#If a woman is in her late 20s that's different but it was a bunch of people under 25
biromanticbookbabe · 10 months
So I'm signed up for this online 30's speed dating event for WLW and sapphics right?
Here's the thing: It looks like they aren't even bothering to regulate it at all because I see tons of people who aren't in their 30s and even some men are listed in the people who are signed up for the event.
What's even the point of a specific event for 30 something WLW if just anyone can join it? :/
#As a 30 year old I'm not interested in 18/19 year olds and yet a bunch of them are signed up for a event for women in their 30s???#any one who is in their 30s and wants to date teenagers is a total creep#I hope they realize that because I don't think they do#18 and 19 year olds look like children to me now#if you promise an event for women in their 30s please actually deliver it :(#If I'm using a site that's for women loving women- men shouldn't be allowed? I'm not looking for a man!#now I see why the lesbians and other sapphics get angry#I'm debating whether or not this is even worth my time because I'm not confident that it will be run well at all#so many people failed to understand the prompt or purposely don't care#they are either too young or the wrong gender- if you're not a woman in her 30s it's not for you?#If a woman is in her late 20s that's different but it was a bunch of people under 25#dating is inherently exclusive- most people aren't attracted to everyone else???#A lot of people fail to realize you CAN be pro equality and still not want to date most other people- it IS possible#Now selfish people are going to ruin something that isn't even for them :/#I am the target audience for this event and they are making me not want to participate#I'm 30 and sapphic- questioning whether bi or lesbian but I belong there#Should I be surprised? I really don't know what to think honestly#I'm a little angry that they don't seem to care who attends because I paid for a ticket- not too much but still?#mychatter
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garpond · 7 months
happy birthday to neil young here are some of my favorite things about him
-by the age of 20 he had owned 3 different used hearses, all of which experienced some form of extreme mechanical failure that caused him to have to get rid of them
-in buffalo springfield whenever he had to go out on a date with a girl he'd tell his friends about it beforehand so that they could interrupt the date to tell him he needed to be somewhere and was late so that he could be allowed to leave
-hated going in grocery stores because he would get overstimulated and have to leave
-didn't like how the first pressing of Comes A Time sounded so he bought 200,000 of the first copies of it and used them as shingles for a barn roof
-when one of his tour buses was destroyed (i forget how) he had it brought to his ranch and buried on the property like a beloved family pet
-his early ambition before music was to be a chicken farmer
-when he and carrie snodgress where dating she'd have a ton of people over sometimes and it gave him anxiety so one evening he decided to open the living room window and crawl out of it to get away from people instead of walking through the room to get to the door because apparently he couldn't wait that long and everyone saw it
-another time he randomly showed up at a neighbors' house and they didn't really know why he dropped in all of the sudden because he wasn't very social and it turns out it was because his manager had set up a meeting for him with the band America and he didn't want to do it so he was hiding
-during buffalo springfield he would hide in peoples closets a lot
-once he was guitar shopping with stephen stills and when he was offering on a guitar stephen offered more money on it to try and get it and it pissed him off so he started bidding higher to kick off a bidding war between then and once it was up to a ridiculous amount of money he just dropped it and was like ok you win lol ! and stephen had to pay an insane amount of money for it
-during one filmed interview with MTV or something he decided to fuck with them by adjusting the position of his hat super slightly every couple seconds so that when they cut the footage together and shifted things out of order it would look confusingly different every time
-during the recording of deja vu he lived by himself in a motel but he brought his 2 pet bush babies (named Harriet and Speedy) and they scared the shit out of Graham Nash
-gave a stranger he met like a week ago unrestricted access to his finances because the guy claimed he was going to help him buy a boat and the guy ended up stealing a couple thousand dollars
-during last buffalo springfield concert he was the only person who was not even remotely sad and on the way home jim messina was literally crying and neil was just like :] the whole way
-one year on his birthday at the ranch there was going to be a party and it was a tradition to have a bonfire at it so he went out into the woods to get sticks for it but somehow managed to grab a bunch of poison oak and it was used at the fire and after that he was not allowed to gather bonfire sticks anymore
-while filming the lincvolt documentary he met a trans woman and when he was interviewing her to ask for her opinion about the car she told him that what he was doing with it was a big change and he should probably ask for the car's permission to do it and he actually did do this later
-"everybodys rockin" originated as an r/maliciouscompliance type of project because while he was on geffen records Old Ways was rejected and the label asked for a "rock and roll album" and this was his response to that
-the infamous Eat A Peach incident
-there is much more but this is all i can come up with rn
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heckhellstuff · 3 months
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Big thanks to the peeps who wanted to hear more about my version of the Guide
Headcanons and story stuff under the cut
First things first - Because this AU focuses mostly on my made up backstory I had to give her a name
Emma Van de Laar is what I settled with A Priestess from Holland born sometime in the 1400's Devout woman her entire life
Unfortunately for her everything supernatural seemed to disagree with her peaceful lifestyle - The most notable incidents being her run-ins with vampires and beasts alike
When she was 25 a Strigoi made it's way into her home, impersonating her beloved dog who went missing few days prior Then in her late 40's she was forcefully turned by a Vampire
Being turned into a creature of the night caused great distress, faith was all she had her whole life, she couldn't bear to lose it
It took 20+ very painful years but she managed to regain her faith in spite of her vampirism Trying to put her life back on tracks she once again took up her position as the head of the local Church
Fast forward 300 years things started getting a little boring Emma started yearning for all of the things she's missed
This is when what I call the Party Girl Era sets in Accidentally joined a cult And all of the things mentioned in her therapy session with Laszlo happened
Which brings me to the most worked on part of this AU Her relantionship with Van Helsing
I asked myself ""How fucked up would it be if they actually loved each other ?"" Here's the story I put together
Van Helsing was sent back to Holland by the Church - they heard some vampires might be targeting the local Priestess What they didn't know is that Emma is the vampire seen in the area
When Abraham arrived Emma was slightly shapeshifting to hide her most noticeable vampiric features She knew he was a vampire slayer
They spent around two months just kinda hanging out together During that time Abraham slowly fell in love with the holy woman It didn't take long for Emma to feel the attraction as well
But uh oh - then there was the accidental reveal Emma burnt herself on Abraham's silver ring (while they were flirting no less) Mortified by the possible consequences of her slip up she tried to escape
When Abraham caught up, instead of killing her, he tried to talk things out A lot of feelings spill out during that conversation Fed up with the tension, Emma makes a move and that's how their affair starts
A bunch of trust building later and they do end up being an actual couple Would love to show the comic I made for this but it's like 38 panels long and Tumblr would piss itself In total they spend five years together before everything goes to hell
Hell started when the Vampiric Council finally had enough of Emma's bs Forcefully seperated her and Abraham Took her to America And drilled into her mind for so long she dissociated so hard she ended up getting amnesia After successfully rooting her into the Council's system she got the position of the Guide
Abraham didn't want to give up on his beloved and spent years searching for her Unfortunately... When he found Emma it wasn't her anymore The brilliant woman he once knew was no longer there
After that point the timeline starts lining up with the Show Some things do differ but it's not anything major until the Nightclub comes around
Obviously Guidja happens in this AU With the backstory I gave the Guide their dynamic is really fun to mess around with
Oh and lastly What the hell is a Strigoi ??
Basically: vampire 2 electric boogaloo I thought it would be fun if there were different species of vampiric creatures
Strigoi have some interesting folklore attached to them It was super fun to mess around with and bend in all sorts of directions
Emma is actually a Vampiric Strigoi which is one of the four Strigoi variants I put together Which basically means she's not really a vampire but something closely related
My idea for making her a Strigoi comes from the Show and folklore Strigoi seem to be put into a similar category as Wraiths and apparently they can learn magic ?? So that was a super easy connection to make
I have a lot of different design notes for my version of bestie Guide too but this mess is already way too long
So I'll end it with songs that were a huge inspiration when I started working on this AU
Powerwolf: Sacramental sister, My will be done, Midnight Madonna, Demons are a girls best friend, Reverent of rats Ghost: Cirice, Mary on a cross
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bandedbulbussnarfblat · 3 months
so i was searching for butch actresses over 50, you know looking for my perfect Gabrielle. given how she likes to cut her hair short and dress like a man, I figured she'd look pretty butch in our time.
