mokulule · 2 days
Almanac Chapter 5
DP x DC Dead on Main First | Masterpost
Chapter 5 - December 10th, Total Lunar Eclipse
Time passed. Jason still dreamt of Gotham, little glimpses of his siblings patrolling the Alley viewed through the ever present fog. Never Bruce, never Batman.
Jason really didn’t know how to interpret those dreams. Was it wistful thinking to dream that Batman stayed out of the Alley, like Red Hood demanded? That they kept going as if Jason would be coming back? As if he was just temporarily on a mission out of town?
Or was it just his brain refusing to touch the tangled ball of emotion Bruce evoked even in his dreams?
Thankfully, none of the Alley dreams had been near as dramatic as that first nightmare. Jason was pretty sure he’d go insane if that happened, it was bad enough that first nightmare haunted him in his waking hours. He couldn’t let go the feeling that Dick had been hurt.
That it was his fault for not being there.
It was far from the first time he’d ever dreamt of Dick or one of the others getting hurt, but usually he could just do a check-up, agree to one of the multiple social invitations he most often ignored. Reassure himself they were alive, unhurt and just as obnoxious as usual and go on with his life.
He didn’t have that option.
If they died, would they come find him? He harshly pushed that thought away and focused back on Fright Knight. Not focusing properly on Fright Knight usually meant broken ribs and he was only just in time to jump aside.
One positive was that the conversation about the All-Blades had won him a measure of respect from the Knight. He’d acquired a paired set of practice blades that he now allowed Jason to use like now, though he still drilled and taught the use of a singular broadsword.
It made the training more varied, and dare Jason say it, sometimes even enjoyable. Even if Jason had the distinct feeling Fright Knight wanted to train him for the single purpose of beating him in a more even match.
The knight had even on one memorable occasion admitted that Jason might have beaten him when he was first unsealed some years ago, before he’d regained his full strength. But of course as he was now with his “mortal weaknesses” Jason didn’t stand a chance.
Still, Jason was improving. He could feel it. He had an easier time following the pace the Knight set and it wasn’t just the Knight moving at a more human speed. The fact that with the two sword style he could now attack and defend with both hands also helped bridge the gap.
Jason attacked with a downward slash, instantly dancing around the counter.
“You are not a ghost,” Fright Knights started, “but your ghostly energy is strong enough to afford you some powers. Of course not to the level of our King.”
Jason frowned, not understanding the necessity to compare him to the King. He decided to focus on the important fact. “What powers?”
“Merely the most basic.”
“That is entirely unhelpful.” Jason stepped forward and caught the overhead slash in a cross-guard before stepping to the side directing it to the ground.
“Ghost powers: invisibility, intangibility and if you’re lucky some measure of flight,” the knight elaborated haughtily.
And okay, maybe Jason felt a bit stupid now for not realizing what he’d meant with basic powers.
He dodged this time instead of blocking and stepped within the knight’s reach aiming his blade for an unprotected armpit. As if in demonstration the sword went right through him in a ripple, before he solidified and drove his armored shoulder into Jason’s chest, knocking him to the ground.
His breath was knocked out of him and for a moment he stared up into the building lunar eclipse steadily coloring the moon an ominous red-orange.
Then, he had to move!
He rolled out of the way of the downward stab and pushed himself back up to his feet, just in time to deflect another blow. The knight had upped the speed.
“What’s the point of mentioning these potential powers?” He said as he dodged another way too close call - hoping against hope to distract the knight. 

“You should use them.” Fright Knight said with another slash which Jason was fool enough to parry. The force of the blow reverberated up his arm and it was only sheer stubbornness that allowed him to hold onto the blade. He was not going to be able to swing the blade for a while.
“Shouldn’t you teach me then?” Jason yelled behind himself as he ran, he had to get distance. He had to come up with a plan.
Fright Knight laughed menacingly, and his eyes blazed green. “Powers develop best under stress.”
Jason felt himself pale. Oh shit.
Breathlessly he dodged into a doorway. The open courtyard was only an advantage for an opponent who could fly. He needed somewhere good for an ambush, somewhere to hide. His heart hammered in his chest as he ran through the castle, trying for the most complicated path he could, slamming doors after him to slow the chasing knight down.
Come on come on come on!
Phantom had told Fright Knight to keep him alive, but that was a really wide set of parameters in Jason’s experience!
The hallway curved and suddenly Jason slammed against a wall - a dead end. No no no. He cursed internally knowing too well to say anything out loud. His hands moved desperately across the stone wall; there was no hint of a secret path forward and he didn’t have time to double back. Fright Knight’s ominous laughter was too close and this hallway was too cramped to give him much movement.

The castle still disliked him.
Fright Knight came around the corner, he loomed bigger than Jason was used to. There was no escape. What wasn’t blocked with his body was blocked by the purple flames of his cloak. He drew back his sword.
“The chase is over.”
Desperately he raised his arms, though his right arm still felt dead and wouldn’t be of any use.
The sword rushed down towards him.
He screamed and then he was falling backwards, through the wall, through the floor. And another floor, floor after floor after floor. He rolled and tumbled, trying to reach for anything to stop his fall, but everything slipped through his fingers. He’d lost his swords somewhere unable to hold on to them - never lose grip on your weapons - but he hadn’t they’d gone through his fingers. This was intangibility, but how to stop it!
Stress had triggered it, he needed to calm down. Breathe slowly, count: one - two - three -
A staircase rushed up to meet him. He hit it, painfully solid. Something gave in his shoulder and then his ribs when he curled instinctively to protect his head as he tumbled the rest of the way down.
He finally landed on a cold stone floor. There was a sense of alarm around him. Not his own, no, he was just glad to no longer be moving; even if his right shoulder hurt like a bitch and he definitely had broken ribs, but he wasn’t too out of breath so probably not a punctured lung. Grimacing from the pain he pushed his upper body up with his left hand and looked around.
First rule was always know your surroundings.
There was a sarcophagus, black with green and red detailing, in the middle of the room, lit only by flickering green torchlight. There was something there. A green haze lazily swirled across the floor.
Help? Jason got to his feet with a groan. He felt so heavy. Supporting his right arm with his left he walked slowly closer to the sarcophagus. Had he seen it before? Before he could contemplate further there was the voice again.
I’m trapped.
There was someone inside the sarcophagus! Jason studied it closer, noticing a keyhole. He looked around but there didn’t seem to be any key.
Help me and I will get you home.
Home. The thought sent a pang through his chest. He wanted to go home so desperately. But he didn’t know how to help. There had to be a key somewhere, but it would be stupid to keep it here. It could be anywhere in the castle, not that the castle would help him anyway.
His eyes fell on where his left hand cradled his arm. He let go with a wince at the extra bad throb in his broken shoulder and raised his left hand in front of his face. An idea niggled at him. Would it even do anything? He didn’t know. He recalled the sensation of slipping through solid matter and saw his hand go slightly translucent.
Could he?
Slowly he reached towards the sarcophagus-
“Jason don’t!”
Jason snapped his head to the side. The King hovered at the bottom of the stairs now, hands raised in a calming motion.
“Jason don’t,” he repeated quieter, a note of pleading in his voice, worry.
Two things occurred to Jason in that fraction of a moment. One, if the Ghost King was worried whatever was in this sarcophagus might actually have the power to send him home. Two, this intangibility might just do something.
He plunged his hand into the sarcophagus.
For a moment nothing happened. It was a long enough moment for Jason to feel like an idiot, standing there with his broken arm and the other phased into a freaking sarcophagus.
Then, an odd cold-hot sensation passed up his left arm. He was displaced, put in the back seat of his own body as something else took the wheels.
Good, now let’s take a look at what we’ve got.
The sensation left faster than it had arrived and Jason had only barely taken a breath with lungs that were his own again, before a massive fist grabbed him around the throat and lifted him off his feet. His hands reached instinctively to remove the pressure around his throat. The cry of pain at moving his broken shoulder was only a wheeze past the chokehold. His left arm was just as useless the hold wouldn’t budge, no matter how he scrabbled and dug in his nails in for purchase.
“I can’t believe it took me this long to call this pitiful creature,” the voice boomed both inside and outside Jason.
A huge grey, scarred face missing the left eye came into Jason’s blurry vision. There was only cruelty to be found there.
”Ah, you didn’t bind his will.” The great head turned, revealing a mane of Lazarus green hair. “Tell me, Phantom, do you like your slaves disobedient? Is that why?”
“He is no slave,” the king, Phantom growled, tightly controlled. Glaciers cracked in the distance and when Jason tried looking at him he wasn’t sure if it was just his blurry vision or if he was blending into the darkness around him. “Let him go!”
That last word rang in Jason’s head like a bell rung right right next to his ears.
“But don’t you see, ghost child? This mortal’s life belongs to the Ghost King. The fact that I could call to him at all proves I am still the king. I will kill him and you can watch, before I take my crown back.”
The hold on his throat tightened. Jason kicked and scratched but nothing helped. He couldn’t breathe. Dark spots danced in his vision, growing with every moment. Noise rushed in his ears. He was- he was going to die!
No! He had to do something- he couldn’t let it end like this.
The hold loosened suddenly and Jason fell to his knees. He gasped, drew air into his burning chest. It was only his training that had him instantly tracking for what had happened. He blinked and squinted until his vision cleared.
Above him Phantom had the old ghost king’s wrist in a large white tipped clawed hand, he tightened his grip and the giant man fell to one knee with a grimace.
Phantom��s grin was too wide, full of too many pointy teeth, as he seemed to grow, and loomed over him.
“You miscalculated Pariah,” Phantom snarled, form rippling, cape flaring. “I am no longer fourteen year old and newly dead. Just because some mortal realities have not been updated on the change in power, doesn’t mean shit!”
He paused to lean his head closer.
“I am the King of the Infinite Realms, and the Realms are behind me.”
Jason found himself grabbed gently in dark tendrils and moved towards the wall, even as Phantom continued his verbal onslaught:
“You’ve lost your crown, your power and your loyalty. You are no king and never will be again.”
“Please,” Pariah begged, terror in his eyes.
“No. Jason traded his life to me. He is under my protection. You harmed him, you will never harm another being ever again.”
The next several moments was a whirlwind of too many claws and teeth for Jason’s mind to comprehend. Too many eyes. Green spattered wetly across the floors, the walls, the ceiling, and across Jason’s face to drip down his chin.
And the screams, oh God, the screams. It was entirely one-sided and the screams chilled Jason to the core. For all that he was no longer in a chokehold he might as well have been, because no sound, no breath could make its way out the tightness in his throat.
Finally something bright and glowing red ripped free sent flying by long fingered claws, for a moment it floated above them weightless, then Phantom’s great big maw slammed shut around it.
It crunched.
And for one dazzling second, the screams quieted. Then the whole castle shuddered. Jason covered his mouth, afraid he was going to vomit. He didn’t even know what about it caused that reaction, he wasn’t usually squeamish with violence. Only his gut told him he had witnessed something terrible.
The silence was loud in the room only broken by the occasional drop of green that fell from the ceiling to land on the cobblestone floor with loud plops.
The writhing mass of shadows and claws had stilled into a dark vaguely humanoid hunched figure. The black tendrils laid flat and motionless like a long, tattered cape spread across the floor. The glowing neon green pool left from what used to be Pariah was vivid against the black.
The tendrils around Jason didn’t hold him in place anymore, just rested one him. Still, he couldn’t bring himself to move. One tendril moved then, stroking gently and infusing soothing cold against Jason’s bruised throat. Jason gasped quietly and it was like his first real breath in hours.
“I refuse to regret it,” Phantom’s voice said then coming from all around, yet moving Jason’s attention from the tendril to the figure. “Ending another ghost is taboo for a reason. But-“ The figure turned the head revealing a pair of burning green eyes even as hundreds opened up into existence around them, all looking at Jason - perceiving him.
“He threatened you.”
Jason’s breath stopped again. There was something to be said there. Something about how the king had committed taboo for Jason. Something about how he had not just stopped the threat for now, locked it back up to escape another day; he had ended it.
Jason had never been worth that before.
There was a building pressure behind his eyes and in his chest. It was a tidal wave of old hurts. He fought against the urge to cry. Despite his efforts, a whimper escaped the back of his throat. Mortified, he closed his eyes and pressed back against the wall, he couldn’t look at Phantom’s reaction. He was terrified of judgment, or worse: pity.
“I am sorry.” His voice was but a whisper this time, as if it would prevent it from resonating in Jason’s bones. “I know I am too much, but I cannot reign it in right now.”
The tendril at his neck seemed to tremble as it stroked his bruised throat again ever so careful. “I thought- I feared I would be too late,” he explained.
