#Jeongin x Noona
bluejutdae · 2 months
• friend Stray Kids saving you (or being saved by you) from a bad date | Jeongin x Noona!reader
Chan , Minho, Changbin, Hyunjin, Jisung , Felix, Seungmin
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genre: friends to lovers
Warnings: none
The restaurant is nice, the food is delicious. Your date is horrible.
That’s what you get for trusting dating apps and giving in the peer pressure of your colleagues and downloading the aforementioned app. On paper, this guy is perfect: tall, pretty, loves animals and has an interesting job. In reality he’s an incel and, despite your protests, decided to sit on your side of the table so he can try and cop a feel every now and then.
You even tried texting Changbin for an easy way out of this date but your friend isn’t answering. It would have been useful having him here, since he’s good at looking like a bad guy… and his arms and shoulders help a lot. You have half a mind to text Chan, or Minho, since they’re also good at scaring people off, but you’re not sure you want to bother them.
The one person you’re absolutely not going to text (and not going to tell about this date to) is Jeongin. It’s already awkward enough that you have a massive crush on him, you’re not going to ask him to rescue you.
Your crush will go away eventually. Doesn’t matter that you could celebrate its first birthday in just a few weeks, it’s just a silly little crush. This is what you tell yourself, at least.
Your feeling started growing little by little but, the moment you realized, you also realized you were fucked. And not in a fun way. Why did you have to fall for the pretty, younger, talented guy who is guarded by 7 hyungs like they’re bodyguards? On top of this, you’re pretty sure Minho’s onto you. You can see it in his eyes anytime you laugh a little too loud at Jeongin’s jokes and you look at him a little too long.
Unbeknown to you, Jeongin is looking at you right now. And he’s boiling. He’s so ready to jump the guy that keeps scooting closer to you, uncaring of the fact that you keep scooting away from him. The same guy keeps touching your arm and your hair despite you asking him not to do it.
Jeongin is a time bomb. And he’d have intervened sooner, but how is he going to explain the fact that he’s here because he followed you after he heard you talking about going on a date? One thing is having a crush on his noona, another thing is following her to make sure she’s not going home with her date safe.
To Jeongin, his noona is so pretty, so kind, so perfect, no one deserves her.
Sadly, not even him.
Not that he has a chance.
He can’t forbid you to go on dates, but he can make sure you’re okay and that you’re gonna think of him while you’re with other guys. So he takes out his phone and quickly types a text.
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You spot Jeongin in the restaurant and a thousand questions start wandering in your mind. Why is he here? And why did he text you knowing you were there? What was that about the guy being a loser? In your peripheral vision you see him pay for his dinner and come closer to your table, so you prepare yourself to pretend he’s your cousin or friend whom you haven’t seen in a while and you want to catch up with. What you don’t expect is for him to sit so close to you he’s almost in your lap, with an arm around your shoulders and a sexy smirk on his face.
“Noona, you’re too pretty to be wasting time with this guy.” he says, and his voice is loud, too loud. Your date starts to protest his words and ask questions, but you’re too taken aback by Jeongin’s behavior to answer. The younger guy is cocky, his usually cute smile is now a cruel smirk when directed to your date and when directed to you is… flirtatious?
“Innie” your tone is almost admonishing, but you don’t really have it in you to reprimand him.
“And who is this kid?” asks your date, after having tossed his napkin on the table. His stand is one of dare towards Jeongin and his tone is provocative.
“This kid is the one who’s taking her home.” Jeongin replies, a mocking smile on his lips. It’s time you step in, or this can get ugly way too fast. With a hand on Jeongin’s shoulder you try to tell him to tone it down a little and with a polite and contrite expression you turn to your date. “I think our night should end here. I’m sorry if I’ve wasted your time, but we’re not really a good fit.”
“And you’re really gonna go home with this kid?” You take a deep breath. You might put up with someone insulting you, but you don’t like the tone he’s using to talk about Jeongin. You roll your eyes and signal Jeongin to get up so you can leave. Reaching into your purse you grab your wallet to pay for dinner. “Yes, I'm gonna go home with him. Try to be less of a creepy pushy asshole and maybe one day some girl might consider going home with you. In the meantime, I hope women will recognize quickly what type of men you are.”
You grab Innie’s hand, who in the meantime is giving the guy a gloating smile, and make him follow you outside or the restaurant. You try to let his hand go but he holds your with determination and leads you to a close playground. You sit on the swings and for a minute you’re silent, swinging in the night, enjoying the fresh air.
“I need you to explain, Innie.”
“Do I have to, Noona?” What is he going to tell you? The truth or a lie? You nod in his direction and then occupy yourself with trying to spot a few stars in the night sky, waiting for him to explain. He seems to think about what to say, hands fidgeting in his lap and his teeth worrying his lip.
“I followed you.” Your head turns towards him so fast you give yourself whiplash. “You what?”
“I was worried! You decided to go on a date with a guy you met on a dating app!” His tone sounds accusing, but you know him enough to know there’s something more. “And I was right. The guy was an asshole. I wanted to punch him when he kept touching you even though you tried to get at a safe distance.”
“Innie… I’m a big girl, I can take care of myself. You don’t have to worry about me. You don’t have to… to protect me.” He makes a face like he just ate something he hates. “How did you even find out about the date?”
“I heard you talking on the phone. Sorry I followed you.”“It’s okay, just don’t do it anymore, uh? Let Noona worry for you, not the opposite. I’m the older one.”
You thought it was the right thing to say, but apparently it was not, because Jeongin stopped swinging on his swing and he’s making an expression you don’t want to see in his face. He looks sad and almost in pain.“Jeonginnie?” You ask in a tiny voice, trying to understand what was that you said that can justify his reaction.
“Is this all I’ll ever be? Just a dongsaeng?” He kicks softly at the sand at your feet, head bowed down and words hushed.
“What do you mean? You’re my dongsaeng. Why is that bad?” He shakes his head and doesn’t answer but you can hear him sigh.
“It’s not bad, just…” he shakes his head again and gets up. “Never mind. Let’s go.”
“Wait, Jeongin…” despite your words, he keeps slowly walking away from you, so you follow him quickly until you reach him. Walking side by side you try to think back to yours and his words, but you can’t seem to grasp the problem.
“Jeongin, what’s wrong?” He keeps walking and when you try to hold his hand to slow him down and face him, he takes it away. Uh, this hurts.
“Innie, c’mon, talk to me. Noona’s sorry, okay? Tell me what I did wrong and I’ll fix it.” Maybe he’s angry he feels like he has to watch your back? “I won’t make you worry anymore, that’s my job since I’m older.” The moment your last word is out of your mouth, he stops on his track.
“Stop saying that, you’re making it worse!” He's loud now. Which isn’t uncommon, but not in this kind of circumstances.
“I don’t understand.”
A gust of wind makes you shiver and, to fight the sudden cold, you hug yourself. You hate fighting with Jeongin, and luckily it doesn’t happen often, but now you’re having an hard time understanding what even the fight is about.
Seeing you shiver, Jeongin takes off his jacket and puts it on your shoulders. “No, Innie. You’ll be cold like that, you need it more than I do!” He holds it around your shoulder with more force.
“Stop, stop, stop it! Stop treating me like a kid. I know I’m younger and I’m just a kid but stop always making it so painfully obvious. I know I’ll never be more than your dongsaeng, I know you’ll never look at me and see a man, but fuck, stop doing this all the time. Once, just once, let me take care of you. Let me be something more than just a kid in your eyes.”
“No, I get it, okay? It’s embarrassing knowing a younger guy has a crush on you, you probably laugh about it with your other friends because it’s pathetic, I’m pathetic, but Noona… today I got to help you and I was so proud of myself but then that asshole called me a kid and you didn’t correct him. And I realized that, no matter how hard I try, I’ll always be just a kid to you.”
Being young, being considered the youngest and therefore the one who needs coddling and help is one of the things he hates the most. And you knew, you talked about how he hates being babied by his hyungs. You prided yourself for being someone who wouldn’t treat him like that. Yes, you let him get away with things cause he’s endearing and your dongsaeng, but you didn’t realize you’re part of the problem.
On one thing he’s wrong, tho. You don’t see him as a kid, you do consider him a man, but telling him wouldn’t be effective. So you do the next best thing you think will send the right message. You kiss him.
His lips are warm against yours and, after the initial shock, he’s kissing you back. Your hands raise to reach around his neck and rest there, holding him close to you
Soon, too soon, he’s moving away a little to look at you.
“What’s this?”
“You’re wrong about something, Jeonginnie. I’ve always looked at you and seen a man. I didn’t know you have a crush on me, or I would have done this sooner. Because I have a crush on you. And I felt like I had no right to want you.”
His smile is blinding, and you love to see him like this.
“You have a crush on me, Noona?”
“I do. Is that okay?” Instead of answering you with words, he kisses you again and his smile can be felt in the kiss.
“Innie, I know you’re not a kid. But can I still call you my baby?” The wind carries his laugh and you feel so happy you want to dance.
“As long as I’m yours, you can call me whatever you want.”
Hand in hand, his jacket still on your shoulders, you walk home and you’re the happiest you’ve been in a while.
(The day after, he wakes up with a sore throat and a mild fever. You don’t have it in you to scold him, and you promised yourself not to baby him, so you let his hyungs do that and you play the role of a good girlfriend and you cuddle him in his bed.
When Minho enters the room and sees you this close, you swear he’s threatening you in Morse code or telepathically: if you hurt him, you’ll have to answer to us all. But you’ll do the same, so you nod and give him a little smile. Deal.)
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ipegchangbin · 8 months
— it takes two
sub!jisung x dom!reader x sub!jeongin
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You wonder if Jeongin regrets staying on the extra bed of your hotel room with Jisung. Maybe he feels like your getaway is more of a honeymoon he butt himself into. But it isn’t really third wheeling when he gets to join in on the fun too, right?
🗒️ 4.6k
🏷️ fem!reader (she/her pronouns, afab) smut. fluff. porn, no plot. 
🏷️ threesome. petnames “baby boy” and “noona” (reader’s age is never mentioned). tipsy sex (everyone is conscious enough to consent), unprotected sex, perversion, voyeurism, dacryphilia, jeongin is inexperienced, slight member x member, poly/open relationship themes.
📝 this is especially for the one and only @meivida !!! theyre my ride-or-die till the end, this is all for them ! to my proofreader, my twinnie, my bestest friend, the jisung to my changbin, the jeongin to my bang chan—who said that?? otherwise, enjoy!
18+ only. minors do not interact.
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In his hotel room — and yours, and Jisung’s — there were two beds.
The main king-sized glory belonged to you and Jisung, the inseparable couple, and Jeongin claimed his place on the smaller extra bed. There was no reason to fret over anything.
But for some reason, Jeongin did.
He couldn’t seem to shut his mind off. Jeongin unpacked his things slowly and strategically, claiming his spaces in the cozy cabana-style room. It was supposed to be a simple vacation for the eight boys and their plus ones at the five-star resort, all for your well-deserved rest.
For some reason, he couldn’t relax.
Staring at the ceiling fan above him, he pondered the thought. It wasn’t that he had no plus one, nor that he didn’t have his own room. Those were childish things to complain about, and the cabana was too cozy to whine over.
His roommates, you and Jisung, weren’t exactly the source of his worries either. Sometimes you two would bicker and play around, sure, but it wasn’t annoying enough for Jeongin to feel as bothered as he was.
“Y/N, you know how I sleep. I’m taking this end of the bed!” Jisung whined, plopping a stack of his belongings onto the right side of the mattress.
You simply looked at him, astonished.
Again, Jeongin thought as he placed his train of thought back on its tracks; neither of you was exactly the problem. Jisung was his ride-or-die, his best friend for life. They showered butt-naked together multiple times. You weren’t the problem either; you had grown incredibly close with Jeongin to the point where you oftentimes stayed up to drink and plot against common enemies. Closeness wasn’t an issue with either of you; as a couple, he would willingly third-wheel anytime.
What if I’m intruding? What if I’m in the middle of something? What if they had their plans, he thought. He tried his best to wrap his head around the reasons behind feeling this uncomfortable, but nothing seemed to work. He cocked his head to the side, facing you and Jisung’s bed. It’s entertaining to watch you guys argue, but maybe sleeping is too awkward to interfere with. Was it too intimate of an activity? He had no idea, and, frankly, he didn’t think that was the issue.
“Oh, so you can’t even say please?”
You crossed your arms at Jisung, your gaze piercing through the poor boy. He shivered, and his eyes started darting everywhere but your face. You squinted at him, causing your boyfriend to finally freeze and respond.
“P-please? May I please take this side?” Jisung begged. “I-I’ll do…anything…”
The beats of silence that followed were nothing short of intense. Jeongin expected the awkward air to amplify, but it didn’t — instead, he caught himself zoning in on the scene, paying close attention to the both of you.
Your commanding glare softened a little. You almost chuckled at how pathetic Jisung looked, breaking into a nervous sweat, and it didn’t help that you smirked sweetly. Your hand trailed up from his tensed bicep up to his shoulder, his neck, and then his full and soft cheek. Caressing his skin with your thumb, you soothed your nervous wreck of a boyfriend, feeling his skin vibrate from your touch alone.
Jeongin couldn’t peel his eyes away from your movements. The both of you acted as if he wasn’t there; maybe you both thought that he had fallen asleep. Instead of counting sheep, he was counting the beats of the sequence, fully allured by you, and he didn’t understand why. It was as if he would have missed something if he blinked once.
He almost forgot to breathe.
“You’ll do anything for me?”
Jisung’s breath hitched, reminding Jeongin to exhale. “Yes, anything.”
He murmured something after. In a hush under his breath, Jeongin caught what he whispered.
“Anything for you, noona.”
Before Jeongin could even process the thought, you whispered something that he couldn’t quite make out, especially from his skewed, sideways view from the other end of the room. You both smiled, though: you smiled slyly as if you won the lottery, and Jisung smiled like he was obsessed.
Although he was more intrigued to know what you exchanged, you both walked away with your hands held together, making him shut his eyes and curl his head into the pillow to appear asleep.
“Yo, Innie, we’re just gonna grab a few drinks,” Jisung announced. “We’ll be—oh, look, he’s asleep.”
You both turned your heels and opened the door, leaving Jeongin alone and in awe.
Once he knew that you both walked far away enough, he attempted to sit up, only to feel an ache between his legs.
Well, fuck, he got hard, and he didn’t realize how long he had this hard-on.
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Naturally, he ran to the bathroom and tried to take care of it himself. Unnaturally, though, nothing seemed to work.
Minutes ago, Jeongin desperately pulled his shorts down and took his aching cock in his hand. Pumping it slowly, he attempted to relieve himself, humming lowly at the sensations it gave him. He knew that he had to get off before you and Jisung came back.
But he couldn’t.
His cock stayed hard, almost as if it didn’t want to release. He picked up his pace, his long and pretty fingers making their way up to the aching red tip, palming it sometimes, only to slam down to his sturdy and thick base. Jeongin even teased his balls, cupping them slightly before stroking his above-average length. His panting turned into moaning, and when he realized that he wasn’t even close to leaking, he started whining.
“Fuck, why can’t I…” Jeongin started to desperately thrust his hips into his hand, leaning his back against the cool tiles of the bathroom wall. He met eyes with his reflection in the big mirror in front of him.
Embarrassed at the look of his desperation, he tried to cum with the thought of it. Jeongin hated the thought of being watched right now or being walked right into. You and Jisung could come home drunk, but that doesn’t mean he wouldn’t be embarrassed. You could come home anytime. He had every reason to worry, and he did, and it made him hornier — but he couldn’t quite cum yet.
He’s insanely comfortable with both of you, but to be caught masturbating by his best friend and his best friend’s girlfriend feels leagues worse.
But maybe they both noticed how hard he had been since earlier. He was able to notice the tent under the comforter earlier, so what more is there with either of you? Jeongin started blushing in embarrassment, his ears turning red and the apples of his cheeks flushing shades of warm pink. He sniffled his nose at the warmth of the blood rushing through his veins.
The thoughts couldn’t stop running. Maybe you didn’t notice, though, since you and Jisung were so zoned in on each other earlier. He couldn’t forget the sultry look in your eyes, sending Jisung into a state of panic that Jeongin’s rarely seen before. He never saw his best friend seem so…small. He faltered under your touch so easily, the silly and tough guy persona leaving him for just a single moment. Jeongin remembered how he couldn’t breathe while watching you, his eyes eagerly following your pretty fingers as they danced their way across Jisung’s skin. You put your boyfriend in a trance, but Jeongin was caught in it too.
He wondered if you knew it. He wondered if he missed the way you both glanced at him and smiled.
This is wrong, Jeongin thought. This is wrong, he repeated in his head. “This is fucking wrong!” Jeongin said aloud, panicking yet still pumping his cock at an even faster pace.
He shut his eyes at the overwhelming sensations. It felt like he was being overstimulated despite not cumming yet — except he was; he was finally close to releasing, even leaking solid amounts of precum on the shower tile. He whimpered a string of curses under his breath, letting pathetic whines echo through the shower and the entire bathroom. He was beyond desperate, not caring for how he looked. He pulled his shirt up and bit the bunched fabric, drowning out his noises as the cold air hit his nipples. Jeongin could only focus on the rushes of ecstasy, the pleasure in the pain, the growing release, reaching the point of cumming, until he finally—
“Bro? Innie? You in there?”
Upon hearing the hurried knocks on the door, he pulled his shorts up and fixed himself. He didn’t cum. Instead, he took two breaths to compose himself and respond.
“Yeah! In the bathroom!”
“Oh okay. We’re gonna head to bed. Good night,  Yennie!” You greeted, pushing your slightly off-balanced Jisung onto the right side of the bed.
Jeongin slid his shorts down, not to continue but to stare at his red cock.
He tried to tap the side of it just to let it spill the pent-up cum that he failed to release.
Nothing happened. It remained hard and aching, but he couldn’t cum as if he’d gone back to square one.
Jeongin whispered through clenched teeth, “How am I supposed to sleep now?”
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His walk back was fast yet laughable. He was glad that neither of you saw it since he awkwardly shuffled in his steps, practically jumping into his bed when he reached it.
Trying to hide his erection was one thing he could do, but sleeping with an angry dick felt like hell on earth for him.
He shut his eyes and tried to sleep. Unfortunately for him, the more he dozed off, the worse the pain got.
Jeongin tried to breathe deeply just to ease the ache in his cock, shifting positions so that he could feel more free under the covers. As it happened earlier, nothing worked, and he only felt more stuffy.
He hummed a lullaby in his head. He furrowed his eyebrows, looking like a troubled fox that hadn’t known sleep. He sniffled like one too; his nose still flushed a reddish pink.
Giving up slightly, he carefully and slowly slid his hand down his shorts. His fingers reached his cock, and he had to bite a hiss back. It felt swollen even if it grew to its maximum size, and every single touch felt like fire coursing through his skin. Jeongin took his time to touch himself.
Just like you took your time to touch Jisung.
For some reason, his brain seemed to always want to circle back to the scene. You two had already dozed off, the alcohol in your systems wearing away in your sleep; Jeongin was the restless one about it. He was fixated on your deliberate movements, thinking about how your fingertips must’ve felt warm and ticklish for Jisung. He also couldn’t believe how easily compliant his best friend became. It was a side to him that was new yet interesting, one that Jeongin never knew he wanted to both see and feel for himself.
And why did he enjoy seeing that side of him?
He didn’t know if he wanted to be you or if he wanted to be Jisung, but fuck, he couldn’t help but replay the scene in his mind. It was everything he wanted: the intimate yet powerful touches, the gazes, the closeness, and the shamelessness.
All of it was so wrong.
Jeongin dug his head further into the plush fabric of his pillow. He was under stress yet pleasure, pain yet delectation. He teased his cock and the inner points of his thighs, strolling his fingers down to tease his ass and sliding back up to the overly sensitive tip.
And then he heard a kiss.
His ears perked up at the noise, prompting him to pause. He didn’t fully stop, hoping that his mind was playing tricks on him. He couldn’t look back at your end of the room, instead facing the closed curtains in front of him.
See? You’re already hallucinating and hearing things, he thought to himself.
And then he heard another kiss. And then another.
The smooching was slow and steady; it wasn’t obnoxious in sound, it wasn’t too wet, it didn’t sound forced. They weren’t too calculated but they sounded as warm as love would’ve felt. Passion burned through Jeongin’s nerves with each kiss of the lips. It was so quiet yet it thumped so loud in his ears, ringing throughout his system and echoing through his brain with the strongest reverb. His cock twitched from under the sheets, moving on its own.
Jeongin took the remaining courage he had and turned his head to face you. The ruffling and shuffling of the fabric made the kissing pause for a few solid seconds.
He opened his eyes slightly and, as expected, saw your body sprawled over Jisung’s, angled in such a way that it looked like natural sleep — except that your lips were attached to his.
The moment you both thought that Jeongin had fallen back to sleep, you picked up the pace. Soon enough, Jisung swiped his tongue across your mouth. His neediness was apparent with the way he persistently dug his face closer to yours, but you had the reigns. You took control with your slight bites and nibbles. At that point, you were straddling his hips, grinding ever so slightly on Jisung.
