#Kellie-Jay Keen-Minshull
luaminesce · 3 months
Standing For Women/Let Women Speak is a homophobic hate group. Kellie-Jay Keen-Minshull is a fascist piece of crap who openly associates with white nationalists and Nazis. JK Rowling has given money to these parties.
I'll let you put the dots together.
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91vaults · 1 year
From a Butch lesbian perspective: GC's tend to talk a lot about the "poor lesbians" but as I discovered when really interrogating gender, there is a long history of gender fluidity within the lesbian community. There were always he/him lesbians, lesbians who's only connection to the concept of womanhood was...well lesbianism (of which I count myself) lesbians who performed and experienced gender in a way different to many "biological women". Lesbians who experience gender dysphoria with the "biologically female" parts of their bodies. (I have a body type that lends itself well to androgyny, but lord knows how I might feel if it were different) . Some of them might have been trans men and were they around today and made the choice to transition that would not be a loss to lesbians. We tend to exist in the frameworks available to us at the time.
To put us all in the category of "biological women" and "biological men" limits us and denies our experience. I feel a disconnect from "womanhood" as most define it but this is not some attempt to "escape the sexism that women experience" I am not immune to sexism and will never be. Instead I pick and choose the parts that do speak to my experience. "Woman Adjacent" fits me just fine. It doesn't need to make sense to others.
The relentless pressures of compulsory heterosexuality can make us cling hard to ideas and labels. We are inundated with so much messaging that its all about men, relationships with men, that we'll "grow out of it" or bi phobic myths that girls will mess around with you for fun then go back to heterosexuality. It is natural then to define your lesbian identity more so as the absence of attraction to men rather than the presence of an attraction to women. AMAB people who identify otherwise feel like a threat to the definitions and categories we use to stand our ground in a patriarchal society. I used to feel like that, and balked at the idea of "Nonbinary lesbians" or other labels ("Demi boy??? what is this nonsense") and of course unlike me many lesbians, butch or otherwise identify strongly as women and have fought so hard to be recognized as such. And lets be real, if that's the case and you start being asked what your pronouns are all the time that's probably going to grind your gears (where and when we get asked our pronouns can be a prickly topic all across the LGBT+ spectrum but I digress)
It's also hard to deny that fear, however irrational: " what happens to us when the "lesbians" are all non binary or transmen?" we feel like a minority within a minority, our numbers ever so small and now seemingly shrinking, they'll be none of us left, will I die alone?
what's wrong withing being a lesbian?
makes sense on an emotional level if you've struggled to regain the title for yourself.
It need not be like that though. Lesbians aren't going anywhere, there are many queer woman under the umbrella regardless of how they may identify. Letting go of strict definitions does not erase yours or anyone's identity, rather it makes you more empathetic and understanding. The shifting of the framework in which we identify ourselves is not a threat. It's an opportunity for acceptance and perhaps even exploration.
and ultimately at the end of the day you do not have to date anyone you don't want to for any reason. As long as your not a jerk about it. Sex and connection is complicated and contentious and perhaps does not exist in a vacuum: but personal preference is personal preference.
When GC/TERF ideology is taken to its logical conclusion it hurts us all much more than the "bogey man" trans person in their heads ever could. They talk endlessly about the protection of women: which women? women who are gender non conforming? women who are unable to or do not wish to reproduce? intersex women? women who are subjected to invasive questioning of their gender because they are athletes and present a certain way? (that's not even getting into the ways this disproportionately affects WOC) they claim to understand the reasons and inner lives of those they call women who do not identify as such. To talk over them and insist their "dysfunction" is due to a need to escape sexism, rather than just who they are. (I don't hate or run away from womanhood..I just orbit around it with nothing more to say about it then "...huh, ok")
They are incredibly abelist against autistic people as if they have no understanding of themselves, as if their particular experience with gender is invalid.
Kellie-Jay Keen-Minshull calls for men with guns to guard women's restrooms. What do you suppose would happen if someone like me were to walk in? years ago in America a Masc women was accosted by a cop in a public restroom who demanded to see ID. A man in a female restroom harassing a woman....fancy that.
