#I'm coughing up my lungs
coffeeworldsasaki · 2 months
I should be legally allowed to kill my family for not getting vaxed and giving me covid because now I'm fucking dying as soon as I breath the wrong thing
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haley-harrison · 1 year
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skyloftian-nutcase · 11 months
Aww, now I want to see more stuff with HC Wind and Four! 🥰
- 🛵
Four bit his lip as his confused patient yet again tried to climb out of the bed. Thankfully he had soft restraints to help him stay put, as he was so confused he had already torn all his clothes off and woke up in a frenzy at nearly five minute intervals at this point (thank heaven the shift was almost over). The man had meningitis, had no idea what the heck was happening, and was on blood thinners, so the instant he got out of bed, he would probably stumble a few steps and then immediately fall and get a head bleed.
So it was fairly important to ensure he didn't leave the bed.
"Hey Toru," he called loudly, as the elderly patient was partly deaf, placing a calming hand on the man's shoulder.
"Geuh buhb huh??" the patient slurred and grumbled, staring at him with wide, bewildered eyes.
"You're safe," Four explained, feeling his chest rumble in warning as he continued loudly, "You're in the hospital. You're in the ICU. I'm your nurse. You're very sick, so it's important that you stay in the bed, okay?"
The patient settled with another disjointed garbled set of words, allowing Four a moment to sniffle back some phlegm and stifle another cough. He only had the remains of a bad cold, and he was wearing a mask to ensure he didn't share the germs with anyone, but he was long overdue for a coughing fit and a box of tissues.
If he could leave the room long enough to do that.
The patient started to climb out of bed once more, and Four sighed, immediately walking back to him and trying to soothe him. "Toru. You're in the hospital. You're safe. I'm your nurse, I'm here to take care of you. You're very sick--"
His words choked off with a violent urge to cough, and he managed to step back enough to hack into his mask a few times.
Then he had to laugh. Yeah, he's sick and so am I. Feels like the blind leading the blind in here.
"Uh, Four? You good?"
Glancing back, Four saw Wind staring at him hesitantly in the doorway. When he looked back at his patient with a sigh, he saw that the man had once more stripped off his gown and blankets, and his legs were half over the side rail as he laid there in confusion.
"Yeah. You wanna help me get him resituated?"
Wind bit back a snort. "Sure. Maybe you should just hop in with him, you sound kind of rough."
"I'm not that bad," Four grumbled as the pair helped the man get back in bed. Four started to talk him through the steps before he had to step away to cough again.
Wind took pity on him, taking over and explaining to the patient. The younger man's louder voice helped, and within a few minutes the patient was appropriately dressed and covered and resting.
Four thanked Wind, who smiled cheerily. "No problem! Hey, do you work again tonight?"
"No, I'm off."
"Oh thank goodness," Wind sighed in relief. "I was about to say there's an open bed next door if you need it."
"Ha ha ha," Four deadpanned. "Guess that means we can't get together tonight with your telescope."
Wind gasped. "Hey, now! You're not that sick, and you promised to do some star charting with me when we were both off!"
Four laughed. "See? Even you're saying I'm not that sick."
Wind opened his mouth to protest and realized his mistake. Then he grumbled, "That was a trap."
"And you fell right into it."
Rolling his eyes, the respiratory therapist nodded towards Four's patient. "Well enjoy it for now, because he's crawling out of the bed again."
Four sighed heavily. Thirty more minutes to day shift.
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miodiodavinci · 10 months
well 😔 after literally 3+ years of masking and double masking with N95s and KN95s and social distancing and not going anywhere where i can't be assured i won't be in close proximity to someone with COVID ya boy got COVID , , , ,
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earthbovndmisfit · 4 months
What do you think about speedwagon with freckles or dimples?
I can't recall if I've ever seen or read anything involving Speedwagon with dimples. I like the idea, but I also personally feel like dimples fit Jonathan a lot more! People forget that he spent 7 actual years in isolation and just being miserable. Smiling is something he probably didn't do much, not genuinely at least. Might sound cheesy af, but I think dimples would make his smile prettier and even more unique (they'd also grant Speedwagon with yet another perfect opportunity to compliment Jonathan and make him blush and smile more!).
I do recall seeing/reading fanworks where he has freckles tho. It's cute! Though I must admit I'm a huge fool for the "light freckles trope". That where his freckles are so lightly colored that they can only be really seen when looking up-close to his face or when he blushes, so not many know he has freckles. Only Jonathan knows, whether it is in a "ship context" (like Jojo noticing them when they first kissed, or when he's managed to make him blush), or just in a general context, as the two spent a lot of time together throughout all of PB, timeskips just did us PB stans dirty (most of the literal months of downtime that happened in this part took place off-screen 😔) and it's also inferred that the two became close, so it's likely -and sometimes implied too- that they got to learn and discover a lot of things about each other through their many interactions off-screen.
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hadesdancehall · 3 months
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happy wip monday bc i can't wait for wednesday
my mom brought miss rona home from a coworker after i posted the first ch of @lemon-wedges phantom au which brought everything to a halt where instead i was watching yt clips of cdrama palace intrigue. did numerous mini drafts on paper of something i thought i'd use but then decided to use later on (how did this grow from two to four planned chapters aaaaa) so now we're going in a completely new direction
also after a bit of back and forth with myself i made the Very Important Decision of having barok at a pub
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jakeperalta · 6 months
woke up in my new house for the first time this morning only to realise that I've caught the flu type virus my mum has had for the last week
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jessicas-pi · 7 months
Why do I hate power tools so much? *proceeds to use the power tools* *hurts myself* OH THATS WHY
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veliseraptor · 1 year
this feels like maybe not a bad place to ask this question since last night I was having my semi-regular fit of anxiety about the idea of all of google's servers going offline at once and destroying all record of the (many) documents I keep on google drive. because the thing is that whatever my google feelings overall I unfortunately really like using drive for a lot of reasons (can move easily between computers, the autosave, easy to share with other people, version tracking, etc.) but I recognize that not having a local copy of my files is potentially risky but I don't know of a good/efficient way to make sure that I'm regularly keeping backups of everything on there.
maybe the answer is just that I have to set, like, a weekly event on my calendar that says something like "BACK UP YOUR SHIT" and keep a separate terabyte drive for storage of my gdrive files but given my fallible memory and also the fact that I get lazy about shit...wondering if there's some other method I'm missing. so! crowdsourcing that question to the tumblr hive mind of people who know more about this than I do, my basic searching has been less than helpful in terms of "evaluating what would be a good idea/would work"
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margo-mania · 9 months
mentally and physically ill send good vibes and electrolytes and expected kind of unhinged posting the next few days love yall i really should be sleeping but shhhhhh can yall keep it a secret for me
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viatrixtravels-a · 3 months
// I am in so much pain from coughing non-stop for like 3 days straight now. :'') It feels like being repeatedly stabbed in the chest ngl.
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pegglefan69 · 6 months
literally only thing I want to eat is cranberry scones. so. I make cranberry scones.
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To every single person who has decided not to wear a mask on public transportation in the middle of a triple epidemic outbreak (covid, the flu, bronchitis, aka the unholy trinity of death): I hate you with a burning passion. Sincerely, someone who could die from your lack of care.
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firebirby · 6 months
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OOC. ------ Guess who's sick again! This gal! I love my life.
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neverwholelahey · 1 year
i'm dead, @redhoodiskra @minimavampiress
apparently stiles would do it
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thedickcavettshow · 7 months
how much longer am I going to be sickkkkkkk
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