#I'm a little nervous to express these opinions tbh
jojo-schmo · 6 months
Hey, can I see what your other Kirby ships look like?
Hahaha I'm going to be totally real, there really aren't a lot of other Kirby ships I actively think about other than metadede-!! -u-'
I don't know what it is, but that particular ship just happened to scratch an itch in my brain I didn't know I had lol. And I only really started shipping it around a year and a half ago! A King and a knight who have worked together through the ages and both have really interesting and different personalities and likes and dislikes... I have a lot of fun with them! I never thought I'd ever gain the confidence to regularly produce and share ship content on any platform. So I was happily surprised and grateful to find a little corner on the internet here to share my thoughts on them with willing readers haha.
Other than that.... I don't have a strict list of ships I stick to! I feel like I keep saying this kind of thing, but in most cases I get more enjoyment seeing other people's interpretations of ships more than producing them myself! The Kirby universe is rich with characters and a wonderful space to explore character interactions and relationships with each other (platonic or romantic or otherwise!)
I mean, I know everyone interprets Kirby character ages differently which is also cool and all! I just have my own set of established headcanons that I've been slowly cultivating since I got introduced to the series 15 or so years ago.
I personally see characters like Kirby, Bandee, the other Waddle Dees, Ribbon, Adeleine, Gooey, Prince Fluff, Elfilin, etc. as children. They're powerful and brave and very unique from each other, but still kids in my eyes.
And then there's the characters like Dedede, Meta Knight, Queen Ripple, Daroach, Hyness, etc. that are characterized definitively as adults. And other characters like Magolor, Taranza, Susie, the Mage Sisters, etc. that might be interpreted differently by different people, at least from what I have personally seen! (But I see them as adults, personally)
Again this is all my personal opinion haha. I quietly stay away from ships that mix characters from my personal child and adult categories above- (which are not exhaustive lists because this post would be ten million words if I tried to list every single Kirby character, and are my personal characterizations and not me trying to impose my views as the one, canon interpretation!).
OC x Canon is also enjoyable in my book as long as the ages and dynamics are appropriate and consensual for both parties :)
And I don't need or want to make a list of everything I stay away from or anything. I don't feel that strongly about it. I guess my biggest personal example is that if someone ships Metakirby or Dedekirby (or their respective mirror versions), I'm not going to enjoy or support that no matter what their creator's justifications/reasonings for shipping those are. I'm just going to stay away from that ardently.
Anyway, I'm not trying to be controversial or say my opinion is fact either! These are just my personal thoughts and feelings and I curate my internet experience accordingly. My interests change all the time, I just enjoy seeing character interactions and stories written with love and passion!
....If I had to pick another ship that I like thinking about, I guess I'd pick Magoranza. It's fun to think about how they'd interact with each other, and sometimes I like to think of Magolor and Taranza as Garak and Bashir from Star Trek hehehe.
TL;DR: At the time of writing this post I only like creating metadede content for Kirby ships but I quietly enjoy a variety of other people's ships.
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omg-snakes · 2 years
Hi there! I don’t see many corn snake breeders online, it’s mostly a lot of ball pythons. I wanted to know why you decided to breed corn snakes instead? What do you love the most about them? I wanna hear all about corn snakes and how cool they are tbh.
There are probably a lot more corn snake breeders online than you'd expect, we're just a quieter lot overall. I find that ball python breeders tend to be a little more bombastic and social, and corn snake folks are generally a bit more introverted. This is a funny coincidence because the snakes we choose are the opposite!
I like corn snakes because they are curious. They want to know what's going on. They want to know what you're doing, what you're holding, why you're near their cage, and if there will be snacks. They're intelligent and they can be trained to a degree. They'll figure out how to escape their enclosure if they're not satisfied with it, or if they are satisfied but something outside looks interesting, or if they're hungry but it's not dinner day yet, or if they think there might be a potential mate nearby.
I like corn snakes because they are expressive. For a being with no eyebrows, they sure do let you know how they're feeling about a given situation. They don't keep secrets, they make their opinions and desires well known. I don't cohabitate my adults but I do keep babies in groups while they're growing and their social interactions are surprisingly complex. They show dominance, they compromise, they learn from each other, they work together.
I like corn snakes because they have distinct personalities. My big lady Hatshepsut will beg like a sad puppy for food mere hours after eating. Nervous Dextro will wrap his tail tightly around my wrist to ensure he's not dropped even though I've literally never dropped him even once. Sweet Brian will diligently watch me clean her cage and then sniffs every single piece of decor that I touched. Picky Kitty Junior will sometimes choose to only eat meals in a special paper lunch bag, but she will make it immediately clear that it's a "dinner bag day" and voluntarily enter the bag on her own if I offer it to her. Even territorial Rosepink, who defiantly stares me down when I open her cage door and dares me to mess with her while putting on an impressive threat display when I'm just trying to refill her water dish.
I like corn snakes because they are beautiful. I find the Classic corn snake, with their vibrant orange, rich brown, and deep black a creature of beauty. I love the color morphs, too, and the variety that they possess: stark white, deep red, vibrant orange, sunny yellow, peachy pink, soft gray, caramel brown, and even nearly black. I love their shiny tummies, both with checkers and without. I love their glass bead eyes. I love their headstamp patterns and how they sometimes look like a skull, or a dagger, or a screaming ghost, or a ding-dong.
I love how they show trust. I love how sometimes you can tell when they're sleeping even though their eyes never close. I love how their tongue-flicks change depending on whether they think something is food or not.
I love them.
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secretoreimo · 2 months
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Hello I can't resist the obnoxious urge to blabber about my feelings so long analysis under the cut!? JHSDHJKJS
Okay, so. Indeed, while I understand that the game couldn't keep them blood-related for censorship reasons and such, I do think it killed the impact of them getting together a good bit.
My suspension of disbelief kind of tanked when Kirino asked Kyousuke to be her boyfriend right after he poured his heart out, expressing his insecurities that something might change between them. The game really does treat it like it's not only a non-issue but also a logical step to take, now, and I honestly have the capacity to ignore that for what I'm here for (them interacting, period), but it was definitely jarring.
I will say though, I did like that this began because they sat down to have a genuine talk about it. That felt much more organic and in-character than the nonsense we got in season 2, with the screaming in public and whatnot. And it did a lot more to stress the lengths they've changed since the beginning of the series, letting them sit down and confess to each other nervously. Well, I'd have liked if it were significantly more nervous, personally.
The thing about their relationship is it is inherently fucked up, like. It is at the center of all of their problems. Kirino has a crippling obsession with "imouto eroge" and this stemmed from the fact that, from a VERY young age, she believed herself to be a freak who had improper and disgusting feelings for her older brother, and eroge was something she latched onto as an escape from that reality. Sure, it did end up just being plain her favorite thing, but it came from that place.
I think if there's one thing I'd credit the anime for, it's that she didn't admit to her feelings ever, not until the very end when it was absolutely undeniable that they were reciprocated. She was repressed for so long I truly don't believe there'd be a reality where she'd say it first. Kyousuke has his own daddy issues, but there's something to be said regardless of a guy who is otherwise pretty normal, but finds himself falling in love with his little sister, however estranged. He's pretty fucked up, himself. Although I wish he hadn't screamed it in the center of the street at the top of his lungs in the most soulless loss for his character ever, I think the only way for them to actually move forward in a relationship would be for him to come to terms with it and say something first, however long a process that may or may not be.
I love the scenario the game poses where their relationship starts to take a "maybe I'll invite her out, just the two of us" turn, and she actually agrees instead of being flat out disgusted and disparaging. Sure, the beach was a little random and the game could have picked a better excuse than "idk why im inviting her to the beach it's almost like i got her route in a video game", but like. Idk, I like it when they interact, it feels natural for the most part. The game feels really good when you scoop out those little moments of "we're not siblings actually we're just a boy and a girl and it's natural".
Even just this scene post-confession, if I were to pretend that part had happened a different way, the banter over how they're gonna continue as a couple is pretty cute and in character.
I'm rambling about all of this not like to bitch I just have so many feelings and things I like and don't like and there are parts that I'd mix and match between anime canon and game canon and things... it's kind of fun. All in all I'd say this feels like an extremely well-written (and well-voiced) fanfiction. I'd accept these things in a fanfiction and move on, just as I'm gonna do for the game, but since it's official I get to be a freak on the internet and write paragraphs about it jhfhjsg
I am ultimately of the opinion that them being blood-related is the better story, it says more about their flaws and their personalities, and tbh I'm a sucker for characters who shouldn't be in love falling in love. Especially when they're as lovingly crafted as the characters in oreimo are. This series really is something special, I think, and it's kind of impossible to describe that to someone who hasn't seen it and just knows it for its reputation as "the anime where the brother and sister get married and kiss on the mouth at the end", which I guess is all anyone was gonna get from season 2
I rambled so long that I don't even have time to continue playing past their confession!! Now I have to go to sleep, but continue I shall soon, because... I love them...
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stayxlix · 10 months
helloooo my dearest!!🩵🩵 I am so sorry for not responding for so long! I had a really great time with my friends, but I can't lie, I've been missing you A LOT, Alex😭🩵
I have no idea where to start, so I'll just go on with responding to your reply and we will see how long it will be since I still have to talk about the amazing bomb of a chapter you dropped!!!
I honestly see the thing with having a hard time with showing emotions, but after chap 5, I can assure you that you writing emotions is a literal gift sent by god himself. Thank you. I would also like to point out that I'm getting a little suspicious of Hyunjin in otde but we'll get to that later...🤨🤨
I am honestly so glad I can somehow express how amazing I truly think your writing is! It's really worth every minute that I spend reading it, and I love the fact that I can show you my love for not only your writing, but you too like this🩵🩵 I definitely see why you were so stressed about this chapter, but I honestly have to say that it broke me in half and I want it to run me over. This chap was HEAVEN. so while I do see why you are so nervous, I can still fully assure you that the chap was great and I'm so so proud of you🩵🩵
I'M SORRY BUT I CAN'T LIE TO YOU. I LOVE THAT YOU DIDN'T SPLIT THE CHAPTER UP. I ACTUALLY CAN NOT. i was so happy when I saw the word count. I literally slurped up EVERY.SINGLE.WORD. you saying that I'm a gift has also brought me to tears. I'm just so glad that I found you! 😭💗 I love writing my asks, it makes me so excited to see your response later, and I love to also go back ans read through your responses🩵
AND DID YOU JUST SAY THAT MY OPINION MATTERS THAT MUCH TO YOU?!?!?!? I AM LITERALLY DYING. i just appreciate that so much, you don't even know. I honestly had a plan to go through and thoroughly write you every single thing I liked about this chapter, but then it got really long and I realised that maybe I was getting a little too carried away☠️☠️ I wanna say it in some.. shorter way, but now, I have no idea how to put it into words. So here come my feelings about this chapter (VERy VERY shortened down for your own safety☠️😭💗)
FIRST OF ALL. THE TENSION. I TALK ABOUT THIS ALL TIME I KNOW BUT GODDAMN WAS IT SOMETHING ELSE IN THIS CHAPTER. i was getting so nervous when I realised that Chan knew it was mc who killed that guy, and I'm honestly unbelievably curious about Felix's past. Like.. it's a problem😭 but moving on, I really loved how you described their feelings of leaving the hotel behind, and basically driving themselves to an unknown place. It gives off.. really ominous vibes, if that makes sense?? I mean, they have a vague idea of what Miroh should look like, but they don't actually KNOW anything, and that just really hit the spot tbh. The whole feeling of uncertainty kept crawling over me and it felt so ENGAGING OMFG. It feels really dark AND I LOVE IT.