And suddenly Jason realized, Phantom thought he was afraid of him. He could sense his fear, he’d told Jason once, but he couldn’t tell what he was afraid of. And yes, Jason had been afraid once, you don’t nearly have your brain melted without some sort of response, but that was not the case now. Jason couldn’t let that misunderstanding stand.
The tendrils were retreating. Jason grabbed the one that had been at his throat and forcing himself to meet what seemed to be the main pair of eyes he pressed it back to his throat.
Something passed between them, something Jason couldn’t describe. The air itself both softened and sharpened in intensity. Phantom floated closer. The tendrils were back, cold and soothing. If Jason reached out now he could touch the main darkness that was Phantom. It would take so little. Phantom’s eyes were wide and vulnerable. Jason’s breath hitched.
Something had to give.
“Great One!” A deep voice boomed in horror from the stairs, breaking the moment.
Phantom snapped his head towards the intruder. Jason gasped for air. It felt like he’d been dropped into an ice bath so suddenly was every ache and pain in his body brought back - his shoulder outright throbbed - only nothing had happened, nothing, except Phantom’s attention was no longer on him.
“Frostbite, Jason needs medical attention!” Phantom’s voice was full of relief, his features morphed gradually back into the facsimile of human he usually wore though he still seemed extra wispy. The tendrils however were gone.
Phantom’s attention turned back on Jason, he didn’t see the way the large white furred and horned creature looked around the green soaked room in fear.
Phantom made to reach for him with clawless hands, then drew back embarrassed, actually floating a step back.
“Apologies,” he said. Jason could almost see the way he turned back into the distant king straightening his shoulders and schooling his face into impassivity, like a cloak he wore - or armor. Protecting the vulnerability Jason had glimpsed.
Realizing no ‘Frostbite’ had come any closer, the king looked back over his shoulder, “Frostbite?”
“I’m coming, Great One.” The creature bowed his head as he made his way over carefully, floating to avoid the puddles.
Judging from the frown on Phantom’s face, that was not normal behavior.
“No need to worry, Great One, I’ll make sure your friend is seen to. You can get back to the council.”
Phantom actually grimaced at that. Then he met Jason’s eyes for a heart stopping moment, holding him captive, then he looked away.
“I will see you later.”
Then he left, leaving Jason with whatever Frostbite was. One thing was sure though from the furrowed eyebrows and the sharp fangs bared at him - Frostbite didn’t like him.
A chapter finished! Look at me not working on my Dead on MAYn prompts -_-'
Anyways things are happening? Jason and Danny had a moment! Neither is really sure what kind of moment since they were interrupted, but hey, still a moment. I hope you enjoyed Pariah getting what was coming to him :) Anyways comments are greatly appreciated, makes it feel less like I'm screaming into the void.
(you can subscribe for updates at the masterpost)
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777gojosgf · 2 days
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777gojosgf: fem!reader x satoru gojo
IN WHERE :: you can’t stop thinking about him and his stupid face.
what if he’s written mine on my upper thigh…
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“FUCK,” YOU EXHALED, cursing yourself for even thinking about him in this way. that your mind gradually wandered and imagined many situations of him in your brain, wanting to see how he would feel. a sloppy top lip kiss or simply a hug from him. it didn't matter how explicit it was; it was poor overall.
there was no specific reason why you were envisioning scenarios regarding the two of you. you couldn't stand him. his arrogance, refusal to be defeated, and capacity to do anything he wanted without regard for the consequences. when you were on a mission together, he spent more time taunting you than focusing on the evil spirits you were intended to defeat.
but—there was something about him. something so appealing and seductive that he had your attention and you had become accustomed to his taunts. that everytime you two were assigned to the same mission, your stomach would do a tiny flip for no apparent reason. that whenever he removed his blindfold, he could catch your breath, or when his white hair formed a mess on top of his head that was difficult to resist running your hand over.
there was no denying that you wanted him.
and you cursed him for it everyday since.
you were watching him teach the first years by showing off and breaking a specific grade curse, which got him a sneer from you. itadori looked at him with ambition and glee, which satoru simply took pride in. it was his habit to brag whenever his students were present or on a mission he had dragged them on. but when were you around? he would go to great lengths for fun. because he knew you couldn't stand it.
because he wanted to know how much effect he had on you.
however, you had no idea when your mind began to wander about him and what it would be like if it was just the two of you. what you would do if you didn’t have the ability to restrict yourself. to determine who would break first. perhaps it is you, after all, who will fall for his schemes. perhaps it was his lips that held your attention. you even started to wonder if it would be that bad if you were to crack and fall for him— what the fuck.
how could you ever consider that? perhaps there was a parasite in your head that was whispering these possibilities to you. yup! that must be it, right?
“what are you thinking about, princess?” he called out from behind and you immediately turned around, almost getting whiplash in the moment. blood ran to your face and it suddenly felt way too hot in this place, did someone turn off the air conditioning? god. get it together, you told yourself.
“don’t call me that— you showoff.” you muttered and rolled your eyes, quickly averting your gaze away from him and onto the first years who now were having an argument— more like nobara having to keep megumi and yuuji apart and stop them from ripping each other’s head off— and sighed.
you were forced to look at him when his cool fingers reached for your chin and turned your face towards his, the chilly sensation suddenly becoming rather pleasant on your heated face. there was an arrogant smirk on his face, which made you scowl and bite your lip for saying something you didn't mean. "in ten years, i haven't made you blush before, it’s quite cute, you know?"
"i’m not blushing, you idiot; it's just fucking hot in here. you always believe you're such a flirt, don't you? well, you are not." you weakly defended yourself and wished you hadn't said anything at all; now you simply appear stupid and foolish. despite your stomach flipping a thousand times a minute, you couldn't seem to look at him.
your weak defense made him laugh and amusement was drawn onto his face. “are you done rambling now?” he asked while dragging his blindfold with one finger down, blue eyes boring into yours which made you immediately go quiet and it didn’t help with the fact that you already were blushing like a maniac. “good. now tell me what you were thinking about.”
fine. two people can play this game if that’s what he wanted so badly.
in reaction to your comment, his brow furrowed in uncertainty. what about him? when did you start thinking about him, and why now? after years of being together, innumerable missions, and losing the same people. how come you're thinking about him now?
"you— yeah. i was thinking about you and, you know, me." you responded with confidence and a cheeky smirk on your face. you had no idea where this newfound confidence came from, but you felt a sense of satisfaction as you watched him astonished by your response. he had not expected you to think about him, let alone be with you in your mind. did this imply that he had never considered it himself?
he quickly gathered himself and glanced at you for a minute, leaning into you. "and what were we supposedly doing up there?" he poked your forehead with his index finger, making you chuckle before leaning into him, a taunting glint in your eyes. "a little along the lines of this—" you interrupted yourself with a short kiss on his jaw. he wouldn't have believed it unless you cupped his face and drew him in closer.
“oh yeah?”
"mhmm—" you replied before stepping on your tiptoes and kissing his lips softly. the light brush of your lips against his made you feel tingly all over, and just as you were ready to lean back and break it, satoru came forward and caught your lips once more in a hungry kiss. a kiss that virtually screamed that he desired this as much as you did.
you finally broke the kiss, and your body missed his gentle touch. it was tempting to lean in once more and kiss him till your last breath, but wouldn't it be more enjoyable to tease him yourself? he was ready to say something when you placed your finger on top of his lips, prompting him to raise his eyebrows. "catch me after you're done showing off, satoru."
and with that, you walked off and went ahead to deal with your own errands as you had only killed time watching him before it was time for you to do the exact same thing. you hadn’t dared to turn around and watch his clueless expression, no. instead you were bracing for what would happen later today and excitement lightened up your face.
"you're in so much trouble, princess." you just laughed after hearing him shout out faintly as you had no idea that it wasn't just an empty promise.
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songsbygumi · 1 day
Glass in the park
| Megumi x reader
Summary- "Who needs sleep when you're with your crush, watching reaction videos to bad movies?"
Warnings - English it's not my first language, no mentions of readers name, non proofread and I think that's all
A/N- This is part of the universe of 'Suck It and See' inspired by Arctic Monkeys' album and Alex Turner's 'Submarine' EP but can be read as a standalone.
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Late nights are like old friends to you. While everyone else is catching a good sleep, you're up and about, binge-watching YouTube, diving into a good read, or maybe even handling some homework you definitely didn't procrastinate on.
So, hitting up the kitchen for a midnight snack isn't exactly uncharted territory for you. It's two in the morning, and the only sound echoing through the school halls is the soft shuffle of your bunny slippers on the floor.
With one hand wrapped in your trusty blanket and the other clutching your cellphone and headphones (because what's a snack without some entertainment, right?), you make your way to the kitchen. You snag some cookies and a bag of chips, figuring Toge won't mind. Just as you're about to make your exit, you spot a looming figure by the microwave— a sudden jolt of fear seizes you, causing an involuntary scream to slip from your lips.
"Shhh, you'll wake up the whole school" Megumi's hand covers your mouth.
"You nearly gave me a heart attack! What are you doing up?" Megumi's gaze bores into yours; you know gather information from him is like pulling teeth—he shares what he wants, and getting more has always proven to be a challenge.
"Was finishing up some homework" he replies, and you realize that's probably all you'll get from him. But he doesn't move, so you hold your ground, giving him an opportunity to continue. "Are you always eating at night?"
Your cheeks flush with embarrassment. You spend most nights awake, tired of the monotony of your room, opting instead to explore the school or watch movies in the common room. You always thought you were quiet enough to avoid notice.
"No," you defend yourself, feeling a pang of self-consciousness. "Sometimes I read in the common room."
"I see" chatting with Megumi always prompts you to speak up. You haven't been friends for too long, so initially, you attributed the silence to your status as a relative stranger.
But ever since Panda stood both of you up at the cinema a few months ago for some lame excuse you can't even remember, you've realized that Megumi isn't exactly chatty. Occasionally, he'll launch into rants about his dislikes—he's quite the hater, you've noticed—but more often than not, he'll quietly listen as you ramble on about your interests.
"I didn’t realize I was being loud. Sorry if I woke you up" you apologize, a slight pout forming on your face. Megumi's gaze softens.
"It's okay. I'm usually awake anyway, so it doesn’t matter" he replies, though in truth, he's often awakened from sleep by your nocturnal activities. He's a light sleeper, but he keeps that to himself; he doesn't want to upset you.
You both linger in silence for a moment, neither quite ready to part ways. Your mind races, weighing the options. You could retreat to your room and bore yourself to death until sleep finally claims you, or you could spend the night with your biggest crush. Before you know it, the words tumble out.
“Would you like to watch some YouTube with me?” you suggest, your heart racing at the thought of spending time with him.
Of course, he wants to watch videos with you. Despite his exhaustion, he'll never turn down an opportunity to spend time with you. Even if he won't admit it, not even to himself, he's a sucker for your hopeful puppy-dog eyes.
"Yeah, sure" he responds, clearing his throat in an attempt to maintain his usual unimpressed demeanor. He steps away from the kitchen door, taking the items you've been holding with him.
Neither of you thought this through very well, because now you're both staring at the common room couch, trying to figure out how to sit so you can share headphones and watch the screen without it getting awkward.
“Maybe we can put the cellphone in the middle of us” he suggests tentatively, and you nod in agreement.
You position the phone in the middle leaning against one of your slippers and pass a headphone to Megumi. You both sit incredibly straight, hands glued to your sides, trying not to make each other uncomfortable. You're so focused on your proximity to Megumi that you hardly pay attention to the YouTuber reacting to a bad movie.
“How is this movie even real?” you chuckle at his incredulous expression.
“What are you talking about? It's the funniest thing ever” you retort, barely containing your laughter.
“It's supposed to be a romance” he argues back, and you can't help but laugh.
“Sure, but it's way funnier if you pretend it's a comedy” you reply, finally allowing yourself to relax, leaning back on your side of the couch and putting your feet up.
“Either way, it's bad” Megumi scoffs, rolling his eyes at you.
You laugh even more, and his chest swells with pride because he's the one making you laugh. Oh, how he loves hearing your laughter—it's enough to brighten his entire day.
After an hour of watching silly reaction videos to the worst movies Megumi has ever seen, the clock strikes three thirty in the morning. The bag of chips lies empty on the coffee table, and there are cookie crumbs scattered everywhere. Your shoulders and knees are touching, and he notices you trying to stifle your third yawn in the last five minutes from the corner of his eye. Your eyes water a little, and you scrunch your nose afterward. He can't help but smile at how cute you are.
He knows you should go to sleep, but you're already selecting another video for him to watch, and you rest your head on his shoulder, not thinking clearly from exhaustion. He allows it because it's you.
"Are you falling asleep on me?" he teases.
“Not a little" you respond, denying his accusation with a sleepy voice, and he chuckles.
