#Maybe they’re called smth else idk.
shima-draws · 2 months
I love looking at my tags and noticing I’m the only one on the entire site that uses them lmao
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moonrisecoeur · 7 months
okay but like imagine a bully leon that's actually so subby when things get real…. like idk what it is but there's really something about guys that look kinda dom on the outside actually being really submissive on the inside… Imagine some kind of high school or even better, college AU where Leon's kind of an asshole to you first semester, and then you scheme with your friends to get revenge … just not the way he expected or smth, maybe at some cliche party you end up one on one with him and after some kind of heated confrontation you make your move, and even though his bully side tries to resist, his subby side pops out and he eventually gets reduced to a begging, sobbing mess. And you just mistreat him so well, he gets all clingy and pathetic by the end of it, all whiny, and you're almost rough with him, getting him so needy and then forcing him to apologize so much and beg, and acknowledge idk something like he was wrong, you're the best, etc, he needs you
I think this would work maybe with RE2 Leon the best, but RE4 leon possibly? There's really just something about RE2 leon being subby and RE2 leon being a really bratty bully type But yeah smth like brat taming with leon or something!! Maybe even spanking if he was that much of an asshole lmaoooo
(sorry if this sent twice i was having issues with tumblr)
this is a wonderful concept and all but be so for real my guy leon could not be a bully. especially re2 and re4. he’s too sweet and gentle to ada in re2 and ashley in re4 to ever truly bully someone.
buuuuuuuuut since u already got this idea so flushed out i might as well add to it!! sorry this isn’t as long as i’d like to to be i couldn’t really think of anything else to add!!
sub!bully!leon x slight mean dom!reader, no pronouns used, afab body parts mentioned.
leon likes your attention and feels like the only way he can get it is to be mean. the first time you both met, you didn’t realize he was trying to talk to you and just walked past him (with like earbuds in and stuff) and he was so heartbroken.
so every time he sees you in class he’ll be rude and abrasive, calling you insulting nicknames and stuff. he kinda likes the face you make when you get mad, the way your eyebrows furrow and your eyes stare sharply at him.
he’s also kinda mean to your friends because to him they’re an extension of you.
at this party, he’s been drinking, not too much because he’s cautious but enough to where he’s not completely sober. you as well.
you both start arguing when he bumps into you and knocks your drink out of your hand. he says a lot of cruel things that make your heart ache slightly. he’s so needlessly mean that you’re getting fed up with taking his shit.
you take a step closer to him, finally willing to do more than stand your ground, but actually fight back, “do you just want me to hate you that damn bad, leon? because you really seem to enjoy pissing me off.”
his body feels weak at your cold tone of voice. he’s suddenly not the evil, monstrous man that made fun of you, embarrassed you, called you names, talked down to you. he tries to keep up his front, but you see it cracking.
“i know you like it,” he says, “like it when i’m mean to you, don’t you? you want me to call you names and make fun of you, kinky bitch.”
you scoff, looking away from him. he couldn’t be more wrong.
“what? you think i’m wrong? prove it to me, prove that you don’t like me like this. show me that you’re worth anything more than being the dirt beneath my—”
“shut the fuck up, leon,” you groan as you come closer to him. it’s what he was afraid of, and god you’re so close to him… he’s worried he might explode from nerves. your hand presses against his chest as you push him away, and then suddenly, you’re up against him, he’s pressed against the wall, and your hand is back on his chest.
“uh, i.. i—” he says.
“what’s wrong? lost the ability to speak?” you ask him rhetorically, smirking, “you did get something right, i am a kinky bitch. just the wrong kind.”
“what?” he asks breathlessly. he looks like he’s about to pass out, face red, hands shaking. you would want to soothe him if he wasn’t such an asshole, “wrong kind?”
your hand on his chest drops to his crotch, groping him over his jeans, and he fucking whimpers. already. you come to the realization that leon kennedy, the bastard who’s been torturing you for months on end, is a fucking sub. good god.
“wait wait wait… hold on… i- what are you doing?”
your smirk grows, your breaths and sighs are satisfied, contented with holding him here, watching him stutter and whimper, “awh, i will admit. you’re much cuter when you’re not using that mouth to be rude. much, much prettier…”
his face is already red, his ears too. he looks messy, fragile, adorable.
“p-please,” his voice breaks, and you know you’ve won.
“stupid, stupid boy, thinks he can be mean to me? messed with the wrong girl,” you say, patronizingly soothing as you run your fingers through his hair, his cock buried inside of you as he hides his face in the crook of your neck and shoulder, “you should say sorry, baby, for what you did to me.”
“fuck, i- i’m sorry, okay? i’m sorry about what i said to you a- and your friends! i’m sorry!”
you scoff, “no, you know that’s not good enough, try harder. tell me how pathetic and dumb you are.”
he whines, his lips pressing against your neck sweetly as an apology, and as a way out of giving you a real one. he grasps onto your body like you’re his only anchor to stability and sanity.
you try to coax him out of his shyness and get him to tell you all the things you want him to say, “c’mon sweetheart, you gotta tell me. tell me how mean and degrading and cruel you were to me, just to be my stupid, obedient boy after i flipped it on you. the second i was a little mean to you, you completely gave in to me, didn’t you?”
“y-yeah, i… i’m sorry, i know i haven’t been- ah, good for you, but please let me be. give me a chance to be good, please. i can be good.”
you just laugh, clearly annoyed with him, “stupid fucking thing, thinks he can make me forgive him by begging to give him the grace he never gave me. you will have to earn your forgiveness, baby.”
he whines, “can i please fuck you? please? i’ll show you how good i can be, how good i can make you feel, i’ll so whatever you say i promise!!!”
“no, sweetheart, you’re going to sit still. you’re going to cry and weep and sob about how sorry you are, about how much better i am than you, how you don’t deserve me or my pussy, and how badly you need me to treat you like you’re nothing.”
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tiyoin · 2 months
Twisted anxiety reader in a singing contest show (MHAHAMHAHAH) It would be a reason why she was singing in the woods.
✨ imagine✨
MC is feeling useless and unhelpful and just wants to pull their weight in supporting the dorm and stuff. Just overall trying to be more useful to Yuu.
So she overhears smth about a anonymous singing contest and the winner will get $5000 which for mc, Yuu and Grimm that's a lot of money. And 2nd and 3rd also has cash prizes. I think she goes for 2nd place ,so she has the money of 1st without the popularity of 1st. So she puts her fears to the side (🤨no she doesn't) to help her friend and cat.
I see this contest being an online voting type thing. Also celebs 😉 do go on the show to help promote it, to judge them and what ever else they do.
In the show they give the contestants a "wish"/ charm that can help them with their performance (enter ✨shimmers✨ & instruments magic that was talked about). It what makes the show popular
Now we give MC song/writing abilities. She honestly has a diary of kind. She needs it.( Torture her bout it later😈)
Now I'm sure we wondering how does this come into play
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They'll all find a way to connect the songs to themselves. If songs says an eye color or hair color the characters with said color goes crazy about it.
Enchanted by Taylor Swift is one that comes to mind as a song that everyone relates to.
Rook/ jade would send clips of MC singing on the show and "THIS IS THE VOICE I HEARD"
I have so many sub-plots for twisted singer reader.
Also I'm really glad to like hearing things like this. I was really nervous to send the asks.
More to come along at one point or another ☺️☺️
i immediately thought of “ivory skin and eyes of emerald green” from jolene and rook just going:
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shout out to @/a-twistedheartslonging because i WILL NOT stop using this cute little rook meme they made fldkaldkakwkdkxkakdkfhx
they’re physically reacting to thinking about it. they’re nervous tics come out (that happens to me, whenever i’m suppppper nervous i start chanting and get anxiety induced tics) and yuu and grim are getting worried because nothing has happened, so why are you so anxious?
*clears throat* anyways 🙂
reader : *sings enchanted*
ALL of the guys she made eye contact with that week: …so you’re proposing?
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idk maybe there’s some super duper advanced magical technology (marvel’s equivalent of ‘quantum’) and y/n gets an invitation and they’re like????
