livsmessydoodles · 22 days
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still a menace
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dabislittlemouse · 1 year
Telling yandere!Dabi you’ll never love him and he says, “you really feel that way? Fine. If you won’t love me then I’ll make you fear me.”
What happens next is up to you 👀👀👀👀
Fear me, love..
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➛ word count: 2.6k
➛ contains: mature themes, MDNI +18, scroll away if this isn’t your cup of tea ! yandere!Dabi x f!reader
➛ warnings: nsfw, yandere themes, kidnapping, gaslighting, slapping, noncon, overall Dabi being mean and scary. This ended up turning into a fic uwu
➛ tags: @kelin-is-writing @ohnoitsthatonekid @anni3-arts
➛ Reblogs would be appreciated!
You have been warned! Read at your own risk!
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The pyromaniac was enamored by you.
The very moment he laid his eyes on you, when you were walking down the street on your way to work, that’s when Dabi knew he had to have you. It could be the possessive urge claim and break things that were pretty and perfect, the opposite of him, or maybe it really was love at the first sight. He doesn’t know, nor does he care to know, as his purpose was to make you his forever. Dabi was a greedy man, and when he wanted something, he’d get it. 
And that’s exactly what he did. Since months you’ve been locked in his apartment, in his room, without seeing a ray of sunshine and the outside world again. With tears rolling down your cheeks you keep aksing him why, why he’s been keeping you like his caged pet, and all he answers is that he loves you. He claims that he is protecting you from the outside world, because the world is dangerous for a pretty fragile thing like you. He’d be the one to make you happy instead, getting whatever you want, every kind of jewelry, clothes, plushies, doll you up and treat you like the princess you were, but that was never enough. Dabi knew you still hated him and feared him, but he never gave up, he didn’t just want to claim you as a person, he also wanted to claim your heart and soul, make you fall deeply in love with him. For a while you’d been pliant and obedient, to the point he really thought you might feel something for him, since you didn’t seem to flinch whenever he came close to you or attack him out of nowhere. It gave him hope, knowing that he could finally trust you and let you a bit free, treat you normally, hanging out together as a couple instead of keeping you locked inside like a prisoner. 
“You’ve been such a good girl for me lately..” he says one day, fingers gently playing with your hair as his soft azure eyes stare at your lips. “Finally got it inside your little brain that I do love you, huh?”
When you don’t say anything, he grabs your chin, turning your head to him and looking in your eyes. 
“You know I’d burn the world for you, Y/N..” he whispers, his lips inches away from yours as you nod dumbly, remembering all the corpses Dabi had left behind him, corpses that belonged to your former coworkers, friends, boys who Dabi suspected that look at you too much. “I don’t like locking you up like this love, truly. I’d really love to take you to places, going on a date, all those gushy things couples do~” he chuckles, kissing your lips softly. 
“I don’t want to go anywhere with you” you mumbled, backing off from the kiss. He was insane; did he really expect for you to consider this normal? To be a couple? 
The smirk faded off his pale face, his gaze making you nervous as he stayed silent for a moment. He swallowed, licking his lips and titling his head.
“What was that?” 
“I-I said.. I don’t want to go anywhere with you” you gulped, looking away from him. Dabi simply nodded, his hand coming to caress your cheek delicately, but his face expression remained stoic. Not even a hint of softness in those eyes as usual, it made you uncomfortable.
“After everything I’ve done for you..” he says softly, his thumb brushing on your lower lip. “It still isn’t enough?”
His hand now grabs your chin tightly, forcing you to look at him as you yelped in fear. “Nobody out there would even piss on you if you were on fire, y’hear me? Nobody out there gives a shit about you. I am the only one who cares about you, getting you everything that nobody else ever could.. and this is how you reward me, Y/N?”
Now you felt your face getting hot from the anger, forcing yourself to get away from his grasp and slapping his hand away. 
“Reward you? I didn’t even want to be here, at all! Did you really think buying me stuff would make me love you?” you laugh, angry tears forming in your eyes at this absurdity. “I’ll never love you, Dabi. Never.”
Dabi raised his eyebrows, suddenly stopping in his tracks and just stared at you, your words ringing on his ears over and over. The room was suddenly filled with an uncomfortable silence, as Dabi froze there, empty soulless eyes gazing at you. You suddenly felt like you couldn’t breathe, his intimidating gaze suffocating you, making you feel small and weak. Then his eyes darkened, a smirk appearing on his face, but it wasn’t his usual flirtatious one, which you suddenly wish it was. 
“Is that so?” he grunted, his tall figure looming over yours. “You really hate me this bad huh? Heh, figured..” he says, faking a hurt tone in his voice. Or maybe he wasn’t actually faking, maybe your words really cut deep in his dead cold heart, who knows..
“Alright then, since ya wanna get away from me so bad..” he proceeds to grab the keys of the door, throwing them to you. “Get out.”
You stare at him for a moment, eyes wide in shock, not believing what he was saying. “W-What?”
“Don’t make me repeat myself woman. Get. Out.” he snaps. You swallowed nervously, shaky hands grabbing the keys of the front door, the only way out of this, towards your freedom. Dabi leaned against the wall, amused even, watching you walking towards the door. Then his voice made itself known again. 
There are always “but’s”, you should’ve known it from a man like him. You didn’t really think it would be that easy for you to get out of here.
“You have approximately 20 seconds to get out of this dingy building, love. I’ll count, don’t worry..” Dabi chuckled. “In case I hit 20, and I still see your pretty ass wandering around, not out of the building..” he licked his lips, humming. “Mm let’s just say, you ain’t gonna like the consequences of losing this little game”
Your breath hitches on your throat, your hands sweating and tears forming in your eyes. He was wicked, playing this game of cat and mouse as you sat there, terrified. 
“You want your freedom sweet thing? Earn it.” Dabi said harshly, hands on his pockets as he smiled lazily at you.
You yelped in fear as he started counting, and you weren’t even close at the door yet. Dabi’s apartment was on the third floor, so it will take you a good time to get down the stairs. Your shaky hands immediately went for the keys, trying to unlock the door and cursing through your teeth as you barely sticked the key inside.
The door finally opened. You let out a relieved breath as you started running down the stairs, as fast as you could. Being locked inside for a long time, without properly walking or running outside, made it difficult for you to run fast now. But this was your only chance to escape, and no way in hell you’d accept losing it.
“…eight, nine..”
Dabi’s voice was now louder, raising it on purpose so it could be heard down to the first floor. The building was abandoned, that’s why he specifically chose it as his personal hideout. You were finally on floor zero, now the only thing left to do was pull the heavy metallic door of the building and finally get out. 
If only that was as easy..
Your weak hands grabbed the door handle, pulling as much as you could but no avail. The door simply creaked loudly but it barely even moved.
“… thirteen, fourteen..”
“N-No.. no shit.. shit!” You cursed through your teeth, tears forming in your eyes and heart pounding out of your chest. Dabi was close to 20 and the door was not even opening. At all. You groaned in frustration as your hands hurt from pulling the metallic handle, gasping hard as panic was taking over your body. “Come on..” you whined at the door which refused to move.
It was useless. If Dabi came looking for you, he’d definitely see you pathetically trying to open the door. His words rang through your mind, what would possibly happen if he saw you? Without thinking twice you figured it was best to hide. The building had some sort of basement, where the boiler and many useless things like containers, random boxes, old furniture were dumped there as well. 
“Twenty.. ready or not here I come~” Dabi chirped out almost excitedly, like some kid enjoying a game at the park. But the smile on his face was nothing but happy, it was devilish and wicked, fangs ready like a predator hunting its prey. His steps were slow and heavy, as if he was taking his sweet time to come downstairs and get you, while you immediately ran for the basement, trying to be as quiet as possible, hiding inside what seemed an old wardrobe. Hands clasping your mouth, you held your breath, your heartbeat so loud even Dabi might hear them. The tears rolled freely down your cheeks, utterly terrified at the thought of him finding you. You’d never seen him this scary, almost psychotic, he’d always be sweet and a bit forceful towards you but that was all. He tolerated you, a lot. And you fucked up by saying those words.
“Now, now..” Dabi clicked his tongue, eyeing the building’s creaky door barely opened and chuckling to himself, already knowing how weak you are. “I don’t think my little mouse has really escaped, has she? Too bad..”. He headed for the basement, slowly going down the stairs, not bothering to get any flashlight as he could perfectly see in the dark. Your fingers digged on your cheeks, barely breathing and trying your best to not let out any sound at all. Pathetic of you to believe that he wouldn’t actually find you here..
“Y/N..” he said threateningly. “You do know you broke this man’s heart, don’t ya? So mean and selfish you are..” Dabi exclaimed, with only one kick he pushed  some of the furniture away with his foot, the loud noise echoing in your ears. “So cruel..” he now kicked at the boxes around, making a mess.
