#Jorah mormont x reader
llonelygoddess · 8 months
How they react to...Finding out you're pregnant
Romantic Pairings: Ned Stark, Margaery Tyrell, Theon Greyjoy, Jaime Lannister, Khal Drogo, Jorah Mormont, Brienne of Tarth, Missandei, Podrick, Gendry
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Ned Stark: This man is over the moon when you tell him you’re expecting. He’s raised 5 already but for you he’d raise another 5 if possible lol He’s always got his hands on your belly and asking if you need anything. His favorite thing to do is talking to the baby later at night when you’re asleep, whispering how much it’ll be loved and cared for by the both of you.
Margaery Tyrell: Thrilled. You two definitely planned this pregnancy so she’s thrilled to hear you’ve finally conceived. She’s keeping Maesters around the clock just for you and making sure you have regular check ups. You both love looking at all the fabrics and books and toys you’ll be gifting your baby. She wants this child to have everything she had and more, so beware your child may be spoiled rotten lol
Pre Reek!Theon Greyjoy: Theon doesn’t even know what to say. He’s nervous about what that would mean for you and the child title wise. Would the babe be labeled a bastard? Would you be treated as a whore? The questions will drive him crazy if you don’t bring him back down to earth. As much as he’s there for you, you have to be there for him during this time.
Jaime Lannister: In the beginning he’s more worried than anything. Knowing how crazy Cersei is he has to hide you away, promising to be with you soon. Once he finds a way to sneak away to you for good, he’s all hands on deck. He’d learn to cook a bit, take up the cleaning, even learn to stitch a little to give the baby an embroidered blanket. It’s not what you expected but considering his other kids barely know him it makes sense how serious he is about this one. He wants to get it right this time.
Khal Drogo: He sees you as his goddess, mesmerized with the way you carry his child. He kisses your belly and announces it to the whole Khalasar. During your pregnancy he doesn’t baby you, finding beauty in your strength, but he is wary of you being around the other men. They’re rough and callous and you are soft and breakable, something that keeps him up at night. Whenever he goes out riding he always comes back with a gift that he presents to you in front of everyone.
Jorah Mormont: He never thought he’d be lucky enough to have children, especially with someone as special as you. He’s definitely crying when he hears the news. He can’t help it, a family of his own is all he’s ever wanted. Even knowing how strong you are, he’ll ask you to stay home and to let him do any and all work that needs to be done. He’s heard horror stories of pregnancies going wrong and he refuses to let anything happen to you.
Brienne of Tarth: Finding out you're pregnant would be the scariest moment of her life. Which isn't to say she doesn't want kids, but the world you live in wasn't ready for a relationship like yours. Two non-men finding love within each other wasn't accepted, let alone them raising a child together. Eventually, through many talks with you and Podrick, she calms down enough to enjoy this special moment in time with you.
Missandei: When Missandei first finds out, she's immediately in preparation mode. With the life she's lived she knows how cruel and evil life can be, so she takes it upon herself to make everything as perfect for you and the babe as possible. She’s asking Danaerys for healers and compiling blankets and toys from nearby towns. You’ll want for nothing with her by your side. When she’s not in crisis mode she’s sitting with you in bed fantasizing about the languages and history she’ll teach the baby.
Podrick: He gets so overwhelmed when you tell him he faints. Poor bb. When he wakes he asks if it was a dream and when you tell him no he kisses you. He’s another one that never really thought about having a family but he’s more than ready and capable of doing it. He’s always gushing about you and the baby to Brienne or really anyone who’ll listen. Loves to put his ear to your belly and just listen.
Gendry: He never planned to have kids so young, but when you told him about the baby he realized this was his moment to step up and be better. Being a Lord now he’s able to take care of you in ways he never thought he could. Giving you a handmaid and guards is just the beginning of how he wants to support you. He worries all nine months about whether he'll be good enough for your babe, so please rub his back and tell him he'll be the best dad ever. And he will.
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daniellewritesfr · 8 months
𝐌𝐲 𝐋𝐚𝐝𝐲
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Paring: Jon Snow x f!Reader
Summary: You arrive in Winterfell lending aid to House Stark but seeing Jon brings back lost feelings you both share.
Warnings: mentions of drinking, kissing, fluff.
Word count: 1.4k
Your heart pounded in your chest as you rode through the gates of Winterfell the familiarity of the high stone walls and the sight of Stark banners bringing back the memories of your childhood. You had, in the past, spent many years in Winterfell growing up with the Stark children. Your father became a good friend of Ned Stark; while fighting alongside each other during Robert's rebellion. Leading to many years spent in the castle. 
You arrived in the courtyard of Winterfell, the cloak you’re wearing doing surprisingly little to suppress the cold winds of the North. You had been called as a bannerman of house Stark to lend aid and fight the white walkers beyond the wall. You look around, all the people of Winterfell seem to have solemn faces ‘it’s quieter than I remember’ you think to yourself while dismounting your horse stirrups rattling, the stable boy rushes over to take the reins from your gloved hands leading your horse away. Your men follow you, dismounting their horses, gathering their things and moving supplies, all of a sudden the yard is buzzing with movement.  
“Y/n!” you turn at the sound of your name to see Sansa walking towards you, “lady Stark” you bow slightly she lets out a small laugh as she embraces you, “you mustn't call me that y/n” she smiles “well you are lady of the North are you not” you ask “that I am yes, but to you it will always be just Sansa” she states “very well than Sansa” you smile “take me to Lord Snow.” 
The castle is darker than you remember, as Sansa leads you through the doors of the great hall, you catch sight of Jon, the young man you once remembered as a solemn and brooding child.  
Walking past the large tables in the middle of the hall you pull off your gloves, you look up to see Jon sitting at the high table reading a letter “Jon” Sansa says he looks up, his face breaking into a warm smile when his eyes land on you. You can’t help but smile back. You haven’t seen Jon in a long time, not since before he left to join the Night’s Watch. “My lord,” you take a slight bow, he stands and begins to walk towards you not saying a word, his gaze lingering.  
Finally he speaks “My lady”. He lets out a small laugh before wrapping his arms around you, you can feel the warmth radiating off of him even with the layers of fur between you, he lets go resting his hands on your shoulders before they move to cup your face.
 “Look at you” he mutters, eyes raking across you he pulls away “I didn’t think you’d come.” 
“I’m sworn to House Stark my lord” you reply “it is an honor to fight for your family.” 
 “My lord” Jon repeated “since when were you one to be so formal”? He teased.  
You can’t help but smirk, while walking past him with your hands clasped behind your back making your way to the table running your fingers along the edge,the teasing tone in Jon’s voice luring out your own wit. “And here I thought that being declared King of the North automatically earned you the title of ‘my lord’.” 
Jon chucked, a low rumble escaping his throat, “yes it does except, we grew up together there is no need for formality between us.” 
“I suppose you're right” you agree, your voice lightening. “However don’t let that get to your head, a little formality never hurt anyone.” 
Jon raises an eyebrow playfully. “Is that so? Then perhaps I should start using ‘my lady’ whenever I address you.” 
You laugh “you can certainly try but, I can’t promise I won’t retaliate” 
Jon shakes his head, a smile dancing on his lips. 
A fortnight had passed since you'd first arrived back in Winterfell, and tonight you were dining with the Starks and their men in the great hall, enjoying the loud conversations and laughter ringing throughout the room. It had been a long while since you’d allowed yourself a good time. You spent the night laughing and socializing with the others. Not noticing the way Jon was looking at you. 
As the talking and laughter slowly began to die, people began to retire to their chambers, you being one of them as the fatigue from the day's ride was finally wearing on you. Standing up making your way out to a long hallway lined with sconces providing a small amount of light as you pass various chambers while walking to your own.   
Opening the door you’re greeted with warmth radiating from the fireplace, you walk to a small table in the corner of the room picking up a few letters that you had yet to open, before dropping them back down rubbing your temples knowing that the night would be full of endless reading.  
Jon hadn’t put much thought into what he was about to do, maybe it was the wine or maybe it was just pure ignorance he thought to himself, as he was making his way through the dimly lit corridors. When he arrived at the door, his heart was pounding in his chest taking a deep breath before he raised his fist to leave a soft knock. 
While on your 3rd letter of the night you hear a light knock at your door, getting up from your seat at the table curious as to who it could be. Unlatching the door expecting it to be Sansa you were startled to see Jon standing on the other side.
“Jon” you said surprised “it’s late” 
For a moment he didn’t say anything, his gaze lingering on your face. 
 “Evening” he said “I hope I haven’t disturbed you”   
“No, it’s alright” your eyes scanning his face for any indicator of what he was there for. Tilting your head slightly to one side. “Has something happened?” you asked 
“No, no, may I come in?” 
“Yes of course. Please come in.” 
Moving aside Jon steps through, making his way to stand in front of the fireplace. He looks nervous, still thinking something had happened you ask once again. 
“Jon” you pause, he looks up, his eyes finally meeting yours. The look on his face starting to worry you. 
The silence hung like smoke in the air as you awaited his response. 
 He mumbles, moving one of his hands to run through his hair, turning back to face the fire watching the flames dance. You cautiously walk up behind him reaching to put a hand on his shoulder, he turns to face you leaning into your touch.
 Long forgotten feelings wash over you.   
“Jon, please tell me” you insist, your hand now resting at his jaw he leans further into your touch before covering your hand with his. You stayed like this for a short time relishing in the moment, the unspoken understanding filling the space between you. Removing his hand from yours to cup your jaw as he draws himself closer, his eyes searching yours for permission.
You quickly nod, before he closes the gap between you, lips brushing together. Your lips part slightly, letting his tongue slip inside. His hand glides to the nape of your neck, then moving to your waist, pressing your bodies together. You moan into the kiss, hands running through his hair while he trails gentle kisses leading from your jaw to your collarbone, small breaths escaping your lips. 
Pulling away, his gaze meeting your own.  
“You have no idea what you do to me” he whispers. 
The look in his eyes was evidence enough revealing what he felt without uttering a word. Yet he continues to speak. Hands coming back to hold your face.
“I-” he pauses for a brief moment gathering his thoughts. “You are my every thought” He breathes. “The only person able to ground me, make me feel whole. Not a day goes by where I don’t think of you. How I wasted all those years believing I had no chance, only to be standing here right now. With you.” 
Tears begin to swell in your eyes threatening to fall. 
