just ask me to marry you?”
“‘Kay, then…will you marry me?”
“I can get the papers ready tomorrow.” You ever so carefully put your hands on his shoulders lightly before moving in to hold him. “If that’s what it takes to put your mind at ease, consider me your wife. I’ve always considered you mine; honestly, do I have to collar and tag you to get it through your head? I have no plans to let you go, not unless you decide you want to leave.”
Toji chews on his lip as you hug him and give his neck butterfly kisses; suddenly he’s feeling anxious and tongue tied. Toji thought you might put up more of a fight: he knows what he is. He knows the disgusted looks thrown his way are warranted and he made peace with that years ago. If anything, it would be poetic justice for you to leave him high and dry, abandoning him without so much as a second thought. 
You have to stop this. You think you’re taming a stray and making him a house pet, but Toji knows exactly what he is. If you keep indulging him this way it won’t settle his mind; every day is already a battle to not do exactly as he said he was going to do, keep you restrained and locked away from the world. Fuck the money, fuck your work, fuck everything you want and everything Toji believed he wanted. To hell with it all. What’s one more selfish, cruel act? 
“Call him now.” Toji says suddenly, voice almost inaudible. “Call him and say you can’t make it because you forgot you had plans with your fiance.”
“Okay.” You nod. “But, um, I need to get my phone.”
“Actually, after we’re done.” Toji repositions your legs so they’re wrapped around his waist and his front is pressed flush against yours. “I still want to cum inside.”
“Okay, just be good.” You pet his hair, pushing his bangs off his face. “Can you be good for me, Toji? You were making me feel really good before; I want to cum with you.”
“Yeah. Yeah, I can do it.”
Toji can’t keep his eyes off your face; he’s panting, a drop of drool slides past the corner of his mouth, running down his scarred lip as you moan underneath him. He’s touching you with less force, but now he’s focused on rubbing your breasts and clit in tandem while you squirm on his cock. You’re giving him a great show; he wishes he had his phone out to record you, a little something to keep him company during those long hours you’re gone.
“Gonna fuck my pretty wife. Gonna make her pussy a mess…” Toji inhales as you clench impossibly tight around him. “You like that? You like getting your pussy ruined by me?”
“Yes, yes, I want it!” You rock your hips, squealing as Toji latches his mouth onto your nipple and rubs your clit faster. “So good, feels so good getting fucked by my…my husband…ah, Toji!!!”
Toji looks up at you with wide eyes; you’re too lost in your orgasm to notice. With high pitched cries, your whole body shakes from the being touched in your most sensitive places at once. He can feel your slick run down his twitching cock; after a few seconds, you’ve calmed down enough to breathe properly and look down at him with a tired, loving smile. 
“Cum in me…it’s okay, I want it.”
Toji’s pupils are blown wide as he starts thrusting again, considerably slower, but with just as much force as before. He slows down the closer he gets to cumming, only to pick up the pace and hike your legs higher over his hips, then his shoulders. You can’t even scream now; all you can do is dig your nails into the sheets and let out the sweetest most adorable little kitten like mewls Toji has ever heard. He knows you’re tired and sore and need to rest soon, but part of him just doesn’t want to stop. 
“Baby, stay with me. Almost there, gonna cum so fucking hard.” 
Toji hisses as your hands grab his biceps, gets even harder at the way your nails dig into his skin; he’s slick with sweat and from the combination of your pussy dripping in his lap and what he’s pretty sure is his own precum steadily leaking with every slam of his hips.  
“Almost there, I need ya to, shit, just call me that again, come on baby, c’mon-”
“My…my husband.” You say with a shaky breath. “Want my husband to cum in me, please!”
“Oh fuck, fuck, fuck!” Toji shudders at the wet slapping with every time he thrusts, your desperate pleas tempting him to keep ravaging you until you’re passed out; he’s babbling now, voice hoarse and so loud it’s a wonder he can speak at all. “Yes, take it, just like that, take it all, gonna cum, take it all baby, fuck!”
“Good…good boy…”
With a long, low groan, Toji doubles over and has to struggle to not drop his entire body weight on you; he wants to see your pussy get filled first. 
It’s dripping. Past his aching cock, past your puffy pussy lips, Toji’s cum drips onto his balls, down to the sheets in a little puddle. He came so much, he wouldn’t be surprised if you could taste it or if he ended up breeding you by accident anyway. All the better for him.
“Mine.” Toji rasps, arms pulling you in close, even as you weakly protest at his sweat drenched body and the mess; he pays no mind, in fact, he looks almost delirious as he grins at you.  “Hey…since I was a good boy, do I get a treat?”
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blueparadis · 5 months
❝ GHOST TOWN ❞ + GETO SUGURU ❪ playing ⌗4, ⌗5& ⌗6 ❫─── via radio line ❛ anatomy of emotions ❜〳 from this is what ____ feels like !
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[ content & themes ] ::abo au + modern au, f!omega!reader,strangers to strangers sharing one-night-stand, unrequited feelings,abo marriage & courting rituals, hurt and angst, misunderstandings, smut, mcd. 10k word count.
[ synopsis ] :: Years after, you get a wedding invitation from one of your childhood friends; hoping to rekindle some old flames, you decide to attend the wedding yet the looming shadow of tragedies still followed you. But this time, there was someone who would lick your wounds. 
[ notes ] :: i started this wip around june and since then it has been full of battles for me. Feels good to finish the first part of this. I really hope that next year is kinder than this one. thought i would not be able to finish until the Feb'2024 but here we are, so enjoy and tell me how you liked it :)) & if you have made this far then, congratulations. Stay tuned for next part, dk when will i'll be able to start writing on it, but I do wanna write part two badly SO please don't jinx it. \\ REBLOGS ARE APPRECIATED \\ tagging @onisae @orchid3a
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This year again, there is spring; flowers are blooming on every branch of those lonely trees, the sun is smiling, and the chirping of the birds can be heard. People are soaking themselves in this nice weather, they are welcoming it as they should, walking hand in hand in the neon-pinned streets during evenings, leaving footprints on the sand, taking selfies, and making memories to remember for the years to come, as they should; as they hope it to be. Yes, Everything is so hopeful; everything is outrageously lustrous. But for Geto Suguru, it is not. For him, the earth had already stopped turning since the advent of last spring as if the cogs of the winter suddenly started to rot with rust and now it is just blocked; the winter never stopped weeping since then and the spring never came to soothe the mourning. Geto takes a glance at the clock in the room. Nanami is busy picking up the dresses and sorting them by the hierarchy as well as the theme of rituals of the marriage ceremony which is about to commence within an hour.
“C’mon, you can’t leave just like this. The ceremonies. . . the rituals. They’re going to start soon. You can’t just leave. We need you. You’re important.” Kento finally stopped fidgeting with the clothes when Geto bothered to glance at him through the mirror amused by his tone. It is not common for Nanami to lose his composure. He is always calm and collected and never loses his cool. But today is different. Today is his day. He is going to marry the love of his life, Miss Haibara. So, he is supposed to panic, isn't that right?
“I’ll be back before you know it,” Geto conceded, adjusting his hair to tie it up in a bun. Nanami’s mouth parts in a form of protest but he is slower than usual. Before Nanami could follow him, Geto was already out of the dressing room lost in the crowd.
"But where exactly are you going, Geto-san?" Yu Haibara asked blocking his way as he turned up through the back door.
"To meet a friend," Geto remarks in a low growl and leaves.
Seeing his dearest friend, Nanami frowns he quips, "That's okay. Worry not when I'm here,"  keeping his hand on Kento's shoulders as a sign of assurance.
"Shouldn't you be with your sister?" Nanami quipped with pinched eyebrows.
"Well, boys are not allowed there." Haibara saunters around the room and then settles on an armchair situated on the balcony. "Plus you look like could use some help."
“I just need a house tour,” Nanami claimed as he shuffled through his clothes again. His eyes peered and stilled at his soon-to-be brother-in-law. "do you know your way around here? I mean have you been in Geto-san's house before?"
"Oh! you can trust me on this one." Haibara chuckles nervously realizing how his dearest friend and soon-to-be brother-in-law asks for that one thing he can not help with. Nanami smiles. It is amusing how he is so worked up for his sister's wedding and is trying his best to keep it together rather than sabotaging it, unlike certain someone.
"Sure. Whatever you say, Pal." 
Geto hops onto his jeep staring at the crowd of the elderly people who came to give their blessings. He specifically went through the back door of the house to avoid any kind of attention, especially attention from those elderly people who would not hesitate to question his whereabouts. And that is exactly what he needs to avoid for now. Questions. Stupid questions. He had enough of his own on his plate that demanded answers. With all the waves of memories crashing at the shore of his mind he passed through those familiar streets of his hometown. It has been a year and a half since the incident yet it lays heavy on his mind, like a freshly dropped flower. He halted near the graveyard. The Sakura trees surrounding the graveyard are blushing. He walked into the cemetery, hearing cries and howls of agonies as he passed by some gravestones. There is something with these hospitals and cemeteries that always makes him uncomfortable. Of course, it is supposed to make anyone uncomfortable; death and loss are two sides of the same coin. You can not go at the expense of the other. He has always hated visiting his mom at the hospital when he was a kid. His mother was at the hospital not because she was sick but because she was expecting, but at such a tender age Suguru could barely understand the seriousness of it all. For, his mom left him and when she came back, she would be with his father and his baby brother. But they never came home, just like the spring. When he halted in front of a particular burial his cassette of vague childhood memories ceased to play.
The tombstone read:
7TH DEC 1989 - 27TH DECEMBER 2016.
Geto tasted bile at the back of his throat. It has been a year and six months already. Still, he has not checked any of the things that Satoru left behind, not even talked to his mother and neither was at his funeral. This is the first time he is visiting Satoru’s grave. During their high school years, there was not a single instance when Geto looked at his right side and found it empty. Satoru was always there beside him, whether busy talking the on phone or busy picking on him or was just there. Now, Geto stands with no one by his side. After high school, they parted ways due to work. And one day, when he collected his phone from the icing centre on his way home after a long day of work, his phone had died with messages, voice missed calls and emails. All of them said one thing: 'Satoru Gojo is dead.'
Solitude is lethal. It is very addictive. It becomes a habit after one realizes how peaceful and calm it is. It is like when one does not want to deal with people anymore because they just drain energy in the end. But noin yn has grown bored in the bubble she has created around herself. Now all she wants is to burst the bubble without hurting anyone, not even herself. But on the other hand, if thinly did take a wild turn then what more could add to your irrevocable loss that would hurt you to the point of disintegration?
The cab halted with a huge jerk. Turning his head the driver bore an apologetic smile. After a few futile attempts, it was evident from his face that the cab broke, and that too in the middle of nowhere. Still, you hoped for him to fix it because it would be a hassle to carry all the luggage towards the venue. The place is morbid and dull. You travelled as far they could and Bingo!  There was a Jeep parked outside a cemetery but other than that there was not a single soul. You, the driver, and the broken cab. The Jeep suggested someone should be nearby but after walking a few steps toward the end of the long stretch of the cemetery, you did not see anyone. Running out of options, you checked the destination on Google Maps. It is almost okay. But with all the luggage it would take you half an hour and booking another cab or waiting for another supplementary ride seemed tiring. After ten hours of flight, you just longed for sleep. Without wasting further time on thinking you started to walk reluctantly. After almost ten minutes you heard the noise of a car, a Jeep. You waved in the hopes of getting a lift but he did not stop. He took the turning into a smaller road. With his sunglasses on you could not tell if ly saw you or not. It is hard to miss a person on an empty road but you're experienced to be different. His lips were moving, so he might be busy talking and seemed to be in a hurry or a rich jerk who was perhaps humming ignoring a damsel in distress.
When you reached the venue you noticed the same red jeep parked in the backyard. The numbers are the same. Realizing the guy is also a guest in this marriage ceremony made you scrunch up your nose. Of course, what did you expect? Wherever you go, trouble follows. The preparations were still going on. You stood at one corner scanning through the crowd hoping to see your friends. A staff was distributing banners and some guests were getting ready for photos. He handed one to you. The place was crawling with alphas and omegas. Even Betas. You still could not see any familiar faces and certainly, it made you restless. You turned on your heel to ask one of the staff for help but something blocked your path. A man, tall and broad, radiating off an awful scent shamelessly; an alpha. You looked up, up and blinked once, twice and thrice. He is wearing a thin white shirt and black slacks, a typical staff uniform but he can not be just a staff here with a lavish red jeep and an aura full of arrogance. His buttons are unevenly done, plus, there are lipstick marks under his collarbones. This man who ignored you at the turning of the road extended his arms as if he were to carry you in bridal style.
“Excuse me,” you yelled, taken aback by his behaviour.
Geto Suguru who noticed you from afar, your restlessness scooted backwards. “And, then the girls say we, the men, don't listen to women.” Pointing towards the banner you held in your hand he pouted. It read — “PICK ME UP” Reading it you let out an awkward laugh. “Oh no! I was just standing here. And one of the guys handed this to me— Suguru closed the gap between you and him again, extended his hands in the pretence of scooping you again. “Hey. Listen to me. I — am — still — talking,” You stammered leaning away from him. Suguru smiled at you, amused at your reactions and the symphony of his laughter managed to reach your heart. He looked like the moon who was searching for the sea waves.
“Y/N.” Your ears perked up on that familiar high note. You would not forget that voice even if you wanted to. “Utaah!” you screamed merrily running towards your saviour. Utahime hugged you. Shoko, who was hiding behind Utahime, peered at you. Her eyebrows jumped twice in amusement. She has not changed a bit, the same unbothered eyes and lack of enthusiasm in her body.  “What took you so long?” The bride squealed, dragging Shoko in a group hug.
“Sho, are you okay?” you asked. She always used to run away from hugs. Guess, people do change in the company of others. Shoko managed to pull out her hand to give you a thumbs up with a smirk laced upon her face. She has not changed, not even a bit.
The bride, Miss Haibara immediately called a few staff to help you with the luggage and your room. She did not even have to say anything. All she did was to wave her hand and you knew you did not have to worry anymore. For a Beta, she is one of a kind. Everything is sorted now. You need not worry anymore except for one thing. That guy; managed to get on your nerves earlier and is now actively involved in the preparations, quite interactive with the groom. From their interactions, you could tell they had known each other for years.  Maybe since childhood. Things are not looking good from this angle.
