#My life belongs to Cody
frostbitebakery · 2 months
a Jedi Shadow!Obi-Wan AU
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“Each of us, every single clone, is a one-man army. And yes, I am… I’m so proud of them. We protect the Galaxy, we die fighting for the Galaxy and its peoples. We are not made for peace times, Obi-Wan.”
The cynical part of Obi-Wan wants to ask why Cody is so steadfast in his belief when everywhere the clones go they’re confronted with people dismissing them, equating them to the droids they’re fighting.
He understands, though. Jedi are only welcome where people know about the help they can provide. The Order is looked down upon, the Jedi just as easily dismissed, more often than not when it comes to it.
And still. And still. The call to protect people is too strong to ignore. He doesn’t want to ignore the call. He can help so he does.
So yes, he understands Cody and his need to fight.
He watches as Cody self-consciously rubs the back of his neck, fingers not halting over the port, so— so used to its presence, as the silence reigns. Cody doesn’t try to further his explanations. He said his piece and that’s that.
Obi-Wan settles down on the floor in front of the weightlifting bench. And Cody.
He crosses his legs automatically, the armor he has to don if he wants to engage in the battles blessedly absent, here. His fingers find Cody’s other hand in his lap, tapping it lightly, glancing by the embedded screen in the armored boot proclaiming Cody as belonging to the 212th.
Commander Cody got his own Attack Battalion. Mace remains the immediate superior but the brass saw Cody’s merit. No Jedi can easily fill the role as war general and Cody is… too brilliant to not be in charge. He and Mace have been flattening the CIS, the GAR is only too happy to spread out their heavy hitters.
“He’s always giving them a chance to surrender first,” Cody had commented on Mace, pride and admiration shining from his whole body. “How he’s able to walk with balls like that is a mystery to me.”
Obi-Wan had politely choked on nothing.
Once Cody is looking at him, apologies in his eyes for being made for war, of war, Obi-Wan signs a simple question. “How would you know?”
Temper makes the scarred eyebrow rise and Obi-Wan continues, undeterred now that Cody’s attention isn’t on misplaced guilt.
“You know nothing but war. You’ve learnt nothing but war. You’ve,” Obi-Wan pauses to swallow the grief, “experienced nothing but war in your life. How would you know you’re not made for peace times when you haven’t even had the chance to live in them?”
A smile, half there and fleeing, cracks, warm brown eyes watch Obi-Wan’s hands. “In my darkest moments I’m not sure I’ll even see them.”
Obi-Wan is against false promises but hope has never left his life’s side and he’d like to share. “We work together and we end this war. We see as many of you and us on the other side as possible.”
“Sounds like an easy first step,” Cody laughs ruefully, and leans down, captures Obi-Wan’s unmasked face, blurred by the unknown, and holds their foreheads together for a long self-indulgent moment.
Obi-Wan ducks his head, mask and scars in place once more. “Is that something you wish? To see me?”
Cody shakes his head, shoulders tight. “I’m sorry. I went too far.”
No, you didn’t, Obi-Wan wants to tell him, I want you to see me.
Soon. Probably. As soon as Obi-Wan has removed the screws from his heart and their doubting pressure.
“I think I can help you,” Obi-Wan signs, bullheading through the burgeoning silence. “But I need your help for that.”
“What do you need,” Cody asks, all Commander now that he’s got a mission objective.
“I want to know how you can communicate neurally and who has access to that channel.” He’s been looking into it for months, always ending in front of a Kaminoan wall. He’s at his wits end and now, now, with Bail confirming Palpatine is shuffling credits to the CIS and it’s still only heresy where a court is concerned…
Kamino confirmed only authorized personnel has access to the comm links in the clones’ heads. What if those include the CIS?
Cody blinks in surprise. “General Windu has access to that information.”
Does he? Obi-Wan is beginning to doubt that fact. “Humor me.”
Shoulders go wide, straight, loose. “Protocol dictates that, in case of emergency in an engagement situation, a High General is able to deploy orders directly to a CC-class clone via the Force after initiating with the correct identification.”
The clones are password-locked. Obi-Wan tries very, very hard to keep his expression neutral. “I assume every Commander knows the identification?”
Cody starts to smile, a mischievous twinkle in his eyes, ready to playfully lecture Obi-Wan about confidentiality. Obi-Wan can see that, can feel the intention of Cody to do so. Before his eyes sharpen like the back-up blade in the boot holster. “Is there a leak?”
“Not that I’m sure of,” Obi-Wan hurries to sign. “Cody, please, what is the initialization sequence?”
Cody watches him, tracks his every move and twitch and stillness with keen eyes. Obi-Wan lets him, not able to keep a lid on the worry he’s feeling, the Force hushed in absolute and anticipation. “Every Commander knows those words. No one else does. A High General can request it of his Commander. That is what General Windu knows. A Commander takes the words to their grave if they have to.” A built-in failsafe, based on the clones’ loyalty to the Republic. “And the Jedi,” Cody adds with a soft smile. “Maybe we have been trained to follow you but you have proven yourself over and over again. The initialization is—“ Cody’s face twists into confusion as the Force starts— starts to shriek in warning. “Is…”
Shards of glass hurtle towards Obi-Wan, high-pitched tone piercing his eardrums, hack into his thoughts—
“Who are you?”
Obi-Wan hurries, pulls a hand up and projects “Cody, wake”.
Cody wakes, blinks. Shakes the cloudy remnants of a dream gone wrong off, as stuck on him, burnt into him as some details of it are.
He looks up when he notices the presence by the training salle entry, smiles up at Obi-Wan, feels his eyes go soft, relaxed.
Obi-Wan stares back at him, mask in place which ups the distant, rumbling intensity of his gaze like an incoming storm. “Thank you,” he signs, and Cody can see the tremors in his fingertips. Blue eyes flick up to the surveillance camera in the ceiling, go back to him.
Cody… remembers. Obi-Wan pushing him behind a destroyed tank during battle, one hand covering the helmet camera while the other had signed “need to talk, no eyes” in battle signs.
He looks to the door again but Obi-Wan is suddenly right in front of him, cradling his face so gently Cody can feel tears prick at his eyes, forehead carefully, with no hesitation and too much meaning coming to rest against his.
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dontbelasagnax · 3 months
little longer than a drabble tatooine husbands drabble 🫶
"You know what your problem is?" If anyone else said this to Cody, he'd break their arm. However it's Obi-Wan. And he happens to deliver it with adoration and hearts dancing in his eyes. 
"What," Cody says in a drawl drier than the hottest day on this Force-forsaken scorched dustball of a planet. 
"You worry entirely too much, my dear."
Cody looks at him. It's a long look. One that ferments the longer it goes. "Right." 
"Mhm." He sounds so satisfied as he moseys into Cody's personal space that hasn't belonged to only himself in a considerable amount of time. "I believe I have the facilities to ease such a predicament."
Cody lets himself be nudged to lean against their kitchen counter. His hands find the soft woven tunic around Obi-Wan's unbelted waist. He'll allow himself to be distracted for this; if he's correct about where this is going. "You do?"
This close together, the wrinkles of Obi-Wan's face blur. "Yes," he says and warm lips meet Cody's. 
Cody's eyes fall shut. His husband has a gift because, yeah, the soft, insistent press of his body wipes the thoughts from Cody's mind. Easy as anything he gets lost in kiss after kiss. A thumb rubs warm, tantalizing circles just under the hem of his hastily thrown-on top. 
When Obi-Wan pulls away, Cody follows. Whiskers nuzzle his cheek instead. Words spoken are a quiet reassuring balm he would never ask for. "Rooh and the banthas are fine. They've likely wandered to graze." That in itself does not bode well but Obi-Wan continues, "No, the local Tusken tribe won't go back on their word and do anything untoward to the dears. They're more likely to return them to us. Our girls are just fine."
Cody exhales long and slow. He noses in closer as the tension releases from his body. A warm embrace. 
"Okay?" asks Obi-Wan. Both his hands are under Cody's shirt now, rubbing up his back. 
He feels Obi-Wan smile against his cheek. "Now then," lips purse and lightly kiss him, "come back to bed. By the time I'm done with you the girls will have returned and the Lars will be expecting us for lunch."
Cody follows Obi-Wan back to their rumpled bed, fighting back a smile. When his back meets the mattress and he has a lapful of Obi-Wan he lets it melt away into the joy of life thrumming through his blood. 
It's not always like this. They have their moods. The days when the past echoes too loud in the quiet of the desert. But he's here. He's alive. His joints ache and his hair is threaded with more grey than black these days. And, against all odds, Obi-Wan's here with his own hands worn with age that fit perfectly in Cody's.
The first sun starts to creep up over the horizon, filtering in through a slatted window, and Cody mind blurs to enjoy their lazy early morning lovemaking.
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captainkirkk · 3 months
All the fics I’ve read and really enjoyed in the past week-ish. Reminder: This list features any and all ratings and themes. Please look at tags and warnings on ao3 before reading.
Miraculous Ladybug
Open My Eyes by buggachat
Adrien smiles as he eats breakfast with Nathalie, smiles as he walks through the halls of his new lycée, smiles as people stop him on the street and tell him time and time again what a "hero" his father was.
(Adrien wishes he could've been a hero, too. He should've been. Maybe then his father would still be alive.)
(But he's surviving. Everyone may be treating him as though he were made of glass, but he can still go through the motions, he can prove them wrong, he can still smile.)
“And you’re… happy,” Marinette spoke carefully, a nervous tilt to her voice, “... right?”
(Adrien has some things to find out.)
the good, the bad, and the power hungry by konan_konan
dim trake ☑ @timdrakeceo・8hr if one more person tweets about #superlex unironically im gonna end it all 391K Views | 200 Retweets | 13 Quote Tweets | 22.1K Likes
j-son of a bitch ☑ @jsntdd・8hr ↳ replying to @timdrakeceo hurr durr these are the consequences of ur actions bitch 201K Views | 109 Retweets | 4 Quote Tweets | 18.4K Likes
or: lex luthor makes bad choices. and then, so does everyone else.
call me cute and feed me sugar by suzukiblu
Tim Drake had absolutely no intentions of ever becoming anyone's sugar daddy when he met Superboy.
This would have worked out better for him if Superboy had ever had an actual legal identity or an actual legal guardian or just . . . literally anything whatsoever in life. Ever. At all.
Just a bank account, even.
how big, how blue, how beautiful by merils
Kon-El is not good with medical settings. One could even say he's quite bad with them. How bad, exactly?
Well, let's put it this way: Very few things in the world can make him scream for Superman to save him.
(Superman will save him. That's what family's for, right?)
Clone Wars
The Kenobi Chronicles by WobblyCat
General Kenobi isn't actually dead. Someone should really tell that to his troopers, though.
Or: The clones under General Kenobi's command have a groupchat dedicated to him. Cody wishes his subordinates weren't so fucking stupid.
Shen Yuan's Forced Shen Qingqiu Redemption Arc by SpicyReyes
The System's OOC function won't unlock all at once - instead, character traits have to be added individually, through quests. This leads to Shen Qingqiu having to jump through endless hoops just to complete enough side quests to unlock the ability to be a decent person - all while avoiding the effects it has on those around him. If only the cheapskate System wouldn't keep changing the cost of point values - he needs to know what the hell Yue Qingyuan told the others about him that makes them all look so sad when he does manage to be nice! He's breaking his back here, can't we just appreciate his work?!
second-hand alibis by nex_et_nox
"All right. I’m in Proud Immortal Demon Way," he says, once he's had a chance to compose himself again. He sits back up, tossing his stupidly long hair back over his shoulders where it belongs; he is totally calm and ready to grill the System for more information.  "Who am I supposed to be?" Please please please don't let it be someone who Bingge violently murders. Though given the fact that he's a man in PIDW, his chances are already skewed, and not in his favor. Ugh. [Bound Role: Shen Yuan, Rogue Cultivator. Weapon: the sword Heng Li. Starting B-points: 100.]
or: Shen Yuan transmigrates as a rogue cultivator, one completely unconnected to any canon characters or events. Right, System? Right?
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heartsfourdazai · 4 months
Can I request a scenario where dazai and fem reader are hanging out together and suddenly some guy that went out with her once on a bad date sees them and assumes they’re together and is really sad about it and asking for another chance. Like lowkey embarrassing. And dazai is a bit jealous because “why didn’t she tell me she’s been going on dates?”
I just want a little funny Chaos with crushing!dazai.
when dazai has a crush on you - dazai x fem reader
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synopsis: on which the osamu dazai had a massive crush on you; however he has no idea how to go about it and suddenly has an awkward interaction with your ex, who begs for you to get back with him.
a/n: when life gives you motivation, you use it all in one one-shot and never return!!
"what's your favorite ice cream flavor?" he asked you as the two of you were walking down the streets of yokohama. winter was finally here and snow covered what used to be green grass and the clouds were in the shades of grey and white.
"dazai, it's freezing!"
"ah, but that doesn't mean we can't have a special treat!" he grinned, quirking an eyebrow as he waited for a response out of you.
you rolled your eyes with a smile; "if you just have to know!!" you said dramatically, a hand to your chest, "it's pistachio..."
"you basic-"
"HUSH!" you clamped his mouth with your hand, laughing to yourself as he looked at you with a "GIRL WTF-"
"i don't care if calls me a basic bitch, THERE GOOD!!" he held his arms up in defense, "your words not mine!"
you slapped his arm once more as you both kept walking.
"are you going to pay?"
"didn't i tell you? i lost my wallet in the river, it belongs to the frogs now."
"osamu- that was 2 YEARS AGO!!"
"and those frogs MUST have a mansion by now!"
"oh my go-"
"but you, my sweet y/n, you must have some spare change to by your best friend in the whole wide world to get some ice cream for us??????"
he blinked at you with his fingers interlocked with each other and you sighed, shoving his face away from his own.
"i literally hate you..."
"you looooooove me~"
what he said may have been true; we'll, he hoped?