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“non non! roi du poison you must come with me avec hâte!” (with haste)
and they’re crouched behind a rock for a few minutes and vil is annoyed because rook is doing rook things again and he does not have time for this. especially not today because he has to find someone to endorse for the music show he volunteered to judge.
only problem: EVERYONE SUCKS OR HAS AN UGLY PERSONALITY!! vil is disgusted by the cockiness and the greediness of these… influencers who paid their way to be on the show.
it puts a horrible taste in his mouth, especially with how shameless they are to try and win his favor. he’s not some cheap executive they can bribe to put their foot through the door, especially with their lack luster… abilities.
vil almost called it talent, but you had to be good to have that.
just as he’s about to voice his complaints and leave, rook’s grip on his shoulder stopped him from moving and the finger to his lips stopped him from breathing. vil was visibly shocked because rook never put hands on him, especially like this.
there was a snap of a twig up ahead. rook’s forest green eyes flicked to the horizon a few times, head too, urging him to look.
and he’s more than pleasantly surprised to see… you- well as much of yourself that you would allow the watchful eyes of the trees see. your ceremonial robe covering your short stature.
rook looked at vil expectingly, but vil was still confused, so what if a student was in the woods? unless it was his own this was a problem rook should bring up to the other house wardens. and it wasn’t illegal, nor against the school rules so-
then, you started singing.
he couldn’t recognize the song. but he could recognize the passion. yes you were untrained and flat in a few sections but that didn’t matter. you were good, pitchy but good.
song after song, sometimes repeating a few as you danced and bowed your heart away.
he wasn’t sure how much time passed but it was a considerable amount since the sun that once well over the trees now peeked through the canopy and was gazing longingly at the moon.
cursing, you looked around, bent down to collect the things you brought with you, and scurried away towards another entrance towards the forest.
vil was quick to react, to follow but rook stopped him. looking down at his vice house warden with an incredulous look, rook only shook his head softly. there was a reason you were alone in the woods and not in the various music clubs.
this was your little secret.
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vil who WAITS for your submission so he can back you but you never submit… hm,
with a snap of his manicured fingers, rook is on it! maybe rook knows who you are, maybe he doesn’t, vil could really care less since the whole show is based off of anonymity.
(vil side eyes the influencers and other contestants who practically spell it out for the audience who they are so they can vote for them)
maybe to… put you on the right track vil has rook go to your little forest spot and place a flyer there, practically ENCOURAGING YOU TO SIGN. UP.
you think someone would get a hint right?
“huh, that’s weird… maybe i should change locations since someone else was here”
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that’s it. rook’s sending in your video and you’re getting a flyer stapled to the tree saying you’re accepted. yes yes this is because of your fairy god mother’s NOW SING
vil also giving y/n some song recommendations he thinks that are good, up until he sees you gently pull out a FUCKING LOADED BOOK from your backpack filled with songs.
yes darling those are great but lol at all the nice songs he gave you! they’re in your range too!!
vil slowly finding out who you are because he heard you hum a song in the hallways that only the mysterious ‘forest nymph’ (what a ludicrous myth the students came up with) sang.
and yes he’s shocked that the ramshackle neet (ouch vil 😿) has golden pipes.
VIL THINKING WHAT TO SEND THEM TO HELP THEM IN A CUT THORAT BATTLE ROUND AND ROOK OFF HANDEDLY COMMENTING ‘if only there were an orchestra here to play along with their beautiful singing’
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*cue golden instruments*
but in hindsight sight:
we’re gonna give her so much anxiety she’s not gonna know what to do😈 sorry pookie!! there’s no safe space at night raven college☺️🫶
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awmancreeper · 9 months
DAD! TXT: Boy Vs. Girl Dad
Genre: fluff
Warning: contains baby talk, mentions of called mommy, not proof read
Notes: this is up for discussion
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Yeonjun (연준)
• Girls, I’m sorry but Yeonjun’s is NOT up for discussion.
• Choi Yeonjun is THE girl dad, she’s his little princess and would spoil her!!!
• Junnie sees your daughter and can’t help but to think abt her growing up. - already crying at the thought of giving her away (not in a toxic girl dad kinda way)
• So his goal in life is show her how a man is supposed to treat someone they love (ofc leading by example- lucky you),
• every month he has a father and daughter date. - it’d be weekly if he wasn’t so busy
• They go out shopping, to eat, maybe get their nails done
• If not at a salon, you can count on Yeonjun rocking “by his little princess” nails no matter how much times the company yells at him for his busted nails- he’ll keep this polish on till the next date
• Not to mention he’d put her in every dance activities she can be in.
• Yeonjun doesn’t know if his daughter is gonna love dancing like he does but he’s gonna give her the option pretty dang early
• Why is your baby in a tutu at 2 y/o… idk ask her father bc he just said she came back from her first ballet class.
• Yet don’t get it twisted it goes both ways, she LOVES Yeonjun like she tells you daddy is her favorite :/
Soobin (수빈)
• Soobin grew up with boys so you’d think he’d want a boy bc he’s more comfortable especially since girls come with “problem” but the moment he lays his eyes in your baby girl, he fell in love.
• Tho I can totally see Bin w/ a son
• Honestly both
• Soobin is just a gentle parent- it doesn’t help that he feels like he scares them bc of his build
• So he usually lightens his voice and slouches around them
• He was afraid of holding his baby in fear of hurting them
• That didn’t last for long bc binnie is all over that baby
• As they got older, soobin used his height as an asset
• He is THE piggy back giver
• Soob treats all his kids the same but once his daughter comes up it’s over for the son
• His princess will get anything her little heart desires
• Tho he’s in total denial, saying that he treats all his kids the same regardless of their gender
• But you see it, the way bunny ears magically appear when his baby girl calls out for him
Beomgyu (범규)
• I think we can all agree that Beomgyu would be bomb at both girls and boys but I think if the baby was boy,
• he’d see the child as competition.
• Like who is this new born sucking on his s/o titties, that’s his job.
• Gyu would love any of his children but this baby boy grinds his gears (playfully)
• it doesn’t help that his son inherited his mischievousness.
• Don’t call him crazy when he tell you little gyu smirked at him when you yelled at Beomgyu for beating him at a race to the car.
• They’d both go up to your asking which drawing is better
• “whoever gets to mommy first loves her more”
• So many races (╥_╥)
• Regardless Beomgyu loves his mini me and who doesn’t like a little healthily competition here and there.
• Definitely wants more kids---- smth abt building an army ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Taehyun (태현)
• I truly can’t decided whether he’d but a better boy or girl dad, tbh Taehyun gives me “as long as they’re healthy” vibes
• but that’s good bc he’d treat his kids the same.
• Now Tae’s is kinda similar to beomgyu but in a sense that taehyun views everyone else as competition
• I don’t think Taehyun would have a preference but either way his kid is better than your kid- why bc they stood up by themselves for 3 secs.
• Or bc they held their bottle themselves when you were feeding them.
• There’s no way that kid doesn’t end up in everything, I’m saying sports, combat, dance, instruments, etc -
• it’s like Taehyun is speed running maxing out his kid’s skill tree.
• Tae’s kinda seen as the strict parent out of you two
• But he just wants best for them (and so he can brag abt his kid winning the 1st grade spelling bee)
Huening Kai (휴닝카이)
• Not matter what the gender is, it’s already set in stone that this baby with be a mini Hyuka.
• Although I do see Huening Kai with a baby boy or twins (imagine huening twins(;´༎ຶٹ༎ຶ`)).
• Whatever the gender may be it doesn’t stop the fact that both Kai and baby are inseparable
• But its not only bc they’re alike but that have a common interest… you
• Yk how many you heard “let’s go bother mommy” from Kai
• Kai also starts their plushy collection early so by the time they’re 5, their wall is filled with stuffies
• If the baby is a boy, Hyuka would teach his boy to treat girls like a flower
• he wants to be proud of the way his son treats other, especially with girls -Kai has 2 sisters that engraved that into his head
• Speaking of sibling, Kai’s gonna want more kids
• His loves his sibling and he wants his children to have the same experience
• He also wants to have them close together for they can grow up as friends
• So get prepared bc the moment that baby can hold their own bottle, Kai’s pouncing on you for more
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Perm Taglist: @beoms-sugar @txtbrainrot @kaisdefender(OPEN)
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dorims · 3 months
What kinks do u think Roman has?
I just know they’re weird (and I’d still be into them)
so if i have to be honest, ive never really thought about roman's kinks 🥲 HOWEVER you know how he shamed tom for swallowing back his cum after tabs sucked him off?? yeah he's definitely into that and you can't tell me otherwise.
and without further ado! a little brainstorm under the cut <3
tags. VERY SUGGESTIVE, MDNI, an overall masochistic vibe, degradation/praise, allusions to cheating, impact play, mentions of roman's low self-esteem
a/n. psa im not familiar with writing smut and if i gotta be honest im pretty vanilla myself so...do with that what you will LMFAO
hes a masochist, we been knew
its pretty much the central theme of these hcs too
so definitely degradation bc its roman, cmon. but for some reason i cant help but think that he's really into being praised too?
could be wrong but i feel like he'd only let himself be praised after he's developed a solid bond with his partner, and it'd probably go from being degraded to a mix of degradation and praise to full praise in some occasions.
if theres not a smooth transition i feel like he would panic and shut himself out. like it feels too intimate or smth.
cuckolding (controversial)
i think he would like it bc it hurts. like his partner sleeping with someone else is kind of like a slap to the face
a situation that has him constantly thinking 'I'm not enough' and that kind of hurt i think he gets off on bc masochism <3
but thats only maybe with the condition he somehow gets the chance to prove to himself and to you that he is better than the person you're sleeping with
OR he's into 'pseudo-cuckolding' so he likes the idea that you COULD go and sleep with someone but you dont, kinda like what happened with grace and the server
SO MAYBE IM WRONG and he would actually hate this but you know, im trynna brainstorm
phone sex (is this even a kink?)
