#Khr Verde
robasarel · 10 months
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analviel · 4 months
The Il Priscelti Sette timetravelled decades in the future and cross paths with decimo Vongola generation.
Reborn: We're actually siblings.
Tsuna:..... You don't look alike.
Reborn frowned: Are you saying just because some of us are adopted it negates our parents' love for us?
Tsuna: Your parents.
Reborn, straightfaced and casual: Yeah, Verde and Lal are in a lesbian relationship.
Reborn: They found Fon in their doorstep, Verde tripped on him and that's why he's like that.
Reborn: Luce was scavenged from a mountain in the himalayas. When they were camping, Lal got the ugliest mushroom for Verde to cook and then it started crying. Verde is not allowed to cook.
Reborn: Skull was named for only his skull because everyone thought it was empty. Verde got him from a dollar store.
Reborn: Viper appeared after Lal had a dream about some disembodied voice trying to scam her into being a surrogate mother so don't look into their eyes. And be not afraid.
Reborn: And Colonnello- him, they fished him from the canal half-grown.
Colonnello, walking past: Fuck you, Reborn.
Reborn: That's incest.
Tsuna, hesitant, and fucked up by both his HyperIntuition and how convincing Reborn is:......... And you?
Reborn: I don't know. Can't remember.
Reborn: But yeah, Luce's my sister with the same mother.
Luce: Big sister.
Reborn: By two fucking months.
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steamworksfairy · 3 months
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I drew the Arcobaleno! I'm calling it pre-curse just because no matter how many times I tried to draw Colonnello, I didn't like how he turned out. Which means I just have to practice drawing him more in the future >:3
Anyways I'm really proud of how they all turned out. Especially Luce and Verde. A lot of this was just me experimenting and seeing if I could draw them. I learned a lot and had fun doing it!
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myrmyrtheorca · 24 days
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Killer Whale fact: Anemone and Myr get along for exactly 5 while minutes per week
Anemone and Verde for the funsies!
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Mom, can we have arcobaleno?
No, we already have arcobaleno at home
Arcobaleno at home:
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lunanovakat · 5 months
Ahhhh Art
So I’m working on some stuff since I can all of which are for unpublished WIPs I haven’t posted about.
Anyway, here’s the current art WIPs I’m losing sleep over.
There’s so much to color and shade omg. And I still haven’t finished Colonnello, Lal Mirch, or Fon yet.
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jesterrosa · 1 year
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My Oc's Relationships with the Arcobaleno
First and foremost I want to clarify that these are romantic relationships that all formed before the Arcobaleno Curse happened and it's one big polycule. For more information on my Oc, Celeste, here's the link for my KHR Oc Masterlist
I hope you all enjoy!!
Tw: Attempted suicide. I don't go into any graphic details or anything, but it's still there and a pretty pivotal point for one of Celeste's relationships.
@childe-of-saulot @myrmyrtheorca @lixenn
Skull: Why are we starting off with Skull? Why because he's her dearest childhood best friend of course! The two of them met very young at 4 at the circus Skull's parents were apart of. They bonded near instantly with each other. To the point child her was in complete hysterics and inconsolable when she had to leave him for days afterwards. As one of the two potential heiresses for her mafia family, this simply couldn't be allowed. So through events neither child understood at the time (*cough* her family pressuring his parents and the circus to give him up *cough*) Skull started living with his grandparents who lived in walking distance of her. She spend basically every second of every day with him. Her family didn't care too much, seeing her as just the spare in case her older sister failed as the first heiress and seeing Skull as just a plaything or her lackey. (This man can never escape the lackey allegations)
The two of them have been through thick and thin. They've seen each other at their worst and their best. She's why he understood flames pretty well even before joining the Arcobaleno and getting involved with the mafia. Celeste definitely fell for him first, but he fell harder. In their late teens, she even started to plan out their future together; 3 kids, he owns an auto-repair shop, and she's a stay-at-home mom who does mafia stuff on the side. The idea at the time flustered him, but he also loved it so so so much. Things took a turn for them though when her family figured out her sister didn't have strong enough Mist flames or illusions to take the position as boss, but she did.
Her time with him was limited, but he could see how much everything was draining her. Once a brilliant star who swayed with all kinds of music and overflowing with love and kindness was slowly decaying into a bitter rock aimlessly floating in the void of space. As a Cloud, he naturally hates things that bind and clip wings, for himself or for those he holds dear. So when she showed up on his doorstep in the middle of the night begging for help and pleading for him to help her run away before she offically inherits the title of boss; of course he helped her get far away. This leads to the two of them joining a new circus.
Originally, they preformed a trapeze act together. Skull, having mild experience from his childhood, and Celeste, having done gymnastics almost her whole life, easily got used to this and learned everything like fish to water. They even made the hand signals to communicate with each other that Skull now uses to command Oodako! However, after a few months, both quickly got bored doing the same thing nightly. So they decided it was time for a change! Around this time is also when Skull becomes more of a daredevil. Celeste supports it wholeheartedly and does acts to compliment his daring ones, namely tightrope walking or occasional magic performances with her illusion.
A year since they ran away soon pass, Skull is now famous for his stunts and being immortal, both literally to those who know him and figuratively to his fans. Celeste couldn't be happier! Maybe this is finally the life they're meant to have and settle down in! Then one night, he simply disappears. Only leaving a vague note to her about Italy and a man with a checker patterned mask. Devasted and desperate to find Skull again, Celeste contacts her mafia family and takes the boss title to use their resources to locate him.
It takes her another year to find him, but when she does, she rushes to him and instantly tries to get him to come home with her. Something the other Arcobaleno aren't happy with at the time.
Nowadays, post-getting cursed, Celeste and Skull are still super close. She's not actively romantic with him (or any of the Arcos) anymore, because she's not comfortable doing so in his cursed form. However, he's still the one she calls up when she's at her lowest. He's still the one she shares good news with first. She's part of his motivation for getting his curse broken. (We ignore the creepy fact the Arcobaleno don't go back to their real ages in this household. Because what the actual fuck Akira Amano???)
Luce: Onto Luce!! As stated, the other Arcobaleno weren't happy with the fact Celeste just showed up one day and tried to take Skull from them. Namely because he was their Cloud and she was infamous in the mafia world at that point for being a run away heiress. Luce, out of the group, was the least upset about it though. Being the type of person she was, she did her best to understand Celeste's view of the situation. To her, Skull had simply run away, or possibly even taken, to join this group of strangers in the mafia. Of course she'd want him home. Luce understood this. But while she never let Celeste take Skull away, she did do her best to get the others to leave Celeste alone and let her tag along with them. At least for awhile.
However, when a rather nasty spat with Reborn ends with Celeste running away and Skull coming to her in tears and begging for her to help Celeste because she was refusing to listen to him, Luce stepped in fully. Finding where the woman had gone wasn't hard for the Sky in the slightest, the Giglio Nero family is expansive and she holds a lot of power even if she doesn't flex often as a grown woman. Celeste wasn't too upset to be found, having expected it, but was surprised to see it was Luce. She kept her distance, assuming the other woman would've done the same, only for Luce to carefully waltz her away from the roof edge of the restaurant she'd been having her last meal.
Celeste had been burned, figuratively, from her rather shitty Sky. She never thought she'd find a Sky she could fully trust. But Luce, in moments, proved she could and more. In moments, she fell for the woman hard. Luce, for her, was perfect and everything she ever wanted in a Sky and in a partner outside of Skull. For the rest of that night, Luce stayed by her side and even ordered them some wine to drink. Wasn't until months later that Luce learned that Celeste hates red wine. And when Celeste was simply exhausted afterwards, Luce carried her back to the base and let her sleep in her room. And after that night, Luce made it crystal clear to the others they needed to back off of Celeste and stop picking so many fights with her.