“After everything that I did for you..” he now stops in front of the wardrobe, his grin wide and eyes flaring. You froze in your place, not even breathing at all as he came closer. “If you won’t love me.. then I’ll make you fear me”
With a harsh movement he opened the wardrobe, the door almost breaking as you let out a shriek, crawling on the opposite side while he giggled maniacally.
“There you are-”
His hand pulled you roughly by your hair out of the closet while you screamed for him to stop. 
“-little bitch” 
With ease he managed to get you up on your feet, and then forcefully throwing you and slamming you on an old wooden table nearby, which resulted in it breaking in the process. Pieces of wood managed to pierce through your skin and making you bleed. Too weak to even stand up, you crawled away from him. Unfazed, he approached towards you, his leather boot stepping on your head as he leaned down, smiling mischievously while you whined in pain.
“Gave you a chance and you blew it away..” he whispered. “Thought you hated me so much you’d have been out by now.. but nah, seems like you wanted this, can’t get away that easily from me huh..”
He pulled you up by your hair again, this time throwing you on an old couch like a ragdoll. You tried to catch your breath, looking up at him with your teary terrified eyes.
“P-Please.. stop, I’m sorry.. I-I didn’t mean it.. Dabi plea-”
His hot palm striked on your cheek hard, almost making you pass out at the brutal force of his slap. And another one on your other cheek, making them all red and puffy with his handprints on them, and your face burned. 
“Ungrateful sluts like you need discipline..” he laughs, hands unbuckling his belt immediately. “And I’m more than happy to give that to ya. Now turn around..before I fucking make you”
Not saying any further words, you slowly turned around on your hands and knees, sobbing quietly as he placed himself behind you.
“Ass up.”
You arched your back enough, face down on the dirty couch and your ass shamefully on display, perfect view for him. Burning off your underwear, his hot hand came down your asscheek hard, making you flinch and scream in pain. 
“Gonna turn you into a little painslut..” another hard smack on the other cheek. “My painslut. Cause it seems you don’t need my love at all..” 
Without a single warning his throbbing cock shoved forcefully between your velvety walls, the pain taking the air out of your lungs completely, no preparation at all, as your mouth fell open, but no scream manage to came out of it. 
“D-Dabi.. please stop! It hurts!” you finally manage to say, letting out choked sobs as he pumped into you a few more times. Dabi fucked you only twice, the first time taking your virginity. In both times Dabi was in fact passionate, gentle and caring, making sure you were feeling good even though you’d try to hide it. But now.. now it was completely the opposite, you were terrified at the man behind you, now realizing how much you’ve underestimated him and taking his kindness for granted. 
“Hurts, hah? Gonna hurt you real good, just the way you hurt me..” he spits hatefully, gripping on your asscheek harshly and heating his hand up, to the point you started to feel the burn piercing through your skin, totally paralyzing you from the behind at the unbearable pain that he inflicted on you. That would definitely leave a nasty scar, just like the many other ones he’d leave on you this night. 
“You’re mine, got that?” he whispers in your ear, his hot breath tickling your neck while the brutal movements of his hips thrusted in and out of you. “You belong to me, you were born for me, pretty girl. You were born for me to break you and brand you, my sweet little doll..” You felt dizzy, your body aching and sore to the point all you could do is babble incoherently at his words as he fucked you dumb.
“Fear me, love. Hate me.. say it, c’mon. Tell your man how much you hate him!” he shouted, his hips trembling as he was close to cumming. “Tell me you hate me!”
“H-Hate you.. I hate you..” you stuttered, choking on your own tears. “S-so much.. aaah I hate you!” 
“That’s it- oh fuck” he groaned loudly as he came hard deep inside of you, painting your walls white as his seed leaked down your trembling thighs. “Ngh- such good pussy- all mine!”
After a few more pumps, he finally pulled out of you as he enjoyed the view in front of him; you totally fucked out, your body wounded and bloody as pearly cum leaked slowly down your thighs. Fixing his pants, he patted your head gently before heading for the stairs.
“I expect you to come upstairs within 10 minutes.. crawl if you have to..” he smirked as you whined in desperation for him to come get you. Dabi would be lying if he said he didn’t feel bad about doing this to you, for treating you this way, but he had already made up his mind to discipline you real good. That’s the only way you’d listen to him, and maybe one day, even love him too. 
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kinopio-writes · 3 months
Good morning/afternoon/night! Could I request a fic where a male reader is super friends with Niffty, but he's a pyromaniac war criminal who causes a lot of problems so everyone hates him except Niffty? Never found many fics with her so I wanted one, can be in whatever format you wish :)
A/N: This is really interesting. You chose the perfect character for this. ‘Everyone hates him except Niftty’ made me remember a TikTok video with the audio, ‘He looks angry. Why does everyone always look at you that way?’, but it’s with Alastor. Also, that implies that even Charlie hates you (definitely not as much, so I guess it’s more of a dislike), so I’m also going to specify why everyone hates/dislikes you except Niffty.
Also, this is formatted in headcanons because that’s so much easier and I don’t want another Adam w/ a Sensitive!Reader case where it took me more than 3 weeks to finish writing a oneshot.
Warnings: Mentions of murder, Probably not mentally okay reader
Niffty w/ a Pyromaniac War Criminal!Reader
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• your introduction to her was literally indirectly burning a part of the hotel
• while she may not have liked the mess, one thing was for sure:
• you’re a bad boy
• so she was glad to know that you were going to stay at the hotel
• she instantly made it known that she liked you
• “I’m Niffty.” She approached you rapidly as she giggled. “I like you—”
• You interrupted her by pushing her off when she tried climbing on you
• “Get the hell away from me,” you seethed
• “Woah, woah, woah.” You flinched at the hand that tried to break you two apart. “What’s wrong?”
• neither of you replied to the princess
• Charlie sighed at the lack of response, and as both of you left the room to continue the tour, you gave Niffty a nasty glare
• she only grinned at that
• she would follow you around a lot
• and you would snap at her each time
• but she seemed relatively unphased
• that was your dynamic for a while
• eventually, her advances come to a stop when she realizes that you were a bad boy…
• ...who was just lonely
• yeah, no thanks
• Niffty stopped seeing you as a potential love interest after that
• and that was when your friendship started blossoming
• because she was really the only friend you could make
• Charlie…tried liking you. But you made it difficult. You wreck the hotel at least once a week, you don’t participate in any exercises and prefer to sit in a corner to burn shit, and you just…didn’t have any redeeming qualities. But…she still had hope, so she’s still letting you stay
• Vaggie just distrusts most people who come her way, and causing problems in the hotel just increases her hatred for you more (Charlie’s the reason why she hasn’t just kicked you out)
• Angel Dust just knew not to mess with you
• Alastor didn’t like you for causing problems in the hotel as well, surprisingly (he doesn’t have much male friends, so, no luck here)
• Husk also knew not to mess with you
• and you spook the fuck out of Sir Pentious even if you’re on the other side of the room
• that leaves you around Niffty quite often
• you like her because she doesn’t judge you
• and Niffty felt the same
• you watch her frame her dead bugs nonchalantly (you help her do them sometimes)
• you also even help gather them by setting them on fire (Niffty stashes the ashes in jars, categorized by species)
• remember in episode 3 where Niffty confessed her secret about killing mother bugs in front of their children? You laughed at that
• the other residents may think you two are an odd pair, but who cares?
• you two fit each other quite well
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thelaisydazy · 2 months
Ok I need to ask you. For the firefighter au! If the boys stubbled up on reader who likes fire. Like probably pyromaniac reader I don't know a thought
not exactly a "pyromaniac" but certainly a reader who is intent on burning things. also angst!
Hot air pushed past you and bright firelight lit up the little firepit you’d thrown together using an old trash can and some cinder blocks. You grin at the towering column of fire in front of you, though you can’t help the tightness in your chest. At your feet is a backpack filled with some old junk, things left behind by your ex. They’d left after you caught them cheating on you and now you were determined to be rid of any memory of them. Photos, hoodies, even that little stuffy you’d grown so fond of. You’d briefly thought of keeping it, but all it did was bring back memories you didn’t want to hold on to. 
Slowly you start tossing the photos in, taking a moment to look at each one for the last time before letting them burn. 
“Whit in th’ steamin’ Jesus is goin’ on ‘ere?” a voice calls out making you spin around. You see a broad man with a mohawk striding over to you. You notice he’s carrying a fire extinguisher in one hand and he’s wearing a t-shirt with the emblem of the local fire department on it, the name MacTavish emboldened on the breast. 
“It’s uh.. It’s nothing,” you say, suddenly feeling like it’s a bad idea to be burning all the shit your ex left behind behind your apartment building. 
“Disnae look lek nothin’,” he says. His blue eyes find the backpack at your feet. “Whit ye got thir?”
“I’m..” Your chest feels tight again and there’s a lump in your throat. “My ex left this all. I.. I don’t want it anymore so..”
“So yer burn’in it,” he supplies, and you nod. He sighs and walks a little closer, inspecting the fire. “This isn’t safe.” He motions to one of the blocks. “This one is gunna fall apart soon. Ye need tae build on summat sturdier.”
