essycogany · 6 months
I love this! 🩷💙
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Sonic being a total gentlemen! I LOVED these two this issue. They’re so precious it’s crazy.
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wereh0gz · 2 years
Ok but what if when/if surge and kit start working on undoing the brainwashing starline had done and trying to restore their memories they start remembering little things from their lost childhoods by rediscovering certain things they used to like
Like surge watching tv and a cartoon that seems really familiar to her comes on. Curious to see what it's about, she starts watching and soon feels this wave of nostalgia hit her as she watches the characters getting into funny antics. One particular moment sends her into a fit of laughter, and she begins to realize she used to watch this show as a kid. It was one of her favorites, and she vividly remembers dragging her parents into the living room to watch it with her. Her laughter soon turns into tears, but she continues watching the show fondly, cherishing the memory she had just uncovered.
Or kit seeing an action figure of some character he doesn't quite recognize yet, but feeling so drawn to it that he begs surge (or whoever's taking care of him if he's not with surge anymore) to buy it for him. Once they get home he immediately starts unboxing it and feels a strange sense of satisfaction once he gets the toy out all on his own. As he plays with it, he begins to remember a time when he was younger, playing with a large collection of toys similar to the one he had just gotten and acting out complex plots out of his own imagination. He hugs the toy close as tears well in his eyes, then continues playing, his tail wagging excitedly and the warm memory still lingering in his mind.
I can keep coming up with these little scenarios for a while like there's so many things that could be used to bring back memories like familiar places or foods or even just feelings like smells and textures and like. Ouudnjjdjdkskd they will not leave my mind help
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fiber-optic-alligator · 2 months
Desperation vs. Domestication (Pt. 2)
Pairing: IDW Drift x Human Reader
WARNING: This story contains soft vore. If this makes you uncomfortable, please do not read this story.
Word Count: 4431
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Summary: Though you have been lulled into a deep sense of security by Drift's kindness and comfort, you still haven't completely lost the need to be free. A terrible nightmare refuels your desire for escape...but Drift isn't someone who wants to let you go.
HEEHEEHEEHEE I REALLY WANTED TO WRITE A PART 2 OF THIS...so I did. It's because Drift is my all-time favorite Transformer and I absolutely LOVE putting my favorite characters through angst. If you enjoyed reading part 1, then I hope you enjoy reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it! Likes, comments, feedback, and reblogs are never expected, but always appreciated! Enjoy! :D
Here is the link to pt. 1 if you haven’t read it!
Also available to read on AO3!
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  Two months later…
  You dream of Earth tonight.
  There are fields; you are standing in one. Long Bermuda grass tickles your ankles with the gentle presence of the planet recognizing its own. The endless green is splattered with occasional droplets of color: pink poppies, yellow sunflowers, marigolds, dandelions. It is warm. There is a slight wind blowing, playing with your hair. You turn your face towards the sunlight and bask in the relief of knowing you are home.
  All of a sudden, you hear a sound. Thumping. Steady, rhythmic. Loud. You feel the wind die down and suddenly the sun is gone, and there is only darkness. A massive shadow blots out all of the light. You see a figure looming over you, red-and-white with bright blue eyes that stare into your soul and make you feel terror.
  You try to run, but find you cannot move your legs. There is nothing you can do when you watch a giant hand reach down in slow motion and pluck you up, holding you between titanic fingers. The monster’s mouth opens, and then you are tumbling down, right into an abyss of metal and isolation. The Earth melts away forever. You are trapped. You are alone.
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  Shooting forward out of your nightmare, you hear yourself scream. The squishy floor underneath you makes you lose your footing when you scramble upward in a blind panic and fall into Drift’s stomach wall. Everything moves, the organ grumbling unhappily at you being awake. Your hands scramble at the mesh cables. Little pink bubbles of cybernetic blood pop anxiously beneath their semi-transparent surfaces. The walls close in to squeeze, holding you in a secure hug, attempting to keep you still. But you cannot think. You are scared, and you feel trapped, so you desperately begin to thrash and fight against the stomach.
  Drift’s voice booms above you, panicked. “Little one? Little one?!”
  “Let me go!” you shriek. “Please, letmegoletmegoletmego!”
  The walls loosen up, freeing you. You collapse into the fetal position, gasping while sweat beads your brow and your heart goes crazy.
  Drift presses his hands over his middle. “Little one, little one, shhhh, shh, shh, shh,” he hushes frantically. “Safe, safe…safe, all is safe...no need for fear…”
  Gradually, you calm down. Only when you are no longer trembling does Drift tentatively begin to squeeze you again. In and out, slow kneading, like he’s silently coaxing you to continue breathing at a healthier pace. “Little one…okay?” he asks.
  Your voice quivers. “I-I’m fine. I’m okay. It-It was a bad dream. A nightmare.” You sit upright and lean into the stomach wall. Drift holds you close, the undulating muscle relaxing you with its constant massage. His biolights pulse and flicker, a clear sign of his stress. You woke him up with your screams. It makes you feel bad, so you snuggle his cables further. The robot’s stomach is not a big place, but Drift likes to be conscious of you. The support you provide him in completing this task is obviously appreciated, because he hums softly and pats his hand over where you are.
  There is peace again. Peace and warmth. But you don’t feel the usual safety. There is a lingering pit of dread growing deep within your gut, foul roots clawing their way through your body, leaving you jittery, uneased. Your nightmare is the first one in months, and it’s a sure sign things are not right.
  It has been such a long time since you thought of your possible escape plan. You don’t know how long, but you do know that you can’t be comfortable here anymore. Your mind is sending the signals loud and clear.
  No more stalling, you think to yourself. No more being complacent.
  You are not domesticated yet.
  When Drift lets you out of here…you will go through with the plan to take an escape pod home. For real this time.
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  It takes you weeks to perfect your plan. And when you do finally have it all figured out, you come to the conclusion that things may end up being more complicated than you thought. Escaping a spaceship filled with giant alien robots is hard enough, yes. But then there’s the issue of what will happen when you return to Earth. You don’t know how long you’ve been abducted. It could be months. It could be years. What if all of your family and friends are long gone by the time you get home? What if things are so different that you’ve been completely left behind?
  No. You can’t think like that. A sharp patting to your cheeks snaps you out of it. Keep it together. This is the moment you have been waiting for. Regardless of what awaits you on Earth, you will be there to face it.
  You’ve packed everything you own into a small fabric knapsack your mech gifted you during your first days here (Who knew robots are such good knitters?). It’s not much, not much at all: snacks Drift gives you, strange pellets that clean your teeth, three cans of filtered water…but that’s all you really require for the trip you are going to embark on. You don’t believe it will be particularly long. The escape pods need to have some sort of device that allows them to leap through lightyears to their destinations. You believe this because you’ve watched the mothership do it from the observation windows Drift likes to bring you to sometimes. Hyperspace will occasionally be activated, with stars and planets blurring together into dazzling white paint streaks before coming to an abrupt halt in a totally new galaxy.
  Now, do you know how lightjumping works? Absolutely not. Last time you were on Earth, no such human technology had been invented yet. So you don’t exactly know how you’ll get the escape pod to lightjump like the ship does. But you’ll find a way. You have no choice.
  Now for the hard part: getting away from Drift long enough to activate the escape pod and blast away. He’s not going to make it easy for you. Drift doesn’t like letting you out of his sight if you aren’t in his room, and hardly lets you roam free. You’ve spent hours, both within his stomach and out, pondering how to go about this. It’s left you with the agonizing decision that you’ll just have to wing it somehow.
  The door to his room slides open. You’ve been sitting on his berth with your hands beneath your head and one leg crossed over the other, thinking, thinking, thinking, that at first you nearly didn’t hear him come in. You sit up to greet him with more eagerness than you’d like to show. The nightmare didn’t stop your affection for Drift from rearing its persistent head.
  There’s no waiting for him to give you his time today. When he enters the room, his focus is immediately on you with no prior distractions. Drift walks with a spring in his step, his finials perking up like an enthusiastic dog. You notice a small white box he holds in one hand, and think nothing of it. Drift’s room is decorated with countless knickknacks from other planets. It wouldn’t be the first time he’s brought some strange little souvenir home.
  “Hey, big guy,” you murmur happily when he kneels down before you. He settles the box to the side and cups both hands behind you, humming his typical car engine-purr greeting. You hug him when he draws you forth so he can nuzzle his nose into your middle. “I’m guessing you missed me?”
  Drift beep-boops excitedly. He gives you an affectionate tickle to your side, causing you to giggle. Your reaction delights him. He keeps it up, and pretty soon you are laughing so hard your stomach hurts. “D-Drift, s-stop! I-I can’t breathe!”
  He gives you one last light prod, then ends the bout of torture with more cuddles. You recover from the laughter, feeling airy and light like nothing else matters except for the giant robot holding you.
  “Little one,” he coos. “My little one.”
  “Mhm,” you mumble goodnaturedly. “Yeah. Yeah, I’m yours.”
  He suddenly looks like he’s remembered something very important, and he straightens, chirping rapidly. You watch as he grabs the white box and, to your surprise, presents it to you. You glance at it, then turn to him. “For me?” you ask, pointing at yourself.
  He chirps again and nods.
  You take it from him and open it with a slight air of confusion, because he’s never given you something like this before. You think it might be a piece of jewelry, or some sort of charm. But what you see inside is neither of those things. You suck in a sharp breath of pure disbelief and go numb.
  It’s a collar. A damn collar. Sleek and narrow, its solid red with a single white stripe circumnavigating it. On one side is a strange symbol of a boxy red robot’s face-the same symbol he has on his chest. These are his colors, you realize. He’s making us match. He wants the other mechs to know that he owns you.
  Drift rumbles expectantly. When you remain frozen, unable to pry your eyes away from the collar, he gently pries it out of your now slightly shaking hands. With extreme carefulness, he clasps it around your neck. It fits comfortably and locks with a quiet click.
  “My little one,” he repeats. “Mine.”
  He’s not trying to scare you. You know he isn’t. Yet your throat is dry, and the snug weight of the collar makes you feel sick.