only the sound of your voice and his,
kinda like the romangerri situation LMFAO
because think about it, this way you dont have to actually see him. that would comfort him in some way because of his low self-esteem and self-image issues. that way you can picture anything you want and not be disappointed with the real thing, you know?
i also think that phone sex (or bathroom door sex????) would help him open up until he grows comfortable enough in the intimacy the two of you are building
love how this are supposed to be smut hcs yet im making them slightly angsty
impact play
i think this might be a little self-explanatory, but yes, getting hit in a sexual context turns him on
only when he is receiving ofc
dom/sub dynamics
he's a massive sub and no one can tell me otherwise
its literally on the show TT
ANYWAY, he's probably bratty at first but then just gives in to your every demand because he aims to please
still likes to get on your nerves though, like a lot and i think thats because even when he's been an annoying piece of shit in bed you still take care of him and that reinforces, in his head, that, sure he's being unbearable but that doesn't take away the fact that you care for him and love him, ya know?
also, he would probably call you mommy/daddy at first jokingly but the it kinda sticks??
freud would have a field day with roman roy
hear me out, ik roman's character is pretty much the personification of the words 'kinky mf' but idk
i think vanilla sex would suit roman SOO much. i think for roman to reach the point of having sex with ANYONE there needs to be a established foundation of trust and respect and perhaps love too
and i know sex doesn't necessarily mean love, but we are talking about a man who's definition of love is pain - like love HAS to hurt for it to be love - and undoubtedly he would twist his perception of sex to fit that same definition of love because love is a branch of intimacy and so is sex, you feel me?
i just feel like it would show roman another side of intimacy. all gentle and kind and giggly sex and intimacy doesn't necessarily have to hurt for it to feel good.
like imagine just plain vanilla sex and its banter and laughter and quips and help me lol
vanilla sex and aftercare would solve all his problems, i said what i said /hj
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noeasyisnoisy · 2 months
ep 10
who tf are these people
ykw good for you emerie
“YOUR responsibility” hemlock is setting her up for something 
omg those poor kids :(
why is bro smirking like that HELP
oh my god they’re gonna take that child.
poor baby omg MY HEART
i have a soft spot for kids i’m sorry 
“when i’ll be going home.. can you find out for me?” IM IN PUBLIC IM GONNA START CRYING STOP
i don’t trust this green kid
omg he just wants to go home IM GOING TO SOB
“i was following protocol” = “good soldiers follow orders”
why did i know his name would be jax
am i psychic or have we heard it before and i’m js forgetting
nala se 💔
“there is nothing i can do” YES THERE IS BE SO FR
ngl i’m kinda surprised tarkin doesn’t know abt the project
omg what if (if he’s tech) she snaps him out of it.
“how many others like this have you captured?” oh honey you have no idea
i can’t stop thinking about the baby and his mother and THIS IS REALLY SAD
“we just wanna go home” STOP.
i’m rooting for you emerie
ep 11
where are we
oh my god phee. (i remembered the convo w maybe tech)
i’m trying so hard not to get up my hopes that it’s tech rn.
what did he grab 🤨
tbb’s location or smth maybe??
sneaky bitch
maybe tech’s ship reminds me of padmé’s ship a bit
not exactly but kinda similar? maybe it’s js the general shape
pabu’s gonna be gone
oh god are they gonna leave right before pabu’s attacked 
i’m currently bawling my eyes out
notice how the island is completely in the dark
god i love lighting
holy fucking shit.
hunter knows
ok this music slaps though
maybe tech feels like tech but the voice (accent, tone, everything) is SO different
my heart hurts omg
“i’ve barely done anything yet” first of all BE SO FR second yep oahu is a goner
ok but protective crosshair hits different every time
if they kill batcher.
why was hunter taking out that trooper kinda..
maybe tech no. 
she’s smart but it’s too risky
she’s grown up so much holy shit
“then you never should’ve come here in the first place” I THOUGHT HE WAS GONNA KILL EVERYONE OMG
crosshair your hand better not start shaking.
ITS BACK (it might’ve been back for a while but i didn’t notice it)
update: i rewatched and that hair is NOT wet 😔
oh my god hunter’s gonna be PISSED
i’m crying again
omega what do you know
is she meditating
ok so my final thoughts are i am HURT and still crying WHAT THE FUCK JENNIFER
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captain-mj · 9 months
hey idk if I missed what it stands for somewhere or smth but. rlly curious what ESU stands for in the GhostSoap Handler fic.
also,, 100000/10 fuckign,,, LOVING that fic so MUCH I am bouncing off the walls like the roommate's crackhead cat at 2am that keeps one from getting decent sleep
So this is the last chapter! ESU stands for Experimental Soldiers Unit (not the most creative but are most military names?)
Previous Parts
Soap gently helped Ghost into his tac vest while Ghost checked Soap’s gun. He went over every inch, making sure it was working perfectly.
Ghost felt a kiss be placed to the base of his wings.
There was a funny sense of finality that Ghost knew everyone around him must feel. Surely they had to.
Yet no one acted any differently.
It was a simple milk run. The only difference was Valeria was the target. It was fine. Normal.
Fucking… normal.
Ghost felt like he was on a tightrope. Soap was perfect. Soap was always perfect. But Jesus Christ he was tired. It ached. This longing to curl back up in his chair in Glasgow.
Graves’s words were going to him. But now, so were Alex’s.
“Simon, do you ever wish you could retire?”
“I do. I think of one day never shifting back. Putting the wings away. Maybe just cutting them off so i can never be asked again.” Alex had seemed far away. Something had changed with him recently. Or maybe it was Ghost seeing it for the first time. “Can’t do it yet. Not while they’re still things to do. People to protect.”
Ghost hadn’t responded.
Alejandro seemed happy. Graves seemed happy. Was it something they were doing? Some secret?
Alejandro and Rodolfo got married. He saw the way they looked at each other. It was the way he looked at Soap when he caught himself in mirrors.
Why was that not enough? Why was loving Soap not enough to fix it? Fix him? Make him less tired?
But he did his job just like always. He sat quietly in his seat on the truck, listening to a Gaz and Price and Soap. They were talking about the mission, planning.
Ghost would go in alone and they’d ambush her. She knew they were coming so they expected a lot of fighting. It’s why it was important they stay and watch his back.
His nails dug into his skin. They were concerned about him. Price asked if he could handle it alone.
“Yes, sir. I can.”
Ghost went into the building, taking special care to be silent. Everyone else could get the enemies' attention. He just needed to find Valeria.
And he did. He found her with a hurt monster. A Damaged thing.
Nunez's wings were beautiful, but he had the same staining on his skin that Ghost did. Same curse.
Valeria looked at him.
He understood.
"I watched the military destroy Alejandro. Take men and return pieces of them. I just... couldn't let that happen to him. I stopped it in Los Almas when no one else did!" Valeria hissed at him, standing in front of Nunez. "It was selfish and horrible what they did. You defend them you..." She stared, slowly relaxing. "You..."
Ghost stared. He swallowed thickly.
"No, you get it."
Ghost hated her.
"If we're found, they'll take him away from me. They'll start experimenting on him again. Can you live with that?"
Ghost thought of an airplane.
"Go." He rasps. "Just go."
Valeria smiled and Nunez dragged her away, going faster than anyone Ghost had ever seen. And Ghost went out a different door.
He heard them realize Valeria was going South and Ghost started going North.
Simon knew he had to go home.
Hopefully Soap wouldn't be so mad at him.
His radio went off. "Simon. Simon, how copy."
Ghost took his radio off and dropped it on the ground.
"Simon. How copy."
Ghost listened to them try to call him back. He took off his vest and left it on the ground. His dog tags were left a few feet away from them.
He hoped Alex would leave soon. He deserved it. Gaz deserved it. To know his sweetheart would be coming home.
Ghost remembered his journey to Texas after Mexico. It felt similar. His feet bled. His chest convulsed. The little thing called his heart beating and fluttering randomly. It begged him to go back or lay down and die.
What are you without the military?
Don't know. I'll figure it out.
What are you without Soap there to hold your hand?
If I never let go of his hand, I'll never have to know.
Ghost found himself crawling into Soap's bed in Glasgow. He showered first, not wanting to dirty his sheets. Soap had been there recently it seemed but left again. His body sank into the pillows. Too large and bulky but it cradled him gently.
When he got up, he ate. He showered again. He stared at the walls before using Soap's computer.
First thing he did was snoop through emails to look at reports. They were about him. All about him. Where was he? Why was his gear left? Is he okay?
In one of Price's reports, there was a message at the bottom.
"I hope it goes well."
It was an odd phrasing. Just odd enough for Ghost to know it was on purpose.
Of course Price would know.