“Oh uh.. Thanks..” you say, looking down at the pile that you hadn’t thrown into the fire yet. 
The man watches you for a moment. “Am sure if ye hurry, ye can still get th’ rest o’ yer stuff on ‘fore Aye put it out.”
You blink back at him. “Really?” you ask. He nods and you start throwing things in, not wanting to miss your chance. You pause again when you come to your stuffy, frowning as you hold it in your hands before you toss it in the pile. The sight of it burning makes the pang in your heart so much worse though as tears finally sting your eyes. 
A strong arm wraps around your shoulder. “Whoe’er broke yer heart isn’t worth th’ tears, Bonnie,” he says. All you can manage is a quiet nod as you choke back another sob and bury your face in his chest.
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thelunarsystemwrites · 3 months
Magical girl Lust Heartburner!
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inspired by @inka-boi ANNDD @ksopaz!
Here's the first one, (and maybe only) in my super hecked up magical girl AU! ^^ I'll write a backstory for him later, but for let's say he will not tolerate a broken heart. (Additional info past cut!)
Also trigger warning for talk of fire, pyromania and arson/being an arsonist! (Which! Are two different things!)
How stats work: There's six total. The first five score from a scale of one to five, while the last is moral alignment!
Aggression - How aggressive they are in battle!
Defensive - How good their ability to block is!
Endurance - How many hits they can take!
Evade - How good at dodging they are!
Stability - How stable their magic is!
Mortal alignment - Can range from lawful good to chaotic evil!
Lust, AKA Heartburner has three main weapons!
Dagger - Because of the staying 'daggers in my heart', can be lit on fire.
Lovebomb - from the term 'Lovebombing', ignites into a burst of fire once detonated.
Bow - Because well, cupids bow. Did you guess? It shoots fire.
His whole outfit was inspired by the idea of a burning passion, that fire inside you! Oh, and this emoji: ❤️‍🔥 Also, by Niffty from Hazbin hotel!
Personality wise? Unhinged. Over the top Ex-Girlfriend vibes. He falls in love easily, but break his heart and he will burn your house down.
Lust is both an arsonist and a pyromaniac. Those are two different things. One's a choice, the other is an impulse disorder.
I'll write his backstory later, as previously said. But it mainly deals with Lust being mistreated, and finally broke.
And, finally. Honestly I don't know if I'll do any other magical girls, I really kinda just wanted Lust lol. This was my take on the magical girls AU, and I wanted to add something to it! (I might draw others, though!)
Yes, his soul is on fire. Yes, he is immune to fire now, but he wasn't always, which is why he still has some marks on him.
Also. Lust was the one that started the magical girls in this AU!
"Break my heart, I'll burn yours!~"
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shelbgrey · 11 months
4th of July Headcanons with my favorite boys:
Characters included: Lance Sweets, Seeley Booth, Jack Hodgins, Dean winchester, Castile, Derek shepherd, Mark Sloan, Owen hunt, Carlisle Cullen, Emmett Cullen, Eleazar Denali, George Weasley, Fred Weasley, Draco malfoy.
A/n: I am working on your guys request that was in my inbox but it being 4th of July weekend not much is gonna be posted or worked on till the end of the week just know I'm working on them.
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Lance Sweets:
I don't even know if Fireworks are legal in DC, but if they are you guys pretty much go all out.
Suprisenly, Lance likes anything loud so you guys go through a lot of firecrackers and bottle rockets.
If your not lighting up those your probably watching your friends' children and lighting the kiddy stuff with them.
He likes smoke bombs too, he'll light them in Booth's direction so all the colorful smoke blows on him.
He probably got you guys matching outfits for the day, but it's not like the cringy type of stuff some couples do. He'll just have red, white, and blue plaid shorts and a plane white shirt and you'd have the feminine version of his shorts with a cute American flag tank top.
Then to end the night you'll be cuddled up together on a blanket watching the night time fireworks.
Seeley Booth:
Seeley is a military man, so fourth of July is kinda his thing. The flags, cook outs, the fireworks, everything.
He likes anything loud or over the top, but nothing thst could harm you or Parker.
He still likes to spoil you guys with any type of firework or snack you want.
Your kinda the mother of your group of friends so you and Seeley are in charge of the grill. You guys have fun grilling a bunch of hamburgers and hot dogs while jamming out to music.
He'd invite his brother and some of his old army buddies, so you'd probably end up meeting them.
You and Parker have a lot of fun lighting up Roman candles.
You guys are in charge of all the big night time fireworks.
Jack Hodgins:
Homemade fireworks for days, you guys probably spend the week before experimenting and creating different things.
Cam quickly got tired of all the explosions and smoke coming out of your guys lab.
“it worked! We definitely got to make more of those”
You guys are pyromaniacs, but that doesn't mean you guys aren't responsibl. Jack would never handle or light anything recklessly that could harm you.
The home made smoke bombs are a big hit at get-together with your friends. Parker and Christine were very much impressed.
Sharing a lawn chair while the night fireworks are going off.
Dean Winchester:
It's a normal, all-American day so Dean just wants to celebrate it with his family. It doesn't matter what your doing as long as it's not fighting God or hunting.
Just to mess with Sam you guys will wake him up early on the 4th by lighting a bunch of firecrackers in a pot next to his bed.
He'll grill up the best burgers in the world for the occasion.
If you guys dont want to leave the bunker that day you'd spend the whole day playing board games.
Later that night you and Dean would sneak away and lay on the hood of the Impala to watch the fireworks everyone eles is shooting up into the sky.
Sam Winchester:
Sam could really care less about the celebration, he really doesn't care about any holidays if were being honest, but if you want to have some fun he'll do it just he can see you smile.
He has fun just watching you, Dean, and Jack have fun. He'll just set there and laugh as you Chace Dean around with a sparkler.
Let's just say Dean found a lake and you guys spend most of they day fishing and swimming.
Even if he's around gunshots every day I think the artillery stuff will get old for him, so he'll go into the bunker and let you and the others have fun.
After Dean and Castile get tired and stop blowing stuff up he'll come out and rost marshmallows with you.
He just doesn't understand the fascination, so it's yours and Dean's job to show just how fun the day is.
Get ready to always pull him away before something explodes in his face, he'll light it and not back away.
Even if something exploding in his hand won't hurt it still freaks you out.
You get excited to show him all your favorite fireworks you use to get when you were a kid.
Even if he still doesn't get the fascination, he still loves having fun with you.
Grey's anatomy:
Derek Shepherd:
So there would probably be a big cliche BBQ with all your doctor buddies at the Shepherd home.
You guys are literally praying that you won't get called into the hospital because someone blew their fingers off.
You and Derek cooking up a big feast on the grill for all your buddies while the kids run around with Snappers and sparklers.
You mostly just make sure the kids don't hurt themselves and just lounge around with your female friends.
You and Derek will light a few things like smoke bombs or bottle rockets, but only if someone asks you to join in on the fun.
You guys just look forward to the night time fireworks. You guys usually spend a unreasonable amount a money on artillery, but it's worth it when night time comes and you put on the show.
Mark Sloan:
Let's be honest, he's spending most of the day making sure you or Sophia don't hurt yourself. He'd wrap you guys in bubble wrap if you guys would let him.
Anyway, like Derek you guys are hoping you don't get called into the hospital. Trauma and Plastic surgeons are automatically put on speed dial.
You spend most of your day helping Sophia light all the kiddy stuff and making sure she doesn't get hurt.
After you make sure she's safe you held Jackson 'terrorize' Mark with Snappers.
Owen Hunt:
So you guys would probably be running the grill most of the time, it doesn't bother you guys because you love cooking together.
Like the other two, your just praying the hospital doesn't call you, you guys are both trauma surgeons. But if the fireworks get too much for him he'll be relived to go for a bit.
Speaking of which if were talking about early Owen hunt the fireworks and booms might bother him, if so you'd guys will just go home and watch your favorite movies.
But later seasons Owen will have a lot of fun jut watching night time fireworks with you, laying on a blanket cuddle up with each other and watching all the pretty lights.
Carlisle Cullen:
He spends most of the holiday at the hospital, Charlie keeps sending drunk teens with burned hands and blowing up fingers to the hospital.
You don't mind, it's his job and he can't help the stupidy of the teens at Forks.
Emmett and Jasper keep you entertained.
So if your human he's watching you like a hawk. After the the acadents he seen at the hospital evolving fireworks he's scared your gonna get hurt.
This is just an anxiety filled day for him. He doesn't really calm down till night time when the whole family is on the porch watching fireworks.
Emmett Cullen:
You guys are just an unstoppable force of nature and you can't be trusted with fire.
Since your both vampires your not very safe when to comes to explosives.
Your having the time of your lives though.
He'll hold lit smoke bombs in his hands and chace Jasper and Alice around.
You guys have water gun wars too.