“You consume every part of me, body and soul.” He gently wipes away the tears that begin to fall. “You are everything to me.” 
You smile at him, leaning into his touch. 
“I love you.” 
The words feel heavy. 
He starts to speak afraid of your rejection, you cut him off colliding your lips together for a brief kiss before pulling away resting your forehead against his, shallow breathing filling the room. 
“And I you.” 
The words so lightly spoken, Jon wasn’t sure he heard them. 
Leaning in to kiss you softly once more, running a hand through your hair, his eyes full of nothing but affection. “My lady.” 
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tessimagines · 1 year
Hello, I’d like to make a request. 💥+Game of Thrones+ a preference about how they would react if you comforted them when they were crying/vulnerable. Feel free to pick the characters you want!
GoT Preference: Comforting them & their Reaction
Jon Snow
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We all know Jon is broody
Therefore, he can have a bit of trouble accepting comfort
You can always tell when something is wrong, and will let him know you are always open for comfort
At night, that is when Jon can loosen up a little more
Comforting generally starts with small physical touches, like running a hand through his hair of placing a hand on his back and kissing his cheek
He will eventually begin to talk and accept more physical comfort
The night will end with Jon's head on your chest, you placing soft kisses to his forehead
He doesn't cry often, but knows that if he does in front of you, you will never judge him
He appreciates your comfort more than he lets on
He rarely verbally thanks you, but sometimes, he will leave a little thank you note for you to find in the morning
Robb Stark
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Robb knows he can immediately come to you for comfort
If he has any issues or problems, you are generally the first person he wants to discuss them with
After meetings with the heads of other Northern Houses, they will be dismissed and you will stay behind to talk things over
If something is emotionally getting to him, he is the kind of person who wants to talk it over
You can stay up all night, talking over the things that are upsetting him
He also appreciates physical comfort, like holding his hand while he is talking
When he is finished getting all of his emotions out and hearing any of the advise you might have, he will take your face in his hands and kiss you
It's a deep and passionate thank you, one that shows how grateful he is to have you
Eddard Stark
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Ned likes to bottle up his emotions
He knows he can always turn to you but it is hard for him to be vulnerable around other people
When things really get to him, he tends to become silent
This is when you know
You will comfort him with a kiss first, and cuddle up to him
He doesn't need words
If he cries, you don't say anything, you know he would rather you just remain physically close
You know he is beginning to feel better when starts to place kisses to your forehead
He doesn't need to say thank you for you to know he appreciates your comfort
The thank you is there when he finds peace and falls asleep in your arms
Jaime Lannister
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Jaime is another one who bottles up his emotions
If you ever ask him if he is okay, the answer is always the same: "I'm fine."
Him knowing you care is generally more than enough of a comfort to him
Just asking and a kiss to his cheek is enough to make him feel better. Not completely better, but significantly
Jaime will never admit it but he loves head scratches when he is sad or stressed
He does find it hard to thank you, that requires a vulnerability he doesn't like to show
There are some nights, however, where everything just comes to a head
Tears, sobs, everything. He will start talking about whatever is bothering him with no limitations
In these moments, you just sit and listen. Just the idea of being listened to is perfect for Jaime
To thank you after those nights, he will run you a bath or buy you a gift as a thank you
sometimes, he will even sum up the courage to whisper a thank you in your ear
Tyrion Lannister
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Tyrion knows he can rely on you
But when you have spent your whole life being unloved by the people who are supposed to love you most, it can be hard to trust
That's why he can become distant when he is upset
He doesn't like showing vulnerability in fear that you will laugh
He knows this will never happen, but he can't let that feeling go sometimes
When you kiss him though, sometimes you can feel him melt into it
He loves physical comfort
He appreciates that affection more than he could possibly put into words
In these moments, when he can feel you are there for him, sometimes he will let himself cry
And you will just hold him, slowly running your fingers though the mop of curls on his head
He is simple in the way he thanks you - "I love you"
Tormund Giantsbane
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Tormund is very open with his feelings
He, of course, likes to appear strong in front of others, but Tormund doesn't seem to equate weakness as being emotionally open and vulnerable
No, to him, that is a showing of true strength
When Tormund is feeling sad or down, he will tell you he is sad or down
He seeks out your comfort more than most men would
If he needs you to hold him, he will tell you and then lie in your arms for as long as he needs
He is not much of a crier, but he is not afraid to shed some tears in front of you
Tormund's way of making it up to you, is a little more physical than others
He is not afraid to show you intimately how much he appreciates your comfort
Sandor Clegane
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This man is the king 👑 of repressed emotion
He will simply refuse to accept that anything is wrong with him
If you offer comfort, he is simply not accepting
Dedication is key, however, and sometimes, rarely, Sandor will let you hold him
He might grumble about it, telling you that you are being "fucking stupid", but inside, he revels in it
That physical connection has the power to calm any emotional storm going through them
He will never let you know though, no, that would be way too vulnerable
Jorah Mormont
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Jorah is a man who thrives off words of affirmation
The most effective way to comfort him is to reassure him through words
He can totally feel himself calm at your reassurances
Sometimes, all he needs to hear is that he is enough and you love him more than he could possibly imagine
Every time you comfort him, Jorah wonders how he ever ended up having a love like yours
Afterwards, all he wants to do is hold you in his arms and place kisses to your cheek
Sometimes, you have to stop him from continuously thanking you
Oberyn Martell
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Oberyn Martell is an emotive man
It is very easy to tell when he is upset
He is honest and real about his emotions, always
He likes to talk them over with you and hear any advise you can offer
Sometimes, though, all he wants or needs is for you to listen
Some nights can be entirely full of him talking about his issues
This will always lead to talk of Elia
As these nights progress, Oberyn's mood always seems to improve
He slowly moves closer
By the end of the night, he has his arms around you and is placing soft kisses all over your body
Oberyn shows his appreciation through pleasure, letting his body do the talking
Gendry Waters
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Gendry can get grumpy when he is upset
When he snaps at you, which is rarely, this is when you know something is wrong
A few moments of silence go by before he takes a deep breath and apologises
You don't ever say anything, but instead, you walk over and just wrap your arms around his body
He will always lean into it, taking comfort in the feeling of you holding him
Sometimes, this is all he needs, but other times he needs to talk about his emotions or issues in order to feel better
He will look into your eyes as he does so, their soft expression calming him down
When he is finished you will just smile and place a kiss to his lips
He will place a hand up to your face, running a finger across your cheekbone and thank you
Podrick Payne
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Podrick Payne is not a man afraid of crying in front of you
Whenever he is stressed or feeling down, that is what mostly happens
To him, there is no more calming feeling in the world than having you hold him while he cries
He also likes when you just listen to him talk about whatever is bothering him
Your advise is always appreciated too, but he also just likes when you listen to his issues and don't try to solve them
When he feels comforted, his way of thanking you is through acts of service
This can include trying his best to make you a meal or running you a warm bath
You can make your own request for my Back-to-Writing Celebration
Masterlist | Game of Thrones Masterlist
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tinfairies · 1 year
PLEASE! reactions to sandor, theon, jorah, jon, tyrion, sansa and missandei for praising them during sex?
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I just did the men for this one, my character limit is 4 but I couldn't choose so I did all of them
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Sandor buries his face into the crook of his lovers neck. His face flushing at their words, his hips don't slow however. He opts to kiss at their delicate skin, trying to ignore the praise. It's not as though he doesn't like it, he just feels as though he doesn't deserve it. The praise keeps coming however, his lover keeps mumbling how good he feels and how amazing he is.
He sits up, bringing his lover with him. Sandor holds them close, their chests pressed together, then his lips find theirs. A desperate attempt to silence them as he keeps thrusting, bouncing them on his cock. Their arms wrap around him, as well as their legs. Clinging to him as he fucks them mercilessly. They make a note to praise him like that more often if this is how he'll react.
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Theon is cocky about it, smirks and thrusts into his lover even harder. "You like that huh?" his hands wander and he gropes at every part of their body. Even if he doesn't fully believe that he's the best man out there, he makes his lover moan and squirm and cum. That's all that matters to him. Theon makes sure they'll remember him even if they leave him, he's the best cock they'll ever have.
His fingers pinch at his lovers nipples, he loves the way they squeal at the sensation. His cock plows into them, the wet sound of their slick and his hot precum is downright selacious. He wants to hear more about how good he feels, how hot he is. If he had it his way, he'd never leave his lovers bed.
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Jorah can't help but get flustered when he hears the praise. His heart climbs up his throat as his lover moans and tells him how amazing he's doing. He leans down, his head resting against their chest. His thrusts don't slow down, in fact he angles his hips to go deeper. He opts to kiss their soft skin and hide his face from them. Jorah knows he shouldn't feel embarrassed, but how can someone so perfect love someone like him?
His hands roam their body, tracing down their sides and groping their hips. Pulling them against him and losing himself in their love. He believes that if he doesn't acknowledge the praise, he doesn't have to accept it. He can't accept it, not a man like him.
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Jon doesn't register his lovers words at first. He's so lost in them, wanting to make them feel as good as possible. When they repeat themselves, it hits him. He can't help but pick up his pace, he wants to hear it again. His hips angling in such a way that his cock goes deeper than before. Again and again his lover praises him, calling him a good boy and moaning that he feels heavenly.
He doesn't believe their words, not really. But it doesn't stop Jon from drinking them down like a deserted man. He knows that outside of this bed he isn't good, though he tries. No, the only place he's truly good and thoroughly skilled is right here between his lovers legs.
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Tyrion lives for praise, craves it and works hard for it. He knows he's good in bed, downright godly even. The words of his lover fuel his ego, he'd laugh and smile, asking if they want him to fuck them stupid. He loves to hear how good he's doing, how good his cock feels up inside them. He's thrusting his hips into theirs, hands roaming, he wants to hear more. Tyrion will keep going long after he and his lover cum, he doesn't want them to stop praising him.
He knows that when he pulls out, and they get cleaned up, that the praise ends. He doesn't want it to, perhaps that's why most of his free time is spent in brothels. Either way, he'll revel in his lovers words for as long as they can last.
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a-libra-writes · 1 year
so glad you're accepting some requests! i've loved your work for so long now. pls feel free to ignore if this doesn't strike your muse, i'll read basically anything you write.
i must ask for my fav ASOIAF boys: Stannis, Roose, Jorah, Jaime, and Sandor (you can pick and choose between this list, im definitely not expecting ALL of them 😭)
my prompt is awkward/untimely moments when they confess their love for the reader OR moments that make them soft for their lover (again, you can pick which interests you more....)