"Sure, you're not" he continues to tease, and you agree with him, knowing he's just joking around.
The next time you regain consciousness, your eyes are still closed, but you can sense the brightness outside. It takes a moment for you to grasp your surroundings. Slowly becoming aware of your environment, you feel something under your hand. You move it slightly punch it a little, and it's met with a groan. What the...? Your eyes snap open, and you find yourself staring at a chest—specifically, Megumi's chest.
You slept on the common room couch with Megumi beneath you. Your legs are tangled with his, and your head rests beside your hand on his chest. Carefully, you rise, trying not to disturb him. You gather the trash and your belongings, leaving him the blanket and ensuring he's covered before exiting the room.
Megumi opens his eyes after you slip out the door, a smile playing on his lips. He gets up and folds the blanket, meeting Itadori on his way back from a shower.
"Fushiguro, are you smiling?" the pink-haired boy asks, confused.
"Go away," he replies, shutting the door to his room.
“You look tired. What time did you go to sleep last night?” Maki asks, eyeing your under-eye bags.
“Uhm, can’t remember,” you reply, struggling to keep your eyes open but dozing off with your head on the table.
"Tuna Mayo," Inumaki says, and Maki turns her head to see a very tired Fushiguro walking through the hall, barely awake and not listening to a word Kugisaki is saying.
Kugisaki's gaze meets Maki's, then she notices you asleep at your desk. Returning her gaze to Maki and Inumaki, she smiles knowingly.
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pepsiboyy · 1 day
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p3 ⚜ masterlist ⚜ p5
pairing: chris sturniolo x fem!reader summary: after moving to massachusetts from florida, y/n lives with her half brother, nathan doe, who is part of a small garage band. their sassy guitarist, chris sturniolo, can't help but get on her nerves. but there's something about him. warnings: use of y/n lol, cursing, make outtt, fluff !! a/n: HIIII you guys are absolutely blowing this up <3 i love u guys so much! longer part today, the moment u guys have been waiting for sort of !!
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"i'm really, really fucking sorry."
i stared at chris with wide eyes after he had knocked on my door later that night.
struggling to keep a serious expression, i cracked a smile and leaned against my doorframe as i stared up at him. what's the hurt in prying a bit?
"sorry for what?"
chris stared at me in disbelief, the corner of his mouth raising into an undeniably attractive smirk. "don't do that, y/n."
the tone of his voice was deep, and the way his stated it made my chest feel like it was going to cave and my body feel like it was going to explode. "do what?"
"you're so fuckin' annoying, kid." chris stated, his smile now fully visible as he looked at me with a look that seemed to be one full of admiration. "really though. i overreacted and shouldn't have said what i said. i would have done the same thing, honestly." my only response was a soft nod.
we stayed like that for a while before i opened the door wider and invited him in.
i sat at the edge of my bed, and he hesitated to do so as he looked around my room. "'s bare in here."
my brows knitted together as i stared at him. "remember i moved in less than a week ago, idiot."
"i need to take you to ikea. genuinely." he then carefully took a seat beside me.
i blinked a few times as i stared at him, my cheeks turning a soft shade of pink. "ikea? like the furniture store?"
chris stared at me in disbelief before it clicked for him. "you've never been?" upon seeing me rapidly shake my head, he smiled softly.
"you free tomorrow?"
"the fuck do you mean you can't drive?"
"well, my brothers and i are always together, so i never really-" chris defended himself, rubbing the back of his head with pink cheeks. his fingers ran through his shaggy hair.
"you failed to think of that or even mention it before inviting me to ikea?" i teased, lightly hitting his shoulder.
chris took a breath to defend himself, but ultimately failed.
"i could have gotten us an uber or something. i don't want to bother your brother." i stated as we sat against the living room couch.
we woke up a bit earlier to get to ikea at a decent time, and nate was asleep still.
"no, it's fine. matt doesn't mind." chris reassured, a bright smile on his face.
"why couldn't you get an uber or something." was one of the few first sentences matt stated before chris quickly smacked his shoulder.
"because, you're here. and you're free."
"gas isn't."
i quickly lifted my hand like a kid in elementary school to intervene, smiling nervously. "i can pay you for gas."
matt stared at me for a moment before turning to chris. "would you look at that. she's offered more than you ever have. i like her." he joked and smiled, holding out his hand slightly. "i'm matt."
i stared at him for a moment before gently taking his hand and shaking it.
matt looked so much like chris, yet so different at the same time. they had different haircuts, but used different body language and had a few different features that were prominent.
"i'm y/n." i smiled softly before pulling my hand away.
i thought i would be the one looking at things on this trip, but i was the one pushing the cart while chris excitedly held things up to show me before setting it back down on the shelf.
"who are we here for?" i joked as i looked at chris.
"uhhh.. you, obviously," i mumbled softly, setting the oddly shaped beside alarm clock back where it goes. "i was just looking."
"right." i smiled and began to walk away, leaning over the cart as i allowed my eyes to wander.
chris quickly jogged to catch up to me, smiling down at me as he shoved his hands into his hoodie pockets. "you really haven't found anything yet?"
"nothing has really reached out to me and grabbed my attention, i guess."
chris nodded as he looked around, before he continued to watch me. i finally turned to him and smiled. "what?"
"you look nice today." chris quickly stated, turning away nonchalantly to cover the pink on his cheeks, but i could see his ear turning into a redder shade.
"thanks," i mumbled softly, continuing to walk as i bit my lip. "you don't look too bad yourself."
chris scoffed softly.
we were nearing the end of the store, and i had just found a few simple decorations to spice up the vibes in my room. nothing too crazy.
but something quickly caught my eye, and i stopped in my tracks before quickly making my way towards it.
chris quickly followed and looked at the item, then back to me with a cocked eyebrow. "a desk?"
i nodded and smiled softly.
the desk was white with a few shelves lined up against the back.
i smiled shyly as i ran my hand against the surface. "i could do some homework on it, maybe... write lyrics on it?" i tilted my head and shrugged.
chris just stared at me, the corned of his lips turning to a smirk. "you'd write lyrics?"
i turned to him and smiled defenselessly.
"when will i hear you sing?" he asked softly, and i looked up at his face, smiling at his serious yet soft expression.
a soft hum left me as i shrugged. "soon."
chris shrugged, seeming to enjoy that answer more than a "never" and knelt down to help me pick up a box for the desk.
we made our way to checkout, and took out the smaller items to scan and grabbed the small scanner to scan the big box in our cart.
once we finished scanning everything, i reached to grab my wallet, but chris scoffed audibly from beside me.
as i looked up, i heard the beep of the card reader that had already gotten his card's information. "chris!"
chris giggled and took his card back, sliding it back into his wallet and into his pocket.
"why'd you do that?"
"i'm the one that said your room was ugly." he stated quickly.
i stared at him and smacked his shoulder. "you never said that."
"right, it's bare." he corrected, smiling warmly at me. "don't worry about it. i had to make it up to you anyways."
i smiled warmly at him and let out a soft sigh. "thank you, chris."
"now let's go wait for matt to pick us up?"
"how the fuck do you do this?" chris whispered to himself.
i smiled softly at him as i held the instructions to building the desk between my fingers.
chris was laying on his side on the floor in my room, attempting to build the desk. he would smack my hand away whenever i tried to help him, insisting that he had it figured out.
"you're attaching the wrong part to that, chris-"
"i knew that!" he'd quickly defend, waving his hand and hiding his embarrassed expression by turning to cough.
i smiled softly at him.
this annoying ass kid had truly made me realize today that he meant a lot more to me than i had ever thought he would.
my eyes explored him as he laid on his side against my carpet, his white tee loose on him. the hem had lifted a bit with the impact of the floor, revealing a belt that hugged his waist in all the right ways to keep his baggy, blue jeans up. his bangs hung low against his face, and his eyes were a neutral blue that i couldn't seem to keep my eyes off of.
"is this right?" chris questioned, holding up two wooden boards. i quickly shook myself out of my thoughts and looked at the instructions before nodding. "good, because i already put this nail into this one."
i smiled at him and hummed as i shifted to sit on the floor beside him.
after a few minutes, chris sighed and sat up to sit upright, gently wiping the fake sweat off of his forehead. "all this hard work," he joked, and i smiled warmly at him.
chris stared at me for a few moments before he stood up and quickly bolted out of the room, leaving me confused.
but he quickly returned with an acoustic guitar from nate's room, smiling and sitting beside me with a soft smile.
i watched him sit beside me and get in a comfortable position before speaking up. "what possessed you to go get that?" i questioned.
chris scooted a bit closer to me, smiling softly as he leaned down to carefully position his hands. "i wanted to show you what i've been working on."
i nodded softly as i watched his hands position themselves. his bangs covered his eyes and gently grazed his nose as he looked down at the guitar.
i smiled at him in admiration as he began strumming the guitar. the soft chords filled my ears in every perfect way, the way he slowly played with the pick in his hand, strumming the strings a few times for each chord.
i couldn't stop looking at him. the way his bracelets dangled slightly, the way his hair fell, the way his nose scrunched every time he gently grazed a string on his guitar to get a squeaky sound that somehow fit perfectly into the song nonetheless.
i smiled at him as i watched, and chris's head lifted to look at me as he strummed the guitar.
we stayed like that for a few moments. his pick slowed down with each moment that passed, and i smiled at him.
i never noticed he had freckles until now. that was how close we had been sitting by one another, now staring at each other in a comfortable silence as he strummed his guitar and slowly finished.
a few more seconds went by before chris let out a loud sigh, one that almost sounded frustrated. he quickly set the guitar to the side, leaning against the half finished desk and leaned closer to me, a hand running against my jaw as our noses touched.
"can i kiss you?" he asked softly, his eyes a deeper shade of blue and his face a pretty shade of pink that made my stomach do flips.
i nodded quickly, moving my hands so that one moved to the side of his neck.
chris closed the gap between us, his lips pressed against mine as he tilted his head and closed his eyes.
his hand moved to gently rest on my waist, the other moving to my hand to gently intertwine with my fingers.
i felt my face head up and my lips curl into a bright smile as i tilted my head and kissed him back, my heart beating at a billion miles a minute.
chris carefully pulled away from the kiss and gently pulled my hand as he stood up, motioning for me to also stand up. i did just that, and he guided me to the side of my bed before urging me to sit down and crashing his lips into mine.
i laid down against my sheets, and chris crawled on top of me.
my hands found a home in his hair, fingers burying into his curls.
i fucking love his curls.
chris kept one hand by my side against the bed to hold himself up beside me as his other hand held my jaw and cheek, thumb caressing my cheek gently.
we stayed like this for what felt like an eternity, and honestly, i wouldn't have minded if it lasted longer.
chris pulled away and stared at me with lidded eyes and swollen, parted lips.
i smiled softly at him, and he reciprocated that as he chuckled softly.
"you know i thought you were gorgeous since i met you, right?"
i cringed slightly. "you thought i had a boyfriend who started an argument with me, actually."
"shut up," he quickly defended, chuckled softly before he moved to lay beside me, eyes now glued to the ceiling.
we sat in a comfortable silence before i turned toward him and wrapped an arm around his waist softly, smiling shyly.
chris turned to me and smiled softly, his cheeks pink as he hummed.
"now for the real question," chris started, and i nodded as i listened closely to him.
"how do we tell your brother?"
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p3 ⚜ masterlist ⚜ p5
comment to be added to the taglist !! taglist;; @sturnioloshacker @nickgetsmewetter @matthewsturniolosgirlfriend101 @chrissgirlsstuff @nsjsnshey @sturniolosarethebest @sofie-1 @sturniololol @veysxrge @587528382527 @sturniolostars @larnieboox88 @eliana-4200
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sturniyolos · 15 hours
𝗀𝗈𝗇𝖾 - 𝖼.𝗌
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You don't know why you allowed him to do what he did. You knew he wasn't loyal, you knew he was a piece of shit, and you knew you could find better-- but you couldn't bring yourself to drop him. You loved Chris and he loved you, but didn't want "anything serious."
Arguments were non-stop when you were away from each other, screaming at him over the phone until 4 am about the pink lip gloss you found in his room [that was not yours], screaming at you about you "flirting" with the guy you were talking with at the bar, and the list goes on. but, none of this happened when you guys were physically together.
You guys were so happy with each other, no crying, no screaming-- just pure euphoria and laughter. Him treating you like a princess while you guys were on a date, and fucking you like he hated you when you would come over in the middle of the night. You were very loyal to Chris-- defending his name when he wasn't there, talking about him 24/7, and most importantly, staying loyal to him. He obviously didn't know what that was. He specifically said you guys weren't together, and you agreed. You thought it was a mutual decision to stop seeing other people, but he thought otherwise.