This is not about protecting women. This is about a hatred of a large portion of the LGBT+ community, its a repackaging of every homophobic trope they used in the past, before we collectively agreed the rights of gay people were not up for debate. It's about enforcing a strict veiw of gender based on biological essentialism, as nonsensical as it is harmful. As though they want to recreate Gilliead (given the alt right friends that's probably not far off the mark)
It might start that way for some, to express """concerns""" about women's issues, but it always seems to devolve into the same thing: obsessing over sexist and restrictive biological ideas about gender, misandry and obsessively nitpicking and mocking the physical appearance of those they hate (Feminism!!!!! :D )
Truly makes no sense.
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nando161mando · 11 months
"This is an excellent account of the relationship between Lady Posie Parker/Kellie-Jay Keen-Minshull & the Neo-Nazis, anti-feminism, & transphobia."
via @slackbastard
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ftmtftm · 7 months
Feminism has always, always had a history with Racism and White Supremacy - particularly in a way that promotes fascist leaning "Protection for Me and Mine" type "activism".
There have always been several Upper Class, White, Women at the helm of Feminist movements and it is something Poor, Working Class, Women of Color have been vocally criticizing since the First Wave.
I mean, US Americans, did you not learn about Sojourner Truth? Have you not read "Ain't I A Woman?"? It is one of the most famous early accounts of the racialized nature of gender. It perfectly highlights the way the social aspects of gender have always been barred from People of Color in a way they aren't barred from White People in a firsthand historical account.
Women's Suffrage, and subsequently the First Wave of Feminism was an actively Racially Segregated movement. White Suffragettes intentionally campaigned for themselves and themselves only because they thought that campaigning for Black, Immigrant, and Indigenous Women would undermine their own movement. They did not seek liberation for women, they sought the Systemic, Institutional Power of their White Male Peers and they got it - by intentionally leaving Women of Color behind them.
This is most evident in the fact that White Women received the right to vote in 1920, but Black Women did not receive the right to vote until 1965 with the Voting Rights Act. Almost 50 years later. That is over half a lifetime. This was also only approximately 2-3 years before Radical Feminism and the Second Wave began around 1967~1968.
If you think racial segregation and racism in the Feminist Movement ended with Black Women's suffrage and completely dissipated within the two years it took for the Second Wave to pick up it's feet, you are naïve at best and actively racist yourself at worst. The Women's Liberation Movement / Radical Feminism have always been White Woman's movements riding the coattails of the Suffragette's racism.
Look at the website for the Women's Liberation Front. WoLF is one of the original Radical Feminist organizations. It was founded in the late 60's and is one of the largest Radfem organizations to date. Now. Look at their board. Look at the photos of women they choose to include across their site. Look at the women who are speaking at their events. Beyond one or two token Black Women, it is a sea of Whiteness.
You know who is a special advisor to WoLF and the founder of the group "Standing for Women"? Kellie-Jay Keen-Minshull, aka Posie Parker. Kellie-Jay is the woman who popularized "Woman means adult human female" as an anti-trans slogan. Kellie-Jay is also real good buddies with - you guessed it! Neo-Nazis and White Supremacists!
WoLF also takes money from the Alliance Defending Freedom, (ADF) a Right Wing Christian Organization, and it's members have worked directly with the Heritage Foundation, a Conservative organization founded during the Reagan Presidency.
Radical Feminism as a political movement cares about the lives and held power of White Women under the guise of "Women's Liberation" in the exact same way as their foremothers, the Suffragettes. It's a foundationally White Supremacist movement. Black Feminists, Indigenous Feminists, Immigrant Feminists, and Colonized Feminists have been talking about this for over a century but it falls on White ears so why would they listen.
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allthegeopolitics · 1 month
A “Let Women Speak” rally organised by anti-trans activist Kellie-Jay Keen-Minshull – who also goes by Posie Parker – was met by a substantial counter protest in Edinburgh yesterday (6 April). The Telegraph reported that Keen-Minshull claimed the purpose of the rally was to “test the law” to see how the police would handle “gender-critical” chants in light of Scotland’s new hate crime legislation, which has already been challenged by Scotland-based Harry Potter author JK Rowling. In a series of social media posts on 1 April, Rowling misgendered several trans women – including trans activists, public figures and convicted sexual offenders – describing “every last one of them” as “men”. The Telegraph headlined their article about the Posie Parker/Keen-Minshull rally: “Feminists accuse pro-trans activists of ‘intimidation’ on Scottish march.” Keen-Minshull has repeatedly stated that she is not a feminist.
