#James prosek
lowcountry-gothic · 2 months
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Detail of Downy Indian Paintbrush, Texas Bluebonnet, Prickly Pear Cactus, Ozona and Marfa, Texas (Specific Objects No. 2), March 2023; Sotol Leaf and Paintbrush, Trans-Pecos, Marfa, West Texas, March 2023; Wild Persimmon and Eryngo, Cross Timbers, Thomsen Prairie, Montague County, Texas, November 2022; and New England Blazing Star, Chinkapin Oak, Fen Grass of Parnassus, Bethel, Connecticut, August 2023 Art by James Prosek.
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smettila · 2 years
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vote2 · 2 years
also rip the guy who in 2002 wrote his own book also called the book of eels 😭😭
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thatndginger · 5 months
for the playlist tag game, i'd love to hear about the 'burrs under my skin' playlist!
tbh I haven't listened to this playlist in a minute, but it was one of my most listened to ones before Shapeshifter took over my life.
"burrs under my skin" is for when you're feeling restless, and frustrated, maybe a little lonely, and you don't know what to do to fix it. Like having a pebble in your shoe you can't get out, or burrs under your skin. Most of the songs are pretty angsty and angry in a quiet, resigned way that doesn't want to fight anymore. Then there's a few songs that keep that anger, but refuse to lay down and accept fate.
Top songs: Pendulum Swing by Shawn James Say Amen (feat. Billy Raffoul) by American Authors Leave a Light On by Tom Walker Low Life by X Ambassadors & Jaime N Commons Restless by Cold War Kids Tribulation by Matt Maeson Tear It All Down by Ed Prosek
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fixfoxnox · 1 year
Hi I am the Sweetheart/Baby and Ed Prosek Anon. I gained sentience, so you get a face now.
I literally cried reading your response on Roach's brothers. I myself have only just started as an adult getting to be a real sibling and stepping up like I've wanted to, so it hits.
As for the songs, Yes!
They were intended for SitO. I have been listening to "The Otherside" nonstop since I've started reading SitO (Somewhere at chapter 4/5). I do think it reflects the work as a whole at face value. I looked into meaning behind the lyrics; because my partner was super convinced this was about some Liche trying to convince people to die, and its really about your future self looking back and encouraging you to keep on moving forward, because once you get through all the tough shift, the rewards are totally worth it. So honestly with that context, I feel like it could sit in a lot places.
Two more song recs:
Chainsmoking by James Banks - This is coming from where my head went post chapter 20. The idea of Roach realizing his attachment to Past!Simon and Past!Ghost isn't healthy for him and its dragging him down but he's conflicted on letting them go.
The Hardest Part by Olivia Dean - Though behind this one is that Past!Simon and Past!Soap notice the changes in Roach and Roach coming to understand that he's moving forward, while they're not and has changed from who he once was, and waking the fuck up.
Sorry for the monster dump! Much love.
Ah hello!
I loved the sweetheart/baby idea its so good and just such a good read on the characters and everything. Sibling relationships are one of my favorite things to write, and these three are just such an interesting case! A brilliant idea!
Chainsmoking by James Banks is such a good song choice for chapter 20 and chapter 21. You literally hit the nail on the head with what's going on currently. Roach has to come to terms with the fact that he's focused so much of his new life on getting back to something similar to his first life. He's been so focused on the past that he's not ever been able to truly join the present.
He loves his first life, loves Past! Simon and Past! Soap so much. He's kinda placed them on this pedestal in his mind. He doesn't ever remember any of the bad from that life because he's so focused on the fact that he lost his chance there. In a way, because of that, he's never let himself truly mourn what he lost.
And he knows that, deep down in his mind, he knows that holding on so tightly to his first life, comparing everything that he does to his first life, never seeing the bad from it, isn't good for him. He's never allowed himself to fully process his feelings, which is also part of the reason why Makarov was able to pick him apart so well. He was being forced to face things that he'd buried in his mind.
And now? Now his mind has decided that its done letting him shove all of these things down. He knows he needs to process these things, so he's forcing himself to see the truth in this dream version of his first life.
Excellent song choice!
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moondust-bard · 5 months
Songs For Writing Playlists: the Cosmos & Celestial Bodies
Under Stars - AURORA
Orbit - Alice Phoebe Lou
Astronomical - SVRCINA
Retrograde - James Blake
Cosmic Love - Florence + The Machines
Lonely Star - Oh Wonder
Ascension - AURORA
Destroyer - Of Monsters and Men
Constellations - The Oh Hellos
Dark Star - Jaymes Young
Halley’s Comet - Billie Eilish
Supermassive Black Hole - Muse
Flesh & Blood - Ed Prosek
Midnight Moon - Oh Wonder
Soft Universe - AURORA
Moonsea - PHILDEL
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Find the full Spotify playlist here
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wolvennhunde · 1 year
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© James Prosek, Flying Fox with Lady’s Slippers
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cobhconnect · 1 year
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ronk · 2 years
Stream of Timelessness
What does standing in the stream of timelessness mean to you?