So, moving on to the departing.
I was honestly kinda mad at mc for not going with Lix, but I think that's my personal problem if anything☠️☠️
The growing connection between mc and Jisung is UGHHH IM THRIVING ON IT TBH. I feel squishy about Hyunjin tho bc why🤨🤨are🤨you so🤨🤨close to🤨Felix🤨 BUT I ALSO LOVE HIM SO I'LL LET IT SLIDE JUST THIS ONCE. (If something ever happened betwen them then I'm. I'm gone. Vanished.)
I like how all the boys seem to be growing warmer to mc, and I felt like I WAS GENUINELY RHE FUCKING MC THIS WHOLE CHAPTER BC IT WAS SO INTENSE. i think it might be because the feelings are finally surfacing but OMFG. it feels so real i don't even know how to describe it.
Did I mention that I love jealous Lix???? the way he kept staring at her and omfg when the mc started feeling sick bc of the pollution and jisung comforted her and FELIX WAS JUST LOOKING THEM. OH GOD. I WAS SHAKIMG AND GRIPPING MY PHONE.
Excuse my screaming I'm just not.. over this chapter yet. I'm probably never gonna be over any of those chapters bye.😭🩵
I somehow really like.. idk felt??? The longing between mc and Lix.. it was literally palpable. (I'm honestly so excited for when they grow more accepting of their feelings and will eventually reach out for each other before others' eyes😭) but it was OH GOD.ALSO HYUNJIN SAVING MC MADE ME FEEL SOME TYPE OF IDK RELIEF????
I honestly knew that Hira friend was trouble from the beginning😪😪 BUT HEY AT LEAST YEONJUN CAME
I was on the edge of my seat and shaking in anticipation the WHOLE FUVKING TUME BEFORE YEONJUN CAME BACK AND SAVED THEM GOODBWKQOQOOWOWJHW
But before that... Hira taking mc's hair and calling it beautiful made my heart skip a beat. Like.. the tension?? AND I DON'T MEAN LIKE MC AND LIX TYPE OF TENSION. i mean like the type of tension where everything just stops and the confusion slowly sinks into you??? Does that even make sense😭??
The little sparkling connection with Seungmin makes me warm tbh I LOVE THEM😭😭
I feel like Hira is the definition of sinister.. I don't even know why.. but the vibes.. the way you described the mc to feel (which is literally how I was feeeling?? wHY ARE YOU SO GOOD AT THIS??) is just so sinister.
I totally get why mc couldn't just run up to Lix and hug his soul out of him BUT DAMN DO I WISH SHE DID. The way they are only looking at each other, and they both feel like they can finally breathe after finding out that the other is safe and sound reall fucking hit me tbh. Got me in the feels and shit 😭😭 i love how they are just unconsciously drawn to each other and don't leave each other's side. Them sitting next to each other at the table MADE ME SO HAPPY!!! LIKE YES GOO LIX!!! NOW NOW NOOOOOW THE TENSION!!! I LOOOOOVED THE WHOLE SCENE AT THE DINNER TABLE!!!! YES!!! it was everything I could ask for. Thank you for this scene bc I pmfajjwkwkwjwjw
"She. Stays. With. Us." he growled through clenched teeth, putting sharp emphasis on each individual word. The roll of bread in his hand crumpled beyond repair as he used every muscle in his body to keep his restraint. 
Sorry for the little break down but wow did this particular paragraph get me to my kness.
When she started to laugh, I literally felt the chills in my bod like goddamn woman...😭😭😭 okay now.. I am actually speechless at the smut scene. I don't know what to say other than HolY FUVKING SHINQHQIQOOWP1PP2P2P20282U3G4VRBSNSKAKW929U3UH3EVBE I CANT DO THISm!??!?!?!? What IN TE ORLDKQKQOQOOWKSK?!??+(+[+[2>2<2<3_÷^#
"What, were you worried about me princess?" He mused, poking his tongue into his cheek.
Anyways. I loved this scene. It was OG GOD. I made sure to listen to half of my heart because OF COURSE I DID. them in this chapter scream half of my heart, thholyghst and again so BAD. LOVED THIS. i really want to elaborate on the smut scene some more but fuck im just so???speechless???wordless??sentenceless??? AND WHEN HE SAID HE'S GLAD SHES OKA Y TOK??!?!?!?!?!
I would like to say that the ending broke me. tHE LAST PARAGRAPH?!?!?!? I' EPSECIALLY??? I'N UNWELL.
So safe to say, this chapter was beyond amazing, and I honestly can't eveb put into words just how great it was.. I really loved it, and I think it deserves the world, just like all the other chapters. I never really mentioned this before, but I really love how you name the chapters and how you put the little poem (???) before the chapter starts. It just.. really speaks to me?? ThaT SOUNDS WEIRD BUT IZ JUST REALLY SETS THE VIBES TBH. i loved all of those 21.1 thousand words, and i will gladly reread it seventy more times.
Thank you for this amazing chapter, Alex🩵🩵
SO.. THAT WAS MY RANT ABOUT THE CHAPTER!! i feel like I'm so far from saying enough, but I tried😭💗
YOSIWJE I WANT TO SHOW OFF YOUR RESPONSES TO EVERYONE AND BE LIKE SEE THIS??? SEE HOW THIS AMAZING AND KIND WRITER ANSWERED ME?? SEE HOW SHE IS THE CREATOR OF OTDE???? Aaaand yes I do write😭😭 it's more of a small hobby, though, because I can never keep a story going for longer 9k words, which could be enough, but it's like once I reach that, my thoughts literally vanish☠️😭 BuT IF I EVER DECIDE TO POST SOME OF MY WORKS I WILL DEFINITELY LET YOU KNOW!!💗
YOU SAYING. YOU. THE CREATOR OF THIS FUCKING MASTERPIECE SAYING. THAT MY MOODBOARD HELPS YOU THIS MUCH LITERALLY KILLED ME. I've never been happier😭😭 I'm so glad I could make something like that I'm honestly pretty sure I will never forget about you and otde.🩵 this story and you brought so much light into my life that it's actually unreal😭🩵 i love supporting this story, and I love showing you my love💗 AAAAND!! THE RED VERSION IS SUCCESSFULLY HERE.
I decided to keep it shorter than the last one, since I feel like this already shows what I feel with red💗 though, I am planning to change it up a little bit.. (i was gonna add a red vans pic BUT THERE ARE LITERALLY NONE THAT ARE EVEN CLOSE TO FITTING THE AESTHETIC 😭😭) i hope you like it and I'm excited to see your opinion for it🩵💗
" like even before they SEE each other, maybe they’re just casually at the beach or walking around on the street and suddenly this intense feeling washes over them and they’re like wtf is going on??? why do i feel like this??? and THEN their eyes meet and its just like…..oh.  "
OH MY GOD!!! I literally died when I read this. This is literally what I imagined???? wHY IS THIS SCENARIO SO GOOD???
I have no idea what the fanfic was, and it's pretty devastating😭
AND YES IT IS SO BEAUTIFUL 😭😭 i literally think of mc and lix with this trope in mind.I AM SO GLAD YOU ARE AGREEING WITH MY IDEAS?!?!?!?! I love coming with all these universes where reunite again, and again. I'm so glad you think my ideas are that good😭😭 (AND YES, THAT PIC OF FELIXW WAS EXACZLY WJAT I WAS THINKINV ABOUT WHILE WRITING THAT)
I feel like 2019 worldtour Felix is literally built for the role of a reckless racer. Let's say, the mc dislikes him so much bc she feels like he doesn't appreciate life enough. She's from a not so well off family and he's THE rich guy, like he has it all. He dislikes her because she judges so quickly, but what he loves is that he can't have her. She loves that she can't have him, too. YOU SEE WHERE I'M GOING WITH THIS?!?!
Another brain rot of today is: ginger lix (I am WHO era) gives off teenage dream by katy perry vibes. it's the type of love where you show each other what it feels like to love. To feel. To touch. To explore. To hurt. I'm literally never letting go of this. Like it's the type of love where not only are you two what you've ever known (childhood best friends who had always been more than just best friends typa beat OMFG) but it's what you'll always know. You give each other your firsts and your lasts. You go through everything together. You're so close that it's like each of you has the half of the other's heart instead of your own. You're so close that you don't even realise how you unconsciously drive everything to fit the other. You do everything to stay together. It's the type of love where you go into a clear lake and just stare at each other, because what is world if not you two? The kind of love that's consuming and neverending. You ruin each other for anyone else. YEAAAH I LOVE THIS.
NOOOW shorter dark mullet Felix with the two longer pieces in the front??🤭🤭 see, this is the one where he's just a simple stoner. Maybe a bit of a bad boy, but it's mostly just messing around with weed. You meet him through a party that your friend had invited you to. This one's kinda simple, bc I'm not too sure how to make it more poetic but you guys are just basically a complete mess together 😭😭 like doing stupid shit together (and kinda ruinimg your lives but it's fiction so where's the problem??🤩🤩)
OMG YES. I HAD TO CHOOSE YARROW!! yarrow symbolizes healing and (everlasting) love, but what it also symbolizes is heartache, war, and cure for heartache SO I'M GUESSIMG YOU SEE WHERE I'M GOING WITH THIS😭😭
The tattoo is an amazing idea and honestly IF SOMEONE DID THAT FOR ME I'M ON MY KNEES.
" omg okay in this parallel college/uni world that we’ve created i love this idea that he’s totally obsessed with her (and she’s a bit oblivious lol). like with the hair tie she definitely notices that he never took it off which is just a bit peculiar..but then like you said she starts to notice his fridge is stocked with all of her favorite things and maybe she casually mentions a scent she likes and the next day she catches that specific scent and he’s just like oh yeah just a new shampoo….🤭🤭 (i could go on and on forever but you get the idea) and im totally with you on the fact that thinking about different past lives of theirs might just have become my new favorite obsession.🫢 "
THIS WHOLE PARAGRAPH. I AGREE WITH THIS. WUTH EVERY FIBRE OF MY BEING. This is literally my new obsession wtf I can't. It's the type where he's lowkey like, "everything I do is for you, in a way."
I'M SO GlaD YOU LIKE THE ADDITIONS TO THE PLALIST!! with half of my heart, I feel like I really found the gem tbh. There is also an orchestra version of the song and.. I really can't lie, I'm thiking VERY VERYYY deeply about adding that to the playlist too. The vibes of it are literally perfect I'm dying.
Thank you so much for calling my song choices perfect, you have no idea how much I appreciate that🩵 I try to always find a song that fits the vibe perfectly, and I get so happy when I realise that it really DOES fit, and your face by wisp just kinda hit me. YES SEEN EMOTIONS OVEr HEARD EMOTIONS. The fact that you appreciate my song additions to the playlist this much just makes me AJWKJWSJ I wanna squeal and kick my feet around..😭😭 hearing that I can help you with motivation in a way just makes me happy beyond belief tbh.