  You need to get the hell off of this ship.
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  You spend the night feverishly trying to break the collar off, working yourself up like a caged animal driven mad by captivity. But no matter how hard you yank at it, it remains stubbornly fast around your neck. You refuse to eat the food given to you and cry yourself to sleep within a very concerned Drift’s belly, who can’t seem to console you no matter how hard he tries.
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  Drift doesn’t know what to do with you.
  You’ve been moping ever since he gave you the collar. Over the next few days, any sort of drive to escape has left you. You're depressed and disappointed in him for what he’s done. You don’t want to talk to him. You don’t want to accept any of his gifts. Blanket after pillow after plushie-all made by him, with the crude markings of homemade love-are ignored. You shy away from his touch and reject his attention. When he swallows you at night, you give him no inclination you care. You sit like a stone within him and just…stare off vacantly, unable to ignore the collar around your neck.
  He’s brought you to the ship’s doctor multiple times. On the first trip, the old red medic bot looked you over and finished his checkup with a shrug and dismissive chuff. The second time, he growled at Drift and waved him away. And on the third time, he didn’t even let him through the door. There’s nothing physically wrong with you. But mentally, how could they know? How could he know he’s hurt you? You trusted him to treat you with some level of respect despite your situation, and he had, until now. The collar was your breaking point. There truly is no way for him to ever see you as anything more than a pet, and it hurts you, because by god, you love him.
  “…Little one?”
  Drift calls out to you with a soft, sad tone. You huddle up tighter beneath one of your blankets and give no answer.
  You hear him shift at his desk. There’s silence between the two of you that is not wanted. He heaves a low sigh and tries again. “Little one…please?”
  Damn your heart, you can’t keep giving him the silent treatment when he sounds like he’s about to cry.
  You push the blanket off of your head. Drift slouches in his chair, back bent like an old man’s. His finials are drooping, and the glow from his biolights is dimmer than usual. He’s obviously been letting his personal hygiene go for the sake of finding a way to help you, and it hurts to know he’s in this state because of your shitty attitude towards what he simply sees as a gift. The collar is a curse, but you can’t exactly tell him that, can you? This entire situation is all your fault.
  It's the treacherous part of your mind which attempts to convince you of this. It partially works. Giving in, you sit up slowly, drawing the blanket tightly around your shoulders and tilting your head while giving him a questioning look.
  He’s surprised by your action, like he genuinely wasn’t expecting you to respond to this extent. But he takes advantage of it. Drift offers you a hopeful smile and picks something up from his desk. He stands and walks to you, going slow. You don’t flinch when he crouches down to your level. The warm light of his eyes leaves a kind feeling on your skin.
  Tentatively, Drift extends his hand. In his palm is a piece of chocolate, one of the many treats he has at his disposal to provide you with when he feels you are being especially good. It’s an olive branch. A reach in the right direction.
  You hesitate…and then you think, Oh, what the hell. Staying mad at Drift when he has no clue he’s done something wrong in the first place won’t get you anywhere. So you accept the candy and take a small bite.
  He sags with relief, exhaust whooshing from his nose as he watches you eat with a smile. When you're finished, he moves his hand closer, twining the palm around you and resting the tips of his digits against your head and sides. You hold his index finger, resting your forehead against it and closing your eyes as a sign of trust. But you feel guilty.
  “I’m sorry,” you whisper, knowing he won’t understand. But you say it anyway. “I love you. I love you so, so much. But you're destroying me. I can’t stay here anymore.”
  A tear slips down your cheek. You don’t notice it until Drift gently brushes it away.
  “I have to go.” Your voice breaks. “I need to leave. I hope you’ll learn why. And I hope you won’t hate me for it. I-I don’t think I could handle it if you did. Please don’t hate me. Please don’t think I hated you.”
  Drift coos. His reply is indecipherable. You think he’s trying to comfort you…but you’ll never know for sure.
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  He doesn’t swallow you tonight. You don’t know why; maybe he thinks you need a break. Maybe he just wants to hold you in a different fashion this time. You stay awake hours after he falls asleep, your little form nestled in the crook of his neck while he snoozes on his stomach with his arms crossed beneath his massive pillow. You peer off into the darkness, listening to his quiet breaths.
  For the longest time, you’ve thought of this room as yours and his. A space the two of you share together. Ours. It's fed into your delusional ideations of a future in which the two of you learn each other’s languages, where you stand on equal ground, you belonging to him and him belonging to you. A future where mechs and humans join hands and say “I see you. I know you. I understand you and you understand me. Neither of us is higher than the other.”
  But it will never happen. The collar around your neck is physical proof. There is no future between the two of you anymore. If you want to be you again…you need to let Drift go.
  You shuffle away from the bot’s neck and stand. The only parts of him that are lit up right now are the red symbol on his chest and the soft blue of his mouth. He’s so peaceful. This giant alien, who you know has fought in many battles from the scars you can see, is soothed by your presence. You, an insignificant little human being. The dynamic is honestly quite hilarious. You're like his very own version of a chihuahua.
 You want to hug his nose, knowing you will never have another chance again. But Drift is a light sleeper, and you're testing the waters enough already. You can’t risk it. It pains you, but you drop your arms and turn away.
  Using the metal ladder he made for you so you’d have easy access to his berth, you climb down and grab your knapsack. Quietly padding across the long expanse of the room, you make it to the door. It senses your presence and slides open. You force yourself not to look back when you walk out.
   You wonder if he will cry for you when he wakes up and finds you gone.
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  The spaceship is ominous at night. The only thing you can hear as you traverse the hallways is your heartbeat pulsing in your ears. You're trying to be quiet; passing by multiple rooms with slumbering bots inside has you holding your breath and then letting it out in a forcefully slow, reedy wheeze. You are, after all, a mouse in a prison filled with cats; slow and steady and silent wins the race.
  You survey the elevator when you get to it, at a loss of how you’ll possibly find a way to operate it due to how small you are. A miracle finds its way to you, however, in the form of a mech. This one you don’t recognize. He has a similar color scheme to Drift, but is noticeably bulkier, with a strange cannon sitting on his right shoulder and a blue eyepiece over the adjacent optic. All of his focus is on the datapad in his hands as he summons the elevator. You wait for the doors to open and for him to step inside before darting after him. Luckily he doesn’t look up fonce on the short journey. Your cover remains unblown when the doors part again and he heads off. You go in the opposite direction, because like hell are you going to follow the strange robot to someplace where there are probably more strange robots.
  You slip in and out of sight, staying far away from any mechs who are awake. They do not see you, which means you are doing this right-though there are some alarming instances where you think you’ll be caught. One such occurrence happens when a tall, thin blue mech with a chest like the front of a helicopter nearly sees you duck into an open storage room for quick cover. Its single orb ominously scans the darkened room. You watch from beneath a large shelving unit, terrified out of your mind. You don’t move, nor do you make a sound, keeping a shaking hand over your mouth.
  Finally, after what feels like hours, the mech stomps away. You let your head fall forward respitefully.
  You know you're nearing your one-way ticket to Earth when you see bright yellow signs plastered on the walls with loud black alien words telling you to hurry left with the help of large arrows. Escape pod symbols, accompanied by a funny little robot mascot, are the giveaway. You feel a sort of giddy euphoria swell up within you. You're almost there. You're going to escape. You're going to go home. It all seems far too good to be true; sure, you’ve imagined this scenario happening over and over again, but you never really did believe it would happen.
  You pinch your arm multiple times just to make sure you aren’t dreaming. This is not in your head. This is happening. You really are going back to Earth.
  Your collar suddenly vibrates. And then it starts to screech.
  You nearly jump out of your own skin. The alarm is loud, piercing, and undeniably going to alert someone to your presence. You slam your fists against it multiple times, but it doesn’t let up. Your heart sinks when the realization of what's going on hits.
  Shit. He put a tracker in it.
  You need to run. You shove yourself forward into a full-on sprint, dashing down the last remainder of this hallway, then turning the corner and seeing the numerous escape pods all lined up in the wall. You choose the first one, grabbing the edge of the circular door and pulling with all of your might. The tendons in your neck strain as you grunt and slowly bring the door back with you. Clamoring in, you give it one last heave before it shuts on its own and seals you inside. You hear the lock click into place. The entire cabin flickers to life, with the lights on and the control panel booting up. As you expected, everything is far too big for you to reach. But it seems you won’t need to. A loud robotic voice emanates from the central console, speaking to you in the native mech language.
  Your collar is still going off. You don’t have a lot of time.
  “I-I can’t understand you!” you yell over the din. “I’m a human, from Earth! I speak English!”
  The voice pauses. Seconds later, to your amazement, it talks, and you can understand. “Language notifications made. Destination updated. Scanning…” A panel on the ceiling pops open, and a blue light filters out, washing over you. “Scanning complete. Species: Homo Sapien. Homeworld: Earth. Milky Way Galaxy. Status: Critically endangered. Suggesting immediate travel to Earth.”
  You clap your hands. “Yes! Yes, that’s it! Earth, set the destination to Earth!”
  “Destination set. Awaiting command to launch LOST LIGHT LIFEPOD 01.”
  You are about to give the order when something slams against the door. You whirl around, your heart stuttering when you see who’s there. It’s Drift. He’s made it. And he looks horrified. With trembling fingers, he yanks on the handle. When the pod remains fastly shut, he pounds on the circular window with so much force the entire thing shudders and you think he’s going to rip it right off of its hinges. “Little one!” he screams, voice muffled beyond the barrier of glass. “Little one! Open…!” The rest of the sentence comes out as sharp metal shrieks.
  You stand there helplessly. The pod once again inquires for your command, yet you can’t find it within yourself to speak.
  Drift is doing everything he can to get to you. He’s like a rabid beast, clawing at the window, teeth bared in visible frustration. His biolights are going mad when he roars and sends his whole body into the door. This time, it does give a little. You can see some dents in the gray metal.
