kiruneeart · 5 months
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- Together for Eternity -
Os Wenzhou vivendo a eternidade juntos na montanha. 💕
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brilcrist · 4 months
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Dragon year is finally here~
Happy Chinese New Year, fam!!
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zhiyinnanmi · 22 days
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happy 33rd birthday 张老师 🥺💙🎂 hoping all your wishes came true today ☺️💫
(also a happy late 3rd airing & concert anniversary to 山河令 ♡ since real life has kept me too busy to post this year T^T!)
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dreamofouter-space · 1 year
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there is light on you
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akatsuki-shin · 2 years
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censorship: “dis too gay, cut it from the show”
fansite: “no worries, fam, we got yo covered”
(Cr. 并蒂·1129x0511)
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jeriafterdark · 22 days
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Happy birthday Zhang Zhehan!!
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danmeigirl · 8 months
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bluebirdmuppet · 1 year
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A post about how a shit stain waste of space @ajawrites @bookshop attacked fans of Gong Jun and Zhang Zhehan in an article she wrote for @vox, and then went on to slander and defame Zhang Zhehan in an attempt to get the only article published about his cancellation by CAPA retracted.
Here's the context: On June 6, 2022, @vox published an article written by @ajawrites @bookshop claiming that fans of Gong Jun and Zhang Zhehan are "conspiracy theorists". In it, she makes all types of claims defaming myself and the entire JunZhe fandom (both here and in China) for being conspiracy theorists because we do not believe Zhang Zhehan's Instagram account is controlled by him. For those who don't know, Instagram fraud is rampant and there have been several Chinese celebrities who have been the victim of this. Zhang Zhehan's solo fans encouraged the reposting of this article and defended it because they somehow believe that Zhang Zhehan would "comeback" on an international platform before his name is cleared in China (another story for another day).
On June 14, 2022, less than one week after the publication of that article, The China Story published an article about why Zhang Zhehan was cancelled, and specifically that a non-governmental organization called the China Association of Performing Arts (CAPA) was behind the cancellation, not the Chinese government. It also described the efforts made by Li Xuezheng, a famous government-affiliated director, to clear his name. To my knowledge, this is the only story in the world to shine a light on CAPA's role in Zhang Zhehan's cancellation.
After this article was published, @ajawrites @bookshop wrote a long email to the China Story on June 18, 2022 seeking that the article be retracted. She claimed she had done "research" which showed that the article was part of a conspiracy theory (false), that Zhang Zhehan's family was linked to Japan (false), that Zhang Zhehan was cancelled by the government (false), that CAPA wasn't involved (false), and that all those who believe they are are "conspiracy theorists" (false). She repeats anti talking points to smear Zhang Zhehan in an attempt to obtain a retraction of the article.
Yes, @ajawrites @bookshop attempted to get the only article in the world that described CAPA in a negative light retracted.
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We have a copy of the email. Here are some excerpts of her own words.
Here's @ajawrites @bookshop insinuating that Zhang Zhehan was banned by the government, when it has been proven on multiple occasions that the government did not ban Zhang Zhehan.
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A writer who cannot even get this fact right does not deserve to be called a writer or a thinking human being.
Here's @ajawrites @bookshop claiming that Zhang Zhehan has family ties to Japan, which is FALSE.
Zhang Zhehan himself stated in his interview with Li Xuezheng on January 1, 2022 (seven months before this email) that this was not true. Yet, @ajawrites @bookshop continued to spread this smear to the editors of The China Story.
How does someone who is too lazy to confirm facts become a "culture writer" for @vox?
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Here's @ajawrites @bookshop claiming that their "research" shows that the public genuinely hated Zhang Zhehan. They claim that Zhang Zhehan was not cancelled by bad actors, but rather by the "public".
They ignore all the proof and statements that what happened was due to malicious competition and monopoly. All of this was readily available, had @ajawrites @bookshop actually done diligent research. Li Xuezheng had, after all, talked about it for weeks at the end of 2021 and early 2022.
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But of course @ajawrites @bookshop knows better! They know better than even Chinese people! They even know that CAPA is a government organization, when CAPA itself said that it is not government and does not represent government.