After a week of searching, life returned to normal. For them. Ghost was still in Soap's home. And after a lot of rest, he started to do stuff again. He started to look through more reports, but nothing was that fun. Then, he started to search the internet.
Ghost found his brother's old music. Silly teenage band music. He liked hearing his brother's drumming. The person singing didn't really matter. Just Tommy's drumming.
It led Simon down a rabbit hole. About his murder apparently.
There were videos upon videos about his family.
He watched every single one.
True crime videos. Women doing makeup and men making jokes.
it was nice, seeing his family together again sans his father.
Then, someone showed a picture of him in a bar, clearly drunk and hunched over. His body was already changed but the baggy hoodie kept it semi hidden.
"It's time stamped for 9:17."
"Time of Death was put at 9:19."
"How did he travel all the way home and tear them to shreds in two minutes?"
Ghost didn't do it. That night wasn't his fault.
The realization had him clawing at his skin and wailing until he worried the neighbors may call the cops. His head throbbed and his throat ached.
The black on his skin spread. It burned and ached and for once, Ghost decided it wouldn't be so bad to be half mad and feral. His brain hurt. There was so much heat on his body. Intense and furious.
A fever over took him. It felt almost silly. Like his emotions had gotten so harsh and bad that it gave him a physical reaction.
His body had an intense ache over it and it felt like the light blistered against his skin. Everything was hazy and out of focus, unable to focus on anything.
So Simon showered in the dark and he ignored that his skin felt so uncomfortable and that his feathers had started to fall out.
And then one day, he woke up, body incredibly sore from his fever but no more hysteria or fever. He ran his hands over his face, pausing.
His hands. They looked.
No claws.
Just pink flesh.
There was a sound and he perked up. It didn't ring in his ears or go on for ages.
There was a click of a door and Simon went downstairs. His clothes hung off of him, no longer tight.
Soap put his keys into the bowl. He looked exhausted. Red rings around his eyes.
Simon was stupid.
"Missed me?"
Johnny went for his gun before freezing. He just kept staring.
Simon stretched, for the first time in years not feeling the weight of wings and guilt on his shoulders.
"Just Simon."
"How about I make you a cup of coffee? Or food? I'm sure you're starving." Simon wanted to feel useful suddenly. It was an intense need to help that was interrupted by Soap kissing him hard. Simon only flinched back, worried his fangs would cut his lips. But there were no fangs. Just lips.
Simon yanked him closer and kissed him deeply, pulling him in closer.
Johnny pulled away and shook him. "You fucking disappeared. You fucking... You..." He kissed him again.
"I'm sorry. I waited here for you. I'm never going to let go of your hand."
"Don't worry about it."
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mmmfanfiction · 6 months
Hi!! Ik your probably stressed bc ur really active XD but I hope you drink some water and get some rest. When you find the time to write could I request a flippy/flipqy x reader Christmas head cannons?
Also if your doing the anon thing could I be -🌹 anon ?
Thats super sweet of you, anon! I hope that you’re getting a bunch of water and rest too! Sorry this came in so late, I started writing but didn’t finish. However I did give myself the deadline of Christmas which helped me actually finish this (finishing things on the deadline gang) anyway, I hope you like it!
warnings: mentions of death, literally nothing else just me imagining Fliqpy being like a lethal house cat-
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🧸I like to think Christmas is like a sense of nostalgia for Flippy.
🧸Like he’s done it his entire life, so it brings him back to his childhood.
🧸Flippy defo decorates, but not in the overboard, as soon as thanksgiving ends, everything’s lit up kind of way.
🧸More of a chill decorator. Doesn’t go all out but theirs definitely decoration.
🧸However if your one of those big decorators he will definitely help out with some things. Also he won’t let you go on the roof unless your experienced. Even then he’s like hovering below you.
🌹”Babe I’m not gonna fall, you don’t have to follow me wherever I go with that pillow.”
🧸”But I don’t want you to get hurt :(“
🧸I feel like he knows how to make REALLY good hot cocoa
🧸Like, tastes like it’s straight from heaven.
🧸He makes amazing cookies too.
🧸Also crochets cute little Christmas sweaters.
🧸Even makes matching ones.
🧸Flip definitely puts lots of thought into gifts.
🧸Like he will ask everyone you know just to gauge the best thing to get for you.
🧸His wrapping looks really good!….. if you don’t look at the bottom-
🧸Is open to trying new traditions. Like if you have a bit more spice added to your Christmas traditions then he’ll try them out too!
🧸Has like really obscure but also really sweet Christmas movies.
🧸Also old ones, like the stop motion Rudolf the reigndeer. 
🧸Just please don’t let him watch nightmare before Christmas, or at least avoid the one scene where the military starts shooting down Jack. That will not be a good time for either of you, especially not poor Flips.:(
🧸All in all, very warm n cuddly being w/ Flippy on Christmas. 
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🔪Now this little shit-
🔪Idk where that was going I just wanted to call Fliqpy a little shit.
🔪Anyways he’s not used to Christmas.
🔪Would 100% use the lights to strangle someone-
🔪Though he’s really good to have around if you wanna chop your own tree.
🔪The first Christmas he spends with you I don’t imagine him really getting you anything, and also getting flustered when you give him a gift.
🔪Afterwords he starts putting a bit more effort into this whole Christmas thing.
🔪Either a really shitty gift giver or a really great gift giver. No inbetween 
🔪Will fall asleep during Christmas movies.
🔪Unless maybe it doubles as a horror movie. Like idk Black Christmas or smth(I’ve never watched Black Christmas so don’t quote me on that but I really want to but I don’t want my mum to walk in and be like ‘WTF ARE YOU WATCHING!?’ Anyways back on track)
🔪Flippys not used to the domestic vibe of Christmas
🔪However if you also believe in Krampus he might be a liiittttleee bit more into it(long live Krampus)
🔪I imagine he really likes hot cocoa but won’t admit it.
🔪Also thinks Santa’s a creep
🔪”So, let me get this straight. You celebrate a dude BREAKING INTO YOUR HOUSE??”
🌹”…. He gives us gifts-“
🔪Really good at wrapping things to make them look like something they’re not. Like you think you’re opening a doll but it’s actually a pocket knife :)
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alphabetboyluvr · 10 months
Can I request jungkook talking about how much he likes byeol to jimin? Or smth that shows jk pining after her heheh
🪩 WORDCOUNT | 827 (i am incapable of keeping things short (!)) 🪩 NOTE FROM HOLLY | i’d argue this is more fawning than pining, but i wanted it to be fairly early on in the narrative!! We have a small time skip during BD #6 - i think it belongs in there!! maybe a little later!! idk!!
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“Was different last night, wasn’t it?” Jungkook mindlessly hums as he picks at the leftover pizza on the coffee table. Doesn’t even really want it. Just wants the perfectly circular pepperoni that’s embedded in the top of the slice, but eventually decides against it, knowing it’s been sitting out for way too long. 
“Hm?” Jimin grumbles from the sofa, scrolling on his phone, paying Jungkook very little attention.
Jimin's still a bit hungover, but The Notebook has been watched already, and a Powerade has been inhaled at such a speed Jungkook thought it’d come right back out through his nose. He’s as good as he’ll get for the remainder of the day.
Just back from the gym, Jungkook is in far better shape than Jimin is right now - but it makes sense. He was behind the bar last night, just like he is most nights.
“DB’s glitter,” Jungkook adds, as if that would have been a logical conclusion for Jimin to have reached from his vague questioning. Fails to realise it's only him with the constant thoughts of you. “Was different, wasn’t it?”
Chunkier, he thinks. More noticeable, or at least, easier to count the flecks. 
Still pretty. Always pretty. 
“Y’know, she was joking that it’s a men repellent,” Jungkook smiles fondly, remembering the way you always shine underneath the lights of Dionysus. “How mad is that? Glitter? Men repellent? Makes no sense.” 
He fails to realise that your comments are less about attraction, more about men who like to act without thinking of consequences. Glitter leaves a trace - of which Jungkook’s learned the easy way, his pillows still saturated in teeny tiny sparkles from that one time you crashed in his room. 
Those traces become evidence. Keeps the men with girlfriends away, and warns off the pathetic excuses of men who don’t understand boundaries. Less of man repellent, more of a scumbag barrier.
It’s also fun to be a walking disco ball, which is your primary reason for coating yourself in the stuff, even if the nickname is slightly less than favourable. You give them all glares whenever you hear it, but you only blush when it’s Jungkook saying the magic words.
“Always notice it,” Jungkook continues, a little smile resting on his boyish lips. As he toys with his lip ring, it glistens in the mid-morning light. “Glitter, I mean. Whenever girls come to the bar, now. If they’re wearing glitter, I’m always like, ‘Huh. You’re probably fun.’ Not in, like, a weird way. Just that… maybe they’re like DB. Y’know?”
“Mhmm,” Jimin agrees. “Fun, yeah.”
“No one else wears it better, though,” Jungkook praises. Is utterly lost in memories of you from the night before.