  This…is a side of Drift you have never seen. It is desperate, vicious. And it terrifies you. You stumble back to the opposite end of the pod and curl up, hugging your knapsack to your chest like a child squeezing their favorite stuffed animal. Drift continues his futile attack on the door, but pauses when he makes eye contact with you. His face falls. His fists relax and slide downward to press palm against the glass.
  He’s quiet as he seems to reflect on how he just presented himself front of you, then whispers heartbrokenly. “...Sorry.” Tears stream down his cheeks. His hot vexation melts away and exposes his remorseful center. “Sorry. Sorry, sorry, sorry. Little one. Y/N.”
  Oh my god.
  All noise ceases when you register what he just said. Your name. He said your name. He’s never done that before. You didn’t think he knew your name.
  He learned to say it. For you.
  Drift whimpers like a kicked dog, moving to crouch lower. “Y/N. Y/N, please. Stay. Stay with me. Please don’t go. I love you.”
  You’ve changed his life. You don’t need to be told this. You know you’ve brought him a sense of joy he hasn’t felt in years. You didn’t come here of your own free will. But you freely chose to love him. You gave yourself up and became his everything while he became yours. Isn’t he your home? Isn’t he the one who saved you? Can you really leave someone who cares about you so much?
  Your legs move on their own accord. Your heart beats with his and you take tentative steps towards the door. Drift twitters and gives you an encouraging nod, gesturing for you to keep walking.
  Why do you want to leave him so badly? Why would you want to throw away this perfect life?
  Your little human hands come to rest right over his massive robotic ones. You two are separated, but you think you can feel the warmth coming from him. Drift bonks his forehead against the window anticipatingly. “Come on,” he whispers. “Come on. It’s…okay. You're okay. Please.”
  Your hands are human. You will never see another pair again if you return to him.
  Your life is not supposed to be perfect. A human’s life is messy, and disastrous, and chaotic, and beautiful. His life is too, but not in the same way as yours.
  “Goodbye, Drift,” you murmur, voice breaking. “LOST LIGHT LIFEPOD 01…take me to Earth.”
  The escape pods hums and rumbles. “Command accepted,” it announces. “Preparing ejection in three…two…one.”
  The last thing you see and hear before the pod lurches forward and rockets out of its dock is Drift’s agonized expression and his wrenching wail.
  Your vessel speeds away. You get a fantastic view of the ship in all of its stunning glory. It felt so gigantic when you were inside, but from out here, you can fully comprehend its overwhelming proportions. You watch it rapidly shrink as you gain distance from it, until it's just another speck of light in the universe. And when you can’t even see that anymore, you allow yourself to collapse against the floor eagles-spread. You gaze up at the ceiling, feeling surprisingly hollow. There is no victorious sense of triumph, no excitement to return home. You don’t even know where home is anymore. Somehow, after everything you’ve gone through, you’ve come out even more lost than you already were.
  The waterworks start shortly after the escape pod jumps into hyperspace. Heaving sobs, messy tears, you lie there and weep to the stars, not noticing when your collar finally stops beeping.
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Darkness Lust | IDW Helex x f!robot reader | NSFW 18+
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Word count: 2300+
Warnings: Cnc, Smut, ( oral, rough interfacing and semi-public ) and size difference. NSFW 18+.
Notes: Order up! So, this took a completely different turn. Unsure if it got weird along the way, but here it is, and I have no regrets. Wanted to move into darker themes with my writing so hope this turned out. Added cnc into the warnings just to be safe. Another thing, know the request states for them to almost get caught but I had to let them get caught. Hope you all enjoy.🥰
Cnc - Consensual non consent
☕ Coffee
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Helex saved you, at least this is what you keep telling yourself over again, and you felt you owed him for this. Your escape pod from a ship had crashed onto an unknown planet, and it was by chance that he found you, injured from the crash but alive. You're brought back with him and when you are online again you find yourself in an unknown place and your wounds are patched.
When you first meet Helex he terrifies you. His enormous form is at least three times bigger than your smaller figure, multiple arms latched on his frame, and a cavernous torso where you can feel his internal heating elements boiling even from a distance, his own personal smelting pool.
You knew who he was but only from horrifying stories. A member of the Decepticon Justice Division, a group of torturers employed by Megatron to hunt down and deal with traitors.
You're an autobot though, they were only interested in decepticon traitors, right? You don't want to find out the answer you decided. All you can do is thank him politely and ask for a safe return back home. His answer is what seals your fate.
"You're home."
Helex wouldn't let you leave and the one time you did try to escape you don't get far, and it's his enormous figure, intense gaze, and the threatening glow from his torso that reminds you to not anger him, otherwise things won't end well for you at all. So for now, you stay put, much to your misery.
Now, here you are, trapped in a place you wanted to be far away from. You weren't threatened, you weren't hurt, in fact you were provided with average care, Helex never let you starve and made sure you were comfortable, at least as best as you can be in such a place.
As the days went by they continue to drag out, and you lost track of how long you've been there. A lot of the time you get bored and try to keep yourself busy however you can, but it's a struggle, mentally.
Often you would hear the echoed screams, and that's when you needed to truly escape. You didn't want to hear them, and the only place the screams can be blocked out is in the medic bay. Nickel allows you to clean the bay often, showing some pity you think, and it also keeps you distracted from everything else.
Now, in the medic bay again, you do your best to find even the smallest of things to tidy or clean up. You honestly don't know how long you've been at it, but you feel the thundering quacks slowly increase, and glancing up towards the door you see Helex entering. Nickel must've told him where you are.
He's silent, as you are too, no greetings offered from either of you. You never know what to say to him, and you've unsure what he is thinking either. He moves towards you, causing you to grow nervous as he gets closer before stopping beside you, your optics focused on the bench in front of you where you had just cleaned.
"Are you afraid of me?" His sudden voice cuts through the air.
"Sometimes." You answer through a shaken whisper before meeting his fierce gaze. "Do you want me to be afraid of you?"
"I'm not sure." He sounds confused, and his answer doesn't really help calm you. "You're intriguing."
You're unsure what to say to that, and so you turn your gaze back to the bench just to avoid his piercing gaze. Yeah, you're scared of him, but he hasn't hurt you, not yet at least, and you're fully aware what he was capable of which is why you don't push him.
Helex continues to stare before he moves again, this time moving his large servo towards your face and using the back of his broad digit to caress against your cheek plating. The contact causes your venting to hitch, followed by a soft whimper out of fear. The affection is new and you're unsure how to react.
"I don't want to hurt you."
"What do you want?" You can't help the tremble in your vocals.
"I want you."
You turn your helm at him and he's suddenly on you, firm broad lips latching onto your own fiercely causing you to let out a startled whimper, muffled by his lips as he lifts you up onto the bench and pins you down onto the surface. Your hands push up against his chassis, giving weak attempts to get him off you, but it's pointless. His size and strength prove that, and you feel vulnerable and helpless as he forcefully kisses you.
His second pair of arms suddenly tug your legs apart, giving him the opportunity to press against you more and deepen the kiss. You feel his glossa push between your lips and coil around your own. His glossa isn't like others, much longer and hotter, a magna bitterness lingering as he fills your mouth and explores, causing you to let out a choked wince. Is that energon you taste? Did he just consume energon? Something told you that you don't want to know the answer. He shows no intention of stopping, and in fact he seems to be liking it as he lets out a low moan against your lips, his strong servos pinning you still as his second pair roam across your thighs and waist areas.
Your fighting attempts cease and you're left with no option but to let him, and much to your confusion your entire frame starts warming up from his intense actions. This shouldn't be happening, you shouldn't be enjoying this, yet you find yourself moaning lowly, your mouth full of his extended glossa.
Helex removes himself from the kiss, followed by his glossa that descends out from your mouth covered in saliva. You let out a forced vent and stare at him with wide optics, a bit stunned by his action, and he is only getting started.
He lifts your bottom half up making you gasp out loudly, leaving you to hang upside down just about from the berth you sat upon and you grip your servos across the edges. You feel his hot vents against your legs and panel, servos holding you tightly, right before feeling his snake glossa sliding against your covered valve.
"W-what are you doing?!" You're scared, feeling the hot texture against your closed panel and inner thighs, and much to your shock you're slowly growing more warm, whimpering in pleasure as he holds you hanging there, right before you automatically feel your panel retract on its own due to your growing desire.
He likes that, and takes his chance to latch onto your valve and devour you, thick glossa already sliding in deeply as he lets out a lingering moan tasting your fluid sweetness.
Another startled mewl erupts from you as you feel his glossa reach far deep through your channel, further than any spike before you've had. This shouldn't be real, yet it's happening, and reality sinks in as he starts to frag you with his glossa, sliding back and forth through your depths.
Your body responds through shivers of growing arousal, your valve building with fluids as you can't help but clench around his sliding glossa, letting out lingering soft moans as you crumble under him. Helex enjoys your taste and your reactions, letting out a vibrating satisfied groan against your valve that rocks through your frame.
The angle is strange, being lifted half off the berth leaving your shoulders and helm to barely rest against it while he holds you up by your spread legs and waist to hold you against him.
Constant weak mewls erupt from you over again as his glossa plunges through your channel, thighs spasming violently while you servos grab hold onto the edges as you feel yourself start to roll your hips against his glossa. You can't help yourself, it feels amazing!
This leaves though when you feel him pull away, glossa leaving your valve causing you to whimper in protest lightly. His hold is still tight as he lowers you back down, only for you to realise than that his panel had retracted, revealing his ridiculously large pulsing spike, tapping directly onto your valve, and this is when your fear quickly boils up again.
"W-wait, wait, you're too big-!" You're bluntly cut off when he ignores you and presses his spike against your valve firmly, the fat tip slowly breaching and invading your channel, thickness stretching you widely while he continues to press forward.
Your servos grip at his broad ones firmly latched against your hips while his second pair hold your legs apart, holding you in place, leaving you with nothing but to accept his spike that slowly fills. Letting out a choked sob you feel the burning pleasure build at your valve, every pulsing ridge rubbing forward and creating a bulge that slowly expands against your valve and lower soft armour.