"have you ever wondered if atsushi purrs?"
you looked up at dazai; raising an eyebrow as you took a bite of your ice cream. "where does your mind go after work hours?" you shook your head as you chuckled; "wait, I'm serious. like if you scratch behind his ear, does he meow?"
as dazai went on and on about god knows what; you saw a familiar boy stand next to the store of the small ice cream shop...he seemed to be with other boys, around your age, and he was just kinda glancing over at you.
where do you recognize him from?
"are you okay?" dazais voice caused you to look at him quickly, "hm?"
dazai grinned, "something on your mind? is it my, witty charms? my gorgeous vocal cords, or perhaps-"
you shake your head chuckling at just how stupid your best friend is, "no- no, sorry. i just zoned out!"
he nods, not wanting to push further and once again started to talk about random things that popped into his mind.
after a bit, you notice the boy was gone however his friends were still there; you even recognized some of those boys as well. why does it look a little bit like-
"what was that?"
"i said "shoeless!"
the sudden scream of your name from another man's voice besides dazais caused you both to jump.
you looked to your right, as dazai followed your stare...a boy who rushed over to you with blonde locks and baby blue eyes. he seemed to be in some sort of distress as he got on his knees.
"cody, what are you-"
"i'm so sorry i left you, baby, i was a fool to think i could find someone better!"
dazai was beyond confused as he said nothing but just watch. you glared at the boy who was on his knees; "cody, you cheated on me, and suddenly on your knees begging for me back?"
he nods, grabbing your hands as he looked you in the eye; "you were my everything, and i was stupid to believe i never needed you. I've been a mess without, i've let my hair grow up, i haven't shaved in 8 months, and i'm all alone!!"
both you and your ex boyfriend looked at dazai who cleared his throat.
"y/n, what ...what is going on?"
before you could respond, cody shouts out; "YOU MOVED ON WITH HIM? what does he have that i don't? oh, OH, your into bandages?"
dazai gave him a "bitch what the fuck" look as he continued; "i can be better then anything he can be to you! i bet he doesn't even know what your favorite ice cream flavor is and got you one you didn't like!!"
"cody, i'm not dating anyone!!!" you blushed furiously, pulling your hand away.
both cody and dazai'a cheeks flushed, however dazai couldn't stop looking at you. 'you can date me' he thought to himself, but was knocked out of his trance as you dragged him away by the arm and said one final goodbye to cody, "your pathetic, cody! leaving me for a bastard who cheated on your ass as well because your a sad, cheating man who has nothing to live for besides eat and sleep all day long! at dazai has a job. you know, your right, he'll be a better boyfriend then you anyday!!"
and with that tou left the weeping man alone with his friends awkwardly standing there, giggling at the incounter that has happened.
as you and dazai got further away, you stopped and sighed. "i'm sorry dazai, that was so awkward! i never thought i'd see him again!" you rubbed your face and looked at the floor, but dazai chuckled and made you look at him.
"it's quite alright, y/n, but...when did you two break up? not that it's any of my buisness, but i had no idea you were even dating!?"
"you seem surprise, you believe a women like me can't pull a lover?"
he froze, "oh-n-no! not at all, i just- you know i just- well you never told-"
you rolled your eyes and punched his arm; "dude i'm kidding!!"
he chuckled, a couple minutes later the two of you decided to walk back home, however he offered to walk you home.
as the lights in yokohama lit up, the moon as set and the streets were quiet.
there was a calm silence as you both walked, the sound of dazais clicking heels caused you to always side eye him and smile. he's never walked you home like this before, he was always so talkative and have something to say.
"did you mean what you said, earlier today?"
there it was.
"you mean.."
you smiled to yourself, looking at the floor as you stopped in front of your apartment. "of course i did, i'm sure you would try your hardest to be with the person you love, better then cody!!" you smiled, giving him a hug and waving goodbye.
"bye, dazai! see you at work tomorrow, I better not have to call you again so you won't be late!!" you waved, walking into your apartment.
"goodbye, y/n!" he waved, watching as you entered your apartment and your figure left.
"i love you..."
@justcallmesakira @atsquie @atlasnessie @riiwrites @ruanais @silverbladexyz @pinklacydovey @iisowks @haithamvoid-deactivated20240128
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chrissturnsgirlll222 · 4 months
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second, never first
part one | part two | part three | part four
chris x fem!reader
summary - you grew up hating one guy all of high school but suddenly become close friends, but as time goes on feelings develop, only its one sided.
warnings - underage drinking, throwing up, use of y/n, BOYS (no smut… for now lol and yes i am 18) currently not proofread or written with pristine punctuation
word count - 2500+?? (i know its long but i had a bunch of ideas for the beginning)
this is also my first story so pls be kind :) also just wanted to mention that i wouldn’t have the courage to write and post if it werent for other writers on this app so i would just like to tag and thank a few accounts who inspired me to write<3
@lovingmattysposts @flowerxbunnie @strniohoeee @lacysturniolo @strawberrysturniolo @flynnriderishot @stuniolobbg 
for as long as i could remember, being the second option was all i knew. just always being the backup, never the go to.
this constant course of events led to my passion of reading and writing, pretty much consuming myself with content or sources that provided me with a sense of belonging, or just putting myself into a different reality.
i always had been drawn to romance. its a un-comforting comfort for me, if that makes sense. i love reading about it and watching movies about it but love just seemed so out of reach. im sure many people feel this way but i just believe there are certain people in the world that just go through life without any sort of romantic experiences. now while that may be true i also think thats just something i made up in my head to comfort myself from the fact that i have never had a single romantic experience, ever. i mean im 17 years old and havent even had my first kiss. hell i havent even held hands with a boy.
that of course all changed during my senior year.
“oh my god look at what cody sent me” anna says.
anna is my best friend, though at times she felt like my biggest competition. she is everything im not. constantly talking to boys, what people consider ‘boy pretty’, very out going and popular. the fun one.
i look over at her phone to see a text from one of the many boys shes talked to in the past year “i thought you guys were done?” i say
“yeah were not talking like that anymore but i still talk to him here and there” she says
“i dont know if thats the best idea, i mean if you guys keep talking hes probably going to get the wrong impression”
“your such a buzz kill sometimes” she says slightly annoyed. i stay silent. I might sound like a complete bitch here but when your friend is constantly talking or complaining about guy, a, b and c you eventually get bored and exhausted of hearing about it, I try my hardest to be understanding when she brings up guys, but I’m apparently never supportive enough to her standards. I suppose she wants me to be there and give her advice but what do I have to offer to that conversation?
we were driving through the school parking lot to park in our usual spot next to chris.
chris is, well complicated. ive known him since 7th grade and hated him up until about 3 months ago when senior year started. the friendship started off with him just parking next to my car everyday and him just pestering me all the time but the longer we kept parking together, the more we grew to enjoy our casual conversations.
we both roll down our windows.
“morning” i say waving at him, anna does the same “hey, i wanna skip first block if you guys are down” he says “you know i would never say to to that” anna says “ehh i dont know about today i have a bio project i need to work on and didnt getting the planning sheet so i should probably head in” i say
“alright, anna come on i wanna get mcdonalds” chris says tapping on his passenger seat.
“looks like its just us this morning! y/n me and chris can just go get food and ill bring you back something for lunch” anna says turning to me.
“ill see you guys at lunch” i say grabbing my bag and locking my car doors as anna gets in to chris’ car and they drive off.
if you havent caught the weird passive tone from anna, thats how she was. no matter how much i tried she always had to be the centre of attention . i honestly dont even think she does it on purpose. i love her and she is my best friend but i just find her insufferable at times, its just who she is. chris is a great friend to me but i always caught the vibe that chris liked anna or at least thought she was hot. which is also why i think he treats her with more respect than me.
now when i said we grew to like eachother i left out a slight detail.
even though i hated chris for most of high school for the way he treated me and constantly teased me, i couldnt help myself from starring at him from time to time as he talked or even looking at his hands. not only was he visually pleasing he could be really sweet and the conversations we shared were really meaningful at times. was he attractive, yes. was he a complete asshole to me for years and still hasnt apologized, yes. did i completely fall head over heels for him when he began to show me his nice side, sadly yes.
its so cliche but i fell for my “bully” so to speak. i hated myself for it but what i hated even more was how much i let my feelings for him effect how i saw myself even more as the second option. if it came down to it and me anna and him were the only people in the world he would still fuck anna before he even though about kissing me.
i know that i might only feel this way towards him simply because hes the only male thats shown me any attention at all. though it hasnt always been positive or romantic it was still something that i had never experienced from a male before.
like i said, second option.
i finish up my final class and head out to my car and wait for anna who is doing god knows what considering i drive her home everyday after school. while waiting for anna, chris gets into his car and starts it to heat up as it is the beginning of winter. i watch what hes doing through his car window as he scrolls on his phone for a sec and then storms into the backseat of my car, always the backseat.
my head whips around to look at him and he looks annoyed. “why do you look mad” i say. “look at what this bitch said to me” he says leaning up to the middle console shoving his phone in my face and i read texts from a girl hes talking to.
friday 3:14pm
alice: chris i cant keep talking to you
chris: what do you mean
alice: i mean that i cant keep talking to you what were doing is messing with my head and i dont want to be a victim of one of your fuck and dumps
chris: im sure i have many other girls who would kill to be in your position
alice: then go have them i dont want to be apart of your sick and twisted hookups
“ok wow” i say my eyes wide “i didnt even know you were talking to alice”
“well now you do, and im not anymore apparently” he says throwing his arms up as he sinks in to the middle seat. “we have been fucking since the halloween party, remember when i kissed her infront of you?” he says in a duh tone.
ah yes halloween. the night i went home crying after said kiss was shared infront of my face.
“yes i remember” i say blankly.
“we were supposed to hangout tonight but she decided to blow me off, i was ready to get my dick wet but i guess ill just have to be fucking boring alone” he says as i make a disgusted face.
“well i dont know what to te-“ i was cut off by anna coming into the car.
“ok sorry i took so long but i was just getting the details for a party tonight!” she says out of breath. chris sits up at the news, “maybe i will get my dick wet then.” he says smirking and jokingly raising his eyebrows.
“what? alice blew you off already.” anna says turning to chris. i dont bother questioning why anna knew and i didnt because im sure i know answer.
“yep and im scoring tonight.” he says fake punching the air as me and anna giggle.
anna and i finished getting ready at her place, her wearing jeans and a hot pink tank top and me in black jeans and a white long sleeve crop top. i stare at myself in the mirror when i hear annas phone go off with a text from chris.
friday 10:27pm
chris: here
“anna! chris is here!” i yell grabbing my phone and my drinks for the night from my bag and start making my way downstairs as i hear her close behind me. i tie up my shoes as i hear her grab her drinks from her fridge and say bye her parents. i wave goodbye to her parents as well and we make our way out to chris’ car.
upon entering were greeted by matt, chris’ brother in the passenger seat.
“hey matt i didnt know you were coming out tonight!” i say smiling at him as loud music blasts from chris’ speakers.
“yeah nicks also going so i just tagged along, plus i need to drive you guys home since chris is drinking tonight.” he says lightly punching chris in the arm. “oh yeah, speaking of nick where is he?” i say. “nicks already there he came with his friends.” i nod in response and sit back starting to chug down one of my drinks. i may be a buzz kill in annas eyes but i knew how to party and loved drinking with my friends.
matt is chris’ triplet brother along with nick. i never really got to know his brothers all that well, i just know that matt has become a lot more comfortable around me and anna as we have started to spend more time with chris.
once we arrive to the party me and anna walk around to see whos there and we meet up with some of our other friends. i can see chris from across the room laughing and talking to nick and matt.
the night goes on and i finish my fourth cooler of the night and head out to the car to grab another. when i step outside the cool air hits me and i instantly regret the 2 shots of tequila i had on top of the fruity coolers i had throughout the night. shivering and rubbing my arms i continue walking to chris’ car to sit down for a sec and when i reach the backseat i see chris’ naked back and steamy windows. i take a step back once i realize whats happening.
i knew he was going to end up fucking someone tonight since thats what he said his plan was but i did not need to fucking see it. hes not mine for the taking obviously, but seeing him constantly with girls just hurt.
i turn around to walk back into the house but suddenly feel sick to my stomach. i hunch over and throw up in the middle of the road. i cough and collapse to my knees continuing to gag as strings of spit come out of my mouth. i hear a car door shut behind me as i try to stand up wiping my mouth. i feel arms grab my waist and pick me up bridal style and thats the last thing i remember before everything went black.
i wake up in a car with the same clothes on from the party, still drunk, my hair crispy and the smell of cologne. i look around me and realize its chris’ backseat im laying in but its still pitch black out.
i hear faint voices outside and the door my head is resting on swings open and my head flys back.
“holy shit chris are you trying to kill her” i hear matts voice. “shut up, i didn’t know you put her head there.” chris says as he starts pulling me out of the car.
“chris” i say quietly. “holy shit your awake” he says leaving me to sit up. “yeah i am, what happened. i think i- blacked out.” i say slurring my words.
“well i was in the middle of getting with summer-“ he says getting on his knees to talk to me better “and i just heard gagging outside the car and it was bothering me and i looked outside the car and you were bent over on the middle of the road throwing up. i just grabbed you and told summer to fuck off and put you in the car while i grabbed matt and anna.”
“oh my god” i say as i nod off.
“woah woah stay with us here, chris lets get her inside now” matt says placing my head back up.
“where is anna?” i question.
“we had to drop her home and bring you to our house since she said her parents couldn’t see you like this.”
“of course” i say
classic anna.
“what time is it?” i ask rubbing my eyes.
“2:44am” chris grunts taking me out of the car.
“ok lets get you inside” chris says pulling me up to stand. “you think you can walk inside?” he says still holding me up. “ill try.”
he lets go of me and i slowly make it up to the front of their house but start wobbling once i reach the steps and feel both matt and chris grab either side of me and help me up to the front door. matt holds on to my arm as he uses the house key to get inside and i walk in.
they walk me over to the living room couch and i slump over resting my head on the arm rest of the couch.