(This is so long... I'm sorry😭😭)
I love you so, so much Alex!!🩵 I am again really sorry for answering so late, but I also feel so happy ans excited now that I answered you😭💗 I just wanted to say, that the chap really was amazing( and earth shattering, let's be honest..) and I'm so proud of you!! I'll always try my hardest to support you through your writing, and your blog overall🩵💗 and don't ever be sorry for not sending out the asks the next day, I'll wait for as long as needed🩵 thank you for being so kind and loving, I really and truly wish you the absolute best, Alex.🩵
I love you so very much too. You deserve the world🩵 as always, stay safe and take care. I'll be happily waiting for your reply💗🩵 have the best rest of your week!!🩵
HI HI HIH I🩵🩵🩵🩵YOURE BACK YOURE BACK AHHSODFHOWEKNF😭🩵 i was missing you too last week but im so so happy you had a great time with your friends, and you never ever need to apologize for that!! however long or short it takes you to respond, im always here💕
im so happy to hear that you liked the chapter, the second i released it i was waiting for this very moment so i could hear your thoughts🤭 i really do my best to convey the emotions in this story authentically (despite how difficult it may be) so to hear you say it is “a literal gift sent by god himself” has me S O B B I N G.😭😭😭😭😭 (oh and hyunjin is definitely a bit suspicious isnt he?👀👀) as always my 🩵 your words are so kind and heartfelt, and you express your love for this story SO beautifully. your support is everything to me..and i am so incredibly thankful that we’ve found each other!! its a privilege to me just to be able to know you in this way.🩵🩵 im so sorry that the chapter “broke you in half” lmao i was definitely nervous to release it but i guess this means i must have done something right?😂 not that i actually want you to break in half (or be run over💀) but you know what i mean lol. your encouragement and reassurance mean the world to me, it makes all the hard work and (occasional) stress worthwhile💕💕
AND IM SO GLAD YOU WERE HAPPY I DIDN’T SPLIT THE CHAPTER UP😭 I LITERALLY FEEL THE SAME WAY ABOUT YOUR ASKS. so i promise even if you had left your ask the original length, i would have “slurped up” every single word too😂💕 because your responses and reactions quite literally inspire me to write.….so let’s get into this shall we??🤭
i love to hear that you're enjoying the tension in the story!! i feel like it’s such a crucial element in creating a kind of immersive narrative which is definitely a big goal of mine, so this means a lot🥹 and i can’t blame you for being curious about felix’s past (i can assure you it will slowly unfold more as the story progresses🤭) im also in love with the way you talk about your feelings when reading, like especially when you mentioned the group having to leave the hotel and head into the unknown. i really did my best to create the sense of uncertainty you described, so im really happy it resonated with you and i stand by my words when i say that i can totally tell you’re a writer lol. the way you describe your thoughts is so poetic in its own way💕💕
“I was honestly kinda mad at mc for not going with Lix, but I think that's my personal problem if anything☠️☠️”
LMAO right??? I could NEVER.😭😭 mc is way stronger than me, without question.
The growing connection between mc and Jisung is UGHHH IM THRIVING ON IT TBH. I feel squishy about Hyunjin tho bc why🤨🤨are🤨you so🤨🤨close to🤨Felix🤨 BUT I ALSO LOVE HIM SO I'LL LET IT SLIDE JUST THIS ONCE. (If something ever happened betwen them then I'm. I'm gone. Vanished.)
oh god hyunjin hmmm i think i should just keep my mouth shut here😂😂😭 jisung is my bias wreckerrr (and let me tell you, he does a damn good job) so its a bit of self indulgence that he has such a strong building connection with mc🤭 but im glad you liked that too💕💕AND WHEN YOU SAY YOU FELT LIKE YOU WERE ACTUALLY THE MC IM SHAKING BECAUSE IT IS LITERALLY MY GOAL WHEN I WRITE TO JUST PROVIDE SOME KIND OF ESCAPE FOR ANYONE OUT THERE WHO NEEDS IT YOU KNOW????😭😭😭😭 SO FOR YOU TO SAY THE STORY FEELS SO REAL TO YOU MAKES MY HEART THREATEN TO CRUMBLE INTO A THOUSAND TINY PIECES (in the best way)
JEALOUS. LIX. DONT EVEN GET ME STARTEddED if i could fill every chapter with lix being jealous then that is what i would do.😂 seriouslyyyyy. (also the way im envisioning you shaking and gripping your phone is EXACTLY how i reacted to seeing your asks in my notifs lmao) it’s so rewarding to know that the emotions and dynamics between the characters are resonating with you, especially mc and lix. and i completely understand your excitement for their growth and acceptance of their feelings. i know its a bit of a slow burn…as much as i wanted them to hurry up and admit/accept their feelings for each other in like part 2, i have to try and make it at least a little realistic i guess..🥹🥹
ME WRITING THIS PART. IT WAS SO HARD TO WRITE.😭I HAD TO STOP TO KEEP TAKING BREAKS I SWEAR. im glad you liked the yeonjun cameo🤭 and you hit the nail on the head about hira, i know i can’t give too many spoilers but you’re always in my head so of course you knew she was trouble..and hyunjins appearance got you, huh?😂 it was quite a relief for me too that they survived (even if I knew they were going to😂) i really tried so hard to make it evident how much mc and lix care for each other without saying a word in this scene (which goes back to some of the different versions of them that we’ve discussed in past conversation, so this is just another example of how you’ve motivated me time and time again🩵🩵) and the dinner table scene was SO fun to write ah im so happy that you loved it too ahhhhekjwjh we stan protective rebel lix who stands up for his woman😭💕(your breakdown cracks me up too, please never change🥹)
as for that smut scene...oh lord lol writing those intimate moments is alwaysssss a challenge for me, but knowing you liked it gives me the confidence to keep including scenes like this in the future.🩵🩵 i enjoyed stepping out of my comfort zone a bit too.
 I made sure to listen to half of my heart 
I LISTENED TO THIS SO MANY TIMES WHEN WRITING THE END OF THIS CHAPTER. ALSO-i have another song I think might be your style🤭it’s called Stick Around by ENVYYOU (i randomly stumbled upon it but i think it totally fits mc/lix so i added it to my playlist too, and the style made me think of you)
ahhh although i had the last paragraph written for a while, this was a last minute addition, so im glad i left it in there🤭 and what you said about the chapter titles and the little poem-like intros makes my heart so happy, they're just kind of my way of trying to set the mood and create a specific type of atmosphere for each part of the story. sometimes the chapter name is the first thing i do, and sometimes i have such a hard time with it that i don’t even pick it until the very end (same with the quotes) but i always try to start out with a theme in mind and go from there. so it really warms my heart to know that they speak to you and add to your reading experience.🥹🥹
i can't thank you enough for your continuous support and love for the story🩵🩵 i’ve said it before and ill say it again, thank you for all of the motivation to keep me writing and exploring these characters. your enthusiasm and dedication mean EVERYTHING to me, and i am so grateful to have you with me on this little adventure. because i truly don’t know where this story would be without you.<33333 your asks and messages are such a highlight to my days. i genuinely look forward to reading them and responding to you as well, and im truly touched that you enjoy going back to read my responses, because to be honest i find myself doing the same thing quite often🤗💕 thank you for being an incredible part of this journey, and thank you for bringing so much joy and happiness to my heart. i can't wait to share more of this little story with you.🩵🩵🩵
YOU. ARE. SO. SWEET. MY HEART.😭😭😭 IF I WASNT EMOTIONAL BEFORE THEN I CERTAINLY AM NOW. THIS IS JUST ENOUGH TO BRING ME TO TEARS. 😭😭😭 AND THE RED MOODBOARD?!?! WE NEED TO TALK ABOUT ITS BRILLIANCE. you know that ominous/dark feeling you were talking about earlier??? well you PERFECTLY embodied that with this moodboard. and it is SO my style its ridiculous. a fuckin gmasterpiece omfg. im absolutely in lOVE with it. the red aesthetic is so captivating and haunting and it perfectly captures the emotions and atmosphere of otde. the mix of images and the overall vibe you created (with both moodboards) is too good, i can literally see the effort and thought you put into making them and choosing each and every picture<3 (even without the vans, it’s still absolutely incredible🥹) your moodboards have been SUCH a tremendous help in visualizing the world of otde for me that i would recommend everyone who stumbles across my story to take a look at them too<33 and when it comes to your own writing, even if your thoughts vanish at 9k writing is all about enjoying the process and expressing your creativity!!! so whether it's short stories or longer pieces, the most important thing is that YOU find joy in it<3 (but please do let me know if you ever decide to share your works, i would be thrilled to have the opportunity to read them and support you just like you have supported me🩵)
when it comes to our little parallel universes i’m so glad you like my ideas too🥹🥹 i have so much fun bouncing ideas off of each other like this, your ideas are pure genius and can promise you that if you ever did turn them into fics (no matter how long or short) i would read them over and over and over again too. ESPECIALLY one about 2019 worldtour racer felix. the way you described the relationship between the two of them in your ask has me on my knees like i will literally BEG someone to turn this into a fic😭😭 I WANT MORE😭😭😭 PLEASE. AND I LOVE HOW YOU DESCRIBED GINGER LIX TOO. WHY DOES TEENAGE DREAM FEEL LIKE IT WAS MADE FOR HIM.😭 i’ll always have such a soft spot for first loves. the type of love thats innocent but still just as deep and all-encompassing that it's hard not to get swept away by the emotions it evokes, even if they’re young. and the idea of childhood friends who have always been there for each other, who have always looked out for each other, is so heartwarming🥹 like maybe one night childhood best friend lix confesses his feelings for mc, and she looks back on the years they’ve grown up together and realizes he’s been the one constant in her life. maybe she’s had trouble at home or with school but felix has ALWAYS been there for her. that steady safe place. and he’s been proving his love this whole time, she was just too caught up in growing up to realize it until now.🥹🥹 so they become each other's firsts and lasts, experiencing life's highs and lows together through their unbreakable connection. UGH i can see why this idea is taking residence in your mind. and same with stoner lix (i may have a bit of a type, and this is IT). they haven’t known each other forever but they meet at a party (introduced by a friend, like you said) and the next time that same mutual friend wants to hang out, mc and lix are already hanging out and they’re like wait what??? how did I become the third wheel???😂😂 it’s also the perfect setting for adventures with a bit of reckless fun. which is what young love is all about right??? all of these tropes you’ve come up with are the kind of love stories that leave a lasting impact, and i’m so glad you shared them with me. its all such a testament to your creativity and i’m so excited to see where your imagination takes us next.🤭
the yarrow symbolism you've chosen is absolutely beautiful!!! as is making it a tattoo, a permanent mark of their bond, reminding them of the moments they've shared and the love that's blossomed between them even when they’re apart🥹 I CANT GET THIS OUT OF MY HEAD. and i’ll definitely have to check out the orchestral version of half of my heart because i didnt even know there was one!! its incredible how the right music has the power to evoke feelings and set the mood you know???
and there's absolutely no need to apologize for the length of your ask, your words bring me so much joy and happiness, and i truly cherish every message you send.🩵 im over the moon to know that you loved the chapter and that it had such an impact on you and i can't thank you enough for being such a wonderful and dedicated reader and friend. your kindness, understanding, and patience (with waiting for my responses and my slowwwwwww writing🥹🥹) are so very appreciated, sometimes life gets a little hectic but just know im always here💕 and im beyond grateful for your support for my little blog. you have claimed a very very special place in my heart, and im sending all my love and best wishes your way. take care of yourself, stay safe, and have the most wonderful rest of your week/weekend. i love you so so SO very much, and thank you again for EVERYTHING<333 until we talk again, sending lots of love and virtual hugs to youuu🤗🩵🩵🩵
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andypantsx3 · 2 years
I literally LOVE that fic I've re-read the first two chapters about 10 times already ahajsjsh
Seriously I love it and I especially love how you write Bakugo (how you write all the characters, tbh)
You don't romanticize his character, he's a little shit with anger issues and you're not afraid to show it which I think is wonderful and not many writers actually do that!
