#If you put on anything else I will maul you to death
dbphantom · 2 years
The only mfing song that matters
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coffeewritesfiction · 2 years
Thinking about a ship getting an absolute bully for their first human. The kind of human that knows most aliens are afraid of ‘death worlders’, the kind of human that knows where the line is and how far they can go before they get into trouble, and who they can intimidate to let them cross the line as they want.
Part of the crew is like “I knew humans were just as bad as I thought.” Human doesn’t care. Human represents the worst of humanity, but they’re necessary for the ship - they make themselves necessary, and are not afraid to put the rest of the crew at risk if their authority seems challenged.
And then, they get a new human, who is smaller than the first. The first human tries their usual tactics - and the second human breaks their nose. If they were on the ship itself, there’d be consequences, and the first human knows it. But the second human is not afraid to be labeled a troublemaker, and cause trouble for the first, they do. A fierce competition blooms between them, as the second human clearly attempts to muscle in on the first’s territory, despite everyone warning them not to. And as this goes on, the second human befriends the rest of the crew. They’re different than the first. They are kind, they are smart, they are loyal.
They are a death worlder.
During a shipment of endangered animals from another planet, the first human is mauled by the adults. The second human is injured trying to protect them, but to no avail, the first human is killed. Analysis revealed the first human was sprayed with a kind of pheromone that agitates the species - but there was no reason for the pheromone to have been released by the species. Something else is going on, and the captain know it. The second human, despite the clear trauma, accepts the interview.
After the interview ends, the captain turns off the official recording.
“Off the record,” they ask, “what really happened?”
The human swallows, closes their dark eyes.
“They were trying to steal the eggs,” they said. “I saw them - I heard them on a black line with a darkspace distributer.”
“Why didn’t you report it?”
“Not enough time. And I... I had a feeling they’d done it before.”
The captain waits. The human’s closed eyes water.
“You sprayed the pheromone on them,” the captain says.
The human nodded. “They were so busy with the eggs, they didn’t even notice.”
“But,” the captain says, “You tried to save them after.”
The human’s shoulders shake. “I did.” They sob. “I did. I’m sorry. I’m sorry, but I did it. I did it for all of you. I did it for us.”
The human cries.
No charges are filed. The crew would mutiny if their friend were charged with anything, though the captain finds some way to ease the moral strain on both their hands and the second human’s. Another human is brought on board to help with the strain of the first human’s loss. Thy are bright-eyed, clever fingered, sharp-witted, soft-hearted. It takes time to for the wounds caused by the first human - described as a bully by the humans, also ‘a real asshole!’ by the newest recruit - but now that they are gone, they can all recover, and move on.
The moral here? Humans are not always good, but they should never, ever be underestimated - when they claim a pack, they will protect it even from their own kind.
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snowe-zolynn-rogers · 3 months
Pairings: None
Word Count: 2,835 Words
Summary: Eclipse's found family finds him.
Warnings: Robot Gore, Injury, Amputation, Cursing, Near Death, PTSD, Panic Attack, Trauma, Surgery, Sibling Bonding, Angst with a serving of Fluff, Bathing Together (platonic, neither have bits down there), SFW Tickling, let me know if I should add anything else.
Found Family
Eclipse groaned pulling himself from the ball pit. What was left of him, at least. His left arm had had the hand ripped off and his right leg was missing from below the knee, his internals were attempting to pour out the deep gashes of claws in his stomach.
His right side upper faceplate had been ripped off along with right eye having been torn from its socket and wires. There was a deep gash down his left leg, leaving the limb half numb. And his chest and back had most of its casing mauled off, leaving his scratched endo and frame exposed and vulnerable.
He’d barely finished crawling his way from the ball pit before he saw a figure standing over him like a sadistic god and the blue he saw told him that this wasn’t the best person to find him this injured.
“So ya fucked up?” Moon asked, crouching before him and Eclipse glared with his remaining eye, this was all Moon’s fucking fault and Eclipse seethed at him.
“I went to kill him and he tried to destroy me!” Eclipse crackled out his half-broken voice box.
“Sad little worm, huh? Welp.” Moon stood up, slapping his thighs as he did so. “That’s a problem taken care of. I’m gonna go out and celebrate. You try to die quietly if you can.” Moon patted his aching head and Eclipse growled to keep him off, attempting to grab Moon’s hand and bite it since it was all he really could do at the moment. But Moon was quicker and got his hand away.
“Hey everyone, I’m buying shots! It’s celebration time!” Moon called through the daycare as he left to the upper level of the daycare as everyone followed him out of the daycare, shutting the lights off as he did so, leaving Eclipse in the darkness with just the ceiling of glowy stars illuminating barely to the top of the play structures.
Eclipse’s engines whirred on high as Eclipse used his remaining hand and the forearm of his left arm to crawl his way away from the ball pit and to the security desk, dragging and pulling down the emergency med kit and haphazardly dumping it on the ground with his right hand so he could get the contents.
His first grab was an ACE bandage, which he tried to put on his stomach with his one hand to some success. It looked sloppy as hell but his insides would stay inside. Eclipse’s processors whirred on max, fans turning slowly because they were half broken so they couldn’t fully cool him down and coolant was leaking out of him, having made a trail from the ball pit to the security desk already.
Eclipse secured the ACE bandage and then began packing gauze into his right knee where it had been ripped off and used another ACE wrap to keep pressure on it so the oil lines wouldn’t be leaking out. He repeated the same process to his left wrist and sighed as he rested one of the instant cold packs onto his processors, relaxing into the feeling of the cold pack helping his half-broken fans to cool him down.
Eclipse saw errors flashing that coolant and oil was low and critical machinery was damaged. Of course it was, he had lost body parts! He growled in annoyance at his creator. They had basically torn him to shreds and Moon didn’t give a single damn about it.
Eclipse hadn’t been able to get a single hit in on them. It had all simply been a blur after they had admitted that they made him and to them attacking him like he was a glorified punching bag. Eclipse hadn’t had a chance to even defend himself and the thought of it, even now, was terrifying.
He shuddered just thinking of the sound and feeling of his wires and endo creaking and cracking when his creator had snapped his right calf off the knee joint and torn it off of him. And the agony of having his left hand ripped off at the joint had been horrifying. The sick crunch the joint had made had made Eclipse throw up. He wasn’t even aware he could throw up, but he had at that sound of his endo crunching and snapping.
Eclipse felt lightheaded, his breaths were coming slower and he knew this was some kind of a panic reaction. Of course he would have a panic reaction. He had succeeded at getting his creator to take out the directives but at what cost? His body nothing more than scrap metal? His mind in shambles and panic? It didn’t feel worth it. Maybe he wasn’t worth a chance.
This train of thought absolutely didn’t help the panic. He was shaking. Why was he shaking? Was the daycare shaking? No, it was him. What was this? Eclipse hadn’t ever felt panic before, not this badly. It felt worse that when he was waiting for Moon and Sun to come kill him. It felt like it was all-consuming and crushing him.
The dark didn’t help either, he hated the dark just like both of his predecessors. He knew there weren’t monsters, there weren’t, but the dark was…scary. It felt like emptiness, like being abandoned again. And it felt cold. He light lights, the stars on the ceiling just weren’t enough light. Especially since solar models didn’t have very much eyesight in the dark. It felt like being stuck into a black box with holes poked in for air but even the air felt like it wasn’t enough.
Blood Moon had finally gone prowling around with Stitchwraith. A joy! Prowling with their acquaintance! It was a ball to finally be out of that bunker place! Blood Moon had begun their prowling in the main entrance and were now going through the daycare, which had its lights off for some reason.
Blood Moon liked the dark, it was a warm place to them, it was comforting, but the sound of staticky sobs coming from the lower daycare wasn’t all that comforting. It was quite annoying actually. They hated crying! Hated it! It was weak!
Blood Moon wanted to snuff out that incessant sobbing and the annoying attendant the crying undoubtedly came from. So they went down to the lower daycare and sniffed around for it. Thankfully, they didn’t have to look for long, finding the sobbing’s source was a curled up and mangled Solar? Was this Solar? No, the dents on the rays and the scratches on the faceplate weren’t present. Could this be…?
Stitchwraith followed Blood Moon to the sound of crying and gave a small gasp seeing the torn down frame of the animatronic they had been slightly amicable with, at least for gaming they had been. But what the hell did Eclipse deserve this for? To be torn to shreds and left to die? He hadn’t even done anything too bad yet, he hadn’t killed anyone at least.
“Eclipse?” Stitchwraith asked, crouching by him but it seemed to go unnoticed. Was Eclipse having a panic attack? “Eclipse, hey.” Stitchwraith knew they’d get hit but they had to shake Eclipse by the shoulder to even get a slight bit of a response.
Once they did shake Eclipse’s shoulder, Eclipse whipped his left arm at them, which was missing it’s hand and was instead bandaged with gauze and an ACE bandage. The hit from Eclipse’s forearm connected with Stitchwraith’s faceplate but didn’t so much as put a scratch on them from how weak Eclipse seemed to be.
Eclipse looked up at them after, eyes wild with panic and pain, breathing going a mile a minute and extremely defensive and scared. Stitchwraith felt Blood Moon tugging on their cloak and waved their hand off to keep Blood Moon behind them. Eclipse was a more pressing matter than answering Blood Moon’s question at the moment.
“Eclipse, it’s Stitchwraith. I need you to breathe slowly for us.” Stitchwraith instructed him. Eclipse’s motors shuddered as he tried to take slow breaths for Stitchwraith. “You’re safe. Can you point to what’s scaring you the most right now?” They asked. Eclipse wordlessly pointed his shaky right pointer finger up at the lights.
“Blood Moon, go turn on the lights.” Stitchwraith instructed the twin hellions, who scampered off to go do just that at his request, the lights turning on row by row until the daycare was illuminated completely, which looked to ease some of Eclipse’s panic.
“Are you able to tell me what happened to you or is it too hard right now?” Stitchwraith asked.
“Creator…mauled me…” Eclipse’s voice was staticky and a weird echoed pitch but he could decipher it still.
“The person who made you mauled you?” Stitchwraith asked to confirm and Eclipse nodded softly. “Why did they do that?” Stitchwraith asked.
“Went to get…directives out…” Eclipse admitted.
“Your creator is a bunch of bull. That’s really all you went to do and he left you like you’re in a scrap heap?” Eclipse nodded and Stitchwraith bristled with annoyance at the audacity of Eclipse’s creator. That was downright cruelty for absolutely no reason. Eclipse didn’t deserve to be mauled over a simple ask like that. The way Eclipse’s simple ask was treated was absolutely bullshit.
“How about this, if you let Blood Moon carry you, I’ll fix you.” Stitchwraith reasoned. Stitchwraith would carry Eclipse back, give Eclipse probably couldn’t walk with a missing leg and fragile machinery desperately trying to escape Eclipse’s frame, but their arms still hurt from Blood Moon using them as a scratching post this morning as if the small bot was a damn cat.