“where is she going to sleep?” matt says. “my room obviously.” chris says as i smile to myself.
“come on y/n” he says picking me up again and bringing me to his room to lay on his bed. “im gonna give you clothes to change into since yours are covered in vomit.” he says opening drawers. i nod my head as my eyes close.
he tosses me a big white shirt with some graphic designing on it “can you dress yourself or-“ i cut him off “yea- yeah i got it” i say sitting up right and hiccup.
he turns around so i can change into the shirt. i begin taking my long sleeve off and i get one arm off before i get stuck. “chris, help” i say quietly and he turns around to see me with my arms slouched and my eyes closed. he rushes over “lift up your arms” he says pulling my hands up. i hold them up as he grabs the hem of my shirt and slowly pulls up. i admire chris as he pulls off the shirt completely throwing my shirt across the room all while being careful not to look at me.
he grabs his shirt and places it gently over my head and then threading my arms through the shirt. “wait” he says walking over to his closet, grabbing a pair of his sweatpants and walking over to me with them. i sit there with my eyes closed smiling as i had thought about the scenario of him taking my clothes off many times, just not the me being so drunk i cant dress myself part.
he takes my jeans off and helps me in to his sweatpants still being respectful and not starring at my body. “ill be right back just sit here im going to get you water and an advil.” he say as he walks out of the room. i just sit there, my eyes still closed, still smiling and nod at his sentence.
i lay back down on his bed and wait as i hear him rushing upstairs talking to matt and nick before walking back in to the room sitting down at the end of his bed. “sit snd open up.” i obliged to his words before he places two advils on my tongue.
“im going to fill up your mouth with water so don’t breathe.” he says opening up a water bottle and slowly pouring some in to my mouth while my head tilts upwards slightly. he watches me with concern as i swallow the water.
“please never get drunk like this ever again, you really freaked everyone out kid.” he says. i don’t respond and nod at his words.
kid, the all too familiar nickname chris gave me. it always made me feel weird when he called me this as if he was an authority figure or something.
i lay back down on his bed and close my eyes and quickly drift off to sleep. the last thing i remember from that night is him crawling in to his bed next to me and turning off his light.
“goodnight kid”
thank you for reading!!!
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igncrxntripley · 1 year
here's a request for cody cause i've been feral for him since the legacy days: american nightmare cody looks very strict, and that translates into his relationship as well (very grumpy x sunshine trope). one night during raw, the reader was acting bratty/sassy cause why not and cody was having none of it. he was actively ignoring them as they pulled lightly on his sleeve to get attention. but as the generous lover he is, he did give them attention when they got home
a/n: made these into headcanons bc for some reason those just process through my brain better...let this hold you over while i work on more secret weapon/deal with a demon
mentions: NSFW 18+, bratty!reader, sub!reader, fem!reader, top!cody, dom!cody, brat tamer!cody, mention of overstim, oral, mention of female anatomy, slight degredation, mentions of marks/hickies on reader, alludes to multiple orgasms
taglist: @babybatlover @ripleyswhore @auburnwrites @obl1vionblackhart @emogoblin-666 @hereliespumpkin @blxxdshxteyes @neptune-lover @bunnysmyname @i-have-issues-lol @ares-athena @thatonepansexual2000 @thesithdiaries
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you loved cody. he worked hard to get where he was today, and he still managed to take care of you on a regular basis as if you were the most important thing in the world. it was the one time a week where his undivided attention couldn't be on you and you weren't a fan of that.
granted, cody spent every other waking minute paying attention to you. you should've been able to handle a few hours a week where he was working. but then again, there was something about cody at work that drove you even crazier than normal. it may not have been the right time, but you were going to make sure he knew you wanted him to give you the time of day.
nights that cody worked meant cody in a suit...holy fuck, did you love him in a suit. he knew it drove you crazy and would often as you for your opinion on his outfit, but you were always going to tell him it looked good.
let's be real - you're hanging on cody's arm for dear life the next time you go to work with him. every time you're near him you're holding his hand or leaning against his shoulder, looking at him with big eyes and practically begging for him to pay attention to you. was it bratty of you? yes...did you care? not at the moment.
cody knew the exact game you were playing; unfortunately for you, he could play that much harder and he began to ignore you. every time you said his name or held onto him, he'd simply act like you weren't even there.
by the end of the night though once you got back to the hotel, cody made up for everything that he'd done. he'd push you against the wall of the hotel room, a long hand lightly wrapped around your throat with the other holding your hip in his grasp as he kisses you.
"you really were a little brat tonight, flower." he'll whisper against your lips - that alone is enough to make you shudder against his touch and wrap your arms around his muscular body. this alone asserts the dominance he has over you, but you love every second of it.
cody has you under such a (figurative, lightly literal) chokehold that you can barely find the words to answer him. you can manage a nod and eye contact, but that's not enough for him; he needs to hear you. "nuh uh, babygirl. use your words."
as he's backing you up to the bed and straddling you, his hands running wild over what belonged to him to feel every curve of your body, you manage to squeak out a small answer for him - "needed you...missed you..."
cody will roll his eyes as he takes off the outer layers of his suit and feels your skirt off of your body so he can touch what had been hidden to him throughout the night. his fingers will touch and tease as if you're the most delicate thing cody's ever had under his grasp, taking his time to remove each article of your clothing as well as his own.
"needed me so bad that you couldn't be patient for a couple of hours while daddy worked?" he'll mumble against your skin as he kisses down your body - cody loves to leave marks, so you can guarantee he's placing those across your chest, stomach, and thighs as his way of marking what's his.
before you know it, cody would have his head between your legs, his arms wrapped around your thighs to keep you steady, and his mouth will make itself right at home against your center.
squirming, whining, absolutely writhing under his tongue as he knows exactly how to tease you - but cody isn't going to go easy on you. he'll keep you on the edge until he hears those sweet words and decides he's good and ready to let you release all over his face the way he likes it.
"fuck...fuck! daddy, please? please baby, i need it. please let me cum?"
cody will give you a nod and a gentle tap on the thigh to let you know you're allowed; he works you through every second of it, cleans you up with his tongue, but notices as you relax against the bed sheets with a smile on your face that you think you're done for the night. you've gotten what you wanted...so that means it's time to turn it in...right?
"not so fast, babygirl. i don't think we're anywhere near done."
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roseaesynstylae · 18 days
My Favorites of Jedi Appreciation
So, I've been thinking about Jedi positivity a lot lately. So, I decided to make a masterpost. Someone's definitely done this before and better, but I feel like I should throw my hat in the ring.
(There's also A Collection of Posts about the Jedi Order, Part One and Part Two.)
These fics might not be completely focused on the Jedi Order but they are portrayed positively, or they expand on their culture. Either way, I love them.
Knightrise by deviantaccumulation: In which a new Jedi Order is founded on Mandalore after Order 66.
not the place i was born in (doesn't mean it's not the place where I belong) by ghostwriterofthemachine: Jedi worldbuilding and Young Anakin and Obi-Wan being sweet.
How a Handful of Droid Poppers Save the Galaxy by Zarz: In which Appo is the hero the galaxy needs and Anakin meets consequences.
Yeet or be Yeeted by virdant: In which the Jedi tendency to jump off tall places becomes a competitive sport.
THE FORCE WILLS DOCUMENTARY by js71: Told as a documentary about the Jedi Order, there's a lot of worldbuilding and other things that make my heart happy.
Pragmatics of the Jedi by aroacejoot, ghostwriterofthemachine, loosingletters: A series that created a language for the Jedi, Dai Bendu, which is absolutely fascinating.
On Meditation by virdant: A short fic about meditation. It makes me happy.
Interviews by BloodyDevil: Interviews with members of the Jedi Order.
In which we burn bodies as bridges by GraceEliz: Jedi mourning in a bittersweet fic.
Anakin Skywalker's Guide to Jedi Traditions by loosingletters: A young Anakin's journal about his new life in the Jedi Order.
The Droid Wars by Crystalshard: R2 learns about the future and drags 3PO along with him to stop it.
Why We Did Nothing by BairnSidhe: Do you like the Mandalorians as well as the Jedi? In which the Mandalorians learn about the Jedi Order's perspective on things and Jaster gets rightfully mad. Warning: It has dark themes (among them, discussions of the murder of children, generational trauma, and Montross-related fuckery).
spilled red wine by scrapheap_redux: I was debating whether or not to add this one, but I really liked the portrayal of the Jedi when they show up. However, it has the aftermath and results of rape (not onscreen) as the inciting incident, which is why I was wondering if I should add it; I want this list to be enjoyable and I don't want to upset anyone.
Unsolicited PR From A Pirate by Everything_or_Anything, lastbattlecry, RogueLadyVader (LaylaYuy), TessaDoesThings, wanderingjedihistorian (RangerJedi67): Hondo is a menace. Also, action figures.
Stolen Choices by softmoonlight: Cal, Fox, and the possibility of a happy ending.
free to find my calling by Papook: Jocasta Nu gets a squad of clones.
Always in Motion by virdant: I never knew I needed a Chewbacca time-travel fic so much.
remember me, fondly by ace_din_djarin: Crafts, Jedi, and bittersweetness.
The Bust Busting by virdant: Yoda is a troll. Dooku is done.
Proper Attire by LacieFuyu: Why Jedi don't wear armor.
Out with Lanterns by SkyeBean: Ahsoka is Mace's Padawan.
Lessons of Peace by virdant: Cody embracing Jedi culture and making dumplings.
Memories of Peace by Margan: Obi-Wan teaches the clones to make dumplings.
Home-onym by virdant: Wordplay and Jedi younglings.
In the Shadows (of Taxes) by virdant: Quinlan Vos specializes in tax law. If that one sentence doesn't make your heart jump a little, I weep for you.
hi, i'm with public relations by lastbattlecry: The Jedi need better PR. Bail Organa knows somebody.
In Which Boba Fett Becomes the Jedi Order's Feral Tooka by Zarz: The title explains the beautiful, beautiful plot.
May the Force be Taxed by ReconstructWriter: Palpatine and the IRS do not respect Jedi culture.
aphelion by Kemmasandi: Plo Koon dies, wakes up decades prior, and fixes things.
Protect That Which You Love by certifiedspacewitch: Mace takes one look at the weird old man asking for private access to a young Padawan and gets his hackles up.
jedi shaming by braigwen_s, evaceratops: Short but hilarious.
The Chess Match Begins by SilverWingedWolf: The relationships between Jedi and clones.
Five Jedi Who Signed the Wall on Mapuzo, and Two that Honored Them by TheSecondBatgirl: The title explains the premise in the best way.
You're Not Flawed Darling (You're just a Little Under Rehearsed) by CombatBootsandDreams: To quote the tags, the Jedi diplomatic corps is intense.
A Little Piece of Home by Maeve_of_Winter: Anakin discovers a new form of moving meditation but worries Obi-Wan won't approve. Quinlan does his best to encourage Anakin to tell him anyway.
shining like a lighthouse from the sky by loosingletters: Rumor has it, if you clean up one of the droids in the temple the day before your Gathering, Anakin Skywalker himself will take you to Ilum. Or: Anakin loses his lightsabers and is absolutely popular with teeny tiny Initiates.
the heart of kyber by outpastthemoat: Stories about lightsabers, masters, and apprentices.
吃飽了嗎? | Have you eaten your fill? by virdant: A collection of fics about food and how food is an articulation of love.
I'm Counting On You by Rivulet07: Not all initiates become Jedi, Mace helps Chirrut find his place.
Being a Jedi by wanderingjedihistorian (RangerJedi67): Scenes, musings and drabbles for Jedi June fan event.
Jedi Parables by Peppermint_Shamrock: Values are often passed down generation to generation through stories, parables, and fables. What stories might the Jedi teach their children?
Five Meditations of Jedi Depa Billaba by skatzaa: What is says on the tin. (Plus one more, for good measure.)
Jedi Culture and Teachings in Canon by gffa: Not a fanfic, exactly, but it's a collection of everything textually said in Disney canon about or by the Jedi Order.
Emotion is our Shared Tongue by virdant: A series of one-shots and fics that explore Jedi language and communication with the Force.
Saber-Assigned Soulmates by inimitability: A slight mishap in the mess hall leads to Obi-Wan giving some very interested troopers a crash courses in lightsabers. Specifically, why some people can pick them up but others can't. Even more specifically, what Jedi erotica holonovels did or didn't get right regarding lightsabers and soulmates.
Shereshoy by SailorSol: This was not how Mace wanted to start his day. Contrary to popular belief, Mace Windu did not actually enjoy being a hardass. But as head of the Order, it was a carefully crafted persona he did his best to maintain anywhere outside of private quarters and behind closed Council doors.
permission to speak by qigiined: Mace is trying his damnedest to file the Temple's taxes among other daily tasks. Plo and the rest of the Jedi Council help and hinder him.
Misadventures of Jedi Generals by Cuthalion97: The tags "Overall insanity" and "Jedi and Clones wreaking havoc on the galaxy at large" sum it up.
Ephemeral Extracts from the Archives by Oriki-Miitad (Sneaking_UnicornWitch): “Good Morning, Coruscant Temple Archives, this is Mira speaking, how can I help you today?” ** Jedi Knight Mira staffs the front desk of the Coruscant Temple Archives.Here are 5 of her interactions with users.
Your Solleu.gal order of 3 000 000 items by Oriki-Miitad (Sneaking_UnicornWitch): The Jedi high council has received some very strange comm messages over the thousands of years that it has existed. Here's a few.
Memo: Jedi Maintenance (The Care and Feeding of Your Jetii) by RainofLittleFishes: The Care and Maintenance of Your Jedi: A Clone Trooper's Guide.
Jedi June 2020
Jedi June 2021
Jedi June 2022
Jedi June 2023
There are only so many times I can say "I love this so much, it makes me happy, please know you have filled my head with knowledge and my heart with joy" before it gets repetitive.
gffa: FILLED WITH WONDERFUL THINGS. I would marry this blog if I could. (I'm joking...mostly.)
projediagenda: All kinds of thought-provoking stuff that makes me happy.
ensomniaa: As they put it, nothing but love for the Jedi.
the-jedi-love: Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful.
bbygirl-obi: Pro-Jedi all the way.
smhalltheurlsaretaken: So much loveliness.
