#Loverboy Sanji Collab Event
votaeto · 6 months
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that time of the day.💫
loverboy sanji collab! hosted by @stephisokay , thank you for having me! 🤗
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risenwrites · 6 months
Title: The Important Question
Pairing: Boyfriend! Sanji X Girlfriend! Reader
AU: Modern Day
Warnings: Slight angst if you squint, mainly fluff, french words (I used Google translate pls don’t come at me), reader is kinda clueless, pet names (my love, darling, etc.)
A/n: This is for the Loverboy Sanji Event that @stephisokay is hosting! (I hope it's okay I tagged you fhdjskfks)
Word Count: ~2.6K
Status: Semi-edited
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Snow had already been falling for a couple of hours when you reached the apartment complex Sanji lived in. You stood at the base of the stairs, shivering in the frigid air despite your warm coat. You gently rubbed your palms together before sticking them in your armpits as you began climbing the staircase. With each step, your mind drifted back to earlier that day when Sanji texted you out of the blue.
His text said there was something important he wanted to talk about at his apartment tonight and that you should wear something nice. You had tried to ask him over text what he wanted to talk about, but he never responded. You’d gotten texts like that with previous boyfriends, which ended with a breakup each time. Deep in your heart, you feared tonight would end the same way.
When you reach the floor of Sanji’s apartment, you quickly rush over to his front door. You were eager to get inside to be warm but hesitated to knock on his door. Fear crept into your mind from the thought your boyfriend might break up with you. You loved him, probably more than you’ve loved anyone before.
You quickly shake your head to push away those thoughts. Pressing your lips together, you take a deep breath and then knock on the door. Within seconds, the door opened to show your boyfriend’s smiling face and curly eyebrows. Seeing his face instantly chased away all your fears and anxiety about what he might want to discuss. A smile spread across your face as he gently took hold of your hands.
“Y/n, my love!” he greeted, peppering your face with kisses, making you giggle. “Come in, come in!”
Sanji gently pulled you inside, grinning ear to ear as he closed the front door. The smell of food and cigarette smoke filled your nose, warming your heart and soul. You were about to turn toward your boyfriend, but he started taking off your coat before you could do or say anything.
“Thank you, Sanji,” you said while facing him, an even bigger smile on your face.
“It’s always my pleasure, my darling,” he said lovingly while hanging up your coat.
As he finished hanging up your coat, you stomped your feet a little to remove the snow on your shoes. You briefly looked him over, noticing how he wore one of the more fancy suits he owned, whereas you were wearing something nice but much more casual. Immediately, you began to feel a bit underdressed.
“Hey, did you want me to wear something more… fancy?” you asked hesitantly.
Sanji looked at you, his eye widened in surprise. He blinked a few times before panic flashed across his face, and he fully turned toward you. “No, no! You look wonderful, my love! I’m sorry, I should have said more than just nice in my text,” he apologized while holding your hands. 
“If you want, I can change into something else so you don’t-” he began to explain, but you quickly cut him off by giving him a quick kiss.
“No, it’s fine, really. Don’t change because I am underdressed,” you told Sanji with a small smile. “Especially with how dashing you look in this suit.”
Sanji let out a small breath while he stared at you, relaxing from the panic rising within him. Your heart skipped a beat from seeing the genuine love and admiration in his gaze.
“For the record, you never look underdressed. Everything you wear only makes you look more beautiful than you already are,” Sanji said with a grin slowly appearing.
Light pink dusted across your face, and you chuckled shyly, looking away with a happy smile. Part of you wondered how you found such a wonderful man, while another part gushed over how cute he is.
“A-anyway, what’s the fancy clothes?” you asked to change the subject.
Sanji’s face lit up, and he let go of your hands to place one on the small of your back. “Let me show you,” he said.
He led you through his familiar apartment, bringing you to the living room. Your eyes widened in surprise as you glanced around the room. All the furniture had disappeared, probably moved to another room. White and golden fairy lights were strung up on the walls and across the ceiling, making the room slightly dim but still lit enough to see. A little square table sat in the middle of the room, two fancy seating arrangements opposite each other. In the center of the table was a simple vase with a beautiful red rose inside.
Without hesitation, Sanji led you to the table and pulled out one of the chairs for you to sit. “I hope you came with an empty stomach, my darling! I’ve got something special planned for dinner tonight!” he explained while smiling at you.
You stared at Sanji for a moment, utterly dumbfounded by how much work he’d put in for a dinner he never told you he planned. You’d have dinner with him often, but this was completely over the top for a simple dinner. Sure, you’d always known how much of a romantic Sanji could be, but he’d only ever done something like this on special occasions. You couldn’t think of any holidays or special dates that could have made him want to set up something like this. Did this have something to do with what he wanted to talk about?
“Um... earlier today, you texted me, saying you wanted to talk about something?” you asked while moving to sit down.
