#Look imma be honest
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25 Ji, Akasaka de (2024) I 1.04 "Wanna rehearse our kiss scene?"
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wackarat · 2 months
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that-birdy-chick · 4 months
Soooo I've been revisiting some of my favorite snippets of the original comic since the short came out and well-
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I think if I were in Mordecai position I'd be having trouble concentrating on the game as well 👀🔥
Don't get me wrong, I love Viktors redesign and the tension he has with mordecai in the short
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Comic Viktor tho-
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Now I can't stop imagining their interaction in the original artstyle of the comics
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cynicallyneutral · 4 months
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tallsc · 1 year
AvA Blue Character Analysis
Starting this analysis, I thought I would have trouble coming up with something important to talk about with Blue. Their character's been pretty stated, right? They're a pacifist potion-creator who likes eating weird stuff and is good with a bow. They're pretty acrobatic, they're a decent builder but not the best, they don't like being in leadership roles. That's their character, right?
No, it isn't.
The first statement in that list is wrong. Or, at least, is missing many key details that explains a lot more about what Blue is actually like.
Blue has been commonly described as a pacifist, and I can understand why. Before looking into this topic, that's how I thought of them too. They've never been one to start a fight with their friends (unlike most every other member of the Color Gang) and in Piglin War, they wouldn't hurt the piglins, only the zombies.
But that doesn't make them a pacifist. It highlights another aspect of their character that I will discuss later in this analysis, but it doesn't make them a pacifist.
Blue has been shown, time and time again, to kill. They killed the ghast with Green in season 1, along with Yellow's ghast friend in one of the shorts. They have fought pillagers with lethal force, and taught villagers to do the same. They even killed piglin brutes along with the rest of the Color Gang in the Ultimate Weapon. They never hesitated to do that, despite going out of their way (and almost dying) to avoid hurting any of the piglins in Piglin War.
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Additionally, they seem to enjoy the act of fighting. They happily join sparring matches with the rest of the color gang, and will even initiate them as long as they know it is all in good fun. So they do sometimes enjoy battle, and show no hesitance to kill when the situation requires it.
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This doesn't make Blue any worse than the rest of the characters, since they have all fought mobs and killed before and they all like fighting, but it certainly doesn't make them entirely peaceful. So why do they have a reputation as a pacifist? Why do they seem so reluctant to start serious fights, and why were they so careful around the piglins in Piglin War?
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Well, the answer to that seems to be that Blue forms a very close protective bond with those they care about, and they form those bonds very quickly. Everyone in the Color Gang cares about each other, of course, but Blue tends to express their bonds in a different way, and forms said attachments so quickly, that their actions tend to resemble pacifism.
Blue has consistently been quietly protective of their friends in a way that none of the others seem to express. They avoid fights - with their friends. They try to stop conflicts - between their friends. They go out of their way to make sure their friends don't get hurt. They risked their life multiple times to save their piglin friends, both in Piglin War and in The King. Their main focus is often to support their friends and, most importantly, keep them safe.
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In fact, while they've never backed down from a possibly-dangerous adventure, they also have never (purposefully) started one. The only time they did start anything of the sort, they went out of their way to not bring any of the others. New adventures can be dangerous after all, and the last thing they want is for their close friends to get hurt.
This apparent desire for peace that has led to Blue's reputation as a pacifist is really more a focus on keeping their friends safe by avoiding infighting, rather than them disliking battle in general. But this still seems like a good thing, on a surface level, since being the protective mediator should help to keep those friends they value so deeply safe.
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But there is a problem with Blue's thought process. Because their friends have gotten hurt before. And, worse, people who Blue had started to view as a close friend have hurt them. And they haven't taken either scenario well.
Blue often appears to be the one who's hit the hardest whenever it appears their friends have been hurt or killed. Everyone cares, everyone's upset, but Blue always appears the most distraught. They're so afraid to lose their friends that they will regularly risk their own life or even harm their friends on accident - most notably in the Ghast friend short - in an attempt to protect them. Blue isn't instinctual like Orange, but their actions can still be misguided when they don't have time to think everything through.
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But there's more than one way to lose a friend. Purple's betrayal seems to have affected them deeply, such that - significantly after the betrayal, even after it appeared Purple was their ally again - Blue was very reluctant to trust anyone who reminded them of Purple. Far before Mango revealed their plan, Blue still did not trust them, solely because Mango reminded them of Purple. Blue puts in so much energy and trust into their friends that losing one through betrayal hits them incredibly hard.
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Blue is a lot of things. Like all the Color Gang, Blue makes friends easily. They always do their best to keep their friends safe, both from outside threats and from each other. They're crushed at the idea of their friends dying, and will risk their life to stop that from happening. They're afraid of betrayal.
But one thing that Blue is definitely not, is a pacifist.
Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed, you thought of this topic in a new light, or at least found it interesting! I'll be honest, I really did think of Blue as the pacifist one up until now, but from what I can tell now that's based in something entirely different.
Thanks to rigatoniiiiiiii for the suggestion to do something for Blue! And sorry for like directly contradicting the one thing you said about them but this was the topic I came up with- 'XD I was considering doing something on their relation with Green here too but this is a long enough analysis already so I'll do that some other time.