The way you had giggled every time a Purple Starfucker was passed over the bar. The messy space buns you'd had in your hair, and how there was even glitter in them. The pout you'd given him as you'd said goodbye, and the way Danbi had literally dragged you to the door, those cosmic calamities you like to call eyes still on him.
Smiling, as if he's just won an eBay bid for another 'sculpture' to add to his collection, Jungkook mindlessly continues his train of thought.
“DB just… well, she is glitter, isn’t she? Like a… Like a little shooting star. I always think that, y’know. Whenever she’s in the club. Just zooming about like a little shooting star.” 
His smile is so sweet, eyes so sparkly - just like they always are whenever he thinks of you.
“You’ve got a zoom meeting?” Jimin finally looks up from his phone, expression a little vacant. “With who?”
“Sorry, were you talking?” Jimin bares his teeth a little awkwardly. Hadn’t been listening at all. Hadn’t even realised he’d been responding.
Had been too engrossed in a 5-Minute Crafts video. Was far more interested in seeing how they’d turn a pair of shoelaces into a pencil - resin is how, and an industrial size drill that no regular household would ever need. Disappointing. Still, he’d watched the entire thing.
“Did you hear anything I said?” Jungkook frowns, yet to realise that it’s a blessing in disguise. Jimin would never let it go.
The roll of Jungkook’s eyes is subtle as he heads into his bedroom. Has an assignment to finish off. Can’t be dilly-dallying, fawning over fuckin’ glitter.
“Hey,” Jungkook calls back, just before he turns into his room. “You and DB… that’s like… that’s not a thing, right?”
“DB?” Jimin glances over to Jungkook, curious by his line of questioning. Shakes his head. “Nothing more than what it was.”
“So you guys aren’t, like…”
Hooking up? Mutually interested? Intending on round two?
“Why?” Jimin smirks, not needing him to finish. “You got a crush?”
“No,” Jungkook defends almost too quickly. “Just curious. S’all.”
“No,” Jimin mimics. Jungkook groans, slamming his door shut, which just earns a laugh from his housemate. Doesn’t believe him for a second. “Just curious.”
Jimin laughs again, then shakes his head. Is quiet, as he mutters to himself. “Cute.”
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whxre4hange · 2 years
aot characters at uni headcanons :) (because i am miserable at uni and wanna romanticise things)
how did this guy get to uni? i guess we’ll never know. i guess we’ll never know
if it’s zoom, he’s most definitely causing chaos
i’m talking spamming the chat for whatever reason
“haha funny meme”
pretending he’s frozen when the prof (levi) calls on him
“jaeger, i can still see you blinking.” “IM NOT BLINKING ITS JUST A GLITCH- oh- shi-“ *goes back to silence and ‘frozen’ state*
and if it’s in perso, he’s still causing chaos.
“PROFESSOR CAN I ASK A QUESTION?” “yes, you can.” “where’s joe?” “who’s joe?” “JOE MAMA!!!!!!!”  “10% off your first assessment.”
im wheezing
*corrects the spelling mistakes on the slides like the petty girlboss he is*
his major? probably something really really really vague
is there a bachelor of edginess?
no? okay well probably studying something in humanities / science
does he study?
lmaoooo…..do pigs fly?
but does he somehow get a perfect gpa?
cause hes the main character, duh
if you don’t count the 10% professor levi deducted because of the joe mama joke
i dont really have anything else to say about him
but i would hate to have him in my class
you know that really well dressed, quiet girl that always catches your eye in your lectures?
ladies, bros, and non-binary hoes, may i introduce mikasa ackerman?
she picks her electives so they match up with eren’s 🥺 
and in those classes
hoooo boy
she’s basically a mum
or a dog mum
keeping eren on a leash, if you will
honestly i see her doing a liberal arts degree, with a major in literary studies (i headcanon her as a lit student im sorry ahh she just has that vibe)
like eren, she has a perfect/almost perfect grades
and that’s because she actually STUDIES
like i said, shes really quiet and reserved & basically talks to no one except eren
but damn is she a boy magnet
*cough* JEAN *splutter* 
he’s most definitely a geography student. dont @ me. i dont take constructive criticism. nor do i take criticism in general.
he’s either the teacher’s pet or hated by the teacher because he keeps correcting them
there is no in between 
like mikasa, studies 24/7
unlike mikasa, either does realllly really well or really really bad
he’s a polarising figure okay
and maybe his results are cause he doodles in his textbooks half the time
it’s not even a textbook at this point it’s a fkn sketchbook (lmao my partner’s maths book in high school was filled with the most amazing intricate doodles and basically no maths but he somehow got high 80s so uh) but yeah thats how i see it
daydreamer :D
especially in grades
wears a cardigan
soft boi incarnate 
goes out of his way to help confused freshmen 
cause he’s wholesome like that
“i study food. and by study, i mean eat.”
mediocre grades at best
im sorry T_T i love her but i can’t see her being bothered at uni
messes around with connie half the time
or tries to at least
poor connie is trying to study
she is that one kid who brings a whole ass meal into class and eats it very loudly
“okay so if we look at the chemical structure of ca-“ *slurp slurp, BITCH*
there are food stains all over her textbooks and the notes connie forced her to take
okay but he had no idea what he wanted to do in uni
so he just did what sasha was doing
food science buddies :D
much to sasha’s chagrin, his grades are better than hers
because he’s actually STUDYING
they aren’t perfect grades but they’re good
he’s pretty quiet in class
he’s just tryna pass
and control sasha
idk which one’s harder
i envy the man tho
commerce. major. or smth to do with business
he is so goddamn cocky im sorry it drives me insane
well dressed rich boi vibes
to his credit, he studies really hard and his grades are really good :)
he chooses electives so that they measure up with marco’s :D
i dont have much to say about him
simps for mikasa and mikasa only
loyal frat boi ig???
music major PLSSS
i see him either being the nerdy boy wearing sweaters that plays ukelele/ acoustic guitar on the stairs (surrounded by fangirls)
or the boy with the kazoo that won’t quit (still surround by fangirls cause who doesnt love a kazoo?)
or both :D
when he sees jean sadly listening to ‘glimpse of us’ while thinking about mikasa 
he decides to jump in w a little bit of musical zang. cause he’s supportive
please see https://www.youtube.com/shorts/g82qI-jdRw4 for reference
you won’t regret it
it isn’t a rick roll i promise
like armin, a vvv sweet boy
will help any of his classmates in need :D 
basically stuck to jean like glue
she’s a double major of law and political science
we love a girlboss academic queen
QUEEN? did ya see what i did there???
cmonnn laugh
SUCH a model student and shes so helpful and sweet aaa
everyone loves her
its impossible to hate her
soft girl mixed w light academia aesthetic :D
she is an angel incarnate 
perfect grades perfect social life perfect everything 
also a perfect girlfriend
*stares pointedly at ymir*
studying criminology because it has similar units to law
and someone in particular is doing law
you catch my drift?
she really doesn’t wanna go to class but will go if historia is going
*historia*ns will say theyre just friends
but we all know better :D
she doesn’t talk to anyone unless its historia
and shes got such a resting bitch face that no one dares approach her
even the professor is scared to call on her
she gets mediocre grades, but they improve when historia forces her to study
hanji my beloved <333
she’s a professor
the crackhead professor everyone likes
probably chemistry / physics / human bio
something sciency
100% will use her students for her experiments
with consent ofc 
it’s the 21st century after all
veryyyyy disorganised
will 1000000% forget she had class 
turns up 15 minutes late and fuming at the lack of organisation
“you are, professor”
i love her sm
i hate all sciences but i would study it if she was teaching it
you know shota aizawa from mha?
that. he’s that guy
he does not fucking want to be there
what does he teach? probably politics or something to do w humanities
he calls his students ‘brats’
but affectionately
right?????? RIGHT????
his dead eyes scares all of the students so much that no one dares say anything
even when he’s asking  them questions
all silent
except for eren
who he tells to shut up 24/7
“class is cancelled because i don’t want to be here. go home, brats.”
if you dare fail his class…just write your will okay?
