#Madani land Group
rumahdijualsentulcity · 7 months
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madanilandgroup · 16 days
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abiealiefaziz · 4 months
• https://maps.app.goo.gl/ve86iY3UBYRAjTScA
Yuk booking sekarang unit terbatas !!!
☎️ 0816 579 115
🇮🇩 Madani Land Group
#RumahDijual #PuriHarmoni #Pasirmukti #Citereup #Flpp #Cibinong #Bogor #Sale #WismaMadani2 #Madani2 #DesainRumah #Madanilandgroup #tarikolot #Citeureup #Developer #bogorhits #PuriHarmoni #promo #Lacland #GSC #Semuabisapunyarumah #Pasirmukti #Citereup #Cibinong #Bogor #Sentul
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wismamadani · 7 months
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Jl Tarikolot Citereup Bogor
📌Map Lokasi :
Perumahan Komersial di lokasi strategis di pusat hunian padat dekat kota mandiri Sentulcity, Pemda Bogor dan kawasan industri Tengsaw, juga Gunung Putri.
Dengan mengusung konsep, Harga Termurah Dibandingkan Kompetitor Sekitarnya. Bisa Dicicil Ke Developer Hingga 10 Tahun, Tanpa BI Cheking, Tanpa Bunga & Persyaratan Yang Mudah.
Bisa Untuk Semua Kalangan, Mulai Pengusaha, Karyawan dan Freelance.
karena tanpa rekening koran, slip gaji dan status lainya. yang penting bisa nyicil. Bi Cheking Bermasalah masih bisa Ambil Rumah.
Mengusung konsep Kavling/Rumah dg Desain Minimalis Modern Tropis Double dinding. bahan material berkualitas dan terjamin.
Pembayaran Fleksibel sesuai kemampuan konsumen. Booking Hanya 1Juta. DP mulai 10Juta. Cicilan Mulai 2Jutaan.
Di Kelilingi Perumahan Citereup Residen, Pesona Citereup, Puri Harmoni Pasir Mukti, Bumi Citereup Asri, Laceland, Semesta dll.
• Lantai Keramik 40x40cm
• Kusen Aluminium
• Pondasi Cor
• Plester Aci
• Pintu Solid
• Genteng Metal
• Kloset Duduk Sower
• Carport
• Terrace Belakang Masih Luas
• 5 Menit fasilitas pendidikan lengkap dr Paud s.d Kuliah.
• 10 menit TOLL Citereup, RS Anisa, Centra Medika, Bina Husada, Mall Robinson, Stasiun Nambo Pasar Citereup Dll.
• 15 Menit Pemda Bogor, MALL CCM, Stadiun Pakansari, TOLL Sirkuit Sentul, Adhycity, Citra Sentul, Sequoia Hills, Sirkuit Sentul, dll.
• 25 Menit Sentul city, AEON Mall, RS EMC, IKEA, Taman Budaya, Jungle Land, SICC, BCA training center, Sampoerna Akademi, Dll.
👩‍💻 Abie Alief
☎️ 0897 644 3359
#Rumah #Dijual #Citereup #Bogor #Properti #Kontraktor #Konsultan #Developer #BTN #MadaniLandGroup #WismaMadani #FLPP #Subsidi #Cibinong #NOBICheking #NOBUNGA #NORIBA #CCM #BISADICICIL #carirumahindonesia #SICC #CRICorp #CRIGroup #Cluster #Depok #GunungPutri
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wismamadani1 · 6 months
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batikproperty · 7 months
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bellaxgiornata · 10 months
You're Safe With Me [Chapter One]
Pairing: Frank Castle x Fem!Reader
Summary: When you accidentally stumble upon something far bigger than the fluff and filler news stories you’ve always covered for WGN News Chicago, you reach out to the Department of Homeland Security and come in contact with Dinah Madani–but that only seals your fate as a target for the Patriot Militia and their wealthy political backers. Determined to root out the culprits deep within the government, Madani tasks an unlikely person to keep you safe while she builds her case. But when the person she expects you to go on the run with is Frank Castle–the Punisher himself–you feel anything but safe.
Warnings: 18+; series contains violence, mentions of mass shootings, angst and comfort, slow burn romance, enemies to lovers, eventual smut
Word Count: 5k
a/n: Sharing the first chapter of this fic! There's a bit of exposition at the beginning, just a heads up, but it's all important information. I'm really excited about this series and feedback is certainly appreciated!! Chapter list can be found here.
Tag List: @lunaticgurly @allaboardthereadingrailroad @linamarr @hollandorks @sleeperthelazy @marcysbear (tagging everyone who initially asked, please let me know if you want to be removed)
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Today had started off as almost any normal day at WGN Chicago for you. You'd been at your desk working on piecing together a news segment detailing the upcoming construction in the city this morning, rushing to meet a deadline for Gloria. It was a terribly boring piece, one that had been tossed around the station until it had eventually landed on your desk. Having stared at that filler piece more times than you’d have liked, you had found yourself already on your second cup of coffee for the morning, a headache pounding in your head that you hoped to relieve with the extra caffeine. 
But while you had been at your desk working, you'd received a call from a number you hadn't recognized on your phone. Maybe it was foolish that you'd answered that call and talked to whoever it was on the other end of the line, but it wasn't entirely unusual considering your line of work. You often had sources calling you with information about something. But you'd thought that their very enthusiastic invite to a Patriot Militia rally in a small town just outside of the city was incredibly strange. Your curiosity had admittedly been piqued as you jotted down the address, wondering why a group dangerously close to being deemed domestic terrorists had actively sought out attention from WGN News–and from you in particular considering you weren't remotely a big name reporter at the station. After you'd gotten off the phone with whoever it was that had called, you'd made a few calls to verify the rally was legitimate before bringing it to Gloria’s attention. 
Of course, like any good boss when it came to covering potentially dangerous stories, she'd instantly rejected the idea. She'd told you it wasn't safe and it smelled like danger– especially because it was being held on private property and because there would definitely be guns present. It was, after all, the Patriot Militia. You had practically begged her to let you head out there this afternoon with just Andrew to film so you could cover whatever it was that was happening with this rally. You figured if someone had gone through the trouble to invite you then there had to be a story there, and you were desperate to make your way out of the filler and fluff pieces. Eventually Gloria had caved and given you permission, but only with the promise that you'd leave if things seemed like they were getting out of hand.
Knowing what you now knew, you wished you wouldn’t have gone at all. You wished you hadn't gotten involved.
Everyone at the rally had been surprisingly friendly to you and Andrew, though. Nothing had seemed remotely suspicious or out of the ordinary, and you were shocked to find that you hadn't felt threatened in the slightest despite the fact that everyone was heavily armed. Even more unexpected than that, considering your presence had apparently been a surprise, even if a welcome one, was that everyone you had interviewed had been willing to make statements to the press for the piece you were putting together. 
But what you hadn't expected when Andrew was packing up his camera equipment was that you’d overhear a conversation behind one of the tents as you'd finished getting a last minute statement. 
You had almost immediately recognized the voice of Adam Johnson, a Republican running in the upcoming senate elections. Curious, you'd paused and leant up against the tent, pretending to be focused on your notes as you turned the audio recorder in your pocket back on. When you realized exactly what he was discussing with a few other men in hushed voices, your eyes had gone wide. 
You worked in the media yourself, even if you weren't much of an investigative reporter at the station quite yet, so of course you’d heard all about the mass shooting at a mall in Schaumburg only days ago. Fifteen injured and three dead. But it wasn’t the police that had arrived on the scene and gotten the situation under control, it had been a civilian with a concealed carry that had stepped up and taken charge. He’d shot the suspect on sight and killed him. It had been all over the news after the fact, and the civilian who'd stepped up and killed the shooter had been touted as a local hero. 
But from what you had gathered while you’d stood there silently eavesdropping on the hushed conversation, you’d learned the shooting hadn't been perpetrated by an ordinary young man like the news had been reporting. He'd been a member of the Patriot Militia, one who'd willingly played martyr for the cause. The whole thing had been orchestrated as a way to sway public opinion on guns. And as you continued to eavesdrop, you'd begun to learn what happened in Schaumburg hadn’t been the first time they had done this. The shooting that you’d seen in the news only a month ago out near Columbus, Ohio had been brought up among the group, and they’d also name-dropped a Glen Allen, Virginia, though that name hadn’t rung any bells in your mind for any recent incidents.