“Okay…” Eclipse agreed and looked to Blood Moon as the red and white faced bot came scampering back down to the lower daycare and sat on the floor, looking over the situation with their head tilted to the side in confusion.
“Blood Moon, you’re going to carry him home. I need to repair him.” Stitchwraith told them.
“Aaaawwwwww, why do we have to carry the Sunman!?” Blood Moon began their usual spiel of complaining about the simplest of tasks. This bot could pick up a full cement truck but complained at picking up an animatronic that probably barely weighed more than them.
“Because our arms still hurt from being used as scratching posts. Now pick him up and be careful. Make sure you keep his stomach level, his internals are trying to be externals.” Stitchwraith sighed. Blood Moon whined a bit more but inevitably picked Eclipse up and thankfully held Eclipse as though he were some princess. It was embarrassing for Eclipse, sure, but it kept Eclipse’s insides inside him.
“Okay, come on, back home.” Stitchwraith told them and began leading Blood Moon back to their bunker and into his lab, instructing Blood Moon to gently place Eclipse on a table so he could work on him. He had most of the parts from misships and scrounging but he knew full well Eclipse would look different than he used to.
“I’m going to turn off your pain sensors but just stay awake and talk to Blood Moon for me while I work on you.” Stitchwraith told Eclipse as he got the necessary parts and tools together to fix him.
“Blood Moon?” Eclipse asked as Stitchwraith turned off the bot’s pain receptors and began to patch up and put on a replacement left hand for Eclipse.
“Yes, unholy creator?” Blood Moon sat like a cat in the chair near Eclipse’s legs.
“I’m not your creator, I never made you. That was…the original me. Before the backup in your head, before I was even a spot on the wall.” Eclipse grumbled.
“So you didn’t make us but you are an Eclipse.” Blood Moon cackled.
“I don’t know what I am.” Eclipse admitted. “I may as well have been made in a fucking petri dish in a lab. I have no clue who I am or what I am, just that I’m here and apparently my name is Eclipse and I’m the asshole everyone hates.” Eclipse huffed as Stitchwraith finished up the hand replacement and moved onto Eclipse’s right calf and foot replacement.
“You are…like us? A copy?” Blood Moon asked.
“An incomplete copy, yes. With directives and pasted memories from other points of view and a creator that rips out my directives and leaves me to the mercy of people who will just let me rot in a hole.” Eclipse was angry but he wasn’t panicking at least.
“We are incomplete as well. Memories from other people and bloodlust enhanced with less free will. Bullshit it is.” Blood Moon grumbled. Huh, odd that the two who hated each other agreed. Eclipse sighed and put his head back down on the table.
Stitchwraith finished replacing his lost calf and foot and moved onto Eclipse’s mauled open midsection and began patching the endo cage that contained Eclipse’s insides that had been ripped open. It was easier here because it was taking out the broken bits of old endo and welding in new pieces of the endo. He was also replacing broken innards as he came across them.
“We’re in the same boat then. I…I could remove it. I think. I have the original’s pasted memories too, I’m sure I could sift through and take out the bloodlust.” Eclipse told him, watching Stitchwraith more than Blood Moon now as Stitchwraith was working of Eclipse’s faceplate, fixing the wires and socket and putting in a new eyeball and replacing the half of the faceplate that had been torn off.
“Take out? You can take that out?” Blood Moon asked.
“I think so. I could try at least.” Eclipse told them, sighing now as the only thing left was his body casing, which was something easy and much less surgical. It was akin to putting on a new outfit to animatronics, especially daycare animatronics, who sometimes had to take off their casing to clean it after days in the daycare.
A calm quiet settled in the lab as Stitchwraith got Eclipse into a purple and white casing, replacing the ribbons on Eclipse’s wrists with new purple ones that weren’t stained with coolant and oil and laid out new pants and a new shirt for Eclipse to get dressed into.
“Alright, go get clean. I have a sanitizing station here, it’ll get you clean. Blood Moon, you need to get cleaned too.” Stitchwraith told him, helping Eclipse stand up and turning back on his pain sensor since there wouldn’t be as much pain to feel. He could fix minor things like Eclipse’s half-broken voice box later. What was important was getting Eclipse to feel better and not take an entire day just to fix him. Plus he didn’t have a new voice box for him just yet.
Eclipse struggled sitting up, his endo aching from what a human would consider bruises. He could feel the stiffness in his new parts and his eye was still adjusting, making him blink that eye more, which was uncomfortable but bearable because he had full sight back again now. He just let Stitchwraith help him to his feet, grateful for the help from his brother? Cousin? Acquaintance, Eclipse was going with acquaintance with the weird family tree he didn’t want to deal with.
Eclipse was passed to Blood Moon so the smaller bot could help him along and Eclipse happily used them as a sentient cane for his new stiff foot and calf that was making him limp a bit  with how little the new ankle could move yet. Blood Moon supported him, which was surprisingly actually helpful.
“But brother goes in the cleaning tube.” Blood Moon and maneuvered the both of them into the tube, helping Eclipse get off his dirty old clothes and Blood Moon threw off his mud covered clothes and stayed with his brother so they’d both get cleaned like Stitchwraith asked.
Blood Moon giggled at the sanitizing mist and roared with laughter at the brushes that came to scrub off the worst grime. Eclipse only needed the sanitizing mist to heat the coolant and oil on him enough to drip off into the drain in the floor. But Eclipse liked seeing his little brother laugh. It was nice to have this moment.
Eclipse never got to have this with…the others. But it felt nice to watch his brother laugh at the brushes going after the ticklish spots on his back. He kind of liked this, it made him feel warmth bloom in his chest that one of his siblings wasn’t scared of him or wishing him death or even leaving him to die.
Once Eclipse was clean, he left the tube while Blood Moon was still giggling up a storm getting scrubbed because he rolled in dirt from what it seemed like. Eclipse pulled on the new clothes and smoothed his hands over them, they were actually comfortable and not itchy like his old clothes. He liked being here. It felt like home.
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whump-4-ever · 7 months
Reformed, Part 2
Part 1 -> https://www.tumblr.com/whump-4-ever/732109179568930816/reformed-part-1
Part 3 -> https://www.tumblr.com/whump-4-ever/733802194445402112/reformed-part-3?source=share
Villain huffed out an exasperated sigh as they stared down at the phone in their palm, their thumb hovering over the ‘call’ button. After making the long trek back to their hideout (a very old, abandoned log cabin stashed deep in the wilderness, far from any civilization whatsoever), Villain had immediately settled Hero on their couch in the living room before wrapping them up in the coziest blankets they owned and lighting a decently-sized fire in the fireplace in hopes the heat would scare the hypothermia away and rouse them from their deep state of unconsciousness. Unfortunately, and to their dismay, it didn’t work, and they really didn’t know what else to do. They had next to no medical knowledge in regards to treating serious conditions, and they’d never had to look after anyone but themselves their whole life. That meant one thing and one thing only: if they truly wanted to help Hero, they would have to contact Hero’s team and inform them of the situation.
Villain, with their thumb still hovering over the ‘call’ button, ran their free hand through their hair (something they always did when they were nervous). “You owe me for this one,” Villain grunted, giving the unconscious Hero a half-hearted glare before tapping their phone screen. It was less than five seconds later when Caretaker answered.
“Where’s Hero?” Caretaker growled deeply. “If you’ve done something to them, I swear to God I’ll-“
“I haven’t done a damn thing!” Villain snapped in annoyance, cutting Caretaker off mid-sentence. “In fact, if not for me, Hero would probably be dead by now, having frozen to death or having been mauled by a wild animal.” This was exactly why they hadn’t wanted to make this call. Villain knew they’d be blamed for this, no matter what they said. “Look,” Villain took a deep breath to calm themselves before continuing, “Hero’s real sick, and I don’t know what’s wrong with them. Believe what you will, but I did not do this. I found them in a crumpled heap just a few miles from my hideout. They’re running a high fever and they’ve been out cold for several hours now. Whatever’s going on, it’s not looking good.”
There was the sound of multiple voices going back and forth in the background, as if in conversation, before Caretaker responded with, “I’m on my way right now. If this is some kind of trap, if you’ve hurt them in any way, shape, or form, I swear on my brother’s life that I’ll rip your intestines out and wrap them around your neck like a scarf.” There was the heavy weight of barely-contained fury in the air surrounding Caretaker’s words.
Villain closed their eyes and pinched the bridge of their nose, exhaling deeply in an attempt to convey their annoyance through the phone. “That’s very kind of you,” Villain mumbled, their tone dripping with sarcasm. “Just knock when you get here, and don’t forget to leave your attitude on the porch.” They hung up before Caretaker could say anything else.
“I really don’t know what you see in them, Hero,” Villain muttered as they flopped down into the recliner next to the couch. “I mean, Caretaker is damn good-looking, don’t get me wrong, but for fuck’s sake. I’ve never wanted a relationship bad enough to put up with that shit.” They chuckled lightly as they glanced over at Hero, watching their chest rise and fall in shallow, unsteady gasps. A shadow of concern crept into their chest at the sight, all signs of amusement having been replaced by what one could have interpreted as worry. If Caretaker didn’t get here soon, Hero may very well not get the help they needed in time. Villain didn’t particularly like them, but they didn’t want them to die, considering their past and everything Hero had done for Villain, just out of the purity of their heart. “You just hang on a little longer, alright?” Villain leaned over the edge of the chair until they could rest their hand on Hero’s arm, then they gave it a few gentle pats. “You may be the most annoying pain my ass I’ve ever met but I wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for you. It’s only fair that I return the favor.” Villain then got comfy in their seat, grabbing the remote off the arm of the chair and flicking the TV on once they were settled. They did their best to concentrate on the show they’d selected, but their eyes kept shifting back onto Hero every twenty seconds or so. “Please hurry,” They whispered.
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and-claudia · 1 year
His Heir pt. 28 (Darth Maul x pregnant! reader)
I will add all the links tomorrow.
words: 2893
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We returned to his quarters and I made a beeline for the kitchen. Maul followed close behind me and began making a pot of tea for us while I rummaged for a snack. I knew what I was wanting, and I knew he had some here. But where was it? 
“Will you start cutting this up?” I asked, handing him the Jogan fruit from the bowl on the counter. 
“Of course, dear…” He took it from me, “May I ask what else you are searching for?” He asked, clearly amused by my searching. 
“Didn’t you have portion bread brought here from the kitchens?” I asked. 
He let out a small chuckle, “Yes, it’s in the cabinet, to the left, bottom shelf.” He said, nodding in that direction. 
I smiled and turned to the cabinet. Upon opening it, BOOM! Right there. I smiled even brighter and grabbed one out. 
“Would you like one?” I asked. 
“No, I am good.” 