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joeys-babe · 5 months
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Story Description
What happens when you find out your boyfriend of six years, Joe Burrow, was being unfaithful? You were home with your four-year-old daughter, Lennon, when Joe was out doing his supposed cheating. When you ended up confronting him, Joe acted like he had no idea what you were talking about. It only infuriated you more.
After packing all of your belongings, and most of Lennon's you completely moved out of that house and left Joe along with it. You desired nothing to do with him and your old life except for your daughter.
Isn't it strange how people can change from strangers to friends, friends to lovers, and strangers again?
But… is that old flame really burnt out? Or can the blaze be relit?
Story Details
Trope: Ex-lovers to lovers, co-parents with benefits.
Warnings: Smut, mentions of blazes, fire, flames, sparks, and broken hearts.
Pairing: Joe Burrow x reader
Coming mid-2024!
Old Flame - Alabama
Watching My Old Flame - Cody Johnson
When We Were Young - Adele
Cool About It - boygenius
The Night We Met - Lord Huron
Scott Street - Phoebe Bridgers
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vodika-vibes · 30 days
First of all,how are you doing?
Secondly,I’ve never requested anything before so I’m a little lost
Is it possible to request anything with Commander Bly ?
Byee xx
What Angel Wakes Me
Summary: Bly is a man in love, and his favorite part of the day is waking up with his angel in his arms. Only, she's not there, and now he has to find her and bring her back to where she belongs.
Pairing: Commander Bly x F!Reader
Word Count: 1053
Warnings: Bly can't keep his hands to himself
Tagging: @trixie2023 @n0vqni @imabeautifulbutterfly
A/N: Hihi! I'm doing pretty good, thanks for asking! You did a great job with this request! Great enough that I'm dropping a new Bly fic just for this ask! And, as an answer to your question, I will happily write Bly! This is my...fourth? Fic with him. I love writing Bly!
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Bly wakes with a quiet groan as the sound of his comm ringing annoyingly in his ear pulls him from his pleasant dreams. Blindly he reaches over to the side-table and grabs the comm, before holding it over his face to read the message.
The message is from Cody, asking if he’s coming to 79s that night.
He groans again and drops his comm on the floor, where it lands with a thump, and he presses his arm over his eyes. He really, really wants to go back to sleep.
This is his first day back on Coruscant in months, he just wants to sleep. And spend time with the woman sleeping next to him.
He blinks and drops his arm back to the bed, before turning his head to the other side of the bed where his cyare had been sleeping the night before...well, where she ended up after they finished their activities.
But she’s not there.
He blinks at the empty spot in the bed and slides his arm out over the sheet.
Cool to the touch.
She’s been awake for a bit then.
He drops back onto his pillow, sighs heavily, and then sits up and swings his legs off the bed. If his angel is awake, then he might as well be awake too. He kicks some of the spare blankets around, to look for his sleep pants, before giving it up as a lost cause and just pulling some boxers on so he’s not walking around naked.
Not that his Angel would mind. But he likes to pretend that he wasn’t raised in a barn sometimes.
He leaves the bedroom and walks down the short hall, following the sounds of someone moving around the kitchen.
Bly leans against the door frame as he sees her, taking a moment to just watch her exist in her space.
She’s beautiful. Every inch of her. From the top of her messy hair to the tips of her painted toes. He’d kill for her if she asked it.
Not that she would, of course. She’s too good for that.
Better than him, for sure.
Too bad he’s not good enough of a person to let her go and find someone who deserves her.
She’s wearing one of his shirts, he notices as he tilts his head to get a better look at her, and not much else.
“Well now,” he teases, “Look at you.”
She glances at him over her shoulder, a small smile playing on her lips. “Good morning, Bly.”
Bly crosses over to her and wraps his arms around her waist, his hands resting low on her hips, “It is a good morning when I can see you parading around in my clothes.”
“I’m hardly parading.” She replies with a laugh as he presses a light kiss on a bruise on her neck.
“Oh? Then what do you call this?” He asks, as he grips her hips tightly and slides the shirt up slightly, in part to see if she’s wearing anything under the shirt or not. And Bly releases a pleased hum when he sees that she’s not wearing anything under his shirt at all.
“Innocently making caf for the love of my life,” She defends with a secretive little smile.
He slides the shirt up a little higher, a small grin on his lips, “If I didn’t know any better, I’d say you were trying to tease me, Angel.” He finally releases the shirt, allowing it to fall back into place, and she turns in his arms, reaching up to wrap her arms around his neck.
“I would never,”
“Is that right?” He leans in and brushes his lips against hers, a laugh falling from him as she tugs him into a proper kiss, almost impatiently. “Where has your patience gone, angel?” He teases.
“You must have left it behind on your deployment,” She murmurs before she lightly nips his lower lip, and then soothes the spot with a light brush of her tongue.
“Well, that was rude of me,” Bly murmurs quietly as he lifts her and settles her on the counter, before stepping between her legs, and leaning in to kiss her again.
He could kiss her forever.
Parting from her is not sweet sorrow, or whatever. It’s torture, plain and simple.
He pulls back when he feels her hands against his cheeks.
Her fingers, gentle and soft in a way that his hands have never been, lightly trace the tattoos on his cheeks. Her smile is soft and loving, but there’s something fragile in her gaze.
She doesn’t answer for a moment, “I heard your comm,” She finally says, and somehow the fragility increases, “Am I losing you again so soon?”
Bly’s hands come up to cup her cheeks, and his thumb caresses just under her eye. “No. No Angel. I’m not going anywhere.” He leans in and peppers light kisses across her face, “The comm was Cody, he wants me to go drinking with them tonight.”
She slowly nods her understanding, and Bly’s fingers twitch against her cheeks, “I have no intention of going anywhere tonight, angel.” he admits, “I just got you back, I plan to spend every moment I can with you.”
A small smile lifts her lips, “That sounds boring.”
“Nope. It’s not. Never.” He pulls her head down so that his forehead is pressed against hers.
She scans his face thoughtfully, “I love you, Bly.” She whispers to him, as though she’s sharing a secret for his ears only.
And, for a man who long believed that such a thing was beyond him, he’s unable to stop himself from crashing his lips against hers. And maybe she did it intentionally since she knows just how he reacts when she says that too him, but he can’t bring himself to care.
His arms drop around her waist and he pulls her off the counter, without breaking the kiss, and walks her back to the bedroom. “Love you too,” He mumbles against her lips, “So much. Let me show you.”
And then he drops her on the bed, pulling a giggling squeal from her lips, and he grins at her. Why would he ever want to spend time with his batch-mates when he can do something so much more fun?
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theageofcaravel · 9 months
Rose-Coloured Boy. - Jamie Tartt x F!reader
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Chapter I: Reeling Through the Midnight Streets
Plot: Jamie Tartt and Y/N have been best friends since primary school. The pair had fallen out once graduation hit, both of them going their separate ways; Jamie finally kicking off (pun intended) his football career, and Y/N finally walking through the doors of her cinematographer career. One day, they cross paths in the corridors of Nelson Road, Y/N getting the assignment to make a mini docuseries of one of the football clubs in England, hers being AFC Richmond.
Set during season 2 and onward.
warnings: swearing, mentions of food and alcohol
word count: 3,7k
an: HELLOOOOOO!!! im excited to write this, I'm so late to the Ted Lasso wagon, but here I am. I got the idea for this story when I was sat on my couch looking through Pinterest and then I made a board for it. This has also taken me a few days to crank out because I've second guessed the plot a couple of times but anyway, I'm watching Cody and Noel's Love Island series and its reminding me of that one episode in season 2. LMAO, enjoy <3!!!!
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Breathing in deeply, you closed your notebook. Looking up at your professor, you gently rapped your manicured nails upon your desk and eagerly waited to see which football club you were going to be assigned to. The hope in your chest wanted to get your hometown's very own club, having a plausible excuse to visit your home, without your parents getting under your skin.. 
"Y/N L/N," Professor Loughty called out your name, you quickly stood from your desk and grabbed your belongings. "Yes, sir?" you asked, an eager glimmer in your eyes. "you're gonna be in charge of AFC Richmond, I've emailed Miss Welton and have gotten the approval for you to leave right after I dismiss you, there should be a cab right outside for you. you're going to have to find which one is yours." 
With a solemn nod, you breathed in, "is there any way that I could have Manchester City, perchance?" all Professor Loughty replied with a shake of his head, "sorry, Miss L/N, all final decisions have been made." 
"Alright, thank you, professor." you nodded again. 
"You are dismissed." 
Making your way out of the classroom, you sighed disappointedly. All you really wanted was to spend time with your sister, Libby. Your built-in best friend, the person who you call often to just ramble, vent, or see how life on the other side is. 
A chime of your phone pulled you out of your thoughts. 
any updates?
Libby. So much for getting pulled out of your thoughts. 
yeah, got Richmond :/ BUT I promise I'll make it up to you. I'll visit soon. 
:( okayyy I love youu
"Y/N!" pocketing your phone, your attention was now averted from your patronising thoughts to that of your best friend. "Bee! Hey." you smiled and waited for your friend to fully approach you. 
"Who'd ya end up gettin'?" the Irish girl asked in her usual chipper tone. 
"Richmond, I wanted Man City." 
She scrunched her nose. "Mmm, ain't that the team with that American coach?" Bee added with a raise of her eyebrows. 
"Think so, so I guess it's not all bad.. could be interesting.." You spoke with a shrug which only earned you a light chuckle from the brunette. "Well, I'd certainly hope so. you have to be around him and the team for how long?" 
"'Til the end of the semester." 
Bee nodded at your reply. "sounds miserable." 
"Oh, piss off. Don't you have to write an album by the end of the semester?" you clapped back, causing Bee to only snicker with a shrug. 
"Yeah, but that's easy."
"Right, as if you haven't been in a song writing block for the past month or so." freezing in her place, Bee shook her head and glared playfully at the other. 
"Exactly. Anyway, I've gotta get going, gotta get my essentials." you said to Bee, embracing her in a hug. "See y'tomorrow?"
The taller girl nodded and walked away with a wave. "See ya, nugget." 
You shook her head, that nickname was never going to go away. Walking your merry way over to the line of cabs, you nervously talked to the first cabbie. "Um, which one is the one for Y/N L/N?" you asked and gripped your books close as if they were some sort of security blanket. The man behind the wheel grunted and pointed to the one behind him. 
"Should be that one down there, yeah." he replied and basically shooed the girl away. with a breath, you found the cab you were supposedly assigned and sat in the backseat. 
"Was ordered to head to your place, where to miss?" The driver asked with a kind smile in which you replied with your address.
┊ ┊ ┊ ┊
Unlocking your door quickly, you ran into your living room and grabbed your bag full of all the necessities you needed for the months ahead of you; camera, clip in microphones, etcetera. Richmond was only 30 minutes away, which, in hindsight, was better than having to travel four hours per weekend. 
With no second thought, you grabbed your water bottle and slung your bag over your shoulder. Taking one last look around, you let out a satisfied huff and headed back outside to the car.
"Alright, Miss L/N, we're headed to Richmond. s'about a 30 minute drive from here." the cabbie, who you learned that his name was Franklin, 'frank for short,' is what he told you, said. He was a nice old man, probably in his early sixties. He was good at keeping up the small talk, asking you about what it is that you’re going to be doing with Richmond. Telling you that before he was a cab driver he was a guitarist in a band, a small one at that. You both bonded over music, You telling him that your best friend is a singer and that sometimes Bee'll get you together to mess around because you have been playing the guitar since you were little but never really pursued anything musically because it wasn't of interest. 
Eventually Frank had pulled into Nelson Road, the drive seemed a lot faster than it really was because of how easy it was to talk. 
"Thank you, Frank. I'll see you at 5, right?" You asked and the older man nodded. "Have a good rest of your day." You saluted him and walked up to the doors of the stadium. Slinging your bag over your shoulder, you entered the building. 
Absentmindedly walking down the corridors, you looked around at the walls and folded your arms across your chest looking at the trophy wall; all the history and old photos of Richmond littered within it.
"Excuse me?" a voice spoke from behind you, startling you slightly. You were met with a grin from a lanky looking boy. "Are you lost?" he asked and you only shrugged.
"Guess you could say that." you chuckled awkwardly and lifted your shoulders. "Um, I'm looking for Miss Welton's office. Got lost in thought though." 
"Ohhhh, are you Y/N L/N?" the boy asked with a head tilt. In which you responded with a nod. "I can show ya where to go, follow me." he moved slightly before the other nodded and followed behind him. 
"Are you the.." you started, "kit... man?" knitting your eyebrows together and stuffing your hands into your jacket's pockets.
"Yeah, I am." he nodded and grinned and stopped at the door to Rebecca's office. "Well, this is it. I'm Will by the way." he said and stuck out his hand for you to shake. You took his hand thankfully. 
"Thank you, Will. It was nice to meet you. I'll see you around, yeah?" You waved him goodbye and gently knocked on the slightly open door. 
"Come in," a voice shouted, the nerves finally kicking in. Pushing the door open, you were greeted with a warm smile from probably the most beautiful woman you had ever seen. "Hello."
"Errr, hi." you awkwardly smiled, "I'm--"
"Y/N, I've been expecting you." Miss Welton cut the other off, that smile that she held never fading. "Come, sit." she gestured to the chair opposite from her desk. You nodded and set your bag on the floor. 
"Okay, um, hi." an awkward smile wavered over the girl's features. Rebecca leaned into her desk, automatically drawn to the way you were acting; that shell she knew she needed to crack.
"Promise I don't bite." the blonde jested which caused you to somewhat get comfortable. "Anyway, we're excited to have you. the boys have been raving about having a cinematographer here to film their every move." 
"Thank you for the opportunity, Miss Welton." 
