#I'm actually considering the possibility of just leaving the campaign if he stays there... I know I whine a lot in the tags
mayspicer · 1 month
Ok, the boss is no more! There were some super stressful moments but surprisingly we all survived o:
My animal companion got hit with disintegrate, but we had hero points to make him avoid it. I would cry actually, because disintegrate means no resurrection x_x
The war is prevented! At least this one, because Cayden's party is right at the center of a much bigger one just starting. Today we saved the country. Cayden is trying to not even save the whole world, just maybe slow the whole thing down and save as much people as possible...
#majek says shit#I have the diamond for a raise animal companion spell but it can only be used if you have a body and even then there are restrictions#and Kela wouldn't even know about it until after the fight because she got trapped between a wall of force and a stone golem?#or a stone Big Humanoid Fucker idk what that technically was but it would've killed me pretty fast#and it all was in an area of supernatural darkness emanating from the powergamer's character...#which interfered with so much of everyone else's actions and we even addressed it before the session that it's a bad idea to cast this#but its ok because HE will be able to see through it and HE won't be targeted easily:))))#he also almost ended the encounter in the first round of proper combat...#by using mechanics so outrageous but technically ambiguous enough that our GM can't deny them by using only RAW...#and he prefers to settle arguments by going as RAW as possible...#and it wasn't a problem until now when we have a player who exploits to an actually unbelievable extent#we shared our character sheets online yesterday and I finally saw his... still have no idea how the character works#because like half the stuff is custom and missing from the app#he has 9 AC in the app and allegedly 32 AC before buffs...#and the GM says the math checks out but 1. nobody saw that math besides him and 2. so far he trusted that player without too much questions#and only recently he actually realised he's been manipulated multiple times when me and some others started dismantling that players actions#I so hope this was the last session with that person#the worst thing is I think he's an ok guy when I'm not playing any kind of game with him#and I understand different people find enjoyment in different aspects of games - his being figuring out how far he can go with the rules#and there are whole groups of people who like to play like that and enjoy the challenge of making the most broken “build” possible#but the rest of the group are not that kind of people. maybe some like to have fun with researching what's possible#but it's never the purpose of the game and these things dont find their way into the actual game#I'm actually considering the possibility of just leaving the campaign if he stays there... I know I whine a lot in the tags#about different players that get on my nerves for various reasons. it sounds like I'm never happy about anything#but our group is big and we play together as a friend group in 4 different campaigns now (I'm in 3 of them)#and every one of these smaller groups has it's issues. sometimes it's the characters not matching and sometimes different expectations#or interpersonal stuff that can be worked out. this here is not a group composition issue because the powergaming attitude is everywhere#it's impossible to talk casually between sessions and confronting the guy leads to like actual temper tantrums#literally said “the fuck do I care if the party dies I'm not gonna be useful anymore” after the GM gave him feedback to maybe ease it up#he never says things like that when the gm or me are present but we still get info. he just can't be confronted by the gm like that
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kimarisgundam · 1 year
I hope you don't mind me asking but what exactly did you uncover?
If it's bad enough to make you question your orders and bad enough that the party's rockerboy lost two chooms getting his hands on the data, why are you still loyal to Arasaka?
I was an exec in Red. I thought that if I worked hard I can climb up the social ladder and if I stayed loyal Arasaka would take care of me. Didn't take long for me to turn my back on the corp once I saw the truth.
The corps view you as nothing but disposable fodder and your loyalty is wasted on them. I don't lean into romance but you really should consider leaving NC with that rockerboy.
Life is short for people who live on the edge, what if he dies tomorrow? Will you regret it if he dies before you sort your feelings out?
You don't understand. You're like my party's Exec, you're from Arasaka but you're an outsider. You don't have giri
I'm not sure how Arasaka is conically like internally in the video game or in your campaign but, our DM kinda fleshed out Arasaka's "inside" cos she realised I became loyal 😅
In our campaign, there's an inner circle and an outer circle. At lot of the high ranking people are from the inner circle, and they all believe in the traditional values of the company 😅
You aren't "raised" like me and my big bro. You left because you don't believe in giri. My sponsor saved me and my bro from poverty, it's our duty to pay him and Arasaka back, it's our giri
To throw away my duty is dishonorable, in the words of my bro it's "lowering myself to the level of the scum in Night City who live without values and honour"
I actually started the Red campaign before playing 2077, so I went in blind not knowing what Arasaka is 😅
Not sure if it's because I speak Japanese irl but... the moment the NPCs started talking about giri, I immediately just fell into "my place" 😅
My sponsor is my adoptive dad, so I just want to say this before I tell you anything: I believe he's innocent. My dad is an honourable man
My dad is one of the heads of the R&D department, he specialises in cyberware and AI. He's working on improving the quality of life of construction workers and lawmen by developing cyberware that's paired with AI
The cyberware is a spine replacement that neurally links to all other cyberware installed on the body. The AI is integrated into the spine and it will assist the user with calibrating their cyberware to perform their job in the most optimal way possible
The AI also learns how you behave and will make adjustments to the calibration to suit the way you move, or to correct bad posture/behaviours that it views as undesirable
One of our previous party members got killed (my friend created our Exec as her new character 😂) cos he was working with a NPC fixer behind our backs to smuggle ware/drugs
At first we thought it was a hit from a rival gang, but our Rockerboy felt the hit was too "professional". He asked me to look into it and I realised that a corp might be involved
Our Rockerboy and Nomad want revenge, but I'm investigating cos the ware looks like a prototype of my dad's stuff. I'm worried that there's a rat in Arasaka
I reported my findings to my bro and he told me he'll handle it. So I should stop investigating
^ but something is off and my bro isn't seeing it. Plus I want to find out why my friend was killed too, so I decided to help our Exec with investigating cos I need some of his connections (ok fine. I got blackmailed into helping...)
I recently stumbled upon info indicating that the AI used may have originated from the old Web. Like who the frig messes with stuff from the old Web???
I also saw some concerning stuff about the AI being competent enough to hijack the "host" and turn them aggressive
I was going to tell our Exec, but then I saw my adoptive dad's name on one of the documents
The shard I gave him has all the stolen data I retrieved except the stuff about the AI. I haven't told anyone yet cos I don't know who I can trust 😣
I can't tell our Exec cos I don't know if he's on my sponsor's side within Arasaka
Can't tell Rockerboy even though he's my best choom cos he'll do something reckless
Solo is like my little bro. I can't burden him with this, he's just a kid
Nomad will tell Rockerboy if I tell her
I'm even keeping this a secret from my bro cos he just found out I'm best friends with Rockerboy (Rockerboy antagonised our dad by stealing sensitive data long ago)... he's already threatening to remove Rockerboy for being a bad influence
If he finds out I'm investigating this with Rockerboy and Exec even though he told me to stop... I don't want to think about it 😣
In our recent combat encounter, my bro already almost killed Rockerboy and mangled his arm... he also shot off Exec's eye and hand... I don't want things to get worse 😣
What if he tells our dad??? A hit is definitely going to be ordered 😣
And I know life is short for edgerunners! That's why I'm always telling our Solo and Rockerboy to FRIGGING STOP
Especially our Rockerboy. He's my best friend. I don't want my best friend to flatline himself 😣. I keep telling him to stop cos nothing is going to change no matter what he does
What pisses me off the most is how he'll tell me to let him get killed, cos he rather be killed than rely on my corp and police connections to bail him out
I bribe and blackmail to fix things everytime he gets self destructive and this is the thanks I get? Like look at yourself. You're telling me this nonsense while bleeding on the doc's surgery table
I don't know what's up with our character's "relationship". When things are good, they are inseparable bffs and always bantering. When things are bad...
