#Ikesen OC
lorei-writes · 13 days
OC Community Brainrot: OCs paired with the same suitor just meeting together for a tea and gossiping about their lovers. The respective iterations of the suitor all have different nicknames they go by.
It becomes called a "war meeting", as each OC knows something about their partner the others may not be aware of. Intelligence gathering galore <3
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olivermorningstar · 20 days
You said in the tags of violetts post you could point out some cool OCs? Plz could you maybe do a breakdown of them and their suitors?
Hello Anon!
So I gave this ask some thought and honestly, I don't think I'm the best person to speak on other people's OCs, so what I'll do instead is I'll point to some cool Ikemen OCs that I have featured on this blog previously and I'll open it up to others to talk about their characters, their friend's characters, things like that.
Since you're coming from Violett's post, I'm assuming you're looking for IkePri OCs, but I'll take this a chance to celebrate others that I know of as well.
OCs and their owners are under the cut.
Ikemen Sengoku
Habiba Malik - @spoopy-fish-writes
Marie - @oda-princess
Thai Bulan - @fighting-and-drawing
Katsuko - @the12thnightproject
Ei - @honeybyte
Aimée - @bicayaya
Ikemen Vampire
Kiara - @bicayaya
Julia - @queengiuliettafirstlady
Pyetrovna Ilyich Tchaikovsky - @koco-coko
Persephone Rowan Grey - @faustianfascination
Abigail - @krys-loves-otome
Odette/Annalisa - @ana-thedaydreamer
Iris - @yarnnerdally
Jane Seymour - @onegianthotmess
Amélie/Anju - @scummy-writes
Leanna - @rinaririr
Luka Klein - @flimflam707
Ikemen Prince
Maeve - @keithsandwich
Beatrice/Erin - @bicayaya
Esther/Viva - @lorei-writes
Leyla - @violettduchess
Tala - @m-mmiy
Ciel/Étienne - @floydsteeth
Julie/July - @queengiuliettafirstlady
Constance - @scummy-writes
Ioanna Alexander - @citrusmornings
Demelza Larkspur - @solacedeer
Shiloh - @tulipsaisle
Aurelia Deveroux - @kaizoku-musume
Ikemen Villains
Lacie - @koco-coko
Amelia - @dododrawsstuff
Mina - @natimiles
And these are the ones I could find quickly or just knew off of the cuff! Please feel free to expand! If you want to talk about your OCs, go wild. If you want to show off your friends, go for it!
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oda-princess · 26 days
Mayday Heyday OC gift exchange !!!
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Hosted by: @olivermorningstar and @lorei-writes
This is my gift to @the12thnightproject for this event.
I chose your OC katsuko for this gift! (she drew me to her like a magnet XD ) I loved reading about her and her character is so cool !!
*ahem* so...this is kinda my first attempt at digital art and I'm still learning, so I hope I was able to do justice to her here.
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I hope you like it! ❤❤
Once again, thank you to Oliver and Lorei for hosting this event that I could be a part of ! I had a lot of fun working on this and definitely learnt alot that I otherwise wouldn't have :p
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Missed drawing these two. Just two dummies far from home.
[Do NOT Repost!] Likes and Reblogs always appreciated.
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mynameiskan · 2 months
Ikesen Masamune x Hana (OC)
After Hana learns the names of the lords, and Sasuke, in Mai's group. She realizes Masamune has quite the same vibe as her bias, Masamune from Sengoku Basara.
So, this is what happens:
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Masamune and Hana (jokingly) argue a little bit but they bond after this. Hana gradually shows Masamune more fun stuff of modern Japan.
P/s: poor Ieyasu.
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the12thnightproject · 26 days
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Title: Help Wanted
Event: Mayday Heyday OC Exchange 2024 organized by @lorei-writes and @olivermorningstar
Giftee: @fighting-and-drawing
OC/Fandom: Thai Bulan / Ikemen Sengoku
Genre: Urban Fantasy AU
Warnings: Very Large Spider, some violence (involving said arachnid)
Word Count: 1500
See notes/dedications at end
As the sun sunk, building shadows elongated, creating patches of darkness on narrow, meandering streets. Parts of the city had been planned; every road numbered and set out in a precise grid. This was not one of those parts. If anyone planned out the Echigo district, they had done so by tossing noodles onto a map and putting the streets where they landed.