"Call me Rebecca."
"Okay.. thank you for the opportunity, Rebecca." you corrected yourself which earned an approving nod and smile from the other. "I'll be here every other day after the school day, during the weekends, and during every game. Even travelling ones, I got the okay from my professors when we learned that this assignment existed."
Rebecca nodded, knowing said information but not wanting to interrupt the girl. "You don't have to start right away, if you want I can introduce you to the boys and everyone else." 
With a nod, you pushed herself up off the chair and reached for your bag. "you can leave that in here, we’ll be coming back in here to discuss everything needed.” 
┊ ┊ ┊ ┊
"This is where the boys have physio, you shouldn't have to come here." The pair chuckled and then Rebecca stopped by a blue door where chatter could be heard inside. "and this is the kit room, where the boys change and where the coaches offices are." 
“It smells like sweaty ass in here, just warning you.” the blonde jested, causing you to scrunch her nose. "Shall we?" she asked and you nodded. With a gentle knock on the door Rebecca peeked in. "Everyone decent?" she asked, to which all the boys replied in unison with a 'yes'. smiling contently, the taller lady pushed the door open and pushed you in front of her. 
"OI." she announced, "everyone this is, Y/N L/N, our cinematographer from the University of London." everyone cheered happily, most just yelling what sounded like mixes of 'LETS GOOOO', 'FUCK YEAH', and 'WICKED'. 
At the sound of a familiar name being called, Jamie looked up and went wide eyed. Holy fuck.  
Quickly standing up from where he was sitting, you both made eye contact. Brows knitted together, your eyes looked above his head, the words, ‘TARTT’ in big bold letters made you realise that your suspicions were correct. “No way, Jamie?” you asked and breathed out. 
The entirety of the room suddenly went quiet, or so it seemed. You apprehensively walked toward him, Rebecca watching you with a look of confusion. Maybe you were just a fan that he’s seen from time to time? No, that wasn’t the case and she knew it the moment you guys both stared at each other with some form of intensity from you and an apologetic look from him. You looked like you wanted to walk over to him and smack him across his face and he looked like he wanted to wrap his arms around you and tell you how sorry he was. 
“I–” Jamie started and made his way closer to you, you dryly chuckled. 
“No, I just got here, we can talk later.” 
He nodded at your cross response and backed away. You introduced yourself and learned everyone’s names, the coaches were in their office in some sort of meeting and Rebecca told you that you’d be able to meet them later. 
┊ ┊ ┊ ┊
Back up in Rebecca’s office, you both went over how you were planning on filming. Going over recording some of the boys separately in their element, interviews, etcetera. You also learned that Rebecca was really easy to talk to, like a best friend. 
“Alright, Y/N, I must ask,” Rebecca started, handing you a cup of tea. “Back in the locker room, what was that with you and Jamie?” taking the cup and bringing it to your lips, you sighed. 
“We go way back, we met back in primary school and we were attached at the hip up until high school. There were moments when our close friends suspected we were a couple.” You trailed off, “but once we graduated everything just kind of.. Fell off, we both went our separate ways. I tried to get back into contact with him but he would say that he was busy or he’d just flat out ignore me.” you looked over at Rebecca to see her eyebrows raised. 
“Sorry, that’s kinda personal innit? Haven’t known each other much.” you said and she just shrugged. 
“It’s alright, we’re gonna be getting rather close these next few months, it's a good start for now.” she responded to you, the worry that was on your face was slowly replaced by a warm smile. 
“Guess you’re right.” 
“‘Course I am, Y/N. ‘Course I am.” 
You chuckled and shook your head, taking another sip of your tea. “On another note, I’m quite excited for all of this. Richmond is already so .. nice. I felt welcome the moment I walked in.”
“It does that to you, wait until you meet Ted though, you’ll feel even more welcome.”
As if on cue, there was a gentle knock on the door followed by a man with a moustache walking inside with a beaming grin, “well, howdy y’all.” he greeted. You smiled up at him and stood from your seat, placing your halfway finished mug down on the coffee table. 
“Y/N, this is Ted.” Rebecca said. You stuck your hand out for him to shake. 
“Nice to meet you, Ted.” You said and he only beamed at you. 
“Welcome to the family, Y/N/N.” he replied, your eyes went wide at the sudden nickname. “Its okay if I call you that right? Only seems right with your name.” He chuckled and you nodded. 
“Only if I get to call you ‘Teddy’ or somethin’. What's Ted short for anyway?” You asked him, the shift in your demeanour from earlier was like you’ve been here for weeks. “Theodore.” Rebecca chimed in and you grinned over at her and crossed your arms over your torso. “Hmm, then ‘Theo’ will have to do.” 
Ted, or Theo smiled from ear to ear. “Glad to hear it, I’ll see y’around.” 
You waved the man goodbye and sighed happily. Rebecca stood up from her spot on the sofa and brushed her dress out. “Alright, so, now that we’ve gone over everything, is there anything that you need before you head out for the rest of the day?” she asked you and you shook your head to look down at your watch. 
“Nah, I think I’m good.” You said and walked over to where your bag was. “Didn’t even need this today, came over prepared.” chuckling lightly, you leaned down to pick it up. 
“Thank you again for being so warm and welcome,” you looked at Rebecca and held your hand out for her to shake it. She took your hand happily, “I’ll see you next week then, to start your work process?” she asked you and you nodded. 
“Mhm, yep, and I’ll have everything we went over.” you smiled at her and then bid her farewell. 
Walking out of her office and down the stairs you were met with a waiting Jamie, his phone in his hands in a way to distract him. When he heard your footsteps hitting the stairs, he pocketed his device and looked up at you. 
“You waited for me.” you said with a raised brow and he nodded. 
“Yeah..” he started and you stood in front of him. “I just wanted to .. dunno, apologise?” 
“For what? Leaving me alone to think you forgot about me for six years? D’you think I’m just gonna walk right into your arms and accept your apology?” you spat and he took it in. you looked like a wounded puppy and he just wanted to fling forward and hold you. To tell you that everything was gonna be alright and that he wouldn’t dream of doing that to you again. 
“Right, right. Yeah, m’sorry ‘bout that.” he looked down at his trainers and nervously gripped his body bag’s strap. “D’ya think we could.. Dunno, go for a walk and talk ‘bout it all?” he asked you, a plea in his eyes. 
“I can’t. I have to go back to London, my cabbie is waiting for me.” you replied and rocked on your heels.
“What about when you come back?”
“Dunno, I don’t think I wanna hear some bullshit excuse as to why you left me in the dust.”
“Please, Y/N.” he pleaded, “we don’t even have to talk for long. If you decide that you don’t want anything to do with me or listen then you can walk away.” 
You sighed in defeat, “fine.”
He nodded, trying to hide the victorious smile on his lips but failing. 
“Wipe that smug grin off your ugly mug before I do it for you.” 
“Aye aye.” Jamie responded, that was the Y/N he knew all those years back, and you walked away with a sigh and a shake of your head. 
God this was so fucking weird. 
┊ ┊ ┊ ┊
Once the next week rolled around, you told Bee how you bumped into Jamie, whom you might’ve told her about once or twice.. Or a few times whilst drunk. Telling her stories about how you were, “sooooooo mad at him for ghosting me like that. I loved him ssooooo much and he goes and does that.”
At 10am, Frank pulled into the car park of Nelson Road and you bid him farewell when gathering your belongings. You walked inside, instantly greeted with that family-like haze. A smile wafted on your features, nodding in acknowledgement at whomever passed by. 
“Good morning, Y/N/N!” Ted said when you walked by him on your way up to Rebecca’s office. “Mornin, Theo.” you smiled at him and gave him a high five. 
The rest of the morning went pretty well – You and blondie, new nickname (Ted approved),  going over what you guys went over on your first day, you setting up everything you needed, using one of the meeting rooms as a place to have special interviews for the boys when the time came and making a makeshift desk of one of the tables for when you needed to edit or when you when you weren’t filming. 
When lunch time approached, Rebecca asked if you wanted to join her, but you told her that you wanted to make sure that everything was working properly because once everyone was back from the lunch break you were going to record the first of many parts of the boys’ training. She gave you a thumbs up and you were on your merry way to set up a camera outside. 
“Headed outside?” a familiar Mancunian accent asked you, you stopped in your tracks and turned toward the voice. 
“Mhm, yep.” You said, your change in demeanour going from steadfast wanting to get the hell out.
“Need help?” he asked you, a pleading look in his eyes. You looked down at the gadgets you had in your hands. Setting said things up on your own would not be easy, especially when you don’t have a whole crew to help you with lighting and every other necessity that came with filming.
With a defeated sigh, there was really no point in doing it on your own when the other offered help, you looked at him. “That would.. Be nice,” you started, trailing off, “but aren’t you supposed to be at lunch with the guys or somethin’? Don’t wanna be a bother or anythin’, I’m sure I can manage on my own.”
“Nah, s’no problem. Promise.” he placed his hand on his chest, “Not really hungry anyhow.” he nodded and stepped in front of you to open the door out to the pitch. 
“Thanks.” You said and smiled at him thankfully. He nodded and you looked around. 
“Hmm, hey, Jamie?” you asked, and he turned to you with his eyebrows up. “Where d’ya reckon would be the best spot to film?” 
He pointed to a spot beside where he said that Ted and Beard usually stand and watch, “You can practically see everything from here, but you might have to change directions of the camera every now and then.” 
You shrugged and leaned down to unpack your best camera for the outdoors, “that’s fine, its my job anyway.” you set up your tripod and turned your camera on. Looking into the lens, you adjusted the lighting. 
“So, Y/N..” Jamie said and stood in front of your camera with some sort of lopsided grin, “D’ya think we could do that talk right now?” 
You looked up and huffed, “dunno, are you gonna get out of my way?” he shrugged and moved from the focus. “What is there to really talk about anyway? You ghosted me for years. You didn’t even wish me a happy birthday, or send christmas cards.” With one final twist of your lens you stepped away and looked at Jamie who scratched his neck. 
“Yeah, don’t really have an excuse for that. Other than being a professional footballer ‘n all.”
“Yeah, but you still could’ve said something, that's not really a valid excuse.” you replied and gave him a stern look. “Remember what I said about bullshit excuses, Tartt?”
“Wait, no,” he looked at you with a panicked look. “There's really nothin’ that excuses me actions, but please know that I am sorry. I haven’t forgotten about you all these years, y’know.”
“Then why the fuck did you stay silent for so many years? I gave up trying to reach out to you after my twenty - first birthday. Tried seein’ if you wanted to come celebrate and maybe catch up and you NEVER responded.” you placed your hands on your hips and you could see the guilt written all over his face. 
“Yeah.” you responded, “but I’m an adult and I ended up forgiving and forgetting until the universe decided to have us cross paths again.” you half jested, Jamie’s lips curling upward just a tinge. “How about I make you a deal?” 
He quirked his brows up and you responded with a sigh. “I will forgive you.” you said and watched as his face changed from curious to excited. “If,” you paused, only egging him on, “you promise that it won't happen again, even after this project is done and over with.” 
Looking at him expectedly, the brunet stepped forward and engulfed you in a bone crushing hug, the only kind he’d give you after something good happened or after you had a meltdown in front of him. “Cross me heart, Y/N.” 
You smiled against his shoulder and hugged him back briefly, only to pull away and stick out your pinky. “Pinky promise me, James.” you said, the full name throwing him off slightly. He intertwined your fingers and you both leaned down to press kisses to your thumbs, sealing the deal. 
“Pinky promise.”
┊ ┊ ┊ ┊
Alright, STINKIES!!!!!! Let me know if you wanna be on the tag list n stuff!! I'll try to get a few more chapters out this week! They'll probably be a bit shorter, some fillers, some not, etcetera!! ANYWAY!! Thank you for reading <3
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I didn't know corgi was a welsh word 😯🌟🐶 Can you tell more dog names in welsh?
It's a Welsh breed! Pair of breeds, actually - the little cute one from Pembrokeshire that looks like it belongs on a twee greetings card with a duckling on its head, and the big Carmarthenshire one that looks like it is straining every second of every day not to hunt down a cow and slaughter it. Funnily enough, America has gone feral for corgis, but here in Wales you don't often see pet ones. They don't have the temperament for pet life. I assume it's maybe a working-line Vs pet-line thing, but here their reputation is that they are snappy and aggressive if they aren't very, very carefully raised and handled.
The correct plural is corgwn, btw. Enjoy this knowledge.
Other Welsh breeds with Welsh names:
Llamgi Cymreig - the Welsh springer spaniel. 'Spaniel' is actually Sbaengi, meaning 'Spain dog', so cognate with the English, but llamgi is 'jumping/springing dog'.
Daeargi Cymreig - the Welsh terrier. Daeargi means 'earth dog', because of the traditional chasing things into setts and warrens thing. The Sealyham terrier is daeargi Sealyham, so same thing
And, Ci Defaid Cymreig - the Welsh sheepdog, pretty literal
And then non-Welsh breeds are varyingly named along similar lines. Sbaengi adara - the cocker spaniel (lit 'bird Spain dog'). Sbaengi hela - the English Springer (lit 'hunting Spain dog'). Sbaengi Siarl - the King Charles spaniel (lit 'Charles' Spain dog')
Ci defaid is generically used for collie or sheepdog.
Terriers there are many! I pulled these off of Bruce:
Black-&-tan terrier - daeargi melyn a du (yellow and black earth dog)
Bull-terrier - daeargi tarw
Cairn terrier - daeargi byrgoes (shortleg earth dog)
Fox terrier is fun, it gets DIALECTS. Daeargi/ci codi llwynog (fox-raising earth dog/dog) in the North, ci codi cadno (fox-raising dog) in the South
Irish terrier - daeargi Gwyddelig
Maltese terrier - daeargi Melita
Scotch terrier - daeargi Albanaidd/Sgotaidd
Skye terrier - daeargi Heledd (who is Heledd???)