An episode of On Being that was inspired by James Prosek asked the question: What activity gives you the sense of “standing in a stream of timelessness?” This is part of their “Summer of The Pause.” The host of their Poetry Unbound podcast, Pádraig Ó Tuama, writes that “Rather than going for the high moment of drama, the high moment of the erotic, the high moment of the extraordinary, poetry…
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View On WordPress
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gtunesmiff · 2 years
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hbrownz · 2 years
Read Book Trout: An Illustrated History EBOOK BY James Prosek
Download Or Read PDF Trout: An Illustrated History - James Prosek Free Full Pages Online With Audiobook.
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  [*] Download PDF Here => Trout: An Illustrated History
[*] Read PDF Here => Trout: An Illustrated History
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thethirdman8 · 6 years
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James Prosek Seachange Salmon
I've had the pleasure of meeting James, an avid fly fisherman, on a couple of occasions. A fine young man and one hell of an artist.
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ghoti-and-us · 6 years
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James Prosek  - Black sea bass 
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maggiecast2001 · 2 years
article: Roshana Vander Wall
Her fascination with taxidermy began in childhood (death connected with childhood)
Involves the use of animals already dead or dying, transforming them into artworks (new life)
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article: Daily art, taxidermy background
"...saves the vital breath left inside animal eyes, and preserves the mystery. Taxidermy is able to give something another life, elevating it to something beyond death."
In a way, I feel that my artwork does the same: I take these physical photos of myself (during the time I was faced with death) and recycle them into new life.
"Mystery": My artwork does not illustrate death in an obvious manner, rather foreshadowing death through the illusion of life. I present these characters as living beings; They seem upset, gazing out beyond the viewer to their future, though death seems just around the corner.
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artists: James Prosek, Sarina Brewer
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Kate Clark
"the truth that we are all just animals wandering around on the face of the earth". Clark merges human features with animals to illustrate this connection.
evokes emotion in viewers, distancing from the detached, artificial nature of traditional taxidermy
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Consider the latent discourse and intention embodied in the formal elements of the work. To what extent do the opinions of the period appear in the artist’s work? What theories and speculations are suggested by the processes, techniques and gestures in the work?
"ethical" taxidermy deals with the imperfection of death. artists will take the bodies of animals from traditional taxidermists who will discard them if not considered in perfect/ good condition.
traditional taxidermy manifests as a luxurious practice; taxidermy often appears in wealthy homes and museums over other contexts. animals are preserved in what is considered their "perfect" state, arranged as they would appear in life. It is a deceptive and questionable practice in this way; In the way that death is obscured by the imitation of life.
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josephconrads · 2 years
2022 Reading!
Currently Reading:
James and the Giant Peach - Roald Dahl
A Complicated Love Story Set In Space - Shaun David Hutchinson
Completed in April
Saga Volume 3
James and the Giant Peach
The End of the Affair
Previous Months Below:
Completed in January:
The Third Man - Graham Greene (3.5/5 - Review)
Esio Trot - Roald Dahl (2.5/5 - Review)
The Magic Finger - Roald Dahl (3/5 - Review)
I Know This Much Is True - Wally Lamb (5/5 - Review)
The Giraffe and the Pelly and Me - Roald Dahl (3/5 - Review)
The Twits - Roald Dahl (2/5 - Review)
Completed in February
Fantastic Mr. Fox - Roald Dahl (4/5 - Review)
The Brief History of the Dead - Kevin Brockmeier (4/5 - Review)
Heart of Darkness - Joseph Conrad (5/5 - Review)
Billy and the Minpins - Roald Dahl (3.5/5 - Review to Come)
George’s Marvelous Medicine - Roald Dahl (3/5 - Review to Come)
The Midnight Library - Matt Haig (4/5 - Review to Come)
Completed In March
The Potting Shed - Graham Greene
172 Hours on the Moon - Johan Harstad
Eels: An Exploration, from New Zealand to the Sargasso, of the World’s Most Mysterious Fish - James Prosek
Being There - Jerzy Kosinski
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ageofgeek · 3 years
tagged by @aurorawest (thanks!)
rules: tag nine people you want to know better.
three ships: Steve Rogers/Tony Stark (MCU), Loki/Stephen Strange (MCU), Obi-Wan/Anakin (Star Wars) (these are the ones I’m currently into the most)
last song: “Run Boy Run” by Woodkid
last movie: “The Suicide Squad”
currently reading: "Eels” by James Prosek (it’s really good, but the story of how I started reading it is too complicated to write here, haha).
currently watching: Rewatching The Librarians (TNT) because it’s just super fun and Dean Devlin owns my heart.  Currently binge-watching Ted Lasso, and going to start watching What If...? soon.
currently consuming: had fried chicken for dinner around 2 hours ago
currently craving: water (because I also had a glass of wine with that chicken and now I’m Parched)
tagging: @irishsong, @atypical-snowman, @twilightofthe, @intermundia, @wilmakins, @heyheyroosterteeth, @karlimeaghan, @omg-just-peachy, @oceanlover4evr
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