#Mattsukawa x reader
215-luv · 2 years
SUNA: a deep yelp comes from his lips, the usual bored look he had on his eyes now replaced with shock as his hands naturally lands to the nearest surface, trapping you in his arms. with his face now inches closer to yours, he looks down at you, the tension between you two now rising. he raises an eyebrow with curiosity in his eyes as his deep voice flows through your ears, “hm, what’s going on in that little head of yours, bun?”
KUROO: a startled expression etches on his face, not expecting you to do such a bold action. although, he’s quick to recover from his shock as he shoots you a cocky grin, letting his hand fall to rest on your hip. “what’s this, kitten? if you needed me, you could’ve just said so yourself.” he chuckles, “but this,” his eyes then wander down to where you were holding his belt, “this is probably much better.”
ATSUMU: literally gasps out loud in shock, “oh SHIT you- you really just did that huh?” he curses, trying his best to compose himself although he’s actually a stuttering mess. with a deep inhale, he lets his hands find their place on your hips as he looks down at you with a certain look on his eyes, clearing his throat. “are we gonna make out or..?”
IWAIZUMI: he looks down at you, surprised. letting an eyebrow raise as if he’s asking for you to explain what was that for. however, with that look on your eye, iwaizumi swore something had bursted inside him that lead him unable to restrain himself as he slowly slithers his arm around your waist, the action sending you shivers through your spine while you watch as he reaches your hand that was holding his belt, raising it to let it rest on his shoulder. he chuckles under his breath while he keeps eye contact with you, “god, you really don’t know what you’re doing to me, do you?”
SAKUSA: both his eyebrows shoot upwards and his body freezes momentarily. you watch as his eyes looks at you with shock written upon them. he could barely let out a steady statement as his breath wavers, “..w-what.. what are you doing?”
OIKAWA: “okay, so, remember when iw— AH! OH MY GOD!” he screeches out dramatically when you unexpectedly pull him by his belt and his heart runs in laps. he looks at you with shock as you only shoot him an innocent smile. “sweetie, what was that for?!” he lets a hand hover his chest as you giggle, about to give him an answer when he adds, “but that was kinda hot though..”
YAMAGUCHI: a high pitched yelp comes from his lips and he stares at you with wide eyes, a flush creeping across his cheeks. never have you seen your boyfriend look so embarrassed and surprised your whole life that you had to let out a laugh, your reaction worsening the blush on his cheeks as he holds the wrist of your hand that was holding his belt. “H-Honey.. S-Stop..”
KITA: when you pull him by his belt, he let’s out a tiny oh, peering at you with curiosity. smh innocent bb. he gives you a look that encourages you to explain what you did, but somehow, inside him, he thought it kinda felt nice to have you pull him towards you that way.
KENMA: he tenses. it honestly never crosses his mind once that you would ever do the action of pulling him towards you by his belt—the gesture so unexpected that it leaves him a blushing mess. his body freezes in place and you watch as he looks at you with wide eyes. “(y-y/n).. what was that..?”
KAGEYAMA: he really went “oh shit” as soon as he feels that force on his hip—not expecting you to suddenly pull him in that way. his eyebrows raises in surprise while his head tilts in confusion, not sure what to expect when you’re innocently looking at him in the eye. and he blinks, “uh. hi?”
ASAHI: “AH!” he lets out a yelp that could possibly be heard up to the second floor. he looks back and forth from your face then down to where your hand connects to his belt, letting him compose himself for a few moments as he freezes in place. his eyes widens and he stammers like crazy. “S-Sweetheart.. What- What did you just do..?”
USHIJIMA: both his eyebrows raise upon the sudden pull of force on his hip area. he looks down at you as he holds a potted plant on his hand. you watch as he blinks down at you, as if looking for any answers through whatever emotion your face has on. you let him place his plotted plant on the nearest surface and he faces you, holding your hand that was on his belt as he raises it to his chest, letting his thumb softly rub on to your soft skin. “is there anything you need, honey? you can tell me anything.”
MATTSUN: when you pull him by his belt, he lets shock overcome him, both his eyebrows shooting upward. and yet, that shock is quickly replaced by a smirk as he looks down to where your hand is holding his belt. he lets out a deep “oh?” with a certain glint on his eye that deeply intensifies your need for him.
BOKUTO: “AH! WHAT AR—wait what’s this all about baby?” his mood alters in the quickest because one moment his eyes were widened like saucers and now he’s peering down at you with expectation. and you’re starting to think he’s just realizing how much he likes the way you pull him to you by his belt. you could see the blush appearing on his cheeks as he scratches the back of his neck bashfully—a rare thing to be seen from the bokuto kotaro. and he suggests cheekily, “you know.. maybe you should do this more often.. hehe.”
AKAASHI: he lets out the softest gasp from his lips as his widened eyes wander down to where your hand grasps onto his belt, and his mind really goes ‘oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god-’ but then he scratches that by clearing his throat, trying his all to keep his composure while barely managing to keep eye contact with you. “w-what is it you need, honey..?”
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Random Haikyuu Prompts that I need the motivation to write
Atsumu carries your stuff, unprompted. Literally will not let you carry so much as a sheet of paper if he's around. It makes him feel needed, useful, even in some small way, to the person he loves.
Matsukawa just has his hands on you all the time. It's like muscle memory for him to have his hand in your back pocket, over your shoulders, looped through your arm; and don't think he's above squeezing or tapping your ass playfully in public.
Oikawa/Hinata being your deskmate at school and filling your notebooks and textbooks with doodles in the edges. The more obvious his feelings become, the cheesier those doodles get, to the point that your notebook edge is now nothing but hearts and cupids and other random lovey-dovey doodles.
Kuroo likes to feed you, has snacks on his person for you at all hours of the day, and there's a variety. He's learned your favourites through observation and trail and error, even brings you whole lunches sometimes. His excuse is that he made too much for himself.
Kenma's a biter. Soft nips to get your attention while you're cuddling or just randomly while you're just existing, he'll bite you pretty hard, it's his way of saying he loves you, the damn cat.
Kageyama gets manicures with you and likes to match with you. He's got no shame, he'll wear any colour you want, pink included, and rock it proudly. His absolute favourite is black though, loves matching black nails with you.
Sunset walks on the beach with Osamu, music playing from a speaker hanging off your wrist, hands swinging between you. That's it, that's the prompt.
Suna keeps an embarrassing picture of you as his lock screen and often lets people steal glances at it, just so he can tell people off if they make fun of you. On his home screen, is a picture of you, dressed to the nines, smiling while looking your absolute best just for him, and that one, no one else gets to see.
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dira333 · 9 months
My Brother’s best Friend
Mattsukawa x Reader - requested by @shoulmate for the Haikyuu Request Game
Mild Angst to Fluff, 3700 words (my hand slipped)
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You’re not all that fond of your teenage years. 
But maybe that’s just he curse of teenage life, to cringe looking back.
You're the little sister, two years between you and Toruu, twelve between you and Suzu.
With that age gap, it's only natural that you’d cling to Toruu more and beg him to take you on his adventures.
There are times you think he only did that because Iwa had a soft spot for you.
“Can you stop?” Toruu’s standing in the door to your room, wiping dirt of his trousers as you cry.
“But I wanna come!” 
“I don’t want you around all the time! We’re going to catch bugs and you think they’re disgusting.”
“Do not!”
“Do too! You just want to come because you think Iwa-chan is cute.”
“Do not!”
“Do too! You’re in love with him.” He singsongs the last part and you grab your pillow, throw it at him with all the strength a six-year-old can muster.
“Guys!” Your mom calls up from the doorway. “Iwa-chan is here. Are you ready?”
“I’m ready. She’s not coming.”
Toruu races down the stairs but you’re quick to follow him, wiping away your tears as you run.
“But I wanna come.”
Iwa’s wearing jeans that have been cut off at the knees, something you’ve begged your mom for two weeks already with no avail. 
He’s sending you a tooth-gaped smile, offering you a lollipop as if he’s handing out secrets.
“I don’t mind.” He says. “Besides, she behaves better than you, Oink-kawa.”
“She does not!” Toruu exclaims with his usual dramatics, getting more into it when he sees Iwa roll his eyes and smile at you as if you’re sharing a joke he’s not in on.
“Do too.” You stick out your tongue.
You see the Volleyball under Toruus arm and jump out of your bed.
“Training? I’m coming with you.”
He rolls his eyes in mock annoyance.
“You’re not even interested in volleyball. You’re just coming to see Iwa-chan.”
“No, I’m just there for Kageyama.”
Toruu fake gags and you throw your shoe at him, regretting it right away when he catches it and flings it up the stairs.
“Well, looks like you won’t make it in time.”
“Toruu, you ass!” You yell but he’s already out the door.
You do make it in time, mainly because Toruu keeps forgetting that you’ve joined the track team.
Kageyama is cute.
Not as cute as Iwa-chan, but no boy is worth the hissy fits Toruu throws when he thinks you’re spending too much time with his best friend. 
Calling Kageyama cute or agreeing to pass the ball to him still riles your brother up, but in a much safer way.
You don’t want to wake up with a shaved head or anything like that.
Somewhere along the lines you’ ve become a babysitter.
To Toruu, because he keeps neglecting his health in favor of beating Shittyjima and to Kageyama, because no one else is willing to spare him a minute of their time.
You know you’re not the right fit for either role.
After all, you can only handle so much.
You know Toruu doesn’t really mean to push you away whenever you come to his room. To remind him that he needs to eat, or get to bed on time, or to ask if he minds passing the ball to you.
It still hurts.
You know your parents don’t really mean anything by it when match after match passes without them attending. They’re busy, especially with helping Suzu now that she’s back at work and needs help babysitting.
But it hurts, even more when there’s no match of Toruu they’ve ever missed.
You know that Kageyama isn’t as mean as everyone pretends him to be. 
His social skills are worse than his grades and you’re the one tutoring him in your freetime.
But it still hurts when he’s yelling, reminding you that whatever you do, no matter how hard you try, you’ll never measure up to your big brother.
Seijoh is good for Toruu.
He’s still a dick when it comes to volleyball, but he’s got more friends than just Iwa now. 
There’s Hanamaki and Matsukawa now, or Maki and Mattsun as they like to be called.
They seem to have a soft spot for you too, but unlike Iwa they dare to tease you too.
“Oi, princess, you have dropped something.” Mattsun calls out when you walk past them studying in the kitchen.
“What?” You turn, confused. The only thing you were carrying was the glass of water that’s still firmly in your hand.
He bows down to pick something from the floor and holds it up to your face, hand closed around it.
His voice is nasally as he speaks, the dramatic flair almost too overdone. “My heart, mylady.”
When he opens his hand, he’s holding a bug.
The first time it happened you’d squealed in surprise.
But you grew up with a nuisance for a brother and recognize that plastic shine everywhere.
“Oh, I missed you.” You tell the fake bug, pick it out of his hand and fling it into your mouth, swallowing it whole.
An impressed smile dances around Mattsun's lips while Toruu gags in the corner.
“Nice.” Makki whispers somewhere on your side while Iwa brings out the important information.
“That one was real.” He says.
You roll your eyes and take a sip from your water, pretending to be less grossed out than you are.
“Grow up, boys.”
“Oi, Oikawa-chan.” 
Makki’s leaning in the doorframe, one arm up to showcase his biceps - the little fucker knows exactly what he’s doing. Half your class is ogling him already but you ignore him as you trudge over.
“What?” You ask.
He stretches out one hand, too quick to dodge, and pinches your cheek.
“Is that the right way to greet your senpai?”
You’re just as quick to stab your hand into his side, aiming for his sensitive ribs.
“Fuck.” He curses when you hit him where it hurts.
“Language.” Class president yells somewhere behind you and you push Makki out the door before you can get detention for his wrongdoings.
“What do you want?”
“Can’t I just come see you when I want?”
“You can, but that way I’ll never get a boyfriend. Now, spill.”
He grins and offers you a piece of chewing gum before actually telling you what he came for.
“I was sent to ask if anyone wants to apply for the manager position. We want to do it lowkey since Shittykawa is so popular.”
“Yeah, no, not doing that. I’m already part of the Girl’s Volleyball Club.”
He grunts. “Not you. The boys want someone pretty- Stop that!” He steps away just in time to avoid another hit.
“You know your peers. Pick someone who’s not going to faint at the sight of your brother.”
“Easy. Oba Makoto. He’s got heart problems and can’t do sports but he knows a lot about Volleyball. He’s tried hitting on me twice, so he’s probably got some taste and won’t fall for my brother.”
Makki pulls a face. “A boy? Ah, well, okay, I'll bring it up. We’re going out for ice cream after school. Do you want to pretend to be Mattsun’s date?”
“Again? Toruu’s not going to buy it.”
“True, true. We can put fake spider’s in his ice cream?” 
You ponder the offer for a moment. “Eh, it’s too soon to pull that kind of prank again. Besides, I should hit the gym after school. First years have to make an impression.”
“Fine. But you’re going as Mattsun’s date this weekend. There’s someone from my class who thinks he can’t pull girls and we have to set him straight.”
You roll your eyes. “Why would I do that?”
Makki grins deviously. “I have blackmail material?”
You shudder. “Fine. Text me the details later. I’ve got to get back to class.”
Iwa has the decency to say goodbye before he leaves for America.
It crushes the tiny bit of hope you’d nursed in the week - or so - since the news of Toruu’s upcoming departure. Without your brother here to supervise you, you could have explored what was left of your crush on him.
“You did a good job.” He says, awkwardly rubbing his neck as he stares at the trophies littering your shelves.
“Yeah, sure, I’m not bad.” You agree halfheartedly but he shakes his head.
“Not Volleyball, or the other stuff. I mean… with Oikawa. And Kageyama. You did what you could, I know.”
“Don’t.” You get up before he can tell you more stuff that you don’t need to hear. You don’t want him to talk about things like that. It makes you feel like you’ve done it all for his approval. In reality, you did it to have friends, to stay close to your brother.
And look how that turned out.
“Just hug me.” You tell Iwa, well aware that Toruu’s going to barge in any second, still immensely jealous of his friends. Well aware that your parents only allow Iwa in your room because there’s nothing going to happen. Ever.
You allow yourself to cry a little bit over it, but only when he’s gone and Toruu’s bedroom door has closed behind him too.
College is so much harder than you thought it would be.
You barely make it onto the Volleyball team, you’re behind on your reading, your assignments, cleaning your room.
All you want is to go home for the weekend and hide under your sheets until mom calls for dinner.
Instead you dress up for a party you don’t want to go to, invited by a guy you can’t even remember the name off.