Toy terrier - corddaeargim (dwarf earth dog! The 'cor' is the same as in corgi)
Yorkshire terrier - daeargi Efrog (York earth dog)
Let's see, what else... Um, adargi is 'retriever' - bird dog, literally. Golden retriever is adargi melyn (yellow bird dog)
Poodle is just pwdl. Cymricised transliteration, innit
My brain won't think of any more dogs, sorry. HMU if you have a specific one lol
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jungle-angel · 10 months
Two's a Blessing (Rhett Abbott x Reader)
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Summary: The day has finally arrived when you and Rhett come face to face with your twin boys
Warnings: Depictions of childbirth, breastfeeding etc.
It had been a damn good night as far as Rhett was concerned. He had taken first place in the riding competition with the prize being another $15,000, just enough to put towards building your home up in Bozeman. Not only was the house falling into place, but so too was everything else. Amy and Hannah were thriving at their preschool, a place which placed a heavy emphasis on the outdoors, nature and hands-on types of crafts while you yourself taught at the grade school just up the path. The ranch too was doing well, as well as it had in recent years with the help of your father and mother-in-law running the place.
"C'mon Cody you've got this!!!" Rhett shouted to the rider in the ring.
Cody Two-Bulls hung on for dear life, just as Rhett had done earlier in the first half. Cody was an absolute MONSTER in the bull riding ring with only Rhett as his equal. Rhett grimaced when he saw the bull buck Cody off his back and the rodeo clown jumping in to steer the ornery son of a bitch away from Cody.
Rhett swore loudly when the buzzer went off and the times were put up. Cody climbed over the fence and into the rider pen a minute later, his face contorting into weird looks as he clambered to the ground.
"That bull," he loudly announced. "Is the ANGRIEST fuckin asshole I've ever seen!"
"Hey third is at least better than the bottom twenty," Rhett told him, helping him down.
"Says you," Cody chuckled. "I need the money to pay off the last truck bill and re-shingle my grandma's roof."
Rhett had been about to say something when he felt the phone in his pocket vibrating. He pulled it out and as soon as he saw your contact picture and name pop up, he answered.
"Hi sweet-pea," he greeted cheerfully.
"Hey," you greeted, sounding a little more tired than usual.
"What's goin on?" Rhett asked "You ok?"
"Where are you?"
"I'm still at the rodeo grounds," Rhett answered.
"Can you come home?"
Rhett felt a pang of fear deep in his chest. "I'll be home in thirty, what's wrong?"
"My water just broke."
Rhett went absolutely wide eyed with Cody, Kayce, Rip and the others asking him what was going on. "I'm on my way out right now," he assured you.
"Ok good because your dad swears we're getting a snowstorm tonight too," you told him.
Oh shit, he had forgotten. Already Wabang was beginning to hit the deep freeze with fall having ended the day before Halloween when Rhett had taken the girls trick-or-treating and to the Halloween party at their school.
"Alright sweet-pea," he told you. "Just sit tight till I get home, ok?"
"Ok, I love you."
Rhett bid you goodbye before hanging up the phone and booking it to the truck to get home. It was thirty full minutes on a straight road back home with only two turns back to the Abbott land, the heat blasting in his truck and the radio going to keep him distracted until he could get home. The lights on the porch were still on, a few loose flakes visible in the biting cold air as Rhett clunked up the porch steps in his heavy boots and riding gear.
As soon as he opened the door, there was Diesel, waiting to greet him along with Ruby, the little squished nose cocker spaniel who belonged to Cecelia. Rhett kicked off his boots and hung his hat on the door.
"Darlin you home?!" he called up the stairs.
"I'm upstairs!"
Up the stairs he went, shooing the two dogs back down the steps before he found you in the bathtub with a washcloth on your forehead and the strong smell of lavender in it.
"You ok (y/n)?" he asked, kneeling next to you and taking your hand.
"Yeah I'm ok," you told him. "The pain's not too bad but your mom thought it'd be a good idea to help me relax for a bit."
"So it broke?"
You nodded. "I thought I had to pee really bad and the next thing I know, it all rushed out at once."
You suddenly squeezed Rhett's hand, your face scrunching up in pain as a sharp stab in your lower belly hit you out of nowhere, running into your lower back. You let out the breath you had been holding in and the tension leaving your body as Rhett's hand relaxed with yours.
"You good?" he asked.
"Yeah," you answered. "I'm good, I'm ok."
"How far apart?"
"Um.....forty minutes?"
Rhett nodded. "Can you gimme a minute to switch outta my clothes?"
You nodded.
In a flash he was gone, but came back quick in a new pair of jeans and a dark blue-grey t-shirt, kneeling on the bathmat beside you to hold your hand. Cecelia had come back with her midwife's kit and to help you out of the bath.
"Alright sweetheart," she said as she and Rhett helped you up. "Lets get you back into bed. I'll check you in a minute."
Rhett helped you into a warm short-sleeved nightdress while Cecelia set up the bed for later. Every couple of minutes, you walked up and down the halls with Rhett, watching the snow fall outside as it came down faster and faster with the dogs occasionally sneaking upstairs for ear scritches or kisses.
Things were a little slow in coming but the back pain often said otherwise. "Good Lord, why does it have to take so long?" you half laughed. "Even Hannah wasn't this impatient."
Rhett chuckled softly as he pressed his warm lips against your cheek and his hands trailing to your large bump. You took in and let out a deep breath as Rhett's hands found their way to your lower belly, able to feel his son's little head in his palm.
"You feel him?" you mumbled as the pain began to recede.
"Ain't gonna be long darlin," Rhett assured you. "If he's that low it's gonna be quick."
You had hoped.....oh God you had hoped.
The next hour and a half was one of the most painful you had ever been through, the pains coming closer together as you lay back in your bed. It was a little awkward with your mother-in-law having to be the midwife, but you trusted Cecelia more than you trusted even the most skilled nurses.
"What?" you chuckled, noticing the smile on your mother-in-law's face as she checked you.
"Grumpy was right," she chuckled. "Not gonna be long before they're here."
It felt like forever as Rhett stayed with you, rubbing your back and your sore thighs, letting you squeeze his hand whenever the pain became too much. As it grew closer and closer, the hand squeezing became more frequent, even as he dabbed at your head with a sweat rag.
"Oh God this SUCKS!" you loudly declared when another pain flared in your belly.
"Alright sweetheart, ya'll are definitely ready to push," Cecelia concluded. "Rhett you good?"
"Good to go Ma," Rhett answered.
"Alright (y/n), go ahead and push honey."
Rhett held one of your legs and you held the other as he supported your neck, your face scrunching up and reddening at the hard push you gave. Your husband and your mother in-law kept encouraging you every step of the way, with each shallow breath and painful push. Your head and your whole body hurt like hell, the muscles in your belly tightening and relaxing with each one bringing you and Rhett closer to meeting your little boys.
"OH SON OF A BITCH!" you swore as you pushed.
"You're doin great sweetheart, we're almost done," Cecelia assured you. "Rhett, you wanna catch him? He's almost out."
Rhett nodded, his eyes wide with excitement and nervousness all at once. "You uh....?"
"I've got her, I've got her."
Cecelia took your leg as Rhett switched off with her, rolling up his sleeves and waiting to catch the baby which was only halfway out.
"C'mon sweetheart, one more," Rhett encouraged. "Gimme one more push."
At the guidance of your husband, you gave one last big push and a huge wave of relief suddenly washed over you, a long repressed whimper escaping your throat before your mother-in-law and husband cheered and those little cries filled the room.
"You did so good sweet-pea," Rhett said tearfully as he leaned in to kiss you.
"Yeah but we're not done yet," you told him through your heavy breaths.
Sure enough, you were right. Just barely minutes after the first boy was born, the pains began again and you instinctively pushed as soon as Rhett told you. Four pushes later, another little boy fell into Rhett's hands, the both of you in tears at the sound of their little cries filling up the room. Cecelia placed the older of the two onto your chest, covered in a clean white cotton towel while Rhett cut away the cord that kept him tethered to you. His twin was placed next to him before Rhett did the same, cutting away the cord before Cecelia took care of the rest.
"Sweetheart, I am so proud of you," Rhett croaked, placing a gentle kiss on your lips.
A tired smile formed on your face as you held your little boys and Rhett kissed their heads, overjoyed that now he had two sons, both born of your flesh and blood and each carrying a piece of you in them.
As soon as you had been cleaned up and everything had been taken care of, Cecelia helped prop you up just a little so you could feed your boys, each of them rooting at your breasts as your husband nested in close beside you.
You didn't even remember nodding off or sleeping for that matter, until you awoke the next morning to the heavy snow still falling outside your window and the whole of the land outside covered in white.
"Look who's awake," Royal chuckled. "You doin ok (y/n)?"
"Never better Roy," you yawned.
One of the boys began to whimper, the older of the twins, wriggling in his little blue blanket as he rested beside his brother in the crib at the foot of yours and Rhett's bed.
"Little guy's probably hungry," Rhett remarked.
"Either that or the I want Momma and Daddy cry," Royal told him.
"You wanna get him?" Rhett asked.
Royal reached in to pick up his new grandson when something stopped him, a little tag at the top which read:
"Welcome to the world Tatum Royal and Tanner James, two little angels born December 7th at 3:33 am."
You saw your father-in-law's hand suddenly move to his mouth as if to stifle a noise that never escaped. "You....did you....?"
Rhett nodded.
You could already see Royal going glass-eyed at the sight of the twins' names right before him, his hands shaking as he picked Tatum up into his arms, cradling him as he had once done when Rhett was first born.
"Son I......"
"Dad you don't have to say anything," Rhett told him. "I know these kids have the best grandpa in the world.....and they're gonna know that each and every day."
Royal, still biting his lip, trying to hold back the emotions inside, handed Tatum off to you so he could feed. It wasn't long before Tanner had begun to cry too, Rhett carefully picking him up and cradling his tiny form against his broad chest, all snug in his little Irish knit blanket.
Cecelia had let the girls in as soon as they had woken up, both of them excited as ever to meet their little brothers. You and Rhett looked around at the sight before you, the both of you grateful that you were surrounded by your family and that you had been blessed with two new lives and all you had gained with them.
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phoenixyfriend · 1 year
Star Wars Omegaverse Recs
Here's a couple solid omegaverse fics. This list is shorter than most of the ones I write but Meh.
Stars are for my favorites.
⭐ The Rain Fell Already by @loosingmoreletters: variation on Jedi Indentured AU containing omegaverse. Xanatos is omega Qui-Gon's bio kid but nothing changes, depressing but poignant
House Call by @elthadriel: two idiots knot while on medication that requires no knotting because it can get stuck for literal hours. Kix has to help and he is very annoyed about it
Status Quo by @captainkirkk: (G-rated) Anakin responds to Obi-Wan in a "you are my dad" way and the clones are surprised pikachu about it
⭐ Temporary Like Achilles by @intermundia: standard-ish fuck-or-die scenario where both sides are like "I can't take advantage of you/I just took advantage of you" because of course they are. (This author has a lot of solid Obikin, but they have me blocked (no I don't know why) so I can't tag them.)
⭐ He Said Yes by @threebea: (G-rated) B!Quinlan and O!Obi-Wan get mated for Obi-Wan's safety, the nature of their relationship is unclear to basically everyone (romantic? qp? other? unclear)
venus flytrap by IntoThineHands: Sith!Obi, role reversal of trope standard (omega deliberately takes advantage of an alpha)
Bite of Caramel by @thewriterowl: A!Jango needs a date to the family reunion, asks O!Obi-Wan to accompany him
⭐ good things in threes by @galateagalvanized: Codywan accidental pregnancy after O!Obi-Wan's implant gets nullified by an overpowered EMP (along with Cody's brain chip)
all my roads lead back to you by @tennessoui: idiots to lovers comedy (modern au, Obi-Wan got pregnant in a one-night stand across the country with a bartender who kind of looked like Anakin, because he's in love with his roommate but can't come clean and so hooks up with guys who look like him, and Anakin is in love with Obi-Wan enough that he's decided to be the Dad Who Stepped Up to this kid because anything Obi-Wan makes is part of Obi-Wan and obviously deserving of adoration)
The Theory of Letting Go by @ifonlyweknewwhatiwasdoing: never a Jedi!Anakin, Padme dead of uterine rupture, Obi-Wan hormonally addled and insistent on taking care of the twins like they're his own
The Swan Serenade by @shatouto: heavily AU, Mando!Anakin and Jedi-but-more-like-real-world-monks!Obi. (Has the most adorable art in the end of chapter notes, btw)
For Safekeeping by @glimmerglanger: Sith O!Obi-Wan feels safe because of the army of clones, which is the first time he's felt safe enough to have a heat, ends up fucked by his army of betas
when the snow falls we will wrap ourselves in furs by @hornet394: the fic I reread that had me going "I want Rex with O!Anakin but being in character" because this is one of the few omegaverse Rexwalkers that hits that button for me (though it's technically Anakin/501st poly stuff)
⭐ Find a little stranger by @obimanletkenobi: Villain!Obidala, both alphas, find Anakin at an omega auction, decide to ask him to play surrogate for their child since they can't do it themselves (with the offer to drop him off on a random planet with a wiped memory and enough cash to start a new life as a free man if he doesn't want to get pregnant), followed by smut
Belonging by IronCannon: this is the OTHER solid omegaverse Rexwalker
⭐ Conceal Me by @himboskywalker: longfic that is VERY good imo and builds the tension incredibly. Anakin is an omega pretending to be an alpha (literally the only people alive that know he's omega are his mother and the midwife). Senator Obi-Wan is an alpha pretending to be a beta (for weird reasons relating to his parents being kind of insane). They get married for politics, suggested by Palpatine because he found out about Obi-Wan being an alpha but not about Anakin, and decided a forced alpha/alpha marriage was going to self-destruct and help destabilize the Republic further.
Both by @obimanletkenobi: Anakin is the omegaverse equivalent of intersex and this explores the ways he's fetishized and discriminated against by the culture around him.