I also love the themes of this fic and the fact that you chose BAKUGO out of all characters is just so-
AAAH I honestly could stay here a whole day talking about how great this fic is but I'm not gonna do that because I don't know how to properly express my opinions in writing lmao
Still, it's amazing💖💖💖
All your fics are built perfectly, you know exactly how to keep the reader (me/us) glued to the screen and when the MC and the love interest finally confess to each other is ALWAYS so satisfying I swear you're magical
I mean it, you're great💖💖
Thank you so so much for everything you do for us, you're really kind and sweet to everyone and one of the best writers here on Tumblr💖
I'm so excited!!! I'm gonna re-read Incendiary again to prepare for tomorrow's new chapter^^
Remember to take care of yourself!
Have a great day/night💞
Omg you're so sweet and so kind and so cute.🥺 I had to like literally leave the room and come back, this ask gave me the zoomies lmao. Thank you thank you thank you!!
I'm having a really good time writing incendiary so far and I'm so happy you like it!! I really hope this next chapter lives up to all this praise too lol but I guess we will find out.
In general though I'm so happy I decided to write it and share it even though I was so nervous about doing so. It's been an incredible learning experience so far, and I couldn't have done it without my sensitivity readers @darkenedniqhts and @cat-slippered. They have provided such nuanced and valuable perspective and I'm very lucky to have them. They make all the good things about this fic and its themes possible. (Cat has also been beta reading and vastly improving the overall quality of the fic as well; one hundred million kudos to them).
And lmao yes, total weenie Bakugou ftw!! I love a good soft Baku, do not get me wrong, but I feel like I can't ever write him that way until he's been an absolute menace for like 90% of the fic lol. Thank you for supporting the gremlin Bakugou agenda.
And NOOO literally thank YOU for everything YOU do for me!! I always feel like I'm inviting trouble when I say this but like, I have had such a positive experience here! I'm literally like bowled over every day by how thoughtful and kind and talented y'all are. I'm very very lucky to be sharing this space with you. 💖💕❤️✨
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heyyy! i hope this doesn't sound weird. i don't really know how sex scenes in shows or movies work and i'm not sure if you may know a lot about that stuff either- ANYWAYS im kinda just looking for another opinion tbh.
How do you think the byler sex scene will be? Explicit, something like Steve and Nancy's scene, or implied? And do you think finn and noah will act it out, have doubles act out that scene, or a little bit of both? What do you imagine they WOULD be comfortable with (if you are okay to share that opinion because i know some people don't like or don't want to make assumptions). A lot i imagine will probably have to do with what the actors are comfortable with. i don't envision the duffers giving byler a sex scene that will be HEAVILY explicit as in showing full-on nude scenes; the most i believe the actors, in this case, finn and noah would have to do is make out minus a bit of clothing ie shirtless or in undergarments, but what do you think? Personally idk how comfortable I would be shooting a scene like that with tons of ppl around no matter who it was or how long I knew them lmao BUUUUT HEY-- they are professionals. I could see noah being nervous about something like that but excited to give it his all; as for finn he has already shot something ppl deemed scandalous in WYFSTW so i just see him being shy yet nonchalant. They're also both young and hot in Hollywood, so who knows, they may be into it.*GUNSHOTS*
hey hey!! prefacing this to say, while I do find it fun to talk about a byler sex scene and make jokes about the context/content and how spicy it could be - i genuinely do not believe they're gonna really get too explicit with it within the actual show. Like, for any pairing, first off - there's not going to be any nudity. While it's NOT A KIDS SHOW it's also not a show historically rated M. TV shows do not typically hard pivot into explicit content for their last season like this (i personally wouldn't be phased, but that's not really how the industry works haha). Even if jancy get another scene or jopper gets something (i have a high suspicion we WILL be getting a spicy scene for jopper, but there's not going to be nudity imo), it's still not going to be any more explicit than the stancy scene. which was great! for the tone of the show!!
I honestly have full confidence that byler is happening, and I think that we're getting several steps of the relationship. Like it would be a disservice to be like 'oh we saved the world, here's a chaste little peck between mike and will at the very end!' nahhh, miss me with that. I trust the process. It's just such an important arc? I think the heavy lean-in to fully realized and expressed physical sexuality is a big part of will's arc in particular. So we might get something? I'm thinking a halfway point between the Steve/Nancy and the Jonathan/Nancy scenes. Like not full on simulated but not quite a fade to black? Like heavy making out, maybe shirts getting removed, grabbing at a belt, falling into bed (or a haystack! they're spending a lot of time on that damn barn set! lol), etc etc. They are the heart of the show so i think the byler romance IS the moment for season five.
Filming sex scenes in tv/movies is more like... choreography. It's really odd ballet. Akin to stop motion animation? And it's typically a closed set with a minimal crew these days. It's posing, reposition, reposition again, adjust the modesty garments, getting a few motions in, changing the camera angle to get a different reaction shot, close up of the actor's face, check in with intimacy coordinator, body double for a random limb, body double for whatever else, reposition, etc etc. it's honestly not sexy at all lol. But I don't even think it'll get to that level? I very much doubt it's gonna be anywhere near like, that euphoria show's levels of on-screen passion and nudity. I barely even consider the stancy scene soft-core and that was pretty tame imo. I think finn and noah are totally down with my prediction on the direction it will go. They've been with these characters for so long, and I think they're super dedicated to expressing the very best character arcs and they are excited about the relationship between the two - with this sort of scene being the pinnacle of formalizing that relationship in the eyes of the viewer. Maybe yeah - if this was a different show, a hard turn into a full nudity sex scene might be a big difficult to wrap their reality around at this stage in their careers, having barely even waded into on-screen romance in their filmographies thus far - but it ain't happening in this show. So no worries there.
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wispered-dream · 2 months
secret/quiet blog for discussing/venting current experiences. Not looking for followers/attention, though I don't mind followers/interaction
if you think you know my main and we're friendly, I don't mind interaction.
Answers to potential questions/concerns
What's going on?
Presence hallucinations. Dunno if they're just a thing now or if this is temporary
I dunno man. My life is weird, this might as well happen.
Complicated. Don't worry about it. If you want to express concern that severely, you can send me $5.
If you think I am in VERY strong danger and you think you can argue that well (especially if you think I am currently not lucid) go ahead, but expect a fair likelihood that I may be frustrated about it. Read the next point first.
I am absolutely blessed with a wonderful support network. While there are many ways I've been unlucky in life, I have several people regularly checking in and making sure I'm okay.
Mostly no, and what there is? Unrelated to the central content of this blog. Ptsd thing. Working on it.
* * *
So who are our actors?
There are two presences, one I sense on my left, one I sense on my right. Collectively I call them the Spirits, but the Left is the most active/responsive. If I use Spirit, singular, assume it's the Left One.
You know that thing where when someone stands close to you or directly behind you? You can 'sense' them in some way? You might have had an error in perception with this walking down the sidewalk - thinking someone was approaching from behind you when no one was there.
That, all the time.
What do you think they are?
I am generally pretty lucid about the situation. I think they're a result of unfortunate brain physiology mixed with a long chain of trauma's. Not only do I understand that they're coming from my head and don't actual exist, they remind me of that quite often.
No I mean what diagnostic code would you use?
This blog is generally antipsychiatry, despite my fascination with the subject. Until symptomology worsens, I would call it a 'tentatively nonpathological abnormality'.
So why call them Spirits?
Because life is better when you embrace a little Whimsy, and "my hallucination" has tonal implications that don't feel right to me.
How literal are you when you use word "X"?
If I say 'Spirit told me to XYZ', it is most likely not just words, though those do happen sometimes. It's more like a large amount of imagery/emotions in the direction of a task or thought?
I like to use metaphors because if I wrote 'a series of imagery that feels associated with the presence gave me an impression that... ' this blog would be a bunch of long paragraphs.
Just roll with the metaphors.
What if I'm concerned you're being more literal than metaphorical? Or experiencing paranoia/delusions?
You have my permission to comment Delusion Check or dlc on posts you think I should re-examine. Please limit this to things you think are harmful/stressful.
* * *
What are they like?
Full of warmth and love I can barely begin to describe. Very supportive, very protective, very kind.
Is it scary?
See prior point. My experience is very positive, but I am nervous about future progression and structural prejudice.
So far it's been quite palative
Can you see them?
"Yes". It feels more... internally perceived? Distinct from reality, like something I am visualizing that stays persistent and outside of my control. Reminiscent of psychedelics, tbh.
Do they have opinions? How do they express them, how do you perceive them?
They are 'extentions of me', and that is obvious in their valence towards different topics which often (though not always, usually as a mattee of degree) matches my own. It may be more accurate to say that they express feelings that were previously 'just held by myself'.
When I say they opine, it is a series of sensations that amount to an overall valence on a topic. Sometimes multiple sentences or words. If I quote them, think of it more as a summary than a literal quote.
Spirit opines occasionally - much as how she 'tells me things', this is sometimes with words, often as other sensations including emotions and imagery. The Other Spirit very rarely opines, but when she does, she is either wordy or firm.
Left Spirit is more creative and likes music, Right Spirit [The Other One] is more logical. I find this quite interesting, though I presume it's coincidence.
When Spirit is very active and enjoying music she dances and it warms my heart.
Do they do other things?
Especially when I'm sleep deprived, Spirit will move and do simple things, mostly just standing/sitting. She seems to favor being between -70° to -20° of my right eye.
What do you mean by 'active' or 'bored'? Or 'happy'?
When they are 'quiet' my awareness of them is just as presences. When they are active, they are more likely to opine, 'manifest' visually, and otherwise have associated sensations.
Can you control them?
They tend to be more active when I am tired or stressed; this does not surprise me at all haha.
When they're 'bored' they will either be sensory craving, or they might do silly idle behaviors or otherwise seem to want my attention. When they're happy, they express lots of happy feelings lol - it's that simple.
Left Spirit is quite vocal when she is happy about something (especially music).
To me they feel like out of control visualizations. I can alter them or imagine their location moved, but this just feels like imagining figures moving around the environment. For instance, I can imagine Spirit standing tiny on my desk, but the 'presence' returned to its 'perch'. I haven't had reason to try force them to stop, and they're amenable to annoyance.
When quiet the Left Spirit/presence 'idles' behind my shoulder. The Right Spirit idles on the top of my right shoulder, close to under my ear.
Left Spirit will make an attempt to consider physics and stand slightly to the side if mass is 'in the way'. The presence "clipping" through mass feels uncomfortable in the way optical illusions can feel uncomfortable.
* * *
My Spirituality is complicated. I am a skeptic and the universe likes to make fun of me for it.
I enjoy meditations and activities like tarot. The way I describe it is I ask the universe questions in meditations, and it sends me back answers.
I've been told I'm good at tarot, and I like doing readings for people. While I greatly appreciate tips, I feel uncomfortable charging for such.
I read with both standard tarot decks and a deck of my own that is an eternal work in progress. My deck is cooler.
Ask me about your Swords.
