#Janay Flowers
booasaur · 2 years
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The Dragon Prince - 2x01 || 4x01
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[id: a drawing of amaya from the dragon prince. she faces the right and smiles under the sun. she holds janai’s sword and has a flower behind her hair. she is wearing the sunfire elf’s traditional proposal garb, rope with flowers on it. end id] 
They’re getting married :)
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raayllum · 1 month
I am wondering if Janai will be put in a place of like, addressing her issues with hesitation and uncertainty. Not per se that it's a strict character flaw — she's compassionate and quite decisive when it matters, and her brother's foolhardy, absolute certainty is his undoing every time — but I do wonder if it in typical TDP fashion it's gonna come back and bite her in the ass (more than it already has, of course)
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baatarthefirst · 9 months
"What's wrong?"
"I don't know what to send with you."
"Callum loves everything about Xadia. You could give him a blade of grass and he'd be bouncing off the walls."
"Very funny." she rolled her eyes. She didn't know Amaya's nephews as well as she would like, but with Ezran at least she could count on his love of sweets. For his birthday, she had the cooks pile together their best dessert recipes (and because he was a king and it seemed proper, she'd also sent a chess set). There was a chocolate smudge on the letter that had him claiming the black pieces and giving his first move. They'd been playing a game by mail ever since.
But Callum was harder, he liked books, so Kazi would be her best bet, but...she couldn't give up the few books they had, even if it was a children's book, it was culturally important now; virtually irreplaceable.
"What are you giving him?"
"Nope. You have to think of something."
"I can't...I don't want to send him something he hates... I want him to like me."
"He likes you already, and so do I." Amaya kissed her cheek, "Just pick something."
"I mean," Callum lifted the heavy present as he considered it, "it's....nice."
"I like the color." Ezran offered, trying to look on the bright side, as always."
"I just don't know why Queen Janai would give me a sunfire shield..."
"It's my fault. She was a nervous wreck trying to chose the perfect gift and I finally told her to just pick something. Next thing I know, I'm hauling an extra shield half way around the world."
"What's to be a wreck about?"
"She wants you two to like her."
"Ohhh...are things getting serious, with your elf not-friend?" Callum asked with a grin that reminded Amaya of Sarai. She tried to cover a blush by flipping his hair.
"They are! She's blushing, Callum! " Ezran pointed at his aunt and started to sing while signing, "Aunt Amaya and Queen Janai sitting in the mist, it still won't hide the fact they ki-rrrphhh." Amaya pulled him in close with one arm and covered his mouth with the other.
As Soren and Corvus playfully tackled her to save their king, Callum heaved the shield over to the shelves to the left of the covered mirror, "I'll just send a thank you note telling her how much I like it. It's the thought the counts, right?"
There was no answer from the dogpile.
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I have never related to Janai more than when she was unable to pick between two flower options.
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jaanii · 2 years
okay i only had time to watch the first episode now but AHHHHHHH
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kwonhochi · 9 months
truly what do svt put in their japan releases
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thorne-antics · 7 months
I have a headcanon that Rayla doesn't like wearing dresses, but not because she doesn't like how they look on her. She refuses to wear dresses because it'll be a hindrance in the event that there's an ambush at a formal gathering.
So I imagine when Callum and Rayla are getting ready for Janai and Amaya's wedding, it goes something like this.
Rayla: are you crazy? I'm not wearing a dress.
Callum: I'm sure it will look lovely on you, but if you'd rather wear pants and a button up--
Rayla: what? It's not about whether it looks nice on me, the problem is I'll be tripping over myself in a long dress like that if we get attacked.
Callum: why would we get attacked at a wedding?
Rayla: first of all, Claudia is still out there somewhere.
Callum: Rayla, it's okay. We're safe here.
Rayla: second of all, humans throw flowers at each other at weddings.
Callum: I don't think you know what the purpose of the bouquet toss is.
Rayla: see, there's even a name for your vicious battle tactic.
Callum: Rayla, no.
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isaksbestpillow · 4 months
Ossan's Love Returns episode 4 eng sub
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I'm here again with another subbed episode of my favourite show! There were once again many Japanese references in the episode, so please read the notes before getting confused.
