#Milon's Secret Castle
oldgamemags · 8 months
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For the challenging player! 'Milon's Secret Castle' NES
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hardcore-gaming-101 · 8 months
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Milon's Secret Castle
Milon’s Secret Castle is an early attempt to blend arcade-like platforming with adventure and puzzle solving, sort of like Super Mario Bros. meets The Tower of Druaga. The hero is tasked with exploring Garland Castle, with the goal being to rescue the kidnapped Queen Eliza being held near the top. The castle area acts as a level select, allowing you to enter any of the doors on a given floor. You’re free to enter any of the doors that you can access, though typically you need to beat a boss or perform some other task before you’re allowed to move upward to the next floor.
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mortifiedandawesome · 3 months
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lepartiprisdeschoses · 7 months
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tuliptheoshawott · 9 months
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amygoldman90 · 1 year
Milon's Secret Castle Game Boy 100% Longplay [HD]
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everygame · 2 months
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Atlantis No Nazo
Developed/Published by: Sunsoft Released: 17/04/1986 Completed: 01/02/2024 Completion: Finished it via the quickest route.
Everything changed for gaming in September 1985 with the release of Super Mario Bros. in Japan. The design hegemony of Xevious and The Tower of Druaga was no longer the only game in town, and now Japanese designers needed to do more than just make power-ups invisible or hide progression behind obscure actions (though they’ll still do that, even Nintendo just have.)
But Super Mario Bros., what’s the key feature that you can rip off to make sure your game is a success? Is it tight action? No, not that, I mean the original Super Mario Bros. isn’t that tight. Oh, I’ve got it!
It’s warps. Warp zones. Get as many of those in your game as possible and you’re sorted.
I joke, but this does seem to have been the mindset of Japanese game designers as soon as they were tasked with making the “next Super Mario Bros.” with 1986 seeing releases like Atlantis No Nazo, Mighty Bomb Jack, Milon’s Secret Castle and more, all of which make warping around a key feature. What’s interesting is how little research into warp zones as a game feature exists online. Being able to “skip” levels has existed since Atari’s “SkillStep” system with Tempest–does that count as a warp, or does a warp need to be found during gameplay? With what I have to hand here I seem forced to conclude that Super Mario Bros. was actually the first to do it–but I’m not sure if I’m fully convinced.
Anyway, hot out the gates in spring 1986 Sunsoft release (in their own words) “The Game That Surpassed Super Mario” Atlantis No Nazo, which translates as “The Mystery of Atlantis.” (Lotta mystery in April ‘86, I guess.) Featuring 100 levels that are explicitly called “zones” the player takes the role of Wynn, an amateur adventurer/casino developer (I assume) who heads to rescue his missing master from the recently re-emerged island of Atlantis with nothing but an infinite supply of dynamite that causes tiny, crappy explosions (slowly) and a weird floaty jump with next to no air control.
The first thing you’re going to notice about Atlantis No Nazo is it… well, it’s immediately crappy. The controls aren’t great, the graphics are weak even for the era (and never, at any point, feel “Atlantean”) and the level design has you bumping your head off the ceiling from literally the second level. I mean the second level–sorry, zone–is so immediately bad I wasn’t sure it was possible to complete–a monotonous trudge through what seems to be a loop of the same area avoiding snails that take an age to kill. When I finally saw that there is a door in it to the next zone, I was almost surprised.
The second thing you learn about Atlantis No Nazo is that unlike Super Mario Bros. you can’t just play it beginning to end. You quickly begin warping around, and if you’re just trying to beat it by playing as much of it as possible, to enjoy all that lovely ~content~ you are not playing it correctly at all. The goal of Atlantis No Nazo is to play as little of it as possible. You’re trying to find the most efficient way to the end of the game by learning which door gets you where and hoping each time it’s “really far through the game.”
The lessons of The Tower of Druaga remain vital here, because the quickest way through the game is to find all the hidden warps and doors. Throw yourself into the right pit? That’s a warp. Throw a bomb at the right place? That’s a warp. Kill yourself in the right position? You better believe that’s a warp.