There's yelling and suddenly our Rockerboy is on a bender, and my Netrunner just accidentally said something really hurtful like "Want to be a Night City legend? Then don't be a coward, hurry up and die. I don't care"
This is literally not irl, but the guilt of how badly my character backstabbed her best friend is also eating me up @_@
My character probably won't ever accept my friend's Rockerboy's confession. Tbh, he deserves someone better. It's not a relationship that's going to have a happy ending 😣
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Beginning prep for Curse of Strahd in a month (October 1st's a Saturday!), and taking the time to do some creative liberties with the plot. A lot of my players seem to either have ties or the possibility to have ties to the Feywild, so I'm thinking of tying that into the campaign... Did you know that there's not one but two Vampiric Archfey? Kannoth and Neifion. Not exactly a lot of lore on either - which is great, because lorecracks like that are where I thrive!! Already have one player serving Neifion and the game hasn't even begun! The specifics are going to need some work, but broad strokes, I want to leave the base of the story largely unchanged. Strahd destroys his own life, and he brings his punishment on himself and others, while never admitting it. The only thing I'd like to change is, instead of Strahd's curse being a gift from the Dark Powers as part of a pact, it's a "gift" from the Fey in return for some insult or injustice he did them - a sort of karmic punishment. They don't even need to do anything, just keep him alive and let him continue making himself miserable, forever. (Which I get was the original deal, but there's something impersonal about it coming from "Ye Olde Dark Powers," and it just feels more visceral coming from the Fey. Something about pissing off beings of pure emotion and whim so much that they place a centuries- or millennia-long curse on you, and then *stay* pissed at you all that time, is kinda neat to me.) There's an outlier there, though - Baba Lysaga, whose deal with Mother Night allows her to create many of the circumstances that shape Strahd into the vampire he is today. As Mother Night is one of the Dark Powers, I'll need to address that too. I know Baba Yaga is actually considered an Archfey and a member of the Unseelie Court, I wonder if it'd be alright to draw a link between the two. Or if that'd be just tacky. I've got a lot of things I can do stuff with, and a month to work. I'll figure something out.
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saphirered · 3 years
Would an individual ask about Caleb ending up with the reader instead of Essek at the end of campaign be alright? I love the wizard bois together, but I'm crushing baaaad on Caleb hehe. Maybe they teach and live happily ever after together, very domestic living after all the adventures they've had :3
Hoping to satisfy your Caleb crush. How's this for some domestic fluff? Enjoy! 😘
The first rays of sunlight are blocked by thick heavy curtains. Awake or asleep, Caleb’s sense of time never fails him. He wakes up bright and early on the minute precise but makes no move to truly start his day. How could he with the sight he wakes to? There you lay, in his arms, eyes closed in peaceful sleep. Never did he think he’d see you so relaxed, or allow yourself to be so relaxed. Sure your lives are not free of stress or the occasional disaster and rarely are your livelihoods in peril these days but compared to months ago that doesn’t even come close to the dangers you’ve faced together; dangers that the majority of the people will never know about. A moment of peace and quiet was just another luxury you and him couldn’t truly afford no matter how much you may have pretended. But now you finally know peace.
Caleb watches your eyes flutter beneath your eyelids and watches just a moment longer carefully trailing his fingers up from their place on your waist to your cheek, caressing it fondly as you sleep. He reminisces when and where your lives intertwined in that tavern in Trostenwald and the events leading you both here together in your shared apartment in Rexxentrum at the Soltryce Academy as respectable teachers of the arts you both love.
When you first met Caleb feared you. He feared you more than anything for you just like him had ties to the Cerberus Assembly but you did not suffer the same fate he had. Luckily your studies were of no interest of his former master and you were instead claimed by another sent out into the world to learn more and find your own way. He was so scared you might lead the Assembly to his nonexistent doorstep and at one point entertained the thought you were a spy sent to bring him back but you proved the opposite. When he revealed his story and you told him you would help him or die trying beside him he brushed you off. Persistent as you are you gave him the wakeup call of a lifetime saying that you’re not doing this just for him but everyone before him, everyone after him.
To Caleb you will always represent all that is good and pure in this world despite the horrors that may have shaped you, changed you for better or worse. He will always consider himself to be the luckiest man in the world to have you at his side as his confidant, moral compass, study-mate, intellectual equal, bailout, friend, partner, but most of all; his lover for he could not want for anyone else in the world. No one could ever replace you and no one can compare to you. You may tell him you’re not the most intelligent, quick-witted, charming or interesting individual in the world but to him you are and he will argue with you on that until you grow tired of him and are forced to accept. He certainly does not mind the fluster of your cheeks and kiss you offer to shut him up.
And now you lie asleep cuddled up against him, limbs intertwined, the sunset orange covers slipping from your shoulder. Caleb hears the birds begin their song signalling he must leave the warm comforts of your embrace so carefully he begins to untangle his legs from yours, his arm from underneath your head replacing it by quickly pulling the pillow above down. He begins to untangle your grasp on his shirt slowly removing your fingers one by one. A deep intake of breath on your end and adjustment of your legs below the covers has him worried he’s woken you up.
Caleb knows fully well you have your own ways of waking up on time and you would have asked him the night before if he ought to wake you, so since you’re not already awake he’ll give you every extra minute of sleep you can get. You deserve it so he’ll curse himself if he’s the one to ruin it. Once you have adjusted and he’s sure you’re still sleeping he continues and removes himself from the warm comforts you’re huddled up among longing for nothing more than to share them a minute longer and gathers his things. In putting his lesson plans, notes and a few books to pass the time for the day he bends down to allow the orange tabby to jump into his arms and sets the cat onto the table taking a moment to stroke its fur and give some chin scratches leaving the little beastie purring.
Ridding himself of his night clothes Caleb puts on his shirt, and trousers tucking the shirt into the waistband and moves on to his footwear as per his usual routine. He takes the vest set out for him and is about to button it up when he feels eyes on him. His first thoughts go to the cat but that one’s not the guilty audience so instead his eyes fall to you, propped up against the headboard watching him.
“Well don’t stop on my accord. Though, I prefer the clothes back on the chair.” Your voice is still riddled with sleep but you’re awake enough for your comments so Caleb feels justified to give you a disapproving scowl though he cannot prevent the smile from creeping up his lips.
“Good morning to you too.” Caleb smiles as you cover a yawn with the back of your hand. You pull yourself out of the bed and stumble over to Caleb until you’re toe to toe placing a hand on his cheek guiding him into a kiss. Your lips move against his and his arms wrap around you to return and welcome your efforts openly. Though, enough’s enough and Caleb breaks the kiss giving you one final peck in an attempt to kiss away the onset disappointment and pout on your end.