Previous episodes, welcome on board: Episode 1 Episode 2 Episode 3
Episode 4
Do not reupload to any streaming sites.
Akito & Haruta: Aki means autumn, haru means spring
Kikunosuke: Kiku means chrysanthemum, the flower of the emperor, so it's a very regal name.
Oniisan: Kiku has a habit of calling everyone oniisan/older brother. It's normal to call strangers oniisan but Kurosawa is a bit past the oniisan age lol.
Soiya, soiya, sore, sore: These are cheers. The scene is a reference to this song from the 80s:
Zenryaku, michi no ue yori by Issei fuubi sepia
The bachelor is a cameo by Dean Fujioka.
Shougi: Japanese chess
Teppei's pun song: o-shiri, o-shiri, hey Siri, douka o-shirioki kudasai ore wa omae no otousan janai. O-shiri means butt so that's the pun here.
公安 kouan 'public safety': I've translated this to NSB because I needed a short word that people might repeat many times without getting the meaning. In a previous episode Haruta had to google what kouan is. I dont know how security and intelligence services differ across countries so please don't pay too much attention to this particular word, it's not meant to represent the American system (I'm not even American).
Vivant: A popular suspense drama that aired in 2023. Hayashi Kento who plays Maki actually appears in it haha.
Winter Sonata: A Korean drama from 2002 that was immensely popular in Japan and started the Korean wave
Yong-sama: Japanese fans' nickname for Bae Yong-joon who starred in Winter Sonata
老々介護 rouroukaigo: Literally 'old old caregiving'. This means an elderly person caring for another elderly person. It's becoming a social problem in Japan and Takekawa-san is haunted by it at the moment.
Tag list:
@babeluda @twig-tea @nieves-de-sugui @nongnaos @veikonvihannekset @bengiyo @thirstkanaphan @my-rose-tinted-glasses @faillen @ellieellieoxenfree @randifrn @fromisstar @lurkingshan @penguin251159 @i-remember-yyou @remadi @thesedamncannibals @sewichii @littleragondin @thegalwhorants @mirkoscarrot
Please enjoy!
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sunfire-shield · 10 months
“At least Karim would lead the people with some sense of certainty . . .” I think it’s really interesting that Janai focused so much on Karim’s certainty in this quote back in season four, while she was agonising over whether or not to fully embrace being queen, because yes, Karim is much more certain and decisive than his sister, but we see that is actually its own weakness. While Janai often hesitates and deliberates (I loved her not being able to choose out of just two flower options, and Amaya’s exasperation; that was funny and cute) that also means that she looks deeper, thinks longer, and more often comes to better conclusions than Karim, who often just confidently charges into the wrong decisions. It feeds into this thing with the sun seed, where Janai has the patience to wait for it to grow (a metaphor for guiding her people into a new era, a different world, a more accepting world) even if it will take multiple lifetimes, and Karim does not. He takes short cuts. He cuts corners. He makes sketchy deals with forces he doesn’t understand or fully control. He might have led the people with certainty, but to no good end. Janai’s thoughtfulness is ultimately a greater strength than Karim’s certainty
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airun357 · 11 months
Tdp spoilers ⚠️
Not Amaya being a total cutie over planning their wedding with janai :')
She so beautiful I can't - SHE WANTS FLOWERS
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jelzorz · 4 months
Claudia works in the gardens these days.
Personally, she thinks she got off easy. She knows what she did and what it cost, knows that if she were anyone else there might have been a cell waiting for her, and even that would have been a light sentence compared to what it should have been, but the argument is that there are other uses for her. She knows too much about plants—how to dry them, how to brew them, which ones and which parts to use to ward off fevers and ease pain. Things she picked up from Terry, she supposes, and from the books her father used to make her read in her youth.
It's a little like dark magic, and at the same time not. It's life that gives life, it's knowing which parts do what, but it's knowing the cost and using it to heal, not to hurt. It's a far cry from what she used to be: a nobleman's daughter, with all of its titles and comforts: the well-fitted dresses, the clean hands, the luxury of working at a desk, and steadiness of her future. The maids used to curtsey to her when the brought up her tea, their eyes down and hands folded, their voices quiet an polite, and now she is one of them, dirt under her fingernails and all.