The guests kept arriving till the evening. Generally, it would have been different if this was an actual wedding venue. But, a week ago the manager informed Nanami that they booked the wedding venue twice on the same date. There were some technical faults in the system due to which the software did not show that the date was already booked so, one of the parties had to cancel. Unfortunately, it was Nanami and Haibara's family. Surprisingly, one of Nanami’s friends owned this massively gorgeous house to do the deed without any hassle. But, they had to make some changes and now here you are, sitting by the pool going through your schedule as they fix the lights in your room. Five days. Within five days you should be hearing from the company you applied for the job. Locking the phone, taking a deep breath, and stretching your muscles you intended to go to your room, but a squared blue sachet caught your attention. It was near one of the feet of the table. ‘DUREX’ was written on it. A moment later you saw Geto coming outside and scanning the place. He strolled towards the table. You hid the condom under your notebook as he inspected the table. Not to seem suspicious and rude you asked, “Are you looking for something?”
“Yeah. A friend.” Geto responded with a reflex as he looked under the table.
“Uhm, under the table?” You exclaimed with a meek laughter, unable to hold it in anymore.
Geto stood near you tilting his head at you. He supported his weight by keeping one of his arms on the table and leaned towards you. “Where is it?” He asked, his voice deeper than usual.
“What was the name of your friend again? Doesn’t it start with ‘C’?”
He crouched down a bit, repeating his demand. “Give.it.back.” You could almost hear him growl.
“Didn’t you forget to say ‘please’ ?”
The crease on Geto’s forehead increased further. He stood with his hands resting on the back of his waist, his tongue swirling inside his mouth thinking if there would be any store open nearby. He would rather buy another one than say please but then again, he hates to keep the omega waiting. “Can I have it back?” He bit the corner of his bottom lip before finally caving in, “Please?”
“Good boy.” You chimed looking away from his piercing gaze, shifted the pages of your notebook so that he could take it. He snatched it in a flash and walked back towards the building.
“You’re welcome. Have fun” You yelled, making him pause. He probably rolled his eyes again but you could not have known that.
“Oh, I will.” He shouted back. “I definitely will,” Geto said under his breath, growling.
It was two o’clock and you have been staring at the ceiling for a while now. The network was down otherwise listening to music and going to sleep would be easy. Shoko and Utahime were probably sleeping like a log. Your friend and bride was perhaps awake but tomorrow is her day so she probably took a pill and went to sleep. You were barely ten when you met them, and the cogs of fate turned against you when you had to leave this town at the age of fifteen. But those ten years would be the most refreshing ones you had in this lifetime before the tragedy befell. With all those memories bubbling at the back of your mind, you could not sleep. Maybe a walk in the lawn might tire you out. With that in mind, you headed out of your room into the pool area. The adjacent grassy lawn was crowded with lights. They were flickering but as you walked past those lights, they stopped flickering. Those lights were not there before when you were drawing the designer dresses. There was also a glass of chocolate milkshake on the table. Without bubbles sedimenting on the skin of the glass suggested that it had already reached at room temperature.
“Not bad,” A voice turned up. As you turned around you were blessed with the sight of the man who managed to tick you off this morning. “Could have been more beautiful but yeah, that will do.” He added fixing his eyes on you and then gauging you that did earn him a glare as well as a questioning tilt of your brows. Geto understood the congestion of your confusion. You must be thinking how audacious of him to try to flirt with you just after having freshly fucked.  “Oh no. not you. I meant the lights,” he added. You did not budge.
He offered, “Chocolate milkshake?” holding the glass. Still no pinnable reaction. You walked towards him and stopped at an arm’s length saying, “I think you need it more.” eyeing him up and down, from his well-built shoulders to his torso and then, backwards. “For stamina,” you added. With that as you walked past him.
“Why don’t you check it by yourself?” he whispered but you could hear him anyway. You bit the inner flesh of your lip holding back the response at the tip of your tongue because you knew he is just testing the waters, caging you into a corner and assessing your reactions, your heightened senses, and everything. You would hate it if you purposely gave what he wanted, whatever he desired from you to get by ticking you off. You will be leaving this god-damn town in a few days, forever and the last thing you want is a random hook-up that could keep your hopes up. You clicked your tongue. Swearing under your breath you murmured, “I’m already bored anyways.”
The next morning when you woke up, Shoko was already in your room. She was sitting at the foot of your bed scrolling through her phone. “Morning butterfly.” With her stoic face, she kept herself busy on the phone while you rolled to a side soaking in the warmth of the blankets and half-asleep state. “It’s already 8:30. You’re late.” You sprung up on your bed like a cat with its mouth hanging open. Shoko smiled. “Oh dear! Do you still fall for this? You’re still such a baby.” Your heart was pounding against your chest, blood rushing through your veins vigorously as you were still sinking into reality.
“Shooo, I was having a nice dream,” You whined getting out of bed. After taking a shower and getting ready you accompanied her for breakfast. Utahime, Haibara, Nanami and his bride were already there. Someone was missing but given the circumstances of the last night if he did not show up at all during breakfast you would not be so surprised. Greeting everyone good morning you took a seat next to Utahime. Shoko sat beside you. This mansion, owned by that guy, looked so different during daylight. There were no people, no hubbub no prying eyes and most importantly, no questioning faces and company which seemed to be present in abundance at such occasions like this.
“Nice house.” You remarked with a smile looking at Nanami. You have only seen him in video calls, whenever your friend used to call you but now that you are seeing him in person you can feel how much he is every bit of the goodness she spoke of.
“It’s Geto’s.” He responded taking butter toast from the master plate.
“What’s his full name?” you asked drinking in the beauty of his house as you fidgeted with your plate.
“Suguru Geto.” a male voice emerged from your back.
“What?” You gasped. Suguru was standing behind you. His presence was so overwhelming. He was standing right behind you and you did not even feel it like other times, like those two encounters. So, he has control on his pheromones; he is not just some spoiled rich brat.
“My name. Suguru Geto” He repeated as he stood beside you for a second, locking his eyes with you, and then continued to walk away from you to take a seat opposite to you. You smiled to yourself as embarrassment seeped deep into your bones. Shoko cleared her throat giving you a knowing look. Suguru kept piling up food on his plate while you were almost done with your breakfast. Six slices of butter toast, two half-boiled eggs, and a bowl of chicken soup. When he looked for the salt, his eyes landed on yours which were on his plate.
“I have a big appetite this morning.” He uttered in low breath reading your thoughts. Your eyes immediately flashed at him, nose inflated as you grabbed a glass of juice shooting him a warm smile. You excused yourself as soon as you could. Any longer than this, and you would have to talk with him. You better flee before he tries to spin another web of his chram around you. Something tells you he is not good as he seems to be.
Nanami is dressed in hakama, wearing a face mask covering his eyes and nose, not the mouth. The bride has the same mask but of different color, color of her choice. He stares at the phtoframe laying on the bed side table. It has a picture of a woman, he knows her. Suguru enters his room, halts noticing Nanami fully dressed and staring at the phto.
"isn't this gojo-san's mother?" Nanami asks looking at Suguru who is busy adjusting his hand cufflings.
"Oh! these anklets, i remember these anklets." Nanami points out touching her feet in the picture. "Gojo-san had all of us begging to get him these from his mom and then finally he asked you." Nanami looks at Suguru posing a question, "don't you remember?"
"Yes. I do." Suguru answers gravely taking the photo from Nanami's hand and giving him a box. It contains a necklace which he is suppossed to give it to his bride, tonight.
Nanami's lips went flat, he knows he is stepping into a place where he should not yet he asks, "don't you know to whom Gojo-san gave those anklets?" Suguru keeps the photoframe inside the cupboard feezing in place. The door of the cupboard is still open and he has not turned around. He knows, if he does he has to face something he does not want to, his last meet with himself, his last words to him, a constant loop he often sees in his sleep.
"Let's go, everyone." Haibara yells filling the deadly silence. "The ceremony is about to begin." And then walks away shooting both of them a smile. Nanami clear his throat and checks himself for one last time in the mirror.
"Don't worry. You look just fine," Suguru exclaims with tight smile on his face. Nanami just shakes his head releasing an exhale and then, leaves. Suguru closes the cupboard and follows. The less he opens that particular cabinet, the better.
People have gathered here for this auspicious ceremony. Nanami and Miss Haibara will be tieing threads on each other's hands after removing the mask that they were supposed to wear throughout the whole ritual. Geto watches them as they slowly walk towards the centre of the venue, thinking was it all so necessary to do this? He even asked Haibara about it and he said how some traditional rituals are need to be done to be a part of the clan, and they themselves wanted to do it so the other family members are just showing their support by being present in the ceremony. The main modern wedding would be held two days later. Geto notices that you walk away holding a glass of chmapange as soon as the ceremony begins. You have been drinking for a while, he has noticed it. You went towards the exit, outside the house where there are no crowds, no eyes, no people and no questions.
Haibara leans towards Geto whispering, "Now, they're going to exchange traditional jewellery that has been passed down since generations."
Geto just gives him a nod and suddenly, Nanami's words echo at the back of his mind,"don't you know to whom Gojo-san gave those anklets?" He gulps, his vision becomes blur for a second and before it gets worse he stands up, smiling towards Haibara he excuses himself out of the ceremonial arena. He walks towards a less crowded place where nobody can see him, nobody will know about him and then he picks up a sweet alluring scent. He lets his eyes scan the place around,and then spots a woman dressed in red dress standing by the pavement.
"Hi" Suguru greets and his eyes go wide seeing you. He notices a whole wine bottle in your hand. Ahh!that's why. He must admit you have a very oddly sweet scent. But why are you here? Maybe you are waiting to meet someone, perhaps your lover, or your alpha otherwise why would you let your scent hit the air so freely. He can not help but think why you are alone, here, out in the cold.
"Oh! hi" You greet.
"waiting for someone?"
"what?" You say and then pick up on his cue. "No, no. Just having some fresh air,"
"Do you mind?" He asks letting his eyes scrutinize your body from head to toe extending his hand to his collar, freeing the button.
"what?" You yell."absolutely not. what're you even thinking?" Suguru scoffs as you misunderstand his intentions, giving you the shawl to you. "This is ridiculous." You add and then turn on your heel to leave but a warm shawl wraps around your body. You look at him and find him inches away surprised that he picked up on the fact that you were cold; not only that, you were cold and drinking to keep yourself warm, even got your hormores worked up for that, but generally it is said that an alpha's presence soothes an omega but what exactly would you hope for when everything around you keeps dying?
"I don't know if it's the alcohol, but you don't seem that bad now." you mutter.
"Thanks?" Geto shoots you his heartwarming smile. "How drunk are you?"  He can smell the alcohol on you now.
"Can I kiss you?" 
"WOAH! A lot, okay." he exlaims with utmost amusement but then, notices that you are staring at him, and as you do your smile keeps stretching. 'okay. now YN is just teasing me'. You laughter finally breaks as you finish the rest of the champange.
"Are you really laughing at me Miss Y/N L/N?"
"umm-hmmm" you nod and glup before saying, "What're you gonna do about it?" Geto looks at you, studies you, thinks you really do not have any idea who exactly you are you messing with. He takes a few steps towards you taking the bottle from your hand.
"Nothing. do you want me to do something about it?" There is a pout on your face; your eyes are not at him anymore but a little downwards, on his hand upon the bottle he is holding.
"but you're thinking about it," Geto presses further.
"nope." You shake your head in denial.
"so, you do not think about me?"
Geto inclines a little, near your ear and whisperes, "but i have so many improper thoughts about you,YN." As he retreats he watches your eyes go wide, eyebrows stretch upwards and lips part. Geto could not control himself anymore. It was his turn to laugh seeing your face fall like that as if you have seen a ghost. "God. i can't belive you fell for it," You let him drink in the petty victory he just had and then carefully ask so that he does not mis-hear neither misunderstand.
"what did you mean when you said you had improper thoughts about me?"
"It was just a joke-he says and you take a step towards him. He backs away. As you take another step you notice him grabbing the bottle of the neck firmly and step away.
"So," you utter,"you think about me? Well, there is nothing wrong with that but," You pause and he waits for you to continue.
"What would you do if i said yes?" Geto asks unable to bear what were you about to say next and whatever that may be.
You smile and it ticks him off further. "How about i show you how improper are my thoughts about you?" He watches your smile fade instantly and then silence surrounds you both but not for long, "Its such a shame, that i can't show you 'cause i don't think you can . . ." He mouths the rest, "have sex with me."
Naturally you protest. Nobody likes losing at bed so Suguru grabs your hand and drags you to the nearest room in this mansion. It is a spare room perhaps, at least its clean and there is a bed.
"what're we doing here?" He asks pushing you onto the bed. You sit at the edge of the bed.
"you tell me," Your words slur a little. "you dragged me into this room." Your heart beats pick up the light-speed as he locks the door.
Geto chuckles at your half-drowsy state saying, "If you are so hesitant to say the word, will you even do it right ?" He stands at the edge of the bed, tucking your hair as you look at him . . . so blur with each blink . . . and so big
"Why not? Why not I do it? I do it multiple times," Geto licks his lips holding back his smile.
"And what's that gonna be?" He puts emphasis on 'what' pulling away the shwal that covered the beauty of your off-shoulder dress. He gets on his knees to get a very view of your expressions, because you keep avoiding his eyes. It's adorable.
"What?" Geto's laughter echoes in the room. "You can't even say sex,"
You glare at him and wrap your arms around his nape. "sleepex" you repeat.
"Stop. you're making it sound cute,"
"Say that, i'm hot."
"i'm hot," Geto says with stren voice, serious look on his face watching you glow in laughter like a pearl in an oyaster. "Y/N, are you sure you wanna do this?" He carefully lays you on the bed with one of his toned muscular arms wrapping around your waist while your hands wrap his shoulders.
"Of course i'm. i'm not doing this because i dont have to prove anything to anyone. I'm doing this for myself. I'm strong enough to do this," You move your eyes towards him, continuing "it's supposed to get better, right? but when? when does that happen? and when it happens please tell them. will you tell them?"