“No matter how much I’d like to continue, Astrid will have both of our heads we show up late.” Caleb runs his fingers through your hair kissing your cheek as you cross your arms. Is there nothing you can do to convince him to stay? He might be right about Astrid…
“Well, I do not have any classes until second period but if you’re so adamant to stay with me I can send the archmage a message to tell her you’re regretful to be missing your first class of the day and to find a substitute.” You’re joking. Not really. A joke hiding the actual offer. Caleb considers it for a brief moment purely to entertain the thought but he knows very well he shouldn’t.
“You know we can’t but how about I make it up to you with dinner and dancing and a night in? Just the two of us.” Caleb cups your cheeks stroking your cheekbones with his thumbs, a gesture he knows very well makes you melt.
“That sounds like an agreeable offer, professor Widogast.” Your acceptance brings another bright smile to his face and he pulls you into another chaste kiss to seal the deal. This time you’re the one to pull away.
“Best get you ready for the day then, lest you be late.” Your nimble fingers stroke down the front of his chest finding the buttons of his vest and one by one buttoning them up. Once you’re done you take a few steps back looking him over.
“Do I pass your inspection, professor?” Caleb laughs half the mind to do a little spin for you but he refrains instead lifting the cat from the table into his arms.
“With flying colours. I think his highness is inclined to agree.” You watch as the cat meows making himself comfortable in your wizard’s arms without any intent to go anywhere but alas, all good things come to an end be it for the cat or you. With some protests Caleb puts the cat back on the ground allowing the creature to skitter off to gods know where.
You pull open the curtains allowing the light of dawn to fill the room. Caleb already regrets the decision of not taking you up on your offer to call in late and miss his first class as you look absolutely radiant but he feels certain both of you will be missing second and possibly even third period if he does, so he must refrain. Tonight will make up for it. He’s already got the perfect place in mind for dinner.
You catch Caleb staring, his gaze following you as you pull at the heavy fabric until the outside world is revealed to you. You put a little sway in your step before you gather your own clothes for the day and change in your usual attire, slowly. Deliberately slow. If he’s already staring you better not waste your opportunity and make a show of it.
“No use in staying in bed all alone. His Highness makes for good company but he’s a dull conversationalist. Perhaps I’ll drop by Beau at the Archives?” You deliberate your events for the morning tapping your chin.
“If you do, tell the Expositor I have some more files for her to study.” Caleb, finally pulled out of his trance steps back over to you, or rather besides you to grab his bag and sling it over his shoulder. You know he’s about to be off so you wrap your arm around his waist as you guide him to the door. Not much you can change about the need for students to be taught the wonders of transmutation magic. While you may find times you’d want to spend more time together, in the end neither of you would ever want to give up teaching. There’s plenty of other times you can spend together happily. Or you can justify combining your classes for one reason or another as you love nothing more than to share your passions.
“I’ll see you in a few hours at the Academy?” Caleb watches as you fall silent for a moment, your focus drawn away.
“Yes, I’ll make sure he knows. We’ll be there. Thank you.” You speak but Caleb knows fully well it’s not directed at him. This has become a habit he’s very much gotten used to so he simply awaits for you to share the message.
“Astrid wants us for lunch. She threatened to limit your access to the library if you’re late.” Of course she does, Caleb thinks to himself. So the archmage may or may not have heard about his almost-arrest of the day before. He’d already gotten an earful from you.
“Of course she does. There go our lunch plans for our free period.”
“You’re the one to get arrested for- and I quote ‘encourage insurgence among young impressionable souls’.” You grin. Okay, you may have been a little proud of Caleb actively trying to do better but you could do without the accusations of treason. You’d rather not have Caleb spend the night in jail because word got out or he pissed off the wrong person. You’d expect this from Beauregard but had hoped Caleb would be more careful about it and so apparently thought Astrid. He’s in for a scolding according to her tone.
“Merely teaching young impressionable souls how to be better. Is that a crime?” You grab Caleb’s coat and help him into it as he offers you a ‘thank you’.
“According to the king, yes it is.” The amusement in your voice is enough to earn you a playful glare. You open the door for Caleb and he steps halfway out offering you one final kiss.
“Love you.” Caleb pecks your lips. You’ve drawn out the length of the kiss long enough and he’s already on the verge of running late now so no matter how much he may want to stay, he has to go.
“Love you too, Caleb. See you soon and for the love of the arcane arts; stay out of trouble.” You know he won’t make that promise as he can’t keep it but you still tell him to every time. You kiss his cheek stepping back and watching the wizard leave as you close the door. Nothing but a usual morning; sneaking out of bed, cats, kisses, a message from your friend the archmage, talks of treason and the love of two fate-entwined mages trying to make the world a better place.
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initiumseries · 2 years
I personally love Mona. She made the girls seem more unlikeable, especially with the way they treated her throughout the seasons (yet they easily forgave Ezra for the predatory shit he did). I hate that the writers didn’t have the balls to make the girls imperfect. Say what u want about the books but Sara Shepherd never shied away from making the girls assholes. Instead of the girls being unfortunate bystanders to the wrongdoings of Alison, they were actually unlikeable, so it made sense why so many people in the town hated them.
I also wish they made Alison the villain she always was in the first two seasons. If she isn’t gonna stay dead, make her come back and shake some shit up. Like…Alison straight up gave Hanna an eating disorder! They kept reminding us that Alison could possibly be a sociopath. If she’s gonna be one, lean into it ! (Bc why else would she have the girls go on a wild goose chase for two years?)
Well, the show has a specific perspective. Like I said in another ask, I'm here for complicated characters. I'm totally fine with the girls being imperfect. Maybe they bullied Mona or at the very least did nothing while she was being bullied, and Mona retaliates by being A. I get that completely. But the problem is, the show frames Mona as a blanket villain and then later as a villain in search of redemption, and I don't really agree with that view. Alison terrorized Mona and the girls did nothing about that. The show uses Mona's mental illness to dismiss her valid pain and trauma. Bullying is terrible and traumatic and the girls were friends with her bully. They even talked shit about her. Hannah was Mona's only friend and she basically abandoned her to be Alison's lackey. So I genuinely believe Mona had valid beef with them and that doesn't necessarily make the girls assholes per se, only if they never confront their behaviour or lack there of. Like teenagers are terrible people, that's what happens when you're an unfinished human without enough parental supervision. But the show didn't nuance them in a way where you could explore their feelings WHEN they make those choices. Which is a missed opportunity for sure because it would've added more texture to the show.
Alison as a villain who became a victim was cool with me. Like I said, I enjoyed the concept of each girl having a different relationship with Alison and me as the viewer putting the pieces together over time to realize that she isn't this innocent lil girl who was unjustly murdered. She gave a lot of people in that town reason to want to murder her ass. That's fun! The whodunnit angle is great! I even like the idea of Alison's murder being a fucking group project lol. Where there's no one person individually responsible from the A team, but she HAD to go, and the girls grappling with that.
Honestly I don't even see the point of bringing her back. When they did I was like...well...it IS season *checks notes* 5, how else are they gonna keep people watching? But like I said, it really undercut the emotional development of the girls up until that point. I think if she was gonna come back it should've been sooner. But that meant ending the show sooner so...ya know.