SORRY IF THIS IS A LOT, please feel free to pick and choose what you wanna do, if you wanna do any of them at all! thank you and have a nice night!
oh thank you!! Im glad you enjoy my silly blog so much. I thought the "moments that make them soft" was just super cute and made me think a lot, so I picked that one. Your chosen characters are at the front, and I added a few more for my own self indulgence
No warnings, Reader is implied to be married in most. Also, Roose is Roose.
Stannis - There are many things Stannis gets sentimental for, not that he could think of them on the spot. It's all things that happen in the moment.
When he's at a social function with you and someone's infuriating him, it grounds him when you gently touch his hand. You might say you aren't feeling well, and of course it's a husband's duty to take you away from the crowd and make sure you're alright... then he realizes you just feigned feeling faint for his sake. 
Another time is when you defend him, especially against the criticisms of other lords. He can handle himself, and he always has, but there's something different about you coldly (and politely) telling them off. The harsher your words, the better.
Gentle touches on his jaw when he grinds his teeth, a touch on the shoulder when he's totally absorbed in something and isn't hearing your call, and wanting to take his arm when you both have to appear before the public. While he's averse to most touching, the fact you're considerate of that instead of criticizing means a lot.
Also, appreciating his attempts to please you, and saying so! Appreciation is not something Stannis gets a lot of, even when his best is put forth. Bringing up something sweet he did a while back will actually get a blush and grumble out of him. 
And while it may not seem like a lot, generally just supporting him in court politics means more than he can say. You aren't just performing an expected wifely loyalty, you genuinely want the best for him and House Baratheon. Being on the same page and working in tandem brings such emotions - relief, gratitude, affection - it can be difficult for Stannis to express with words or actions, but he's absolutely soft for it.
Roose - This can be tricky for his partner to discern unless they're paying close attention or it's been a long time in the relationship. Roose does not wear his emotions, positive or negative, openly. The most obvious emotion one might see is pleased contempt for someone he's just intimidated or screwed over.
Any softness would first come from his wife willingly touching him, usually when she's doing something simple. Adjusting his cloak when it's a little askew, taking his arm when visiting other lords, touching his hand during a meal when you're trying to make a point. He's told himself he doesn't care what your feelings are, he just needs a wife to secure an alliance and an heir, but ... well, it is easier if you're fond of him ... 
He's such a suspicious and careful person that overt affection may be seen as an act, so it's little things where you forget yourself that he thinks of most. When you lean into him as you both speak, or gasp in spite of yourself when he grasps you. The satisfaction of making you "forget" yourself is stronger than if you're doting at the start. 
Sometimes, if Roose catches you being affectionate with any children you both share, he'll watch for a few moments. Again, he tells himself it's simply that he "won" over you and that's the only reason he's so pleased.
Jorah - Tbh it's easier to list what doesn't make him soft for you
The biggest one is when you're fussing over him! Jorah is always the one who puts your needs before his own, so you insisting on caring for him and spoiling him a bit just gets him weak in the knees. It's hard to say what he likes best, but making his favorite meal followed by tons of affection is enough to wash away any fatigue.
Showing him off and being obviously proud of being his partner is another thing that gets him fluttery. He already gazes at you adoringly on a regular basis, but now he looks like you hang the moon when you take his arm and happily introduce him as your's.
And, he can't help but melt when you're sweet with kids. Wether you're helping a little one up after they fall or teaching how to do something, he just has to watch from a distance. Yes, he'd want children if you wished for them, but it's moreso he appreciates the compassion you show those smaller and weaker than you. It's sweet how children seem to rely on and cling to you, knowing you're someone safe - and obvs, if these were children you had or adopted together, it made him even more sentimental and emotional.  
Jaime -First, it's tough to know when Jaime is having feelings because most of the time, he's hiding it. If he's caught gazing fondly at you, he'll brush it off with sarcasm.
The easiest way for him to catch feels is just you being honest with your intentions and feelings. When you tell him how much you adore him, or you appreciate something he did - especially after you both were intimate and you're cuddled up, and you just state how you feel with no manipulations or strings attached, it does something to him. He doesn't respond at first, just quietly contemplating your words long after you've fallen asleep.
Another time is when you see through his arrogance and bravado. When Jaime's trying to assure you he's fine and he's dealt with it, and he isn't bothered by what happened at all actually, and you just quietly listen. That bravado wavers just so, and it just takes a few well-placed questions before he finally just caves and tells you what's actually going on (how do you and Tyrion do that so well?). The fact you listen and don't judge or admonish him is something that occurs to him much later. He can go to you with a problem, and that's a rare vulnerability for the disgraced knight.
Sandor - He is far more affected by you than he wants to admit to himself, especially at the beginning, but after being years of being together, anyone with eyes could see it.
First of all, you're so damn gentle. You always talked to him with a kindness and politeness he wasn't used to, and while he initially brushed it off, the annoying thing is you were genuine. You'll even touch carefully or be considerate of things that may upset him, like he needs to be protected, the huge "knight" that everyone is terrified of. It completely affects Sandor and for a long time he didn't know what to do with himself. Now he just quietly accepts it, allowing himself to be vulnerable and cared for instead of immediately crushing those feelings.
On the same lines, it used to trouble Sandor how you'd hold him so tight. It didn't matter if it was after sex or just an embrace out of nowhere (the latter is a bit more startling), and it almost sent him into a fight-or-flight response the first few times you did it. He's far more comfortable with it than before, but now embraces tend to send him into something of a "reset". Any anger or darkness that was clouding him will fade just slightly, and he'll lean into you and let his guard down.
Brandon - Though he carries plenty of bravado and confidence, it's pretty easy for others to tell when he's being soft on you, especially his family members. The easiest way to get him feeling fluttery is to rely on him. Yes, even if you're clearly teasing or messing with him, you like to have him carry you over water or lift you up on your horse or "protect" you while you both go on a walk in the late hours. It's like he's a boy with a crush again, and he likes to show off his strength.
There's also the simple things that get him every time, like when you take his hand and entwine your fingers out of nowhere. You won't say anything, you'll just do it, and when you kiss his hand and knuckles it gets the big man oddly flustered.
Asha - While she's certainly felt all sorts of soft around you, it's not immediately obvious. As much as she loves you, she doesn't go on about grand gestures or proclamations. It's just not her style. So when you do something just so damn cute and charming - like rambling on about something you love or ranting about someone who pissed you off - she just smiles.
An outsider might think she's just amused, but those in the know have never seen such an expression of adoration on her. When you finish your tirade, she just teases you with a kiss and a pull of the cheek. You ought to stop being so damn cute. Another thing she likes is when you're frank with her. When you honestly tell her how much you love her, or how happy you are - even if she didn't have doubts, it's nice to hear it.
Victarion - First, he doesn't think he's capable of such "weak" feelings and vulnerability. If anyone brought it up, they'd be punched. If his family brings it up, he grumbles and scowls. If you do, he just frowns and turns away. It's not expected of an Ironborn, so obviously he doesn't have any softness toward you. None.
Not even when you've managed to get him in your arms and have him rest on your chest - not an easy feat, this is always after sex and usually when he's drunk - and he can feel your skin and heartbeat. You touch his rough, tangled hair, and his scarred face, and his even more scarred back, and the huge man is like putty. He's heavy, sure, but it feels warm and safe. Later when he's awake and sober and going about whatever he does during the day, he'll think back on that embrace, and odd feelings he can't describe just pick at him.
A smaller thing is when you approve of something he does, regardless if it's an action or words. Even just glancing at him and nodding - even if subtle, he notices. It's like a thrill going through him and Victarion wonders why for a solid minute. Maybe he should do that thing more, or say those words again? Why does he care about your reaction anyway, and why does he want it again? It's even worse when you leave without explaining what exactly it was that pleased you. Asha says he'll figure it out eventually.
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springdandelixn · 2 years
Show Me Love
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—Jorah x F!Targaryen!Reader
Summary: Jorah ends up failing his quest to search for the princess and take her back to the feast in the Red Keep.
Warnings: 18+ content, oral (m receiving), Jorah is a whore haha
A/N: Because today is Thursday, I’ve decided to make a THIRSTY drabble for our favorite simp boii.
Even if this is simply a drabble, your likes and comments are highly appreciated. Tell me what you think of the story for it helps me a lot as a writer. Your reblogs will help this story flourish further. And as always, I hope you guys enjoy! ♥️
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Jorah’s hand clamps tighter on your shoulder, his head thrown back in pure bliss on the back of the chair and muscles tensing when you take him into your mouth once more. Your fingers dig into the flesh of his bare thigh while the other presses down against his abdomen which ripples in desire.
He never imagined that his search for you around the Red Keep would end up with him groaning in pleasure as you sucked down hard on his cock. He only thought about taking you back to the feast where the guests from the noble houses were wanting your attention, yet here he was, the Lord Commander of the Queensguard, shrouded in ecstasy, chest heaving as he felt a tug at the pit of his stomach.
“Princess—” He groans, but the words he wanted to say drown in his throat, whispering your name instead in the humid air that slowly fills his chambers.
Your mouth pulls back, only keeping the tip of his cock within when a garbled moan escapes his lips upon feeling you suck harder on its head. His cock stiffens, throbbing against your lips and he reaches down to wrap his fingers around the base to stop his release.
“Princess, please—” He begs.
But you don't relent. Your hand pries away his own before replacing it with your deft fingers, stroking his shaft while your tongue swirls and licks on the tip, spreading the saltiness on the pad of your tongue, humming at the taste of him.
He chokes when he tries to speak, tries to protest that a princess should not take a man’s seed in her mouth but all sense of decency drifts from his head when pleasure rolls through his body, his spine, shivering as he feels the tug in his stomach once more.
His hand reaches over to cup the base of your head, eyes blowing wide in lust as he pulls you back down on his cock, having you choke and gag around him when he hits the back of your throat. He grows feral, hungry even when your eyes shoot up to meet his. Relishing the look you give him as he urges you to take more of him, to suck on his cock like your life depended on it. His other hand reaches to cup the side of your face as he moves to thrust his hips at a faster pace.