You & Chris were in bed, him ripping off your clothes as fast as he could. Him on top, you bring him even closer [if possible] to make your kiss deeper. He pulls away for a second, taking his shirt off and continues to attack your neck. You switch positions, so you're sitting on his lap, and continue to kiss him deeply.
"You always know how to make me feel good." Chris mutters while smiling through the kiss.
You start inching down to his thighs, while unzipping his pants, ring....ring....ring....
You look up at him and to see his next move, but he puts his phone on silent without even looking at the Caller ID, and hides it behind the pillow his back is laying on.
"You're not going to check?" You state, still staring at him.
"Don't worry about it ma, just keep going." He says, pushing his hair out of his forehead. Curious, you take the phone from the pillow but, Chris takes it from you.
"Bro, I told you not to worry about it." He states, holding his vibrating phone. You sit up on your knees, and snatch his phone from his hands. You get up from the bed, and stand across from him. You start reading his phone,
Missed Call [2]
is she gone?
i have the apartment to myself so come when you're ready <3.
*Attachment: 1 image*
i'm waitingggg.
You stare at the phone in disbelief, and glare right back up at him.
"It's not what it looks like, I told her to stop calling me-"
"You fucking liar. Don't worry about it my ass." You scoff, throwing his phone on the bed.
"Yeah, I knew you would get butt hurt over this." He states, putting his shirt back on.
You grab your sweater from the floor, putting it back on. You didn't know if you should cry, scream, or do anything. You start packing all your things, turning towards the door & getting ready to leave.
"C'mon baby, at least finish what you started." He states, holding your hand so you stop walking forward. You turn around slowly, eyes covered in tears.
One moment you were staring at him, the next moment his head is turned to the other side while your hand is burning red--you just slapped Chris.
"The fuck is wrong with you?" Chris states, holding his pulsating cheek.
"how long?" you ask, wiping the tears away.
Chris doesn't say anything, still staring at you
"If you don't answer in two fucking seconds, I'm gone and you will never hear from me ever again."
"I don't know why you are making this a big deal, we never agreed to stop seeing other people." He states, shrugging off what you just asked.
"I agreed to stop seeing other people because I want you, I only want you. I thought you would eventually stop your ways, but I guess not." you state, finally heading towards the door.
"You'll be back baby, I know you will." He states, getting his phone and hearing him type away. You knew he was going to see her, and that was your final straw.
It's been a week, and Chris heard nothing from you. Not a text, not a phone call, not a voicemail, not even a single post on any of your social media platforms. He felt like he was going through withdraws-- it got so bad that he stopped texting Aliyah and cut all ties with her. He wanted you back, but who knew that you were serious when you said you were actually going to be gone?
hey yallll, i arose from the dead. school has been so hard and time consuming so i hope you enjoy this lil thing i pulled out of my ass lol. next part will have smut but it's like filthy, revenge smut yfm. anyway bye i love you
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sleepymccoy · 2 days
A ship manifesto is like an argument defending a ship or providing proof of why it's as good as canon. I think you'd write a good one if you wanted to!
Go on then, I take very little convincing (also thank you that's kind!)
Why you should consider shipping spones
So, genuinely, spirk is the more convincing ship if you like canon. I'm completely with the spirkies on that. They're endlessly supporting, interested in each other's opinion, and just so lovely
But that's kinda dull for me. Where's the grit? Where's the tension?
I do not believe spones should be canon, no show is ever gonna give them the time and complexity they need. That's why it's so much fun in fandom! The second these guys open their mouths they insult each other, both of them.
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But like, they don't really insult each other personally much. McCoy insults Vulcan philosophy and Spock insults human ethics. McCoy insults Spock's alien features and Spock insults McCoy's vocation. Tit for tat, but within that is this constant simmering respect and admiration that they never talk about. And as soon as one is attacked by an outsider they leap to the others defence. Like, that's a wild dynamic! There's so much opportunity to make that fun to read by just adding a little bit of sexual desire
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Like, why are you so obsessed with Spock's ears huh? You want to lick them? Grow up about it. And Spock's always needling McCoy, always talking about logic being the be all end all even when it's almost irrelevant, just to get a rise out of him! Schoolyard bully with a crush, both of them
It's a great dynamic. So much depth to plumb. And it's pretty hard to get them to get together!
Other fandoms I've been in tend to lean towards couples who are perfectly suited for each other and the world is conspiring to keep them apart. For spones, they're what's keeping them apart. It's like mixing oil and water, without some real attention from the author they'll fall apart. It's hard! It's a challenge! It's fun!
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It's so fun, there's so many opportunities for tension with them and you can take tension to make sex or humour and both are so fun!
And the way they challenge each other. You think Spock is going to settle for anyone who doesn't offer him some personal or professional growth? He learns constantly with McCoy, often showing great exasperation, but he's learning and adding to his knowledge. And McCoy, he's had his little picket fence life and needs something completely different. And he needs a good fuck, I think these two would have absolutely spectacular sex
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Anyway. Give it a go because it's fun!
Also I've realised all the gifs I pulled off the tumblr search function are from @aenslem so thank you for your service
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jedimasterbailey · 2 days
Tales of the Empire Thoughts (Mostly About Barriss)
I know I’m a little late to the party in terms of laying out my thoughts on Tales of the Empire but honestly I needed a few days to process and digest what happened (not to mention being on vacation delayed that process as well). Obviously as a Barriss stan/fanfic writer/blogger y’all know that those episodes were the upmost priority for me and I will be rewatching those episodes on repeat like no other since it’s been far too long since Barriss has had her time to shine. 
The majority of this post will be centered around those specific episodes because I’m just gonna just go ahead and say that the Morgan Elsbeth episodes were boring and didn’t tell me anything I didn’t already know about the character. Also the bullshit reasoning as to why Morgan doesn’t obviously look Dathomiran is so dumb in that my brain will malfunction if I think about it too much. If the “magic going away” thing was true then how do you explain Merrin and Ventress who still have power and retain their clear Dathomiran appearance? Either way, there is no way Darth Felonious could explain his “logic” to me there because it is all too clear that Morgan was never meant to be Dathomiran in the first place. She was just a bad lady with a spear and that’s that. Love the actress, but the character is just lame. Furthermore, it is so clear that the hat man knows absolutely nothing about Thrawn and I’m not even a Thrawn stan but why even if the guy involved if he just says a few words and leaves? Now before y’all come for me, yes I’m aware these episodes are shorts and the time is precious but to me they could have dedicated more time into explaining to me why Morgan is so loyal to Thrawn. Her reasoning for wanting to join the Empire is empty too in that the Separatists that annihilated her race is now the Empire so…to me that’s not enough reasoning for Morgan to be so dedicated. The only parts that had me engaged were the Grevious bits which were both beautiful and frightening at the same time.
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Now onto the meat which is the Barriss arc which has me both elated and frustrated at the same time. Let’s begin with the stuff I absolutely love.
1.) Barriss proving herself to not be committed to the Dark Side/Empire is a huge win for me and other Barriss super fans who have been preaching this for over a decade. We knew from the moment the trailer came out that Barriss was just going to do what it took to survive and even though she was forced into doing things she really did not want to do, she stayed true to herself and escaped before it was too late. The light in her never left nor did it ever leave her and I just know that Luminara would have been so proud of her. Barriss constantly questioning the Grand Inquisitor and the Fourth Sister had me smiling because that is just Barriss. She will always question things that seem off and will defend her beliefs and values no matter what the danger to herself may be. The line of reclaiming her position of a Jedi is my absolute favorite line and gave me all the feels I get whenever Luke tells Palpatine that he is a Jedi like his father. On a final note, I loved that she showed genuine concern/fear for what was happening to the Jedi when Order 66 was happening and demanded an answer. 
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2.) Barriss being a healer and a protector. It is so satisfying to see it canon on screen that Barriss remains to be a healer after years of being obsessed with the Legends Medstar lore. I absolutely loved that Barriss took off her mask to the terrified boy in the village and protected him against the Fourth Sister’s unnecessary wrath only to save the non-binary (yay representation!) Jedi from death later that day. It all just makes me so happy to get that validation that Barriss has always had a big heart which makes her stand out from other Jedi in my opinion. 
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3.) Barriss sporting that lesbian pixie cut with the adorable laugh/smile lines and being a healer in the mountains helping Force sensitive and the sick/injured just makes my day. It warms my heart to see Barriss be at peace and doing so much good after so much pain and trauma from her past. Though I do miss her hood and would like to see a head covering on her again. Also doing the math, Barriss should be in her thirties during the third episodes so why did they age her up so much? I’ve heard the theory of the Force healing taking her life force but damn Luminara was in her late thirties during the Clone Wars and she had like nothing 😅 One other note that makes me smile is that Barriss is referred to as a “wise mother” and that’s just everything.  Also she looks and acts like just like Luminara they truly could be mother and daughter it’s so sweet 💚💙
4.) Barriss defeating an Inquisitor without a weapon of her own and catching a blade with the Force is so fucking badass, I could re-watch that sequence on repeat forever. 
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5.)The vague Ahsoka mention had my Barrissoka heart exploding. I demand an animated Barrissoka show immediately. 
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Now here are the bits that have me frustrated and I demand that Darth Felonious fixes them later.
1.) The lack of closure between Barriss and Ahsoka/Luminara. Barriss hurt a lot of people from her actions but at the very least it would be nice to see her repair the damage she inflicted on the people closest to her. We never saw anything in regards to Luminara’s reaction to the bombing and knowing what gruesome fate awaits her in Rebels, I was so hoping the two would meet again, make amends before Luminara inevitably sacrificed herself as a final act of love and forgiveness for her Padawan. As for Ahsoka…if the two are able to work together in the future, could we at least see how exactly that came to be? I’m personally growing tired of major developments happening off-screen and we as an audience are just expected to roll with it. Again I’m aware these are shorts, but why do they have to be shorts? Why can’t we just delete the boring Morgan episodes and get like a movie or limited series on this exact journey? 
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2.) The return of yet another ambiguous ending for Barriss. I am a firm believer that Barriss is alive granted that people seem to get stabbed all the time in Star Wars and they get to live so why not Barriss? I understand what they’re doing with Barriss getting through to the Fourth Sister to show us that Barriss has come full circle in her journey from dark to light, however since I’m forced to believe that Barriss had some sort of relationship with this random Inquisitor pre-Empire instead of someone who did have a significant relationship to her, it falls flat for me and it enrages me that if Barriss were to die from this….well I just don’t have words for that. So now I’m wondering if I’m going to have to wait another 10 years to get answers. Thank the Force for fanfic and fanart to get me through. 
3.) Does Barriss even know what the Empire did her Master? Because… I feel that’s another huge story thats being missed here. Ahsoka was able to get some closure with Anakin, why can’t Barriss have the same with Luminara? 
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4.) Never getting anything in terms of what pushed Barriss to bomb the Jedi temple in the first place. That’s my biggest beef with the original Clone Wars series since we see no development as to how Barriss goes from a kind gifted Padawan healer to mastermind of a terror plot. That could a book or show on its own. 
5.) Star Wars continuing to miss what a satisfying redemption arc is. Not only do we need to understand what got a character to do the crime(s) but we need to see the growth that comes from it. That’s what makes the Obi-Wan Kenobi show so good to me is that I now know how Obi-Wan grew from RotS to where we meet him in ANH. I would love to see the same for Barriss, because you just know she’s been on very spiritual/emotional journey to get to where she was at the end of the show. 
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6.) Why was Vader even in this? Given the history Barriss and Anakin share, it is incredible that nothing happened between them post ROTS. And this is like fresh Vader still full of grief and anger by what’s happened so I doubt seeing Barriss even as an Inquisitor initiate would be anymore soothing. I just don’t understand…what a waste. Something more epic and cathartic could have come out of that interaction.
Well I’m done ranting for now, I’m curious to know what your guy’s thoughts are. Otherwise my brain is buzzing with fanfic story ideas and I’ll be getting back on the writing horse as I re-Watch the Barriss episodes into oblivion. 
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littleadaline · 2 days
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Best Kept Hidden [F.L16]
[Brother’s best friend trope]
Warnings: bit of a make-out sesh.
Word Count: 2.4K
A/N: I have been strugggggling with uni finals… All this work for what..?
“Grab the popcorn! I’ll be right down. Just gotta grab some blankets.” You yelled out to Aurora.  
Before you could move, the front door opened, revealing a soaked Gavi and Fermín. Gavi cheerfully greeted you, but Fermín’s face fell silent, choosing to dryly greet you with a wave. You waved back, turning your back to him and climbing up the stairs. Despite Fermín being friends with your brother for years, you felt like he never warmed up to you. He often avoided being in the same room alone with you, choosing to leave or put in his headphones. Although, in front of your family, he seemed fine. You always thought that maybe he was a shy kid, but these habits were starting to follow him into adulthood.