Jeongin could barely see anything but he could hear it.
Soon enough, Jisung pulled your body up and closer to his. He quietly insisted on making you drop your full weight on him. You kissed him passionately until you didn’t, your mouth left with his drool all over it. Licking it up, you started kissing outside his mouth, the perimeters of his lips, the outline of his jaw, the peaks of his cheeks, all the way up to his temples, and down to his neck.
He instinctively jutted his hips upwards, grinding on you from underneath. An apology nearly rolled off his tongue when you caught it, pecking the tip of his tongue and lightly sucking on his bottom lip after. That was when you did the same, fully rolling your hips onto his, making you moan into each other’s mouths.
At this point, Jeongin had shifted his body to the other side to watch. Neither of you seemed to notice — nor care, or so it seemed — which was his go signal to watch with half-opened eyes.
Like earlier, his eyes followed everything. From your hands making their way down to Jisung’s tiny waist, to Jisung himself cupping your breasts ever so softly: the boy watched it all in awe.
Nothing was helping Jeongin’s erection at all.
He started tearing up at the nearly unbearable ache. He needed release but he couldn’t have it even in embarrassing ways. Even then, he simply couldn’t stop watching as you pulled Jisung up. He pulled your shirt over your head as you threw his shirt aside as well. He helped you out of your shorts as you did on him, every single action needy and desperate yet equally as full of love. They seemed to only burn with the risk, whispering things Jeongin couldn’t understand onto each other’s skin. Maybe you were telling him to go slower, maybe he was telling you to be quieter. Maybe you both didn’t care and were teasing each other for it.
Maybe you were plotting. Nevertheless, the poor boy found himself subconsciously rutting on the pillow between his legs.
You positioned yourself between Jisung’s legs, his bare and firm length awaiting your warmth from beneath — finally being met with the plush walls of your pussy. You kissed him hungrily this time and Jisung responded with a shamelessly loud kiss back.
Like a fox, Jeongin could be prey. He salivated at the sight, something he saw in real life for the first time even if he shouldn’t have seen anything.
He straddled the pillow more harshly, wrapping his legs around it underneath the sheets. His lips twitched as he tried his absolute hardest not to moan. He wanted to match your pace with Jisung, but he couldn’t, he shouldn’t.
You could notice him anytime.
And you did.
“Innie,” Jisung spoke up, pulling away from the kiss with a dumb smile. He turned his head to face Jeongin. “Noona’s asking if you wanna come and join.”
You ruffled Jisung’s hair and kissed his head. “Good boy, told your friend as I asked you to.”
Jeongin couldn’t believe anything. A few silent breaths escaped his system.
He was caught. You laughed at his face in the middle of your kisses. You knew, Jisung knew, and Jeongin was the last to realize.
He simply fell silent and the dead air thickened as milliseconds turned into seconds. A minute almost ticked by, causing everything to break. Suddenly, this probably wasn’t a good idea for anybody. You and Jisung grew slightly nervous.
If only you knew how much Jeongin wanted to say yes.
“If you don’t…I-I’m sorry. We don’t…we didn’t mean to invade. Promise. Just forget it if you don’t want to, we’ll take care of ourselves privately…”
Jisung started holding you tighter. You calmed him with soothing circles on the nape of his neck, assuring him to wait for Jeongin. His best friend couldn’t reply. He was too stunned, making you feel guilty for suggesting the sudden invitation in your tipsy thoughts.
“I know we drank, but I promise we’re fine. We’re so sorry it’s so sudden. If you’re uncomfortable—”
“Yes, i-if it’s okay, may I join?”
You and Jisung widened your eyes at Jeongin. The boy was probably also only half-aware of what he was saying but you knew that he meant it.
“I should…be the one saying sorry.” Jeongin sat up from his bed, not minding his erection in full view. he did not need to be embarrassed at this point. “Not gonna lie, I-I’ve been watching you two since earlier.”
It wasn’t jealousy. He didn’t feel jealous that his best friend was getting it on, nor did he envy that you were fucking his best friend right in front of him. It was longing; longing for whether he wanted to be either of you or to be the prey caught right in between.
“I just…w-wanted to be a part…of it…” Jeongin could feel a lump in his throat. His eyes got watery from half-shameless embarrassment and the pain in his cock.
“Well then, what are you waiting for?” You smiled gently and tapped the small space left on the bed. “Come join us, baby.”
Jeongin practically threw his comforter away to stand up. You giggled and the sensation of your body moving against Jisung made him whimper.
While waiting for Jeongin to settle, you turned to face Jisung, your wonderful boyfriend. You cupped his face with gentle hands and watched him smile, soft cheeks filling your palms.
He was excited. He’d been craving a threesome for a long while and he knew that you liked Jeongin enough for it.
You pecked his lips and rolled your hips back, allowing him to fill more of your cunt until he bottomed out. “You’re my good boy. This is your treat.”
“Mhmm, always gonna be noona’s good boy.” Jisung bit his lower lip with a shy smile. “Noona’s baby w-will be good all the time so we can always have this.”
You had to laugh. “Did you hear that, Innie? He wants to have this all the time.”
As you turned, though, you were greeted with the sight of a salivating boy, eyes trained on your pussy as his hand sat still at the base of his cock.
“Need help there?” you suggested, placing your hand around his.
With gentle tugs and feathery touches, you guided his hand up to the tip of his aching dick. You slotted your fingers between his and played with his smooth flesh. He had never had anything like this before and he was too shocked to move without you.
Too dumb to know how to use what’s his.
“A-ah, fuck, n-noona…” Jeongin’s hips jutted forward by instinct. Jisung mirrored the action, pressing his cock deep into your walls.
It wasn’t intentional but it was expected; you’re dealing with two needy guys after all.
“Good boy, you know what to call me already.” Your hand slid down his cock in the same way you moved your hips along your boyfriend’s cock. “You’ve been listening intently, huh?”
You squeezed Jeongin’s cock at his shaft. “Like a pervert?”
“N-no—” you squeezed harder. “Fuck! Yes, yes, I’ve been a pervert!”
You laughed and let go of him, only to slap him right where you left his touch. You clenched your cunt tightly around Jisung at the same time — the two boys moaned and writhed at the same time.
“I’ve been watching since earlier! I’m sorry, noona! M—fuck!” He was on the brink of tears. Precum leaked out of him again but he still couldn’t bring himself to release.
Smack. Smack. Smack. With each hit, he would cry harder. His chest heaved and the tears finally spilled at the fifth turn. Your boyfriend wasn’t suffering any less, though: his hands clung to your hips and tightened with every slap. He flinched even if he wasn’t at the receiving end of pain — or maybe he was since you couldn’t stop clenching and thrusting abruptly too. He started shaking, moaning in higher and higher pitches, the flinches turning into full-body writhing as he mumbled random things that only you understood.
He was close. You pressed down on Jisung’s chest as your thumb covered the hole in Jeongin’s cock, teasing him. Your boyfriend immediately came inside you and allowed all his cum to gush out in the smallest, prettiest series of thrusts.
Jeongin wished to cum that way, but you were literally blocking him.
He didn’t dare let go of you, though, and his shaky hands never left your hips and back. Instead, Jisung opted to stay still inside you. He brought his upper body closer to yours, whispering into the crook of your neck. Jeongin couldn’t hear it through his sniffling but was glad to hear you parrot it back.
“My good baby here said that you should treat noona well. Only then can you cum.”
Jisung hid his face in your skin but only popped his eyes out to watch his best friend. “Sorry, Innie. Please fuck noona well.”
Jeongin couldn’t believe that he had to fuck his best friend’s girlfriend with his cum inside her. Moreover, he couldn’t believe how much it turned him on even more.
“Think you can do it?” You asked with a smirk.
“Y-yes, noona.”
Not even one beat passed and Jisung propped you off of him, guiding you down on the bed. He gave Jeongin a pat on the back of his shoulder, a gesture he’d always done before.
Jisung kissed his cheek too before latching his lips onto your bare nipples for comfort.
Jisung sucked at your supple and plump skin while Jeongin positioned himself in between your pussy’s reddening lips. Even its exterior felt all sorts of soft to him, far from the quality of a silicone fleshlight. Despite this, he still knew that you would treat him like a stupid little fucktoy.
And you did.
You simply pushed Jeongin by his waist down onto your body. Suddenly his tip made its way inside, forced in with an overwhelming amount of ecstasy that Jeongin couldn’t take anymore. He still held back from cumming, breathing deeply and rapidly in a failed attempt to calm himself. He continued to cry as he sank himself further inside you, feeling the mixture of your smooth wetness and Jisung’s thick and creamy cum. It didn’t help that you were moaning so deliciously, roaming your hands around his waist, and Jisung was giggling and smiling contently while playing with your boobs.
It was all too much for Jeongin but he kept going. Your hand squeezes earlier were nothing compared to the grip of your cunt. Nevertheless, he did his best to pull back and push down to fill you up to your limit. He made sure to make you moan as soon as he found your sweet spot — he’s glad that Jisung pressed down on your skin.
“Noona, noona, fuck, god fuck…”
“She’s amazing right?” Your boyfriend smiled until his gums showed and his eyes crinkled.
“I better be,” you teased back.
He laughed in response, licking a heart shape on your nipple with his tongue. “Mhmm. I love my noona.”
“And I love my baby boy.” You signaled him with a finger to turn him around. Jisung showed you his ass and you tapped his round cheek, hitting the mole that cutely reflected his face mole. Before he knew it, you sank two fingers inside his ass.
“I’ll make you cum again, pretty boy. Show me how much you can cum with that pathetic little cunt of yours.” The words echoed through Jisung’s emptying head as he grew more and more in need. You knew that it wouldn’t be long before he was close anyway since his legs were closing and his ass seemed to clench nonstop.
“And Innie baby, please, show me how good you can make me cum.”
At this point, Jeongin truly only felt like he was good for cumming and making you cum. He mindlessly picked up his pace on your cunt, shocking you with how mind-numbingly fast he went. He grew completely desperate the more that he went, pressing every inch of your skin and moaning your name over and over. He was pathetic yet focused.
Jisung came, ass clenching around your fingers, but he couldn’t peel his gaze off the action.
He needed to cum as much as you did. He could feel your walls fluttering around him and your voice seemed to falter slightly as his thrusts became deeper and harder. You didn’t even need to command him. Your boyfriend seemed to help the both of you too, playing with your clit with one hand whilst he praised his best friend endlessly.
“Innie,” you huffed, “Inside. please.”
Jeongin blinked hard, not holding back on his whines, screaming when he finally released inside you.
His cum gushed out with load after load after load. It seemed as if he couldn’t stop, and he never could bring himself to pull out. He simply collapsed on your side, his thick cock still sunken deep inside you. You came at the same time, moaning his sweet little nickname while you felt yourself gush your essence along with his release. Jisung watched the white, creamy cum leak out of you before bringing a finger to it just to taste it.
You all tasted fucking good.
“Oh shit. I’m dizzy.” Jisung plopped his head next to yours and clung to your other side.
Your boyfriend mumbled something about the soju being rough on him before he sleepily told you that he loved you. Jeongin thought that he would be knocked out solidly after, but felt whiplash as soon as Jisung kissed his cheek again and told him the same.
“Love you both. Thank you so, so, so…”
He instantly fell asleep, his face squished next to your cheek.
You laughed lowly and turned slightly toward Jeongin. You held his face with your free hand and stroked his chin. His eyes smiled along with his dimpled cheeks in pure contentment.
“Smile more, baby. Your dimples are cute.”
He blushed hard in response. “Thank you, noona. R-really. Thank you for tonight.”
“Anytime.” You kissed his forehead and then his nose. “I love you, Innie.”
The boy melted at your words with a pretty, full-toothed grin. “I love you too, noona.”
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taglist: @toastyseungmo @hobihearteu @biddes-enthusiast @snow-pegasus @subby-kpop @myrandomthoughtsandhobbies @eggielix @turnipfizzle @hanniecheesecake @chrisbahng @laylasbunbunny @ppiri-bahng @he-they-heathen @chriscentric @svintsandghosts @starryoong @bbyquokka @suengmi @fun-fanfics
this was done for mei’s day, i’m glad you enjoyed again twinnie <3 i owe it to them for being my number one, and for getting me into skz and this horny ass fandom ^^ check my bff meivida out! WISH THEM A HAPPY 20TH!!!
thank you for reading ! consider reblogging and leaving feedback if you loved my work 💗 artwork and writing © ipegchangbin. no reposts and translations.
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kaciidubs · 7 months
for the LOVE of me… i cannot stop thinking about polyOT8! skz x fem reader where they have a bulge kink 🤭 Lee know and Reader were caught on the sofa whilst the others were finishing up at jyp and then it hit the boys.. there was a visible bulge in your abdomen where minho was BURRIED inside of you (you were basically fucking like rabbits and the boys kinda joined in afterwards) 😽🫶🏻
Darling, OT8 x Reader is my bread and butter, I shit you not - and pair it with exhibitionism/voyeurism? You're out to kill me, I'm convinced.
You were never more grateful for owning so many throw blankets, or else you'd be the main reason why the couch cleaning market skyrocketed.
"M-Minho! Fuck, right there!"
Your hands twisted into the soft cotton, knuckles turning white as your body rocked against the covered cushions.
Above you hovered one of your eight boyfriends, face glistening with sweat and black hair messily swept back - his annoyance with it getting in his face was palpable the minute you two started your little fuck-fest.
His face lit up an a maniacal grin, tongue poking out to lick at the corner of his lips, "Right there? Tch, you're saying that as if I don't already know where all your spots are - such a bold little kitten." A breathless chuckle escaped from him as he hiked your right leg higher on his chest, keeping your left straddled between his own muscular thighs. "Since you think I don't know what I'm doing, maybe I shouldn't let you come again, hm?"
Your pussy clenched at the prospect, mind reeling at the thought of being left dry after so, so many highs. "No! Please, please don't, I'll-"
"You'll what?" He challenged, dark eyes sparkling with mischief, "You'll go crazy without having a cock to keep you full? You'll seek out our other partners and beg them to finish what you started?"
Your eyes rolled, body writhing as much as it could in his vice grip, keeping you pinned and open for anyone to see - for anyone to observe the way you were diminished to nothing but a hole for him to use.
"Finish what she started, huh?"
The new voice brought you back to yourself, your gaze focusing on Changbin walking into the living room with Seungmin and Jeongin in hot pursuit. Soon, the space was filled with each of your significant others, crowding around the couch where Minho was - still - driving into you as if nothing had changed.
"You got him all riled up again, huh, princess?" Chris cooed, amusement evident on his face.
"Princess?" Minho scoffed, hooking your leg into the crook of his arm and using his thumb to rub tight circles around your swollen clit, "She's been a brat - thinks what she says goes. I wonder why."
Before either one of them could comment, Hyunjin hissed out a short breath, "Fuck, look at her." To which Felix and Han followed up with a choked gasp of their own. "Holy shit."
Even through your delirium, you could see that his eyes weren't focused on your face - no, they were currently trained on where you and Minho were connected, and it didn't click until you snaked a hand down to your abdomen to feel a difference.
Fucking hell.
On each rough inward thrust, you could feel the shape of Minho's dick bulge against your abdomen and press against the lower part of your stomach.
"Noona, your hand," Jeongin whined, coaxing you into moving your hand back to it's previous position with a sobbed moan.
"Min- Min- I'm gonna-"
"Come for me," he gritted, rutting his hips against yours until your body shook, coming with a sound you could only hope was an attractive moan to say the least.
It took some time for you to come back to your senses, and when you did you were met with the guys in various stages of undress - a new wave of heavy lust dampening the atmosphere.
Blinking up at the second eldest, your eyebrows furrowed, "Min?"
Chuckling softly, he nodded knowingly at your tone, "I finished too, kitten - now, how about we let the others have a go, hm?"
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kpop---scenarios · 16 days
Day Eight: Hyunjin
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Pairing: Hyunjin x Reader
Warnings: Smut.. noona smut [18+ ONLY MINORS DO NOT READ]
Word Count: 1k
Day One: Felix | Day Two: Jeongin | Day Three: Changbin | Day Four: Jisung | Day Five: Lee Know | Day Six: Seungmin | Day Seven: Chan |
If there was one man you would do anything for, it was Hwang Hyunjin. Even though you were older than him in the friend group, he somehow had managed to wrap you around his finger. If he had told you to drop to your knees right now, while a group of you sat around playing games for game night, you would have replied ‘yes sir.’
You were pretty sure he knew this, but you also knew you had him wrapped around your finger. You and Hyunjin had an interesting relationship, friends who flirt a lot, with stolen touches and glances, but neither of you had ever made a move. You were sure it was just for fun on his side, and he didn't really mean anything by it. But you? You'd drop everything for this man.
You sat on the chair, your legs crossed as you moved your player on the board, your skirt not quite long enough to cover all of your thigh and riding up everytime you adjusted. As you laugh at a comment someone else made you feel a pair of eyes on you. You look up, glancing around the room, seeing Hyunjin eyeing up your legs, biting his lip as he eye fucks you. You can feel the blush creep across your face as you take another sip of your drink, the alcohol flowing nicely through your body.
“I'll be right back.” You say, standing up, walking out of the living room and towards the bathroom. You needed a minute because drunk you with a horny Hyunjin was not a good mix and you didn't want to do anything that could ruin the two of you. You stared at yourself in the mirror convincing yourself that he's just drunk and he's just trying to rile you up for fun. You smoothed out your skirt, fixing yourself up before you left the bathroom, turning out the light and walking through the dark hallway. You can hear the laughter in the living room as you get closer until someone comes out from the dark, placing his hand over your mouth, pinning you against the wall. Your eyes adjust to the dark quickly, you see Hyunjin pinning himself against you, his face so close to yours.
“Noona.” He breathes. “Fuck, cant you see what you do to me?” He asks. He opens your shirt, grabbing your tits before dropping down to his knees. He moves his hands under your skirt, pulling your panties down before setting your leg over his shoulder.
“W-what are you doing?” You gasp, your hands trying to grip the wall as he licks a long strip up your pussy.
“Tell me you don't want this and we can both walk out of here..but if you do shut the fuck up and cum on my face.” He breathes. You nod your head yes before you place your hand over your mouth, knowing you've wanted this for so long. He moves back between your legs. Hyunjin latches his lips to your clit, sucking harshly as he inserts two fingers inside of you, pumping them in and out of your already soaked pussy. Hyunjin takes his other hand, roaming your body with it, grabbing onto whatever part of you he can as he licks and slurps in your cunt. You squeeze your eyes closed, running your hands through his hair, grabbing on tightly to grind yourself on his face.
“Fuck.” You pant. “Right there.” You cry, trying to keep your voice low. The anticipation of knowing someone could come around the corner at any second was so fucking thrilling. Hyunjin flicks your clit with his tongue, aggressively ramming his fingers into you, trying to make you cum as fast as he can. He knew the two of you didn't have much time but he couldn't wait any longer for you.
“Shit.. I'm cumming.” You gasp, losing control of your body as your orgasm jolts through your body. You weakly take your leg from his shoulder, breathing heavily as he stands up, turning you around. You can hear him undoing his belt buckle behind you, pulling his pants down just enough to slip his cock out.
He presses his chest against your back as he kicks your feet apart, breathing into your ear as he slides his thick cock inside of you. You gasp loudly, making him slap his hand over your mouth. “I'm sorry Noona, this is gonna be quick.” He grunts, pushing himself deeper in you. His lips brush your ear, he quietly pants and moans into your ear with each thrust. His mouth roams your shoulder and neck as he shoves his cock into you.
“Where's Y/N and Hyunjin?” You can hear someone ask. It only made you wetter as Hyunjin picks up his pace, fucking you harder.
“Pussy so tight.” He whispers into your ear, moving his hand down from your mouth to wrap it around your neck. You lean your head back against him, giving him better access to squeeze. He tightly grips your neck, fucking you faster, breathy moans falling around the two of you.
“I'm gonna fucking cum.” He groans, releasing his hot, thick load into your cunt, pressing you into the wall even harder as he comes down from his high.
Hyunjin pulls his cock from inside of you, turning you around, kissing you hard. “I'm not even close to being done with you.” He breathes. “Go to my room, I'll be right there.” He says, adjusting himself. You do as you're told, heading to his room and you lay down on the bed, legs spread with his cum seeping out of you. Hyunjin heads to the living room, a grin spread across his face.
“Where's Y/N?” Chan asks. “Why are you all happy?”
“I'm not even gonna lie to you guys. I just fucked Y/N in the hallway and we're just getting started.. so turn the music up.” He laughs, turning around to head to his room. He walks in, closing the door behind him, seeing you spread out on his bed waiting for him.
“Ready for round two?”
