#Lacry Moon
lacrymoon · 1 year
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I really like white and red recently ♡
I've been sick for more than a month now and I'm still not quite feeling well :<
I got this cute hair from Bonbon and this suit from Cureless over the weekend. I'm also using AERTH's Mutant Carvings tattoo from the current round of Abstrakt. I liked them so much that I decided to take a few pictures!
That said, I'm starting to slowly update my flickr, wordpress, and tumblr accounts lately with my more recent pictures (which I mostly shared on twitter).
Also, yes I mistakenly posted this to my sideblog instead of my main blog. I shouldn't try to do this while sick lol
♡ Lacry
+ better quality pictures on flickr - 1, 2
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bonus pic that I didn't upload to flickr!
※ Credits ※
Heaux - Destiny Skin [Evox] in Icy (the specific one I'm using was a mystery box gift for Cupid Inc. 2023, but the full version of the skin is available @ mainstore)
Velour - Venus Body Skin (Athletic) in Icy (@ mainstore)
AERTH - Mutant Carvings (I'm using the tintable tattoo layer + materials) @ Abstrakt May round (ends June 5)
Bonbon - Nadia Hair - Naturals (@ mainstore)
Cureless - Lachesis Suit (@ mainstore)
Aii & Ego - Demonic Touch - bom fingers + jewelry (@ mainstore)
Nuve - Crystal Eyebrows [EvoX] in Black (@ mainstore)
GoreGlam - Lucid Dream Gloss (@ mainstore)
Top1Salon - Sakura Eyeshadow P1 (@ mainstore)
Somnus - Spider Demon Eyes in Rui's Eye Kanji and Rui's Eye 02 (available at the marketplace)
ANDORE - Idda Earrings (past gift)
THIS IS WRONG - Restless Tattoo in Red (I'm using the head tattoo layer only) @ mainstore
EVERMORE - Bad Kitty Lashes (group gift)
EVERMORE - Backdrop Photospheres in Geometric A (@ mainstore)
LeLutka Lilly EvoX 3.1 head + Legacy F body v1.6
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lacrymoon-gallery · 1 year
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Stay where you are by Lacry Moon || flickr + wordpress
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tagging system
note: this will be updated as we think of other things to add, posts before this one in chronological order will not be tagged according to this system
#diagnosis; [name] - used both for when one of us is reblogging/posting something and for when someone else is reblogging something for another alter. use of this tag does not indicate switching or even co-fronting, we just know each other’s aesthetics. we will use ‘#diagnosis; adonis’ when we are blurry, dissociated and/or co-con... and remember to actually tag the post.
#pack, #prey, #hunting, #hunting grounds, #moon, #the hunger - weird religious stuff, dw about it.
#brat prince, #dreams of home, #pestboy, #hunterboy #thekis, #qnpboy - various tags for alters' partners/family/etc in source
#for [name] - we use this rather than @’ing people
#music is good for the soul - for when we post music or playlists
#queue are everything, #ask game and #ask game responses, #thesickenedspeak for original posts and #thesickenedanswer for ask responses.
#our [art/photo/project/etc] - any posts with this tag and the content therein was drawn/made/taken by us
#made for us - post’s content was made for us, either by a friend or as a commission (or both!)