Taking so much of him surprises you, you didn’t think your smaller frame could take so much.
His heated vents hit you, almost a burning sensation, as he firmly presses himself against your valve fully, able to stretch you fully while letting out a deep groan release from his chassis. Your optics shutter close while letting out soft winces followed by moans of desire rushing through you. You feel his entire length pulsing rapidly through your channel, expanding through the bulge created before you manage to online your optics to look at him.
He's staring right back, scorching gaze piercing through your small figure. He's so powerful, dangerous. There's no love or care in his face, only hunger and the growing arousal through him. This is only for pleasure, whether he intended for you to enjoy it you don't know, but you still enjoy it.
Helex gives a blunt thrust, shaking you against the berth as another choked sob leaves you, surprised by his sudden action as you grip your servos into his own even more, digits digging into his soft armour that will leave dents. He does it again, and again, slowly, feeling that broad spike moving through your channel thoroughly, before you feel his movements pick up as he tugs you by your waist against his movements, shaking the berth and yourself while you let out repeated gasps and moans.
Your sensitive node is stimulated against his rough armour while you continue to let out outbursts of desire rocking through your frame, clenching around his thrusting spike and feeling him buried deep within you. Despite your position, who it was, you don't care. You love the pleasure boiling through every inch of you and the tight hold he possessed, claiming and using you for his pleasure which you find oddly arousing.
His movements increase, forcing out stuttered vents from you over again, legs spread wide by his secondary arms and the heat radiating from him clouding your trembling frame. You feel his spike pump into you fully over again, twitching violently, vocal sounds growing louder, and you know he's about to overload, and it's no surprise to you that you feel yourself growing close to crashing through your own.
Moving your servo you rub at your node as you're unsure if he would care if you overload or not. Doing this causes your back to arch and accept every rough thrust against you, mewling loudly as you feel your overload coming crashing through you while clenching around his thickness. Helex lets out a deep groan that erupts from his chassis, feeling you clenching hard, giving a couple more jerky thrusts before spilling his thick trans fluids deep in you.
You feel the warm sticky fluids filling you to the brim, filling your chambers, channel and expanding up with his spike against your lower half. Some leak out with nowhere else to go while you hear it drip onto the floor, only low whimpers as the afterburst of pleasure continues to linger.
Helex keeps himself within as he admires and savours every moment, rubbing his primary servos across the bulge against you. He drew out a lot of your energy, and you silently admit it was a pretty good frag, your overload was quite marvellous. You're both lost the moment you don't hear someone entering the room.
Nickel clears her vocals to get their attention, making you both snap your gazes on her as she tads her peda against the flood with crossed arms, not impressed by the scene.
"Seriously? You two have your own private room to fool around in. I don't understand why you insisted on letting it happen in my medic bay."
All you can do is gasp and look away, feeling horribly embarrassed that you've been caught in such a way. You wince a little as you shift, still feeling him buried deep in you.
"Sorry, Nickel." Helex says softly. Despite her size, she somehow put the other members of DJD in their place, and learned to respect her.
"Well, chop chop, get cleaning. I don't want to be stepping in either of your fluids. Place better be spotless when I return." She turns on her pedas and heads out.
Letting out a low groan you feel his spike start to leave you, and flop out leaving your valve gaping and leaking your mixed fluids. Your optics are fuzzy but you feel his hot frame leaning across and sharing a surprisingly tender kiss with you. He tucks himself away, sharing one more glance with you, before turning and leaving the room.
You're left alone, sitting up against the berth as you give yourself a moment to gather your thoughts. It seems you're left to clean up, of course. Venting out deeply you do your best to clean yourself, close your panels, and start to wipe down the berth and floor.
Helex confused you, but you shouldn't expect too much from the large mech. You don't know what to expect anymore, or if you were ever going to escape. A part of you doesn't want to though, just so you can keep Helex's spike all to yourself.
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theyandereonmyoji · 4 months
I really liked the headcannons of shadow and sonic when you’re petting their quills could I request the same thing for sliver?
First time requestion sorry if it didn’t make sense lol
Hello anon!! I'm so sorry for the long hiatus, but what's promised is due and I was able to finish this request! I hope you enjoy dear,
Romantic Yandere Silver the Hedgehog with a Reader that likes to pet his ears and quills
TW: obsessive behavior
Bold of you to assume he didn’t ask you to pet him first, anon, because honestly he just loves getting any type of affection from you. He would ask you to please do so, and when he sees that you want to pet him, he wouldn’t even bother to try to hide how happy he is. Honestly his over-eagerness for you to pet him might make things awkward at first, but at time goes on, you two will grow more used to it. You’re not the only one getting physical affection, however, even if it’s just holding one of yours hands while the other one is busy, or even hugging you as if you were a teddy bear with the excuse of helping you reach his quills better (even if it would be easier to just turn around), Silver’s more than happy to reciprocate your affection.
He’s internally begging for you to scratch his ears, not necessarily because he might be feeling some itch there, but he just can’t resist the feeling of your soft fingers tracing his ears, to him, it’s the closest thing to heaven on earth. He just wishes it could last forever…but, there's a teeny-tiny problem regarding that, and it’s the fact his ears are too ticklish. He tries his best to contain his laughter but he just can’t help it, it’s too much for him to handle, so he needs to take some breaks to catch some air, much to his dismay. Nonetheless, he will not be deterred from his goal, after all, there isn’t a single second with you to be wasted, he knows more than most how precious time with loved one is.
You might confuse his quills for pillows from how soft they are. Heck, are quills even capable of being that soft? Well, the answer to that would be: Yes, yes they can. There’s just something about him that just *melts* when here’s anywhere near you, and in turn, you might forget you’re caressing his quills rather than feathers. When he’s stressed, and his quills are particularly spiky, he’s a combination of Sonic and Shadow. Shadow because he’s scared to hurt you and therefore keeps his distance until he feels relaxed enough…and Sonic because he won’t last long and immediately go in for a hug to try to calm himself down, and it works like a charm. Next thing both of you know, his quills are soft yet again.
Silver isn’t exactly someone you would call busy due to him having a lot on his plate, rather, there’s just so much he wants to do in your timeline that he just can’t in his future. Either way, you’re getting dragged to it, and it’s impossible to say no to him lest you can tolerate his puppy eyes, and trust me, he gives puppies a run for their money. Next thing you know, you two are going around a city he wanted to visit or attending his little garden (you know, the one from IDW), and for the entirety of  your date, together, he’s holding your hand for the entire day. He’ll only ever let go if there was danger nearby and he needed you to get somewhere safe, and well, whoever decided to ruin his date will pay tenfold
If there are instances where you have to do something…well, he’ll certainly be insistent about going with you, saying that he can help you if you need, if you reject though, he’ll spend the rest of the day dejected. He’ll try to make himself seem busy while he wait for you, but to him it’ll feel like an eternity, as he tries to occupy himself with anything he can hoping that ignoring the passage of time will make it go by faster. By the time you’re done, Silver will tackle you down with a hug, failing miserably to hide how much he’s missed you. After that, the rest of the day will be you, him, and cuddles, lots of them. He wants to enjoy every second he gets to be with you, and getting his ears and quills petted is such a nice bonus for the both of you.
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flightyalrighty · 15 days
Hi! I wanna make my own comic, and I wanted to ask if you have any tips/advice for pacing your comics? In other words: how do you know what's going to be on a particular page? I've been struggling to even get started with scripting, and your work is rlly impressive!
Thank you! I'll do my best to explain my approach to pacing! I'm really bad at explaining my process always though, so I apologize in advance if I fumble this.
Appropriate pacing for a comic absolutely depends on what kind of comic you're making. In the instance of making, say, a graphic novel, one typical follows the standard story pacing rules, depending on the genre and all that (see any "The Narrative Arc" graph).
For a comic book series, you've got the standard arcs to keep in mind PLUS you need to keep the reader's attention so that they'll consider buying the next issue -- And this has to happen in an endless cycle if it's a book like Spider-Man. That means that the last few pages ought to have PUNCH, y'know? So for a comic book instead of a full Narrative Arc, you're in this perpetual cycle of:
Inciting Incident -> Rising Action -> Midpoint -> Inciting Incident -> Rising Action -> Midpoint [etc]
Until what is deemed the "end of an arc" in which a Falling Action is allowed at the end of four or eight issues. Small moments of relief are sprinkled throughout these issues in the form of jokes or breaks for the character, but ultimately the line is going up until the main issue of that arc is fully resolved.
This is why, for example, the Metal Virus arc in IDW Sonic felt so exhausting to some people (personally I loved it). The tension was constantly rising with no breaks in between bigger moments. There was no "midpoint," just Inciting Incidents and Rising Actions for ~20 months. I think this is appropriate for an arc firmly set with the family-friendly horror genre it was pulling, though it wasn't to everyone's taste.
I personally write my comics to have moments of stress followed by moments of calm followed by moments of stress and so on. I sprinkle some relief in the stressful moments and some stress in the calm moments. The stress moments and calm moments can be stretched or shortened however I see fit, so long as there is a break from each one eventually. I couldn't tell you when the appropriate time to switch would be, however, because I go off of vibes when it comes to that kinda thing. "Has this stretched on too long?" y'feel?
For webcomics, pacing gets broken down into an even tighter space. Yes you're following comic pacing rules but now you've got the extra added bonus of needing to hook your reader at the end of a page in order to convince them to keep reading next week. My webcomics professor in college, Meredith Gran (Octopus Pie), taught my class that the best way to do this is either with a surprise at the end, or a joke. Something to get the reader itching to see what's next.
That's all I can think of in terms of tips for pacing, and I'm real sorry if that wasn't enough! All I can do is recommend Understanding Comics by Scott McCloud to you!
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berenjin · 7 months
fave 2012 rare pair go 🎤 (doesnt have to be romantic!!)
Not romantic or anything but I think it would have been cool if they made something more between karai and raph. This is probably just me bc they're both my favs but I think their dynamic would have been so good..... I found it interesting how they seemed to dislike each other at first bc I find them to be so similar so i would have liked if they had some kind of moment where they had to work together or something and realize that they're not so different after all. Also I think a team up between these two would go so hard.