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straykeedz · 7 months
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day 27: changbin x reader x i.n. + squirting
tw: female anatomy; dirty talking; praise kink if you squint (you don’t have to squint so hard lol); nipple play; clit play; fingering; degradation kink if you squint; ♡
wc: 5k (oops);
this is part of my kinktober masterlist. you can find my regular masterlist here (tho it will not be updated until the end of kinktober) ♡
🔖 : @linos-kitten ; @luneskies ; @kxcies-blog ; @idunnomanmynamewastaken ; @cessixja ; @stolasisyourparent ; @kookiesbunny ; @xoxo-xoxo-bunny ; @ivyskzsworld ; @mal-lunar-28 ; @leetaste ; @sunnykynnie ; @channiesgoodgirl ; @seonghwatoothless ; @mrsminho ; @seungminluv3 ; @jin-from-the-block ; @aaasia111 ; @sulkygyu ; @whosanaanyway ; @y-ur--I ; @vixensss ; @nightimescapes ; @freckleboilix ; @dreamingaboutjisung ; @yourbeomiebear ; @tooskathepiratefromshield ; ♡
smut below the cut, minors dni.
The story of how you ended up fucking your roommate Changbin and his gym bro starts with you eavesdropping. Accidentally, of course. 
“- and she squirted.”
You stop right in your tracks, and that causes you to spill water on your clean pajamas and fluffy socks, and you swear under your breath. Changbin, your roommate, and Jeongin, his hot gym bro, are sprawled on your couch, empty bowls of snacks and cans of beer in front of them.
“What conversation did I just walk in to?”, you furrow your eyebrows at them, and chuckle when you see Jeongin starting to get red in the face. He is cute, all flustered and embarrassed - as if he wasn’t just talking about squirt. 
“Noona!”, he squeaks, tips of his ears red. “Ah, we were just… just…”, he stutters. 
You sit down next to Changbin, and he scoots to make you enough space on the couch. “Ah, Jeongin was just updating me about Chan’s date.”, he explains. 
“With the bookshop girl?”, you ask, getting comfortable on the couch, leaning on the cushions, suddenly interested in the conversation, especially since Chan’s been pining over this mystery girl for weeks. Changbin and Jeongin nod. “What happened? I wanna know everything.”
“Yah, you’re so nosy!” Changbin chuckle, shaking his head, playfully slapping your thigh. It isn't unusual for him to be touchy with you, and skinship between the two of you is perfectly common and not weird at all, but it makes your body jolt nonetheless. 
“Yah, hyung, don’t be rude to y/n-noona!” Jeongin scolds his hyung. 
“I’m not being rude to her, Jeongin-ah.” Changbin clarifies. “Plus, y/n knows I love her.” Another playful slap on your thigh. 
You know he meant it in a friendly way - that’s just how Changbin is, playful and easygoing with everyone, a social butterfly. Yeah, he doesn’t love you in a romantic way, he probably just meant it as a friend. He loves you as a friend and a roommate. 
“Anyway,” Changbin changes the subject after a few awkward seconds of silence “Chan and this girl went out last Friday.”, he informs you. 
“Oh, wow, I’m happy for h-“, you start, but you are quickly interrupted by Changbin. 
“And they fucked.”
You blink a couple of times at your friend’s bluntness, then you giggle. “Well, things escalated pretty quickly. Although I didn’t peg him for the kind of guy to kiss and tell.”, you admit. “Not so quickly, at least.”
Both Changbin and Jeongin chuckle at that. “He usually doesn’t, but he had pretty big news this time.”, the older says. 
“Yeah, apparently she squirted.”, you giggle, and Jeongin nearly chokes on his own spit - Changbin has to pat him on the back to help him regain his breath. 
“Yeah, you…” Jeongin clears his throat. “You weren’t supposed to hear that.”, he says, a bit red in the face - kinda cute, considering that he was talking to Changbin about the filthiest things mere minutes before. Changbin chuckles at Jeongin’s reaction, and the younger boy glares at him. 
“Wait, but-“, you start, but interrupt your own thought before you could voice it out properly. It’d be weird to ask them such a thing, wouldn’t it? 
“What?” Changbin doesn’t let it slide, of course. Moreover, he sounds genuinely curious about what you were about to say. 
“Never mind, not important.”, you wave your hands and desperately try to change the subject, but you should’ve known that it wouldn’t work on them. Curious little fuckers. 
“No, no, no, you can’t leave us hanging now, noona!” Jeongin protests. 
“Yah, the maknae is right, you can’t.” Changbin adds. 
“And I’m the nosy one.”, you shake your head. “I was just curious about…”
Seo Changbin is a menace. Both you and Jeongin glare at him, and he finally shuts his mouth.
“Do… do you guys actually like it?”, your question comes out a lot shyer than you actually intended to, but it really isn’t your fault - it is kinda embarrassing to talk about something like that with your roommate and his friend, who is also your friend, but not the point.
“Like what?” Jeongin asks, eyebrows furrowed, and Changbin has a matching expression on his face. Dumb and dumber. 
You groan. “When - ugh, I really hate you…” you sigh. “When a girl… you know… squirts.”, you clear your throat. 
Their eyes widen, and their mouths fall open. Then they blink. And then they exchange confused looks. And you feel terribly stupid and ridiculous. You should’ve never opened your mouth, no matter how much the curiosity was eating you alive. 
“When you… said us guys…” Changbin clears his throat, and even though he’s trying his best to look you in the eye as he speaks - he can’t help but drop his gaze to his fidgety hands every now and then, unable to hold your gaze. “Did you mean, you know, just guys - like, in general, or… us guys? As in… us?”
Us - as in him and Jeongin, that’s what he means. Jeongin, beside him, raises his eyebrows, but judging by the look he has on his face, you can tell he was probably thinking the same. Actually, your question was a general one - you didn’t mean to direct it specifically to them, but now you have to be honest with yourself and admit to yourself that the curiosity is eating you alive. 
“Oh, I- I meant in general.”, you quickly respond.
Changbin nods, then fidgets with the rings on his fingers. “Well, obviously I can’t speak on behalf of all guys, but most of them like it.” 
After a few seconds of silence, another question comes out of your lips. “And what about… you?”
Changbin’s eyes widen. Then, he clears his throat. “Uh… I like it.”
“I like it, too. Very much.” Jeongin butts in after a couple of seconds of silence, raising his hands a bit, which is kinda stupid now that he’s thinking about it, so he lowers it immediately. “And I know a lot of guys who like it, as well.”, he quickly adds. In his defence, he was just trying to make things less awkward. 
“A lot?”, you didn’t mean to sound this shocked. 
“Duh?”, it’s Changbin who speaks this time, as if you just asked him the most stupid question with the most obvious answer. “I mean, who wouldn’t love to know they’re making their partner feel that good?”
It actually makes sense when he puts it like that, however you’d never been able to see it that way, and you were never able to let yourself go in bed, at least not that much. Having an orgasm during sex isn’t exactly rare for you, but there’s just something about… squirting, that freaks you out. You are scared of making a fool out of you, or that your partner won’t like it, or to simply embarrass yourself - especially during oral or fingering, where you usually feel exposed the most. 
“I don’t know, I just thought…”, you shrug “That, you know, they’d find it gross.”
“Gross?”, they say in unison. 
You nod. “Yeah, gross.”, you repeat. “I always… hold myself back, you know? When I feel-“, you notice their shocked expressions, their mouths agape. “Wait, maybe that’s tmi.”, you giggle, embarrassed, just realising what you just said. 
Maybe it’s not exactly appropriate to talk about your sex life in front of your roommate and his friend, maybe you shouldn’t have told them how you hold yourself back from squirting every time you feel you’re about to do it. And maybe they shouldn’t feel that way about knowing. 
“Maybe it’s- maybe it’s not my place to say, but…” Jeongin starts. “If you feel like holding back… then maybe you shouldn’t sleep with people with whom you don’t feel comfortable around. Sex is supposed to be fun and intimate, and you should be free to explore your fantasies. If you can’t do that… maybe you’re not having sex with the right person.”
Jeongin’s right, you know he is. But it’s not that simple - letting yourself go like that is not something you’re sure you’re capable of doing, at least not in front of someone you don’t have a connection with. Plus, the last time you had sex with a man was ages ago, and you can’t even remember what it felt like. And when you’re alone… well, you’ve never felt that sensation. Simple as that. 
“I know, and you’re right, but…”, your drop your face into your hands. “It’s incredibly hard to find someone whom I’m comfortable enough with.”
Jeongin seems to have something in mind, but neither you nor Changbin are prepared for the words that left his mouth mere seconds later. 
“But you’re comfortable around us, right? Changbin and I.”
The implication behind those words is clear. Changbin, too, stares at him with wide eyes - not because he doesn’t want it, too. The opposite, actually. He wants it a little too much, and Jeongin knew it well - they’d talked about it before, how incredibly hot you are in their eyes. Changbin is about to say something, but you beat him to it. 
“Yeah, I am.”
Changbin looks at you shocked, eyebrows raised and eyes open wide. Then, his gaze shifts to Jeongin, who’s smiling from ear to ear. Changbin really can’t believe his friend’s boldness and straightforwardness, but at the same time he wasn’t expecting that kind of reaction from you. He knows you know what Jeongin meant, so what’s the meaning behind your words? Does this means what he think it means?
“We can help you, if you want.” 
“Jeongin-ah!” Changbin nearly shouts. 
“What?” Jeongin furrows his eyebrows, looking at Changbin as if he just said the most normal thing in the world. “She said she’s comfortable with us, and we both think she’s hot!”
Changbin blushes even more as he mentally takes note to punch Jeongin for that comment, even though he does think you’re hot. 
But then, you say - “Alright.”
And when he finds himself in your bedroom, back and shoulders against the headboard as he sits on the mattress, you in his arms, your back against his naked chest, Changbin finds it pretty hard to hate his younger friend for bringing up the subject. You’re in your tank top, not wearing a bra, and your pajama bottoms are lying somewhere on your bedroom floor. You’re not wearing your sexiest panties, but neither Changbin nor Jeongin seem to care. 
“We need to get you nice and relaxed for us first, is that okay?” Changbin asks you, running the pads of his fingers up and down your naked arms. You nod, welcoming in his touch. 
“Tell us what you want us to do.” Jeongin whispers, his cold, veiny hands on your thighs, making you shiver under his touch. “Tell us what you like, how you want to be touched,” two of his fingers climb all the way from your ankle to the back of your knee, and it makes you get goosebumps all over your skin, “where…”, he bites his lip when his fingers brush your inner thigh, so close to your most sensitive spot, yet so far away.
“I like, uh…”, you start speaking, but you’re distracted by Changbin’s delicate touch, now on your hips. “Dirty talk.”
“Dirty talk?” Jeongin raises one eyebrow at you, intrigued by your confession. “We can do that, am I right, Bin-hyung?”, he then smirks, glancing quickly at his friend. You can’t see Changbin biting his lips, but you can surely feel him nodding from behind you. “Anything else?”
For a second there, you consider not opening up to them, but that’s not the whole purpose of tonight. Tonight you’re supposed to let go, forget your inhibitions and abandon yourself to the pleasure Changbin and Jeongin are here to provide you.
“My… nipples. I like when someone plays with them.”, your cheeks are slightly pink as you say the words. “And my thighs. I like kisses on my inner thighs.”
Changbin and Jeongin exchange looks quickly. Then, you feel Changbin’s hand toy with the hem of your tank top as his other fingers lightly brush your nipple over the fabric, as Jeongin places his lips on one of your calves. “Can I touch you here?”, he whispers in your ear, his voice vibrates in his chest against your back. 
You nod, then lean your head back to rest your head on Changbin’s chest. “Please do.”
Changbin’s hand slips under your tank top - his fingers much warmer than Jeongin’s, it’s a pleasant sensation against your skin. Jeongin’s peppering your leg with kisses - delicate, soft, openmouthed kisses, all the way up until he brushes his lips on the back of your knee, which makes you shiver, considering it’s one of your most sensitive spots. When you whimper, he smiles against your skin. 
Changbin cups your boobs with his large palms, and he’s kinda amazed by the way they perfectly fit, almost as if they were made especially for him - the perfect size for him. “You like it when Jeongin kisses you there, don’t you?” Changbin whispers huskily in your ear, which makes your toes curl. You’re about to answer, but he unexpectedly pinches one of your nipples, and you whine. 
“Mh, I think you do.” Changbin chuckles, toying with your nipple, continuing to pinch it delicately, squeezing it with the pads of his fingers. “You’re such a good girl…”, the way he’s whispering in your ear is making you shiver, and you grab his forearm as you pant. “You have such pretty tits, such perfect nipples…”
Jeongin’s mouth has now reached your inner thigh, finally. A couple of inches, and his lips would be brushing directly your clothed cunt. You want nothing more than to run your fingers in his dark hair and beg him to do something, to touch you there - however, you know this is not the reason why he’s between your legs right now. They’re not here for bringing you mere pleasure - they’re here to get you as relaxed and turned on as possible, they’re here to make you lose control. So you trust them completely with your body, and let them do whatever they have in mind. 
“I think she likes to be praised, hyung.” Jeongin grunts against your skin, kissing and licking the skin of your inner thigh as his fingers brushes the other. “Think she likes it when you compliment her tits.”, his teeth scrape your soft flesh delicately. 
“You would too, Jeongin-ah, if you touched them.” Changbin says. “They’re so fucking… soft, and  delicate, so sensitive…”, he pinches your other nipple, and you yelp. “And so responsive.”, he chuckles. 
You kick your head back and close your eyes, letting go of Changbin’s forearm to fist the sheets beneath you when Jeongin’s kisses move a bit closer to your pussy, a wet patch clearly visible on the thin, pastel material of your panties. 
“She likes it when you kiss her there, Jeongin-ah.” Changbin tells his friend. “Her heart is beating so fast right now. Maybe we should give her what she wants.”, he suggest, but Jeongin shakes his head, his bangs tickling your skin. 
“Mhh, not yet, hyung.”, his nose brushes your clothed labia as he presses an openmouthed kiss on your groin, and you choked on air. “Just a little bit more.” Jeongin chuckled, satisfied. 
Changbin nods, hands still on your boobs, index toying with your nipples delicately, teasing you - your panties are now entirely soaked. Breathing heavily, your fingers finally find their way in Jeongin’s hair. 
“Neck.”, you pant. Before either of them could ask you what you mean by that, you elaborate. “I like it- no, I love it when someone kisses my neck. I’m so sensitive there.”, you let out an exasperating whine, and Changbin nearly moans, too. You sound so desperate, it’s driving him crazy. By now, he’s sure you can feel his hard member against your back, but he can’t really help it - he’s so fucking turned on by this. 
“Oh, so you…” Changbin’s nose brushes your jawline, and you shiver. “You want me to kiss you… here?”, he continues, before placing his lips on the side of your neck. You fist the sheets harder, knuckles turning white. 
“Fuck, hyung, she’s soaked.” Jeongin comments, furrowing his eyebrows and biting his lower lip at the sight of the big, wet patch on your panties, much larger than before. “I can smell her arousal- fuck, it’s driving me crazy.”
Changbin grunts, licking the skin of your neck, squeezing one of your boobs just a bit harder in his hand. “Fuck, baby, you really like this, huh?”, he sucks delicately, he surely won’t leave a mark. Too bad, you kinda want him to. “You like having two men touching this perfect body, don’t you? You like driving both of us crazy?” He pinches your nipple once more, and you can’t help but think of how much you’d want him to wrap his plump, soft lips around your sensitive bud. 
You don’t respond. Instead, you spread your legs even wider, granting Jeongin a better access to your groin, where his face is buried - his lips still licking, sucking, kissing your soft flesh. 
“Take it off.”, you pant, eyes still closed, head spinning. 
“Take off what?” Jeongin grunts, then licks a long stripe on your groin. It makes you gasp, and your legs shake involuntarily. 
“Top, panties. Everything.”, you nearly grunt exasperatedly. 
“You heard that, Jeongin-ah?” Changbin asks, letting go of your boobs only to start fidgeting with the hem of your tank top, lifting it slowly, revealing your naked stomach. “Our pretty girl wants to get naked for us. She wants us to undress her…” Changbin chuckles, kissing you on the cheek. “Lift your arms, baby, let me take this off. Show those pretty tits to Jeongin, I’m sure he can’t wait to see them.”
You lift your arms just like he asked, and he wastes no time in delicately pulling the thin piece of clothing off of your body, letting your naked breasts bounce free, before tossing your tank top somewhere in your room. You hear him groan from behind you at the sight of your naked boobs, perfect nipples on full display for him to see, for him to touch. 
“Fuck, you’ve really got the prettiest tits.” Changbin starts to lick and kiss your neck once again, then cups your breasts with his hands. “You turn me on so much, oh God.” A gasp escapes Jeongin’s lips as soon as his eyes take in the sight of your boobs - Changbin’s hands all over them, his fingers on your nipple. 
“Fuck-, lift you hips.” Jeongin instructs, hooking his fingers on each side of your panties. “Let me take these off, let me see your pretty pussy.”
He slides them off easily, dragging them over the curve of your ass, slowly revealing your naked cunt to his eyes - clit swollen and lips glistening with your arousal, incredibly wet. As soon as his eyes take in the sight, he can’t help but think it’s going to be insanely easy to make you squirt, considering how much you’re turned on now. 
“You have no idea…” Jeongin mutters, licking his lips. “No idea - how bad I want to kiss your beautiful clit and lick that pretty hole of yours right now.”, he grunts. 
A smile spreads on your face, and you open your eyes. You drop your gaze on Jeongin, who’s staring at your pussy. “Make me squirt and I’ll let you. Both of you.”
Jeongin swears under his breath, and Changbin bites on your naked shoulder. Hard, with a grunt. 
“How do you want us to do this?” Jeongin asks, a hint of desperation in his voice. 
You sigh as Changbin resumes licking the skin of your neck, alternating soft kisses with delicate bites. “I don’t… I don’t know.”, you’re cut off by a choked moan. “Do whatever you want. I trust you, both of you.”
Changbin and Jeongin exchange looks once more. 
“Can I finger you while Changbin-hyung plays with your clit? Is that alright?” 
“Yes. Fuck-, yes. Please.”
Changbin hums against your skin, then places another kiss on your neck. “We’re gonna make you feel so, so good, baby.” You choke on air at the pet name that leaves Changbin’s lips. One of Changbin’s hands lets go of your boob, then travels all the way down your stomach, then your abdomen, until it reaches your navel. 
Right before he could touch your bare pussy, he pulls away his fingers. You’re about to whine and complain, but then you see him brings his fingers to your mouth. “Suck them for me.” Two of his fingers enter your mouth, and you waste no time in swirling your tongue around them gladly, humming against the skin of his digits as you coat them in your spit. “Good fucking girl.”, he grunts, pulling his wet fingers out of your mouth, a string of saliva connecting them to your lips. “Now I’m gonna touch your clit, okay?”
You nod vigorously. A gasp leaves your parted lips when his fingers finally touch you right on your swollen, sensitive clit. Jeongin, in the meantime, starts to caress your naked legs, all the way from your ankles to your knees. He decides to wait a little more before pushing his fingers inside of you, wanting for you to get adjusted to Changbin’s touch first. 
Changbin starts to rub gentle circles on your sensitive bud while still playing with your nipple with his other hand. He must’ve done this countless of times, because he’s insanely good at it, and you can already feel the familiar warm sensation building up in your stomach. 
“Fuck, hyung, you should see this- she’s clenching so fucking hard around nothing.” Jeongin licks his lips, kneeling between your legs but not daring to move his gaze from your naked cunt. “I think she’s close.”, he grins, his slender fingers brushing your inner thighs. 
And then… Changbin removes his fingers. You think you could genuinely cry. You open your eyes, and quickly turn your head to look at Changbin with a shocked expression on your face. He simply chuckles. “I can’t let you cum, not yet. Jeongin hasn’t touched you yet, it wouldn’t be fair to him.” He kisses your temple, then his gaze shifts to Jeongin, and he nods. “Your turn.”, he tells him. 
 Sneaky bastard. 
It’s now Jeongin’s turn to chuckle, as his fingers get closer and closer to your groin. Then, the tips of his digits finally brush your wet folds, collecting some of your arousal on his pads. “Now relax for me. I’m gonna make you feel good, I promise. I’m very good with my fingers.”, he smiles cockily. 
Jeongin looks you in the eye as one of his fingers penetrates you, parting your folds and sinking in your wet heat. You wrap your fingers around Changbin’s wrist, gripping tight. “It feels good, right?” Changbin whispers in your ear, and you clench around Jeongin’s finger. 
“Fuck, she’s so tight, hyung.” Jeongin moans, slowly pumping his finger in and out of you. “I almost can’t move my finger, fuck. So tight, and wet, and warm…” He continues to thrust his digits before he decides it’s time to add another. 
A second finger slips in easily, and another choked sound leaves your mouth. He pumps both fingers inside of you for a while, giving you enough time to adjust to his fingers moving in and out of your wet heat. Then, almost unexpectedly, he bends said fingers, and starts his quest: finding your g-spot. 
It only takes him a couple of attempts before he succeeds, the pads of his fingers brushing the soft, spongy spot inside of you, rubbing it a couple of times to stimulate it. A couple of swear words fall from your lips as he keeps on rubbing you there, applying a light pressure on that sensitive spot inside of you, which makes your eyes widen as you feel something you’ve never felt before. 
Jeongin’s head snaps up to look at Changbin, and when their eyes meet, the younger simply nods. Changbin uses his own spit to coat his fingers this time, then places them back on your clit. “Now all you have to do is relax.” Jeongin tells you. 