Luce didn't fall for Celeste and it was far more gradual than how Celeste fell for her. When they were finally together though, they quickly became an almost cheesily cutesy couple. Both out a genuine love and because it annoyed others in such a way they both found it funny. After two years of dating, they get "married". Legally, they're married to Reborn and Skull, however to anyone close to them and to the mafia world, they're the ones married to each other. It was a beautiful June wedding.
When Luce died, Celeste took it hard. However, she had to pick herself and her pieces up, for the other Arcobaleno and for baby Aria. Even so, all the grief comes right back to her on their anniversary, on Luce's birthday, and the date of Luce's death (September 8th, 11:59 pm).
Nowadays, post-curse, Celeste almost selfishly and greedily hopes that when the curse breaks, that it'll somehow bring Luce back. Don't get her wrong, of course she loves the other Arcobaleno and wishes they had their proper forms back again everyday, but Luce was everything to her. The light of her life. She'd do anything to have her back again. To be able to hug her or be in her arms again.
Viper/Mammon: At first, Viper was one of the Arcobaleno who disliked Celeste the most. They naturally distrust other Mists, especially ones with iffy reputations like Celeste. However, after the night Luce brought her home, the dynamic between the two of them started to change. The two avoid each other for awhile which turned into the two of them quietly hanging around the same room as each other, but never addressing the other. That then became the two of them having small conversations with each other and backing each other up when one of them makes complete lies about being a Mist or Mist flames in general for the sake of messing with the others.
Eventually, Celeste offered to pay Viper to take missions they didn't want to do and who are they to refuse free money? The addition of money to their dynamic together was the biggest game changer for. Viper fell for Celeste first and did not know what to do. At first they tried to pull away from her again, when they didn't work, they tried spending so much time with her that they were sure they'd grow tired of her. Celeste's not stupid and spending more time with them led to her own feelings developing. So, to help Viper with their crisis in a weird way, she asked to pay them so she could love them. This helped Viper settle a little as they were used to conditional agreements that involved payment. So for the first month of their relationship together until Viper fully accepted their feelings, Celeste paid Viper a set amount so she could love them lol.
Nowadays, they remain in as much contact as they can. It's not uncommon for Celeste to surprise visit them at the Varia base. Both tend to refer to the rest of the Varia, especially Bel, as their kids/sons in a kinda teasing and loving manner towards the group.
Fon: Obviously, Fon wasn't one of the ones who'd pick fights with Celeste even if he was iffy with her. However, he did tend to kinda ignore the arguments with her that happened around him. He of course felt extremely bad for doing so after the night Luce brought her home. Yet, the two of them still didn't bond right away. Then one night, he found her almost completely sprawled out on the couch, completely sore after a few hours of practicing her beloved gymnastics. Not only could he relate to the muscle pain, but he also knew just how to help her.
After that, the two of them started bonding over simple things like cooking and occasionally did warm ups together. There was no real specific moment or specific person who fell in love first. It was a sweet, gradual thing between them and they both realized it about the same time.
Nowadays, Celeste is in the most active contact with him. Namely because they have a kid together: I-Pin! As parents, they balance each other perfectly. She spoils their daughter rotten with gifts, food, and as much quality time as she can. Fon meanwhile teaches I-Pin discipline and independence. Also, kind off topic, my headcanon for I-Pin's real name is Yu. Which if Behind the Name is to be trusted means: 玉 Yu - Jade, Precious Stone.
Lal Mirch and Colonnello: Combining these two to make it easier on myself. Lal, even after the night Luce brings her home, doesn't bond with Celeste for awhile. Most of their interactions having been awkward silence between the two of them. Then Colonnello joins the Arcobaleno finally. He and Celeste quickly click together, the two of them bonding over being kinda outcasts in the Arcobaleno because they weren't actually chosen.
Obviously, Lal doesn't care if Colonnello has friends or even female friends specifically, but his tendency to tease her over being tomboyish while Celeste is very feminine does start to breed some insecurity. Then one day he makes the comment to her while Celeste is around them and she very shamelessly responds: "Why should she change one of her hottest traits?? If you don't want Lal as is, I'll take her."
Not only does this comment make Colonnello back track what he said, but also makes both Rains realize Celeste's been way more into Lal Mirch than Colonnello the entire time. Her explanation: "I know like millions more blond haired, blue eyed men with C names who've joined the military than I do pretty women with blue hair and red-brown eyes and L names who also joined the military."
Her bonding with them is a little awkward, especially with the rougher parts of Lal's personality, but she grows to love them nonetheless and they soon enough love her too.
Celeste deeply respects the fact Colonnello took the Rain pacifier for Lal. Part of her wishes she could've done the same for Luce or any of the others.
Nowadays, she doesn't get to talk to them often because they're both busy and rather reclusive for Rains. However a good chunk of the time when she does talk to them, she's either trying to convince Colonnello to get her a free trip to Mafialand for the kids or she's asking Lal to convince her not to kill Iemitsu/Lal's shitty boss. Obviopusly, this isn't every time, but it's a decent handful of times. She also considers Basil their kid together even since she met him when visiting Lal at CEDEF one day.
Verde: He never hated her before per say, but he didn't see the point in her hanging around. Then one day, again after the night Luce brought her back, she started poking around his lab. She didn't mess with anything she shouldn't, but she did take a great interest in his animal subjects. Especially Kaiman. In fact she took enough of an interest that she kept going into his lab to play with and take care of his animals even when he wasn't there. On one hand, it annoyed him she just kinda invited herself to do that. On the other, her taking care of them means he has more time to do experiments and such.
Soon enough though, without him realizing right away, her taking care of his animals turned into her taking care of him. Bringing him food and making sure he eats it when he's in his lab all day, having a first aid kit ready for any small lab accidents, coaxing him into his room and bed to sleep rather than taking power naps in front of his computer, and things of that nature. When her actions clicked for him and he calls her out, Celeste just pauses for a long time before reaching up and patting his head while informing him: "You were worrying the others and Kaiman. So, since I was already in there a lot to help, I decided to help you out more."
Not long after Verde lets his minor qualms with her taking care of him go, Celeste find his art. He's Da Vinci reincarnated, of course he does art occasionally! But he hardly sees why she's so amazed by it. He tries to ignore her comments about it, but she soon starts to give him little challenges around it. Like: "Did you really draw these hands? I mean of course a genius scientist can understand how hands work, but draw them?" or "Can you prove that this is your self portrait? It doesn't look like you anymore so I can't tell."
Verde, being the rather cocky and even prideful man he is when it comes to any of his works and talents, of course falls for these challenges hook, line, and sinker. Then one day he realizes she's gotten him out of the lab, with Kaiman following them on a leash as they look for a good background for a painting of them. When he finally questions why she cared so much about his art, Celeste happily tells him how much she liked the "old Da Vinci's" work, both art and science, so of course she wanted to see what the "new Da Vinci" can do in both fields. Then happily informs him she loves his work way better, even if she doesn't fully grasp a lot of the complicated science.
Needless to say, while Celeste did ultimately fall first, Verde fell harder.
Nowadays, they remain in mild contact. Though Verde never gives her any specifics on anything, he keeps in contact purely because he knows she's the type to try to track her loved ones down if they attempt to cut of communication for no reason. However, the last thing they tried to do together was save the Estraneo kids which ended a tragic bust, having been just a little too late to help them. At least the Estraneo in general were dead... This is another reason as to why he limits contact with her. He'll never forget how distressed she was and looked over failing those kids.