(though unfortunately she can't have top surgery, or her boobs would just grow back, like her hair.) god, anne could have done so much more with her, and really leaned into the whole vampire/gender stuff she had going on. but i digress.
anyway, the internet does not know what a butch woman is, especially one who isn't young. and i'm looking for someone 50's-60's here. I mean late 50's to mind 60's, given how in the show Lestat is made into a vampire at 34. And he was her youngest, though she had a bunch of other kids. Like Lestat had 2 brothers who lived to be adults and 4 brothers (and maybe a sister, according to some website) who died as children, and/or in childbirth. I can't remember the specifics. What I'm saying is this woman popped out a total of 7/8 babies.
Even if she was married young to the Marquis, (I'm assuming as a teenager, though probably at least 16/17, as she had done some traveling before marriage) it takes 9 months to make a baby, and she was probably in her late 20's-early 30's when Lestat was born. (I've mathed it from different sites, one says 28, another maths to 30, so who knows for sure?)
The point I'm making is she'll be an older lady. If Lestat was 34 when he made her, she'd be like anywhere like 62-64ish. And I wanna see a lady that age cast in the role. But I also think modern Gabrielle would be cutting her hair nearly every night and dressing in men's clothes, and maybe possibly discover what binders are, though I don't know if she'd bother with them.
Ugh, I wanna know so bad who they are going to cast to play her.
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capybaraonabicycle · 2 months
20 Questions for Writers
Thank you so much for tagging me @ravenlilyrose! I had way too much fun with this :D
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
55 :)
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Doctor Who! 49 of those fics are for dw and all the other fandoms only have one fic to them each. Those are:
Le Visiteur du Futur
Edgar Allan Poe's Murder Mystery Dinner Party
The Penderwicks Series (Jeanne Birdsall)
Linie 1 (I've actually written the only fic in that fandom)
Die Känguru Chroniken (Marc-Uwe Kling)
Le Petit Prince (Antoine de Saint-Exupéry)
Headless (A Sleepy Hollow Story)
36 Questions
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
A Family Wedding (Spacewives getting married and Jenny attending their wedding and meeting so many of her mum's friends, including her grandparents <3)
Come with me? (my second fic on ao3! Reader-insert with River, 11 and Missy squabbling over who gets to ask the reader out on a date. There is a lovely alien planet and species I made up and someone is stealing art. Also involves Bill, Nardi and 12 going to pride for some reason)
Fix you(r hair) (soft and sad twissy hairbrushing during vault time <3)
Take in one last sunrise (13 asks the TARDIS for a sunrise when regenerating and she takes her to Darillium. Tenteen falls right back into his old mannerisms and consequently hurts River. They talk it out and some hope is found in the appearance of the old-new body)
Night Light (Very sweet 12/reader reader insert. I wrote this to comfort myself when things were rough and I think (if you like reader-inserts) this is my most comforting, calming fic)
5. Do you respond to comments?
Always. There was like one that I had to delete but I adore comments and I always need to let the commenter know. I am also quite a self-indulgent comment answerer, the answers often turn out longer than the original comment
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I think that'd be We've got to tell them. It's a Mels x Reader fic - which I guess is bound to be angsty. And the second chapter is already pretty bad with the reader getting her heart broken. And then the third chapter is Mels' inner monologue on her just losing it. So. Yeah.
(- I was going to put the ending here as a little snippet. But it is actually really dark and I decided against it. But, yeah, feel free to check out the angst?)
Runner ups are Forget Me Not (Or: Stealing a TARDIS and Running Away) and The One Time You Want to Say Goodbye, two fics that describe the same situation from two different perspectives. This one is between Mels and the fugitive Doctor. Mels is a rather tragic character </3
Finally, Mels turned back to the Doctor, leaning up and pressing one last, lingering kiss to the corner of her mouth. “Goodbye, Doctor.” “Goodbye, Mels.” Ever so gently, the Doctor’s fingertips landed on her temple, taking her old life away.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
There are a bunch among my fics that are just pure fluff, so maybe let's choose something with a bigger development from angst to fluff.
A Bright Blue Box does that! It's a Jenny & fugitive Doctor fic and in the beginning, they're both on their own. But then Jenny fights for the Doctor to adopt her and in the end they fly away together.
“Come on, then” her mum said finally. “We should get you to the medic wing.” “In a second” Jenny murmured, savouring the hug. Her mum chuckled into her hair. “Alright” she agreed. “Whenever you’re ready.”
The woman who kills the Doctor also has an extreme development from very angsty to very lighthearted in the last chapter. Mels assassinates the Doctor in chapter 2 and in the last chapter she is off to university, ready to grow into River Song. There is a little bit of sadness here because she is leaving but mostly it is so hopeful and uplifting after all the heavy load you read before. So I feel like I need to mention it here:
“Don't make me late” she winked while [the Doctor] fiddled with the coordinates. “First impressions are important.” “Oh, you’ll leave an impression, alright” he murmured as he passed her. “Luna won't know what hit them with you as their student.” He smiled at her fondly, saying her name with such reverence it made her heart flutter. “They’ll be so lucky to have you, River Song.”
There's a storm coming tonight is also worthy of a mention. This one is pure fluff but has such a soft, almost cheesy, ending when canon wouldn't give them softness <3
[Alfhildr] felt the first drops of rain landing on her skin and Tore’s warm hand in hers. Heard the howling of the wind increase and drown out the affectionate insults Urd was shooting at them. Saw the dark, bulky clouds gather over their heads, right before they entered their house, shutting the storm out. And knew that, whatever might happen that night, they were ready. Because they were together and that was all that mattered.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Not really, no. I had one incident where someone thought it appropriate to tell me they'd rather I had used another incarnation of the Doctor because they disliked the regeneration I wrote for. Which I deleted after some consideration. Because - what? That is my decision to make and also I happen to like this Doctor, please keep your hate to your own space and out of my comment section.
But I have never received hate for my fics themselves, so this far I have been very lucky
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
No, not as of yet. I write some more sensual kissing sometimes and quite often smut is implied, but so far I have never actually written the smut itself. I don't think I could write that very well tbh.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
Yes! Nothing crazy, really. I have written 3 dw crossovers so far, with Headless, with The Little Prince and with The Kangaroo Chronicles.
The craziest is probably Gallifreyan Rules, just because the kangaroo is a rather unhinged character by itself. And the Doctor in its role has got to be a little intense.
“Do you want money?” the Doctor asked, grabbing for the bank and throwing some notes at her. “There’s plenty of money here, take all you want.” “You can’t do that” Clara said calmly, inwardly grasping for the last remains of her patience. “Of course, I can” the Doctor chuckled, reaching into the bank again. “Do you want some more?” This time one of the notes got stuck in her hair. “That’s against the rules.” “No, it’s not” the Doctor stated. “This is Gallifreyan Monopoly.” “You said it used the same rules as the Earth one” Clara sighed, detangling the banknote and carefully placing it back into the box. “Yeah, but someone just made those up” the Doctor shrugged. “And I just made up some new rules.”
(most of the fic is directly translated from the chapter "New Rules" with names and details exchanged - I actually talked to the ao3 support about plagiarism issues and they said it was okay like this)
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
I don't think so? I had someone copy-paste a comment I wrote once though 😅 which was strange, but well, I think it was mostly uncomfortable for the author
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
I translated my very first fic on ao3, The Responsible Thing to Do! There is a German version here.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
I tried once, ages ago. It didn't go very far. I would definitely be interested in trying again though.
14. What’s your all time favorite ship?
Let's have a look, shall we?
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[ID: screenshot of the ao3 relationships filter, showing the top 6 relationship tags: The Doctor/River Song (9), The Doctor | Ruth Clayton/River Song (6), The Doctor | Ruth Clayton/Mels Zucker (6), Twelfth Doctor/River Song (4), Amy Pond/Rory Williams (3) and Thirteenth Doctor/River Song (3). end ID]
Well.....that must be Doctorriver, then 😅
Funfact, I did not tag every Doctorriver story with that exact tag (but using incarnations instead), so if you filter for Doctorriver, you'll end up with 25 fics!