Thai was following their progress on a phone app, and wondered if his driver actually knew where to go. At least once the Uber doubled back, taking a longer, indirect route. As a precaution, Thai made an obvious show of texting the driver’s information to “a friend” (his own cloud account).
In truth, there were no friends to wonder or worry if he disappeared into a void, never to return.
Too many things had disappeared for him this year, the most pressing being a promised job, the one he had uprooted his life for. He’d travelled over 1000 miles, only to discover the job no longer existed. The entire company no longer existed – it had fallen victim to a takeover by Oda International, then dismantled. All previous employees were fired, all pending job offers rescinded.
Now trapped in a new country, with unpaid moving expenses, a dwindling bank account, and no solution for either, he was desperate for work… any kind. Having burned his bridges back home, in fact, having firebombed those bridges, he –
The Uber slammed to a stop in the middle of the street, nearly garroting Thai with his own seatbelt. “Get out.” The driver flicked the automatic locks. “Now.”
He checked his phone. “We’re nowhere near-“
“Get out, or ride back to the city with me, but this car goes no further. Not here. Not after sunset.” The driver pulled a thick cudgel out from under the seat. “Yokai. It’s not worth my life to drive through the district.”
No use arguing with superstition. Grumbling to himself, Thai climbed out, then leaped for the gutter as the car zoomed away. He was surprised it hadn’t taken his leg off with it when it sped into the night.
The lights and press of the city’s humanity were far behind. Here in this strange neighborhood, the sounds were alien. No traffic hum or buzz of neon, just a steady drip drip drip of thick liquid onto pavement. The road was gritty, he could feel tiny grains of gravel and dirt slipping under his feet. A stench of rotting garbage hung in the air, dense, motionless, as if not even the wind would dare come to this place. Even the graffiti was different: its colors sharper, appearing bioluminescent, glowing talismans against evil.
Or warnings.
No… he was being fanciful. The driver’s obvious fear had gotten into his head. He wasn’t a big man, but he moved with strength and purpose. He wasn’t worth attacking, was not, even in his best interview outfit, dressed in a way that would not suggest wealth. Because there was no wealth. Even less now that most of his remaining funds had just sped away with the Uber. He’d have to walk the rest of the way.
At least he was within walking distance, as confirmed by his smartphone’s GPS. The voice of the AI (“Alex,” programmed with a soothing attractive Australian accent) told him to continue along this road another 500 meters.
Good thing I’m still within view of a satellite.
Something wet dripped on him and he squinted up at the tangle of ivy that covered the wall of a warehouse. Ivy? In the middle of the city? No time to investigate, he was already late for the interview. Besides… there was something sinister about that mass of ivy, as if it hid watching eyes.
When, as Alex directed, he turned left at a street so narrow he’d have hesitated to call it a street at all, something skittered past his leg, something furry and malevolent.
It had been a cat. Or… a very large rat (not that that possibility was reassuring).
Still, with Alex giving him updated directions he felt almost comforted. As if the AI was his friend, a non-judgmental friend who would help him navigate the worst of life’s bumps. If only Alex had told him, “Stay in college. Don’t move to a foreign country, don’t break up with -.”
Crash! Thud. Ooof!
“You have arrived, mate.” The AI went silent.
Arrived where?
The noises were coming from the bar on his left. With late summer humidity streaking the window, he’d missed the sign. Kasugayama. Through the fogged glass, he could see two shapes locked in battle.
Anyone might have been forgiven if they’d performed a 500 meter sprint back to relative safety. But acting on instinct, an instinct that he cursed a moment later, Thai ran into the bar. He didn’t know what he’d been expecting. Expectations and instincts did not generally go together. Still, one might have expected a simple bar fight, or a less simple robbery. And not… a spider the size of a pony.
There was probably a more proper name for a spider demon, but Thai’s language skills temporarily deserted him.
Of all the gin joints…
Spiders… why did it have to be spiders?
Why am I thinking in movie quotations?
Fighting the spider was a man who wielded a pool cue as expertly as a spear. But the spider had a six arm advantage and…
Holy fuck… it can jump!
That damn instinct took over again and Thai grabbed a chair and threw it at the spider. This had the stunning effect of breaking the chair and getting the thing’s attention. It charged toward him, then screeched when the other man drove the pool cue into its butt.