"umm-hmm" Geto just hums.
"Yes, please tell them." You murmur, your chest heavs and then as you exhale exhaustion lulls you into sleep.
The next morning as you wake, a terrible weight attracts your head back to pillow.
"Morning babe," A deep voice jerks you awake. Geto Suguru, half-naked, standing near the bed holding a glass of maybe a hangover cure
"what're you doing in my room?" you tartly ask. "and why aren't you dressed?"
"well, i wish i could only if you give me back my haori,"
"what exactly happend last night?"
"don't you remember?" Geto sits at the edge of the bed, his hand chinning you up. "I have never heard my name in so many acoustics," Your eyes go wide and just when you are about to say something Geto puts a finger against your lips, but does not touch them. "You were drunk, you fell asleep and i slept in the other room,"
"who changed my dress?" you ask doubting him unable get off this feeling of uneasiness.
"I did," Shoko answers entering the room. She pulls Geto's ear saying, "why did you tell her so soon? The fun was just getting started," Geto grabbed her hands and pulled her into the bed, and the jumping out of the bed. Before disappearing, he exclaims, "I'll tell why,what, where and everything if you tell me about how long you and Utahime have been fucking?"
"You stupid boy. Its called dating," she protests and jumps out of the bed following him leaving you alone with your thoughts. what the fuck just happened? moreover, uta and sho are fucking, dating? for how long?
Today there is no ceremony but a celebration for annoucning the wedding in different clans. Those who value and only prefer traditional wedding, they are here today. When you finally join the guests, you spot Geto swarmed by men you do not recognize. He looks a little disturbed, restless. You have not been able to talk to him since the failed prank night. Part of you is grateful for not taking advantage of you in your drunk state, while the other part is just curious to know what would he have done if you were not drunk. So, you cook up some courage and finally when he is alone you walk up to him to talk.
"I just wanted to thank you for-"
"-for not taking advantage of your drunk state?" He finishes your line and then bites his bottom.
"Yeah. however, improperly you thought of having me," You add further.
He clicks his tongue,"about that," and then a chuckle follows.
"Getou-san," You call him pasuing his laughter, having his eyes on you, "I'm not drunk today,"
"Yeah? but we have a lot of -
"Perhaps you didn't hear it well,"
"I'm not drunk today," He repeats your words realizing the meaning behind it but then his eyes shift towards Miss Haibara who is currently speaking to Mahito. Mahito, that fucker, who invited him here?
"excuse me, i'll just be back in a minute," As he excuses himself you notice him talking to the bride for a while and then he dashes out of the arena. When you follow him, you find him standing against the pool side alone looking at the water.
"Geto-san?" you call but he does not answer. So, you touch his arm and he jerks it off instantly. "Relax, its just me," you say but when his eyes fell on you, it is so distant as if you are seeing him for the first time. He seems like a totally different person.
"Tsk," Geto clicks his tongue and then leaves without saying a word. You stood there for a while and then, quitely you joined your friends. Yeah, that is what you have been doing since day one, talking and chatting with friends, catching up with them. But they are all busy, Shoko and Utahime are together at a table, Haibara is talking and attending the guests, Mei-Mei busy getting some guy's attention. He must be someone rich. You are just all alone. Your eyes scan all the guests and then stills at a particular figure. A tall man with white hair, eye so as blue as the sky, wearing a wedding suit, the diamond shining on his ring finger and he shoots a smile at you. You start to walk towards him but something stop you, Shoko's hand. "Y/N you okay? you look as if you've seen a ghost," she is so blur right now. You close your eyes and then open looking at his direction; he is gone. It has been a while since Satoru has not visited you for a while. Even now, as you try to uproot him from your life he comes boucning back. When this is going to end? when will be over him? why did he had to leave anyways that day?
It is almost midnight. You are as usual at the pool side, but today you are here for a reason. The sky tonight is adorned with stars and among those million stars two of them would be your parents. You heard a set of footsteps knowing full well in your gut that who could it be. "can't sleep?" You registered his presence as he sat beside you but you did not bother to answer him right away. "I was looking for you," Suguru added; turning your head in his direction you smiled. He swore his heart just stopped for a second. Maybe you are angry or gonna yell at him or slap him or maybe do nothing at all, just ignore him which is the worst.
"In the middle of the night? what for?" You pause to inspect his expression for a moment. Suguru tries to say something. He still feels bad about how he walked away from you in the middle of the ceremony. He will get an earful from Kento and Yu tomorrow for abandoning the ceremony like that, but what unsettles him is the fact that he hurt you; he knows he did, and he can see it on your face even now. He has fucked omegas, even betas before and never before has he had to cross so many bumps. Perhaps, it is harder because you are connected to his friend's circle.
Suguru's eyes glanced downwards. He picks his nails before grabbing your hand to pull it upon his face, "I wanted to see you."
"I think I missed you." There is confusion lingering in his eyes as your palms remain fisted. You slowly let your fingers touch his skin pushing him to the point of closing his eyes. His head arches, and tilts before his lips peck your palms.
"I don't have your friend with me tonight." You say and it seems that he knew what exactly you meant. He does not answer just stares, longer than usual. Did he think that you'd let him fuck without protection?  It is such a shame that you think so; did Suguru want to see you just for the sex, just to keep the end of his bargain or whatever silly challenge you two had? He is now more confused than before; like are you angry at him or just upset? He stands up without letting go of your hand.
As he guides you to his room, you remember the previous failed attempts but his deep, commanding tone interrupts. "Don't worry. I have it with me." He lets you enter the room first, still holding your hand; placing a kiss on your cheek he makes you twirl once and lets go of you. He pushes the door with his foot without averting his eyes from you, leaning against it.
"What was that for?" You chuckle and ask. There is slow jazz music playing. You look around till you find the source, an old vinyl player.
"Wanna dance?" Suguru asks. "With me?" and all he gets as a response is a dip in between your eyebrows, a long hum and an upside curve of lips. He chuckles at your expressions and walks towards you.
"I don't know, can you?" you say as he tries to put his arm around your waist.
Another challenge. So amusing. You bite your lip as he leans towards you. There is a fair amount of space between you and him, still, you swayed back, just a little. "um. You wouldn't know unless you try," he said flattening his palm before you. You narrow your eyes on him, giving him a look full of scepticism but as you keep your hand in his he lets out a throaty chuckle.
"what's wrong?" you ask but that just expands his laughter.
He cleared his throat, and scratched his nose before saying, "Your hands are so small." You look at your hands and think how funny it is that he noticed it now even though he had a lot of chances to map his hand against yours. Your nostrils flair up in embarrassment with a slight tinge of anger making you pull away your palm and step backwards.
Suguru's instincts kick in. "Backing down from a challenge so soon, huh?" He asks holding tight on to your hand before pulling you into his body. He seems so firm against you. No wonder your small hands made him laugh. You wanted to say something but as you opened your mouth to speak, you realized how dry your throat is. Wetting your lips you guide his hand around your waist. As both of you start to dance, it seems that your body is practically glued against his. The feeling of skin against the skin with just the barrier of clothes in between, breaths hitting each other, and some wild thoughts running behind those eyes as they look into each other. His hand which you guided at your valley of waist has now travelled upwards enough to undo the zip. You think he is gonna unzip your dress but rather he lets you one slow twirl and then pulls you into his body again. He leans into your ear and you think he is finally going to kiss you. Maybe there is a 'no kiss on the lips' rule or he starts with a neck, or behind the ear but you hear his hoarse whisper, "Are you on suppressants?" You open your eyes, surprise takes control of your body. You blink, and you bite your bottom lip.
NO. "should I have been? I mean people don't generally use suppressants anymore. And, my heart cycle is not unruly but maybe I should have been. . . but who knew I'd sleep with an alpha...and your thoughts keep spiralling. Geto takes your silence as a 'YES' and takes this opportunity to grab your face and kiss your lips. The sweet scent of wine lulls your spiraling thoughts and you grab onto his wrists deepening the kiss. You whimper as he pushes his tongue. Okay, so he likes to take things fast. why did you think it otherwise again? He unzips your dress swiftly. Without finding the hook of your bra, he breaks the kiss, a little bashful about how ready you are: oozing with a desire to mate, not taking suppressants; he wonders if he will find a panty under your dress if he ran his fingers up along your inner thighs.
"Kiss me again," you demand and as both of you recollect breaths, you stand on your toes trying to kiss him but he moves his face away. Suguru licks his lips. You are going fast, and he does not want that. He wants this to be agonizingly slow, so slow that you have to beg him and when this is all over everything will be drilled in your mind. The rejection does not surprise you, nor hurt you but it does make you nervous. Maybe he is the type to fuck only after getting a blow job. Your hands are now upon his chest and his around your torso but when you try to push him away, you fail; he does not let you. What he does sure tingles your skin. He keeps up with your eager curious eyes, and his index and thumb pinch your half-aroused nipple. Just another whimper escaped from you before it became fully aroused. But your parting mouth, closed eyes as he touches you more, squeezes your boob harder threatens him to give you what you want and silence those needy whimpers but instead, he lets his instinct take over. Suguru kisses your neck, slowly, as his hand abuses your boob. Your body arches a little and he pushes his leg in between yours. The sucks start to get strong before his teeth come to play while his knee nudges your vagina. As your hands run through his long shoulder-length hair he presses his knee against your cunt and he feels your warm juices coating his slacks. He takes a break from bruising your neck anymore only to say, "Seriously? no pants either?" Just how desperate are you, yn?
"Ugh! I had no idea that we'd do this today after you-" You pause noticing a crease in his eyebrows and regret accumulates at the pit of your stomach.
"Yeah, about that. I just needed to cool off." He lets his nose nestle against your cheeks as he whispers, "Sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you." You let out a short-lived chuckle thinking how he thought it hurt you. It did, but not too much to lose your sleep over it so that Geto finds you sitting by the poolside at midnight.
"umm-hmmm," a quiet hum before his hands travel under the skirt of your dress. He cups your bare cunt before ruthlessly pushing his finger inside you. You grab his loose t-shirt as he starts to move his finger, slowly, in and out. The veil of pleasure slowly starts to encapsulate you making your legs weak. Unable to hold himself back, he starts to kiss you again because every time he does your nose and lips become a little red. You can not see them but he can; the parted lips, reddened nose and lips, and that panting face craving for more is just the other side of a full moon.
"wanna take this to bed?" he says pulling just a thread away from your lips. You just give him a nod. He cleans his middle finger by licking them, watching your face fall. "What?"
"never do that again," you exclaim with surprise as he drags you to his bed. There is an adjacent bedroom where Suguru generally brings his girls but not tonight, tonight is not just special but just different from his other one-night stands. He sits at the edge of the bed, pulling you into his lap effortlessly. It takes you with so much surprise that he has such strength in him.
"You think, we would do this again?"  he asks pulling your legs to one side.
"what? no"
"why 'no' why not 'oh yes' ?" and both of you share a laugh before he sternly commands. "put your hands around me, in."  And you do, you listen to him. You curl your arms around his shoulders and at the same time, feel two of his fingers push inside you. He does not make you wait much as he picks up the pace. Two fingers move up and down, rashly and your mind becomes mushy again. Suguru lets out a chuckle as your hand grabs onto his shirt. You let out a sharp moan, feeling his teeth on your nipple over your dress. He desperately sucks on to them over the cloth.
"wait, lemme just," and you push your dress down to your waist without any hesitation. Sure, Suguru likes bold girls but you are not just bold, you are a little unaware of the consequences of such bold, unfiltered coupling and that too without being on suppressants. Suguru takes his fingers out of your cunt and grabs your boob which has been neglected till now. While his mouth sucks the other, his palm starts to massage. Part of him thinks, maybe you are entering your heat cycle. Sometimes coupling with an alpha might commence an omega's heat cycle; the other part of him thinks that a feisty girl like you would be able to sense if one is entering into a heat cycle. Besides, it would be a hassle to have sex with an omega who is about to enter her heat cycle. Some people might love to do it, but not him. Some omegas become too demanding at this state and with the minimum time he has spent with you, it would be a gamble to predict how you would be in bed during the heat cycle. Suguru pulls away from sucking your tits and looks at you. You let his hair lose, carcasses through his wavy locks, skim through his hair and finally tug at his hair exposing his neck this time. He has you now seated cross-legged on his lap. He feels the strain in his sweatpants. All he wants to do is to have you all on fours and fuck you till he feels the high of it. But he lets you do what you are trying to do: following his patterns. Omegas generally do it, while being in the heat or the advent of it but you would not do it. You are not in your heat cycle, are you? As you kiss him, suck his skin and bite near his collar bones one of his hands supports you while the other aid to the strain in his pants but he fails at that deliberately because every time you buck your hips.
"Wait, stop. Lemme just make it easier for you." He barks and scoots backwards against the headboard. You get rid of your dress and discard it on the floor. Suguru's eyes travel up and down your body. Your body is not spotless, there are moles, stretch marks, and cuts and he leans forward to find out how it would feel against his lips and tongue you stop him. You run your hands from between his collarbone and his navel bottom. "Haha fair enough," he says and gets rid of his t-shirt. You take his cock out of his pants rubbing the foreskin, touching the tip before adjusting it to your entrance. Suguru grabs the condom from the drawer but sees you struggle to sit on his cock, the same question reverts in his mind. The answer to it could only be yes and at the same time, you would not realize the gravity of your state would be because this is the first time you are having sex with an alpha. So, carefully he chins up your face and asks, "Yn, is this your first time with an alpha?"
"Yes." Finally, you said something instead of nodding. He was starting to get worried. Wait. what? You said what? A yes? Oh, a thousand heaven fucks!
"Is that bad?" You ask seeing him glitching like that.