Continue Reading
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alicearmageddon · 19 hours
If you know what fascism is, how it works, and have a materialist analysis of why it happens, it starts to become quite terrifyingly clear that the Trans Exclusionary Radical Feminist movement is an attempt to bring fascist and reactionary elements into the otherwise socialist, communist, marxist, and proletarian parts of the women's movement.
Lets go over some examples of the similarities been terfism and fascism.
1.The replacement of discussions of class and class struggle (and in the case of feminism, how class and class struggle intersect with patriarchy) with class collaborationist viewpoints of biological determinism. Where genuine radical feminism understands that a working class man and a working class woman have far more interests in common than a working class woman and a capitalist class woman, terfism creates a dynamic in which the interests of people come much less from their economic and material positions in the world, and much more from their biological features. (terf worship of J.K rowling, who is a petit bourgeois billionaire, is a good example of terf class collaborationism) every fascist movement in history has done something similar to this.
2.Scapegoating. This, of course, goes without saying, but terfism constructs trans people, especially trans women, as a scapegoat for the problems that women face within capitalist and patriarchal society, despite the fact that trans women make up less than 1 percent of the population of the world. terfs are often even harsher on trans women than on cis men, lacking any kind of materialist analysis toward the types of oppression trans women face in society. (anti-materialist analysis is also an extremley consistent fixture of all fascist movements)
3.Aesthetics as morality. Terfs will very often look at images of trans people who don't pass (especially trans women) and not only make fun of their appearance and/or conventional unattractivness (if they are not conventionally attractive), but also, whether directly or indirectly, equate that with poorer morality. Once again, almost all fascist groups have also done this, sometimes also with trans women.
4.co-opting of radical language. many fascist movements co-opted radical language in order to appeal to the working masses while in reality working in favour of the capitalist class. terfism is no different, even down to having "radical" in it's name. terfs will often call themselves "left-wing" and even "socialist", despite the core of the movement being nothing of the sort. terfism attempts to manipulate generally well meaning but vulnerable cis women who may have been abused by cis men or trans women into joining a movement that pits working people against eachother in a way that can only benefit the capitalist class.
5.collaboration with people who outwardly declare themselves as fascists. On march 18, 2023, Kellie-Jay Keen-Minshull (once again, a petit bourgeois reactionary, as with all leaders of the terf movement) organised an anti-trans "gender critical" rally outside Parliment House in Melbourne, Australia. Marching alongside many terfs were also scores of neo-nazis. at no point did Keen-Minshull or anyone from her contingent denounce the actions of the neo-Nazis in attendance or ask them to leave. (src). This display shows terfism in its truest manifestation - an anti-woman, anti-worker, petit bourgeois movement that seeks nothing but the division of the working class. At best, it is an attempt to bring fascistic sentiment into the womens movement, and at worst it is itself a manifestation of fascism.
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gothwizardmagic · 9 months
we all really enjoyed the video of posie parker getting tomato juice to the face when she tried to visit aotearoa, but let's do our best to avoid a repeat performance. anyone from anywhere in the world can sign - please add your name & share this link around.
EDIT: apparently the share link actionstation gave me wasnt working, hopefully it should work now!
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itsnatt09 · 1 month
What is a TERF?
What is a TERF?
Trans Exclusionary Radical Feminist.
They try to use fears about "safety for women and girls" as an excuse to hate trans people. They treat trans women as devious predators, and trans men as innocent unknowing victims of "gender ideology". They're also more than willing to side with reactionaries who also hate women, including literal Nazis, if those reactionaries also hate trans people. This news article is about one of the more prominent British TERFs, Kelly Jay Keen-Minshull.
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curio-queries · 19 days
Hi I'm reaching out re. your post on the bts-polls blog, since you redirected people to contact you here. I'm not the same anon who sent the other ask. I understand your reasoning for personally choosing to continue engaging with HP fandom, that's your choice and it's fine as long as you don't contribute to JKR financially. I guess I'm just adding one more trans ARMY voice to say that seeing casual references to HP and other Rowling works immediately gives me a bad feeling and makes me feel unsafe and alienated in the community. I'm also Jewish, so JKR's recent holocaust denial and her support of neo-nazis like Kellie-Jay Keen-Minshul add to this feeling exponentially. This issue is related to so much trauma and ongoing abuse that it's honestly triggering to see 'fun' references to that material as if nothing's happening.