Okay I'm gonna ramble now. My thoughts are very messy and also I suck at explaining myself but we ball
Imagine if raph wanted to get retalation from shredder after he put that brainworm in him so he'd go all obsessed with going after shredder (kind of like idw raph with bishop) so his family would be like "okay raph u need to calm down about all of this revenge stuff" but ofc he wouldn't listen and go on his own. At some point he and karai would team up idk after all karai is number 1 on the getting revenge from shredder list. Their plan wouldn't work out at the end and raph would end up getting hurt but luckily that would be the thing to snap his sense back to him. Unfortunately for karai, she's too deep in her obssesion and can't change her mind. However, they now have this mutual understanding of each other since they realize they're kind of alike
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libelelle · 1 year
OBLIGATORY DISCLAIMER. my opinion on Silver is by no means the single correct one nor do i think it should be, do what you do idc. we're all here throwing him at a wall repeatedly for fun
Ok so. whats the point i wanted to make. oh yeah right
his character is so interesting this is a character for sure. im screaming and crying etc etc. the unfortunate part is NO ONE GETS HIM. i see a lot of interpretations that cherry pick his personality and experiences and it just! isnt it! he is a complicated character!
trying to simplify him down to 🥺innocent soft boi🥺 doesn't work, not only cause you're ignoring his DEBUT GAME (NEVER FORGET HE TRIED KILLING SONIC) but also because you just disconnected him from his entire backstory and motivations. i see people making Silver into a "cinnamon roll" guy and it always makes me grimace because... do you know WHY he is clueless. do you know why he doesn't get things or is too trusting or this or that. its because he grew up in the apocalypse alone. he hasn't experienced anything normal or healthy in his entire life. and since these traits, which are used to make him into the innocent cinnamon roll, are a result of growing up in a very abnormal environment, are symptoms of having never been in social situations and never had a normal day-to-day life. this means you can't ignore the OTHER characteristics that result from it. by this i mean hes very independent, very stubborn and aggressively mean (i recommend watching any of Silvers interactions in the Rivals games. he is extremely confrontational and a very good example of the kind of behaviour i'm talking about). but since this doesn't fit the bill for the character that you want him to be, you remove the context. him being clueless has nothing to do with his background. hes anxious cause hes a smol bean, not because hes been drowning in responsibility and trauma for as long as hes been alive. hes kind because hes innocent, not because he chose to be despite it all
"but linnea! what about IDW! hes very innocent in that!" INCORRECT BUZZER. IDW is not the same. i'll admit, the writing isn't always what i want or expect for Silver, but there's something important for you to note here
Silver is ✨Recovering✨
from my perspective at least. what i see is Silver, who has actively been working together with other people for MONTHS. he has friends, a support net, as well as hobbies. these are things he didn't have before, and being with these people, in both calm and hard times, helped him. So what we are seeing isn't the trauma responses, we're seeing the result of being acclimatized into a healthier and safer position. that's why there's a change in behaviour. this doesn't mean hes a soft boy now. AGAIN hes complicated. be careful not to boil him down to a single trait. in IDW we still see moments where he experiences difficulties because of his past. examples include when he met Whisper, Failed Social Interaction and said this:
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he struggles with boundaries! of course he does! he's still getting the hang of being around people
then also recently when he came to help Sonic in 58:
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he is struggling!! with nothing to focus on! his default is fight fight save the future fight!! he's not used to normal life and that makes him anxious and frustrated, unable to focus on things he cares about, as we see in the future growth comic in the 2022 annual
there are likely more examples but idc. need to finish this post. continuing, Silver is complicated, meaning that even when he is aggressive and tunnel visioning on a task, he has more going on. one thing i fucking lovee LOVE love about Silver is that he has hope. fuck if i were him i think i'd have given up. THOSE horrors? every day? no thanks
Silver feels anguish and frustration and fear. this being said even at his angstiest moments he has hope. you cannot look me in the eye and tell me that Silver fought through every horrible disaster, coming back to a newly devastated world every time and decided to continue with no hope for a better future. he is determined and he has hope, even if he has to fight tooth and nail for it. Usually when i think about Silver and his odd optimism, i go back to '06, when he's having his moral crisis over killing sonic.
"To kill someone to save the world... is that really the right thing to do?"
it would've been understandable if he decided it was the right thing to do, even if sonic was someone who was kind and loved, because that's just how bad the world is. maybe its just me, but the way this thought broke through in spite of his bull headed focus on destroying the iblis trigger speaks to me about his nature as a person. even coming from the bleak world he came from and even with the tunnel vision he had, he still considered this one persons life to be important too.
he is, at heart, a very gentle and kind person. he is, at heart, someone who is strong and who wants to help others. a version of Silver that is sad all the time, unable to see the good in the world (a phenomena i don't see much of thankfully) isn't true to Silver as a character because its missing that core trait to his character, that he wants to help because he cares.
Silver can't be one or the other. one way ignores his background and his trauma, which leaves out important parts of his personality, the other just abandons a very integral part of who he is.
the point really is to say that (slaps roof of Silver) this bad boy can fit so much layers!
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cosmosrebellion · 1 month
I am once again thinking of RWBY crossovers. Specifically a TMNT-RWBY crossover. Which wouldn't be the weirdest crossover these characters had since all of them met Batman at one point.
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I'd take a page from the RWBY-JL crossover and translate the Turtles into the RWBY universe. It's not too difficult to adapt their setting for RWBY, honestly.
We can have them and Splinter - and pretty much any other mutant - be faunuses. Hamato Yoshi can be a Huntsman who got kicked out of the Foot Clan when it became a bunch of merciless mercenaries, and later adopted four turtles faunus who were orphaned by Grimm, taught them how to fight, to build their own weapons and use their abilities to do good and help others, becoming the father they needed.
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We can keep the "Half-Shell Heroes of the Shadows" angle by having them be unlicensed Huntsman and act like vigilantes with no regard for the system created by Ozpin.
The meeting between the Turtles and Team RWBY would be great. First, they fight of course, we need to see that happen. But once things calm down and we can have some fun, there's so much that can be done:
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-Blake and Leo just quietly enjoying each other's company, and maybe sparring a bit.
-Ruby and Mikey just having way too much energy at all times.
-Weiss and Donnie being the ones who hold the brain cells of their teams.
-Yang and Raph being Yang and Raph at each other.
For the villains, we can keep Shredder as a megalomaniac conqueror who wants to take over the world with his army of ninjas. Depending on which part of the RWBY timeline this would take place, there are different things we can do with Saki. If it takes place during the war against Salem, we can have him offer his services to her at some point, of course as an arrogant ploy to take her out and take everything over. Or, if it takes place after the war, we can have Shredder take advantage of the kingdoms trying to rebuild to strike and seek power.
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And for secondary villains that we can bring for both cool fights and character exploration. We can do something with a few of the excellent mutants introduced in the IDW comics like Alopex, Koya and Bludgeon. And of course, bring the classic Bebop Rocksteady.
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And of course, the most important thing when it comes to the villains: Making RWBY fans aware that Karai exists.
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beevean · 3 months
I don't think I can describe fully with every word in the English dictionary how much I think that infamous from #50 IDW Sonic looks awful from an artistic standpoint and it being a part of comics as a medium. The washed out colors. The wall of text shoved into it and cluttering everything. Sonic's smug holier-than-thou pose. It's bad.
And knowing the context behind it makes it worse, and further gives me the impression of it feeling like it would be the world's longest ever still or panning shot, if the issue that panel came from was ever animated.
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I don't know who between Flynn and ABT had the idea of washing Sonic in holy light as he's speaking from above with a smug smirk, looking down on Surge/the viewer. That's. That's a villain thing. You're painting Sonic as the literally holier-than-thou villain, the kind of guy who'd say "we need to make sacrifices for the greater good"... and at the same time treat that long ass quote like it's something inspirational??? Like it's the distillation of Sonic's core philosophy that we should admire in spite of the terrible consequences it brings????
a spectacular failing of both writing and art. increibl.
I'll never be over the last speech bubble either. The wording he used, "I'm willing to chalk this up", "if you will", this is not Sonic! It's just not him! I can smell the condescension oozing out of him like slime!
(ah, and of course, "I made peace with enough enemies" you arrogant pustule no you did not. you're not Amy. stop implying that you expect Surge to calm down just because other people did in the past. shut up.)
Ah, but let's not forget the other Peak Writing moment from #50 that still incenses me:
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You know you've written an IC Sonic when you can feed the same exact line to Eggman and it would sound actually really good :V
Flynn, just... you can make Sonic shut up, you know. A troubled girl that Sonic reduced to a "schtick" apparently killed herself to reject his help. He doesn't need to quip to everything. Sonic can treat death with respect, Mr. "Big Oof". Please.
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SONAMY ongoing evolution
I've been playing Sonic frontiers and I watched Sonic prime and I read the IDW comics... Omg where's do I start???
Sonic frontiers is just a work of art in general, but the sonamy inside is just beautifully portrayed, I can say that Ian Flynn totally ships them 😌😌. I'm just so utterly happy how things had changed even if it took so many years
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Sonic changed a lot his perception of Amy! 🥲🥲🥲 Also the detail of the umbrella line, remember that sonic was created in Japan, say fellow anime fans what does usually means when two characters share an umbrella? What does it mean when students in Japan draw an umbrella in the blackboard with two names written under it? It is clear that Ian Flynn totally knows the meaning and the MUSIC! Seriously those scenarios with Amy and that music felt like it came right out of a shojo anime😖😖😖💗💗
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But also the feels... THE FUCKING FEELS!! The way Amy is kind of too calm with her situation but Sonic is just so worried and you could tell how worried he was even if he tried to play it cool... His expressions girl... Look at him with his cute ears dropped 🥲🥲🥲 Guys this game fed us good stuff... We shippers finally got what we had always wanted.
Next topic: Sonic Prime.