As far as Ezra, like I said, the show's perspective was that Aria/Ezra are some sort of star crossed lovers (nevermind that a man in his mid 20s would have NOTHING to talk to a TEENAGER about but anyway), and they're teenagers. Their protests about Aria dating their teacher was actually, pretty funny and a very teen response. But they aren't the ones who I would expect to be like "omg predator". The ADULTS are, and they DO. When Ezaria (no idea if that's a thing i'm just tired of writing both their names) are discovered, it blows UP. Her parents won't let her leave the house or talk to anyone, they consider going back to iceland. He loses his job, it's a LOT. Aria literally has to go on a mini campaign convincing everyone from her parents to the principal that it's all just a rumour and nothing is actually happening between them so Ezra can get a semblance of his life back. So I think they handled the fall out relatively well, because every adult that finds out about them is disapproving and disgusted, while the kids are like....lol what the fuck. The problem is, the show frames that as an injustice to them as a couple. Because they love each other SO MUCH despite their age difference (like it's not JUST about age it's about the power that age gives him as well as being her fucking teacher). So when Aria is sitting alone in the rain thinking it's all over and Ezra shows up *despite his better judgment swoon*, the music swells because STARCROSSED LOVERS. It's a romanticization of this kind of relationship. Not a true telling. So I'm not shocked the girls were "forgiving" of him because he's not framed as predatory. He's framed as Aria's older boyfriend.
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mourntheantagonist · 3 years
I'm so sorry to hear that you're sick 💛 I hope things are as good as they can be for you. Take care of yourself 💛
And OH, Harringrove and the Party headcanons?
I love the idea of the Party playing D&D at Steve's (because he provides the best snacks and has a big TV they can watch later and a proper rec room and El and Max come round and go in the pool when they get bored instead of trying to drag the boys away BUT mostly because they love Steve!)
And anyway. Steve joins in sometimes, but only for causal games because he never really had the attention span for it, so mostly he and Billy just do their own thing. Cuddles on the sofa or cooking together or something like that.
Except one time.
When they're watching a movie and Billy's getting distracted by the argument the kids are having over their plan for the super important quest. And Steve wonders if he's getting upset by the raised voices (because Dustin and Mike especially have pretty heated arguments at times) but then Billy growls in annoyance and strides into the rec room.
And Steve panics, thinking he's angry at the kids for making so much noise.
But instead he sits down, calls their plan stupid, points out all the things they SHOULD do (which are all these things Will had been quietly suggesting but he'd been ignored) and basically shows a LOT of very detailed D&D knowledge.
He ends up getting totally drawn in to the game, and by the next campaign, Will's made him a whole character sheet with a lil illustration!
oh I adore this !! also thanks for sending this when I was sick 💙 I’m feeling a lot better now
also, preface: my knowledge of d&d is 🤏🏼 minuscule
they’d totally make the switch from mikes basement to steve’s house. their ever expanding party can no longer fit it the cooped up space under the wheeler house and there’s also the added benefit of being able to be loud and obnoxious and not have to worry about ted wheeler shutting it down. and steve house is just so much better for a good time. it’s like it was built for parties. the big new tv, the pool, ping pong and pool tables in the garage. they spend as much time there as possible. and yes of course, the main reason is they love steve!! steve is the only adult they can all stand to be around, despite will’s defense of jonathan, mike doesn’t see the enjoyment in spending time with his older sister’s boyfriend. just don’t remind him that steve is her ex.
steve pretends to be annoyed by it. greeting the party with a scoff whenever they show up to his house unannounced, but he truly did enjoy having them around, bringing life in the once dead and empty house.
steve typically watched them do their thing from afar, sometimes hang out with el when she didn’t feel like playing. they’d watch a new movie together that steve brought home from family video and snack on the wide variety of chips and crackers and dips that somehow were always stocked on his shelves. sure his parents weren’t home much, but they were sure to keep him well fed.
but other times, he’ll just be so intrigued in what they’re doing that he’ll join in on the fun. It’s not really his thing, however. he likes games that have a solid end and don’t go on for hours. that’s why you’ll never convince him to play monopoly. it also just requires too much focus and engagement for his liking, he prefers more mindless games. It’s sometimes still lonely for him even with his house full of teenagers, because he’s often listening to them scream from the rec room from the comfort of the couch in his living room. popcorn bowl in hand, watching back to the future for what seems to be the hundredth time.
that’s until he starts dating billy and soon there’s another frequent visitor to his house.
they tried to keep things between them on the downlow for a while. billy only coming over at night after all the kids had left to ensure no unannounced guests arrived. but the one time they decided to veer from that system was also the same time the whole party barged in through his front door and heard some... unsavory sounds coming from the top of the stairs. and there was no denying it at that point. billy’s camaro was parked out front and they’ve already scarred them for life.
it wasn’t necessarily surprising that they were all cool with it, but it was surprising when they constantly told steve he should invite billy over when they were all hanging out. he felt weird about it for a while, and so did billy. they never considered the idea they’d get to actually be with each other publicly or in the presence of others so it was a foreign idea for them. but one day billy decides to drive max directly to steve’s house instead of dropping her off at the wheeler’s. and he decides to stay, as if it wasn’t the plan all along.
it takes a couple of occasions for the two to progress from just sitting on the couch beside each other, to holding hands, to cuddling, all the way to kissing in front of the group. every time they made a little step forward in that arena it felt really good when the kids didn’t even bat an eye. except for kissing, but they would have that reaction no matter who they were. and the gagging noises it elicited made them only want to do it more.
billy never seemed to show much interest in the games from steve’s point of view, always seeming so content with just the two of them lying on the living room couch watching whatever movie he snagged that day.
but this time he looks pissed off. he’s got that same expression on his face when someone cuts him off or is going too slow in the passing lane. the kids are being a little rowdy, he’ll admit that, but it’s not more than usual. but maybe this was billy’s last straw.
when billy gets up from the couch, steve would be lying if he said he wasn’t worried for what he might do. but he was also just as scared of standing in his way because that man walked like he was on a goddamn mission.
billy gently pushes dustin out of his chair and takes a seat, earning a confused ‘what the fuck dude?’ out of him.
and he basically calls them all a bunch of idiots and tells them what they should be doing. and they all want to argue with him (except for will obviously) because billy doesn’t know anything about d&d!! except what he says makes perfect sense and they can’t argue with him if they wanted to.
and then he doesn’t leave where he’s sitting at the table. excuses it as him needing to be there to keep them from arguing. except the reason he stays is because he likes it. brings him back to the days when he was around their age playing the same game in the basement of his own friends house.
and eventually he does start joining in on future campaigns. by now he’s got his own character and everyone is always talking about how it’s great having a barbarian in the group because “steve made a terrible barbarian”. that would always come with a loud “hey!” from the other room, because they always said it loud enough to hear.
at first steve thought he’d be upset that billy started playing with the kids and not spending the time with him, but he just loved watching billy get along with everyone. it made it worth it to see billy so loose and free like that, and it wasn’t like billy didn’t make time for him afterwards...