I know it's probably 'not that deep' to most people, but small things like this mean there's one more space where the majority can be comfortable, but I automatically can't take part... in the end it's your choice, but since that blog seems to be aiming to be somewhat of a 'community' space rather than a personal blog I thought it might be relevant for you to hear how people feel.
You seem like a thoughtful person, and I appreciate the arguments you made in your other post. I hope this doesn't come across as attacking you or trying to stir up drama, these are just my honest feelings. Also I'm not saying you should personally cut HP out of your life, I understand there are ways of engaging in a fandom that don't involve supporting the original creator. Thanks for listening!
Hello Anon,
I apologize that this has taken me ages to answer. I haven't been able to spend much time in tumblr-land recently but this topic deserves more than an off-the-cuff response.
For any of you that are not familiar, anon is referencing this post. I'll put the rest of my response below a cut so that anyone not up for further discussion on this topic can bypass:
First, I want to thank you for reaching out. The only way most of us learn how deeply affected by events is if we share, but I know it can be a very difficult thing to do. I don't know if I'm the right person to really do anything specifically on this topic, but I can absolutely share a little bit more about my thoughts.
So, professionally, I'm a technical systems subject matter expert. And it's impossible for me to hear about something without trying to narrow it down to the root cause to resolve there. Yes, there are also actions to be taken to fix the immediate problem, but if the source is left alone, it's going to continue happening.
So, if that won't resolve the problem, what will? In my mind there are two possibilities:
To me, the root cause of the issue isn't this specific woman, it's much bigger than that. Because if we were to remove her specifically as an issue, there would just be someone else spouting the same junk, maybe with less of a following, maybe more.
1. Not allowing people to form and share their own opinions on issues like this. After all, if we HAD to comply to a collective moral standing, then we'd all be on the same page and there wouldn't be all this suffering, right? Hopefully everyone reading this knows why that would be a BAD IDEA even if was possible. I'm not going to go into detail here but if anyone reading this has any doubts, we definitely can!
2. Stop giving power to the words of people that have no authority. This is honestly one of my biggest issues with celebrity culture. Period. Why on earth do the opinions of someone who has absolutely no expertise on an issue carry so much weight in our society?
I'll give y'all an example: Let's say BTS states that they enjoyed seeing the purple streetlights so now we should repave all roads everywhere in the world purple. Not only would this be a logistical nightmare there would be significant ramifications regarding safety and economically. BTS has no expertise in city planning or road safety. 'But they've been all over the world and seen how happy people are when they're surrounded by purple, we should listen to them!' No, we shouldn't correlation is not causation. If there is to be any benefit gained from such a change, it would need to be researched and trialed by actual subject matter experts. Idk, this example is pretty convoluted but hopefully you get my point?
Anyway, now that we've established that fame is not a good enough reason to give weight to someone's opinion, it just becomes a skill issue of recognizing when to listen/disregard and how to implement it on a large scale. Let's face it, both are difficult issues to tackle. The lines definitely get blurry about who has valuable contributions vs who is just the loudest voice. Especially with the ease that anyone can have access to a platform, there's very little threshold to finding countless individuals sharing 'facts' about issues of which they have absolutely no knowledge. I think all of us have seen that first hand in the BTS fandom so I won't list any examples.
So, the first challenge is how we discern the value from the noise. I am personally a huge believer in non-traditional education, so you can't just rely on the alphabet soup of degrees list after people's names either. The next hurdle is getting the majority to start doing this as well so that value is attributed to the correct people and not those who have no business with it. And that is what SHOULD be society's goal overall (in my opinion).
I truly believe that everyone is entitled to have and share their views and opinions but that doesn't mean we have to continue to listen or give value to what they say once we've realized they don't align with what is actually good for us.
To finally circle back to this before-named woman and the hateful ideas she shares, I genuinely don't understand why anyone continues to listen to what she's spouting, with one exception. When a creator shares a viewpoint that is malicious of intent, I think the created work should be evaluated to determine if there is an ulterior influence that can be gleaned from new audiences. Like I said in my post before, personally the effect that the Harry Potter world has had on me and the people in my immediate circles has done far more to foster overall inclusion and understanding of marginalized groups than pretty much anything. It was one of the few things to get past the heavily conservative religious viewpoints in the community that became a gathering point for those of us who didn't conform to the norms.
The great irony in all of this is the parallel that can be drawn between the author and the main villain who literally went insane breaking his soul apart for the gain of power. Perhaps she should spend more time reading her own work?