From what you’d gathered, it sounded like not only was the Patriot Militia behind these mass shootings where armed civilians had taken out the shooter–who also happened to be a Patriot Militia member–but these attacks had begun to sound far more like terrorist attacks, and it seemed like they were being quietly led by prominent political figures who were proudly anti-gun control across the country. 
Clearly you had accidentally stumbled on something you weren’t meant to hear at that rally, and it had made you wonder if the stranger who’d called and invited you out to it that morning had hoped you’d uncover this. Especially since you had been the only member of the press present at the private event.
Your heart had been furiously hammering in your chest when you’d slipped your phone out of your pocket, readying it for a quick, inconspicuous photo. Ducking your head, you’d walked past that tent and snapped a single, quick picture of the group of men you’d been recording, knowing that whatever you'd overheard was proof the Patriot Militia was in fact a domestic terrorist group. News that you needed to take far above WGN and straight to the proper authorities.  
You’d thought you’d been in the clear when you and Andrew had left the rally without a single problem, too. You were driving a little faster than usual, trying to rush straight back to the station, your eyes repeatedly flickering to the rearview mirror as you drove. Though no one had followed you from the rally.
Back at the station, you’d immediately sought out Gloria in her office and relayed everything you’d overheard. The two of you had huddled over her desk as you replayed the recording you’d taken, Gloria’s face only looking more and more grim as she listened. Afterwards, you’d pulled up the photo on your phone and–despite the attempt to hide their identities with hats and sunglasses–the pair of you had quickly recognized the politicians Adam Johnson, Eric Bane, and Daniel Carpenter who were speaking to Elijah Wolf–the man who ran the Patriot Militia. 
Gloria had immediately retrieved the number for the Department of Homeland Security, which she had scribbled on a piece of paper and slid across her desk to you with a trembling hand. She’d urged you to call them immediately and you had. 
That was how you’d been put into contact with an Agent Dinah Madani who seemed quick to act the moment you’d spoken to her and explained what you had uncovered. She’d stayed on the line with you while you uploaded the audio file and the cell phone photo, sending them to the secure email address she’d given you. And then she’d continued to stay on the line with you while she listened to the recording, a nervous churning beginning in your stomach as she did. Afterwards she told you to make a copy of both pieces of evidence and to hold onto it, sit tight, and keep your head down. Before ending the call, she had given you her personal cell phone number in the event anything else came up or in case something more happened.
And, unfortunately, something did.
Sitting at your kitchen table, you’d been quietly eating your reheated leftovers for dinner. Chewing a bite of the pasta, your eyes were meticulously scanning over the news articles from the day on your phone. Nothing in the media had mentioned a single thing about the Patriot Militia rally or a shooting in Glen Allen, Virgina, though. As your eyes continued to skim over the day’s news, your hand absently twirling pasta noodles around your fork, you heard a noise coming from the side of your house. 
Your hand froze mid-twirl of the fettuccine noodles, your breath entirely catching in your throat as your eyes widened. Distinctly you could make out the hushed tone of voices just outside. Carefully setting the fork back into your bowl, you rose to your feet and slipped your phone back into your pocket, making your way towards the window above your kitchen sink. Nervously you reached a hand out and peeked through the blinds. Two men dressed in all black, both carrying guns in their hands, were sneaking around by your garbage bins along the side of your house. 
Fear struck you like ice in your veins and you quickly lurched backwards, releasing the blinds. Your heart began to beat just as rapidly as it had done earlier this afternoon when you’d snapped that photo and tried to disappear from the rally without raising suspicion. 
The men outside had to be related to the Patriot Militia. But why? If they’d known what you’d discovered today–what you’d recorded–why wouldn’t they have done something before you could leave that rally? Why would they show up at your house later at night and have given you all that time to alert the federal authorities about them?
In a panic, you flew from the kitchen as quietly as you could, racing down the hallway and towards your bedroom. Keeping the lights off, you pulled open your closet door before kneeling down and digging around in the corner of it. Eventually your hands landed on the duffle bag you occasionally used as a carry on when you traveled. Barely paying attention to what you grabbed, you began tossing handfuls of clothing into the bag, stuffing a few bras and pairs of underwear from your dresser inside before you snatched your wallet from your purse on the bed. Cautiously tip-toeing back to your dresser, you grabbed the flash drive you had transferred the photo and audio recording to the moment you'd gotten home from off of it, adding that to the few things you’d packed. 
The moment you’d finished zipping up your bag, you heard the faint squeak of your back door opening and you stopped, your body becoming completely still. Whoever those men were, they were in your house now. And that had the hairs on your arms raising.
Inhaling a shaky breath, you tried to stay calm. Leaving out your front or back door was no longer an option now that they were in your house–you’d have to pass them to reach one of those exits and that was not something you wanted to do. Eyes darting to your bedroom window above your dresser, you knew you had no other choice. 
You reached your hands out, pushing the curtains back as silently as possible. Biting down on your tongue, you unlocked the window latches next before slowly beginning to push the window up. You could make out more hushed voices coming from your living room and you swore you'd stopped breathing while you worked. Continuing to push the window up, you winced when it made a soft noise as it slid upwards, breaking the silence in your bedroom. Thankfully neither of the men came running down the hall to your room at the faint noise, though.
Leaning over your dresser, you peered outside and checked that no one was lingering out front before tossing your bag outside. You heard it land with a soft thud on the grass. Climbing carefully up onto your dresser beneath the window, you thanked whatever higher power existed that the windows in your house were wide enough for you to comfortably climb through right now. 
Awkwardly you maneuvered around on top of the dresser, turning and placing your legs out of the window one at a time. Slowly you began to slide your body through it. It wasn’t until you were almost halfway out of the window that you heard the shout, your bedroom lights turning on and taking you by surprise. Looking over your shoulder, you caught sight of one of the men dressed in all black standing there, a black ski mask covering his face and the gun still in his hand. Your stomach felt like it almost flew up out of your mouth at the burst of fear and adrenaline that immediately shot through you.
“She’s climbing out of the window!” the man shouted. “Go out the front!”
Terrified, you’d pushed yourself the rest of the way through, tumbling down the short drop and ungracefully landing on the ground. You scrambled to your feet as fast as you could, grabbing your duffle bag before glancing over your shoulder to be met with the sight of a gun pointed right at you. With a shriek, you darted to the side and took off at a run down the sidewalk, your legs protesting the movement as your lungs began to burn. 
You kept on running, adrenaline pushing you forward as you neared the corner of the street. Chancing a look behind you, you spotted both men standing in your driveway staring straight at you. Though neither of them were chasing after you. 
You didn’t give yourself time to wonder why as you continued running, trying to make your way back towards the downtown of the suburb you lived in where you hoped you’d be safe among the crowds of people. The moment you were, you’d be calling Agent Madani and praying she had some way to keep you safe.
Leaning an elbow along the bar counter, Frank drank down the cold beer in his hand. His eyes lingered on the country band currently on the stage in the roadhouse, listening to the music they were playing with a faint smile pulling up one corner of his lips. It was the reason he’d meandered his way over here from the motel next door. He’d heard the music on his walk over to the room he’d paid for, having been ready to settle in for the night after the long day of driving he'd been doing. He was exhausted and his body ached from sitting in the van for hours. Inevitably the music pouring out of Lola's Roadhouse next door had drawn him like a moth to a flame before he'd even managed to unlock the door to his room.
The pretty brunette behind the bar counter he'd spotted when he stepped inside was just an added bonus, too. Frank had surprisingly found he couldn’t seem to keep his eyes from her every time he ordered a new beer, though he hadn’t made any attempt to flirt. It was something he’d become aware of lately ever since he’d left New York. He’d been noticing women more–not that he never had before, but ever since–
He drew the beer bottle back up to his lips, taking a long pull. He didn’t want to think about that.
“How’s about I get a pint and one for you, too?”
Frank swallowed down his beer, his eyes still focused straight ahead as he heard yet another inebriated patron hitting on the woman. That was the sixth one he’d heard this evening since he’d stopped in here.
“Thanks man, I’ll grab it later,” the bartender told him.
“Oh come on,” the man behind Frank said, his voice grating on his nerves already, “why not grab it now?”
“I don’t drink when I’m working,” she replied in a clipped tone. 
“Well if I’m giving you my eight dollars, I’d at least like you to have a drink with me,” the man continued.
Frank’s hand gripped tighter around the neck of his beer bottle, his jaw clenching as he tried to focus on the music playing. He was not going to get involved. He was laying low and he’d be leaving in the morning. This didn’t concern him.
“And why’s that?” she huffed out.