"Nope. Not at all," He quipped. He scratches his forehead in frustration with his thumb because he is sure he is responsible for your current state since you were sober and perfectly in your senses just a while ago; Fuck! he knew it was a bad idea to fuck you in his room and also not to let you take suppressants. He curls his arm around you immediately he lays you flat on his bed. "Alright! yn. Listen to me and Listen to me very carefully," He says and you smile like a baby, like that day when you were drunk. He hates this. Oh God! he hates this so much. "If you feel anything is gonna hurt you, just tell me. You get it?" He stares down at you as you watch him intently with your eyebrows congested. He pushes aside your hair and clusters them in his hand. "You understand. You nod." You give him a nod, saying, "Sure. Got it." You thanked the heavens for being able to respond properly. Not only this is your first time with an alpha, but also like the 'first time.' ever. Geto is gonna flip out if he finds out about that too. He grabs two pillows, one he places under your head and the other under your lower back. He captures all his hair and ties it in a bun. "Tell me if it hurts," he says before pushing the crown of his head inside your feminity. You grab the pillow in anticipation but slowly feel him pushing inside you, filling you and you release a full long breath as he starts to move in and out, slow and steady so it would ease your entrance. He hunches down, his nose grazing against your hot skin along your cheeks and he starts to pick up the pace a little."You okay, yn?"
"Yeah, I'm okay." You answer and feel an immediate strong push against your hips. Suguru grunts feeling you sheath him. "Suguru," you call his name softly, hesitantly.
"Am I hurting you,yn?" He asks with a worried tone.
"Uhmm. no. no. I think you didn't wear a condom," you exclaim showing the packet. And it strikes him that he could use your state to his advantage. Your senses are dull, you are vulnerable, needy and so very tempting. why should he resist you when he is barely holding back?
"Well, shouldn't you have told me before I put us inside you?" he exclaims menacingly watching the light in your eyes fade. "Don't worry I'll pull out." He scoops you into his lap starting to buck his hips against you. "I'm good at that,"  Well, of course you are, Mr.Cassanova; that worried you for a second, bringing back flashbacks that you ought to keep sealed, flashbacks that seemed memories of another person, flashbacks that are like yellow snow.
"you can get louder, can't you?" Geto rasps before he grabs your forearms, tightly as you bob up and down. You bite the inner flesh of your bottom lip tp hold off your smirk. Looking down for a bit, you notice that half of his cock is still not inside of you and, all you want is to milk him dry, fuck him till he passes out. You look at Suguru again, asking, "I can?" resting your hands over his shoulders testing his waters now. He just shoots you a cocky smile before putting his mouth against your skin. This time its so abrupt, so brutal that it makes your eyes go white, teeth abusing your lower lip and hands trying to push him away. Suguru feels your nails scratch his shoulders as he goes down taking your pebbled nipple into his mouth and sucking it so hard that it makes you release a welp followed by a shriek. "See. You can do a lot better" He says peering at you. The glisten in your eyes makes his heart thrum faster. "Ahh!fuck this," he growls before shifting his hands on your waist to provide more force to your thrusts. And after a few long and strong thrusts he leans against the headboard watching you pick up the pace. It just hits the right spot with so much precision that keeps you going. Watching you bounce, seeing every lavicious expression you make. . . he is so going to come back to this memory if he ever has to take care of himself. His watches you as he interlaces his fingers with yours. He can feel it, how close you are, the stronger your grip grows in between his hands, the slower your thrusts get pushing you closer to the high and then, as you recoil like a bow wetting his cock it becomes harder not to blow his load inside of you.  "Sorry," he mutters under his breath before freeing one of his interlaced hand from yours to hold you as he lays you flat on the bed again. You squirm, you writhe as he plunges deep inside you. You just came, and now feeling his cock move in and out, it aches your muscles yet you still grab onto his biceps, nails digging as he thrusts his hips. He is panting so hard, you could feel his breath hitting your face everytime he thrusts; without thinking you curl your free hand around his nape, pulling him into a kiss, sucking his lips and pushing your tongue while he keeps thrusting. But the moment you wrap your legs around his torso, he starts to get vocal and fidget. Pulling away from the kiss, he unwraps your legs and holds your calf muscles, gently and keeps up with his loud estatic pumps until he finally lets his head arch back, let go of your legs, pulling his cock out of you spreading his seed over your belly and bosom. Both of you stare at the ceiling as both of your breathing becomes even.
Suguru gets up from the bed and checks his watch. It is almost three in the morning. Yeah, he might just miss tomorrow which would have some grave consequences. "water?" he asks turning around finding you standing behind him. It startles him. You have cuurently taken hostage of his favorite shirt. It fits you perfectly, just a little oversized. You are still oozing with desires, he can sense it and he feels horribly guilty for doing this to you. At dawn, when you will be rested and fresh, it would all come back to you. He closes the gap in between you two, " drink some water," You hesitantly take it and finish the whole water bottle.
"i'm hungry. i should just go back to my room, freshen up and eat something." You murmur to yourself handing him the bottle. You feel estatic, lighter than usual, yet you feel each and every vein running under your skin is on fire.
"Nah! don't go, yn." Geto exclaims hugging you from the back, "This is my house, remember? you wouldn't know where to find food at this hour." He says placing a kiss on your forehead. He puts something on and tells you to freshen up before disappearing out of the room.
When he comes back, he finds you standing in front of the balcony all refreshed, dressed in a white short frock with frills. He has never taken care of someone when they are in heat. He keeps the tray full of food and stands beside you watching the stars. There is a shooting star sailing across the sky and you say, "when i was a child, i used to think that my mom and dad are gonna travel back to me, like that." A scoff and then you look at Geto. "Thanks for the food you say," before grabbing the tray full of food and sitting on divan that had an extension to use as a table. Before you start to eat, you say, "I've already drawn a bath for you. Go freshen up,"
"Yeah right."
"Oh!" you exclaim grabbing a grape, " and suguru. . ." you throw the grape to his direction and he catches with his mouth. "Aren't you forgetting something?" Geto keeps on chewing the grape knowing perfectly well what you were trying to say.
"No, I don't think so," he exclaims with a smile stretching up to his ears. is he blushing?
"cool then," you concentrate back on your food.
Standing under the shower Geto traces back his decisions. He should not have fucked you today or tried to keep you off suppressants. He never should have pursued you because now all he is filled with is nothing but the guilt of pushing you into heat. Wait, isn't that a good sign? He  to never fucked an omega without them being on pills, but now that he did it was only natural that it would turn out this way. He will just ask if he can help you with it or not when he gets out of the shower. Geto hears a sharp click and he starts to feel empty like one side of an hour glass. He quickly wraps a towel, and walks into his room but he does not spot you anywhere. You were just gone. Surely, he would see you at the breakfast but at least you could have said something before leaving or could have slept with him. He would have kept you warm, comfortable and sane rather than some pills. Why didn't you think of that? Well, whatever he could just ask you tomorrow that if he can help with 'it' since he is responsible for it; going to your room now would make him seem too desperate, he does not want that. He takes his phone to text you. should he? His eyes fall on the shirt that he made you wear on the prank night and picked up his phone.
[ you forgot your dress, ] and with that he went to sleep. Tomorrow he is gonna ask about how he was he. . . and one more thing.
A few minutes later, the phone awakes; a reply came : [ no. i didn't. at least check before you say that . . . or is it that you miss me already? ]
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lendeah · 4 months
Grooming Dilemma
Pairing: Gale x Fem!Reader/Tav Summary: Gale wants to shave his beard, and Tav decides to help him with the task. or Horny shaving with your favorite wizard. Tags: Fluff and smut. They are so cute. Word count: 4.2k Warnings: Facial Shaving, Horny shaving, Porn With Plot, but just a bit, Vaginal Fingering, Finger Sucking, Frottage, PInV Sex, Vaginal Sex, Unprotected sex, fluff and smut. AO3 link
a/n: Just pure filth. I have no excuse. Not proofread, so may contain mistakes (sorry)
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After your arduous journey to Baldur's Gate, you and Gale finally find a moment of respite in the Elfsong Tavern bathroom. Weary from weeks of travel, you are perched on the edge of the bathtub, with your legs inside, as Gale relaxes in the warm water. You take a moment to appreciate his appearance: his hair is damp and unkempt, falling in dark waves around his face, and the exhaustion from weeks of travel has softened his strong features, making him look more vulnerable than usual. Without thinking, you reach out and gently thread your fingers through his wet locks, placing them behind his ear. Gale's eyes flutter closed at the touch, a small contented sigh escaping his lips.
The two of you sit in comfortable silence as you continue to play with his hair, occasionally twirling strands around your finger.
"I want to shave" he suddenly says, breaking the peace.
Your face falls at his words, and you can't help but feel a pang of disappointment. "You can't be serious," you protest. "Your beard is your best attribute!"
Gale chuckles softly, clearly amused by your reaction. "But how could you possibly know what I look like without it? " he teases.
You pout and cross your arms over your chest. "I just know it!" you insist. "It's so soft and nice. And it makes you look more manly."
You take the chance to lower your hand to his cheek, feeling the soft hair there. Gale's beard has indeed grown significantly since your time at the Last Light Inn. You suppose he hasn't had much time for grooming during your journey to Baldur's Gate.
"Well I was under the impression that I already was manly, with or without the beard," Gale says. "You would prefer a rugged, manly husband, yes? A strong, burly protector, who would not hesitate for a moment to defend his bride from any peril that came her way."
You roll your eyes "Yes, my love, because you are so burly and very rugged indeed."
Gale laughs, shaking his head at your sarcasm.
"Well, I'll have you know that I am quite proficient in combat," he retorts. "I may not be the tallest or bulkiest, but I can certainly hold my own."
"Oh, I have no doubt about that. I fight alongside you every other day. But what does that have to do with shaving?"
Gale looks at you lovingly. "A new look couldn't hurt, right? It's important to switch things up now and then, keep people on their toes. In addition, what if I end up looking like Elminster?"
You laugh at the thought of Gale sporting a long, white beard like his mentor.
"I don't think you have to worry about that just yet," you say with a grin. "Maybe in a few years..."
He mock-pouts and runs a hand through his hair, causing droplets of water to fall onto his chest. You watch as the droplets trail down his toned chest, feeling a familiar warmth in your stomach at the sight.
"I'll keep some stubble," he concedes, running his hand along his jawline.
You smile, relieved that he won't be completely clean shaven. You've grown accustomed to his signature scruff and it would feel strange to see him without it.
"Fine, but you have to promise me one thing."
As you continue to play with his hair, Gale leans in and presses a kiss to your knee. "Anything to make you happy," he whispers.
"Promise you will let me be the one to shave you," You whisper, leaning closer.
Gale's eyes widen slightly, surprise flickering across his features.
“I strictly forbid anyone from touching my razor, especially you,” he says, his face still relaxed from his recent bath. Yet, his eyes narrow in a suspicious manner as he looks up at you. “I cannot take the chance that you might accidentally cut my delicate neck and leave an unsightly scar.”
You pout "But I am good with blades, I'm sure it can't be that different!"
Gale's expression softens and he gives you a small smile."Oh, yes, it’s that different. It transcends mere physical actions of grasping a blade and pointing towards the hair. It’s—" He pauses, trying to think of a metaphor that you would understand. "It is akin to the intricate task of chiseling a fragile masterpiece. One would not bestow such a delicate endeavor upon an amateur, would they?"
You sulk and try to think of a counter-argument. Suddenly, an idea sparks in your mind and you can't help but smirk mischievously. Without hesitation, you climb into the bathtub, fully clothed, and wrap your arms around his neck. The warm water splashes against your skin and clothes, creating a pleasant sensation. "Please, my love," you plead with a playful glint in your eye. "You can teach me, I promise I will be the best razor-shaving student."
Gale raises an eyebrow at your persistence. "Why would you want to bother with something as tedious as—" A pause. "Ugh, Fine."
A victorious grin stretches across your face as you plant a swift kiss on his lips before stepping out of the tub, leaving puddles of water in your wake. He follows suit, grabbing a towel to dry off while you eagerly gather everything you need. He takes a seat on a sturdy wooden chair and pats his lap, inviting you to join him. With a rosy blush on your cheeks and a wide smile, you perch yourself on Gale's legs, which are covered only by the towel.
The position makes you warm up, even more so with the wet clothes still clinging to your body. But as your eyes meet his, you can't hold back a burst of laughter at the sight of the fluffy shaving foam covering his face, transforming him into a comical cloud.
"It's not that funny," he grumbles, wiping some foam off his face with a towel.
You shake your head, unable to contain your laughter. "I'm sorry, love." You attempt to stifle your giggles before asking, "So, Mr. Dekarios, where do we begin?"
Gale's eyes meet yours, shining with mischief as he struggles to conceal his amusement. "Step one, naturally...you grasp the razor..."
You smirk, "I was hoping to use my longsword instead."
"Mocking your shaving instructor already? Not a good start for you." Gale maintains a stern expression, but the corners of his mouth betray a small smile.
"Alright, fine." You say prying the razor and gently grabbing his jaw. "Okay, instructor, what next?"
"Well, you hold the razor this way..." Slowly, he wraps his fingers around yours and places your thumb in the thumb hole so your grip is firm.
Your heart flutters as his fingers brush against yours, and you try to focus on the task at hand. "And now what?" you ask eagerly.
"Now, you want to make sure you’re holding it at a slight angle against the skin," Gale instructs. "Not too steep or else you’ll cut yourself or me. And then it’s just a matter of gentle strokes." He takes your hand and demonstrates on his cheek, showing you how to move the blade in small, precise movements. Slowly, he releases your hand and places both of his over your hips, steadying you as you practice the delicate motions with the blade. The warmth from his palms seeps into your body, sending shivers down your spine.
You try to mimic his actions on your own, but your hand feels a bit shaky and uncertain without his. "Am I doing it right?" you ask nervously.
"Not bad for a first-timer," he comments with an approving smile.
Soon enough, you start getting comfortable with the movements. You even start humming a tune under your breath as you shave away. The razor glides smoothly over his skin, leaving behind a trail of freshly groomed skin. It’s surprisingly satisfying to watch the transformation taking place before your eyes.
As you reach his jawline, your free hand starts to wander, moving from his shoulder and threading through his hair with the excuse of holding his head still. Gale's eyes flutter closed and he releases a deep, satisfied sigh. The tension in his muscles dissipates with each gentle touch, and you can't help but smile as he melts into your hand like a lovestruck puppy.
"Enjoying yourself?" you tease playfully, while carefully shaving his jaw, making sure to leave a bit of stubble.
Gale looks up at you, a soft smile spreading across his face. "I must admit, I am quite enjoying myself," he says, his voice laced with amusement. "But I'm more curious as to what you're doing with your free hand."