But he’s two years older than you and the thought that he could be interested - and that Toruu’s not here to ruin it - is exhilarating.
Hours later you stumble down the stairs outside, the world spinning around you.
You’re going to throw up any second, you think, or crash into something.
Someone grabs your arm instead and you turn, hand raised to slap whoever’s daring to touch you.
“Whoa, princess, chill! It’s me.”
There’s only one person in the world calling you that.
“Mattsun?” You blink up at him, half of his face light up by a streetlamp. It’s him, but he looks concerned.
“You’re not okay?” You ask him, your tongue struggling to form the words.
“I should ask you that.”
“‘m fine.” You stagger a bit. “Just… need to throw up, I think.”
“When’s the last time you ate something?” 
Why does he wanna know, you wonder, as you try to figure out the answer to his question.
“Well, I had breakfast. And they had some crackers inside, but they tasted awful.”
“Yeah, come on.” He pulls you forward slightly, slinging one arm around your back to keep you upright. “Let’s go get you something to eat. What do you think of Chicken Nuggets?”
“Yay,” you sway slightly as you try to do a happy dance, “Chicken Nuggies!”
Maybe it’s the bright light or the fact that the world has stopped spinning after Chicken Nuggets, fries and two cups of coffee, but Mattsun looks worried as he watches you dip the last of his fries into the ketchup.
He also looks older and taller, if that’s even possible.
“Why were you at that party?” He asks.
You shrug. “Got invited.”
He sighs. “But drinking? You’re what-”
“I’m nineteen,” you remind him, “Two years younger than you.”
He looks unconvinced and you lean forward to glare at him. 
“You threw up on Toruu when you were 17, piss drunk after trying my father’s sake.”
He has the decency to blush at the memory.
Silence falls over the two of you.
It’s a comfortable silence, even after so much time passing. 
You’ve barely seen Mattsun in the last two years. He’s been at your graduation, Makki too. But it had always felt a bit forced, wether it was them watching one of your matches or taking you out to ice cream on a random tuesday after school because they were College boys and could afford it.
It always felt like the shadow of your brother kept looming over you, reminding you that he was supposed to be at the table with you, Iwa included.
Mattsun clears his throat and you look up, surprised at the serious look on his face.
“Oikawa is going to kill me for this,” he mumbles before raising his voice to a normal volume. “What’s your schedule like? We could go to the cinema this weekend. There’s this new movie from that series you’ve always watched?”
You blink, surprised that he noticed that. He’s never been one for movies, not like Makki and you. He’d always rather stayed in and watched a rerun of his favorite series or blackmail Toruu to let you play Mario Kart with the four of them.
“Sure. Makki coming too?”
He blushes again, but this time without obvious reason.
“No. It would be just the two of us.”
You blink again. “Do I have to pretend to be your girlfriend? Do you know someone working at the Cinema?”
The sigh Mattsun lets out could move mountains.
“What?” You ask, defensively.
“I’m asking you out. On a date. A real date.” He presses the words out between his teeth, his hands already in his hair, pulling at the strands in thinly veiled despair.
“Oh.” You make. Then. “Oh?” And “OH!”
“Yeah.” The smile he’s giving you looks painful. 
“But-” You start, but close your mouth again, too stunned to speak.
Mattsun rubs at a spot of dried ketchup on the table, his face the colour of Makki’s hair.
“Like, I’ve been trying to for years, but you always ask if Makki’s coming too. And I thought I’d have more time to get you to like me like that, but you’re already going to parties you probably shouldn’t be at and, well, better shoot my shot now and get an honest reaction than just keep hoping, right?”
There are a million things you want to say, and a million more you want to ask.
But in a way, it all makes sense, looking back.
How he’s always called you princess, has always been the only one doing it.
The fact that he’s never missed a game of yours or had a really good excuse.
Makki always having an excuse to get you to pretend you’re Mattsun’s girlfriend.
Iwa might have been your first crush but you’d always been closer to Mattsun than any of them, even your brother.
You laugh at the absurdity of it, how you’ve been to blind to see it until you. 
“Toruu would hate that.” You say and realize, just as you say it, that you don't care. "Sure. Let's go out."
You stretch your hand out to shake his, to press his absurdly large hand, and grin mischievously back at him.
“But let’s keep it a secret from him. Just for now. I want something just for the two of us.”
The smile that’s growing on his face now, slow at first, but faster by the second, is something you’ve never seen before. Something you want to see again and again and again.
"Makki knows," Mattsun tells you as you wait in line for the popcorn.
You'd been obsessing over what to wear for hours, even going as far as to text some of the girls from your high school Volleyball team.
"So you finally started caring?" One of them asked and you'd chewed on that thought up until the moment Mattsun knocked on your door, his hair messed up just the right amount, his cheeks a little pinker than usual.
"He's not going to tell Toruu or Iwa, is he?"
"Nah." Mattsun shakes his head and if his hand brushes yours on accident, it stays where it is, the warmth of his hand seeping into yours.
You kiss him in the middle of the movie, not caring for whatever is happening on the screen.
He tastes like the candies you used to share on your fake dates in High School and the hopeful thrill of the future.
"Hey, Princess." Mattsun's waiting outside the gym, his large hand enclosing yours as you step closer and he bends down to press a kiss to your lips. "Great game."
"Thanks, I know." You wave at the girls leaving, some of them waving back at you.
"You look tired." You tell Mattsun as he leads you down the street towards the bus station, your hands swinging between you.
"That internship is kicking my ass." He tells you, his thumb rubbing over the back of your hand. "And I still need to write that assignment I told you about."
"You haven't finished yet?"
"No." He yawns loudly. "But I took some notes while you were warming up."
"Babe." You stop in front of the subway entrance and look up at him. "I love that you come to all my games, but that assignment is more important."
He smiles. "I love when you get all serious."
"I love you." 
Pink floods his cheeks at your words. You're surprised, that they slipped out just like that, but you're not taking them back, too sure of their truth.
"You know." He mumbles awkwardly, "I always thought you had a crush on Iwa. Makki was the one shipping the two of us."
“I did have a crush on him.” You agree, your hand pressing his to let him know there’s more coming. “When I was, I don’t know, seven years old?”
Mattsun’s face lights up with one of his cheekiest grins. “What? You were not into his biceps?”
“Nah. Turns out I’m more into idiots who tell me fun facts about embalming.”
His smile turns wicked. “Yeah? Guess what; I’ve got some you probably haven’t heard yet.”
It’s one of those mornings where not enough sleep does not mix well with trying to act human.
A phone rings somewhere on your left and you grab it, trying to silence the alarm without looking. Instead you hear the well known sound of a video call connecting.
Your brain isn’t as quick as the internet these days and you’re still blinking into the camera as Iwa blinks back, less tired but more confused.
“I thought I called Mattsun-” He starts at the same time reality introduces itself to your brain. You fling the phone through the room and it lands on the carpet next to the door, the call still connected.
You scramble out of bed, well aware now that you look like you’ve spent the night not sleeping - it’s the upcoming exams, you swear - wearing one of Mattsun’s old shirts.
Iwa’s still calling your name and you pick up the phone again, staring at him with as much determination as you can muster.
“No word to Toruu.”
He looks as tired as you’ve felt just minutes ago. “Sure. Sure. I don’t even wanna know. Can you bring Mattsun on the call?” 
“Hey Princess,” Mattsun greets you when you stumble through the door of his shared apartment, bags of groceries in your hands.
“Hey.” You stand on your tiptoes to kiss him on the lips, handing half of the bags to him. “I got the new Ramen you like.”
“Get a room.” Makki groans from the kitchen table where he’s working on assignments.
“Sure.” You tell him, “But the walls aren’t soundproof.”
“Not fair.” He whines. “Why don’t I have a girlfriend?”
“No clue.” You tell him as you start unpacking. “Maybe it’s because you have no job?”
“An unflattering hairstyle?” Mattsun offers.
“Because you chew with your mouth open?”
“Because you always lose in Mario Kart?”
Makki huffs at that. “The disrespect I have to endure in my own home. Oh, Shittykawa is calling.” He picks up before you can tell him not to, leaving you to dive under the kitchen counter. 
Mattsun is left standing next to you, hiding his laughter at your situation in his palm as he nudges you with his foot.
“I’m gonna bite you.” You tell him, showcasing your teeth.
“Sure, if that’s your kink.” Mattsun teases, only for Makki to yell “I told you to get a room!” 
This time, however, Toruu hears it too.
“Who’re you talking to?”
“Eh. Mattsun’s girlfriend.”
“Mattsun has a girlfriend?” You can hear your brother’s voice clearly, the curiosity in his voice. 
Just above your head, Mattsun wiggles his fingers, a silent sign for you to take his hand and get up, to let go of that secret. After all, everyone else already knows.
And what’s Toruu even gonna do? He’s all the way in Argentina.
That’s the thought that pushes you to grip his hand and shoot up from behind the kitchen counter, mischievous grin on your lips.
“You called?” You ask.
“Is that my sister?” Toruu’s voice reaches a height you’ve never heard before.
Makki looks at you, sees you nod and turns his laptop so that you and Mattsun are in full view.
“If you don’t like it, that’s your problem.” Your voice is calm but your heart still races.
“But I thought you liked Iwa.” Your brother just looks confused.
You laugh, wholeheartedly, mountains toppling off your chest. “Dude, you’re so bad at reading women, it’s no surprise you’re still chasing a ball.”
Toruu gapes at you. “The disrespect.” He calls out. “Mattsun! I thought you were my friend!”
“Nah.” Mattsun grins and pulls you closer. “I know which Oikawa I’m picking.”
“Makki?” Toruu asks, his pout even audible in his voice.
“Depends on if she’s cooking tonight,” Makki tells him. “I can be bought with good food.”
“You can cook yourself.” You tell him and he pulls a face.
“And I’m Shittykawa’s friend again.”
You listen to them talk on with only half an ear, distracted by the way Mattsun grins down at you.
“What?” You ask.
“Went better than expected?” He asks. You shrug. His grin grows.
“What?” You ask.
Instead of an answer, he leans down to kiss you. You step on your tiptoes in anticipation, meeting him halfway.
Somewhere behind you, you hear the sentence that has grown to be the soundtrack of your relationship, now spoken by two voices instead of one.
“Get a room!”
my Kofi if you want to tip me
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llightshower · 1 year
haikyuu men hair pulling ˃ᴗ˂
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pairings: aged up!oikawa/ mattsun x afab!reader
warnings: ( this may not be suitable/ relatable for people with coils/ tight hair textures ) oikawa: petnames (princess & cutie), grinding, riding. mattsun: rough sex, implied punishment, petnames (honey & good girl), teeny tiny sir kink.
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oikawa sat down and brought your naked body onto his. he slowly let you down on him. before you could fully adjust, oikawa was moving you up and down on his dick. you squirmed and whined, you hands roaming all over his back until you relaxed your nails into his shoulders. once oikawa had stopped you slowly grind on him. your head sank into the crook of his neck
“just like that princess, mhm,” oikawa praised.
you began moving faster and more desperately, one of his hands on your waist but the other moving up to your neck, his soft touch making your body shiver.
you’re movement was interrupted by a harsh tug on your hair, you were forced to remove your head from his neck.
“keep on moving, don’t stop.”
and so you did, oikawas other hand gripping your waist tighter. his cock twitched in you and he let out a grunt. you looked away, squeezing your eyes tight and your nails digging further into his shoulders.
he pulled on your hair once again, a little tighter too, “what’s wrong, cutie, embarrassed? i wanna see the cute face you make when you cum, look at me.”
you opened your eyes and looked at him, trying to keep your eyes open as his dick kept on twitching inside of you.
“mmm, ‘gonna cum,” you whined out.
“me too princess.”
oikawa’s hands ran up to your scalp and he squeezed your hair a little tighter. your hips moved faster and the room was filled with the music of your moans and his grunts.
before you knew it, your cum was mixing together. both of you were trying to regain control of your breath.
“again,” oikawa asked, a weak grin on his face.
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mattsun pushed you onto the bed, forcing you on all fours. his hands on your hips and, without warning, ramming into you. your back arched and you let out a loud whine.
“fuck, mattsun! mmph-“
he ignored you and kept going. you choked on your saliva, and the bed kept hitting the wall. your elbows were already so close to giving out.
one hand moved from your hip, making his thrusts sloppier and sloppier. he tugged onto your hair, your head bolting up and looking at the headboard.
“you like that honey,” his deep voice sent shivers down your spine.
you couldn’t respond, you were to focused on his rhythm, the way he was right on your sweet spot- but in just a second he stopped.
his dick was still in you and he leaned closer to your head, “I asked a question.”
you nodded, “mmm, yes,” desperately needing him to continue.
“good girl,” he responded and once again went all the way in, your eyes squeezing shut. you couldn’t keep yourself up anymore, your elbows became fully weak and your head sank into the mattress. muffled moans and the squeaking bed filled the room.
mattsun grabbed your hair once more, making your head come up, your loud moans were music to his ears.
“yes, fuck! mattsun im so c-close”
“well you better hold it.”
you felt your knees getting wobbly, how the fuck were you supposed to not cum like this? you couldn’t “hold it.”
and just a moment after, you came all over his cock, disobeying him. he immediately pulled out and flipped you over.
“what did i tell you, honey?”
“to h-hold it..”
“and what did you do?”
your legs squeezed together, cum still dripping out of you.
mattsun shook his head, “what am i going to do with you…”
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693 notes · View notes
hxltic · 2 years
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• genre: smut (with a wee bit of angst for plot)
• warnings: penetration, mirror sex, cheating (not mattsun), size kink, choking, use of good girl, slight dumbification, female reader, stretch marks reader, body image difficulties mentioned
some fluff there too and it’s kinda long
🎶 ALL MINE by Brent Faiyaz when reader goes outside for better feels
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You never thought you’d see the day Oikawa cheats on you. In front of hundreds, maybe even thousands of people, but he got what he finally wanted for himself and his team for years.
You worked a ton, trying to care for your hospitalized father. You got the tickets to the national game with whatever leftover money you had and a little help from the rest of the team. You were there at all the gatherings, get-togethers; anything you could to make up for your lack of presence at games, but they were so expensive and you’ll be damned if you ask the team for money to pitch in frequently.
Needless to say, you appeared as the captain’s girlfriend, close to being fiancé. You’d been right there since the first team sleepovers, right by his side the whole time. Now he was getting the well deserved credit as captain he deserved from his team, his fans, and you.