“I think you’re a good lookin’ woman,” the man replied, trying to sound all charm. “And I want to see how far down those tattoos go.”
Frank’s eyes slowly closed, his teeth grinding against each other. Couldn’t this man take a ‘no’ the first time around? He hated assholes like these.
“Plenty of other women here with tattoos,” she answered, setting what sounded like a glass on the counter behind him.
“Oh come on,” the man pressed. 
To Frank’s ears, it sounded like the man had reached across the bar counter when he'd spoken, and when Frank’s head shifted just a bit over his shoulder, he noticed the man indeed had a grip on the brunette’s wrist. Anger slowly began to smolder in Frank’s gut at the sight as the woman tried to pull her arm out of his grip.
“At least give me your name or a number,” the man pushed.
Trying to keep his temper under control, Frank turned and rested his back against the bar counter, knocking a fist against it lightly three times. The gesture caught the man’s attention and Frank’s intrusion quickly cut off whatever the woman had been starting to say, but his focus was on the asshole still grabbing her wrist.
“Hey, the lady is tryin’ to work,” Frank pointed out, trying to keep his tone casual and calm despite the anger he felt begging for a release. “You expect her to keep pourin’ drinks while your holding her arm like that? Let her go.”
The man made a show of releasing her wrist, the brunette shooting Frank a once-over before she walked past him behind the bar to continue pouring beers. Frank muttered an offhand ‘thank you’ to the asshole, trying hard not to cause a problem as he focused back on the band–because he was supposed to be staying out of trouble. 
But he could feel the asshole’s eyes still on him.
“What a skank.”
Frank’s eyes narrowed just a bit, his head shifting back towards the man a fraction. “That’s real classy, man,” he shot back.
The inebriated man beside him rose from his bar stool, his eyes still on Frank. “You say something to me?” he asked, trying to sound intimidating as he closed the space between them.
“Yeah,” Frank answered simply, turning further towards him.
The man reached out, placing two fingers against Frank’s chest before he roughly pushed them against him. Frank's eyes lowered to the man's hand, staring at it as the guy used those same two fingers to push against his chest a second time. 
"You just made my night, dumbass," the man said, his two fingers pushing against Frank's chest for a third time.
Eyes rising back up towards the man's face, Frank's right hand casually swung up and grabbed the man's fingers in his grip. With a sharp twist he heard the sound of finger bones snapping over the sound of the band playing. Instantly the man cried out, doubling over in pain as Frank tossed the man's hand back at him.
"You sure 'bout that?" Frank asked.
Clutching his injured left hand to his chest, the man straightened and reached out, picking up a beer bottle from the bar counter beside him. In a single, swift movement he'd smashed it against the counter, beer and glass splattering everywhere. 
"Come on now," Frank warned him. "Don't do that."
The drunk took one step forward, ready to lunge at Frank with the smashed bottle raised in his hand, but the roadhouse bouncer came up behind him before he could get any further. He grabbed the man's wrist, twisting the broken bottle from his grip before he shoved the man over the bar counter, keeping his good arm trapped behind his back. With the man incapacitated, the bouncer focused on Frank as he spoke.
"You've got two options," he told Frank. "Either you leave, or I kick your ass out with this asshole."
"Hey, Ringo," the brunette behind the bar cut in, her voice briefly catching Frank's attention. "He's good. He was just helping me out."
The bouncer known as Ringo eyed her for a moment longer before Frank saw him give the woman a quick nod. He pulled the man off of the counter, leading him towards the exit without another glance at Frank. Though Frank’s eyes watched as they went, following to make sure the man didn't cause any more trouble as he clutched his injured hand to his chest.
"I deal with assholes like that every damn night," the bartender said.
Frank’s focus shifted from Ringo and the asshole he was dragging outside to the woman eyeing him up on the other side of the counter. Gradually Frank turned fully towards her, resting both of his hands on the bar and contemplating another beer after all of that or whether he should just head back to his motel and call it a night. 
"You shouldn't have to," he told her. "'S'not right."
Her eyes lingered on him, a slow smile sliding across her lips. Making a quick decision, he'd been about to ask if he could trouble her for another drink, maybe this time while getting her name, but the phone in his jacket pocket began to vibrate. Brows curiously drawing together, he glanced down towards the noise before reaching a hand inside of his jacket, pulling it out. 
Who the hell would've been calling him on this phone? He'd picked it up shortly after he'd left New York. To his knowledge, only two people had the number.
Looking down at the series of numbers on the screen, confusion further spread across his features. It was Agent Madani's number. But why the hell would she be calling him? She'd made it quite clear that if he crossed her path again, she'd be arresting him. 
Frank glanced up, about to tell the bartender he needed to take the call, but she'd already wandered off to help another patron. With a sigh he slid his finger across the screen before holding it up to his ear.
"Yeah?" he asked into it.
"Castle, it's Agent Madani," the woman's voice immediately came over the line. 
"Figured as much," Frank replied, his focus on the damp bar counter before him. "Wasn't expecting a call from you. Am I already in trouble, Madani?" 
"No," she answered him quickly. "I actually need a favor. A…big one."
Frank's eyes narrowed curiously as he heard the tension in her voice. What could a federal Homeland Security agent need from him? 
"And what's that?" he asked carefully.
Madani loosed a deep sigh that was loud enough for Frank to catch over the music still playing in the roadhouse. Her apprehension was only increasing his curiosity.
"I need you to protect someone," she said after a moment. "They've…accidentally stumbled on something and now they're in danger."
"You got federal agents for that, Madani," Frank pointed out.
"Yeah, well," she continued slowly, "I don't exactly know who I can trust with this here."
Frank pushed away from the bar counter, maneuvering his way through the crowd of people dancing and enjoying the band. A few of them shot him strange looks as he moved between them but he ignored it. The closer to the roadhouse exit he got, the better he could hear Madani over all the noise. 
"What's that supposed to mean?" Frank asked. "And what's that got to do with me?"
"There's a woman who came to me earlier today," Madani explained. "She's a reporter for a news station out in Chicago and she accidentally stumbled on something huge. As in national security huge. It's something that involves high profile politicians–we’re talking wealthy, big names here. It's–it's going to be a massive scandal once this surfaces, but I need to keep her alive. I'm trying to assemble a case but I need her witness testimony with the evidence she brought me."
"Yeah? What's that gotta do with me?" he asked her again.
“She was at a Patriot Militia rally today,” Madani continued. “I don’t have to tell you who they are, do I?”
Frank leant up against the wall near the exit, his eyes on the pretty bartender pouring a beer. “Bunch of crazy activists, yeah?” he asked.
“Putting it simply, yes. This reporter recorded some things. Snapped a photo of these high profile people conversing together. Yet no one paid her any mind when she left that rally–because no one knew she’d done that. Or I think we both know she wouldn’t have been able to just hop into her car and leave.” There was a pause before she continued. “But she called me a few minutes ago. Couple men with guns showed up at her house. Now that has me thinking someone in Homeland caught wind of this and is trying to clean up the mess before anything gets out.”
Frank ran a hand over his chin, the stubble of his beard rasping lightly against his calloused fingers. “So you can’t trust your men but you think you can trust me?”
“I’m hoping I can,” Madani corrected. “I need you, Castle. If anyone is trained enough to keep this woman alive, it’s you.”
“I ain’t no babysitter, Madani,” Frank told her, shaking his head. “That’s not what I do.”
“I can make it worth your while,” she replied quickly. “I’ve talked to my superior Hernandez–the only one I trust on this right now–and he’s said if you help us with this, we’ll clear Frank Castle’s name.”
“Clear my name?” he asked curiously, his hand halting its movement on his chin.
“You won’t have to live as Peter Castiglione,” Madani told him. “You can be Frank Castle. If you help us. But I need her alive , Frank.”
Frank’s attention drew back towards the band that was playing on the stage, his mind racing. The government would clear him? Of all the charges for what he’d done in New York? And all he had to do was keep one woman alive to get that?
“What do you say, Castle?” she asked. “Can I count on you?”
His hand slowly lowering to his side, Frank pushed off of the wall, turning and making his way towards the exit. He pushed the door open, stepping out into the chilly night air.
“Yeah, I’ll do it,” he told her.
“Great,” Madani replied, her tone sounding vastly relieved. “Where are you?”
“Just outside of Detroit,” he answered, making his way back to the motel.
“She’s a bit north of Chicago so that’s perfect,” Madani said, her fingers flying across what sounded like a keyboard rapidly. “I’ll have her meet you halfway–Ruby’s Diner off of I-94. Tomorrow morning at seven sharp. Can you be there?”