“Take a deep breath and empty your head. Not a single thought has to be in there, alright?” Changbin whispers in your ear. “No worries…”, one rub on your clit, “no holding back…”, another rub. “Just pleasure.”, a kiss on your neck. You clench around Jeongin’s fingers. 
“Relax.” Jeongin repeats, still stimulating your g-spot relentlessly, adding a bit more pressure. “And when you feel like you’re about to cum… just let go. It’s going to be good, I promise.”
You think you’re being already stimulated enough by Changbin’s fingers rubbing tight circles on your swollen clit and Jeongin’s on your g-spot - but then, you feel Changbin’s lips on your neck, and his fingers pinch your nipple. it’s making your head spin, as your chest falls and rises quickly as you pant heavily. The knot you’re starting to feel in your stomach is something you haven’t felt before, not this way. 
“You like it when I play with your pretty clit as Jeongin fucks you with his fingers?” Changbin grunts in your ear, drawing tighter circles on your clit. You nod, kicking your head back as you struggle to breathe properly, tightening your grip around Changbin’s wrist. “You’re so fucking dirty, letting two men play with your cunt. Dirty girl.” 
“Changbin.”, you whine. 
“Shhh…” Changbin shushes you. “Don’t talk, just feel.” 
You’re already feeling. In fact, you’re feeling so much you think you’re about to fucking explode right now. You’re so close to your release in a way you’ve never felt before - they’re touching you in ways you’ve never experienced, in places you were never able to reach, and they don’t seem to be bothered at all by the fact their pleasure is being completely neglected. You’ll make sure to take care of both of them after this. 
“Okay,” Jeongin starts, as he begins to apply more pressure on your g-spot in a way that has you seeing stars, “when you feel like you’re about to let go, remember: don’t fight it. Don’t worry about a single thing, me and Bin-hyung are fucking loving this.”
Changbin nods, placing a kiss on your jawline. “He’s right, we’re so loving this.”
When you feel like you’re about to cum, though, you can’t help but clench a bit harder, doing the exact opposite of letting go - you suppress it. Jeongin, however, notices it. “Ah, ah, don’t. Relax. Breathe. You’re safe, it’s just us.”, he places his other hand on your inner thigh, soothingly caressing your soft skin. 
Tears well up in your eyes. “I’m sorry.”, you mumble, looking at him disappointed in yourself for ruining this, but he shakes your head. 
“There’s nothing to be sorry for. We’ll get you there again, don’t worry.”, he reassures you. 
Changbin thinks he knows the secret to help you empty your head and lose control. Maybe dirty talking to you can be the solution. He places a kiss behind your ear. “You’re so fucking hot like this, all naked, legs spread for us…” he whispers, as he keeps on rubbing your clit. 
You’re starting to feel it again - the knot in your stomach, as your toes begin to curl, your breath gets heavier. Jeongin doesn’t stop applying pressure on your g-spot just like Changbin doesn’t stop rubbing your sensitive clit - and sooner than later, your legs start to shake. You’re close, so close - already seeing white as you kick your head back against Changbin’s chest, clenching your jaw. 
“Yeah, like that. Good girl, cum for us, fucking soak our fingers.” Changbin moans in your ear, then pinches your nipple. “Show us what that pretty pussy can do, fucking cum for us.”
It’s the last push you needed, before you feel it. You’re cumming, but it’s different than all of the other times, it’s a different orgasm, and your release practically gushes out of you, almost as if it’s out of your control. “Fuck, fuck, fuck. I’m cumming- Jeongin, Changbin, I’m cumming. Oh, God.”, you whine pathetically, as your release coats Jeongin’s wrist and forearm, soaking the sheets beneath you as you clench incredibly tight around his fingers.
It feels like hours, but it’s probably been a few seconds. However, your legs don’t stop shaking for a while, even though your orgasm already washed all over you and is practically over. You can feel your heartbeat in your ears, your heart in your throat, and you feel absolutely spent, as if all the energy you had in your body had magically vanished. The two men immediately stop moving their fingers. 
“Fucking hell.” Jeongin and Changbin mutter in unison, as they take in the sight before their eyes. Sheets completely soaked in your arousal, together with Jeongin’s skin. 
“It was the hottest fucking thing ever.” Jeongin mutters, admiring how your release coats his fair, glistening skin. His arm is a bit sore, but it’s definitely worth it. 
“You were so good to us…” Changbin kisses your temple, enveloping you in a tight hug as he rests his forehead against your naked shoulder - his hard-on still poking your ass. Jeongin, too, is hard in the confines of his black boxers. 
You can’t wait to return the favor. 
It takes you a while to finally regulate your breathing and come off of your high, heartbeat much more regular now, and even though you feel a bit sore already, you think you can go another round, or maybe a couple more. They’re a bit surprised when they see you kneel on the bed between them. You motion for Changbin and Jeongin to do the same. 
You let your hands travel all the way to their toned chests to their stomachs, until you reach the waistbands of their boxers. They both hiss when you palm their cocks over the think fabric of their underwear, but it’s nothing compare to the grunts they let out when you slip your hands under the waistbands and actually wrap your fingers around their heavy cocks. 
And by the way you’re looking at both of them they know you’re just getting started.
-> reblog to support me if you like my works, “it’s good for motivation” my man chris bang once said. also, i love reading feedback (even in tags it's always highly appreciated) ♡
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Hunter. Hunted. Predator. Prey. It's all the same when you know how it ends right? Let the game begin.
Tags: SKZ, Stray Kids, Stay, Skz!Pack, skz!abo, Poly!skz, omegaverse abo, a/b/o, ot8, skz x you, skz x reader, ot8 x you, ot8 x reader, femreader, bang chan, lee minho, seo changbin, hwang hyunjin, lee felix, han jisung, kim seungmin, yang jeongin, ateez, ateez!pack, atiny, skz fluff, skz smut, primal play, primal skz
Genre: Fluff, Smut
Warnings: Primal Play, CNC, Choking, Unprotected Sex, Delayed After Care
Title: Catch Me if You Can
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“They’re going to fucking murder us once they find out about this, you know.” 
Yeosang effortlessly avoids a stubborn root breaking through the running trail, and matches your pace once more, his feet pounding on the pavement a distinct echo of your own. 
“You worry too much.” You puff out, glancing down at your watch, taking note of the time and distance. 
Yeosang shoots you a glare, shifting slightly to allow you to follow the curve of the path. “I worry just the right amount, thank you very much.” He retorts back, checking his own watch with a brief downward flick of his eyes. “You, on the contrary, don’t worry enough.” 
You roll your eyes at your best friend, giving him a slightly exasperated, amused twist of your lips in response. 
“I’m going to take that as a compliment.” 
“It wasn’t.” He immediately deadpans back, picking up the pace a bit as the final stretch of your run comes into view. 
You match him easily, your wolf reveling in stretching its legs. 
Speeding up just enough to get in front of him, you turn and jog backward a few steps, offering him what you hope is a pleading look, batting your eyes for extra good measure. 
“Please, Sangie? For me, baby? Mommy really wants this one.” Your voice is a whine, and you don’t miss the way he grimaces at your words. 
“Ew. You’re disgusting. Don’t ever call yourself mommy ever again.” 
He shoves past you and makes a sprint for the parking lot. 
You grin, and follow after him, calling out loud enough to be heard over your pounding footsteps, “So is that a yes then?” 
“Fuck you!” Yeosang calls back over his shoulder, giving you the middle finger without looking in your direction. 
Your grin grows wider. 
You’re going to take that as a yes.
You push through the door into the apartment and are immediately met with the smell of something cooking. 
Your stomach growls at the thought of food-Minho’s food- and you kick off your sneakers with a thud against the entryway hall, wincing slightly as they leave a scuff on the plaster. 
Jeongin appears on his way to the living room, hoisting a backpack over his shoulder, and when he catches sight of you, he pauses, taking in your running outfit, the sheen of sweat on your skin. 
“How many?” He asks without preamble, grinning at you. 
“Twelve.” You answer back with an arch of your brow and a smug smirk, and he steps toward you to give you a fist bump, knuckles meeting your own. 
“Nice.” He grins wider, nodding his head. 
“Jesus Christ.” Jisung, who has just appeared in the doorway behind Jeongin, mutters beneath his breath at your words, as if the very thought of running twelve miles is utterly revolting to him. 
“Whoa.” Changbin practically runs into the halted Jeongin and Jisung as he enters, and the small front hallway is beginning to feel more and more packed by the second. “I was unaware we were having a pack meeting by the front door.” 
“We’re not.” Jisung chirps, herding Jeongin toward the living room. “Just saying hi to noona.” 
Changbin pats the youngest on the head affectionately as he slips by him, and then proceeds to lean over to grab his shoes, already dressed for the gym, his duffle bag hanging loosely off one shoulder. 
You move to allow him access to the closet, and suddenly, he freezes, eyes flicking up to your own. 
You stare at him, unsure of what’s happening, and then he promptly drops his gym bag and straightens up, sneakers forgotten. 
His hand goes against the wall beside your head, and he leans into you, fingers gripping your chin, pupils suddenly wide and dark. 
“You smell fucking incredible.” He murmurs, voice on the edge of a growl. 
Suddenly, it clicks. 
You give him the hint of a smug smirk. “I just got back from a run.” 
Changbin groans, as if he’s heavily considering the pros and cons of controlling himself, and then grits out, “God, I love when you go running.” 
His fingers tighten on your chin, and he angles your head to expose your throat, before he leans over and licks one long stripe up the side of your neck with an expert, rough swipe of his tongue. 
Everything inside of you turns to jelly. 
“Fuck, you taste fucking incredible too.” He growls, lips brushing against the underside of your jaw with every word. 
“Oh, fuck me.” Hyunjin groans in obvious disgust, appearing in the empty doorway, a pair of headphones in one hand, his painting supplies in the other. 
He’s clearly referencing the swirl of alpha pheromones currently drenching the entryway, not to mention, Changbin’s mouth still on your skin, and his very clear erection pressed between the two of you. 
“I would love nothing more.” Chan replies cheekily, appearing behind the disgruntled Hyunjin, giving him an affectionate pat on the head as he pushes past the clearly annoyed omega. “But later, Jinnie. Bin and I are late for the studio.” Changbin sighs and rolls his eyes heavenward at Chan’s words, pulling back from you reluctantly as the head alpha leans between the two of you to grab his shoes, either completely oblivious to the tension or blatantly choosing to ignore it. 
“God fucking dammit.” The other alpha curses beneath his breath, and you swear you see Chan hide a smile. 
“C’mon, Bin. We have shit to work on. We gotta get it done.” 
Changbin groans and leans over to grab his bag with jerky irritated movements. “You’re a fucking cockblocker to the fullest, hyung.” 
“It’s his proudest title.” Hyunjin interjects with a sweet smile and bat of his lashes in Chan’s direction, as he moves past the three of you to reach for his jacket. 
You giggle, and Chan shoots you an exasperated look, Changbin looking up at the sound. 
Chan turns to Hyunjin to say something in response, and Changbin takes the momentary distraction to step toward you once more, his eyes darkening and his posture growing threatening. 
His fingers pinch your chin, tighter than before, and you resist the urge to whine, as he leans in close to your lips, the scent of smoke filling your nose. 
“Tonight. At the game. You’re mine.” His growled words send heat directly between your legs, wet and warm, but you try to remain stoic, giving him an innocent look as you inquire back sweetly, “What if we’re on the same team?” 
Gold flickers across his irises, and his lips pull back in the start of a growl to reveal sharp canines. 
“We won’t be. I’ll make sure of it.” 
You swallow hard, and give a little nod, your alpha fully baring its throat to him now that he’s dropped his tone into alpha timber. 
Changbin releases you, satisfied, and gives you one last long dangerous look, adjusting himself in his sweats while holding your gaze, before he reluctantly follows Chan out the front door. 
“God, we’re so fucking dead.” Yeosang mutters beside you, jiggling his leg nervously, so hard that the log you’re currently sitting on vibrates. 
You reach out a hand and tamp down his knee, giving him a pointed stare. 
“Will you stop that?” You hiss out the side of your mouth, eyes darting around to the surrounding pack members, all lost in their own conversations as they wait for the game to start. “This is the last fucking time I ask you to be my accomplice.” 
“Good.” Yeosang whips right back beneath his breath, glaring sidelong at you. “I rather prefer myself breathing, thank you very much, and after this, Seonghwa-hyung is gonna skin me alive.” 
You roll your eyes at his dramatics and dig your nails into his knee, so hard he winces and shoots you another outraged glower. 
“Relax, Sangie. How bad could it possibly go?” 
“I fucking hate you, you know that?” 
You give him a wicked grin and blow him a cheeky kiss, to which he responds with a middle finger, just as Seungmin steps into the light of the bonfire you’re all gathered around. 
As the unofficial officiator of the games, his long fingers are already full of black and white scrunchies. 
The beta pushes his glasses up the bridge of his nose with the back of his hand, and glances around at all of you with a serious expression. 
Everyone is quiet now, the banter from earlier dying down and giving way to anticipatory tension. 
“Rules are as they always are.” Seungmin starts, his voice carrying over all of you, drifting into the dark, silence of the wood beyond. 
The fire crackles loudly, and a log pops before disintegrating into glowing red coals. 
The wave of ensuing smoke reminds you of Changbin, and you glance across to him to find him already watching you, eyes dark and endless. 
A shiver goes down your spine. 
“However-” Seungmin clears his throat, and beside you, Yeosang tenses up.
The smell of rotting driftwood assaults your senses. 
God, he’s going to fucking give it away before the game even begins. 
Seungmin’s gaze drifts to you, but it doesn’t linger, skirting to Yeosang and then beyond. 
He’s a master at poker face, it’s why he’d been chosen as the referee for the games in the first place, never giving anything away. 
“-an anonymous party has requested a caveat of sorts, and I have agreed.” 
There is some murmuring among the omegas to your left, but your gaze is locked on Seungmin, every muscle in your body suddenly bunched. 
Your wolf paces impatiently, ready to run. 
A slight smirk twitches on Seungmin’s lips. 
“After all, anything to make the game a little more unpredictable, am I right?” Beside you, Yeosang groans. 
“But first-” Seungmin backtracks, and you hear a few other pack members groan at the anticlimactic drag out. “-come and get your scrunchies.” 
Everyone stands in a bustle of motion, converging on Seungmin, hands eagerly grabbing markers confidently. 
You step forward, reaching for one of the black predator scrunchies in the beta’s left hand, when someone knocks your hand away, fingers going tightly around your wrist. 
You know who it is without looking, yet you glance over anyway, seeing Changbin scowling at you, his expression fiery. 
“Not you.” He growls, before he takes the scrunchie you were reaching for and slides the black fabric around his own wrist. 
You stare at him, but he doesn’t let you go, reaching across your joined arms for a prey marker instead, nodding to Seungmin, before he snaps the white scrunchie around your free arm, tugging you toward him with the same motion.
You stumble, and your free hand braces against his chest so you don’t fall into him completely, though you know he could hold you up easily.
His eyes are so dark, that you swear you can see the lack of reflection in them. 
“Like I said,” He rumbles dangerously, and the sound vibrates in his chest, through your fingers, and instantly makes you swallow. “You’re mine.” 
The brat inside of you rears its head, and you smirk up at him confidently. 
“If you can catch me.” 
Something feral flashes across Changbin’s eyes at your taunting, and he bares his teeth, a growl starting low in his chest. 
“I don’t think you’re understanding me, little one.” He purrs warningly, fingers tightening their hold on your wrist, making your pulse race beneath his fingertips.
He leans down, and his nose brushes your own, his voice dropping impossibly low and deep. 
More animal, less man. 
“You’re. Mine.” 
He releases you, and you stumble back, head swimming, wolf suddenly very much ready, and he gives you one last, long dark look, before he retreats to the predator side of the fire, sitting down beside Chan. 
You catch your breath, and return to sit beside Yeosang, who is nervously playing with his own white scrunchie. 
“That looked intense.” He remarks, and it takes you a minute to realize he’s talking about Changbin. 
“Yeah.” You manage to get out, still slightly breathless, more than a little turned on. Your inner thighs are already wet. “Just a little.” 
Across the fire, you can feel Changbin’s gaze boring into you. 
Your attention is drawn back to Seungmin as he drops his now empty hands, crossing his arms over his chest as he regards you all once more. 
“Now. As for the caveat-” His gaze sweeps to the predator side of the fire, and Yeosang gulps audibly from beside you. 
“Tonight, predators are not allowed scent blockers.” 
Chaos ensues. 
Beside you, the rest of the prey glances between each other with wide eyes, whispering and murmuring. 
Across the fire, the predators are in shambles. 
“What? That’s bullshit!” San shoots to his feet. 
Wooyoung cackles gleefully from somewhere beside Felix. 
Seungmin holds out his hands to either side, looking annoyed with the commotion. 
“Everyone shut up, I’ve spent the time going over this additional rule, and I think it’s well allowed in this instance-” 
Your eyes drift across the crest of the fire without permission to Changbin, who hasn’t moved since the announcement, seated silently beside Chan, a frozen statue amidst the chaos. 
He arches a brow when he catches your gaze, and something in his slightly amused, impressed expression clearly inquires silently, your doing? 
You can’t bite back the grin that threatens your lips, as you give a slight, silent shrug in response. 
Try to catch me now, predator. 
“Oh fuck, he knows.” Yeosang squeaks from beside you, and you glance over to your friend, before following his terrified gaze across the bonfire to Seonghwa, who is staring down the other alpha with nothing less than murder in his dark eyes.
You pat him unhelpfully on the shoulder. 
Yeosang glares at you. “You better fucking speak at my funeral.” 
You grin. “No promises.” 
He curses, and mutters another string of insults beneath his breath, but your gaze is drawn back to that of a certain alpha sitting across the fire, completely nonplussed and completely focused on you. 
Fuck, tonight was going to be fun. 
“Prey.” Seungmin calls out, and you snap your gaze back to him, now holding a large open jar of what looks to be vaseline, but is really scent blocking gel, in his outstretched hand. “Come cover up.” 
You grin, and pat Yeosang on the back once more for good measure before rising to your feet, ignoring his pointed look of death in your general direction. 
Yeah. Tonight was going to be really fun. 
It had started to drizzle shortly after you entered the forest. 
Prey got their precursory fifteen second head start, and you had used it wisely, breaking immediately for the eastern edge of the boundaries, where you knew a small stream was banked by steep walls and thick foliage. 
You may have the advantage of wearing scent blockers, but any and all advantages stopped there. 
Changbin was bound to hunt you like a bloodhound on a scent, and you needed to get to that water fast, washing away your scent trail and footsteps, your sneakers already beginning to sink into the gathering mud, leaving behind a clear path.
You reach the stream in record time, and survey your surroundings, debating the easiest way to make your way down the steep embankment. 
The rain is pouring now, drenching your clothes and making them heavy, your line of sight severely compromised as the fog starts to roll in. 
A crack of lightning over head startles you, making you flinch, and consequently, lose your precarious footing. 
With a yelp, you slip in the mud and go down, tumbling violently down the embankment and into the stream, which is engorged and rapid with the oncoming downfall. 
“Fuck.” You curse, the cold water of the stream instantly making you shiver, your clothes even heavier and wetter than before, as you struggle to right yourself and crawl to the bank of the stream, the rocks slipping beneath your hands. 
The clay that lines the stream is soupy now, thick and breaking off between your fingers, and you swear again as you scrabble to get a grip good enough to pull yourself up. 
That’s when you hear it-the sound of a branch cracking, loud enough to be heard over the sound of the rain. 
You instantly freeze, ignoring the mud covering your hands, the freezing water slipping over your legs. 
Another snap of foliage, closer now, and you suck in a breath, trying not to panic, as you glance around for somewhere in the stream bed to hide. 
And then you see a pair of large, dark eyes staring at you wildly from the midst of a thicket only a few feet away, the panic clear in the familiar caramel irises. 
Without thinking, you roll your body across the little bit of embankment separating you, and drop down into the middle of the thicket beside him. 
You’re breathing heavily, your clothes drooping from your limbs with the weight of the water, and the branches scratched you mercilessly on the way in, but beside that, you’re hidden. 
And that’s all that matters. 
A footstep sounds above you, on the edge of the upper embankment, out of your view, and Jeongin stiffens beside you. 
If you could scent him right now, you would bet the small safety of the bush you’re currently hiding in would smell strongly of burning bread and too much cinnamon. 
Instead, a wave of roses tickles your nose, and then, the faint whiff of amber. 
Fuck, you should’ve known they’d be hunting together. 
Another footstep, and then you hear Seonghwa say in a soft voice, “Clever prey. Using the water and the storm to their advantage.”
“Mm.” That’s Minho’s voice, humming low in agreement. “But we knew they were clever already, didn’t we?” 
Seonghwa chuckles, more of a purr, and it has your hackles rising. “I guess we did.” 
“Still-” Minho muses, and you see a sneaker come into view, dropping over the steep cut off of the embankment you fell down only minutes before. 
Beside you, Jeongin cowers back, his eyes large and dark, pupils blown. 