Anyway anons, I hope both of you are able to find some healing from the trauma these issues keep bringing up. I'm grateful you've entrusted me to share your concerns. I do think it's important to keep learning and growing from each other's experiences in a positive way rather than the heavy handed 'how dare you not comply to my specific viewpoint and conclusions on a nuanced issue' approach.
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ms-hells-bells · 1 year
Wellington March 25th 2023
Media Release
For immediate release
Today in Albert Park as women were punched, kicked, spat at, trampled, and overrun by a violent mob, New Zealanders have seen the true colours of some of those who, ordinarily, cloak themselves in claims of diversity, tolerance, and inclusion.
In the same week that World Athletics has stated what all reasonable New Zealanders know to be true – that fairness, safety and opportunities for women in sport require the exclusion of males, no matter how they choose to identify – New Zealand activists have shown that they believe women should not be able to have anything for themselves. Not even a small band rotunda in an Auckland park.
So let us clearly say the things that Kellie-Jay Keen-Minshull was not able to say today. Lesbians cannot have penises. Men have no place in women’s single sex facilities, services, or sports, regardless of what they proclaim their inner gender identity to be. Puberty blockers, created to castrate male sex offenders and treat prostate cancer, are experimental and harm vulnerable children. And people cannot change biological sex no matter how much they may want to or how many documents they may possess saying otherwise.
Saying that does not deny the existence of people who identify as gender diverse, or instigate harm or violence against them, or make them unsafe, it simply states the truth. Biological sex is real and it matters.
Storming barricades and assaulting women is not “free speech”. It is violent sexism and misogyny. Drowning out the speech of people you don’t like is the cowardly approach of people unwilling to debate contesting views. A 5’1” woman needing four security guards to form a human shield around her to protect her from a screaming, spitting mob is not a New Zealand we know. But it is a true representation of a movement that has become increasingly determined to shut down and destroy anyone with views about sex and gender that they don’t like.
We see those of you in the media who are already trying to downplay the results of the frenzy you were busy whipping up all week. There was not a “scuffle” between supporters and Mrs Keen-Minshull did not leave because she got some paint thrown at her. A small group of courageous women were stampeded by an activist mob and a number were assaulted and physically harmed. Fortunately, in the age of technology New Zealanders can see for themselves what happened.
In the country that was the first in the world to give women the vote, tomorrow’s Let Women Speak gathering in Wellington has been cancelled. Mrs Keen-Minshull’s security team have advised her that they cannot keep her safe from mob violence and the police have declined to do so.
Activists spent the week being courted by a complicit media platforming their claims of being scared, fearing for their safety, deliberately lying to propagate their claims of New Zealand being full of “queer hatred”, and claiming that words they don’t like are harmful and make them feel unsafe. In reality it is clear who really was unsafe today. It is clear who was actually harmed. And it was not the activists taking gloating selfies from a band rotunda.
Speak Up for Women thanks Mrs Keen-Minshull for having the courage to come to New Zealand and showing up in Albert Park today, despite receiving multiple death threats and threats of violence in the last week.
In the coming weeks Speak Up for Women will be gathering witness statements and laying a formal complaint with the Independent Police Conduct Authority about the lack of police action to prevent violence in what was clearly an increasingly volatile situation.
We call on all political leaders to roundly condemn the violence that transgender activists perpetuated this morning.
We speak directly to the Greens, who actively courted and promoted the violence that occurred today, including just this morning posting on social media that they were ready to “fight the Nazis”. And by Nazis they meant the 70 year-old woman who was punched in the head by the mob they instigated. The Green Party was founded by people who fought for free speech, including speech they found abhorrent, you should be ashamed of what you have turned the party into.
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lady-wildflower · 1 year
I have genuinely never been prouder to be a Kiwi than I am today, and frankly I am kicking myself for not going because it conflicted with a prior engagement.
So, today, Tāmaki Makaurau Auckland was set in the sights of that awful fuckin antifeminist anti-trans fascist bigot activist Kelly-Jay Keen-Minshull, or Posie Parker. And you know, I was worried that we’d find out that bigotry has a much stronger presence here than we’d thought. But I shouldn’t have been.