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I too am in a TWW rewatch, because well I enjoy torturing myself by watching competent articulate political types. (That and the great tv) I'm really struggling with Will. He seems like such an creep the further it goes on yet all the female characters seem to like him. I feel like I'm missing something. Do you have any views on him?
I have views on everything!! :D Seriously though, nobody’s ever asked me about Will so what a great chance for an essay. (This got REALLY long, fair warning.)
First, a disclaimer. I’ve never been very active on Twitter, but when I started using it, I mostly followed TWW actors. I occasionally tweeted at them, and I never expected responses, because they were amazing actors from this show I revered, and I was a random fangirl on social media. But two of them did, and were SO nice, and it shocked me so much back in the day to realize how kind and down-to-earth TWW cast is, when I had just seen the series and hadn’t yet found tumblr or watched interviews. It really made an impression on me. Richard Schiff called me ‘very sweet’ and won my heart forever, and Joshua Malina was also totally friendly and nice, so much so that I felt bad for never really liking his character much.
That’s right, I too used to think Will was obnoxious. But once I realized the actor was kinda awesome, I reconsidered his character and gave him a chance. So I’m glad you asked me, as I’ve been on both sides with Will and really love him now.
IMO, Will Bailey came in not just as a replacement for Sam, but also as a character with very different values, who was meant to contrast with our heroes at a crucial time.
Mid-S4, when Will is first introduced, we meet him as a skilled, idealistic writer who’s also got strong organizational and leadership skills. That’s different from any of our faves, since both Sam and Toby are talented wordsmiths, and both are idealistic in their own ways, but they’re also both oriented towards behind-the-scenes work. Toby is very team-focused and loyal but he would like it if everyone would leave him alone and let him do what he’s good at–messaging and writing and trying to nudge the people around him onto the path he thinks is best. When CJ is promoted above him to become COS, he cares even less about the professional snub than Josh does, because it’s not something he wanted.
And while Sam has political aspirations, he never really shows leadership qualities. He’s an excellent second to Toby and even for Josh when needed, but he’s also shown to be the least canny and experienced of them all, and you could argue that being in front of the camera as a candidate for office doesn’t always equal being a leader, if your staff is really running the show for you, which is what Sam’s campaign looks like. Everyone around him coordinates the details and runs things to leave him space to just be The Guy. But Will Bailey is both the guy running the show behind the scenes AND the guy who can get on camera and speak about the politics and ideals of his campaign because his family and professional background made him much more well-rounded. Heck, he’s even in the armed forces on top of all that! He’s portrayed as good at all the things he does.
Now, what’s interesting to me is that Will, as he’s first introduced, is much more confident and idealistic than he is later on. Early Will goes through a serious transformation, from Toby’s new second to an independent operator who lacks the loyalty the others have to a man more than to a party. To some extent, Will’s rebellious, ‘you need me more than I need you’ attitude was there from the moment Sam showed up to his winning campaign, but I think that who Aaron Sorkin (who had worked with the actor a lot before) conceived him as changed after Sorkin left. The showrunners for S5-7 saw an opportunity in his character’s feisty campaign background and turned him into someone with even less personal loyalty and more detached pragmatism.
The fact is, that’s not what Sorkin-era TWW is about. One of the reasons the later seasons are so different is their clear-eyed look at campaign chaos and shifting loyalties and all the small on-the-ground work that we didn’t see with President Bartlet. The earlier seasons are very much about our found family of staffers and the First Family and watching them fight the status quo that constrains them because they won. They always want to do better, and be better, and as much as they acknowledge the reality that you have to win in order to change the world, the show still promises us that it’s the change that actually matters, and it isn’t worth winning if you have to sell your soul to do it.
So if there’s a spectrum along which everyone falls, based on how much they’re willing to ‘go along to get along’ versus making trouble for the sake of their beliefs, Will Bailey is on the exact opposite end from say, Amy Gardner, with our core characters in the middle. I’ve rambled about Amy before, about how her values and priorities are so different from our heroes that she’s an antagonist even as she works with them a lot of the time. Will has the same complicated relationship with the people we’ve been rooting for for years, but for drastically different reasons. Amy is at odds with the West Wing because she’ll do whatever it takes to win the argument and get what she wants, pulling the Democrats to the left whenever possible.
Will, though–especially in S5 and beyond–is at odds with the West Wing even when he’s in the West Wing, because for all his ideals, he has no problem with compromise. He sees nothing wrong with moving to the middle if it helps you win, if it gets you more power. He’s willing to look like an idiot for the White House, he’s willing to go in front of the press core and be beaten up for days if it will help the cause, he doesn’t hesitate to jump to a new campaign that he thinks could win, because winning is how you get the things you want. Probably, being a diplomat’s son has something to do with how accommodating he is, and how able Will is to justify any position, any choice. We’re told he’s very good with words, but he was probably also good at Debate in school, because he can clearly turn any situation around as needed.
Which means that while Will’s instinct is to adjust and Amy’s is to dig her heels in, they share the one quality that makes any TWW character harder to like: they answer only to themselves. Above all else, their ‘constituency of one’ is themselves rather than a specific politician or even the party. Will is a Democrat, but he’ll happily buck the party wisdom in favor of what he thinks will win. And that puts him up against Toby, the President, Josh, etc, at different times because he bases his choices on his own ideals and they’re just different from those of the Bartlet Administration, which spends 8 years fighting to stay progressive and deciding it’s better to go down fighting than do or say things they don’t believe in.
Will is also an interesting foil for Donna after she leaves the White House, and not just because they become coworkers and good friends. Along with the fact that she left Josh and struck out on her own, most of her post-Sorkin conflict with Josh is actually based on WHO she went to work for and how differently she and Josh see that decision/what it says about her and her time working under Josh. By going to work for Russell, Donna shows that she’s less concerned with finding the perfect underdog candidate and more interested in a future that keeps up Democratic progress after President Bartlet leaves office. She is never dedicated to Russell as a man, and over time becomes visibly concerned with his flaws as a man and a candidate. But tellingly, Will isn’t any more personally loyal to Russell than Donna is–and he’s the one running the man’s whole campaign!
It says a lot about Will that for all the moments when Russell shows himself to be less than honorable, Will clearly disagrees with his actions…but he stays. Because Russell was never why he left the Bartlet Administration, or why he took on the new campaign. He took it on because he’s good at winning campaigns, and in Russell he saw someone who could win, and he may have even admired the antagonistic streak that came out once Russell became VP. Russell also had no interest in the ‘cult of Bartlet’ and quickly proved that he wouldn’t even have the level of respect that Hoynes had for Josiah Bartlet as a man. Most of the characters on TWW consider that strike one against Russell and a major character flaw, but Will doesn’t. He respects the President and the office but he didn’t know Jed before the MS reveal, he sees him from more of a removed distance, and his White House job is a JOB to him more than a calling.
Again, some of this was less true during the Sorkin era. The Will Bailey who lost the ability to speak when he was officially offered Sam’s position is much more in awe of the gravity of it all, and it’s hard to see that guy jumping ship to support a moderate candidate that nobody in the White House even likes. But the hints of who he ends up as were there from the beginning, the way he tells off Sam and Toby even before he works with them–he’s always an outsider.