#tagged for us - for any post that was sent to us, tagged for us or @’d at us
#reference - for posts with stuff we wanna find again
#intrusions - for any posts that largely consist of/make reference to our intrusive thoughts
content tags can be found below the cut;
writing tags - due to the nature of how tags work these days and wanting our writing to actually be seen, content warnings for our stories will be inside of the post itself and only populated tags (ones that show up in search) will be added for visibility
#lohengrin writes, #original writing, #fanfic, #nsft writing, #oneshot, #OC lore, #setting lore
oc tags - any of these tags with ‘Vile’ at the end are characters that belong to our body’s partner. and yes, some of these ‘characters’ are self-inserts of alters in the system
#Maynard Roque; OC, #Shavain Novi; OC, #Morgan; OC, #Zathrian; OC, #Bishop; OC, #Cyneric; OC, #Dr. Roman Hart; OC, #Dr. Owen Palmer; OC, #Faust; OC, #Theo; OC, #Carter; OC, #Tyrian Lockwood; OC, #Medea siblings, #Arcadius Medea; OC, #Euclid Medea; OC, #Herodion Medea; OC, #Alice Locke; OC, #Deimos Medea; Vile, #Kaiser Hart; Vile, #Alejandro; Vile #Lacri Lamode; Vile, #Forgive-Me-Not; Vile, #Acheron; Vile, #Gladstone; Vile
series tags
#God of Wounded Things; series, #Theo; series, #His Stories, #His Swansong; series, #His Recovery; series, #His Reunions; Series, #The Slutty Slutty Adventures of Tyrian Lockwood; series, #Loveless Heartless Cold; Series,
content warnings - we cannot reliably understand, remember or put the mental effort into understanding when these things need to be tagged. feel free to give us a (polite) message if we have failed to do so
#flashing cw, #inviting abyss (light unreality/weirdcore/liminal stuff), #unreality #bugs, #unsanitary, #religion, #blasphemy, #body horror, #substance use, #smoking, #eyestrain, #subtle gif warning
adult content - please block the tag #realistic and #irl if realistic depictions of blood/gore are an issue, we will never post anything that includes real severe injury or death of humans, but may post irl animal and medical gore, along with light human injury, erotic content will have the tag #nsft
#blood, #guro, #guro text, #medical, #animal death, #needles, #nudity, #scopophobia, #guns, #weapons, #knives, #organs, #decapitation, #bones, #flesh, #impalement, #trypophobia, #cannibalism, #mouth trauma, #bruises, #cuts, #limb damage, #evisceration, #eye trauma, #guts, #crying, #choking, #chirophobia, #explosives
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The memories are saturated and scratched records stumbling in circles, glitchy and dripping away the color, til nothing's left but the shadows and the light and the numbness of gray.
"I love you. No one else may, but I do."
—but my wings are broken oh god it hurts and when my shaking hand bloody and broken reached up out of the gloom and brimstone towards you, you slapped it away with tears in your eyes, howling when our contact burned you—
"You're no beast. You're beautiful."
—and your cries called me monster brought the mob with their swords and their spears and their pitchforks raised to smite back to hell the wrathful demon who you shrieked had tormented you so—
"I won't ever let anyone hurt you."
—and your saltwater ichor smothered my flames soaked me choked me weighed me down until my agony as each blow struck was silenced and my words fell like hollow glass upon the stony hearts who with weapons raised and lowered with rancor cursed my name—
"I see you as you are, not like they do."
—and you are so blinded by days gone by and of the true monsters long past so scared of their anger and lies you cannot see the truth of what is right in front of your eyes, rather you shrink away further still back into the emerald arms of your awaiting comforters assuring you in hushed kindness of your virtue and bravery until when you turn to me once more your eyes are cold from your petalled lips spills a hate spat name that doesn't belong to me, but someone forgot to tell me that to your kind all who oppose you are demons all who oppose you have the same face—
"I'd never leave you. I'm not like them."
—and as you turn away your receding shadow wastes not another second on my crumpled ruin you just trudge and stumble away continuing to wail and whimper clutching your hand surrounded by the sweet softness of the mob's gentle sympathy as they sheath the gore of their weaponry, and as I am left alone to die in the snow I'm so poisoned with shock I don't realize that the crimson blooming along ivory death is my own life spilled or that the jagged shards I'm suffocating on once belonged as pieces of my ashen heart, I only know that you left and claimed that I was the one who walked away from you, broken though my legs and the rest of me may be—
"I'll always be by your side to help you get up."
—My own grief slides black down my bruised face mixes with the scarlet already growing cold blotting out the sparkle of the snow and even the moon can't light my way now, even as my soul screams anguish that steals the air from my punctured lungs burns like fire a new fire one that splits my head like lightning across the sky until I have horns worthy of the title I'd been murdered for and sob all the more wretchedly for it—
"I love you I love you I love you I love you."
—Don't you miss me when I'm miss me when I'm gone. You're the reason that I'm not around. You're the reason I'm long gone, long sunken into depths unfathomable, beyond even the reach of that fiery underworld that reached out to me with desperate claws failing to catch me as I fell so far I rose on raven feathers beyond the mirror a horror you'd learn to call with your sakura mouth—
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lacrymoon · 1 year
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Stay where you are
I finally like the shape I made for Lelutka EvoX Tae head. I think he's cute ^^
I really love Tae!! It quickly became one of my favorite mesh heads because his face looks so much softer than the other ones I have. Honestly, I think it's the one with the softest look so far and that's what I've always wanted for Ren* so it makes my heart happy.
I already do have a lot of male face skins in my inventory, but I ended up using the face skin that comes with the head. I really loved the eyelid detail on this skin, so I don't think I'll be switching to a different face skin for a while.