“Yeah,” he replied, digging around for the key to his room in his pocket, “I can be there. But how the hell do I know who I’m lookin’ for, Madani?”
Frank’s eyes narrowed as Madani said a name over the line, his hand pausing in his search for the key in his pocket.
“She’s a small time reporter for WGN News out there. Google her,” Madani ordered. “There’s a picture of her on their site. That’s the woman I need alive, Frank. I just need you to hop from town to town and keep her safe. That's it. And I’ll be texting you coordinates for a drop site in a bit. I’ll have someone I trust leave money to help keep you both taken care of on the road while I build this case.”
Frank reached the door to his room, shouldering his phone. He slid the key into the lock, twisting it before opening the door and stepping inside. He turned on the light, closing the door behind himself before locking it. 
“Any questions?” she asked him.
“Yeah, just one,” Frank asked, tossing the room key onto a nearby table. “You say you need this woman alive because there’s people with guns tryin’ to kill her, right?”
“Yes,” Madani answered.
“So does that mean I’ve got the U.S. government’s express permission to keep her alive and safe by any means necessary?” he asked, his tone leaving no room for misunderstanding.
There was a long pause over the line at his question. Frank could hear the tapping of something like a pen coming from Madani before he heard her let out a rough breath. The corner of Frank’s lips twitched upwards at the sound.
“Yes, Castle,” she replied. “But no civilian casualties or our deal is over. And if the reporter dies, the deal is over. If you lose her, the deal is over. If–”
“Yeah, yeah, I get it, Madani,” Frank cut her off. “Text me the drop site details and I’ll find this woman in the morning. I’ll keep her alive for you, Madani. But I expect you to hold up your end of the deal.”
“I will,” she assured him.
Frank hung up, quickly pulling up the search browser on his phone afterwards. He made his way over to one of the beds in the room, settling down onto the end of the stiff mattress as he typed in the news station's name along with yours. Sure enough, a photo of a smiling woman appeared– your face–and for a moment Frank just sat there studying it. 
“So you’re the one who stepped in some shit,” he muttered to the picture. “You definitely look like you’d cause some trouble, that’s for sure.”
He stared at the photo for another moment longer, telling himself it was just because he was trying to memorize your face and not because he liked your smile. Eventually he closed out of the search and rose back to his feet, switching the screen of his phone off. If he needed to be a few hours from here by seven in the morning, he needed to go to sleep now. If he was lucky he'd get four hours of rest before he was back on the road again. 
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Being Franks Daughter in Hawkins pt 12
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Gif Caption: Top Gif: Frank Castle from Marvel's Punisher Bottom Gif: Steve Harrington from Netflix's Stranger Things
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Reader: 17-18 | female reader
Characters Mentioned: Frank Castle (MCU), Matt Murdock (MCU), Marc Spector/Steven Grant (MCU), Peter Parker (MCU), Curt Hoyle (MCU), Dinah Madani (MCU), Karen Page (MCU), Natasha Romanoff (MCU), Yelena Bolovia (MCU), Steve Roggers (MCU), Buck Barnes (MCU), Billy Hargrove (ST), Steve Harringotn (ST), Dr.Sam Owens (ST), Joyce Byers (ST), Will Byers(ST), Mike Wheeler (ST), Jim Hopper (ST) Nancy Wheeler (ST), Lucas Sinclair (ST), Dustin Hednerson (ST), Max Mayfeild (ST), Jonathan Byers (ST) Eleven (ST)
Warnings: sad :( past trauma, blood, my spelling is completely shit bc i didnt go back and look through it sorry
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You cant exactly what happened next
Maybe it had happened all to fast.
Your head spinning so much,
You remember something about the kids cheering you on, about something.
"Hey...hey there badass your alright."
Y/n blinked, she turning her head, "...dustin?...what?"
"Lets just call it a mental breakdown...with induced pain from your wounds." Dustin spoke, "Steve tried to help."
"But you had a fight or flight response." Mike added. "He the flight part and you the fight part."
"You knocked him straight on his ass." Dustin spoke, "and knocked him out."
"What?" Y/n asked now awake looking around.
"Take this left! Left!" Lucas shouted Y/n looking at the driver seat, Max.
Looking around ahe syafted to freak out.
"WHAT!?" Steve shouted getting up as well from his previous state of knocked the fuck out he looking around.
"Calm Down!" Dustin tried to persuade.
"Thats not right man!" Y/n shouted looking at Max driving.
"She's drove before!" Lucas argued.
"Who!?-" Steve asked before seeing Max drivin.
He joined the screaming with Y/n in telling her to stop and pull over.
"Im trying to focus!" Max shouted.
"Left! Left Max!"
"Okay! Okay!"
"Holy Shit!" The two teens shouted.
You didnt even bother asking where you were all going
But when Max slammed on the breaks you all in farm land.
You had an idea where you were.
Everyone unpiled from the car you falling out holding your side.
"Max. Max. What are we doing here?"
"Burning the shit out of the upside down."
"Alright...yeah...alright. burn the shit." Y/n explained getting up, just to fall back down to her knee "or maybe not..."
"Shit! Guys!" Max called, "shes bleedibg through her shirt!"
The group rushed over.
"Shit..." Steve looked over her, lifting her shirt up, Bandages soaked in blood.
"Tape Henderson?" Y/n asked, Dustin throwinv her a roll of tape, she taping her abdomen up, grunting along the eay, "Lets tourch a bitch."
"Badass." Dustin cheered as Y/n walked off.
Steve looked over at Dustin with a 'really' look.
You were glad you could ask Mike for a fill in, you helping all the kids drop down, making sure they all have there make shift protective wear up and on.
And you fight with Steve to go first
You end up just pushing him out the way to go forward.
What are you gonna do with two little Hatchets and some knives?
Alot. You could do alot.
He just wants to protect you
Even if your a big bad ass, he cant help but like the helpless princess being saved by the prince type of shit
Except this time the princess is a bad ass that's mroe ripped than most of the guys at school
Still hot either way
Not to lie, watching you take command...
God he's gotta ask you out
He's falling in love all over again, its pretty clear with the way he stares at you throughout the entire thing.
Stabbing a demon dog? Wow Being a badass making a quick Molotov Cocktail? Elite.
"What the hell..." Dustin mummbled, Y/n turning her head.
"What is that-"
"Spore! Get down!"
Tackling Dustin to save him?
You were quick to help him up and pull him along.
"I swear. If one of these little shits die." Y/n mummbled.
You drag him along, making it to this. Supposed hub.
You were all quick to soak the area Gas, spray down walls and ceilings, No stone is left unsoaked.
It was an easy task, till you all set the shit ablaze
Ah yes
Running for your fucking lives
Dont we all at some point.
You keep yourself in the back this time, making sure no one is left behind.
So when Mike falls because of a vine your quick to help him up and push him along with the sound of Dustin's pet growling in the background
Points to Dustin's for always carring legendary Three Musketers with him.
Because apparently Demodogs love Nought.
Who would have guessed?
You all rush past the busy Demo dog and start helping everyone back up the rope.
The kids first of course, leaving you and Steve at the bottom.
"Go up first!" Y/n ordered.
"Fucking Go!-"
She was cut off by growling and screeching, what was one demodog had to be atleast 20 now.
"Get up the rope." Y/n ordered, "now."
"I don't get it. Why are you the one in danger all the time!" Steve argued, "You go up the rope!"
"Not the time to arguing now you guys!" Dustin called from above the demodogs coming around the corner.
"Because last time I let someone go infront of me! Or behind me THEY DIED. You get it now!" Y/n argued, "They DIED because of me. ME."
"Behind you!"
Y/n turned around the lot of Demodogs pulling a Hatchet out, just for them to all run past the two.
Fuck...the kids are gonna have heart attacks before there 18.
You both end up save and sound.
And as your coming up, the car lights blind you, they becoming ridiculously bright
God. You get it Billy's flashy, but thats excessive.
The bright light in the last thing you remember seeing.
Passing out again? Absolutely.
Bleeding out? Yeah that sounds like you.
Your taken to Joyce's house, we're everyone regroups.
And you're passed out on the couch, bleeding out.
Steve's in full panic mode, not exactly sure how to handle the major wounds
He can only apply pressure with the kids in a worried state
But luckily Frank's one of the first through the door
Frank takes control on the situation while Steve as much as he wants fo help, is having a freak out.