You were his own little surprise for nationals. You planned a dinner with everyone there but Oikawa, not wanting to ruin the surprise. Iwaizumi pitched in the most, his excuse being he just had money to spare (even though you know he’s like a big brother and would take care of you until the end of time), but you thanked everyone graciously.
To scale back a bit, you grew up with Mattsun and Makki. They where inseparable, and once you got attached to Mattsun, Makki was the last of the package. Matsukawa had no boundaries at all. Coming in while you were obviously changing in the bathroom, body slamming you on the bed, when you were on facetime with someone he’d come in the camera and join the conversation—there’s nothing you haven’t seen him do and there’s nothing he hasn’t seen you do—including sexually. You walked in once on him jerking off, he continued and asked if you could turn the light off. On the other hand, after an argument you have a promise to always say ‘I love you,’ and he puts you on the inner side of the sidewalk.
Later, his friends eventually became yours. Whenever you were mad at Tooru, a group sleepover was planned. Whenever Makki couldn’t come, Mattsun was fine with it being just you two, he didn’t mind. Any issues you had that were too overwhelming to handle alone, you went to Mattsun for.
The guy in a constant manspread with a caprisun always in hand somehow seemed to know what to do; you trust him with your life. Every breakup, he was there for you, and you made it your job to reciprocate.
You have a different type of trust with Tooru though. No boundaries were overstepped with Mattsun once you set them as well. Therefore, your relationship thrived with the brunette for years. There were always Mattsun’s snarky comments that he said just to piss Oikawa off, but everyone giggled and thought nothing of it while he pouted.
Okay so, Oikawa was basically famous. He had off-putting fangirls that usually backed off once you were in the picture, but there were some that didn’t. You accepted this fact since he was the one that came home to you in the end, and because Makki made *secret* gagging noises whenever they yelled for Tooru from the stands.
You dealt with them all the way up until today. The day where on the last deuce point, the ball fell on the opposite side of the court, just on the line. Roars from the crowd sounded, the team banner was waved even higher, and the chants turned into screams. On the court, the guys were in pure joy, hugging and bellowing in relief—they had made it.
This was the part where you’d come in! You hopped over the stands with flowers and more. As expected, he was a flowers man, and once you found out you sat them on your apartment table for whenever he came over. You move hastily through the throngs of people crowding the court until you find your extremely sweaty friends. They were ecstatic and could probably cry any second.
“You guys were amazinggg!” You dragged out. Iwa found you happily, sweeping you off your feet with a bear hug. Kindaichi and Makki joined, leading to a group team hug with the players who weren’t talking to their thrilled parents. They finally put you back down.
You pull down your riding up mid-thigh length dress, “Okay, I’ll find Oikawa. I have a surprise for you guys too!” You give a gleeful smile and wave, then turn around to start your journey.
Except it ends a lot quicker than you thought it would.
Almost immediately you find him laughing with another. He wins the game of his dreams and decides some random over you. Who even was she? She calms him down by placing her hands on his biceps, then going on her tip-toes to kiss him. His hands meet at her waist with a smile, clearly no problem that he’s detecting. It definitely wasn’t the first time.
People casually walk past the space that separates you and him when your heart drops to your feet. The presents you were so eager to give him for his accomplishment droop to your sides, you can’t do anything but stand in astonishment. You were livid and overwhelmed.
The voices behind you of the team halted. You assumed they saw what you saw, and when you turned around and looked at the rest of them, their jaws were dropped just as yours. Some look at you in sympathy, other gazes like Iwaizumi’s and even Kyōtani’s had nothing but pure anger leaking through them, and the ones left deadpanned Oikawa; just waiting for him to look up. They loved you just as much as Oikawa did—or so you thought.
You wanted to scream at him. You wanted to throw his promise necklace around your neck at him after you rip it off. You wanted to throw the flowers you got him at his feet and stomp on them.
But you couldn’t. This was also the rest of the team’s big day, and you didn’t want to make a scene. You turn back around. Hundreds of people are around you in the stadium as you stand shaking at what you’re looking at. Did all of them see it? You shrink in your spot. The kiss was interrupted by Iwa taking his arm harshly and dragging him to a nearby door, but not before he got a good look at your face. His brown hair fell over fearful eyes of regret.
This would be the last look. Tears rolled down your face when you think about what you sacrificed to get here. For how long? Did she know about you? Did you kiss the same mouth that may have had her lipstick on it at some point? You were sensitive, not soft. You knew by no chance you’d take him back, and all you could think was “fuck him,” but damn you wanted to disintegrate so bad.
You set down the gifts for the team on the court and take this as your cue to speed-walk away, the call of your name not even making you look back. You wipe your tears as you exit and pick up the pace. You knew you were anything but, though you felt idiotic thinking back on all this, his own tardiness excuses being clear. With that thought, insecurities you didn’t even know you had came pouring in.
He was Tooru fucking Oikawa. Who were you? Some girl he put a title on making minimum wage? You turn the corner trying to make it to Mattsun’s car, you rode with him to not raise suspicion. Luckily you had the key, him forcing you to drive back.
She was gorgeous, you can’t lie, beautiful curly blonde hair with glasses—clearly you were never his type. Stretch marks decorated you and you always felt heavy, but he continued to express he didn’t mind when you sat on him. You hear footsteps behind you to ignore. You did not want to deal with this right now. You wanted to break things and cry your heart out doing it.
Quickly they caught up to you, hands turning you around and pulling you close, not saying a word. You saw Mattsun resting his head on yours, breathing heavy from running after the game of his life. Thus, you give in. You’ll apologize for that later too.
He refused to let you go. The 9 o’clock night settles in, bringing an ambiance of comfortable silence after what just happened. You cry softly into his uniform as he holds you tight.
He runs his hand in circles down your back, brushing your hair with the other. He foxily reaches in your back pocket for the keys. With a beep, the car door unlocks, and he guides you to the front seat. First he sits down and lowers his seat back, then he pulls you in after so you could position yourself comfortably on top. You never wanted him to let you go. You hug him and enjoy his presence. Honestly, you pray you aren’t hurting him while he gives you time to process.
“I’m sorry. I wish we knew.” He whispers.
Your feet are in the passenger seat since you’re spread over the console where he holds you like a child. Shaking your head against him, you tell him it’s okay. The light from the car goes off, leaving the two of you in the complete darkness when he moves a piece of hair out of your face and drags a finger down your nose bridge, knowing it’ll instantly put you to sleep. “Don’t you still have awards to do?” You sob.
“They can wait.”
You snuggle into him further, you love being like this but he definitely did just win nationals. Surprisingly, you can’t smell the sweat through your sniffles. “You have to go.”
“I don’t have to do anything.”
You peer up at him and he peers down at you. He wipes a tear off your cheek with the pad of his thumb. “You have to go because I said so.”
After some contemplation he rolls his eyes and chuckles, “Fine, yes ma’am. Now get your sweet ass off me since you want me to go so bad.”
You relocate to the passenger seat where he hands you the keys.
“You want me to send someone out here with you?”
Once again you shake your head and he gives you a side smile before closing the door to go back in. You turn your phone on for light and fall asleep reminiscing. That was the end; you were no longer in a relationship with Tooru Oikawa.
. .
You’re awoken by pots and pans rattling in the kitchen of what is familiar as Mattsun’s house. He sat you down on the couch while you were asleep, almost knowing you were going to wake up hungry.
“Morning,” he says. It’s 11 pm.
. .
You eat and settle into his room since he insisted to take the couch. He has one of those big propped up mirrors with the colored frame. “This does add some vibrance to his room” you think. Passing by it and the dresser, the thoughts almost instantly reform.
You catch yourself judging your own body again, suddenly finding everything that could be disliked about you. Did you talk too much? Were you overwhelming? You’re realizing how unhealthy it is to think about what could have made him cheat on you rather than the fact that he did, but you can’t help yourself. You turn to the side for a better angle of your thigh marks, an obvious frown forming on your face. Matsukawa happens to walk in and spots you, a different frown of his own making its way.
You fix yourself, “You don’t even know what I was thinking about.”
He scoffs, “Like hell I don’t. He’s a dipshit for even thinking of doing something like that to someone like you.”
You turn your head to him in question, “Someone like me?”
He walks past and bluntly stares you up and down in front of the mirror. “Usually girls with stretch marks have good pussy. You get it from your mom, she’s hot too.” He smirks.
“Mattsun!” You shove him over. How is it he could be so vulgar in times like this?
He throws his hands up in defense, then pops the last of the snicker he was holding in his mouth. He walks back over, behind you in the mirror, and trails a finger over your marks. You cringe and watch in the reflection.
“They’re like accessories.”
“Whatever.” You reply. He uses two fingers to guide you to turn a little, taking a closer look.
“All it does is show that your body growth couldn’t fit into your skin. Personally, I like something to grab on.” It takes everything in him not to grab a handful, just to see how much he could fit between his fingers, and squeeze.
You hide your smile, slowly starting to believe him. He looks around to the other side, finding matching ones to compliment.
“But that’s personally, meaning that’s just you. Not everyone likes them.” You retaliate. He stops in his tracks and looks at you from the side.
He twists you straight by your hips, correctly towards the mirror. You see him directly behind you. His hands reach up to your neck, impressively undo the clasp, then leisurely peel off the ring necklace from your chest. Once you register yourself without the trademark promise jewelry, you look back at his eyes in examination. You find a smug expression, with seriousness glinting behind his low eyes, and he drops the necklace plainly to the floor.
“You don’t need everyone.”
He gazes in your eyes. You slowly nod. He was entrancing when stern, no other words needed to be said for you to listen, even when heavy-hearted. He directed your eye back into the mirror with the slight push of your jaw.
“You see this body right here? It’s not for everyone.” He lowers his tone. His hands situate back on your hips, rubbing them loosely while he dictates. “Some can handle it, some can’t.”
You look at him through the mirror to listen closely. You clear your throat to gather up the voice for your question, the discarded necklace already forgotten.
“Can you?” You inquire softly.
He slowly lowers himself down to your ear. “Wanna find out?”
You scan his eyes for jokes. Your 3-4 year relationship went down the drain, but you realize the one you needed most held up. You can’t think of a time he wasn’t there for you while your “boyfriend” was trying to keep his reputation alive.
There was a reason you went to Mattsun first for everything and he knew it. To keep your relationship afloat (that you swore up and down you were happy in), he dismissed it. But now as he was staring into your eyes, the urge to kiss you has never been higher—especially since you just gave him the go.
So why not accept the invitation?
He unites your lips. You immediately return the gesture, slotting together slowly, deep and somehow loving. Twisting around, you wrap your arms around his neck.
You’ve never kissed him before, but damn you wish you had. He tastes like chocolate and his large hands feel so good roaming your body. The ongoing kiss was almost necessary, the pent up emotion the both of you had seeping through it. He groans when you suck his tongue and you make it your job to pull it out of him again. He easily gets you off the ground by reaching both hands behind your thighs and tapping, and of course, following directions, you jump and giggle.
He smiles into the kiss and catches you, no struggle. He can, in fact, handle your body.
You move your falling hair out of the way and return to your previous position. You can definitely get used to making out with him. Walking over to the bed, he lowers you down. He casually hovers over you while you embrace him, making you more desperate, back arching up to reach. He caresses one of the legs wrapped around his waist when he pulls back to ask a final question.
“You want this?”
You tease him a bit, ignoring what he was actually asking concerning your past relationship.
“Do you want me?” You reply, twirling the hair at his nape.
Without reluctancy, he breathes out, “I need you. Really fucking bad. But that wasn’t my question.”
You’re shocked at the sudden tone, declaring yet desperate. Need. He needs you. You attempt to remember Oikawa saying it, but you can’t find a memory. If he did though, he wouldn’t have meant it. You start to rethink your relationship. Have you been blind this whole time?
“Yes, I do want it.”
“Want what? It, or me?” He wasn’t letting it slide.
“…I want you.”
He smiles and pinches your chin delicately with his thumb, fulfilling your needs with another slow, gentle kiss.
“Good girl.”
You grin giddily and push him over to his back, straddling his hips. His lips feel ten times better on yours, somehow overriding your past boyfriend’s in an indescribable way. Your nicely manicured hands never find a stopping point as they run down his chest. His sweats have much to hide, though they obviously aren’t doing their job well.
Mattsun has walked around with his print clearly showing all the time. You’re not sure if he discontinued this habit since you were coming over less (due to your ex’s discomfort), and you didn’t care then, but you’d be lying if you said you didn’t miss the way the fabric outlined the entirety of him perfectly.
You knew he was big. You’ve seen him, but never completely hard. You almost laugh out loud awkwardly when you realize whenever someone said he had “big dick energy,” they could only guess. Now as you were feeling curiously past the drawstring, he only sat motionless to watch your enlarging eyes and outwardly laugh at you once your fingers drag from base to tip. It was almost inviting and bigger than anything you’ve ever felt.
“Will it fit…?” You think. What you didn’t know, was that you actually said it aloud.
“Sorry, what was that?”
You redirect your gaze back to his face. He wears a shit-eating grin and has his hand that was on your hip by his ear, tilted to you in fake question. You swallow, and shyly repeat.
“Trust me princess, we’ll make it fit.” He hums casually.
The comforting feeling of him comes back when his charming hands roll your dress up. Now it was obvious he was looking at you through the mirror positioned at the foot of his bed, because he was fixated on the view of the pretty lace you wore curving over your ass. Technically it was part of Oikawa’s gift, but it’s being put to good use.
“You like it?” You move your hair out of the way and sway a bit, before slowly stepping to your knees in front of the bed.
“Can it be my wallpaper?”
You whole heartedly laugh. Sex with him is somehow fun rather than awkward, taking into consideration you’ve known him since you were a kid.
Looking up into his eyes you observe pure longing radiating his body. Reaching his lower abdomen as he leaned back was easy, as well as to taking him out. You found his length quickly and held it with both hands to lick a stripe from the middle to his tip. You sucked hard, kissing the top. Easing into it, you downed more and more, dissipating the friction with your saliva until his hand found your hair to push you downward towards your own fingers. You choked due to his actions.
“Can you take it all?” He smirks down at you.
He was almost belittling you, the taunting giving nothing but encouragement. You nod with your head still almost at the base, mouth more than full, forcing yourself deeper with your tongue out to not neglect his balls. You sputter again as spit leaks from your lips, barely reaching the bottom. He curls his hips upwards to negate all restrictions you had.
“Fuck…that’s it. Pretty girl knows how to deepthroat.”
You literally couldn’t go any farther with your nose deep in his skin. Once he holds you for a while, he bobs your head up and down for you, your jaw slack. You tried your best not to gag.
“Oikawa teach you this?” He breathes.