0 notes
i'm so excited about you taking asks again ahhhh okay so. if you'd absolutely had to choose. what would be your top 5 cockles moments, and why? thank you ily <3
here’s the thing: there are so many routes i could go down with this, because cockles moments come in all shapes and sizes and formats. these include moments from their panels, their bloopers, the footage we get when they don’t even know they’re being recorded, stories being passed down from photo ops & autographs(one of my personal favorite ways to get cockles, tbh, because they’re all insane), and social media(tweets to each other, instagram posts & comments, etc.). 
SO! since many a list like this has already been made, and i want to stand out from the crowd, what i’m gonna do is definitively give the number one spot to each of these five categories.(i might even throw in honourable mentions because they’re so despicably in love that they warrant that. i really put my whole pussy into this, guys, i hope you’re happy.) 
disclaimer: these are my own personal opinions. but that also means i’m right. so. enjoy. 
number one: top cockles panel moment
so we’re starting off with a bang, because how do you even BEGIN to rank what atrocities jensen and misha commit at jibcon. every single one they’ve had is damning in it’s own right, for different reasons.
however, considering just how much unabashed fuckery they’ve given us to sift through, it’s a good thing i do have a personal favorite despite it all. it’s heartwarming, the sweetest thing i’ve ever seen, AND it’s jarringly cinematic - mainly because it has a whole ass arc to it that was years in the making. it might even be surprising to some people, but my favorite cockles panel moment, and what i consider the one that encompasses their entire gut-wrenching journey from 2008-2013 in the most sweepingly romantic gesture possible, is this one.
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i want this burned into my retinas. i am not even joking. when i'm through with my explanation, let me convince you why this is thee most romantic cockles moment of all time.
first, some history: people call this the resume off, but many seem to forget the botched attempt at a resume off a year prior. and yes, you guessed it: it's during their break up. it's a juicy time period for a reason, guys. it came across as exceedingly one-sided and VERY awkward. let me refresh your memory as to just how bad it was, and just how hard jensen was trying and ultimately failing at winning misha over: the funniest part of the whole resume off in 2013??? every joke/bit had literally already been made/done. they were just going through the motions again, but the difference THIS time...is that misha reciprocated jensen's energy. it. is. fascinating. i want to get into it more detail in another post, and i'll link it here when i'm done, but the main takeaway, i think, and the main difference that showcases how much they've grown in a year, is that in jib 3, misha flat out refused to do an accent, and this time around, he indulges jensen for literal minutes. when i tell you they're crazy, they're crazy. i can't wait to actually dive into it later.
ANYWAY, the resume off culminates in this moment here. and, like, a million things happen in this gifset. actually, more like a million and one. the music starts playingneediremindyouthatthesongissingingintherain(h e l p), misha starts dancing, jensen 'perpetually fake grumpy' ackles lets misha think he's not going to join, misha sits down defeated, but no!!! that was jensen's plan all along(look at his stupid fucking smirk) and he offers his arm to his dance partner who immediately grins like a fool, jensen then leads misha into their kick step, they perfectly synchronise and let loose, and are then very clearly having the time of their lives, hanging off of each other with joy and ease. from their expressions alone i can tell that this moment is so. so. so. so! much more than what initially meets the eye. i mean-misha is fighting back the biggest smile i've ever seen. to me, it reads like jensen is offering something to misha, something that misha kind of gave up on expecting, and him offering his arm like that is like, a surprise to him in the best possible way(and it's so not platonic, let me just say that.) as soon as jensen did that, it ushered in a new era of cockles. this panel is jensen and misha's favourite for a reason, and i think this moment is the biggest clue as to why.
whew!!! ok. that took a lot out of me and that was only point one. moving on,
number two: top cockles blooper moment
cockles bloopers hold an extremely special place in my heart, because it shows just how fucking disastrous jensen and misha are. they are so goddamn infatuated with each other that they HOLD UP PRODUCTION ALL THE TIME TO FLIRT WITH EACH OTHER(???). let me repeat. let it sink in. jensen ackles; arguably one of the most professional actors on that show who puts everything he has into each scene, with mountains and mountains of notes to prove it: would rather hold up production to flirt with misha collins. this sounds fake. it's not. he does it. all. the. time. and here's the thing guys!!! i'm gonna let you in on a secret!!! misha loves it. he loveesssss it. on top of that-misha collins: overlooked because he's pranked and people assume he's unprofessional as well, but his only pranks are in retaliation/off-set, and he rarely if EVER causes problems if he can help it....lets himself get carried away when it comes to jensen making kissy faces at him!!! are you actually kidding me!!! i mean. misha. it's just a face. you've seen it a million times. i don't buy that it triggers something in you that strongly....you like it, and you like jensen's reaction. you can't fool me!!! lisa berry's face in that one gifset shows just how fed up the crew is with their gross, coupley boyfriend antics.
i could pull up so many examples. sooooooo many. but my favourite was sealed since the moment i saw it.
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i actually already wrote an analysis on it but i can't find it :(((( which SUCKS because i really unpacked the whole thing. i'll try to summarise.
basically, a backstory is part of this too!!! jensen and misha both had a really really hard time with this scene(because it's explicitly romantic there i said it), they sat down for hours and poured over their scripts together, they were super super nervous going into filming, both of them, jensen especially, were super hard on themselves for their performances not being true to their characters but they both complimented the other's work(boyfriend moments fr). so, yeah. they weren't confident going into shooting. and how do they get themselves to feel better???? by cuddling each other, apparently.
a lot. a LOT. happens in this specific blooper. to the point that i saw it years before i knew about cockles and it raised all sorts of flags for me.
1) stop pulling my face towards your crotch(as a thinly veiled request that misha would, in fact, move jensen's face towards his crotch, considering it was jensen moving himself there in the first place. also, why so comfy down there guys???) 2) you're my baby daddy i know(in the most intimate voice i've ever heard please) 3) i know, i know, i love you too i didn't say i love you i know but you wanted to say it etc. misha's right, of course. that's what jensen meant.
it just reeks of comfort, familiarity and intimacy between the two, and it's a moment that is extremely sweet and silly at the same time. they're so <3
number three: top cockles found footage moment
WONDERFUL category. truly the culmination of the cockles experience. many people have said that shipping cockles doesn't work because 'they're just onstage you dummies!! they're playing it up for the audience!!!' here's the thing, love. i could not disagree with you more. once you climb your way up the cockles ladder, you soon learn that they are, in fact, playing their dynamic DOWN, not up. they really are just Like That™, and they could not care less about the paying audience, if we're being honest, considering how much time they take to giggle with each other and refuse to let the audience in on the joke. and i love them for it <3
anyway, my point is that this category is for all you naysayers out there, all you 'jensen and misha's relationship is just for show and is real life queerbaiting'(?????lordhelp???) oh yeah? ok, explain this.
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he. he. he calls jensen sweetheart. literally enough said. there's nothing to really add here, except, misha and jared then immediately engage in damage control. jared's method is distraction and misha's is retconning('get out of the car, dude') this was what got me to buy into the cockles dumpster for GOOD good. you don't call your buddy sweetheart accidentally and sound so completely earnest while doing it! especially not when that buddy is jensen ackles!!! you think he would let any of his friends call him that? do you?
one more thing; if it was a slip of the tongue, little mouth thing or whatever, you think jared wouldn't have jumped on it immediately??? i can hear it now. 'did you just call him SWEETHEART???' yeah. that's what i thought. you know why he didn't? because it was too revealing.
number four: top cockles autograph moment
i mean, i think we all know what it's gonna be, and if you don't, well, do i have the piece de cockles resistance that is gonna send you over the edge.
if you haven't heard of this story by now, as a cockles, truther, i'm gonna go ahead and get you to read it, because there is no possible heterosexual explanation for any of it, and you're fooling yourself if you think otherwise.
spoiler alert: it's the story where phones weren't allowed in an auto session, jensen nuzzles himself in misha's hair, leans his full body weight onto him, holds his hand, etc. etc. i'm imploding just repeating this back, actually. also, just, the sheer amount of stories from photo ops where they tackle hug each other or slap each other's asses or sing romantic songs to each other or almost kiss is, frankly, a lot. if i could wish for anything, it would be to witness them in person.
and finally,
number five: top cockles social media moment
this one is super difficult, because there's obviously a lot to choose from. but you know what? full send, i'm going with this one:
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i just. what to say about this. how often do misha and jensen watch sunsets together for it to qualify as ‘always’ ??? why are sunsets synonymous with their relationship??? that’s like??? a very romantic thing????? ‘this guy’??? the fact that it’s a CANDID??? i don’t know guys.
that could have been better but i am TIRED so. there you go rose ily
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Not teeeechnically a “request”, but it’s a prompt I’ve been wanting to do for a while, so here we go. Just as @direwolfspostsrandomshit described, but the setting is your guy comes home to see you showing off the new outfit. Also, this includes Weaver and Naga as bonuses bc I love them 😌😌
You wouldn't know to look at him, especially behind those dark sunglasses, but his heart starts hammering immediately
"Uh, what's all this for?", He chuckles nervously
You tell him you were just trying it on, but you're not sure if you like it
"Why not? It looks stunning on you"
Oh really?
"Well you sure stunned me", he smiles and pulls you in by the waist
Adler kisses you and runs his hands up and down your bare skin
He loves how much there is to feel
With one more kiss, he slips the tip of his thumbs under the little hem of your shirt
"I uh, don't suppose you know how to take this off...?"
Maybe you can show him ;)
I'm sorry, but I KNOW y'all cannot look me in the eye and tell me that good old clean cut Hudson doesn't secretly have some SERIOUS kinks and fantasies
One of those kinks is definitely a huge thirst for curvy women lmao
You have him on his knees panting as it is, but to come home to you in that?
However, like Adler, Hudson is the master of the poker face
Too bad his blushing cheeks betray him
Now that is a rare sight indeed
You feel a bit more confident in your outfit, just by seeing how excited it's made Hudson
"Where'd you get that?", he tries to hide the blush by swiping at his face a little
You decide to have a little fun and saunter up to him, looking absolutely stunning
You tell him it's thrifted, but that's not of any importance right now
His skin feels hot to the touch as you cup his cheek and give him a kiss
At last he can't keep his hands to himself any longer, exploring every inch of exposed skin and gorgeous curves as he does so
You're going to be there for a while ;)
Ok, first off, Lazar knows you struggle with body image issues and he does his best to support you!
So to see you working it in a cute little number like that is 👀👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻
Besides, obviously he thinks your body is lovely!!
"Wow, you look amazing!"
You whip around, looking quite surprised to see him
Lazar continues on his way over, your outfit is even better from the front
You ask him if he really thinks so
You're more then nervous in this get up, but you've come to really trust his opinion and ego boosts
"Fuck yeah I do!", he picks you up easily and gives you a spin
He kisses your nose and then your lips before gently returning you to the ground
Lazar takes one look at you and your crop top and then one at his torso
"Say, you think they have any of those in my size?", the big guy laughs
You laugh too, but you're not entirely sure if he's joking
He's absolutely stunned!
Alex thinks you absolutely own in every outfit you wear, but he's never seen you in something so revealing before 👀
You ask him if he likes it, but all he can do is stumble over his words
He can't take his eyes off that cute crop top
You're starting to think maybe he doesn't like it, since he can't seem to find anything to say
But finally he manages to tell you it looks great on you
It's not much, but you're starting to pick up that he may be a little shy in your presence while wearing such a cute outfit
He smiles and walks up to you, "Um, it looks really great, actually heh"
His hand caresses your hip and and nuzzles your check
"Do you think you could wear it more often?"