Your day is full of laughter and fun, you guys are being so childish and it's so much fun.
Eleazar Denali:
You live in Alaska so your blowing up a snowman with Garrett no matter what anyone says.
He's very much a serious person so he's not gonna do much unless you drag him with you to have fun.
After you crack his shel he's having a lot a fun with you.
If your not spending your holiday in Alaska, your spending it at the Cullen's.
After he humors you with a couple of firecrackers he'll set down and watch you have fun with the Denali sisters.
At night he'll love to just hold you in his arms and watch the fireworks in the sky.
Harry Potter: - I understand the UK doesn't celebrate the 4th of July but this is just for fun
George Weasley:
Big firework sale at the shop and you guys get to test out every new product(it's the best part).
You love flying around on your brooms throwing fireworks around.
Big cook out at the burrow with the whole family and all your hogwarts friends.
Molly always shouting at you to be careful, if you get hurt or maybe slightly burned George will stop everything and make sure your okay.
Even if it's not the safest of smartest thing in the world you and the twins are chancing each other with sparklers.
You and the twins put on the biggest firework show, it was even bigger than the one they put on when they left hogwarts.
Fred Weasley:
You guys are pretty similar to George expect 10 times worse. You guys can be flat out dangerous and it gives molly gray hairs.
Of corse you spend most of the week around the holiday selling fireworks at the shop, but at night you'll close up shop early and watch a firework show neair by.
He'll create a firework especially for you and it'll be the biggest one he's ever made.
Colors, sound, and size are very important to you guys when your making or buying fireworks.
Like George if you get hurt he'll stop everything to make sure your okay, he'd probably make you set down for a bit and drink water just to be sure.
Night fireworks are the best part and you guys never disappoint your audience.
Draco Malfoy:
This man just doesn't see the fascination, nor dose your families. If you want to have fun you have to drag him to a party your friends are putting on.
Even then he'll just sit somewhere and watch you have fun with your friends.
He doesn't mind though, it makes his day to hear you laugh and see you smile.
I don't think he'd like all the loud noises though, especially after the battle of Hogwarts, so if it gets too bad you guys will go inside listen to music till he calms down.
Dispite the loud noises he loves watching the night fireworks, he loves the colors and the lights. To quite the noise he'll either wear ear plugs or press his ear to your chest while your laying in the grass.
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katsushika-division · 5 months
Touya was quite enjoying his Christmas holiday. Spending time with Akihisa, Akari, and Rintaro (but don't tell him that), was always the best! Plus, he got lots of presents from them, all of which were great! He even got some from people he didn't really know all that well, but they were still good. Speaking of which, he was alerted by Rintaro that he had another package waiting for him downstairs from some jewelry designer.
Elated to know that he had gotten another present, he quickly ran downstairs and snatched the gift out of Rintaro's hand, ripping off the paper, tossing it everywhere, annoying the hell out of the pyromaniac. As he veered inside, Touya's eyes grew big, as well Rintaro's.
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Inside the box were several gold pieces of jewelry, two of which were rings that could be slipped on one's fingers. Touya picked up the rings delicately and stared at them in awe. He had seen gold like this before, but never really up close. Truthfully, he only got into jewelry because of Akari and his friend, Kaiji, in Kobe. Putting them both on his ringers, he was surprised that they were a perfect fit.
While the young boy was staring at the gold, still in awe, Rintaro noticed a letter inside the box. Picking it up, he read it out loud for him and Touya:
"To young Touya,
I was informed that I was to be your 'Secret Santa' this year. I'll admit, I was a bit perplexed what to give you, so I decided to gift you several of my gold jewelry that I've designed myself. I hope you enjoy wearing them, my dear. And don't worry if they break, they're already insured. Enjoy your day, my sweet. And Merry Christmas.
Hoàng Diệu"
The others had told him not to hold much hope on getting a decent gift from his Secret Santa given his reputation. However, it turns out he didn’t need to worry! Diêu had given rings that looked so pretty! He had always thought that making jewelry would be so fun to do. Akari had her own station in the house where she did metalworking, and it always seemed that was one of the few places the pyromaniac teen was content to be in. She had offered to teach Touya a little bit, but after the disastrous first attempt, he hadn’t been allowed to touch any of her tools since. Still, Akari would sometimes surprise him with jewelry of her own making. Placing the rings on his fingers, Touya let out a giggle as he admired them. 
“Guys-! Guys-! Look at the pretty rings I got~!”
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himebushou · 1 year
For @redlenai! Please take this as a token of my gratitude for pyromaniac!Miri, lol. ❤
Perhaps purchasing the console had been a deliberate ploy on Kurusu’s part – something to make Rei sluggish and sloth-like.
The first time Rei had picked up a controller, he’d died within five minutes of starting Zombies Attack.  That was annoying.  So he’d tried again.  And again.  And soon, he found himself spending more and more time in the living room, killing targets on the enormous television screen when he wasn’t killing targets for work. 
Kurusu seemed to think this was a good thing.  He kept cooking, but wouldn’t allow Rei to eat if seated anywhere but at the table.  Yanking Rei into a chair when he’d tried to take his rice bowl back to the sofa, Kurusu had chided, “Give your eyes a break!  Besides, you can’t hold a controller and chopsticks at the same time!”
Just who did this guy think he was?
Two weeks had passed since the console had made its way into their – Rei’s! – home.  Things were quiet, mostly, and since Kurusu did all the shopping, there hadn’t been any need to leave the apartment for a glorious twelve days.  Rei was becoming something of a shut-in, apparently.
Then, one morning, cruel reality struck Rei.  He stood up, stretched – and heard several bones click all at once.  He hadn’t exercised in forever.
It was time to go to the gym.
It took Rei a few moments to remember that he didn’t know where the gym was and a few more moments to remember that the phone in his pocket could provide that information.  Thankfully, it turned out that there was a gym a short walk away.  Rei could get in a decent workout, come home, eat whatever lunch Kurusu put together and get some sleep all before noon.
He was a short distance from the front door when it opened.  In staggered Kurusu, yawning, stinking.  “Morning,” he said, blinking blearily.  “You’re going out?  That makes a change.”
“Yeah,” said Rei.  Then, deciding that it would be ‘polite’ to keep talking, he added, “I’m hitting the gym.”
Suddenly, Kurusu snapped to attention – fully alert.  Rei started; why couldn’t this guy be that attentive in other situations?  Kurusu said, “You’re not serious, right?  You can’t.”
Rei scowled.  “Why not?”
“Hmm, let me think.  That,” Kurusu pointed at Rei’s shoulder, “might be one reason?”
Rei glanced at his shirt sleeve, mystified.  Kurusu said an awful lot that didn’t make any sense.  He gave Kurusu a quizzical look and the other slapped a palm against his forehead, grunting, “Push it up, moron.”
Still scowling, Rei followed Kurusu’s command.
That thing?
“What’s the problem?”
Within a second, Kurusu had crossed over to Rei; a few more heartbeats and he was gripping Rei’s shoulders, shaking him viciously.  It was odd: Kurusu was surprisingly strong for someone who could be such a deadweight.  He hissed, “Idiot!  What kind of people have gunshot wounds?  You think the other guys at the gym aren’t going to ask questions?  Report you to the police?”
“I wouldn’t say anything,” Rei sulked.
“Good news!” Kurusu loosened his grip and whipped out his phone.  He spun it in one hand.  “I’m going to teach you about the miracles of modern tech.  I’m ordering you a treadmill, Rich Boy.  That way, you can work out right here.  At home.  Where it’s safe.”
Huh.  That sounded… convenient.
A few swipes later, Kurusu announced, “Done!  It’s being delivered tomorrow.  It’ll be here any time after seven am, so you can wait up for it.  Don’t bother,” he added, noticing that Rei was about to protest the horrific hour, “it’s your treadmill so it’s your responsibility.”
“Freeloader,” grumbled Rei.
“Skeleton,” Kurusu sang.  He took Rei’s shoulders again and turned him around.  “C’mon – let’s get some breakfast in you.”
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dracomeir · 1 month
So here's a bit of story for Funkin' Starlights along with a short song. I'm not going to put narrative stuff between the verses since I want to save that for whatever I'm doing in the future, so it's up to your imagination to determine who sings what for this.
There's also angst after the song, so if you don't want to feel sad, you can pretend that part doesn't exist. :D
Behind the stage, Checkmate was waiting for their cue to get ready. Pico was clutching his fur shoulder cape while staring at the crowd. His lovers noticed his anxiety, and Darnell wrapped an arm around the ginger’s shoulders while Boyfriend placed an arm around his waist.
The pyromaniac said, “It’s okay to back out if it's too much. Our fans don’t know you’re here anyway, so you won’t be letting them down.”
Boyfriend added, “Yeah, we can always try another day. Don’t push yourself too hard.”
Pico let his cape go. “I’ll be fine. I can’t stay backstage forever.” The trio heard their group being announced as the lights on stage went out. “Let’s go.”