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Oh God, definitely Dancing with the Doctor. I watched Dancing with the stars again some time ago and thought to myself "It would be really lovely to continue that fic some day, wouldn't it?" But tbh, I don't think I will. Human AUs are not really my thing to write, long fics aren't really my thing, either, and this idea is already way too complicated. But it is so cute, putting them all in this little (very queer) dancing community <3
There is Bill & River and Jack/River and Yaz & Ryan and the Paternoster Gang and Donna & 10 and Jackie & 13 and Dan has a dog called Karvanista and Swarm is busy pissing everyone off and it is just very, very sweet and so much fun to write. Just like, look:
[Jack] pulled lightly on River’s hair – which got him a deadly stare – and grinned to himself. “On second thought, you’re right, Billy” he decided. “I am out of River’s league.” “Everyone knows I’m a league of my own” River smiled, reaching for his hand to intertwine their fingers. “But it’s cute how you’re trying to talk yourself up.” “So, you’re properly married?” Bill asked again. “For real?” “What do you say, hon?” Jack asked, tilting his head. “Are we married?” “Heavens no” River grinned. “Then we would have shared income! I can do better than the scraps you make.”
(the joke here is that they're both working the same job btw. also, no, they aren't married but they basically are; they're best friends at the very least.)
“I’m Jenny”, she answered. “Welcome to the Paternoster Realm, Ma’am. We’ll be making sure you're looking great in the shows.” “Not that that’ll be much work with you” Vastra chimed in, gliding towards them in one of the opulent black gowns she liked to wear. “My, you are gorgeous! Breath-taking, I’ll say. Who will you be dancing with?” “That’s Vastra” Jenny said and added rather pointedly: “My wife.”
“Jo, I won’t be dancing with you” Yaz said and her voice was too earnest for it to be a joke. “You will have another partner.” “Oh” she said softly. “I assumed…” “I know” Yaz said. “But I didn’t really have a choice. And even if…I think it’s better that we’re not dancing together. The show can get tough and you might need a friend. One who is not forcing you to repeat that stupid pirouette for the hundredth time.” “I’d have Ryan” Jo said stubbornly, even if she knew there was no point. Ryan looked surprised and very happy to have been called her friend already and Yaz smiled as well. “You’ll have Ryan anyway” she promised. “And me. Plus, a mighty fine dance partner, if you ask me. You’ll love them, I just know.”
Sorry if that were too many extracts (actually, I am quite sure you're not even supposed to put extracts into this questionnaire at all but anyway) but there are 20k of this fic existing that I fear I will never do anything with.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I think I am good at dialogue? Like coming up with quips and making a conversation flow between two people or even more (although more than three people is tough, like it must be for anybody). I also like writing introspection, characters reflecting on their feelings, and I have gotten some compliments for this :) I have also gotten compliments for general characterisation which make me giddy with happiness even though I sometimes find them hard to believe.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Finishing stuff :) Also anything long and plot-y. I have trouble making the story work as a whole and have a dramatic arc. Sometimes it feels more like different short works smashed together than one fic.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I have never done this? I think? I speak like three languages that would be useful for this, but I think I would always rather write that someone was speaking in a language the narrator doesn't understand or just translate it directly in a "[English sentence]" they said in [language that isn't English] - way, if the narrator does speak the language.
I do love it in books when something is in French or German though and I understand it :D
19. First fandom you wrote for?
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
This is so difficult 😅 Maybe The Rose? It's the only one of my fics I've made fanart for and I love the art a lot as well (it's the header on my blog). I love 12 and I love The Little Prince and the rose was so much fun to write. The whole ambience of the fic is delightful, so calm and contemplative and sad and hopeful. And it was written for the Love is in the air writing challenge for Valentine's day specifically to be a platonic fic. Idk, I like that one a lot.
Okay, so I'll be tagging a bunch of people who I know write because this was fun and I would love to hear about your fics! But feel free to ignore this <3 And if I should have missed your blog, and you want to be, please consider yourself tagged anyway!
@marvellouspinecone, @trekkingaroundasgard, @jennyandvastraflint, @pia-writes-things, @riversofmars, @thembosupreme, @songofdefiance, @none-ofthisnonsense, @frogsmulder, @spacewives-in-spacetime, @spacebetweengalaxies, @gender-snatched, @helennorvilles
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eponastory · 8 months
Just saw your pumpkin spice latte story, also the chocolate one and Evan
How about this, Evan discovering the one game that took the internet by storm years ago... that being Minecraft? Imagining Evan becoming so darn addicted Dante will have to rip his daughter off the computer
That actually sounds like a really good idea!
To be fair, Evan definitely grew up during those times. I was, unfortunately, a bit older when the game came out... in my early 20s, actually.
So, with this prompt, it's not all humor. It's mostly the reality of being a parent and having to discipline your child without breaking down the trust in your child. I think parenting in general is like walking a tightrope because there needs to be balance. For Dante, that doesn't come easy as he had no real example of fatherhood. I don't see Sparda actually being a 'Dad' more of a 'Father', and trust me, there is a huge difference. Anyway, hope this meets expectations.
Well, here it is!
Just a Bunch Of Pixelated Blocks
It was the yelling that woke him up late one night. Not that Dante had really been sleeping peacefully. Oh no, peaceful sleeping was really out of the question these days. Especially when there were bad dreams to be had.
The yelling was definitely not him. It was too young and feminine to be him unless he turned into a woman in his sleep. It's highly unlikely, but one never knows. No, this was the frustrated yells of his one and only daughter. He honestly did not know what exactly was going on, even though it had been obvious. He should have never gotten her that damn computer for her birthday.
He quickly put on some pants and a shirt before heading out of his room to deal with his pre-teen child. What on earth did he get himself into when he walked into that damn bar twelve years ago.
She was up most hours of the night when she should be sleeping. Of course, Dante still had problems trying to adjust to this thing called 'parenting', but he thought he was doing okay. Evan was still alive, not starving, and was functioning just fine in his care. He could be more assertive when it came to keeping her on track with school, but he was pretty sure he enabled her to get away with murder if it came down to it.
That was his fault.
He ran a hand down his face when he walked out of his room. It must have been one in the morning or later, but she was definitely awake. He could see the light from her computer coming from under her door and the sound of her keyboard clicking as she played her game. How long was this going to continue?
She was twelve years old and already had emotional problems. That was not her fault, to be honest. Her upbringing was never in his control. Actually, he had not even existed to her until a year ago. Again, it was not his fault, but that was how the cards fell.
He slowly opened the door to see her staring intently at her computer screen. This game had been out a few years now, but her new friends at school had gotten her into it. It was clearly fun and encouraged creativity, but it was causing her grades to slip. If there was one thing he wanted for her, it was the things he did not have when he was her age.
School was a touchy subject for him.
Even so, Dante knew Evan was too busy listening to music while she played. He was going to handle this in his way, which was why a smirk crept onto his face. She could not hear him creeping up behind her.
He could see the health bar at the bottom blinking as a green cactus looking thing was walking up to her character.
"No! Don't you dare!" She yelled out as the thing got closer on the screen and started flashing red. She clicked her mouse as hard as she could to kill the green thing while a skeleton could be seen shooting at her. "No no no no no!" Then apparently, everything blew up. "Why would you do that!?" There was a whine to her voice that sounded like desperate frustration.
It was a game... on a computer.
Dante could not understand the appeal. Maybe it's because he grew up in the 80s, and his version of entertainment was Atari and shooting things in the back of Nell's workshop... he honestly did not know. He just knew his kid was incredibly addicted to this mess of pixelated blocks.
And now she was crying.
Well, crap.
And she still did not know he was behind her. At least not until he put a hand on her shoulder.
"What the fuck!!!" If Evan was a cat, she would be clinging to the ceiling by her claws. She jumped so hard she scrambled out of her chair and onto the floor. "Dad!"
"Evan!" Dante countered her reaction with an equally shocked expression as she scrambled up against the wall. "What are you doing up?" His face went from fake shock to serious. "It's two in the morning, and you have school." If there was one thing he hated the most, it was being the mean parent.
"I couldn't sleep." She was cowering against the wall in fear. He suddenly felt terrible because he knew that look. The look of a kid who had seen way more than she should have in her young age. "I'm sorry." He crossed his arms, trying to figure out how to handle this.
Dante walked closer with his bare feet padding against the wood floor. He said nothing as he sat down next to her on the floor with his back up against the wall. It was all he could think of to make her feel comfortable. It was the scared look on her face that did him in. No one told him how it would feel when he saw Evan hurting or in fear. It was probably the worst thing he ever felt besides the other things that happened in his life.
He ran a hand through his hair as Evan calmed herself down.