You know what?
You just might :)
He fucking DIES
Seriously, like I headcannon that Naga love a thicc Queen™ soooo hard, like I think he'd short circuit lol
For the sake of some sort of civilized manners, he asks some throw away question like where you got the outfit or something as he walks right up to you
He pulls you in for an embrace to greet you while you moodily answer his question
He's not listening however
Instead, he runs his hand from your hip up to the curve of your bust
The silk of the fabric is cool against his fingers, and they shake a little in excitement
You don't even get to finish your sentence
With a scoff and a roll of the eye, you shoo his hand away and scold him, trying but failing to conceal your laughter
He begs and promises you whatever you want if you let him take you to the bedroom in that little get up
Tsk, naughty boy
His mouth falls open the second he sees you
He whistles and howls, making you jump a little when you turn around
"Damn baby, that looks amazing on you!"
You tell him thanks, but you're not a big fan of the low rise pants. They show off you tummy to much, you think
He makes a face like he's upset anyone could think that about you, even yourself
Sims brings you in for a hug and he kisses your forehead, arms gently locked around your waist
"Naw, you look gorgeous", he kisses you again, "in fact, come on, lets go show that little number off! Make some people jealous", he laughs
You're not sure, buuuuuut...
He seems so confident in you that you can almost feel confident in yourself
At last you agree and run off for your shoes
You definitely earn yourself a collection of admirers that night
Hoooooo boy
Weaver is about to combust
Unfortunately, Weaver is also Weaver so he doesn't know how to express it
He can't even speak he's so overwhelmed!!
You give him the usual hey, how was work stuff
He tries, but still no coherent words
Thankfully for him, this isn't a total disaster
You know him well enough by now to know he only gets like this when he's surprised
You gesture to your outfit and ask if he likes it
He nods fervently, unable to take his eyes off that little crop top
You roll your eyes and give a little laugh as you walk over to kiss him
"Thanks", you say
He feels inordinately warm under your touch
He gulps, hands a little shaky as he reaches up to touch your waist
"Y-yeah", is all he can manage
Just give him a minute :p
A very similar initial reaction to Sims tbh
"Oooo hooo... Fuck yeah! Where you going sexy?"
You blush and respond that you were actually about to go change out of this, you're just not sure it suits you
Woods has put up his coat by now, but he hasn't taken his eyes off of you once
"What? Why? You look amazing!"
He comes over and cops a little feel of your sequined booty
You jump and laugh a little, while he nuzzles your neck
You're still not 100% sold on it, but you tell him maybe it's alright just for the house...
"Heh, sounds good to me", he waggles his eyebrows at you
He'll encourage you to wear it out if you want to, but he's the jealous kind and he knows for sure you'll be drawing quite the fanclub in a stunning look like that
But it's alright, you can wear what you want where you want ofc
He knows how to fight :)
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amitlee · 3 years
Hi, love your writing sm omg! Ugh so can I request number 17 with Ler!Wilbur and what ever Lee you want please I can't decide lmao :)
I feel like I'm ordering food omg I've never done this before tbh
Have a nice day/night :)))
Sweet like Cookies
Summary: Will “scooping Tommy up in a hug and tickling him just coz he was looking cute (all platonic).” According to @fluffallamaful ;)
Warnings: This is a tickle fic! It’s pretty fluffy but there are some intense tickles in it.
This is all platonic!
Many people would say that having Tommy as a brother would be annoying. Having to grow up with him while he learns right from wrong. Knowing he has the special favoritism that comes with being the youngest child. Begrudgingly having to accept that the gremlin phase wasn’t a phase at all.
But Wilbur would have to disagree. Sure Tommy could be a prick, but it was all a facade. A silly show he put on for the outside world to see. And sometimes, the facade would leak into private times and he could be slightly unbearable. But the kid had his moments.
Take right now for example. Tommy was in the kitchen humming various songs while he baked. He was baking cookies from scratch and had made a mess, he had flour in his hair and god knows what was on the apron loosely tied around his waist.
Will was behind the boy, unbeknownst to him, and was about to comment on the state of the kitchen. He took in a breath and began to speak, “You do realize you’re going to be the one cleaning this up, right?”
Tommy swiftly turned around having been startled by the unexpected voice. Once he realized who it was, he simply turned back to what he was doing. “I’m sure if I leave it for long enough someone else will do it.” He jokingly replied.
Wilbur hummed. “What are you making anyways?” He questioned.
“Well-“ Tommy started, slightly embarrassed of what he was about to admit. “We’ve all been working really hard so I wanted to bake cookies and then we could all decorate them together. Or we could just eat them, I know you guys are busy and I don’t want to make you fall behind.” His rambling trailed off as he turned to face Wilbur, who had an adoring expression on his face.
“Awwww, Tommy!” Will said in a high pitched voice, closing the distance between himself and the boy and scooping him up in a hug. “That would be wonderful Tommy, I’m sure everyone will like it.”
Tommy jokingly grumbled at being fawned over. “Yeah yeah, whatever. Let me go, dickhead.” There was the facade.
Wilbur simply tightened his grip and rested his head on Tommy’s. “I’ll think about it later.”
“Wilburrrrr.” Tommy whined. He began squirming as an attempt to get out of the bear hug he was currently trapped in but fell still as an exaggerated gasp was heard.
“Nuh uh, none of that. It’s against the rules.” Wilbur responded to the attempt at freedom.
“What rules?” Tommy questioned, ignoring what he said and continuing to try and escape.
Will let out a laugh, “The rules, my rules.” He made his ‘rules’ up off the top of his head whenever it benefited him.
“I don’t have to follow any of your dumb rules and you can’t make me!” Tommy said matter-of-factly.
“Can too!” Wilbur replied in the typical older sibling tone before dropping his hands to Tommy’s sides and sporadically squeezing. He watched Tommy try to fold in on himself and hold in any noises that may slip out.
“Come on Toms, just let it out. I know it tickles~” Will drug out the last word dramatically. He was going to be nice, but since Tommy wanted to be stubborn, he decided he would try and make him as flustered as possible.
“It d-doesn’t.” Tommy answered through gritted teeth. He was thankful he wasn’t facing Will, as he couldn’t hold back a large smile.
“No? Well I guess that what happens when you grow up, things change. Don’t worry, we can find all the ways to make it tickle again, how about that?” Will was relentless with his words, his voice was lower than normal but still light in tone.
The hands shifted to pinch at Tommy’s lower ribs instead. This produced a yelp, but nothing more.
Will was very surprised at the willpower Tommy had, usually the boy broke within seconds. But this only spurred Wilbur to try harder.
“So close. You know you can’t hold on forever Tommy, and once you break-“ Will let out a chuckle of his own, “-well, let’s just say I think I’ll have to make up for all this lost laughter.”
Tommy shook his head in his hands, now having to cover his mouth. The promise of being tickled even more caused butterflies to erupt in his stomach and his face to turn hotter. He pondered if he should break now to try and save himself a little, but ultimately remained silent after consideration.
“Not answering is rude Tommy, are you scared that you won’t be able to hold out much longer? We both know the second I go just a little higher that you’ll break. Why not let it all out now? Maybe I’ll spare you a little.” Will pointed out the obvious and gave the boy false hope. At this point, sparing him would be going in for the kill rather than stopping.
Tommy shook his head again and composed himself enough to let out a single word, “Liar.” He said just before having to lightly bite down on his lip to keep from bursting into giggles.
“What did you say?” Wilbur asked incredulously, stilling his hands.
Once said, Tommy just shook his head.
“I think you just called me a liar. Actually, I know you just called me a liar!” Will formed both hands into claws, letting the tips of his fingers and dull nails rest on the sides of Tommy’s lower ribs. They began a steady climb up, wiggling and scratching lightly.
Small titters came flowing out of Tommy’s mouth, soon developing into laughter as Will approached his upper ribs. “Wihihill, plehehease. Look yohohou got mehehe! You wihihin!” Tommy tried to bargain.
Will paused just before his hand reached their destination. “Oh I know I won. But you’re missing something Tommy. Since I won,” He paused and leaned to whisper into the boy’s ear, “-that means you lose.” He dug his fingers into Tommy’s underarms, a well known death spot. His touches were hard but growing up in this family, he knew how to not cause discomfort, just make it tickle like hell.
And tickle like hell it did. Which honestly was a relief for Tommy. After holding back his laughter for so long it felt nice to let loose.
“WIHIHILL PLEhehehease! It tiHiHIHIhickles!” He yelped out. Tommy had always been the type to talk every chance he got, including while being tickled.
“Really? What tickles more, this?” He referred to the current treatment. “Or this?” He lightened the touch on one hand, keeping the other digging into the sensitive spot. The contrasting feelings switched sides at random to keep Tommy guessing.
Tommy took in a breath too fast as in turn, snorted. His blush darkened, knowing Will would coo over it. “WIHIHILL PLEHEHEASE!”
“Awww that was so cute! You should do it again some time. Please what? Tickle you more? Well okay, if you insist!”
“NOHOHO! STOHOHAHAP!” His arms were practically glued to his sides at this point.
Will didn’t stop, but he did slow down quite a bit to give the boy a break. “Hmmm, I think you’ve still got some giggles in you. I’ll tell you what though. If you really are tired we can stop, but if not, we can go for a few more minutes and I’ll go out with a bang. You tell me what you want, boss man.” He offered, still having his brother in a constant state of light giggles.
“I mehehean, I guess yohohou can kehehep going. Just sohohomewhere ehehelse please.” That was as close to asking as Tommy got, and Wilbur was nothing but proud.
The older smiled, “Fine by me.” He moved his hands back down to his sides. “We’ve already gotten these.” He quickly scribbled both sides. “I want to save these for last.” He squeezed both hips, laughing at the high pitched noise Tommy made. “So, I think that leaves this.” He rested a hand on Tommy’s stomach.
“I guehehess.” Tommy giggles out.
Wilbur made quick work of the spot. He kept gentle, knowing that Tommy would need his strength for the sweet spot that was his hips. He spidered over the boy’s stomach, scratched at the sides of the spot, poked around, and even played a game of Round the Garden like a Teddy Bear. Tommy was giggling like a little kid the entire time.
As promised, Wilbur moved onto the next spot. His hips. Tommy was slightly nervous but knew Will wouldn’t take it too far, he was more so excited than anything.
“Ready?” Will teasingly asked, his hands poised over the spot.
Tommy nodded before hiding his face back in his hands. However, his hands came flying down once Will started gently drilling right beside the bone. “WIHIHILL! IHIHITS SOHOhoho bahahad!”
“You’re taking it so well though!” Wilbur reassured. After a few moments, he switched to lightly squeezing the muscle just above the hip bone that contacted it to his side.
Tommy folded in on himself again, it was a completely unfair spot to target in his opinion, but it’s not like he hated it. His laughter began to grow squeakier and Will took it as his que to stop.
Wilbur kept his arms around Tommy to make sure he wouldn’t fall as he regained his composure. When he walked into the kitchen, he hadn’t planned to completely wreck his brother, but plans change.
After Tommy recovered and proper aftercare was received, consisting of lots of praises and a very long, comforting hug, Will stayed with Tommy while he finished making the cookies. When they were in the oven, both boys went to the living room and put on none other than Disney Pixar’s Up.