You shake your head no.
“Why, he couldn’t? Dick wasn’t big enough?”
You nod your head yes, ripping a genuine laugh from his throat. You smile as much as you could.
You can’t resist touching yourself with your panties to the side. His head thrown back is enough to fuel your arousal.
Throating him, your eyes are naturally closed, but you have to get in the habit of opening them. He loves seeing your pretty orbs and lashes glaze over with tears once his dick is too much for you. How he almost cums on the spot because no other woman has taken him this deep. The up and down motions of your head in his lap through the mirror not showing everything, but enough is implied. When he finally lets you up to breath because you tapped out, but a lopsided smile still decorates your face after your throat flexed beautifully around his shaft.
You can barely speak, but you’ll still happily stick your tongue out so he can slap his head teasingly on it, smiling down at you. You stretch yourself with his size in mind, just praying he doesn’t rip you apart.
With just the thought you add an extra finger to make three. He didn’t know how nasty you were in bed, he could only imagine, but now he didn’t have to because you were right in front of him doing it all.
The praise keeps you going, joy spreading through your body even in your current position to please him. He suggests you get accustomed to getting sloppy. You like the word accustomed, meaning it wasn’t gonna be just one time. But what were you? Friends? Friends with benefits? Anyway, he refuses to cum anywhere but on you, especially when you haven’t came yourself yet. Then again, that doesn’t mean you weren’t soaking.
He orders you to your feet where you slip your panties off. He turns you around to your makeup for the occasion ruined, slight tear stains, and your dress being pulled off in the mirror. Then, he gives you choices as he unclasps your bra.
“So, what should we do? You wanna ride me and bounce in the mirror? Or would you rather watch as you get slutted out and bent over?” He offers ordinarily.
The idea of him alone pounding into you from behind while he forces your eyes to the glass thrills you. You request the second, then turn back around and crawl into position on the bed. He smiles to himself at your obedience and follows right behind you.
He pushes in a few fingers to check, shocking your body into a shudder, then once he decides you were stretched, pulls them out.
“Still on birth control?”
You nod, he knew from all the times you complained about keeping up with the timing. You braced yourself when his flush tip poked into you from behind, later slowly inching its way inside.
He almost passed out the way you clenched around him. You didn’t have a choice: he was thick and filled you out completely. You let your head drop as your muscles tense at the intrusion. You tell him to keep going (since you decided to deal with the penetrating pain all at once), but you regret that decision. You just know you underestimated it. You needed a few minutes first.
“You’re so big…” His ego was already a force, and you didn’t mean to fuel it, but fuck.
“I’m halfway. Know you can take it.”
Some time after unstirring bodies and heavy breaths, you finally suck it up and rock backwards. He groans deeply.
Then you do it again. And again. Until it goes from painful, to uncomfortable, to nothing at all.
“You okay?”
You respond with a faint yes. If anything you were more than okay. He started meeting you half the way there, and that’s when you finally look up into the mirror. You were on your elbows, face flushed, with Mattsun rolling his hips ever so slowly into you from behind.
It was fucking hot, especially now that it felt good. He stops his hips when you get a glimpse of him grabbing his phone from the nightstand. He records his hand on the height of your ass from your arch, and the way your pussy gratefully gripped his length when you pushed yourself back on him, face down ass up, you had to work for it. You swallowed him whole. Amused, he watches your pussy contract and expand from the travel from the middle of his dick to the head. How his veins got sucked in by you, like you were molded just for him. You trusted Mattsun so you made sure to moan a little louder.
“I know you love it baby— the way I stuff you.”
“Yes.” You breathe out. He slightly teased you inch by inch of the way, whether it was verbally or physically. Rubbing himself against your entrance, degrading words, anything. It was honestly starting to piss you off. He was completely aware. “Faster…”
He just laughs evilly. He stops recording and throws his phone to the side to run his hands down your body. “Drop the attitude and ask again, then maybe I’ll consider.”
You roll your eyes, resulting in the slap of your ass. He did start thrusting again though. You hiss, sigh, and whine again.
“Faster, please.” His face reads completely unbothered when he removes his shirt. He was going agonizingly slow, just to annoy you even more. In his mind, if you weren’t at the point of punching him in the face, then he wasn’t edging you enough.
He should feel bad.
He doesn’t.
Fucking into you was nice he thought. The way he entered deep and slow as you groan at the reflection. Savoring your body. But you heard it. The way girls screamed his name when you stayed over. In fact, you were there when he had to get his headboard bolted to the wall. You could barely pay for your apartment along with groceries, so you had no choice but to deal with one-night-stands that were even louder because you were there to try and scare you away. He’d walk back out like nothing happened, say bye, then proceed to offer you a drink. Little did you know, the entire reasoning behind it was you. No matter how many women he tried to bring in and distract himself with, none held the same effect that you do on him.
You give up trying and continue rocking back onto him yourself. Desperately attempting to reach the spot you needed and knew he could hit. It only angered you worse when he just wouldn’t. Clearly, it showed on your face.
“You’re so funny, you know that? I thought I was bad, but the way you’re practically begging for me is hilarious.”
He laughed at you once more and with the sudden singular snap of his hips, you jolt forward.
You were caught off guard. He grabs a hold of your waist hard enough to leave marks, then shifts his weight on your back. This gets you further into the bed, enhancing your arch. The thrust that ensues pushes you back and forth with enough force to lead into the next—relentlessly, he drives into you. You can barely breathe. Your eyes go wide in the mirror and you can’t move, the only option is to sit there and take it. You drop to your chest.
“Oh my god-Issei,” You choke out, you can’t really speak with your chin attached to his bed, “P-please you have to—!”
“—Wait? Thought this was what you wanted princess? Now that I know you’ll look like this, I’m not sure if I can bring myself to.”
He moved one hand to your hair, just what he thought was the perfect handle. He pulled upwards once he wrapped his hand in it to make sure you were watching in the reflection. Furthermore, you are elevated right back up to your elbows.
“You see that? Watch how you get dicked down by your ex’s best friend. In fact, I might send that video to him later.”
You cry out his name again, the image of Oikawa’s face once he opens the notification making you smile. Endlessly, Issei rams into you. His cock splits you open. The recoil is insane, it has your eyes rolling to the back of your head just as Issei does, the situation, everything.
Suddenly, he slows his thrusts. With his grip still on your head you look back at him weakly, and he almost came right there. The atmosphere and the room are hot, but he’ll still say the hottest thing here is you. The kiss he gives you is sloppy.
“God you’re so sexy. If you look away from the mirror I’ll stop, pretty. See what I see.”
You nod your head. It wasn’t good enough.
“Okay.” You mutter. You watch in the mirror image as he builds up speed again and slams into you, tears pinching at your eyes. He constantly talks to you over the loud slapping of skin. His moans (that were more grunts/groans) couldn’t even be heard. You realize now why those girls were screaming, Mattsun was rough in the best way possible. You thought they were exaggerating until no bounce of your ass against him goes unnoticed, every smirk he gave you wanted to kiss it off his face, and every thrust felt like heaven. The warm feeling came rushing like a train, not even building up. He folds his body over yours to get right in your neck as he hugs you from behind.
“You look so gorgeous for me. My pretty girl.”
He just laughs through the words. You babble to answer as more of these statements pile in. You see now: he was waiting for you this whole time. You hate how blind you were for all those years missed, wasted on someone close to him who wasn’t even good for you. He had to watch it all. You were a mess and yet here he was. It was kind of scary to you how quickly you were over your ex, but once Issei was the one there comforting you, that was all you needed. Now you could finally be his. His pretty girl.
“No one can fuck you like I can. Move your hand.”
He swatted away your mindless right hand placed on his arm behind you. You’re not sure how you held yourself up or how it got there, but you’ve clearly been on one elbow. You tried your best to keep your eyes open. It was so overwhelming, especially when you were so close to cumming already. You didn’t know whether to cry, pass out, or fight to stay awake.“Please I-Issei, n-nobody can just please,” You huff out.
Quickly, back and forth you go, even though his body stops you from flying backwards. Your ass hits him before you get too far back, then that pushes you forwards, where he pulls you back down to repeat. He lets go of your hair and holds your chin up instead. He makes sure to look directly at you in the reflection.
“Fuck- who’s my pretty girl?”
“Me Issei.”
Your voice gets higher with each thrust. He grunts, nearing his end as you gradually tighten around him.
“Yeah? Who? Say it.”
“Me. I’m…” He re-angles himself, hitting a spot you never knew would affect you this badly. He’s pretty sure your eyes actually came inward first before you subconsciously closed them, and his finger pad slid on your wet lip as you drift off into subspace.
“Come back to me, baby.” He can’t even bring himself to stop fast enough to edge you. Instead, he takes a hard bite to your shoulder and expertly circles your clit with the hand that wasn’t holding your jaw up. To think he could bring you to this point on your first orgasm was insane. The way he slips in and out of your heat quickly, the white ring wrapping around his dick that only gets bigger, and his balls slapping against your skin feeling so so good.
You come back right on time to see and feel yourself squeeze around him. Everything goes white, you try to scream out his name but it comes out only a whisper and a sob, and you realize he was dead serious. Nobody can fuck you the way he just did. Nobody has. He digs his head into your neck for the long awaited spill into you. He’s thought about it so many times, but making you uncomfortable was not an option, especially with Oikawa in the picture. He convinced himself the mental images were innocent until they became progressive, but he didn’t care. You were his now. He thrusts his hips into you further to make sure you felt full with his eyes to your back, watching you twitch and cream on his thick cock in the mirror.
“Shit, I’m your pretty girl Issei...”
He throbs inside before the warmth creeps into you, Issei’s hold on your figure tighter than ever. You won’t leave him this time.
“What’s his name, baby?”
“Huh?” You blink slowly, still recovering from the euphoria. Your mind was in shambles. “Who?”
“Good fucking girl,” he presses a smiling kiss to your temple. He thought it’d take a few more rounds for that to be your answer, but he guesses that dick never fucked you good enough.
© hxltic
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natsuzoku · 1 year
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feat. Bokuto, Kuroo, Mattsukawa and Kageyama
TW: none really, just a sick gn!reader and a lot of fluff
A/N: Repost from my old blog.
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BOKUTO really wishes he could take away all that pain, even bear it himself if that meant you’d be okay. He’d ask you often if you’d like to be cuddled because he wants to keep you warm.  
“Mmm, Bo, you don’t have to be so close, love” you whisper, “You’ll fall sick.”
These words were only counterproductive, as you feel his grip on you tighten. “I’m not gonna get sick, and I’m not letting you go, okay?” Bokuto is well aware that he isn’t the best cook, so he gets Akaashi to make you some lovely chicken soup in hopes that you feel better. The boy is extremely paranoid, but he tries to keep his anxiety in control, so as not to worry you. He finds himself reading tons of WikiHow articles on how to nurse a sick loved one because he wants to learn and give you the best care there is out there.
You're the light of his life and he'd do anything to keep you happy and healthy.
KUROO knows you’re sick when he feels your body heat up beside him as you lay sleeping. His efforts to gently rouse you went in vain as you didn’t escape the clutches of your feverish doze. Not batting an eyelid, the man quickly grabs a cloth and some water and spends the rest of the night by your bedside, occasionally replacing the cloth on your forehead as he tries to bring down your temperature. You wake up groggily to find him making breakfast.
“Here you go, I made you something light and healthy. You’re running a fever, so I’ll take the day off to care for you. And don’t forget to eat up the fruits!”
He quickly changes the subject when you ask him if he’s slept well, and digs into breakfast like he just drank a can of Red Bull. Kuroo will go a hundred sleepless nights if he could make sure that you’d rest well.
You don’t care about being sick, and MATTSUKAWA is quite aware of that. So when you sit in front of your laptop that morning, neglecting your raging headache and the rising fever, he decides to draw the line.
“Hey. Look at me”, he tells you softly, but firmly. “Listen, you’re mature enough to know your own body and its limits, but even you will admit that you’re sick.”
“Don’t you pride yourself on your work? If you do work when you’re sick, there’s no way it is going to be as good as the work you do when you’re okay, and no, don’t argue with me on that. So if you want to do substandard work in discomfort, be my guest. Or else, you can relax in bed for a while and wait for your body to get better so you can be yourself again.”
Five minutes later, you find yourself in your bed, waiting for Mattsun to bring you your favourite warm drink as you choose a channel to watch. You might be grumbling at the moment, but you’ll thank him later for getting you to rest, and he knows it.
KAGEYAMA knows you were overworking yourself at a rate where you'd fall sick, but he can’t seem to convince you as you always told him to practice what he preached. He knows how much you’d exert yourself, ignoring all the warning signs your body was giving you because according to you, work is much more important to you than your health. So when you wake up one morning, face visibly flushed with the fever you were running, he decides to take matters into his own hands.
"No, you are not going to work. You're sick, love. You need rest." He stated, simply and firmly, tucking you back in bed albeit your reluctance.
Kageyama is quite clueless on how to take care of you; the poor bean is so nervous that he’d mess things up. He’ll frequently call Hinata to make sure that he was doing all the right things. For once, volleyball isn’t the first thing on his mind, because right now, the only thing that needs his attention is you. He may be awkward about it, but you know he how much he loves you in the way he does the little things.
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comments and reblogs highly appreciated!
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lilsocksiswriting · 6 months
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Paring: Issei Matsukawa X Fem!Reader
Summary: Matsukawa fingers you in a car and clues you in on his plans
Warnings: NSFW, no beta reader, Minors DNI
Tags: fingering, car sex, cheating
Word Count: 1.8K
Table of Contents
Chapter Two || Chapter Four
When you awake it is past noon, but not too late. Your mom still lays a hand flat on her chest and gasps when she sees you come downstairs,” Why oh my stars look who has come to grace us with her presence.”
“Late night studying,“ You tell her then ask, ”Do you mind if I borrow the car? The twins want to meet up for coffee .”
She frowns and you already know what that means. 
“I can take ya,” Matsukawa peeks out from the kitchen. 
Your mom speaks over you, “ Are you sure?” 
“Oh yeah,  Y/S/N is out with her friends anyway, so I don't have much going on.”
“Wonderful! Then we can swing by and pick you up later for gift shopping!”
Oh, right. Gift shopping. You had to pick up that photography book for Dad you ordered from the bookstore and still find something for your sister. You were really just trying to mentally block out all the family time you had to spend together at this point. 
“Great then. I’ll go get ready.”
You rush back upstairs to get showered and get dressed. You put a little more effort into dressing up just because you get to be alone in a car with Matsukawa. You pair your favorite docs with a dark pair of pantyhose, a turtleneck, and a jeans overall dress with some embroidered flowers on it. 