I sure hope I can find other skins with a similar eyelid in the future though!
Tae also comes with fox ears that are incredibly cute!! There are various EvoX layers in the pack that you can use to change the color of the ears, including fluff textures for inside the ears. The layers are all modifiable so you can tint them to your heart's desire. ♥
* Ren is the male version of Lacry, by the way, and is not an alt. I don't have the L$ to shop for an alt lol.
♡ Lacry
+ better quality pictures on Flickr! 1, 2 | wordpress post
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bonus pics that I didn’t upload to flickr!
※ Credits ※
LeLutka Tae EvoX 3.1 head + Legacy M body v1.5.1
LeLutka - Tae Face 003 (the default skin that comes with the Tae head. I loved the eyelid detail on the skin so I wanted to use it)
LeLutka - Tae Fox ears + EvoX fluff (comes with Tae head)
Stray Dog - Legacy Body Skin (Shaved) in Tone 03 (@ mainstore)
Tristan Flinders - Linea L scar in Pale (group gift)
Aii & Ego's Hair Hell - Eclipse BoM Hairstyle (@ mainstore)
Toksik - Isolate Top in Dragon (@ mainstore)
Toksik - Isolate Pants in Black (@ mainstore)
DAE - Natural Nails (@ mainstore)
This Is Wrong - Restless tattoo + shine in Red Fresh (@ mainstore)
Somnus - Spider Demon Eyes in Rui’s Eye Kanji and Rui’s Eye 02 (available at the marketplace)
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lacrymoon · 3 years
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Up to no good
+ concept: The Phantom Thieves (Persona 5) after school +
Two of my closest friends recently came back to SL and I asked them to take some pictures with me and Akira ♡ We’ve been having so much fun hanging out with them again and we’re helping catch them up to all the new stuff they’ve missed after having been away for several years.
Well, I’ve actually also just recently got back to SL last December but I sure did do a lot of research and studying to catch up on what’s new as soon as I got back~!
It just so happened that School Day Summer event was going on when we started planning taking some pictures together, so we decided to each get a different school uniform. I don’t remember whose idea it was, but we wanted to look like friends from different schools getting up to no good together after school. ;)
We also had fun getting stuck shopping and (sim)hopping together at the SL18B Shop & Hop, but that’s a blog post for another day~
Lacry (white hair) + Akira (pink hair) + Keqinq (blue hair) + Jewel (black/red hair)
✧ on Lacry ✧
LeLutka Lilly EvoX 3.1 head + Maitreya Lara v5.3 body
Bold & Beauty – Jin Skin in Shell + Maitreya Shell body skin
Nuve – Crystal Eyebrows in Black
IDTTY Faces – Butterfly Kiss eyeshadow #1
GoreGlam – Dreams Tonite lip oil
Somnus – Ghoul Eyes in Basic Eye [Silver] & Night [Red] (available at the marketplace)
Monso – Babi Hair – Mix & Pop color pack
Toksik – Elite Top in Burgundy (School Day Summer exclusive)
Toksik – Elite Skirt in Grey (School Day Summer exclusive)
e.marie – Kestra Earrings in Golds
SEKAI – Dark Aura Particle 2.2 [this is the red floating text in the pictures~]
SEKAI – Courage face tattoo (group gift)
Addams – Zoe Combat Platform Short Boots in N*30 + Zoe Wool Socks
Vibing – Lydia Rings
✧ on Akira ✧
LeLutka Lilly EvoX 3.1 head + Legacy Classic meshbody
Nuve – Suri in Milk (group gift)
Nuve – Crystal BOM lip tint pink (group gift)
IDTTY Faces – Love Hard eyeshadow (gift)
VCO – Jihyo 002 in Pink
Uzu x Dalgona – Love Chronicle Uniform 2 (Love Chronicle gacha)
Addams – Frida Dr Addams Boots in N*30
SEKAI – Courage face tattoo (group gift)
Secrets – Shelly Earrings
Viena – Mortalia Fallunt tattoo pack
✧ on Keqinq ✧
LeLutka Lilly EvoX 3.1 head + Legacy Classic meshbody
S@R – Bom Skin Snow White (SL18B Shop & Hop gift)
Nuve – Skin Tint in Tint 7 (group gift)
LuluB! – Nebula Eyes in Ethereal
Monso – Choi Hair – Mix & Pop color pack
Cheezu – Sailor School Uniform in Black
Addams – Zoe Combat Platform Short Boots in N*30 + Zoe Wool Socks
SEKAI – Shadow Spirit Kitsune Mask #11 RARE (Shadow Spirit gacha)
SEKAI – Right Cheek Seal Sticker #2 (Shadow Spirit gacha)
SU! – Tormey Septum (SL18B Shop & Hop gift)
✧ on Jewel ✧
Genus Strong Face head + Legacy Classic meshbody
7 Deadly Skins – Brionie Skin in Cotton Candy
AviGlam – Nightsky Eyes in BOM 1 (SL18B Shop & Hop gift)
Monso – Lalisa Hair (Mid option) – Mix & Pop color pack
Izzie’s – BakesOnMesh Layers Eyeliner – Genus – 09
GoreGlam – Secret Code Tint
Cheezu – Heena Outfit in Black
Addams – Frida Dr Addams Boots in N*30
SEKAI – Left Cheek Seal Sticker #2 (Shadow Spirit Gacha)
COCO – Lace Choker in Black (group gift)
✧ other credits ✧
MINIMAL – April 2021 group gift
Kazza – Rose&Wood Table
♡ Lacry
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lacrymoon · 3 years
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It’s too late
There’s no turning back for you or me; your blood is on my hands now.