He's stuck in the bathroom, scrubbing his hands, no matter how much he picks and scrubs his hands are tinted red.
"Need some help?"
He turns his head, its Nancy holding a bottle of rubbing alcholol.
"I'm sure Y/n needs that more than me."
"Don't worry. Mr.Castiglione has plenty for her." Nancy told, setting the bottle down besides the soap.
Steve nodded, "thanks..."
"No problem..." Nancy spoke leaning against the wall, watching Steve try and rid his hands of Y/n's blood, he wincing, "burns."
"Must've scrubbed too hard." Nancy told, "let me see."
Steve gave her a hand, his other turning the water off.
"Defenitly scrubbed your hands raw." Nancy told.
Steve chuckled, "...yeah...got the better of me."
Nancy's hands were cold and soothing on Steve's. His hand relaxing in hers in relief.
"What happened here?" Nancy asked looking at Steve's split eyebrow and brusie forming on his face.
"Y/n." Steve told.
"She hurt you?"
"What? No. Yes- Not on purpose. She. She had a moment is all." Steve told and then went quiet in thought, "...I can't imagine what she goes through...what she's been through."
"We've all been through a lot." Nancy told him.
He looked at her and nodded, we had an unlining, me and you, and the others. Others implied anyone but Y/n at this point.
She smiled smally at him, then raised her head to kiss his cheek far too close to his lips to not have double meaning.
"We'll be okay."
You woke up on Joyce's table. An easy place to operate on you.
Confused you tried to sit up, but Curt stopped you,
"Hey. Hey. It's me."
"Citrius? That you man?" Y/n asked with a groan.
"Glad to see the jokes don't waver when you're almost KIA." He explained.
Y/n smiled weakly, "What are you doin here?"
"Frank called. Those mutts went after us too."
Y/n nodded, "Hey there. You alright?"
Y/n looked over to see Karen, Madani and Parker.
"Yeah. Just wanna sit up." Y/n told, Peter helping her up and off the table into a chair, "is everyone alright?"
"God look at you." Karen spoke holding Y/n's face carefully, "You're asking if we're all okay and look at you."
Y/n smiled small.
"Someone needs to stop hanging around this one." Madani explained.
"Hey. I am a very good influence." Peter defended.
A knock on the door wall intruppting them.
Y/n smiled seeing Will, "Hey."
He looked at her worriedly before she lifted up an arm signalling for a hug, he was careful walking over, before Y/n dragged him into a big squeeze.
"Im sorry." He apologized.
"Its okay." Y/n responded, "You think this was bad? You should see Banner when he freaks out. Full on 7 foot green goblin comes out. You think the Mind Flayers bad? See Banner when he doesnt have milk in his coffee."
Will looked up at you as you smiled at him.
"Plus I've always got you back kid."
You're so glad that he's okay now, that everyones okay
When Frank comes in the room, from checking on Joyce seeing your up, you've never gotten up so quick to hug him.
That means almost all your friends are safe.
You don't know about Steven/Marc or Matt yet.
"What about-"
"Everyone's alright." Frank told her, "One's helping patch the kids up the other's helping clean up glass on the floor"
Y/n sighing hugging Frank tighter, he kissing the top of her head. Then pulled away from her.
"You ever. Ever. Do some stupid shit like that again. I swear." He threatened.
"Oh. So just don't act like you." Y/n defended with a smile.
He only shook his head, pulling her into another hug
"Hug her any harder and you'll bust all her stiches." Curt warned.
You just need a nap at this point.
But before you do that you got to make sure each of those kids get home first.
It takes about an hour, but everyones home and finally safe.
You and the gang actually end up spending the night of Joyce's.
The next day comes around and your pancakes on the floor with Will and the group.
All unphased by the taped up window, and Wills drawings still making a map.
The news is on, there closing Hawkin's lab,
Thank god.
Plus those Pancakes your dad made for everyone are real good.
You can't help but thing whats next for Hawkins
Is the Upside down truly gone? Or does it never go away?
Life kinda goes back to normal, the group saying they'll never come back to visit you guys, a joke of course.
Matt telling you he's proud of you and he'll see you when you come for trainning.
Its news To Peter's ears of course and he's super excited to hang out with you.
You tell him you've gotta finish up the semester first
Oddly okay after the whole situation, You feel like you lost people more of gained anybody.
You spend you last days of highschool alone. You know despite Johnathan talking to you during Lunch and Munson harassing you during class.
But Billy. Everytime he sees you he doesnt talk to you, there's not even a look.
And Steve, Steve just avoids you
But with the semester ending with the Winter Months.
Its either now or never.
Its. Well. The day you're leaving, with a duffle bag of your things you're putting them in the trunk of the car.
Natasha's come to pick you up, with a few others, most for entertainment reasons.
"I can still stay." Y/n spoke hands in the pockets of her dad's old poncho, a good luck charm she had taken from him.
Frank only pulls her into a hug, Y/n hugging him back, "You'll be back sooner than you know. You'll be begging me to go back."
Y/n laughed, it cracking as she tried not to cry i to his chest.
"Don't. Die." Y/n defended pulling away, and pushing him in his chest, "Im really not trying to fight Mephisto to come and get you back."
He chuckled, kissing her head, "Go. Before I end up changing my mind."
Y/n nodded, walking off the porch, "Love you dad."
"I love you too kid."
You had to pratically run to the car so you wouldn't plant your feet and not go like Frank ordered.
Natasha was kinda good with emotions, and always had your back, she was patient enough to let you go and say goodbye to everyone independently.
You were standing at the Wheelrs door, the bikes on the lawn told you, the kids were there.
"Just Knock!" Yelena shouted from the car, "You know. With a fist. And tap on the door!"
"I know how to knock!" Y/n shouted back at her.
"Really?" Barnes asked.
"What? She needed help." Yelena told.
Raising a hand to the door she knocked and surprisingly Mr.Wheeler answered it.
"And you are?"
"Oh. Mr.Wheeler hi, Im. Frank's daughter. Remember?" Y/n asked.
"You must be here for Nancy."
"Mike. Actually." Y/n told, "May I see him?"
"Karen!" Ted shouted.
"What!" She sounded annoyed.
"Where is our son?" He asked.
"Downstairs with his friends!"
Mr.Wheeler let her in, "Basement stairs are just down the way. Through the kitchen."
"Thanks." Y/n responded, following Mr.Wheeler's advice.
Mrs.Wheeler was cooking in the kitchen, Holly at the bar island a she played with her toy, she turned her head seeing Y/n walk in.
"Pretty lady!" She cheered getting out her chair to run over.
"What are you doing in my house?" Mrs.Wheeler asked.
"Saying goodbye to Mike." Y/n responded.
"You have nothing to say to my son. Not after what you did to my daughter." Mrs.Wheeler told, "get away from her Holly."
Y/n nodded, she had done nothing to Nancy, "Mom! Do we have-"
Y/n turned her head seeing Mike, "Y/n!"
"Hey." Y/n smiled.
"Guys! Y/n's here!" He called.
Footsteps were heard like a stampede, the group excited to see her.
"Hey! What's going on! Aliens with lasers!? Is Thor here!?" Dustin cheered.
"If he's here he's a little late." Max added, "Did Loki come with him?"
Y/n chuckled, "No. No one special is here."
They all awed in a bummed move.
"You're playing D&D with us then?" Will asked.
"Yeah! You should totally stay!" Lucas added.
"No. I've come to say goodbye actually."
"Goodbye?" El asked.
Y/n nodded, "Im going back to New York-"
"What!?" They asked shocked.
"You can't leave!" Lucas complained.
"Yeah!" Dustin added, "You and Steve make the perfect baby sitting duo!"
"Im coming back don't worry." Y/n informed, "But I am leaving for. A while."
"How long's a while?" El asked.
"Just. A while." Y/n responded, unsure of how long she'd be.
"You're gonna send back super cool photos tho! Right!? Postcards from space and shit?" Dustin asked.
"I will send you all postcards." Y/n told, "but for now. I've got to go. I've got other houses to go by."
They all held frowns group hugging her tight, she smiled hugging them back the best she could.
Max held on the longest, "You're gonna come back though."
"Asgardian honor." Y/n smiled, "Plus. I've gotta take you to Asgard one day-"
"You're going to Asgard!?" Dustin asked, "Great! She's becoming a God! Whats next Vahalla!?"
"You idiot thats where the dead go." Lucas argued.
"Oh. Don't go there then." Dustin told.
Y/n smiled at the group, and nodded, "I'll see you later then?"