It doesn't matter. Her back aches and there is sweat on her brow, but it's certainly better than being dead. She misses the luxuries sometimes, but she still gets to live at the castle, and she still gets to see Soren, and Ezran even comes to join her at times so it's not all bad. Not really. It's what he's doing today.
"This isn't super king-like," she says. It's the middle of summer. The air is humid and the heat of the sun is sharp on her skin, and Claudia is working on her knees in the far end of the gardens and planting flowers she knows the bees like. Ezran works beside her, dirt stained hands brushing hers. "It's not your job to get your hands dirty like this."
He shrugs. "Everyone has to get their hands dirty at some point," he says. It comes off a little cryptically and Claudia wonders if there's something happening in court that's bothering him.
She scoffs. "Don't I know it?" she says, wriggling her fingers and trying to pass it off as a joke.
He doesn't laugh and she presses her lips shut.
"Is everything okay?"
"Hm? Oh." He chuckles then, a little sheepish. "Yeah. Just council stuff. There are... things I have to do that I never thought I'd have to and it... doesn't feel good."
"Ah yeah." Claudia looks away from and stares at her hands. Sometimes, after bad weather, the silt on the side of the castle closer to the cliffs turns red and stains her fingers red in a way that makes her want to scrub them raw. "I get that. Sometimes it's... just what you have to do."
Ezran says nothing. Then the lunch bell rings in the distance and he gets up with a huff. "There's some stuff going on in Lux Aurea," he admits. "They need more of our troops but... we're spread pretty thin right now. If I send soldiers, it'd only be because it's Aunt Amaya and Aunt Janai asking, and it'd be our soldiers risking their lives for something we're not even involved in, but if I say no, there are people in Lux Aurea who are going to die."
"Mm," says Claudia, ducking her head. This is council stuff, high level security stuff that she absolutely should not be hearing, but Ez talks about it anyway, seeking counsel from someone outside of it all—from someone that isn't Callum.
"Is it supposed to get easier?" he wonders, holding a hand out to her to help her up too. "I just want to be a good king," he murmurs. "I want to help people, but it feels like one way or another, I'm gonna end up with other people's blood on my hands."
"Mm," says Claudia again. He tugs her up, and it does not escape her notice that he doesn't let go right away. "I can't answer that for you Ez," she murmurs after a moment. "I've done worse things than you, y'know? But... if you're gonna ask me, then I think you just have to do what you believe in your heart is right. You're doing your best, and at the end of the day..." She runs a thumb across his knuckles, clearing them of dirt clinging to his skin, and smiles. "These look pretty clean to me."
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raayllum · 1 year
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Your justice will come later. / Oh, my time has come. / That mirror? You have found something worse than death. / I’m a Ghost. 
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baatarthefirst · 9 months
Cheesy Pick Up Lines
Callum: Want to go outside and get some fresh air with me? You just took my breath away. 
Claudia: We’re not socks, but I think we’d make a great pair.
Ezran: Are your parents bakers? Because you're a cutie pie.
Terry: If people were flowers, I’d pick you.
Rayla: Your hand looks lonely. Can I hold it for you?
Amaya: You know what you'd look beautiful in? My arms.
Viren: Are you a magician? Because when I’m looking at you, you make everyone else disappear!
Janai: Did the sun come out or did you just smile at me?
Soren: Are you my appendix? Because this feeling in my stomach makes me want to take you out.
Kazi: It’s a good thing I have my library card, because I am totally checking you out.
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Blooming Baby - Lyrics + Translation
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Please do not repost/retranslate without permission.
