justiisms · 3 months
"Sorry Phan, but I was having problems with my mouse and had to borrow yours. Strange though, but your mouse isn't working either. Have you made sure to recharge it lately? No matter what I do the cursor on screen won't move." *yakou is at his desk and staring at a spreadsheet, the man sighing as he gives a small frown*
*however... if she were to look towards his hand, she'll see that the mouse he's using is... marinee?! he has his hand hovering just above the tiny bird's body, the man's expression slightly exasperated as stares at the screen while he slowly moves her around and very lightly taps on her feathery tummy!*
"See? Not even right clicking it does anything."
"Oh no, sorry to hear that! Hopefully it'll start working more properly soon...! But yeah, no problem! Use mine for as long as y-! Huh?! Mine isn't, either?? Y-Yeah, it was fully charged this morning! That's so weird...maybe disconnecting and re-connecting will...."
As she leans in, she gasps when seeing that the "mouse" in question, is actually an excitedly squirming Marinee!! Who is happily playing along~ "Oh!! .... Hehehe, Marinee!! Ohhh Yakou, you're so silly~!" She giggles, as she playfully drums his shoulders~ And each time he gives her belly a tap, Marinee lets out a tiny giggly-like squeak, with the occasional little lap to his finger~!
"But yes, I see, I see....and it appears to be a little squeaky, too!! Might have to give it a little clean as well.... Alrighty, let's try fixing it real quick!" And with a widening smile, she gives the top of her fuzzy head soft scritches~! "Such a fuzzy, adorable mouse you are~!"
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"Mraaa~! ♪" Now she's wiggling even more in excitement!! She's absolutely loving the attention from her favorite nests~
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bobapplesimblr · 2 months
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For fun I'm still having Ambrosia dive into the Gemology skill, and while doing that she eventually went into labour and we now have the next gen heir! Welcome to the world, Marinee!!
And it seems the Mother Plant genetics are still going strong, how fun!
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wavesalwayscrash · 4 months
hey! love the lore you've set up so far, and i'm really excited to see where the comic goes! i have a question regarding "the Flock", i see that they appear to have a bird naming system given how every single member is named after a bird. is this a happy coincidence, or is a cat given a new name once they join? did condor, canary, and other cats that weren't originally a part have old names before joining? i'm assuming warbler was renamed given the "tom"/"molly" naming convention of her previous colony, but i'm interested about how it was for other folks!
Thank you very much! And yes, cats who join the flock have to change their name to a bird name. They're given the choice of what bird to choose, and Crane will approve it. The only exception to this is a character who shows up later named Scout, who is mates with Crane but didn't take on a bird name (since he's not an "official" member of the flock).
Condor's original name was Tiny! Crane actually gave him the name Condor because she stumbled across him when he was half dead in a ditch.
Grouse's original name was Fennec! He joined because he feels indebted to Condor.
You can probably guess what Warbler's original name was lol. She was very excited to pick out a new name!
And Canary was actually born into the Flock! Her birthname is Canary and shes just kept it. She left the flock to find herself (hence why she ended up by the sea with Marinee) ages before the war reached The Flock's territory. Its just that once the war pushed the Flock back, Canary wanted to help her mother colony.
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kittybeeblog · 1 year
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dios mio
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gwyoi · 1 year
Armee, Marinee, Navee, Airee (force)
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telodogratis · 2 years
Camion investe pedone in via Messina Marine, in ospedale in gravi condizioni
Camion investe pedone in via Messina Marine, in ospedale in gravi condizioni
Read More E’ successo nella tarda serata di ieri a Palermo. Polizia municipale al lavoro per ricostruire la dinamica The post Camion investe pedone in via Messina Marine, in ospedale in gravi condizioni appeared first on BlogSicilia – Ultime notizie dalla Sicilia. Palermo, camion, gravi condizioni, investe, travolge, via messina marineE’ successo nella tarda serata di ieri a Palermo. Polizia…
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meditationxi · 2 years
Carottes marinées express
Pour rajouter un peu de légumes croquants au menu de cabane à sucre 2022.