A whimper escapes his lips as Minho draws closer, and you slide your hand over his mouth quickly, silencing him, as you give him a pointed, wordless stare, your own body tensed and ready to run. 
Minho’s muddy sneaker is dangling right in front of your hiding place now, and Jeongin is shaking.
“-I wonder how far they’re really willing to go.” 
There is the sound of a branch breaking, and then the sneaker disappears from sight, before you hear the two alphas resume walking away from you. 
Once you can’t smell even a hint of roses or amber any longer, you allow yourself to collapse back into the mud, removing your tightly clamped hand from Jeongin’s mouth. 
He has red marks from your fingers dug into his full cheeks, and his eyes are still wide and terrified, his chest rising and falling with rapid breaths. 
“Fuck.” He breathes out, shuddering on the exhale. “That was close.” 
“Yeah.” You give a quick, curt nod, and glance up at the dark sky through the branches of your hiding spot, judging how much time has passed. 
Changbin would be hot on your trail by now. You don’t have much time. 
“We should go.” You give Jeongin a serious look, and he nods, swallowing, his throat bobbing, before you both push free from the branches of the thicket. 
Your sneakers fill with water once more as you emerge into the open, stepping into the stream. 
“Head off and I’ll go the opposite direction from you. We’re too vulnerable if we stick together.” 
Jeongin nods again, clenching his fists, his small frame still shivering, and doggedly begins jogging away from you, staying in the creek for several meters, before you see him grab for an outreaching root and pull himself up the embankment and out of sight on the other side. 
Letting out a steadying breath, you take off in the opposite direction.
When you’re far enough down stream that you can no longer see the spot where Jeongin disappeared, you leap up the embankment, the mud crumbling beneath your feet, as you slip your way upward, grabbing for a low hanging branch as your foot slides out from under you once more. 
You ignore the burn of the rough bark tearing into your palms, heaving yourself upward quickly and quietly, feet finally landing on the somewhat steady lip that juts out before the drop into the stream below. 
It’s still pouring, and you swipe a hand across your forehead to clear the dripping water from your vision, even as your newly torn skin stings in protest. 
Swiping your palms on your wet pants, ignoring the burn as you do so, you take off at a light sprint, following the line of the stream further and further away from Jeongin, and where you’d last heard Seonghwa and Minho. 
It’s tough going, the mud sucking at your feet with every step, the rain soaking your clothes until they’re so heavy they feel like lead attached to your limbs, and you’re panting by the time you reach some sort of clearing, carefully checking your surroundings before stepping out into the open from the safety of the tree line. 
The ground is soup here, sinking when you take a careful step forward, the mud quickly rising up around your calf as your shoe disappears from sight. 
You swear, and are debating whether to try to double back and skirt around the sink hole type clearing, losing precious time, or just doggedly continue forward, when you smell it. 
It burns your nostrils, your throat with every heaving breath inward, sharp and acidic, and fuck, he’s close. 
You hear the sound of a branch snap directly behind you, and without thinking, you throw yourself forward into the clearing. 
The mud is trying to slow you down, but you leap forward, ignoring the pull on your sneakers, the burn in your calf muscles. 
You lunge forward with wild abandon, anything to put some distance between the two of you, and then you feel it, cold fingers snaking around your muddy ankle. 
You go down with a shriek, narrowly avoiding landing on your face by catching yourself on your aching palms, flailing in the pool of muck, and as you scrabble to grab something, anything, in front of you to try and drag yourself from his hold, the mud does nothing but break into thick, wet chunks beneath your fingers. 
Changbin flips you so you’re on your back, staring up at him, chest heaving, and pins you to the ground, his knees going down heavily on your legs, one of his hands looping around both your wrists and tugging them up into the mud above your head. 
You’re both breathing hard, and it gives you a moment of satisfaction to know you put up a good fight. 
“Got you.” Changbin growls, leaning over close to your ear, his eyes so dark they could swallow you whole. 
There’s only wolf behind those eyes, predator, and the thought makes your legs instantly turn to something akin to jelly. 
You stare up at him, silent, and watch him take in the way the mud must be streaking your face, the bloody skin of your palms in his hold. 
“Honestly, you made this too easy for me, it’s like you wanted to be caught.” He purrs, lips lifting into a slight smirk, dark and menacing. 
“What if I did?” You fire back instantly, defiance rearing its head at his taunting. 
Changbin arches a brow, eyes flashing. His fingers pinch your wrists, and you resist the urge to wince. 
“Then I’d say, little one, that you don’t know what you’re in for.” 
The human part of you desperately wants to give in, desperately wants to be caught, but the louder, more dominant wolf side of you is telling you to run, to resist, to give him what he so obviously wants. 
What you both want. 
A fight. 
His free hand slides down your side, finding the soaked waistband of your leggings, and his fingers curl around the elastic as his swirling golden eyes meet your own. 
Every muscle in your body tenses. 
His cold fingers touch your equally chilled skin, and he shifts slightly, hovering some of his weight so that he can begin to tug down your leggings. 
It’s the moment you need. 
Kicking out, you throw him off balance, and he releases you in surprise, giving you just enough time to slither out from beneath his body and make one more last attempt to escape him, scrabbling on hands and knees through the mud to try and regain your footing. 
You barely make it three feet before you feel his fingers close around your ankle once more, dragging you back through the mud toward him easily, instantly halting your forward progress. 
Swearing and spitting like a cornered cat, you fight him the entire way, fingers clawing trails into the mud, until he’s got you back beneath him, pinned down, staring down at you triumphantly. 
You’re both panting again, covered head to toe in mud, and the adrenaline is pumping intoxicatingly through your veins, making everything white hot to the touch.
“Fuck you.” You spit up at him, baring your teeth and glaring him down, writhing in his iron grasped hold. 
Changbin grins, sharp teeth flashing white against the streaks of mud on his face, and arches a brow, sitting atop you nonchalantly, as if he hasn’t just battled you for every last inch. 
“Normally, I’m into that, and I’d let you.” He acquiesces, his smile dropping into something closer to a dangerous, threatening smirk, as he leans down to put his lips against your ear. “But right now, prey, I’m going to be the only one doing the fucking.” 
His fingers find your waistband once more, and this time, he doesn’t hesitate, ripping the fabric down your legs in one swift motion, baring your skin to the elements, and his gaze. 
He sits back, admiring you openly, as your skin begins to pebble beneath the cold rain, the mud oozing between your now naked thighs. 
“I can smell it on you, you know.” He muses, eyes never leaving your body, expression growing hungry. “You may not give yourself away like an omega, but your arousal is still palpable.” 
As if to show you, he swipes a sudden hand up between your legs, and you jolt at the contact, his fingers cold on the place where you’re most hot. 
“See?” He holds up his hand, and arches a brow, and his fingers glisten, even in the darkness. 
“That could just be rain.” You argue back halfheartedly, because honestly, seeing Changbin with your arousal all over his fingers is doing something weird to your brain. 
“Oh?” He murmurs, brow arching even further into the line of his dark, wet curls, as if he’s challenging you to continue. 
“Yeah.” You nod weakly, your body starting to lose its fight against him. 
It’s fucking hard to resist him when he’s between your legs, showing you your traitorous body’s reaction to him, his own arousal pressing into you from beneath the wet, dark material of his gray sweats. 
Without dropping your gaze, he brings his fingers up to his mouth and cleans them off with one long swipe of his tongue. 
Your brain short circuits. 
He seems to know he has you, lips quirking upward into the hint of a twisted, triumphant smirk. 
“I can assure you, it’s not rain, little one.” 
He leans over, his chest brushing yours with each heaving breath. 
His eyes are entirely black pupil, laced with swirling, hot gold. 
“Now.” He hums, knocking apart your knees with his own, baring you completely for him. His free hand, the one he licked clean, moving to the waistband of his own sweats. 
“Be a good little prey, and let the predator have his reward, hm? After all-” He frees himself from the wet fabric of his sweatpants, and you resist the urge to let your eyes trail downward, swallowing hard. “-I did catch you.” 
“I made it easy on purpose.” You gasp out, the words hitching, as he trails himself slowly up and down your inner thighs. 
The corner of his mouth lifts with amusement, but he doesn’t look up, watching the way your body openly reacts to what he’s doing. 
“Did you?” He muses, almost to himself, beneath his breath. 
Your whole body trembles beneath him. 
“I don’t believe that.” He continues, voice a low murmur, almost a rumble, in his chest. He reaches up and turns over one of your trapped palms, baring the bleeding, torn skin. His gaze meets your own, and his eyes are dark, dangerous. 
Something low swoops in your belly. 
“If you’re going to lie to me, little one, at least make it worth it.” 
You open your mouth to retort something smart in return, when, without warning, Changbin slams his hips forward and sheaths himself inside of you.
You cry out, stars exploding behind your eyes, back arching and muscles spasming, and Changbin’s hand comes around your throat, pinning you to the muddy ground, his fingers pressing into your skin hard enough to have the nails breaking the surface. 
“Don’t move.” He commands, voice strained, the arm that’s holding himself up, hovering over you, beginning to shake slightly. “You don’t have all of it yet.” 
You’re whimpering, you’re aware of it, but you can’t stop, as he leans forward, releasing his breath slowly, and, stretching you to the max, finishes fitting himself inside you. 
He lets out a shuddering breath. “Fuck.” 
You feel your muscles relax slowly, one by one, adjusting, and Changbin slowly releases his hold on your throat, finger by finger, until you can breathe again. 
“Breathe, baby.” Changbin admonishes in an almost soft tone, as if he can tell what you’re thinking, and you take in a few ragged breaths, whining and writhing when the movement has him rubbing against all the right places. “Good girl.” 
He starts to move then, bucking his hips into your own, and you swear to god, you black out, whimpering and clawing at his chest through his hoodie like an animal in heat. 
“God, look at you, taking me so well.” 
The praise has you reaching out, clawing at the muddy ground, trying to gain more friction. 
“Bin, I need-” You gasp, breath hitching, as he hits a good spot, and you both simultaneously groan. 
He pauses, reaching up to wrap his fingers beneath your jaw, forcing you to focus on him, meet his gaze. 
His eyes are darker than the storm clouds brewing angrily overhead, and you vaguely have the thought that the gold swirling in his irises matches the flash of the lightning sparking above the trees. 
“I know what you need, little one. I don’t need you to tell me.” 
You roll your bottom lip between your teeth, and finally nod, your muddy hands coming up to fist in the front of his dirty, wet hoodie, your nails itching to feel his bare skin. 
Changbin must take it as a wordless acknowledgement, because he moves again, his hips hitting yours, and you get the black spots in your vision once more as you cry out. 
“Now.” His hand closes a little more tightly around your throat, making your air reedy, your heart pound. Adrenaline is making you feel like you’re lightheaded, and you’re so close, even with just this-
Changbin smirks down at you, a predator. “Hold still, and let me devour you.” He leans over, and his teeth make contact with your mating mark, sinking into the sensitive flesh there, and you mewl, scrabbling for a hold on his sweatshirt, as he picks up his pace with renewed vigor, pounding into you relentlessly. 
It doesn’t take long. 
The adrenaline has you both on a knife’s edge, ready to topple with the slightest breath, and it seems like merely moments before your vision is exploding once more, and you’re gasping his name as you come, clenching around him. 
Changbin follows you over the edge with a roar, and you’re both left panting, sweat mixing with the rain, mud mingling on your sticky skin. 
Thunder rumbles overhead, as Changbin catches his breath, looming over you, dark curls tumbling over his forehead, his tongue darting out to wet his lips as he stares down at you. 
Your whole body feels numb and satiated, and your eyes feel heavy. 
He rolls off of you, plopping down into the mud beside you, and you both just breathe for a moment, staring up at the turbulent sky. 
Finally you feel his fingers curl around your wrist, and rolling your head so you can look at him, you see him lift his own muddy hand to his lips, pulling the dirty black scrunchie off with his teeth, before he slides it over your own hand, onto your wrist beside the once white marker. 
He lets your hands flop back down between you unceremoniously, but keeps his fingers curled tightly around your own. 
“There. I think you earned that.” 
You watch the way his chest rises and falls with his ragged breathing, feeling eerily and utterly content in this moment, the storm pouring down on you from above, Changbin’s seed dripping slowly down the inside of your thighs. 
Feeling your gaze, he glances over at you, lips pulling into the hint of a smile, before he pushes himself up beside you and his gaze travels to your bare, dirty legs. 
He cocks his head, and glances to where he discarded your leggings earlier, a strange look on his face. 
You sit up with effort, and reach for the article of clothing, balling it into your hand to begin to rub away the juices still clinging to your skin, when Changbin stops you with a hand on your wrist. 
You glance up at him curiously, and his eyes flash gold in the dark. 
“Don’t clean up. I want you to walk out of here knowing you’re mine, and feeling that reminder run down your legs all the way back to the house.” 
You stare at him, and the corner of your mouth ticks upward. 
“What about the rest of the pack?” 
Changbin shrugs, standing, before he leans over to offer you a hand up.
His own lips curve into the hint of a self satisfied smirk, and if you hadn’t just come so hard you were still feeling slightly dizzy, you would’ve begged him to go another round.  
“Fuck them. I want them to know too. I want everyone to know.”
You find-as he helps steady you so you can step back into your wet, filthy pants-that you don’t mind that idea one single bit.  
You’re shivering so badly that it makes turning on the shower a more difficult task than it should be. 
The adrenaline had finally worn off in the car home, and once you’d stepped inside and felt the warmth of the waiting house, your body had suddenly decided enough was enough. 
You needed to get out of these clothes and into a warm shower as quickly as humanly possible. 
Stripping had been nearly impossible, the drenched fabric sticking to your skin, your trembling fingers struggling with every single closure, but you had managed it, and now, finally turning on the hot water, you can see the end at the light of the tunnel. 
It includes a hot shower, a warm bed, and as much of Minho’s leftovers as you can stand. 
The door to the bathroom creaks open, letting in a cool stream of air that makes you shiver, and you glance over your shoulder, watching as Changbin enters, shutting the door quietly behind him. 
He, unlike you, is still wearing his drenched outfit from the game earlier, dripping muddy rain water onto the floor as he regards you through the foggy, steamed air of the bathroom. 
“Hi?” You question, adjusting the stream and temperature of the water, shooting him a curious look over your shoulder. 
He doesn’t answer, stepping toward you as you straighten up from adjusting the water, his fingers going to your chin and locking you in place beneath his gaze. 
You stare up at him, lips slightly parted, and resist the urge to wipe a streak of mud from his cheekbone. 
“I needed to make sure you were okay.” He states softly, dark eyes flicking over your face, down the bare expanse of your body. 
You’re caught off guard, still staring at him as he raises a finger to wipe some mud from beneath your jaw. 
“I was rough with you earlier. My alpha got a little out of control.” He admits, reaching up to thumb the corner of your mouth. 
You trap his hand against your face, relishing the warmth of his skin against your own. 
“I like it rough.” The corner of his mouth flickers upward, and a muscle in his jaw ticks. 
“I know.”
You breathe out, intertwining your fingers with his, and reach up to finally wipe away the streak of muck on his cheek. 
“I’m fine.” You assure softly, holding his gaze. 
He takes in a shuddering breath, gaze flicking down your body once more, and then to the running, waiting shower, before he glances back to you, expression softening slightly. 
He runs his thumb over your lips, tracing the soft skin. 
“I need to make sure. Please?” 
You stare at him for another beat, and then nod, slowly pulling him toward the shower with you, as he reaches down with his free hand to strip off his hoodie and then his sweats. 
Stepping into the warm water, your body shudders with relief, your tired, sore muscles instantly relaxing, as you lean into the pressure of the stream. 
Changbin shuts the door behind the two of you, and immediately moves to assess you, his large, warm hands running over every inch of your body. 
You let him do it, sensing it’s something he needs at this moment. 
He tilts your head back with a commanding finger under your chin, his eyes roving over your face, gaze flickering down to the broken skin where his nails dug into your throat, the bruising mark of his teeth on your shoulder. 
He runs gentle hands over each, pressing light kisses to the injuries, before moving on. 
You feel your body slowly leaving fight or flight mode, and sinking into the warmth, the safety, his embrace. 
He kneels in front of you, hands on your hip bones, and lets his fingers lightly trace over some of the bruising along your ribs and sides-courtesy of your little struggle-before he kisses them as well, lips featherlight and warm. 
He turns over your palms, one by one, and dots kisses along the lines of scratches that mark the skin.
You bury your fingers in his dark curls, and tug slightly, and when he looks up at you, you give him the hint of a smile. 
“See? Told you I’m fine.” 
“Mmm.” He hums beneath his breath in acknowledgement, as you gently scratch his scalp, your fingers disappearing into the curls. 
He leans forward, pressing his forehead to your stomach, and wraps his arms around your waist. 
You stay like that-playing with his hair, frozen in his embrace-as the warm water continues to pour down from above. 
Finally, Changbin pushes himself to his feet, releasing you, and leans forward, capturing your lips with his own. 
You moan slightly as his teeth graze your bottom lip, and he pulls back with a teasing smile, but his eyes are soft. 
“I love you.” He says, voice low and affectionate beneath the sound of the water. 
You grin and loop your arms around his neck. “I know.” 
He rolls his eyes at your teasing, but pushes you back against the cool marble of the shower wall with his body anyway. 
You let your fingers card through his hair once more, down the strong lines of his chest, across the mating mark that scars his shoulder. 
His fingers press, featherlight, into the bruise just above your hip bone. 
“Yours?” You ask quietly, glancing up at him. 
“Mine.” He replies back adamantly, before leaning in to kiss you again.
@starlostjimin /
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charmerchannie · 2 months
Okay so still new to making requests but would you be able to write something about reader noticing how BSF!Jeongin has been much more Daddy toast and less baby bread? Meanwhile jeongin has been trying to show this on purpose to remind reader that while they’re still best friends he’s also an extremely wanted idol with millions of fans.
Ps hope the pain can mellow for you I know what it’s like having chronic pain so I’m sending all my well wishes love <3
Daddy toast
I hope this makes sense lmao I didn't make it quite friends to lovers but if you want to read it in that direction you certainly can. Also didn't originally plan to make it noona reader but here we are. Hope you like it! And thank you! The pain is manageable at the moment!
Best friend!Jeongin x noona!reader
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357 notes · View notes
astraystayyh · 23 hours
changbin x fem!reader. younger brother!jeongin. newly established relationship.
in which jeongin discovers you’re dating changbin when he catches you both kissing in the kitchen. fluffy ofc!
this was a very cute request hehe if you wish to request a drabble as well, you can donate to our palestine fundraiser! here are the writers you can send a request to! we have raised more than 2000 dollars so far 🥹
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The moonlight filtering through the kitchen window is the only thing illuminating both you and Changbin’s faces. Though the light itself serves no purpose, as you’re solely focused on pressing kisses to your boyfriend’s soft lips, eyes closed. He has you cornered between the countertop and his strong body, his giddy giggles mingling with your laughter as his mouth finds yours repeatedly. His hand cradles your jaw, your fingers lightly graze the scar on his chin, in return.
“I feel like I’m in high school,” he murmurs between kisses, his toned arms holding you captive. Not that you wish to escape; being in his embrace feels like a wonder that could rival the world’s seven, at once.
“Right, like we’re secretly kissing in the library,” you giggle, your lips meeting his again as his hands move to your waist, kneading the tender flesh.
“Should we do that?”
“Why would you even be in the library? You don’t even study,” you laugh, and he shrugs as if it is the most obvious question in the world.
“Because you’d be there.”
“Cheesy,” you grin, your cheeks now aching from the smiles blooming on your face at each one of his words, as if it could only be spring if Changbin’s around.
“You like it,” he beams, scrunching his nose cutely at you, “And I like kissing you.”
“So do I,” you smile, feeling his arm wrap around your back, pulling you tighter against him.
“Do you think there’s a Guinness World Record for the most places someone’s kissed in?”
“No?” your reply is more a question, and his eyes light up as if beholding a million fireflies.
“We should do it then,” a kiss to your nose, “I’ll kiss you in,” and one to your lips, “every place in our world and—”
The light suddenly turns on, and you and Changbin break apart a millisecond too late, because Jeongin, your younger brother, stands in the doorway, a look of shock coating his face. “What the fuck?” he curses, and you glance at Changbin, who looks thoroughly relaxed. As if his best friend didn’t just catch you making out in their kitchen dorm.
“What are you guys doing?” he asks, his eyes darting between Changbin’s hand on your lower back and his obviously swollen lips.
“Kissing?” you say.
Jeongin strides over, grabbing your hand and pulling you away from Changbin. “I can see that. Why are you kissing my sister?”
You do a neck-slicing motion that Changbin deftly ignores, a tiny smirk playing on his lips before he sobers up. “We’re dating.”
“Since when?”
“Hello. This isn't an investigation,” you quip, and your younger brother turns, a wide, sarcastic smile on his face. “Noona.”
“Yes, Innie?”
“Be quiet,” he says, holding a finger to his lips. Changbin shakes his head, a fond look spreading across his face.
“A week ago, actually,” Changbin says.
Jeongin’s scoff echoes loudly across the kitchen. He claps his hands, incredulous chuckles spilling from his lips as you poke his shoulder from behind. “Are you okay, Jeongin?”