10000% a history teacher aHHHH
(totally not biased because i love history)
he’s so passionate about what he does! 
he definitely does re-enactments of battles with help from his students
kinda like rengoku’s spin on a history teacher
is really enthusiastic! 
all of the students love him
some love him a lil toooo much
cmon, you see it too right?
takes students under his wing
a ball of sunshine
best professor ever
ahhhh it makes me so happy thinking about it
first, i would like to establish that we love reiner in this household
and if you don’t agree, LEAVE
seriously tho the guy needs a hug, therapy and cookies
i headcanon him as a humanities and psychology student!
he just wants to learn about the world and make it a better place okay ):
i could also see him as training to be a psychologist
the therapist-type of psychologist that is (clinical psychologist for all you fancy smartpants out there)
studies very very hard!
he throws himself into his work 100000%
all or nothing
speaking of which
he’s all about taking care of his education and his physical fitness too!
soft gymbro reiner
the nice gymbro that drinks respect women juice daily
yeah we stan him :D
probably really popular amongst the ladies and the gays but is too clueless to recognise it
okay first, she’s definitely doing criminology
with the aim of going into the police force
(where i live, you have to do a degree in crim before working as a police - i think :D)
cmon she is canonically in the military police
there is no way she wouldn’t do it in uni
she never ever ever turns up to class
she just doesn’t like people okay
she would much rather be curled up in her dorm with her noise-cancelling headphones
doing her classes online
but if she’s on zoom
camera off, mike off
catch berty dragging her grumpy ass to exams
*camera cuts to annie who isn’t even planning to do exams at all*
she doesn’t study much
she’s really passive about uni and she doesn’t really care
but she does really well, she has a talent for crim :’)
girlboss incarnate
he is doing a very very very broad humanities degree
our aimless lil boi :’(
managed to do a few crim units to match with annie
( a simp)
always shows up to class
perfect attendance
but thats only because he hopes that annie will be there
which she never is
really quiet but sweet
mediocre to good grades but nothing out of the ordinary
he’s kinda the boy next door vibes
always wears the same blue sweater
mommy? i mean sorry mommy
sorry it just keeps slipping out
thats what she said 
she is a very homely and sweet honours student!
like reiner, probably a psych student
cottagecore aesthetic. i dont make the rules.
shes still a student but everyone thinks she’s a professor cause she’s so talented and smart and- adulty?
she has her life together, on the surface
but uh
yeahhhhhhh if you catch her in her natural habitat, her hair is all askew, notes are everywhere and shes crouched on all fours scribbling away at her work
immediate rich daddy boy’s vibes im sorry
“MY FATHER SHALL HEAR ABOUT THIS!” - porco malfoy 2k22
most definitely studying humanities w/ a major in international law and political science
gee i sure hope he doesn’t run into reiner in the humanities building
THAT would make for some drama
and we don’t like drama in this household!
no, that isn’t popcorn in my hands you see
100% the chaddiest chad to ever chad at the university of chad
i wanna put a forewarning that i have a thing against zeke so proceed w warning
he just gives me bad vibes okay ;-;
he is that professor who wears a trench coat to every single class
even if it’s summer
black. trenchcoat.
his response to every criticism aimed at him? “no bitches?”
i cant fault him for that
like i said, he’s a professor
of political science probs
very very charismatic
the classes he teachers are like a cult fr
they really realllly admire him
like alot alot
okay i think that’s all i can do :’) cause the only other marley person i know well enough to headcanon is colt and im still sad about how he died :(
i hope you enjoyed ! likes/reblogs/shares/comments are appreciated :) lemme know who you want me to do next in the replies xx
might do a part two hehe! i hope you enjoyed :) reblogs (w credit), likes and comments appreciated and encouraged x
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localgardenweed · 5 months
Its almost 1AM I have a interview with Wendy’s at 10:30AM so im gonna talk about my random HWS Japan headcanons until I pass out
He need reading glasses, I know we see him in the show/manga wearing them and like he may like actually need them and just uses contacts but in my mind they are only for reading. His eyes aren’t what they used to be and he needs his little nerd glasses
He likes making those bento box cooking videos, he makes them for himself and his friends/partners. He finds a lot of ways to pass the time and this is one of many. He likes making the character bentos the most, they make him smile
Gardening. Imagine walking into his backyard and seeing him on his knees tending to his strawberries and radishes just LOOK AT HIMMM!! Not only does it save him money but also makes him feel accomplished when he gets a good harvest
He typically likes doing a lot of those DIY projects, making little shelves and furniture and god knows what. He goes online and sees what new project he can make today to keep himself busy
He is actively greying and has been dying his hair for AGES. He plucks out greying eyebrow hair and stubble and dyes his hair. If someone points out a grey hair he gaslights them into thinking its just the lighting or they’re imagining things. If anyone found out he dyed his hair you wouldn’t see them the next day /j
He tried to grow a mustache in his youth but it looked so bad he repressed the memories of it deep DEEP into his mind you will never find them man. He found old paintings of his mustache and couldn’t bare to witness them anymore he buried them in his basement never to be seen again
He actively works out, he takes a 5 mile jog every morning and evening and does some biking and swimming every other day. He likes to stay fit even though he really doesn’t have to anymore. He just likes to keep his body toned. He also likes the cringe 1980’s American workout videos. He got a VHS set from America on his birthday and felt that he basically called him fat but no America just needed to get rid of them so just regifted them to him. He ended up liking them though so ig it worked out in the end
As well practices his swordsmanship, like dude we are in the modern day you do not need to know how to use a katana anymore but he does it anyway cause what if someone breaks in man you never know man una nunca sabè
Its right next to him every night and he is FAST, he even hears the slightest sound he jumps up and gets ready to slice you in half
Him and Prussia and very good friends (or maybe more idk am i pushing my PruPan agenda? YES) and he keeps a empty room for him when he decides to crash at Japan’s place for the 5th time this year. He doesn’t mind him he is very tidy and always repays the favor somehow. They like to go out for lunch and do all of the above together. They like to exchange snacks like chips and drinks.
He almost sliced Prussia in half when he crept into his room to ask him for smth when he was asleep, he only chopped off a lock of his hair and nicked his nose but nothing serious. He profusely apologized for it after and Prussia was a little shocked for a but but laughed it off and was okay. He was a but sad about the hair but it’ll grow back. Prussia knocks loud as hell now if he wants Japan for smth and he’s asleep
He keeps little historical knick knacks around his house that he should probably donate but doesn’t cause “They’re still good to use!!” Even though its a thousand year old pot that should be a health hazard. He has been wearing the same damn yukata for almost 2 centuries now cause he only wears it once every other summer summer when he finds his buried in his storage and the local museums beg to have it but he’s too attached to it to let go
He wheels around Pochi in a stroller sometimes when he feels a little silly. He loves dressing Pochi up with bows and ties and bandannas and god knows what else. That dog has been out in so many outfits bro cant catch a break
If he were human he would either pursue photography full time, his dream would be to get his photos on build boards and magazine covers. Maybe he’d be a field photographer too, go out into nature and stuff
He already does photography as a hobby but could never really do it full time cause ya know country duties
And thats it thank you for coming its now almost 2 AM lets hope I don’t regret this
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hi idk if u “take requests” or anything but if u do or r looking for some inspo im dying for some content that shows simon just loving wille specifically smth like a worried protective simon !! or smth where they’re both protective of each other i just rlly want some good Simon being obsessed and fond and besotted w wille (id also love jealous simon if u like that but more like lighthearted jealousy—a possessiveness that doesn’t come from insecurity but just bc he wants wille to be his) if not a fic then a headcanon or j ur thoughts idk just anything w ur writing
hi!! I'm so totally open for requests or inspo! it's not often I get requests, but never hesitate to reach out if you ever have any more because i honestly love doing them. i think i can definitely get something in the works with a worried, protective simon being utterly besotted for his boy <3 i'm basically on yr brain rot right now, so i'd keep a look out for something soon!!
but to tide you over until then, here's some silly jealousy/being-protective-over-their-relationship headcanons for the boys:
wille is definitely more of a pouty, tinker bell "give me attention or i die" kind of jealous. but like, it doesn't bug him if simon is hanging out with someone else or if he's having a conversation with one of their classmates while wille sits next to him. instead, wille gets pouty when inanimate objects are getting more attention that him. he gets all "you haven't kissed me in an hour :((" or "stop writing things down, i wanna hold your hand" or "don't mind me, i'm just gonna lie across your lap while you play video games"
simon has a habit of like,, immediately giving in to wille's sad "pay attention to me" eyes, so he's started instituting rules that they're not allowed to study together anymore because damnit how did we end up cuddling in bed AGAIN, we have a test tomorrow
(wille also has a possessive side that rears its head every once in a while. sometimes he purposefully litters hickeys on simon's neck that are VERY visible to everyone, or he'll make a point to switch out simon's sweater for his own while their in the locker room. on one memorable occassion, they'd run into marcus in bjarstad and holy moly did wille make a show of tucking simon close to him with an arm securely around his waist that didn't move the rest of the time, save for when he slipped his hand into simon's back pocket)
simon, on the other hand, tries really hard not to get jealous. he doesn't want to be possessive and he doesn't want to seem needy, and he doesn't want to let himself repeat what happened last time he got jealous (read: attacking wille via dodgeball). but at the same time, like, he never thought he'd get to actually have wille. it had felt like the world came crashing down around him when wille denied the video, and he never thought they'd be able to find their way back to each other
when they actually were able to overcome everything and date for real and be in love out in the open, simon felt like he was floating on clouds for w e e k s. wille loved him and didn't want it to be a secret and this boy, the crown prince of sweden, was HIS
so even though simon doesn't want to be jealous, when something you've hoped for and wanted for so long finally gets to be yours, it's natural that you get, well. a little protective over it
so maybe sometimes he notices the smirk nils gives wille and less than subtly makes home in wille's lap. or maybe he notices that the latest phone call with the queen has wille's hackles up and pulls him into the music room to play him a little melody on the piano. or he pretends not to notice the way wille blantanly puts his hand in simon's pocket while marcus stands across the room because the show of affection makes his heart beat faster. and maybe he saves most of his own affection for behind closed doors and curtains because that smile wille gets belongs to him and if the whole world was able to see what wille looks like when he's happy and carefree then everyone else would fall in love with him too and wille is HIS goddamn it
both of them are 100%, all in, would rather die than give this up when it comes to their relationship, even if they know they’re still young and have a lifetime ahead of them. they’re utterly besotted and hopelessly in love and just want to spend their lives wrapped up in each other. they really just want to protect what they have, but they don’t let jealousy or possessiveness or anything get the better of them because they trust and love each other <3
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danothan · 11 months
@cessmaga i felt like this could be its own post!