"I'm not mad at you." He had his knees bent as he rested his arm on them. "But you're on this thing every waking moment and when you aren't doing anything else." He motioned to the computer, which currently had a response prompt on the screen. "And you're getting upset over dying in a game." Well, if she only knew about the multiple impalings he had gone through over the years and LIVED!
"But I worked so hard to get that diamond armor and sword." She looked at him with tears in her eyes. Kids and their video games. "Now I have to start over."
"Then start over, but not when you are supposed to be sleeping."Dante shook his head at the thought of his daughter thinking the game was more important than anything else. "Or doing other things."
"But Dad, this is all I have to do." Not really, but he was not big into giving her chores. Especially when he did not feel like doing things himself most days anyway. "This or homework, and you're only useful with math." He wrapped his right arm around her shoulder, pulling her closer as she sniffed.
"Look, it's just a bunch of pixelated blocks on a screen... they can wait until after school." Well, there was also another way to solve this problem. "And I hate to do it, Princess, but I'm taking your power cord at night from now on." Then the real waterworks began. Oh no... the fountain of tears came like a downpour. He was trying really hard not to roll his eyes.
"You can't do that, it's my computer." This conversation felt extremely familiar, but he could not place where it happened before. Or with who. "You gave it to me!" Evan pulled away from him. He was not taking her computer, just setting boundaries as suggested by one of her teachers at the parent-teacher meeting.
"Sorry, Kid, but this is how it has to be." He stood up and went to the computer. "You can play when your homework is done or on the weekends." The look on her face was horrific as he went to pull the plug from the wall.
"Wait at least let me save it before you turn it off!" Evan cried out in desperation. Obviously there was something Dante was missing from this whole thing. He knew nothing about computers. Well, he knew a couple things, but mostly nothing. "If you turn it off like that it's going to erase everything!" Big tears were streaming down her cheeks. Oh the pain. The ache was there in his heart, but Dante knew that this was for the best.
"Okay, so save it then shut it down." And she did exactly that as she looked at him defeated. The pleading in her eyes as he disconnected the power cable and held in in his hand with a tight grip. Why did this bother him so much? "Hey, it's not forever." He attempted to put a hand on her shoulder but she turned away from him to get in her bed.
Dante watched her as she curled up under the covers and cried. None of this made any sense to him. All of this over a game for crying out loud. It was not the first time he heard about this. There was an epidemic of kids turning into crying messes because of their parents limiting computer time. Especially with this game. At the same time, it felt awful. He looked down at the cord in his hand and squeezed it.
The bane of his existence at that moment was a damn piece of plastic and copper wire.
Parenting was hard.
This was new territory for him anyway, but he knew they would get through it. He loved the kid that was crying in her bed with all of his heart, and soul. This was just a bump in the road. She was undoubtedly part of him, even with her temper.
"I love you, Princess." He told her before slowly walking out of her room and shutting the door.
All of this over Minecraft.
When Evan got home from school the next day, she walked in with a smile on her face. Dante was in his usual spot at his desk with his feet up and his arms crossed over his chest. He was a little suspicious of the smile on his daughter's face, but put it up to being Friday...
Oh... it was Friday.
"So, Dad, I forgive you for taking my computer cord away." She gave him a sickeningly sweet smile as she stood on the other side of his desk. "But you forgot it was Friday, didn't you?" He narrowed his eyes before reaching into the top right hand drawer of his desk.
"I hope a creeper blows up your house." He handed the cord over to her.
"Wait, have you been playing Minecraft while I'm at school?" That was a very strong accusation.
"I can neither confirm or deny that accusation." Dante smirked at her as she looked at him with semi confusion mixed with a little shock. "Anyway, times a wasting... better go make use of it." He leaned back in his chair with his arms behind his head and a smile on his face.
If he was going to make amends, he better learn about those pixelated blocks on his daughter's computer.
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papirouge · 7 months
man, I wish Christian natalists wouldn't get so predator-enabling/breeder fetishy whenever they speak...
I was watching a videos about a Christian woman making a testimony of her pregnancy with risks, "putting back" together her ligated tubes, and explaining how the Bible says we should have as many children as God decides and not us (so no contraception), and yeah why not
but THEN she got like "why would God make girls to have their period at 10 if it wasn't to have children? Why would women wait until they're in their late 20s-30 (the average age of women getting their first child)?"
IDK girl, probably for the same reason grown women aren't sexing barely pubescent boys to get impregnated just bc they virtually can? ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯
and then she explains she's from middle east and that her aunts/grandmother married respectively at 17 and 12 years old. Interestingly she didn't tell about their husbands age...🙃 ...and we all know how these marriage with weird age gap work in middle east... Even if Mary was 14 when she got pregnant like some pedo apologists argue (we never have evidence of that ofc), nothing says that Joseph was an old scrote old enough to be her dad.
She was like "yeah these marriage weren't perfect but they worked uwu" sticking into a marriage = marriage "working". Those marriage lasted because those women didn't have much alternative back then. Their backing support wasn't the same as those of modern/Western societies. Same in the West (because she also brought up old school family model with 8-10 kids). I mean, I'm ok for dunking on the sexual revolution as much as you want, but let's not act like access to a bank account, divorce and work didn't facilitate women nope'ing out of having big families. My grandparents stayed together until my grandpa died but I wouldn't say their marriage worked just because of that. Was she happy? Was she fulfilled? THOSE are the things that make a marriage working. Otherwise the Bible wouldn't tell spouses to treat well & cherish each other until death. Otherwise sticking together until the end would be enough.
She ended saying "when they get theirs period, young girls start having their hormones working.... If one of my daughter tells me she's interested in (marrying) a man I wouldn't tell her no" and that's how I noped out lmao
The excuse "hormones working" is like the WORST reason to get into marriage. When Paul said marriage was better than sexual immorality (sex outside marriage, masturbation), it was about people who weren't fit for celibacy, not those eaten by their flesh and eager get married just to have a valid situation to get their peepee wet.... The same Paul who said to not trust the flesh...but suuuure tHe hOrmOnEs 🤪
Also note how the "why would girls get their periods that early if it wasn't to get children" actually works both ways: if God wanted women to have children at 14 (like OP said) why would He make women have periods until their 60s? 🤔 Why would He made the window the be able to be a mother so WIDE (~50 years)?🤔Why did He show through the Bible several examples of MATURE women (not barely pubescent girls) getting children?🤔 The math ain't mathing.
She says, concerning the difficulty of having big families in the modern time, that God knew about how the world would work and would helps us go through it and therefore there's no reason to take contraception. Okie dookie, then why get mad at women getting children at later age?? God is good so he inspired doctors to make pregnancy safer at older ages. Women are living longer. Women don't have to get pregnant at 14 to hope seeing their children and grandchildren before dying. Why is it a problem?? 🤔 The Bible does ADAPT to a bunch of different lifestyle, so why not embrace it instead of shoving ONE model of pregnancy? Paul said that the good news was about FREEDOM.
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writing-good-vibes · 2 years
How about 22 and 28 for Otis? Thanks a bunch!!! 🥰
lottie, my love 💗 !! ahh your first request from me and my first request for otis (my problematic fave, i will always admit) !! a lot of first it seems. i realised after finishing this that i totally forgot about the polaroids prompt 👀 i have no idea how but i was very pleased with myself up until that realisation. i have another drabble coming to make up for it !! but anyway, here we go, thanks so much for dropping by with a prompt !! 💗 WARNING for mild, mild smut, otis saying mama (because it's hot and also canon mwuhaha), other fem/gendered language and alcohol consumption.
[☀ requests for summer prompts are still open, and will be all month ☀]
otis driftwood (wanderlust)
When you woke up that morning from another sweaty summer night, you didn't expect your day would end out in the scrublands.
It had been a long and hazy Texas afternoon. The sun bearing down on the Firefly house and you and Baby had set up camp for the afternoon, lay on towels in the backyard with a beer cooler between you and a stack of magazines Baby had 'lifted on her last run into town with RJ.
You could feel the heat settling into your skin, the sweat building at your temples and trickling down your back. For a while you and Baby had chattered but now, as the alcohol started to work its way through you, you fell into a comfortable silence.
You were unsure how long it took you to notice, but you soon released that the sun was far less harsh on your face, and a shadow was dimming the light through your eyelids.
Cracking an eye, you checked to see if a cloud had come over. Instead you see Otis, leaning over you, his white-blonde hair curtaining his sharp face. His eyes are shadowed by the straw stetson on his head.