“Gavi, Fermín, you guys need to change before you soak the floors. I’ll grab you guys some towels.” You shouted from upstairs. Heading into the bathroom, you grabbed some towels before throwing them from upstairs to the boys. The towels landed with a thud before Gavi grabbed them and handed one to his friend. As for you, you grabbed the blankets before rushing downstairs back to Aurora.
“Nuh uh, I saw you grab a handful of popcorn!” You called out Aurora.
“Hermana, you were taking way too long! I got hungry.” She defended herself, pouting.
The movie ended a few hours later, and you were left lounging in the living room, bored off your mind.
“Chicas!” Gavi interrupted, turning on the light in the living room, earning a groan from both you and Aurora. “Fermín and I had the brilliant idea to go to the arcades. Are you in?” You glanced at Fermín who had a sudden interest in his feet, or more like, his socks.
“Yeah, I’ll just grab my sweater. Are we taking your car?”
“Fermín drove his car here, so we’re gonna take both cars. Ride with whoever you want. We leave in 5 minutes.” Gavi said, putting on his shoes and tying the laces. As you made it to your room, you heard the sound of the front door close behind you. Outside your window, you could hear Aurora and Gavi laugh, although the subject of their conversation was unknown. You grabbed your sweater and applied some perfume before heading back downstairs. Fermín was sitting on the entrance bench, on his phone, legs spread out. You couldn’t lie, he looked good. Especially with his cap and black t-shirt.
“Am I-?” Fermín interrupted you.
“Riding with me? Yeah. Gavi said so.” His tone was slightly off. You weren’t surprised by the lack of warmth, but you were surprised by the rude behaviour.
Not wanting to spend the next 20 minutes being a victim of his grumpy behaviour, you slid yourself between his body and the door before he could open it.
“Go sit.”
“Why are you asking me to sit? We gotta leave.” He said, his voice growing more annoyed.
“We need to talk and we are going to do so before we leave for the arcade.”
Your heard him groan before taking off his shoes and sitting down on the couch. You sent a text to Gavi letting him know you would be leaving later and they could beat you to the arcade. Locking your phone, you shifted your attention back to the grumpy blonde on your couch.
“What is up with you?” You sat down on the other end of the couch.
“Nothin’… Why do you care?” He angrily responded, his gaze avoiding yours.
“I care because you’re my brother’s best friend, and because… I feel like you hate me. All these years and you always have acted like I was a burden in my own house. Goddam. I mean, did I ever do something to you?” You scoffed, sitting further back into the couch.
Fermín crossed his arms on his chest, a tell he had since he was a kid. You knew he wanted to get something off his chest, but something was holding him back.
“No? No, what?” You pressed.
“No, I don’t hate you. And no, you never did anything for me to hate you. It’s just…” he sighed defeated. “Forget it. Can we get to the arcade?” He ended the conversation.
You obliged, not wanting to widen the gap between the two of you and soon locked the door behind you before climbing into his car. The drive was cold, not only the weather, but the atmosphere. Neither of you said a word, opting to gaze at the passing streets instead.
From [The Yellow Card Merchant]:
We just made it to the arcade and it’s closed. So we’re gonna head for some drinks instead. I’ll text you the address, please tell Fermín.
“Gavi just texted me to say that the arcade is closed. He and Aurora are heading out for drinks in the same neighborhood. It’s on the same street as the arcade, at the beginning.”
“C’mon man, can just one thing workout tonight?” He lamented.
“I’m sorry…” You mumbled under your breath.
Fermín took off his eyes off the road for a quick second, glancing at your slumped body against the car seat, arms crossed under your chest. His heart tugged at the sight of you. Pulling into the parking, you spotted Aurora and Gavi waiting for you by the door. You jumped out of the car, waiving to your siblings. Fermín was behind you, his attitude slightly better than earlier, a pout still adorning his lips. Making your way into the bar, your eyes quickly adjusted to the lack of light. This place hadn’t been updated since the late 90’s based on the decoration, the smell of old cigarettes and sandalwood, and the Green Day poster hanging above the staircase. Aurora led you to a small, round table hidden in the corner of the place.
“Look, they have some arcade games!” She happily exclaimed. “I can finally claim my air hockey queen title back.” She said, Gavi rolling his eyes at her antics. You chuckled, followed by Fermín, who cracked a smile for the first time since your attempted discussion.
“Let’s order! Aurora? Fermín? What are you guys having?” Gavi asked, already knowing you were going to ask for a cola.
“I’m driving back, so anything without any alcohol… actually I’ll just come with you.” Fermín got up from his seat, following Gavi to the bar. You felt like he was avoiding you, avoiding have to talk to you. You turned back to Aurora, not wanting to be seen as a creep for staring down at Fermín.
“Does Fermín seem odd to you?” Aurora choked on her gum, her eyes widening at your question.
“Odd, how?”
“Um… I mean he’s always been cold and distant with me. But…” you sighed. “Promise me you won’t tell Pablo…”.
“I promise. Is Fermín okay?”
“When I went upstairs to change, Fermín was waiting for me downstairs. And when I asked him if I was riding with me, he interrupted me before I could finish and he sounded super annoyed. So I told him to sit on the couch and I tried to ask him why he hated me-”
“He doesn’t hate you.” Aurora interrupted you. “We will talk about it at home. The guys are back.” She nudged you with her elbow.
“One mojito, extra lime. One strawberry daiquiri , and 2 sodas.” Gavi slid the drinks on the table. Fermín sat across you, his gaze glued to the ground, mindlessly sipping on his soda. The conversation gravitated from one subject to another, Fermín not chiming in once. You weren’t the only one who had noticed.
“Fermín? Are you okay hermano? You haven’t talked once.” Aurora spoke up.
“Mh? Yeah, just got…um a lot on my mind. School and football.” He said.
Two other hours had gone by, Gavi and Aurora were battling for the ultimate title of air hockey king or queen… that meant you were sitting at the table with Fermín. You were debating opening a conversation with him when his voice pulled you away from your thoughts. You were tired, finding it hard to keep your eyes open. Fermín noticed this, finally speaking up.
“I’ll drive you home… If you want.”
“I said I’d drive you home if you want to. Gavi invited me to sleep over anyways.”
“I’ll grab my stuff and tell Aurora we’re leaving. I’ll meet you in the car.”
Fermín nodded, and went out the door. You found your siblings and quickly briefed them in before giving them a peck on the cheek and heading out. Fermín was waiting for you in the car, his mood more positive from earlier. He unlocked the door from you, taking your bag from you and throwing it in the back seat. Once in your driveway, Fermín parked the car, his eyes lingering on his hand holding yours as he helped you get out. Inside the house, you quickly parted ways, opting to get ready for the night instead of risking a talk with your brother’s best friend.
“I’m… I’m off to sleep Fermín. Do you need anything? Blankets?” You stood in the doorframe of the guest bedroom.
“No, I’m good. Thank you. Sleep tight, Y/N.” He said, his eyes glazing over your silhouette. You noticed a new kindness in his eyes. Unbeknownst to you, you were growing a soft spot for the blonde.
Wishing Fermín goodnight, you made your way back in your room, slipping under the covers for a well deserved night of sleep. As you were falling asleep, you heard the front door open and the giggle of your siblings as they went up the stairs. Aurora was hammered but Gavi was sober enough to get the both of them home. You finally fell asleep, only to be woken up an hour later. Frustrated, you pulled the covers off and sneakily went down to the kitchen for a glass of water. A sniffle coming from the living room stopped you in your tracks. Peeking over, you caught a glance at Fermín’s slumped figure, his arm quickly wiping away the tears.
Grabbing a second cup, you filled it up and brought it to him.
“Are you okay?” You whispered, still standing in front of him.
“Yeah, I’m fine.” He wiped away more tears.
“You want to talk about it?” You grew concerned.
Fermín shook his head, his body sinking further into the couch. Your mind flashed back to that time when he was 8 and his coach had berated him for a simple mistake. The slumped figure, puffy eyes, and quivering lip made your mind dizzy.
“I… I just want to be held.” He confessed.
You looked back at him, not wasting a second in wrapping your arms around his torso. You felt his breathing slow down, and his heartbeat become more regular.
“Do you want me to pull aw-”
“Please don’t.” He pleaded. “I’ve just been so stressed. With school and wanting to perform well on the first team. I never felt this way before.”
You stayed in a comfortable silence, entangled in each others’ arms until he spoke up again.
“I.. I’m sorry.” He sighed. “I just wanted to apologize. I’ve been an asshole to you… for some years now. Truth is, I don’t hate you. I never have.”
“So… Why have you been acting this way with me?” You looked back at him, your eyes getting lost in the beauty of his. “It hurt me to see you walk away, ignore me, for reasons beyond my comprehension.” You confessed.
“Don’t freak out, but when we were younger, I told Gavi that I liked you.” He scratched the back of his neck. ”He blew up at me. Wouldn’t talk to me for days. I mean, we were…8? But I got so scared of losing his friendship that I never brought it up again. I tried distancing myself from you, by being cold and distant. I was hoping that by doing this, you would naturally grow to dislike me, and I wouldn’t have to worry about my crush on you.” He blurted out.
You were shocked, to say the least. Your gaze softened. Your hand reached out for his, slowly wrapping your fingers around his.
None of you dared to say anything, choosing to simply sit in the comfortable silence you had created. After a few minutes processing his words, you broke the silence.
“We have a lot of catching up to do. I’m sorry Pablo was… well, Pablo.” You giggled. “Do you… still feel this way about me? After all these years?”
Fermín simply grabbed your chin before shyly placing a kiss on your lips, waiting for your reaction. Grabbing the back of his neck, you pulled yourself closer, almost straddling him. His lips molded to yours, tongues fighting for dominance. Heavy breathing and soft moans could be heard coming from the room.
“Does this answer the question?” Fermín asked you.
“Absolutely.” You answered, going back for a second kiss.
After a heated make out session, which left you hot and sweaty, you both laid back on the couch, your body laying on top of his. Your head was placed on his chest, while your hand was tracing patterns on his bicep. His right hand was tracing circles on your hip, while his left hand held you closer to him, making sure you didn’t roll away.
“Can we take it slow?” He asked.
“What do you mean?” You raised an eyebrow.
“Maybe keep this a secret between us. Without telling Aurora or Pablo.”
“I’m okay with this. I want this to be just us… no external influence. No pressure. Just two teenagers falling in love all over again with one another.”
“Alright preciosa, just the two of us.” He kissed the top of your head, his arms tightening their hold on you, bringing you closer to his chest. “Maybe something did go right tonight.” He smiled to himself.
The two of you fell asleep, waking up a few minutes before your siblings came downstairs.
“Fermín? Y/N? Up already?” Aurora asked you, grabbing an aspiring for her head.
“Yeah, Y/N forgot her bag in my car and I woke up to retrieve it.” He lied through his teeth. “ I’ll hit the shower before breakfast.” Fermín loaded his glass of water in the dishwasher before running upstairs, suppressing the urge to kiss you in front of Aurora. Once he was out of earshot, Aurora whispered to you.
“Next time you want to make out with him, make sure we cannot hear you do so.” She winked before turning her back to you.
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pinkandpurple360 · 1 day
New happy ending for the Full Moon episode! So Stol/tz ‘breakup’ happens, Blitzo goes back to his apartment, upset and worn out. He gets a text from Fizz asking how it went (since Fizz lent him the sex toys or whatever) and goes over to Fizz’s place to return whatever it was he borrowed and didn’t use.
Fizz notices he’s upset and they talk. Now Fizz is feeling less insecure about his own relationship with Ozzie he doesn’t project the whole ‘you just hate him for being rich’ thing onto Blitzo this time and instead he just. Listens. He realizes in like a microsecond that Stolas is nothing like Ozzie - Ozzie cares about his comfort and his consent. Stolas cared about using Blitzo to get off, then blamed him for feeling used once he decided he wanted something real. He’s horrified and gives Blitzo a much needed hug, apologizing for making Blitzo feel like he was going crazy thinking something was wrong between him and Stolas.
Blitzo chuckles and says something else that makes Fizz’s blood run cold: Stolas is the noble Buckzo sold him to that day all those years ago and ever since it's been like he can't escape him. If only he hadn't gotten caught stealing that book... But Fizz doesn’t have much time to compute that before Blitzo follows up with: ‘but you’ve always been my real childhood friend. The whole time I just wished I was playing with you. I always wished I was with you.’ They both realize Blitzo has just said ‘I love you’ without saying it and Blitzo gets up to try to leave, panicked
For a second Fizz just watches him and Blitzo thinks he’s lost him for good & is juuuust about to start tearing up when Fizz's mechanical arm winds around Blitzo’s hand, stopping him.