“You look so beautiful with your lips around me.” He growls and he watches as your eyes shine with unshed tears, chanting your name in whispers when you plant your hands against his thighs and meet him halfway, your muffled moans filling his ears and adding to the pleasure that builds within.
“You’re so perfect, princess—” He praises, throwing his head back once more when you pick up your pace, feeling your saliva pool against his inner thighs. His hand grabs a handful of your hair when he feels himself reaching his limit. Releasing an animalistic growl, he pushes you down, burying his cock fully into your mouth and spilling his seeds down your throat.
He curses lowly and pants heavily, his chest heaving as he slowly climbs down from his high. Another moan escapes him when you pull away from his cock with a thick ‘pop’ after swallowing his essence, a light giggle erupting from you before taking him fully once more, milking him dry.
“Ser Jorah?”
Panic surges in him when he hears the voice of his queen from beyond the door, quickly leaning over to you on the ground, pulling himself free from your mouth and pressing a finger to your lips, signaling to be silent.
“Are you alright, Ser?” Daenerys asks once more. “Why did you leave the feast in haste?”
He clears his throat before he speaks. “I’m quite fine, your grace. I’ve just not been feeling well and I wanted to rest before it turns into anything serious.”
His eyes dart to you when you roll your eyes at him, a playful smile gracing your lips when you move to straddle his lap.
“Liar.” You whisper against his ear and it takes all of his strength to stop himself from kissing the smug away from your lips.
“Shall I call for the maester?” Daenerys asks.
“You need not worry, your grace. I’m sure sleep will do me some g—good.” He stops the groan from escaping him, his hands grabbing tightly on your hips to stop you from rubbing your clothed cunt against his exposed length.
“Good night, your grace.” He says in finality before wrapping his arms around you, your legs locking around his waist, lifting you as he stands from his seat, and walking towards the door to make sure it's locked from within.
“What if my sister comes back and asks for your help to look for me, Lord Commander Mormont?” You ask teasingly, rubbing a finger against the scruff of his beard, a grin on your lips, making Jorah groan as he walks you to his bed. You giggle when he lays you down on the feathered mattress.
“Then pray to the seven that she doesn’t, my love, for I plan to keep you here til the morrow.” He smirks as he runs his hand up your thigh, pushing up the skirt of your dress before leaning down to claim your lips with his.
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shadeysprings · 1 year
Wilting Blossom
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—Jorah Mormont x F!Reader
Summary: Trapped in the dungeons, the Lord Commander comes to make a bargain.
Warnings: noncon/dubcon, age gap, size kink, vaginal fingering, coercion & entrapment. There may be more but thread carefully as this is a dark fic.
A/N: Written for @the-slumberparty's Week Four Challenge: Across the Universe. I started this event with Jorah and I feel it was only right to end it with him. GOT is one of the universes I love to dabble in and Jorah, if you know me, is the one that holds my heart.
Your feedback and reblogs are highly appreciated. Support content creators! And of course, I hope you guys enjoy! ❤️
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With your hand outstretched, you try to catch the rays of the sun as it trickles through the small window of your cell. You bask in what little warmth it offers, the heat kissing your skin and slowly staving off the cold emitted by the stone walls that surround you. 
But just as quickly, you pull your hand back and push yourself against the wall, hugging your knees to your chest and shrouding yourself once more in the darkness when you hear the dungeon doors open. Heavy footsteps echo through the narrow hall, guards shouting and banging against the bars that confine you and your fellow prisoners, who in turn, retaliate by shouting curses in their wake. 
The tension in the air then thickens when you sense the band stop by your cell, their presence imposing and looming. 
“Unlock it.”
You stiffen and huddle closer to the wall when you catch the familiar timbre of Lord Commander Mormont amidst the low rabble of the dungeon. The sound of keys jingling and the lock going undone, your chest constricting in fear as the hinges of what keeps you separated from them creak as it swings open.
He’s the reason you were thrown into this purgatory. His profession of mercy when he stands beside the Targaryen Queen proves false when he gave no chance to hear your apologies. Though, deep down, you know you’re just as much to blame as he is. 
“Wait outside.” He instructs one of his men. “We are not to be disturbed. Am I understood?”
“Yes, Lord Commander.” Another familiar voice responds, Ser Jaime Lannister’s, but you hear nothing more than retreating steps and the pounding of your heart as you’re left alone with the leader of the queensguard.
His footfalls are slow and measured, akin to a predator circling its prey. You hide your face from him, not wanting to see the demon clothed in fine gold. 
“Don’t hide from me.” A command and you contemplate doing as you’re bid but he makes his impatience known when he nudges you with his boot. You swallow thickly as you tilt your chin up, taking in his tall stature as he towers over you, his golden armor glinting against the light of the sun and his sapphire eyes burning with devious desire as he stares down at you. 
A silent gasp then leaves your lips when he crouches at your level,  “How was your stay here, thief?” He asks, a smirk forming on his lips and you divert your eyes away. “Cold isn’t it? You’d rather be out in the sun?” His tone makes your blood start boiling, anger burning in your chest as he taunts you with freedom.
But your chest quickens when he reaches behind him, your arms instinctively shielding yourself as you expect him to pull out a dagger and give you your sentence right there on the muddy floors of the cell. Yet, the blow doesn’t come, instead, you hear him chuckling, mirth present in his voice and you peek through your arms to see him holding out a loaf than a weapon. 
“Take it,” he urges. “I know you’re hungry.” You stare at the offered food, stomach growling at the sight. “This will taste better than the slop they feed you lot down here.” His voice is calm yet calculating all the same, but all at once soothing, if you’re to be honest with yourself. 
Hesitation fills you, eyes shifting from the loaf and then at him. For you know there are more creative ways to kill a peasant than to throw them under the blade. 
“It’s not poisoned if that’s what you’re thinking.” The Lord Commander chuckles and rips a piece of the bread before tossing it in his mouth.
As soon as he finishes, parting his lips to expose the empty cavern, you snatch the fare from his grasp and bite into it with greed, the spongy texture tickling your mouth and settling your hunger, humming a moan at the taste. 
Ser Jorah laughs once more, his eyes light with amusement as he watches you feast. “There’s more where that came from,” He coos, and you watch him closely when he shifts to near you, keeping the bread to your lips in fear of him taking it away. “Maybe some meat and cheese, lemon cakes too, if you wish. Wouldn’t you want that?” You feel your mouth water as he lists down the items, your stomach rumbling once more. 
“I can give you so much more, petal,” He continues, your body going rigid as dread crawls up your spine when his gloved hand reaches over to caress your arm, the blue pools in his turning darker and you hear his breathing grow heavier. “A warm bed, a full belly, a better life.” The knight breathes, “And you need only give me what I want in return.”
“And what is that?” Your voice comes out in an instant, startling both of you, the Lord Commander’s grin widening at your question. 
Your brow furrows and the anger from before returns in a burst of flames, throwing the half-eaten loaf at his face and quickly pushing yourself from the ground and making your way out of your cell.
But such an attempt of escape is fruitless; Ser Jorah easily recovers from your pitiful attack and grabs you by the ankle, making you fall to the ground and cry in pain and soon in fear when he crawls over you, gasping when the length of his arm pins your shoulders to the muddy ground.
“Ah, ah,” He tuts and laughs as you struggle against his hold, nails scraping on the cobblestone floor as you try to get away from him, but you choke when his arm slips to the back of your neck, weeping uncontrollably and begging for his mercy upon feeling his other hand slip underneath your skirt. “Disobedient girls don’t get that privilege,” Hot breath fans over your cheek when he leans closer, crushing you with the weight of his armor. “They are left to rot in cells while men come and go as they please, to rape them, torture them even.”
“Ser—” You cry, “Please—”
“And I would hate to see a pretty flower like you be ruined, watching your petals wilt away.” Your lips tremble when he presses his nose against your hair, disgust blooming at the pit of your stomach when he rolls his hips, feeling the erection in his breeches press against your ass. “But I am a forgiving and generous man, and I can save you from such fate.” He slowly eases off of you and you groan when he flips you to your back, only to pin you down once more with his arm over your chest. 
You lock eyes with him, your mind swimming in the words of the Lord Commander, drowning in them for you know them to be true. How whispers fly across the city of women taken into captivity, treated like whores, and leaving with either a babe in their belly or hanging at the center of King’s Landing.
But should that alone be the drive for you to take his offer? A life of servitude to the knight? A bed warmer? You regale in the thought and realize it makes no difference if one man or several take you against your will because all the same, you’re nothing but a thing to be used, an object to the eyes of the nobles and ones of power, keeping you bound to whichever hell they see fit. 
You’ve heard stories of the Lord Commander, the once Lord of the northernmost island, knighted by King Robert himself at the Siege of Pyke. How he was exiled to the neighboring country for his misdeeds yet found back his honor at the side of the Dragon Queen. 
They said he was a just, merciful, and honorable man, but what you see before you are anything but, for there is no mercy dripping from his tongue nor honor looming in his eyes, only hunger for the flesh—your flesh—and greed for control over the ones who have none.
Still, you are nothing compared to him; a peasant of the city—no power or riches to bargain for your freedom.
“So, what will it be, thief?” He asks, looking up into his sapphires with fear as you decide and give your answer.
That was but a year ago, the dregs of the dungeon are now washed away by the cool waters you’re allowed to indulge in the vast chamber. Your rags, replaced with sheer silk dresses—luxurious as they seem, they give you no sense of decency as they expose everything underneath. But food is no longer scarce, one you treat as a blessing yet such gifts are nothing but a tether to your new prison. 
You sit by the plush chaise, the sound of the waves crashing against the rocks that hold the fortress of the Red Keep filling your ears while you watch the strong winds blow against the sails of the ships that come in and out of the capitol. You can’t help but long to set foot on the sandy beaches once more, to bask in the freedom you once knew before being found by the Lord Commander himself stalking in the royal kitchen.
You may have simply been surviving in the past—fleeting through the narrow walk of Flea Bottom and rummaging through the wastes of the highborn for something to eat—but, at the least, you were free.
The door of the chamber swings open and you immediately stand from your perch, folding your hands at your front as you watch Ser Jorah walk in, his golden armor glowing in the afternoon light and you swallow thickly when he flicks the lock within. 
His eyes meet yours and your spine tingles in fear when you see the hunger within them. He unties the belt holding his sword from his waist and hangs it by the hook at the side of the door before slowly walking over to the chaise, measured hand pulling off his gloves and tossing them on the plush surface. 