Reborn: I was going to jokingly call him the star of this show then realized I wasn't wrong technically. Out of all of them at the start, he was the worst to her. Not only was he naturally protective of the others, but he looked down on the fact she tried to run away from being a boss. At the time, he didn't understand it and didn't understand her. This led to the two of them butting heads a lot. Did he regret being mean to her? A little, especially the argument that led to her running off then being brought back by Luce. Yet, even after that, he struggled bonding with her. Even as the others fell for her, he either avoided her like the plague or still bickered with her here and there.
They did find their way of getting closer though. Namely, hating how the other sounded trying to communicate to them in their native tongue. Celeste couldn't comprehend how Reborn would butcher English and he found her Italian simply atrocious. For the longest time, their middle ground was using French as it was Celeste's second language and Reborn's third. However, the two eventually decided to fix the problem by tutoring the other in their language. It was... So fun and funny on top of actually helping their communication. Lots of pronunciation fuck ups that completely change what a sentence means or makes it complete gibberish, dumb jokes about how certain words sound, and more. By the end of it, they were definitely close.
Neither knew what to label the relationship though. Were they friends? It feels like more, but it's not quite love yet. So, in an attempt to understand the other better, both separately decided to track the other's daily schedules! Totally not stalking. However they both find there's big chunks in the day where they can't find the other. Neither figures out why until Celeste complains about it to Luce and Reborn overhears. That's how they fully fall in love; realizing they have similar habits to each other just in their own ways unique to their personalities.
Nowadays, they have the second most amount of contact. Namely so Reborn could be an active father in Aria's life growing up and now because Celeste deems Tsuna and Dino their sons. While she doesn't act lovey dovey with him currently because of his cursed form, she will still happily rag on him and tease him for things he's done or does in that way couples do. Tsuna and Dino don't know what's scarier, the fact she can get away with things like that or the fact it genuinely flusters Reborn at times.
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Goodnight Story #9
[Plain Text: "Goodnight Story #9" bigger and cursive /end pt]
Today was supposed to be a normal, peaceful day for Verde. Unfortunately, Skull, Reborn and Fon somehow ended up bored. So Verde has some slightly annoying company.
Skull is still inspecting Verde's forging oven, naively crawling halfway inside it, unnecessarily fascinated with the way it's set up. Of course Reborn pushes the door shut, making Skull squawk in surprise, before addressing Verde much too nonchalantly. "What are you drawing?"
Verde doesn't look up from his work, calmly continuing to sketch, even as Fon hovers over his shoulder, curiously watching him work. Verde just barely remembers Reborn likes to have his questions answered. "Schematics."
Fon hums inquisitively, shaking his head just a tiny bit. He would not be able to read half of the Italian Verde used in this schematic, so his confusion is understandable. "No... No that's a human arm."
Verde doesn't sigh, but he wants to. Fon is just curious and wants to learn, his lack of a formal education is not his fault. So Verde educates him, his tone gentle. "Prosthesis, Fon. I'm designing a prosthetic arm."
Fon hums softly again, leaning just a bit closer. Verde can feel the body-heat rolling off of him now. The awe in Fon's voice is entirely genuine. "That's pretty cool. It looks... So life-like."
Of course, such a comment draws Reborn near and that man knows no personal space. Verde just huffs when Reborn drapes his weight over his shoulder, snuggling close shamelessly and taking a look himself. The momentary pause that follows really says more than enough, but Reborn voices his opinion anyways. "Are you... Sketching from memory?"
Verde hums faintly in acknowledgement, adjusting himself under Reborn's weight and once again losing himself to focus just a little. After a minute, Fon's weight is a little added surprise, but Verde honestly doesn't mind. At least they're resting on both of his shoulders now and distributing their weight more evenly.
Skull speaks up then, no longer in the Forge, instead he's admiring Verde's indoor garden. He's gently cupped his hands around a still-green orange, fascinated and endeared. "I still can't believe you build all this yourself."
This, of course, meaning the highly sophisticated watering and lighting systems that support Verde's little garden. That was one of his first private projects Verde was able to fund. It's been years since then. "I can build anything. All I need are materials and time."
Of course, Reborn has to be a little shit, sounding entirely too amused as he reminds Verde. "And money."
Verde promptly shakes Reborn and Fon off of his shoulders, frowning to himself. That reminder was unhelpful and uncalled for. Verde quickly resolves to ignore them starting now-
But Reborn sighs, over-exaggerated and impatient. You can practically hear the eyeroll and Verde turns to him, the words to tell him off already on the tip of his tongue. But...
Reborn is holding an envelope, thick with whatever is inside it. He sounds smugly amused again. "Let me finish. You need money for your projects."
Reborn offers the envelope to Verde, something distinctly fond in the look in his eyes. Fon and Skull are nearby too, looking adorably excited now. Somehow Reborn still sounds like he's teasing him. "This is for you. Happy Valentine's, you nerd."
Verde blinks rapidly, briefly glancing toward his calender, before accepting the envelope, entirely suspiscious. Fon and Skull look almost too excited. From that alone, Verde can deduce that this present was probably some kind of group effort.
Verde picks the envelope open, raising his eyebrows in surprise when he unearths an actual stack of bills. By the looks of it alone, this is at least 30.000 Euro. This might just be enough to finish Verde's next 4 projects!
Verde looks at his idiots again, his chest oddly warm, even as his voice comes out unsure and stern. "Why?"
Skull speaks up this time, fidgeting his hands together, shifting around. He's blushing, the way he does when he thinks he's in trouble. "Actually... It was Viper's idea. Cause I kept going on about... Feeling bad for breaking your glass stuff..."
Oh, yes. Months ago, when Skull was in a particularly helpful mood, he'd dropped a whole box of glassware. Several beakers, numerous vials and even some syringes and droppers where lost. But nothing particularly important was broken. Verde had told him it was fine. He'd even outright forgiven him after Skull brought him some new glassware from who knows where.
So this is just silly-
Fon gently brushes his knuckles over Verde's cheeks, pulling him out of his thoughts entirely and giving him a very warm smile. "Skull and Viper came up with the idea because of that incident. But it's supposed to be a gift first and foremost."
Reborn is standing back a bit now, his arms loosely crossed, a subtle indication he is not entirely secure with the vulnerability he is about to present. Verde sometimes wonders if Reborn is aware of his own tells actually. "We know how much you love your projects."
Skull and Fon nod their agreement and Verde blinks down at the stack of cash again. He won't reject this, cause that would be quite idiotic, but... It feels wrong to accept this much without somehow returning the favor. So, after just a moment of thought, Verde offers the one thing he can give freely. ".... Thank you very much. May I hug you?"
Skull almost chirps like a bird, nodding enthusiastically and bouncing in place. He is in Verde's arms before Verde has even fully stood up out of his seat.
Fon chuckles at Skull's eagerness, but he too nods, flushing faintly. He moves more slowly, careful to control his strength when he cuddles into Verde's embrace next to Skull.
They are both so tiny in Verde's arms, their cheeks barely rest comfortably against his shoulders. Verde makes sure to give both of them a good squeeze, placing two tiny kisses on top of their hair, before looking at the last person that has earned a hug today.
Reborn is blushing surprisingly brightly, his arms crossed just a bit tighter and he'd averted his eyes for just a moment. Verde catches his eyes when he looks at them again. Verde wordlessly gestures that Reborn can absolutely join this hug, but Reborn hesitates.
So Verde gently pats Skull's back and presses light on Fon's shoulder, slowly breaking their embrace, so both of his arms are free to accommodate Reborn. He offers the hug again, silently. And the hesitation completely leaves Reborn.