His visible eye widened, and a light pink dusted on his cheeks as he chuckled. “R-right, that’s something we can talk about when we eat dessert,” he quickly said while pushing your chair in. “I’ll be right back with our food!”
Sanji kissed the top of your head and then walked off into the kitchen. You frowned slightly and leaned your cheek against your fist. With all the thoughts of a possible breakup gone from your mind, you wondered what Sanji might want to talk about. A small part of you hoped what he wanted to discuss had something to do with your future together, but you quickly dismissed the thought. He’d always change the subject when you tried to bring it up in the past. There had to be something else he wanted to talk about. You just needed to wait and see.
Soon, he returned holding two dinner plates with covers, like something you’d see in a fancy restaurant or other fine dining. He carefully placed one down in front of you and gave what you assumed to be a wink (you couldn’t be sure with his left eye covered by hair). He placed the other plate opposite you, where you assumed he would be sitting.
“May I present to you…” Sanji began with a cheeky grin, “Pâtes Épicées Aux Fruits de Mer!”
Sanji lifted the metal covers to reveal bowls of pasta covered with marinara sauce, the smell of spices and shrimp rushing up your nose. A smile spread across your face as you recognized the dish without asking him to repeat himself in English. Your stomach rumbled, and you giggled softly while looking at your boyfriend.
“Wouldn’t it have been easier to just say ‘Spicy Seafood Pasta’?” you asked.
Sanji chuckled and pecked you on the lips, causing you to giggle again. “And where would be the fun in that, hm?” he questioned with the rise of one of his curly eyebrows. “Let me put these in the kitchen, and then we can start eating.”
Once Sanji had put the metal covers in the kitchen, he sat across from you at the table. You both began eating the food he had made, which tasted amazing as always and chatted about how today had been for both of you. Most of that was Sanji complaining about men who came to The Baratie with their girlfriends and men who went to the restaurant to flirt with women non-stop.
“I swear to god that all men are pigs! You should have seen some of these guys. They were totally making the other customers uncomfortable with how they were talking to the fine young ladies dining at the restaurant. All of these men were absolutely swooning, and I mean swooning, to get the attention of our lady customers. Don’t get me started on how they stare like starved animals. Men have absolutely no respect for women these days,” he explained, eyebrows furrowed while he scowled.
Your hand flew up to cover your mouth to ensure no food came out while you laughed. All the frustration and irritation Sanji had melted away, his expression relaxing as he smiled.
“What’s so funny?” he asked while taking a bite.
You swallowed the food in your mouth and then chuckled. “I just find it funny how you’re saying that since you acted similarly before and when we first started dating,” you explained with another chuckle.
Sanji’s eye widened, and his face immediately turned bright red. “Dats not-” he started saying but stopped to swallow the food he had just put in his mouth. “That’s not the same! Besides, I was only trying to show my appreciation for women! I-I never swooned like those pigs!” he argued while the red spread to his ears.
You couldn’t help but laugh a little bit more, finding your boyfriend adorable from getting so flustered. “Oh yeah? If I remember correctly, you were always swooning to get the attention of any woman you met,” commented with a giggle. “But I guess you still do that now, even though we’re dating.”
Sanji’s body went rigid momentarily, and he became quiet after hearing your comment. The smile on your face immediately disappears, and you put your utensils down to reach across the table and hold your boyfriend’s hand.
“Hey, did I go too far with the teasing?” you asked worriedly.
He quickly shook his head and looked you in the eyes while squeezing your hand gently. It was his turn to chuckle as he caressed the back of your hand with his thumb.
“No, it’s just…” he began but trailed off like he was looking for the right words.
“It’s just… what?” you asked.
Sanji looked into your eyes, catching your breath in the back of your throat. He seemed so serious yet simultaneously filled to the brim with love and adoration. Your heart skipped a beat at the sight.
“It’s just I can’t imagine why you’d think I’d be vying for the attention of other women when I already have the most beautiful woman in the world,” he explained as a smile returned.
Your eyes widened, and it was your turn for your face to turn red. You gently squeezed Sanji’s hand before pulling away to pick up your utensils. “You’re such a flirt,” you softly state with a small smile.
“I’m only telling the truth, my darling,” he said with his smile becoming a grin. “No one could ever match the radiance you have.”
You swore your face looked redder than the marinara sauce in the food. Still, you giggled softly while finishing off the last of your food. When you looked up, you noticed how Sanji’s eye widened while he seemed to become extremely nervous yet excited. Your eyebrows furrowed in confusion, finding it strange how he suddenly became anxious when he’d just been flirting with you.
“Uh, are you done eating, my love?” he asked after a moment.