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this is so funny bc i've said this all before but for some reason it hurts me to read it </3
incoming pondering
i have mixed feelings. the punching bag portrayal of hal definitely feels… selective compared to other characters. lauren faust has said that the way she figured out everyone's personalities was to take their most popular iterations and exaggerate them into distinct roles. and it honestly works well for the show! yes even when it’s ooc! superman being a proud hotshot? well he did have a bit of an ego on him when he was younger, and this superman is 19-20, so that checks out! wonder woman being a fish out of water? i mean, she was even the audience stand-in for g1, it makes sense from a writing standpoint! hell, even "playboy bruce wayne" and "theater kid oliver queen” feel random and ooc, but it’s hilarious and plays on some recognizable tropes of the characters, so i’m definitely not complaining. it’s more important for an adaptation to hold up on its own than be a 1-to-1 reference to the source, and i think there’s smth for both comic fans and first time watchers to enjoy
but hal is more complicated. i didn’t get this impression from him when i first watched dcshg. i can see why they chose him for the jock character, someone had to fill that role after all, and i can see how his moments of silliness in the comics can add to the Dumb in Dumb Jock. like i get where they’re coming from. but it became more abt making hal fit the jock role than making the jock role fit hal
i don’t think it’s all bad tho. his debut ep endeared me upon my second watch. like hal was SUCH a senior, it was mean-spirited, but seniors are just like that 😔👊 sometimes it felt like they were pushing it, but it serviced karen’s character. they’re not making a show called dc superhero GIRLS to make it abt the boys (and i’m certainly not asking them to). so there’s definitely a right way to do it, but i feel like they lost the plot somewhere down the line. how did he downgrade so hard lmao, i can accept the premise but you have to actually like your oc too
this problem isn’t just a hal thing ofc, other decisions felt questionable to me too. like why is diana boy-crazy. the whole “she came from an all-girls island so she fell for the first boy she saw” thing is WILD for her specifically. she came from an all-girls island, connect the dots.
but i do feel like hal consistently gets the brunt of it. maybe it’s just my hal vision, but it feels targeted. how come barry gets to have all these barry-specific quirks and references, but hal is just some generic jock. they’re best friends in the comics! if you know sm abt barry, SURELY you knew that too!
bad characterization aside, my main problem is his (mis)treatment in the show. it’s straight up unpleasant to sit thru, he’s a metaphorical AND literal punching bag. the contrast going between an episode for hal vs anyone else is crazy, it’s like someone read only the worst versions of him and decided to punish the character for being poorly written. oh my god it’s like zack snyder making a superman movie. waittt it’s exactly like that oh god 😭
design-wise… he’s so ugly, every friend i’ve shown a picture to always responded in disgust 💀 and after watching g1, the choices in his redesign speaks volumes to their view of his character. but here’s the thing…
it’s actually rly grown on me I KNOW I’M SORRY. like, okay, his hair style is not doing him any favors (idek what version of him it’s supposed to be inspired by??), and anyone that changes brown eyes to blue/green is my personal enemy. buuuut… he still has his signature cleft chin <:) and his raglan tee is a clever translation of the cut of his GL suit <:)
idk, going from g2 to g1 back to g2 gave me more of an appreciation for the tooniness of the style. we think g1 is better bc it’s inoffensive. it’s bland. i def think the slapstick for hal in g1 felt like laughing with the character instead of at him, and his overuse of constructs is sooo classic hal, but in terms of visual personality, i didn’t get much just by looking at him. i miss that damn jacket tho, no idea why they didn’t keep it
but picture daze wrecked me so bad that it gave me rose-colored glasses and now i can’t remember what it was like to ever think he was ugly
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is it so wrong to think he looks like a sweetie :( a silly little guy :(
sidenote, i haven’t seen this ep before but wth is this:
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this is not a 17-18 year old highschooler, this is a 30-smth divorcee. i think that might be the joke, but tell me why his hair looks more recognizable here than the default 😭
all of this to say: world’s biggest hypocrite over here defending dcshg hal after talking essays worth of shit abt him LMAO. i accidentally gave him a consciousness and now it feels like he’s the victim of bad writing rather than the perpetrator of it. i’m not even mad that they made him a dumb jock anymore, i just want him to be happy ☹️
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whymori · 1 month
Your Drithen and Idarus tag is absolutely normal feel free to talk about them in a totalllyyyy normal way
Holy shit. I will.
So basically the overview of Drithen and Idarus in the main Zorith story is that Idarus is the revered God of Zorith, and Drithen is Its prophet. Things are very different to what they seem though because Idarus is a CUNT. For hundreds of years maybe since Zoriths creation it’s been gaining power off of the struggles and deaths of those around Zorith (It is a god of doom and deceit)
Anyway yada yada yada every god that sends down prophecies needs a prophet, and Idarus has had MANY. But since It can’t let the whole actually I’m a dick thing get revealed it just kinda. Controls Its prophets. Like a puppet. Think ratatouille but weirder.
Drithen (full name Drithen Zerades) fucking hated their life SO BAD before becoming the prophet (their family was a line of nobles close to the royal family, and Drithen had a ton of expectations on them due to this (mainly having children to continue the family line. Weird.)) so when they started having fucked up dreams and eventually got called to meet THE PROPHET they honestly were a little stoked.
They got a lot less stoked though when it was said that they were the next prophet, and that their old life would never return again. And then they got EVEN LESS STOKED when during the initiation ritual to exchange the mantle, Idarus revealed Itself, revealed what It was, and then physically appeared in the real world out of the old Prophet and blinded Drithen because you really cannot stare directly at Gods (after this their vision is similar to someone with like. Really bad cataracts. Still partial vision, but they are definitely considered blind)
So anyway all that happens Drithen is the Prophet now yayyyyy they should be totally dead. Like not in control at all probably not even conscious anymore. But uh no, pookie is still in there still in control. Motor functions in tact. This honestly means nothing for Idarus but as you could imagine this means EVERYTHING to Drithen.
Anyway now Drithen is in an undying state for around 70-80 years not sure exactly how long tbh I can’t be assed to decide exactly. It’s a LONG TIME THOUGH, and when your only company is the God of your kingdom that is able to directly control you and dish out sick bars (prophecies) into your mind to tell the kingdom, you’d probably talk to it once or twice (many times)
Issue occurs: they’re unhealthily gay towards God now. Even bigger issue: God is unhealthily gay towards them back.
Anyway they hold hands and kiss and have romantic dinners (sit next to each other because neither of them can eat) or whatever idk I’m homophobic but only to those two. Then Idarus comes up with the whole Casso and Ecith plan that totally could never fail and will make It stronger than anyone could ever imagine, Drithen spits the bars to Zorith and then is like “wow since this is going to make you insanely strong you don’t need little old (over 100 years old stop) me anymore. Please let me rest my pookiebear.”
Idarus promises to Drithen that It will simply resurrect them once it becomes the most powerful being this side of the whole fucking planet and then Drithen DIES. FOR THE SECOND TIME.
And instead of rest they get LIMBO ‼️‼️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️☝️☝️☝️🔥🔥🔥🙏🙏🙏 WOOOOOOOOO WE LOVE PROPHECY LIMBO
Then some unimportant things happen (cough. Practically all of Casso and Eciths story) idc idc gay people or something and Ecith winds up also in LIMBOOOOO ‼️‼️‼️🙏🙏🙏🎉🎉🎉💪💪💪🗣️🗣️🗣️
Drithen is so happy (mildly interested) that there’s finally someone else in this creepy ass fucked up mirror version of Zorith (limbo is weird alr) and is like “ohhhh your one of the gay people Idarus made up. Wdym we’re going to kill Idarus. Who is Casso??” And then they do everything in their power to help Ecith find a way to kill Idarus. This takes another 25 years so our guy is like 175 or smth by now but uhh yea eventually everything is lining up and Drithen calls in Idarus to limbo (which It had zero idea even existed. Fucking loser what a moron) promptly DIES. FOR THE THIRD TIME
It’s fine though because Idarus’ fate is sealed by two different gay people and IT DIES. YAYYYYYY
Anyway Ecith comes back to life when limbo collapses (limbo was a part of Idarus even if It wasn’t aware. So when It died limbo died) but so does Drithen 💀 They CANNOT have peace. Anyway their fate is undecided rn they’re either going to just. Become a person again or alternatively I’m going to ruin them for eternity by making them Idarus’ successor.