You chuckle, "I am taking my liberties as your best student, of course."
Gale raises an eyebrow, "Is that so? And what liberties would those be?"
You look at him, and even with the foam covering his face, he is the most handsome man you have ever seen. You lean in closer, your lips brushing against his ear as you whisper, "The liberty to touch you wherever I please."
Gale's breath hitches in his throat, his eyes locking with yours as your words sink in. Desire flickers in his gaze and he rasps out, "I don't think that's part of our lesson plan."
You smirk, "Well, maybe you should change the curriculum, Professor," you suggest playfully.
Gale turns his head towards you and captures your lips in a searing kiss, his calloused hands gently cupping your ass through the wet clothes. Your own hands roam freely over his half-shaved face, tracing every rugged edge and soft curve, committing them to memory. The rough texture of his newly shaved stubble prickles against your fingertips, adding an extra layer of sensation. As the razor slips from your hand and clatters to the ground, the sound startles you both, bringing you back to reality.
You pull away from Gale, both of you breathing heavily and trying to regain some semblance of composure. "I should finish my job before I get more distracted," you say with a shaky laugh, picking up the fallen instrument.
Gale beams at you with a mischievous grin.
"It appears it is your turn for a shave, my dear." You glance at his face, covered in a mess of shaving cream, and realize yours is probably just as chaotic. You blush as he playfully grabs your cheeks and cleans off the foam with a damp cloth. "There, all better," he says with a final caress to your cheek. You meet his gaze, feeling a flutter in your stomach at the tenderness in his eyes.
Trying not to break the moment, you begin to carefully shave his cheeks again.
"I have to confess, I've found shaving to be surprisingly enjoyable," Gale says with a chuckle.
You smile at him and run your fingers over his clean-shaven cheek. "Well, you do make it quite pleasurable."
You finish up carefully shaving the few remaining patches of hair on his face before leaning back to admire your work. He looks so... different. His sharp features seem more defined without the shadow of a beard, giving him a sharper look, but he still has the lingering stubble giving him that rugged charm you've grown so fond of. As you rake your fingers over his smooth jawline, Gale captures your gaze with darkened eyes full of admiration and desire.
“You don’t think I look silly without my beard, do you?” he asks, self-consciously running his hand along his stubble once again.
A small, loving smile graces your lips as your thumb lightly glides over the newfound ridges and dips on his face. He has a new youthful freshness and a clean, radiant glow about him. But still, he is just as handsome as ever, if not more so. Your heart swells with love for this man. Leaning in, you press a gentle kiss against his cheek, savoring the moment and letting out a contented sigh.
"Not at all," you assure him, your voice barely above a whisper. "I must say, you look rather... enticing." Gale's eyes widen in surprise. Before he can say anything else, you add. "Should we shave the rest?"
Your gaze travels down the expanse of his chest, the dark hair that travels down his stomach and lower...
Gale blushes fiercely, his cheeks turning a deep red as he stares at you. But he doesn’t move away, and he doesn’t protest. "Y-yes," he whispers. "You can...uh...I will...yes," he splutters, struggling to think of what else to say. He looks more nervous than you’ve seen him in a long time.
You chuckle at Gale's flustered state and lean in closer, feeling a surge of confidence. "Don't worry," you whisper, gently tracing your fingers along his jawline. "I'll be gentle."
Gale's gaze follows your every move as you pick up the razor, anticipation and excitement brewing in his dark eyes. As the sharp blade glides across his chest, his muscles tense under your delicate touch. The smooth skin revealed by each stroke of the razor is glowing, almost golden, and you can't resist tracing your fingers along it.
You feel him shaking, his breath quivering, and he groans slightly. His hands grip your thighs tightly, and you can feel his arousal growing beneath the towel that you are sitting over.
"A-apologies, I can't remain still," he apologizes, squirming slightly under your touch.
You smile softly at Gale's nervousness. "It's okay," you reassure him, continuing to carefully shave off the remaining hair. His skin is hot, but you can feel the goosebumps rising under your touch.
Gale lets out a shaky breath, his hands gripping your hips tightly. "I-I just...it feels peculiar," he mumbles, trying to keep still. You lower the razor from his chest to his stomach, your own breath a little shaky. You trace your fingers there, following the trail of the razor as you admire the smooth skin. Gale's muscles tense under your touch. You can feel your own arousal at the feeling of his hardness against you, and can't help moving your hips slightly over him. A low groan escapes Gale's lips as he responds eagerly to your movements.
"Everything alright, professor?" you ask breathlessly, your fingers still tracing patterns on his skin.
Gale's eyes fly open at your question, a look of confusion and desire in them. "I-It's...it's fine," he stammers, trying to compose himself. But his body betrays him, his hips moving against yours as he moans lowly.
Your own breathing quickens as you feel the heat between you intensify. Without hesitation, you lean in and claim Gale's lips as your own, savoring the hint of shaving cream and the feeling of the soft skin of his face, so different from the tickling you are used to. The kiss is intense and passionate, your tongues dancing together in a heated rhythm. You can just let out a soft moan into his mouth as his fingers trace up and down your spine, sending shivers down your body.
This time, you have half the mind to put the blade aside before turning back to him. Your hands start roaming over his smooth chest and stomach before trailing lower toward the towel that covers his arousal.
Gale's breath hitches as your fingers brush against him, and he breaks the kiss to look up at you with his eyes almost black with desire.
"I need you," he whispers huskily.
"So eager, Mr. Dekarios. You have to learn about patience," you tease, starting to unbuckle your trousers.
"I apologize, Miss, I must admit, patience has never been one of my strong suits." he replies, a small smile tugging at the corners of his lips.
You let out a soft laugh as you finish undoing your trousers and get up from his lap to let them fall to the ground. The rest of your still damp clothes follow, leaving you bare in front of him. Gale's eyes roam over your naked body, taking in every curve and detail.
"You're magnificent," he says, his voice low and husky.
"I could say the same about you, Mr. Dekarios," The words leave your lips with a teasing smirk, trying to mask the nervousness you feel under Gale's intense scrutiny.
You move to straddle Gale's hips once again, grinding against his now rock-hard cock, the contact making you both moan. His hand trails down your chest, until his fingers rest over one of your nipples. The electric sensation makes your body tremble and you can't help but whimper as he teases and toys with your sensitive flesh.
"I want to make you feel good," Gale whispers, his breath hot against your skin.
"And I want to make you feel good too," you reply, leaning down to capture his lips in another passionate kiss.
Gale's lips move from yours to trail down your neck, leaving a trail of hot kisses and love bites in their wake. Your head falls back in pleasure as his mouth moves to one of your nipples, sucking and nipping at it while his hand continues to fondle the other. The sensations are almost too much for you to handle and you can feel yourself getting wetter with each passing second. Gale is thick and throbbing against your core, and you grind yourself against him, both of you letting out low moans of pleasure. His fingers trace down your stomach until they reach your cunt, "You are dripping," he murmurs against your chest, his breath hot against your skin.
You can't help but let out a soft moan as his fingers begin to tease your folds, spreading your wetness and circling around your sensitive clit. You move against him, desperate for more contact, but he keeps teasing you with slow and deliberate movements. When his first finger finally enters you, you are so wet it almost gets sucked in. You cry out in relief, clenching around the digit as Gale's finger moves in and out of you, the slow and steady pace driving you mad with desire.
"I need more," you pant, unable to form any other words.
You wrap your arms around his neck, pulling him closer as he adds a second finger, stretching you in the most delicious way. Your walls clench around him eagerly as he sets a faster pace, his fingers moving expertly inside of you. With each thrust of his fingers, your moans grow louder and more desperate.
Cursing the gods, he mutters to himself, "I can't believe my fortune. Here you are, a perfect mess, so desperate and eager. I am so overwhelmed by the depth of my love for you." Gale whispers against your ear as he adds a third finger, making you gasp at the slight stretch but also reveling in the fullness it brings. His thumb joins in on the action, rubbing circles over your clit and sending jolts of pleasure through your body.
"Please, my love," you whisper, looking into his intense brown eyes, which now look almost black with desire.
You can feel the coil in your stomach tightening, aching for release. Your hands grip onto his shoulders as you ride his fingers with with abandon, your body trembling with each thrust. Gale's lips find yours once again and he kisses you deeply, swallowing your moans as your body tenses and convulses. You come hard against his hand, your whole body trembling and shaking as waves of pleasure wash over you.
Gale doesn't stop though, his fingers continue to move inside of you, prolonging your orgasm until it becomes almost unbearable.
"I love you," Gale whispers between kisses.
"I love you too," you reply breathlessly, lost in the sensations coursing through your body.
He finally withdraws his hand and brings it up to his mouth, sucking on his fingers while staring into your eyes with a hunger that sends shivers down your spine.
"Allow me to make love to you," he pleads huskily.
With the last of your energy, you eagerly nod and open the towel beneath you, revealing his cock as it springs out. Gale's eyes rake over you hungrily before he positions himself between your legs, his erection rubbing against your wet folds.
Without breaking eye contact, you slowly lower yourself onto Gale, feeling him stretch and fill you in the most delicious way. A moan escapes your lips as he fills you completely, a perfect fit that always leaves you breathless. Gale's eyes never leave yours as he enters you, inch by inch. You still feel sensitive and spent at the recent orgasm, so you lean in and wrap your arms around his neck.
You whimper, "God, you're so big...filling me up so perfectly..."
He moans in response, spurred on by your filthy words as he always is.
"Only for you," Gale responds, his voice no more than a hoarse whisper. "Always for you."
His fingers dig into your waist as he holds himself steady, allowing you time to adjust to his size. You can feel the throbbing heat of him within you and it sends shivers of desire spiraling down your spine. After a few moments, you begin to move, rocking your hips in slow circles that have both of you gasping. Gale's gaze is on your face, drinking in every flicker of pleasure that crosses it. A loud moan leaves your lips as he hits a particularly sensitive spot inside of you. Your nails dig into his skin as you ride him, meeting his every thrust with your own movements. The sounds of your bodies slapping against each other mix with your moans and gasps, filling the room.
Gale's lips find yours once again, kissing you deeply as he continues to pleasure you. His tongue expertly explores your mouth, before he leans back and looks into your eyes with his big brown orbs you have always loved so much.
"You're so pretty," you whisper, "even without the beard."
Gale's lips quirk up into a smile at your words.
"And you're my everything," Gale whispers against your lips, making your heart swell with love for this man.
At this point you have stilled again, just grinding against each other and whispering sweet nothing. You just can't seem to get enough, your forehead against his, lost in the sensations of his touch and warmth.
"Mhmm," you hum, your body clenching down on him again "I could do this all night."
He chuckles softly, "And I would let you, but there's one thing I want even more than this..."
"Oh?" you tease, arching an eyebrow.
"I need to feel you unravel yourself around me," his words send shivers down your spine.
"You'll have to work for that," you say with a grin, and start moving up and down his cock in slow strokes. The feeling of him sliding out of your tightness is followed by a squelching, and you are sure at this point you must be dripping all over him. The thought makes you clench again. Your breath hitches as the tip of his cock brushes against your most sensitive spot.
"Shit" Gale groans, closing his eyes in pleasure. His hands grip your hips hard enough to leave marks, but you don't care as he matches you stroke for stroke. He starts whining lowly, and it turns you on so much when he becomes whiny and desperate for you. "Please," he begs, "I need--"
You interrupt his plea with a hungry kiss, swallowing his desperate noises as you ride him harder, faster. Gale's hands wander over your body, caressing every inch of skin he can reach. His lips trail down from your jaw to your neck, nipping and sucking on the sensitive skin. You let out a moan as his tongue flicks over your pulse point, sending sparks of pleasure throughout your body.
Gale's hands then travel lower, cupping your breasts and massaging them gently. His thumbs graze over your hardened nipples, making you arch into his touch. You bring your hands to his hair, pulling at the base and eliciting a low growl from him.
You look into his eyes as you feel him getting closer to release, moaning against his lips. His hand finds your clit again and rubs it in a circular motion, adding to the pleasure coursing through your body. You meet his gaze and let out a long, drawn-out moan as you feel your walls gripping onto him.
"I love you," you moan against his lips, your voice filled with adoration and need.
Gale's movements become erratic at your words, his hand working faster on your clit. You both let out a symphony of moans and gasps as you reach your climax together.
You collapse onto Gale's chest, both of you trying to catch your breath. His arms wrap tightly around you, pulling you impossibly closer, still buried deeply inside of you.
"I love you so much," Gale says between breaths, kissing your shoulder.
You lean down and kiss him softly on the lips, your hands running soothingly over his chest. As you lay there in each other's arms, the world seems to fade away. All that matters is the feeling of being connected to Gale.
"You know, I think could get used to this," you whisper against his lips "Your skin is so soft now." Gale chuckles, "I hope you do, because you are performing my shaving duties from now on."
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Through the Night | John Shelby x Reader
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Request: yes by anonymous
Pairing: John Shelby x reader
Summary: John and (Y/N) grapple with the struggle of getting their son to sleep through the night…amongst the other struggles that come along with parenthood.
Warnings: mentions of breastfeeding
Word Count: 2656
A/N: I’m finally back to writing requests! It was fun to work on a John story again after not writing one in so long. I liked the premise of this one…it was fun to plan out. Thank you for your paitence. Enjoy! :)
Comment/Message me if you’d like to be tagged in future stories similar to this one!
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The shrill sound of cries rang through the previously peaceful night, making (Y/N) sit up in bed with a start. She let out a sigh upon recognizing where those cries were coming from. Movement came from beside her before she could get out from under the covers.
"Let me get him," John's groggy voice came from next to her, making her stop what she was doing.
"No, he's probably hungry again," (Y/N) brushed off his offer, blindly reaching over and patting him on the shoulder as a show of thanks.
"I'll get him the next time then," he conceded, flipping over to his side as (Y/N) got off of the bed and exited their bedroom.
James Shelby's room was two doors down the hall. The volume of the cries increased the second she stepped out into the hallway. She instantly felt bad for the other children who surely had been woken by the disturbance. No matter what she tried, he just wouldn't sleep through the night.
