#Lord of the Dance
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positiverules · 3 months
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vintage-tigre · 4 months
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Terrible Fic Idea #41: Game of Thrones, but make it Lord of the Dance
About five years back I broke Amazon's recommendation algorithm and it never quite recovered. Case in point, it's been recommending Lord of the Dance and Lord of the Dance: Dangerous Games to me for the last few weeks despite my never having expressed an interest in Irish stepdancing.
And then it occurred to me: Lord of the Dance sounds an awful lot like one of the titles someone might have in Game of Thrones, like Lord of the Tides. So naturally my mind went: What if Jon Snow was Lord of the Dance?
Aka: The Lord of the Dance Fic:
Just imagine it:
Everything follows canon up to Robert's arrival in Winterfell - with one exception. In addition to being fairly skilled with a blade, Jon Snow excels at the Northern traditional dances, which to some degree resemble Irish stepdance and/or Slavic squat dance.
Instead of being sent to the Wall, Jon heads south as part of Ned's household, the intent being that he train to be Sansa's sworn sword, possibly even a Kingsguard in time.
While Ned, Sansa, and Arya follow their canon plot lines, Jon spends most of his time in King's Landing training or practicing his Northern dancing. Someone - likely Joffrey - catches him at the latter and gives him the nickname Lord of the Dance. It's meant to be derisive, but Jon wears it with pride, partly because he really is an impressive dancer, partly because anything is better than Bastard of Winterfell.
The rare moments Jon doesn't spend training are spend shadowing Sansa, which keeps her from telling Cersei of Ned's plan to flee King's Landing. They manage to take ship before they can be captured...
...and flee to Dragonstone, where Ned and Stannis write their letters declaring Cersei's children bastards.
The War of Five Kings takes place pretty much as in canon, with the exception Robb Ned is never named King in the North. Robb and Ned gather their armies to fight for Stannis - though the Red Wedding still happens as in canon, with Ned present to die beside his wife and eldest son.
In fact, all of canon pretty much takes place as before with one major difference: Sansa, Arya, and Jon are all safe on Dragonstone throughout, half for their own protection and half as guests to ensure the North's continued support of Stannis' claim.
During this time Jon finds himself joining the Dragonstone guard - even becoming its captain after Stannis leads most of his men North following the Battle of the Blackwater. He has near complete freedom of movement throughout the island, and it is during this time that Jon begins to suspect his father isn't Ned Stark at all.
By the time Daenerys and Young Griff arrive at Dragonstone, Jon has become throughly disillusioned. All of his family save his sisters are dead, Winterfell is in the hands of the Boltons, and the two men he admired most in his life - Ned and Stannis - turned out to be liars and religious fanatics. Sansa still hates him for interfering in her betrothal to Joffrey and Arya blames him for not being with Ned and Robb when they died at the Red Wedding. His only friend on the island is Shireen, who managed to slip off the ships when her parents headed north, as disillusioned by her parents as Jon.
When the Targaryen fleet arrives at Dragonstone, Jon opens the gates.
Dany and Young Griff (dealer's choice if he's Rhaegar's son or a Blackfyre) don't quite know what to make of Jon, but eventually warm to him after he gains the loyalty of one of their dragons. Jon comes to be a key player in their conquest of Westeros and is even named their heir until such a time they have their own.
Jon, Dany, and Young Griff reunite the Seven Kingdoms. Jon proves himself in the conquest and War for the Dawn which follows. Dany and Young Griff are crowned Daenerys I and Aegon VI, and Jon is named Prince of Dragonstone. Sansa is named Lady of Winterfell and is always quite bitter about it, while Arya runs away with her blacksmith.
What follows is the long business of putting down rebellions and restoring law and order to Westeros. It... doesn't go nearly as easily as the war.
Young Griff dies trying to put down a food riot in King's Landing about five years after being crowned, having been reluctant to use his dragon against the smallfolk. Dany is assassinated shortly after by those reluctant to follow an Essosi-raised princess. Their marriage produced no children and many believed the queen to be infertile.
Jon is crowned Jaehaerys III. His queen is Shireen Baratheon. But he always says he prefers the title Lord of the Dance as it's the first he earned for himself.
Bonuses include: 1) The world's softest, gentlest friends to lovers for Jon and Shireen. It's the one bright thing either of them have during the war and is built on a foundation of true friendship; 2) Jon, despite reading all the books hidden away in Dragonstone and coming to suspect the truth long before Dany and Young Griff arrived, never quite knowing how to feel about his Targaryen ancestry; and 3) Everyone Jon meets feeling the need to comment on his title Lord of the Dance, leading to Jon having to demonstrate how he earned the title more often than he'd really like and incorporating it in his list of official titles to get ahead of the gossips.