"Yeah." Will spoke, Y/n looking at Mrs.Wheeler.
"Goodbye Mrs.Wheeler. than you for letting me say goodbye." She told and then started to leave.
"Mom who's here-"
Nancy was coming down the stairs as Y/n was leaving.
They both quiet as they looked at one another, "Goodbye Nancy." Y/n told, opening the door to leave.
"Y/n!!" Yelena complained from inside the car.
"Yeah! Yeah Im coming!"
The group of kids followed her outside.
"Is that..." Mike started.
Steve Roggers leaning against the car, waiting for Y/n to come back.
"....thats Captain America."
Roggers opened the door for Y/n, she getting in the car and he getting in the back.
Y/n waved to them one last time.
"Go! Go!" Lucas shouted, they all rushing forward as Natasha started down the street.
"Y/n! Y/n!" They shouted running after the car.
"Fanclub much?"
They ran along side the car, "You're gonna be the best damn Aveneger ever!" Will shouted.
"Yeah! A total badass!" Mike added.
Some of them falling behind with the moving vehicle.
"Don't take everything on by yourself!" Max shouted.
The last of them fell behind, the car moving too quick for them to keep up.
"You're one of the best damn baby sitters ever!" They shouted together.
Baby sitter?
You bet there all pokin fun at you now.
Till you tell them you took your kids of a dimensonal day trip
Respected Avenger approve Baby Sitter now
Natasha stops you at Steve's house next
Steve answers the door, alone at home once again.
"Hey..." Steve started, "How...how are you..."
Y/n nodded, "good...good."
It's silent for a moment.
"No. You go first-"
The two laugh, both nervous with voices over lapping each other.
"Yeah. You first. If you want." Steve told.
Y/n nodded, "Yeah...So...I'm leaving for New York."
"Wow. Thats. Thats Great!" Steve smiled, "Im happy for you, Nice to be going home...."
Y/n smiled, "Yeah, snows great in the city. Real pretty..."
"Maybe I can...take you out...ya know...before you leave. Tommorow Moring? I know a great waffle place." Steve told, "Plus...we have alot...well I...have a lot to tell you....and Im. Im real sorry for ignoring you, and avoiding you- i. It's..."
Y/n looked down at her hands, "it...its okay..."
He looked at her concerned, "You're not leaving soon. You're leaving now. Aren't you?"
"Yeah." Y/n spoke finally looking back into his gaze, "Bye Harrington."
She turned around walking back towards the car, he watching the black car drive off.
If you thought that was hard, this last stop was going to be harder
Natasha had known about Harrington, but she knew even more about Hargrove
He had been your first friend in Hawkins.
So While Yelena complained about stopping
You got out, Natasha grabbing your arm.
"You know. If you need back up on this one. I'm on it."
Y/n nodded getting out.
"Wait she's gonna go kick ass?" Yelena asked, "I wanna go."
She walked up to the door, knocking on it, Susan answering it.
"Hi. Ms.Mayfeild."
"Hello. Can I help you?"
Y/n nodded, "Billy home?"
"In his room dear."
Y/n nodded, "thank you."
Y/n walked through the house, knocking on Billy's door, music playing loud like always. She opened it.
He stopped seeing her standing there. Her face lightly scarred up, the most notebale a scar that cut through her eyebrow.
He turned off the music, the two standing there akwardly, Y/n closing the door behind her.
"Just. Come to say goodbye." Y/n spoke.
"Where you goin?" He asked leaning against his wall a pack of cigrattes now in his hand.
"Back to New York." Y/n told, "dad things its the best choice. Some superhero trainning as the kids call it."
"Well you've become what you didnt want to." He spoke setting a cigratte in his lips, "Congrats."
Billy's lighter sparked, he trying to get a steady flame.
"You know." Y/n responded, "no one knows still."
The flame finally held as he was still for a moment then lit his cigratte, "thanks..."
"I don't break pinky promises." Y/n told him, "never had. Never will. Those things are serious you know."
Billy chuckled softly letting it die off into his cigratte as he took another puff.
"I shot first." He spoke up, "Why act like I didn't."
"Because I understand what it's like." Y/n responded, "I got lucky...I got real lucky that Im not in your shoes no more...there was a guy..Arthur Walsh before I was a Castle."
Billy was silent, intently listening.
"I thought he was...this. god. Almost. Helped me. Helped..My older brother. Who you think is gonna protect you just ends up hurting you instead. I was embarssed, my brother was embarrassed. So when you told me what your dad did to you." Y/n told sighing, making her way over to him, "I just. Wanted to floor him so hard. Right then and there. Infront of it all. Infront of everyone. But its hard to get passed the embarssed part. I understand but once you get past that point and you see it, its a fight or flight response. So. Like you asked. Even though I wanted to. So, I didn't tell anyone."
Y/n didn't receive a response she nodding, "I'll send you a post card Hargrove."
She stopped, turning back towards him, "You gave me a run for my money. Just like our first basketball game."
Y/n chuckled lightly, "Just a bit. You got a good hit on me too."
He smiled, unable to contain it, puttinv out his cigratte, "Im gonna miss you City Bird."
Y/n smiled, "Im gonna miss you to Hargrove-"
She was shocked by the hug given to her. But smiled hugging him back.
Feeling something else wrap around her he pulled away, "Not gonna forget me now."
"Hey-" Y/n started, "Im comin back."
"Not soon enough. If you're dieing out there. Atleast die with it on."
Y/n chuckled the brown worn leather jacket sitting on her shoulders, "hey. If Im dieing. Im takin you with me."
He laughed, Y/n smiling at him, "You never change City Bird."
"You'd Miss me too much if I did." Y/n told, "So. See you later?"
She lifted up a pinky to him.
"See you later hero," Billy interlinked pinky's with her.
"You can be the hero next time Billy. Deal?"
Oh how she wish she never made that deal
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Tags: @raelwrites @miiikkeey @beebslebobs @ah-witch @supernaturallover2002 @pearlstiare @simonsbluee @stilllivindue2spite @lvbred @dancingqueen21 @writerdream22 @i-reblog-fics-i-like @knivqs @xxlaynaxx @3-spurr @eliskakratochvilova @sunshinepower17 @marssssaturn @howlerwolfmax @mxltifxnd0m @varientlyvisual @givemylovetoall @faithm120601 @abbiesxox
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groundedintruth · 8 months
my grandfather's will
writing can be the easiest thing and hardest thing for me. so is expressing emotion. & so is patience & so is allowing grief.
i like to hide behind metaphors. & i like to keep my worlds separate. i like to move in and out of groups without belonging; a presence that is felt but does not alter the group dynamic.
i like the one to one. and keeping my family to myself. keeping my thoughts to myself. & oversharing. & not getting to the point. the point is in the title but it's a place i cannot land on unless i write it out. contrary to what i reflect outside of my thoughts, i always know where i'm headed, i just don't want to go there yet. but i know that i cannot move unless i let it out- unfiltered and unedited and without form.
my grandfather's will is a one page pdf shared on the family whatsapp group. & when i cannot move, i read. so i read every post that a distant relative wrote about my grandfather on facebook. i read every blog post about him i can find on the internet. i read the forwarded messages from family groups i never joined or participate in. i read his absence on my mother's face. and i read his will.
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the truth is that to eulogize my grandfather is to archive the fall of a country & im not ready to do either.
my grandfather passed away in Sudan while fleeing the war in khartoum. the news of his death in madani arriving hours after the joy expressed at his safety.
i feel the agony & relief in my mother's voice knowing that at least he made the trip. that at least this way his life will be mourned where his body is buried. & idk if we can ever get past the guilt of leaving, all kinds of leaving. my mother's premonition of loss of all kind is one thing i inherited. and yet there's nothing we can do to influence or rewrite history.
my mother stuck in egypt unable to see her father one last time. unable to be at the funeral. and unable to mourn. my grandfather's death, like his life, is political. & it hurts that a man who dedicated his life to his country and justice leaves it the way he has. & its absurd. & it makes sense why every thought i have about him can be translated to a political statement. & i dont want that truth to detach me from the emotions i embody.
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my grandfather's will is a one page pdf of everything i already knew. the date of his death. my grandmother's widow status, his only wife. the names of the children survived by the memory him, in wrong order. & the technicalities of sharia inheritance. it doesn't mention his life. his contributions to sudan's judicial system, erased by the regime. his constant fight to correct that regime and every regime that crumbled before. or the sacrifices he made for the sake of truth.