Something like The Tower of Druaga has a kind of predictability, admittedly. You have to chew through the entire thing in order, so you know at X level, you need to do Y stupid thing. With Atlantis No Nazo… I almost pity the people who had to map this out, seven lives and no continues at a time. With a hundred levels and countless warps back and forward, any map of the game is a hilarious spaghetti, and there are so many amusingly cruel twists, like levels with no light (so you need to make sure you hit a level where you can get a lamp power-up from first) and levels that just throw you unavoidably to your death over and over–which I really want to believe are inspired by Jet Set Willy’s “Entrance to Hades” but probably aren’t.
As with The Tower of Druaga, I can’t really imagine anyone trying to brute force this game on their own, not least because the final level seems basically impossible without an invincibility power-up that requires you get to the end in one life. I’m sure at the time everyone just bought a guidebook, and once you have one to hand the game goes from “baffling spaghetti” to “execute your plan perfectly.”
The funny thing is, I had quite a bit of fun trying to do that. Don’t get me wrong. The controls are bad. But I became interested in trying to get the “smart bomb” power-up which requires playing level 2 literally perfectly, and I got into it. Of course, I found it hard because I hadn’t realised you could run past the snails when they were under their shells, but I still enjoyed the challenge, and then using that practice to get to the end of the game in one life via the path that takes less than ten levels… it was like signing up for one of those courses where you get to be a racecar driver for a day, but it’s actually a “be a speedrunner for a day” course. You’re never actually going to be a speedrunner, but it feels like you are, for a bit.
So, you know, I enjoyed Atlantis No Nazo once I “got” what you’re supposed to do with it (learn how to play it and then follow a guide book). I don’t think that’s actually… good, but it’s something!
Will I ever play it again? If this was an arcade game, now I know the path I’d definitely try and do it to show off. At home, I’m good.
Final Thought: Atlantis No Nazo is legendary enough to be the challenge in the first “real” episode of Game Center CX, and it was rather pleasant to give the episode a rewatch after finishing the game. You really shouldn’t bother playing this, but you should watch the episode, if you can find it!
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deepdreamnights · 1 year
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Safari City Rocks (1987)
A Buzby-Spurlock show from my childhood that lasted for a single season, which got into syndication thanks to each episode being chopped up into three parts and served up as a single programming block with Milon's Secret Castle and old reruns of Arnie Dillo as "Arnie and Pals"
Sadly, much like Kidd Video, Safari City Rocks will likely never be seen in streaming releases due to music licensing.
You all should know this by now. It'sa Midge!
Prompt: a <animal species> anthro wearing 80s teenager clothing, < hero or villain>, high-tech lair in background, from 1985 cartoon animated series, Sunbow animation, TOEI and AKOM, in the style of 1 9 8 0s saturday morning cartoons, cel shade, animation still screencap, vhscore, in the style of Thundercates (1986) and Jem & the Hologramss
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sharb · 7 months
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I did a forum post about how much I hate and am obsessed with Milon's Secret Castle on @cyanroxanne 's web forum for some reason
Read it here
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ms-foobles · 4 months
One "million" dollars? No thanks, I'd rather have one "milon"'s secret castle (1986 nes gane by hudson)
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oldgamemags · 1 year
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EGM #44, March '93 - A look at ‘Milon’s Secret Castle’ on the Game Boy.
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hardcore-gaming-101 · 8 months
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DoReMi Fantasy: Milon no Doki Doki Daibouken
After Milon’s initial outing in 1986, the character sulked back into the shadows as Hudson prioritized the adventures (and revenges) of Master Takahashi/Higgins and Bonk, their other platformer mascots. But a whole decade later, in the waning years of the Super Famicom, they brought him out for another go with DoReMi Fantasy: Milon no Doki Doki Daibouken (“Milon’s Exciting Adventure”). At this point, obtuse puzzle-adventures like Milon’s Secret Castle were deeply out of fashion, and so instead Hudson decided to make a more straightforward Super Mario World-style platformer. Taking place across seven worlds, complete with a level map screen, Milon must rescue the fairy princess Alis while defeating the wizard Amon, whose subordinates have stolen the magical instruments of his kingdom of Fantasia.