“Oh, you look nice,” your mom comments when you come back downstairs with your bookbag. “Are you sure that this is just coffee with twins?”
“Yes, I’m just helping them not fail trig,” you roll your eyes.
Matsukawa held his tongue about what he thought of you until you two were in the car. 
“You do look really pretty today .” 
“Thanks.”  You say smiling shyly and playing with the strap of your seatbelt. 
“But” he goes on to  add, “Nothing beats that pretty sight of you last night.”
“Last night?” you giggle, “What about in the morning too? Did, you lose track of time when you were down there?”
With one hand remaining on the wheel  Matsukawa puts his other hand on your exposed thigh and oh wow, look at that,  his hand nearly covers your whole thigh. He gives it a firm squeeze that makes your stomach do a little flip. Swoon-worthy, panty-wetting behavior 
He keeps his hand there as he turns down a street that will make it take longer to get to the coffee shop you had punched into the GPS. You don’t mind though. The twins will understand, and they’ll have questions, but they won’t be mad if you have ten or so minutes late.
He hums,” I guess you’re right. I got so lost in that perfect pussy of yours last night. I could probably spend days down there and not even realize it.”
“Oh, shut up,” you feel your cheeks grow hot and bite back a bigger smile.
“You really want me to shut up talking about how much I loved last night?”
Matsukawa’s hand creeps further up your thigh, his finger teasing the end of your dress. Your breath hitches and you look over to your sister’s boyfriend. His eyes were still on the road but there was that lazy smirk plastered across his face.  A warmth bursts in your tummy and seeps down to your core.
You too return your eyes to the raid. Since Matsukawa had chosen to take the scenic route he was now driving down a long stretch of road sounded by snow-covered evergreens.
“Ok, no not really. Not when you put it like that.”
You shiver feeling Matsukawa’s thumbs stroke your thinly covered skin just under your dress.
“Good, because you’ve  got me addicted, pretty girl.”
Oh god, there was that nickname again that makes you wetter.  You practically squeal in excitement as his hand slips between your thighs.
“So….that your hand’s  inching toward my pussy?”
In a brave move, you sink a little in your seat and spread your legs for him. Matsukawa’s eyes flick to you slumped in your seat waiting for him to touch you again, then back to the road
“Fuck pretty girl, you’re so lewd and shameless and I love it. bet you already wet huh?”
You  were but you urge him, “Why don’t don’t you go and see?”
“But I got to keep my eyes on the road, pretty girl.”
You place your hand over his and ask, ”You want me to show you them?”
“Fuck, please.”
So you do. Swept up in the attention you’re getting from your older sister’s boyfriend and wanting to feel his touch again, you guide Matsukawa’s hand to your core and push his fingers firmly against it through your pantyhose and underwear. A tiny moan escapes you at the pressure. You ask yourself why you bother with underwater.
Matsukawa swallows. He can already feel his cock stirring in his pants.
“Good girl, you wanna use my hand to get off?”
You nod eagerly and begin rutting your hips against his fingers that you keep firmly pressed against you. Matsukawa carefully shifts in his seat. His dick was now fully hard and straining against his jeans
“O-oh fuck,” you breathe.
“Feels good pretty girl?”
You nod, pressings his fingers hard against your clit.
“Fuck, you are getting soaked pretty girl aren't you?”,  he coos, and sure enough when he glances over there a damp spot forming over the crotch of your pantyhose.
“I-I need more though. It’s not enough,” you pout. The friction was great and wonderful, but you were so greedy when it came to him. Feeling him over your clothes wasn’t going to cut it. you needed to feel Matsukawa's bare fingers rubbing those perfect circles over your slick clit again. you want to feel his thick fingers stretch your cunt out.
“That so?” Matsukawa wants to give you more. He’ll give you whatever you want as long as you ask nicely.
And he doesn’t even have to tell you that. You began to plead, “Pleeeeease, wanna feel your fingers stuffing me like they did last night? Please make me feel cum hard again Issei.”
Said the man pulling his hand away. He lets out a Shakey breath. God, you make him so hard like it’s the easiest thing in the world. Matsukawa quickly pulls over to the shoulder of the road.
“Ok then, pull’em down for me pretty girl, he instructs and is surprised at how fast you wiggle your cute little ass out of that pantyhose and pull them down to your docs along with your underwear.
“Like this?” you ask sinking further down in your seat and spreading your legs for him.
 The dark-haired man balanced and arm on the center console so he can lean over it and slide his finger along the wet lips of your pussy.
“C-cold!” you jump.
“Sorry pretty girl, give it a minute. You so hot here it’ll will warm  them right up.”
Any argument that you had about his icey finger turned into a moan. Matsukawa gathers up more of your wetness between his index and middle fingers before shoving them inside you. The action has such a force behind it your whole body jolts.
“Fuuuuck,” your whine turns into a sob.
Matsukawa, that devil, doesn’t give you any kind of forewarning or warm-up before he goes straight to drilling his finger into you. The ‘schlickschlickschlick’ sound of his fingers rutting into you fills the car along with the heat of your tow’s labored breaths. You weakly grip at his wrist. It’s all so much. Eventually, all you can do is grab at anything you can and hold on for dear life.  His two thick fingers going deep and the heel of his palm rubbing against your clit.
“Fuuuck , I- Issei,” you hiccup, eye wide as you stare at his glistening fingers fucking in and out of you,” It’s so much,i-ah~ please please.”
“Yea? Keep it up pretty girl. Tell me how good I’m making you feel.”
“S-so good m holy shit Issei!” you cry, eyes rolling back and head thumping against the car door.
Matsukawa groans feeling you clenching around his fingers. You thrash about like you couldn’t handle the way the orgasm he’s brought you to. he is loving it. 
As you calm down heaving for breath Matsukawa slips his fingers out of you and sits back in his seat, puts the car back in drive, and goes on as if not a thing happened.
“So  was that enough for ya?”
You don't trust yourself to speak just yet so you just nod and go about pulling up your pantyhose and settling back down. You soothe your hair and pull down your dress that had ridden up past your hips.
As Matsukawa, drives into town you ask,” Do you feel bad about this?”
“Do you?”
You look out the windows and play with the strap of your seatbelt again. “To be honest, nah not really.”
“Then neither do I,” he shrugs.
“But your girlfriend is my sister.”
“And I wanan to break up with my girlfriend.”
“Then why not do that ?”
Matsukawa chuckles  a littel, “She’s your sister so you tell me.”
A frown sours your face. No one breaks up with Y/S/N. And because of that, you start to wonder if you two had similar devious plans. “Are you trying to get her to break up with you by using me?”
“Well I prefer to put it as benign a total sleaze bag-”
“I’m  in.”
Matsukawa stops at a red light and turns his head to face you. You look back at him with a completely serious face. 
“I’m tired of being treated like a child and I’m tired of being the laughing stock of this family,” you explain, “If getting caught sleeping with my older sister's hot boyfriend will change that perception, then  I’m in.”
Matsukawa, smirks,”You think I’m hot?”
You settle back  in your seat,” The light’s green hot stuff.”
You end up getting dropped off at the coffee shop 20 minutes late, but the twins aren’t curious as to why you’re late.
“Was that Matsukawa in the driver’s seat?” Atsumu asks upon you sitting down at the table. 
“It was.”
“And  the bitch is ok with  him being your littel chauffeur?” Osamu asks.
You pull out  your  trigonometry textbook and a notebook from your bag. ”probably not.”
“She doesn't know?”
“She doesn't know a lot of things,” you open your textbook only to have it shut by the blond twin.
“What does that mean?” he demands.
You smile, not feeling at all bad for being caught so easily.
“Holy shit you gorgeous, amazing homewrecker. Oh, You have to tell us everything, we’re gonna need to have updates. Stats, “ Atsumms smiles wide,” this is the best Christmas ever. Can you imagine when your sister finds out?”
“We have to tell the group chat,” Osamu is already swiping open his phone. 
You put a hand over his phone screen,” After your homework.”
 The twins groan, leaving it to the theme to be so excited that their manager is sleeping around with her older sister’s boyfriend. You hope the rest of your friends will have similar reactions.
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v3nusplanetofluv · 1 year
*:..。o○ adventures in co-parenting ○o。..:*
a series of stories about a select group of haikyuu characters dealing with co-parenting and lingering feelings. they are all young parents most getting pregnant at the end of high school/ beginning of college (ages 17-20). these stories are mostly set between the ages of 22-24.
enjoy ♥︎
sakusa; a ballet recital and bouquet of flowers
atsumu; dinner and a doppelgänger
suna; passion fruit and a beach birthday
mattsun; a soccer game and a yellow card
akaashi; menthol cigarettes and a surprise visit
???; sickness and a trip to the emergency room
???; a school field trip and monkey plush
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admiringlove · 2 years
[16:53] . . .
fuck, fuck, fuck.
mattsukawa hates hanamaki with everything in his being at this moment. he should have never trusted him with the information in the first place, but he did anyway. he could strangle makki right about now. if murder was legal, he'd be punching his own childhood friend to death.
last week, when he went out drinking late, mattsukawa issei told his best friend that he was irrevocably in love with you. that he had loved you ever since senior year of high school, and you were the reason why all his relationships kept failing.
"dude, what the fuck?" hiro had asked, putting his drink down, "you're telling me that you've been in love with them all this time and that's why your relationships don't work out? what about nami? i thought you genuinely liked her."
"there's a difference between like and love, you know," issei had replied, sipping his beer. he now wishes he hadn't. because after he entrusted that information to hiro—that scheming conniving absolute rat bastard had gone and told you everything. every single thing mattsukawa had said in drunken stupor but also in complete confidence was revealed to you.
you, his other best friend that couldn't make it to the bar that night because of some emergency at work. you, the best friend that he's been in love with for the last five years, and hasn't said a word about it because of how scared his own feelings make him.
he saw you just now. and you spotted him too. he was at the mall, and coincidentally, there you were. with makki by your side.
god, how issei wanted to punch that idiot. he could see hanamaki's lips turn into a smirk as he pointed him out to you. and you waved, smiling.
now, what could poor old issei do? the only thing that came into his mind was to run. and so that's what he did. he turned, and he kept walking. he didn't stop until he's in the parking lot, unlocking his car and forgetting about the shoes he wanted to buy today. he's opening the door as he hears your voice, "issei, wait!"
he doesn't want to listen. he really doesn't. but his stupid heart stops him from getting in his car and driving away. his heart stops him from cutting you out of his life entirely, and he's way too scared of what's about to happen.
you walk faster. and faster. and faster, until you're basically running. as soon as you reach him, you're jumping into his arms. wrapping yourself around his torso, as you bury your face into his shirt, you mumble, "i missed you, dumbass."
he chuckles lightly, because that's all he can muster right now. his leather jacket feels heavy on him all of a sudden, and unexpectedly, there's dark splotches of tears where your face had been moments ago. you're looking up at him now, and he can see the stains on his own shirt.
"you're... crying," he says, "what happened? are you okay?"
"are you?" you raise an eyebrow up at him. you pull yourself away from him, before shoving him, "what gave you the right to ignore me, huh?"
"hey, slow down-"
you shove him again. and again. and you continue pushing at his chest, "do you know how worried i was? do you have no concern for people that love you? for people that care about you more than anything else in the world? huh? are you that stupid? you idiot, do you know how scared i was that i had done something wrong?"
"wait, slow down for a second-"
"you hate hiro right now, but do you even know why he told me?" you slow down now, looking down at your shoes, "i've liked you since freshman year, a-and hiro was the only person that knew. well, oikawa found out after senior year ended but then he left the country so i wasn't really worried that he'd tell someone—pfft, like anyone would believe that idiot, anyway. but the point is, i like you. wait no, i love you. i really, really, love you. and, yeah. that's it."
mattsukawa blinks slowly, as if processing the information like an old machine from the seventies. you look up now, your eyes slightly glossy. your voice croaks as you point back with your thumb, "y'know what, i'm gonna head back now- mmph!"
issei does it. he kisses you. he cups your cheek, dips his head and kisses you with so much passion that he feels like he's grown wings. he feels like he's going to fly around; all the excitement, all the pining has led to this moment and he's never felt this way before. kissing someone had always felt like a chore to him—until today. your lips taste different, almost dreamlike. he can taste the coconut lipbalm you use. he smiles into the kiss as his back hits his car, and he pulls you in tightly.
"holy shit, i've been waiting to do that for five years," he grins, pulling away. you smirk at him, "i win. seven years."
"are you sure you didn't lose? loving me longer means you lost, you're a simp," he says, sarcasm laced with his tone.
you're about to reply with your own snarky comment, but just then, the two of you are interrupted by a familiar voice, "oh my god, it worked!"
takahiro stands at the parking lot entrance, his hands up in excitement as he first bumps the air. he whoops, before yelling, "i finally don't have to listen to the two of you simp for each other anymore!"
issei looks back at you, meeting your gaze, "you think he still deserves to be beat up?"
"i mean," you grin like the cheshire cat, "why not?"
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© all works belong to admiringlove on tumblr. plagiarism is strictly prohibited.
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soranihimawari · 2 years
(Innocent) Sleepover
Mattsukawa & YN have been neighbors since first year middle school. YN’s parents have been rumored to have shouting matches when they argue, thus causing their kid to come over for some much needed sleep. Over the years, Mattsun and yn have been growing close, so much so that Oikawa picks up on the subtle hints yn has the middle blocker wrapped around their finger…
Word Count: 1.5K-1.6K
Pairing: Mattsukawa Issei x Reader (yn)
Rating: hq fluff ft. Mattsun x reader
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this got me thinking how mattsun kisses start out gentle at first, heh
You throw a pebble or four at the second highest window of your friend’s house. Parents were arguing over the water bill this time and though you could usually sleep through the yells, you texted your neighbor asking to sleepover. It’s been a few years since you had slept over, the last time was the summer in your third year of middle school during a shared family trip to Hyogo. Your mother wanted to visit an old friend of your grandmother, however that was about six summers ago. Regardless, the pebbles keep piling up until you see a familiar silhouette peek out over the railing.
“Stay there, I’ll open the sliding door by the herb garden,” is all you hear and you pick up your backpack off the grass to sling it over your shoulder.
The door slides open with a decisive ‘whoosh!’
“Is that yn-chan? Mattsun, let yn-chan in…”
The scolding of their grandson makes you bite back a chortle when he tells them he was going to invite you inside regardless.