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yussuna · 4 years
Thank you for existing, you are loved! Send this to ten people, who in your opinion deserves such a sweet message in their inbox. Nothing bad will happen if you don’t, but imagine the smiles! 💞
OWO) thxforsendingtomeuareasweetcutepotato 💕
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quicknotesfashion · 5 years
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Pasquetta alternativa🌴🐚 @impulsocalzature #Quicknotesfashion#quicknotesfashionitalianlife#quicknotesfashionremiseenforme#relax#beach#superga#ilcurvone#pasquetta#love#happiness#april#spring#vichycheck#remiseenforme#rome#details#fashion#style#look#marinee#parisienne#parisiennestyle#vscocam#instagram#instagood#healthylifestyle (presso Il Curvone Ostia) https://www.instagram.com/p/BwjSLyHF5YG/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1vuy7ufz64yq1
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inky-curves · 6 years
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Sub Mariner #28, 1914. Cover by Ken Bald
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bartbillen · 6 years
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#bavette #marinee #facon #texmex avec #paindemais #holybelly #paris #hipster #placetobe #10earrondissement (bij Holybelly 5)
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justiisms · 5 months
"National Snuggle A Chicken Day, hu. I guess there really is a day for everything." *nanu looks over and carefully grabs marinee before giving her head some very soft pats!*
"She may not be a chicken and she may be a little too small for a snuggle, but I'm sure she'll be fine with this. I'll even go a step further and find her favorite nest if he's still in the house."
"Yeah, they're so fun! I love these little National Holiday Days, hehe: especially because we got one as lovely as this! Snuggle A Chicken Day...~!" She coos, nuzzling her cheek against Popcorn, herself~ The tiny yellow bird coos, and when Nanu gave Marinee pats, she leans into them with the happiest look on her face. It makes her smile warm at the sight...
"Mmhm! She is, she's absolutely loving it~! Thank you for being such a sweetheart to my lil girl, Nanu... You could have say she and Popcorn are just 'chickens' that look a liiittle different from their farm bird counterparts! Oh!! Yeah, let's! Knowing him, he's probably sloppy style chilling in his room, hee hee. I'm sure they'd love to relax with their favorite nest, too!"
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"Sqqquawk!! ♪"
"Fweep~! ♪" The birdies happily chirp in agreement to that, making her laugh. They love snuggling with these two, but they would also love to bask in their favorite fuzzy nest, too~
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zonacook · 4 years
Basse côte de boeuf marinée cuite à la plancha
Basse côte de boeuf marinée cuite à la plancha
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C’est une recette de Basse côte de boeuf marinée puis cuite à la plancha que je vous invite à découvrir aujourd’hui. La marinade est riche en saveurs et permet d’attendrir la vian…
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myhauntedsalem · 3 years
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Staten Island, NY.
In 1885, German businessman Balthasar Kreischer had a pair of Queen Anne mansions built for his sons. Within a decade, the senior Kreischer died, his brickworks closed, and both sons perished, Edward by suicide and Charles in a fire that destroyed his mansion. The remaining house was left empty until new owners turned it into a restaurant, and a mafia front before once more being left vacant, employing former Marinee Joseph Young as its caretaker.
In 2006, Young was hired by the Bonanno crime family to kill Robert McKelvey, and he did so by strangling, stabbing, and drowning the man on the Kreischer Mansion grounds – before dismembering and burning the body in the furnace in the cellar. Rumor has it that the Kreischers haunt the residence, including a spectral woman who peers from the windows.
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Humans are Space Orcs, “Fear
Something I wrote for you all really quick this morning. Forgive any grammar mistakes :) Have a great day.
Fear….. I think it would be safe to say that it is the one universal emotion across the galaxy. For most of us, fear is a means to an end: a simple mode of survival, but for humans….. Well fear is something more. Fo us fear comes in situations where we might die, and that’s it. The only thing we fear is the loss of life before our time is up.
Humanity….. Humanity fears implication.
Sure humans experience fear in life or death situations, but sometimes they don’t . Humans will jump from planes, play with fire, and swim deep under the crushing weight of water well over three to four times the pressure  of their own gravity. They will tie ropes to their ankles and then jump off of high places.
I don’t think I have ever seen a human that was truly afraid, or at least not overtly…. Not until today anyway.
Sure humans fear death, but they fear implications more. Life or death situations are hardly an issue when you have your own imagination to fear. Humans are a strange species that can leap from the sky for a thrill, but alone in the darkness and safety of their own homes, they conjure up things to fear in the dark. THey see shadows out of the corners of their eyes and reflections in mirrors at their backs. 
They fear the implication of things that are unseen.
Believe me, the human mind is a horror house or personal torture.
Just watch their movies, and I promise you that some of the scariest ones to humans, do not involve natural disaster, life or death, or even dangerous killers, but they do involve the unexplainable, the uncontrollable. Those things that hide unseen in the dark and infect the mind like an insidious disease.