(With you, my love, I'm always happy)
Oh, baby どんな瞬間も捕まえていたい 
Look at me 鼻先触れる距離で With my eyes 
もっと欲しいもっと知りたい 特別になりたい 
いつだってずっと You're my everything
Blooming Baby
君は誰にも渡したくない Hold my hand
存在は魔法のように You're changing me
自分じゃないみたい Alright 悪くない
My days with delight
Blooming Baby
幾度も感じ合い (Being in love)
嫌いなものも苦手なことも Let me see
Blooming Baby
Only one my angel, love you…
Miageta kimi no hitomi ni utsuru ore wa 
Kon'nanimo tanoshi sō nanda ne 
(With you, my love, I'm always happy)
Mata hitotsu hana ga saita 
Deai kara afure kaeru irodori ga kokoro o umete 
Oh, baby don'na shunkan mo tsukamaeteitai 
Look at me hanasaki fureru kyori de With my eyes 
Motto hoshī motto shiritai tokubetsu ni naritai 
Itsu datte zutto You're my everything 
Okuritai mono toka ikitai basho toka 
Nichijō wa kimi no egao de umareru 
Blooming Baby 
Kon'nanimo shiawase de 
Kon'nanimo zeitaku de 
Kurakura to amakute dō shiyō mo naku itooshī 
Odorokasechatta ka na sore hodo ni hisshinanda 
Kimi wa darenimo watashitakunai Hold my hand 
Don'na hyōjō mo hitorijime shitai 
Sonzai wa mahō no yō ni You're changing me 
Tsuyoku nareru shinjirarenai hodo ni 
Jibun janai mitai Alright warukunai 
My days with delight
Arinomama ni tsutaetai bukakkō demo ī ka na 
Dō ka kiite hoshī kono omoi o 
Blooming Baby 
Umareta imi o shitte mukiau yūki o kureta 
Kanpeki janakute mo ī to omowa sete kureta 
Daisuki dayo daisuki da 
Subete o kakete mo tarinai kurai 
Kimi e to ai to kansha o todoketakute 
Mabushii amai kurushī atsui modokashī 
Ikudo mo kanji ai (Being in love) 
Kirai na mono mo nigate na koto mo Let me see 
Ore no zenbu de kimi no zenbu o dakishime sasete 
Blooming Baby 
Harema de shizuku ga sekai o hikari de somete 
Matahitotsu saku nda kireide migotona hana ga 
Odayaka na kimochi mo ochitsukanai kodō mo 
Nanimokamo itooshiku ureshikute tamaranai nda 
Only one my angel, love you…
Kore made mo korekara mo 
Sakihokoru keshiki o issho ni ore to mitsudzukete hoshī
The me reflected in your eyes when you look at me
Seems to be having so much fun, doesn’t he?
(With you, my love, I'm always happy)
Yet another flower has bloomed
The overflowing of colors from our encounter fills my heart
Oh, baby I want to hold on to every moment
Look at me from a distance where the tips of our noses could touch With my eyes 
I want more, I want to know more about you, I want to become special to you
Always and forever You're my everything
Things like the presents you want to give, the places you want to go,
Everyday life is born from your smiles
Blooming Baby
With this much happiness, indulging myself this much
Dizzying, sweet and irrepressibly lovely
Frantic to the point I’m afraid of startling you,
I won’t hand you over to anyone, Hold my hand
I want to keep to only myself your every expression
With your existence, like magic, You're changing me
I can be so strong to the point I can’t believe it
It’s like I am not myself Alright I don’t mind it
My days with delight
I want to tell you like it is, even if it’s awkward
Will you please listen to these feelings?
Blooming Baby
You gave me the courage to understand and to face the meaning of being born
You made me realize that I don’t have to be perfect
I love you, I love you
Even if I put everything on the line, it wouldn’t be enough
To express my love and gratitude to you
Dazzling, sweet, painful, passionate, frustrating
Sharing these feelings over and over again (Being in love)
Let me see the things you don’t like and your weaknesses
I want to embrace all of you with my all
Blooming Baby
In the clearing, droplets filled the world with light
And once more it blooms, a beautiful, magnificent flower
Feeling of calmness and this restless heartbeat
I can’t help being happy and treasuring it all
Only one my angel, love you…
Like until now, in the future
I want you to keep watching the blooming scenery with me
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jedi-lothwolf · 7 months
Whumptober Day 6: Mind Control/Forced to Hurt Someone Else
Fandom: The Dragon Prince
Warning: Violents
Summary: Callum gets possessed by Aarovose on the worst day, his aunt's wedding.