"Baby, it's ok," she whispered to him as she reached into his cradle, pulling the baby out so that she could rock him in her arms, "you need to get some sleep."
She proceeded to try everything. Rocking him, feeding him, walking around with him, changing him, feeding him again...nothing seemed to quiet him down. It wasn't until she had patted him on the back long enough for him to burp that the crying finally stopped. She held him for a few more minutes after his cries had ceased, just to make sure that he wasn't going to start back up again. He seemed to finally be asleep after waiting those few moments. So she carried him to his cradle and gently lowered him into it, hoping that he'd stay asleep.
"Let's try to get more than three hours now, baby," she said as she stood straight again, watching over him for a few more moments until she finally decided to go back to her bedroom.
"He's asleep?" John's groggy voice was heard the second she got under the covers.
"Yes. Finally," (Y/N) sighed as she tried to make herself comfortable, "I think he was gassy...it took me going down the list to figure it out though," she continued, moving over to where John was laying on his side.
"You figured it out and he's sleeping now, that's all that matters," he tried to get her to look on the bright side of things.
"He's sleeping for now," she placed emphasis on his statement. "Where you awake this entire time?" she then asked him.
"I was waiting to hear if you needed back up," he answered her, his words making her laugh softly, "but it seems as though you did amazing on your own," he added, blindy reaching behind him for her hand. He grabbed onto it when he found it, pulling it over his side so that he was no longer twisted awkwardly.
"Hopefully he'll sleep a little longer now," (Y/N) sighed as she scooted even closer to him, embracing the feeling of warmth that his body was giving off.
"How 'bout you and me get some sleep while we can?" John proposed an idea.
"Yes...let's," (Y/N) agreed, finding it easy to fall asleep once she closed her eyes.
"Come on, buddy...you've gotta be tired out by now," John sighed as he switched the position of the baby in his arms for the umpteenth time now. Confidence was draining out of him with each loud cry that James would exude. He told (Y/N) that he'd try to get him to sleep tonight, and he'd been at it for a half hour now with no success.
The baby didn't listen to his exhausted father's pleas though, and instead kept on crying...so much so that his little face was turning red. John let out a defeated sigh as he tried to think of something, anything else he could do to calm his son down. Rocking wasn't helping, changing him wasn't helping...John had even tried to tell him a story that he remembered liking as a kid, but it was hard to get a word out over the loud cries. He truly felt like he was at the end of his list of options.
"What can I do, J...what can I do?" he asked in desperation, knowing full-well that the baby wasn't going to give him the answer.
But as if the homing beacon was sent out, the door to the nursery opened the second he was finished speaking. "You need some help, John?" (Y/N) asked as she held onto the doorknob. She didn't want to slide right in and assume control over the situation because she knew that John was wanting to get more involved with his children when he could.
He'd never let it on to the random person walking the street, but John felt terrible that he wasn't able to be around for his kids. Whether it was the war or later the nature of his work, he often left the care of his young ones up to his late wife, Martha, and then his aunt, Polly. When he had this baby with (Y/N), he vowed that he was going to be more present and help out the best that he could. But now that the rubber had hit the road, he felt that he was completely useless.
"John?" she spoke a little louder, realizing that her husband probably couldn't hear her over the baby's cries.
"What?!" he yelled back, not meaning to raise his voice at her, it instead happening as an effect from the frustration he was feeling.
(Y/N) knew that. She could hear it in his voice. "Would you like me to help you with him?" she asked, keeping her voice calm; not wanting to add to the stress he was feeling.
"Please," he just about begged her, desperation present in his eyes. (Y/N) nodded and walked further into the room. "I've tried everything, (Y/N)...he's just not settling. I've rocked him, I've changed him a few times, I...I even told him a story," he rambled on as he transferred the wailing baby to his wife, "I couldn't think of anything else to do."
"Maybe he needs to eat again," (Y/N) suggested as she moved over to one of the chairs in the room.
"I couldn’t really offer much in that regard…so I didn’t think of trying that," John admitted sheepishly as he watched (Y/N) get James to start feeding. He exhaled a huge sigh of relief once the room was finally filled with silence.
"That's alright, love," (Y/N) said to him, laughing slightly at his comment. She glanced down at James then, watching as the baby ate; his eyes starting to droop already.
John slumped down in the chair across the room and watched as his wife fed their child. He was relishing in the quiet because he didn't know if James was going to start crying again the second he was finished eating.
The silence, thankfully, held up as (Y/N) lifted him to her shoulder so that she could gently pat him on the back and hopefully get a burp or two out of him. Once she did, she brought him back down into her arms and gently rocked him a few times for good measure. His eyes were now shut tight and his breathing had evened out, two signs that he'd finally slipped into sleep. (Y/N) held her breath as she slowly stood from the chair and moved over to where the cradle was standing. James made it through the transfer to the bed, only stirring slightly when his body touched the mattress.
"I don't know how you do it," John breathed as (Y/N) made her way over to where he was sitting.
"I got lucky tonight...most nights I haven't a clue what to do," she said to him, sitting on his lap and wrapping her arms around his neck. John brought the hand he had propped up on the chair's arm down to rest against her thigh, gently squeezing it to show his appreciation.
"I don't know what I'm doing every night," he mumbled into her hair.
"Nonsense, John," she disagreed with him, lifting her head from his chest to look at him, "do I have to remind you of the number of nights that he falls asleep on your chest while you're sitting on the chair with him?" she reminded him, her eyebrows raised slightly.
"He wakes up a few hours later though," John still didn't let up on himself.
"And he'll probably wake up a few hours from now too...he just isn't to the point where he's sleeping through the night yet. We can't be hard on ourselves John, Polly says that this is common," she stated, reminding him that they needed to think positively.
"I feel like I'm leaving it all up to you though," he voiced another thought that had been eating at his mind.
"You most certainly are not," she disagreed once again. "You do so much for this family. I'm not sure where I'd be without you...my partner in crime," she grinned at him then, the final part of her sentence making the softest grin form on his face. He just couldn't stay down on himself when she looked at him like that.
"I'm not sure how much 'crime' you're getting yourself into, love," he teased her, his words making an exaggerated look of surprise form on her face. John chuckled at the face she pulled, and (Y/N) held it for a few moments before letting it dissolve into one of fake hurt.
After holding that expression for a few moments, she tried not to let the smile break onto her features as she delivered the statement she'd been thinking up since John shared his, "that's because you commit enough crime for the both of us, my darling," she said to him, winking after she was finished speaking.
John's jaw went slack as he heard what his wife had said. "(Y/N) Shelby!" he said, his voice a little too loud for the room they were sitting in.
"Keep your voice down, you'll wake the baby!" (Y/N) hissed at him, her eyes wide to show the seriousness of her statement. She then listened intently for any noises coming from James' cradle and was relieved when she was met with silence.
"Let’s head to our bedroom then," he said with a grin, standing up from the chair and taking her into his arms without warning. Him doing this made her let out a shriek of surprise, to which he sent her the same wide-eyed expression she gave him. "Be quiet, you'll wake the baby," he scolded her in a teasing manner, a grin breaking onto his face.
"Take me to bed then," she responded to him, his grin proving contagious as one formed on her face as well.
John didn't waste another minute. He exited the nursery as quietly as he could, carrying (Y/N) down the hallway to their bedroom so that they could get caught up on some much needed...sleep.
The bedroom still had an early morning glow shining in through the windows when (Y/N) opened her eyes again. She let out a sigh of content and snuggled in closer to John's sleeping frame. Or at least she thought he was sleeping.
"This is nice," he said in a low voice, his words rumbling through his chest and making (Y/N) smile at the sensation of it.
"It is," (Y/N) agreed with him, drawing sleepy shapes on the skin of his pectorals. She let her eyelids flutter shut then as she tried to soak up all of the last minutes of sleep that she could. It wouldn't be long until John would be needed at the betting shop and that she would be getting the children up for their school day. Wait...the children. "Oh no, John..." (Y/N) started off as she scrambled into a sitting position.
"What, love? It's still early," he complained, not moving from his spot as his wife fumbled her way out from under the covers.
"James, John...he didn't wake us up all night," she managed to get out as she rushed to get her robe on before making her way to the door. "What if something's wrong?" she asked, her heart pounding in her chest as the worst case scenarios started running through her mind. She heard the fumbling of covers behind her, but didn't bother to look back and see if he was following her before she opened the door and quickly exited the room.
(Y/N) wasted no time in opening the door to the nursery after hurrying down the hallway as quickly as she could. She then took a deep breath before approaching the cradle, still prepared for the worst. All of the fear and worry were whisked away from her the second she saw James.
"What's happened, (Y/N)?" John's panicked voice came from the door to the room.
"Nothing...nothing's happened," (Y/N) answered, calmness present in her voice now. She heard John's footsteps approaching her as she kept her eyes on her sleeping baby. James looked like he hadn't moved from the spot she laid him in last night, and he was still sleeping soundly. His belly was rising and falling in an even pattern, and he even had the slightest smile present on his adorably plump lips. "He slept through the night," she told her husband, looking over at him to see that he was also focused on the baby.
"That's amazing," John said, a smile breaking onto his face. Much like (Y/N), a sense of calmness had now rushed through him as well. "So wha...what do we do now?" he asked with a slight chuckle as he looked at (Y/N) again.
"I guess we can go back to sleep," (Y/N) answered, grinning at the thought of getting a few more minutes of shut-eye.
"What're we still in here for?" John's grin grew. He was also never one to turn down some more sleep.
The two made the way back to the door of the nursery then, both still grinning like fools at the thought of crawling back under the covers. Quiet mornings were practically unheard of in this Shelby household, and they were going to hold onto every minute of it. (Y/N) carefully shut the door behind her before they began to walk down the hall to their bedroom. They only got two steps away when cries started coming from the room they'd just left.
"There goes our extra sleep," (Y/N) stated, a bit of a deflated look now present on her face.
"I'll go get him...you get some more sleep," John told her, nodding his head towards their bedroom's door before he began backtracking towards the nursery. (Y/N) sent him a smile as a thank you before she continued walking to her bedroom.
"Mum! Katie won't stop making fun of me!" she heard Matthew, one of her older children (step-children) call out just as she grabbed the door knob.
"I am not!" Katie yelled back in defense.
"Yes you are!" Matthew continued the argument.
"Am not!" Katie wasn't backing down.
"Ok both of you stop, I'm coming in!" (Y/N) finally stepped into their bickering, turning from her bedroom's door to go and sort their problem out because it was quickly becoming obvious that it wasn't going to be figured out on its own.
While she became the mediator, John worked on figuring out what would get James to stop crying.
There was certainly never a quiet morning in the Shelby household.
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Tagged: @the-anxious-youth @mystcldydrms @look-at-the-soul @mrsalwayswrite @julkaamazing @evita-shelby @lilyrachelcassidy @shelbydelrey @december16-1991 @onlydeadcells @peakyswritings @watercolorskyy @strayrockette @peakyduchesss @alexxavicry @stevie75 @dark-academia-slut @zablife @cillmequick @letal-y-poetica @depxiety @shelundeadxxxx @cilliansangel @areyenotfondofmelobster @valentinabloom @wildheartsalwaysburn @dragons-are-my-favorite @padfootdaredmetoo
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blanketbvby · 6 months
A Demon's Guide to Anthropology 2
Part 2: sunlight
Word count: 655
Tags: use of 'MC' and they/them pronouns, brief description of a pill bottle and vitamins, rushed and short, fluff
★ ——— —— —
MC going back to the human world periodically over weekends and denying staying in the Devildom over breaks despite claiming they wanted to confused Mammon.
It had been explained to him a thousand times, and yet he'd seem to forget just as soon as it was said. He simply didn't understand.
One one particular return to the human world, Mammon went straight to the source of all his confusion, sat down on the bed, propped his elbows on his knees, and stared with a seriousness one would only see in his gaze at a casino.
The human who brought such emotion from him murmured to themself as they packed a small bag about needing to keep a bag ready to stunt this constant packing and unpacking only a few things, and Mammon stayed silent in thought.
When MC stood, bag slung over a shoulder, Mammon pounced like a cat.
"So.." He drew it out nice and slow, swing casual despite his body language showing he clearly wasn't being such a thing.
"Why do ya need to go back so much?"
MC blinked and raised a brow, turning to look at the greedy demon. A flash of amusement formed in their eyes, a companion to their confusion.
"Didn't Lucifer explain this to you, like, a billion times?"
Mammon scoffed and grumbled, mumbling under his breath about the question and the realities of it before giving his response.
"It's not my fault! I-I'm just curious, but it's not like I care or somethin'! You're just a human why can't I ask? You're in my care, so just cough it up you-!"
He cut himself off when he heard laughing coming from above, glancing up and watching the object of his torment wheeze and laugh, covering their mouth to poorly hide the humor they felt.
"I-I'm sorry, I'm sorry, it's just.. I need to go back, it's not that I want to. Humans can't survive without sunlight," they explained.
This only brought more questions than answers, along with a sense of growing urgent dread.
"You what?"
"Yeah, humans need sunlight to survive. Why do you think I take these?" MC held up a small bottle labeled with their name on top. Inside of it was a few clear capsules. Vitamins, Mammon is quick to put a name to them.
"W-Well, I just thought- I just-" He huffed and crossed his arms, pouting like a spoiled child denied their wants.
"Without sunlight humans die, so I take these to sustain myself each day here, and go back to the human world with Solomon whenever we can."
It all made sense partially, but Mammon knows truthfully it wouldn't make a whole lot of sense even with a dumbed down human anatomy lesson. This once, he conceded and allowed himself to not fully understand, despite his sin making him internally scream for answers on his human's health.
"But," MC began again, causing the sulking demon to perk up and look at them from where he sat on the bed and where they stood. "If you're good next week, I'll ask Lucifer and Lord Diavolo if you can come next time? Just don't tell anyone, I don't want the others knowing I'm only taking you."
MC knew just the right answer to cheer the avatar of, and immediately to hide his rebounded embarrassment, Mammon turned his head to the side and scoffed, arms crossed.
"You think I can't last a week? I'll show ya that I can last a month!"
The humans merely shook their head and sighed, readjusting the hold on their bag, and giving a small smile.
"Sure thing, Mammon. And pigs can fly."