The ginger walked forward as the other two looked at each other. The taller men followed after nodding, and took their places at the center of the dark stage. With their backs towards the audience, they waited for the music to start.
Pico took a deep breath to steel himself. Then the boys raised their right hand into the air as the spotlights hit them. The ginger started singing the first line, turning around to face the crowd with his partners as he sang the second line, his fur cape swishing over to reveal his body. 
Looks like it’s time to steal the spotlight Over here under the moonlit night That’s right, I’m making a comeback Don’t look away, or you’ll lose track
Let’s beat the stupid algorithm And lose ourselves to the rhythm Look at us like stars in the night We will make you shiver in delight
We’re dressed in monochrome On beat like a metronome We swear we won’t be a bore Out here slaying the floor
We’re back after a setback This time we won’t backtrack You won’t put us at a stop We’ll rise back to the top
Woaaaah, oh, oh, oh Come on, baby Lose yourself to the rhythm
Woaaaah, oh, oh, oh Come on, baby Get us back to the spotlight
Woaaaah, oh, oh, oh That’s right, baby We are making a comeback
Woaaaah, oh, oh, oh Back into the spotlight Underneath the moonlight Nothing will stop us now
The boys raised their left fist into the air as they sang the last line. Catching their breath as the crowd roared with applause, they were relieved they managed to get through the song without anything going wrong. The growing crescendo of the audience was starting to get to Pico however. Darnell noticed the shift in the rhythm of his lover's breathing, and Boyfriend quickly addressed the crowd so the other two could leave without anyone noticing anything. As the rapper talked about an upcoming tour, the pyromaniac held their partner.
"You did well, babe. Just focus on breathing, okay?"
Boyfriend joined them soon after. "Is he alright?"
"Yeah, the roar of the crowd must've reminded him of the panicking stampede back then."
Pico muttered, "I'm sorry."
"Don't be. You did nothing wrong."
Boyfriend added, "He's right. Our goal today was to get through a song without you having a flashback, and you did it. You should consider this as a success."
Darnell continued, "Yeah, babe. Just continue taking small steps forward."
The ginger still had his doubts, but their words were enough to make him feel better. "Thank you. I'll try to keep that in mind."
"Good." Darnell gently held his partner's hand while Boyfriend went to get water for the ginger. "Come on. Let's get back to our dressing room, and relax for the rest of the night, alright?"
And you get nothing else from me. Ehe.
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atthedamsnackbar14 · 9 months
Four's a Chaos
They made it to the school's balcony that overlooked the blacktop where everyone ate lunch just as the bell rang, signaling that it was now time for lunch. Time to put their revenge plan in motion. Everyone cleared out the school and onto the blacktop, including Octavian and his little posse of stuffed panda killing weirdos. Together they started to set up their revenge plan, tying the rope around the stuffed bear, Leo pouring the newly acquired gasoline all over the bear. Piper locked the balcony's glass doors behind them.
"Can't wait to see Octavian's face as this fucker lights up." Leo said, still gleefully pouring gasoline on the bear. It was practically drowning.
" Fucking Pyromaniac." Nico said.
"Damn Death Boy." Leo shot back.
"Can you two kill it for a second?" Percy said. "I am trying to enact a revenge plan here while also mourning the loss of my poor Panda." The two continued to glare at one another.
"Yeah guys, let Water Boy mourn the loss of his inanimate stuffed Panda." Piper said.
"Shut up Beauty Queen." Percy said. "Now, let's begin. Piper, the speech?"
Piper handed Percy the folded piece of paper as Nico pushed the bear over the railing, after making sure that the rope was securely tied around the bear's neck and the railing, then stepping back. The bear hung over the heads of the people below them eating lunch, dripping gasoline on whatever poor souls had the unfortunate luck of sitting below them.
"Time to get their attention, Leo?"
"My time has finally come." whispered Leo before stepping forward and screaming, quite literally and very loudly, to get everyone's attention. It worked though as everyone's head had whipped up toward the balcony, greatly surprised and somewhat annoyed at the interruption of their lunch.
Once everyone had stopped talking and was focused on the group Percy stepped forward, unfolding the paper and starting the speech. Well it wasn't really a speech, more like just a mix of words that Piper had flung onto the paper last minute. She had totally forgotten about the speech.
"Thank you everyone. As you know I am Percy Jackson and these are my associates." Percy said gesturing to Piper, Leo, and Nico like half the school didn't already known about them from all their 'stunts' ,as most people liked to call them, from last year. "Now, you may be wondering why I have gathered you all here today. It is because there is a Panda killing murderer among you." Piper and Nico rolled their eyes, but were used to his antics. Leo rooted through his bag looking for the lighter. "Today we take revenge for that poor innocent Panda. Leo?"
Leo had found it just in time, and he stepped forward, lighter in hand. Very dramatically he lit it and slowly brought it to the bear.
"Don't you dare!" yelled a voice. Everyone then turned their attention to Octavian and his posse. "Tell your short elf on the shelf to back off Jackson!"
"Oh no. He called Leo the E word! And short!" whispered Piper to Nico.
"Shit about to go down now. Remember the last time someone called Leo elf on the shelf, let alone short?" Nico whispered back.
"How could I forget? Leo scarred that guy for life and we got a no science for a week! It was awesome to watch too." Piper said as Nico nodded his head in agreement, having been walking past the classroom at the time.
"Elf!? ELF!?! I'll show you an elf you fucking stuffed animal killing bastard!" yelled Leo before quickly bringing the flame to the gasoline soaked bear and watching it burst into flames with glee, as did the other three. He then chucked the bear at Octavian who ducked just in time to narrowly avoid being caught on fire.
"You good now Leo? Feel better?" Piper asked.
"Yeah, sorry. Might have been a bit much." Leo responded, a tiny bit of remorse on his face.
"No, don't. He was a fucking bitch. Had that coming to him." Percy said.
"Yeah he did!" yelled a voice from on the black top.
"Jackson, Valdez, McLean, Di Angelo! Open this door right now!" yelled Coach Hedge, pounding on the balcony's glass doors. The four knew that they were in serious trouble when he didn't call them cupcakes. They had done this enough to know that.
"Alright time to go." Piper said.
"Oh no." Percy said.
"Oh no? What 'Oh no.'?" asked Piper.
"I may have forgotten our escape plan." Percy admitted sheepishly.
"You had one job Percy!" yelled Nico.
"Hah! Sounds like your little stunt is going to hell Jackson! Just like where you came from!" yelled Octavian, laughing with his lackeys.
"Oh fuck off you toga wearing bitch!" yelled back Piper before turning back to the group and saying, "He isn't wrong though. This plan has gone to fuck because of Captain fucking Aqua Man over there."
"I'm sorry!" Percy yelled. "But at least I have a good haircut!"
"How dare you! My hair is fine!"
"It's choppy, uneven, and not straight! Like you!" Percy said, as Piper gasped.
"How dare you bring my sexuality into this! And don't think I don't know about your little magazines!"
"It's a men's clothing catalogue!"
"Except their not wearing clothes Mr. I'm straight!"
"In my defense none of us are!"
"Guess it's back to detention." said Leo, as Piper and Percy continued to argue in the background.
"And it's only the second day of school." Added Nico.
Story on Ao3
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chidoroki · 1 year
182 Days of TPN - Day 34
Chapter 34: “Action, Part 3”
Of course Emma knew about Ray’s crazy plan but she still let him have his moment to be all dramatic about it and that’s kinda hilarious. I know it was all for our sake though, to get all that context about the current situation and what those two were planning. And yeah she told the escapees about the farm’s secret but did she tell all of them about Ray’s hot idea too? Thoma, Lani & Anna had to know obviously because they helped prepare Ray’s replacement and I can understand if Don & Gilda knew as well since they’re the ones who gave Norman’s note to Emma. I dunno if Emma would’ve told any of the other kids though? I can see how she wouldn’t wanna keep secrets from them about something so serious like this but she also could’ve stayed quite about it as to not upset them. Hearing that one of your older siblings plans on giving his life in order to preserve yours isn’t an easy thing to take in, ya know?
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I love Ray x fire jokes and fanart as much as the next person, but there needs to be more with the story’s true arsonist.
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Imagine going about your days and knowing that in the back of your mind one of your best friends is planning to set themselves ablaze and you can do nothing but sit back quietly about it. The trio truly is too good at keeping secrets to themselves, but thank you again Norman for anticipating this pyromaniac’s plan and warning Emma about it.
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 Good morning y’all, this is your local idiot speaking and she just wants to inform you that she’s slow as fuck for not realizing that the purpose of the key mold wasn’t to block the lock to Isabella’s secret room like she thought for all these years but instead to allow the kids to get inside the infirmary to acquire the scalpel and antibiotics they needed to take out everyone’s trackers. (shut up i can’t remember everything.)
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I find it adorable that they put their names on everything like their backpacks. They do the same to her pillow as well in ch96.