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herosone111 · 7 months
❶Super Contra(超级魂斗罗)
❷热血时代剧(ダウンタウンスペシャル くにおくんの时代剧だよ全员集合)
❺帝国战机(Crisis Force)
❻Summer Carnival '92(烈火92)
❼Bram Stoker's Dracula(德拉克拉伯爵)
❽小美人鱼(The Little Mermaid)
❾脱狱(Prisoners Of War、P.O.W)
❿龙珠Z外传-赛亚人灭绝计划(ドラゴンボールZ外伝 サイヤ人絶滅計画)
⓫孤独战士-惑星戒严令(Isolated Warrior、Max Warrior)
⓬怪鸭历险记(Dark Wing Duck)
⓭西游记世界Ⅱ天上界的魔神(西遊記ワールド2天上界の魔神、Whomp 'Em)
⓯Jurassic Park(侏罗纪公园;英文,很难)
⓰雪人兄弟(Snow Bros)
⓱敲冰块(Ice Climber)
⓲松鼠大作战(Chip 'n Dale Rescue Rangers;有一代二代)
⓳气球大战(Boalloon Fight)
⓴Snake Rattle 'n Roll(双蛇城)
㉑航空小英雄(Tale Spin)
㉔Solomon's Key(所罗门之钥)
㉕七宝奇谋(The Goonies)
㉖迷糊蛋(へべれけ、HEBEREKE、Ufouria:The Saga)
㉗Cosmic Epsilon(宇宙战机)
㉘Hard Drivin'(超级赛车)
㉙Bill Elliott's NASCAR Challenge(比尔艾略特之云斯顿赛车锦标赛)
㉚RESCUE-The Embassy Mission(救援-大使馆任务)
㉛無賴戦士(Burai Fighter)
㉜口袋里的魔鬼(Monster In My Pocket)
㉟热血新纪录(びっくり热血新记录 -はるかなる金メダル、Crash'n The Boys Street Challenge)
㊱8 Bit Music Power(8Bit音乐力量)
㊲奥瓦的觉醒(Alwa's Awakening)
㊳Splatter House(腐尸之屋)
㊴魂斗罗力量(Contra Force)
㊵恶魔城传说(Castlevania III - Dracula's Curse)
㊶Solomon's Key Fire 'n Ice(所罗门之钥火与冰)
㊸大金刚JR(Donkey Kong JR)
㊹忍者茶茶丸(忍者じゃじゃ丸くん、Ninja Jajamaru Kun)
㊻超越地平线(Over Horizon)
㊼突袭班戈灵湾(Raid on Bungeling Bay)
㊽Fire Hawk(火鹰)
㊾碰碰车(City Connection)
㊿双截龙(Double Dragon;有一代二代三代)
51 Cabal(勇士们)
52 Bee52(小蜜蜂52)
53 Commando(戰場の狼、战场之狼)
54 Kickle Cubicle(迷宫岛;推冰块)
55 Super Mario USA(超级马里奥USA、梦工场ドキドキパニック、Yumekojo DokiDoki Panic)
56 Super Mario Bros3(超级马里奥兄弟3)
57 月宫桌球(Lunar Pool)
58 天使之翼2(キャプテン翼Ⅱ Super Striker)
59 冒险岛(高桥名人の冒險岛;有一二三四代,有的有汉化版)
60 アルマジロ(Armadillo、仙人掌)
61 Startropics(热带之星;游戏内信件密码747,有一二代)
62 Metal Slader Glory(メタルスレイダーグローリー)
63 火炮(GUN-DEC、Vice: Project Doom)
64 重力装甲(Metal Storm、重力装甲メタルストーム)
65 Bat Man-Return Of The Joker(蝙蝠侠2)
66 剑王(Sword Master)
67 圣铃传说(聖鈴伝説Lickle、Little Samson;密码5555)
68 Power Blade2(Captain Saver)
69 忍者蛙(Battle Toads)
70 蝙蝠侠(Bat Man)
71 Dragon Fighter(龙战士)
72 Zanac(银河号)
73 加纳战机(GUN-NAC;在片头长按AB键进入作弊模式)
74 Q版沙罗曼蛇(Parodius)
75 鳄鱼先生(The Adventures Of Bayou Billy)
76 赤影战士(KAGE、Shadow Of The Ninja)
77 忍者猫(キャッ党忍伝てやんでえ、Samurai Pizza Cats)
78 炸弹人(Bomber Man)
79 B-Wings(B计划)
80 Mappy Kids(少年快乐鼠)
81 The Lone Ranger(独行侠、长枪手传奇)
82 Felix The Cat(菲力克斯猫)
83 双翼人(Legendary Wings)
84 特救指令(Shatter Hand)
85 马里���拆屋工(Wrecking Crew)
86 Rampage(大猩猩拆楼、怪兽拆楼)
87 SD快打旋风(Sd Final Fighter、Mighty Final Fight)
88 星之卡比梦之泉的物语(星のカービィ_夢の泉の物語、Kirby)
89 Chack'n Pop(拯救爱心、流行恰克)
90 ELITE(精英、银河侵略者)
91 彩虹岛(Rainbow Islands)
92 泡泡龙(Bubble Bobble;有一二代)
93 Double Dribble(二次运球、篮球)
94 迷宫组曲(Milon"s Secret Castle)
95 杀戮战场(Combat)
96 超级中国人2龙之子(Super Chinese 2: Dragon Kid、Little Ninja Brothers)
97 弹珠台(Pin Ball)
98 Batman Returns(蝙蝠侠3)