And that.... is surprisingly more than I thought would come from this idea. As always, feel free to adopt this bun, just link back if you do.
Other Jon Snow Headcanons: Aegon the Undying | Aegon the Unyielding | Aemon the Adventurous | Baelor the Brave | Daeron the Desired | Dyanna the Defiant | King of the Ashes | Lady Arryn | Lady Baratheon | Lady Lannister | Lady Stark | Lord of the Dance | Prince Consort | Prince of Summerhall | Queen Mother
More Terrible Fic Ideas
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thecozycuttlefish · 6 months
Do you ever have something randomly remind you of something you loved as a kid, and then you have to deep dive back into it as an adult?
So anyway, I've been watching a lot of Lord of the Dance videos on YouTube, and boy do I have thoughts.
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fiddler-sticks · 9 months
I love how whenever this comes up in the recommended to watch next beside videos, I always feel like I have to watch it, and I always do. IT'S JUST TOO GOOD!!!!
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sspacegodd · 2 months
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Sometimes we are not the sinewy sleek Lord of the Dance jungle panther we think we are.
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deadnancystuff · 10 months
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Peak 1997. Michael Flatley Lord of the Dance VHS.
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fiofo · 1 year
Part 2 of Villains Have The Best Soundtracks
(I'm becoming a bit obsessed with Riverdance and the Lord of the Dance send help)
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flareshin · 2 years
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This year an absolute childhood dream of mine came true and I was live at Lord of the Dance.
Anyone who knows me knows that Lord of the Dance was the reason I became an Ireland fan. I saw Riverdance for the first time at the ESC in 1994 and have always tried to dance it myself since I was a child. When I watched the VHS with my mother 2 years later, I was blown away.
So this year's concert was something very special for me and I will never forget it. And my friends my spam about it neither XD
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willowhaired · 1 year
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willowwind78 · 1 year
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Horde of 3.
Great job on the recruiting Gaarl! Welcome Muurl to the horde. Muurl was recently an innocent bystander in a street fight. I found him amongst my other miniatures nearly finished and he had somehow suffered a significant punch to his nose presumably from the incident with Gurlaag’s recruiting. This inadvertent splatter just adds to his charm. I can’t say as I would have thought to give one a bloody nose. I’m not overly big on gore but when it comes to zombies to not have any is weird. 
You’ll also notice my zombies are all freshly made. These are not rise from their graves zombies these are turned zombies. You can’t have abs like that if you’ve been dead for any length of time. Looking at him now I feel like he needs an earring. If I remember that when I get home from work I’ll give him one.
Yes, I am posting on Tumblr at work. I’m a pastor. I work 24/7. Today I’m physically in my office as opposed to working from my dining room at home. I’m here with Bayley who is quite honestly driving me nuts. Love puppies. But, I digress this post is supposed to be the story of Muurl who I was originally going to name Guurl but that name might be saved for the next orc I add to my horde.
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Guurl is a lovely fella widely known in the orc world for his incredible log dancing abilities. Being a lumberjack can get boring from time to time, so the orc’s in this clan started dancing on logs as they chopped to make the day less monotonous. Turns out, the physical labor combined with the dexterity and balance of dancing made them into formidable warriors much more so than the lumbering oafs of the other tribes (and more attractive to the females too). 
Many a battle began with orcish dance, female spectators, jealousy, and the swinging of axes. It was upon one such rally Gaarl stumbled upon. Pretending to be an voracious female he pounced upon Muurl and has now made him an integral part of his three orc horde. Muurl hopes to embrace his new role and spread orcish dance to new clans. He feels the biting and disemboweling will fit nicely into his routine.
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smelvin-melvin · 1 year
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celticmusiceveryday · 2 years
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xylathesilkwing · 29 days
furries 🤝 Irish dancers
staying at hotels that’re the main ones for the event but still coming across completely normal people who have no clue said event was going on
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dcmontreal · 2 months
Good Friday and The Lord of the Dance
Long before there was the popular Michael Flatley led dance troupe, there was a song, perhaps a hymn is a better term, titled The Lord of the Dance. This tune was a regular number for most Irish/English pub entertainers playing the Montreal circuit. Although a pub classic, the lyrics are without doubt religious in nature and particularly apt on this Good Friday. The Lord of the Dance I danced…
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