Reborn is a bit taller than Fon and Skull. He can rest his chin on Verde's shoulder quite comfortably, but he also hugs like a vice. If Verde hadn't preemptively reinforced his skin with just a touch of lightning, he might've gotten a bruise from that tight squeeze.
Instead, Verde is perfectly content like this, cuddling Reborn closer for a moment, before moving to put a kiss on the man's head. That accursed fedora gets in his way though, which very briefly gives Reborn a case of the giggles. Then Reborn tips his hat back and goes up on his tiptoes, placing the gentlest of kisses on both of Verde's cheeks.
And just like that, Reborn breaks the hug and tugs his fedora back down again to cover his expression. He's blushing and smiling and immediately turns to leave the room, because that was probably more than enough vulnerability for him, for the rest of the month.
Verde will also feel very warm and loved for about a month at least. Especially since Fon and Skull overcome their shyness and bashfully request another hug.
And it's only been a few weeks at most since the last time Verde felt this Treasured and Beloved!
.... Verde knows he's earned this affection. They all did.
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social-muffin · 2 years
I just had a pretty cool plot bunny hop my way.
What if the Arcobaleno Curse did more than what Canon showed? What if it didn't just manipulate the Arcobalenos' bodies, but also their minds?
What if the curse erased their memories of little moments that lead to them becoming a functional harmony?
Like, they spend a couple of months together pre curse at least, but there has to be more. They are the strongest!! Yet they never seem to fatally step on each other's toes? They never irreparably get on each other's nerves?
Sure they act like strangers towards each other at times, but fundamentally there is a lot of acceptance and respect going back and forth between them.
More thoughts under the read more cause this might get long.
An example of the seemingly unconditional respect they share, is Mammon's situation with Varia and everything concerning that. That alone is a huge betrayal! But ultimately their decision is respected and they aren't excluded from the group really.
I'm sure there are more examples hidden in how they enable Reborn's behaviour and begrudgingly tolerate Skull's actions, but my brain is very much stuck on what little moments the curse might've erased...
Do they tolerate Reborn's general behaviour, because at one point in time, Reborn had a heart to heart with each of them in which it's revealed that he's the youngest Arcobaleno and he has a lot of feelings of inadequacy?
Is Colonnello's integration into the group easy because, before the fated day even happened, they all kept running into him sneaking around the mansion to observe Lal and they had many fun little chats with him?
Do Fon and Mammon have so much tension going on, because before the curse happened, they were an item in an unofficial way and they both feel angry with the other for forgetting, even though they don't remember themselves?
Do they maybe give Verde a lot of distance, because they discussed his social aversions pre curse, but it's backfiring now, because Verde doesn't know why they're so distant and now it's bothering him?
And I somehow can't imagine Skull never took them to one of his Stunt Shows pre curse, so could that be why, even with Skull's mess-ups being numerous and huge at times, they have this admiration they can't shake and it makes them so mad?
What if Reborn is so lost in thought and mellowed out post curse(if I remember right lmao), not just because the curse is lifted, but in a split second afterwards, a whole bunch of memories flooded back to him and he's thinking his actions over because. Well. Things have suddenly changed. The power dynamics shifted. Suddenly they are all on the same page again? That's gotta be a bit disorienting lmao
Am done rambling now. Just. Thinking. uwu Plotting. owo
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robasarel · 2 years
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hopeswriting · 11 months
EVENT: KHR Rare Pair Week 2023
PROMPT: Day 2 - College AU
TITLE: rainbows-filled papers
AUTHOR: @hopeswriting
PAIRING: Colonnello & Arcobaleno
Seven muses for one art student who'll never be as beautiful on his canvas as they are in real life, but Colonnello is happy to try and try again and never succeeds to match reality.
And really, he wouldn't have it any other way.
TAGS: Fluff, Slice of Life, Romantic Friendship
LINKS: Ao3 & Ff.net
[Plain text:
EVENT: KHR Rare Pair Week 2023
PROMPT: Day 2 - College AU
TITLE: rainbows-filled papers
AUTHOR: @hopeswriting​​
PAIRING: Colonnello & Arcobaleno
Seven muses for one art student who'll never be as beautiful on his canvas as they are in real life, but Colonnello is happy to try and try again and never succeeds to match reality.
And really, he wouldn't have it any other way.
TAGS: Fluff, Slice of Life, Romantic Friendship
LINKS: Ao3 & Ff.net /End PT]
Skull's all bright purple spread all over his hair and masterfully applied on his face. He's noticeable wherever he goes and draws the eye whatever he does. He draws the eye even when he doesn't do anything, and is unmistakably there even in the most bleak and ordinary clothes and colors.
Skull's bright by nature, it's how he is, who he is. Born to shine as he likes to say, born a star, and Colonnello can't do anything else but agree with a roll of his eyes, smiling. His presence changes the energy of every room he walks in, all the attention shifting on him everywhere he walks in, and he calls the shots from then onwards. Anyone and everyone he's around can't look away from him, maybe not always in a good way, but he moves like he owns the world, voices his words like they're the words of gods, and it's an enthralling sight to witness.
He's there and you know without a doubt he is, and when he isn't, he still stays at the back of your mind and you wonder when he'll be back.
Skull is loud, electric warmth that pours and pours out of him, always, and Colonnello will never understand how anyone could not want to be swept away by it.
Skull shines the brightest right after he scores a goal. He catches Colonnello's eye in the audience, and only then he breaks into a bright and wide grin—and what an incredibly heady feeling, to know the sun shines only if he's there to witness it. His grin lights up his face and his eyes sparkle, his joy infectious, spreading so tangibly to the others congratulating him, Colonnello tastes it in the air, can almost touch it.
Colonnello always finishes drawing Skull with yellow. Electric golden streaks in his hair and spread on his lips, with specks of it in his brown eyes.
Skull shows up one day half Skull and half sun, just the way Colonnello draws him but so much better, and Colonnello's hard-pressed to breathe. He tries to get it as breathtaking on paper as it is in real life, and it's a relief every time he falls short of it.
Some things are simply that much more precious when able to keep existing only in the safety of your memories.
Reborn's all black suits and colorful every other piece of clothing he owns, sharp edges and sharp smirks, and the softest eyes whenever he looks at them.
Colonnello feels lucky every time to be among the few who know just how soft Reborn's eyes can get.
Reborn walks as one with the world, blending in every nook and cranny like they were made for him, like he tailored them himself to fit him. It'd be easy to forget he's there, bidding his time, if you didn't always remember vividly the last time he struck.
Reborn walks into the auditorium covered in glitter, even in his hair, and if nothing else, Colonnello has to admire his dedication to the bit.
"Oh my God," he breathes out.
Reborn shines silver and a little green, refracting the shitty light of the auditorium into their eyes, blinding them. There's dumbstruck silence as he walks to the teacher, glitter falling from underneath his cape from God knows where.
It leaves a trail behind him, Reborn's own personal red carpet.
"Oh my God," Colonnello says again.
He dies a little inside and breathes in a way he never did before at the same time, adrenaline heightening his senses the way only Reborn can make him feel. He wants to burst out laughing, but he's as speechless and breathless as everyone else is. He isn't sure if what he sees is even real, but he can't look away.
"Don't you have class?" the teacher asks. Reborn perches himself on top of the desk like he belongs there and sips his coffee. The teacher pinches the bridge of her nose. "Reborn, what even—"
"It's for science."
"Sure it is."