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So I'm a bit conflicted, cause i only liked one of Amy's different designs and that was Thorn Rose, I'm obsessed with her hair but dude Rusty Rose? That could have been better... Also why Rusty Rose and not Metal Rose? Cyborg Rose? Badnik Rose? Mecha Rose? Robot Rose? Rusty sounds a bit degrading... It is because she was made like that by the Egg council? Pff also her robot appearance is just so ugly! What with that eye? But I love the dark concept and I love her SASS 🤣🤣🤣🤣Anyway my problem with Rusty Amy and Sonic is that it feels like the situation is not treated nearly as serious as Nine situation and boy ok you are a hurt loner with bully victim issues but Amy is basically dead, like there's no flesh or organs in her, she literally has a Birdy as a source of life and what is the outcome of that? Is there another outcome different from Gamma's fate in sonic adventure? Because the second Amy gets back her emotions she will want to release the bird... But more importantly... I can't wait to see Shadow react to her... This is the girl that reminded him of Maria, i really shouldn't but I really have high expectations for what kind of interaction will they have, we really need to see Shadow and Amy interact more let's be honest. As for the other Roses, there's no much to say about Black Rose but with Thorn we got good stuff too:
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But I have to say one thing... Ok I know Amy is a strong power character but... It's a bit ridiculous that she could fight off characters like Rouge and Knuckles THAT EASY is just...🙃🙃🙃 Well i loved the part when he tries to reason with her all like: you liked me... A bit? Remember? And she is just so irritated and done with him already 🤣🤣🤣 but then... We also got this:
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Actually touch her cheek you COWARD!!😤😤 Also when he was about to smash her and but stopped because he has a flashback of his Amy 😭😭😭, it's curious that Thorn Rose seems to be more impactful in Sonic than Rusty Rose which is ok but is odd plot speaking, after all Rusty is the one in the worst condition and is the one hunting him down, I'll just wait for next season and see what happens
And last but not the least I Shall say something about THIS!!
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This illustration hit me right in the kokoro, date with hands holding and Sakura petals... is pure shojo manga energy!! I'm so blessed 😭😭💗💗
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And of course the important reminder that Amy is a POWER CHARACTER and that's why she and knuckles make a good POWER SIBLINGS team as I stated in their own post about them... And dear Silver fucking gave her a COLOSSAL hammer 😂😂😂do not mess with the pink hedgehog buddy, and of course Sonic knows exactly how awesome she is as it should be, seriously she is really getting better and better, i really hope we'll see her in the next movie
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transingthoseformers · 6 months
That took longer than expected but here goes.
Get Cucked Tarn AU Part 1
Basically the AU Part starts earlier. Pharma has made a deal with Tarn and it has already started to get intense and overwhelming. Pharma is meeting demand as they have extras and people are dying naturally so he hasn't had to make the choice to kill but it is getting there. He is now locked in and panicking but trying to convince himself he has it under control. 
(He does not.)
And Tarn has started to use him like a stress ball/unwilling therapist he dumps things on because Megatron has gone missing and communication has disappeared across the war since he left to go take care of the “problem with Starscream”. Basically the start of Phase 1 of IDW when the Cybertronians get stuck on Earth and everyone gets cut off. It's only a couple years so not too long for a Cybertronian in IDW but Tarn is basically having the equivalent of being left on read for a month when Megatron went on a work trip and he is taking it out on safe targets.
 Setting the scene.
Pharma and Ambulon get stuck in a cave in and through the intense hours stuck there and Pharma's increasing panic and fear of death he confesses what happened thinking he is dying. Ambulon manages to save him and he and Pharma talk about things and he calms him down from going into full panic. Ambulon brings First Aid in on it and the three of them support each other to plan how to handle it until they can come up with a permanent plan. 
Ambulon brings to the table that he can make T-Cogs that are CC level which an addict won't really notice so long as it works. Inspired wholly by @creamium's The Delphi Solution. Ambulon has kind of half trained himself as a blacksmith and uses his own sentio metallico to grow uncoded parts from and he just makes them imitate a T-Cog. It's a lot more involved, has a high failure rate and requires him carrying around vials of it in his Spark Chamber, draining energy, to activate it but it is possible because the cultures eventually turns into malleable goo and become self-replicating. This solidifies Ambulon’s place on the Delphi Mad Science Team and Pharma and First Aid start working with him to make it quicker so they can meet demand.
Many shenanigans happen as they all brainstorm ways to resolve things. Pharma invents a plague, First Aid turns out to have Springer's personal number and lies to the Wreckers, and Ambulon calls his ex who he knows would be willing to be hired to fuck around and distract the DJD if the pay is good enough and since he needs Tarn dead anyway.
The ex is Black Shadow and Pharma is scandalized and suddenly very poor and watching horrified as Black Shadow and his apparent lover Blue Bacchus are hitting on Ambulon while First Aid flutters over Springer who is grudgingly agreeing to help them out. Pharma meanwhile has decided to, if nothing works out do a murder suicide because he is not suffering through Tarn's special attention.
Things are successful. The DJD do not expect to be led into a trap. Though admittedly it does lead to Vos, who is apparently a spy, getting his cover broken as he saves Springer, who Prowl has a high priority protection placed on.
Clean up means Pharma gets to therapeutically triumphantly raid their no abandoned base, blow up their drug hub, burn and steal Tarn's shit including his “collection” and now firmly declares his personal Autobot nemesis. 
Ambulon, Pharma, and he are now thoroughly bonded and Vos/Dominus passes on the news about Overlord’s take over of Garrus-9 sooner. Things go slightly differently there as Springer is definitely willing to charge Prowl’s card to keep the mercenaries who are high off sticking it to the DJD, agree. The Wreckers end up hanging out on Delphi recovering and make it their base as a bit of a “fuck you”.
The war ends and Delphi is being closed down. The Delphi Team is on Cybertron when the Lost Light launches and Pharma initially stays back since Ratchet is going but Ambulon and First Aid go for both First Aid's training and because Ambulon wants to see the world. They still regularly talk though and give him updates. He also talks to Ratchet and has been trying to talk him into letting him work on his hands as they try to become friends (and more in Pharma's hopes) again.
Pharma goes through everything on Cybertron and once the Lost Light prepares to leave again he signs u. Then he tries to kiss Ratchet, gets rejected, and he's already signed up so no getting out of that.
Then Megatron declares himself an Autobot and chooses the KOC for his trial and Pharma cackles. He has thoroughly fucked himself he thinks trapped with his now ex-ex and Tarn’s idol constantly just there and unpleasant reminder. 
I'll continue in a bit. Gotta finish dinner.
Of course we start with the Deal, easily one of the major factors in why Pharma is Pharma, the godforsaken deal
Aaaand makes sense for Tarn to start telling Pharma some very TMI stuff because Tarn. And Pharma can't do jack shit about it. Tarn is that one dog with separation anxiety who's trying to not tear the place apart.
Oh no, a canon divergent cave in
So this time Pharma actually has help to try and keep the deal from going against the wall like it did in canon, especially since Ambi and Aid very much can help at this point
Ambulon can do what? Running to ao3 now, Oh this one would hurt. I got sidetracked but the idea of being able to manufacture t-cogs separately has gotta help out majorly, even if it's hard as fuck
First Aid how do you have Springer's number, OWO?
Kiufgjngccck Ambulon your ex is Black Shadow?? How did that happen
Black Shadow and Blue Bacchus deserve more attention in the fandom
So things actually go well for once, up until Lost Light era where in a typical Lost Light fashion shit goes wild.
oh Pharma, L cope lmao
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playertwotails · 1 year
Okay so I just read the new Sonic IDW issue #56 and there's so much about this issue I love but there are some particular panels I wanna talk about.
Putting it under the cut for spoilers. Also cause it's a long post cause I have thoughts.
SO first off Sonic is just having a bad time this whole arc, dude cannot catch a break lately I swear.
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Like poor guy is having the worst week. Stating the obvious, but like he's in so much pain here and idk how many volts Surge just pumped into him but I'm gonna assume it was probably enough to kill anyone who's not Sonic. (Yay for plot armor lol). But seriously he should probably be dead but he's also got like basically over maxed stats in constitution so he can take hits that'd kill others but that doesn't mean it's not gonna hurt like hell.
Also look at Tails he's so worried and tries to dive after him but just wasn't quite fast enough. Plus look how Sonic landed...facing Tails when he first started falling he was face down. Meaning he had turned around mid fall and tried to reach out to grab hold of Tails' hand. The last thing he saw then before getting hit with fuck you levels of volts was Tails' terrified face just above him.
Which also means that Tails just saw all that up close. He was probably hovering just over Sonic based on the panel where he tried to catch him but couldn't do anything to help without also getting hit with Surges electricity too. So Tails more than likely just had to hover there and watch all that happen.
Side note: I also find it very interesting that it was a combination of his biggest fear and Tails' that resulted in this. Like yeah that was the whole point of Surge and Kit, they were made to prey on each of their biggest fears. But the fact that it was only Sonic that took the worst of the hits from the both I feel like says something. And the fact that Tails kept being able to talk down Kit (water) from attacking while Sonic couldn't do the same with Surge (lightning). Idk what but there's something there to look into and think about.
Moving back to the panels though:
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When Tails can finally reach Sonic after the bath from hell he is freaking out and concerned. He's scared for Sonic to the point he can't even form a complete sentence just pure panic mode is on. And Sonic, who's in all kinds of pain right now, sees Tails freaking out and being worried about him and immediately makes a joke to try and calm Tails down.
Sonic just ignores how awful he feels to try and reassure his little brother. Cause he knows what Tails just saw and wants/needs him to calm down and Sonic does that the only way he knows how, joking around with Tails.
Now these next panels make me go absolutely feral
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Sonic sees Tails get hit on the head from a huge rock and knocked out and his panic protective big brother mode instincts get kicked into overdrive. Sonic is clearly freaking out I mean he's even stuttering with the stress and panic of it all. Aka he is in 'no thoughts just panic and run' mode.