  Callum knew there was a reason he told Rayla to kill him if Aaravos took control of him again. He knew that if it were to happen, someone would get hurt. So it should be him.
    He thought he would be safe at his aunt's wedding. It was a beautiful outdoor venue and the weather was perfect. Callum was so happy for Amaya and he was so excited to see her happy. The day was supposed to be one of the happiest days of her life.
    Ezren and Zym spread flowers down the aisle. Rayla sat next to Callum. "I'm sorry I'm late" she whispered.
    "It's okay" he responded. He pulled a tiny hand held mirror out of his pocket so that she should finish her hair.
    "You're the best." She tied two braids together and put them in a bun. She gave his a thumbs up when she was done.
    Katolis's wedding march started to play. Soren had learned to play piano while Corvus played the Violin. They sounded good together.
    Amaya appeared in the doorway and everyone stood. Gren walked with her. He was so excited when she asked him to walk her down the aisle. Her dress was white with blue accents. It was long but not overly flowy. She had a crimson orchard in her hair.
    Ezren was sitting with Callum and Rayla now. Zym was by the king and so was Bait. Amaya got to the altar and smiled. She looked so excited.
    As a Janai appeared a Xadian wedding march was played, orchestrated by a few of her friends. Her dress was in traditional sunfire elf tradition, consisting of mostly reds and oranges. It was floor length and had a black flower lace.
    She arrived at the altar, smiling. Gren already looked like he was going to cry. The ceremony started. Rayla awkwardly handed the hand held mirror back to Callum as the vows finished.
    He took the mirror, face up and looked down at it so he could put it in his pocket. He didn't trust himself not to drop it while trying to put it away.
    A familiar face appeared in the mirror and Callum tried to shove it away. The Startouch elf just had to make his presence known.
    "Does anyone object to this marriage?" The priest asked.
    "I do." Callum could think straight anymore. He watched his body stand and watched the horror on his aunt Amaya's face as she watched him be the only person to object.
    It wasn't Callum's voice that spoke, just his mouth. But how could she know that? Rayla stood quickly, as did Ezren. Soren jumped out of his seat. Corvus, confused, stood with him.
    "Aaravos" Rayla grimaced.
    Amaya looked at her wife then at Gren. 'What's going on?' She signed. 
    "I don't think that's Callum." Gren looked back at the scene in front of them.
    Callum's body moved from where it stood and into the aisle. He smiled as he raised a hand up to fight. "Fulminis." Aaravos detected the attack at the altar.
    As lightning shot from his fingers, Amaya grabbed Janai and got them both out of the way. Gren moved off to the side and went to make sure that both brides were alright.
    Callum couldn't stop himself from being used as a tool for the awful man. He tried as hard as he could. It felt so surreal. He was conscious of everything that he was doing but couldn't stop it. He could do nothing but watch as his body and his magic tore apart the people he loved.
    All he could do was try to fight and hope Rayla remembered what they talked about. The mage knew he would rather die right here, right now, then be a danger to the people he loved.
    "Callum!" Ezren yelled, "come on, fight it! You can beat him!"
    Aaravos pulled the puppet strings. He brought Callum's body closer to his brother and grabbed him by the neck. He pulled him up and threw him to the ground. The little boy staggered standing up.
    'No' Callum thought. 'This can't be  happening.'
    Soren grabbed his sword from his side and drew it. He hated the thought that he may have to hurt Callum but he knew that if it came down to it, he'd rather it be that way.
    Everyone was confused. "What's happening to him?" Gren translated for Amaya.
    "He's possessed!" Rayla answered.
    "By?!" Janai asked as she went to grab her and Amaya's swords. Two had been made; a sunforge blade for Amaya and a blade carefully crafted by the king's most trusted swordsmiths. Gren started to help people get away from the venue. It was the best thing he could do since he carried no weapon.
    "Aaravos! He's a Startouch elf!" Janai's blood ran cold. She already knew what it was like to lose people to him, she didn't want Amaya to as well.