This was the outfit I was wearing for the Pride Festival Party at CerberusXing~
I wanted to wear this pretty hat from Insomnia Angel, so I decided to put together an outfit using some of my favorites.
It was my first pride party in Second Life, so I didn’t really know what to expect, but I really had fun~ ☺ If anything, I wish my friends were there too with me so they could also enjoy the party.
My friends weren’t able to make it in, and I was honestly too shy to interact with all the cool people there, but I had a great time dancing (and trying not to spill my tea) anyway. I saw a lot of my favorite creators there too!
I was not able to rezz everyone at the party, fearing that I’d crash if I tried to. It was such a cool and fun experience. I hope I’d be able to attend more pride parties next year and talk to other people too~
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some pictures I took during the party; there were so many cool people there that I couldn’t load them all~
LeLutka Lilly EvoX 3.1 head + Maitreya Lara v5.3 body
Bold & Beauty – Jin Skin in Shell + Maitreya Shell body skin
Nuve – Crystal Eyebrows in Black
IDTTY Faces – Butterfly Kiss eyeshadow #1
GoreGlam – Dreams Tonite lip oil
Somnus – Ghoul Eyes in Night (available at the marketplace)
Barberyumyum – L17 – Fatpack bonus (Anthem June 2021 round; won from giveaway!)
Insomnia Angel – Romance Blouse + Corset Skirt in Noir
Insomnia Angel – Luce Lolita Hat (The Warehouse Sale exclusive)
Insomnia Angel – Malpractice -11- Dizzy Eyepatch in Pure A (“Malpractice” gacha)
e.marie – Kestra Earrings in Golds
Toksik – Amai Heels in Grey
Vibing – Lydia Rings
SEKAI – Courage face tattoo (group gift)
Reliquary – The Outlaw’s Tea Set
VARONIS – Nighted backdrop
♡ Lacry
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lacrymoon · 20 days
"Have you seen that pale siren by the lighthouse at Thunnus Bay? I wonder what she's waiting for."
A preview for the short video I made about my mermaid for this year's Fantasy Faire! 🐟
I can't upload the full video because of the file size, so I decided to just post this short clip here. Blog post coming soon ^^
full version & better quality on youtube~
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lacrymoon · 27 days
"Have you seen that pale siren by the lighthouse at Thunnus Bay? I wonder what she's waiting for."
A short video about my mermaid for this year's Fantasy Faire! 🐟
Like I said on twitter, it has been a long while since I edited a video so I'm quite rusty. I know it's not perfect and I wondered if I should not share it here, but ultimately I just want something to remember this place by 💖
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lacrymoon · 1 year
Aurum Oovmetis, a character I made for Szystrum Synod at Fantasy Faire 2023!
Aurum is an archivist of restricted information for the House of Testament. She proudly wears the Oovmatryko badge on her chest.
Also, I'm pretty new at recording stuff on SL using OBS Studio so please excuse any shaky(?) movements.
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lacrymoon · 3 years
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Not quite ghoul; not quite human
"Is there really no place for someone who's neither ghoul nor human like me?"