I shrugged and closed the cabinet before turning around to go to the sink for some water. As I finished mixing it, Maul finished cutting up the fruit and putting it in a bowl. We walked to the living room and plopped down on the couch. I began tearing off pieces of my bread while Maul ate some of the extra fruit he cut up. 
“I have no idea why you enjoy those so much…” He said, shaking his head. 
“Funny, I don’t really like them… I guess he does.” I said with a smile at the mention of our son, “I never really liked them. When I was spending time with Death Watch. I hated them. I swear when I would spend the week with them pretending to spy for Satine, I would be stuck eating them for a week.” 
Maul laughed and shook his head. Once I finished the bread I reached over for the bowl of fruit which Maul gladly gave up. This was our daily routine at this point. Since I wouldn’t really eat anything in the morning, by the time the workday finished I was super hungry so we’d return to his quarters, have a snack, catch up with one another and just spend time together. 
“Next time we order resources we need to get more fruit. And probably more portion bread.” I commented. 
Maul nodded, “I’ll be sure that the kitchen staff does.” 
Once our snacks were finished, we finished watching whatever was playing on the holoscreen before Maul spoke up again. 
“So, would you like to ‘celebrate’ now or wait until after dinner?” He said with a slight smile on his lips. 
I stretched a little before turning to him, “As enticing as it sounds now, I think a nap, then dinner, then celebrating is the right course of action.” I said smiling at him as I leaned over and gave him a quick kiss. 
“I like your thinking.” He said as he pulled away. 
We both got up and made it to the bedroom. I shimmied out of the bottoms I had been wearing before reaching up under my shirt to take off my bra. I sighed overdramatically in relief once it was off and heard Maul let out a small chuckle. I only shook my head knowing he wasn’t doing it to be rude, he was simply amused. 
I settled down against the fluffy pillows at the top of the bed with Maul following shortly after me. I was laying on my side, something I had read was better the further I got in my pregnancy, but I wasn’t comfortable. I tried to shift a little, adjusting the way my legs were positioned. But that didn’t work either. I sat up a bit and grabbed one of the extra pillows, folded and squished it down a bit, and put it between my knees to try and help alleviate the discomfort in my hips. It helped a little, but I still wasn’t comfortable enough to fall asleep. 
‘Maybe if I laid on my other side.’ I thought to myself. 
I removed the pillow and carefully rolled over to face Maul then put the pillow back with a small sigh. Though I wasn’t super comfortable it was better than before so I closed my eyes and tried to let my body relax enough to fall asleep. 
“Are you alright, dear? You keep fidgeting.” Maul asked, his hand coming to rest on my upper arm. 
I opened my eyes and frowned at him. 
“I can’t get comfortable.” I sighed. 
It was now his turn to frown, “He giving you a hard time?” He asked, moving his hand from my arm to my stomach. 
I shook my head, “No… I mean he’s not moving around at the moment or anything. I just think I’m too big to be comfortable.” 
He sighed through his nose in amusement, clearly trying not to smile at what I had just said. 
“It’s not funny Maul. I’m only 19 weeks, he’s measuring at 23 weeks. That’s four weeks ahead of what he should be. A whole month. I know you said this would happen, but I wasn’t really expecting this much of a difference. It’s just making it super hard to get comfortable I guess.” I shrugged. 
“Wait here.” Maul said as he got up. 
I sat up and watched him as he went to the closet and disappeared inside of it. When he came back out he had a couple of pillows in his hands. He dropped them on the bed once he was close enough. 
“Which side do you prefer to lay on?” 
“Left, with my back to you.” I said confused. 
He nodded down to the bed directing me to lie that way. So, I shifted myself once again to lay back down the way I had been originally. 
“Do you want this one for your legs?” He asked, handing me the pillow I had set between my knees. 
I nodded and took it from him. Once I had it back in place the way I wanted it Maul reached over me carefully with the second pillow. 
“Roll back some.” He said gently. 
I did as he asked and he placed the pillow down beside me.
“There, you can go back.” 
When rolled back over, my stomach was now being supported by the pillow he had placed down beside me. Just that little bit of extra support made me feel much better. 
“Do you want one for you back as well?” 
I shook my head gently, “No. I’m good for right now, but asked me in a couple of weeks.” I said with a small laugh causing him to do the same as he laid back down behind me. 
He slotted himself right up behind me and draped his arm over me to rest his hand on my stomach. The heat that always seemed to radiate off of him felt wonderful against my back and relaxed even more. But something was preventing me from being able to fall asleep still. I had a burning question on my mind now. 
He hummed in response and I didn’t need to see his face to know he had already closed his eyes in an attempt to fall asleep as well. 
“Why do you have pillows in your closet? I thought the housekeeping droids have a storage area for that kind of stuff?” 
“I keep a few on hand. Pillows don’t last very long when you have horns, dear. It’s just easier this way.” He said. 
“Makes sense.” I said, now that the itch of random curiosity had been scratched, my mind was finally able to relax and it wasn’t long before I fell asleep. 
When I woke up again I checked the chrono on the side table and saw that about an hour and a half had passed. The bed was still warm beside me, but Maul was no longer there. I got up and decided to go to the refresher before going to search for him. Before leaving the bedroom, I went over to my portion of the wardrobe and pulled out a pair of lounge pants to put on. It would be just my luck that he was speaking with someone and I walked out without pants on. 
I walked out to the living room and although I didn’t see him, I could hear him at the front door to his quarters. It didn’t take long for him to appear as I sat down on the couch. 
“I’ was just about to come to wake you so we could figure out dinner.” He said, smiling once he saw me sitting there. 
“Who was at the door?” 
“No one of importance.” He said, “Have you thought about dinner?” 
“Well, we are celebrating…” I began and he nodded, “So… I happen to know that there is a selection of bantha steaks that are to be reserved for a special occasion. Do you think we could spare a couple for tonight?” 
Usually, the bantha steaks were saved for when the highest members of Crimson Dawn were here for very important business. It was imported all the way from Tatooine, on the opposite side of the galaxy pretty much. I knew requesting to have it might not go over very well but it wouldn’t hurt to try. 
“I’ll let the kitchens know.” Maul said. 
“Seriously? We can have it?” 
“Of course. Why wouldn’t we?” Maul gave me a weird look. 
“Well, I just know that we usually save them for really important occasions.” I said. 
“Yn, celebrating our child is an important occasion, way more so than some meeting with a bunch of stuck-up members of a crime syndicate.” He said, reaching to grab my hand. 
I smiled at his words. Maul may be scary looking, he may be the leader of the galaxy’s largest crime syndicate, and he may be a sith but he really was one of, if not the most caring man I had ever met. 
“What should we do for sides?” Maul asked. 
“Why don’t you pick? You played a pretty big part in what led us to this celebratory dinner, after all.” I teased. 
“Not at the moment, no.” I said. 
He sent the request down to the kitchens to be prepared. While we waiting we discussed what our lives were going to look like with a son in five months. 
“Have you thought about names yet?” He asked. 
“I’ve thought about the fact that we’re going to have to name a child, but since we didn’t know what we were having until now I hadn’t thought of specifics. It’s tradition for the firstborn son in Mandalorian culture to carry on a family name, but I don’t know my real father. And I sure as hell am not about to name our son after Adonai…” I paused before speaking my next thought, “And I really, really don’t want him to have my last name. He doesn’t deserve to have to be a Kryze.” I said, getting choked up. 
“Well, does he really need a last name?” Maul asked genuinely. 
“I would like for him to yes… So it can be recorded in The Book of Mand'alor. Which leads me to something I’ve been dreading but needs to happen…” 
Maul nodded for me to continue, though he knew where this was going. 
“I need to go back… I’ve read over the reports, the library was mostly spared. That’s where the book should be. They haven't seen Bo-Katan which means it should still be there. It won’t take long. Three days tops.” I said, chewing my lip. 
“I’m not saying no, I know I cannot keep you here. But is there a reason why the men I have there keeping an eye on things cannot retrieve the book for you?” He asked genuinely. 
“It’s only for the Mand'alor. No one else is supposed to handle it. Plus, this would be a good trial run for when I have to leave for Dasar’s wedding. Which also reminds me, I really have to go now because he has asked me to be in his wedding party.” 
Maul nodded, “I’m sending extra guards with you.” 
It was my turn to nod, “We can get everything worked out tomorrow. Tonight is for celebrating our son.” I said, redirecting the energy. 
Soon, the droids arrived with our dinner. It was probably one of the best meals I had had in a very long time. I sighed as I set down my fork and leaned back in my chair. 
“That was great.” I said.
“I agree.” Maul said, “I’ll clear the table then go get everything ready.” Maul said as he stood. 
“Hey, I got the table.” I said, standing as well he opened his mouth to protest but I gave him a look that he knew meant not to argue with me. 
He put his hands up in surrender and made his way to the bedroom to prepare the next part of our celebratory night. 
Once all the dishes were cleared I made my way to the bedroom as well. When I got there, Maul was nowhere to be seen. I walked over to the bed where he had laid my robe out for me. After I undressed I slipped on the robe and went into the bathroom where Maul was finishing up preparing a bath for the two of us. He too was now dressed only in his fluffy black bathrobe. 
“Perfect timing.” He commented as I walked in. 
He had just finished testing the temperature of the water to make sure it wasn’t too warm. I could smell the oils coming from it and it all smelt so wonderful. That was something else I had learned since moving in with Maul, he loved baths and had a natural talent for making them absolutely perfect. 
He stood up and turned to face me. I noticed he was still in his clothes from earlier. 
“Aren’t you joining me?” I asked, batting my eyelashes at him with a small smile.
“Just waiting for my invitation.” He smiled.
He stepped to the side and began to undress as I slipped off my robe. I could feel his eyes boring into me, causing me to glance over my shoulder. He dramatically averted his gaze causing me to laugh. 
“Hurry before it get’s too cold!” I said, knowing it already wasn’t as warm as it usually would have been since I was pregnant. Maul made sure that anytime he ran me a bath it wasn’t too warm. 
He quickly finished getting undressed. Getting into the tub was a careful, practiced dance that we had gotten down perfectly. Maul was paranoid that I would slip and fall so he always made sure that he kept a hand on me as he guided me to sit in front of him. 
Although the water wasn’t as hot as I would have wanted it, Maul always radiated so much heat that laying back against him made it ten times warmer. It didn’t take long for me to become a little drowsy. My body was completely relaxed against him and his hands naturally found their way to rest against my stomach below the water. 
“You know, I am beginning to think he just doesn’t like me.” Maul said. 
“He’s never kicked when I’m trying to feel him.” He said, moving his hands a bit as if maybe the issue was that his hands just weren’t in the right spot. 
Unfortunately, though, he had a point. I had been feeling the baby move for some time now. I felt the first actual kicks though about a week ago. Ever since then, Maul had been trying to feel them kick as well but so far he’s missed it every time. 