Pretty rich for white journalist @ajawrites @bookshop to claim that when Li Xuezheng, a renowned government affiliated film director, says that Zhang Zhehan's cancellation was not done by the Chinese government but instead by CAPA, he is spouting a "conspiracy theory".
@vox is this the type of sinophobic journalists that your publication now employs?
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Here's @ajawrites @bookshop defending CAPA by stating that it is not to blame for Zhang Zhehan's censorship from all media platforms in China.
Except they failed to read the multiple media reports indicating that CAPA had allied itself with multiple media platforms to ban those it deems "immoral". These media resources includes a western outlet, Reuters. Basic due diligence would have unearthed this, but it appears neither @ajawrites @bookshop or @vox care about the facts.
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Here's @ajawrites @bookshop suggesting (as a white foreign writer with zero access to his case), that it is "unlikely" that Zhang Zhehan's investigation would go anywhere, that he can't come back, that he is "already back".
These are clear anti talking points easily found on Chinese social media.
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Of particular note is that @ajawrites @bookshop claims that these conclusions are a result of their "research". Yes in their own words, in 2020 they were just learning Chinese. With their level of genius, I bet they're not far from being a beginner.
Yet, this is the type of "expert" that @vox employs to write about Chinese fan culture.
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The article in China Story is one of the only published articles in the world that details how Zhang Zhehan was cancelled by CAPA, not the Chinese government. Yet @ajawrites @bookshop, great friend to Zhang Zhehan solo fans asked for a retraction.
Yes, we have the email. They actually did.
Who has incentive to take down an article that speaks negatively about CAPA? Who has incentive to water down statements negative to CAPA? Who has incentive to perpetuate smears against Zhang Zhehan internationally?
Who better to manipulate than a lazy and dumb writer like @ajawrites @bookshop
I do wonder how @vox and its advertisers feels about @ajawrites @bookshop spreading slander about a Chinese celebrity and his fandom? I wonder if @vox even bothers with basic fact-checking? I wonder if @vox is okay with one of its writers contacting another publication in an attempt to supports their biased views?
To the Zhang Zhehan fans (Zhang Sanjian believers) who have fawned at the feet of @ajawrites @bookshop: good to know that you support those who defend CAPA, the organization that cancelled Zhang Zhehan.
And one last thing to @ajawrites @bookshop: only a shit stain waste of space would write an article about a celebrity to gain a following in his fandom while actually despising him, believing the smears against him, and thinking he's a t******.
We call people like you blood sucking vampires.
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boochhaan · 1 year
I know i should've posted this wayy sooner but I'm sorry T^T Hopefully this artwork makes for it 💀
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@wenzhousoulmates @junzhereal @ashinlae @ahxuholics @zhouzishus @wenkexingsfanwkx @wenkexingdefenselawyer @tianyake-blog @kexing-wen @wenzhoubbs @wenzhouu @junzheisreal @junzhe4ever
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trashwarden · 22 days
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Happy birthday to Zhang Zhehan, I made a matching art!!
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kiruneeart · 7 months
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Eu estou completamente apaixonada por Junzhe/Wenzhou, então desenhei eles ❤️✨
It's been almost two months since i'm obsessing over Junzhe/Wenzhou, so i had to draw them (i want to draw a lot omg) i hope you guys like it ❤️
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brilcrist · 1 year
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May means: Mermay~😳
Let's celebrate this month with our fav koiboi: Mer-Han🐟🐉
Day 1: Color~
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zhiyinnanmi · 1 year
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happy anniversary to 山河令, a little drama full to the brim with beauty, strength, and the power to move mountains ♡
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dreamofouter-space · 1 year
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akatsuki-shin · 3 months
🍊 𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐣𝐞𝐜𝐭 𝐎𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞 𝐆𝐚𝐫𝐝𝐞𝐧: 𝐒𝐩𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟒 𝐏𝟒𝐏 🍊
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You can purchase these collections from @brilcrist's Web Store (🔗 in reply). See the pictures below for more details.
If you are buying together with friends to save up shipping fees, you can use our Group Order form in the reply to make your purchase (minimum 10 items in total).
Thank you so much! ✨
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Project Orange Garden is a joint-project between me and Brilcrist for Word of Honor, JunZhe, and LLD fandom.
You can find us on Twitter @pr_orangegarden or email us at [email protected]
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jeriafterdark · 9 months
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For Paws' bday!
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