clopiya · 22 days
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strikes you VIOLENTLY with my oc beam
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zlukaszemprzezswiat · 2 years
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Meczet Alabastrowy w Kairze
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numerous-news · 8 months
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mymiraclebox · 4 months
Magical Beings and their Artifacts
Kwami - Kwamis are spiritual beings that are the creators of the universe, and they are the embodiments of various forces and concepts. Many kwamis have taken an interest in the life on earth, and have taken on the form of an animal to live among them.
There are four kinds of kwamis: Alphas, who are the foundation of the universe; Elementals, embodying the raw elements; Timekeepers, who control the aspects of time; and Deltas, who embody the more intricate aspects of existence.
Each time a new concept comes into being, so does a kwami, making it unknown to humans the exact number of kwamis there are in the universe, though 120 kwamis have chose to dwell on earth, like Plagg the kwami of Destruction.
Miraculous - Miraculouses are a small wearable artifact that acts as the means to bind a kwami to the physical realm, allowing them to have a body and interact with the physical world. One who wears a Miraculous can transform with the kwami if they know the right words, granting them the powers of the kwami's concept.
Due to the interference of the Order of the Guardians, kwamis are now also bound to the orders given to them by the one who holds their Miraculous. This restraining magic has turned several kwamis against humanity.
There are 120 known Miracuouses, with 117 currently on earth.
Renling - Renlings are young spiritual beings that were created by the kwami of Life in tandem with the physical advancements of earth. As such renlings are deeply connected to this planet, and each has an animal and value they have made themselves representatives of. There are thirty-two known renlings on earth, such as Long-Long the Dragon.
Prodigious - Prodigiouses are medallions that allows a mortal being to see and interact with the renlings bound to it. By embodying a trait the renling favors one is able to transform into the animal they represent. There are four known Prodigiouses, each hosting eight renlings.
Kaire - Kaires are guardian spirits created by the kwami of Life. Kaires form strong bonds with people or items, which they will dedicate their existence to protecting. Kairies can guard anything from a location, to a family, to secret knowledge, to a magical item. When a Kaires no longer have a chosen they enter deep period of mourning, and can fade if they don't find a new bond to protect.
All Kaires draw their power from a magical orb that allows them to switch between two forms, their companion form and their champion form. Their companion form is a small kwami-like being shaped like an animal, while their champion form is a much larger and more dangerous being made to fight.
Kaires can be found all around earth, though there six major Kaires that are known as the most powerful of their kind, such as Mei Shi the Lion.
Zealous - Zealouses are orbs of great magical proprieties that give Kairies their power, but that humans can also use to manipulate magic on their own. In order to use this power though but they must earn the favor of the kaires that guard and inhabit them, and become their bond. The most powerful of the Zealous are the twin Soul Gems, which were used to create and shape artifacts like the Miraculouses.
Essent - Essents are primordial energy forces that existed before the universe took shape. Pure energy that often divided into various forms of Positive, Negative, and Neutral energy. They ceased to exist with the birth of the universe from the big bang, where essents divided into what is now known as kwamis.
While divided and changed eons ago, echos of an essent can be reawakened with the mergence of Alpha kwamis. Essents once held no sense of being or self, but when merged they gain the memories of the kwamis they are formed from, giving them a means to hold knowledge and emotions, especially curiosity.
Essents are the most ancient and powerful force out there, yet the most naive. They can alter the universe at will as long as balance is maintained, with what is known as a 'Wish', but they do not fully comprehend what their actions result in. Their understanding of the universe, of other beings, and of right and wrong are of that of a child. There are many different possible mergences that can summon an essent, for example Gimmi being from the mergence of Tikki and Plagg.
Glorious - A Glorious a crystal of pure magic that is created by a temporary fusion of two Miraculouses of Alpha kwamis. This allows the manifestation of the primordial and powerful essent, who can bend the universe to the will of the one who summoned them. There are eight known Miraculouses that can create a Glorious.
Name Origins:
Kwami = quantic + kami (神)
Renling = rèn lǐng (认领/認領) + -ling
Kaire = kai (怪)/yōkai (妖怪) + fairy/pixie/fae.
Essent = from the word "essence".
Miraculous/Prodigious/Zealous/Glorious = Something great and wonderful ending with "-ous".
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mountainashfae · 5 months
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playing around with an alternate color palette for Vio outside of Pathfinder. I really don't think about Cerdinen Vio enough.
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skygummis · 8 months
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First four days of OC-tober! Brief rambling under the cut. I enjoy them lots 💖💞
🐙 Day 1: Tide (she/they) - Tide means a lot to me! They were originally created as a Splatoon OC, and I still use them as such in their Splatoon story!.. but I also really enjoy the human / original iteration of them, since I have freedom to work outside of a fandom scene, if that makes sense. They are happy go-lucky, always trying to see the best in people, even when things are tough. Even after all they've been through. Picking a favorite is never easy but they're currently the gummi OC, so it works. I treasure them, and I'm so glad so many people love them as much as I do.