Peachy the Series by @the-writing-mill: IDK what to say, if you want 15k of O!Obi-Wan getting absolutely railed by two alphas, this is the fic for you
⭐ Packed Together Like Test Tubes also by @the-writing-mill: Jangobi, forced on both sides. Neither of them wants to mate, but the Kaminoans are forcing the issue with synthetic pheromones. It takes several weeks to get to that point and they are both fighting it with every ounce of willpower they have.
⭐ [Only] Think of Me by @inferior-fairy: Empress Amidala and Emperor Kenobi need Anakin to not go off the rails again, but they need a reason for him to want to stay because they love him too much to force the issue (and make him hate them) with chains or the like. So they give him Babies.
⭐ unfortunately it seems I have written more by @gaily-daily: Look at me. LOOK at me. This is fucked up and ugly and horrible and awful and messy and triggering and so incredibly well written as a dawning horror situation. Dead Dove at its finest. It is incredibly good as a story, but it is also really bad, and you need to go in accepting that. Without details, it's messy/triggering in the GoT sense.
⭐ terribly inconvenient and incredibly terrific by @tennessoui: A classic "Anakin wants to do something he is in no way qualified for and then suffers the consequences for his idiocy" plot, very fun.
I can fill those places in your heart no else can by @pontah: modern au post-breakup revenge sex I guess???
Ba’jurir by @mockingjay34: Rex/Fives, explores the intersection of anti-clone bigotry and anti-omega sexism.
Out in the Corner of the Dark with You by kazmir: a 5+1 fic about Anakin giving Obi-Wan a bunch of soft things as courting gifts
instincts by amidnightlove: just some fun and funky 'cycles make people go a little feral' stuff
EDIT: I missed a bunch so there's a Part Two!
584 notes · View notes
afterdarkprincess · 6 months
🌟✨ Fic Masterlist ✨🌟
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Sami Zayn & Jey Uso
Aftershocks Rating: Explicit Word Count: 14,595 Summary: Sami and Jey dealing with the aftermath of Tribal Combat at SummerSlam Masterpost Pretty in Pink- Aftershocks side story Rating: Explicit Word Count: 2,570 Summary: On a brief vacation from shows, Sami comes home to find his boyfriend all dressed up and waiting for him. Post
The Devil's in the Details (But You Got a Friend in Me) Rating: Explicit Word Count: 33,090 (currently) Summary: Royal Rumble AU- Sami gets injured at the Rumble and never betrays Roman. Friends to Lovers through SummerSlam Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Sweet Like Justice Rating: Gen Word Count: 660 Summary: Backstage at Crown Jewel, Jey and Sami hatch a plan to subvert the Judgement Day Post
A Moment Backstage Rating: Gen Word Count: 1,027 Summary: Sami and Jey share an interaction backstage before the Tag Title Rematch (set during Nov 13th 2023 Monday Night Raw) Post
Ruin(ed) Rating: Explicit Word Count: 729 Summary: Watching from backstage as Rhea flirts with Jey, Sami gets possessive and pulls Jey into the closest closet Post
Beauty Rating: Mature Word Count: 356 Summary: Sami Zayn reflects on the most beautiful thing he's ever seen Post
Did you touch yourself to the thought of me? Rating: Explicit Word Count: 1051 Summary:Sami finds out just how long Jey had been thinking about the two of them together. Post am I allowed to cry? Rating: Explicit Word Count: 1,556 Summary: Sami reflects on his relationship with Jey and the visions of Jey he sees in his head. Post
fuck it if i can't have him Rating: Mature Word Count: 1,514 Summary: Jey reflects on the choices he's made since the Royal Rumble and his feelings for Sami Post I love you (it's ruining my life) Rating: Explicit Word Count: 4,372 Summary: Sami and Jey realize they're in the same hotel and meet up for a late night discussion. Post
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Seth Rollins & Roman Reigns & Jon Moxley
tangled up with you all night (burning it down) Rating: Explicit Word Count: 3,720 Summary: Shield Era 2012 Seth has an encounter with 2023's Jon Moxley and Tribal Chief. Sexytimes ensue. Post
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Seth Rollins & Jon Moxley
all you ever did was wreck me (yeah you wreck me) Rating: Explicit Word Count: 3,278 Summary: Newly returned Dean Ambrose has a press event at the WWE Performance Center and World Heavyweight Champion Seth Rollins is among those there to greet him. They find one another in a practice room long after everyone else has gone home and things escalate quickly. Post
mine Rating: Explicit Word Count: 2,083 Summary: Dean Ambrose pays Seth Rollins a visit after Smackdown 3/29/24 to remind Seth who he belongs to. Post
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The Bloodline- Roman & Sami
ours Rating: Explicit Word Count: 4,990 Summary: After WarGames, Roman decides what Sami Zayn's place is in the bloodline, a willing hole for them to use. Post Roman's Pet Rating: Explicit Word Count: 859 Summary: Roman's pet Sami serves the Tribal Chief and earns his reward Post
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Sami & Jey & Cody Rhodes
Can't Keep My Hands to Myself Rating: Explicit Word Count: 6,053 Summary: Things get a little heated in the bus after the Fastlane Press Conference, Sami facetimes his boyfriend to get in on the action. Part 1 Part 2
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Jey Uso & Cody Rhodes
you can be rough, I can take it Rating: Explicit Word Count: 1,108 Summary: Set after Fastlane 2023 press conference- Cody and Jey fall into bed together after winning the undisputed tag team championships. Post
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Jey Uso & Sami Zayn & Cody Rhodes & Seth Rollins
all's fair in love and war Rating: Explicit Word Count: 4,413 Summary: Aftermath of November 20th Monday Night Raw- Jey panics at hearing Randy Orton's name out of Cody's mouth. He's lost the advantage and feels less secure than ever in his position on their team, but Sami, Cody, and Seth are there to support and spoil him. Part 1 Part 2
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LA Knight & JD McDonagh
nothing safe is worth the drive (and I will follow you home) Rating: Gen/Teen Word Count: 1,305 Summary: LA Knight waits and watches and worries as JD fights in the Wargames match and comforts him afterwards. Post
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Seth Rollins & Jey Uso
dont worry, I'll be gentle Rating: Explicit Word Count: 331 Summary: Seth ties up Jey for some playtime Post
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Jey Uso x Reader
can you feel how much I want you? Rating: Mature Word Count: 774 Summary: You've had one of the best nights of your life at the Royal Rumble, and you go out with the rest of the locker room to celebrate and run into your best friend Jey after a few drinks. Post
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CM Punk/Drew McIntyre
i won't be denied by you (the animal inside of you) Rating: Explicit Word Count: 932 Summary: Drew McIntyre is obsessed with CM Punk. Haunted by CM Punk. Possessed by him. Post
Winner Take All Rating: Explicit Word Count: 1,778 Summary: After their encounters on the April 29th Monday Night RAW, Drew McIntyre finds CM Punk backstage. Alone. Post
Acts of Contrition Rating: Explicit Word Count: 2,581 Summary: Drew kidnaps CM Punk and cleanses him of his many sins Post
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Solo Sikoa/ Sami Zayn
Leather & Lace Rating: Explicit Word Count: 2,009 Summary: Solo Sikoa finds himself as the new Tribal Chief. The Tribal Chief gets what the Tribal Chief wants. Solo Sikoa wants Sami Zayn. Post
82 notes · View notes
tcwmatchmakingau · 11 months
Date Night Pt 1
Pairing: Rex x f!Reader
Rating: SFW
Warnings: Just fluff, snogging is as far as it goes.
W/C: 3,300 (And my ficlet phase has passed). 
Summary: Captain Rex of the 501st Legion led men into numerous battles. He had fought by the side of one of the galaxy’s greatest Jedi and received commendation from the Republic’s top leadership. And nothing terrified him more than the newest challenge Anakin Skywalker laid at his feet ... a date.
A/N: This was inspired by D's lovely ask as I was trapped in the airport about a double date with Rex and Cody. Here's the Rex chapter, featuring Cody, who will be up next.
“Rex, you know I’d do anything for you. But this?”
Rex knew this would likely be the outcome, but he wasn’t admitting defeat just yet.
“Please Cody? I just … I have to go, but I just can’t get myself to go alone.”
His closest brother and commanding officer sat across from him in the mess hall of the Coruscant barracks, the 501st and 212th being on shore leave. All units not engaged in relief missions or suppressing the remaining Seppie forces were actually on leave, meaning Rex felt himself almost whispering, not wanting the wrong ears to overhear their conversation in the crowded room.
He’d never live it down if Torrent Company especially got wind that he was considering a trip to the matchmaker set up specifically for clones.
“You don’t have to go, though. It’s not mandatory. I know the transition to peace time is going to be tough, but they’re not forcing us into civvie life just yet.”
“It’s not that. General Skywalker is … insisting.”
“He can’t command you to go on a date. Just tell him no.”
“I can’t, Cody! You know the face he makes when you tell him no.”
“Then look the other way.”
Rex doesn’t have a rebuttal. Strictly speaking, Cody is right. But …
“Unless you actually want to go?” his brother nudges.
“I …” Rex paused, holding still as a statue for a moment until he released his breath in a huff. “Ever since his relationship with the Senator came out, Skywalker has changed. He’s lighter, happier. And I can’t help but wonder what that feels like. It was never in the cards for us before. I know some had it, like Cut, but I could never abandon my duty. Now that I don’t have to … I don’t know. What if Anakin is right?”
Cody smiles at him warmly before answering simply, “Then you should go.”
Rex levels his friend with a blank stare. They both knew that Rex would never take this leap without a wingman.
The office was nicer than he had imagined. Not that he thought it would be a dump, but it would seem his anxiety colored his expectations.
Cody sat by his side, the pair having already filled out the required paperwork digitally. He thanked his brother again for coming with him and though the only response was a dry side eye, Rex knew Cody understood what this meant to him.
The door behind them opened, and both men jumped to attention.
“At ease, gentlemen. You’re off duty, remember?”
A woman walked past to take a seat opposite the desk from them as they settled back into their own seats. Her casual attire betrayed the slightly impressive decor of the top-level office, but the warmth she exuded made it clear she belonged here.
“I’m Yen, and I’ll be the matchmaker assigned to you both,” she said, reaching across to shake both their hands. “Now, I’ve reviewed your applications and I have a few potential matches in mind, but first I want to hear from you, your expectations — both of this first date and overall.”
Rex turned to look to Cody, defaulting to letting his CO answer first, only to see his brother returning the expectant look. So, he started, laying it all on the table and earning a few laughs from the other trooper.
Cody followed suit, his own answer much shorter, though it’s a testament to the professional that she was able to even get as much out of the Marshal Commander as possible.
“Okay, well, I believe I now have everything I need. I’ll send over one profile each to avoid overwhelming you both, and if you’re amenable, I’ll set up the time and place and comm that over,” Yen confirmed.
Rex appreciated her approach, calm yet confident. He was still hesitant about stepping this far out of his comfort zone, but if she was leading the way, he could at least follow.
“Now, I do have to warn you that while I understand the appeal of a double date, I’ve found it can often lead to … unnecessary problems. I can see if the partners I have in mind would be open to going to the same venue, but I strongly recommend focusing on your date and not spending time as a group.”
“Problems?” This time, it was Cody who spoke up.
“Yes, assigned dates wanting to switch has been known to happen, which just creates bad feelings all around. Or people tend to focus more on their friend since that’s familiar and end up alienating their dates. I’ve found that outcome more common with troopers.”
The two clones share a look, and when Rex turns back to Yen, a knowing smile graces her face.
“Well, this is your area of expertise. We’ll play this your way.”
A week later, Rex watched Cody walk to the floor with his date, trying to push down his annoyance over the fact that you still hadn’t appeared.
If he was being completely fair, you weren’t late. But he was already second guessing himself and each moment he stood there, on the edge of the room unsure of what to do with his hands, was another moment adding to his anxiety.
Rex was just about at his limit when the door slammed open. The woman in the threshold peered into the crowd, scouting as if she expected danger rather than dancing to greet her.
And suddenly, his nerves got better and worse.
It was you. He recognized you from the profile image Yen had sent him. You hadn’t stood him up and left him looking a fool. But he had a feeling he’d act like one because stars above he had never seen any creature quite as lovely. What the kark was he supposed to say to someone so pretty?
While Skywalker seemed to revel in going into situations blind, Rex usually did everything to avoid it. But he didn’t plan for this. Your holo was taken by a buffoon since clearly it did not do you justice.
Absently, Rex realized he should probably introduce himself. But he decided taking advantage of this opportunity to gather intel was the smarter option.
You weren’t timid so much as cautious in your movements as you slowly made your way through the room, clearly looking for someone but oddly insistent on not making eye contact, quickly looking away once people noticed your staring.
Finally, you turned and caught his eye across the room, looking away just as quickly. In only took a moment before you snuck another glance, but this time, you kept eye contact and tilted your head in question. Nothing could stop him from smiling softly at the gesture as he gave a quick, efficient nod. You sported a matching one as you made your way through the crowd to him.
“Are you Rex?”
“Yes, Ma’am.”
You giggled, and it was so sweet he almost missed what you said. “Do I look that old?”
Shock flooded Rex like ice water. “Huh? N-No, you don’t. I mean, not that that’s bad. But you definitely don’t. You look lovely. Not that old isn’t lovely, but I, uh,” he floundered, trying to understand what just happened.
Your eyes grew wide as plates as you raised your hands, waiving them in front of you frantically. “Ah, no, don’t worry about it! I was just teasing since you said ‘ma’am’ and I’ve never been called that before and in fact the only people who’ve been called ma’am, at least that I’ve heard, have been older, so that was the first thing that came to mind and …”  
Rex had never heard anyone speak that fast. He was impressed you had enough breath for it, but your rambling made your abrupt stop into pure silence jarring.
“Sorry, I was trying to be clever but I’m a bit too nervous for that, it seems.” You looked up at him but stopped just shy of actually catching his gaze. He wasn’t sure if that or the way you bit the corner of your lip as you offered a sheepish smile was more endearing.