“Why are you—” he brings a hand to his forehead, shutting his eyes. “This is so annoying. Why are you kissing as if you’ve been dating for ten years, then?”
“Passion,” you whisper, and Changbin giggles, hiding his laughter behind his clenched fist. “We have also been talking for…” you muse and Changbin’s quick to complete. “127 days,” he affirms, and you grin. “Have you been counting?”
“Of course.”
“This is so disgusting,” Jeongin shudders, closing his eyes and shaking his head. “I refuse.”
“You can’t refuse him.”
“Why would you refuse me?”
Both you and Changbin speak at the same time, and Jeongin scoffs louder, pointing to your face. “Hyung, look at her.”
“I am,” Changbin smiles softly, and you blow him a tiny kiss (one that makes Jeongin wish to bash his head against the fridge), as you walk to the sink to retrieve a glass of water.
“She’s perfect.”
“I know. Why do you think I like her?”
“This can’t be happening,” Jeongin shakes his head.
“I’m really serious about her and—”
The sound of glass breaking catches Changbin off guard, and both their heads snap towards you. Jeongin remains rooted in place as Changbin comes to your side in an instant, grabbing both your hands and checking if you are hurt.
“Did you cut yourself?” he asks in a tone so soft Jeongin did not even know Changbin could muster.
“No, it just slipped from my hold,” you frown sheepishly, and Changbin shakes his head, placing a chaste kiss on the palm of your hand. “It’s okay, I got it,” he says, bending down to pick up the broken shards.
Jeongin sees the fond look in your eyes and the way Changbin’s gaze refuses to stray far from yours for more than five seconds. He sees how you completely melt into Changbin’s side when he stands again. You, his older sister who has always shouldered a mountain of responsibilities, from a very young age. He doesn’t think he’s ever seen you this relaxed around someone in his entire life.
The thought of you together seems less horrible all of a sudden.
“Don’t ever flirt in front of me. I mean it,” Jeongin points a threatening finger at both of you, breaking your intimate bubble. “And don’t you ever hurt her. I mean it.”
“I promise,” Changbin nods solemnly, and Jeongin’s eyes shift to yours. “And don’t hurt him too, I guess. He’s important to me.”
“Is Jeongin growing soft on us?” you grin, as both you and Changbin coo loudly as if you are talking to a baby and not a grown adult.
“My god, this is a nightmare,” your brother sighs as he leaves the kitchen, but as he turns off the light, you finally catch a glimpse of his familiar dimples.
He doesn’t need to say it, but he’s happy for you. He’s happy for you both.
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jinnie-ret · 7 months
Don't know if you're taking prompts atm but...
Can't believe I'm asking this but could you do a ninth member fic but they're Nuna to Bangchan as well instead of younger? Just wanna see all the boys taken care of, maybe like made casual dinner with their favorite foods or soft comfort after a hard concert or something. Just the boys and OC being good family.
let noona handle it
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stray kids x ninth member!reader (platonic)
genre: fluff, slight angst
content warnings: flirty minho? (haha)
word count: 1k
summary: after a difficult, chaotic concert, you prepare a feast to take care of your beloved dongsaengs
Thank you for this request! Hope you enjoy! :)
The concert you had just returned from was hell, and you hated to say that it was because of the fans. You nearly had a bit of deja vu, as the events that took place reflected those which happened at a past Indonesia concert. This time, you were in Seoul.
Fans had been constantly pushing each other back and forth, those who were standing scrambling amongst each other to get closer and closer to you and the boys. It was chaos.
"Guys, please! We want to do this concert but you have to move back!" Chan said into the mic, desperately hoping that the frantic Stays would listen.
"Move back, please," Han tried to help, using his hands to gesture them to do as he said.
"We don't want anyone to get hurt, please move back and we can carry on performing for you," Chan signed, and you saw how he was getting more and more frustrated.
You felt awful, that you didn't say anything to help. As their noona, you always wanted to look after your members, and you kicked yourself for not taking some of the weight off of your dongsaeng's shoulders, instead of standing there quietly. It wasn't your fault you felt overwhelmed though.
At least you weren't the only ones. As soon as you all returned to the dorms, wordless wishes of a good night's sleep was wished and you all fell asleep easily, the exhaustion hitting all 9 of you.
But you had other plans. Setting an alarm for 10am the next morning, you prepared yourself to get up early enough where the guys would still be asleep, but that you could go out, get fresh food, and prepare them with a feast for lunch time.
Yes, the shopping was very heavy, but it was worth it for the premium dining experience you had brought to the dorm. You were surprised they hadn't woken up yet from all of your clattering around and the smells of food, but it only made it far more worth it in anticipation of them seeing all of their favourite foods: sashimi, jokbal, yubochobap, kimchi jjigae, fried chicken, ramen with fried eggs, pizza. And of course for dessert you had some cheesecakes defrosting.
"Boys!!! Come in here!" you yelled at the top of your lungs, giggling to yourself when you heard the thumping of footsteps and mutterings of 'shit'.
"Noona?! Are you okay?" Changbin was the first to rush in, eyes zeroed in on you as he went to check if you were hurt or not.
"Wow..." Felix gasped, looking across at all of the food spread out on the dining table.
"I'm fine, Changbin, why don't you take a seat?" you soothed his worries, gently stroking his hands that rested upon your shoulders and diverting his attention to where you wanted it to be.
"Noona, did you-?" Hyunjin cut himself off as he entered the kitchen, feeling rather moved that you had done this all for them.
"It was a hard concert yesterday... I thought this would help cheer us up?" you awkwardly stood there, hands clasped behind your back. You felt your cheeks flush from their reactions, but they all stared on in amazement.
"You're the best," Jisung whispered as he engulfed you into a big hug. His arms wrapped around your waist and he buried his face into your neck.
"You all deserve it," you smiled bashfully, ruffling his hair as he pulled away, going to take a seat.
"You deserve it too, noona," Jeongin said earnestly, giving you a quick side hug before he went and sat down too.
"I just... I know yesterday was difficult, wasn't it?" you asked them all as you began talking once more. As you did so, Seungmin silently patted your back as he walked around you, his own way of letting you know he took was thankful. "So I thought what could be more healing then our favourite foods?"
"I think a kiss from noona would be healing as well," Minho bluntly said, wiggling his eyebrows at you as you facepalmed.
"Yah, Minho-ah! Don't tease her, she already can't handle all of the compliments," Chan scolded Minho before taking a seat too, gesturing you to sit next to him in the empty one.
"Noona is so good to us," Hyunjin said, almost as if you wasn't there and he was confessing his thoughts on you.
"I think noona should take the first bite," Changbin folded his arms, leant back in his chair with a proud smirk on his face as he looked at you approvingly. You could tell his mind was going 'jutdwae, jutdwae, jutdwae'. He was very proud of sticking to his principles.
"No, no, you guys eat first, I just want to see you be happy," you waved them off, arms resting in your lap. And it was true, you just wanted to see them eating happily.
"Come on, noona, we just wish to see you eat first," Jeongin pouted, and normally you'd cave straight away, your dongsaeng knew that, but you had a few principles of your own.
"Nope, I refuse. I wish to see all my precious members eat first. I want to see you happy because that's all that really matters to me, ok? We had a rough time of it yesterday and this is my way of showing you how I'm supporting you all. Yes I'm a member of this group just like any other one of us, but I'm also your noona, let me take care of things. Let noona handle it, ok?" you preached, rambling off all the thoughts in your head as looking them all directly in the eyes as you wore your heart on your sleeve.
"I'm going to eat before I cry," Felix took a mouthful of ramen, looking away from you, feeling warm from not only the food but from your sweet words too.
"There, we've all taken a bite now, noona should eat," Seungmin firmly said.
"Or do you need me to feed you?" Minho winked daringly.
"You're so flirty today," you take a bite of fried chicken, not giving him the opportunity to tease you more.
"He wouldn't be Minho if he wasn't flirty," Chan laughed.
"And noona wouldn't be noona if she wasn't so caring," Jisung heartwarmingly said.
"Well, speaking of, there's cheesecake for dessert," you smile as you take a bite of some sashimi.
"Noona you're the best!!!"
tagged: @skz-streamer @kiraisastay @hannahhbahng @backintomykpopphaseagain @sakufilms @hanjiquokkaaa @arloo00 @dunno-wut-to-do @splat00z @cheesemonky
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daceydeath · 1 year
What Happens Backstage....
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Pairing: Jeongin x reader Word Count: 2.8k Genre: Fluff, Angst, Smut, Friends to Lovers Warnings: 18+, Minors DNI, swearing, unprotected sex (Don't be a fuckwit), fingering, mentions of oral sex,
Jeongin is your best friend, you adore him and nothing can change that but you probably are just a little too close.
You had heard the phrase what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas but you didn't realize how many different ways it could apply until you and your best friend Jeongin got a little closer than you expected. What happens when the others are asleep, what happens when you are alone in the car, what happens when its late at night and no one is around he had a hundred different ways to use it. You had been best friends for as long as you could remember and you had remained so even after he debuted despite the fact that he could hardly ever seen you due to his busy schedule you spoke on the phone every day and face timed as often as you could. That changed a little when you moved to Seoul for work because at least in the same city you could see each other a couple of times a month but it was still sporadic, not that you cared you knew he was always going to be there for you and you there for him. The first time you had hung out in a month you had decided a movie night was the way to unwind after he had been filming for four days and needed some rest. Cuddled up on the couch together surrounded by blankets and snacks he had dropped his head to your shoulder breathing out almost resentfully as a kissing scene played out on the screen in front of you.
"Sometimes I think I would like that" he sighed blinking slowly.
"What's stopping you?" you smiled his hair tickling your cheek and he nuzzled his face against your neck.
"When would I even have time to find someone I could trust like that?" he grumbled "The only women who I trust are you, my mum and out staff".
"What? you don't have any cute make up noona's?" you teased as he huffed before he softly pressed his lips to your pulse point chastely making you gasp.
"Innie" you warned softly your voice not as threatening as you would have liked.
"Hmm?" he hummed kissing your neck again with a little more force his lips lingering against the skin making you shiver before turning back to the screen.
The following time you hung out you hadn't really spoken about the kisses he had placed on your neck because once the moment ended you both returned to normal. You had gone to dinner with him and he was driving you home since he had an early start the following day, his hand somehow ended up on your thigh squeezing and massaging lightly as his fingers crept further up until you were squirming against his touch. When you arrived home he smiled his normal sweet smile as you got out of the car waiting until you had gotten into the building before driving back to the dorms. You had been confused for about three days but you had decided to drop it after everything returned to normal just chalking it up as his being touchy because he had missed you.
This time however was very different, he had invited you to come watch them perform on Music Core since he knew you were a fan of the show not just a stay. You were excited as he slipped the guest pass lanyard over your head and led you to their dressing room where the other members were all either getting their make up done or were getting changed.
"Hey there you are" Chan grinned as you walked in making you smile, they had known you for so long through Jeongin it felt like you were their friends too.
"Hi guys, how are you feeling?" you chirped back as Felix gave you a quick side hug and Lee Know shouted hello to you.
"Good, it's going to be good to finally perform this new track" Chan continued as Innie pushed you through the room with his hands securely on your hips.
"I'm so excited to see it" you beamed "It's so different to just watching you in rehearsal".
"Well we can't disappoint you then princess" Han flirted cheekily making you roll your eyes.
"You know he hates when you do that" Hyunjin whisper shouted dramatically as Seungmin laughed loudly flopping down next to him while you tilted you head confused as to what they were talking about.
"Anyway did you want to get something to eat after I've gotten changed?" Jeongin interrupted your thoughts.
"Sure, that sounds great" you smiled back at him again and he motioned for you to sit near Chan and Felix. You waited for Jeongin talking to Chan about what their promo schedule was going to be since they always worked hard for their comebacks trying hard to ignore the looks and whispers coming from Han, Hyunjin and Seungmin.
"They are trying to annoy Innie" Felix explained as you furrowed your brows.
"I don't get it" you bit your lip still frowning slightly.
"You are Innnie's best friend" Chan chuckled "They know it drives him up the wall if they say you're cute, flit with you or whatever other stupid thing they might do".
"Oh, right that would explain the 'not' whispering from earlier" you nodded rolling your eyes.
"Exactly" Chan smiled "So they will continue just to wind him up, they don't mean anything by it, even though I have mentioned once or twice to leave our youngest alone" his volume increasing and making them stop talking immediately.
"Ready?" Jeongin asked brightly as he walked back from the changing room.
"Absolutely" You grinned as you stood up and followed him from the room.
The hallways were busy since it was halfway through soundcheck so Jeongin took hold of your hand and kept you close to him so you didn't get separated as you wound your way through the hallways to the cafeteria. Picking up a tray he grabbed you both something then sat tucked away in a corner of the room with you so he could talk to you without too much interruption.
"I'm guessing Chan told you about the guys teasing me?" he sighed poking at his food.
"Yeah but they are almost your brothers aren't you meant to tease each other?" you giggled sipping your iced coffee.
"I guess but I don't like it when they flirt with you" he grumbled cutely pouting as he looked at the rice bowl sitting in front of you.
"I don't care, I know they have no interest in me, they don't mean it" you shrugged stealing a piece of meat from his plate.
"But what if they did?" he mumbled almost inaudibly making you narrow your eyes slightly.
"What was that Innie?" you prodded swinging your foot to brush his leg.
"What is one of them was interested in you?" he repeated flushing pink under your surprised gaze.
"It wouldn't matter I haven't ever thought of any of them like that" you muttered feeling embarrassed that you even had to explain it to him. You knew they were all gorgeous but you had known them so long that you also knew relationships with idols was so difficult especially since you barely got time to see him let alone anyone else. The look he gave you just screamed 'but you might' and you had to look away as he took your trays and got rid of your rubbish before taking you back towards the dressing room for them to start their soundcheck. When you got back the kids were once again being the loudest people you had ever met singing way off key to annoy each other while Seungmin warmed up his voice and Lee Know went over his lines again. When they were eventually called to the stage you were happy your were going to get peace and quiet if only for the length of one song.
"See you when we get back princess" Hyunjin smiled sweetly his fingers dragging along your arm as he walked from the room.
"Yeah don't get too lonely without us" Changbin winked making your eyes widen and Jeongin glare as he followed the others out.
Sitting and playing on your phone you waited until they actually would begin then you would monitor them on the large television screen in the corner of the room. You could hear the stylists and make up artists chattering among themselves about how the comeback was going to be well received since the concept was sexier than what they had done before, making you curious since you had seen the choreography before but you knew what they practiced and what they actually performed was always vastly different. The intro started and your eyes flicked to the screen as they began looking gorgeous and sounding amazing you were quickly sucked into the performance and found yourself physically reacting to every body roll and hip thrust than you would have even anticipated. Jeongin had told you that this comeback would be a big deal but you had thought that was because the song was such a banging track not that it was because the choreography was going to make your mouth go dry. You felt your face heat up as you sat yourself back down needing a moment to collect yourself before they all returned.
"Did you like it?" Jeongin asked flopping next to you his portable fan pointed at his painfully exposed and obvious throat collar bones as he had taking his jacket off as soon as he let the stage.
"Yeah you were incredible, I understand why you were so excited about this comeback" you replied poking his cheek as you spoke "Is the entire point to drive poor stay insane?"
"I mean not the entire point Chan cut in scratching the back of his neck shyly.
"Oh so the incredibly sexy choreography was an accident?" you teased him noticing his neck was flushing with blush.
"I told you he would get shy about it" Felix teased laughing loudly.
"Wow you are going to be all sorts of shy come the next Chan's Room" you giggled absentmindedly stroking Jeongin's hair when he had slid down the couch and laid his head in your lap.
"Oh that I didn't think of" he pouted looking down at his phone awkwardly.
"So you thought it was sexy did you?" Lee Know smirked at you making you swallow hard.
"Compared to your last one yeah" you nodded slowly "I mean this is much more in the league of Red Lights and Taste rather than Maniac".
"Well we're very happy you liked it" Hyunjin purred making you look own at the boy laying in your lap who had turned his head to glare at Hyunjin.
"Innie" you warned softly touching his shoulder "don't start a fight with your brothers" he huffed getting up and striding from the room not looking back at you or the members.
"Too far Hyunjin" Chan sighed.
"I didn't mean to actually upset him" Hyunjin defended looking slightly panicked.
"I'll go find him" you mumbled standing up and making your way into the hallway to follow him looking left and right trying to pick which way he would go. You knew the stage was to the right so you figured left would be a better option, more likely to be quieter than closer to the stage. Passing a few others in the hallway you walked past a few empty dressing rooms until you saw him sitting in a darkened one pausing before you entered you heard a soft whimper before you stepped inside to see if he was ok.
"Innie?" you spoke softly in case he wanted you to leave, his eyes shot up to meet yours and seeing you were alone he half smiled at you before his eyes widened and he turned away. You shut the door behind you thinking of he was crying he would want privacy and walked across the room to him.
"I didn't want you to see me like this you should probably go" he mumbled his voice shaking slightly.
"Innie if you are upset I want to help" you soothed wrapping your arms around him from behind you fingers splayed across his stomach making him groan.
"I'm not upset and you shouldn't be here, not now, I'll come back in a little bit" He swallowed hard as you squeezed his middle again.
"Well if you're not upset why are you hiding in an empty dressing room?" you retorted letting go of him and stepping back feeling a little stung by his rejection of you.
"I don't want to make you uncomfortable so it would be best if you just go back to the others" he pleaded with you still facing the wall.
"Jeongin you are my best friend, nothing you do could make me uncomfortable, nothing would make me leave you" You whispered dejectedly "But if you want me gone I'll go".
The last part of your sentence was so soft you weren't even sure you said it aloud but you didn't have time to think about it when Jeongin's lips crashed into yours kissing you messily and desperately, his tongue running along your bottom lip before sucking it into his mouth nibbling at it as his hands came up to cup your face stealing your breath and making you dizzy.
"I'm sorry" he muttered against your lips when he broke away from you "please, don't hate me".
"Innie..." you softly panted his lips connected to yours again only this time you reciprocated allowing his tongue to slide against yours while he moaned into your mouth. Backing you up against the empty makeup counter top his hands moved across your body cupping and fondling your breasts, squeezing your hips and finally creeping under your skirt to slip inside your underwear.
"I want you so bad, I don't want you falling for one of the others I want you for myself" He groaned stroking your slit teasingly before slipping between your folds to circle your clit.
"Jeongin" you gasped not even able to tell which way was up with how breathless he had gotten you in such a small space of time, you hips bucking against him slightly while he kissed his way down your neck pushing your top aside with his mouth to suck small marks onto your collarbone.
"I wish we had more time before we had to go on stage" he grunted pulling his fingers from you and tasting them before opening your mouth with his thumb and pushing them into your mouth for you to suck clean "Fuck, later I'm going to fuck that perfect mouth of yours".
Your head was spinning as you wrapped your tongue around his fingers pretending it was his cock letting them go from your mouth with a lewd pop as he stared at you with lust filled hooded eyes. pushing himself between your thighs he slid his hands under your thighs helping you onto the counter and pushed your underwear aside again.
"I promise I'll make this better next time" we breathed against your lips sinking his length into your core hissing as he bottomed out.
"Fuck Innie" you groaned feeling yourself stretching around him as he slowly pulled his hips back and thrust into you again. Leaning back onto you hands you let him set the pace as he stared at where you were connected, watching his cock sinking into you only to pull back and be covered in your juices, speeding up every time you sighed or gasped.
"Shit" he grunted his jaw clenched "You gonna let me cum inside you baby?" he asked finally looking up at you as you nodded mutely the pleasure he was giving you too much for you to speak through. You could feel his thrusts getting sloppier before he swelled inside you painting your walls with his release.
"Fuck" he panted harshly moving to cup your face his soft gesture completely jarring from the way he had just fucked you.
"We need to get back" you whimpered as he slowly pulled out of you not to mess up either of your outfits before tucking himself back into his pants.
"I know" he smiled kissing your lips softly and helping you from the counter "I'll just tell them your my girlfriend now and they need to stop trying to wind me up" you giggled letting him lead you back to the dressing room where the other members were waiting for you both to return.
"Innie, were so sorry" Hyunjin started looking genuinely remorseful as Jeongin sat on the sofa the pair of you had previously been sitting on "we didn't mean to upset you it was just stupid jokes"
"Yeah man we didn't mean any harm it was just to wind you up and maybe get you to figure stuff out and hold up your holding hands" Han babbled.
"Yeah, you jerks should probably apologize to my girlfriend too" Jeongin grinned pulling you into his lap and kissing your cheek.
"Girlfriend hey?" Lee Know smirked.
"Yeah what of it?" Jeongin challenged his arms wrapped around you.
"About fucking time" Felix chimed in.
"You little shits owe me money I knew it was going to be this month" Chan crowed as you hid your face in Jeongin's neck.
a/n: As always thank you for reading I adore you all more than you know. All comments, reblogs and likes are like little pieces of stardust lighting up my life xx
Taglist (open): @christopher-bangnaldoskzz, @armystay89, @damnyouficc, @roamingpolar, @tara-skyhold, @bakedlilgoonie, @krishastumblernow, @mrsseals16, @fawnpeaks,
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skz317cb97 · 1 year
The Dressing Room
Jeongin x Female reader
Word count: 3.5k "drabbles"🤣
Synopsis: When Jeongin's hyungs won't go shopping he calls to see if you'll go with him.