99 Thundercade(雷电节奏、摩托车特殊部队)
100 影子传说(影の伝説)
101 Flappy(顽皮精灵、フラッピー)
102 Paper Boy(送报童;有一代二代)
103 ココロン(Cocoron、魔法世界)
104 唐老鸭历险记(Duck Tales、わんぱくダック夢冒険;有一二代)
105 超惑星战记(超惑星戦記メタファイト、Blaster Master)
106 踢王(Kick Master)
107 龍牙(Ninja Crusaders、龙牙)
108 激龟快打(Turtles Tournament Fighters)
109 上尉密令(Captain America and The Avengers)
110 红巾特攻队(Sky Destroyer)
111 梦之勇士(Little Nemo - The Dream Master)
112 Rock man(洛克人、Mega Man;有1到6代)
113 Exerion(火凤凰、凤凰战机)
114 Silk Worm(中东战争、联合大作战)
115 前线大作战(Front Line)
116 CLU CLU LAND(金鱼、克鲁克鲁世界)
117 魔法门之英雄无敌(Heroes Of Might & Magic)
118 嘉蒂外传(The Guardian Legend、ガーディック外伝)
119 绘描衛門(描绘卫门)
120 Super Spy Hunter(超级间谍猎人)
121 Devil World(恶魔世界)
122 重装机兵(Metal Max)
123 阿尔戈斯战士(Argos No Senshi、阿格斯战士、未来战士)
124 忍者龙剑传(有123代,很难)
125 希特勒复活(トップシークレット ヒットラーの復活、Hitler no Fukkatsu: Top Secret、Bionic Commando、生化尖兵、希魔复活)
126 魔道士阴谋(リトルマジック、Little Magic)
127 龙珠英雄(半熟英雄)
128 天神之剑(God Slayer - Haruka Tenkuu no、Crystalis)
129 WILLOW(���洛之旅、风云际会)
130 Daiva(DAIVA Story 6: Nirsartia no Gyokuz、超人迪瓦)
131 Shadow Gate(暗影之门)
132 Joy Mech Fight(快乐机器人)
133 ミッキーマウスIII 夢ふうせん(米老鼠3梦幻气球、Mickey Mouse III - Yume Fuusen、Kid Klown in Night Mayor World)
134 外星战将(Bucky O'Hare、バッキー オヘア、宇宙野兔)
135 G.I. Joe - A Real American Hero - The Atlantis Factor(特种部队2亚特兰蒂斯行动)
136 特种部队-一个真正的美国英雄(G.I.JOE - A Real American Hero)
137 Puzznic(连锁方块)
138 成龙之龙(ジャッキーチェン、Jackie Chan's Action Kung Fu)
139 Wizards&Warriors(巫师与武士、巫师与战士;有多代作品)
140 Gimmick!(吉米克)
141 Star Soldier(星际战士)
142 双鹰-乔兄弟的复仇(Twin Eagle-Revenge Joe's Brother)
143 The Flintstones(摩登原始人;有一二代)
144 六三四の剑(六三四之剑、Musashi no Ken-Tadaima Shugyou)
145 AbadoX:The Deadly Inner War(阿贝道X)
146 Terra Cresta(神鹰一号)
147 The Immortal(不死传说)
148 えりかとさとるの夢冒険(Erika To Satoru No Yume Bouken、绘里香与悟的梦冒险、少年梦冒险)
149 Ikari Warriors II - Victory Road(怒2-胜利之路)
150 西武ロードリスト蘭のチップチューン地獄(Seibu Roadlist Ran no Chiptune Jigoku、Seibu Roadlist Ran's Chiptune Hell、Run's Chiptune Hell、Chiptune Hell、西武大道_清单兰花之芯片音乐地狱、西武路单兰奇普顿地狱、西武路清单兰花芯片地狱;日文。有体验版(Trial版)但未找到正式版ROM,出品公司ProgressiveGames)
151 Iron Tank:The Invasion Of Normandy(Great Tank、铁坦克:入侵诺曼底、铁胆坦克)
152 Nespeccy(演示DEMO,用点的改变做出方格旋转)
153 Tokumaru Raycaster01(演示DEMO,可控制,德军总部)
154 Heoh Demo(演示DEMO,做假旋转场景)
155 High Hopes By Aspekt(演示DEMO,多种效果,模拟器未必支持)
156 AxelayNesMusic(256ko)(演示DEMO,假地平线扭曲)
157 BladeBuster(刀锋战机)
158 Race America(上下分屏双人赛车)
159 Bio Force Ape(生化猿人、生物力量猿人)
Celeste Mario(蔚蓝马里奥)
RockMan 4 Voyage(4代之前没充分使用FC机能所以123代claw和2Bm和7Ep都不收录)
RockMan 4 Miuns Infinity
RockMan 4 Burst Chaser X Air Sliding
Blazing Blocks(炽热方块)
Salamander_Arrangement Chronicle(沙罗曼蛇高画质版;是日版,日版有三个子机,美版只有两个)
Gradius_Arrangement Chronicle(宇宙巡航机高画质版;有一代&二代)