When you nodded, he quickly stood up and took the empty plates into the kitchen. Soon, he returned with two new dishes with metal covers. You raised an eyebrow and tilted your head to the side while he placed the two covered plates down. You saw Sanji’s hands trembling for the first time since you started dating him years ago. Worry bubbled up to the surface, and without hesitation, you gently took hold of his hand and looked up at him.
“Is everything alright? I’ve never seen you this anxious before. Not even when we’ve run into your family,” you said with a slight frown.
Sanji blinked a few times and looked down at you. He was quiet momentarily before a wide smile spread across his face, and he chuckled. Gently, he placed his hand on your cheek, rubbing his thumb against your skin.
“Yeah, everything is great. I promise you don’t need to worry,” Sanji told you before taking his hand off your face. He took a deep breath while grabbing the metal cover on your plate. “y love, here is your dessert,” he said softly while lifting the metal cover.
It took you a minute to realize what was in front of you on the plate. There sat a single piece of cheesecake with a beautiful ring on top with a few fruits. A ring with a diamond. At that moment, you felt your heart skip a beat, seeing the beautifully simple arrangement on the piece of cheesecake.
You watched with wide eyes as Sanji picked up the ring from the cheesecake. He used a napkin to clean off the bits of the dessert still on the ring, then got down on one knee beside you. His curly eyebrows were furrowed slightly, a serious yet nervous expression on his face. Slowly, he lifted the ring up to you, showing off a beautifully simple design on the ring with a diamond in the center.
“Y/n l/n, will you make me the happiest man in the whole world, spend the rest of your life with me, and marry me?” Sanji asked, his eyes locked with yours.
The whole world seemed to disappear around you, even yourself, leaving only Sanji. You committed everything about him at this moment to memory, from his curly eyebrows to the fancy suit he wore to the mixed smell of spices and cigarette smoke. He looked nervous yet hopeful like he thought there was a chance you might say no, but at the same time, he assured himself that you would say yes.
Tears began building up in your eyes as you placed a hand over your mouth. How could he ever think that you would say no to him? After all the time spent together, all the memories made, all the ups and downs, he was still unsure if he was worthy of your love. Just like how you were with his love. You threw your arms around his neck and held him close without hesitation.
“Yes! A million, no, a billion times yes!” you exclaimed happily, a bright smile appearing on your face.
You could feel Sanji let out a sigh as he wrapped his arms around you. He held you close and nuzzled his face into the crook of your neck. You could feel the happy smile on his face as he gently pressed his lips against your neck.
“God, I love you so much it hurts,” he whispered while tightening his hold on you, making you giggle softly.
“Is this what you had wanted to talk about?” you asked, the whole situation still feeling like a dream.
“Yeah, it is. Sorry for keeping it a secret. I just really wanted this to be a surprise. Especially since you’ve wanted to talk about our future together,” Sanji explained.
You shook your head while pulling away from hugging him, which had Sanji pouting a little. You chuckled while gently taking his face in your hands, a happy simple on your face. You placed a gentle, loving kiss on his lips, and he eagerly kissed back with just as much love, if not more.
After a moment, you pulled away and ran a hand through his hair. “Then let’s talk about things while we eat our cheesecake,” you suggested with a laugh.
Sanji grinned and nodded in agreement while resting a hand on top of yours. “Yeah, let’s,” he agreed.
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©following works belongs to risenwrites, do not repost, modify, plagiarize, translate, or share on other platforms. comments, likes, and reblogs appreciated!
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azaleakoneko · 5 months
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Sanji x Fem|Reader
A/N: This is for @vodkeii Loverboy Sanji Event! My first of the three entries ahh I’m so nervous, but I hope you enjoy it! 🙈 Title is based on lyrics from the song It’s been a long, long time — (covered by Kitty Kalen), which is also the song featured in the edit above :3
Plot: Y/n is the daughter of a farmer/merchant that has a deal with the Baratie to provide fresh produce. Usually her father would do the deliveries but when he got sick he put y/n in charge of the deliveries in his stead. At first she was nervous to be going to a pirate restaurant, but everyone seemed friendly enough and eventually she met Sanji and was immediately charmed. She started making weekly deliveries to the restaurant and saving up her wages to eat there herself and see Sanji more often, leading to a sweet cooking date! 🥰
Warnings: None, Just fluff 💕. Use of terms of endearment (Sweetheart and My angel)
Word count: 5.6k
Network: @enchantedforest-network
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Please note that just because this work is fluff and appropriate for consumption of any age, that cannot be said about the rest of my blog. This is primarily an 18+ Blog and will stay that way, so keep that in mind, thank you!
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Three months ago
“Father please, you can’t be serious��! You expect me to go there alone? But they’re pirates… What if I’m kidnapped or killed… or worse!” You protested with defiance in your voice after what he had just told you. “Are there really no other alternatives?”