“Wine.” He says after dropping himself on the settee and you quickly reach for the jug on the table in front, kneeling as you pour a generous amount into the goblet. 
With careful hands you hold it out to him, giving you a smile before taking the cup from your grasp and holding out his hand to you in return. You take it and follow his lead, standing between his parted legs before settling yourself on his thick thigh when he nudges you to sit. 
He then lifts the cup to his lips, taking long and heavy gulps with some of the red liquid spilling from the sides and clinging to his golden beard. As soon as he finishes, he leans forward to set the goblet on the low table before focusing his attention on you, his arm wrapped firmly around your waist while his other hand rests on your knee, kneading it before caressing the expanse of your thigh. 
“How are you while I was away, little flower?” He asks, “I hope you weren’t too lonely.”
“The view of the sea kept me entertained, Ser.” You murmur, squeaking in surprise when he pulls you flush against him. 
“I bring you good news then.” He drones, shifting you on his lap and you grab his arm when he presses your back against his plated chest, hooking your knees over his and spreading your legs wide when he parts his. “I sail for Dorne in a fortnight and I’m taking you with me.” His voice is low, whispering against your ear and your chest tightens when he bunches the skirt of your dress over your waist, shivering, skin tingling when his hand skims over your inner thigh. 
“A m-most generous o-offer, Ser—” You mumble, your other hand gripping his wrist as you try to push him away, gasping as an aching need bloom at the pit of your abdomen when he finds purchase of your cunt and rolls a finger against your sacred bud. “But p-people will s-see—the queen—” The words die on your lips when he quickens the movement of his hand, your lips parting, mouth hanging open as you try to catch your breath. 
“I care not of whispers,” He growls against the crown of your head, and you gasp sharply when he slips two fingers past the folds of your weeping blossom. “Everyone should know who it is you belong to.”
He clutches your waist tight, keeping you pressed to him as he fucks you desperately with his hand, the walls of your cunt stretching wide at the thickness of his fingers and the soreness from the night before burning within once more along with the fire of your unwanted desire. 
Words of pleas for him to stop linger at your lips but never leave, your legs shaking as your arousal spikes, your cunt slickening further, allowing him to thrust deeper to his knuckles. His arm on your waist moves, but only to frame his fingers around your neck, turning your head for you to face him and capture your lips to pull you into a heated kiss. 
He swallows your moans, devouring every sound you make and your stomach quakes, making you pull away from his lips when you let out a silent scream as pleasure crashes over you, your eyes blowing wide and gasping heavily when you shudder at your release, coating his fingers with your essence. 
Deep chuckles emit from him and you tremble when he slips his digits from your cunt, your walls clenching on nothing and your mind protesting against the longing of your body. You pant heavily against his chest, daring to peek up at him when you hear him produce such lewd sounds and watch him slip his fingers into his lips,  licking them clean. 
“Such a sweet nectar from the sweetest flower.” He drones and you whimper when he gives your lips one last kiss, tasting yourself on his tongue before staggering forward when he pushes you off of him, holding onto the small table to keep yourself from falling to the ground
You hear him shuffle behind you, sounds of clasps being undone, and you startle when he grabs your arm, pulling you to stand before nudging you towards the bedchamber. 
“On the bed, petal.” He instructs, “I’ve given you pleasure, and it’s your turn to return the favor.”
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I no longer keep a tag list but if you want to be kept updated on my fics, follow my side blog @springdandelixn-archives and turn on notifications.
Also, I just want to thank @darkficsyouneveraskedfor and @navybrat817 for hosting this event. It was truly such a joy to write with the themes you've set and I've met such amazing and talented people along the way.
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axelsagewrites · 9 months
Not all these men are dad's technically but they all either have Dilf vibes or look older than 25 and didn't fit into part one of this vote with Robb, jon, podrick etc which you can find here
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writeshite · 1 year
Jorah rougly fucking you against the wall, your legs around his waist and your hands clinging onto his shoulfers while he keeps eye contact amd tells you what a good boy you are
Your head hangs forward, arms drawn around Jorah's shoulders, and you struggle to keep your eyes open, "...can you keep them open for me?" you hear Jorah ask; you do and keen at his praise, "Good boy."
His arms keep you against the wall; your own legs having grown weak after so long, you were certain Jorah was all that kept you from slipping down the wall. He hits your prostate with fervor, always eager to memorize the expressions he drew from you, "J —Jorah..." He adjusted his hold, tightening his hold before ramming into you even rougher, "...ah...ah...ah...."
"Keep those eyes open for me, love," he pleads, but you can barely do so, ass raw from fucking, and muscles taught; you shake your head, crying with apologies on your tongue. "Shh, shh, shh, shh," he whispers, "it's alright; you've been such a good boy."
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folkloresthings · 9 months
if anyone wants to send some game of thrones requests….
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llonelygoddess · 8 months
How they react to...You being good with a sword
A/N: Not my best work but I'm open to feedback!
Characters: Ned Stark, Margaery Tyrell, Sandor Clegane, Sansa Stark, Khal Drogo, Brienne of Tarth, Missandei, Podrick, Jorah Mormont
TW: Horny characters, violence?
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Ned Stark: You'd both be out watching Robb, Jon, and Theon practicing with their swords in the court yard. Jon's kicking both of their asses and it's getting hard to watch so you excuse yourself from Ned's side. Walking down to the courtyard, you grab a sword and show them defensive and offensive positions. Ned almost objects as you begin but seeing his kids take your advice so seriously he smiles. If the boys can respect you as a teacher then so could he. Now, He didn't like the idea of you being in a situation where you have to use a sword but knowing you can wield one turns him on lol
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Margaery Tyrell: In the life you'd live with Margaery it would be best to keep your talent hidden. It was scandal enough to be courting someone that wasn't a man, but if said person also brandished a sword it would be the hottest gossip of the city. So you save your skills for real emergencies and the first time Margaery sees this she is beyond confused and a little scared. In private she'll thank you for saving her and ask how you learned such a thing.
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Sandor Clegane: This guy is the least phased. Like, he's definitely caught off guard by how skilled you are but not much surprises him anymore. He gives you tips every now and then but really believes in your capability. I like to think one of his favorite moments are after you both have had a good fight and you take turns taking care of each other. Wiping the wounds clean, covering them, and then taking a hot bath together ( or separate cause mans is BIG).
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Sansa Stark: It kinda depends on which era of Sansa we're talking about. Like if it's younger Sansa than she's probably a little frightened of you but would be dying to hear the stories of how you came to be so good. If it was older Sansa then she's highly impressed and requests for you to be apart of her personal guard. She likely will ask for you to teach her a few things so she can defend herself as well.
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Khal Drogo: Man is impressed. He values strength so seeing you with a weapon at all riles him up, but seeing you defend yourself from another Dothraki who spoke against you? He's immediately dragging your ass to bed, or he might just take you in front of everyone.
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Brienne of Tarth: <3 Big heart eyes<3 Finally! Someone who can keep up with her. This woman spent her whole life being told that anyone who wasn't a man couldn't possibly wield a sword properly, and after proving that wrong herself it's refreshing to see you also beating the stereotypes. She loves to train with you and teach you things as well as learn from you. After your first real battle together she'll do her best not to hover but you can tell she's stressed out about whether you were hurt or not. Of course she knows you can take care of yourself but she loves you and can't help but worry.
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Missandei: As an educated woman and former slave, Missandei never had time ( or the desire) to learn the ways of a sword. When she met you, you were training with Jorah and Grey Worm and she was impressed with how you could keep up with them. From then on, She's always enjoyed watching you train, your strength filling her with pride. She feels content knowing that you can defend yourself and her at any moment.
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Podrick: Honestly, he's relieved. I mean, don't get me wrong he'll defend you without a second thought ( it's very hot) but knowing that you can handle yourself in a fight takes the pressure off of him a little. He worries for you, the world you both live in will eat and spit people out and the thought of something happening to you haunts him. He may try to give you tips ( even if you're better than him lol), so just let him help the few ways he can.
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Jorah Mormont: You'd both probably meet while working for Daenerys so there's almost an expectation that you'd be good at defending yourself/her. In your first fight together you save him from a sword that nearly took his head off and after that day he begins to see you as more than just another guard.
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daniellewritesfr · 8 months
𝐆𝐚𝐦𝐞 𝐎𝐟 𝐓𝐡𝐫𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐬 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐋𝐢𝐬𝐭
I will write for almost every GOT character, if you have requests feel free to send them in! If you're wondering about my rules see This Post
Fluff ✼ Angst ✾ Smut ★
Jon Snow
My Lady (Jon Snow x f!Reader) ✼
Robb Stark
Amongst The Ice And Snow series (Robb Stark x f!Reader)
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tessimagines · 1 year
🎈Jorah Mormont
Jorah Mormont: Cuddles (Random Headcanon)
Jorah's favourite thing in the world is laying down in bed, your head on his chest and his arms wrapped tight around you. He loves this especially when you fall asleep against him. When this happens, Jorah runs his finger along your cheekbone, brushing away hairs from your face. In these moments, he also likes to whisper "I love you" in your ear, or recount his thoughts when he saw you for the first time.
Sometimes, though, he isn't aware that your actually awake, listening tentatively to every single word.
Request your own random headcanon as part of my Back-to-Writing Celebration
Masterlist | Game of Thrones Masterlist
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a-libra-writes · 1 year
AAAA REQUESTS ARE OPENED ILYSM!!11!1!1If it's not too much id like to request for my bbgs Jamie, Brienne and maybe Arya when they haven't seen s/o all day so they're getting pretty angsty but when they're finished with training or whatever for the day they find beloved asleep in one of the spots they usually meet at while waiting for them. (Sorry if I made it too specific) sending much loveლ⁠(⁠´⁠ ⁠❥⁠ ⁠`⁠ლ⁠)
Im gonna do Jaime and Brienne (and some others bc i cannot control myself) but sans Arya! lets goooo
Jaime - First of all, he's in a foul mood when he finally gets back, muttering and grumbling to himself. When he spots you in the usual spot you wait in - oh. Shit, that's actually ... very endearing. He wants to be smug about it, but there's just a lot of sentiment that sits with him as he tries to remember someone wanting to see him that badly, that they'd fall asleep waiting. He watches you for a little while, considering this, before finally waking you up. Now he's all smug and teasing you about being so clingy. Naturally he'll escort you back to your chambers, not really caring about the hour or that he's a Kingsguard and shouldn't be seen doing such things. He'll figure out a lie an explanation later.