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as a child i didnt really care about my grandfather's upholding of fairness in the choices he made for sudan. i cared about the unfairness I felt when i couldn't get more candy than my cousins. i remember being sad one candy distribution day when i waited my turn and didn't get any. facing my bratty pout with a smile, he presented me with a chocolate bar instead. he said he knew that i don't actually like candy. that i was the only grandchild who preferred chocolate. & maybe i have or maybe i haven't said it, but that was, actually, the truth.
i remember being five sitting on my grandfather's bed before his daily glass of milk to end the day. & he is telling me all about the thoughts I thought adults don't share, ranking his favourite people with a bluntness and fondness i learned to believe can coexist. & my mother is her father's daughter. their fascination with the law and crime fiction and with justice was a love for uncovering the truth. No sugarcoating ever. and when people are remembering his generosity, his courtroom heroism, and isolated incidents, all I can think about is his approach to life and how it affected my mother's and mine. his unwavering sense of justice above all else, his search for truth in every interaction, and his ability to give endlessly, unheard of and uknown, apparent only in the testimonies shared by the gratitude he left behind. and i wonder if i have inherited any of that.
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my grandfather was the first person to take me to a museum. insisting to take me everywhere that tells a story. a well of love & knowledge. my grandfather, a few animals, a cousin I hated sharing the day with, and i immortalised in a photo i lost in a cafe in khartoum. photos that may not exist anymore, places that don't exist anymore and my grandfather..
my grandfather's will couldn't grant him his last wish: seeing the people he loved the most by his side. stuck between borders. unable to leave and unable to return. our absence like every sudanese absence is political.
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afrisyaaulinuva · 2 months
🏡 SEMUA BISA PUNYA RUMAH 🏡  🏡 DI MADANI LAND GROUP 🏡      ➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖ 🖱️CLICK  : https://youtu.be/_DgIyr40VlM ➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖ 👩‍💻  WISMA MADANI 1 :       Jl Tarikolot Citereup Bogor 📌 https://maps.app.goo.gl/tKV5ztrPKe5iK7Qu9 =============== ▪︎JANGAN LAGI TINGGAL DI KONTRAKAN,  APALAGI DI RUMAH MERTUA!! ▪︎SEMUA BISA RUMAH BERSAMA KAMI DISINI MADANI LAND GROUP!! Dengan mengusung konsep, Harga Termurah Dibandingkan Kompetitor Sekitarnya. Bisa Dicicil Ke Developer Hingga 10 Tahun, Tanpa BI Cheking, Tanpa Bunga & Persyaratan Yang Mudah. CUKUP BOOKING 1 JUTA DP MULAI 10 JUTA CICILAN 2.3 JUTA/BULAN FLAT SAMPAI LUNAS ! ✅  SPESIFIKASI : ▫️LUAS TANAH : 60 m² ▫️LUAS BANGUNAN: 30m² ▫️2 KT/1KM ▫️SURAT : SHM ♨️ HARGA : Rp. 275 Juta ♨️ HARGA  PROMO : Rp. 212 JUTA Perumahan Komersial di lokasi strategis di pusat hunian padat dekat kota mandiri Sentulcity, Pemda Bogor dan kawasan industri Tengsaw, juga Gunung Putri. Bisa Untuk Semua Kalangan, Mulai Pengusaha, Karyawan dan Freelance. Karena tanpa rekening koran, slip gaji dan status lainya. yang penting bisa nyicil. Bi Cheking Bermasalah masih bisa Ambil Rumah. Mengusung konsep Kavling/Rumah dg Desain Minimalis Modern Tropis Double dinding. bahan material berkualitas dan terjamin. -------------------------- https://youtu.be/ZFh7_Ja67Vk -------------------------- Pembayaran Fleksibel sesuai kemampuan konsumen. Booking Hanya 1Juta. DP mulai 10Juta. Cicilan Mulai 2Jutaan. Bestview Bukit hambalang dan lokasi strategis Di Kelilingi Perumahan Citereup Residen, Pesona Citereup, Puri Harmoni Pasir Mukti, Bumi Citereup Asri, Laceland, Semesta dll. 🏡 SPESIFIKASI BANGUNAN: • Lantai Keramik 40x40cm • Kusen Aluminium • Pondasi Cor • Plester Aci • Pintu Solid • Genteng Metal • Kloset Duduk Sower • Carport • Terrace Belakang Masih Luas FASILITAS : • 5 Menit fasilitas pendidikan lengkap dr Paud s.d Kuliah. • 10 menit TOLL Citereup, RS Anisa, Centra Medika, Bina Husada, Mall Robinson, Stasiun Nambo Pasar Citereup Dll. • 15 Menit Pemda Bogor, MALL CCM, Stadiun Pakansari, TOLL Sirkuit Sentul, Adhycity, Citra Sentul, Sequoia Hills, Sirkuit Sentul, dll. • 25 Menit Sentul city, AEON Mall, RS EMC, IKEA, Taman Budaya, Jungle Land, SICC, BCA training center, Sampoerna Akademi, Dll. UNIT TERBATAS!! YUKK SEBELUM KEHABISAN!!!! ➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖ 👩‍💻 MORE INFO : ☎️ 0816 579 115 🏡 Cari Rumah Indonesia https://madanilandgroup.wordpress.com/2023/12/05/%e2%99%a8%ef%b8%8f-rumah-komersial-harga-subsidi-cicilan-flat-seharga-bayar-kontrakan-mau/ ________ #Rumah #Dijual #Citereup #Bogor #Properti #Kontraktor #Konsultan #Developer #BTN #MadaniLandGroup #WismaMadani #FLPP #Subsidi #Cibinong #NOBICheking #NOBUNGA #NORIBA #CCM #BISADICICIL #carirumahindonesia #SICC #CRICorp #CRIGroup #Cluster #Depok #GunungPutri
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rumahdijualsentulcity · 3 months
🏡  TYPE D : 45/139
🏡 RUMAH NEW READY STOK WISMA MADANI CITEREUP BOGOR TYPE: 54/103 DIJUAL RUMAH READY STOK   DI MADANI LAND GROUP       ➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖ ️CLICK LINK HERE : https://youtu.be/ZFh7_Ja67Vk ➖➖➖➖➖���➖➖ ‍  WISMA MADANI 1 :       Jl Tarikolot Citereup Bogor Map Lokasi : https://maps.app.goo.gl/tKV5ztrPKe5iK7Qu9 =============== 🏠 SPESIFIKASI : LT.LB : 103m²/54m² 2 KT/1KM SURAT : SHM HARGA : 475…
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madanilandgroup · 16 days
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WISMA MADANI 1 (CITEUREUP) || RUMAH KAVLING CICIL DEVELOPER || PT. Putri Gunung Pancar ============== https://youtu.be/dVQCXBaTw8g?si=0N0sooZPGG0eaj_R
• Bisa KPR Pribadi • Tanpa Bi cheking • Developer Terpercaya • Satu satunya Developer No Bi Cheking Tanpa Ribet Cukup KTP Aja!
https://youtu.be/NwPq8PQNSFc?si=czFIsGgoPQ_mVLCB ---------------- ALAMAT LOKASI : Jl. Kp. Bojong, Tarikolot, Kec. Citeureup, Kabupaten Bogor, Jawa Barat 16810 BUKA SETIAP HARI !! https://g.co/kgs/4bXqMvt -------------------
KEUNGGULAN WISMA MADANI 1 : ========== * Legalitas Aman. * Lokasi strategis. * Harga Terjangkau. * Dan bisa di cicil sampai 10 thn loh.
Spesifikasi : ======== https://youtu.be/4nLa64pdPyU?si=z52tkTDfFvL7m7Vk
* Type 30/60 & 30/72 * Doble dinding. * Dinding heble. * Genteng metal. * Kloset Jongkok.