He informed you that beginning that next morning, you were to take over in his place taking his deliveries to the Baratie, commandeering a small transport ship that had been your small family’s main source of income for as long as you could remember; selling produce to pirates and marines alike, but mostly to the Baratie restaurant since it offered the best compensation. At least that’s what your father always said when he’d set sail, reassuring you he would return home safely every time. He usually did, which never did manage to ease your distaste, not even when he’d come home with leftovers of the best things you had ever tasted in your life. It just unsettled you with all of the stories of the ruthless, pillaging, heartless pirates you had spent your whole life growing up hearing — you couldn’t understand how any amount of berries would be worth it, and now it was your turn.
“Oh calm down, y/n. You act like I’m sending you off to a slaughter house or something. It’s a restaurant for god's sake.” Your father said with an amused guffaw that sent him into a flurry of phlegmatic coughs, urging him to grab the handkerchief off of the side table so he could cover his mouth. After he regained his breath he looked up at you with an extremely worn and rugged expression that he tried his hardest to hide with the warmest smile he could manage given the pain. “Please don’t argue. I understand how you feel, but you’re the only one that can do it. When I’m gone you’ll have to handle all of the business, not just the Baratie deal. I just want to make sure you won’t struggle sweetheart.”
You were bubbling with frustration, especially when he told you to calm down, and more than ready to pop like an overheated kettle about to boil over but were immediately snapped out of your streak of rebellion at the sound of his health issues acting up again. It always sent a wave of worry through your heart whenever he got like this and your body propelled you to his side, helping him up from his padded rocking chair and towards his bedroom for the night. “Okay fine I won’t argue, just please take it easy father… I understand. I’ll do it alright, if that’s the price for your peace of mind. Now go lie down and I’ll fetch you some tea and your medication.”
The past few years had been a steady decline for him, but you grew up learning all of the basics to get by from how to farm and how to haggle with merchants, all the way to hosting your own little fresh produce stand planted right next to his when you were younger until you were old enough to handle the flood of clientele that visited his on your own and learning how to handle and save household and business funds. It was a lot to learn and came with many conflicts between you and your father when you brought to his attention that other young women were out searching for potential marriage candidates and having fun with their friends instead of having a business thrust upon them. Still, your love and respect for your father kept you close to home and working to take over since he didn’t have any sons to pass his business onto. Love and familial obligation were your ultimate burdens to carry just like raising and protecting you alone all of these years had been his to carry.
So with great reluctance, when it finally rolled over into the early hours of the next morning, there you were loading up the little transport ship and cross referencing the corresponding item checklist.
It somehow bothered you that it was playing out just like a usual run of the mill delivery. There were no stormy clouds or end of times type of catastrophes foreboding a dangerous trip or stopping you from setting off, instead you were faced with the usual misty early morning fog that hugged the water before dissipating when the sun made its arrival. However, you would already be well on your way to the Baratie before the sun peaked, needing to have the goods delivered so they could be received by the kitchen and prepped before the restaurant opened up for that evening's diners. You just hoped they didn’t decide to put you on the menu since this was your first time engaging with pirates. It was silly to think of sure and possibly a bit outlandish for cannibalism to be your first fear out of all of this, since even pirates were still just people, but surely some of the stories had to hold merit. Despite these lingering fears however, you had promised your father that you would handle it so he could rest and that was a promise you weren’t about to break.
The seas themselves were relatively calm too as if to add salt to the wound of your overactive imagination, and any other trade vessel would’ve been praising whatever gods there were for the easy travel, but you stood at the wheel of the ship with knots in your stomach. The waves lapped at the boat and urged you closer to the restaurant, the fish shape of the ship immediately catching your attention. If you hadn’t known any better you would have assumed it was a fisherman’s boat, but the closer you got the clearer the word ‘restaurant’ became and your nerves were now at an all time high. You navigated your vessel towards the floating docks attached to the larger ship, docked, and began to tie up the safety rope just like your father taught you. It was a pretty easy task but it was made longer due to your trembling fingers.
When you were finished you gave the rough rope a good tug to ensure it’s stability before making your way back onboard to grab a few of the crates to carry them towards what you assumed to be the back entrance. Part of you wondered how your father had even made the deliveries as long as he had all by himself as you carefully walked along the creaky wooden dock so you wouldn’t drop any of the produce. All was well with only a few close calls as you levied the weight of the boxes between the wall and your frame as you lifted your hand and timidly tapped your knuckles against the door. It only took a moment of waiting before it swung open, the lively sounds of an already busy kitchen falling upon your ears as a portly, normal enough looking man in a standard white chef's outfit came out to assess the disturbance with a raised brow until he saw the boxes.
“Oh that’s right, I forgot it would be a new person coming today. Thank you kindly. We were wondering if we’d be able to stay on schedule today or not, but you’re just on time.” The man said with apparent relief in his tone as he wasted no time in helping you, grabbing the boxes like nothing. “I’ll go ahead and take these in and send some men out to collect the rest. Just go ahead and go through the kitchen and wait inside at one of the tables, I’m sure Zeff will be right with you with your payment.”