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tequiilasunriise · 11 months
Being in fandoms where the characters are clearly based on other pieces of media/famous figures is so much fun because then some of my ships look like this:
Parentified Goldilocks who is also The Beast x Avoidance attachment Beauty who is ALSO also The Beast, one of my fav moments with them is when they off the Minotaur together who is ALSO also also The Beast
Little Red Riding Hood if she was also the Wolf and has galloons of repressed trauma x Snow White but she’s heavily knight coded and the poster child of daddy issues
Edgar Allen Poe’s Lenore x Annabel Lee but they’re in gay ghost love
The poem ‘The Last Rose of Summer’ x Odin’s raven Huginn but they’re exes still in love in a milf yuri divorce that ends super mega tragically and domino effects mommy issues out the ass
Historical figures Cleopatra x Frida Kahlo with the most chef’s kiss height difference you’ve ever seen
A polycule with Joan of Arc x Mulan x Thor x Achilles but they’re all genderbent/trans
The Velveteen Rabbit x fashion icon Coco Chanel if she was a lesbian with a gun
Frankenstein’s monster x a different sapphic Cleopatra bc baby gays <3333
Okay okay that black cat from Poe’s, well, The Black Cat x Poe’s Eulalie is cute yes
But I actually really REALLY love Poe’s Eulalie x Poe’s Berenice bc they’re “me and the bad bitch I pulled by being autistic” personified
The Snow Queen with mega daddy issues x Robin Hood if he was a socialist lesbian I SAIDDDD ITTTT
Imma say it historical figures JFK x Confucius were adorable bros
Aesop’s Fisherman x Odin’s other bird Munin you will always be famous my tragic old man yaoi <////3
Y’all will really have to hear me out here when I say Cinderella if she fucken snapped x ice cream Mad Hatter because couples who are terrible to each other but in a “only I’m allowed to be a horrid to them” way can be so funny
And I could go o n fer ages but the point is imagine explaining these ships to someone like 30 years ago with ZERO context their heads would explode and it’d be so funny
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littler0b1n · 5 months
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I just finished this lineup that I’ve been working on for the last 3 months 😭 my rendering style changed a few times while making this, I hope it isn’t too noticeable. It may sound like I’m complaining, I sort of am only because of the sheer amount of time this project took, but I really enjoyed drawing each outfit for all of them! Any excuse to draw Simon in a skirt🙏
Anyway, these outfits are from kit.keito’s reel on instagram linked down below (I did take a few artistic liberties tho, especially with cake’s outfit)
Some closeups below the cut (cause I know the quality got absolutely pulverized)
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thirium-drinker · 9 months
I really should draw Markus and Kara more but the dbh coppaganda really got to me
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fxreflyes · 7 months
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for the lovely wererabbit fic @kaaaaaaarf wrote that is currently living in my head rent free <3
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abusivelittlebunny · 1 year
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Someone who loves you wouldn't do this
Have some young Donald Pierce so fucking tired and used based on that one photo of Boyd in the tub by Mr Armstrong
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justanechoflower · 2 days
flowey, its me bday today ✨✨ 😌
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barclaysangel · 2 months
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Great, I’m Lexy…I love her now but I hated her in season 1…trust me, I’m way more of a Glen or an Andy lol
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rebouks · 1 year
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gave Kyle a lil makeover..
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l0v3c0r3e · 11 months
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bylers who claim all milevens hate will and milevens who claim all bylers hate el
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lilachannie · 1 month
Part monster part human f/o: Are you not horrified of me? I'm a monster
Me who wants to fuck the xenomorphs from aliens: Nah I think you're good
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tricks-n-illusions · 4 months
(@ask-the-shiny-pokemons) Noelle approaches Silas as she remembers that he might give something in return, however...something terrifying happened recently. "SILAS, WHAT THE HELL ARE YA DOING???" she says with an anger and starts to cry.
"Don't get me wrong. Killin' folks is a really bad idea… Please, just think of a moment when we met each other. You saw me as a friend… But now… I saw you murdered someone. It’s…it’s…JUST UNFAIR!"
At this moment, she is upset at him.
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For once the fox's ears seemed to perk up at the sound of something familiar, Someone he knew? He seemed almost hopeful for a moment, but his ears quickly flattened at the Houndoom's upset words. Of course, there it was, the hate he so expected would come from her eventually. If there was one thing he could do right, it was disappoint people. Though his expression was unreadable his behaviour instantly became guarded and tense, his fear of further conflict was obvious. The previous interaction seemed to have done a number on his confidence and persona. He didn't look too keen on talking to Noelle... yet he forced the words out nonetheless, they were broken, quiet and almost inaudible.
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He sat in silence for a long moment before he spoke up once more. "…You want it back, don't you? Is that why you're here again? You finally realized the mistake you've made?" He asked, his voice much louder than it previously was. Of course, how could he have been so dumb to not realize? Though he seemed crushed at the idea of giving the gift back, he spoke with confidence in her decision. "I understand."
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"I'm one of those people." Silas turned away, leaving the previous gift with Noelle. "You can leave now, you have your gift back... And- We're not friends." He sighed as he waved a hand attempting to shoo her. "We never were, even if I did know who you were..." "You never know I might murder you too, I seem to like doing that to people who are close to me. I'm pretty fuckin' impulsive and honestly... you're just another thing to kill."
-> Silas doesn't seem to remember Noelle… Yet. But he can't fight the feeling of familiarity haunting him. Maybe something from the past will help? A name? Something that happened?
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