#Margo diaz
kindaorangey · 2 years
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[id in alt text] thinking about marco's indecisive ass trying to find a new style after she comes out.
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oct0willow · 5 months
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Margo Díaz!!1!11 :333
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tiredtiresias · 5 months
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“Oh my god Marco?”
“It’s…it’s actually Margo”
“What do you mean”
“Dude what do you THINK I MEAN”
I messed up my OG art of her so I also did her little princess look from the show; my sweet baby girl—she deserved better tbh
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if you believe Marco would still be Marco, where did Jennifer Diaz came from? /gen, I don't know much of the trans Marco hc
In the episode “Trickstar”, Preston Change-O calls Marco by the name Jennifer. Given Preston was revealed to be in possession of Marco’s wallet I wondered if there may have been something in there that suggested Marco went by the name Jennifer.
As I pointed out, canonically Marco has only ever been called Marco, Jennifer or Margo in regards to the trans Marco theory. I mean, I guess you can count Princess Turdina but I don’t feel that one is the best name to go with seen as it comes from Pony Head calling them Earth Turd.
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marchingfishes · 2 years
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I miss them.... In my heart of hearts when they get older Star’s fat, Marco realized she’s trans, and Tom got huge.
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fluffykitty149 · 1 year
So I had a bit of a road block with writing my fic so I decided to do a poll
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midnight-els · 5 months
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For All Mankind | Tía Margo + palate cleansers
Margo & Javi, 1992 | 3x01 "Polaris" Margo, Graciana & Javi, 2003 | 4x09 "Brazil"
Requested by @margomadisons
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coyotecavaleri · 3 months
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I should start posting regularly (i wont)
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wagon-is-on-fire · 11 months
Some of the best fanart, fanfiction, edits, and world building i have ever SEEN
comes from The Magicians fandom like girlies are on another LEVEL when it comes to this show/book series
it's absolutely insane and I love that for them
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morphinomenaljew · 2 years
It has been damn near almost 4 years since Sera Gamble and John MacNamara showed their entire ass and justified the suicidality of their canonically bisexual male lead as “noble” and I am still so emotionally devastated by it that even the thought of The Magicians is enough to bring me to my knees.
And the most infuriating thing is that Quentin on paper should not have been likeable. At. All. He was written to be the same self insert main character that has been churned out for fanboys for literal decades now. But Jason Ralph *made* him likeable. There’s no doubt in my mind that The Magicians was only ever successful because the actors that were cast actually gave a shit about their characters unlike the writers.
Every single one of the main cast and the supporting cast felt like real people who were relatable in their struggle as specifically millennial protagonists. The Magicians is the only show I’ve seen in recent memory that actually acknowledges the difficulties our generation deals with in an even slightly compassionate way.
But what they did to Quentin was unforgivable and I am genuinely glad it was cancelled a season after because you cannot kill off the heart of your show especially after he finally comes to terms with his queerness and expect people to give a shit anymore. For a show that in so many ways was ground breaking for the sci-if/fantasy/magical realism genre, to say nothing of how the show propelled Syfy itself, the ending it gave Quentin shows that the writers somehow missed the entire point of the character they wrote and the story he was trying to tell and I mourn him.
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headcanonthings · 8 months
Kady: If this plan goes down the drain, where should we regroup? Margo: The afterlife, I guess.
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claudiasjustice · 7 months
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allatariel · 6 days
Seven Sentence Sunday
Thank you to @gordopickett who tagged me two Sundays ago <3 I am so slow!!
Tagging: @madamairlock @brynnmclean, @callioope, @toodeeplyinvested, @tiltedsyllogism
Tagging more (because tumblr is broken): @spectral-musette, @narilwrites, @sparkleplatypuswriter, @moocowmoocow, @melyzard
And anyone else who would like to <3
So, this is a brand new season 4 standard issue fix-it, because I have no focus and am going with the flow—when it decides to actually flow. The idea came to me while I was writing some tags on an imagine your OTP style post on Friday night and then proceeded to stay up way too late writing this as a path to that. And going back to check my memory of Graciana this morning, I think I misremembered her as 4–5 instead of 5–6 years old, something to fix later! This may pull in the other season 4 snippets I've already posted, not sure yet. But definitely leads to Brazil! Currently calling it We Are Fortunate Ones I Swear. Also, I can't seem to limit myself to sharing seven sentences, so here's an additional twelve with it!