So the outsider factor, that makes it harder to like Will or any TWW character that doesn’t automatically get along with the others. Ainsley Hayes may be ‘the enemy’ as a Republican, but she is amiable and smoothly tries to change minds–and when she isn’t able to, she opts to live and let live. Will is harsher, more combative at times, and I don’t know if it’s just me, but that makes me feel defensive and protective towards the staffers he’s arguing with. After all, I adore them and I barely know him, how dare he?
But of course, his actions and his beliefs make perfect sense from HIS perspective. He’s had a successful career, and being a part of the Administration was never a goal of his, so he doesn’t need to go out of his way to defer to their judgement or stay quiet in the face of their superior wisdom. He was raised to know how to work people and get his way, but he was also raised with incredible privilege and confidence and if he was banished from TWW inner circle it wouldn’t be much of a loss for him. Being an outsider isn’t a problem for him, he spent his life that way as a diplomat’s son, so he never feels the need to conform the way he would have to in order to really become a part of the gang.
Honestly, the only reason he ever gels as a part of the group is because Josh leaves and Toby is fired and they need Will to speak for the White House–finally he’s the ultimate insider, he’s the Bartlet mouthpiece, and the only original senior staffer left is CJ, so once Will and Kate bond they’re the center of the staff that’s left, and he has somebody on his side. (And once he’s off the campaign trail, the show goes back to highlighting his neurotic and geeky side, because he can’t be the ‘win at all costs’ guy anymore and needed a new focus.)
So here’s why I think it can be hard to like Will: he often seems like an entitled, immune-to-criticism, antagonistic opportunist. At his worst he seems to think the means justify the ends, despite his progressive beliefs in general, and that means he’s the guy who could get almost anybody elected–which is great when it’s S3 and Bruno Gianelli is on Bartlet’s side, but less so when Russell seems like not much of an improvement on Hoynes in terms of decency and intelligence and Will has the skills to actually make that guy President.
BUT, (and I can’t guarantee this will help you but I think it’s important because Will does exist as a complex, multidimensional character, and that’s a good thing even though it means he has flaws) at his best he is an adorable dork who wants to make the world better, will take jobs because he believes they need doing even if they’re not his own personal dream, is willing to put himself in danger to save and protect others, and is not just talented but also very knowledgeable about the same kind of geeky Constitutional and political history that Jed Bartlet is.
What I’m trying to say is that Will, as much as anyone on TWW, is the product of his good and bad qualities, and both sides of that equation come from his core traits. His ability to ignore others’ criticism because he’s secure in who he is can be annoying when it’s Toby or Josh trying to talk sense into him, but it also means he survives hazing with friendly ease and stands up for the White House’s positions like a pro. He cares more about winning than fighting the narrowest version of the good fight, but he’s not wrong that winning is better for progressive goals than losing for the sake of ideological purity (hi 2016, I have not missed you). He isn’t loyal to the Bartlet Adminstration above all else–but if everyone were, then the President would be a dictator. Intra-party fighting can weaken a party but it also allows for diversity rather than a cult mentality.
So, here’s what it comes down to. Will isn’t Sam, and that means Toby could never really like or trust him, even if he had become more loyal. Will is a political relativist, which means Josh was never going to agree with his choices, as Josh has always put people first and hates having to compromise. Will is a privileged white guy (played by a Jewish actor, but never canonically established as Jewish) so CJ tolerates him but doesn’t genuinely like him for some time, because that’s just how she rolls. Leo leaves Will under Toby’s purview, and Jed has even less direct interaction with him. He spends a lot of his time battling a group of young female interns we never see again (tbh I can’t stand those scenes and if that’s where you get your creep factor, I get it). Given how disconnected he often is from the central cast, is it any wonder he’s mostly underappreciated and ignored by fans as well?
As for why the female characters on the show don’t seem bothered by him, even when you are, I think there’s a couple of possible explanations. First of all, TWW is a show that doesn’t show us that much–we have to assume that all of these characters, who practically live at work, spend a TON of time together offscreen, just by the nature of their jobs. If most of that time is similar to Will’s comedic scenes, where he’s a giant nerd with bikes in his office whose response to stress is the fetal position, then presumably his coworkers see his flawed human side, in an endearing rather than annoying way.
And secondly, we as viewers don’t have that perspective. We don’t even have the benefit of being these characters living in the early ‘00s, when it was a given that the government would be full of overconfident oblivious men and that’s just what women were expected to handle with poise and sweetness. Clearly things haven’t changed much over the years when it comes to White House staff and a backdrop of misogyny at work, but for a lot of us as viewers the world has progressed.
So Donna gets along with Will as her boss who can be kind of dense or morally ambivalent sometimes, but she’s also spent almost a decade dealing with the most powerful men in America. As an assistant, for most of that time. To her, even Will’s worst moments are barely a blip in the grand scheme of things. And CJ is totally unimpressed by Will’s smarts and talent because she works with the smartest and most talented men she’s ever known, but he serves a purpose and doesn’t get in her way, so she has no problem with him. Kate rose to power through the ranks of military men and has definitely seen, and probably injured, worse guys than Will Bailey. All the women of TWW have spent their careers dealing with men of varying character. I mean, even compared to some of Sam’s comments, Will must seem downright harmless.
TL;DR Can Will Bailey be a patronizing know-it-all who puts his own interests before party and found family? Absolutely. Is he a bad guy? Not at all. He’s just a different kind of good guy than those The West Wing conditioned us to admire and root for.
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survivor-rotuma · 5 years
Ep. 7: “don't @ me I'm a gemini” - Marie
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well felix is not very happy
mkay felix I get that you're pissed cause you don't rule the numbers but I frankly don't care. If you want to go for me go ahead because I wasn't the one who got blindsided
so, it was the first blindside of the night. honestly, i was expecting it but I was also sort of confused about what happened. There is a lot happening socially and I am not sure if I can keep up. I am trying to. Really hope that the bruschetta alliance stays authentic, honest, and loyal. Cassie leaving was bittersweet. I hope she knows that I really did enjoy our conversations but I do have to remember that this is an individual competition.
I hope my bye bye's don't become too iconic and noticeable oop Felix
These bitches are shady. I mean I already knew that these people were smarter than they let on, but I didn't expect such a dramatic twist. Brianna is their goat and Joey is mine. Let's see how this goes. I'll fight for a chance to stay, but I ain't playing kind anymore
Well that tribal did not go as planned. I need to step it up and form a new alliance otherwise I’m a goner 
I am going to target Apollo for the rest of the game. He is an incredibly dangerous player and needs to go. I've told Marie (though I do not trust her at all)  and Lysandre about how Apollo is in 3 different alliance chats and to not trust him. I am going hard on this because I feel secure that Apollo should go. I have an idol in case people do not want to follow my lead, and I'll hopefully get Apollo out this round. He needs to go so everyone can begin to either think for themselves or think for me. I want to do something about what has happened, but I need the power. My list is now Apollo > Marie > Brianna > Zest > Boris > Lys. This is my preferred order and I will go the end with my goats Flint and Joey.