Now it’s just pissed off.
Taking advantage of the momentary distraction, Thai flipped himself over the bar top, grabbed a bottle from the speed rail, and smashed it on the edge of the sink. The scent of fermented rice mixed with the aromas of spider goo and blood. The blood belonged to a rather nasty looking slash on the man’s leg. The spider goo was … well, obvious.
At the sound of the breaking glass, the spider scuttled toward him again, a glare of uncanny intelligence in its red eyes. Thai slashed furiously with his improvised weapon, drawing more goo from the spider, and dammit, there was a paring knife right there on the garnish station.
The spider jumped to the bar top, stretching out a spindly leg (arm?) toward him. Thai switched the bottle to his other hand, grabbed the knife, and slammed it down on the arm/leg, severing it at a joint. The limb snapped off with a sickening crunch and slid halfway across the room. The spider emitted a high-pitched shriek, then the other man drove the pool cue through its head.
It twitched three times, then went still.
In the sudden silence, Thai could hear himself and the other man breathing.
Later, he might think back and take in details – the man’s warm brown eyes, the feel of the sticky floor under his feet and the flicker and hum of fluorescent lights. But the instinct that drove him into this place took over again. While the other man retrieved a well-used first aid kit and treated the slash on his leg, Thai soothed his jangled, spider-hating nerves with the ritual of cleaning. Wipe down the bar top. Sterilize the knife. Sweep up the glass…
Noticing the pool cue samurai was eyeing a bottle of iichiko Shochu, Thai poured him a glass, adding blood orange juice, tonic water and ice when prompted.
Finally the other guy spoke. “No idea why you came crashing in like a wild boar, but… thanks.” The blunt speech was softened with a wry smile.
“Job interview? Advertisement for a barback?” Thai unearthed his phone, getting ready to pull up the confirmation email. “I’m Thai Bulan.”
“Oh, shit.” The other man raked his hands through a mop of sweat-soaked brown hair. “It completely went out of my head. Sanada Yukimura.” He bowed. “Any chance you still want the job?”
It had been listed as minimum salary, but it did come with the mention of a studio apartment above the bar. “Um.” Thai indicated the spider. “Is that what happened to the previous barback?”
“No. This… was new. Never seen one those in here before.” Yukimura took a deep breath. “The last guy quit. Kasugayama’s owner is a bit… unique.”
Then, with what might have been called perfect timing, the front door opened and a man with heterochromatic eyes entered and surveyed the scene. He eyed the dead spider. “Good. I was in the mood for takeout.”
He pulled a sword out of the scabbard on his waist and cleanly sliced off a limb. Then, gnawing on it like it was a turkey leg and he was some medieval king, he disappeared into a back office.
Thai took the job.
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Thank you @lorei-writes and @olivermorningstar for organizing this event (and it was super organized with check ins and google docs and everything I could ask for. If they ever do another event, jump at the chance to join).
To @fighting-and-drawing , I really hope I have done Thai justice. Heart of The Warrior has been one of my favorite Ikemen Sengoku fanfics (I've read it more than once), and I was thrilled when I learned you were the giftee. I'm not nearly as confident writing fight scenes though, so I hope it made sense. And yes, I was the anon who asked you what Yukimura might order in a modern bar (and then had to figure out whether he would still drink a sweet cocktail after killing a giant spider).
To anyone else reading this, I encourage anyone interested in reading a fantastically well written, well researched Ikesen longfic to read Heart of The Warrior either here or here
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akitsuneswife · 2 months
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I've finally made these insta posts for Misaki! The AU lore under the cut!
Misaki is a law collage dropout; she's always wanted to follow a more artistic path but she never had the courage to go against her parents wishes. However, the pressure becomes too much and she drops out. Her dad gets pretty pissed, he decides to cut her out unless she agrees to work for a year at the Oda & Partners Law firm, thinking perhaps this will set her straight and get her to study law again. If she does this, then he will support her financially with art as a hobby.
Her father takes her to the Oda's office, where they talk with Nobunaga, the boss, who assigns Mitsuhide to have her under his wing. So, Misaki gets to work and figure out how to be a good assistant to Mitsuhide.