Jon - He's ready to kick in the door of the Lord Commander's chambers, if only his sore and freezing body would cooperate. Jon's exhausted and figured a while ago you would've gone to bed. You both have to be careful, after all - but then he spots you dozed off in an old wooden chair by a dying hearth. Were you waiting up this whole time? He feels guilty at once, and tries to be quiet as he gets the fire going again. Once it's up, Jon gently wakes you up by brushing some of your hair aside and kissing your brow. He really can't help himself, though his hands are like ice! You two cuddle and warm up before heading to your separate chambers.
Brienne - It was a brutal day of riding and routing bandits, and while she can normally take it, this went on longer than usual. Brienne's strong, but she has her physical limit. She's staggering back, being the last to retire to bed. When she finds that you waited for her, she feels so bad! Brienne hadn't realized you'd do such a thing - it fills up her heart with affection, so she gently wakes you and asks if she can carry you back to your room. You actually accept, and she feels the fatigue wash away as she gladly carries you back. She loves being a knight for you, and it turns out you're very snuggly when you're tired.
Arthur Dayne - He leaves his post late in the evening, much later than the usual meeting time. You probably aren't there, but - it's worth a look, isn't it? And there you are, asleep in the garden you and Arthur like to steal away to. He wakes you up very gently, cautioning you between kisses about falling asleep in such a vulnerable state. He doesn't have the heart to really scold you about it, at least not until the morning. He escorts you halfway to your chambers before has to retreat to the White Sword Tower.
Victarion - He already thinks about you when he doesn't want to, or when it's not a good time. It happens more often when he's tired, which is troublesome. The late hour doesn't occur to him when he's back; you're always waiting, no matter what, and - oh. You're asleep. ... You really shouldn't be asleep where anyone could find you and do something, even in Castle Pyke. Victarion scoops you right up, not realizing how badly that would startle you. He just grumbles that you ought to be more careful, and any touches or kisses distract him immediately.
Asha - First, why are you so damn cute? How'd you end up in a place like the Iron Islands, anyway? For once in her life, someone is waiting for her at home like a puppy... even when she gets back late, like now. Asha wills her tired body over and wakes you up with a big kiss and her soft laugh. Aww, what, you really like her that much? She messes with your hair and pulls you up, urging you to her chambers as you stumble and grumble behind her.
Jorah - Well he's always thinking of you, but especially so if he had to depart before the sun is up and he's finally returning hours after its set. By then, Jorah's exhausted and just wants to get home to you. Once he finds you asleep on the settee you like best - oh no, he might die from the sweetness. You waited up for him? Jorah sits right next to you, giving you a big, sleepy hug and apologizing about being back so late. You both end up falling asleep cuddled up on the couch because he's too tired to move and now you're comfortable and warm, so you aren't going anywhere.
Brynden - Coming back from a long day of training and keeping up with his men, Brynden doesn't notice the time until he spots you sleeping on a large windowsill. He feels bad for making you wait so long, and finds it endearing you even wanted to wait up for an old knight. He picks you up very carefully, so it's his voice that wakes you. "Making these old bones carry you back to bed, hm?" He's not bothered that anyone would spot you two - he knows which halls are empty at this hour.
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springdandelixn · 1 year
Home for the Holidays
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Summary: As you enter the New Year, you’re forced to relive the horrors of your past.
Warnings: 18+ content, noncon, unprotected sex, predatory vibes. I think that’s it but tell me if I missed anything.
Characters: Dark!DBF!Jorah Mormont x F!Reader
A/N: There is no better way to start 2023 than with Jorah Mormont! I hope you guys had an amazing NYE because I did and I’m so hyped to enter this year and give you guys more of this man.
This is a DARK fic. Warnings have been given so please use them accordingly.
As always, your feedback is highly appreciated and reblogs would be amazing. And of course, I hope you guys enjoy! ❤️
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“Will you get the door, please, honey?” Your mom calls from the kitchen and you quickly place the stack of plastic cups atop the table and head over to the front of the house. 
After 3 years of holing up in the city, you gave in to your mom’s wishes and came home for the holidays. It’s not like you had any plans anyway, all your friends going home or leaving the country to celebrate, but still, you would have rather spent Christmas and New Year alone in your apartment than go back to the small town you once called home. 
Trepidation immediately sank into your bones as soon as you stepped off the train, memories of the past surging through you, memories of the man that made you want to flee. Though despite such fears, you felt a deep ache in your heart as soon as you saw your papa waiting outside the terminal, your tears immediately pooling in your eyes as you ran to him and met him with a tight embrace. 
Your parents are the only thing you missed about Brightwood. Everything else be damned. 
The knock on the front door comes again and you take a deep breath before twisting the knob open, putting on a smile as you welcome the visitors that come spilling into the house. Your mom’s friends from her book club, Darlene and Mara give a squeal of excitement upon seeing you, both women wrapping you in a tight embrace, and your dad’s co-workers down at the auto shop; Greg, one of your dad’s friends that witnessed you grow up, even giving your head a pat, like how he used to when you were 5, when he sees you. 
You close the door when no one else comes in but something stops the wooden barrier from catching on the latch. You look to see the hindrance but instead stand frozen in your spot when you see Jorah smirking down at you, fear encasing your entire being as his blue eyes glint dangerously against the evening light. 
“Buttercup—” He breathes as he steps through the threshold, the door closing behind him. “I didn’t know you were coming home.”
“I—“ your voice fizzles in your throat and your skin prickles when his hand slides up your arm, his thumb caressing your skin.
“You look—“
“Jorah,” You snap your head to the side when your dad calls his name. You step out of his hold, wanting to turn away and go back to help your mother in the kitchen but his hand grabs your wrist, pulling you back to him before snaking his arm around your shoulders. “You made it!”
“Harold!” He greets your dad, shaking his hand. “I wouldn’t miss it for the world, especially after seeing your girl back home.” Jorah gives your shoulder a light pat and you look up at your dad who gives his best friend a wide smile.
“Yeah.” Your dad glances down at you before facing him again. “She came home the eve of Christmas. I believe you were up on the island with your family?”
“Aye. Not as much fun as I wished, that's why I came home earlier than planned. But I did end up getting what I came for.”
“Your pa finally gave you the brewery?”
“Sure did. The contract has been signed and all.” He grins and you then feel Jorah’s eyes on you, your body tensing in his hold from the way he stares. “So, buttercup, what have you been up—“
You look away in the direction of your mom when she calls out your name and you feel a sense of relief wash over you as she asks you to help accommodate the guests. 
“I have to go help mama.” You tell both men, your dad nodding at your words, and you slip away from Jorah’s arm and sidle past your dad.
“We’ll catch up later, buttercup.” He calls at you and you cringe in disgust at the nickname.
The party goes smoothly and you make it a point to stay away from Jorah. Each time he goes near, you go to your mom and help her entertain the guest. You even made a point to sit beside her book club friends and endure their embarrassing questions. But you’d rather surrender to their attention than be trapped by your father’s best friend. 
As Marla talks about her new online business, you see Jorah talking to your dad and his other friends in the backyard, beer bottle in hand and a cigarette in the other. He hasn’t changed since you last saw him except for the gray mixing in with his golden hair, his beard still trimmed neat, emphasizing the sharpness of his cheekbones. His body looks more muscular than before, probably from working at the auto shop, seeing how his powder blue button up clings to his chest and arms. 
But he catches you staring, a smirk playing on his lips when your eyes meet his and you immediately look away, excusing yourself from your mom and her group, giving them the intention of cleaning up the kitchen and preparing the dessert. 
“Don’t forget the countdown, honey.” Your mother tells you, assuring her that you wouldn’t.
You get to work and grab the discarded paper plates on the side and toss them in the bin, even taking the empty serving dishes and stacking them in the dishwasher to save your mom time from cleaning after. Once satisfied, you take out the cake your mom baked earlier in the day from the fridge and set it down on the kitchen island, preparing the smaller paper plates at the side for the guests to take. 
As soon as you finish tidying up the kitchen as much as you can, you make your way up the stairs with the intention of staying in your room before the countdown begins. But before you can even reach your bedroom door, your body goes into panic when a hand clamps down over your mouth, an arm circling your waist and you’re pulled inside the bathroom, the door closing and the lock clicking in place. 
Jorah’s face reflects back at you in the mirror of the vanity cabinet, fear running up your spine when you see the devilish smile on his lips. You murmur in protest against his palm and try to push him away, trying to wretch his hand from your mouth when he buries his nose against the crook of your neck, inhaling your scent deeply.   
“God, I’ve missed you, buttercup.” He mumbles against your skin, his hand on your waist moving to caress your thigh before slipping it under the skirt of your dress. “I never stopped thinking about you after you left.”
You try to speak, to pull your mouth free of his hand, or even bite it but he only adds pressure on his hand, completely stilling any movement you could make with your mouth. Tears pool at the corner of your eyes when he cups your sex, his fingers deftly pushing the fabric of your panties to the side, your knees shaking as he rolls the pad of his digits against your clit. 
You’re suddenly transported back to the vacation house at Bear Island, his home island. The seemingly innocent invitation to spend the summer at his home turned into a horrific experience that will forever be implanted in your brain. How he snuck up into your room one night and tainted the way you saw him. How he was no longer the best friend of your dad that always hung around the house when fixing up your dad’s old beat-up truck or the man who gave you such beautiful presents during the holidays. No longer the cool guy of the party, sneaking you sips of beer or giving you your first cigarette.  
He became your tormentor, the demon lurking and striking when an opportunity is presented. That even when you tried to distance yourself from him, seeking refuge from your parents in order to keep him away, he always found a way to get to you, to claim you, to abuse you. 
His thumb replaces his fingers on your clit as his digits dip into your cunt. First one then two, moaning into his hand when your walls squeeze him tight, your body going rigid against his solid chest when he thrusts them, slowly at first then faster soon after. You feel your cunt go slick with each thrust he makes, whimpering when he buries his digits knuckle deep. You try to close your legs, to squeeze him out of you but he slips his knee between your legs, his foot pushing against yours to keep your wide open. 
“I know you missed me too, buttercup.” He drawls, lips scattering kisses on your shoulder before pressing them against your temple. “I bet no one has fucked your cunt the way I did. No one making you feel good the way I do.” He inhales once more, his hand slipping from your mouth. But before you could even call for help, his hand wraps around your neck, fingers pressing against the sides, preventing you from screaming. 