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Because I am that person to point out all the inconsistencies between the manga and anime (out of pure enjoyment, mind you), Anna does treats Emma’s ear here in anime but in manga it’s done after they climb the wall in the next chapter.
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People always see Emma as this optimistic ball of sunshine and (while that’s completely true) she can be such a strategist when needed. How she used that conversation from Krone as an opportunity to inform other kids of the farm’s secret and later on give them instructions on the sly for two months, without any interference from Isabella, is so damn cool. She definitely lives up to that full-score reputation.
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She mentions Nat to help her here in the anime instead. I dunno why. No offense to our sweet piano man, but Don definitely has more bulk in order to pull all the kiddos up that wall.
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Despite that smile of Phil’s being so cute, the manga makes him look far too happy for this moment. The anime actually makes you feel bad for him because he looks so concerned and scared and then we start to freak out because how could you leave this precious boy behind? (in reality, it’s all false because he’s helping Emma here. Isabella needs to get paid for all this acting classes she’s been giving honestly).
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Favorite panel/moment:
Emma slapping Ray. I love every bit about it and the anime animated it perfectly. There was just so much force behind it and the fear in Ray’s expression was priceless. (That’s how you handle a good slap! The second season handles Ray’s slap towards Norman feel so weak! It was such a disappointment for me!)
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End of volume 4.
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bluebunnyears-08 · 1 year
An overwritten essay on why Cuphead is the best baby boi and underrated
Alright, so I love The Cuphead Show! It is one of the only good children's cartoons I genuinely enjoy because of how good it is. There are so many wacky and loveable characters on the no-so-normal-at-all Inkwell Isles. You can see fucking walking hamburgers and sandwiches, like, what the hell is this place?
Nonetheless, there are several titles given to many characters. Bon Bon is Crazy Queen, Briney is Pirate Simp, and Cala Maria is still the hottest of queens (that hasn't changed).
However, throughout multiple media, there is one title only given to those who are so small and cute you just want to protect them because they can't protect themselves:
The title of Best Boi.
Now I know all of you are probably saying who you think deserves this title. But I know who it is already. The truest of best bois:
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Now before you start shouting and yelling at my "stupid and untrue" (but totally correct) decision. Some of you are saying Mugman is, but I mean come on we all know that Mugman is the MVP, the crazy going-to-be-a-serial-killer, failed straight man (both in tropes and literally), of the show.
Now I have my reasons for this post. And I'm going to lay them down. So ladies and gentlemen, or fucking literally spaghetti and sandwiches, here are my many reasons why Cuphead is the best boi of this show.
So look my first reason is the fact that this kid is legit the only SANE one in the ENTIRE show. Like Elder Kettle is a fucking pyromaniac who tried to kill his grandkids on several occasions, and Mugman...which...
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Jesus this mug needs some fucking therapy or anger management lessons.
And come on his friend is still a con artist (I still love her tho), the devil is the devil, Dice is fashionably vain and has an I want to be appreciated by my gay boss complex, and henchmen is...actually henchmen is cool, being the REAL straight man, but other than these two the other characters have fucking problems.
All this kid really did was neglect his chores to have fun and that's it (I know some of you are talking about the CRAPPY Lost in the Woods episode but I'll get to that). Unlike the other characters, he NEVER ONCE expressed any malice, aggression, or sadism towards ANYONE or anything. I know you all are saying henchmen didn't have that either but I'll talk about him later.
Going back to this, let me remind all of you that Cuphead is a CHILD, and so is Mugman but, he's too gone to be saved let's be real. This cup is a child, so of course, he's gonna be a brat sometimes. And even I roll my eyes when he does something. But I mean we were all little shits back then, that's a FACT.
Another thing, he's not a pushover. He WILL call people out or stand up to people who were being jerks, and that's actually one of the traits I like that he has. In most kids' shows, the protagonist is overly nice, shy, or overconfident, and just ORDINARY and BORING. In The Cuphead Show, Cuphead is NOT that. He's a troublemaking brat who constantly forgets to look where he leaps, but there is SO MUCH MORE to him than just that.
What I can appreciate about this show is that these characters show more and more depth as the show goes on (which is why this show needs to be renewed!). And the plot twists are actually good.
Cuphead is the troublemaker trope. He is a mischievous brat, but now that I rewatch this show he acts exactly like what he is, a KID. Not to mention the fact that there is more to him than meets the eye. He is scared of the Devil, not because his SOUL is in danger, but because this is a deity that can take away everyone he loves. He is surprisingly humble, accepting that he lost on Dice's show, and doesn't call himself a hero not ONCE, even after he freed souls from damnation from the devil. He can be cocky, but he doesn't ever rub these successes on ANYONE, not even the Devil, who he struck with his own pitchfork.
He has hidden talents, being able to play the piano like a fucking G and being able to be smart at certain things, like sparking back a show like he did for Dice (which was honestly so fucking nice of him, even after this guy from his perspective rigged his show, he still remained a huge fan of him). He can be dumb at times, but most of the time, that stupidity is more childish naivety when you look back on it (the only exception is when he couldn't guess simple questions on Dice's show).
He can have some self-control, being able to refuse Bon Bon's bitch castle. He was willing to give Chalice (who left him and his brother in jail) the benefit of the doubt and still considered her his friend, only getting mad at her when she reveals she lied about a fucking MOB (I'd be mad too).
Not to mention, he is a pretty brave kid. He WILLINGLY went into hell to get his brother back, I honestly DO NOT KNOW WHY PEOPLE DON'T TALK ABOUT THIS MOMENT MORE and faced the Devil. He won, also freeing the captive souls. People need to comment on this moment more because it is awesome. And going back in season 2, he demanded the ghosts to release Chalice when she was stuck in a painting. So, he can be a coward, but when it comes to those he cares about, he toughens up.
Another thing is that he can be a total sweetie. He's not as polite as his brother, but he is a bit of a sweetheart. He constantly comforts Mugman and encourages his brother's confidence, he doesn't blame or hate Chalice even when she ditched them to the stony lonesome, he isn't really that antagonistic towards the Devil as Big D is to him, he frees the souls, he helps king dice, in the Christmas special he admits he hasn't been perfectly good stating it's hard to stay good all the time (which is understandable), just being grateful for Santa (the devil) showing up and being able to meet him, even apologizing for "misjudging" the Baronness (even though he was totally right), and (other than that bitch Jimmy) never really showed any grudges toward anyone.
Another is that he shows remorse and takes responsibility for his actions. Even when that psychopath Bowlboy was planning a double suicide (pretty much what happened in a nutshell), and he got out of it, he still showed concern for the crazy bastard when he got launched off in a rocket.
The other thing is that he is a very fun protagonist, and he actually makes things happen. Like, no offense I love Mugman, but if it was just him, all we'd see is just him doing boring chores and miaming ice cream men.
...actually, I'd be down to see that, but I like Cuphead's optimism and hot-headed self-balancing out Mugman's pessimism and...hot-headedness...
The last thing is that...
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He's adorable! They did well with his design. A simple kid with simple clothes who likes risk and adventure, but has childish charm and cuteness. He's small, got those big cocky eyes, and has optimism and an innocent attitude that's undeniably endearing. He can be annoying, but his happy personality and tendency to look on the bright side of things make you just want to hug and squeeze him. Especially when he's sad. Because he doesn't get sad or cry often, it hurts when he does cry or make this face that'll break anyone's heart:
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I'm sad now.
I wanna hug this sad boi.
Now, I know all of you are saying that Henchmen is the best boi, but not really, he's adorable and I love him. It's just the fact that he isn't hateful or sadistic, but he doesn't really do much about it. He does tell the devil that blowing up annoying ass elves is not something Santa would do. or something, and he has a bet with the devil (that he deserved to win). But that's really about it. He isn't really miserable or sad, so you don't want to hug and squeeze him.
Again, I LOVE henchmen, I just haven't really wanted to give him a big hug because I don't want him to be sad. He's a cute character, but not really one that you feel sad for. And that's good, I never want to see him sad.
Now, ALL of these traits that I wrote down that help explain why Cuphead is the best boi is EXACTLY why I HATE the Lost in the Woods episode because, WHERE THE HELL DID ALL OF IT GO? Mugmans is still the same, delusional, sociopath, MVP, but where the hell is Cuphead?
That's NOT my baby boi!
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All in all, Thank you for taking you time to read this overwritten essay. Leave what you think in the comments or don't if you don't want to. I just wanted to write this out.
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bloustorm · 2 years
Proto I'm kissing you, I love that apparently that au is stuck in your brain xD
Now let me check the google doc to know what you know and if i remember something not in there that you don't know :')
... Oh boy is the doc empty
Cale learns enough magic to summon and control flames on a small scale but nothing much, in terms of power he is basically just a fancy lighter. Though he knows how to use that fire very efficiently if he needs to. One of the older workers actually helped him with that after deciding that the color of fire would go nicely with his complexion. He hadn't had much of an interest in it to begin with until she showed him some neat little tricks. Though while he can use some magic now he tends not too as it is usually too much for him with the shows and stuff.