Who do I trust? Joey and Flint Who do I plan on talking to? Lysandre and Boris Who am I targeting? Apollo and Marie Who is irrelevant? Zest and Brianna
So my plans ended up working out perfectly!!! Cassie went home in the end and Boris didn't recieve a single vote to my surprise. Felix, however, is pissed. He is really upset with me and Marie. Well moreso Marie because of the great plan I developed last round of making Marie look eager to make a big move while I didn't want to. I did this when Felix found out Marie said his name and I did it in order to save myself from losing Felix's trust and it worked out perfectly. He confronted the both of us and popped off on Marie while I sat there and ate my food. I simply had to further push the blame on Marie and Cassie.
Well it looks like the game is on. After that blindside I know where I stand within the group and have been approached by a few teammates with apologies of the Cassie blindside. I understand that it's part of the game but I need to find a way to orchestrate my own blindside, preferably Marie's.
ok but like if I'm cross w/ you don't @ me I'm a gemini
apparently to the people of this game I'm a social threat oop
how am I a social threat???? I just convince people ton vote for who I want out, is that a threat??? ughhhhhhhhhh
I love playing cracked! This game is so much more fun when you don't give a fuck phew! Marie, 11:47 AM: how are ya doing 11:47 AM: I'm good Marie, 11:47 AM: thats good to hear! look, i can't force you to talk with me or work with me but i'd like to work with you 11:50 AM: Ok. But tell me this, who came up with the plan to vote out Cassie? Marie, 11:51 AM: it was a group of us that came up with the plan but the one who said it should be cassie was me 11:51 AM: Why Marie, 11:52 AM: i couldn't trust her and she really wanted some people i was working with out also she was a threat 11:53 AM: So you're working with Sumi then, right? Cause the main reason I hear that Cassie was wanted out was that she was targeting Boris Marie, 11:54 AM: i voted with sumi, yes. but that doesn't mean i'm working with them. according to someone i was talking to you apollo and i are the biggest threats. i was surprised to hear i was seen as a social threat 11:56 AM: And we wouldn't be if we had voted Brianna (kept it simple to make sure none of us had a target on our backs) and if you hadn't been saying my name and spreading it around like the plague. I was surprised to hear I was a social threat by you Marie, 11:57 AM: if i'm seen as a social threat what good would getting out other social threats do for me? it would make me a bigger target 11:57 AM: Then why get rid of Cassie? If she was a threat, then you should've kept her Marie, 11:58 AM: she's more of a strategic threat to me 11:58 AM: We need big targets in this game or else we'll be next on the chopping block Marie, 11:58 AM: and i'm not seen as one of those. no one thinks i'm a strategic threat and i'd like to keep it that way. if the threats worked together we'd be much better off and i realize that getting rid of cassie, a threat, isn't going to be helpful to me right now 12:01 PM: Is that the pitch you gave Cassie and Apollo when you made the Leaders alliance? I'll be honest with you. I do not trust you. But I trust Apollo even less. You can regain that rust my telling me exactly how this vote is going this round and keeping me in the loop Marie, 12:01 PM: the leaders alliance wasn't my idea. cassie and apollo came to me and said they wanted the tribe leaders to work together. i'll keep you in the loop, but i don't know who the vote is. who do you want gone 12:04 PM: Why do you want to know? So you can use it against me like you did Cassie? I'm not telling you who I want gone Marie, 12:05 PM: i want to know because i can't dictate who's going home. i need to know who other people want so we can pull in numbers. and when you say things like that it makes me think you're targeting me 12:07 PM: I'm not targeting you but think about like this: You got Cassie out because she was targeting people you wanted to work with. So, if I say who I want to target, then you could use that against me. I'm not going to trust you with that info because you've already proven that you cannot be trusted with said info. I'm not campaigning against anyone this round. As long as it is not me, I'm fine with whoever you guys tell me to vote. But do not expect that level of trust after you've just betrayed me Marie, 12:09 PM: i respect that because blindsides suck. i can probably pull most of these people in but there are only 2 people i would not vote out currently other than you 12:09 PM: Cool then I'm not taking a risk. Cause I don't know who those people are. I don't care to know either Marie, 12:10 PM: you can never have too many allies but you can have too many close one.i will work with anyone to accomplish a vote but just because i work with a group of people once does not mean they are my alliance like the group who voted cassie out, there are some whom i may never work with again who knows. if i dont know who you want out chances are we can't get that person out tonight unless everyone else wants that person too. i don't doubt that you might try to pull people in to blindside me or one of my allies, but its better if we stick together 12:17 PM: You're right: Who knows? I certainly don't, but that's the thing. I don't know if I can trust you. You have never proven to me that you want to work with me so why should I suddenly start working with you. Furthermore, by my account, your only actions in this game is going against me. You have your own agenda and I am not playing into it. I'll vote with you this tribal council, but I am not saying who I want gone. 
Anyways, Marie is snake and she's sniffing around for names. She needs to calm down before making any moves. She so wants to be seen as this mastermind snake person, but I am not letting her have that. She also now wants Joey out which is a big no-no for me. I need to convince her to vote out someone else, possibly either Brianna or Zest, in order to make sure my final 3 comes to fruition. 
Marie really thinks I'm brand new. We never had a true tribe swap in this game, so people are going to end up sticking with their original tribe because that's the people you bonded with for the majority of the game. She cannot understand that the reason people are targeting Joey is to get rid of numbers from the stronger tribe. Sumi will have a run of this game sooner or later if we do not start targeting them now. I can guarantee that Apollo wishes to have Zest and Brianna, two non-entities in this game, as his FTC. If Marie cannot understand that this is the game now, she will not win
I think I am at my most dangerous when I am playing reckless
ok call me a snake all you want but this snake bites bitch so watch your fucking back and think before you call me a snake
Apollo is insinuating to me to not trust Marie or Lysandre. I mean I'll not trust them as much as I want because they ain't going to come with me to the end. I can't trust either of them. But, at the end of the day, it's good to know that he doesn't trust them either. The information will be good for later on. I just need to take out a Sumi this tribal council, no matter who it is. I want this immunity so bad because I want hat guarantee that these snakes cannot target me at all. Maybe then I'll have a vote that actually goes my way. 
So the current development that is happening is a BIGGG altercation between Felix and Marie, two of my presumed allies. They're arguing in PMs and such. Felix is stuck on getting out a Sumi player and Marie is considering doing so but I'm not with it.. Felix ended up calling Marie a snake ajsjsjsjs so like drama but the only thing that mattered was that both of them still had trust in me. And both of them are going to protect me. 
Talking with Marie a bit today and she is a very aggressive and upfront player. Definitely not my playing style but she has seemed to charm the majority. I hope to last longer then her but it might be hard to convince the group she has to go. a snake apparently (marie)felix is going home tonight as far as i'm concerned cause snakes bite bitch
These results are.... interesting to say the least. I was voted villain of the season, closest ally, should go home this round, least trusted, most likely to flip on my alliance, and most likely to have an idol. Absolutely wild. So if they think I have an idol, then I might as well play it. Though they know Apollo is going to win based on his track record. We'll see how this happens then
Marie with the delusions! She really thinks she's running this game phew! She doesn't get numbers, she doesn't make her own moves, she's not sneaky. I've clocked her game already. I'd love to get her out ugh
Well it looks like I botched another immunity challenge. So far I’ve been on the bottom for both challenges and seems like I’m on the bottom of the tribe. Gonna be hard to fight back but hopefully I can find a crack to weasel into 
Marie is the snake that I knew she was. She cannot keep her mouth shut or her info to her chest. She thinks she's playing THAT game but she is just Walmart to my Gucci. The nerve! I'm so glad Boris can be trusted and he is willing to vote with me. But I'll be using my idol this tribal council to make sure that I do not go home at all! I will outlast her and I'm not going down without a fight.