Prisoners Of War-2Players(脱狱双人版)
◇〓坦克大战过关版4.0_Zeng Ge Hack 2012.12.24
〓Binary City(坦克大战双子星_2009_Shederv.Org.Ru)
Rockman 6 Unique Harassment(洛克人6稀世侵袭)
Over The Moon(月亮之上、非常高兴;银河战士改版)
〓Balloon Fight-4Players(气球大战四人版)
〓Super Mario Bros-2Players(超级玛丽奥兄弟双人版)
Bad Apple(演示视频,作者未知)
〓Battle City 4Players(坦克大战四人版)
〓Chip 'n Dale Rescue Rangers 2-4Players(松鼠大作战2四人版)
◆生化危机(精卫填海、Bio Hazard;从Game Boy移植并修改剧情为1代)
Gemini Wing(捉虫敢死队;盗版商台湾人从街机移植,Rom已遗失,特色是拿到的炸弹都拖在机尾,还可以互相飞过自己或敌人机尾截获对方拖着的炸弹,FC版没大威力炸弹还只能带三个炸弹,不好也不可玩)
〓Street Fighter Zero 2(StreetFighterZero97 2、少年街霸2;)
〓Sterrt Fighter Ⅲ(街头霸王3、九人街霸)
◇快打旋风3(Mighty Final Fight 3)
Street Fighter2010(街头战士2010阿木一坑改版)
Hell Fighter(地狱战士)
Rockman6 Spirits Of Hackers(洛克人6黑客精神)
Rockman Install Metal(洛克人5安装金属)
Megaman In The Mushroom Kingdom(洛克人在蘑菇王国)
SteinsGate(命运石之门,Steins Gate (U) (IRQ scanline fix);英文版,修复IRQ问题,让实机游戏中对话框不再随着DPCM鼓点抖动,这是因为DPCM的DMA会占用CPU周期,以及将PPU帧中写入调色盘的操作带来的杂信尽量移动到屏幕边缘)
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msx-pocky · 2 years
while i vibrate and wait for my famicom to arrive in the mail here's the list of games I ordered to go with it:
kirbys adventure
milons secret castle
quest of ki
rockman 4
solomons key
star luster
super mario bros 3
tower of druaga
tower of babel
valkyrie no bouken
yes all of the kusoge was bought intentionally, I'm not owning a famicom without spelunker
0 notes
pinersclub · 2 years
Pixel puzzle games
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Ghosts, rotations, locations - the pixel pixie can help with it all, because no pixel. Use Pixel Pixies dust powers to help solve puzzles. ・Running fewer apps at one time will decrease likelihood of app becoming unstable. Pixel Puzzles 2: Anime is a traditional style jigsaw puzzle game, featuring 25 hand drawn images in a Kawaii style, with each puzzle piece uniquely shaped in a way no physical puzzle could be. This does not guarantee that app will function properly on device. ・Running app in splitscreen mode is not recommended as it may cause app to not display properly. ・Please note that even if your device fulfills the system specifications required to run the application, it may still not run properly due to external factors, such as available memory, conflicts with other applications or an intrinsic limitation of the device itself. Take on Boss Puzzle challenges and collect small puzzle pieces to complete one jumbo pixel art piece!įrogger, Contra, Bomberman, Mystical Ninja, Castlevania, Parodius, Life Force, Gradius, Block Hole, Sunset Riders, Nemesis, Track & Field, Star Soldier, TwinBee, Milon's Secret Castle, Yie Ar Kung-Fu, Crazy Cross.and more!