#Jean Loring
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identity crisis ended me.
I mean, it ended lots of people (spoiler alert).
But mostly me.
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milkydraws8 · 3 months
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the nutty professor ft. the wife of the nutty professor
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Rough pass on Jean Loring and Alex Dewitt as Indigo-1 and Nero.
Jean's past with Eclipso gave her a bifurcated consciousness, allowing her to operate more freely while still accessing the indigo light of the Proselyte. Alex experiences something similar, using the Nero persona to create constructs with independent consciousness in the same way as Agent Orange and Apex.
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trust-and-jump · 1 year
"It's not because we're heroes" - Identity Crisis ending
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Identity Crisis #7
what a ride.
also Zatanna and Black Canary worrying about Atom.
also Oliver Queen, Green Arrow, telling Ralph Dibny, Elongated Man, to talk to his perished wife, "She can hear every word, I know", reminding us, that he does, in fact, know, because he was there, dead, in heaven...... that's....... okayyy..... wow.
and Dick Grayson desperately trying to get answer to call from Tim Drake (I also headcanon that after all that fiasco with heroes' families being in danger Dick is kinda panicking and needs to hear Tim's voice in the middle of the night - because judging from these panels he doesn't call him to reach out/help/reassure/show sympathy. he's afraid, and worried, and who knows, maybe even scared that Tim might do something drastic,,,,,, it's totally understandable for Dick to worry)
also Lorraine Reilly, Firehawk, quitting, because... you know... Firestorm's dead..... (yes, I somehow know who the hell Firehawk is. I'm surprised, too..)
also who the heck is this white-headed guy (and his companion), why don't I recognise him....
Also Clark Kent worrying about his mother and visiting her; and her reassuring Superman. Love them!
also Mr. Miracle not knowing what will happen to him and Big Barda in Countdown to Final Crisis LOL.
I tagged every character I recognised!!!! if you know more please tell me 💛
"The next few days aren't easy. And they're not supposed to be. But, like I said, slowly— eventually we go on with our lives. Not because we're brave. Or noble. And not even because we're heroes. We do it because that's life. The only difference today is... for the first time in a long time... we're reminded that the risk... isn't just ourselves."
— Oliver Queen.
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johnvenus · 1 year
And here I thought the Titans were the horniest DC team:
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Ray Palmer and Jean have a thing apparently:
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ufonaut · 1 year
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Cover gallery for the short-lived The Atom and Hawkman (1968) #39-45, numbering following the cancelled The Atom (1962) series. Art by Joe Kubert.
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splooosh · 6 months
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Identity Eclipsed
Stephen Segovia
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fantajoseph · 2 years
DC AU where it's very silver age, and nothing seems to go wrong, but the Justice League is Superboy-Prime, Maxwell Lord, Batman Tim Drake, Eobard Thawne, Jean Loring as the Atom, and Parallax!Hal. Every now and then weird things like a character who disagrees with them will just suddenly stop and smile and tell them what great ideas they have.
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sebeth · 4 months
Ray & Jean
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lililacrose · 9 months
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So, for the last few months I’ve been really into comics. A few of which are ‘The Atom’ from 1962 and the ‘Teen Titans’ 1996 run. Which is wild to read back to back.
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dc-comics-fashion · 2 years
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Dress for Jean Loring “Eclipso”
Alberta Ferretti Fall/Winter 2017
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trust-and-jump · 1 year
FINALLY I know why she was put in Arkham Asylum!
I first read Countdown to Final Crisis looong time ago and, while I knew, of course, how Jean and Ray divorced, I didn't know what exactly happened to put her in Arkham Asylum before her becoming a host for Eclipso.
I... wow. I mean I saw some of it once in some fanfic. which I can't find now. But I didn't know.
jeez, no surprise Ray Palmer fled. He felt guilty.
And he made everything worse after that. Oh. This. This is very sad. I have more sympathy for him now.
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Identity Crisis #7
[also look at the Superman&Lois and Tim Drake&Jack Drake things. Lois survived. Jack... not so much.]
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tzigone · 2 years
When did you get Event Fatigue?
I'm curious about those who became tired of there being so many events. I'm particularly interested in the opinions of those who read real-time, rather than much later, but all opinions are welcome. Obviously, some people still get excited when they hear there is going to be an event. And even those who think the medium is over-saturated with events still enjoy some. But for those who, when they hear there is going to be another event, have the instinct to groan in annoyance before hearing any of the details: when did you first not look forward to events in general, or think there were too many?
I started reading comics in 1994, I think. Reed Richards was dead, anyway. And everyone knew he wasn't going to stay that way. I was not into Heroes Reborn, and was just ready for it to be over so we could get back to "real universe" adventures (I was an Fantastic Four reader at the time).
I always read Marvel because they didn't reboot the universe. Dropped comics altogether after One More Day. Wasn't until 2015, I found out DC had rebooted the universe again. So I figured it was safe to just read old universe stuff. Couldn't stick to it, and I would up reading various continuities, and dipping my toes in the Marvel pool again. Not Spider-Man, though.
But the sheer number of events meant there was no way I reading real-time. They've been going since the 80s, of course. But the big, line-wide ones are just a pain in the butt. They tend to derail characters from their current plotlines. I don't ever care if characters die anymore, and can't recall who is dead or alive (though that happens outside events, too). And so many just want to be "shocking" and have heroes behave villainously (Identity Crisis was character-assassination, and didn't even have the good grace to keep it to crapping on the characters in the present-tense, but said they'd secretly been this awful for years, even though that makes no sense with their portrayals during the relevant era).
Can't even care about them "changing everything" now because it's just one event after another and here is no status quo to change.
So, I guess that while I have liked some particular events, on the whole, I've never been excited upon hearing an event was going to happen. I groaned for awhile, and now I've just abandoned comics in the present tense. I'll read them once the storyline is complete, if I hear good things about them - for me, not dark and gritty, heroes are heroic, and they didn't bring back any not-used-in-a-while heroes or supporting cast so the could be evil, miserable, or cannon fodder.
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ufonaut · 1 year
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“Size-changing’s not hard at all.”
“Sure, if you don’t explode.”
“Excuse me?”
Hal Jordan & Ray Palmer in Legends of the DC Universe (1998) #29
(Steven Grant, Gil Kane)
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somewherefornow · 4 months
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