francescointoppa · 3 months
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P – Punica granatum L. – Melograno (Lythraceae)
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Purple Loosestrife Lythrum salicaria Lythraceae
Photograph taken on August 12, 2022, along the Culham Trail, Mississauga, Ontario, Canada.
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bansheehaunt · 1 year
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Crepe-Myrtle (Lagerstroemia indica)
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Lagerstroemia indica cv.
Melbourne, Vic
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drhoz · 1 year
#1937 - Cuphea ignea - Cigar Plant
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Photo by @purrdence at Hobbiton, NZ. Probably deliberately planted, but given how many ornamentals escaped into the countryside in New Zealand, who can say. The bumblebee is a freebie.
Cuphea comes from the Greek word kyphos which means curved or humped - possibly a reference to the shape of the seeds. ignea - Latin for "fiery" - refers to the resemblance to lit cigars.
A small tropical shrub from the family Lythraceae, native to Mexico and the West Indies, with small, tubular, bright red to orange flowers. Each flower is tipped with a thin white rim and two small purple-black petals. The flowers are attractive to hummingbird, butterflies, and apparently bumblebees, as well as being the reason it’s grown as an ornamental in warmer countries worldwide.
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deathtek · 2 years
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barcelonavegana · 6 months
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Foto: Robert Anasch - Unsplash
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bloody-fate · 11 months
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Mexican Heather 06.03.23
(Lythraceae, cuphea)
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entuacuario · 2 years
Ammania sp. bonsai (Rotala Indica)
Cuidados y características de la Ammania Bonsai 🌱 #EnTuAcuario #AmmaniaSpBonsai #AmmaniaBonsai #RotalaIndica #AcuarioPlantado #Acuario #Pecera #PlantasAcuario #PlantasAcuaticas #Aquario
La Ammania sp. bonsai es también conocida como Rotala Indica, no deberemos confundir esta planta con la Rotala Rotundifolia. Durante muchos años se comercializo la Rotala Rotundifolia erróneamente como Rotala Indica, de ahí que se las confunda con el nombre. Podremos encontrar esta planta moayoritariamente en zonas de Asia como China, Japón y el sudeste asiatico. Pertenece a la familia de…
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odivanvelasco · 1 year
Flor do Cerrado Diplusodon Lanceolatus
Flor do Cerrado Diplusodon é um gênero botânico com várias espécies florísticas com lindas flores. Apresento aqui uma dessas espécies. Vem comigo. Espécie de Flor do Cerrado Diplusodon Antes, esclareço duas coisas: Primeiro, meu objetivo é compartilhar as imagens por achar as plantas lindas, e mostrar o que encontro no Bioma Cerrado. Comecei a fazer estas publicações porque elas me fazem bem,…
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¿Historias cortas para no dormir y así no tener pesadillas? Crespón (Lagerstroemia índica)
Características, cultivo y multiplicación. Es un árbol pequeño originario de China, Corea, Japón e Indochina, cuyo cultivo se ha difundido en muchas regiones del mundo para su uso como plana ornamental, gracias a la belleza de su follaje y floración (llamada comúnmente espumilla, árbol de Júpiter, Júpiter, lila de las Indias, lila del sur.
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(crespón o crepe-myrtle)​ es una especie del género Lagerstroemia de la familia Lythraceae,  El mirto crespón tiene una hermosa apariencia de árbol, troncos lisos y limpios, y flores preciosas; cuando florece, es la temporada de menos flores en verano y otoño, y el período de floración es largo, por lo que se le llama "Cien Días de Rojo".  Crape myrtle es una especie de árbol de flores ampliamente plantada y es la flor de la ciudad de Anyang, Xuzhou, Jincheng, Xiangyang y Haining. Crape myrtle es nativo de China y es una especie de árbol de larga vida con gran adaptabilidad. El mirto crespón se cultiva en China desde hace miles de años, se plantó en la corte de Chang'an en la dinastía Tang y se ha introducido en todo el mundo en los últimos siglos.
En medicina popular se utilizan las raíces en decocción para curar aftas y dolores de estómago. El cocimiento de las hojas y flores se utiliza como purgante
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francescointoppa · 8 months
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L – Lagerstroemia indica L. – Lagerstroemia (Lythraceae)
4 - habitus autunnale
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margocooper · 7 months
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Дербенник иволистный - Lythrum salicaria L. (Дербенниковые - Lythraceae J. St.-Hil.)
Растет на сырых местах, болотах, по берегам рек, озер, по канавам. Декоративное. Медонос.  В корнях дербейника имеются дубильные вещества; в семенах алкалоид гликозид, литрарин; в траве - гликозид саликарин, следы эфирного масла, смола; в цветках - флавоны. Обладает лечебными свойствами: антисептическое, кровоостанавливающие, общеукрепляющие, ранозаживляющие; противовоспалительные, успокаивающие. Замечено, если изготовить для сна подушечку, набитую свежим сеном из листьев и цветов дербенника, то человек будет спокойно и расслабленно спать.
 Purple loosestrife.
Grows in damp places, swamps, along the banks of rivers, lakes, and ditches. Decorative. Honey plant. The roots of loosestrife contain tannins; in the seeds there is an alkaloid glycoside, lytrarin; in the grass - glycoside salikarin, traces of essential oil, resin; in flowers - flavones. It has medicinal properties: antiseptic, hemostatic, tonic, wound healing; anti-inflammatory, soothing. It has been noticed that if you make a pillow for sleeping, stuffed with fresh hay from the leaves and flowers of merlin, then a person will sleep calmly and relaxed.