    "Callum!" Callum could hear Soren call out for him but he couldn't answer. He tried but all it seemed he could do was try. Was it ever going to be enough? Trying?
    Soren handed Corvus his sword quickly. He tried to run up to Callum but Rayla stopped him. "Whatever you're going to do, don't."
    He pulled away from her anyway and went up to Aaravos. Curious, the Startouch elf let it slide. Soren grabbed the shoulders of the boy and looked into his eyes. "You're one of the strongest people I've ever met, if anyone can stop him it's you, Callum. I believe in yo-" Aaravos had heard enough.
    He grabbed Soren's neck harshly. "It's sweet, what you're trying to do" he chuckled. "It's too bad really, you won't survive long enough to see if it works."
    From behind Amaya grabbed Callum and tried to pull him off of the knight. At the same time Rayla pulled Soren away. Scratches were left on the man's neck.
    No one wanted to hurt Callum. It felt wrong, not going to fight the threat but the threat was, well in Callum's body. At the moment all they wanted was to get him free of Aaravos's control. They knew he was hurting.
    The elf struggled against Amaya. He kicked at her and scratched her. His heal cought part of her dress and the end ripped some. Swinging his leg around the general's he tripped her. It took them both down but from there he got away from her.
    Angry at her for stopping him from killing the useless golden boy, he stomped on her knee. "Let's see if that slows you down." Janai came over to her. She raised her sword towards Aaravos, wishing that hurting him didn't mean hurting Callum.
    She struck quickly. Aaravos moved back, only taking a slash to the arm. He chuckled, "Fulminis." The lightning course through her body and she fell to the ground. Amaya checked on Janai and as he went to kill the two Corvus stepped in.
    Aaravos walked to Corvus. The tracker held Soren's sword tight, frightened by the thought of what he may have to do.
    "I'll take that." The elf went to kick Corvus but he moved. He attempted to fight him, to grab the sword so he could do some real damage; but the man was able to keep it away from him.
    So when Rayla came up behind him, he decided that her weapon was good enough. She didn't expect him to grab it out of her hands.
    Callum always had a pretty smile. Today, it was creepy, almost crazy. He took the knife and faced Corvus again. He stabbed him in the side.
    Corvus cried out in pain. As the knife was pulled from his body he fell to the ground. Soren, who had been informing Gren of what was going on, rushed to his side. "It's alright, it's okay" he whispered.
    The tears falling from Callum's eyes became more frequent. He had to stop him. Corvus was important to him, he couldn't just let Aaravos kill him. He had to do something.
    Soren's words hurt. He knew the two were close but it only hit him now just how close they were. The knight had pulled him into his lap. He ran his hands over his head and tried to keep him calm. His other hand put pressure on the wound.
    Rayla grabbed Callum. She pulled him away from the two and got ready to fight. Aaravos didn't mind having to wait. He attacked Rayla, paying no attention to the danger that his vessel might be in. He pushed her away and slammed him foot into her stomach. She cried out and slipped on a flower.
    Bait tried to reach Callum. He approached him and shown a bright yellow. Aaravos kicked him off to the side.
    Ezren ran up to Bait. He was joined by Zym. He made sure he was okay. As Aaravos walked towards Rayla, he stepeed in. He looked fearless as he stood in front of his brother's body.  "Callum! I know you're there!"
    He held Rayla 's knife and stepped closer to Ezren. As his arm rose to take the boy's life, Callum collapsed. His brother caught him and placed him on the ground.
    He had finally broken free of Aaravos's control. After what felt like an eternity he sat up and looked around. Corvus had been stabbed, Janai shocked, Amaya had a broken leg, Ezren looked like he was in pain, Bait was still laying on the ground, Soren's neck looked awful, and Rayla was just now getting up. What had he done?
    The king opened his arms, inviting Callum to hug him. The mage leaned into his brother and started crying harder then before. He apologized over and over and Ezren kept trying to tell him it wasn't his fault
    Gren returned with a doctor. He looked at the sight in front of him. "Oh boy" he whispered. At least no one was dead.
    This would be a wedding to remember.
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