“Please don’t apologize. I’m a bit out of my depth here, too.”
Rex had never and likely would never understand the Force as the Jedi talk about it. But as you shared a small, understanding smile with him, he swore he could feel something shift. It was significant, even if he couldn’t understand why.
“Well then, since neither of us seem to be doing too well with conversation, want to try dancing?”
“I doubt that’ll go better on my end, but let’s give it a try,” he says lightly, holding out a hand to allow you to pass.
You led the way to the dance floor, and his heart stuttered when you turned, looking up at him expectantly with bright eyes. He was only half listening to the instructor, just enough to get the gist of what to do. The rest of his attention was firmly occupied with getting lost in how you looked at him.
You looked at him like he was someone worth staring at.
Karabast, I’m in trouble.
“Ready?” You ask, sweet but pushy, nudging him out of his stupor.
“Uh, yeah,” Rex nods, stepping closer and taking hold of your hands. They were cold in his, so he held them just a bit tighter.
Fortunately, the class was geared for beginners, so the instructor started with basic footwork which solved one problem of his – he could focus on his feet instead of trying not to stare at you like a creep.
At least, for a bit. Damn his enhanced training; the steps were barely a challenge, leaving him looking down unnecessarily, unwilling to look up just yet but also aware that the longer he looked down the more awkward it was.
Why was dancing at 79s hard but this was too easy? Maybe it was his brothers’ fault. Yeah, that had to be it. They complicated everything else, why would dancing be different?
“I’m glad they’re really breaking down the basics. I usually have two left feet,” you offered, and it felt like relief in the midst of battle washing over him.
“Same. I’m not usually much of a dancer,” Rex replied, beyond grateful that he wouldn’t have to rely on one of the awful pickup lines Jesse had insisted on teaching him when word inevitably got around what he would be up to tonight.
“Oh? Then what made you choose dance lessons for tonight?”
“I, uh …” He hesitated. The truth was it was an option that Cody was open to and both Boil and Fives insisted it was the best idea. “Honestly, my brothers talked me into it. Said it would strike the right mood.”
“The right mood?”
“N-not like that! Well, actually, I’m sure Fives meant exactly that. But that’s not what I mean. I mean —”
“It’s OK, Rex.” He should be more upset that you’re laughing at him, but there’s no malice in your eyes as they smile along with your lips. “I know what you mean. It’s fun, but easy enough that we can talk.”
“Not sure I’m doing so well with that second part,” he grumbled.
“I’ve got no complaints,” you reassure with a soft squeeze to his hands. “Besides, I’m very much enjoying being on this side.”
“This side?”
“Oh yeah. I’m usually the one tripping over my tongue meeting new people. It’s not just my feet — I’m clumsy all over,” you proclaim almost proudly, earning a chuckle from him.
“You don’t seem clumsy to me.”
“You’re sweet, but I’m literally holding onto you right now. Hard to be clumsy with support, though I do like to consider myself an overachiever.”
Rex let out what was probably his first genuine laugh since starting this whole endeavor. “Well, I’m happy to act as support as long as needed.”
Your lips twitch to the side, and if not for the mischievous spark in your eyes — a sight Rex had learned from his men usually meant nothing but trouble — he’d assume you were upset. Confused, he waited for you to continue.
“Happy to act as support? Are you sure?”
Everything about your tone is screaming that he’s out of his depths. You’re plotting something, that much is clear, and he’s not sure what. And he certainly can’t reprimand you the way he does wayward troopers.
Still, nothing to do but jump in at this point.
“Yes …?”
Your smile broke free from the tight, wry curve of your lips to engulf your entire face.
“In that case …” You stepped closer to him, pulling your joined hands behind your back, forcing yourself into his arms. Chills slid up his arms along with your touch as your hands finally settled on his shoulders, leaving his splayed out against the expanse of your back. “Better that we dance like this. More secure, you know.”
The boys would often tease Rex for how easily he would flush. It was something he cursed his whole life, always envious of Cody for his incredible composure. Now, however, despite feeling the heat in his own cheeks, the sight of your eyes refusing to settle on one place, least of all him, and the awkward shift in your stance, he understood the teasing.
You were adorable when flustered.
But more than he enjoyed seeing you worked up, he desperately wanted you to be comfortable with him. And he wanted to show his appreciation that you took the first leap of faith. So he stepped just a little further into your space, slightly tightening his hold on you so you could feel him support you.
“Sure. Just tell me if you want me to let go.”
“I don’t think that’s gonna happen.”
It wouldn’t be right to say conversation flowed. There were still awkward bumps and turns. But you were gracious about them, and honestly guilty of a few yourself, which helped Rex lower his guard even more.
It didn’t hurt that you seemed to pick up the footwork just as easily as he did, letting him lead you around the floor easier than he anticipated so he could fully indulge in how you pressed ever so lightly against him as you lead the conversation.
It was mostly small talk, getting to know you staples. But you never made him feel awkward or like you didn’t care for his answer.
In fact, he had never felt so tall before being the center of your attention.
Sooner than he realized, the class ended, and the dancers began dispersing. A quick scan of the room made clear that Cody and his date already cleared out. When, he wasn’t sure. But it left Rex standing in the middle of the floor with you in his arms, looking at him expectantly … and he had no clue what to do.
All he knew was he wasn’t quite ready to let you go.
“Do you walk home?” he asked, immediately realizing what he had said and groaning. “No, not that. I mean, do you mind if I walk you home?”
You laughed at him, but again, it was a soft thing without a trace of mockery. “I’d love that, thank you.”
If asked right then, Rex would say that laugh was his favorite sound. But he didn’t let that thought linger too long.
You looped your arm through his and laid your opposite hand on top, taking him aback with how comfortable you seemed around him even without the pretense of dancing. Though you stopped right at the line of too forward, a courtesy he was grateful for.
And it appeared a more strategic choice than he first gave you credit for. With your arms woven through his, you were able to lead the way and keep pace with him easier. You walked to the inter-level lift and rode it down a few levels to more modest apartments before meandering through the streets for a few blocks, chatting softly the whole time.
“This is me.” You waved your hand absently to the building behind you as you turned to face him.  You were looking at him like that again, like he was the only thing in this galaxy worth looking at. If he wasn’t careful, Rex could easily grow addicted to that look. “I had a really nice night. Thank you, Rex.”
“No thanks needed, mesh’la,” Rex said softly, hearing the endearment slip in before he really registered it. It fit, though, and he was willing to bet you didn’t speak Mando’a. “I had a good time, too.”
He felt like time itself was suspended. Like the two of you existed within a ray shield and nothing outside mattered. He felt himself pulled closer to you until he was standing with barely an inch between you. Glancing past your eyes for just a moment, he felt his breath catch at the sight of your chest just missing brushing his as you take heavy breaths.
Usually, clarity felt cold when it washed over him. This, however, was warm, fueling his courage just as much as the realization that you could feel the gravitational pull between you as well.
“Can I kiss you?” he whispered, bolder than he felt as he leaned down but still not trusting his voice as he invaded your space and reveled in the proximity, eyes constantly searching for any sign of hesitation.
There never was one. You tilted your head back, bringing your plush lips almost up to his.
It was the sweet, needy, breathlessness of your plea that made Rex vow then and there to do anything to hear you beg for his kisses again.
It was the soft give of your lips, the insistent yet gentle pressure you applied and the succulent yet swift swipe of your tongue against his that made him vow to give them to you as often as you asked.
Gods above, there was nothing so wonderful in that moment as your kiss. It wasn’t hot and heavy, as his past experiences had been; those one-night stands nothing more than moments of stolen pleasure speaking only to present need.
This was the opposite, chaste in all but promise, speaking without words of your passionate intentions.
You pulled away, and he should have let you go. Rex had always prided himself on being respectful, doing the right thing. And yet, the only thing that felt right was to chase your lips with his, looping his arm around your waist to pull you in closer.
Reason eventually won out, as it always did for him. Keeping his hold on you, Rex pulled back and rested his forehead against yours. “Sorry.” His breathing was heavier than expected, and he questioned if his conditioning was really lacking, or if your kisses would always steal his breath. “Got a little carried away.”
You shook your head against his, and only then did he realize you had tangled your hands in his jacket, fisting in the fabric tightly. He couldn’t pull away without applying some force, and that knowledge buzzed pleasantly through him.
“No you didn’t. Not that I didn’t want, anyway.”
A worry line appeared on your forehead as you turned to glance at your front door over your shoulder. Your lips pursed, and while he wouldn’t claim to know you well, he could hazard a guess to your conundrum.
Gently, Rex lifted a hand to turn your face back to him before pressing a soft kiss to your forehead. He wasn’t sure, but he could swear he heard you sigh.
“Goodnight, mesh’la,” he offered, and to his relief, he saw you relax. You stepped back, out of his arms, and he was surprised by how much he didn’t like that. “I’ll comm you tomorrow?”
Tomorrow couldn’t come soon enough if that’s how you would smile for him every time. “Yeah, I’d like that. Goodnight, Rex.”
Captain Rex of the 501st Legion led men into numerous battles. He had fought by the side of one of the galaxy’s greatest Jedi and received commendation from the Republic’s top leadership.
But no victory had ever felt as good as walking away from your apartment that night, one successful date under his belt and hopefully many more with you on the horizon.
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mythicalmyles · 2 years
— req,
hi myth! it's been a while since i last sent a request in.
may i have some naive!camboy reader x obsessive perv who finds out where he lives <3
small belly bulge & a lil bit of corruption + marking kink!! pretty pleaaseeeee ❤
you can change the character to whoever you want HOWEVER i did actually have Cody in mind when i wrote this.
– [💤 anon ]
(Name) let out a low moan as he sunk back onto his dildo, back arching and pushing his chest closer to the camera. Once (Name) had started he found it hard to stop, the comments strangers made on him was what drove him.
'Beg like a good boy.'
"Please, ah-I wanna cum." He moaned out as he rode the toy harder, drool dripping down his lips. (Name) came with a squeal, body locking as his orgasm washed through him. He sat for a moment catching his breath as comments flooding in, most were the usual. Except one.
'You'd look pretty tied up in my cabin.'
(Name) flushed at the comment, the idea of someone kidnapping him and keeping him all to themselves turned him on. "Come get me then, daddy." (Name) bit his lip, sending the viewers a cheeky smile before ending the stream.
After a few days of borderline the creepiest comments he's ever heard he had decided to take a while off of streaming. He'd made enough cash to be comfortable for a while. He couldn't deny the twinge in his stomach every time the commenter appeared, the things they said were downright filth.
(Name) was currently sat at his kitchen table, moon light flooding his back as he tapped his nails. His mind was far away as he gazed at the moon out of the window, not noticing the figure approaching behind him.
He barley had a moment to react before he was shoved over the table, a hand rooted in his hair as the other pinned him to the table. “What the fu-“ (Name choked out before he felt someone roughly grind against his ass. “You should’ve checked your windows.” A voice chuckled sending shivers down his spine.
“N-no please.” (Name) begged, fearing for his life. The mysterious figure hushed him, hand coming from his hair to his ass. (Name) whimpered as his ass was squeazed roughly, his assaulter shaking the fat in awe. “It’s like you were made to be bred, fuck you’ve got an ass better then any bitch ive seen.” The voice growled in his ear causing him to whimper and shake his head. “I-im a boy! Yo-you can’t bre-breed me.” He cried out, causing Cody to chuckle. “Want a bet?” Cody smirked as he quickly tore down (Names) boxers, revealing his ass to him.
(Name) gripped Cody’s wrists trying to pry them away as the larger played with his ass. (Name) sobbed and tried to get away, resulting in a show for Cody to feast on. Cody bit his lip before leaning down, quickly pushing his tongue as deep as if would go. (Name) squealed as Cody ate him out, tongue lapping all over him as he slurped on (Names) hole. “G-god please!” (Name) cried out as his back arched, allowing Cody to explore deeper. Cody kept playing with (Name) until he had him sobbing and rolling his hips back, desperate for more.
“Knew you’d like that, it was so cute how embarrassed you’d get whenever i spoke about eating your ass.” Cody smirked, lips attaching to the back of (Names) neck. “A-ah, no, stop.” (Name) choked out as Toby ground his cock against (Names) hole. “Why are you arching into it then? Want to be stuffed that bad, huh?” (Name) ignored the way his cock twitched and his belly contracted, his head tried to shake itself clear. This was wrong. This was a stranger.
But the thought’s left his head as he felt something drip onto his hole and slide down his cheeks. Whimpers flew from him as he jumped. “No wha-what are you doing?” He rambled out as a soft moan left him, some of the liquid dripping down his balls. “You want me to go in dry?” Cody questioned, smirking when (Name) panicked and shouted ‘No!’ “Then you need this. But.” He drawled off. “This is all the prep you get baby, i want you to remember who you belong to.” Cody growled out before forcing his cock past (Names) tight rim, resulting in the latter crying out as he had a cock slide deep into him.
A choked out groan left (Name) as Cody bottomed out, stilling for a moment to roll his hips. “Please.” (Name) begged as Cody ground against his prostate, his own hips rolling back. “Aw, you gonna finally be a good boy?” Cody teased, sliding his cock fully out only to slam back in deep. “N-no, just. G-god don-dont stop!” He cried out as Cody slammed deep into him, cock hitting his prostate with every thrust.
(Name) couldn’t help but submit as he was overwhelmed with pleasure, his mind vibrating. He hadn’t taken a real cock before, it sent his mind whizzing as pleasure buzzed through his head. He couldn’t help but moan as Cody slammed into him, burying his cock deep. “Such a good puppy for me, such a pretty puppy.” Cody rambled out at his thrusts became erratic.
Cosy let out a growl, speeding up his thrusts as his nails dug deep into (Names) hips. Loud moans poured from (Name), his stomach swirling as he came all over his kitchen island. “Mine. Mine.” Cody muttered as he bit down on (Names) shoulder, cum flooding into his ass. Cody slowed his thrusts as he milked himself dry, keeping a tight grip on (Name).
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