“I’m sure it’ll happen soon. And we still have like 20 weeks left for you to be able to feel it.” I said, trying to not discourage him. 
“You’re right.” He said, pressing a kiss to the side of my head. 
As we sat there, I became even more relaxed and after about 20 minutes, the water was growing colder and colder as my eyelids grew heavier and heavier. 
“Why don’t we get out and head to bed, love?” Maul whispered gently into my ear. 
I gave a lazy nod in response. Just like getting into the tub, getting out was a carefully practiced routine to ensure I didn’t fall. I slight chill ran up my spine as I was exposed to the cool air of the room. Maul grabbed his robe and helped me slip it on since it was closer, not that I was complaining. Then he grabbed a towel to wrap around his waist before leading me out to the bedroom. 
He led me over to the bed before walking off to grab me something to sleep in. The whole ordeal was a blur. Before I knew it we were both laying down, and I was falling deeper and deeper into dreamland. Just before the land of the dreaming took control of my consciousness, I felt Mau’s hand come to wrap around my waist and his hand come to rest on my stomach then I heard him speak up ever so slightly. 
“Good night, my son. Your mother and I cannot wait to meet you.” 
taglist: @fan-g0rl @mxkyrie @onceuponanightmareisawme @lothiriel9 @wordsfromshona @kgbtardis @wondermia69 @mh073099 @ktrivia @fifithexeno @perseny @justalittletomato @pomiotszatana @ameliachastain @lune-de-miel-au-paradis @its-me-meg @kbarnes-2001@bluusugar @happyheartsss @clairebear1621 @rljart @xxxqueenlaufeysonxxxxo @lilallybug @ghoulishjester @kizzyxren @welcometothepedroverse @kaos-bringer @asxrum @kittenlover614 @kugelblubb90 @qweenrogerina
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samandmaxfan · 4 months
The Great Zootopian Detectives
What if the great mouse detective helped Judy and Nick on their night howler adventure? How would things change? Let’s find out!
CHAPTER 1: Young Youth
“Fear, treachery, blood-lust.”
A bunny ran through the jungle, afraid of every waking moment,
“Thousands of years ago, these were the forces that ruled our world. A world where prey were scared of predators. And predators had an uncontrollable, biological urge to maim and maul,”
The young rabbit stopped and drank some water, unknownst to her that a tiger was stalking her slow but fast enough when-
The young rabbit screamed when a tiger pounced on her,
“Blood! Blood! Blood,” she started to milk it as she ran out of string and grabbed ketchup “And death!”
The bunny squeezed the ketchup one more time for dramatic effect, which none seemed to care for or were disgusted by, then she got up,
“Back then the world was divided in two, vicious predator,” The young tiger hisses, “and meek prey.” The rabbit dropped her ears and put her hand over her heart.
Just then, two boxes, one named viscous (vicious) predator and the other, meek prey, came out of the top of the stage and they went into it as a sheep danced around. When the boxes lifted they were all in a white robes,
“But over time, we evolved and looked beyond our primitive savage ways.” the rabbit says as the sheep pops a noisemaker, then the rabbit and tiger hold hands “Now, predator and prey live in harmony and every young mammal has multitudinous opportunities”
The sheep walked closer to the edge of the stage. “Yeah, I don’t have to cower in a herd anymore,” she took off her robe. “Instead, I could be an astronaut!” The crowd cheered, then the tiger walked forward and started to talk in a robotic voice because he was sort of scared “I don’t have to be a lonely hunter anymore,” takes off robe revealing to have a suit and tie, “today I can hunt for tax exemptions; I’m gonna be an actuary”
“And I’m gonna make the world a better place, I’m gonna be…” She takes off her robe “…a police officer!” Her mother an father look at each other in a worrisome manner
“Ha! A bunny cop! That’s the most stupidest thing I’ve ever heard!” a young fox laughs to his friend who was a ferret as the rabbit puts on her hat,
“Although it may seem impossible to small minds,” she looks over at that fox “I’m talking to you Gideon Grey,” then looks away when he scowls at her “but, just two-hundred and eleven miles away,” the jungle backdrop leaves and incomes a colorful cardboard city with the words ‘Zootopia’ on top of it, “stands the great city of Zootopia, were our ancestors first joined together in peace and declared,” the tiger and sheep grabbed a banner “That anyone can be ANYTHING!” and all the mammals cheered.
After the show had ended, Stu and Bonnie Hopps decided to try to change their daughters future plans, not to discourage her, now they still love her the same as all of her 125 brothers and sisters, but they thought that being a police officer would be very complicated, especially if you're the first rabbit cop.
“Judy, have you ever wondered how your mom and me got to be so darn happy?” Stu asked his nine year old daughter,
“Nope!” The rabbit, Judy, said as if they just asked her if she wanted to go on a ride again, but Stu still continued, “Well, we gave up on our dreams and we settled, right, Bon?” He looked over at his wife, “Oh, yes, that’s right, Stu. We settled hard.”
“See? That’s the beauty of complacency, Jude. If you never try anything new, you’ll never fail!” But Judy still wouldn't budge on her opinion,
“I like trying, actually” She told her parents as she jumped on a haystack, Bonnie sighs and tries something else, “What your father means, hun, is that it’s gonna be difficult, impossible even, for you to become a police officer.”
“Right! There’s never been a bunny cop,” her husband said
“No!” agreed his wife,
“Bunnies don’t do that.”
Judy started to walk slower, indicating that she was sad or thinking, or even both.
“Oh,” She said, lowering her head for a second before lifting it again, “then I’ll have to be the first one! Because,” She jumped “I’m gonna,” She did a backflip and struck a pose “make the world a better place!”
“Or, uh, heck, you know, if you want to talk about making the world a better place, no better way then becoming a carrot farmer.” her father tried
“Yes! Your dad, me, your 125 brothers and sisters, we’re changing the world!”
“One carrot at a time!”
But Judy stopped paying attention to what they were saying when she saw two sheep one of her sisters and a mouse go to an area with no one and a certain fox and ferret follow them, so she ran in their direction and hid behind a line of hay,
The mouse was the only one who stood up to the bully the most “You can’t have our tickets!” He yelled but Gideon paid very little mind to what the mouse was saying “What are you gonna do, pipsqueak? Fight me? I’m much larger than you and you know it!" "That's to say the least,” The mouse said with a smirk on his face,
“Hey!” The fox was clearly offended by this and picked up the mouse and held him in a way where his hands were stuck and his legs were dangling, “The. Tickets. Are. Mine!”
“Over my dead body” Even if the mouse was at a clear disadvantage, he wouldn’t quit without a fight, so the fox laugh and was about to through the young mouse on the ground when Judy interfered:
Gideon looked over at the bunny in a cop costume
"Oh look who it is, the bunny cop here to save her useless friends!” The fox laughed as he gave the mouse to the ferret, who was now squirming to get out of the ferret’s grip and failed.
“Kindly return my friends’ tickets,” she told him
“Sure, but where are you gonna find them? They ain’t in my hand or Travis” Gideon laughed, but the mouse wouldn’t let him get away with this,
“They’re in his pocket!” He yelled, and the fox, annoyed and confused, looked over at him.
“How do you know that? You never saw it happen!”
“Your pocket is opened outwards more stretched than it should be, and the long rectangular pattern your pocket has near the middle, indicates that the tickets are in that pocket!” The mouse said as everyone when quiet, staring in disbelief, he was right. The mouse was so busy fighting the fox and, yet was still able to observe all this.
“Well then, I’ll finish you later,” He said as he looked over at the small mouse who was still stuck in Travis’ hand, “but right now if our little bunny pal wants her tickets back, she’ll have to come and get them! But watch out! ‘Cause like you said in your stupid little stage play, us predators used to eat prey, and our killer instinct is still in our denah!” Gideon told the now scared Judy, but Travis interfered that moment, “Umm, I’m pretty sure it’s pronounced D-N-A.” But the fox looked over at the ferret in annoyance, “Don’t tell me what I know Travis!” Gideon yelled looking back at Judy,
“You don’t scare me Gideon!” she yelled before being pushed to the ground, the free animals ran and hid,
“Scared now?” He asked, smirking. The young bunny started to breathe faster, and Travis laughed “Look at her nose twitch, she is scared!” But the mouse wouldn't have it, he kicked Travis right between the vein and bone on his paw, in pain Travis dropped the mouse. Just then Gideon grabbed the mouse, “Oh you two don’t know when to quit do you?” He asked holding the mouse up high, “This is what happens when you mess with me,” He told the mouse as he scraped Judy on the cheek with his claw, he heard the screams of the other animals, then he looked over at Judy “I want you to remember this moment you think that you ever be anything more than just a stupid, carrot-farming dumb bunny!” He yelled in Judy’s face before leaving,
“Judy you ok?” Yelled one of the sheep
“Yeah,” she said holding up their tickets,
“Wow you got our tickets back!” the sheep exclaimed in happiness,
“Your awesome Judy,” Said the other, Judy smiled as she said “I couldn't have done it alone,” She looked over at the mouse, “Say, I’ve never truly met you before,” she told him as he turned to look at her, “what's your name?”
“Basil,” he said, “Basil of Baker Street.”
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supraventriculart · 10 months
Long essay about John Marston I wrote stoned off my ass.
In Red Dead Redemption 1. Playing as John dosent make you feel any bigger or inherently better than the NPCs around you. I think this lines up with John as a person.
A genius part of John Marston is the fact that he is nothing special. This sounds like a diss but hear me out.
John is by all accounts a man on a mission. He is downright dismissive of having a viewpoint on most anything. The only thing important to him is exactly what he's doing.
A Determined Man is basically the only thing you could really title him. Besides badass.
He does not give a fuck. He dosent want fame, wealth, or anything like that. And has no ego.
He's very wise in that he's so thought out that he sees the bad in every facet of what he's presented. He dismisses concepts like hope, faith, morality, government, revolution, and war.
He only lives in reality and makes his own conclusions. He sees how pointless being anything but John Marston really is.
So that said, playing him does not feel any different.
John is not a gunslinger, bounty hunter, outlaw, legend, hero, villain, or anything.
He's just a man on a mission.
We ourselves see the bullshit in anything that gets preached to John as we're also just a player with a mission. Just as invested in getting our bounty as John is.
So playing as him. You really don't feel like an action hero or superhuman or anything.
You feel like John Marston.
Someone with a lot of experience with a gun, a long life of adventure and life experience to think on, a few big scars to show he's walked up to the edge of death and spit in it, a cynical outlook and confident in himself
He's completely badass. But not because he's got magic powers (deadeye I guess, but that's just a video game simulation of his many many years spent in gunfights basically trivializing combat for him he's so good), not because he's an honorable hero who's done good in the world, not because he's gods chosen one, and not because he's so good looking.
But because he's just a guy, who's lived a very rocky traumatic life with a lot of experiences, who's hard childhood forced him into a life of endless killing, and who's awful circumstances lead to him getting mauled by wolves and permanently engraved with his past.