The more time they spend together, the more she thinks she might enjoy going back to law... until she gets jealous and suddenly realizes it's not the work she's liking. It's him. Mitsuhide. She starts to respond to his teasing and eventually confesses. They try to keep it lowkey at work but there's no fooling anyone in the office, they all know.
Small drabble for them! <3 suggestive but not explicit at all.
"Mitsuhide, it's lunch time."
"Huh? Go ahead without me, little mouse."
Misaki huffs. She steps further into his office, closing the door behind her. Everyone has gone to the restaurant in the corner, so she doesn't bother locking the door. Mitsuhide looks up from his papers, carefully watching her. There's a glint of curiosity on his golden eyes.
She sits down on his lap, her arms sneaking around his neck. Mitsuhide inmediatly grabs at her waist. He smirks. "Mhm, what will you do, I wonder?"
Misaki kisses the corner of his lips. "You've got to eat something. You haven't had anything but coffee this morning."
"Oh, I'm starting to feel hungry," he replies. "I'm thinking about eating up a little mouse," he adds, the hand on her hip squeezing softly. Misaki's cheeks turn pink and she hides her face on his neck as he chuckles softly at her reaction.
"Don't start something you won't be able to finish."
"You think I wouldn't?" He says, his voice dropping into a hushed, seductive whisper.
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flimflam707 · 3 months
Hekima (ikesen oc - credits: @sh0jun )
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Welcome everyone! Me and shOjun have been writing a fanfiction about the ikemen sengoku OC Hekima. The story will be full of action, angst, comedy, fantasy and possibly romance (?)
Although we have written the story together, the oc is originally from @sh0jun , so make sure to give them much love as well!!! <3
We suggest that you read the introduction first, that way you will understand Hekima much better and as a result will enjoy the story way more!
We hope that you will enjoy reading about Hekima's adventures as much as we loved writing it!
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Prologue Chapter 1: The interogations
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krys-does-art-stuff · 2 months
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Was doing some anatomy practice with Pinterest poses and Houki and doodled this super cute one with Mitsunari
April 2024
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writingwhimsey · 1 year
All's Fair In Love & War Nobunaga- Masterlist
Masterlist of the chapters for my warlord oc/mc fanfic for Nobunaga's "route" I'll also include the links to the prologue which comes in three parts.
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
You can read the prologue here
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not-krys · 9 months
Seasonal Vibes Meme
So, saw a prompt on twitter about what seasonal vibes a character/ship gives off, so I think it'd be a fun question for here and a good writing exercise:
What seasonal vibes does your OC / squish / ship give off? Are they like spring or winter? Can also include not so traditionally thought of seasons, like the rainy season, harvest season, winter/spring thaw, a local holiday season, bug season, etc.
For those that wanna do this too, you can do your OC (fandom or original), or even just your favorite fictional squish at the moment.
For those that wanna do ships, sky's also the limit. MC x canon, OC x canon, canon x canon, selfship x canon, romantic or platonic, doesn't matter, just whatever the seasonal vibe is with a lil blerb as to why that is.
No pressure tagging: @lorei-writes, @kissmetwicekissmedeadly, @scummy-writes, @honeybyte, @batteryrose, @drachonia, @limonzu, @tsundere-mitsuhide, and anyone else that's wants to play.
Houki/Mitsunari (IkeSen): Spring, Sweet blossoming beginnings. Both are discovering new things around them (Houki quite literally as she's from a different world all together, Mitsunari learning about love and confidence) and while there may be storms along the way, they help each other blossom into themselves.
(plus it doesn't help that @beni-draw-ikemen-please drew them surrounded by cherry blossoms a while back, so I'll always think of them with the springtime vibes)
Ophelia/Kennyo (IkeSen): Late Winter/Early Spring Thaw. Times of deep turmoil coming to an end so that something new and wonderful can grow. They both have troubling things happen to them in the past, but as time passes, they learn to grow as people and to put the harsh times behind them so they can have hope for the future.
Thea/Theo/Arthur (IkeVamp): Summer. Time of high heat and fun adventures. They bicker and tease each other a lot of the time, but they never turn down having an adventure together. Whether that adventure consists of solving some small mystery in town, walking hand in hand in hand through an art gallery they helped set up together, or challenging each other in cards or arm wrestling in the gaming room, they never forget that doing it together is the best part of any adventure.