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A/N: 18+ ONLY! Jeeze I can't believe I've written 7 of these already. Thank you for everyone's interest in this series I'm glad you're all enjoying it! If you like this one be sure to reblog, comment, like, jump in my asks whatever. Thanks again! Warnings and smut below the cut!
Warnings: 18+ ONLY MDNI! Cursing/strong language, Jeongin calls you noona mostly (only once during sex), semi public sex, hand job, premature ejaculation, oral (m receiving), unprotected piv sex, cream pie, slight MC dom/Jeongin sub dynamics, pet names (baby mostly, good boy, MC calls him baby bread but not during sex), I think that's it but if I missed something please let me know and I'll add it immediately! 7/9
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You and Seungmin got out of the shower, dried off, and got dressed. You were standing in front of the mirror brushing your hair when Seungmin came up behind you and wrapped his arms around you, holding you sweetly while you finished detangling your hair. When you were done you set down the brush and turned wrapping your arms around Seungmin too. He leaned in and kissed you softly. 
“I’ve got to go to the studio...” You nodded understanding and you both headed out of the bathroom. When you walked into the kitchen you found Felix already starting the second batch of cookie dough. He didn’t seem very surprised to see Seungmin. He looked at the two of you with a sheepish smile, he was just about to say something when Seungmin cut between you interupting. 
“See ya pervert.” Seungmin clapped his hand roughly on Felix’s back as he walked past to head out. Felix’s eyes got big and sparkly and a little squeak came from his throat as his face turned bright red. You sighed and rolled your eyes. 
“SEUNGMIN you just said...” 
“That I’d be nice to Yongbok tomorrow. It’s still today. See ya my little sweeties!” With that Seungmin headed out the door whistling. You sighed heavily again. You walked over to Felix and rubbed your hand across his back and he looked at you with a small, forced smile. 
“Let’s salt some cookies angel.” His smile became genuine and Felix finished the second batch of cookie dough while you started on the fresh batch of icing. The board game night the next day somehow managed to be even more chaos than usual. Chan had picked Clue and everyone started yelling, accusing each other of being the killer. Surprisingly Seungmin was being very nice to Yongbok. Unsurprisingly there was an ulterior motive. Once Felix’s guard was down Seungmin pulled a switcharoo and slid his salty cookies, that he’d also overheard you and Felix discussing the day before, onto Felix’s plate. When smiley Felix took a bite of his cookie his face contorted immediately. He opened his mouth and spit out the cookie, coughing while Seungmin rolled in laughter. You handed Felix your drink and patted his back while giving Seungmin a scolding look.  
“Kim Seungmin!”  
“Hey he tried to feed me salty cookies, he had it coming.” You shook your head. You just never knew what these men were going to do next. Before you left you made sure to get hugs from all the guys because you had to leave for a business trip the next day and you’d be gone for four whole weeks. 
The day you came home from your business trip you were exhausted. You drug your luggage inside leaving it by the door. You forced your legs to take you to the couch and then slumped down with a heavy breath. Just as your ass hit the couch your phone started going off. You grabbed it and you saw Jeongin’s face smiling at you. You swiped and accepted the call. 
“Hey Innie.” You could hear the joy in his voice when he realized you answered. 
“Noona! Are you back home now?!” You laughed still tired. 
“Yes I’m home Innie, literally just walked in and sat down.” 
“Okay I don’t want to bother you...” You shushed him. 
“You could never bother me baby bread. What’s up?” You could hear his breathy soft laugh. 
“Well I just wanted to see if once you’re rested up if you’d go to the mall shopping with me? All of the guys say I take too long and you always give me your opinion on things I try on.” Sweet Innie you thought to yourself. 
“I would love to go shopping at the mall with you Jeongin. How about day after tomorrow?”  
“Oh thank you noona I can’t wait to see you!” You laughed softly, endeared by the youngest of your friends.  
“Me too baby bread.” True to your word, the day after next you picked up Jeongin in the morning and headed for the mall to go shopping, planning on making a day of it. You were walking around checking out a few of the different stores, trying on clothes, laughing. At one point Jeongin started lagging behind a bit. You turned to make sure he hadn’t gotten off too far from you and caught him oogling your ass in your mini skirt. He looked like he got caught with his hand in the cookie jar as his eyes immediately darted back up, his face turning an adorable shade of pink. You smirked but didn’t say anything. You didn’t want to embarrass him. When you turned to continue walking you noticed you were coming up on a lingerie store and a lightbulb popped on in your head. 
“Ooo! Come on Innie!” You rushed for the lingerie store and his eyes went wide. 
“I need to get a couple new bras and some panties.” He blushed even harder. 
“Oh... uh... I can wait out here while you do noona.” You shook your head lightly laughing as you walked over to Jeongin and grabbed his hands, pulling him towards the store. 
“Don’t be silly Innie, come on.” He allowed you to lead him still wide eyed into the store filled with slinky lacey undergarments. You browsed around and grabbed a couple of cute bras you saw and a few pairs of panties. When Jeongin saw your hands full he started to relax knowing he wouldn’t have to be in the intoxicating store much longer. Then he heard a happy little squeal come from you. He looked over and saw you looking at a sheer white teddy, a ruffle lining the hem of the skirt and little embroidered flowers all over it. 
“Innie isn’t this cute!” He almost choked and his eyes went even wider somehow, you worried they might pop from his head if they got any bigger. 
“Uh.... um... well... yea noona it’s very pretty.” He managed to choke out finally. 
“I think I’m gonna try it on!” All the blood from Jeongin’s head instantly rushed to his cock. 
“WHAT?!... Uh... I mean...” You smirked.  
“Should only take a second Innie. Is it okay?” He cleared his throat. 
“Oh yea sure absolutely! I’ll just wait right out here.” You smiled and pecked his cheek before dashing off into the dressing room leaving Jeongin standing there an absolute blushing fool. A couple of minutes passed and after hearing some huffing and puffing coming from the dressing room Jeongin heard a small psst. 
“Innie...” You whispered. He peeked around the corner and your head was poked out from your dressing room. Jeongin looked terrified. 
“What noona? I don’t think I’m supposed to be-” Before Jeongin could finish his sentence you walked out from your dressing room and stood there in the sheer teddy, no panties, your hard nipples clearly visible through the material. 
“What do you think Innie? Does this look okay on me?” His eyes were fixed on your pretty much nude figure, speechless. You waited a moment but got no reply still. 
“Innnnie?” You whined a little. 
“Does it look good?” You did a little spin showing the back and sticking your ass out a little. 
“I’m just not sure...” You declared as you watched him watch you through the dressing room mirror. He wiped drool from his mouth and suddenly snapped out of it. He started looking at the floor, the ceiling, anything that wasn’t you in sexy see through lingerie. 
“Y-yes noona it... it... uh... looks nice.” 
“Hmm nice isn’t exactly what I’m going for... is it sexy?” Jeongin bit his lip and nodded at his feet. 
“Mhm... um... yes... you... look...” His words trailed off as his eyes landed on you again drinking in every inch of your body you were showing him. 
“Sexy?” You finished his sentence for him and he nodded wordlessly. 
“GREAT!” Your exclamation made Jeongin jump and he looked around to make sure no one saw him by the dressing rooms.  
“Then I’ll buy this one too. Thank you Innie.” He shook his head and quickly left the dressing room area. You came back out in your street clothes with, bra, panties, and the white teddy in your hands and walked up to the check out. You purchased your items and left with black bag in hand to finish shopping, Jeongin having a couple more stores he was wanting to check out. He went into a men’s apparel store and you followed closely. Jeongin glanced through the racks shuffling through the clothes and glancing up at you from time to time doing the same thing. Finally, you looked up and caught him staring at you. 
“Find anything you like?” You asked and your words were seductive. He quickly looked down at the rack again, moving another hanger as if that was what he’d done the whole time and not gawk at you daydreaming about you in the teddy again, skirt pushed up, ass pushed out. He grabbed the first thing he saw and held it up. 
“Uh, these, I think I wanna try these on.” He said then swallowed hard. You thought he was the cutest, so shy unlike the others who had initiated things mostly. You were enjoying teasing him a little, making him blush and look down with that smile. 
“Okay Innie, looks like the dressing rooms are in the back of the store.” He started to walk back and you followed. When he realized he stopped. 
“Oh! Noona... uh you don’t have to come.” You shook your head 
“Nonsense Innie! Whose opinion will you get if I don’t come huh?” He nodded. 
“Oh... yea... I guess you’re right.” He continued on to the dressing rooms with you close behind. He went into one of the little rooms and put the pants, that were entirely too small, on. He managed to get them buttoned and zipped when you tapped at his door. 
“Come on out Innie, show me.” He looked in the mirror and the pants were so tight you could see the outline of his hard on. His other pants were loose making it easier to hide. There was no way he could let you see him like that. You quietly called to him again. 
“Jeongin?” He was gonna have to show you the damn pants. 
“Um yea... just a second...” He tried to adjust his cock so it wasn’t quite so obvious that he was sporting a bit more than a semi for you. He sighed running his hand through his fluffy black hair and opened the dressing room door enough to poke his head out. 
“Well let’s see.” He shook his head. 
“Uh, they don’t really fit, I don’t want to come out.” You smiled at him sweetly. 
“That’s okay Innie...” He let out a sigh of relief until you pulled the door open and started to walk in. 
“I’ll come in and look.” He backed up against the wall across from the door as you shut and locked it. 
“Y/N! I... I really don’t think you’re allo-” Before Jeongin could finish his sentence your eyes traveled down and landed on the prominent bulge showing through the pants that, he was correct in saying, didn’t fit. You took a step closer to him. 
“Y-yes?” He swallowed hard, he looked straight into your eyes and couldn’t look away. 
“I saw you looking at my ass and the way you looked at it when I tried on that teddy.” His jaw dropped and he started to stammer. You took another step towards him and he got quiet again. Doing everything to not scan down your body that was getting impossibly close to his. 
“Do you like the way my ass looks in this skirt Innie?” He was already busted, there was no sense in lying. He nodded. 
“MMhm...” You nodded along with him. 
“Yea baby? And you liked the teddy?” Jeongin bit his lip hard and nodded again. You closed the last bit of distance between you and palmed Jeongin over the tight pants and he jumped. 
“They’ll hear...” You shushed him softly. 
“Don’t worry baby. The check out is on the opposite end of the store and we were the only one’s in here. ” You gave him a gentle squeeze and the smallest whimper came from him. 
“Oh poor Innie... it’s so hard. Have you been hard since the lingerie store?” He had been, painfully. He let out a breath and nodded quickly. 
“Y-yes.” You cooed at him as you unbuttoned his pants and pulled the zipper down instantly giving you more room to reach inside and grab him over his briefs. He let out a strangled moan, trying to be quiet as you squeezed and rubbed his shaft up and down over the fabric. 
“What were you thinking about when you accidentally grabbed these pants hmm?” Jeongin shook his head, he didn’t want to say. 
“Aww it’s okay Innie, tell me sweetie, what’s got you throbbing in my hand like this?” You squeezed again and felt him twitching in your hand. He tried to pull himself together enough to form words. 
“Fuck... fucking you.” You hummed and then reached into Jeongin’s underwear. 
“Mhm. What else?” His jaw dropped when your thumb swiped the head of his cock smearing the abundance of precum for lubrication as your hand slowly slid up and down his shaft. 
“B-b-bending you over...f-fuck... fucking you from behind...” He managed to get the words out finally and you hummed again as you stroked him faster. 
“You wanna bend me over and fuck me Innie?” He nodded up and down quickly again. 
“You want to pull my skirt up, move my panties, and bend me over right here?” Jeongin’s answer was a moan he muffled with his hand and coming in your hand. You pulled your hand out and started licking his cum off. Jeongin’s head was resting against the wall tilted up, eyes closed as he caught his breath. 
“S-sorry...” You shook your head, leaned in, and kissed his lips. His pouted out kissing you in return. 
“Don’t be, that was sexy.” He looked at you like you were crazy. 
“I came too quick.” You smiled and hummed. 
“Mhm... made me so wet because that means you want to fuck me so bad you came in your pants. How’s your stamina?” You got on your knees and grabbed a hold of the pants, you were definitely going to have to buy now, and Jeongin’s underwear and pulled them down. He looked around as if someone may see the two of you then he looked down and saw you kneeling in front of him ready to take his cock in your mouth. You looked up and waited for the sign it was okay to continue, that he wanted you to suck him off in that dressing room. He nodded and you slipped the tip of his dick in your warm wet mouth, his head rolling back against the wall again as he let out a soft moan. His hands gently rested on your head, not forcing you down on him, you were setting the pace, they just rested in your hair as you swallowed his cock. 
“F-feels so good...” You hummed and then popped off his dick. He whined when he lost the feeling of your soft mouth around him. 
“Aww poor baby... do you want to bend me over and fuck me or not?”  
“I... I don’t have a condom... if I... when I cum I...” 
“Will have to do it in my mouth, unless you want to cream inside me? Is that what you want Innie? So I feel you dripping in my panties the rest of the day? They both sound so tempting to me.” You stood up turned your back to Jeongin, you bent over and put your hands against the wall before looking back at him wiggling your full round ass. 
“It’s not gonna fuck it’s self Innie, come on baby, fill me up.” His hands gently came to rest on your ass and softly ran over the curve of it squeezing before pushing your skirt up over your ass exposing your lacy thong that was soaked in your juices. Jeongin ran his finger through your slit to grab your panties and pull them over and you moaned. 
“So wet...” He whispered not really thinking anymore. 
“You know why I’m so wet Innie?” He shook his head. 
“Because I’ve been thinking about you fucking me since the lingerie shop too.” He looked surprised to hear you say that even though you had blatently stepped out of your dressing room practically naked in front of him. 
“R-really? H-how?” He gripped your hip with one hand and pushed the tip of his cock against your clenching hole with the other. You looked back at him again. 
“Deep baby, I want you to fuck me so deep Innie. Will you baby? Go on, stick it in.” Jeongin pushed the tip of his cock inside you and pulled your hips back at the same time making you take his whole dick. 
“GUh! Good boy...” You almost shouted out from the exquisite feeling of Jeongin filling you all at once. You felt his balls pressing firmly against your cunt. He rolled his hips and thrusted into you as he held your hips in place tightly. 
“Mmmm Innie yes yes, harder.” He started a quicker rhythm, fucking you harder. All you could hear was the sweet panting leaving Jeongin’s mouth and the sound of his hips and balls slapping against your juicy ass, covered in your arousal. Every thrust you pushed your hands against the wall for leverage so he could fuck you as deep as possible. You took one hand down and grabbed one of Jeongin’s pulling it around you and pushing his hand past your panties and into your wet folds. 
“Rub my clit baby fuck,”  
“I-is it good?” You shook your head as Jeongin fucked you harder and played with your cunt. 
“S-so good, you’re amazing, you’re fucking me so well Innie, such a good boy.” 
“Do I fuck you as good as my hyungs?” You braced yourself against the wall with two hands again as Jeongin rubbed your clit slow and firm, slowing down his thrusts, rolling his hips into you. 
“H-h-how...” You asked surprised. 
“I might be the youngest but I realize more than you all think.” Well paint you surprised.  
“Do I? Fuck you as good as my hyungs do?” He asked again. You reached back and pulled him down to kiss you. 
“You fuck me so well Innie, give it to me so deep, fuck.” He started thrusting faster again rubbing your juices all over clit with his whole hand hard. 
“Want you to cum for me noona.” His cock brushed your g spot as he played with your pussy and you could feel yourself cream all over Jeongin’s dick. 
“Coming, coming, I’m coming Innie.” You panted out as quietly as possible. He pushed you down gently running his hands up and down your back soothing you as you came down from you orgasm, slowly pumping in and out of you still. 
“C-can I really cum inside?” You smiled at him sweetly as he started thrusting into you deeply again. 
“Aww, Innie you want to fill me up baby?” You asked still blushing and panting. He bent over you, his face buried in your hair and neck thrusting deep and hard again. 
“P-please? W-wanna cum inside you so bad... p-please.” You nodded, your head pressed against his. You were bent over, Jeongin’s hands had pushed up your shirt and found their way to your breasts he squeezed them tightly as he pumped himself into you over and over. 
“Do it baby, fill me up Innie, give me all that cum.” A moan, maybe a little louder than it should have been was your only warning before Jeongin’s cock twitched and he came inside you. 
“That’s it Innie pump me full...” He was still lazily grinding his hips against your ass, as his thick cum painted your insides deep. 
“Oh-oh my god y/n fuck fuck.” He wrapped his arms around you holding you close and tight, his chest pressed into your back, balls deep inside you as he gave you his big load. You wiggled your ass against him and he laid against you pressed into the wall, both of you completely out of breath. 
“Not to burst your afterglow bubble but we should get out of here.” You laughed and Jeongin nodded chuckling. He slid his cock out of you and you fixed your panties and skirt, you could already feel his cum squeezing out of you. You looked in the mirror to make sure you didn’t look like you just let someone take you from the back in a dressing room and when you had determined you didn’t you snatched the tag off the pants that were entirely too small for Jeongin and pecked his lips. 
“I’ll pay for these, you get dressed, we’ll make a quick exit.”  
Please do not repost or translate any of my works. My blog and stories are NSFW and 18+ ONLY! Minors, ageless, and blank blogs will be blocked!
@acciocriativity @caroline-ds-world @chansynie @ughbehavior @jquellen27 @hyunelixies @fixation-dump @lachinitaaaaa @rinrinndou @bangchans-angel @laylasbunbunny @owo-manii-uwu @armystay89 @b00dyguts @purplenimsicle @caticorn61 @lauraneuuh @channieandhisgoonsquad @minnysproutgriffinteddy @3rachasninja
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kittykat-25 · 2 months
Family - A Lee Know One Shot
Pairings: Lee Minho x reader
Genre: hurt/comfort- established relationship, just SKZ being the best boys and protective Lee Know.
Synopsis: While Lee Know is gone for the Gucci shoot, you help SKZ practice for the VMA’s. All fun and games until you get hurt.
A/N: I wrote this today at work and it’s barely proof read so apologies on that part my lovelies🥰
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“Have fun my Gucci prince.” You sang into the phone, your boyfriend huffed, “please don’t start that. We get enough of it from Hyunjin and Yongbokkie.” Minho groaned. You laughed as you walked into the practice room, “have fun, I love you, and I’m so proud of you Min.” You said quietly before the rest of the kids could interrupt. “Bye kitten, have fun with the boys. I love you.” He replied. You quickly ended the call and walked further into the room setting your bag down. Being a professional dancer yourself, you often came to the studio to practice with the boys, after being with Minho for two years they were used to your presence. “Noona!” Jeongin called as you walked towards them to join the stretches. “Hi boys.” You replied, ruffling Seungmins hair as you walked by, he swatted your hand away making you laugh. “Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed.” You said sitting down beside Chan. “He was late too.” Chan whispered, glancing towards the moping puppy. “Ooooooh Seungminnie.” You exclaimed. Getting a glare from Seungmin, you started stretching and quietly talking to Chan about the performance they have at the VMAs.
The boys were diving into their S-Class dance break, you holding Minhos spot. “Innie, you got this.” Chan called as the youngest got used to the new lift that was added in. “I know it’s just high.” He said sheepishly. Seeing the younger boy look so concerned, you volunteered, “innie do you want me to do it first so you see how it looks?” He eyes turned towards you, “noona you don’t have too.” You shook your head, “I don’t mind if it’ll give you peace about it.” He smiled at you and moved so you were in his place with the dancers. You worked through the movements and when it was time for the lift you let the dancer pull you up. One second you are being lifted and the next you hear a huff and the floor starts getting closer. You panic and throw your arms down to catch yourself, landing painfully on your wrist, catching yourself but not before your head hits the ground as well.
The rest of the members couldn’t move fast enough to catch you, all scrambling towards you as you cry out on impact. “Shit y/n. Are you alright?” Chan says and he kneels down beside you, you’re holding your arm against yourself and can feel something sticky running down your head. You slowly roll over onto your back, the air knocked out of you from the fall, “fuck” Chan curses under his breath, seeing your head split from the fall. “Noona I’m so sorry.” Jeongin cries from your other side. “Chan she needs to go to the medic.” Felix calls from somewhere behind you. Everything is swirling together, all the voices blending as your vision starts to go black. “No no y/n keep your eyes open.” Chan says gently. Pushing your hairs back from the cut. “Hyun, go get the medic.” Hyunjin sprints out of the room, “her wrist.” Han croaks from one side of you, you can feel his hand shaking on your leg. You were still clutching your wrist to your body, just then hyunjin and the medic come barreling back into the room. He kneels down beside you, IN and Han moving out of the way. Changbin grabbing Han’s sleeve as he started marching over to the back up dancers. “It’s their fault.” He said harshly, Changbin shook his head, “it was an accident. Leave them alone.” He whispered. Han threw a glare at the dancers then turned his eyes back towards you. Out of all of them you and Han were the closest, you treated him like a younger brother, loved him as much. “She’s gonna need stitches.” The medic quietly told Chan, who nodded. Han gripped your hand as Chan picked you up and followed the medic out of the room. The rest of the guys gathered their things, grabbing yours and trailing behind.