There wasn’t really room to protest and you recognized that name at least from what your father told you so you nodded your head with a polite but somewhat stiff smile. “Of course! I’m glad I wasn’t late. Oh okay, sure, I’ll go in then…” You said as you steeled your nerves once again to enter the pirate restaurant. You expected to see chaotic disorder and a mess of drunken old men, but what you saw was instead a very clean and professional kitchen with everyone already attentively prepping meats and vegetables of all sorts and colors. Everything smelled so good, especially when she walked behind a man opening an oven containing a fresh beautiful fluffy cheesecake. It looked like a pretty cloud on its own and you could already imagine what it would taste like melting in your mouth with a sweet cream topping and strawberries, but this wasn’t the time to think about food. You had to get your fathers payment and go home, back to where you felt in your own element.
It was a little calmer when you pushed past the service doors into the main dining room of the Baratie. The main doors weren’t open yet so it was just you and the staff getting the room ready, which somehow made you feel both at ease and also on display as you ogled the decorative room around you. The outside had been impressive enough, but the inside was intricately designed with paintings of far away places and long gone people adorned with golden inlaid frames on beautiful crimson walls, tables topped with plates of the finest hand painted china, beautiful centerpieces to accompany the arrangements, and majestic pillars holding up a secondary dining area. It was a far cry from the uncultured barbarians you had heard of and left your head swimming as you made your way to a table out of the way of the hustle and bustle, shrinking down into the nearest chair as you tried to make yourself less of an eyesore and obstacle for the workers. If anything you felt underdressed now.
“…” A soft sigh left your lips as you kept your hands on your lap, fingers fiddling with the little charms on the bracelet clasped on your wrist to pass the time as you watched people walk in and out of the kitchen. You had begun to wonder if you had been forgotten about in the process after you had grown weary of gazing around the establishment, but just as you were about to get up from your seat and look for someone who looked to be in charge, someone approached your table and set down a steaming cup of what appeared to be a decorative coffee with adorable little whipped foam hearts. “Oh I’m sorry, I didn’t order this. I’m not here to eat, just to get paid—” Instead of another homely waitstaff, or perhaps even the elder peg legged whiskered chef Zeff you were told about, before you stood a gentleman who looked not much older than yourself who wore a dazzling smile that was only rivaled by the sparkling deep blue of his eyes as he looked down at you. Truthfully it made your heart skip to suddenly be under such an attentive gaze.
“I know madam, this is just because I saw you sitting here by yourself and couldn’t help but bring you a little something sweet since you’ve already sweetened my day.” The charming young blonde man said with a wink as he refused to pick up the pretty steaming cup of enticing coffee until you gave it a try. “Please go ahead and drink it, it’s on the house. And here to be paid, you say? Ahh I’ll be right back. Don’t you go anywhere now sweetheart.”
You watched him turn on his heel and leave toward the kitchen again with a bewildered but intrigued expression on your face as your hands finally left your lap and held the piping hot cup with a light grasp, humming with delight as it thawed out your chilly fingers. “Well that was nice…” It seemed that the small show of kindness was enough to dispel the silly fears you had previously harbored because the cup was quickly brought to your lips, gulping down some of the creamy liquid experimentally and sighing happily as the delicious caffeinated beverage laced with caramel warmed you to the core. The cute little hearts dispelled against your lips, but it was a small price to pay for the delicious taste. “Mm, I’ve never had anything this good.”
You finished the drink quicker than you realized—an adorable pout adorning your lips when there was no longer a drop of your beloved coffee lingering. There wasn’t much time to be disappointed though, the kind stranger that served you before was already heading back towards your table.
“Sorry about that my lady, please allow me to take care of that for you.” He began with another charming smile, taking the cup from your hands and setting it on the tray he held placed off to the side of the table. “Chef Zeff was regrettably a bit busy so he told me to go ahead and give you your payment this time, I hope that’s alright. I promise it’s all there.” He said as one of his hands sunk into his pants pocket to produce a sizable stack of berries. He placed it in your hands gingerly, and he seemed trustworthy enough that you just nodded and carefully tucked the money away in your bag.
“Thank you, Mister, um… Sorry, what was your name?” You asked with a sheepish smile in return, feeling bad for not having already asked the first time around when he had brought you the coffee, although you hadn’t really had the opportunity to to speak much to him before he had left to get the money from Zeff to give to you for the goods.
“My name is Sanji, and it has been my pleasure to help you out this lovely morning. What shall I call you, sweetheart? Unless you’re fine with being called that.” The cheeky blonde man you now knew as Sanji asked with a playful and flirtatious smirk pulling at the corners of his lips as he waited for your response without a shred of shame; going as far as taking your hand in his and pulling it up so he could press a chaste kiss to the back of your hand.