"Of course. Would I lie?" he lies shamelessly. He crosses his legs at the knees, sways his leg back and forth, and it somehow throws glitter everywhere. He jumps down and rounds the desk. "Anyway, miss—"
He stumbles, pushing the teacher back, and the stack of papers in front of her scatters on the table. Reborn catches himself on it, spilling his drink all over said papers along with a healthy dose of glitter.
The room breaks into an uproar, into delighted laughs and cheers.
Reborn might as well bow, his deed done, radiating such smugness even with how apologetic he looks, and who knows in which state he left the school's printers before coming here.
Colonnello laughs as hard as everyone else, if not harder. He blows Reborn a well-deserved kiss, truly his savior because he doesn't want to know how badly he'd have failed that test.
The other students give him looks he ignores, as if his guess would be any better than theirs. Reborn isn't someone you can guess, maybe expect at best, but even then he surprises you all the same. He simply happens,on a whim and unapologetic. He galvanizes the hearts as soon as he appears and no matter how long he appears, and it always echoes in the hallways from student to student and teacher to teacher no matter how fast he disappears.
Reborn makes a run for it—always makes a run for it, but somehow hasn't gotten expelled yet. He locks eyes with him, and Colonnello scrambles to pack his stuff and make a run for it too.
Somehow—somehow even his sketchbook safely packed in his bag ends up covered in glitter too, and that won't be forgiven.
He draws Reborn on all the ruined pages, in all his glory in between the glitter, sharp edges and sharp smirks enhanced with charcoal. He reflects the light of his cigarette in his eyes to bring out their dark—dark, dark—brown color, softening even more the softest eyes Colonnello's ever seen.
Reborn scowls and clicks his tongue when he shoves the drawings in his face, and if they both know he'll treasure them like any of the others before, it's between them only.
Fon cranes his neck up to peek at him in the safety of his tree. Colonnello gives him his best smile, but it's not good enough yet as between one blink and another, Fon stands on the same branch as him.
The branch doesn't shift whatsoever, as if it doesn't bear the weight of two grown men on it.
"Show off," Colonnello teases, still impressed no matter how many times he sees it.
Fon smiles down at him, saying back something Colonnello doesn't hear through the music from his headphones, but he guesses and smiles back. He slides his headphones down around his neck but lets the music on, though lowers it, and he's careful not to shift as Fon sits sideways next to him, his legs dangling in the air.
"Lunch?" he asks.
"Not hungry," Colonnello says.
Fon presses his finger against his stomach before pretending to focus. "Yes, you are. And you can't draw at your best with an empty stomach, Yin Chi, can you?"
Colonnello can't help but chuckle, swatting his hand away. "You can't possibly know that like that, I know you can't."
"I'm a man of many mysterious skills."
Fon holds out his hand to him, and Colonnello holds onto his sketchbook a beat longer for show. He gives it up, and Fon puts it down on top of the branch beside them, next to Colonnello's bag.
"Careful," Colonnello warns through habit alone.
"I know," Fon says easily, smiling.
When he offers him food from his biàndāng, Colonnello huffs on principle, but still opens his mouth. It's spicy, and he scrunches up his face as the flavor bursts and burns in his mouth, tears welling up in his eyes.
He holds Fon's daring and mischievous gaze through them anyway before making himself swallow the food. "Did you forget to flavor it or something?"
Fon laughs before handing him a bottle of water.
Colonnello relaxes against the tree, obediently opening his mouth whenever Fon holds non-spicy food for him. He dangles his leg at the rhythm of his music, just enough not to knock against Fon's. His music fills in their comfortable silence and he hums to it, singing the lyrics now and then under Fon's amused and fond gaze.
"Yin Chi," he teases, but the words roll softly on his tongue, washing over Colonnello like the caress of a feather, making him grin.
Fon shows him the way it should be done, singing him what sounds like a lullaby, but Colonnello doesn't recognize this one. He keeps his voice low, a clear one but with rough undertones to it. It's lost to the wind and to the students' chatter below, as well as drowned out by Colonnello's music, but Colonnello still has only ears for it.
They stay wrapped in their comfortable silence as they eat, letting the wind and the ambient noises underneath them fill it for them. They share glances and smiles, but even when Fon looks away, Colonnello doesn't take his eyes away from him.
The wind blows and the leaves flutter, their shadows dancing on Fon's skin. The wind softly sways his fringe and his braid, hair strands like silk calling his fingers to thread through them. Sunlight streams through the branches, spots of warm light on his black hair and his pale skin.
Colonnello takes in the lines of his smile on his cheeks and the crinkles at the corners of his eyes. Fon's face is all sharp traits, sharper than his nephew's, but only warmth pours from every one of his expressions, softening them, and so few would agree with him.
Colonnello can't remember what the view looked like before Fon came along, and can't imagine it'll still keep existing once he'll leave.
Fon walks in the world and it shifts and moves, making it so he was always there. He's never out of place wherever he stands or whoever he stands with, has always the right word or smile or look, making you never feel out of place with him either. It's not always gentle but it's always done gently, and he takes you along on his path at his pace before you even realize it.
Colonnello's fingers itch to draw him whenever he looks at him, his surroundings always worthy to be drawn when Fon stands in the middle of them, and it's as if they were made just for him. Colonnello pouts whenever he does draw him because ink is not his forte, but it flows and looks alive and moving, and nothing else would suit Fon better.
Fon leans against his chest once they're done eating, sighing and slumping against him. Colonnello loosely wraps his arms around him, resting his chin on top of his head.
"I need to go study while I still can," Fon says with great reluctance, and Colonnello huffs a laugh.
"So you can fail harder?"
"You know it."
They snicker, and it seems to be all Fon needs. He pulls away before looking him straight in the eye as he lets himself fall backward, flipping in mid-air before smoothly landing on his feet.
"Show off!" Colonnello blurts out, almost shouting, his voice spilling out of him, followed by his amazed laughter.
Fon grins. "You like it."
"We just ate."
"I'm Batman."
Colonnello bursts out laughing.
Colonnello's snatched to the side on his way to his class before he's slammed against a wall in an empty classroom.
Well, he notices the empty classroom after. He first notices Lal's pretty brown eyes looking up at him, a mischievous smirk at the corner of her lips, and maybe he should be concerned about how she thoroughly fucked over his flight or fight response.
"Hello there, beautiful."
He smiles back at her. "Hi there, handsome."
"We're going to watch that movie we talked about with Reborn. Are you coming?"
"Is that my jacket you're wearing? I don't remember letting you take this one."
"Your parents love having me over."
"In my closet?"
"I was helping with the laundry, shut up."
He laughs at the embarrassed twist of her lips. "We're going right now? Because I have a class right now."
"Yeah, us too, so? It's the last screening we can go to if we want to see it in theaters."
She grins, dragging him out of the classroom without waiting for a response.
They both put on their hoody as they near his classroom, Colonnello keeping his head down. They subtly pick up their pace as they walk past it, and just when he thinks he made it, his teacher's voice calls out behind them.
"Hey, Colonnello! That's you, right? Where do you think you're going?"
"Don't answer," Lal says as they both walk faster.
"And it's Lal next to you, isn't it? Why do you always—"
Lal nudges his side with her elbow. "Race you to outside the building?"
"All right—"
She shoves him back in a blatant act of cheating, taking off running.
"Oh, come on!" he shouts, laughter in his voice, and wastes no time running after her.
"Hey, come back here!" his teacher shouts too, but neither of them pays her any mind.
They run in the halls, dodging the students and bumping against them if need be to not slow down, ignoring their complaints. Lal's fast, has always been, and so when she first reaches the stairs, he didn't reduce the distance between them at all. She jumps over the railing to the flight of stairs below, and keeps going like that as Colonnello leans over the railing.