Fizz tells him ‘you know… I bet Ozzie and I can make room for one more’. Blitzo turns back, now openly crying. Fizz pulls him in for another hug
Cut to Blitzo snuggled up between the two of them in the big love heart bed, post 'breakup' ice cream bowl in hand as the two of them just let him eat ice cream, cry and spill his guts about how awful the whole arrangement was until he’s feeling safer and happier
/end scene
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Fuck that hits heavy
Imagine the character growth of fizz not being such a pushover for royals, Blitzø being the one to really get him to that point because of what happened with Mammon. Blitzø apologises for implying Ozzie was treating fizz some kind of way. But he still knew fizz was off. Saying things defensively in a way he never used to, defending abusive people out of his own insecurity, his denial that mammon was abusing him because sometimes you just want someone to be better than they are.
Blitzø shows him bruising on his scarred side where stolas likes to yank at his face whenever he got angry or got mad at Blitzø for being “too mouthy” or doing something uncouth. Which was often. Fizz says mammon always did that too, but always mixed it with compliments and nice sounding words. Causing confusion. Exactly like stolas calling Blitzø ‘darling’ before glaring at him with those terrifying, manic, glowing red eyes, so full of disdain.
They both promise not to call each other ‘fizzy’ or ‘Blitzy’ , so happy to not have to ‘perform’ monthly or annually in bed or on stage for nasty royal demons whims. It’s finally over.
Asmodeus actually is the jealous type. Very jealous. A third would have to be someone really special, who he trusts. And he really does trust. When he sees them curled up together though, he doesn’t feel mad, he sees fizz in a calmer state than he’s ever been, this Blitzø is someone Ozzie has always known was important to fizz. He never shuts up about him. Now he knows their love for each other is even older than his own and he respects that. They’re both just so darn cute. And they’re both so happy he helped them reunite. With the three of them together that big bed doesn’t feel so big anymore, and it’s twice as warm as it used to be ❤️💚💙
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avery as a boy mom head canons
@smalina requested this in the comment section under one of my posts so here it is! i literally had to remake this post bc it glitched just like my averyjameson one and i had to type everything again (cause i write everything directly on tumblr and not on google docs so i didn't have another copy of my work). not proof read bc im done with this. hope you like it!
she'd send toby postcards with updates on her son (or kids in general) like her mom used to do with him.
the pregnancy would be really hard on her. morning sickness, unbearable back pain, braxton hicks contractions (or however that's spelled)
he used to love picking flowers for her. he found out her favorites were orchids (also her moms) and started planting them in their garden. he surprised her with them one day and she literally cried
he always kisses her cheek before he heads to school bc, according to him, it'll be a bad day if he doesn't.
loves asking for fashion advice from her bc over the years, she's learned a lot.
they have a cookbook together with all of their favorite recipes.
she makes sure to include him in all of the family's decision making. like at some point, they were looking for a condo to sometimes live in when they wanted to escape hawthorne house, and they made him choose his favorite so that he knew his opinion was important to them.
he learned how to play chess at six like his mom.
they go on missions stealing pens from grayson's pencil collection together.
i head canon that he learned how to paint (thanks to grayson) and sometimes paints these beautiful landscapes for her to hang in their house.
she's literally his #1 biggest supporter. he'd learn all of his colors and she'll swing him around kissing his cheek. it makes him feel loved
speaking of her being supportive, he loves hearing her approval so much that when he learns something new, he'll hop on her bed at night and tell her all about it bc he loves hearing her congratulate him.
she pinches his nose when he isn't listening or gets distracted (really lightly but still)
he does his hmk with her a lot bc it helps him concentrate. they'll talk about each other's days and stuff and it makes him feel loved.
he used to make homemade cards and write messages in them for avery. he'd look up youtube videos to make them look special and stuff.
he once convinced her to get him a shirt that says 'i have the best mom ever' written on it.
he loves playing with barbie dolls with her. he especially likes going out to buy new ones with her bc they have a lot of fun judging and rating them
he used to do chores a lot to earn money (which he obviously doesn't have to do cause they have a lot of it but he likes feeling like he earned it) and he'd use that money to buy avery flowers or sweaters
she sometimes gets sad bc he asks her about his grandmother and she never knows what to respond.
he loves braiding her hair (just like i hc jamie does). he loves playing with hair in general (grayson's especially). he likes burying his nose in it and stuff.
she's super protective (but not in a toxic way). he once got punished at school for defending a kid getting bullied. she said such draw dropping things to the principal he revoked the punishment and made him class president (moral of the story, don't mess with avery)
she usually knows when jamie and him are pranking her, but she knows it means a lot to her son so she acts surprised.
they love looking at picture books together of jamie and her on trips when they were younger. he asks tons of questions and it makes him feel like he knew them when they were younger (they sit on the floor with tons of pictures around them laughing)
avery made him this board he can hang stuff on so that, whenever they go on trips and he gets a new souvenir (keychain or charm), he can hang it up there. he wants to travel the world when he's older.
when they go on trips together, avery puts him on her shoulders so that he can see everything. he's really curious and hates feeling excluded.
he loves reading and talking to avery about all of his favorite books. he's super into thrillers and murder mysteries.
she loves buying him sweaters because she finds them super cute on him and he loves them too cause they’re soft. she tends to buy them in green so that it matches his eyes (he has jamie’s eyes)
when he was really young (like newborn), she used to love playing with his hair. he didn’t have much of it, but what he did have was really soft and she found playing with it to be comforting
when he’d have nightmares, she’d cradle him in her arms and sing him to sleep. he found her voice super comforting and thought it chased away the ‘bad guys trying to scare him’
avery always had to change his clothes when he was younger. he used to undress himself and walk around naked all of the time forcing avery to put his clothes back on or he’d be spilling stuff on his shirt which avery would then have to replace.
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queen-haq · 3 days
Fic: Never You, Part 9 (Polin fic)
Fandom: Bridgerton (TV show)
Spoilers: S3 released scenes.
Summary: They may have been friends once but his callous words decimated their relationship. Determined not to have anything to do with him, Penelope is ready to move on. But Colin isn’t giving up, not at all. Friends or not, they are connected for life - and he intends to remind her of that.
“You would hate me for not wanting to court you. You would be that selfish?”
“Of course you would think that.”
“What else is this if not punishment?”
Masterlist (contains links to previous parts and my other stories)
A03 link if that’s more your jam
Chapter 9
Shame flooded over Penelope, she felt so very embarrassed to be caught in such a compromising position. Colin, on the other hand, simply rose to his full height, consequently blocking her view of Eloise. “Give us a second, El,” he commanded. His hair was ruffled from when her fingers ran through the strands, his face flushed, waistcoat unbuttoned, but he appeared unperturbed by his own flustered appearance. If anything, he was more concerned with tucking the loose strands of her hair behind her ear than dealing with his angry sister. “Are you alright?” he asked quietly, fixing the neckline of her dress that had been pulled low under his frantic grasp.
She quickly buttoned his vest before righting her own clothing. Wet marks from where his mouth had suckled her nipples stained her dress, and she froze for a second, horrified by the sight. What was she going to do? Under no circumstances could she return to the sitting room where others were present. They would know instantly something sordid had taken place.
As if reading her mind, he grazed her cheeks with his fingers. “Don’t worry, I’ll find you a shawl you can use.”
“How long have you been plotting this?” Eloise demanded, approaching them. Her words were directed at Penelope, tone saturated with anger. “You couldn’t use me anymore so now you’re manipulating Colin to get to my family?”
“That is not true!” Penelope defended herself. “I’ve been keeping my distance-”
“Yes, clearly. That must be why you were in the midst of swallowing his face,” Eloise snarked.
“What Pen and I do doesn’t concern you,” Colin remarked dryly, turning to confront Eloise.
“You don’t know her like I do, brother. You have no idea what she’s capable of!”
“I know she has never spoken ill of you but that hasn’t stopped you from slandering her.”
“Don’t fall for it, Colin. Her friendliness is a disguise, underneath she’s nothing but a petty, spiteful witch!”  
“And you’re not, Eloise?” Penelope fired back. Her attempts to confront Eloise face-to-face was hindered by Colin who caged her in a firm grip. “Your sudden friendship with Cressida has nothing to do with how horrible she is to me? I suppose you befriended her out of the goodness of your heart?”
“Cressida treats people the way they deserve.”
“By bullying them? No wonder the two of you are so close!”
“Are you chastising me for bullying? Isn’t that what you’ve been doing for years?”
An exasperated sigh escaped Colin. “The two of you were the best of friends, sisters practically, and now you’re bickering like fools. Is this really how you choose to conduct yourselves?”
“Do not lecture me when you were tupping her right here!” Eloise hissed.
“Enough!” His voice roared across the library, taking both women by surprise.
Colin wasn’t known to raise his voice. Usually calm, unlike Anthony, he used charm to diffuse precarious situations rather than his temper. Yet he’d already revealed his anger with Penelope when he was interrogating her earlier and now it was Eloise’s turn.
“Don’t you ever speak of her like that!” The violence in his voice was potent, causing Eloise to falter back as he directed his cold, seething rage at her. “I don’t give a fuck about what happened between you and Pen or who’s at fault. Whether you reconcile or not, I do not care. But do not make the mistake of insulting Penelope in my presence again, Eloise. You will not like the consequences of that!”
Eloise swallowed audibly. “So you would rather side with an outsider than your own sister?”
“She’s not an outsider to me.” There was no doubt in his voice, no hesitation as he leveled Penelope with a keen glance. “She matters more than you’ll ever know. And I will not let anyone disparage her.”
Penelope held his gaze, unable to look away.
“You must be pleased. You’ve already managed to turn him against me.”
Eloise’s pained tone snapped Penelope out of her daze, her heart squeezing with empathy. “Please, Eloise. It’s nothing like that. If we could just speak alone, I could explain to you-”
“Absolutely not,” Eloise interjected.
“I agree with El. It’s a terrible idea. I doubt the two of you can manage a civilized conversation,” Colin said in a highhanded tone, sounding much like Anthony.
“Stay out of it, Colin!” Penelope rebuked.
Eloise expressed a similar reaction. “You can not order me about. If I want to speak, I will!”
Spotting the fleeting twinkle in Colin’s eyes, it dawned on Penelope he had goaded Eloise on purpose; this outcome was exactly what he wanted. “Fine, then. I will be right outside the door. Hope you ladies can behave yourselves.” Concluding his impression of Anthony, he walked away.
They remained in place, silently eyeing each other. Seconds later, the door shut with a loud thud.
“I will not let you hurt my brother!” Eloise threatened. “If you think you can seduce Colin into marrying you, you’re wrong. It will not happen.”
“That is not what I want, Eloise! He…” Penelope swallowed the lump in her throat. “What you saw between us… I know it was wrong, I should have stopped him but I’ve loved him for so long and-”
“Love?” Eloise laughed mockingly. “You don’t even know what that is!”
“I love you, more than I love my own sisters. I miss you.”
“I do not believe you. You’re a liar!”
“I’m sorry that I hurt you, but you must know I had no choice. If I hadn’t published those things the Queen would have come after you!” 
Eloise shook her head. “Nothing you say can excuse what you’ve done. You’re a liar and a deceiver, that’s all you’re capable of.” Her eyes blazed with fury. “I haven’t revealed the truth about you out of respect for your family, they don’t deserve to suffer for your actions. But I will tell the Queen myself if you don’t stay away from mine. Then the whole world, and Colin, will know who you truly are!”
Penelope studied her friend, desperate to spot some form of sadness or yearning for their years long friendship. Something. Anything. But there was none, only contempt. And it finally dawned on her that their friendship had truly ended. With that realization came a swift flood of anger. “Then do it. Tell the Queen, tell everyone. Destroy me.” She approached Eloise with a slow, determined gait. “But realize that I’m not the only one you’ll be destroying. Lady Whistledown is a business. A successful, thriving one that benefits not only me but many of the working class. I employ servants, delivery boys, printing presses, coachmen. Even your friend Theo Sharpe. The extra money they earn allows them the freedom to pursue their dreams, to better their family’s lives. And you will be ending all of that.” Standing in front of Eloise, Penelope stared up at the other woman. Her gaze was direct, her voice cold. “So go ahead Eloise, do what you must. But do not be surprised when there are consequences to the choice you make. Word will eventually spread that it was you who dismantled their source of income, and they will not be happy.”
“Are you threatening me?” Eyebrow raised, Eloise stared down at Penelope with condescension. “You do take after your mother.”  
Penelope sent her a stiff smile. “You would do well to remember that.”