“T-Then thank you, Sanji. It’s nice to meet you,” You stammered in surprise, being reasonably caught off guard by the suddenness of the action and the continued casual flirtation. “-you can just call me y/n.”
“Y/n… Now that’s a perfect name for a stunning angel like yourself.” He tacked on with a seemingly ceaseless supply of butterfly inducing charm that you weren’t entirely sure what to do with. Your cheeks burned from the compliment yet you couldn’t seem to avert your gaze from the man. “So tell me y/n, will you be sticking around for breakfast? You just name it and I can head back to the kitchen and cook it up special for you. I promise it’ll be the best thing you’ve ever had.”
“Breakfast…? Oh I wish I could stay longer, but I’m afraid my father is waiting for me back at home. Perhaps next time I can stay and eat here.” You said, not even sure if a place like this would really fit into your expendable budget, but also not wanting to tell him no when he had been so kind to you. “I look forward to getting to try your cooking, Sanji. If it’s as good as the coffee you made for me I’m sure my savings will be in danger…” You added on with a warm laugh. “But I really must be going, I wouldn’t want to be in the way when customers start arriving. It really was nice to meet you Sanji.”
Sanji was going to protest that it wasn’t possible for you to be in the way, but you had already gotten up from your seat, smoothing your dress down before flashing him a smile that made him hope you really would come back; even if it was just so he could see you when you came to make a sale again. “My cooking is definitely better than the coffee, sweetheart. You’ll just have to find that out the next time you’re here then—which is soon I hope.” He said as he reached forward and gently untangled the charm on your necklace that had gotten wrapped around the chain when you stood up. “There you go, and I hope you don’t mind if I ask to walk you out? Couldn’t very well call myself a gentleman if I let a woman sail off unaided.”
Needless to say you couldn’t refuse and found yourself being escorted back to your ship, safe and sound just like your father had said you would be.
You shared a little bit more back and forth, telling him when the next shipment was to be expected and assuring him that it would be you delivering it again the next time, much to his evident delight. Eventually you realized he had managed to trick you into staying longer than you planned with innocent questions and with reluctance reminded him you had to leave before it got too late. He seemed disappointed but conceded knowing he had no real reason to keep you, even helping to untie the boat from the docks while you made your way to the wheel. You waved each other off, and that morning you took home with you more than just berries; a changed perspective and a desire to come back with enough cash to taste his cooking.
Present Day
Delivery days to the Baratie had become your favorite days of the month the past three months much to your fathers amusement, not that you’d told him the real reason you had warmed up to the job. It didn’t take much for an old man to figure out though when he saw his usually glum and disinterested daughter putting more effort into her appearance for a simple delivery looking to be in much higher spirits. His daughter being happy was nothing he would ever complain about, so he wasn’t too concerned. If anything it was nice to see you unwind and enjoy yourself more often.
“Y/n, why don’t you go ahead and take out what I owe you when you get paid today, huh? Stick around the Baratie for a bit. Treat yourself and eat there and tell your old man what you think of the food at the restaurant, eh? You’ve been working too hard lately. I appreciate it, but you need to take a break too.” Your father said as he walked you to the front door of your shared home to wave you off. “I insist; and y/n…? You look lovely today, honey.”
“Thank you, but what’s gotten into you today, dad?” You said with a laugh as you gave him a tight hug before boarding the little transport ship like usual. “If you’re sure you’ll be okay, I’ll stay for breakfast at least. I have been meaning to for some time now. Do you want me to bring you something back?”
“What, I can’t compliment my daughter?” Your father grumbled as he tossed the rope onboard before supporting his weight with his cane. “I’ll be fine! You worry about me too much, I have food here at home. Be young, go enjoy yourself.”
The boat trip was as usual pretty uneventful, but you were thrilled to finally be able to stay for once instead of leaving after being paid and stealing whatever few precious extra minutes with the handsome cook that had effortlessly gained your interest that you could. You didn’t even mind unloading the boxes today, but you took extra care regardless since you had worn a pretty white dress that shimmered like stardust when the light hit it and you didn’t want to get it dirty before he could see you all dressed up in it.
The delivery went off without issue, and now you sat at your usual seat in the dining room as you waited for Sanji—heart thudding nervously in your chest as butterflies danced in your stomach and throat. Despite the flirting over the past few months, you still never got used to seeing the way he smiled when he saw you, and you were certain that today’s smile would inflict critical damage to your heart, but it was only fair since you were sure to do the same. It felt a bit silly dressing up just for these moments, but every smile and compliment was well worth a few lingering moments of feeling a bit ridiculous.
The moment he appeared in your peripheral vision you straightened in your chair and subconsciously began to fix your hair, but stopped fussing when you could tell that he had seen you. Then there it was, a breathtaking, awestruck, toothy grin like a kid being allowed to open their gifts early on Christmas that sucked the air right out of your lungs.