"Otis," you greet him. Reaching up, your fingertips brush the ends of his hair.
He stands up straight again, "Hey, mama."
"Beer?" you ask, reaching for the cooler.
"No beer for him," Baby pipes up, leaning up on her elbows from where she is lay, face down, on the other side of the ice-box.
"And why the fuck not?" Otis jabs, taking a beer for himself anyway. "I bought this damn beer."
Baby seems to concede, but whines, "Fuck you," anyway.
"Fuck you," he chides back.
You sit up properly on your towel, watching as Otis cracks his beer open and meanders down to the bottom the yard. Gazing upon his kingdom, you think.
He has a long sleeved shirt and jeans on. No skin showing besides his bare feet that are caked in the Texas dust.
After a few minutes he wandered back towards the house, back to you.
"Come w' me," he grunts, his hat falling lower over his eyes.
"Where to?"
"Never you mind, woman," he snaps, "Get your ass movin'."
He stalks back to the house, the battered screen door slamming closed behind him.
You roll your eyes, smirking at Baby.
"Don't take no notice of him," Baby shrugs. She sits up and unties the string of her bikini, throwing it aside and then lying back down. "He's in one of his stupid, fuckin' moods."
Baby was right. She usually was about Otis.
As you drive along with Otis in his clapped-out pick up truck, you relax into your seat. The wind whips through your hair from the open windows and you squint against the sun that is sinking low on the horizon. It's late.
At first, when you followed Otis into the house and back out again to the truck, you thought he'd got a sudden urge to hunt. It wasn't particularly unusual, though usually he sent Baby out to catch the rabbits. He tended to keep you at home; keeping the house clean and the bed warm, you supposed.
But this was different. Not his usual blood-driven mania at all. He seemed almost subdued as he pulled away from the farm house, dirt kicking up in your wake.
About 20 miles out of Ruggsville you take your chances and ask, "What are we doing out here?"
For a moment he doesn't reply. Then, "Baby was gettin' on my fuckin' nerves."
You hum in response. Noncommittal. He wouldn't drive out all this way if Baby was just annoying him. He'd probably just call her a stupid bitch and then go off to play with whatever poor, unfortunate soul he had to hand.
You let it go, though, as you had found out long ago that it was for the best.
Another twenty miles and you're close to the boarder. Otis hasn't looked at you since you asked what you were doing out here and he still doesn't. Instead, he pulls off to the side of the dirt road and parks up.
The stars are clear as day, out in the empty scrub.
"Get out."
You do as he says, as you always seemed to do when he was like this (and in the back of your mind you think about how fucking stupid you are for it). You follow him around the side of the truck.
The truck bed is uncomfortable. Something, you can't tell what, is digging into the small of your back. You're rather preoccupied anyway.
Rough hands, calloused not with hard work but with countless sins, trace just as roughly up your thighs. Lithe fingers tugging your shorts down and pushing your leg up.
His hair needs washing (so does yours) but you run a hand through it anyway, gripping tight when he pushes inside and doesn't stop. He lets you, just like you let him.
"You drove me all the way out here just to screw me?" you ask after a while. Otis is sat on the edge of the truck bed. You can see each dip of his spine and the sharpness of his shoulder blades. He's leaning forward, elbows on his knees, cigarette dangling between his fingers. The red cherry glow illuminates his face when he brings it up to take a drag.
As the smoke coils with his breath, he replies, "Didn't hear you fuckin' complain' when I was "just" screwin' you."
Instead of answering, you keep your mouth shut. Baby was right, he is in one of his stupid fuckin' moods.
You wait a while longer and, just as you're about to try again, Otis beats you to it. "Soon, we'll have to get outta here."
For a second you think he means the scrub, means you'll have to drive back home to the Firefly House, not that anyone will mind too much that they've missed dinner. But then you see it. Otis lies back on the cold truck bed and watches the stars above.
He means out of Ruggsville. Otis had been running for as long as he could remember. From one place to another, never settling and never keeping hold of anything. Of anyone.
But now he'd been in one place for too long, he thinks. He's always travelled with the wind but for too long he's been stuck. Stagnant. He doesn't think he should stay still much longer. That's how you get caught.
"We don't have to, y'know," you say, twisting around to lie beside him. Your view of the stars is flipped. "You don't have to keep running. Not yet, anyway."
He grunts, a low sound that suggests nothing besides the fact that he isn't listening to you.
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bitch-butter · 6 months
I joked that I was going to make a Lifetime movies rec list a while ago and Truly being bored at work has given birth to worse ideas, so this is one for my fellow cinephiles lol
My Highest Recommended Lifetime Movies in the Order in which they Changed my Life
Small Sacrifices (1989)
I'm honestly unclear whether this was intended originally to be a Lifetime movie because they showed it on a few different networks, but this was the first one that I ever remembered seeing and it Rocked my world. It's a true story about a woman named Diane Downs who attempted to murder her children and my mother and her friends lived for this film in a way that like is actually bonechilling. But I was spellbound by Farrah Fawcett in this movie, I thought she was the greatest actress I'd ever seen, and the story was really dark and scary and felt disgustingly salacious. So everything I'd come to like about Lifetime movies lol.
No One Would Tell (1996)
All my mom loved in the world was to wake up hungover on a Sunday and turn Lifetime on and proceed to fall asleep again while my tiny child peepers beheld Truly heinous shit. This one is one that I continue to make people watch because I can't be alone with the memories, but basically Candace Cameron is in a horribly abusive relationship with her boyfriend, Fred Savage, and he ends up murdering her and it is Incredibly sad and traumatic. There's a historic scene where she's taking a shower and her entire body is just littered with bruises and I will Never forget it!!!!!!!!! Very, very dark. But....iconic.
Odd Girl Out (2005)
This was the point in time where Uncle Television was very much concerned with telling young girls about bullying (for a different and just as good interp of this theme see ABC Family's Cyberbully starring Emily Osmont). But this one was the first and best to me, I related to it very much as an ostracized teen. It stars Alexa Vega, and she's a teen that has her whole popular friend group turn against her and she gets bullied bad lol It gets dark but only for like 20 minutes and then her redemption arc is nice. I loved this movie to death until I discovered Thirteen (2003), which is Way darker and had girls kissing in it for a few seconds.
Fab Five: The Texas Cheerleader Scandal (2008)
This movie was my identity. This movie was my child. Every time it was on TV I stopped whatever I was doing and watched it. I have no idea why, because I have been told people mainly find this one boring, but I think it's mostly due to the fact that I really do love movies where teenagers behave badly with impunity. This was a Ripped From the Headlines Lifetime movie about a roving band of cheerleaders that terrorize everyone in their wake at a Texas high school and basically get away with it because one of their mom's is the principal. I think it is a lol and a half, it's actually pretty competent, and there's like Good performances in it from actual actors. Highest rec possible.
Liz & Dick (2012)
Lindsay Lohan gets so unfairly maligned for her performance in this, it's sick. My most cherished memories of my last year of High School are watching this movie late at night and reading all of Lindsay's blind items and every article that was being written about her failed comeback. Again, I think she's actually okay in this, but for a lot of people it was insulting to cast Lindsay Lohan as Elizabeth Taylor and to those people I say haters get thee behind me. It's fun, it's campy, it's not too long, everybody watch it and relax for a while.
Flowers in the Attic (2014)
DARK DARK DARK but also STUPID STUPID STUPID. Seriously this movie has no business being as funny as it is given the subject matter. Basically a bunch of kids are uprooted by the death of their father and their mother forces them to live in the attic of her wealthy parents home under false pretenses, and incest ensues. Which, again, sounds really upsetting but is actually pretty funny a lot of the time lol. Their evil god-fearing grandma is played by Ellen Burstyn and she's So over the top, and their mom is my queen Heather Graham who is actually pretty chilling. The other movies in the saga are Also pretty dark, stupid, and fun, but this one was a legit phenomenon. Me and my college roommate would host viewings of it in our dorm room, it's really fun to watch in a crowd of people that don't get darked out by poorly handled incest.
Harry and Meghan: A Royal Romance (2018)
This is part one of a trilogy, but it's probably the best one even though the third is pretty fun. Honestly, you guys, this one is just Nice. Truly dgaf about the irl Harry and Meghan but this movie is actually a very fun love story, and it's sweet and has a few legitimately compelling twists and turns, and ultimately has a really satisfying ending. The actors playing Meghan and Harry are stellar, it's funny, it's cute, another highly recced film.