Eloise turned around and stormed out, leaving her alone in the library again. Her brave face dissipated instantly. Feeling sick, she clutched her stomach and closed her eyes. She took deep breaths to calm herself, her heart broken. Despite telling herself for months their friendship was over, she still harbored hope that she and Eloise would reconcile one day. But seeing the disdain Eloise held for her now, Penelope realized their friendship was irrevocably broken.
She opened her eyes to find Colin standing in front of her. The queasiness turned to butterflies, and her heart started pounding in her chest. After loving him for so long, she had finally come to terms with the fact he would never feel the same about her and she had moved on from that heartbreak. Had reconciled her mind to focus on a new love, new life – only to have Colin return and throw everything into chaos. Her temper rose. How dare he? How dare he turn her life upside down again?
“I suppose we don’t have to worry about Eloise telling others about us,” Colin noted.                                                                                             
“She wouldn’t.”
He stalked closer. “I gather things didn’t go well with Eloise.”     
“Impressive observation.”
He graced her with an amused smile. “Perhaps if I knew the cause of the rift, I could help resolve the issue.”
“Like you helped today?” she pointed out. “It’s best you stay out of it.”
“I will find out the truth. Sooner or later.”
And when he did, she had no doubt he would react the same way his sister did. Her heart grew heavy at the thought of him hating her. “I must go.” She tried to walk past him but he blocked her path, invading her personal space. He stood close, so close she had to look up at him.
His eyes were warm and intent roaming over her face, drifting down to her lips. “We need to discuss what happened last night.”
“There’s no need. I’d rather put it behind us and move on.”
The dark glint in his eyes returned. “Do you really believe I would allow that to happen?”
She peered up at him, her instincts signaling something was afoot. “When you came in earlier, you knew I would be alone.”
His fingers lightly grazed her own. “Yes.”
“But you came in anyway.”
“You were crying.”
“You kissed me on purpose.”
He leaned in, his breath humming against her skin. “We kissed, Penelope. Neither of us could resist the other.”
Her voice was a hushed whisper. “You knew my mother would send someone to look for me, didn’t you?”
He cocked his eyebrow.
“You wanted us to be caught.”
Silent, he watched her. “Yes.”
Rage flooded over her, she was so furious she could barely speak. “You have no care for my reputation, do you? It really doesn’t matter to you that you could have ruined me!” She shook her head at him with disgust. “You call yourself my friend but you’re not! You’re no better than the Cressida Cowpers of this society. You only want to humiliate me.”
She tried to push him away but he gripped her arms. Although she struggled against him, he was stronger, bracing her against his chest. “Did you leave me any choice, Penelope?” he demanded, his voice shaking with anger. “I asked you to be my wife and you turned me down. What else was I supposed to do? This was the only way to ensure you would marry me!”
“And what of my family? Or yours? Did you think about how this scandal would have affected them? Your sisters? Mine? Did you even care?”
His lips drew back in a snarl. “They would have survived. They always do. After we were married, things would have eventually returned to normal.”
She couldn’t wrap her mind around his words. “Who are you? What happened to you?” Tears glistened in her eyes. “The Colin I grew up with would never have been this selfish.”
“This is me! This is who I am now!” He gritted his teeth, eyes blazing with fiery determination. “And I will do anything to make you mine, Penelope.” His hands cupped her face, eyes boring into her. “You will never escape me.”
Fear trickled down her spine. Seeing him so desperate and passionate terrified her, because she knew it was fleeting. He didn’t love her, he only wanted to possess her. Like she was a toy. And when he was done playing with her, he would discard her and move on to someone else. No. She wouldn’t let that happen, no matter what. 
"You don’t want me to be your wife. I would ruin you." 
A small smile curved his lips. "Is that so?"
Her eyes lingered on him, taking in every inch of his beautiful face. Never would he look at her like this again and she wanted to commit everything about his adoring gaze to her memory. 
"I'm not a virgin, Colin. I have been with someone else, known another man's intimate touch." Her voice was blank, free of any emotion. "And we both know you wouldn't want a fallen woman as a wife."
Silence hung in the air. He immediately dropped his hands from her face, like he could no longer bear to touch her. His eyes burned right through her, gleaming with anger, accusation, even betrayal. 
As devastating as his response was, it wasn't a surprise. Turning around, she walked away.
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sardonic-the-writer · 21 hours
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𝐓𝐰𝐨-𝐁𝐢𝐭 𝐌𝐚𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐰𝐬 𝐖𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐀 𝐓𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐬 𝐁𝐨𝐲𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝 𝐖𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐈𝐧𝐜𝐥𝐮𝐝𝐞
↳ notes: tagging @orinscrivellos who motivated me to write this. i really enjoyed doing it
↳ warnings: slight implications of transhobia. nothing directly mentioned
↳ song: a little less conversation—elvis presley
masterlist | commissions | carrd
• Two-Bit thinks you’re super kickass for being out and open about yourself in the way you are. It is the sixties after all, and along with living on the East side of town, you aren’t exactly getting treated the best
• But that doesn’t really matter to you. As long as the gang, and most importantly Two-Bit, likes you, then you couldn’t care less
• So yeah, Two-Bit thinks you’re brave. Probably calls you his ‘fearless knight,’ and treats you poshly for a good laugh sometimes. Or about as posh as he can pretend to get. He’s never been really good at playing a rich character despite his improvisation skills. You suppose it’s the way he was raised, the way all of you were raised, that makes it difficult
• Is loud and proud about you being his partner. Unless you want him keeping it under wraps, Two-Bit will pretty much scream it from the mountain tops about how much he loves his boyfriend. Consequences be damned
• “Golly, Two, you just don’t stop talking about him do you?” Ponyboy ogles at his friend as they make their way down the street, heading to meet you for a night out at the Nightly Double. He was in disbelief that anyone could ever talk so much and for so long, much less about the same thing. Even Soda didn’t use to talk about Sandy this much
• “Nope!” Two-Bit pops his ‘p’ loudly, grinning like a shark as he continues on with his train of thought. Pony just shook his head in a mix of awe and horror, already regretting that he had thought to ask Two-Bit how you had been doing. And that was over ten minutes ago!
• Two-Bit has definitely gotten into fights to ‘defend your honor,’ as he likes to put it—most of the time he can hear people at his school bad mouthing you, which any one of you can handle. You don’t live the greaser life without getting your name dragged through the mud after all—but when they start throwing out those names about you, he’ll start a fight quicker than you could blink
• “Oh glory.” You stare at Two-Bit unblinking one afternoon. Two shiny new black eyes peer back, accompanied by a split lip, and you have to resist the urge to drag a hand down your face in exhaustion.All you had wanted to do is come pick him up from his house, and you were met with this mess
• “What? I’ve been trying on a new look. What do you think baby?“
• “I think you’re stupid.” You don't even have to ask how he got those, you already know. A part of you swells with affection at the thought of him caring about you enough to do that, but the more responsible part of you pushed it down in order to sigh
• “But you love me.” Two-Bit retorts with a gleeful laugh, sounding like he doesn’t have a care in the world. Which he doesn’t. In his eyes, he’s got all he ever needs. A mom that loves him, a sister that adores his jokes, friends that have his back, and a handsome boyfriend. What more could a greaser like him want?
• If you come out and then transition, in that order, Two-Bit and everyone would definitely help you with your new style. They’ve spent their entire lives in boys clothes, so they have plenty of fashion tips, if you can even call them that, and materials to spare
• if you wear a bigger size, or want baggier clothing, Dallas and Two-Bit with go and nab pretty much anything you want from the nearby corner store. If you like tighter fitting clothing, or run a little gangly, you are always welcome to borrow one of Pony or Johnny’s outfits. They’d give them to you in a heartbeat if you asked
• Hair greasing lessons! They’ll teach you how to grease your hair up nice so you’ll look tuff, until eventually you’ve learned to do it all by yourself. Two-Bit always smiles the biggest when you come out of the bathroom with your hair slicked back. He likes to think he’s got the best looking partner this side of the railroad tracks
• It doesn’t matter what kind of body you have or want. Two-Bit will support you all the way. It’s not like you can really afford testosterone or major surgery considering you live in the slums of Tulsa with everyone else, and those services aren’t exactly offered to the public thanks to laws at the time, but if you manage to get our hands on any of that stuff, the gang will support your recovery/shot sessions all the way; bringing you whatever you need in the moment and all that jazz, even if Dallas or Steve gripe about running errands
• “Here’s your stupid bandaids.” Dally threw a small cardboard box onto the foot of the couch you were sitting on with a slight rattle. You look up to thank him, and he just blows out a bit of smoke from his mouth. You had half a mind to ask him for a drag of his cigarette, but knew Darry would kill you if he caught you smoking after administering testosterone. He was already nervous enough about you constantly taking shots, so you didn’t want to worry him anymore
• “No problem.” Dallas’ gaze drifted over to Two-Bit, who was sitting next to you, and he smiled lazily
• “Hey Two? If the two of you are banging, does that make you gay, or straight?”
• Dally walked away from that conversation that day with a bruise on his arm and a big laugh tumbling from his lips
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t-r99 · 17 hours
Thank You
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Oliver knows it can be hard to trust him. He would do anything to prove that he changed when he met you.
I spent way too long writing this stupid thing and now I think it’s crap. Bleh
It's because I posted this
Oliver Aiku x reader
wc: 1.3k
"What's going on with you? At this rate we'll be the laughingstock of Japan."
Aiku ignores Niou. For the first time in his life, he's distracted during a match. He's the captain of the team and their best defender, but he can hardly focus on anything other than you and your teary eyes and broken voice.
It's been two days.
It feels longer.
Aiku doesn't like being away from you for this long and that's what's fucking with him. He doesn't know when he got so attached.
He's Oliver Aiku, for goodness' sake. He doesn't do relationship issues, he usually is the issue itself, and he doesn't exactly do relationships either.
It's the first time he's ashamed of being a so called womanizer. Aiku's past antics have finally come back to bite him in the ass.
"You okay there?" Sendou asks.
Everyone is well aware of the fact that something is wrong. Aiku has been mostly quiet and keeping to himself for the past two days, having only practiced like crazy.
"'m fine." Oliver grunts.
"Get yourself together then." Niou says. "We need you out there."
The team needs him, but Aiku needs you. He feels so lost without you that it's nauseating.
Oliver thinks back to two days prior when several old flings suddenly showed up out of nowhere.
It's not like it was ever a secret that he used to get around, but it all changed when he met you. You're so much more than that, and now you think he's just a shameless cheater.
"Aiku," Niou speaks again. "get your shit together. We're going back out in ten minutes."
Oliver . . . doesn't care.
All he wants is to hold you right now. Aiku is sure you hate him, and why wouldn't you? Before you actually gave him a chance, you rejected him because of his past and reputation, then when you finally gave him a chance you ended up walking in on a bunch of girls all over him. How could anyone not think he was cheating?
If only you would talk to him. Oliver just wants to explain what happened.
He's looking down at his phone, screen black. While he wants to text you, he honestly has no idea what to type out anymore.
Aiku's mind drifts again and he thinks back to two days ago.
What do I say? I should . . . He sighs. Oliver really has no idea what to say. He's already called and texted numerous times but you haven’t answered or replied.
He sees your face in front of him again and he hears your voice echo in his mind, "I knew it. This is what I was scared would happen but you promised and now . . ." You didn't yell at him, but he honestly wishes you had. You just sounded defeated.
Aiku wants to bash his head into the nearest wall in an effort to erase the memory from his mind.
His phone vibrates, barely a minute before half time is over.
It's not from you. Of course it isn't. Oliver doesn't recognize the number, but the bottom of the text says that it's from one of your friends, reading, I was asked to text you that you're being pathetic. Come on, you're better than that.
Asked? Asked by whom? By you?
Aiku gulps. Does that mean you're watching the match from home? You've never actually been interested in sports, but if you're watching even when hurt and pissed at him then maybe . . .
Oliver puts his phone away.
He's still a bit distracted now that the second half has begun, but it's not as bad anymore. He now knows you watched the first half and Oliver hopes you're still watching.
You know a bit about the sport even though you're not a fan, and you've praised him for his skills plenty. It swells his ego like never before to have you tell him he did a great job on the field.
He's thinking about it now while facing the opposing team's striker. If everything between you two was okay right now, he would defend the goal and block the shot, make sure no one would score, his team would win, and he would get to go to you and get praised and smothered with kisses all over his face, he absolutely loves it.
God, he really wants to see you.
It was close, but they won.
The team celebrates but Oliver sits defeated, towel on his head with his hair covering his eyes.
He managed to get his shit together enough to block every shot from the opposing team but now that the match is over he's once again reminded of how you're not there to tell him he did well.
Aiku takes his gloves off and tosses them to the side.