More Info Sosmed : * https://madanilandgroup.tumblr.com * https://www.instagram.com/madaniland.id/ * https://wismamadani1.wordpress.com
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NOTE : Untuk kalian yg mau request bahan dan lay out rumah bisa juga loh ... Atau yg mau tanah lebih kita juga jual kavling
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keypropertisentul · 4 months
saatnya punya aset properti yang akan terus naik
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abiealiefaziz · 6 days
Proses akad kredit tgl.02 April 2024
Wisma Madani 2 Development By PT. Kreasi Inti Persada
🔸Lokasi : Desa gunung sari kp tonggoh, Citeureup Bogor Jawa Barat
Rumah subsidi type 28/60 ( luas bangunan 28m²/luas tanah 60m² )
- Dp 20jtaan all in sampai akad kredit (dp bisa dicicil)
- Cicilan 1jtaan flat sampai lunas
- lokasi strategis
🔸Persyaratan KPR SUBSIDI :
1. Usia 21 sampai 45 tahun.
2. Pekerjaan karyawan/wirausaha.
3. Gaji maksimal untuk yg belum menikah di 6jt, dan bagi yang sudah menikah maksimal di 8jt.
4. Tidak pernah kredit rumah.
5. Bi checking aman
Yuk...ajukan KPR subsidi Sekarang Juga
Cicilan flat , proses gak ribet
design komersil DOUBLE DINDING
🏠 WISMA MADANI 2 KPR SUBSIDI FLPP Program pemerintah 🏡
✅ Cicilan cuma Rp1 jtan per bulan flat
✅ 2 kamar tidur
✅ 1 kamar mandi
✅ Carport
✅ Angsuran flat
• Booking 1 Juta
• ( Dp 20 jt àn )
🔸Proses mudah cukup
1. Data diri
2. Data kerja
- slip gaji 3 bln terakhir
- aktif kerja min 3 thn
- rek koran 3 bln terakhir
3. Isian form bank
🔸Syarat :
1. Usia min 21 mks 45 thn
2. kerja min 3 thn
3. Gaji maks singgel 6 juta , sudah menikah maks 8 jt
4. blm kpr rumah subsidi
5. bi checking aman
😀Jangan kelamaan mikir, makin lama harga makin naik dan pasti lokasi makin jauh dari pusat keramaian
👉Mending sekarang survei dan booking unitnya...
🖍️Unit terbatas
🖍️Kuota Subsidi Pemerintah Terbatas
🖍️Harga Ditentukan Oleh Pemerintah
🖍️ Bunga Subsidi 5% Flat
Info survei dan booking
Hubungi no di bawah ini :
👩‍💻 Abie Alief
☎️ 0816 579 115
🇮🇩 Madani Land Group
#Forsale #Rumah #Subsidi #Pemerintah #BUMN #Menteri #PUPR #Promo #Asosiasi #Rey #Bank #BTN #FLPP #NolDp #Gunungsari #Citereup #Bogor #Sentul #Jawabarat #Jagorawi #Cibinong #Kawasan #Industri #Jakarta #DKI #WismaMadani2 #MadaniLandGroup #Developer #Properti
#wisma #madani
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wismamadani · 6 months
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BELI KAVLING BONUS RUMAH SUBSIDI CICIL DEVELOPER NO BUNGA NO BANK MURAH MERIAH DARI PADA NGONTRAK TERUS ========================= 🏡 SEMUA BISA PUNYA RUMAH 🏡 🏡 DI MADANI LAND GROUP 🏡 ➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖ • 🖱️CLICK LINK HERE : https://youtu.be/ZFh7_Ja67Vk ➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖ 👩‍💻 WISMA MADANI 1 : Jl Tarikolot Citereup Bogor 📌Map Lokasi : https://maps.app.goo.gl/tKV5ztrPKe5iK7Qu9 =============== JANGAN LAGI TINGGAL DI KONTRAKAN, APALAGI DI RUMAH MERTUA!! SEMUA BISA RUMAH BERSAMA KAMI DISINI MADANI LAND GROUP!! Perumahan Komersial di lokasi strategis di pusat hunian padat dekat kota mandiri Sentulcity, Pemda Bogor dan kawasan industri Tengsaw, juga Gunung Putri. Dengan mengusung konsep, Harga Termurah Dibandingkan Kompetitor Sekitarnya. Bisa Dicicil Ke Developer Hingga 10 Tahun, Tanpa BI Cheking, Tanpa Bunga & Persyaratan Yang Mudah. Bisa Untuk Semua Kalangan, Mulai Pengusaha, Karyawan dan Freelance. karena tanpa rekening koran, slip gaji dan status lainya. yang penting bisa nyicil. Bi Cheking Bermasalah masih bisa Ambil Rumah. Mengusung konsep Kavling/Rumah dg Desain Minimalis Modern Tropis Double dinding. bahan material berkualitas dan terjamin. Pembayaran Fleksibel sesuai kemampuan konsumen. Booking Hanya 1Juta. DP mulai 10Juta. Cicilan Mulai 2Jutaan. Di Kelilingi Perumahan Citereup Residen, Pesona Citereup, Puri Harmoni Pasir Mukti, Bumi Citereup Asri, Laceland, Semesta dll. 🏡 SPESIFIKASI BANGUNAN: • Lantai Keramik 40x40cm • Kusen Aluminium • Pondasi Cor • Plester Aci • Pintu Solid • Genteng Metal • Kloset Duduk Sower • Carport • Terrace Belakang Masih Luas FASILITAS : • 5 Menit fasilitas pendidikan lengkap dr Paud s.d Kuliah. • 10 menit TOLL Citereup, RS Anisa, Centra Medika, Bina Husada, Mall Robinson, Stasiun Nambo Pasar Citereup Dll. • 15 Menit Pemda Bogor, MALL CCM, Stadiun Pakansari, TOLL Sirkuit Sentul, Adhycity, Citra Sentul, Sequoia Hills, Sirkuit Sentul, dll. • 25 Menit Sentul city, AEON Mall, RS EMC, IKEA, Taman Budaya, Jungle Land, SICC, BCA training center, Sampoerna Akademi, Dll. UNIT TERBATAS!! YUKK SEBELUM KEHABISAN!!!! ➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖ 👩‍💻 MORE INFO : ☎️ 0816 579 115 🏡 Cari Rumah Indonesia
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carirumahindo · 3 months
🖱️CLICK : https://youtu.be/_DgIyr40VlM
Jl Tarikolot Citereup Bogor
📌 https://maps.app.goo.gl/tKV5ztrPKe5iK7Qu9
Dengan mengusung konsep, Harga Termurah Dibandingkan Kompetitor Sekitarnya. Bisa Dicicil Ke Developer Hingga 10 Tahun, Tanpa BI Cheking, Tanpa Bunga & Persyaratan Yang Mudah.
▫️LUAS TANAH : 72 m²
▫️2 KT/1KM
♨️ HARGA : Rp. 300 Juta
Perumahan Komersial di lokasi strategis di pusat hunian padat dekat kota mandiri Sentulcity, Pemda Bogor dan kawasan industri Tengsaw, juga Gunung Putri.
Bisa Untuk Semua Kalangan, Mulai Pengusaha, Karyawan dan Freelance. Karena tanpa rekening koran, slip gaji dan status lainya. yang penting bisa nyicil. Bi Cheking Bermasalah masih bisa Ambil Rumah.
Mengusung konsep Kavling/Rumah dg Desain Minimalis Modern Tropis Double dinding. bahan material berkualitas dan terjamin.
Pembayaran Fleksibel sesuai kemampuan konsumen. Booking Hanya 1Juta. DP mulai 10Juta. Cicilan Mulai 2Jutaan.
Bestview Bukit hambalang dan lokasi strategis Di Kelilingi Perumahan Citereup Residen, Pesona Citereup, Puri Harmoni Pasir Mukti, Bumi Citereup Asri, Laceland, Semesta dll.
• Lantai Keramik 40x40cm
• Kusen Aluminium
• Pondasi Cor
• Plester Aci
• Pintu Solid
• Genteng Metal
• Kloset Duduk Sower
• Carport
• Terrace Belakang Masih Luas
• 5 Menit fasilitas pendidikan lengkap dr Paud s.d Kuliah.
• 10 menit TOLL Citereup, RS Anisa, Centra Medika, Bina Husada, Mall Robinson, Stasiun Nambo Pasar Citereup Dll.
• 15 Menit Pemda Bogor, MALL CCM, Stadiun Pakansari, TOLL Sirkuit Sentul, Adhycity, Citra Sentul, Sequoia Hills, Sirkuit Sentul, dll.
• 25 Menit Sentul city, AEON Mall, RS EMC, IKEA, Taman Budaya, Jungle Land, SICC, BCA training center, Sampoerna Akademi, Dll.
☎️ 0816 579 115
🏡 Cari Rumah Indonesia
#Rumah #Dijual #Citereup #Bogor #Properti #Kontraktor #Konsultan #Developer #BTN #MadaniLandGroup #WismaMadani #FLPP #Subsidi #Cibinong #NOBICheking #NOBUNGA #NORIBA #CCM #BISADICICIL #carirumahindonesia #SICC #CRICorp #CRIGroup #Cluster #Depok #GunungPutri
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