Yes, having a crazy scar, being an ex big time outlaw, being insanely proficient with a rifle, having a rough voice, a constant snarl, being armed to the teeth at all times, and having great sarcastic lines do all make a character badass.
But he's not badass just to be badass. He dosent just have those things because it's convenient for the plot, he has them because he just happened to be unlucky enough to be born unto trouble and put on a path to do awful things and see awful things.
John Marston is just a man. Who happens to have lived a life with so much turmoil that it gave him the traits of a movie star badass. Everything about him is real as fuck. Hes not better than anyone else, he's not lesser than anyone else, he's a human. He's in an awful time of his life. And his past experiences of that have given him the skills to go through another one.
So playing John. You feel just like John. Rockstar totally fucking perfected that in this game.
Walking around you're not bigger than any other NPC. You're an average height male with just enough muscle to show a life of physical labor. Which was much common back then.
You are armed to the teeth, you are wearing black bounty hunter gloves, you do have the scar, the rough voice, and the confident walk.
But as a person it just dosent affect that at all.
John still excuses himself when he bumps into people, says howdy to people, he's a little anxious maybe but makes sense for a guy like him.
He talks like a person. He dosent speak like his dialogue was purposefully written better than any other characters, he's a bit wiser than most cause we're seeing it from his point of view, he's very good at threatening people because I mean just look at him and hear his voice, and he's not afraid to kill a man at any minute cause he's horrifyingly desensitized to it, and he dosent talk in some authoritative or hero like tone over others.
He justs a guy existing normally.
And so you don't feel like anything more than a guy in a world, who happens to be extremely good at killing people. And who happens to be a really likeable person despite all he's done. He really is just a guy. And his badassery dosent stem from just being badass for the sake of it needing a badass protagonist. He's badass because of who he is. Not what he is.
John Marston best girl. RDR1 is my favorite game ever.
I will do a part 2 about Arthur. I was very high writing this and have not proofread it at all before posting so have fun with that.
"People don't forget. Nothing gets forgiven."
"We die alone, but we live amongst men."
"I'm many things, most of them bad. But a man of political principals? No."
- John Marston
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Why do the stars never align
Anakin/Female Obi-Wan, Soulmark AU
Summary: Where Anakin and Padme are soulmates, tied by the red-string of fate and matching marks. But it is Obi-Wan who has Darth Vader’s name on her wrist.
Main Events/Notes
Obi-Wan's soulmark essentially haunted her for most of her early stay in the Jedi Temple. The whole reason she nearly got sent to Agricorps is because the Jedi Council thought this meant she would fall. This was put to a stop by Qui-Gon who intervened by saying he would take on Obi-Wan as an apprentice and keep her from going dark side.
"You assume this mark means she'll fall, but what if it's the opposite? What if this means she's meant to bring one of theirs back to the light?"
Obi-Wan is pretty much treated like a ticking time bomb. The rumors follow her less after her Qui-Gon takes her as a padawan. But the rumors resurge after he dies and Obi-Wan 'defeats' Darth Maul. A young Anakin faces the brunt of it.
"If you don't feel comfortable having me as your master, I can always petition for someone else to take over your training." "I don't care who your fated is. I'll always stay by your side. Your my master and I'm your padawan."
When Count Dooku is discovered to be the Sith apprentice, the council nearly sends Obi-Wan away.
"Was this all a ploy by your old padawan, Master Yoda? To use his own padawan, your grand-padawan, might I add, to claim the young Obi-Wan?"
"I know you want to argue against the council. But we must trust in the Force, Anakin." "Trust the Force? It's because of the Force that they're locking you away in the first place! You didn't do anything wrong, Master! You never asked to be bonded to the damn Sith!"
Anakin goes after Count Dooku, all the more enraged now that Obi-Wan was being held as a prisoner. At the Count's death and finding of evidence that Dooku had no ulterior motive with Obi-Wan, the council lets Obi-Wan go.
Cue other events. Anakin gets more disillusioned with the council and how they treat both him and Obi-Wan. But he attempts to stay strong for Obi-Wan's sake.
As Anakin grows up, he becomes concerned with his dreams. He sees Padme dying and he hears Obi-Wan screaming in pain at the hands of her fated. Cue self-fulfilling prophecy vibes where every bad dream Anakin tries to prevent essentially comes to fruition. So desperate to save his wife and his master from her Sith fated, Anakin falls to the Dark Side.
Obi-Wan battles Anakin. In the middle of their battle, Padme dies giving birth to the twins and Obi-Wan gets severely injured. Obi-Wan runs away from everything, realizing that the same Sith she had been avoiding her whole life was the man her padawan ended up being.
Possibly maybe cue a Obi-Wan on-the-run continuation as she tries to escape Darth Vader.
Notes: Just an idea so far with nothing yet on the sequel. This was just an outline of what I saw happening for the prequel timeline.
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mars-mystic · 1 month
20 Questions for Fic Writers
tagged by @crimsonicarus tyyyyy <33333
How many works do you have on ao3
23 as of today. Tomorrow, who knows? Perhaps 24. I have 5 on ff.net too :P
2. What’s your total AO3 word count? 
3. What fandoms do you write for?
currently only f1. But the full list includes (but is not limited to): Critical Role, Our Flag Means Death, Star Trek, Percy Jackson, Star Wars: The Clone Wars, Lord of the Rings, Macbeth, etc
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Ongoing Speculation - Critical Role
Diplomatically Inclined - Star Trek
Unspoken Love - Critical Role
Keep a Close Watch - Critical Role
Take my Hand (Take my whole life too) - Our Flag Means Death
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Always. I love yapping about my fics, and where better to do it than the comments. I'm liable to say too much in the comments, because I'll just say anything. I think it's polite to reply when someone has gone through the effort of engaging in conversation by commenting (I also fall immediately in love with you. so there's also that)
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Bold of you to suggest I've ever ended a fic. I also have... 4 fics tagged Hurt No Comfort. But I'd say The Mourning After is the angstiest. Of the complete ones. But maybe also just in general.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Perhaps Unspoken Love. It has a very cute not friends not dating but more vibe to it. Very QPR. Who doesn't love a good Wizard date not date? Aeor is for Lovers, after all.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
no hate comments but sometimes I think my readers hate me for what I put them through <3
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
nothing that ao3 knows about... yet...
what kind? ummm.... fucked up? Awful? its me, what else is new?
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
hell yes. My first fic was a crossover, gotta stay true to myself. The craziest one I've written. well. it doesn't exist on the internet. but it features Hamlet/Robert Ross (from the World War One novel The Wars) as well as Ahsoka Tano/Darth Maul/Din Djarin (The Mandalorian). That or the Formula One Hamlet AU I partially wrote (and never posted).
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
lmao, doubt it
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
not really. but if you yap at me about a fic concept there's about a 95% chance I'll write it for you.
14. What’s your all-time favourite ship?
Shadowgast got me through the pandemmy and I adore them with my whole heart. But also. Glance Nation. I couldn't live without you. <3
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
all of them I really wanted to finish The Shadow of You, had it all planned out and everything. But then first year uni happened and I just never came back to it :/. I WILL finish my current WIPS. Manifesting for myself.
16. What are your writing strengths?
umm... angst?
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Emotional consistency. I always overcomplicate things to the nth degree and then get stuck trying to figure out what everyone is thinking. It's a disease but I won't stop doing it.
Also plain romance. I just get bored lmao. There's a reason my fluffy things are all a little weird. That or they're just crack treated seriously. I have no middle ground.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
if it's a language I speak then it's good, if I don't speak it then it's bad, hope that makes sense :)
19. First fandom you wrote for?
If we're being all the way honest it was Octonauts when I was 8 before I even knew what the concept of fanfiction was. That one is lost to time and probably also the recycling bin I'm afraid.
If we're talking fic I wrote knowing what fic is it was a most definitely Clone Wars fanfic, none of it published. The first one I published was a Clone Wars/Percy Jackson crossover. A New Camper on ff.net. Go read it if you wanna see what 13 year old me was up to :)
20. Favourite fic you’ve written?
those are my children. you can't make me pick. i love them all in different ways
But Blackout my beloved... I love you so much. Kissing you on the lips. I know I've been an absent mother but I'll be back for you I swear.
wow this really turned into me writing my own expose. if you want a full tour of my ao3 you're on your own tho bc I can't remember a single thing I wrote during the pandemic. this was fun tho. a real mixed bag going on over here on my ao3
No idea who's been tagged, so if you want to: @weegreenbean @pitconfirm @autumn816 and anyone else who would like to. Tell me about your rich and varied pasts
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That's Why I Hate Halloween (Crowley x Male!Reader)
Tumblr media
A/N: This was a contest entry on deviantart. Just to help you understand a bit of the story, one Gabriel is alive and Crowley doesn't appear in the story until the end. You are also Gabriel's twin. 
"Come on boys, I've got us a case." (Y/N) says as he walks into the bunker. Castiel is God knows where, so it was just him and the Winchesters.
"How do we know that what you have is even a case?" Dean asks cockily. 'Honestly, just because I'm an angel doesn't mean I don't understand the difference between a case and a normal death' (Y/N) thought.
"Well...hmmm...let me see. Maybe because the vic's heads were ripped off and were described as mauled."
"Well, there you go mauled, not a case just a normal dea-" Dean starts.
"On the 12th floor of a hotel." (Y/N) finishes, smirking.
"Yeah, that sounds like a case to me, let's check it out." Sam says to which Dean eagerly agrees.
The Winchesters and (Y/N) walk into the room of the murder, the stank of death hitting them immediately. They headed toward the policeman on duty, flashing their fake FBI badges. "Hello Officer, my name is Agent Young, this is my partner Agent Scott and our Rookie Agent Evans." Dean starts pointing to each, (Y/N) looking put out at being called a rookie.
"It's a pleasure to be working with you Agents, I'm Deputy Rudd. I'm really glad you’re here actually, I can't make heads or tails of this one." Rudd replied.
"This is the third one this week?" (Y/N) asked.
"Third one in the past three days unfortunately." We walked over to the body covered on the floor. Lifting the covering we could see that the head had been ripped completely off and the body's gender was almost unrecognisable. "Who was she?"
"Miss Lara Fry, 26 years old." With that the Deputy left to speak to the other officers.
"Seen anything odd?" Dean asks Sam who was observing the body. “It looks like an animal attack since the marks around, what is left of, the neck are made by teeth, probably canine."
"Meaning Werewolf or Hell Hound right?" (Y/N) asked.
"Seems the most likely. You two should check out the families, see if anyone has gotten lucky in the last ten years. I'll go to the library, see what I can find out about what they were up to in the last few days." Sam ordered. It was a good plan and the best one they had so they all agreed and set off to their allocated jobs.