Īlso known as nonograms, pixel logic puzzles are absorbing and addictive puzzles that use number clues and easy-to-follow logic to reveal awesome color pictures! If you love old-school games and enjoy puzzles games such as number place, crosswords, jigsaw and other brain teasers-this is the game for you! Loads of puzzles to play, and tons of collectable pixel art on the go! Solve picture puzzles as if you were filling out a coloring book!Ĭomplete puzzles to uncover full-color characters from iconic nostalgia games! Multiple image orientations including square. With digital puzzles the possibilities are endless.
Pixel Puzzles Ultimate brings you full size professional puzzles to the digital world. Our jigsaws feature piece counts from 21 to all the way up to a huge 1410 pieces.
No in-game purchases or upgrades-this game is entirely free from beginning to end! Every puzzle cut is a one of a kind, in shapes no physical jigsaw could be. Do not worry! You can continue the game from where you left off.Solve the puzzles and collect fun pixel art of your favorite characters! You can stop the PIXEL PUZZLE game at any time. Puzzle Adventure is a new 3D mystery adventure game, filled with unique puzzles and logic riddles. You can zoom in to color small parts and details in the picture. follow the auxiliary numbers to finish the picture Open one of the mystery pages and replace the colors * Play the game wherever you want whenever you want * Color and recolor puzzle pictures whenever you want and wherever you are *All coloring pages are free, will always be free *Adapted for all smartphones and tablets, any screen resolution *You may relax while solving color puzzles Some will be easy and some will be difficult. Isn't it mysterious? You'll understand what you've done when you're done.There are different levels of pictures. The different feature of this game is that you will not see the visuals and pictures when you first enter the game. You will follow the numbers, put the pieces together and you will reach the big picture.There is a wide variety of visuals in the game and new ones will continue to be added.
These games include browser games for both your computer and mobile devices, as well as apps for your Android and iOS phones and tablets. PIXEL PUZZLE is a brand new coloring game. We collected 1132 of the best free online puzzle games.
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obscurevideogames · 3 years
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Milon’s Secret Castle (Hudson - Game Boy - 1993)  
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