#Justified Madness
justifiedmadness · 4 days
#NowPlaying “What Goes Around... Comes Around” - Justin Timberlake
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sweaty-confetti · 3 months
if you say “men shouldn’t be in obstetrics and gynecology” you’re also including trans men in that. “well you know what i mean-“ no, you’re transphobic. “i’m talking about cis men-“ then say cis men. “yeah but that’s an exception-“ trans men are no more an exception to manhood than cis men are. STOP LEAVING TRANS MEN OUT OF GYNECOLOGY AND OBSTETRICS. THAT IS TRANSPHOBIC.
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suchawrathfullamb · 4 months
I love how the show actually takes the audience through their love story. In season one we all hate Hannibal, in season 2b we're getting weirdly seduced by their dynamic, by Mizumono we've become Hannibal: we feel heartbroken by the betrayal, in season 3 we're the child of divorce and by wrath we're just right there on that cliff with them.
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kujakumai · 2 months
You ever see someone else's headcanon and go "Well no that can't be right, because in Chapter 93 Page 6 Line 4 canon clearly establishes that--" and remind yourself that knowing that minor detail actually makes you the insane one, so you should just let people do whatever.
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ministarfruit · 1 year
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day 9: it's time for crime ♡
(prompt list for femslashfeb)
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kinxrd · 1 month
"If Tommy was a woman their shippers would hate on and drag her too" is not the gotcha moment some people (and you know who you are) think it is.
It sounds like its supposed to read "misogyny in fandom spaces is a big issue and those women did not deserve that treatment" (which is a very good point that yes, should be talked about a lot more).
But they don't mean it like that, what they're really saying is "we need to hate on Tommy more so he gets the same treatment as those past girlfriends." Which I don't need to tell you is a horrible, disgusting hill to die on here.
I dont think I've ever encountered a fandom that insists on hating a love interest so hard that they completely miss real, totally valid conversation points in favour of just shitting on totally innocent characters like this.
You do not care about fandom misogyny, you just want an excuse to piss on someone who hasn't actually done anything wrong.
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sorrydetka · 1 month
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why did you say you were sorry?
justified, 1.01 ‘fire in the hole’ (2010-2016) // hannibal, 3.04 ‘aperitivo’ (2013-2015)
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angelhummel · 2 years
My absolute least favorite flavor of anti is “canon doesn’t actually justify my immense hatred of this character, so I’m going to make up bad things they did, pretend it’s canon, then get mad over that” like bestie chill just say you don’t vibe with them and move onnn 
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kandavers · 2 months
i hate radioapple with a burning passion but i can’t help but adore ur radioapple art 😭
Hm! I'm glad you enjoy my art but I must say I do not appreciate it when I hear comments that go "I hate xxx but...!"
Is it supposed to make me feel special? Admittedly, it does not do its job very well.
To me, it has the same energy as "I'd drop out of school for you because i love you!" That is stupid. Do not do that. It does not make me feel good knowing that you'd do terrible things for my sake.
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densitywell · 7 months
God, Ashton thought the shard would fix them. The prodigal son of the Hishari returned to their rightful place on the throne. Make their suffering the trials and journeys of a hero, turn their impulsiveness into valor, give their sound and fury a direction to point. Ashton knows so many things nobody else does; what if it's not hubris, but cleverness? What if Evontra'vir's warning was a test? What if this saves him? What if this saves all of them? What if it makes him good enough for the Hells to keep around? Good enough for them to love?
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justifiedmadness · 14 days
Wildout Wedneday is live now!  Click the link to join me!
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whitesunlars · 8 months
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maybe tumblr will listen if i speak its language: remember in 2020 when we all had to sit down and realize that everyone has internalized racism? that everyone has prejudices even if they don't realize it? being antisemitic is more than sitting around wearing a swastika saying you want jews to die. take a look inside yourself and you'll find antisemitism there, too. it's time to address it.
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rainbowinbeigeboots · 3 months
do you ever just cry while thinking about how tender creature is with lisa or are you normal?
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greenteaandtattoos · 4 months
people will come out with pitchforks and torches if someone ships a lesbian character with a man and a gay dude with a woman, but it's "they're just fictional characters" and "it's not that deep" and "stop overreacting" when people get mad when aroace characters are shipped.
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sollucets · 1 year
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wat + looking at it from all sides, for anon
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