Keen-Minshull was met with a thousands strong counter-protest that drowned her out, utterly humiliated her, and sent her running. She got souped, juice thrown on her,* was escorted out by police, and her bigot rally in Te Whanganui-a-Tara Wellington has reportedly been cancelled. Today, Aotearoa rebuked bigotry and sent the anti-trans wing running, and showed that where the UK will tolerate her rhetoric, we will not. Today was an incredible demonstration that her rhetoric is not welcome here. I’m just sad I was busy, though I did ask a couple friends of mine who went to throw in some hearty shouts for me.
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Thank you, Tāmaki Makaurau, for putting a little bit more hope in this little trans woman’s heart. Kia kaha, Kia māia, Kia manawanui.
*Also if any of y’all overseas people think souping and juicing her is some kind of egregious sin, you guys don’t know how we protest here. That’s normal. The amount of transphobes handwringing about it being “assault,” mates, if the counterprotest had wanted her assaulted they’d have thrown the flask itself at her head instead of pouring the soup over it. In 2016 our at-the-time Finance Minister had a dildo thrown at him out of protest and it got onto John Oliver’s Last Week Tonight where he was dubbed “Dildo Baggins” and it was fucking hilarious.
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Many of these events, such as the clip currently circulating on Twitter where Kellie-Jay Keen says “come on boys” in invitation to Nazis to join her rallies, have an air of ‘plausible deniability’ to them. She was just joking, of course she didn’t actually want Nazis at her event! Obviously! She was just trying to make fun of you all!
But that air of plausible deniability quickly evaporates when you take a look at some of the other instances. Such as the time she interviewed with JF Gariepy, a known White Nationalist. Or the time she interviewed with Carl Benjamin, a far right anti-feminist YouTuber. Or the time she worked with American conservative think-tank The Heritage Foundation. Or the time she tried to make “Right wing women are women” a thing. Or the time she said CPAC had paid for her tour’s insurance. Or the time she took a selfie with holocaust denier, Hans Lysglimt Johansen. Or the time she allowed someone to literally engage in Nazi propaganda and quote Mein Kampf on the mic at her event.
Even now transphobes are on Twitter attempting to push this plausible deniability to its limits by obsessing over the minute details of what’s being said. All of this courting of far-right attention to support Keen’s anti-trans activism and JK Rowling can still be found in the comments saying “SHOW ME THE RSVP!” as if it matters that this specific group of Nazis weren’t formally invited to this specific event.
Whether or not Kellie-Jay Keen specficially invited these specific Nazis to this specific event. The facts remain; she has been courting far-right attention for a very long time. It isn’t surprising that they showed up to support anti-trans activism, nor is it surprising that they showed up specifically in support of Kellie-Jay Keen’s event. To borrow some words from Rowling; this is a feature, not a bug.
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Posie Parker, a TERF who was in Melbourne last saturday is under consideration regarding entry to new zealand after many neo nazis attended her rally and saluted multiple times. She is happy to sue any new zealand media outlets who label her as anti-trans, claiming that it is mysogynistic. Furthermore, she has issued a threat to the new zealand prime minister regarding her visa on a video recently posted to youtube, in which she flashed the hand signal for white power, or white supremacy. She is apparrently delighted that police are set to attend her planned rallies in auckland and wellington, new zealand this weekend, saying that trans activists pose a threat to her followers, whilst her followers do not pose a threat whatsoever. A counter-protest has been organised.
More info:
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fanboyistransboy · 1 year
Shout out to New Zealand for telling Posie Parker to fuck off so hard she left the country and is considering stopping her speaking tour.
This was the cunt who had Nazis show up to her rally last week in support of her hate.
New Zealanders showed up in droves to drown out her rally and poured tomato juice on her. Telling her it was the blood of trans people because “Her words are blood.”
It was so intense she was escorted out by security and wasn’t able to start her rally.
TERFs who fuck around in the notes will get blocked!
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cock-holliday · 1 year
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Posie Parker, a prominent transphobe, spoke in front of Parliament House in Melbourne, AUS. As is becoming more and more frequent and less and less surprising, nazis showed up to march and stand alongside Parker and her supporters, unfurling violent banners and repeatedly doing nazi salutes. Don’t worry, the cops stepped in, and protected the nazis from counterprotesters.
Transphobes and nazis go hand in hand, and it shouldn’t surprise anyone anymore that white supremacists latch onto these movements, and that the transphobes running these events are more than happy for the support.
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quasi-normalcy · 1 year
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