I've just decided that in the case that he adopts Raon (and why wouldn't he?? It would be too sad if he didn't) he turns him and the other two into little pyromaniacs. With On and Hong they mostly had to test out which poisons were save but gave a nice special effect, and weren't flammable as well. Which of course opened a whole new world of possibilities for the little cats who hadn't even really considered that fact. (Spreading poisonous fog and then setting it aflame for massive ground covering damage).
With On and Hong seeing Cale as a big brother rather than a father it's kind of complicated at first when Raon enters the mix, because he views Cale as a kind of father figure (not that he would say that or that Cale is aware enough to notice) and On (Hong not that much) is torn at first between "I'm his older sister, I',m still a kid as well" and "I'm his aunt, I should be more responsible" before she looks at how the others behave and decides that it doesn't matter, family is family after all.
It takes a while before the Henituse family notices that Cale left the city, the people who were supposed to keep a "subtle" eye on Cale had been neglecting their jobs for a while. Of course they are very panicked and worried about it and are trying to find Cale, but it's like he just vanished. No one knows what happened. While they search his home they find a letter that explains that Cale found a job that pays good so he wouldn't bother them anymore with leeching off (of course it wasn't written with these words but a devastated Deruth read it that way). Meanwhile Cale was kinda heartbroken because he noticed that nothing changed, he had suspected that maybe his family didn't care but it hurt to see it happening, by the time he could have noticed the change he was however to far away and distracted by other problems to notice anything.
I'm not sure yet when it should be set timeline-wise besides around the age of 18 and the family Vassals managed to get him kicked out, right now after all I'm entertaining the idea that he managed to rescue Raon by being the distraction (aka dancing) or at least asking his fellow dancers to distract the guards because there was something fishy going on here and then investigating himself and rescuing Raon, of course that would mean that he would need to build up enough trust with these people (more like learn that he can depend on others) for that to work hmmm wait this isn't a hc
Cale probably has some faint burn scars that didn't heal right or that he thought weren't bad enough to get healed, it's not easy to notice but they shimmer a bit in the light, and while it adds a bit of a mystical allure to him when he dances with fire and his skin seems to shimmer he and the kids are a bit frowny about it, also everyone who recognizes them realizes that Cale actually had to work really hard on the control he has now and that it didn't come to him easy in any way
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clichejoe · 2 years
Candlelight Fun Facts
And finally, to make up for the lateness of the last couple of chapters as I figured out how to best end this monster fic - have some fun facts and future notes about Reme and Bruno’s lives. 
Beware, there are spoilers ahead and it’s fucking long. Consume at your own peril my lurves:
1) Reme knows how to fence. Growing up a rich girl, it was one of the things she took up, thinking it would improve her station in her family. It did not work. She quit after two years and was a solid 5/10. 
2) Reme used to smoke. The classic ‘I’m at university let’s give this a go’. And because it’s set in the 1950′s and everyone thought it was good for you back then. She quit after 6 months because she didn’t like the taste. (Don’t smoke kids, etc, etc)
3) Reme is Colombian (despite any of my butchering of the language and slang used). The university she studies at its The National University of Colombia. 
4) Reme technically speaks 5 languages: Spanish, French, German, English and Italian. She is fluent in two, speaks well enough in another two, and is terrible at one. You get to pick which is which. 
5) Because we love the spouse and family colour schemes in Encanto, I always imagine Reme’s default outfit as like a white/beige shirt, loosely buttoned with rolled sleeves. Dark green suspenders, with even darker green slacks. The blazer she sometimes wears on top is tweed. 
6) On her wedding day Reme wears a white version of her usual shirt and slacks and her white blazer is embroidered with bright colours by Mirabel. (Somehow she still manages to get the entire thing covered in mud and grass stains before the ceremony - but that’s a one shot for another time). Emilia and Mateo walk Reme down the aisle. 
7) Reme and Bruno’s triplets are identical boys. Their names are Rico, Luis, and Fabian. (Reme nearly straight up divorces Bruno when he suggests they call one of them David, as a joke). Two years after the boys are born, Reme and Bruno (accidentally) break the Madrigal tradition of having 3 kids. They have two more kids (one year apart from one another) called Marcos and Maria. 
some fun facts about the kids (in age order), because how could I not:
-Rico is the best. He is classic Himbo through and through and I would die for him. Like think thor-level himbo in Ragnarok. He’s not really the brains of the group, but he’s the eldest and he loves his family like so much dudes and is always willing to help. Has the dumbest ideas and lowkey the leader of the triplets. It’s worth noting all the triplets are identical and they look almost exactly like Reme, but with Bruno’s nose and hair. Rico’s gift is Invulnerability. 
-Luis is basically a calmer copy of his mother. Quiet, logical and obsessed with science. But this extends to all sciences. His favourite is chemistry. Despite his calm exterior he is also a pyromaniac (my boy) and his bedroom is explosion proof due to his experiments. His gift is the ability to see the history of an object by touching it. 
- Fabian is a poet and writer much like his father. He is a soft emotional boy and we love him. He is always performing or helping his father with stuff at the theatre. He wants to become a famous actor and playwrite and one day leave the Encanto. Ironically, he is the one who gets into the most arguments with his father - usually about plot and pacing and themes in their writing. (One time Fabian calls his writing contrived and they don’t talk for a whole week). His gift is the ability to sense - and mildly influence - other’s emotions. 
- Marcos is a bit of an awkward boy. As the middle child, he’s quite an anxious kid, but his mother is his favourite person in the world. He always feels a little bit out of place in the family and so gets on well with Mirabel and his father. His gift is the ability to turn invisible. Sometimes when he is surprised, he will turn invisible by accident. The triplets always try and get him to use his gift for mischief, boosting his confidence. But as older brothers, they also tease him a lot. His gift means he is always surprising his poor father, but Reme is the only person who knows when he’s there, invisible or not. When he’s older he wants to be a doctor like his Tia Julieta. 
-Maria is a stubborn tomboy. As the youngest of five kids and the only girl, she is determined to be just as tough as her brothers. She is usually seen dressed almost identically to her father - ruana, shirt, and slacks. She will throw hands for any reason, but loves her family dearly. As someone who is also super responsible, she sometimes finds herself at odds with her mother and her absentmindedness. Her gift is the ability to control light, manifesting usually like sparkles. Think Jubilee from the Xmen. She thinks it’s embarrassing. Her favourite people are her father and Marcos. 
8) Over the course of her life, Reme’s research room grows to an enormous size to accommodate all of her work, becoming even bigger than the library. 
9) In winter, Reme’s old injury will always ache, no matter how much Julieta and her try to fix it, it’s just one of those things. A consequence of that day. 
10)  Bruno ends up establishing a local theatre in the Encanto. It’s open-air for a few years until Pepa cried too many times at the performances, flooding the stage.  All of his children are excellent actors and writers, along with many of their cousins. Unfortunately, no matter how into it Reme gets, she cannot act. At all.
11)  Reme cannot sing. At all. She has a terrible singing voice. Over the course of her life, her dancing improves (as does Bruno’s because she refuses to practise with anyone else).
12)  Reme never takes on a particular role in the Encanto village – more maintains her role as an eccentric scientist and researcher, giving lectures in the Bruno’s theatre when it is not in use. People will occasionally come to her with problems that need sorting and she will do her best to help. She always takes time to visit the school as well, and take the kids on exciting field trips. In her older age, she becomes one of the teachers there – but she is a very bad example for the kids.
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ilovelotsofthings · 2 years
Clawthorne and Wittebane Family.
Like headcanons and such. Also will say if something changes in an AU.
Also note I know nothing of life in the 1600s as a Puritan.
A tumblr post brought to my attention that his name means Lover of Horses. So he was a horse boy.
Also means Bastard but he isn't actually one. Technically. His parents were married.
The [old] Wittebane parents had a favorite child and it was not him.
Back to the horse thing, the family owned 2 horses that Philip helped care for.
He tried to appear angelic around others and it worked… for those not related to him. 
A sent this part anonymously to someone but Philip knows how to sew. I used it to explain how his clothes lasted 400 years.
He [along with Caleb] was taught how to care for a home aka Domestic Life. That is despite the 1600s having strict gender roles.
So this is half serious and half not but Philip is Non Binary (One who uses He/him and they/them). Not that he knows it. He never cared.
Now this one is a more serious headcanon. Philip is AroAce. I cannot see him ever wanting anyone romantically or sexually. 
Child Philip would have been a leash kid. Running wild and jumping off of things. 
Oh he was also a biter as a kid for a long time. Like 8 years long. He was punished for it but it never worked.
He also helped with the chickens by feeding them.
He is only 3 years younger than Caleb.
Everything else is just canon. Won't let go of the past, selfish, abusive, etc.
Edit: How could I forget. I headcanon child Philip as a slight pyromaniac. Loves fire and would always let his family know that fact
First born son. Doesn't like it beyond being the older sibling.