The demon gave a squawk once he realized what that meant, the human beginning to leave as they laughed.
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trensu · 10 months
Have a snippet from that one holy warrior au. thanks to @ent-is-indecisive for helping me come up with a title for this fic. i'll be tagging it as stasis in darkness for easy tracking. this is part of a rough draft so it probably will be modified by the time i finish the damn thing and make it ao3 ready. but my brain's kind of stuck and needs a kickstart to get it going again, so i thought i'd share it and hopefully get motivated again
It happened again.
The fourth night:
“Isn't it true the King of Darkness–”
“Lord of Night.”
“Yeah, him. He controls all the monsters in the dark and sets them on innocent people for fun. Don’t see why you’d want to throw your lot in with a god like that.”
“Because he doesn’t. He takes care of nighttime animals. Bats, coyotes, owls…”
“The scary ones, you mean.”
“No! Besides, he takes care of cats, too. Cats aren’t scary. They’re, you know, cute.”
“Hmm. If you say so.”
“What’s that supposed to mean? You got something against cats?”
“Of course not!" The man said, sounding mildly offended. Steve opened his mouth to go on about the Lord of Night's chosen creatures but the man interrupted with, "Well, look at the time! Later, gator.”
The man ran off with a grin not sparing him a second glance. Steve stared after him, baffled.
“What the fuck’s a gator?”
The fifth night:
“Don't you know your King, excuse me, Lord of Darkness–”
“Night. Lord of Night.”
“Same thing. He helps criminals evade justice. Pretty sure that one’s true.” The man lounged lazily on a nearby boulder as he asked. Kind of like a cat, Steve noticed with a trace of amusement that was easily smothered by annoyance at the man's…everything else.
“He helps people who travel by night. Most of the time they’re just night workers or people with nowhere to go. The ones that are shunned for being different or the ones too poor to afford safe shelter.”
“Huh. Alright, explain the horse thief thing, then, if he’s so good and noble.”
“...fine, he’s got a soft spot for horse thieves but thievery isn’t that bad of a crime in the grand scheme of things.”
“Ha! Sure,” the man conceded. “But! You can’t deny that this Lord of Night cursed people with terrible nightmares that left them sleepless and suffering for days. To the brink of lunacy, some say.”
The man said it with triumph, as if with this he’d finally break Steve’s faith. Steve shrugged. 
“All gods get angry.”
“And that’s okay? You’re fine with him inflicting mind torture on some poor mortal just because he threw a tantrum?”
“First off, he wouldn’t just throw a tantrum," Steve said with exasperation. He might end up throwing a tantrum if this guy persisted. "I don’t think he’s the kind to get angry easily. And second, the people he cursed before always deserved it. Besides, he helps with good dreams, too. It’s not all bad.”
“Uh-huh, I totally believe you," the man said, heavy with mockery.
“Look man, if you’re so against the Lord of Night, why are you still here? Why do you keep coming back and bothering me?”
“Well, be curious quietly. I need to pray.”
“...he probably doesn’t even have prayers.”
“I said shut up, man. I need to concentrate.”
The man leaves without any more fuss. 
The sixth night:
“You have a lot of faith in a god who lost his own name. Does he even have any holy texts left?”
“Dustin could only find one, but that was enough.”
“Really? Other gods have entire libraries of stories and whole tomes of holy words. They have temples and monasteries all across the land of mortals.” The man motioned derisively at the crumbling statue. "This thing here is barely a shrine!"
“Hey, I'm working on that, alright? It's going to look great when I'm done with it," Steve protested. "And so what if he doesn't have more? Robin says quantity’s got nothing to do with quality.”
“Yeah, but the other gods are remembered for a reason. That counts for something,” the man's voice lost some of that smug edge. He fiddled with the hem of his fraying shirt as he spoke. 
Steve refused to rise to the bait. He responded calmly, but firmly.
“I don’t need libraries to know I want to carry his symbol. From what Robin and Dustin found, he represents all the things my friends taught me were important.” Steve pauses. "I’m not a good reader anyway so less books are better for me.” 
"Oh, so that's why you picked him! Very convenient," The man sounded very amused. Steve ignored him until he heard the man wander away for the night. He sighed in relief.
With a surge of restless energy leftover from being very good and calm about that nuisance of a man, Steve approached the statue elevated on its crumbling plinth. He reached up towards its open hand held at its side, barely within reach, and brushed his fingers along the worn knuckles. 
"That guy's wrong about you, I know he is,” Steve whispered, fervently. “You deserve a temple. A hundred of them, all for your own."
Steve thought, for a moment, he heard a sharp intake of breath, but when he looked there was no one but him around. 
“I’ll make sure you get a great temple."
He waited, strained his ears for even a single word from his god. He tried not to be disappointed when he heard nothing. Again.
ps: i do not do those reader tag list things. if you’d like to keep up with my stuff, follow my writing tag: trensu tells stories
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fluffytriceratops · 13 days
𝐈 𝐁𝐮𝐫𝐧 𝐅𝐨𝐫 𝐘𝐨𝐮 - 𝐑𝐚𝐩𝐡𝐚𝐞𝐥 [𝐛𝐚𝐲𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐞]
notes: part one? will probably make a very spicy part two- hehe. ;) if you know, you know. also- i imagine y/n as english here, but that's literally just me lol. there's no real hint or anything saying that she is or isn't. :D also also, i want raphael to choke me like he hates me but he loves me. :P
warnings: mature language/swearing,
tags: @thelaundrybitch @turtle-babe83 @leosgirl82 @rheawritesforfun @s-s-ironnie @post-apocalyptic-daydream @mysticboombox @drowninghell @lec743 @raphielover  @raphslovemuffin80 @squirrelfurs @bibiz82 @pheradream-15 @kikithedreamerwriter @m1dnyt3-w0lf @scholastic-dragon @moonsua1 [if i've forgotten anyone i'm so sorry please comment or dm me and let me know and i'll add you right away so i don't forget in the future!]
(if you would like to be tagged in my future tmnt x reader related work, feel free to let me know and i'll happily add you!)
i love you all sm! i'm sending all the virtual hugs and well wishes to you!! <33
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She didn't understand what she had done. From the moment she met him, Raphael acted as though he hated her. Y/n was for at a loss. No matter what she did or said, there was always this wall between them. After a while of trying to befriend him, she eventually gave up. If he did not want to be friends, then so be it. She would spend her time with his brothers.
But that only seemed to make matters worse.
It was terribly confusing and Y/n didn't know if she could take much more of it.
She had tried so hard to please him. And despite all her efforts he pushed her away. Treated her as if she was nothing. So she turned to her actual friends, and that only seemed to anger him more. Did he not want her around at all? Did he not trust her with his family?
The thing that was the most frustrating, was the fact that no matter how hard she tried. She couldn't get rid of her love for him.
It wasn't as if he hated her. In fact, it was the exact opposite. Raphael had a hard time expressing his feelings. He had an even harder time when he believed that those feelings weren't reciprocated.
Y/n was beautiful. She was as sweet as honey with warm skin as soft as silk. Her eyes shone when she laughed. She always wore this lip gloss that made her lips the perfect shade of pink. And she smelled amazing. Like vanilla and cedar. A warm and comforting scent.
There was no way she liked him as much as he liked her. Raphael was so certain of this. So he did the only logical thing he could think of.
He pushed her away.
Because he knew he would never be able to love her. And being in the same room as her, knowing she would never be his, was excruciating.
The only thing he could think of doing was keeping his distance. Which was hard when she was always approaching him. So he avoided her like the plague.
That didn't mean that he didn't get jealous.
How could he act like he knew her? He didn't know her at all! Raphael was like a stranger to her! The only things she's learned of him was from his brothers. And even if they had been telling him about her, it wasn't the same. Her gaze narrowed at him. "I'm sorry? Can you repeat that please, because I don't think I heard you right."
Raphael gazed at Y/n from across the room. He was leaning against the wall, arms folded over his chest, biceps bulging. (she would have been drooling if he wasn't such an ass-) He moved his toothpick to the other side of his mouth with his tongue. Head tilting ever so slightly as he studied her.
"I said, that your actions don't surprise me. Figures someone as pristine and conceded as you would do somethin' like that." He didn't skip a beat. Didn't hesitate with his comment. Even if it was uncalled for.
Y/n blinked. It was almost worse hearing it for a second time. It made her angrier, at least. She was absolutely gobsmacked. Surprised he had the balls to make such an assumption and voice it so simply.
Raphael pushed himself off of the wall and stalked towards her. "Cat got your tongue, princess?" His lips twisted up into a smirk as he loomed over her. Staring down at her with his eyes made of gold.
Leonardo, who she had been talking to moments before- opened his mouth to intervene, but Y/n cut him off before he got the chance.
"You have no right to make any sort of assumptions about me."
Raph hummed, "Ain't assumptions if they're true."
Y/ns gaze hardened, her hands balling at her sides. "You clearly don't know me at all."
"I think I know ya well enough."
"And I think you're an ass!" She snapped, face red with anger. "If you have any other false assertions about me, I'd rather you kept your mouth shut!"
"And I'd rather you not be here at all!" He growled in return. Golden gaze burning down upon her like fire. "You're always around! Do ya not have anywhere else to be!? Any other friends besides us!?"
"You aren't my friend!" Y/n's eyes stung with tears, and she did her best to hold herself together.
"Thank fuck for that!"
"Raph, enough!" Leo seperated the two by physically putting himself between them. His ocean eyes were glued to his brother. "Take a walk." He demanded, nodding in the direction of one of the sewer tunnels.
Raphael's veins burned. He hated the sight of Leo coming to the rescue. Because of fucking course he did. It was always the wise and powerful Leonardo guiding them through their problems. He would have fought more. Pushed back harder. Let his anger consume him. But his gaze caught the sight of tears trickling down Y/n's face. Like stars falling from the sky. His heart ached and squeezed. He wanted to drop to the floor and beg for her forgiveness. Kiss her feet and worship the ground she walked on.
Y/n was a moon goddess. Made of pure starlight.
And Raphael was a brutish soldier, stuck on Earth while he watched her dance with the stars.
It was better if she hated him. It made things easier that way, he reminded himself.
Raphael didn't say anything else. He simply turned around and walked away. Afraid that if he stayed a second longer, he'd do one of two things.
Beg for the goddess' forgiveness.
Or break her.
Leonardo let out a heavy sigh before turning to face the h/c haired girl. "Are you okay?" He asked, planting his large hands atop her shoulders. They covered them entirely, showing just how much bigger they all were than her.
Y/n nodded, reaching up to wipe at her eyes quickly. It felt like Raphael had attacked her out of nowhere. It wasn't like she was doing anything besides talking to Leo. (Okay, maybe she had been flirting with him a little bit, but could you really blame her? Have you seen the guy, he's fine as hell-) It felt unwarranted. She didn't feel like she deserved his hate, but no matter what she did, he always seemed hostile towards her.
Leo didn't look convinced. "You sure?"
Y/n let out a quiet sigh. "Yeah.. Is it okay if I just go and finish my book in your room?" She reached towards the couch and grabbed it, clutching it to her chest.
"Of course. No one will disturb you there."
She forced a small smile. "Great. Thanks, Leo."
"Anytime, Y/n."
Leonardo watched as she padded away in the direction of his bedroom. Lips pressed into a thin line. He turned and moved in the direction Raphael went in. He wasn't surprised to find him in the dojo, absolutely wrecking the punching bag.
Said male glanced in his direction for a split second, grunting in acknowledgment.
"What the hell was that?" Leo gestured behind him, blue eyes hardening into a stern glare.
Raphael clicked his tongue in annoyance. "Nothin'. Just leave it alone, Leo." He continued to slam his fists upon the bag, watching it jolt and sway with each lethal hit.
"Y/n doesn't deserve the shit you give her. If you gave her a chance, maybe you would see that. She's a nice girl, she's our friend. You need to give her an apology."
Normally, Raphael would have fought with Leo. Arguing with him to the point where their verbal hits would turn into physical ones. But his motions stilled at this. He knew Leo was right, as much as he didn't want to admit it. He hated seeing Y/n look at him like that. With wide teary eyes and a wobbling lip. Staring at him like the ferocious monster he was.
Before either of them could say anything else, Mikey popped his head in the room. "Hey guys, dinner's ready!"
Leo nodded and turned back to Raph. "Go tell Y/n dinner's ready. You can apologize whilst you're at it." He didn't leave room for argument as he left the dojo. 
Leaving Raphael looming next to the punching bag. He lifted his arm and hit it once more. That was the final blow, the bag snapped off the chain and smashed against the ground. It's contents pouring out.
He'd have to try and fix it later.
Y/n sat on Leonardo's bed. Back pressed against the wall and chin propped up on her palm. One of her favourite books sat open on her lap and she read it contentedly. She did her best not to think about Raphael and his actions and words. How he was so distant and vile towards her. She had done nothing but be kind to him. To try and have a decent relationship with him. But he refused to have even a decent relationship with her. It was beyond frustrating. It made her want to rip her hair out. 
She let out a long slow sigh, tilting her head back till it hit the wall and she was looking up at the ceiling. Her mind was a mess, and while she had told Mikey she would stay for dinner earlier, now she was regretting her choice. She contemplated trying to sneak out. But that was near impossible when the lair was full of trained ninjas. Y/n couldn't sneak past them no matter how hard she tried. 
There was a rap of knuckles on the door. She assumed it was Leo, or perhaps Donnie. Mikey would just barge in, and she highly doubted she'd see Raph for a good long while yet. 
She pushed herself up and went towards the door. Yanking it open, but whatever she was about to say died on her tongue. Lips parted and throat dry. She couldn't say anything as she gazed at the mutant in front of her.  Y/n stepped back from Raphael, studying him with an intense gaze silently. Being unable to find any words to speak. 
Raph cleared his throat. "Leo sent me to get you for dinner."
Y/n dropped her gaze with a heavy sigh and turned away from him, shaking her head in disappointment. She was hoping for an apology, or something along those lines. She wanted him so bad but it felt like he was miles away. 
"Y/n?" Raph stepped further into the room, looking at her in confusion. "Are you not hungry?"
"I do not want any dinner!" Y/n spat angrily, running a hand through her hair in agitation.