In the Fry Residence
"We are truly sorry for your loss Mrs. Fry." (Y/N) says soothingly. Mrs. Fry just smiles sadly in response. "Miss, please. I'm not a Mrs anymore, we have finally decided to go through with our divorce."
"Divorce?" Dean asks suddenly interested.
"Yeah, we were going to divorce when our baby girl was sixteen but decided to stay together for her. I'm...not entirely sure why though, we were at each other’s throats most of the time."
"I see, was the decision a spur of the moment or had you had a discussion about it?" (Y/N) asked, finally understanding Dean's interest in the matter.
"It was all so sudden actually, we were arguing one minute, then deciding to have another go for Lara's sake the next."
"Right. Thank you for your time Miss...."
"Miss. Constantine. If you think of anything else, just give us a call." Dean says whilst handing her a card.
"Of course, Agents." With that they both left the house. (Y/N) decided to be the one to call Sam and tell him of the news they had found. "Anything?" Sam’s voice rings through the speaker.
"You'll never guess whose parents decided to magically stick together ten years ago."
"The one and only. So definitely Hell Hound. You find anything?"
"Yeah, a family of two...uh...The Oswald's. The mother's daughter survived stage four cancer and is still fit and healthy to this day."
"How long?"
"Ten years today." (Y/N) looks towards Dean and mouths 'Hunting Tonight'. "I've got a really bad feeling about this guys, something's not right."
"Stop being a wuss (Y/N)"
"Shut it Dean....We're on our way Sam."
They followed Ms. Oswald all day and when night fell she went out back towards the barn. The boys and (Y/N) followed closely behind. When they were heading towards the barn, they lost sight of the woman they were tailing. "Where'd she go?" (Y/N) whispered. Suddenly, they each froze as they heard growling coming from behind them. Turning they saw nothing was there but the growling was getting closer. "I told you something was wrong."
"Hell Hound." Sam unnecessarily confirmed.
"RUN!" Dean shouted. They headed towards the barn, Sam ahead of the others as he was the fastest. When they reached the barn they closed the door and blocked it behind them.
It all becomes too much for (Y/N), the loud growling. The fear of death. He put his head into his hands and started to cry. Sam and Dean looked at him, no idea how to get out of the situation. The Angels were grounded, he couldn't fly out. They had promised Cas, they would look out for and protect him and now look. They have gotten another person in a deadly situation. They both approached him, Sam sitting next to him and wrapping his arm comfortingly around his shaking shoulders. Dean kneeling in front of him. Both apologising for getting him into this mess, arguing with each other over whose fault it was, then apologising some more.
(Y/N) started shaking more. This time however, for a different reason. Laughing. He was Laughing. He lifted his head to show no tears on his face and that he was full of laughter. The boys looked at him thoroughly confused. (Y/N) then gets up, walking toward the barn door. Before Sam or Dean could protest or stop him, he was already speaking. "Skylar! Down girl!" The Hell Hounds growling ceased immediately. "Good girl, go home now, good Skylar!" The only sound was of the Hell Hound leaving the barn and heading away. Sam and Dean were staring at (Y/N) astonished. "Wha...?" Suddenly the door opens up revealing one smirking Crowley and a certain someone’s twin angel, who couldn't control his laughing anymore. "Happy Halloween Boys!" (Y/N) says towards the very confused brothers.
"Wait...you?...the hound...but what about the case?" Sam asked once he figured out which question he wanted answered first.
"Was never real! Talk about a great Halloween prank, recommend picking treat next time boys" Gabriel replied, looking altogether way to smug for the brother's liking. Crowley walks toward (Y/N) wrapping his arms around his waist. "That was perfect love." He says smirking, his smirk then softening into a smile as he looks into his eyes, "I love you, my king." You had only just managed an 'I love you' back to Crowley before Dean ruined the moment by shouting "You planned this" Pointing very rudely at (Y/N).
"Yep!" was the chipper reply.
"And that, is why I hate Halloween." Dean mumbles sulkily.
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demonfox38 · 1 year
🔥 castlevania
God. Incoming fireballs.
Obviously, the greatest of the "Castlevania" TV's show's sins was Season 3. But, I also want to nominate Sin #2 as making the dullest interpretation of Carmilla known to the entire goddamn series. You could have had a giant, naked woman riding around on a skull, crying flaming tears while her catgirl girlfriend mauled people to death. Or, Necromancer Barbie shaking her titties at the protagonist and laughing her ass off at their futile struggles. But, no. We had to rip off what turned out to be one of the most disappointing media mistakes all to get cash. Boo. I'm not renewing my Netflix subscription to see the next "Castlevania" show. Frankly, it would not break my heart if it fell apart in production.
I hate that Alucard's hair color has drifted from white/platinum blonde to a honey blonde in the popular consciousness. Like, yes, it used to be black (and still can be, if he's hot about it.) And yes, I get that it makes him look more like his mother. But, I'm all about an interpretation of Alucard where people look at him and go, "What the fuck is that, and why is it kind of hot?" And that's just harder to do when you've got the color palette of the average Japanese stereotype of a European/American dude.
Writers are cowards for not including Grant Danasty in subsequent projects. But also, I could easily write him out of the story. Just got up to the tower where he's hanging out, accidentally kill him in monster form, then have Trevor go "Oh, fuck! What the hell?!" and move on. He can be removable, but goddamn, does it show how little writers have played the actual games or have any sense of geography when they talk about him.
Honestly, I don't like watching most "Castlevania" speedruns. Mostly, because they have broken into clipping and arbitrary code execution to get the fastest times. If it's glitchless, I'm cool with it. It's otherwise dull to me.
It's a shame that "Aria/Dawn of Sorrow" never went full tilt with Shintoism or Japanese mythology in their games, but I'm glad Igarashi's doing it now with the "Bloodstained" series.
I don't trust Konami to do anything with the "Castlevania" property outside of whoring it out when they want cash. Frankly, that's their attitude with all of their properties, but that's the one that hits me closest to home. Some executive in that company has earned a special place in hell for not cultivating and keeping their design teams happy and in house.
I get the feeling that every time Igarashi was made to put a Belmont in his "Castlevania" games, it came at the cost of him cursing and swearing a lot. Like, "Shit! Fuck! You want more of these guys? May I please use someone else?"
If you don't get that Dracula's Castle is both alive and a character, you have no business handling anything with the series. It needs to be as charming and hostile as its master. If you don't get why people might want to hang around it, you've gotta leave.
It is Dracula's Castle. It is not "Castlevania." "Castlevania" is the English name we're stuck with for the series. Dracula's Castle is the place.
We probably shouldn't ever get a 1999 "Castlevania." It will never be sick enough.
We also shouldn't get a "Castlevania: Symphony of the Night" remake. At least, not until modeling can match the sprite work for fluidity and personality. And frankly, losing the original voice acting is a disaster unto itself. (Yes, I am not pleased with the PSP dub.)  
Okay. I think this enough for now.
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pb-dot · 7 months
OCs Favorite Tag
@cat-esper tagged me in this one a little while ago, and since I had a moment today I figured I could use it to introduce y'all to Mara, an important side character in part 1 of His Impossible Brushstrokes, since I never got around to doing that.
The Rules: Tell us your OCs favorite from the below categories.
I tag @nettleandthorne @apolline-lucy @enne-uni @yesireadbooks and @sm-writes-chaos
Inconsequential details about one cool chick below the cut
Favorite Color: Mara loves combinations of colors more than the colors themselves. She's particularly fond of yellow + purple and black + white.
Shoe Choice: She's a provocateur what footwear is concerned, and is especially fond of combining heavy boots with elegant dresses, which she considers a statement, although you couldn't get her to tell you what the statement is and who it is intended for even if you paid her.
Favorite Season: As a semi-goth kind of presence, Mara is fond of fall, but truth be told the party girl in her loves summer too much for the answer to be anything else. Mara loves the sun and hot weather, provided she has a hat to keep the sun out of her eyes and a nice indoor environment with A/C available somewhere close.
Favorite Animal: Mara has never met a cat she hasn't tried to befriend, and she is equally fond of its larger relatives. It bears mention that she is against any of the latter being kept as pets. "The best part of people keeping large cats as pets is when they get mauled to death by them," to quote the lady herself.
Favorite Pastime: Mara is an extrovert, and enjoys the very act of socializing so much that it is her de facto hobby. Her job as an influencer puts her in contact with many people, and she's known to maintain those contacts religiously. Dissenting voices, such as her good friend and occasional lover Oscar, suggest this is so people won't have the time apart from her to realize how weird she is, a suggestion Mara answers with an elbow in the ribs or equivalent.
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phoenixkaptain · 1 year
The prequel and original trilogies’ trio of protagonists are interesting to compare.
Like, two boys and one girl.
The girl is/was referred to by some royal title (Queen and Princess respectively) and is a major figurehead in changing the galaxy, but politically. They’re both leaders. They both fall in love with one of the guys but likes the other guy enough that the first guy mistakes their friendship for a romance. Etc, etc.
The two guys: at least one Jedi. Older and younger. Desert boy and someone from a planet we know the name of but never actually see (in the movies! I know Corellia comes up later, but we never see the planet in the movies! Just go with it!) The older is something of a mentor-type until the final movie, when desert boy has outgrown the need for a mentor.
But, there’s a problem with the idea of Luke = Anakin, Han = Obi-Wan, Leia = Padme. While the characters are similar on paper, and even resemble each other quite a bit, they don’t have the same roles. They don’t fit quite right, because they aren’t narratively the same.
(And really it’s incredibly basic and a bit convoluted to compare the characters in a 1:1 format like this, because all six of these characters are incredibly different and do different things and act differently from each other, and one could view this as diminishing the effect of one or the other, but I would argue that viewing either as a watering down or some such nonsense of the other is incredibly silly, and this is less of a “look at how the prequels steal from the original” and more of a “look at how the story rhymes, look at the matching hues, look at how the story beats are so complimentary and interesting.”
Don’t take this as criticism of either movie. This is my joy and praise and nothing more or less.)
I would present to the court that Luke = Obi-Wan, Leia = Anakin, Han = Padme. Because their roles in the narrative are functionally similar.
Luke and Han begin the story by meeting, largely due to coincidence but also because Obi-Wan told Luke they needed a pilot and Han was what they found. Luke, Han, and Obi-Wan rescue Leia from the Death Star. Obi-Wan dies to Darth Vader. His death leaves a major impact on Luke.
Obi-Wan and Padme begin the story by meeting, largely due to coincidence but also because Qui-Gon decided “Yeah, okay, I’ll help out this child queen whatevs.” Obi-Wan, Padme, and Qui-Gon manage to get Anakin off of Tatooine (functionally rescuing him from a life of slavery) Qui-Gon dies to Darth Maul. His death leavds a major impact on Obi-Wan.