"Cheater!" he shouts after her.
She laughs, not stopping for a second. "Cry me a river!"
Colonnello jumps over the railing too, but instead of following her all the way down, runs along the halls of the second floor. If he remembers correctly from this morning and it's still there...
Yes, the window's still open!
He opens it wider, hops on the ledge and—well, it is a little high, but for the longest time his dad was hell-bent on sending him to the army, and prepared him physically for it beforehand all his life.
"Coming down!" he warns the students below before jumping, grinning at their shocked screams.
He lands safely, rolling on the floor before standing, just that second faster before Lal bursts out of the building. He gives her a smug and shit-eating grin as she stomps towards him, displeasure written all over her face, sore loser as she's always been.
She glances up at the window he jumped from before looking back at him, crossing her arms on her chest. "Cheater."
"Cry me a river."
It doesn't make her laugh, instead making her glare at him more fiercely, all the humor from before gone from her face.
She could be just messing with him or actually mean it, he'd never be able to tell for sure. He doesn't know anyone else able to go from zero to hundred back to zero so quickly, nor anyone who gives themself so wholly and earnestly to what they feel, however fleeting or mild that feeling might be and whether they're laughing, screaming or crying.
It's always a sight to behold, an unpredictable one too that sweeps you off your feet and leaves you no choice but to adjust yourself to her and follow her lead. It's a sight that lingers in your mind, at times relentless and at times breathtaking, like seeing nature itself breathing life through her, leaving you apprehensive and impatient for the next time it'll happen in equal measure.
Not all would agree, but they're similar in that aspect and it's what he loves most about her, and so he isn't about to start being afraid of it now.
He crosses his arms on his chest too, raising his eyebrow at her.
Lal narrows her eyes dangerously, but from a distance Reborn—because no doubt it's him—honks for entirely too long.
When Colonnello blinks, Lal's grinning again, all happy mischievousness once more. "Race you to the parking?"
"All right, but don't—" Of course, she shoves him back again before taking off running. He laughs. "Lal!"
Lal bursts out laughing, this time at least looking at him above her shoulder, but she doesn't stop running.
Colonnello takes a moment to commit her sight to memory to draw it later before running after her. How wide she smiles and how it crinkles her eyes so happily; her hair fluttering in the wind and his jacket slipping off her shoulders, falling from them entirely if it wasn't for her backpack; and her muscles sailing against the brown skin of her legs as she runs.
Lal's full of life even when she's perfectly still, shining in her eyes and glowing under her skin, but Colonnello always feels he best captures her essence when he draws her moving. When he draws her throwing her head back as she laughs, running up the stairs two at a time when she's late, or jabbing her elbow in their sides either in reprimand or as an accomplice.
Anything, even the simplest thing like her looking above her shoulder, as long as he can look at the final result and feels at first glance like he decently managed to capture some of the life she's always been made of.
"Okay, so get this," Luce starts dramatically. She sits on the floor, leaning against the bed while he sits against the headboard, with both their homework spread in front of them even if they aren't working much on them. "The teacher's about to start her lecture, so I look in my pencil case for a pen, right?"
"Right, except I don't find any."
He snorts. "You forgot your pen of all things?"
"I know, right!" she says, turning to look at him. "What kind of idiot forgets their pen for school?"
She huffs a laugh at his teasing and pointed look, smacking his leg before turning back. "Shut up. Anyway, so I was there looking for it like a fool as if it'd appear out of thin air if only I looked hard enough for it, when I noticed out of the corner of my eye my neighbor handing me a pen." He hums along. "So I turn to her gratefully, taking it, smiling and about to thank her, but then I catch her eye. And..." she takes a deep and dramatic breath "... she was smiling at me."
Colonnello fondly rolls his eyes. "Wow," he deadpans. "A whole ass smile? You must be joking."
"Nooo, listen!" she shouts, laughter in her voice. She sits on her knees, leaning her arms on the bed. "We were just one seat apart, and clearly it was entirely too close because her smile was blinding. And it was like—like... " another dramatic pause as she just about swoons at the memory "...all my life what I thought was colors were only shades of grey, and suddenly I was seeing the world in colors I had never seen before."
"God, you're such a lesbian."
They both burst out laughing, Luce sitting down again.
"You just had to be there, okay?"
"Well, at least it was nicely put." Would make for a good art prompt too. "Seeing the world in colors you've never seen before..."
"Don't say it."
"Shrimp colors."
They laugh again, snickering at each other.
"Okay, but it really was nicely put. Just change majors already, come on."
"Maybe I will," she says like she always does and never does it, and Colonnello doesn't have to see her face to know of the longing on it, of the ever smile on her lips and the impenetrable sea of her eyes that's always sad to try to find your way through it.
Colonnello pushes his homework aside and brings his sketchbook closer instead.
Luce is so open a person, it's an easy and fast process to get to know her. She's kind, warm and understanding, and surprisingly snarky, stubborn and cold at times. She's so much more Colonnello's discovered once he earned her trust, hopeful but not optimistic, too smart and realistic for that it seems; bruised and sad but still standing and smiling; wanting and still being the one to let it all slip between her fingers.
She's much more still, made of so many layers and so much depth, to this day he still finds himself learning new things about her. To this day she still surprises him in the way she can act, the decisions she can make and the words that can come out of her mouth.
Sometimes it feels like not even she knows how to encompass the whole of herself, knows how to have a clear and full picture of it, and maybe it's a relief to her she's so good at being who people need her to be and who they think she should be.
Colonnello carefully rips the page of his sketchbook and moves to the edge of the bed. He lies down, dangling his drawing above Luce. "Here."
Luce looks above her shoulder, raising her eyebrow at it. "No way, you're done already?" She sits up from where she lied down on the floor and takes the drawing. "Then help me with my..." She trails off, mouth parted open and her eyes widening.
He's drawn her to be the universe, not so much drawn against the galaxy but blending in it, made of it. There are constellations in her hair, her favorite ones, blue nebulae in guise of her eyes, and a gathering of stars in place and in the form of her flower tattoo, of supernovas. The drawing is mostly in shades of blue and bright, shining stars, and in golden pink and orange space dust bands to give her shape and colors.
He drew it and colored it carefully, but it's still a quick work, yet Luce's eyes gleam with tears as she brushes her fingers across the paper.
She breathes out a soft laugh, catching his eye. "Thank you."
Colonnello smiles back, lifting himself on his arms to plant a lingering kiss on her forehead.
He's made her to be the universe, and hopefully it doesn't make her disappear in it, but gives her relief and starkness for her to more easily and clearly see herself, all of herself.
Verde stands on top of the rector's car, talking into a megaphone and surrounded by a crowd of students that should all already be in class.
Colonnello isn't in any hurry to go to class either, standing a bit of a distance away with Fon, Skull and Lal. They share Skull's disgustingly sweet coffee and Fon's single croissant, watching and listening to Verde.
"...the funds allocated to the science faculties this semester are simply pitiful, pathetic and an insult to all of us passionate students in what we do. We, researchers and innovators especially were clearly looked down upon and spit in our faces. We bring prizes, prestige and popularity to this college, yet this is how they reward us for it?"
Verde speaks in a poised and composed manner, but the crowd cheers and agrees with him loudly anyway, never mind it's early morning and Colonnello's still half-asleep. They chant their slogans and Verde's name in turn, waving their signs demanding more funding.
Colonnello and the others cheer him on too, screaming his name and whistling loudly, and laughing as the energy builds and spreads between the students.