Your neighbor meets you explaining his grandprents were in town for the upcoming volleyball game between Seijoh and a former powerhouse school. An amused smile curls your lips and in the fluorescent light above you both, if he wasn’t so unsure you would reciprocate his feelings, he might have greeted you with a forehead kiss. Ever since he hit just second growth spurt, Mattsukawa Issei stands taller than ever thus making your height the perfect one for him to rest his head atop when you do give him your normal ‘hello’-hug. He could tell you were having a rough night, especially when the shouting seemed to have been muffled from his window. The pebbles still littering the small space between his door and the short balcony. Said balcony was home to many late night talks with each other, slowly becoming a comfort spot during house parties and sleepovers with the guys.
While you take up his offer of holding your backpack, you wander off to greet his relatives. Sleeping over his place on a Friday right before game day was not what you had intended, yet when your father hears you leave, your mother questions where you’re headed both knowing full well you’d be found next door—there is a shared memory when you first moved here the summer before you start middle school, where you meet the neighbors (parents) of the lanky boy next door. You were and still are more expressive than he is, but your sarcastic wisecracks sprinkled with sharp cynical one liners added to more appeal to try to be your first friend. Mattsukawa was just glad you let him be near you, fast friends you became before volleyball took over his life. Sure, in the past you watched several games he had played in, but alas as time progresses, your presence at games slightly dwindled, much to the middle blocker’s dismay. Yet, you have a knack of showing up at the first and second game on a whim, therefore surprising him (and causing him to play his personal best from time to time).
Inside the kitchen, Mattsukawa overhears you talk with his relatives. The conversations stem past the “how do you do’s” to more pressing matters like if you’ve already had an eye on someone say about “yay high, slightly sun kissed skin, plays a particular sport, etc.” you play with your hands a little bit saying if that were the case, then you’d probably be on your way back from a date.
Mattsukawa freezes, letting your backpack fall onto his floor with a muddle thump. From what he can infer, you do like him? He reasons with himself he will ask you once you say your good nights to his grandparents. It’s not very often they visit Miyagi, though the old couple might be the best wing people ever.
The digital clock reads close to 22:38 when you walk into Mattsukawa’s room. You noticed he had pushed a few pillows in the middle thus making you shake your head. It was an awfully sweet gesture, you think, ever since you read the westernized legend of King Arthur and how he laid a modesty barrier between he and the lady Guenevere. Behind you, you feel his presence hovering and you say in a low voice, “race ya!”
Mattsukawa chuckles as he takes five long steps and wins the short race. You on the other hand, practically tackle him on the mattress when you trip over his own school bag, forcing him to hold you steady by your waist. Is that a blush…? Oh my god. It is! your eyes glance at his cheekbones and his ears. His hands are warm, calloused, but stern in the support he gives you. The closeness of where your hand landed on his chest made his ebony eyes study your curious stare. The moonlight reflects in them and for the first time in a long time (technically since his first high school girlfriend broke things off with him), he senses that familiar increase in his heart rate.
Luckily the shouting had since dialed down and with the door closed behind you both, Mattsukawa chose to be brave this time. He brings you closer to him and when he leans down, you expected him to kiss you directly on the mouth, but no—he instead kisses your forehead whispering something along the lines of, “Ask me and I will.”
In your arms, you catch whiffs of his body wash: he smells of pine and bonfires, fireflies, and the quiet storms by the mountain valley. Your hands move away from his chest to wrap around his neck, toying with the ends of his outgrown hair. Mattsukawa’s immediate instinct was if he were to kiss you for real, he’d need to sit up since he wouldn’t trust himself (or you) would stop—you’ve been side by side like a second shadow since the first time you were invited over via Oikawa’s need to know who caused his teammate to be clearly smitten. You have a slight panic in your eyes when he sits up, yet your fear turns into a muted look of recognition as you readjusted yourself to straddle him properly. Gazing from your eyes to your lips and back again, you realize you haven’t said anything yet. Gods above knew you wanted him to kiss you, for years, your brain reminds you, because somehow making sure you were ok after nights like tonight made you start seeing your neighbor under a different light.
“You needn’t ask,” you tell him in a hushed tone, taking a deep breath, and on the exhale you continue.“You’re the only one who doesn’t need to—mmf?!”
Lips pressed against yours faster than you could finish that statement, Mattsukawa doesn’t apologize for the electricity he passed to you, but considering your gasp of surprise your eyes fluttered close when you feel a familiar hand rests against your cheek; tender and chaste like a secret shared in your shared past. His hands stay behind you, before wandering higher to cradle the back of your head. Unnecessarily warm, is a common thought both of you have prior to one common word dance to the forefront of your mind—more, give me more.
You in turn kiss him back, which makes you feel him smile against your pursed lips. It isn’t a violent one, not one where either of you are rushed, however with the way he’s making you feel like your body is on fire causes you slower the pace; his hands stay by your side, almost grazing your skin sighing into your half opened mouth. Your hair is tousled by him, keeping strands away from where your lips are. There is meaning and purpose behind everywhere you allow his lips to reach: calm mind on your forehead, inside jokes when he reaches the corner of your mouth, but when you pause before you kiss him again, you realize you never seen him this flushed before. It’s a sight you selfishly take mental snapshots of—there is a desperate nature in the way he calls your name as he holds a wrist of yours gently against his sternum. Below, your palm feels the heightened ramifications you did.
There is an apologetic phrase on the tip of his tongue, yet you remove your other hand from behind his shoulder to press your fingertips against his ajar lips. You shake your head saying, “it’s ok.”
He presses his forehead against your own, his voice is low like a short rumble of thunder as he calls you, “pretty,” rubbing your shoulders. In the dark, you notice how handsome his features naturally are especially when there are notes of strawberry pinks tinting the sides of his neck. Needless to say, you were amused about this bashful side of his.
“C’mere,” your voice has a coy tone and like any good person, Mattsukawa does as he is told. When you kiss him this time, you purposefully miss before tracing his jaw with your lips; kissing and sucking the taut skin of his neck. He groans as he grips the ends of your shirt with one hand, the other pushes the back of your head further into the juncture between his collarbone and neck, forcing you to remain following through with this kindness.
You hover painfully steady above his lips before you close the gap together. Mattsukawa’s eyes swears they have never seen anyone this effortlessly hot; sure lavender hues and roses would bloom around your head, like a spring sprite, but for him, he’s glad he took a chance on kissing you—and vice versa. Little things you notice when you kiss him this time: he knows how to hold you, obeys when you open your mouth a smidge, breathes in time with you, calls you nicknames under his breath which makes you dizzy.
“Finally,” is the last confession you’re able to coherently hear when he works on leaving a love bite on your collarbone. You inhale and exhale, cooling the skin behind his jaw, tugging him closer until he leaves your exposed bone alone only to recapture your lips in a teasingly slow kiss.
He tastes the remnants of your dinner and lavender tea when you open your mouth a bit wider for him, you inhale through your nose and exhale into his mouth, filling his lungs with more air for him to continue kissing you like this. Losing yourself in his touch, you feel his fingers run along the small of your back. Mattsukawa makes you take a seat on his lap securing his hold on you. He doesn’t leave your lips alone until they are bruised from returning every ounce of affection he gives you—you nearly knock heads and he chuckles saying you’ll be the one to ground him with your logic. You shake your head when you peck his lips once more.
“Not so fast,” his voice halts your movements. His hands fix the bottom of the your sleeping shirt while you tilt his head this way and that, amused at your blossoming bruises there; in return, he does the same, chuckling at where your fingers press against his neck.
“Admiring your work?”
“O’course,” you reply. “How are you going to explain how you got these?”
“I don’t kiss and tell,” he sticks his tongue out before tucking it away behind his teeth only for you to turn him toward you with a gentle tug of his chin.
“Then kiss me until all I know is you,” you say before he satisfies your most recent request. You meant it is as a dare, but you should have known better.
You let out a quiet, “Ack!” before his lips are on yours again. Mattsukawa is many things or so you hear: decent looks, kind smile, punny jokes, but why has no one thought to divulge how loving he really is? Or how when he makes out with you, he treats you like porcelain, he holds you like you’d evaporate any moment, or worse of all—he makes you feel invincible under his touch.
The tug and pull you make him obey ends with you disentangling yourself from him, until your feet are on the floor and your body is parallel with the floor, hands gripping his undershirt with a tenacity of not wanting to let go too early.
When he grants you a moment to breathe, Mattsukawa smiles sheepishly at you. He reaches out to hold your hand purposefully guiding you to have a seat on his lap, sans straddling this time. Leaning back far enough for you to lay a top of him in a less than compromising position, he hears you laugh trying to cover up your smile, he thinks you’re adorable this way.
“Hi,” His voice is quiet, but he teases you when he nudges his nose against your brow.
“Hey,” you return, a bit breathless before cupping his face. You stand flat foot now before raising your gaze to him, your thumb stroking the side of his face an amused smile on his lips, though it fades when you tease him a little. “So I take it you like me like me, huh Issei?”
Mattsukawa hugs you a bit tighter, burying his head in the crevice between your neck and shoulder. You can sense his warmth via the apples of cheeks when he does so, thus causing you to laugh a bit.
“Shut up,” he mumbled against your skin before pressing a chaste kiss there.
Running a hand through his hair in a comforting manner, you make a mention you will send your parents a text where you spent the night; you guide him back to lay down on his bed where he creates a space for you.
“Thought I made it clear just now,” Mattsukawa replies, pointing at your lips.
“I suppose so,” you reply.
Mattsukawa, after a beat, says his friends from volleyball always asked what the deal was between you two. You remind him he is your neighbor first, friend second, and if he’s interested, boyfriend sounds like it has a nice ring to it.
“We don’t have to tell them just yet, ‘sei,” you reply holding his hands.
The nickname makes him turn to face you entirely, a thumb of his massages circles into the space between your thumb and index finger. “At the very least when I show up to the gym tomorrow wearing your jacket, I’m sure the cat would be out of the bag… Oikawa would flip out though. Saying something like ‘told ya so!’ to Makki and Iwa. I can only imagine…”
He nods, “but for now baby, sleep, yeah?”
Kissing the space between your brows after you agree, you make yourself comfortable, the pillows in the middle now are shared properly between you and your neighbor.
“Good night pretty boy,” you murmur before pecking his smile away. He hugs you close before pulling his comforter over your bodies, tracing lattices of violets on your shoulder.
Sleepovers were never quite your style, you didn’t want interrupt the movie-marathon nor the friendship bonding of the boys, however you’re a constant in Mattsukawa’s life. Your story begins here, falling asleep next to him like you did when you were thirteen, comfortable and safe. As a constant source of support and quiet resolve reserved for the court, you also learn Mattsukawa Issei is two things: first, a steadfast guardian when your seas turn violent and second, his ability to always sense when you need him is par to none. He wraps his arms around your waist, pulling you toward him, whispering something or other about taking you to that cat café you wanted to visit after school on Tuesday (the only day after a game they didn’t have afternoon practice) just to “make it official,” you say, your lips turn into a smirk to match his own.
“You’re so lucky you live next door,” your voice is barely audible as you watch your friend fall asleep, his breaths evening out. “I don’t know where I’d go if you didn’t.”
Since then, the remnants of your parents argument die out, thus making it a more peaceful night—silent confessions and all.
It’s why this first sleepover begins innocently enough has you gaze out the window where the pebbles laid on the balcony to greet the two of you come the morning.
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lov1ngkvroo · 2 years
head empty only mattsukawa issei crushing on his little sister’s babysitter.
he can’t get over how pretty you look, with your hair up in a ponytail and a smile that widens every time his sister speaks to you. mattsun watches from afar, laying down on the couch, while you make a sandwich for the little girl.
he usually takes care of his siblings, but lately he’s been busy with practices and tournaments and his time off has been hard to manage. his mom had heard about you through some of of her friends: a young high schooler that helped people around with their kids and their house for just a few yen per hour - it was more of a side business for you, just to avoid always asking your parents for money and having some savings of your own. you have been working for the mattsukawas for a little while, but today, however, is the first time issei is actually home with you there as well.
“mattsun!!!!” his sister yells, running up to him holding sandwich full of what looks like raspberry jam. the boy looks directly at her with a soft smile. he wouldn’t say it out loud so often, but he does love his siblings so very much - and likes to take them out for ice cream every-time he can. “yes?” he answers, leaning towards the little girl.
“look, y/n made me my favorite!” she waves the sandwich in front of her brother, pointing at you then adding “she is the best.”
you stand there with a kind smile, kneeling a little towards the six-years-old. “you are the best,” you reply, patting her head. mattsun’s eyes are already on you when you looked at him. he is smiling, almost smirking, and you feel you mouth instantly dry. he looks like he is about to say something, but the just stares at you in silence. your eyes widen as you straighten up, walking back to the kitchen with a frustrated expression - the little girl still there, sitting with her brother on the couch.
you quickly put the plate and knife you used to make the sandwich in the dishwasher, while trying to stop thinking about mattsukawa that way. of course you know who he was, and you had known all along, but it never really mattered. you guys go to the same school, although he is a year ahead of you and way too popular to be one of your acquaintances, so you didn’t think his presence would have caused you some kind of reaction when you first got the job. yet, today, his piercing eyes seem to be fixated on you endlessly and this might represent a minor inconvenience you did not think about.
“you can leave everything there, i’ll take care of it later.” and there he is, as if you summoned him with all this thinking. you gasp lightly because you did not even see him enter, not even with the corner of your eyes, yet manage to say “don’t worry, i can do it. i kinda get paid for it.”
his eyes are all over you, lazy yet curious. “you are paid to take care of the child,” he argues, then points at his sister, sitting on the couch with her sandwich, watching some sort of tv show. you bite your lip almost unconsciously, and his eyes are quickly looking down at it - thank god, you didn’t notice. he has been thinking some stuff about you since you were first introduced and now these ideas are running wild. “i do help around the house from time to time too. i don’t mind, really” you explain, smiling softly.
he shakes his head with a chuckle, which makes you frown because you didn’t say anything funny. “you’re too perfect, a real angel” he comments, and now your cheeks are red again. “w-what?” you start mumbling, but he’s already gone, back to the couch where his number one fan, his sister, is waiting for him.
after a couple of minutes, you head back as well and pretend you were not affected at all by what he said. sitting down across from him, you can still feel him staring - but also, another couple of bright eyes are now focused on your moves. the little girl chuckles, looks at her brother then back at you and announces, out of the blue and with the biggest smile “i think you will get married.” and as your eyes widen and your lips spread open in shock, while issei laughs his ass off, you convey that probably the mattsukawa siblings will be the end of you.