Later that night, Tommy handed Will a cookie decorated with a single blue feather. A promise for revenge.
Thank you so much for the prompt! I hope you guys enjoyed it!💕
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fangirlovestuff · 2 years
It takes confidence to post your writing for all to see. You've come so far and deserve every single follow, like and reblog you receive. What advice would you give to your younger self, the fledgling writer who was too nervous to share stories?
wow, that's actually a wonderful question!!
well, tbh i didn't really think much of it when i started posting stories because i was so certain no one would see them? like i wasn't really concerned about sharing my stories because it was a bit of a whim, and i just went for it and thought nothing was going to come of it, you know?
but then people read my story and i had another idea for another story and people read that one as well, and before i knew it, i found a hobby i didn't know i was looking for my whole life, that allows me to express myself and get creative!!
so i'd say at my starting point, i didn't really believe anyone would see my stories, but after a little while, when i understood that my stories do hold the potential to be read and shared by other people, there is definitely that bit of perfectionism or imposter syndrome that tells you that's not a good enough story:(
what i usually do to avoid this feeling, and that's the same advice i'd give to my younger self and to any nervous writer, is to remember that while it's nice to be able to share my work, i write first and foremost for myself, to have fun and play around with my imagination. from there, sharing it is just a bonus - if it reaches many people and they like it - great! if people don't really like it - that's okay too, because everyone's entitled to their own opinions!
and the last thing i do, which is imo the thing that helped me most with having a healthy relationship with sharing my writing, has been the two-person rule, which is a rule i invented:) basically, for me, if i'd show my work to 2 people irl and they liked it, i'd be really happy!! so i'm translating that into notes, and that means if my fic got at least two notes, I've managed to make at least 2 other people happy, and that's my goal and my way to avoid getting too caught up in the sharing or success aspects of my writing.
thank you so so much for giving me the chance to rant my lovely lauren, and for celebrating with me🥰💞💞💞
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valleydean · 3 years
Man ok just because you’re tired of hearing about it doesn’t mean everyone else is :/ People grieve in different ways and just because it’s not new info doesn’t mean it’s not another layer of hurt and anger. Talking and memeing and yelling about it makes me feel 100x better whereas ignoring it makes others feel better. I love u and your blog but it really hurt my feelings when I read your post that seemed like you were annoyed by the people talking about it. Which is fine but maybe just block the finale tags and don’t make people feel inferior for expressing their emotions? I’m very sorry if I missed your point or took the post the wrong way, but I’ve seen a few other posts this morning that are like ~really guys? You’re doing this again?~ And it’s just. Raised my anxiety and made me a little nervous to post about it. Apologies for the long winded Karen message. Have a great day ❤️
I mean, you did miss the point. I literally said we have a right to be mad but I personally am tired. And tbh I am tired of the drama and the constant re-hashing too, because people are more interested in getting angry about the same few things every few weeks than interact with fanworks, which are the things that are actually gonna keep this fandom alive in the long run. Like, by all means, grieve and be angry. I encourage it. But why shouldnt I be able to express my own opinions of exhaustion and exasperation on my own blog? What I feel and what you feel are different, and that's totally fine. Like I process things by reblogging funny memes, too, but I'm not interested in wasting energy on outrage for something I've already been outraged about for months. And I know there are people who agree with me, so maybe those people were happy I expressed my opinion so they know they aren't alone. Basically, no hard feelings and you have a right to feel whatever you want in terms of the finale but my feelings on the matter aren't "inferior" either and I have a right to post about them on my own blog lol
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hiimsociallyawkward · 3 years
the wicked day
hey guys. i'm back with my random and annoying merlin thoughts. i should be studying for my bio quiz, but yk- i don't want to :,) love you @lady-ofmagic-andstars✨enjoy✨
literally every time i'm going watching i'm going to comment on john hurt that says young man instead of young boy
it's so subtle but wow. thanks i didn't need to be hurt so early on in the episode
i know i know i'm basically a child but this is so exciting
merlin is so cute
aw no not arthur being pouty abt his big birthday
I LOVE THE 'i heard that' thing so much. i love it i love it
off topic, but i love knife throwing. i've always thought that if i had to choose a weapon that's not a gun, i'd choose knifes. swords? maces? crossbows? sure. but knives?? that's where it's really at
i love arthur not wanting to overburden their citizens
ok uther? i hate him
but here? i love him
he's a good dad here. remembering arthur's birthday? that's so sweet. uther in season 4 is the only time i semi like him
i love them
off topic but i like that arthur is wearing his 'every day' clothes, jacket and a tunic under his cape. that's it. the knights are all wearing his garb but arthur is just wearing his 'regular clothes'
hehe gwen being nervous about arthur being on the wheel is so sweet
idk why but i always get nervous at that last knife.
like of COURSe i know he's not going to get hit but it's scary.
the 'not wearing any trousers' thing omg. bbc really decided to do that
i wish we had more of this parental dynamic of arthur and uther
dam alright arthur. being out of it but still being in it enough to see the guy in the reflection? i stan
SKLFJASLDFJA uther fighting to protect arthur
literally me through his whole scene going 'oh jeez oh jeez oh jeez' on repeat.
so off topic but i kind of like the hairstyle they have for most of the guys in this show?? idk is that weird
oh jeez oh jeez oh jeez uther dying
like, i HATe him. i've been waiting for this since season 1 but this scene makes me sad
ok i don't remember the last episode of merlin so i forget what arthur says when he's dying in merlin's arms??
it's something like 'hold me' right? i feel like that has the same energy as 'stay with me' so while i can't exactly say this is sort of parallel, it's sort of parallel?
i mean, ok 1. dying in someone else's arms. 2. dying in the arms of someone you love? romantically, platonically, familial? doesn't matter. both uther and arthur died in the arms of someone they loved. 3. i'm just gonna say 'hold me' and 'stay with me' have the SAME energy, so if no one has called semi-parallels, i'm calling semi-parallels
bradley's single tear
stfu agarvaine. i'm serious. legit everytime he shows up i wanna pow pow pow him
legit. agaravaine needs to get away from morgana.
i've said it once and i'll say it again, i love gwen
not to romanticize death or anything but i like candle light vigils.
ok maybe slightly symbolic but probably not? ok actually i think it is, not to toot my own horn but this is also just really straightforward too.
arthur wearing 'street garb' and his 'knight stuff' sort of differentiates between 'arthur' and 'prince arthur'. the scene where merlin and arthur are looking over the vigil and merlin's talking about how there's nothing that can be done, and arthur mentions using magic, i may be off about this but i feel like he's speaking more from prince arthur rather than arthur, uther is my father.
like of course arthur's hurting, everyone knows he's hurting. but idk. i feel like he feels like he's not ready to be king. he needs more time, and he can't be king yet. so therefore, prince arthur is talking about needing to save their king.
gaius and merlin are both right here. idk what else to say.
wow merlin 'you can't stop me' love that
jeez 'maybe this is my chance to change that' little do you know what's happening soon merlin.
oh shoot.
arthur asking merlin if he would use magic to save his father? i'm just thinking back to merlin crying, but not crying over balinor because he couldn't tell arthur, and merlin having to mourn his father in secret. vs. arthur, asking merlin for advice. sharing all his worries and insecurities with gwen. begging gaius to do something more for his father. this just makes me so sad
arthur TRUSTING merlin. with everything. taking merlin's opinion on things and aw
this is dumb but tbh i really like merlin's outfit. like tbh i think i dress in the same sort of style, just ✨modern✨ sadly, no neckerchief for me but i do have a necklace that says 'heather' despite my name being 'ashley'. ily conan gray
ugh. arthur calling merlin a coward but also calling him brave?? you need to pick a side arthur
bruh arthur breaking the vase. it's so dumb but merlin referring to the vase over and over actually makes me chuckle
ok merlin going 'you have come to kill me?' reminds me of another show but i can't remember but i thought i'd put it out here anyways
oh shoot i just realized/remember that uther got stabbed on arthur's birthday. hell of a gift am i right 😭
hehe arthur 'sweeping' with the broom. silly goose
dragoon sounds so vulnerable asking for the right to use magic freely
i love you arthur. this scene, i'm like YES. arthur i love him
i love the saying 'my word'. like, i don't want people to promise me anything anymore. i want them to give me their word.
aw arthur just sitting there with the cup and trying not to break it HAHA he's so sweet. slightly scared after that vase yk what i mean
ok i don't like morgana and everything but that necklace? that's a stroke of genius. yes girl. make up the plan as you go along
frick you agarvaine. do not scare gwen you PERV
jeez agarvainewas SO rude putting that necklace onto uther. like yes, ik you don't like him but STILL. that's just rude
i'm going to start calling people toads now
hehe arthur closing his door and merlin being right there. it's not necessarily a trope but it totally is and i love it
ah yes. merlin and the tavern. i feel like it's been referred to before but it's still funny.
ok ik arthur carrying merlin is there for kicks for the kids but i laughed anyways
apparently i have the humor of a 10 year old
this is really dumb but the scene with arthur and the two guards. i'm just thinking 'how tall are these guards'. ofc ik that the staging/perception could be doing something that might be making arthur look shorter, but my first reaction was 'bradley is 6' just how tall are these guards??'
merlin's speech about magic makes me sad
aw 'i hope, one day, that you'll see me in a different light'
dragoon has the same effect on arthur as merlin does
uther waking up 😭
they're both so happy. this makes me so sad now. oh jeez. oh jeez. oh jeez
oh jeez oh jeez merlin's expression. AW merlin gave arthur his word. oh jeez this is very stressful and i'm only watching this
ok obviously. merlin doesn't want to see arthur in pain. but ALSO this was merlin's chance to change things once and for all. and now uther is dead. #no liam just payne
arthur's face post crying. skf;aldjfa;ldk AW
frick you agarvaine. literally die. i can't wait for merlin to kill you
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i think this scene is pretty. the light on the left and the dark on the right? ok actually, i'm going to be making an off base comparison now because that's all i do.
i'm remembering this post i saw on here and it was like, arthur uther and morgana in the throne room. in order of the way they sit in the throne room, first it's arthur, uther, and then morgana
well. the really dumb and off base comparison here is the 'light' goodness of arthur and the 'dark' evil of morgana being mirrored in the picture above.
'light', bravery, doing what's right- being on the left. 'dark', evil, power on the right- and arthur in the middle of it, king
like i said, it's a dumb off base comparison, but at least the picture is pretty
oh jeez this scene
my heart breaks for both of them
merlin not being able to form a sentence at first.
😭😭😭😭 arthur please. you're breaking everyone's heart right now
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you already knew i had to include this scene
arthur walking in there all alone
oh jeez he's all alone
dumb parallel number 2. arthur walking into the throne room with uther, father and son. merlin and gaius closing the door for arthur- pseudo father and pseudo son.