“Mamá!” Graciana exclaimed again, with even more gusto and a touch of sass, and Aleida’s attention snapped to her. Her daughter’s attention was fixed on something outside her window and her face lit up as she pointed. “I see tío!” Aleida’s brow furrowed as she followed the line of her pointing hand to see a familiar man holding a black umbrella stepping off the curb to cross the street in front of them. They’d only met a few times and Graciana was already calling him “tío”? Before Aleida could even begin to process that thought, Graciana had jabbed the button to roll down her window and called to him at top volume. “Tío Sergei!” Sergei looked startled and then smiled warmly when he recognized them. “Miss Graciana! Hello!” he called and she giggled as he hurried over to her and bent down some, holding his umbrella over the open window. “You’re getting rain in your mother’s lovely car,” he chided her gently before giving Aleida a nod and waving. “Hello Aleida.” Graciana shyly leaned back towards Aleida, her prior boldness gone but her smile remained bright. Aleida smirked at her daughter’s sudden shift and addressed Sergei. “What are you doing walking in this mess?” “Oh, it’s not so bad, only a little drizzle. My hotel is right there”—he pointed behind him and then at the McDonald’s across the street—”and I’m just getting some dinner.” “We’re having ice cream bars!” Graciana found her voice again and Sergei chuckled as Aleida grinned and wrapped her arm around her. “After dinner, there may be ice cream,” Aleida corrected Graciana without any heat and then looked up at Sergei smiling at them a little distantly. “Would you like to join us?” she asked without really thinking of anything but the fondness she’d seen between him and Margo at dinner only a few nights ago.
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Found Family Tournament Round 2 Part 1 Group 2
Propaganda and further images under the cut
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Quentin, Eliot, Alice, Margo, Julia & Kady
Idk man, they go through a lot of shit together. And, oh my god, I adore the musical numbers.
Imagine a magic library appoints some guy to be its keeper, then after a while realises the task has made him a strange and lonely man whose only friend is a sentient sword. Aiming to fix this, the library appoints a gaggle of likeminded yet very different people for him to interact with. The cast consists of: Flynn Carsen, the afformented man whose best friend is a sword and who thinks a day without an Indiana Jones style adventure is a day wasted. Eve Baird, a woman raised to be a soldier suddenly thrown into a world of wonder, magic and dangers she knows nothing of, now tasked with keeping 4 eccentric, genius minds from being killed by their curiosity. Cassandra Cillian, a math whiz genius who's lived an isolated life from being put on a pedestal as a child, who has since been diagnosed with brain cancer and is desperately trying to live life to the fullest for as long as she can. Dresses like Ms. Frizzle. Jacob Stone, yeehaw cowboy dude who publishes his groundbreaking art and architecture history papers under a pen name because he knows his yeehaw cowboy family wouldn't approve. He's got the brains AND brawn. Ezekiel Jones, Australian techie and professional thief. The guy lived the Carmen Sandiego life before being recruited. Tries to act tough and morally grey but is genuinely the least selfish out of them all. Youngest Sibling Vibes are Off the Chart. Jenkins aka. the actual sir. Galahad from the Arthurian legend is here also. He's just some grumpy immortal grandpa don't worry about it. They're all just a bunch of nerdy adults who didn't have any friends or loving families growing up who find themselves living the life they dreamed about as children and it doesn't take long for them to consider each other, and the library, home.
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telumendils · 2 years
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THE MAGICIANS + Favorite Episodes ↳ 2x08: Word As Bond 
My takeaway lately is that anything can happen at any time, so just be there for your friend while you can.
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Seven Sentence Sunday
So as those who follow me know, I’m a relatively new writer of For All Mankind fic with a niche focus (for now) on Aleida and her family. This little WIP snippet is the result of two ideas I was working through in my brain. 1. Aleida, in my mind, spent 8 years between S3 and S4 re-building and re-prioritizing her relationship with her family, and it all *could* have ended disastrously had she gotten arrested in 4x10 (very conscious decision on her part to risk it all for Margo which was more reminiscent of S3). It’s just an interesting thought that there wasn’t time to really address in canon. 2. I’m convinced that S4 Javi is deep down, kind of a sweetheart who loves his mom (despite what Aleida tells Kelly) and I’ve thought of writing a three-part fic that addresses this, including how he reacted to her MOCR breakdown, the “Moscow Margo” reveal when Aleida was about to head back from Leningrad, and the aftermath of Margo’s arrest. This seven sentence snippet covers the latter. For some reason, these ideas appeared in my brain in Victor’s POV 🤷🏽‍♀️
I intend to keep working on my Aleida/Margo fic, and am not sure whether I will actually write this Javi focused fic, so if you would like to read something like this - let me know!
It’s not the FBI. It’s just Aleida, standing next to her car with red eyes, looking completely broken.
Javi pushes past him, runs over to his mom, and throws his arms around her. He’s crying now, harder than Victor has ever seen him cry. “We watched the people in the jackets take Tia Margo away on the TV and I thought - I thought…”
She’s crying too, hugging Javi back tightly, whispering, “She told them I had nothing to do with it, baby,” and then, “I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” over and over. 
Her eyes meet Victor’s over Javi’s shoulder, wordlessly acknowledging that getting this close to being arrested is worse than anything she’s knowingly put them through before.
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