“Y/n sweetheart, you look absolutely ethereal this morning!” Sanji gasped as he wasted no time in showering the back of your hand in soft kisses; something that had become a usual greeting between the two of you yet never failed to set your heart rate pounding sky high. “To what do I owe the pleasure of seeing an angel in my presence…?” He cooed softly, laying it on thick as per the usual, but today you wanted to see what would happen if you let the casual flirting teeter into new territory.
“Aw Sanji, you're too sweet to me, thank you...!” You smiled shyly as you let your hand stay captured in his gentle grasp, enjoying his warmth. In your desire to see what would happen though, you squeezed his hand and rubbed your thumb over his while looking him in the eyes to answer his question. “Well, I wanted to see you of course; and I just had to finally see what your cooking tastes like.” With the incoming payment today, and expressed permission from your father to use the funds, you were more than prepared to pay whatever price you had to for the ‘best meal you’d ever had’ as Sanji had promised you the first time you had met.
It was clear for a split second that you had completely flustered the poor man by reciprocating even a fraction of the attention he was giving you from the adorable shade of pink that dusted his cheeks, but his happiness at hearing you would finally be dining on the Baratie and eating his food helped his temporary brain override right itself, instantly widening his smile and seemingly just encouraging him to go further with his affections.
“Just for me? Well in that case I can’t refuse, can I?” Sanji said as he carefully pulled you up from your seated position and began to lead you into the kitchen where everyone was working away. It earned you a few curious gazes but they ultimately said nothing as they watched Sanji take you to one of the industrial stoves to show off. Being Zeff’s adopted son had its privileges every now and then. “So what are you in the mood for today, my angel?”
“Are you sure it’s okay that I’m back here? I could’ve just ordered at the table, Sanji…” You asked anxiously, but were taken off guard when he plopped a hand on your head and gently ruffled your hair in a show of affection to make you stop worrying, but still making sure not to mess it up.
“Don’t worry about it y/n, no one’s gonna say anything to you for being in here.” Sanji said with a laugh before smiling brightly down at you. “Could’ve ordered at the table? Nonsense, I won’t have it. Don’t worry about the details, love. I’m going to be cooking for you personally, so don’t worry about paying, okay? Just let me know what sounds good to you and I’ll see what I can do. It’s the least I can do to make your day a little better after you brightened my day so easily.”
You were a bit baffled when he told you that you didn’t need to pay but you weren’t about to question him, especially not when he continued to make your heart skip with those pretty smiles of his. So you nodded in agreement, but it didn’t completely sit right with you to just let him do it by himself when you had come here to spend time with him. “Okay fine, but can I at least help you cook…? I would feel a lot better about not paying if you let me help out. Also, I was thinking maybe some strawberry crêpes? I know it’s simple, but I’m craving sweets.”
Sanji had been looking forward to wowing you with his culinary prowess, but hearing how cute it was that you wanted to help make something to satisfy your sweet tooth had him wholeheartedly agreeing to let you without any hesitation. “Sure, of course you can help me sweetheart. Follow me to the fridge so you can help me grab some things we need? Then I’ll make sure my sweet gets her sweets.” He said as he held his hand out to you, which you then took without a second thought.
“Mhm!” You hummed happily as you kept closely behind him, taking the items he handed you without a fuss or a worry in your mind. It was nice not to have to stress about rushing right back home, especially when things seemed to be going so well between the two of you right now. You even wondered if you could get him to eat with you as you carried the necessary ingredients to the nearby countertop. It wasn't anything too crazy, but it made your day knowing you got to share this time with him, helping him doing what he loved to do. “What would you like me to do next, Chef Sanji?” Your tone was happy and playful with a hint of flirtation.
“Ideally I’d love for you to just sit here and look gorgeous while I serve you, but since you insist on helping you can go ahead and slice some strawberries and make the whipped filling for the crêpes if you don’t mind.” He said as he began making the batter, then fired up the stove with an audible click of gas before flame started to lick the bottom of the pan and warm it until it was hot enough to make the layers of batter he poured into it make beautifully browned thin crêpes ready for the filling—more than plenty enough for just you.
You had finished slicing the strawberries into a neat bowl and were in the process of whipping the heavy cream and cream cheese with the sugar and vanilla when Sanji came up behind you to check on your progress, placing a hand innocently on your hip and letting his chin rest on your shoulder. The close contact made you freeze for a moment before relaxing against him and enjoying it for as long as it would last instead. “I’m almost done too! But it would be a shame to have to eat all of this by myself... Won’t you share them with me, Sanji?” You asked while running your finger along the edge of the bowl to collect the excess fluffy cream on your index finger, bringing it to your mouth for a taste. “Mm… Please? You definitely have to taste this.”