Sitting in the ER, Han holding your hand as they stitched up your head, “the wrist isn’t broken, just a bad sprain. You’ll have to wear the brace for now. We’ll reexamine it in a few weeks.” The doctor told you before walking out of the room. “Ji, has anyone call Min?” Hans face paled, the thought of calling his Hyung and telling him you were hurt- that was not a job he wanted. “I’ll ask Channie Hyung.” He said as he pushed past the curtain to the other boys. “How is she?” Changbin asked, “sprained wrist, they are stitching up her head now, slight concussion. She seems okay.” Han answered before turning towards their leader, “Someone, not me but someone needs to call Minho and let him know.” He added quickly before darting back into the closed area with you.
Chan blew out a breath before grabbing his phone and walking outside. “Hyung how’s practice going? Did Innie get the lift, I know he was stressed about it-“ Minho said as soon as the call connected. “Minho.” Chan said, cutting the younger boy off. Minho got quiet, “there was an accident at practice.” He started, “oh god did they flood something again?” Minho said chuckling, “it’s y/n.” Chan said, the other line went silent. “Min-“ Chan started, “what happened?” Minho ground out. “She was helping Innie with the lift and she…uh…fell, she’s alright-“ “did she fall or was she dropped? Because you saying fall doesn’t seem accurate for y/n.” Minho snapped back. Chan could tell he was more worried than angry. But taking it out on Chan all the same. “She’s alright, just calm down.” “don’t tell me to calm down when my girlfriend is hurt Chan.” Minho roared back at him. “We’re taking her back to the dorm, just let us know when you get home. And calm down before you do. She doesn’t need your attitude as well.” Chan stated before hanging up the phone.
The boys had gotten you back to the dorms, and you were currently snuggled into Minhos bed, savoring the smell of him; wishing he was there to hold you. Han sat down beside you on the bed, reaching for your hand not in the brace. “Are you sure it’s safe for you to sleep? You have a concussion.” He asked quietly. You chuckled, “I’m alright Ji.” You looked towards the door where the rest of the boys were standing. “How about a movie?” You suggested, and smiled when they all moved into the room. Getting comfy on the ground around the bed. “Do you need anything noona?” Felix asked from in front of the bed, “I’m alright Yongbokkie.” He gave you a smile and turned back around. Han turned on Howls Moving Castle and propped up a pillow for you to get comfortable on. Chan turned off the lights and you let the movie take over your mind.
Minho opened the door to the dorm and was greeted with darkness. Some light came from under his door, and the soft music of a movie flowed out. Chan stepped out of the kitchen and made eye contact. “Hyung, I’m so sorry.” Minho said feeling awful about snapping at his leader. “It’s alright, she’s in here. I was just grabbing her some water.” He responded walking towards minhos bedroom, “where is everyone?” He asked Chan, who chuckled, “where do you think?” With that he opened the door and Minhos heart swelled, you were curled up asleep, hidden under the covers with Han beside you, and the rest of the boys scattered around the floor, surrounding you, guarding you even in their sleep. Chan nudged Changbin waking him up, they quietly started moving all the boys out of the room as Minho made his way over to you. IN stopped and turned towards his hyung, “I didn’t mean for her to get hurt. I’m sorry hyung.” He said softly. “I know innie-ah it’s not your fault. It was an accident.” He said back to the younger boy patting him on the back. And he got closer to the bed he noticed Han was awake and just staring at you/n sleep. “Bit creepy don’t you think?” He said startling the boy. “The doctors said she could sleep with a concussion but the internet said it was dangerous. I was making sure she didn’t stop breathing.” And just when Minho thought he couldn’t love his brothers more. He looked down where Han was holding her hand, his fingers resting over her pulse point. “I’ve got her Ji, don’t worry.” Han nodded, getting up and following Chan out of the room.
Minho gently laid down beside you, trying not to rustle or wake you up. As he laid down, your eyes turned towards him, “min?” Your voice full of sleep, he smiled at you, “hi kitten.” You rolled over, your wrist in the brace coming between your bodies. He looked down at it then up to your bandaged head, “I’m so sorry I wasn’t here kitten.” He said cupping your cheek, leaving tender kisses on your hairline. “How did the shoot go?” You mumbled, already falling back asleep. “I don’t remember any of it after Chan called me.” He grumbled, tucking you closer to his body. “Mhm my Gucci prince.” You sighed as you pressed a kiss to his jaw, before nestling back into his arms. Minho looked down at you, a smile on his face. Happy to have you safely back in his arms. He fell asleep peacefully knowing as long as him and the boys were around you’d be fine.
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masterlist and important info
here we are, folks. 💕
hyunjins-orange-slice 2.0! i was forced to make a new blog, so i will be reposting all of my works from the original hyunjins-orange-slice here. and some new things im working on!
ageless and blank blogs will be blocked, no questions asked.
everything posted here is fiction and in no way represents stray kids in reality
my requests are open- the only rules i have are: i only write for skz, no noncon and no pregnancy, and obviously no minors. but i think im open to try anything else? but be aware that i dont answer every request that i receive… cause i get a little nervous. 👉🏻👈🏻 im not on a posting schedule, i just post when it feels right.
this blog has messaging! yayyy so feel free to send me any questions or concerns. i just wanna be friends with all of yous.
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domestic drabble
thank you (another domestic drabble)
am i even your bias? (3racha drabble)
his princess (my first ever tumblr post)
confessions (fake text)
random texts with bf chan
asking bf chan if he would save you from zombies (texts, request)
'connected' (chan series)
chapter one chapter two chapter three chapter four chapter five
fake texts noona request
do you still love me? (text)
minho drabble (idk if this is “angst” it’s just sad) hyunjin drunk argument hyunjin drunk argument part2
i’m not your fucking dad (fake texts, chan breakup)
toxic chan being jealous (texts)
i can’t stand to see you cry
texts when you’re anxious about a date
texts bsf chan (who may be in love with you) when your boyfriend isnt being a good boyfriend
what daddy chan says to comfort you
when you cancel plans because you’re feeling insecure (texts)
here’s the plan (period request)
my wittle pookie wookie bear
texts when you injure yourself at the gym (request)
texts bsf seungmin when you have a bad breakup
SMUT 18+
his good girl, always (my favorite piece i’ve done) safe word (hard dom chan)
sleepy morning drabble
kissing (short oral drabble)
untitled (oral backstage at music core)
reacting to his insta (fake text)
untitled (soft dom chan, somnophilia)
i said, sit (daddy chan, face riding)
karma in the shape of a god
untitled (dom minho, bondage, etc)
i like your panties
i like your cock (i like your panties part 2)
Daddy, let me help
Daddy, let me help part 2
sleepy morning drabble
untitled (soft dom hyunjin punishment)
is the door even locked? (soft dom daddy hyunjin, public sex)
wash it first (phone sex)
skz catching you reading fan fiction
skz when you say ily in bed
when you’re too shy to send a spicy picture (texts- hyung line)
when you’re too shy to send a spicy picture (texts- maknae line)
skz when you text “you can come now, they’re gone.”
the one where chan teaches minho to share
if you like that, what if i did this? (minsung x reader)
calling them by their name request (texts)
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linos-luna · 11 months
Let me in 🔪
Yandere!Jeongin x Fem!Reader
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Warnings: some violence, Yandere, obsessive behavior, cursing, slapping, forced kissing, manipulative behavior, crying
“Noona! Let me in!!”
Your psychotic boyfriend was yelling while pounding on the door. He was pissed and you were left crying on the other side of the locked door.
“You can’t stay in there forever!” He yelled while banging on the door even harder.
“Jeongin stop!” You cried. “You’re scaring me!”
“C’mon noona… I didn’t mean to scare you!” He sighed. “Please!”
You were silent as he stopped hitting the door. In fact it sounded like he was starting to sob. You could tell he was really close to the door, his face may even be on the door itself.
“Noona! Please let me in!” He sobbed. “I can’t be without you!”
“I just want to be your baby boy!” He continued. “I love you, noona!”
Here he was, tugging at your heartstrings again. Jeongin always knows how to get you.
“Please! Pleeeeeeease! Pleeeease noona!”
You sighed while wiping your tears as he jiggled the door knob.
“Noona!!” He suddenly snapped, giving a hard slam to the door. His voice boomed with anger and hurt. He hit the door again; it sounded like he may have cracked it. “Let me in! NOW!”
You nearly jumped at the sudden switch and screamed when seeing his fist go through the door.
“Jeongin! The door!”
“And who’s fault is that?!” He laughed while punching a bigger hole in the door to reach for the doorknob.
He didn’t look like he had tears at any point. Was he even crying??
Jeongin unlocked the door and let himself in as you backed up into your clothes dresser.
“J-Jeongin! Stop!”
“Noona…” Your boyfriend had an unsettling smile as he came towards you. “Don’t be scared of me.”
Jeongin grabbed you by the wrists and pulled you close. He pulled your hair back to get access to your lips and forcefully kissed you as you tried pulling away.
“Noona stop!” He said while grabbing your jaw.
You stopped moving and he smiled in satisfaction. He sat you on the bed and kneeled in front of you.
“I’m your baby boy, right noona?!” He asked almost desperately. “Right noona?!!”
Your lips were quivering and he suddenly yanked your arms forward a little.
“Don’t ignore me!!” He snapped.
You whimpered in pain, making Jeongin soften up.
“I’m sorry! I’m sorry noona!” He said while getting on top of you and rubbing your cheeks. “Sorry! Sorry!”
Jeongin kissed your cheeks, tasting the salty tears. “I didnt mean to hurt you!”
You could barely move as his whole body mass was on you.
“Don’t you love me?!” He snapped. “I’m your baby boy right? Right?! I’m sorry!
“Y-yes…” you said quietly.
“Yes… you’re… my baby boy…”
“I knew you still loved me!” He said happily while kissing your lips frantically. “Thank you noona!”
You sighed as he laid his head on your chest. He loved the sound of your heartbeat and he gently rubbed your side.
“Don’t leave me, noona…” he muttered with his eyes closed. “I don’t wanna be alone…”
You rubbed his hair and back, starting to feel bad. Yeah he can be scary but he could also be very sweet and he’s had a lot going on.
He was just so cute. You just want to take care of him…
“Noona don’t leave…” Jeongin said quietly as some tears formed. “I love you…”
“I… I love you too baby…” you said while ruffling his hair. “You’re my baby…”
Jeongin whimpered and hugged your waist.
“Don’t cry…”
“I’m sorry, noona…”
“It’s okay…” you sighed. “You’re… you’re just my baby boy…”
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sugarmelin · 10 months
Would you look at that...
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Paring: Skz x Reader
Warning: Yandere, mafia!au, alcohol, ect...
minors do not interact
Dan Bi note: Thank you for all of your support! I didn’t think you all will love this order this much so I do have to make this into a series, don't I? Would you all sweetcheeks like that? Let me know~
I apologize for the long wait And now you have it. I'm looking forward to your orders!
Enjoy !!!
Prolgue Chapter
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You walk down the hallway to God knows where with a collar around your neck and your hands cuffed together, all connected to chains at the hand of the person who put them on you.
The walk was quiet, he didn't say anything while you were looking around, Analyzing everything for a way out. It does look like you under the ground, maybe a house above you two. Countless doors in every hallway you passed, tagging at your chains when you stopped for a few moments.
After a few minutes of walking, reaching to stop by a staircase leading to a wooden door. He went up while you stand from where you were, when the chains come to an end he tagged your chain in his hand, signing for you to start walking up.
When you didn't move he tugged harsher making you lean forward and start walking again, you glared at him.
Reaching the door he opened it, making you close your eyes and groan, your headache getting worse again. Blinking a few times before opening your eyes, Trying to get used to the lights while walking. You properly looked forward to seeing him going towards an elevator.
When you walked in he pressed the button to one of the floors, you didn't see which floor you were because the headache was making your vision blurry, after a minute your vision got better. "In a few minutes you're going to meet the boys, Noona." He says while side-eyeing you.
'So I'm older then him? While also being taller. Maybe two or three years being older.' You thought but said nothing.
The elevator reach a stop and the metal door opened, your eyes saw the big beautiful hallway. The sound you hear was laughter and talking.
When you walked out there were staircases on each side of the elevator with pretty red carpet laying on it. The place did look like a mansion, a fancy one.
With the expensive suite that he was wearing you did expect him to have a penthouse or something, giving off dose sugar daddy vibes.
Walking up the stairs, the talking and laughter got louder and louder.
Reaching the top, you saw a boy sitting on a chair in the middle of the room, his legs on the dining table with five black bags and money on it while two boys were counting the money's, laughing and chatting about another successful 'mission' they had. Some female maid's around them, serving.
Two boys at the bar, a bartender behind the bar cleaning a glass with cloth, a purple hair drinking some whisky on the one of chairs bar and another blonde hair boy, his hair tied to a half ponytail talking about something, his back towards you.
On the left, there was a couch with a person laying on it, with newspaper covering his face and looking like his sleeping and his head on a blonde boy's lap and his eyes closed.
"Boys" The voice of the boy in front of you boomed through the room, everyone's eyes now were on you two. The maid's in the room flinched, and the bartender too but after a few seconds he went back to what he was doing.
Your eyebrow narrowed together. 'Wait..'
"GET HER!" Someone yelled behind you. when you looked back while running, you saw four boys coming out of the van and starting to run toward you.
'It was him who yelled... the first one I saw between them.' Your eyes were now on him.
"Hyung what-" the blonde boy at the bar turn his chair around but stopped talking when he saw you, his eyes going wide.
"NOONA!" He jumped from his seat and come towards you.
"Jeongin! Jeongin! WAKE UP! Noona is here!!!" The boy sitting on the couch said, taking the newspaper of their face while repeatedly tapping the person's shoulder who's head was on his lap sleeping.
He groaned while sitting up and his eyes got locked with yours, a big smile formed on his face and jumped into his feet and runs towards you.
Your eye contact got broke when someone hugs you tight, it was the boy who was with the purple hair and that was coming towards you two.
You got distracted when the blond hair burying his face in between your chest, going up to your neck and inhaling your scent, sighing happily. You shift uncomfortable on your feet, making his grip on you tighten up.
"Be careful Hyunjin," The boy next to you chuckled. "She bites."
'Hyunjin' burrs his face more into your neck but someone grabbed his back collar, pulling him away from you, making him whine.
"Hyung! Why did you put this on Noona? Her wrists are red!!!" The blonde boy with... freckles, said it while coming towards you, taking your wrists in his and looking at them. You pulled away your wrists while he pouts trying to do it again but you moved back up a little.
"Felix is right hyung, you could put something softer!" A boy with chubby cheeks said putting a hand on the boy shoulder now you know his name Felix while all of them gathered around you and 'Chan'.
"Let me introduce them to you. Aren't you curious a little, Noona?"
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Next chapter
Taglist: @skepticalkoi-catastrophe @salfetkasblog @icywinter1999 @yuh0yuh @lorarri @pink-rose-chans-baby @sky-outta @haleyms @lizzetmv
If you would like to be added to the taglist, tell me ! The two usernames among others couldn't be tagged sadly.
Like & reblog are appreciated and tell me what did you think ! I'm waiting for your jokes and tea baby~~
Don't forget to eat, drink water, love and take care of yourself and body ☆⌒(ゝ。∂)
See you on the next chapter baby ~
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jinnie-ret · 8 months
Could you write about a 9th member reader who is trained to do cool stunt work so on stages or for mv filming they're in what looks like a dangerous situation so skz panic not knowing that the reader is trained and perfectly safe?
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stray kids x ninth member!reader
genre: fluff
content warnings: none
word count: 1k
summary: the boys never expected that their shy noona could be such a daredevil
Thank you so much for this request!!! Sorry it's taken me long but I hope you enjoy it!
As always, like, reblog if you enjoyed, and my asks are open for any requests you may have. And let me know if you'd like to be tagged when I post :)
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Stray Kids had spent all day filming the music video for Cheese, and you were wondering how the boys would react to you filming your solo parts this evening. You see, they didn't know about your other talents that laid outside of working in the music industry. As soon as you could, you had gained your license to be able to ride a motorcycle, inspired by your mum and dad who could also ride them - it was how they met.
With your normal shy and quiet personality, the boys affectionately looked after you, you could say. Even though you were the same age as Minho. This could have been what prompted and inspired the staff to get the 98 liners to film with the motorbike. Minho was up first, looking cool as usual.
"Let's go Minho hyung!" Jisung cheered from the sidelines, as you all watched him pose and mouth his lyrics in the car park like scene.
"Wahhh, hyung looks so cool," Jeongin nodded and clapped a bit, as Minho broke out into a shy smile after finishing, a real contrast.
"Wait, so noona is going up next?" Felix asked curiously.
"Yeah, they wanted me and Minho to film similar scenes," you smiled, scratching the back of you neck bashfully.
A staff member came over with a helmet for you.
"Aw noona is going to be wearing a helmet?" Changbin patted your head with the helmet now on.
"It's too big for her," Hyunjin laughed, as you cutely shook your head with the helmet bobbing around. Because of this the staff gave you the helmet you normally wear, which the boyd assumed was customised by the stylists rather than you, who had painted cute flower stickers on it.
"Why is it so cute?" Seungmin laughed, looking down at you, as you smiled shyly and headed over to the motorbike.
The staff directed you to pretend you were riding it, knowing fully well that you could. You had to let the company know that you had gotten a license. But it never really came up into conversation with the boys, and you weren't really one to talk about yourself, maybe that was another similarity you shared with Minho.
The camera followed you as you revved up the engine and started driving down the car park, the boys letting out yells and gasps of worry. You let out a cheer as you did so, which the others assumed was more of a cry for help.
"Y/Nnie noona!"
"Someone help her stop!"
"Ah no no no!!!"
Yet you successfully stopped it and swerved with a smirk on your face as you pulled up the visor of your helmet, the staff clapping for you as you did so.
It still hadn't really sunk in to the boys that you in fact knew what you were doing. And so, they ran up to you.
"Y/Nnie, are you ok? Are you hurt?" Chan wrapped an arm around her shoulder, helping her take the helmet off and expecting to see you crying, when in fact you were laughing.
"Why are you laughing? You could have died!" Minho reprimanded, eyes glaring into your soul.
"I'm fine, I'm fine," you stopped laughing and waved off their concerns.
"How? You just... you-" Jisung malfunctioned, shocked at the sight of what you just did.
"Guys, I'm fine, I have a license for this," you shrugged it off casually, not wanting all their attention on you. But they wouldn't let you off so easily.
"Why didn't you tell us?" Hyunjin said with wide eyes, hand over his heart.
"Didn't really think there was a time to say it..." you trailed off sheepishly.
"How about when you got your license? Or when Minho was filming?" Seungmin pointed out.
"Oh yeah..." you blushed, habitually scratching the back of your neck.
"How can you act so shy after being so cool?" Felix giggled, looking at your slightly hunched figure sat on the motorbike.
"Super shu, super shy!" Changbin burst out into dong, making everyone else laugh at him, Jisung whacking his shoulder.
"Noona you have to teach me!" Jeongin joyfully said, everyone immediately going 'no!'.
"Well I could-" you began to say.
"No! Don't corrupt our maknae!" Jisung playfully restrained Jeongin, dragging him slightly away from you.
"Hey, I'd be a good teacher!" you pout, folding your arms as you took off your helmet.
"I don't doubt that, Y/Nnie," Chan affectionately patted your head, smoothing out your hair that had become ruffled.
"I can't believe our noona can ride a motorbike!" Hyunjin shook his head, still not believing it.
"Nobody would believe it if we told them!" Seungmin agreed.
"I can't believe you showed me up like that. I just sat on the motorbike and you rode it!" Minho facepalmed, feeling shy.
"You looked pretty whilst doing it though," you quietly complimented him.
"Aw our noona is so sweet," Felix teased, smiling at you.
"Is Y/Nnie flirting with me?" Minho smirked.
"No no no," you waved them off shoving the helmet back on your head and hiding your face, folding your arms.
"Oh no! She's disappeared!" Changbin shouted, nearly making you fall off of the bike from the shock of him suddenly yelling.
"Hahaha, Binnie you nearly knocked out Y/Nnie noona!" Chan laughed as he caught you.
"Ok I'm taking my helmet off again," you signed, taking it off and holding a hand over your heart, much like Hyunjin was earlier.
"This really is the most unexpected thing, I still can't comprehend it," Jeongin shook his head.
"Stays are gonna be shocked too, aren't they?" you wonder.
"They won't be expecting it all, I mean we all didn't..." Jisung nodded.
After that day if filming the boys became suspicious of you, jokingly of course, asking you questions thinking you lived a secret double life, but once you explained about how your parents had licenses too, it all made sense to them, and they felt like it should have been obvious from the start, that such a shy girl was secretly a daredevil.
tagged: @skz-streamer @kiraisastay @hannahhbahng
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