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irrealisms · 10 months
two for flinching! liner notes
fic here if you haven't read it!
the title for this one was hard. the one i ended up on comes from this comic by a softer sea (& this crimeboys version by @iidalus); it's also the name of a game of chicken where you're trying to get the other person to flinch, which i think works well also, but honestly that's secondary to the comic. you're my brother and i love you. that's it. no punchline.
lythraceae ranboo5 sometimes says "all fic is meta". some of my fic is only sort of meta; frex under these smothering waves is trying very hard to be a missing scene that fits as closely into canon as possible. two for flinching! is very very much meta. specifically: it's my entry into the Crimeboys Abuse Discourse.
i was really unsure about it for this reason, honestly; it's got a lot of tags going "the author likes cwilbur! the author sympathizes with cwilbur! this fic is about cwilbur being loved and forgiven!" and those are, like. disclaimers.
i've had this fic idea since july 2022. i started actually writing it earlier this month. this... might be the longest i've ever gone between "had fic idea" and "actually wrote it".
the dream & wilbur scene came to me months before the wilbur & tommy scene. i had the concept of "okay, so, wilbur post-revival is so insistent that dream's a good guy who has Been Punished and Redeemed Himself because he wants to believe he's a good guy who has Been Punished and Redeemed Himself, right? what happens if you bring those parallels back up after wilbur no longer thinks dream's a good guy?" but then i didn't really have a way to resolve it that wasn't "wilbur kills himself" and i didn't want to write that fic
and of course the way i ended up resolving it was "let the crimeboys demons win". ultimately, tommy loves wilbur; wilbur's attempts to leave or punish himself or get tommy to stop loving him, ignoring tommy's actual opinions on the matter, are themselves a way in which wilbur hurts tommy. for that matter, wilbur's attempt to get revenge on dream for tommy hurts tommy! tommy is not a revenge-oriented person! the dance party on the beach did more for tommy than the confrontation in the prison did. acknowledgement of the things wilbur did to hurt tommy is important, but so is the fact that... tommy is going to keep loving wilbur and wanting wilbur to be happy, and that's not a bad thing, it's just who tommy is. if wilbur wants to make things right, he has to do that not by taking revenge but by listening to what his victim wants.
a quote by Eve Tushnet that shaped my theology and that kept coming into my mind while writing this: "We think God sends our bad things to chastise us and cleanse us—we think Purgatory is full of bad things. Fire, cancer, rats, what's bad... raccoons are bad. Unjust wages! But what chastises us is the good things in life. Love—if you've ever loved so much it hurts, or if you've ever been loved by somebody, maybe your mother, so much that it hurts you to think about it—that's the fires of Purgatory. In this life and the next."
the hardest and most painful thing of all for wilbur isn't tommy's hate, like he thinks it is at first; it's tommy's unconditional love. but it's also that same love that gives him the strength to keep living, to move on and do better, after the fear of tommy's hatred had pushed him to plan both murder & suicide.
the first draft of this fic was almost entirely dialogue. it was ... fine? it was written. almost all of the images that i'm proud of, the recurring symbols, etc., came through in editing. my beta @erstwhilesparrow helped so much. this is pretty unusual for me, i usually do much less editing than this one needed, but i'm proud of how it ended up.
parts of the beginning of the wilbur & tommy scene are from the wilbur finale/Boundless Sands, but most of it isn't.
i don't know how obvious this came through in the writing, but it's tagged with wilbur having BPD bc that does in fact inform my characterization here: i read cwilbur as splitting white on dream post-revival, and then black during inconsolable differences. (he tends to split on tommy & on himself as well.)
crimeboys are so fun to write. i really, really want to write them more, because they're just such a joy to write. probably the most fun part of the entire fic for me was the few lines of banter they get near the end about long words.
EDIT: also ! this fic is nonzero inspired by peel the scars from off my back by squareupgod. not in a directly-inspired way, i had the basic premise before i read it, but in the way where i read that fic and it just kind of lives in my brain whenever i think about c!crime now. if you're a c!crime fan go read that fic. or reread it if you already have read it. whichever. and then cry. you do have to cry.
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Punica granatum
Melbourne, Vic
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drhoz · 2 years
#1853 - Lythrum hyssopifolia - Lesser Loosestrife
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A large number of the plants in SW Australia have spent the last 60 million years inventing new and exciting ways to kill anything that tries to eat them, which is why we have plants with names like Poison Peas, Woodbridge Poison, and Lambkill. On the other hand, sheep have spent the last 10,000 years inventing new and exciting ways to get themselves killed, which include eating any of the aforementioned plants after they got introduced to SW Australia. 
That said, it didn’t stop anybody introducing some of the poisonous plants from back home - perhaps they thought the sheep would be homesick as well as already poisoned. 
The weed grows in wetter pasture across much of southern Australia, and parts of eastern and western North America, unfortunately. It’s native to Europe, and rare in the UK. Also known as Hyssop Loosestrife and Grass-poly, it causes serious and often fatal liver and kidney failure. 
Other plants in the family include the invasive weed Purple Loosestrife  Lythrum salicaria, Henna Lawsonia inermis,  pomegranate Punica granatum, and the water caltrop (Trapa bicornis or T. natans).
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