"Didn't they increase the funds compared to last time though?" Lal asks. "By a lot too."
"Well, if we measure it by whether it's enough to support Verde's genius, I'll have to agree with him it's not nearly enough," Fon says. "Besides, he's quite desperate at the moment, isn't he? His parents won't give in an inch more of their house for him to turn into a lab."
They snort, Fon chuckling.
"I support him either way," Skull says. "I hope he somehow manages to cancel all the morning classes altogether."
Lal raises the cup of coffee in the air. "I'll drink to that."
Colonnello huffs a laugh, rolling his eyes, but Verde might just be able to pull it off. The crowd in the parking and around him keeps growing, and it's not only made of students from the science faculties by a long shot. They cheer just as loudly as anyone else anyway, chanting the slogans in earnest as if it directly concerns them too.
It's not surprising. Despite how uncaring of most things Verde appears to be, especially people, too busy directing his entire focus on the things he is interested in and cares about, Verd's still always had a knack for drawing attention to him and keeping it on him. All kinds of people are drawn to him, sucked in and compelled by the things he says and curious to experience his company. They end up enjoying it too, even if most times they'd be hard-pressed to be on the same wavelength as him or to simply understand it.
Even when they're hanging out and he's the one talking, perfect strangers end up tuning in on their conversations, and it's all even more true when Verde sets out to actively and purposefully capture their attention.
"If this is how much they value us," he continues, "then I intend to reflect that value in how much I'll invest myself in my studies from now on. Which means, of course—ah, just a moment," he cuts himself off, looking towards them. "Colonnello."
Skull roughly shakes him, whooping and cheering and jumping up and down, and Colonnello almost chokes on his croissant.
"Skull!" Fon chides him with laughter in his voice, pulling him off him.
Lal snorts. "Dude, the fuck?"
"What? Verde just called for him, didn't you hear? I'm so jealous right now." He gives him a shit-eating grin, wiggling his eyebrows.
Colonnello punches him in the guts, grinning back. "As you should be." He goes to Verde, making his way through the crowd until he stands in front of the rector's car. "What's up?"
"I need—" Verde starts in the megaphone before he lowers it "—ah, sorry. Here." He crouches down and hands him his notebook. "I need signs of the figures and slogans in there for the march we planned this afternoon."
"Jeez, this afternoon?" he says, not actually surprised by his unreasonable deadlines. "I'll have to increase my prices for that."
"Fine. But don't expect me to be nice with it then."
Colonnello scoffs. As if he's ever been nice with it.
He flips through his notebook, catching glimpses of statistics, polls and diagrams. Truthfully anyone else that isn't an art student could do these signs for him too as they don't leave much room for an artistic rendition of them, if any at all, but it's a nice challenge to make them as much of pieces of art as possible without distracting them from their points. And Colonnello's penmanship is much prettier and, more importantly, more readable than Verde's, if nothing else.
Besides, it's well worth having Verde be the critique of his works for a bit. He's ruthlessly to the point and in-depth with it, sometimes making him feel like he never wants to sit in front of a blank canvas again, but he's always better and more confident than last time whenever he does sit in front of a blank canvas again.
"All right, I'll see what I can do."
"Good." He nods, smiling before standing to face the crowd again. "All right, where were we?"
A loud and excited scream answers him, followed by chanting of his name again, and Colonnello can't help but grin as he takes it all in.
This is why he likes to draw Verde through someone else's point of view the most. He so easily steals the spotlight even when he's not trying to, not bothering to even notice it when he does, it only feels right to also have him as the center of someone else's attention in his drawings of him.
Colonnello stumbles upon Viper as he rounds a building, and beams. "Viper!" He runs to them and pulls them into an enthusiastic hug, grinning. "Come on, why don't you ever let us know when you show up in person? Have you been here all day?"
Viper hums, patting his back. "I'll come to school in person for at least a week."
"Nice," he says, pulling back.
"Don't get your hopes up. You know my prices for looking at my notes."
He huffs. "Oh, come on. You wear heart-shaped glasses today, but you're just gonna be stone-cold like that with me?"
"V!" Skull shouts as Viper opens their mouth, and then unceremoniously jumps on them, pulling them both in a hug. "I missed you! Let me just invite myself to your classes today real quick."
Viper huffs a laugh. "Hey, Skull."
"How do you always know when they're here?" Colonnello asks.
"Ha!" he scoffs. "You want to call them your best friend, but you don't even have a telepathic bond with them? Just fuck off so I can hug them properly."
"You both fuck off and let me breathe already."
"Oh, shit," Skull says while Colonnello snorts. "My bad."
Colonnello pushes Skull's face away once they give Viper room. "Now you fuck back off wherever you came from." Skull sticks his tongue out, but seems to have an actual place to be as he leaves easily enough after pecking Viper's head. Colonnello wraps his arm around Viper's shoulders as they fall in steps with each other. "Had lunch yet?"
"You're paying."
"You don't fucking say." They glance at each other, a smirk at the corner of Viper's lips. "Never mind the obvious, what have you been up to?"
"Just this and that, here and there, mind your own fucking business."
"You know, it's because you're such a great conversationalist that we tried to tail you the other day."
Viper goes to the same school as them, but mostly through remote learning to make more time for the seemingly million things they have to do on a daily basis, but even outside school, it's hard to get their hands on them so they can hang out.
"Really? You were so discreet with it, I couldn't possibly have noticed it."
Colonnello barks out a laugh, making them huff a laugh too and no doubt roll their eyes too. It was a lot of fun, the seven of them trying to hide behind a single lamp post, wearing the ridiculous cosplays Reborn gave them and was the only one to pull off.
They weren't exactly surprised when Viper shook them off their trail sooner than later.
"Some of the things I do are simply none of your business. Just get it in your thick skulls already."
"Some" is putting it lightly, but that's fine. It makes them feel a little distant at times he can't see them as often or for as long as he sees the others, but it doesn't make them any less one of them. Viper themself makes a point to not let it make them any less one of them or allow distance to grow between them. Like that day they tailed and lost them, and they showed up out of blue hours later in the middle of them finding themselves roped in an amateurish play for children held in the plaza.
Viper actively dislikes people trying to get their hands on them without their consent, likes—needs to be free to do their own thing whenever they want and for however long they want without having to justify themself to anyone. It's an arrangement they're all happy with, patiently waiting for whenever they feel like showing up again as they do always end up showing up again.
Viper stands in the rector's office with them, helps them to not find themselves there as often, goes to the movie, restaurants and crashes in their houses with them, and Colonnello really feels just as close to them as with the others.
"You okay though, aren't you?" he asks, leaning their chin on top of their head. "You're so lazy, but you sill love to overwork yourself."
"Shut up." They jab him in the stomach, but he wasn't about to feel anything with their noodle arms.
He snickers, fond eyes looking at them.
Colonnello draws Viper as often as he draws the others, but only with Viper he doesn't mind going for a more abstract style, which he's bad at. But it suits them, the elusive quality it gives them.
Colonnello uses their differently shaped glasses or their cloaks and hoods they so love to wear to hide their features, as well as their hair, lighting or landscapes, or simply through the point of view he chooses to draw them.
Viper has yet to say it, but Colonnello knows they both like it best when he draws them surrounded by the rest of them to take the focus away from them.
They chill under their usual patch of grass under a tree, Colonnello sitting against it and sketching them in his sketchbook.
"Let's go somewhere, I'm bored," Reborn says.
"Lunch break ends in just ten minutes," Fon says.
"So? We can do a lot of things in ten minutes."
Skull snorts. "Oh, shut up, Reborn. Do you know how much more often I'm skipping class ever since I met you?"