Who Killed Jonbenet? (2016)
An unhinged Eion Bailey performance for the ages with added child murder. Sarah and I are Definitely recording an episode about this one in the future, but truly it's almost too bleak to be chic and gets saved at the last minute by how inadvertently goofy it is. Eion's character develops a psycho-sexual (to me) fixation on an older detective who comes in and basically upends his investigation, and everything about it gives "but daddy please" and I love it and hate it at the same time.
Death of a Cheerleader (1994/2019)
Both versions of this movie are elite, the original is truly iconic and the remake is actually deluxe and makes some changes that I think make it an actually interesting movie. In Lifetime fashion it is Based On a True Story (fun fact: in my younger years I listened to My Favorite Murder and this story gets mentioned in one of their first episodes and they offhandedly mention that the murder weapon was like 8 inches long and That is a fact that has stuck with me in the middle of the night). I'd say watch them both, because the OG has a Tori Spelling performance that cannot be missed and is just a basic mean girls comeuppance story, but the redux is a lot more thoughtful and actually reflects some humanity on all characters which (if you haven't noticed) Lifetime isn't always great at lol.
Too Young to Be a Dad (2002)
UGH. Me and my girlfriend Just watched this and honestly that's a shame because I wish I'd had this movie my entire life. Paul Dano is a teenager that loses his virginity and impregnates his friend in one fell swoop and he has to Step Up and become a Man as like a fifteen year old, which sounds crazy and is but is legitimately a captivating movie. And Paul Dano is sooo fucking good in, it's not even a joke, watch it for his performance alone. I laughed, I cried, a perfect film (even though they never address abortion as a viable option lol Lifetime can only go so far ig).
This was Purely just for me but if you read this and watch these movies please lmk what you thought ~
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arzner · 2 months
Maybe I just notice it more now that I'm in my 30s, but it seems like in so many different places I read just for casual conversation/gossip, people seem absolutely fixated on believing that women need to act in a ~certain way~ once they hit 30. You have to put away all "frivolous" hobbies and interests, you can't have any fun anymore, you have to be extremely mature and sure of yourself and never petty or flawed, you have to have Settled Down in life, etc. I find it really ridiculous. Then I wonder if I'm just particularly immature for my age or something, but I don't really think so. I just don't think there's that big of a difference between your late 20s and early 30s, I don't think that everyone needs to be on the same timetable or doing the same things in life anyway, and obviously I certainly don't think that women need to be hidden away at home raising children and serving men and doing nothing for themselves or whatever it is these people think women "need" to be doing by a certain age.
I don't want to pin this on any one group or start any silly generation wars, but it does seem like a lot of this comes from people a generation or so younger than me...which I guess is somewhat natural: when you're really young you sometimes kind of think everyone older than you is Old, but in some ways it seems more pronounced in this group. Fear of aging is not new in the slightest, but I've had to spend some time with people about a decade younger than me lately (when usually I find myself around people my own age or older) and they seem really fixated on ages even down to thinking, for example, that a 24-year-old is markedly older than a 22-year-old, and they talk about age constantly. Maybe it's just the particular people I've been around. I don't know. It's just not something I remember my peers being as obsessed with when we were their age. I remember thinking that everyone within about five years of my age was the same as me when I was in my 20s.
It's all been bothering me lately, and I should probably just ignore it, but I guess it's hitting me at a time when I finally felt like I'd mostly gotten over all the fears and insecurities about aging, and it's sort of dragging me right back. It also depresses me that so many people, even self-proclaimed progressives, truly think that women don't deserve to live our lives for ourselves...and that having hobbies and interests past a certain age is pathetic, that spending any time online past a certain age is inappropriate, that our only purpose in life is settling down with a bunch of babies and a husband. They may know better than to say this so explicitly, but it's clear that this is what they believe deep down.
Maybe people want to believe that something mystical happens the day you turn 30, but it really doesn't. You don't change overnight, you don't unlock any secret wisdom, you aren't suddenly ancient... You're the same person you were the night before when you were 29. It's also frustrating that so many people think having kids and/or marrying men is the only path to "maturity" for women. I know plenty of immature parents and plenty of mature childfree people, plenty of 30-somethings who are totally unsure of themselves and plenty of 20-somethings who are quite mature... I don't say any of this to discourage growth or encourage immaturity and helplessness in adults -- I just think there are so many different ways to live your life, and I'm deeply tired of running into these totally regressive, sexist attitudes lately. Way too many people have such strange ideas about what a woman in her 30s "should" be. Maybe they haven't been around enough people in their 30s, but we're as varied as people in their 20s are.
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obstinaterixatrix · 1 year
racher was like ‘I have thought about your office lady characters and their office lady fashion and I was like ‘yo I love outsourcing details’ so here are the notes I took from racher’s presentation
Epitome of Japanese office worker; white collared button up, blazer, knee length skirts
High school loafers (lmao)
No makeup
Mob character
Starts out super femme, starts getting more masc through series
Apparently dressed exactly like racher’s coworker but less casual; can sometimes skirt the line of what’s considered professional wear
Openly stylish
Different color blazers; same outfit different palette
Heels instead of loafers
Subtle touches; nails painted (rare in Japan), wears jewelry (either earrings or necklace, not both at the same time, very simple)
Subtle makeup; no lipstick, just lightly tinted gloss; hint of eyeliner (matches nails), hint of mascara, not too bold (she has to meet clients); foundation & concealer (full face, woman in sales) (😔)
Dyes & perms hair—naturally black, dyed auburn
More standard professional when out making sales
Doesn’t shop at Aoyama because her standards are higher (more local shops)
Might wear GU casually, probably wears GU-styled clothes from nicer brands
When starting to dress more masc, starts switching from skirts to pants; blazers were from a set with a skirt and don’t always match the pants, but she makes it look fashionable
At end, still wears heels (more about being mega fashionable less about gender)
Hair clip gets her eliminated
Late graduation gets her eliminated
Pants get her eliminated
She buys all her clothes from GU instead of Aoyama because her standards are lower
Also shops at Uniqlo
Doesn’t wear sweatshirts at work—is trying to dress well, but doesn’t understand what dressing well means in a professional Japanese concept
Sneakers or socks/sandals
No makeup (starts out with kind of bad eyeliner because she thinks wearing makeup is a professional adult thing to do, stops after getting a job because it’s too much effort) (also got her eliminated)
Vibe: established secretary, nobody cares what she wears (she can do whatever she wants)
Mimics xianxia fashion with modern clothes; layers, long cardigans, long skirts, dresses with belts, flow-y pants; reads as casual, cool, and stylish
Looks more fashionable than Yuki (this is so sad)
There are days where she looks like she’s stylish and days where she looks like a 40 year old mother because of what she wears
If she did her hair differently she would look more fashionable
Never wears makeup
I forget how much of this I actually put in the text but Yuki graduated late because of health reasons, which is why she is starting the job hunt late and is only getting her first job in the early-mid 20s range instead of the solidly early 20s range; on top of that, racher really outlined all the details that would get her eliminated in the interview process of more respectable companies. the thing is, shio, being the Epitome Of An Office Lady, would’ve been able to point out stuff like hair accessories being a turn off for interviewers and how wearing skirts to interviews is more preferred (😔) but yuki was determined to be independent and tried to do everything herself and ended up getting immediately eliminated from the more respectable companies which fed into her desperation and made her super vulnerable to working for a black company because they don’t actually care about the subtle cues for professionalism (lol). after yuki decided to quit she actually talks to shio and gets tips on how to get hired at an actual company (take off the hair clip and just keep it in your pocket if you want to take it with you, if they ask about graduation say you took a gap year, etc.) AND she also has meihui who knows a bunch of stuff from when she transmigrated and had to cram all of modern japanese office culture in her heard immediately
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Playing D&D:
Sage is the DM and has an amazingly creative storyline for everyone to follow. Everyone is too busy being goofy ahh to actually follow it in the way it was intended. When someone in particular really irritates her she purposely tries to kill them off for a session or two. She clears her throat really loudly whenever someone interrupts her. She stays up late coming up with ideas for sessions and has a playlist for the campaign.