Man does not fear life or death, he fears his own mind and what might hide in it’s dark recesses.
“Get everything locked up, we do not want to be out here after dark.” The Commander ordered, pushing through a thick stand of deep purple foliage, and out into a large-circular clearing where three of their shuttles stood surrounded by that day’s camping supplies, and a group of waiting marines.
They stood as the second team of marines trudged their way from the bushes covered in dirt, slime, and sweat from their day’s work.
“Break it all down and get it back inside.” The commander ordered.
Krill, who had been waiting in camp with the marines floated over to absently eye the marines as if for scratches scrapes and bruises. Sunny was the last to break through the trees hauling her bulk over a mossy stone and onto the strange purple moss of the clearing. She snorted a leaf from her face, “Why in such a hurry, Commander, afraid of the dark.” Her voice was playful, but the expression he shot her was serious. 
She stopped 
“No, not the dark, but what might be hiding in it.” He began locking their food away into the climate-controlled lock boxes, “Plus, the last group of colonizers that tried to settle on this place ran screaming after one night. THe UNSC wants to know what’s up. The report had something to do with a ‘mimic” Now I’m ot sure what that means, the civilians were to shaken up to talk, but they seemed adamant that it was important not to go outside after dark, and I am not in the habit of ignoring warnings.”
Sunny nodded a tiny bit apprehensive. Whatever could have made a human run screaming was not something she particularly wanted to deal with.
Krill was as skeptical as ever, “Probably just some strange planetary creature, no big deal. They probably saw it, assumed it was some sort of folk monster and worked themselves up enough to run away.” 
Commander Vir didn’t say anything, but didn’t look like he agreed. Then again, he was known heavily as the kind of man that likes to give people the benefit of the doubt.
They got the camp packed up just as the star was beginning to set in the north (the planet had a strange rotation relative to its magnetic field)), and Commander Vir made sure his marines had entered the shuttles and closed the door remaining the last one before coming into the third shuttle and closing the door behind him. 
Two other marines were watching the monitors in the cockpit, so he took a seat on his bedroll next to where sunny sat by the wall idly tracing her claws through the striations on the floor. Krill floated not too distantly listening to the sound of idle conversation.
Sunset came and went, and nothing on the camera peaked the marine’s interest.
They left one person on watch for that night while the other came back to select a bedroll and get some sleep.
Commander Vir and Sunny were out like lights back to back with each other in the tropical warmth of the planet’s midnight atmosphere. It hardly seemed like a bad place to settle down. Even Krill had dropped into his half-meditative trance still partially aware of what was going on around him.
“Adam!.” Commander Vir jolted away in a cold sweat looking around for where the voice had originated. Most everyone else was still asleep. He shook himself a little. That was strange, for a second he thought that maybe the infected starborn had returned to take over his mind, but…. Starborn couldn’t survive on the face of a planet….. And he would have sworn that voice was the voice of a child.
He rubbed his eyes, stood and moved into the cockpit where one of the marines was still watching the cameras, “Anything?” He muttered, but the marine shook his head. He was just opening his mouth to say something when.
A baby began to cry just outside the shuttle door.
The marine leaped to his feet eyes wide, “What the hell.”
His voice caused everyone else in the compartment to store.
“Adam.” Commander Vir turned in a wild circle to face the wall behind him. Of course he couldn’t see anything because the voice had been just on the other side, like a small child pressing their mouth to the metal, whispering.
A few more of the marines had stood up eyes turned to the hatch with the sound of the crying baby still echoing through the metal, slightly muffled by the door. One of the marines got to his feat and reached for the handle, but Commander vVir caught him, “NO ... that's not a baby marinee. We are the only people on this planet.”
The marine turned to look at him eyes wide with concern, “But, Sir maybe it’s one of the settlers.”
“They may not have been coherent, but they would have told us if they were missing a baby.” 
“Adam, Adam, Adam…..” As the voice repeated it plunged from the high chirp of a child deeper and deeper into a demonic growl.”
“Adam!” Something slammed against the side of the shuttle.
The marines yelled out in alarm. Commander Vir jumped back. Something skittered and clawed at the metal outside. More voices joined in whispering pleading. Voices rose and fell, more often than not mimicking the sound of children.
Sunny was up now and found herself at the center of a group of humans who had backed themselves into a circle eyes wide.
The sounds died away for a few moments, leaving them in the deep silence of the forest.
There was a knock on the door, “Daddy…. Daddy, let me in, I'm scared….. Help me.” 