Abby/Vincent (IkeVamp): Autumn. Change and reflection on the times of the past. Abby goes through a lot changes in her life, Vincent being present for a lot of her later changes, sometimes even triggering them himself. But he always wants to be a part of her life, especially after he lost her the first time, putting a change in him that rippled across all the lives they had connected with before.
Maddie/Harr (IkeRev): Early Summer. Not as young as they used to be to be like spring, but still want to have the fun they had/didn't have in their youths. Harr is a hardened academic at his core and Maddie is discovering magic for the first time, three decades into her life. They have insatiable curiosity despite not being spring chickens anymore. Their lives are shaped by their pasts yet they still want to explore the world and discover more of its mysteries and wonders.
Clara/Nokto (IkePri): Rainy Season. The sun after the rain is much more beautiful than the sun before the rain. At first, Clara hated Nokto. She hated him for taking advantage of her and for putting her in situations she felt she had no business being a part of. However, once his masks were washed away, as it were, she saw who he was underneath. How much this man actually cared, about the kingdom and about her despite his wicked ways. How tightly he held her when he opened up about his insecurities, about how much better everyone else was compared to the jester he made himself out to be. How he didn't deserve the ray of sunshine she was, how jealous he was about her open and honest ways. How much he wished he could be like her. And once the rain stopped and the sun came out again, they found the other much more beautiful drenched but smiling. That though they went through some hard times, they still came through the storms to see light again.
Miri (Obey Me): Spring, She doesn’t have a set suitor yet, but the ones that I have romantically shipped her with (and with all her platonic ships too), she has the aura of spring: sweet, innocent, blossoming love, sometimes a little unpredictable in the newness of everything. She wants to be kind to everyone, even if it sometimes is a detriment to herself. She wants to do right by the three realms, even if that sentiment maybe a little naïve compared to others who have lived through harder times than she has. Yet her newness and fresh outlook has changed some of even the toughest of opponents and has helped heal and soothe even the bloodiest wounds of the past. She's bringing about positive change in a world that doesn't want change but desperately needs it.
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lorei-writes · 3 months
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Mayday! Heyday OC Gift Exchange is here and ready to bloom! All we need is a bunch of gardeners to join us in our greenhouse for some idea harvest ;)
As the name suggests, Mayday! Heyday! OC Gift Exchange is an event aimed at OC creators. Celebrate the creativity that goes into creating your own characters to insert into canon – with gifts! >:) 
Who can join the event?
Fandoms: IkeSen, IkeVamp, IkePri Must have an OC.
Additionally, you must have Tumblr DMs enabled or provide us with alternative means of communication. 
What are the submission requirements? 
FanFic: 1-1.5k words FanArt: sketch or flat colour; no full rendering SFW only
We are also open to other types of submissions, such as moodboard sets, playlists, doodle sets, shorter drabbles or a mix of those. In case of doubt, please, contact @lorei-writes or @olivermorningstar – we will approach every single case individually. 
What about scheduling?
Sign-ups close on March 17th, 11PM CET. Giftees should be assigned between March 21st and March 24th. 
You will have at least a month and a half to complete your project. Any further details will be communicated later during check-ins. 
We expect to check-in with you three weeks into the event and then a week before the end of it. The first check-in is to see whether everything is working out, whether you don’t need some extra information if you’ve already started working on your project, etc. We’d like to hear about your progress during the second check-in.
Obviously, you can reach out to us anytime on your own! :) We’d be happy to help with anything. 
How do I sign-up?!
Step #1: Prepare your OC(s) form(s)! (Can be compiled in a single google doc) Name: Universe: Pairing / Ship: Personal Details (likes, dislikes, any information you consider necessary, etc.): Appearance (possibly with visual reference): Personality: Backstory (summary): Do’s / Don’ts (crucial details that must not be omitted, anything you'd never want to see your OC doing, etc.): Reference (links to works featuring them, moodboards, etc.): 
Step #2: Fill out our Sign-Ups Survey [Link].
We’ll be waiting for you >:) Again, do not hesitate to contact us in case of any doubts.
~ @olivermorningstar & @lorei-writes
Boosting would be appreciated. <;3 
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daeva-agas · 1 year
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WELLP. Because Cybirb yoinked Magoichi and already made him a real character (even if just in Stage), I rebranded my hobo lord fanmade character as someone else. 