🐱 Day 2: Sun'sae (he/they) - I recently picked up FFXIV to give it a try, since I do enjoy going through MMO kicks from time to time. I instantly got attached. I enjoy my he/they catguy and he keeps running through my head while I craft his story. Still not hugely developed, but I hope to figure out more!
🎵 Day 3: Piper (they/them) - I have plenty of OCs that are much older (including the OC I drew for day 4), but when I think of old OCs of mine, Piper is just so... iconic. My D&D player character for a good couple years until things fizzled out, their story is... just so wild and fun to me still. A rogue/bard multi-class who casts magic through dance, reckless and started out as that classic "brooding and edgy" character who gradually got softer and softer until traumatic things happened and they started to fall off the deep end. Just a little.
🐇 Day 4: Kaires (she/her) - One of my oldest characters ever, and probably the oldest OC I have that I still think about a lot. As mentioned, she could have gone into the previous category. She's been redesigned a LOT over the past 12 years though-- more than any other OC I've had-- that I felt it was more apt to put her here. She went from being a fandom OC to human, to differently-designed human, to rabbit hybrid, to a wererabbit, design always changing a lot as I went. I really enjoy where her design has landed, and I think this is where she'll be staying.
Questions are welcome if anyone feels inclined! I always love talking about them
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im-in-a-love-cult · 1 year
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yixinghoneybee · 2 months
TXT are back with "Deja Vu", one of their strongest title tracks yet in my opinion. Stunningly beautiful. The mini album "minisode 3: TOMORROW" is also fantastically good with "I'll See You There Tomorrow" and "Miracle" being my favourites 😍😚😁❤️‍🔥💝💓💗💖💞
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mirakothari · 2 months
who: mira and @kaimp4 where: the bushes (threat) what: who goes there?!
The first day had gone off without a hitch, aside from some ill-advised hot dog ingesting. With three and a half beers rolling around in her stomach, Mira had slipped off to bed with warm cheeks and a hum of contentedness. This summer was going to be everything she'd hoped, she was sure of it.
Somewhere around three in the morning, she stirred, stepping stealthily past Darcy's cot and padding downstairs for a glass of water. Bleary-eyed, she searched for a moment before she found aspirin in the medicine cabinet. She was shaking out a second pill when something slammed near the back door. The pill bottle clattered to the ground and Mira cursed herself for it-- making enough noise to alert everyone in the house and whatever animal was clattering around in the backyard of her presence.
She'd told Dada a million times that he really should fence in the backyard so that random people can't just walk up to the house off the beach, but he'd argued that 'a border implies the violence of its maintenance', or something, and how do you argue with that?
"Hello?" Mira whispered, cracking one of the French doors open and fumbling to turn on the flashlight on her phone. "Is someone there-- and could you... not be?" she ventured. Despite her joke, there was a nervousness creeping into Mira's tone. She certainly had no self-defense skills to show for, but she'd learned to assume the best instead of the worst. Best case: it was an unusually large sea turtle rummaging around in her grandparents' bushes. She swept her light beam around the back porch, to no avail.
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zlukaszemprzezswiat · 2 years
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Meczet Alabastrowy
Cały odcinek możesz zobaczyć na YouTube na kanale Z Łukaszem Przez Świat. 
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aniraklova · 1 year
Does your oc have a lot of clothes and how much of it do they actually wear?
Vincent has a lot of clothes, but not as much as Leah do sdgjklsdg, that he got from many places, especially thrift stores and from his dad. He DIY all his accessories and modify clothes, tearing it apart, putting spikes on it, chains, making wallet chains and etc. Like every wallet chain you see he did himself. Despite having different clothes Vin can wear the same jacket or pants for a few days and even weeks. Edit: and does not wear much shirts because hiding that torso is wrong.
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mymiraclebox · 2 months
The Chinese Prodigious and Zealous
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The Chinese Prodigious is an ancient medallion hidden away in Shanghai, China. Hosted within it are eight renlings embodying different human values, allowing those that posses them to transform into their respective animals.
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Guarding this Prodigious is a kaire named Mei Shi, who is tied to a magical yellow orb called a Zealous. Mei Shi will test those seeking the Prodigious, and grant those they choose the title of Renren. Renrens are given both the Prodigious and the Zealous, and are free to use the magic within.
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When lacking a chosen Mei Shi will merge with his Zealous, allowing him to switch between two forms, both based on a lion. His companion form is a small kwami-like being who can easily hide and observe the world unseen. Their champion form is more humanoid, being that of a giant metallic statue built to fight.
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mountainashfae · 6 months
made a realization that a major theme in one of my oldest OCs contradicts the new worldbuilding I’m using and I’m so mad. I forgot one of his major traits in a setting where he’s a pillar of the worldbuilding and I don’t think I can just weave this together I think he’s just gonna have a weird, mismatched theme going on.
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skygummis · 1 year
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drew some ocs for pride :3
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