This is just a little preview(?) for my next post, but with some blood and moodiness. Featuring one of my favorites from this round of Neo Japan, Monso's Choi Hair ♥
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lacrymoon · 3 years
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이사 가자~ Looking for a new place
I'm in the process of looking for a new place in SL with my RL/SL partner, Akira <3
I came back to Second Life about four months ago (December 2020) after being away for a lo~ng time. And now that I'm back, I've decided to look for a new home.
I'll probably be less active everywhere for some time until I find a new place.
By the way, I'm using this amazing Milky Way Night EEP from Moonglow, which is currently free on the marketplace.
If you don't know what an EEP is, it's basically what us old SL users called a "windlight setting" way back when. It's the pretty galaxy sky in front Lacry.
They also have another paid EEP available that you might want to check out! This post is NOT sponsored, by the way, I just wanted to share it because I love collecting EEPs!
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lacrymoon · 2 years
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"I don't want to live in a world without you,"
I submitted this photo to S&P's 7-year anniversary contest in 2022. It features The Guardian, which is still my favorite from the creator.
I've always though that the Guardian's wings looked like they're enclosing you in an embrace — which, to me, symbolizes "companionship that transcends life and death".
(outfit details to be updated)
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lacrymoon · 3 years
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Cyber Ghoul
Do your kind even know what love is? Can you feel anything at all, or is it just… programmed?
LeLutka Alain 2.5 head + Legacy Classic meshbody
Stray Dog – Tatsuo in tone 3 + Legacy body skin
Somnus – Ghoul Eyes in Night (available at the marketplace)
Dura – U111 Hair (Fatpack A)
Gabriel – Cyber Catharsis Arms in Blue (Cyber Fair June 2021)
SEKAI – Cyber Scythe in Black/White (Cyber Fair June 2021; won from giveaway!)
Kitz’une – Cybernetic Gadgets (discounted at Cyber Fair June 2021)
Gutchi – Super Boots MK I in Bulletproof White
Stop – Jean Black Skull Patch (Man Cave 2021 Anniversary gift)
Marked – Spike & Chain Accent Earrings
Toksik – Amai Piercings (group gift)
This Is Wrong – Suture makeup (Man Cave 2021 Anniversary gift)
Dappa – Akuma Tattoo in Fresh (Man Cave 2021 Anniversary gift)
Mea Tenebra – Rotten Love tattoo (gift)
The Bearded Guy – Ace of Hearts backdrop (Man Cave 2021 Anniversary gift)
♡ Lacry
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lacrymoon · 3 years
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喰種 / The weight of your sins
I am stronger than your god and older than your devil. I am the darkness between stars, and the roots beneath the earth. I am promise, and potential, and when it comes to playing games, I divine the rules, I set the pieces, and I choose when to play. - The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue
Catwa HD Pro Queen head + Maitreya Lara v5.3 body
7 Deadly Skins – Beau Skin in Snow
Somnus – Ghoul eyes in Night (available at the marketplace. These are the only eyes I use these days because I love them so much!)
Stealthic – Metropolis hair in Variety
ISON – Sienna Dress in Ivory
Reliquary – The Lodestone Heart
Insomnia Angel – Malpractice -11- Dizzy Eyepatch in Pure A (“Malpractice” gacha item)
Vibing – Lydia Rings in Gold
Toksik – Bloom Choker (group gift)
Toksik – Amai Piercings (group gift)
SEKAI – Courage face tattoo (group gift)
Ascendant – Plastic Stars Nails (group gift)
Izzie’s – Bloody Nose (free at the marketplace)
VARONIS – Nighted backdrop
♡ Lacry
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lacrymoon · 3 years
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Godless Nights
Do not mistake this for kindness. I simply want to be the one who breaks you.
- The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue
LeLutka Lilly 2.5 head + Maitreya Lara v5.3 body
Bold & Beauty – Mika Skin in Shell + Maitreya Shell body skin
Nuve – Crystal Eyebrows in Black
IDTTY Faces – Butterfly Kiss eyeshadow #1
Somnus – Ghoul Eyes in Night (available at the marketplace)
Stealthic – Metropolis – Variety (Anthem April 2021 round exclusive)
CerberusXing – Mangkukulam Headpiece in Limited Gold (limited item, Fantasy Faire 2021 exclusive)
Luas – Beeca Top + Panty in Black (Fameshed X April 2021 round exclusive; available at mainstore)
Vibing – Lydia Rings
Paleto – Training Room backdrop (L’Homme Magazine SL Readers group gift)
Apple Fall – Gilt Frame Sea Campion Study (gift)
♡ Lacry
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