Of course, writing the movies this way leaves out a lot of details and nuance, but that’s kind if sort of the point. If you look too closely at the characters then they aren’t very similar to each other beyond a base level, but if you pull back and look at the narrative as a whole, then you can see the way the chess pieces move in similar patterns. This trend continues as the movies go on, but I feel like it’s the clearest here.
Obi-Wan and Padme, alongside Obi-Wan’s mentor, “save Anakin.” (They weren’t technically asked to or anything, marking this as a big difference between the og and prequels, but the motives of the characters don’t matter as much as the actions, in this comparison.) Luke and Han, alongside Luke’s mentor, save Leia. In this comparison the parallels are 1:1 and very clear, but have the added benefit of putting Obi-Wan into Qui-Gon’s role, and I honestly believe that nothing would make Obi-Wan happier and that it’s what he deserves and-
In the remaining movies, the storybeats separate but the roles remain clear.
There are two driving forces for the story, Luke and Leia. Luke goes off and does his own thing while Leia and Han do something else. They separate near the very beginning of the story, after a chase sequence (I am being generous in calling the opening of The Empire Strikes Back “a chase sequence” because that’s really only a technicality. Technically speaking, they are being chased off of Hoth, so it technically counts. Yes I am stretching the comparison a little, but who cares?) Luke and Leia ultimately meet up after some shenanigans, but Han gets lost on the way. There’s a big fight between Luke and Darth Vader that Luke loses. Leia and Luke meet back up and everyone is kind of depressed because the whole movie was a big loss.
There are two driving forces of the story. Obi-Wan and Anakin. Obi-Wan goes off and does his own thing while Anakin and Padme do something else. They separate near the very beginning of the story, after a chase sequence. Obi-Wan and Anakin ultimately meet up after some shenanigans, but they end up losing Padme (she tumbles off the ship, it counts, shh, just go with it). There’s a big fight between Anakin, Obi-Wan, and Dooku that Anakin and Obi-Wan both lose. They think they’ve won, because they drove off the Separatists , but they did start a war, so it’s a big loss.
As I mentioned, the storybeats separate, but the roles remain fundamentally the same. Also, while very different, this is when I’ll bring up the romances. The romances in Star Wars are very important to the plot, and they follow a basic outline: Jedi x being a Jedi and older x younger powerhouse. You can see this romance clearly in both cases. Luke x being a Jedi and Han x Leia, who has obscene amounts of power within the Rebellion (and, presumably, the Force, but she doesn’t know that yet). Obi-Wan x being a Jedi and Padme x Anakin, who has obscene amounts of power in the Force. The romances don’t play out exactly the same, but they are fundamentally similar. Also: Luke 🤝 Obi-Wan - I don’t need romance I need answers!
The last movie of each trilogy is where the character roles remain debatably the closest, yet split apart. Because the conclusion is so different in either case, but… well.
The movie begins with a convoluted plan to save Han. A plan that Artoo is a big part of. The big bad of this part is Jabba the Hutt, and he is ultimately killed by Leia.
The movie begins with a convoluted plan to save Palpatine. A plan that Artoo is a big part of. The big bad of this part is Dooku, and he is ultimately killed by Anakin.
You see, the main driving forces keep their roles, but Han gets a bit confused in there. However, both have a conclusion of sorts with Leia hugging Han and Anakin hugging Padme, which is an interesting comparison.
The biggest differences go from there. Luke is more similar to Anakin than ever in these final scenes, where an ominous Sith Lord tries to bait him to the Dark Side. Leia becomes the Obi-Wan, leading troops into battle. Han and Padme are there, hanging out, doing stuff… But the stories separate majorly from here. Anakin does turn to the Dark Side, Luke refuses to. Leia wins her battle, Obi-Wan does not. Padme dies, Han lives.
However! There are still similarities to be made. Han and Anakin both think Leia and Padme is in love with someone else. This is a fair comparison of the two. They both think that “other man” is Luke / Obi-Wan. The difference, the key difference between Han and Anakin that make them impossible to compare beyond this, is that Anakin is furious and Han is just like “yeah, okay. That’s fine.”
Han and Anakin just aren’t very comparable. Leia has Anakin’s rage-filled passion, his drive to do whatever she can and his desire to stop literally everything to save the one she loves. Han and Padme are both the odd ones out of the trio. Padme isn’t a Jedi. Han isn’t a Jedi and also isn’t really all the into politics. But somehow, Han and Padme fulfill the most similar roles to each other, despite the fact that they are so different.
The roles of Luke, Leia, Obi-Wan, and Anakin are very blurred here. Like they suddenly remembered “Oh shit, we said that Luke was like his dad, didn’t we?? We gotta make him more like his dad!!!” That’s why Luke’s connection to Leia is a key moment. She’s Luke’s sister. And Anakin’s connection to Obi-Wan is stated explicitly by Obi-Wan. “You were my brother.”
The lines are blurred because, just like Obi-Wan, Luke doesn’t kill the sith lord at the end. They have different reasoning, but still similar. Luke doesn’t want to turn to the Dark Side. Luke can’t kill Vader because Vader is his father and he still has hope that Vader will do the right thing. Obi-Wan doesn’t want to kill Anakin and he can’t kill Anakin because he loves Anakin and he can’t watch him die. That’s why Obi-Wan leaves. He doesn’t want to watch Anakin die, he can’t watch Anakin die.
Luke retains Obi-Wan levels of confidence (“Anakin has never let me down and never will” matches very well with Luke’s plan of: go up to Father and convince him not to kill me or give me to the Emperor) Luke is also ultimately disappointed by Anakin (Anakin does, indeed, “let Obi-Wan down.” And he does, indeed, give his son to the Emperor) But Luke retains Padme-like faith that there’s still good in Anakin. Luke fights a sith lord and defeats him, but doesn’t kill him, just like Obi-Wan. The difference is between Anakin and Leia, because Leia is still chilling in the Light Side, Anakin, suck it-
The roles are very funny to look at, especially if you ignore the main three entirely and look at the others. Old Man Obi-Wan fills Qui-Gon’s and Yoda’s roles of guiding; Qui-Gon and Yoda guided Obi-Wan and Obi-Wan guides Luke. Yoda fills his own role as “I think this is a bad idea, but nobody is listening to me, so I guess I don’t really have a choice.”
The villain roles are the funniest. The biggest bad of the series continues to be Palpatine. The guy we actually see being evil and shit is Darth Vader, who is replaced narratively with two separate Sith Lords. It take two Sith Lords to match one Darth Vader (it’s what he deserves). But, top of the third movie, Dooku and Jabba parallel each other in that they are both killed by an extremely angry Skywalker, Anakin or Leia. (Sucks to be Dooku. A Vader and Jabba stand in? Couldn’t be me)
This is a disjointed, rambly mess, but what I’m really trying to say here is that Luke is the Obi-Wan of the group. The lone Jedi exploring the galaxy and managing to stay out of trouble as long as they aren’t within ten hundred feet of Anakin/Leia. Leia is the Anakin. Responding with anger, getting into trouble, making enemies, falling in love with an older person, doing stupid stuff for the sake of that older person, and causing the most mischief when in the direct eyeline of Luke/Obi-Wan. Han is the Padme. The third party who doesn’t have much of a role in the third movie aside from damsel. Shocked to find out Luke and Leia are twins (Padme didn’t even know she was having twins, that must’ve been a moment). Doing stupid stuff with the love of their life. Wondering “why did I do that stupid stuff for the love of my life?”
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Lucas 2.5
Redemption Au
Noelle washed her hands in the sink at the clinic and then began walking home. She was tired and honestly feeling pretty good. Busy day, lots of nice patients and the best of all, Moses wasn’t bothering her today. Such an awesome day.
‘I wonder if Lucas wants to have dinner again tonight. I didn’t realize how much of a charmer he was’
Noelle whispered. As she walked home, all of a sudden, two people with a gurney almost ran passed her.
“Miss Noelle! Please! Help us!”
What crummy luck, but things happen. Noelle ran back and dropped her bag at the front and strapped her gloves back on. Main doctor shows up as well
“What do we got, Alive or Deceased?”
“He’s gurgling, but we don’t know for how long…”
That’s not good. That means they might be dead already. They pulled back the blanket and Noelle unintentionally screamed….
It was Lucas…
“Step out Noelle, send someone else!”
He barked. Noelle sent another nurse. Lucas?!? How?!? She saw him last night! He dropped her off safely and gave her a kiss on the cheek! How did this happen?!?
Noelle wasn’t stagnant for long, being the more experienced nurse, she was told to come in and help. Lucas was a mess, something tore out his throat, and then diced his stomache into little pieces. They have brought back worse from the brink of death and they all tried their hardest. Unfortunately, it was all in vain.
“Time of death…”
And he was dead. Holding Noelle’s hand before he went to the other world. Noelle was saddened. She even kissed Lucas’s head before they turned his body over to the coroner.
“Fly high, Lucas…”
She whispered. The doctor and other nurses came to give their last respects to the dead. One of the doctors and nurses came out to talk to her.
“You couldn’t pay me to believe that Moses DIDNT kill him. That wasn’t no F-ing variant, that’s for sure! A variant would maul him and we’d still be able to save him. Whoever did that, wanted him to bleed out slowly…the monster…”
The doctor nodded. It seemed like Noelle believed that as well
“Seems like the news made it around the cult already…Noelle, do you want me to walk you home?”
The doctor asked. Noelle told him that she was okay, and just wanted to be alone. She picks up her bag and walks home. The sun sets in its lovely pinks blues and oranges…but Noelle couldn’t look at it. Her heart was full of sorrow and pain
“If I never mentioned his name…he’d still be alive.”
Noelle thought. Her eyes felt puffy from this whole day. What an awful day. And it was about to get worse. As she rounded the corner to her home, some people were hustling away from the area. Someone bumps her as she picked up her things.
“Sorry miss Noelle, someone saw Moses!”
guess who was outside her house? Moses. The murderer. The one who took her friend away. Why…why did he have flowers with him? Noelle didn’t care, and she didn’t even realized that she walked right past him.
He said. Noelle was putting her keys in her door. Autopilot. Moses walked around to see her face. Her eyes were hollow and empty, her eyelids pink and puffy from crying. He didn’t like that. He grabs her shoulder, dropping her keys.
“Noelle! Look, I bought you flowers! You like these, right?”
He tried to shove the flowers in her hands but they fell to the floor. Noelle does bend down, but only to pick up her keys and get into her house. She closes the door without another word. Moses bangs on her door for hours.
“Noelle! Talk to me right now! I’ll break down this door!”
Noelle doesn’t even remember if she ate anything that night, all she did was lay on her bed and weeped. She didn’t care anymore. All she wanted to do was sleep.
She thought of the Dog she will never see again…
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I’ll love you until my flesh decays and my soul descends.
Gwaincelot week day 6- ghosts, angst "why are you doing this?"