Loves carving and has tried to teach Philip but has failed.
Also Selfish. Love that people are saying that now. He made the conscious decision to stay on the Boiling Isles.
If he didn't immediately find the love of his life and lived longer he may have realized that he is not straight. Wouldn't label tho.
He would have been a great dad btw. He was a great brother who entertained his brother and later sister.
He also carved many toys before he died as his kids were to be born soon.
Unlike Philip who was a gremlin child (who never grew up -_-) Caleb was a polite child who grew into a gremlin.
He did marry Aria who is deep down very chaotic so he is the same.
He did carve Flapjack. Aria told him what Palismen were so he wanted to make one. He made Flapjack to pair with Aria's Blue Jay. Which he also carved 
He did carve other things to sell. He had to live somehow.
Something scandalous (for a Puritan) he did was to indeed kiss Ariane before marriage. He initiated the kiss btw.
I don't actually have much for him.
I think he was good socially and willing to change. He had pent up rebellion.
That is all.
[Paused 6/12/2022][Continued 6/13/2022]
My darling ♡
She as I have hinted is a very polite woman who deep down is chaotic
She has been that way since she was a teen. Once she got older she matured.
She is like Dell in the few appearances we have seen him. Fun loving but chill.
Aria is down for petty theft. Just for fun.
She is a good mom. Maybe not the best but she does put her daughters over revenge.
Though she did attempt to murder Philip immediately after he killed her husband
After that she just put a broad "come near my family I will kill you Philip" and moved on with building her life up with her kids.
She built a cabin away from The Clawthorne manor but still on the property. It was easy when she had her husband.
The cabin is still slightly big but not huge.
Aria was taught to carve from Caleb over the years they knew each other. They met at 15 and 13 years old. 
Caleb died at 25 so a decade of learning how to carve. 
Her Blue Jay Palisman is named Blueberry. Normally shortened to Berry.
Aria is a tall woman. Tall genes run in her family. She loves being tall.
Philip has run into her a few times but she isn't just going to let him stay so he flees as she will kill him.
As she got older she let her hair grow out. Mostly to let her daughters play with her hair and it makes her feel older.
Also I want you to know that Philip will always be mad about her name. As he thinks witches suck and deserve to die so he feels it is a mockery that Ariane means Very Holy.
The man would be pissed about names, don't fight me on this.
Aria works as a singer and earns money that way. 
Side job is craving trinkets to sell like Caleb was doing before someone came.
Ariane is Demiromantic. 
Aria lived a long time. She lived to see great grandchildren from both daughters.
She is pretty well behaved. She wants to be an explorer so she has just contained almost all of her chaos. For later.
She did learn to carve but again she wants to be an adventurer so she didn't really care beyond a connection to Caleb.
She never got married but she did have a kid who she later taught to carve. 
After that she told them to carve their Palisman on their own
Constance Palisman is a raven.
After she had her kid and they grew up she started taking them on adventures 
She is very talkative. She loves telling stories and just talking.
She also became friends with her sister's wife as to just have more connections 
She is also loud like very loud when talking 
She keeps her hair short which makes her look almost like a carbon copy of her mother as a young lady. All she has is blue-green eyes.
Constance is taller than mom. Tall lady ♡
She is an awful cook.
She still lives with her mom. Which isn't a bad thing, Aria loves helping raise Constance's child.
Constance has stabbed a man before. It was her Ex's brother.
She and her ex parted on good terms. She just couldn't stand his family.
While she is the older twin she does go along with Aphra sometimes to cause chaos.
[I am not trans. Tell me if something is wrong]
Aphra was born male and then told her mom at 8 she was a girl. She later realized that she also liked They/Them pronouns. 
She looks the most like her dad besides her eyes being gold. 
Philip saw the twins btw and almost panicked as here is his brother's kid looking so much like him.
Aphra is also Bisexual. She figured that out when she was around 16.
Aphra never got bottom surgery or anything of the sort as that isn't what bothered her. She did get top though. 
Now away from her gender and sexuality.
My honey bee here is a big troublemaker.
Also a slight pyromaniac but she makes sure to not burn anything important down.
She was also a biter as a kid. 
They are also a daredevil. They would jump off of a cliff or touch the boiling water.
Both them and Constance were taught how to carve but only Aphra here actually wanted to do it as a career.
They want to be a parent to a few kids. Which they accomplish with their lovely wife who calms this ball of chaos.
They only have 3 kids btw. 2 sons and 1 daughter. 
They taught all their kids how to carve. Even helped with their palismen.
Oh her palismen is a crow.
Despite her chaos she is actually the quiet kid compared to her sister.
She and her family moved into the old Clawthorne Manor
She and her wife fixed up the manor as it sat for 2 decades without care.
Extra Notes:
In the Genetic Owlbeast Au Gwendolyn is not related to the Clawthornes via blood. Unless stated though she is related by blood via Constance 
I said in another post (I believe) that the Wittebane parents also had a daughter who died after the boys stayed in the Boiling Isles.
Also when I say Wittebane parents I mean Philip and Caleb's step mom. As their mother died in childbirth. The sister (Verity) is their half sister. 
Would love to touch on Verity but she lived in the 1600s as a Puritan who never left. She was a sweet girl though. Died of sickness at 30
Also Verity is 10 years younger than Philip.
While the direct lines as to Gwen and Dell came from as 20+ generations have passed I will say Gwen came from Constance's line and Dell came from Aphra's line.
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crimson-vampire · 3 years
Listen guys,,,
I’m obsessed with the fact that c!Techno’s chat are actual voices in his head. Like, this man actually canonized it. Pog
And I was like “wow, that would be pretty cool if that happened with the other streamers, too!”
So I uh... I came up with headcanons for each streamer’s chat... And just like how only Techno can hear the voices in his head, the others can only hear their voices
- c!Dream: his chat is just a little army of white blob guys that follow him around! They chill on his shoulders and whisper “pissbaby” and “simp” at him all day long. But recently, no one’s really seem them around...
- c!George: I was gonna say mushrooms speak to him, but I really like the idea of like... small fairies always flying around him 🥺they love to call him Gogy! They kept tugging at his clothes during the Manberg vs. Pogtopia War to get him to participate, but he ignored them up until the very end
- c!Sapnap: this man’s a pyromaniac so any sort of fire speaks to him. He’s also got small fireballs that sorta float near him and constantly want to fight him
- c!Philza: oh the wind definitely whispers to him. They like to play with his robes and help boost him into the air with his elytra. They also tattle on the other Sleepy Bois. Philza will be chopping down some wood when the wind’ll come and let him know that Tommy has stolen Techno’s crown and won’t give it back. They also help and warn Philza of unexpected guests
- c!Wilbur: the shadows whisper to him, but that’s fine
- c!Tommy: I was stuck on Tommy (so if you have any other ideas, let me know!) but I like the idea of his chat coming out of other people’s mouths. Like, he’ll randomly be talking to Dream when all of a sudden Dream shouts “DON’T TRUST HIM, TOMMY!” It freaks him out every time and he tries to ignore them. If there’s no one else around, the voices force themselves out of his own mouth. Tommy doesn’t like being alone.
- c!Tubbo: bees, of course
- c!Quackity: guys 🥺ducks!!! Just imagine little ducklings following Quackity around,,,
- c!Fundy: foxes, of course
- c!Ranboo: endermen, of course
- c!Antfrost: cats, of course
- c!Niki: 🥺flowers speak to her,,, which is why she loves being in the flower shop. Or like, she’ll be on her way to L’Manberg when a nearby Poppy just says “hi Niki! How are you?” and she’ll have a little chat with it!! After the Manberg vs. Pogtopia War, all the flowers in L’Manberg froze when she uncovered that piece of TNT. They called out for her to run while she still could, and wilted when everything was blown up anyway
- c!Eret: water! He loves to take long walks in the rain and alongside rivers just to hear what they have to say. But also consider: rainbows
- c!Bad: for some reason, words magically etch themselves into the walls around him. They don’t freak him out anymore, but they used to. Especially when they used to bully him. But they’re much nicer now! The curse words that sometimes appear, though, make him think that someone’s playing some kind of prank on him
- c!Skeppy: his voices come from a singular diamond that he carries around in his pocket. It’s like carrying around a speaker phone, except there are so many people on the other end. They like to watch him play pranks on Bad
- c!AwesamDude: guys, imagine little creepers following him around... He’ll randomly go “MMMMMMMMMM ME GUSTA” and the small army of little creepers will all respond with “MMMMMMMMMM--”
- c!Karl: music speaks to him! It’s like the music notes are a language that he can understand and respond to. They like to sing and compliment his laugh and laugh at all his antics
That’s all I got, but if you guys have anymore ideas, feel free to share! I tried not to make all of them have little creatures that follow them around because it gets kinda old. Like, I love the idea of the wind speaking to Philza
Idek if anyone else is interested in this idea, but I’ve fallen in love with it so <:
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