Sanji found it too cute to resist your persistence on sharing your special meal together, so he didn’t say no. In fact, he was definitely tempted to have a taste for himself—just not entirely what you were thinking. “Don’t mind if I do, my angel.” He said with a smirk as he gently turned your chin to have you look at him, leaning in to steal a quick kiss to taste the sweet cream lingering there from your own stolen taste of it. “Just the right amount of sweetness.”
At that moment you were certain that if anyone looked up ‘flustered’ in a dictionary it would surely have a photograph of you as its subject. Your cheeks burned hot, lips parted in shock and you almost thought you imagined it when he let go of you and took the bowl of sweet cream to begin filling the crêpes like nothing had just happened. Given the setting you didn’t want to question it, figuring you’d get a chance to ask about it later.
After everything was dished up onto two plates he grabbed a fork and cut off a reasonably sized piece, lifting it to your lips with an expectant expression. “Now it’s time for the ‘look gorgeous while I serve you’ portion of our morning.” Sanji said quite cheekily and didn’t relent until you gave in and ate from the dainty metal fork obediently. “That’s a good girl. There’s no better compliment you could give me than just seeing you enjoy the food we’ve made together, sweetheart.”
It almost made you choke hearing him call you that, but you attributed it to his tendency to use terms of endearment with you and tried to focus on the taste of the food in your mouth instead. It was by all means perfect just like he said it would be. Sweet but not too sweet with the buttery crêpe and freshness from the strawberries, but you had to admit that it paled in comparison to the sweet kiss he had stolen from you just a few moments ago. In the cheesiest way possible, that had been enough to satisfy your craving; not that you would say that and ruin how happy he looked when you took another piece that was offered to you without fuss and then another until it was gone. You’d eat whatever he offered without question, especially if he kept smiling at you like that.
“So tell me, was it as good as you had hoped it would be?” Sanji asked as he gently dabbed a folded napkin against your lips like you would shatter if he wasn’t careful with you. It almost made him laugh though when you looked a little disappointed, which he deduced was from his use of the napkin instead of a suave smooch, but he rationalized that the morning wasn’t quite over yet until you’d stepped on the boat to leave; and he had his own clever little agenda at play. If another kiss was what you were after, you were sure to get it and more as long as you just said yes to a separate question he had for you.
You immediately nodded but cleared your throat so you could contribute more than that—he certainly deserved praise for even bringing you back and cooking for you in the first place. “It was amazing Sanji, I definitely wouldn’t mind coming back and paying for a meal next time, especially if you’ll be the one cooking it for me… How can I repay you?”
“There is really no need for you to repay me for any of this sweetheart. I only request that you’ll allow me to accompany you back to your boat again? I’ve really come to like our time together you know, so I hope you don’t mind.” He said with another jello leg inducing smile that only allowed you to profusely agree, suddenly regretting eating the crêpe so quickly upon realizing it meant it was getting around the time to head out so he could get back to work.
However, all good things eventually had to come to an end so you reluctantly nodded and allowed him to escort you back to your ship. Once you got there he handed you a container with the leftover crêpes under the promise that you’d give it to your father as a thanks for not minding you staying out a bit later.
“Are you sure I can take this…? Aren’t you hungry? You didn’t eat any of it at all, just fed me…” You said with a concerned pout that only made him smile at your sweet consideration of him. “I just feel bad—”
Sanji gently pressed a finger to your lips with an amused shake of his head. “If you’re so worried about me eating something, why don’t you come back later tonight and we can have dinner together when I get off, my angel? If your father doesn’t mind letting you run off again that is.” He said with a smirk as he removed his finger from your lips in favor of caressing your cheek. “We’ll have a proper date, if that’s something you would like y/n.”
You subconsciously leaned into his touch and nodded, knowing that if anything your father would be annoyingly supportive and take the chance to remind you that you had once been practically quaking in your boots about even going to the Baratie once upon a time and now you couldn’t get enough, wanting to go of your own free will to see one of those pirates you had been so afraid of.
“I would love that, Sanji. I’ll be here, I promise.”
After that Sanji didn’t hesitate to cup your face with both of his hands and lean in to press one more kiss to your lips and then another, letting his lips linger against yours instead of pulling away right away since there weren’t a bunch of eyes on the two of you out here. It only made you even more certain that you would face whatever teasing you had to so you could make it back here tonight for a chance at receiving more of his addictive affections.
He eventually pulled away from the kiss and rested his forehead against yours with a soft sigh, pulling you into a tight warm embrace before he had to send you away like he didn’t even want to let you go. “I’ll see you tonight then, my sweet angel.”
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All content unless otherwise stated belongs to: ©HauntedHeartHowl, previously HowlTheSanjiSimp. Please do not: copy, modify, translate, feed my fan fictions to AI, repost or promote my writing or graphics on other platforms. Please DO feel free to comment, reblog or follow <3
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