Warnings: Major character death
Notes: This was meant to be posted in @glass-frogs-and-dragons
Lancelot woke up, trembling and disoriented, in the physician’s chambers. Had he been paler he would have passed for dead; his skin was clammy and his eyes unfocused and he felt overall like a dragon had mauled him. Before he could grab ahold of himself, he felt a cold hand on his forehead and was met with bright golden eyes. His vision then turned black once again.
Lancelot woke up for the second time and found Merlin sitting in front of him.
“I’m glad to see you’re awake, Lancelot,” The younger man attempted to smile.
Lancelot rubbed his face, noticing his unkempt stubble and the dark bags under his eyes. Vines and thorn bushes had grown in his mind since the last time he was awake, and so he was having some trouble recalling his memories, but he was sure that whatever had led him to be where he was, it definitely wasn’t good. He closed his eyes as tightly as he could, then opened them again, confirming that he had, in fact, completely forgotten about the reason why he was in Gaius’ chambers. 
“Lancelot,” Merlin began. “Do you… I mean, what do you… what do you remember?”
“Nothing after when… I think it was yesterday. We went on patrol… it’s all hazy. I think we may have encountered some bandits?”
“Lancelot… oh, gods. That was around a week ago. You’ve been unconscious for days,”
The knight swallowed and groaned. Tempted as he was to cry, scream, rush out of bed, punch something, find… No. He had a reputation to uphold and Merlin didn’t deserve a tantrum. His eyes, wild and unthinking, scoured the room in search for… what was it? What did he need? What was he so desperately missing?
He found it. He found him. His hazel eyes were dull and his skin tinted grey but, as always, Gwaine had a soft, private half-smile. His body relaxed, but a gentle squeeze from Merlin made him jolt and tense up again.
“You might need a few weeks of… to adjust. Arthur told me to tell you that you don’t have to go to training or anything for the time being. At least not until you get better.”
“Merlin, I feel fine! I can-”
“You have barely recovered from the stab wound and the poison and… well, everything else. You need to rest. Please, Lancelot, if not for anything, rest for me.”
Lancelot looked back at the corner of the room, but Gwaine was long gone.
“Yeah. Maybe… maybe it’s for the best.”
The next few days were an unsettling blur for him. People still smiled at him, though their lips and eyes were lined with pity. Everyone refused to tell him what had actually happened, making up excuses or simply saying: “Oh, dear. I’m so sorry for your loss”. He still didn’t know what he had lost. The knights would put their hands on his shoulder or nod whenever he saw them (which was not often); even Arthur and Merlin refused to meet his eyes.
But that wasn’t the worst part. Sure, he could somewhat handle Leon’s polite ‘I think Arthur is calling me’ or Percival’s ‘I am meant to meet up with Elyan for patrol. See you later?’, but what hurt him the most was Gwaine. Gwaine, with whom he had built a tentative relationship based on sneaking out, dancing around each other and being far closer than most friends without barely talking about it. Gwaine, who Lancelot could have sworn loved him and whom Lancelot loved in return.
Gwaine, who refused to direct a single word or glance in his direction.
He had tried to call his attention as discreetly as possible because they hadn’t told anyone about… well, about them yet. He had tried politely asking him for favours in order to be alone, or nodding towards empty alcoves or his own chambers. Even during his walks around the palace and city, when he could swear up and down that Gwaine was following him, the other man ignored Lancelot.
Lancelot, however, was oblivious to the whisperings and pitying glances that he was shot every time he tried to speak with his lover.
“Gwaine,” He tried one day.
He was tired. His head and heart and legs ached. According to both Merlin and Gaius, his recovery was going slower than intended, and at this point, Lancelot had given up in trying to understand.
“Gwaine, please,” He begged.
The long-haired knight was walking in front of him, but he gave no signs of having heard him.
“Gwaine!” He shouted, uncaring about his reputation or anyone who might overhear. “Gwaine, why are you doing this?! Why are you ignoring me?! What did I do?”
Gwaine had stopped, but he had kept his back turned towards Lancelot.
“Do you…” The curly-haired knight ignored how his voice broke. “If you regret what was going on, if you regret us, then at least have the guts to tell me face to face,”
“I love you,” Was Gwaine’s answer.
He then turned around. His skin was still grey and his eyes were still dull but there was an underlying panic, a desperation that Lancelot had not seen before.
“I love you, Lance. I love you, I love you, I love you. And I’ll love you until my flesh decays and my soul descends. I love you.” 
And oh, Lancelot wanted so desperately to believe it but here they were, arguing in an empty hallway that was growing colder by the second. They were shouting at each other after Gwaine had ignored him completely for days. Lancelot still wanted to believe him, but Gwaine’s voice was breaking and bitter.
“Then why…?”
“Don’t you remember?” The hazel-eyed man asked in disbelief, tears finally falling. “I died, Lancelot! You love a dead man! I’m not really… I’m stuck here for some god-forsaken reason and this? Watching you pine, watching you love me and hurt from afar, watching you see me but not being able to do anything about it? It’s painful, Lance. For both of us.”
It was then that Lancelot stopped walking forward. Gwaine’s hand found its way to Lancelot’s cheek but, far from the usual warmth he felt, it was now cold and boneless.
Gwaine smiled at him and Lancelot blinked behind his tears. He could only mutter his name over and over again.
“Let go, Lance. Please… for both our sakes, yeah?”
Lancelot covered his mouth and collapsed onto his knees. When he wanted to look up, just as he heard his name being called (was that Merlin?) an onslaught of memories invaded him. Gwaine was gone.
“Gwaine! Gwaine! Where is he?!”
“Calm down, Lancelot. It’s best if you-”
“With all due respect, My Lord,” His words were spat with the bitterness of any poison. “I need to see him.”
“Wait, Lancelot. Don’t-”
Gwaine was on the floor; caked in mud and grime and blood and sweat, with tangled hair and a smug grin on his lips to hide the pin he was in. Blood trickled from his nose, his lips, his side, and Lancelot had been too slow to stop it.
“Gwaine. Gwaine, Gwaine, Gwaine, Gwaine, please…”
Gwaine’s hand shook as it lifted to land on Lancelot’s cheek. His thumb caressed his lips, leaving a bloody mark on them, only watered down by the tears rolling down Lancelot’s cheeks. Blood and salt water dribbled down his chin and his sobs echoed in the now silent battlefield.
“Gwaine… I love you. I love you, I love you, I love you. And I’ll love you until my flesh decays and my soul descends. I love you, don’t go. Please, don’t leave me here. Don’t leave me alone…”
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hedgiwithapen · 9 months
AU where William Zarick still dies, but Joey and Denise live!
“Denise, wait,” Pat said before he could stop himself. He weighed the risk, and let it go. 
“No, I’m sorry. I really shouldn’t have said anything,” the widow moved to roll up the window. In the passenger seat, her cat miaowed.
“Is it about how your son really died?” Pat blurted
 She stared at him from the driver’s seat, the road forgotten. “What?”
“I was there. Technically. Kinda. Look, telling me whatever it was isn’t going to put me in any more danger than I’ve already got myself into, I think.”
“You know, then.” I wasn’t a question. “William always said it was in the root of this town. That’s why we moved here.”
“Why don’t you come inside?” Pat asked. “You can tell me…whatever it is you know.  I…don’t think I’ve got the best track record keeping people safe, but I’ll try.”
The car engine idled, and then Denise turned the key, shutting it off. Her steps were uneasy. Pat could feel the uncertainty of grief in her steps. he reached out an arm, an offer of support. She didn't take it. She sat heavily on the couch in the Pitstop, not caring about the grease stained rag draped over the back.
"I don't know much. William didn't want to tell me. He said it was better if I didn't worry. But I'm a politician's wife. Was. Widow. I-- it's what I've always done. Listened and worried. So I know, some.  Dr. King, he's in a coma, but he was in my house a few days ago.  William made him upset. And then Jordan..."
"Jordan?" Pat asked. He'd heard the name... but where?
"Jordan Mahkent. He runs the American Dream. He's part of this. I don't know how, but he is. Maybe he's in charge. The day Joey--that morning, he was waiting for William.   I don't know if it was a--a threat, or--but he knows. and I can't stay in this town with him here."
"Alright," Pat said, quiet. If Barb's boss was involved, that was it. No matter what Courtney said, the time for secrets was done.  They had to figure out a game plan that got everyone out of this alive. 
Everyone else, anyways. 
"Mrs...." he stopped. " Denise. Have you ever heard of the Injustice Society of America?" 
she blinked. "I've only lived in this small town for 7 years," she said. "I haven't had my head in the sand my whole life. but wh--" she stopped. " you don't think..."
"Dr. King is Brainwave. " Pat said, wondering if he was the one signing her death warrant and not the other way around. " and your husband... I'd have to say...."
"No. I.. know who he was. All his stage magic. None of it was stage tricks. I knew he'd... done things. I just thought it was over. That it was smaller."
"If it helps, he, uh, only tried to kill me once," Pat said. 
"I don't think it does."
"Right," Pat said, awkwardly. "look, we're... we're going to figure this out."
"we?" she asked. " the two of us? against...."
"well.my wife, once I tell her. And..." he pinched his lips in a sigh. "And the new JSA."
"They're... reforming?"
"You could say that." 
Denise nodded. "alright. I'll stay and help. but I want your word on something."
"Depends on what it is," Pat said, having been tricked three times too many by Mike in that way.
"When we find out who killed my family. I want to kill them." Any mousishness had melted away in that sentence. 
"If that's what it comes to," Pat said, hoping that it wouldn't, and thinking of the stain that have never come out of Sylvester's suit, not till the day Courtney had cut it to size.
Halfway across town, Beth Chapel looked around the basement room and beamed. "There we go. Litterbox, digbox, nest, toys, fresh water, pellets, and broccoli stems for a treat!" her eyes widened, and she dove for the floor, where the white rabbit she'd rescued from the bridge wreck was mauling one of the care books she'd checked out of the library. 
"Oh, no," she said, checking "The Complete Guide to Raising Healthy Rabbits" over. Toothmarks dented some of the title, and she winced at the uneven bumps under her fingers.  There had to be a chapter on how to keep the destruction to a minimum. Not that she worried her parents would notice or care that she'd adopted a bunny, but that she couldn't disappoint the town librarian like this. 
Carefully, she sat, waiting to see if the bunny might approach her. She knew better than to just pick it--him--up. 
He twitched his nose at her, then hopped to the food bowl, picked it up in his teeth, and sent it clattering.  Before she could scramble for the broom, she froze. 
The bunny wasn't kicking pellets everywhere for the sake out it, like she'd thought. One by one, he was carrying them into place.
J. a lopsided O. E. 
Beth held her breath as the rabbit made a wonky looking lowercase y and sat back on fluffy haunches.
"Oh my god." Beth whispered. "Joey? You're Joey's rabbit? He had real magic?"
He kicked his dish at her, the metal clattering across the floor with a hollow ringing sound.
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