“Jorah—” You gurgle, your hands lifting to grab his wrist but he only tightens his hand around your throat. “Please—”
“See, you’re already begging for me.” He chuckles darkly against your cheek, huffing when he suddenly pulls his hand away from your cunt and your ears pique up when you hear the buckle of his belt clinking as he undoes it, the telltale sound of his zipper bouncing off the walls, pinging in your ears along with the heavy pounding of your heart. 
You try once more to push him away, twisting your body against his to free yourself from his grasp. But Jorah is fast despite his age, grabbing you instantly when you pull yourself free and slamming against the concrete wall of the bathroom, your head bouncing painfully against the hard surface. 
“Ah, you’re fighting back now, huh?” He taunts, pressing the length of his arm across your chest as he pins you to the wall. 
Your head spins, your vision momentarily blurring from the impact and you can’t find the strength in you to fight back when he rips your panties off easily, the fabric dropping down to the floor before he wraps your leg around his waist. 
You see his eyes grow dark when you regain some sense of clarity, your hands pressing against his chest as he pokes blindly for your cunt with the tip of his cock. Though he wastes no time when he finds your entrance, a gasp leaving your lips when he finally thrusts himself past your folds, Jorah groaning lowly when he pushes himself inch by inch, his forehead pressing down against yours when he bottoms out. 
His beer-laced breath fans against your face when he exhales heavily from his sudden intrusion, pain radiating throughout your pelvis as your walls try to take in his size. Your pussy walls flutter around him and you whine when he slowly pulls out,  your grip on his shirt tightening when he pushes back in just as fast, your chest heaving as he begins to fuck you at a relentless pace. 
The pain only worsens each time he thrusts back in, your hands balling into fists as you still attempt to push him away. But his strong physique is no match for you. With the way he traps you against the wall, even when his arm slips from your chest, and takes you as he pleases, forcing himself upon you just like he did years ago. 
His hand reaches up to cup the side of your face, his lips pressing against yours as he tries to kiss you, forcing his tongue into your mouth and dominating you with every fiber of his being. It’s as if he’ll swallow you whole, with how he devours you through the kiss and you can only moan against his mouth, muffling your cries for him to stop. But such attempts dwindle down, shame washing over you when the unwanted pleasure ultimately encases you entirely. 
You gasp for air when he finally pulls away from your mouth, his face pressing against the side of your face as he moves to hook his arms underneath your thighs, lifting you and completely imprisoning you to him. He bounces you against his cock, the squelching of your pussy and your skin slapping against his filling your ears and the small space of the bathroom.
Panic then fills your veins when you hear your dad shout below, calling you to join them downstairs as the fireworks are about to begin. You want to call out, to scream for him to rescue you but all words die from your lips when Jorah gives a hard thrust, your body shaking and your back arching against the hard surface when he hits your sweet spot. 
“You feel so good, buttercup.” He growls against your cheek, gabbling incoherently like a fool when he picks up his pace, hissing when you feel his cock throbbing inside of you, the action only serving to twist the coil at the pit of your stomach. “No one has such a sweet pussy like yours.”
His thrusts become frantic, his breathing growing heavy as he continues to rut against your cunt. Your spine tingles each time he hits your sacred spot within, your walls tightening around him even further, the coil within you turning and turning with each thrust. A shuddering mewl then slips from your lips when you shatter around him, your juices coating his cock, lubricating him further and you moan once more when he easily slides deeper. 
His nails dig into your flesh when he pushes you back against the wall. Your name then spills from his lips when he follows after you, his seed filling you to the brim that you feel your mixed essence drip from your cunt and smear against your thighs. 
Jorah continues to thrust against you, riding down his high and pulling you down from yours all the same. He then sets you down, your body going limp against his as you try to put your feet underneath you. Your ears fill with the muffled sound of fireworks booming outside of the house, your body too tired and mind too muddled and exhausted to even care about the festivities that you’re supposed to take part in. 
“Happy New Year, buttercup,” Jorah whispers against your cheek, and tears once more spill from your eyes when he presses a kiss on your forehead.
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shadeysprings · 1 year
Steep Price
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— Jorah Mormont x F!Reader
Summary: The night you pick your boyfriend up from work is the night when your entire life comes crashing down. 
Warnings: noncon, fingers at play, physical violence, public smut, character death & kidnapping. There may be more but do take caution as this is a dark fic.
A/N: Written for @the-slumberparty's Week One: I Spy Challenge. The word I chose to incorporate here is diamond necklace with the theme of addiction and setting of mafia. It has been a while since I wrote Dark Jorah so here we are. Also, a big shout out to @sgt-seabass for giving me the idea of the fic as well as allowing me to incorporate her work, Clockwork, into this fic (kindly check that out) and also to my beta, @mochie85. You both are rockstars!
Your feedback is highly appreciated and encouraged. Reblogs would be really amazing. Enjoy! ❤️
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The chime of the bell is music to your ears as it resounds through the air upon opening the doors of the quaint bookshop. Your nose, kissed by the scent of the pages, wrapping you in a cocoon of comfort and warmth, a huge contrast to the cold rain that continues to fall down from the evening sky.
The place is empty, after giving it a quick observation while folding your umbrella close and stowing it in the stand. You hear your name being called from further in the front room, a smile forming on your lips as you make your way to the counter, seeing your boyfriend, Doug, place down a box of books on the ground and stalk over to you. 
His lips immediately find yours, your arms wrapping around his neck. Dark, blond locks fall over his forehead when he pulls away only to nuzzle his nose against yours in greeting. 
“You’re here early.” He says against your lips and you let out a giggle as he showers your face with a few butterfly kisses, his fuzzy beard tickling your cheeks. “I won’t be off for another thirty minutes.”
“I know.” You mumble, your hands sliding down to press against his firm chest, the cotton of his navy shirt smooth to the touch. “And you know I don’t mind waiting. The books are very much pleasant company.” He smiles at your words and you notice how his eyes move down to your neck. 
“You’re wearing it.” He breathes, his hand reaching up to caress the small diamond pendant that hangs by a silver chain, his birthday present to you. 
“Of course, I am.” You wrap your fingers around his wrist while his thumb caresses the crystal surface. “I’d wear everything you give me.” The slight slant on his lips is enough for you to know what he’s thinking, that of the 3 years you’ve been together, the necklace was the first gift he’s ever given you. 
You’ve told him you didn’t need extravagant things, that his love was enough to sustain the emotional connection you have together. But he was insistent, promising the year before he gave you the diamond necklace that he would make it up to you. And knowing Doug, he is nothing but persistent in whatever he puts his mind to—a trait you deeply appreciate. 
“Douglas—” He blinks when you call his attention, curious, blue eyes meeting yours. “Speaking of books, did it arrive today?” You beam. 
“Oh!” It’s as if your question snaps him out of a trance, the smile returning to his face. He takes your hand and leads you to the back of the counter with excitement. “Good thing you reminded me.” He hums as he opens the door of the stock room.
You feel giddy as your feet follow him willingly, each step filled with anticipation as he leads you further inside. A multitude of boxes greet you, each one stacked neatly against the wall and into shelves, the titles of the novels hidden within painted on the sides. And it’s when he stops that you recognize the words staring back at you, your hand moving on its own accord to run against the cardboard surface—Clockwork.
“They came in this morning and are scheduled to be sold tomorrow.” He says as he grabs a box cutter from his back pocket and cuts open the lid. He takes a book from inside before carefully sliding it between your palms.
Your eyes glisten as you stare down at the cover, the silver pocket watch sitting proudly above the black background and you can’t help but run your fingers against the embossed image. You turn the cover open and read the brief summary, fingertips tingling with exhilaration as you’re tempted to flip a page and begin reading the first chapter. 
But you hesitate, as much as you want to indulge yourself in the novel, you wouldn’t want to ruin a brand new copy and eventually not have it sold to potential customers. 
“Why aren’t you reading? Don’t you like it?” Doug asks, and you look up at him, seeing the curiosity swimming in his eyes. 
“I do—it’s just, I don’t want to ruin the book.” You pout and place the copy back in the box only for him to take it out again. 
“I can keep this copy and buy it later at a discount.” He volunteers, pressing the hardbound back into your hands before closing up the box. “But you’ll have to wait after two weeks. I get my paycheck then.”
“I appreciate the gesture, babe, but you know we can’t.” 
You and Doug have been planning on buying a house since last year and have decided to save every penny you earned towards that goal. The necklace was indeed a surprise—a bookshop associate isn’t paid much to afford such things—but he promised that it didn’t cost him more than what he could afford. 
Still, you decided that it would be the last of the luxury you both spent on, and a book this big in the market, as tempting as it is, isn’t worth losing an opportunity to set aside for something much bigger in the future.
“I could probably download an ebook by the end of the month.” You say with a smile, an attempt to comfort him. “I’m not in a hurry to grab a copy.” 
“Knowing you and your love for these novels?” He scoffs, the sound more teasing than insulting. “Or what about I keep the copy and you come over an hour before closing so you can read it?” He offers, a wide grin chiseled on his face. “That way, even if you don’t have a copy, you’re still keeping up with the story.”
“You think Lorraine won’t mind?”
“What she doesn’t know won’t hurt her.” He chuckles, taking your arms and folding them over the book, the hardcover pressing against your chest. “Go on. Settle in a corner and read it. You’ll probably get to chapter three before I finish closing up.” 
“Go on.” He urges with a laugh, ushering you out of the stock room before closing the door behind him. “I’ll meet you at your table when I’m done, okay? And you can tell me how much you like the book after.” It’s all he says before pressing a kiss on the top of your head and leaving you by the counter to resume his task. 
You stare at the book in your arms, smiling as you admire the cover once more. He does have a point. If you can’t have a copy yet, what’s wrong with reading one in the store? It’s not like you’re stealing it. No harm, no foul.
The excitement returns in full force and you immediately scurry to your favorite table in the shop, your breathing heavy as you take a seat and settle the novel atop the wooden surface. Taking a deep breath, you flip the book to the first chapter and begin reading the text; your mind immediately building the scene, slipping your feet in the shoes of the protagonist, and imagining yourself walking down a pathway with the summer sun beating down on your neck.
You feel your heart race as each scene shapes the story, the first several pages leaving you breathless and wanting, a slave to the author and her captivating words. 