"Oh, and it's gonna be my fault now, is it? I simply offer. I don't remember ever dragging any of you at gunpoint out of school."
"Yeah, shut up, Reborn," Lal says, making them chuckle. "Someone helps me finish this goddamn essay. Verde."
The sound of Verde tapping on his keyboard doesn't falter whatsoever, and Colonnello doubts he even bothers glancing at her. "Busy."
Lal clicks her tongue but leaves it at that, a comfortable silence falling back on them. Luce gives up after losing yet another round of card games, coming closer to him to look at his drawing over his shoulder. Colonnello gives it a moment, thinking she just wants a peek at it, but when she keeps looking, he opens his mouth to tell her to maybe stop doing that.
"Why don't you ever draw yourself too?" she asks before he can, drawing everyone else's attention to them, for some reason.
He raises his eyebrow at her. "What do you mean?"
"Answer the question," Reborn says, and he rolls his eyes.
"What do you mean? I'm just drawing what's in front of me. And it's not like I can look at myself from an outside perspective, can I now?"
Fon frowns slightly, smiling. "How hard can it be to draw yourself though?"
"Yeah!" Skull says. "You're like—red."
"You know, red, the color? You're like that."
"Oh, oh, I have one too!" Luce perks up. "You're like that refreshing wind just before a storm finally breaks out and gets rid of the annoying, heavy humidity of before."
"Wow. Are you embarrassed right now?" Viper asks. "Because I would be if I were you."
They snicker, Skull flipping them off while Luce mock-pouts.
"Yeah, you bet I am. Anyone else?"
"You're a blond man with blue eyes," Verde deadpans.
"You don't fucking say," Reborn and Lal say at the same time, and even Verde laughs with the rest of them.
"All right, all right, I get it. What do you even care anyway? You know I'm not one much for self-portrait."
"But it wouldn't be a self-portrait," Luce says. "It'd be an ourselves-portrait."
"Yeah, I mean," Skull adds. "You're sitting here with us too right now, aren't you?"
"You're always sitting with us too," Fon finishes.
That's so cheesy out of nowhere, and yet, a little embarrassingly, Colonnello feels warmth spread inside him.
He laughs. "Why are you all so cheesy all of a sudden? Are you going to kiss me on the mouth next?"
Thankfully they take the bait, though likely only because they could tell he wanted them to. They change subject, averting their attention from him, and Colonnello focuses on his drawing again.
He doesn't have many drawings of them all where he's also on it too and... it is a bit of a shame, isn't it?
He can probably squeeze himself in this one easily enough.
And going forwards, surely it won't do any harm if he was to pick up the habit of drawing himself too from the beginning.
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steamworksfairy · 2 months
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Verde in a gorgeous gown and a maid dress! And yes, Reborn 100% is the one who got him to wear both. I feel like his first time wearing a dress is that gown. I'm not too sure about the maid dress, but Reborn promises it was mission important.
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analviel · 3 months
Randomly decided to go back to read this old fic and I was surprised how excited it made me.
Basically a two chapter worth of how the first Arcobaleno mission could have happened.
Just for more context:
I've always believed that the scene in KHR of the flashback of the Il Priscelti Sette meeting was actually the last job's meeting, that is to become Arcobaleno unbeknownst to them, so there would be a dozen missions before that. I have many versions of how their acquaintanceship and relationships develops in my mind, but basically what all my headcanons all share is that there was the First Mission they were hired by Checkerface, making sure to establish an introduction with each other.
Then Checkerface sends out another mission, but this time only hiring three of the seven, and then the next two missions happens at the same time but he hires only two pairs for them, and then another mission with five of them, and then the next wave of missions are individual quests, so on so forth, where they basically get acquainted within that group of people that they actually trade and deal business with each for their personal gain (Verde is often contracted by COMSUBIN -and other less than legal orgs too but whatevs- but now Lal and Reborn could just contact him directly for their very own special customized new toys, Viper had a whole network of puppers and unknowing informants that they use as middlemen to secure deals and deliever information but now gets a new phone just for personal contacts they could expect to ring for them, Fon could be pestered for random manual labor like delievering something in exchange for a bit of gossip that he'd find useful or even something as mundane as a recipe or a location or a person to fight, etc.).
Colonnello later on being Lal's plus one when she needs a back up for an assignment from COMSUBIN that she needs to do in the same location as the mission from Checkerface.
I imagine Checkerface with seven cards in a deck, with handwritten notes of the skills and strengths of each Arco and playing them according to the mission at the time.
And then on the third time they're all gathered together, they go on a mission that curses them.
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tiredcatgamer · 1 year
KHR Headcanon: What if Verde has some common sense?
Before Verde got involved in Mafia, he was a civilian born to normal parents who work in like medical or science field, even a professor too. Verde was not even his real name, but for the sake of this post, I'll use it. Verde was a natural genius at young age and knowledge was what he needed the most plus his happy parents encouraged him to continue his passion.
Years later, Verde was a renowned scientist in the whole world. That'd make sense in KHR world coz it wouldn't be impossible for everyone especially civilians not to know Verde. Sooo, while Verde has just found out about the dying will flames that would totally change his life perspective, Checkerface just came to invite him to the strongest seven people meeting, and Verde was like "hmmm, that's so suspicious. My stranger danger literally screams he is trouble. So a no is a n-" come on, he is the greatest scientist but with bad social skills.
Checkerface had came up with a plan on the spot and he was like "yo, you can get more knowledge about everything even Dying will flames from me if you agree. I meant everything."
Verde was doubting him until Checkerface demonstrate his rich knowledge to him and it totally blew his mind off as Verde tried to fact-check what he said and it turned out to be all true. Verde told him a single sentence, "deal, but if it is not satisfortary, the deal is off." While Checkerface mentally gave himself a back pat.
Later, Verde went to the meeting and saw the six people. He was like "crap, wait, am I in mafia???" But he hid his expressions from them by doing his notepad thing that was his coping mechanism. Meanwhile, Arcobaleno thought he must be a mad scientist due to his mysterious nature. Verde was also like "wtf? Did that woman has the ability to see the future? Why did she seems smiley? I guess it is the time to find information about sll of them" So, the scientist made no effort to flame bond with them while secretly dug every information on them. Eventually, they became chilly with each other from every mission that Checkerface assigned them to and after missions, Verde kept asking Checkerface countless questions for the sake of knowledge. Checkerface was like "whoa, this mortal seriously live on knowledge?"
Then, they got Arcobaleno curse that turned them into babies, which it pissed most of Arcobaleno off. Meanwhile, Verde was like "this is so unbelievable" until in his private lab, Checkerface pop out of nowhere and told him that he has decades to live until his flames die out. To his surprise, Verde took the news well and asked about the history of Tri-ni-sette, and Checkerface told him everything except for the fact that there used to be earthlings until Verde casually said "oh that sounded like a badly designed life system. Who in the right mind make that?" which was a slap in Checkerface's face because Verde was absolutely correct.
Checkerface took a deep breath and told Verde that he is the administrator of Tri-ni-sette, not the creator, but he has to be the main villain for the sake of the world and tried everything to find an alternative solution. Sadly, nothing worked even after centuries.
Verde honestly felt sorry for Checkerface and thought solving the Arcobaleno Curse would be worth being a great experiment in his lifetime because Verde was already bored of knowing everything too much.
(maybe I'll plan to write part two.)
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dizziiedaikon · 2 years
I would like to humbly request Verde with the Kokuyo Gang because curse of the rainbow was great for that group’s page time
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*shakily gives you this, Sniffing CRYING* HErE you go ive only watched the Anime
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