This time it’s someone who is absolutely not famous at all, so yeehaw! I doubt anyone would grab him from me this time LOL.
Kazumasa is still a mercenary, but... this time he’s the one leading the Gun Monks (TM). If he has a route it would be like... IDK in the war meeting because Motonari brings guns again I guess Nobu goes “Hey call the Negoroshuu and tell them to make guns for us” or whatever. 
MC: “Who them”
Akechu: “Monks with guns”
MC: “The wHaT”
Akechu: “Monks. With. Guns. Who. Makes. Guns.”
His “secret” is like, his ancestor is the so-called “first ninja” so he would be considered pretty shady sometimes (in my Ikesenverse version, not historically). Also because his folks are kind-of-monks the Nobu squad aren’t entirely sure he’s not in cahoots with Kennyo (they aren’t, this is just for Drama). 
The ninja stuff will just be really funny, but useful for battle later I guess. Sasuke is interested. Everyone says “Sasuke, no”. 
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oda-princess · 6 days
I finished thiss!!!!
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I love how they turned out!
I tried making a background thing with the night sky and fireflies but it looked too much, so I removed it.
I gave Isehime a taregami kind of hairstyle because in the story, Kenshin mentions she looked like a princess, so I hope I got that right.
this is how I imagine she might look like if she had survived to adulthood.
Likes and reblogs are appreciated
Do NOT repost or use it without my permission in any way.
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Mayday Heyday
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This is my gift for the amazing @oda-princess—a flat of their OC, Marie! I wish I could do more as leaving a drawing unrendered is hurting me, but I hope you enjoy! Thank you so much!
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krys-loves-otome · 1 year
Different Universe, Same Love: Bookstore AU
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He's been like that for hours now… Should I call someone?
What do you do when your crush from class is sitting in your family bookstore, but he hasn't moved for hours? He was still breathing, pulse still seemed normal (though it was kinda freaky that he didn’t react to her putting her fingers on his neck). Houki tried calling his name several times and shaking his shoulder gently, to no effect.
Should she call a doctor? EMS? It didn't seem like a medical emergency when his vitals seemed okay. Maybe his dorm leader could help? She definitely wasn't prepared for this. Why did she have to be here by herself, today of all days? Stupid Cousin Jaiya for ditching her once their parents were out of town…
Taking in a calming breath, she touched Mitsunari on his shoulder once again.
"Mitsunari, I'm gonna go call Hideyoshi at the dorm. Just… just sit tight, okay?"
No reaction. Not that she expecting one, but she was hoping for some clue he was still on this plane of existence.
Well, she didn't have to wait long.
Before she could pull her hand away, something gripped her wrist, gentle yet firm. Houki looked down only to see his long fingers grasping her hand. His eyes were still glued to the book in his lap.
He didn't say anything nor did his face change. What was going on?
"Mitsunari, I need to go get my phone so I can call Hideyoshi. Can you please let me go?"
No response. And he still hadn't let go of her wrist.
"Please say something. You're scaring me."
Still no words out of him. Was she going to have to physically drag him so she could reach her phone, now seeming fathoms away at the checkout desk?
"Please… let go. I need to get my phone." She repeated.
Finally, he moved! Or at least his head was. Towards… towards her hand…
He…. He…
He kissed her hand. A sweet little peck, but a kiss nonetheless! Houki's cheeks warmed.
"Just one more paragraph," he said quietly. "Just one more, I promise."
Houki's entire face was on fire. Her crush just kissed her hand and had asked for another paragraph in a sleepy, husky voice. How on Earth are you supposed to react to that!?
My entry for the Bookstore AU for Houki and Mitsunari! Houki's family owns a bookstore and she crushes on a guy in her classes, Mitsunari. Imagine her surprise when he just shows up one day, the very day her parents are out of town (and being ditched by her cousin) and just stays for hours reading away?
In reality, he overheard her talking to her cousin (since they all go to the same college) about the 'rents going away for the week and (knowing Houki's cousin's reputation), he decides to keep her company.
An idea sounding sweet on paper, but in reality he falls into his reading trance and… yeah.
He's smart and sweet in some ways, others… not so much.
Thanks again to Mo (@xxsycamore) and Julie (@queengiuliettafirstlady) for hosting this event! This one was really fun!
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