The chime of the bell briefly takes your attention but you’re immediately sucked back into the world at the edge of your fingertips. Your blood is filled with adrenaline as the story reaches a peak you didn’t expect, digesting each paragraph, the anticipation of what’s to come next washing over you in a huge wave each time you turn the page. 
A loud groan then echoes from the back of the shop and you stop mid-read, a sudden sense of trepidation crawling up your spine. You think it was just Doug running the cart to return the books to their proper place but something tells you it's so much more that you close the book with a snap and stand from your seat, slowly walking to where you heard the sound to check on it.
“Babe? You okay back there?” You call, peeking from the shelves. The lack of response renders you nervous for it’s unusual for him not to ease your worry. “Doug?” You try again, your steps slow and measured as you peer at another aisle then another yet seeing him gone. 
You make your way to the reading nook, the place volunteers would read to the children on Wednesdays, expecting to see him tidying up the space. And you do see him, seated in one of the smaller chairs, a sigh of relief escaping your lips before deciding to make your way towards him. 
But your feet falter and a silent gasp leaves your lips when a fist meets his face, knocking him to the ground. Your eyes widen in shock when he lays on his side, coughing violently, blood sputtering out of his mouth and staining the floor.
“Where are my diamonds, thief?” A gruff voice echoes through the open space, the face of the stranger blocked by the shelves. 
“I already told you—” Doug groans as he tries to push himself off the floor. “I don’t have—”
But a foot lands on his abdomen, kicking him harshly onto his back before he can even finish talking. You see the man draws near him, a black button-up hidden underneath a black coat. His ginger, blond curls are messy from the effort he’s exerted to hurting the man you love. 
He lands another kick then another and you grit your teeth in anger as the sound of Doug’s pained groans fills your ears. 
The grip on the book tightens and you take a deep breath before shouting loudly for him to stop, barreling toward your boyfriend’s assailant with the hardbound raised over your head with the intention of sending back a harsh blow. But someone catches you by the waist, pinning your arms to your sides which makes you drop the book at your feet.
“Leave him alone!” You yell as you thrash against the solid wall of chest behind you, kicking your legs violently and squirming to be released. “Let me go, you bastard! What the fuck do you want from us?!” You don’t relent, groaning as you try to escape but pain soon radiates at your sides when your captor tightens their grip around you. “Who are they, Doug?! What do they want?!”
You stop moving when you see the man clad in a black suit staring at you then at your boyfriend before picking the novel from the ground. His fingers kiss the tip of his tongue as he begins flipping through the pages with a curious hum.
“Who is she, Douglas?” He asks without looking up.
“She—she’s no one.” Doug coughs, his arm wiping the blood dripping from his lips as he struggles to get up.
The ginger-blond stranger waves his hand in nonchalance when suddenly, another stands behind Doug, grabbing him by his arm to pull him up on his knees. Fear immediately runs up your spin when you hear the click of a gun, Doug stays still on the ground as the barrel of the weapon his pressed to the back of his head. 
“I will try again.” The man says as he licks his fingers once more, flipping another page. “Who is she and what is she doing here?” He intones, the tension in the air thickening. “She can’t possibly be a customer. Your store has been closed for some time now.” The sound of the book snapping shut makes your heart jump, swallowing thickly as you raise your chin when the edge is pressed high against your neck.
“I said she’s no one.” Doug snarls, his mouth painted crimson as he turns to face you. “Just let her go, Mormont. She has nothing to do with this.”
The man—Mormont—seems to consider his words.
“Well, if she’s no one, you wouldn’t mind if we shut her up then,” Mormont says with a wicked grin and nodding in your direction. Out of the blue, you feel cold metal press on your temple, whimpering as tears begin rolling down your face. “We wouldn’t want any witnesses to our little exchange, now  do we, Douglas?”
“Jorah,” Someone calls and Mormont turns to look over his shoulder. “The necklace. On the girl.”
Mormont’s eyes snap back to you, dark oceanic orbs meeting yours that slowly run down to the base of your neck. Your throat bobs when you feel his rough fingers brush against your skin, his eyes narrowing then widening as if recognizing the jewel that sits at the base of your neck. The book that holds your chin up is soon replaced by his hand.
“I’m guessing you like mafia novels, huh, sweetheart?” Still staring at the necklace, he holds up the novel for you to see, the cover staring back at you. But you keep your mouth shut, too afraid to even utter a sound. “Well, you’re in one right now and I’m sure you’re fairly familiar with how things like these go, am I right?” His eyes find yours, seeing malice laced into his irises. The gun at your temple is removed and he gives the book to the man that’s held you captive. 
Slowly, he circles you like a predator would its prey, your chest heaving and your back going rigid when you sense him stop behind you. His hand finds purchase around your neck, your chin moving upward upon instinct. He tightens his hold and you wince, your hand reaching up to take hold of his wrist. 
“I ask you a question and you answer. Am I understood?” He whispers, feeling crowded as he bends over you, his other hand resting tauntingly against your hip. “Now, be a good girl and tell me where you got the necklace, darling.” 
You don’t respond, your eyes drifting to Doug as you try to seek him for answers. Who are they? What do they want? Questions lingering in your head. But his face gives nothing away, fingers flexing against his thighs and curling into fists as he watches the display before him. 
Mormont tuts at your silence, crying in silence as his hand moves to the front of your jeans, his fingers tapping along the button and the fly, threatening to slide past the barrier. 
“Staying quiet won’t do you any good, darling.” He groans against your ear, his beard prickling your skin when he presses his face against your temple. “Now, I’ll ask again.” His hot breath scalds your cheek and you cry out when he suddenly slips his hand through your pants and panties, rough fingers pushing down further to cup your sex. You grit your teeth and grab tight on his wrist, trying to pull his hand out when he presses his thumb against your clit. “Where did you get the necklace?”  
You open your mouth to speak, to give him the answer he seeks for him to stop. But no words come out, only a silent scream when he slips a digit past your folds, his foot pushing yours aside to spread your legs wide. 
“Stop it! Don’t touch her!” Doug shouts from where he kneels and tries to get up. “She knows nothing!” But the man behind him kicks him on the back, causing him to fall once more. 
“I thought she was no one, Douglas?” Mormont mocks as he fucks you with his finger, your chest heaving as your stomach rolls in disgust with the unwanted pleasure that burns within your core. Your pussy clamps down on his digits when he slips another finger, stretching you wide. “Why does she have my diamond, Dougie?” He spits and you gasp sharply when he adds a third, your back arching against his solid chest as his thumb presses roughly against your clit, his hand twisting in your pants, turning in a new angle to fuck you faster with his fingers. 
Your breathing grows heavy and you feel the room closing in on you as your toes curl from his touch. You cry in desperation, vision blurry as you turn into a babbling mess, begging for him to stop. But he’s impervious to your pleas, your spine tingling and your face heating with shame as your cunt slickens with every thrust.
“S-stop—” You whimper, both hands grabbing on his wrist as you once more try to pull free from his cruelty. “P-please—I’ll talk! I’ll—” The words come out garbled, clogging your throat as moans rush out from your lips.
“I gave it to her!” Doug shouts and Mormont’s hand stills from your cunt, the arousal slipping from your blood. “Please—just stop.” He sobs while walking towards you on his knees. “I stole the diamonds, Jorah. I stole them and gave her a piece as a present.” The confession that drips from his lips is a stab to your heart, that he’s crossed such dangerous men and all for a piece of rock.  
Mormont’s silence is deadly and you feel his chest rumble against your back as he lets out a deep breath. Then all at once, his hold on your neck tightens and you shout in terror when his fingers begin to move once again, choking as he digs his fingers into your throat, the flame deep in your belly flickering back to life. 
“You take my things, I’ll take yours!” He snarls and two men grab hold of Doug’s arms when he lunges at you, holding him back as he struggles to set himself free. 
Your body shakes as his fingers continue to pull you closer to the edge. 
“No! You bastard!” Doug shouts but Mormont simply laughs, the sinister sound blaring in your eyes. 
“Look at him, darling. Look at that pathetic excuse of a man.” He commands yet you defy him, closing your eyes as you refuse to face your boyfriend in humiliation. But his grip on your neck tightens further and you open your eyes, Mormont’s hand framing your jaw as he forces you to look Doug in the eyes. “Look at him! I want him to see you come because of me. I want him to bare witness to what his stupidity has led you into.”
Tears flow once more from your eyes as you face him. His eyes are full of anger yet his face sullen in defeat as he’s left helpless to defend you. Your eyes then shut tight as your spine curves and your head rests against Mormont’s shoulder, your fingers digging hard into his sleeve when your body shakes, your cunt fluttering around his digits when you come hard on his hand. 
He continues to thrust in you, fingers sliding easily against your sopping walls. A sigh then escapes you when he pulls his hand away, smearing your juices over your abdomen and then slipping them into his mouth. 
“Fuck—you taste like honey.” Mormont growls, your body limp against his, breathing heavy, that you don’t even bother to pull away when he trails kisses from your cheek and down to your clothed shoulder. “No wonder that loser stole from me. I’d shower diamonds at your feet if I get to fuck such a sweet cunt.” The remark makes your stomach turn in disgust, shame encapsulating you that you allowed this man to toy with you as he pleased. 
“Jorah—” The man from earlier calls. “You had your fun. We have to go.”
Mormont sighs. “Very well.” Your eyes spring open when you hear a loud thud, seeing Doug on the ground once again, holding himself up with his hands and knees. “Kill him.”
“No!” You pull away from Mormont’s hold but he lifts you up in his arms effortlessly, the strength surging back in your veins as you thrash against him. “Doug! Doug!” You cry as you're taken to the doorway of the library. “Please! Don’t kill him! Please—” You sob as you beat against his arm. 
The cold air sears your skin as you’re pushed out of the bookshop, the rain coming down harder than before and lighting painting the sky followed by the crash of thunder. You continue to fight, to retch yourself free from your captors, and go back inside to try and save your love. But Mormont shoves you roughly into the awaiting vehicle, your back hitting the other side as you slide against the leather seat. 
Nonetheless, you waste no time. You jiggle on the handle harshly, trying to pull the lock out of its place, but your fingers stiffen and your head snaps back to the shop when a gunshot rings from the inside, your heart stopping as the door shuts close after Mormont takes his seat, the car driving off into the evening storm. 
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