Now you might be thinking “this isn’t at all romantic what are you yapping about???” But you have to understand that Drithen and Idarus’ love language is literally killing each other. One must imagine Drithen and Idarus setting traps for each other like Tom and Jerry. Drithen and Idarus missed each other every day when Drithen died and they also simultaneously hate each other. If all stakes were removed and Drithen and Idarus were just normal people they would be in the healthiest relationship known to man. They would (and did in Drithens case) die in each others arms. I’m normal I’m the most normal guy ever thank you 👍
God do I even want to post this holy shit
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lighthousegod · 1 year
Shoutout to everyone who thinks Miguel is on some bullshit about this canon event stuff. I think so too, and I’m still a lil annoyed at him he needs to chill. However-
I do not think he knows it’s bullshit. Seen a lot of people thinking he sorta made it up and convinced himself? Or is just plain lying? And now he’s projecting his guilt onto Miles and everybody else. I def think bro is projecting, but after reading about his comic line, I’m sorta skeptical of whether he’s even the mastermind here. I mean, he really thinks Miles is the anomaly- does he know that wouldn’t have been able to happen without doc ock and kingpin? It’s not just mean that he blames Miles a bit, it’s plain wrong. Yeah Miles became spidey, but even if he hadn’t, ole’ Miles 42 would still be spiderless. If miles hadn’t gotten bit, I think we’d just have 2 miles prowlers and a dead spider- still an anomaly, right? Idk it just doesn’t make sense, and yet Miguel is still so passionate about it. It’s not just a job for him, this is serious. He lost his whole world to this stuff. But I suspect that’s not all there is to his backstory- like I said, in his original comic series, he was not a bad guy or a big boss of all the Spider-Men. Instead, he was a geneticist working on super soldiers for- guess who!- Alchemax. It was when he tried to quit because of their unethical practices that the drugs he may or may not be taking (unclear on what the venom stuff is exactly in ATSV) come in. In the comics, it’s called rapture, and it doesn’t give him spider powers. Instead it’s just stupid addictive, to the point where it alters your genetics or smth. When alchemax drugged him, it was their way of gaining control over him. He basically couldn’t leave after that, like I’m pretty sure it’d kill him to go without the drug. Howeverrr, he figures out a way to alter his own genetic code to before he was addicted, which should’ve fixed the issue, but the alchemax bad guys sabotaged him and put spider dna in the machine, so he came out all fucked up and weird and spider like. That’s why instead of sticky hands and spidey sense he has giant claws and insane eyesight. Sunlights too much for him, he’s got the fangs, all the vampire stuff. He wasn’t bit like in the traditional canon, but in the comicsss he’s not giving himself venom to Make himself Spider-Man- and even when he was injecting himself with drugs, it was because he was being manipulated by alchemax. The Spider-Man part was still a total accident, albeit a different one than peter’s.
This is where ATSV differs, though. In that injection scene, it’s definitely implying that green stuff is giving him spider powers. This sorta changes the game, cause that means he’s Choosing to be Spider-Man. And everyone’s been calling him out for that the same way they’re calling him out for the universe thing- it’s hypocritical for him to run after Miles. Except when it’s about the universe collapsing, we say he’s projecting instead. He’s fully aware what he did was bad, he’s GUILTY about it. That’s why he’s so passionate about all this. So with the venom… I really doubt he’d make himself a Spider-Man by choice and then come after Miles for his anomaly spiderman-hood or whatever. Unlesss…. He’s guilty bout that venom shit too. He hated being controlled by Rapture in the comics, so what if it’s a similar situation here? Maybe the spider venom giving Miguel powers IS rapture, or something similarly addictive enough to have dire consequences if you get off it, and alchemax still has control over him through that. Maybe THEY funded the big spider hub and the research to do all this, and had to use Miguel’s science brain to get there. I still think the canon is bs, but Miguel doesn’t seem like a power hungry control freak- he seems genuinely afraid. He thinks not following canon really will destroy universes- it happened to him, after all- but that’s not really what’s happening. Mayday is proof of that, MILES is proof of that. Even Pavitr’s world is messed up only bc of the spot, not directly because his police captain lived. You could argue spot exists because of a break in canon too, but mumbhattan and the surrounding area isn’t disappearing like Miguel’s was. Still, it makes sense why he’s so nervous. But he’s so SURE about it, despite the situation being more complicated. He ignores all that evidence, hell, he literally wouldn’t look at Mayday. Why can’t he entertain the fact that, maybe, breaks in canon don’t always fuck stuff up? What did he do differently to make his collapse? Was that even his fault? Why tf did he get to live in that world so long before it started disappearing? Something ain’t adding up. Maybe he was lied to, too.
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nebulanewts · 1 year
And just because I wanted to,here’s my personal choices as of right now and why I picked them just for funsies :]
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*this post will be long I’m SO SORRY dhdhdj*
Ayumu - Mystery Brown (DETECTIVE AYUMU LIVES!!! Like that one art in LL Days,,also it’s just pretty and would look nice on her like just picture Agupon with a lil Sherlock-y cap walking around the stage with a magnifying glass looking for “clues” idk that would just be cute and silly - but my second pick would probably be Spring Colored Blazer,it’s very Ayumu and I like that)
Kasumi - Black Jewelry (Like I said,these options tell me nothing about what her song will sound like but this one is pretty and elegant but in a Kasumi way,it kind of reminds me of a ballerina outfit which is cute - my second pick would be White Elegance bc it’s pretty)
Shizuku - Pink Frill Dress (Finally,Shizuku outfit options that aren’t all blue but this one is my favorite bc it’s very soft and princess-y not much else to say but I like this one a lot - my second pick would probably be Cherry Cherry it’s very retro and cute)
Karin - Amethyst Dress (All of her options are amazing so I’m okay with ANY of these winning,but something about this one is calling to me it makes me hope that her song will be jazzy like please. Please Lantis / Bushiroad I don’t ask for much give Karin a jazz song but Blue Moon Night is also SUPER pretty)
Ai - Coral One-Piece (From what I can gather from these outfits,her song might show us a softer girlier side to Ai’s usual bright colorful happy in-your-face sound /minus Diabolic muiler of course/ which I think is very nice and this one to me fits that image the most,it’s very soft and pretty but still very her + Lavender Lace is also v cute)
Kanata - Black Ribbon (They really looked up “jirai kei” and picked the first outfit they saw huh dhdjdj,,but it’s very cute and maybe tells us this will be a different sound for her which is fun but my other pick would be Purple Fairy it’s kinda plain and looks like any other Kanata outfit BUT it’s cute and could be accessorized w/ fairy wings or something,I wouldn’t mind it winning but like cmon. Black Ribbon is SO CUTE)
Setsuna - Punk Border (Ok,so this wasn’t my first pick initially but after some thought…it’s REALLY grown on me solely for the idea that she could have a pop punk type solo and that’s smth Setsuna’s never done,which this outfit fits that the best - it’s still a rock-ish style costume so it still suits her,but again it’s new for her + maybe School Rock could fit that too?? That was my initial choice bc it also looks SUPER cool)
Emma - Colorful Stage (Ngl,they never give Emma great options like these aren’t BAD they’re better than her L!L!L! choices but idk I only chose this one bc it’s cute and more “modern” looking which isn’t common for her but maybe my second pick is Denim Stitch it makes me think she could have like…a folk-y country style song like cowgirl Emma anyone?)
Rina - Neon Cat (This is another one that’s just undeniably the best choice imo,like it’s so bright and so Rina-y it’s just perfect for her but if I had to choose another one it would be Motion Girl it’s pretty cute)
Shioriko - Undead Celeb (Once again…what is her song going to sound like??? Is Shio finally in her goth / chuuni era? Idk but I love it,this one is pretty and kind of makes me think of a period piece - my second pick would most likely be Royal Skeleton solely for the name and the collar)
Mia - Fresh Navy (Signeul bonae signal b- sorry anyways man…I wanna know which Love Live staff member just HATES Mia bc all of these are so blah and plain compared to the others,to me this one is the only cute one besides maybe Argyle POP but what is her song gonna be about?? Finding love at the tennis court / golf course???? Cmon)
Lanzhu - Pinky Gal (If you distilled Zhong Lanzhu into an outfit,this would be the result it’s so flashy and pink and diva-y it’s my favorite out of her options like…it has her NAME on the jacket you can’t get more Lanzhu than that - maybe Vivid Fur comes close but not quite imo)
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