(I'm guessing too that the wisps are way too drained to do anything at all after all that, heck some of them aren't even floating)
Also he's repeating to himself over and over "I've got this". He's just trying so hard to get them all out of there and with Tails, seemingly down for the count, Sonic only has himself to save his little brother, the wisps, and himself. He has to "got this" or they're all done for. So he has to keep reassuring himself that he can save them cause there is no other option and no one else there to help.
To top it all off he's not at 100%, he just had a fight with Metal, then Surge, then some spicy bath water, then about to be Metal again and now he's fighting a collapsing building cause of Kit. He hasn't had a breather in like days now in this arc.
But then the next panels happen:
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Look at Sonic's grip in that first panel, he's only got two fingers still griping when he's first grabbed it, barely, with his whole hand. He's about to slip but he's trying to hard to hold on with just those two fingers he's shaking cause he refuses to let anything bad happen to Tails on his watch. (Plus you know also his own life and the wisps, but he would 100% sacrifice himself in a heartbeat if that would do anything to save the rest of them)
Which makes me love Tails' iron grip shooting up and grabbing hold right next to his shaking hand so much. Just like the symbolism of it all just to begin with, Sonic can do a lot of things but when he literally, and figuratively, is losing his grip of the situation Tails has got them. Tails just once again swooping in last second to save Sonic is such a little badass moment, these last few issues have just been feeding Tails fans with good content I swear. They really let Tails keep being the one to save Sonic and show off how much Sonic needs him just as much as Tails need Sonic.
Just that quote from Ian Flynn again "sonic needs tails and that’s a cosmic truth"
Tails reassuring Sonic that "we've got this" is such a sweet moment. After all that panic Sonic just went through trying to save them he gets the reassurance that Tails has his back just as much as he has Tails'.
Also look at Sonic's face when he's looking at Tails he loves his little brother so much.
That little "yeah" he says too really just feels like a loaded statement other than just agreeing with Tails. I think he has that split moment of "what ifs" going through his head when he says that. Like yeah they're safe thanks to the fact Tails woke up. But what if he didn't, Sonic knows he wasn't gonna be able to save them on his own in this situation.
Now Sonic trusts and relies on Tails but in moments of panic when Tails in danger and protective older brother instincts kick in I think Sonic does also forget just how capable Tails is. Not that Sonic thinks less of Tails in any way, that's not what I mean at all, just that he gets to focused on keeping Tails safe he forgets Tails is very capable in pretty much every situation.
These last panels though are so good too:
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I think that a combination of everything with this whole situation is why Sonic looks beyond pissed in this panel.
Eggman's old ally tortured, experimented on, and brainwashed a bunch of kids. The same guy that tried to kidnap Tails.
Surge had a mental breakdown and might be dead for all Sonic knows thanks in part to Eggman's machine which gave her a power high and basically overloaded her.
Eggman attacked them the second she was no longer a threat even with a truce that was supposed to last till they were out of there.
Because of that Kit destroys the building with all of them inside and Tails gets knocked out and almost killed right along side Sonic all cause Eggman couldn't keep his end of the bargain.
I think next time Sonic see's Eggman he's not gonna play so nice and quipy like he normally does. This may have been the straw that breaks the camels back with his attitude towards Eggman. Sonic won't kill him but he's not gonna pull punches either from now on.
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And Tails looks so concerned after that glare Sonic gave. He knows Sonic better than anyone else and knows how mad he actually is. Even though Sonic is down playing his anger with is words afterwards a bit, seemingly letting it go, Tails knows him well enough to pick up on the fact that Sonic's still angry. And yeah Sonic backs off and leaves but even walking away he looks pissed off. (Tails just looks tired walking away and the wisps look traumatized, bless them they need a nap after being trapped and used like that)
Any way that's just my thoughts on the new issue. Let me know what ya'll think.
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milesonthenet · 1 month
Earthspark has the potential to do great things.
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Welcome to the House of Milesverse, and today we will be reviewing Transformers: Earthspark. Releasing in 2023, Earthspark is a 3D-animated Transformers cartoon. Like many series before it, it takes place in its own continuity. Interestingly, it is also not that far removed from the first series.
First, i have to apologize for putting it off for a while. I was set to do this earlier, but another topic just grabbed me at that moment. It felt more interesting to pull my thoughts together for that one. I hope you guys are still able to bear with me through this, though.
And without further ado? We jump in.
What is Earthspark about?
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Earthspark is a unique Transformers series, in a way. Earthspark addresses the creation of the first 'earth-born' transformers. These are called Terrans, and they are the first of their generation. They are quite the anomaly, even gaining a different power source, as well.
Earthspark's story is also remarkable for adapting a post-war setting. Unlike prior series, it is not just an "Autobots versus Decepticons" story. Optimus Prime won, and now he's working alongside Megatron. Most of the 'conflict' in the series stems from escaped decepticon criminals, or other monsters of the week.
Or you know, Doctor Mandroid, the aptly named cartoonish villain. This second-rate Doctor Arkeville is the series' main antagonist. He represents the hatred against Transformers taken to the xenophobic extreme. After all, he's the type of guy to replace his arm with a cybertronian arm. I still do not know how he manages to lift that thing.
The series is also similar to the Generation 1 universe. The flashbacks do a lot to showcase the similarities, right down to animation styles. It is easy to see it as some sort of offshoot sequel, but I do not imagine there's much to actually focus on beyond being an homage.
Meet the Terrans:
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As mentioned above, The Terrans are the evolution of Transformers. They are a new generation that's only just recently been born on Earth. They also act as the main viewpoint characters in the series. They are the fresh eyes from which we, as the audience, see the Transformers' stories unfold in a post-war setting.
The Terrans are the product of two children: Robby and Mo Malto. They act as usual human characters who tag along with the Transformers. Their contact with the Emberstone created the five main Terrans.
It's important to note that the Terrans are very 'human-like' in a sense most cybertronians are not. Their experiences make them more akin to awkward, giant robot children. This is important with how they play off with Robby & Mo. The two children act like their 'older siblings' in a way, which helps them learn about the world.
There are at least five Terrans we see in the series. All five of them have their own distinct personalities. The Maltobots is a recurring name that they have, and frankly? It is adorable.
The five Terrans are:
The competitive spy drone, Twitch.
The carefree motorcycle-and-sidecar, Thrash.
The extremely online SWAT truck, Hashtag.
The serene and calm owl, Nightshade.
The big-hearted stygimoloch, Jawbreaker.
Of the five? I believe Thrash is the one who needs the most development. Jawbreaker, Nightshade, and Hashtag have had major focus episodes based around them. Twitch also had this earlier on, including an episode with Wheeljack, her 'father'(he invented the drone she uses as her alt-mode). Thrash is rife with potential for storylines, and I hope season 2 takes a crack at it.
The Evolution of Megatron:
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This series is, for a lot of people, the first time that they get to see a "good guy" Megatron.
Megatron is iconic for being an 80s menace with his various kooky powers. He's Optimus Prime's rival, a consistent thread between the two that is prevalent in every incarnation. Megatron's entire history has, for the most part, been him being played as the bad guy.
IDW is one of the most prominent examples of Megatron making a path to redemption. He's still committed numerous acts of hatred and destruction. He's ruined lives for the sake of conquest. Yet, that version of Megatron is content to face his path, and still believes he doesn't deserve true redemption.
Earthspark Megatron is, like IDW, a villain who's chosen to reform. He believes in a peaceful future for Cybertron, in spite of what many others think of his past tendencies. Megatron believes in the terrans as the future of what Cybertron can be. Megatron cares for his troops and detests the treatment and abuse that rogue decepticons are given.
Earthspark's Megatron is off to being a wonderful character already. The way he interacts with the humans, and Terrans, is a refreshing sight for fans only familiar with the cartoons. I am excited to see where his path goes. I would hope that the franchise does not decide to twist him into being a villain.
How Earthspark tackles human hatred:
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One of the biggest pulls from Earthspark's history is its focus on war. It's hardly the first piece of media that has adopted the "War is obviously bad" stance. Other series have shown the damage and destruction that war has caused. With Earthspark, I just think it's taken an interesting approach to it. The way the world is set up, it's just brimming with potential.
Earthspark starts off with an interesting status quo for the Autobots. They are working together with the secret organization G.H.O.S.T. to protect the world from rogue decepticons. G.H.O.S.T. was on the frontlines helping stop decepticons during the great war on Earth. They formed an alliance with the Autobots, and saw much of the havoc that followed from the war.
On the surface, G.H.O.S.T. seems fine, but their ethics are morally dubious. They incarcerate decepticon prisoners with devices that lock them into their alternate modes. They basically control the autobots and how they act in public. G.H.O.S.T. are not the conventional "good guys" you would expect.
This leads us to Karen Croft, a high-ranking agent, and a real piece of work. Yes, her name is Karen, get it out of your system. Karen Croft is a driving presence in the war against cybertronians. She's the one who teamed up with Doctor Mandroid to accomplish her goals. All Karen wants is payback for the destruction wrought by the war. And how is she going to get that? Through conquering Cybertron, obviously!
Croft's genuine hatred of the cybertronians is played out over the course of her appearances. Her willingness to use her brother, and G.H.O.S.T. to get what she wants is frightening. Croft proves the angle that humans can be the real monster when they let their hatred blind them.
Speaking of Mandroid? He's no saint in the park either, he's just as bad. Mandroid, originally known as Doctor Meridian, lost his arm in the conflict years ago. Since then, he's become a delusional monster who seeks to destroy the cybertronians on Earth. Mandroid envisions himself as a defender of humankind.
Mandroid is a monster, and over the season, he becomes more monstrous. At first, he simply stole the arms off of cybertronians to make himself stronger. This causes him to require energon for sustenance. By the season finale, he's become an advanced, alien war machine. Mandroid goes even further when he kills Croft, by disintegrating her alive.
Mandroid and Croft stand out as being such visceral depictions of hatred. Their willingness to abuse and experiment on Cybertronians - even Decepticons, is cruel. Yet, I find that quality makes them fascinating for what they represent. They are what happens when humanity brings out their worst qualities. They are greedy, selfish, hateful, and full of spite.