One of the marines turned his wide eyed face to the commander and then back to the door, “Jamie.”
A hand clamped around his shoulder, “No, marine, that isn’t who you think it is.”
“Daddy….. Daddy please help me.” The knocking turned to a frantic banging then a thudding, “Daddy please, something is coming!”
The sound of a small body throwing itself against the door repeated over and over and over again.
The marine’s face was streaked with tears, but he held his ground.
However, as they listened, the sound of thudding grew louder and louder. The shuttle rocked violently.
A child could not have had the strength to do that.
The marines cowered back against each other weapons pointed towards the hatch.
The voices faded turning themselves back into gibbering whispers.
Whispering died away replaced by the sound of something rushing through the trees. Thud thud thud on the pad of feet. It’s movements where unholy. It’s feet or hands, whatever they were were soft, and something dragged behind it.
Pad, pad scrape, pad pad, scrape.
“Let me in.” The voice was loud and sudden emanating from about knee height and right behind them. A girl’s voice throat torn and ragged, from fire….. Or from screaming.
The marines yelped and turned to the corner where something now scratched against the metal.
Commander Vir was the first to voice what al the humans were thinking, “Fuck this, let’s get out of here.”  With that, he rushed into the cockpit giving a cursory glance to the cameras, but seeing nothing. Engaging the coms system he opened a line to the other shuttles, “Bravo, Charlie, this is Alpha leader ordering and immediate launch, do you copy.”
For a horrifying moment, it seemed as if they wouldn’t answer, but then two voices crackled over the line breathless and hopeful, filled with their agreement.
Commander Vir engaged the launch sequence as the other marines strapped themselves in. Krill and Sunny looked around the cockpit in confusion hardly understanding what was going on. Sure there was something creepy outside, but it was outside….
They had never seen the human’s cut and run so fast before.
And they Cut and run as fast as they possibly could, making it out of atmosphere in record time.
Back aboard the ship, only the graveyard skeleton crew was there to meet them surprised and worried to find three teams of frightened bedraggled marines, and their more than paranoid Commander eyeing the shadows in unfounded paranoia.
Krill watched from the side confused.
Sunny looked on in worry.
The skeleton crew got to work packing up the gear allowing the marines to return to the crew quarters for a rest. Commander Vir followed, but paused in the long hallway up to the Captain’s quarters glancing back at Sunny. She was about ready to head down the hall to her room when he spoke, “You know…. Um maybe it is best if….. If maybe, we set up a watch for-for tonight. I mean just to make sure nothing ended up hitching a ride or…. Or something..”
Sunny looked at him in surprise, “But captain, space….”
“Yeah yeah…. I know, I mean…. Just in case, but like in the rec room….. Where we have light, and space to fight…. If we have to.”
She tilted her head at him, but finally nodded in agreement.
She had never seen such a look of relief on anyone’s face before, and together they made their way to the rec room, set up one of the couches and began their “watch.” A watch that simply turned into Adam leaning against her arm and promptly falling asleep.
She rolled her eyes a little, and was about to do the same when a soft thud echoed to her from down the hallway. She opened her eyes suddenly awake and alert ready for some creature to come around the corner, but instead one of the marines poked his head in, “Er….. do you guys you know… need help.”
Sunny looked down at the sleeping Commander and sighed, “The more the merrier I suppose.”
“Oh… ok…. I guess I can help.” He walked over, selected a beanbag, pulled it up to her feet, and immediately followed his Commander’s lead.
Sunny sighed and closed her eyes, not even bothering to open them when the next set of footsteps moved up the hall, “Yes ... we are on watch, and obviously we need your help.” 
This marine took the other side of the couch.
By the end of a half hour span Sunny sat lording over a room full of uneasily sleeping humans, and she idly wondered if this is what it would have been like to have a brood of her own. However, since she wasn’t likely to ever experienced that, she would happily protect these ones from the dark
Other species don’t mind the mimics so much. However, for some reason they have a profound impact on humans. My theory is that, like the starborn they have some ability in telepathy, and because of this, they have complete access to the one thing that humans fear most. 
Their own imagination 
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swygmerl · 7 years
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Pears of Wonder (ovo) - Countdown to Stormblood - It's tomorrow!
See you soon in Stormblood, friends!
To celebrate this day, we bring you Tataru’s Angels some Hellsguard goodness the Bull, the Bear and the Hawk: Watchful Star ( @duskwild ), Silent Sea and Marinee River ( @notsocalmriver ).
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