Raph looked taken aback by her outburst. But he stayed silent, allowing her to take in a couple deep breaths and try to calm herself down. He understood anger better than most. And Y/n had every right to be angry with him. 
Finally, she turned to him. "I have spent so much time wanting to be alone with you. Wanting to talk to you! Wanting to know -" she cut herself off with a sharp inhale, dropping her gaze to the floor. Cheeks warm and tips of her ears dusted in red.
She shook her head again. "I understand that you do not wish to see me... That you would prefer to stay in any other room-"
"That's not true." He cut her off quickly. Molten gold gaze staring at her. Piercing her soul. 
Y/n brought her eyes back up to him. Not believing his words. "Raphael-"
"You're wrong." He said again. Voice sharp.
Still, Y/n did not believe him. "You have avoided my presence." She stated, quite simply. It was a fact. Raphael could barley stand to be in the same room as Y/n, let alone hang around just the two of them.
"In order to give you space." He muttered, swallowing thickly. She watched the way his throat bobbed with the action. 
Y/n's eyebrows dipped in confusion. "You've.. Said all but a few words to me."
"To stop myself from sayin' the wrongs things." He said, taking a step towards her. Raph wet his lips with his tongue, not missing the way her eyes followed the action. His heart pounded at the sight alone. He had caught himself staring at her eyes many times, so to find hers glued to his - she had no idea the kind of chokehold she had on him.
Y/n stared at him in disbelief. "You've barley been able to look at me in the eye."
"Because I can't stand to see the misery I have caused you!" He snapped, clearly agitated. Pacing back and forth in front of her. Like a caged animal. Skin crawling at the way she watched him. Those eyes of hers... They were paralyzing. In the best way possible.
"You did not..." She whispered, hesitantly taking a single step forwards. "I am the one who has trapped you in your own home. I should have been more understanding of your space-" 
"I'm the one who trapped you." Raph cut her off, growling out the words. "I have spent the last few weeks in agony." He admitted, glancing over towards her for only a second before he resumed his pacing. "Unable to talk to you. Unable to be alone with you because I knew you wanted nothing to do with me." 
Y/n opened her mouth to protest but he continued. "Which makes sense, I mean look at me! I'm fucking scary. I'm a freak. I have a bad temper, it ain't pretty when I'm angry. I get jealous and envious easily and I'm not the best with emotions. I'm not the best guy, my brothers are ten times better than I will ever be." 
"I see the way you look at them. I see how much you care for them. Leo especially. He's the hero. I'm the villain. That's how it's always been, that's how it always will be. If yer gonna love any of us, it's understandable that it would be him." His shoulders sunk, and he finally stopped pacing but had yet to fully turn towards Y/n. His chest was heaving with much needed air after the amount of word vomit he had spewed. 
"Leo's your perfect love match..." 
"You're right in the sense that you and Leo are different. You cannot be anymore different. You're practically polar opposites." She breathed, studying him carefully. Heart aching from the words he spoke. "But who said I ever wanted Leo..." 
Raphael slowly looked towards her. Eyes boring into her own, trying to see if she was telling the truth or not. Trying to understand the meaning behind her words. 
He was silent for what felt like a long time. They both were. The silence was thick, suffocating. They both had so much they wanted to say but neither of them had the courage to say it. 
"I can't stop thinking of you," Raph started softly, "From the mornings when I wake up, to the evenings right before bed. To the dreams I have of you.. My thoughts of you never end." His hands shook ever so slightly and he balled them into fists to control it. 
"I am yours, Y/n. I have always been yours." 
Y/n took in a heavy breath, chest rising as she sucked the air into her lungs. "I.." Her eyebrows dipped again as she tried to comprehend his words. Was he saying what she thought he was? "I don't understand.." 
Raphael shook his head in frustration, "I don't know how to be anymore clear." He huffed, lifting his arms up and turning away from her. 
Y/n's gaze hardened and she moved towards him. "Do not get angry-" 
"I am not angry!" He snapped. 
"You look angry. And bothered. Look at you, you're all flushed." She gestured towards him and Raph grit his teeth, face warm in embarrassment. 
"Yes, that is what happens." 
"When one is angry." 
"When one burns for someone who does not feel the same!" Raphael hissed, closing the distance between them. Towering over her. He lifted a hand and ran it down his face, biting down on his lip.
"You.." Y/n could not bring herself to look away from him. "You burn for me?" 
"Why do you think I got angry at you for flirting with Leo?" 
"Why do you think I was flirting with Leo?" 
Raph seemed confused by this, brows pulling together. "If you even bothered to look at me, really look at me. For longer than two seconds.. You would have seen.." What small bit of distance left between them she closed by taking a final step forward.
 "I burn for you." 
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strayrumia · 2 months
Road to Relationship (Ch. 1)
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lee know x fem!reader
Synopsis: [Y/N] and Minho have been best friends since childhood. The two have never talked about the possibility of a romantic relationship between them, but then again, why risk losing a friendship? As they continue their college years, [Y/N] starts to take interests in the guys around her. Unbeknownst to [Y/n], her best friend may actually take that risk the more she goes after guys who don't really deserve her. - or - [Y/N] starts to crush on other guys, but Minho doesn't like the idea of other guys being beside her romantically but him.
Follow these best friends as they navigate their feelings for one another!
Genre(s): fluff, best friends to lovers, angst, love triangles Other tags: jealous/possessive minho, bts side story, fake texts au, semi-social media au + written Content Warning(s): swearing, suggestive themes, mention(s) of forgetting to eat/take care of yourself will be updated every chapter! This Chapter in specific has: swearing, mention(s) of forgetting to eat, mention(s) of fear of rejection/losing a friendship
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After you've finished texting your best friend, you looked up at the lecture before you. You were taking a communication class, more specifically, a debate class, so that it would help prepare you to see the other side of arguments as well as be able to defend your own stance. If you were honest, as much as you did have some interest taking the class, you were mostly taking it due to it being the most interesting undergraduate general education course in one of the required catalogs. The professor was teaching something you were familiar with due to reading the previously assigned texts, so it allowed you some time to divert your attention.
You glanced over at your side where you watched your classmate crush listen to the lecture intently and take down some notes.
Jeon Jungkook was his name. The same handsome man who happened to be in the same classes as you in the previous semester and now sits beside you out of comfort and familiarity. You didn't know much about him other than Minho's mention of being part of the same dance club as him on-campus and that he was well-versed in many things, judging by his stickers on his laptop.
It had to be a sign if he's in your class again. There's no way he would be in the same class - if you recall, he's not the same major as you! After the last situationship you've put yourself into, you made a mental note to yourself to never let yourself beg for a man's attention or love ever again. That doesn't stop your crushing or attempts to get closer to the attractive being beside you.
"Alright, class. I'll give you all a few minutes to find yourself someone to work with for this assignment."
You quickly looked up at the instructions on the projector screen.
PRACTICE: Work in a pair and find a topic you both want to debate about. You will have 2 rounds with 1 minute each to try and convince the other to join your side. If you concede, then you lose.
The timing has been so perfect.
"Hey, [Y/N], was it?" Jungkook's low voice startled you, prompting you to turn your head to his direction immediately. You tried your best to calm any nerves rising and took a quick breath.
"Yes! Jungkook, right?"
"Yeah, that's me," he grinned in return, the bunny-like smile sending butterflies in your stomach. There was something about his smile that sent your heart racing yet you couldn't quite put a finger on it. He was just so cute! "I remember we had a couple classes before. Honestly I don't know anyone else in this class... would you mind being my partner for this practice?"
You were prepared for being the one to initiate, so his words took you aback. Regardless, you tried to shake the feelings off and returned his smile. "I don't mind at all!"
"Great! Well, I don't want to take all the ideas - do you have a topic in mind you want to argue about?" Jungkook asked.
"Uh..." You were left speechless. You internally panicked before you started overhearing a conversation by your peers nearby. They were throwing ideas about romance and dating, especially during this time. They seemed to develop a topic of dating people they knew versus dating people through apps. Their conversation gave you an idea. "How about the idea of dating?"
"Huh?" Shoot. Was that suspicious of you to suddenly bring up? His surprised reaction made you not only confused, but surprised before you started to panic yet again.
"Wh-what I mean is...! Dating is an interesting topic nowadays, y'know... going for strangers online on apps or going for the people you start to get acquainted with in-person... it's a very interesting debate to have!" You tried to explain, trying to fight the nervous blush creeping onto your cheeks. The more you tried to defend the idea, the more you started to ramble and felt your ears go red. Luckily for you, Jungkook seemed more interested and acknowledged your words.
"Ah, I see... you make a great point. I think I like the idea of discussing romance as a topic. What about the idea of possibly dating an acquaintance versus dating someone, like say, your best friend?" Jungkook suggested. The idea struck onto your mind and got you intrigued in return. You approved the idea but before you two can discuss which side to take, the professor silenced the class and began to call for volunteers to take the stand.
You thought long and hard about the idea. Dating an acquaintance to you is dating someone you're pretty much strangers with. You can still build that relationship, get to know each other, and eventually learn whether or not you would be a perfect match. It wouldn't be too bad, right?
Dating your best friend, however, was a different topic. You immediately thought about Minho when Jungkook brought up the idea. You tried to think about the possibility of having a romantic relationship with him but only certain flashbacks came up.
"[Y/N], don't tell me you forgot to eat again! Ugh, how many times do I have to tell you to take care of yourself?!"
"Haha, I still can't believe you fell trying to race me! ...What do you mean, [Y/N]? Yes, it was funny!! Don't worry, I'll patch you up, I'm done laughing!"
"You're going to adopt a cat?! [Y/N], you ARE a cat! ...But I'll support you through it, as long as you take care of yourself and the little one."
You blinked a couple times reminiscing before you shook your head at the memories. You couldn't even fathom a romantic relationship with your best friend when all he does is scold and nag you while making fun of you at the same time. How is any of that romantic anyway? It wouldn't be like him nor would you be able to believe him to be a romantic in the first place. Nope, there's no way you could see yourself in a relationship with him.
You were pulled from your thought process when you heard your professor call Jungkook's name. Jungkook had volunteered to go up and mentioned you being his partner, forcing you to stand in front of the class with him.
"I can't imagine dating my best friend..." You muttered under your breath, but it does not go unnoticed. Jungkook patted your shoulder and gave you a reassuring smile.
"Don't worry, I'll take that argument if it makes it easier for you."
What a kind guy! You thought to yourself as you silently praised him for taking initiative.
Your professor reset the timer on the projector screen, prompting you both to take a deep breath to start. "Timer starts... now! [Y/N], your side first."
You exhaled and looked at Jungkook in his brown eyes. "Dating an acquaintance is better in all levels. The acquaintance being a close friend is entirely up to you and your comfortability. You can get to know them more and prevent yourself from any possible heartbreak with the idea of losing a friend if things don't work out."
Jungkook gave you a challenging grin in return as he started. "Dating your best friend would lessen the heartbreak. You'd be with someone you've known your whole life, the one who knows you well enough that they wouldn't betray your trust. You would never have a dark moment with them because not only will you have your eternal partner, but your best friend in one."
You fought the temptation to frown and defended your stance. "What's the point in risking a relationship with someone you care so much about? If things don't work out, you will subject yourself to losing a best friend, your other half almost. It's better to go for someone who's essentially a stranger to you so it can be up to your judgment of whether they're trustworthy or partner-material or not."
"Oh, but you mentioned that your best friend is essentially your other half. The idea is still likely, is it not? Then the only things you're worried about are the fears of losing your close friend due to romantic interest and rejection." Your grin faltered ever so slightly at the surprising claim, but Jungkook continued. "If they're single and they're willing to pursue that relationship with you, then why not go for it, unless you're unwilling? If you two respect each other enough and your platonic relationship is more than that, then a little romance shouldn't break that."
Any attempt of countering was put to a halt. 'Damn, he's good...' you thought to yourself as the professor's two minute timer went off. You both went back to your seats as the professor continued the lecture following your activity. You mindlessly took notes of his lecture as you let Jungkook's defense get to your head. You were in disbelief that he was able to defend his stance so well, let alone it feeling like he was calling you out.
You shook off the idea of ever pursuing a relationship with Minho, but you were content with your relationship as it is. You didn't think it needed to be anything more, nor did it seem like Minho was interested in you that way. No, he definitely doesn't seem like it. With how much he would scold you and nag you, he was taking more of a motherly role towards you than anything else.
You looked at Jungkook through your peripheral vision, where you noticed he'd glance a few times at your direction while taking his own notes. You didn't think much of it. After all, all you could think about was either he has his own experience with relationships with a close friend or that he's just that damn good at debates.
Once the professor ended the lecture, you started to put your things away into your backpack when a familiar voice called your name.
"I'm sorry if I accused you of something there, [Y/N]. If I hurt your feelings in any way, I didn't mean to." Jungkook said, his bag hanging off one shoulder as he apologetically scratched the back of his head.
"N-no, you didn't hurt me at all! You're actually really good at debates! I have no doubt you'll ace this class with flying colors." You felt guilty at the possibility that your reaction made him overthink his words, but it also made you feel good to see that he cared about his actions if it did affect you. He truly is a kind person.
"You think so? Thank you, I'm glad to hear it!" his smile returned, never failing to send your heart leaping for joy at the sight. "I'm especially glad to hear it now that we'll be working together for the next project."
'Huh?' Oh, that's right. You recall that towards the end of the lecture, the professor mentioned that we'll be working with that same partner for the next project. You'll be either revisiting the same topic you've debated against for the class activity or decide on a different one. Either way, you'll have a longer timer of ten minutes to make sure you're able to debate against the other side. As each day passes by, you'll have to send written reports and updates of how your side of the speech is going while working with your partner to make sure you touch base on both sides. This meant...
"I guess we should exchange contact information so that we can keep each other accountable with our respective updates, huh?" you said, hoping any ounce of your excitement and nervousness was not apparent in your voice.
"Yeah, if you don't mind!"
With that, you both exchanged phone numbers and said your goodbyes as Jungkook walked away with his friend, who was waiting outside the door for him. As soon as he disappeared from sight, you immediately pulled out your personal messages with Minho.
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To be continued...
Prologue | Chapter 1 (You are Here) | Chapter 2 ->
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