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emrysaf · 1 year
Pen Pals..
Not me thinking about middle school/high school pen pals with Mattsun and an American. They are super into all kinds of cultures. Like anthropology-like.
Want to meet after high school but can’t. Mattsun says Iwa will be in America for college. Oc/reader is like, “I would but I’m poor.”
Finally able to make the trip in the guise of Iwa will be a big help for a final project for their Anthropology/Japanese Language double major.
Iwa calls Mattsun to double check what’s going on with this strange American pen pal. Mattsun seems short and grumpy. Says he’s just tired after being up all night with oc/reader.
Iwa takes this… wrong. On top of all other small negatives he’s ever heard (disregarding that the positives FAR outweigh the negatives in Mattsuns feelings toward oc/reader)
Talks to another friend while waiting on OC/reader.. expecting a culturally appropriating weeaboo type. Not boring ole oc/reader. Goes on about how tired Mattsun is of oc/reader and all kinds of stressed-college-kid-unloading-without-thinking stuff.
Oc/reader leaves and slowly but surely pulls away from Mattsun. But they can’t waste a whole college career of Japanese study.
**Time Skip**
Oc/reader offered an anthropologist position in Japan. First assignment? Funeral differences throughout the prefectures. Big, small, traditional etc..
Stumbles upon a certain funeral home/mortuary with none other than Mattsun…
It’s been years. What will happen now?
Totally not thinking of that.
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llightshower · 1 year
mattsun smut brain rot!!
need him so bad
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pairing: aged up!mattsun x afab!reader
warnings: vibrator, restraints, cuffs, 3some, pain kink.
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- it’s huge. like im talking 11 inches, 11 1/2, and im so serious. this guy has a fucking horsecock and the first time he put it in? that shit hurt so fucking much.
- his logic is, why use restraints when he’s got his hands? he always holds your hands over your head.
- BUT, he loves using handcuffs. he got you some cute ones too.
- sugar daddy definitely, anything you want he’ll get you (that funeral home $$)
- 3some, 4some, he’ll bring all his friends to use you.
- he loves eating you out because the way your thighs squeeze his head turns him on.
- big brat tamer, he knows how to get what he wants from you.
- he’d put a vibe in you and make you walk around with it in public.
- he’s fucking amazing at after care. so loving and knows how to take care of you.
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kiyoors · 1 year
baked expectations
warnings: use of drugs (weed), third person's (makki's) pov, i thought this was funny
Makki thinks something is up with Mattsun. Which is kind of a lot to say because almost nothing is ever up with Matskawa. He'd even go as far to say that almost nothing is ever up to bother Matsukawa this long.
"What is it?" He asks his friend, who has been idle for the greater part of the time they've been at this house party. You and Iwaizumi had quickly gone ahead of them, having spotted some of your friends, you'd sprinted off to greet them, a stumbling Hajime in tow.
Makki sloppily dodges a guy who's struggling to open the refrigerator door, probably in search of more beer, as he meets his friend by the kitchen island overlooking the living room.
Mattsun nudges his head in the direction of you and Iwaizumi, both listening to something a very drunk Kindaichi is signaling about.
"There's something going on with those two," is what he finally tells him, taking a hit of his pen before exhaling cannabis scented smoke. Makki blinks at him, and then at his two friends in the living room.
His brain feels fuzzy and some of what mattsun is saying doesn't make sense. "Did they get in a fight?" a new song starts booming from the speakers, and it scratches Makki's brain just right, "they seem pretty alright now." Whatever this is, he's sure it'll be resolved by the end of the night.
But Mattsun's eyes are still focused on you both. "I think they're fucking."
Makki blinks, his reaction a little slow as he looks from Mattsun to the supposed couple in the living room, his mouth slightly agape. You and Hajime do seem a little touchier than normal, he has his arm around you as you laugh a little too much into his personal space, but you're also both drunk, and he knows you both get like this.
"Huh." is what he ultimately responds, still somewhat unconvinced. Mattsun finally turns to look at him, bloodshot eyes meeting his own red ones. He can't help it. He snorts at Mattsuns fucked out face. His friend starts giggling, giggling, too.
"They're in love," is what Mattsun says.
"Yeah, and you're not baked at all," Makki responds, snickering at his friend.
Mattsun has a pleasant look on his face, he smiles at Makki and then again nods his head in your direction.
He looks just in time to see Hajime whisper something into your ear and you nodding and taking his hand, leading him out.
Matsukawa lets out a low whistle behind him as they both watch their friends (who are very much in love) leave the party without so much as saying goodbye.
"Expect a wedding in the next five years," is all Mattsun hums, satisfied.
Makki blinks again, catching the way Hajime lightly smacks your ass right before the door closes behind him, "I think give it three years actually."
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tetsuswhores · 2 years
work outfit
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multiple characters x reader
Warnings: smut, fem!reader, mentions of oral (m), sexual content, a little pervy character, husband!character.
A/N- reposting again cause tags were being a bitch. Let me know how y'all like it. A main focus of this fic is Iwa-chan cause it's his birthday and happy belated birthday to the love of my life
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He loves it when you wear your work outfit. It's not even anything scandalous or "slutty" yet he feels the stir in his pants as you step out of the bedroom. Slack pants adorning your beautiful legs. He can see the little cleavage that peeks out of your shirt that is slightly unbuttoned. Your hair damp from the shower and sticks on your neck and the whole room fills with the dab of the sweet perfume that you just wore. He hugs you from behind, burying his nose on your neck and nipping your skin softly. 
“What are you doi–” your laughter broke into a soft breathy moan as you felt him growing against you, softly grinding his hard crotch against your ass as he walked over to the nearest wall, pressing you against it. Soft whimpers escape your mouth as his hands find the way towards your breasts and squeezes it harshly, crumpling that part of the shirt. But who cares? You look so professional. So gorgeous and so damn sexy. 
Nobody can  fathom that this is the same woman who loudly moans out like a slut as he drills his cock inside your cunt every night. Nobody but he can see your fucked dumb face after he makes you cum for the umpteenth time the same night. No one but he has to know that the woman who is held  in such high esteem in her office gets intoxicated as he fucks her mouth till he’s raw and both are shuddering in overstimulation.
That’s what he loves about you– he loves how you can be extremely professional during the day in your work. The woman whose intellectual mind is beaten by no one. Yet you are the same woman who is fucked dumb every night by your loving husband as he rewards you and your hard work. 
“Princess, you feel so good. f-fuck I’m gonna cum,” He groans out against your neck, snapping his hips against you, right at the spot which was enough to send you to haze.
“ we’re g-gonna be late– fuck!” you squeal out as he hits that one spot that has you cumming in mere seconds. You feel his hands dancing around your body, groping every curve till he reaches for your chin, tilting it up towards him and engulfs your lips. His tongue fights against yours at the same time  he increases his pace down below. 
He snaked his hand down towards your neglected clit. He took the nub between his two fingers, pinching it hard, which was the final blow to you. 
Your body blissfully floating in high and soon enough you feel him spurting his own orgasm inside you with a drawing moan of your name.
You breathe out heavily to regain your composure, feeling his hand caressing you to bring you down from high. The room filled with the smell of sex and of your own perfume, your slacks piled in one corner. He looks at your disheveled state and grins.
“Sorry, princess, you look too irresistible when you get dressed for work.”
IWAIZUMI HAJIME(28) ATHLETIC TRAINER, Bokuto, Tendou, Mattsun (this fucker has a very specific outfit kink i just know), Kuroo (he would ask you to keep his cum the whole day in your panties) , Atsumu, Suna, Daichi
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Reblog or I'll shoot you
Thanks for reading
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©- tetsuswhores2022 — do not copy, repost my works on any other platform. Please refrain from plagiarizing.
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lilsocksiswriting · 1 year
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Paring: Issei Matsukawa X Fem!Reader
Summary: After some way to personal stores that embarrass you, Matsukawa sneaks into your room to make sure your ok but of course, he can’t keep his hands to himself.
Warnings: NSFW, no beta reader
Tags: hurt/comfort, oral(reader receiving), lot of oral, fingering, overstimulation, masturbation
Word Count: 4.5K
Table of Contents
Chapter One || Chapter Three
Another time-honored tradition of the L/N’s was decorating the tree. The following day after what your friends had embarrassingly dubbed ‘the foot-long under the table’ incident, Matsukawa helps your dad bring down boxes from the attic. 
 Then the work begins. It’s not just the tree but the whole L/N household that gets decked out. Your mom loves to go all out for the holidays and your dad loves to spoil her. He loves seeing her so happy and despite how they treat you, you like seeing them so full of holiday cheer.
 Your mom is so jubilant this time of year.  But ever since her slip which resulted in a broken arm a few years back, she’s not allowed on a step ladder. Instead, she ‘supervises’ you and your dad on how to hang tensile the halls with a glass of wine in one hand and the other.
  Matsukawa and your sister work on detangling lights and unboxing decorations for the Christmas tree. He looks downright adorable tangled up in the very string of light he was trying to untangle like he was an oversized kitten getting lost on them. Your sister giggles at him snapping a few pictures before ultimately helping him.
 Seeing them all happy and coupley makes you feel sick. Just yesterday you were feeling him up under the table and he was letting you, encouraging you. Now here he and your sister are looking as happy as ever. 
 Did he really like your sister? Or was he just as good an actor as her? Was their relationship just for followers? Mabey he is a sleaze bag? A very handsome sleaze bag who thinks that he can get with you, and have some sort of holiday fling he can brag about without your sister being none the wiser?
 Honestly,  Matsukawa could have whatever kind of fling he wanted. Every time you think about the feel of Matsukawa’s hard-on constrained by his pants your mind goes wild. It should make you feel embarrassed and ashamed of how much you want your sister’s boyfriend’s cock.  Mabey that would be the scandal to finally get your family to see you as a grown-ass woman?
 Because you were the one that picked out the tree your sister is the one to put the topper on. Like with the Tree Farm, she goes all out. She puts the topper on twice. Once for an Instagram reel and the other for a photo op. You stand on the metaphorical sidelines watching your mom gush about how cute the two of them are and watch your sister eat up the attention.
 Once pictures are taken of everyone and all the now-empty boxes are put away your mom makes everyone hot chocolate to drink as you all admire all the work put into the house and tree. It really was a beautiful tree.  Even though your sister keeps reminding everyone how it’s a little crooked. Matsukawa tries to tell her that’s what makes it perfect. The flaw makes it look like a real tree. She just rolls her eyes at him.
 Your parent set on the loveseat tonight. Your sister stretched out on the couch head in Matsukawa’s lap. She goes through pictures posting the best ones of her and Matsukawa and your parents,  and the worst ones of you on her socials. You set in a recliner crisscrossed. You looked cozy there with a mug topped with whip cream. You’re actually smiling and laughing with your family. Matsukawa likes it when you smile. Do you look lighter? Like an invisible weight has been lifted off you for a brief time. 
 You take another sip, and a bit of whip cream gets left on the side of your mouth. You can feel it, swipe with your thump, and lick it up with your tongue. You barely pay any mind to the action, far more interested in your dad spilling the tea about work. He’s so proud that he knows what that means now and gives credit to one of the new interns for teaching him ‘how the cool kids talk’.
 Matsukawa's mind gets whiplash with how fast he goes from thinking you look cute and cozy you look to imagining how you’d look down on your knees with your lips wrapped around his cock. You’d sit between his legs all pretty for him, mouth wide open, and tongue out waiting for his cum as he jerks off. Matsukawa loves it messy. Loves the thought of hearing you gag on his cock then watch as his cum dribbles down your chin. Looking up at home with half-lidded eyes and pupils blown wide, cum on the side of your cheek, begging for more-
 The dark-haired man takes a nice hot, stinging drink of his beverage to calm himself. He feels dirty. Ever since he thought about the idea of cheating on his sister with you, he can’t get you out of his head. These forbidden fantasies are only fueled by the fact that you may be on board with that too. At least if what happened at the restaurant was any indication. God, how he wishes your dad would have ordered a round of dessert.
 The conversation quickly turns to you, specifically to embarrassing stories that make your ears burn hot. Matsukawa watches as your smile quickly fades and your eyes become a little duller. He sees the way you shrink into the recliner trying to become smaller. 
 You try and stop your dad from telling the story of last summer when you went to a sleepover but called your mom crying, wanting to be picked up. Such a momma’s girl. Can’t even spend the night away from her.  
 “Oh it’s not that embarrassing, it's cute!” he dismisses you.
 He leaves out your panic attack, and you never told them how the twins helped distract you with their hair care routines they did on each other. It was hard work keeping the color in and their hair soft.  Like them you were in the bathroom, hiding in there until your mom drove across town to pick you up. 
 Then there was this 4th-grade sleepover with your cosines where you peed yourself and you almost hid from everyone if not for your sister finding the evidence when doing the laundry the day you came home.
 "It was so gross," your sister shivers. "I remember dry heaving at the smell."
 Matsukawa watches as you suddenly down all your hot chocolate which had to hurt. “Well, this has been fun, but school projects don’t do themselves…I’m supposed to meet with my group tomorrow and I haven't even started on it yet....”
 “Oh honey,” your mom starts but you stop her.
 “Really, I don’t wanna be up half the night working on this. Night everyone.”
 Your sister's head in his lap keeps Matsukawa grounded in his seat as you head to the kitchen to put your mug in the dishwasher then upstairs to your room. Your dad just shakes his head dismissively and your mom actually laughs a little. 
 It pisses him off. Your parents are just like your sister. They don’t seem to see how much they’re hurting you by revealing all these embarrassing things about you for a laugh.
 “She doesn’t handle any kind of embarrassment well at all. Tends to be a little dramatic. Best to let her cool off,” your mom tells Matsukawa who was looking off at the stairs.
 “Yea,” your sister agrees eying her boyfriend.
 Upstairs you’re breathing in deeply and exhaling shakily. The sugar rush is already hitting you. You pace back and forth. Eight steps from one side of your room and back to the other. Was this what the whole break was going to be like? Were you going to go back to being the second-best laughingstock of the family? Angry tears well up in your eyes. You stop at the foot of your bed and reach for your phone.
 Season’s greetings and all that jazz group chat
Y/N: I hate it here. Absolutely fucking hate, it. It’s one thing to tell embarrassing stories about my childhood as a family when it’s just the four of us. But to sit there and tell the worst of them in front of a practical stranger? It’s so infuriating and fucked up and I hate it here.  You know I really put too much faith in my parents.  I really had hoped that this Christmas would be different. That they would treat me better, but low and behold I'm fucking stupid. I was wrong.
 ARAN: Heyyyy you don’t sound ok.