The team notices, but no one says anything. They think he's mentally reprimanding himself for his performance in the first half.
Oliver only got himself together because he knew you were watching, not wanting to disappoint you. Now he wishes he could just hug you and annoy you with endless, "Did you see what I did? I was amazing, wasn't I?"
He grabs his phone, hoping he'll unlock it to find a message from you, but there's nothing.
Nothing, He thinks, locking it again.
Aiku gets up and showers. The team wants to go out for a celebratory dinner but he declines.
That finally makes everyone start to pester him. One is asking what his issue is, another asks if something happened, someone tells him he's acting weird, but Oliver ignores everything.
"I want to be alone." He says, picking his bag up.
What an idiot he is.
You're too good for him, he doesn't deserve you.
Aiku pushes the exit door open and looks up.
"Wha-. . ."
He's dreaming right?
The second your eyes meet you look down, brows furrowing. You look both hurt and anxious, hands balled into fists by your sides, shifting your weight on your feet, just uncomfortable.
Are you uncomfortable because you're finally in his presence again? The question crosses Aiku's mind and he swears he feels actual physical pain.
He drops his bag.
You're honestly caught off guard when he sprints up to you and engulfs you in a near suffocating hug.
Oliver clings to you desperately, pulling you into his chest with a relieved sigh. He nuzzles into your shoulder for a moment, just enjoying the feeling of holding you in his arms again, then turns his head to kiss your kiss and buries his face in the side of your neck. "I never wanted to hurt you." Aiku mumbles.
He sounds so defeated.
You don't do much, only putting a hand on the back of his head. "What happened the other day?" Your voice is small and quiet.
"I don't know." Oliver admits.
"You ever cheated on me?" You ask.
Deep down you know that the answer is no. Oliver dotes on you and never fails to show how much you mean to him. Sure, you had your doubts in the beginning, but he's never given you a reason to think he was fooling around with others.
Oliver gives a soft, "No." and hugs you tighter.
"Okay." You mumble, playing with his hair. "I believe you."
"Yeah?" Aiku sighs in relief. "Thank you."
"It's not easy, though."
"I know." Oliver is well aware of his reputation. He's never cared before, but he does now. He cares because it affects you. "I'm sorry."
"You were really pathetic in the first half." You suddenly say and he snorts, smiling. "Did my message help?"
"Why didn't you text me yourself?" He asks.
"I wanted to see you in person before talking over the phone."
Oliver pulls back enough to look down at you. You're looking away from him with a small pout on your face, a light blush on your cheeks. "Thank you." He kisses your temple.
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an-au-blog · 3 days
I love zosan and think the art made me love it even more, but if I'm being honest with myself and how I feel about the canon, I'd say there should be zolu and sanuso before zosan. Let me explain:
The only logical explanation for Zoro - a pirate hunter, who had killed pirates for very petty reasons... to join a random guy with no crew, no boat and a pipedream, is that he saw something in him. The sheer amount of loyalty this man holds for his captain is more than akin to blind devotion than anything. And the trust Luffy holds in his first mate is absolutely astounding.
Outside of the ladies, Sanji only ever defends/vouches for Usopp. Even though Usopp is a man, Sanji doesn't treat him with the annoyance he sometimes has for Luffy and Zoro. During the water 7 arc, he keeps defending Usopp even though the Mary fiascos. He's super protective towards him.
In conclusion, here's how I think it'd go:
Sanji had been unintentionally courting Usopp and only realized it when water 7 happened. At some point while they're still in recovery or maybe while they were still traveling to enmys lobby, he tries to tell him what he's realized. Because if he really leaves the crew, this would be his only chance and he needed to live without regrets, as there was no guarantee what could happen.
Sanji: Usopp, I know it's not the time or place, but-
Usopp: Haha, this isn't Usopp, I'm Sniper King, remember?!
Sanji (defeated, knowing nothing will come of this): Yeah, well, when you see Usopp, can you tell him that I'm sorry I couldn't tell him on time, but I love him and I regret only realizing it now...
Usopp: ...
Usopp: Oh... well... I'll be sure to tell him.
Sanji might have taken that as a nice way to reject him, so he decided to take it with dignity and leave but was stopped when he heard
Usopp: And thank you... I mean, he'd probably thank you. For telling him.
Would it be too pathetic of Sanji to hold onto hope?
After everything was said and done, Usopp joined again. Sanji had forgotten, with all the things that happened, about his confession. So he was a bit surprised when he approached him about it.
S: Soooo... Sniper King told me what you wanted to tell me...
U, sweating bullets: Whaaat? I didn't mean- I mean I never told him to tell you anything, idk what you're talking about. That sniper king guy probably lied!
S: I don't think he's the type to lie. He's a man of honor, you know.
U, not believe that he's getting jealous of himself: you're so easy to defend him, you like him or something?
S, with embarrassment but loving adoration: Yeah.
U, heart broken: Oh. Well, I wish you two a happy life then.
(If he's wondering whether or not to "rejoin as SK", but living a double life would be hard and -)
S: Wait, where are you going. I just told you I loved you and you're walking away? Did something happen, I thought...
U: You said you like Sniper King, not me. (*insert rant about how SK is so much better than Usopp and all that self degrading bs*)
S: Okay, okay, no. I know you're the same person. But if you insist: I love you too. Not only in a friend way, not because of your persona, but because of you. Usopp.
And awww, would you look at that, they started dating. Time passes and Usopp stops feeling as insecure as he had before. Sanji keeps flirting with women but never means it and they all know it because they always ends up back in each other's arms. But then something devastating happens. Sanji can't stop thinking about how the mosshead never wears a shirt. It's infuriating and Usopp kind of understands, at one point he goes "Have you tried touching his chest? Maybe you'll get it out of your system."
To which Sanji is 1. Speechless, petrified, flabbergasted; 2. Shook and horrified at the suggestion; 3. Kind of obsessed with the idea now that he thinks about it; 4. defensive because "my love, you are all I need how could youuuu think thaaat".
In that order.
Usopp, laughing nervously: It's not like I haven't done it.
Sanji: What?
Usopp: What.
So it turned out, that one night of drinking made Zoro almost kiss Usopp, which he backed away because he was afraid, but then Zoro called it "physical traids" which made him.confused and a bit worried that he didn't know what that was, so he said he'd think about it. Zoro looked at him in a way that conveyed "what is there to think about", but never voiced it. With a shrug, he said okay and never tried anything after that.
So Sanji and Usopp decided that they needed to talk about it with the swordsman himself. To work out the logistics if anything... What he said, however, none of them expected.
Zoro: I don't know why you make it into a big fuss. Physical traids, yeah, it's like: I find you attractive, you find me attractive, we care for each other so we make out or if we're feeling it - more. How can Luffy het it, but you can't.
Jaws on the floor.
They call Luffy in on the conversation and it gets worse.
Luffy: Yeah, it's like when I'm bored, or feel like it, we do stuff. But I don't really wanna kiss anyone else and I told him you guys are okay to kiss cause I trust you!
Explaining to them that, yes - that's kind of what dating is, and yes - they've been technically exclusively dating until now, went about as well as one might have hoped. At one point, Sanji definitely got frustrated from his own overthinking about why Marimo had hit on his boyfriend but never him. To which Zoro responded that he had tried a couple of times but Sanji just kicked or ignored him, so he gave up, thinking he wasn't interested.
And at some point Luffy definitely drops something like "I'd like to try with you guys too, it could be fun." with a beaming smile and both Usopp and Sanji wouldn't be able to stop thinking about ot for a week straight, low-key obsessing over it until they decide, okay, yes. And then they would tell him and he would just go "Oh, right, forgot about that, sure, let's do it!"
(idk this was funnier in my head)
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science-lings · 17 hours
Something that I think about a lot is how Phoenix's reputation evolves, because he starts out as the kid with no friends who would stand up to him, to the puppylike college student who got acquitted of the murder of another student and immediately changed the course of his life to become a lawyer, to the guy who interns under one of the greatest defense attorneys since Gregory Edgeworth, to the guy who took over her practice and defeated the demon prosecutor in one fell swoop, the guy who took down the powerful CEO guy who literally blackmailed a bunch of people to suicide and killed a woman with his own hands to keep the truth from getting out and Phoenix went after him in his first case that he took by himself.
The guy who confronted the mafia (twice?) and was the one defense attorney to take the case of said demon prosecutor to go against another unbeatable unethical prosecutor and he did it with a parrot and a single piece of evidence. He defended the chief prosecutor and took down the corrupt chief of police and that's just the first game.
Imagine the press following this guy. You know when you attend a trial where Phoenix is the defense there's going to be some Crazy Shit going on. He will leave his current trial to interrupt another trial and he gets popular enough that someone impersonates him and to the point where an assassin blackmails him into taking a case and this motherfucker still tricks them into incriminating themselves. He exorcises a ghost who has a personal vendetta against him in court and by the end of the trilogy is really well known for the most mindblowing crazy shit and then it all comes crumbling down like two months later.
The most sensational defense attorney is dethroned and adopts his disappearing defendant's daughter and I like to think that when he gets involved with underground poker and starts toeing the line between the criminal world and the one he knows he discovers that he has a reputation there already too. You cannot tell me guy who kind of made friends with Viola Cadaverini is not on the mafia's radar at least somewhat. He got Dee Vasquez arrested and was the one guy not afraid to poke at people associated with Cadaverini, who the entire police force won't dare touch.
it just wouldn't be surprising to me if he unknowingly garnered some street cred, especially if he's seen around Kristoph and Edgeworth, a guy who calmly makes sure he never loses his cases and someone who literally has a reputation as a demon. I just think it would be so funny if people were a little afraid of beanix, just because of what he's heard about him. He's never been violent or anything, but he's dangerous in much less tangible ways. He builds a vibe around him that makes him seem kinda threatening even if there's no proof that he's ever retaliated against anyone.
He stays calm even when he's being put on trial for a murder and in the courtroom there's a feeling that everything is being played like a game to him. He should be in the most vulnerable position but he's entirely in control. He's been an undefeated poker player for seven years and no one but his daughter can even guess about what he's thinking.
Just... the outward mysterious act and infamous reputation that grows beyond Phoenix's control that makes it when he gets back into law kind of hilarious when you think about it. The guy everyone was a little nervous around in the basement of a russian bar/restaurant is now a lawyer again and the first thing he does is defend an orca. The publicity around this guy has to be insane in combination with the whispers in the shadows. It is simply funny to me.
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yuamusuzuran · 2 days
One thing I hope they explain sometime down the line, if not in season 2 then in seasons 3 or 4, is the whole fallout between Blitz and Barbie
We know that fire that Blitz caused on accident killed their mom, but I wonder whether there is more to it than it meets the eye. I'll elaborate on that thought right now.
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In episode 6 of season 2 we heard that someone blocked Blitz from seeing Fizz in the hospital and the same person told Fizz Blitz didn't ever come to see him and from the season 2.5 trailer, we saw that the person actually preventing them from seeing each other was probably Blitz's dad, Cash.
Secondly, we see that Barb doesn't really have bigger scars on her body compared to Blitz who was in the middle of the fire when it started, which leads me to believe that Barb maybe wasn't in direct line of fire or was not in the circus when the fire broke out.
Now, we don't need to question why this tragedy would lead into Barb's heavy life battle, she lost her mom in the most horrific way possible, but one thought just doesn't want to leave me since the moment I watched "Unhappy Campers"
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The way Barb talks to Blitz and how she avoids him, even telling him how he ruined her life, is very telling to me for some reason. Its not a secret that Cash hated his son, so I wouldn't put it past him to turn Barb against Blitz with his many manipulation tactics (which we saw he's capable of in the backstory episode when he sold Blitz to Goetia). Also, I am a firm believer, at least from what we saw from Cash, that he was way more pissed about his circus and main cash cow (Fizz) being destroyed/hurt rather than being furious and sad because his wife just died and his own twins are probably traumatized.
So yeah, I truly believe that in his pissy and petty revenge, Cash decided to make everyone hate Blitz, even Barbie
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This makes their whole situation that more heartbreaking for two other reasons: due to her dad's possible manipulation, Barb probably truly believes Blitz burnt down the circus out of jealousy towards Fizz which also killed their mom and caused many more casualties, so I understand her obvious and heavy disdain for her brother.
Secondly, knowing Blitz's tendency to self-sabotage, he doesn't even try to deny that the whole incident is his fault when Barbie calls him out and tells that she hates his guts to his face
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But, because we saw a certain progress, mostly in a way how Blitz explained to Fizz what actually happened and how he finally defended himself, I have faith something like this might also happen with Barbie. I just hope we get to see it sooner rather than later.
I want for Blitz to start healing properly and one of the best ways for that is him finally explaining to Barb what actually happened that night.
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