The Transformers are often to blame for all the things that the war caused. The Home two-parter does a good job at displaying this. In the first half, Robbie Malto, one of the main protagonists, visits his old friend Stevie.
Stevie's first encounter with Twitch and Hashtag is meant to come off as insensitive and hurtful. The group comes across a graffiti piece that reads "TRANSFORMERS GO HOME". Stevie tries to play it off, indicating that the graffiti probably meant 'Decepticons'. The last straw for Robbie is when Stevie says that his father told him the Transformers "invaded" the planet.
Stevie is innocent, and he genuinely sees nothing with anything he's saying. However, it's easy to see how that mindset can influence people. In the end, Stevie grows, and he changes the graffiti to read "TRANSFORMERS ARE HOME".
It's likely that a lot of humans out there have disdain for the Transformers. I like the way that this story is structured. I feel like more focus on this could have been interesting to look at. What other stories could they have spun out of this plotline?
And why Transformers are people too:
That's enough focus on all the negatives. Now how about we focus on the positives?
As I said before, I think the 'maltobots' as a nickname is hilarious. It also is doubly fitting for the Terran cast. They are just as much a part of the family. This is heartwarming, even for Alex and Dot Malto, the parents. They adopted a bunch of sentient earthborn alien robots into their family.
The series really hammers in how close the Terrans are to the Maltobots. They are literally connected to Robbie and Mo, even emotionally. Because of this, the Maltobots can feel the humans' own reactions.
What i also love is the dynamic that the Terrans have wih the Cybertronians. Optimus Prime doesn't look at them and think that they are not real 'people'. He treats them just the same as any other cybertronian. He accepts them as they are, even in spite of them being untrained.
Megatron sees them as the future of their species and embraces their hybrid nature. They are lucky to be born in this current era, where they would not suffer from the effects of Cybertron's long-drawn war.
The series makes its effort to show how not all Cybertronians are 'bad' guys. This is even true of the Decepticon characters. Some of them are especially sympathetic in this iteration.
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Tarantulas is a name usually related to laughing mad spiderbots who also might eat people. Earthspark reinvents him into being a reclusive spider bot with no interest in evil. Or eating people. All Tarantulas wants is to just be left alone so he can start a new life. Tarantulas may have been a decepticon, but he does not carry the usual lust for war that's commonly associated with them.
Tarantulas makes good friends with Nightshade, and the two are able to bond over science. They helped Tarantulas create his holographic projector. Tarantulas in addition, helped expand Nightshade's mind on what their alt-mode could be.
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Starscream is a name everyone knows, as he's one of the most popular characters. He's typically portrayed as a treacherous force working to undo Megatron's reign. Any abuse that he suffered through those incarnations was warranted, due to his incompetence.
Earthspark's rendition of Starscream is notably tragic. Compared to his other incarnations, Starscream's abuse is played straight. Megatron's actions traumatized Starscream, and he's still deeply scarred. Starscream is able to find a sympathetic ear in Hashtag, who believes his stories. This act endeared Hashtag to him, and the two of them bonded.
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Breakdown is a Stunticon, and the Stunticons are all generally crazy. Breakdown's usually the paranoid one, whose always superstitious of others. In spite of his scaredy cat nature, Breakdown is not a threat to be trifled with.
Earthspark's Breakdown humanizes him and gives him a relationship with Bumblebee. The two of them are old friends from before the war began. Now that the war is over with, they spend their time racing together.
Breakdown chose to sacrifice himself to save Bumblebee from being detected by G.H.O.S.T. This was during a race that Breakdown wagered with Bumblebee. If Bee won, he would lay low and hide. However, if Breakdown won, he would get Bee's energon suppressors. Ultimately, he lost, but he managed to help Bumblebee escape from their trackers.
These there are stand-out examples of Decepticons who aren't just "villainous". They might have joined the wrong side, but they always step up for their friends. I'm hoping that we see any of the three in the next season. It just seems natural to want another appearance.
Conclusion: Earthspark is one heck of a road, but one worth paving.
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Earthspark's ideas are certainly worth exploring. However, I feel like there's more depth that can be explored through the series. I want to see them really engage with the cybertronian hate in later episodes. I want to see the Terrans get more acquainted with Earth's interesting customs. I want to see so much happen with this series and watch it blossom int osomething amazing.
I am hoping that Earthspark finds a way to tie Cybertron into it's storyline. It just feels like a natural path to take with the series. I am just curious on how the residents of Cybertron would react to the growing life on Earth. You could even make a divide between the Cybertronians and the Terrans.
Earthspark is filled with so much potential for a Transformers series. I hope that it's not squandered over the course of it's series. Things are just starting to heat up, after all. We have another season or two to deal with. Even more, there were some funny allusions to the iconic Quintessons in the last few episodes...
What's next?
That was my review of Transformers: Earthspark! I hope you enjoy it. I will try to keep up the pace with these Tumblr posts. I'm trying not to get lazy on ya'll with my next few.
I'm going to finally start dealing with Moon Girl season 2 (Hallelujah!), do a top 10 on the X-Men's 'silliest' mutations, and maaaaybe dip into some of my favorite Moon Knight moments? Look forward to some more Unseen Stars as well!
And while we're at it?
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Seriously, turning 40 years old for a franchise is a really big achievement for them. We have been watching these Robots in Disguise for the last 40 years. I'm glad to have been a fan of the franchise. I'm even more excited for what the future will hold.
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This is Grade A Bullshit
(This is rant about the new sonic superstars game and there will be spoilers so if you don’t wanna see that please leave the post thank you)
As you know the new sonic superstars game is here and with comes the return of classic sonic & the rest of the classic version of many characters. Hell we even get to see fang again for the long time in a while. We also get a brand new character in trip the sungazer.
Now in most classic sonic games getting the chaos emeralds rewards every character with their super forms but sonic is the only one who actually changes in anyway. Now me I’ve always hated that because it stupid in my eyes but since it was one character I could let it slide. Like at least classic version of the characters can use the emeralds.
But the disrespect reached a new level when trip turns super she actually gets a visual change and not a small one. I mean like she has new fucking sprite and can even fly something not even super sonic can do.
I’m going to show what I mean now and hopefully you feel what I feel.
Trip(Regular State)
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Trip(Super State)
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Yeah I wasn’t fucking joking she has a new sprite and gets an ability that not even super sonic has.
In comparison here what Tails,Knuckles,and Amy get.
Amy(Regular State)
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Knuckles(Regular State)
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Tails(Regular State)
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You wanna know why I only put their regular states. It’s because we all already know what they got. That shitty fucking sparkle they do every fucking game!!So realistically you can just these picture with a sparkle and boom they are in their super modes!!
You know what let me calm down. Okay so I needed to get this out of my system because at this point I now know that SEGA dosen’t care about these three’s super forms even though Tails & Knuckles were some of the first characters to have it. Hell there even proving my point with frontiers.
We could have the end controlling Supreme versus the four main character in their super form but no let’s just give Sonic super sonic 2 even though we are trying to not look like a DBZ rip off and basically kill Hyper Sonic.
So at this point I’m just tired of the fact that a one off character that will never be mentioned again got more effort put into her super form than Tails,Amy,and Knuckles ever will receive and that disrespect to these three will continue until we see them on their solo adventures which will probably take years to happen since in IDW we never get to focus on these three.
Sorry if this came off as salty but I needed to vent
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lordshroom · 2 months
Okay now that my clickbait title has baited your attention, some context. If you're in the TMNT fandom, you probably know about the Batman X TMNT crossover movie. This movie was based on a six issue comic series that ran before it. It's not a one-to-one adaptation: most notably the TMNT turtles are from the IDW verse and dimension hop to Gotham unlike the movie where they already live in the same world.
The comic then got two sequels: "A Knight in New York" and "Crisis in a Half Shell".
And I like the first comic when I read it a few months back, I prefer the movie but it was still a really good comic run. Recently, I got the two sequels.
Now that I have read them, I am surprised I don't hear more people talk about them. Particularly the second comic, "A Knight in New York." Like, it has some really good Donnie angst. And the internet loves Donnie angst!
Warning: Spoilers/ way too long summary below
Very, very, very, long story kinda short. Donnie is feeling self-conscious about his physical abilities and how much he relies on his tech. He's weaker than his brothers and needs to be saved by them all the time, and it makes him feel useless. Yes, he's a genius, but he still needs his brother's help to carry out his plans. On his own, he's nothing.
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But he remembers how cool Batman is, how he's both strong and smart, the perfect package! But in an attempt to talk to him, Donnie and Bane swap places for a week. And it only takes Bane a week to conquer New York City.
When Donnie, Batman, and Robin get back to New York, Donnie's devastated by the destruction he's caused. It only gets worse when Bane beats Splinter into a coma. When the gang gets back to the lair, Donnie suggest they use venom to enhance themselves. Batman and Leo say no, that it's too dangerous and they can't cross that line.
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But Donnie doesn't listen. He sneaks out and takes the venom, apologizing to his brothers and says that this is the only way. He hulks out and decimates Bane's Foot's Bases ( because by the way, Bane took over the foot). Donnie's about to kill the very Foot Eliet that mocked him for being weak at the start of the story before Batman and Leo burst in to try to calm him down.
During the fight, Donnie vents about how frustrating it is to be so dependent. But now he's powerful and can do everything on his own. He doesn't need Leo's pity anymore, he doesn't need anyone.
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Leo and Batman get through to him by showing him Baxter's modified Venom formula, which Donnie finds an exploit in that they can use to cure it. Leo says their true strength is each other. They work best as a team, and they all need each other.
Of course they beat the baddies and Donnie prove's he's still a ninja even with all his tech, and happy endings all around.
Like, hot damn, what a neat arc that I'm surprised nobody talked about before. I do think overall the sequels are weaker than the original run, but there are some cool elements in there, like this arc.
Also the third run has the Batman and TMNT universes mix in the most fanfiction way possible. Like-
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Need I say more?
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