See Marie is both a blessing and a curse. She gives me access to info that I don't readily possess but she's also like a little teapot with holes in it,  unintentionally spilling tea on the table instead of the teacup. She gives me a better social outreach than I have especially with Briana and well the now dead Cassie.
So the immunity challenge is touchy subjects!! I feel like its really early to have this challenge but I'm here for it not really?? I feel like Felix may win this one just because he's a good social player but lets see where that goes. 
Okay okay. So I haven’t confessed in awhile but here is what is going on. Apollo won the challenge good for him yada yada. Basically me and Marie have been talking a bunch of strategy based on current events. She started off with telling Felix that we wanted to target Joey which he wasn’t happy about. Then later after the challenge he said it needed to be a sumi out. Marie told me of course and she didn’t want to do it and it made us want to get out Felix more. So we decided to devise this plan. We are going to tell Felix that we will vote zest. Giving two votes to zest from Felix and Joey. Marie and lysandre will vote Joey. And sumi and flint will vote Felix. Don’t know if flint will do that we will see but it still shouldn’t be too bad if he doesn’t. I also brought up the idea of making an alliance of me, her, lysandre, and flint. She seemed on board for it. Of course this would give me my two main alliances of the BABes alliance with me, apollo and Boris and then the previous alliance I just mentioned. Meaning I get to be a messy middle player and hopefully zest and Joey will go out soon giving me that double sided protection for as long as possible. 
Felix is my strongest ally in the game but with him being so visible and me being so invisible I wonder if and when is the best time to distance myself?
So the game is going on crazy!! Felix is targeting Marie and Marie is targeting Felix!! Apollo us immune so he can't go home. This is my crazy idea. Since Felix won the most likely to have an idol advantage I think that his advantage was a one round idol that must be played or becomes null. He's gonna use that on hisslef. I could use my idol on Marie this round and therefore save both of the people who are going to protect me in the end. And then I would vote out Zest or Joey. Thats a very risky play and I'm not sure if the outcome would be worth ut. In theory I could just stick with BorPollo but i think Boris has zest and maybe Briana as a number. If Felix goes home then there's gonna be a group of me, Briana, Marie, and  Flint formed to most likely take out Apollo. If Marie goes then I lose my connection to Briana and therefore Flint. If felix goes then I become more of a threat. Its very tricky and I'm weighing my options.
I’m super excited to win immunity, I’m busy all day today. I honestly don’t care who goes home as long as it’s no one from Sumi.  I pray Boris and Zest make it through unscathed 
Well. Felix and Marie are arguing in the tribe chat...akjawjbeebkebe. All I can say is wow. The non sumi people are literally just...targeting each other??? Why??? Like I was trying to think of plans cuz I figured I’d need to jump off the sumi ship once it was seen as a threat by ratting out zest. But...like. Maybe I’m gonna be sticking with the sumi strong for awhile longer. FlintIt’s shaping up to be the clash of the titans, Marie Vs. Felix this tribal. I’m loyal to a fault so I will most likely stick with Felix but I don’t think we have the numbers to pull it off. However I have been approached with blindsiding Joey by Brianna which is also a strong possibility. It’s gonna be a tough tribal and my vote will remain up in the air until the last minute. 
So much has happened today. I got into a fight with Marie because she is playing a very snake-y game, but she doesn't want to admit it. And I don't know what the Irrelevant people are so up her ass this whole time. Then again, Marie does not realize no one is going to take her to the end if she keeps going like this. Furthermore, I just don't like how she is acting all innocent about all of this. I'm going to take a risk with my idol now too. Lys said he is voting Joey, Apollo said he was voting Joey. I don't trust Apollo for shit, but I do trust Lys and that might be my downfall but at this point it doesn't matter. I just need Boris to come online to confirm to me that Joey is the plan. This has been one hell of a round though.
So it looks like I got what I wanted. Joey is going home and I don't need to use any advantage. Next round it looks Marie is going home and I'm fine with that. She's gotta go eventually right? Felix still trusts me and so does Marie and so does BoPollo so I'm feeling good as gold. The only possible threats to me are about to be eliminated but my eyes are on Apollo, Zest, Brianna.
I’m super excited to win immunity, I’m busy all day today. I honestly don’t care who goes home as long as it’s no one from Sumi.  I pray Boris and Zest make it through unscathed 
So everyone is voting Joey. I guess that makes my idol play correct then. Hopefully they don't try to back stab me and vote me cause that would be the wrong play. But I'm insinuating that I have an idol that is being played on Joey. So we'll see how this tribal goes. If Tuai is still here, then we did it. If I leave tonight, I died fighting. Let's get this bread!
joey g
so touchy subjects was not kind to me lol. i was sort of hoping people would just see me as a goat after that, but it seems like i’m a target. felix told me to trust him & and i do, so who knows what the hell is gonna happen!! marie is on a crazy power trip so we’ll hopefully take her down this round, otherwise it’s bye bye joey g
I handled that better than I thought I would
ALRIGHT JAY, here is what's up. A few days ago, Apollo told me that Felix was trying to get me or Brianna off the island. NOT CHILL! I feel as though I have played an honest game and been a friendly person. So, this made me sort of sad. But, hey, that's survivor. I do not vibe with the villains of the Mauri Tribe, but, they don't know that. I was also surprised by some of the touchy subject answers as I noticed that I am not on many people's radars. I have been loyal to my bruschetta alliance and I hope to remain that way. Yet, Boris' response to this week's tribal question had me questioning his loyalty to me. I am pretty certain that he and Lysandre are working together. Just from context clues, I have discerned that Lysandre, Boris, and Apollo have either a)played this game before or b)played this game TOGETHER prior to Rotumna. I have to figure out if Boris and Lysandre's friendship is more important than the Bruschetta alliance. It seems to be like that, as Boris has changed since the merge. Apollo doesn't feel he is running this game and he's right, JAY is. Apollo is a great ally and has been an excellent confidant to me during this game. I think he is an admirable player and I hope that he or Boris win this thing. Last night, Apollo and I had a really great conversation about our loyalty to each other. I hope he is being honest and authentic. He is trying to reassure me and I am trying to believe him but it is so hard in this game to do that especially when you aren't in person. I have learned a lot through this entire process and am proud of my growth as a player so far. Trusting people has always been difficult for me. I have been betrayed in the past and that is causing me some anxiety. If Apollo is not being truthful, I will be sincerely hurt. I wasn't expecting this thing to get so intense emotionally. I think I have still a lot of determination to be in this game still and I want to keep competing in challenges. As for the Marie and Felix drama, I think Felix took it WAY too far. I am going to stay out of it because, I really don't want either of them to get to FTC. I have my own strategy and goal for how far I want to get.
0 notes