Vapor plays as a druid. She's the only one that tries to get the party back on track and actually follow the main storyline. Her character probably looks very cool and is a woman with actual protective armor. She's not too familiar with the game but made sure to do her research and watch some videos so she knows the concept beforehand. She's probably a lawful good character and uses sites like D&D and beyond.
Sylvie probably is a cleric and has a home brew character. She's played this game before with friends but never that often so Vapor probably knows more than her about it. Her character looks super cutsie and her appearance is more style than practicality. For some reason her character is slightly homicidal, Chaotic neutral.
Chad plays as a bard and has a harem of monsters. He honestly hasn't played the game but maybe once or twice in highschool. He's constantly flirting with Noir's character. Chaotic good alignment probably. Probably has a little notepad to jot stuff down on. Sorta has no idea what he's doing but somehow manages to convince the Sage to let him do the most random stuff. He has successfully flirted with a giant spider. His character honestly sorta looks like himself but (somehow) hotter.
Noir plays a necromancer that has beef with Slyvie's character. Very much a squishy middle center type of character character. Even though he's literally dating Chad, he gets flustered whenever Chad's character flirts with his own. His character would be almost op if he didn't suck as rolling. I'm almost positive he's played this game before. Chaotic good but in a completely different way than Chad. His character probably looks really mysterious and has a mask or a weird hat. He types all the stuff he needs to remember out on the notes app of his phone.
Assistant plays as a sorcerer and has an actually well thought out character. They have a clear story arc in their head but literally nothing goes according to plan and they have embraced the insanity. They've played the game before but have never finished a campaign. I wanna say they play a lawful neutral character. I think their character would have a really elegant cloak or something. They definitely have a notebook with a bunch of sticker on it for that specific campaign.
Goon plays a rogue because they thought stealing stuff would be fun. They have never played this game before but they're having a lot of fun with it. Mainly because for some unknown reason they're God's favorite and they keep rolling Nat 20's. They keep asking stuff like "can I seduce the squid?" (They weren't allowed to try) They aren't particularly prepared and sometimes they need a little help. They probably have a Chaotic neutral character and came up with a really idiotic (in a funny way) backstory for them. They know what their character looks like but has no idea how to explain it.
Looking back I realize I typed a lot so my bad if it's hard to read.
Assistant definitely has a thing for muscles and cloaks, pre-meeting the others they definitely tried to have well-thought out characters and still do! The idea of their characters now is they just play as Gender swapped Hatsune Miku with muscles and a sick-ass cloak
Goon: @boredgoon
Noir: @sirlordevil
Chad: @deadless-corpse
Sylvie and Vapor: @vaporeon2010317
Sage: @sagehyperfixates
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watcherscrown · 11 months
That post about Welsh food reminded me, do I have any Welsh followers/anyone with bg expertise in Welsh/Celtic/Irish/Scottish mythologies?
I am picking up an old writing project that I had set aside and re-reading it, I have realized (I started this in college) that it has a bunch of vaguely [BRITISH ISLES] mythology stuff kind of conflated and smashed together. Primarily with Irish mythology just because that's the thing I know the most about.
SO, as I go through an editing pass, is there anything SUPER obvious that an American writer should know? Mostly I'm dealing with the differences in culture between faeries, true names, second sight, superstitions, and that kind of thing. I know there's a lot of shared history and overlap but that's making it kind of hard for me to research! Literally any insight is appreciated, THANK U.
Summary of project under the cut, if that helps.
A woman-- whose name is Hiraeth, because her mom who is not actually Welsh unless you go generations back read it in a book somewhere and thought it was Pretty. As Hira grew up she started to get the cultural baggage and also feel weird about its general meaning and why would you name a child something like that-- (ANYWAY) Hira is going through a rough patch in her marriage. She's in her late 20s/early 30s and married to her college boyfriend. They dated for a long time but have only been married a few years. Her husband's, (Ryan), behavior has been pretty erratic, and he seems to be pulling away from her, away at odd hours, thinks their house might be haunted, and she thinks he's either had a total break from reality, or he's cheating on her or something.
Eventually he goes missing.
MEANWHILE, Hira is rekindling her childhood first love with a woman who goes by Honey but whose real name she doesn't even know. Because she's a fairy. Years and years ago they were summertime childhood friends, and then more than that, and then Honey disappeared. But now she's back right at the time when Hira's relationship is fracturing, and can foolishly fall back into Honey's arms. CONVENIENT. Honey is a very fastidious planner >;)
sabotage your relationship
steal your girl
disappear you
These things are all kind of subject to change but that's the bones of the thing. And I don't want to just sort of appropriate Welsh culture for an aesthetic, but the story is going to have a lot of themes of loss, nostalgia, longing, and making hard choices so I'd like to keep hiraeth as a general throughline. Hira is an autistic character and has always had an interest in and kinship with changeling stories. She feels like she doesn't fit and has a deep desperate longing for Somewhere but she doesn't know what that IS or even looks like. It's just not here. And then she meets Honey and it seems like maybe she can FILL that empty void but have you ever loved something so much that it hurt? And you know it's going to hurt you and you're going to lose it but you still choose it again and again and again like waves dashing against rocks on the shore? It's like that.
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chiara-juliette · 4 months
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Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil- Ohhhh my god I loved this book. It's so lovely so well written so fun and makes me want to drop everything and move to Savannah in the 80s?? The book essentially follows the main character, John Kelso, a writer/food critic from New York who spontaneously visits the beautiful southern city Savannah, Georgia on a trip to the south, falls in love with it, and decides to rent out an apartment and live there part time when he's not in New York for work. He gets involved with a bunch of strange and eccentric characters such as Jim Williams, a bachelor and an antique collecter who throws the most popular, classiest, exclusive parties in town in his large beautiful civil war era mansion, who helped revive historic Savannah and restore it into the lively city it is in the book. John makes friends with Joe Odom quickly, attracted by the constant sounds of piano playing and voices coming from Joe's apartment, a bar owner who's house is in a constant state ofcelebration, with friends and acquiantances freely flowing in and out of his houses(that he cannot afford, he's essentially a "glorified squatter" as the book calls him, he's constantly moving around) Joe is constantly in trouble with the law for some reason or another, yet he always seems to wiggle his way out. There's Chablis, a beautiful black drag queen who essentially uses our main character as a chauffeur. A mystery unfolds at some point in the story, but I will not spoil! There are so many interesting characters in this book holy shit and this book just feels like a love letter to savannah, definitely reccomend this book.
Big Swiss- EXTREMELY different from the first one but loved it equally, the main character is Greta, a woman in her mid 40s, and a very morally questionable yet very funny character, and the reader gets to constantly listen in on her absurd internal monologue. She works as a transcriber for a sex therapist, a man named Om in Hudson, New York, however she writes the meetings from audio files in the security of her own home (an old dutch house in shambles that is infested with a bee hive that Greta and her roomate Sabine, an old friend have to coexist with) . Greta has moved around her entire life after the suicide of her mother when she was thirteen, constantly being taken in by aunts or uncles. She ends up falling in love with one of Om's clients that she has never met based solely off of the audio files. The client's name is Flavia, however Greta refers to her as Big Swiss. Big Swiss is from switzerland, she is a tall, blonde, beautiful gynecologist in her late 20s, who has never had an orgasm despite being married and regularly having sex. Big swiss's sharp, cold, no bullshit nature is what draws Greta towards her. They eventually end up meeting, and disaster unfolds after. This book is so witty, the dialogue is so good, and getting to read Greta's transcriptions of various client's sex therapy sessions is so entertaining. Her actions are horrible at times, yet she's strangely likeable? Definitely reccomend, the simplistic writing style made it a very fast read for me.
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milesmentis · 1 year
From the Pride OC asks!
3) How did your oc discover themself? Did something cause them to question, or did they always know?
for ALL OF THEM (please? 😁)
*cracks knuckles* Okay ... let's do this!