'he'll never know who i really am'
i want to do a DEH post soon but jeez. the line that hits hardest for me in DEH is 'i never let them see the worst of me. cause what if everyone saw? what if everyone knew? would they like what they saw? or would they hate it too? and jeez that's all i can think about when i think about merlin and his secrets
again. no liam, just payne
asldkfja;sldkfjas dlf merlin waiting for arthur
i have so many feelings
i love the show of affections for his father. you already know that uther wasn't affectionate when arthur was growing up, but still. forehead kiss? i love it
I DIDN'T WANT YOU TO FEEL THAT YOU WERE ALONE. i hate this and love this so much. i'm not saying merlin is completely selfless, because merlin wants magic to be leagalized and arthur is the way to do that. but omg merlin not wanting for arthur to feel like he's alone breaks me
first, merlin being physically alone while waiting for arthur. arthur was technically alone too, but he was with his father
but also, merlin being alone in the sense of his magic. no one knows except for gaius. lancelot knew and then they killed him. merlin is so alone when it comes to his magic, and morgana's enchantment only pushes merlin into his 'magic shell' more. arthur thinks magic is pure evil, and merlin is made of magic. what does that mean would think of arthur. this hurts me so much i'm so sad
friend 😭
arthur asking if he's hungry and them getting breakfast together
ok this sound track
pendragon red. i actually stan
gwen wearing a purple dress?? color symbolism?? nah i'm over thinking
oh jeez oh jeez.
and merlin saying 'long live the king' at the end of the episode?
Anyways! I’ll be back next week to rant more about aithusa so I’ll see you then! thanks I love you bye
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Hi can I have a ship? From maurauders and light era
So, I'm portuguese Hufflepuff girl. I'm 5,6 ft and slim. I have brown,a little wavy, bushy hair below the shoulder with bangs but I usually pull it in a bun. I have brown eyes and big forehead. I'm gemini and straight. I love reading and listening to music ( if you take them from me I will die). I'm seen like "nerd" because I can easily take good grades but it just because I don't need to do a lot. In true I'm funny, smart, loyal, always trying to help people, lazy, curious, always open to make new friends or new points of view. I have a few friends because I was bullied until recently. I hate being the center of the attention or being in fights. I love talk ( don't make me start talking about something I love ) or discuss themes. My dream is being a neurocientist a study our mind. Normally I can't express me like I would like, I'm bad in words. People usually think that I'm a very open person but I'm only completely myself with close to anyone. I wear what I feel comfortable, I have no problems with shorts tops ... My favourite style is with big sweaters and a t shirt over. I'm stubborn and have trust and I still care for the others opinions. I know how to skate and roller skating. I don't know how to dance or sing but I love do both(normally alone). Talking about boys, I need someone who, in the middle of my confusion, understand me, likes books( or can support me talking about them), have opinion but is open (please don't be a pushover), don't judge me about my craziness ( and being crazy with me), helps me with my insecurities, likes an adventure, loves cuddles ( I'm addict srr), is trusting and always tries to make me happy.
Srr for the big text
Good luck!
Hello there👋 Tysm for asking!!!! No problem at all, I love reading the asks for ships, it feels like I get to know someone 😊You are so adorable 💖You seem like a very nice person and fun to be around with!!!!
Marauders era: I ship you with...
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Remus Lupin
It would all just start off with you two studying together
And the rest of the marauders would ALWAYS tease you about it
But they will point out the obvious, but because of the fact that both of you were to oblivious, you did nothing about your feelings, and that made them decide to just give their two close friends a little push
One day they just decided to make Remus jealous
First up... was Sirius. He tried to flirt with you but you easily got irritated by all the attention
Next was James, he complimented you in such a sweet way, you started to blush. This made Remus mad. But mostly jealous
Peter didn't come very far tbh... 😅
So at your next 'study date' Remus decided to confess his feelings
You both met up at your normal corner at the library
Remus seemed a little more nervous than usual
He was no natural around girls, but you found his clumsiness cute 😊
His friends had confinced him to ask you on a date to the next Hogsmeade trip
After you finished studying and completing your homework he walked you back to the Huffelpuff common room
At the painting entrance he asked you
You turned a deep shade of red and you said yes obviously
That night you were both smiling like idiots 😁😁😁
You would go on all of the Marauders adventures
You and your bf would love to spend the night cuddling up in front of the fireplace in one of your common rooms or speaking off to the kitchens to get a midnight snack
The two of you really brought our the best of each other
You two love birds 👩‍❤️‍👨
OK next up....
Light era: I ship you with...
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Neville Longbottom
You two would be the perfect couple
You would both be really shy at first, but when you started to get to know each other, it was as if you were best friends all your life
You two really understood each other
You were literally head over heels for each other
I mean he is literally sooo clumsy and would trip over his own feet to just the slightest thought of you
You would give each other butterflies
At first there would be ALOT of small talk. But the conversations would get deeper as you get comfortable around each other
You would tutor each other in certain subjects
And have a few study dates
And you would love to go on picnics in the greenhouse, you both would sneak off to the kitchens to get some food for the picnic, and then just talk about anything and everything
And the way his eyes lit up when he talked about herbology or reading just made your hart melt
You two have a lot in common
You would stand up for him if anyone was trying to bully him
And he found himself getting braver to defend, not only him, but you too
If someone gave you a hard time, he would put them bwck in their place
Now he finally had someone worth fighting for 👩‍❤️‍👨.
You two would also like to get comfortable in the library, reading aloud
And the best part is... sometimes you might even fall asleep in each other's arms, getting sleepy of the humming of your other half's sweet voice
And then you would stay in each others embrace, not wanting that moments to ever end
I hope you enjoyed this!!! Sorry I wrote this late at night... So if there are any mistakes... I'm sorry. 🙃I hope you are safe in this situation and you are an amazing person 💖
Never let anyone change that! You deserve all the love and happiness out there 💕💕💕
Also I do not own these gifs 😅Credit to owners 🤗🤗🤗
Happy holidays 🎄⛄🎅
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miriossunshine · 4 years
❧ 𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐜𝐡𝐮𝐩~
@yumenobara : Hi! Could I please ask for a pro-hero matchup?
I had a student and a villain some time ago I would really like to see another matchup from you If it's not a bother <3 Girl, Capricorn and always confused so any gender is fine! It's quite hard to describe myself because my personality is like a switch, a moment I'm happy, then I'm sad, and it happens in a wink even without reasons, changing even my personality a little bit, so people most of the time don't know what to do with me around because they literally have no idea how I could react. The things that always remain are my stubborness, because I like to have an opinion about anything and I love to debate about them, and my anxiety, because I become nervous really easily even for the dumbest things. I'm also really sensitive too, specially with touching, smelling and hearing, because I get overwhelmed easily and it's quite painful. In fact I mostly hate when someone gives me physical affection, it's never how I want it in that moment so I become really uncomfortable, but if I want it be sure that I'll be there to annoy you until I get an hug. I don't have a real self-esteem, so when I receive compliments I'm happy, but I never believe them actually. Though I hate to admit it I'm an hopeless romantic, but I try to always divide "fantasy" from "reality" with a more logic approach. My hobbies are mostly reading, writing, drawing and playing videogames, even if in these last three I pretty suck HAHA so I spend most of the time choosing if I should quit or just keep going because I have fun. With my friends I'm like the mom of the group, annoying but someone has to do it, in fact my friends tends to make fun of me a lot, specially because even being one of the oldest I'm also the shortest one. 
Have a lovely day and sorry if I sent it here but it's 3 asks long, it's just that I hate to divide it ;; 
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HI AGAIN MY LOVE! of course you can!! don’t worry about submitting, that’s totally fine! 💞💖(^ω^)i hope ur doing well ilysm !!💗💕💜💗
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i ship you with:
𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐭𝐚 𝐚𝐢𝐳𝐚𝐰𝐚!
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i can see aizawa being really observant of your changes in personality, he takes a logical approach to how he acts toward your differences in behavior. it doesn’t bother him at all, and i can see him having the ability to mold to your mood ie: when you’re upset, he’s either upset at the thing making you upset, or he tries to find a way to fix the situation. if you’re happy, shouta smiles softly at your excited expressions, feeling his heart beat a little faster at how overjoyed your smile makes him. 💗💞💞 。゚(゚´ω`゚)゚。💖💞
(plus it’s so cute to see this 6ft tall, usually stoic man, turn into such a softie whenever you get cheery about something nsnsmnsnndn aH \(//∇//)\💞)
shouta thinks your stubbornness is super cute tbh >\\\< he honestly really admires that you stick by your opinions and don’t let others change your beliefs! aizawa just watches you debate someone with the most proud smirk on his face omg- (//∇//)
i cant see shouta being super affectionate in a relationship. not that he wouldn’t show any affection at all! i just think his reserved nature makes showing physical affection a little difficult. you both mutually agree on certain levels of physical touch, and you’d never cross any boundaries!
but when you want to hug him randomly he doesn’t hate it despite what his face might look like hehe >< he lets out a deep sigh before patting you on the back a few times to “hug” you back bndmdmsmskdn ( ̄∀ ̄) when you’re alone and want cuddles or hugs though,,, this man is a lot more clingy and doesn’t shy away from your affection at all ><
shouta takes your anxiety and self esteem very seriously. he constantly makes sure that you’re comfortable when you’re out and about, and you always know that when you’re anxious about something aizawa will give you logical yet comforting advice as well as remove you from the situation that caused you anxiety.
when you’re feeling low about yourself, aizawa will look you dead in the eyes and hold your hands in his while he explains to you why he fell for you. everything from your gorgeous eyes to your amazing personality, and he wouldn’t do this for just anyone!! so you know his words are honest 。゚(゚´Д`゚)゚。
he appreciates that you’re able to take a logical approach to romance, but he also thinks your romantic attempts are super endearing hehe (*´꒳`*) when you light pretty candles at the dinner table he chuckles and shakes his head at the gesture, but he thinks it’s super sweet (〃ω〃)
tbh he probably teases you about your height too -3- it’s all lighthearted but he can’t help it when you guys have such a significant height difference! (≧∀≦)
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agustdomain · 3 years
hey! i lost in interest in kpop and all but this came to me the other day. since evermore came out, i was binge listening to most of ts's prev albums. i payed extra attn to new year's day cuz a friend said that it sounded like the prequel to champagne problems. when i listened to nyd, i rmbrd ur mark fic. how long ago was that posted? i can't believe it took me this long to make the connection smh. btw how do u like the new album? i'm a little obsessed tbh.
Acxjkxklnc oh my gosh you don’t know how much excitement just coursed through me to get an ask about taylor. PLEASE let’s chat about her music if you’re up for it. I’d love to hear your thoughts and opinions!  I’m gonna add a line break bc apparently I wanted to write you an essay...
Wow... I am utterly speechless. And you remembered Glow? I AM SO LUCKY. Ugh. Okay so I went back to double check and I posted Glow on 2019′s New Years Day. Random story related to nyd that may or may not entertain you. Sorry if this is a bore. So originally when Reputation came out, I didn’t pay much attention to the song. It was nice but I was more into other songs on that album. Then I watched her perform it live and it transformed my entire opinion on the song. It immediately became a favorite and she has this way of painting an entire movie across your eyelids, pulling emotions out of you that you only experience in real life. She’s a mastermind storyteller. 
So that ^ is how Glow was born. A whole story about finding a lover on New Years but not being able to express that you want to love them not just in that one blissful moment. 
Okay this is a longggg ask. Apologies! I have to answer your question, though. I think Evermore is so gorgeous. It reminds me of a movie soundtrack. I think it’s a strong sister album for folklore. Folklore is really set the bar and I was nervous to see what evermore would be. But I think it stands on its own and the two give off very different vibes. So far, my favorites are Gold Rush (all bc of that one catchy part “Everybody wants you, everybody wonders what it would be like to love you- walk past, quick brush” LIKE UGH HOW DARE SHE), long story short, closure, and evermore. What about you? I rambled on so much geez. But this is so exciting to me.
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