 KITA: He’s right what exactly happened? Are you having an attack?
 Y/N: No, it’s not an anxiety or panic attack. I’m just really mad and embarrassed right now. I also just downed like half a mug of hot chocolate which has given me a sugar rush that isn’t helping. I don’t wanna leave my room either after leaving my family and Matsukawa downstairs.
 ARAN: Wanna have a group call? The twins and Suna are out tonight but as far as I know, me and Kita are free.
 KITA: I am, just got back from dinner at my grandmother’s.
 Y/N: It’s ok. I just needed to get that off my chest and I thought it was better to text it than to scream it in my pillow.
 ARAN: Got it
 Y/N: Yes?
 KITA: fuck your sister.
 Y/N: Wow Kita Shinsuke cursing? For me? I’m touched.
 KITA: Not like you’ve heard me curse before.
 Y/N: Ok, but isn’t it funny how I’m always the one to make you say fuck.
 KITA: You know it kind is. You might just be a bad influence on me.
 Reading the texts again makes you smile. Not only because it was reassuring to know that you’re in the right to feel this way but in memories of that late night you and Kita had shared last summer. You are not being dramatic like your mom likes to say to brush off your reactions. The sugar rush is still coursing through your body, so you decide to try and do something productive with it. You weren’t lying about having a project due the first week back, just the day you were meeting with your group to go over it.  For your speech project, each person in your group would talk about a subtopic of a larger topic. You all were supposed to meet the Saturday before school started back to go over it.
 You set down at your desk and pop in your earphones. You pull up a documentary you had saved on Netflix. It was great background noise to research too. With two potential sources in and half a page of notes, you’re out.
 This is how Matsukawa finds you later that night once everyone else in the house is dead asleep. He knocks softly before entering. Your room smells like old paper and lavender. The space is lit by the warm glow of lamps on your nightstand and another on your desk,  a salt lamp on your dresser, and Christmas lights strung across the ceiling. That dresser has a TV perched on top of it. A mirror beside it that Matsukawa thinks about taking you in front of. Mabey being a little rough, ok a lot rough. Putting you in a full nelson and fucking you like that, making you watch how his dick disappears in and out of you and the blissed-out look on your face. His eyes move to the next thing, a small books shelf just overflowing with books,  before his fantasy makes him hard. 
 Back at your desk, he sees that you were even drooling a little. It’s the kind of cute that he wants to have as his lock screen. Your sister would kill him if he ever took a picture of her like this. Complain about how it’s so unflattering and could ruin her image. 
 But the picture was never the point. It was how you looked. Peaceful and calm. He really wishes that he had brought this cell phone with him. It’s still on the charger in the guest bedroom. He doesn’t want to wake you so instead Matsukawa grabs a blanket from your unmade bed.
 He snuck into your room to see how you were feeling. He wanted you to know that there was someone in this house you was in your corner.  He also wanted to have a serious sit-down talk about his scheme, but then he saw you asleep, his mind went in the gutter, and he decided it was best to let you sleep. 
 A new weight across your shoulder wakes you up. Groggily you lift your head and see Matsukawa standing there in a university tee shirt and sweats. “Hi.”
 “Hey,” his voice was so quiet and soft. Caught between being surprised and guilty for waking you. “Sorry, didn’t mean to wake you up.”
 “It’s ok,” you say. If he hadn’t woken you up, you would have slept the whole night at your desk and woken up with an ache in your neck. But why was he in your bedroom? “So, what brings you here so late?”
 “I wanted to see you.”
 “Really?” you ask trying to not sound so happy and hopeful. No need to be even more embarrassing.
 Matsukawa nods. God, you still look half asleep and probably have no idea how his mind is going wild. No one had ever made him feel this horny this much.  The smallest things about you get him going. 
  Matsukawa sits himself down right there on the floor by your desk chair. He still doesn’t say a word as he grabs one of your ankles and uses it to spin to fully face him. You can feel the warmth of his hands through your leggings as they grip the back of your calves and pull the chair closer to him. The process was made easy because of the wheels of the hardwood floor. You have to keep your keens spread to accommodate his broad shoulders. 
“Really. I haven’t been able to get you off my mind since the trip to the tree farm and that little stunt you pulled at the restaurant. You know how much I wish your dad would have ordered desert ?”
 You hear the question loud and clear in the quietness of the night, but your mind is still stuck on the fact that you have been on his mind since the tree farm, since before the restaurant. So, you weren’t just overthinking things. Your older sister's boyfriends really wanted you. You can’t help the smile that spreads across your face or even care about the consequences.
 “I don’t know if that speaks for my ability to feel up my sister’s boyfriend or your eagerness to be felt up.”
 “It speaks about how much I want you,” His voice is low and heated.
 You swallow thickly. Did your sister’s boyfriend really just say that? Was this really happening? God that sounded a little fucked up. Was it a little fucked up that you liked it too?
 “Then show me,” you say in total confidence.
 The first thing that Matsukawa does after being given permission is getting rid of everything below his waist. Fuzzy socks, leggings, and cotton panties all end up strewn about on the floor he is like a kid on Christmas morning excitedly tearing away at wrapping paper.
 Once bare you get self-conscious and try to close your legs but Matsukawa’s broad shoulder prevents that from happening. You tell yourself that there is nothing to be embarrassed about. You’ve been seen naked before and been called beautiful before. You can’t stop comparing yourself to your sister and all the admirers she has. All the thirst comments she gets when she shows off her body. 
 “Now, now pretty girl, “ Matsukawa’s voice is soft with you but still stern, “Don’t go getting shy on me now. That’s awfully unfair to take away such a pretty thing before I even got a taste.”
 “S-sorry I just feel a little, um, self-conscious …”
 “Yaea?”, he soothes a hand over your inner thigh. “’bout what?”
 “W-well,” You glance down at your stomach blocking your view of your pusy hoping he would get the message. When Matsukawa  doesn’t say anything you stutter out,” I-I don’t shave and I, um, I don't know if that’s like a thing you're used to or…”
 Then he laughs, a short little scuff that doesn’t help.
 “Sorry, sorry, it’s not funny. I hate that you feel that way,” now both his hands are inching up your thighs pushing them further about. His eyes flick down and greedily take in the sight. “ And you should know that this is one of the prettiest pussy I’ve ever seen.”
 “Is the other one my sister’s?”, you immediately regret letting the question slip.
  “The other was a vintage porno I saw online when I was in my second year of high school,” Matsukawa doesn’t seem bothered. To enamored by the fact that‘s finally getting to have a taste of you.
 “Oh. Oh!” You jump in your seat feeling Matsukawa spread your lips apart with his thumbs.
  You’re such a reactive, addictive thing and he hasn’t even gotten to his favorite part.
  “You better hold onto something pretty girl.”
  “Why would I- “ a mona gets caught in the back of your throat as Matsukawa digs in. He presses his whole face into your pussy, sticking out his tongue and ruining flat over your clit.
 Your hands can’t decide what to grip onto. One thread its fingers through Matsukawa’s head of dark hair while the other grips the edge of your desk chair.
 Big hands slip under your thighs to keep them spread for him as he relentlessly works his tongue against slick bud in ways that have you seeing stars.
 Said the man who suddenly pulls away making you wine. Fuck, could you be any lewder? Hearing the high pitch, disappointed noise almost makes Matsukawa want to edge you until you're crying his name, pleading for him to let you cum. But you’ve been through enough tonight.
 “No need to be so formal pretty girl. Call me Issei.”
 “Issei, it feels so good.”
 You’ve never had a guy go down on you. You’ve only seen it in porn videos and read about it in romance books. You had been under the assumption that there was a lot of fiction and acting involved. Mabey Matsukawa was just a god at oral? That had to be it because it felt too good to be anything but average.
 Matsukawa switches to sucking on your clit  in quick succession.  Your toes curl and you clamp your mouth shut, but a moan still slips through.  Matsukawa looks up at your flushed face. When your eyes meet another moan escaped under your breath. You feel embarrassed to be looking into the eye of the man eating you but you can’t seem to look away. With a hard suck you through your head back. Oh, this was going to be so so so hard to keep quiet. You feel grateful to be from a family of heavy sleepers. 
 Matsukawa huffs against your soft curls as your hand tightens in his hair. It's not a painful feeling having his hair pulled, quite the opposite really. He can feel his cock growing to half-mast in his sweats.  He doesn't say a word about it. He just keeps sucking and licking away.
 “Issie, gonna cum,” You warm feeling the familiar pressure build in the pit of your stomach.  But this felt so much more intense. 
 “Issie, Issie ‘m cumming, holy fuck,” Your voice is low and rushed, and music to his ears. 
 Your orgasm pulses through your whole body. You breathlessly maon his name as you arched your back and press yourself against Matsukawa’s tongue. 
 Said man laps it up. Your breathless voice chanting his name, the grip in his hair, the way your thighs trembled in his hands, and the sudden wetness. If he wasn't painfully hard before he is now. 
  Pulling away from you Matsukawa gets a good look at your post-orgasm face. He changes his mind, he wants this face to be his lock screen. 
 “Felt good pretty girl?”, he asks soothing your thigh. 
 You nod, then swallow another gulp of air, “Made me cum so hard Issie.”
 “Lay down on your bed for me and I’ll make you cum more.”
 You scrabble to the bed you take out your clip as you lay down causing your hair to slip out and across your pillow. Matsukawa crawls on top of you and takes a moment to just admire you like this. Your hooded, wanting eyes never leave his face. Your lips are parted just enough to let in one deep breath after the other. You were still catching your breath from the orgasm he just gave you. Matsukawa smirks in that lazy way that makes you swoon. He wasn't going to give you a chance to catch your breath tonight.
  Sinking down between your spread legs, Matsukawa takes his time getting comfortable just was watch you squirm impatiently. Looks like he wasn’t the only one getting addicted to the other. Did you feel ashamed for being so needy for your the touch of your sister’s boyfriend? No at all right now, but Mabey later.
 Matsukawa throws both your legs over his broad shoulders. You squeak when Matsukawa starts to rub your sensitive clit. The bud was already flushed red and a little puffy. He wonders how long it will take to make you an overestimated mess. Probably not long by the looks of it.
 When you feel a tongue teasingly probe at your hole your eyes widen. Your hands quickly go to push Matsukawa's head away,” W-Wait!”
 Matsukawa pulls away. He look up at your panicked face, thick brows scrunched together in worry. “what’s the matter, pretty girl?”
 “I- “You forget what had you so panicked for a moment. “Is-is that ok?”
 “Do you like it?”
 “I-I don’t know. Do-do you?”
 Matsukawa gives you that damn smirk again, “I like everything about you pussy pretty girl, but I won’t do anything to it you’re not comfortable with.”
  God, and with that soft tone? He could do just about dam near anything. “It just feels new and a little weird, but not bad.”
 “I’ll go nice and slow then.’
 True to his Matsukawa slows down, way down. Lying between your legs and rubbing lazy circles over your clit while his tongue languidly plays with your hole.  Matsukawa makes you cum like this too. Because the buildup is slow you fully enjoy the feeling of his fingers pressing into your clit and his tongue exploring your cunt, occasionally dipping into the soaking hole.
 Your orgasm trembles through you.  You hug your thighs around Matsukawa’s head as your back makes a small arch off the bed.  The soft fat of your thigh is muffling any of the small noises you make. Matsukawa can feel the way your twitch she shivers as you cum.
 “How ya feeling pretty girl?”
 “So good,” slurred response has Matsukawa humming in approval.
 “You good for a few more?”
 You eagerly nod,” Yes, please.”
 “Fuck you sound so good when you say please for me,” Matsukawa says before diving right back into you pussy he’s been making a mess of.
 This time you can’t keep the wines and soft moans quiet as Matsukawa thrusts his tongue into your soaked hole.
 “Issie, s-sensitive.” You try and warn but it either falls on deaf ears or the man likes that you are becoming so overestimated that you’re having trouble stringing together a sentence.
  Once you cum again you are left out of breath. Matsukawa told himself he wasn’t going to let you catch a break tonight.  He switches to using his finger to fuck you. Two long fingers push into it, reaching deeper than your finger could ever reach. Curling inside you and pressing and dragging against your walls.
 You stop thinking about the outside world when Matsukawa adds a third finger and quickens his pace. There were no parents, no sister, no class work, no embarrassment. It was just with Matsukawa. The feeling of being full of his fingers and his mouth latching back on your puffy clit.
 “Iss-ah, f-ha, mmmm~” you tremble, unable to form a coherent word now.
 Matsukawa laps it up loud enough that you can hear the lewd and wet noises. Matsukawa doesn’t even stop with your walls start to convulsive around his fingers.
  At some point rather you are aware of it or not, you are gridding against his face. Matsukawa gladly lets you use him to chase your own resales, smearing your wetness all over his face. He knows he’s going to have to rub one out in the bathroom before returning to bed.
 Matsukawa wasn’t expecting you to use your grip on his hair to pull his face flush against your core as you hump away as breathlessly telling him how you cumming. Matsukawa can barley breathe but he doesn’t let go of your hips until he feels the rest of your body slump against the bed.
 Crawling back up to look down at your tired face you too get a good look at the way. His mouth and chin glean on the soft lights of your bedroom. You really made it a mess and through your muddled mind, your wonder what your sister would think if she saw the two of you like this.
 “Looks like I wore you out  pretty good.”
 You nod sleepily the weight of so many orgasms back-to-back crashing down on you.
 Matsukawa is not far off, but there are still a few things he has to do. Like taking care of the wet patch of pre cum that has seeped through the crotch of his sweat. He takes his time tucking you into bed, making sure you're comfortable and asleep before he slips out of your bedroom and across the hall to the bathroom. it’s nearly down at this now, it is a quiet soft blue. Not his usual time to jerk off but fuck- the way you let him drown himself between your legs for that long and use him to chase your own high made him so fucking hard.
 A shower was decided to be the best place to do that. If your sister asks about it he’ll just say he couldn’t sleep. Under the hot spray of the shower, he lets out a shakey breath. Matsukawa picks out your body wash to use.
 The sound of the shower drowns out his soft grunts and the fast ‘shlickshlickshlick’ of his closed fist moving up and down his dick.
 “That’s it, That’s it, such a good girl. “he whispers to himself, head craned back and eyes squeezed shut picturing himself buried deep in your cunt.
 he lets out a  finally shaky moan as cum dribbles down his cock.
 “Fuck that was good,” Matsukawa says to himself staring down at his soft cock laying against his thigh.
 Yea, he decides he’s defiantly got to get you on board with this cheating scheme.
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