Daren: answered here (everyone else is under the cut)
Gil: She was my late bloomer. Going back to the mention about Gil and demisexuality, she probably has the closest parallel to my own journey. When she was growing up, she definitely thought she was asexual because she had -100% interest in boys and 0 interest in girls. She has that intense Eldest Daughter Syndrome that most Hawkes tend to carry and that + her discomfort with male attention made it easier to just ignore anything that had to do with her own sexuality because it make her feel complicated messy things. She was an incredibly awkward and apologetic teenager, but when she's older (around 19/20) her feelings for other women started to really develop. She doesn't fully blossom though until she gets to Kirkwall, cuts off all her hair, and starts hanging out with a bunch of disaster bisexuals
Hallapan: She figured out she was a girl at a pretty young age (I'd say about 7 or 8), because I headcanon that's also when the gender roles in her clan would have started hitting. That's also about the same time that her magic manifested and I feel like those two things kind of run parallel in her mind ... the idea of suddenly becoming something else, something rare but a little strange. Clan Lavellan wasn't actually her birth clan, and when a few more mages manifested when she was a young teen, she was sent to them. It was a two edged sword - she was upset that she had to go, but also excited bc it meant that she could go train as a Keeper in another clan where they never knew her as a little boy. It was a fresh start and helped her anxiety about puberty and social transition a ton.
Magnus: Oh Maggie ... my dear angry macho bisexual. Out of all my characters he is the one who struggles the most with his internalized homophobia and toxic masculinity. I headcanon that the further north you go, the more rigid things like gender and sexuality tend to be. In his case, Magnus was from a small town in the free Marches with a very strict father who joined the army the second he had the chance and stayed there for over a decade. Those two things gave him a kind of skewed view of masculinity and male-attraction. He's honestly something of a frat boy, so his own feelings for other men were a thing he could explain away through, like, the rituals of male-bonding. Definitely a guy who would say, "Of course I've fucked dudes. I was in the army wasn't I?" Meanwhile, Daren and Donnie would be staring at him like "......... bro." It takes until he's about 30 to get really comfortable with his own queerness (he has such a huge crush on Cullen, it's insane) and honestly his friendship with Dorian is so healing. Just finally having another queer male friend to talk to, and one with such a different but equally repressive upbringing ... yeah ... I think they're real neat.
Brosca: The female Brosca origin is so goddamn Gender to me! Unlike the canon, Brosca is actually older than Rica (about 33) and experienced a ton on gendered violence, starting from their mother. She grew up under a constant tirade of "Everything would have been better if you were a boy, you useless failure" (her father was merchant class). After Rica's father leaves for the surface and their mother falls into depressive alcoholism, Brosca is the one who has to shoulder everything - she becomes the breadwinner the only way she can (breaking heads for Beraht) and does everything she can to protect Rica (usually by making herself the wall or the target). Orzammar being so aggressively heteronormative forces her to carve out a sexless space for herself in order to survive. She's not a woman like her sister (pretty, painted, artistic, kept) and she's not a man like Leske (desperate, letcherous, envious, possesive). She's a knife and if you touch her for ANY reason, you're going to get cut. Going to the surface changes her life in so many ways, but I think one of the most powerful is hearing gender-neutral Ser for the first time. She never truly unpacks her own feelings about sex and gender, because she doesn't have the reason or language to do so, but even though she continues to use she/her for the rest of her life as a convenience, she really grows to think of her own gender as Warden. And that finally feels right.
Eyas: Eyas is a very reserved and introspective person, so I feel like he figured out that he was both gay and aromantic in his mid-teens. It was always a kind of perfunctory thing: clans are very interconnected groups and as a result, I don't think things like nudity, sexual interest, or gender really ... matter as much? Because everything is so interpersonal. When he leaves the clan, however, he doesn't handle it very well. He becomes even more withdrawn, and the only person who he even slightly warms up to is Zevran. Unfortunately, Zev interprets this change in behavior as romantic interest, and when he offers sex to Eyas, he panics. It takes a long, complicated, and shockingly emotional (for him) conversation until he finally admits how badly he's hurting, how little he wants sex, and how afraid he is of losing the closest thing he has to a clan brother because he can't feel the same desire. Zevran is absolutely understanding and helps him talk through his feelings about sex and romance (generally) and specifically (pining for Alistair), and gives him reassurance that what he feels is natural and understandable. They become even closer after that - a literal lifeline for Eyas in many ways - with a tinge of that homoerotic non-tension that really good queer friends always have. His actual "awakening" doesn't happen until Awakening (if he makes it that far) ... the second he lays eyes on Nathaniel Howe.
Donnie: The only character I've ever made who Gets The Goddamn Therapy and Support They Deserve! Aside from the background radiation of "Mild Homophobia and Sexism That Permeates Military Life Even In The Future" he doesn't have any hangups about his sexual orientation. I think, like most bisexual nerds, his awakening was Star Wars (which might be two centuries old, but he will defend with his dying breath). Like Daren, he gets a kick out of people assuming he's straight but he's never shy about mentioning ex-boyfriends. He's primarily attracted to women and a lot of the bros-to-lovers arc he has with Kaidan revolves around them both talking about hot women over beer and then dropping a quick reference to hot men ... no homo tho ... haha ... unless.
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lovequinn · 5 months
i cannot break my tradition so here is the annual mushy new years eve post
(first a quick sidebar: i started doing these end of year posts in 2018 i think? i tried to go back today and find all the ones i'd written previously and it just really sank in how different everything is, both internally and externally. obviously i was very aware of that to a degree already, but actually reading the way i spoke about myself and my life is so out-of-body. i was 20 when i wrote one of these for the first time; i'd just dropped out of college, i was grasping on to anything and anyone that made me feel like i belonged or gave me any sort of direction. it's bittersweet to see, because i was trying so hard to be happy when i wasn't, and i wish i could go back and tell that person that it's gonna be fine. i like making these posts because i like to think it's a way of writing to that version of myself and saying hey...here's how we're doing now.)
2023 was, personally, the best year of my life.
this was the year i woke up one morning and said fuck it, i'm tired of not doing what i need to do to make myself happy. i'm tired of being scared to make the decisions i want to make. i'm tired of using "i'm still growing up and figuring out what i'm doing" (i wrote about this a lot in january here) as an excuse to not take the leap and figure it out on my terms.
this was the year that i embraced myself and my identity fully for the first time, even if it's something still ever-changing. it took me until 2022 to acknowledge and accept that i wasn't a cis woman, but i still clung to making myself okay with she/her pronouns in addition to my preferred they/them and avoiding using the word "trans" at all costs. 2023 is the year i started to wear the trans label with pride and i slowly, surely, shook away the parts of me that were afraid of change. i'm still working on that daunting concept of letting other people have insight into the most vulnerable parts of who you are, and i feel like i always will be, but i am millions of miles ahead of where i was twelve months ago when it comes to being confident about what i want and what i need in that respect.
a lot of that is due to the people i surrounded myself with this year. i have had the immense privilege of forming friendships with some of my heroes, and conversely, of watching some longtime friends become heroes. the people that i hold closest to me at the end of 2023 are people who i got to watch advocate for themselves and for others all year long, be that through picket lines, through strength in their personal life, through layoffs, through championing for marginalized people in media, etc. i am so lucky to have the chance to learn from these people and how they live their lives every day. and i find myself lately waking up grateful that i feel cared for and loved by the people i've chosen, in ways i didn't know i could be.
2023 was the year that i connected with the things i love more than i've ever gotten to before. entirely gone is any lingering shame i had about enjoying media, fandoms, stories. getting excited about stuff is cool, actually, and life is short. i had a conversation with an actor i admire and adore so much who said that it's incredibly stupid to pretend to be inhuman and above having things that bring us joy, and i took that to heart. i got to do things like attend premieres and work on promotion for things i'm obsessed with, and i was unabashed about my love for what i choose to consume. this fall, one of the first people i saw after making a terrifying cross-country move was my idol growing up, who i'd crossed paths with a bunch already earlier in the year. that person told me how proud they were of me (and followed up later with a message repeating that) and in a way, that made my teenage self feel so, so proud of me too.
in that vein...this was the year that "i know i would be happy moving to LA, but that's a pipe dream for someday" quickly became closing my eyes, taking a breath, and making the leap. most of the process still feels like it was a blackout, honestly. out of nowhere i had suddenly packed my entire life into a car, left the only place i've been my entire life, and drove 41 hours on my own to an apartment i'd rented without seeing and a roommate i'd never met in person. it was the best decision i've ever made. something that had always felt out of place finally clicked into where it was supposed to be. i adopted a cat on impulse two weeks after moving and with that as the cherry on top...i just truly have spent the last several months finally feeling that wholehearted fulfillment other people talk about and that i never totally understood.
there's so, so much more i could write about, from trips to disneyland, to parties, to relationships. but this is getting so long already, so i'll just add some pictures below and leave it at: i am so thankful for 2023. i am so excited for 2024. let's see what it brings, good or bad.
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