#NDRV3 Kaede
shslprince · 2 years
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time for autumn
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Hello~ i hope you're doing well. I was hoping to get Kaede, Miu, and Kirumi introducing their boyfriend their classmates and the classes reaction to them having a Boyfriend
Okay I totally forgot time exists haha so I'm still going through the old priority event requests damn
Kaede, Miu and Kirumi introducing their boyfriend
Reader here is male
She was acting differently and everyone could see it. It was almost like nothing could ruin her day.
So nobody was surprised when she said that she got a date. What they didn't really expect is her insisting that you meet everyone.
She is just so in love she needed to show you off to everyone. It was sweet to see her being so hyped. Not to mention adorable...
It wasn't rare for her to talk about her friends so you knew that you could expect. It was almost like you met most of them from her stories alone.
And the rest could say almost the same about you, because after spilling the beans that she's dating someone it's near impossible for her not to mention you.
So at this point, meeting face to face is just a formality... but to be honest, you thought that she was exaggerating with her stories on how her classmates behave.
Turns out it was a 100% nothing but the truth. Everyone was just as odd as the stories made them out to be, but it wasn't by any means bad.
Her closer friends were very quick to immediately welcome you to their group. It was a really sweet and wholesome meeting.
Well, maybe besides Maki threatening you... you weren't sure if she was or wasn't joking about that given that Kaede laughed at that.
It was an argument with Kokichi that made her brag about you. And she was accused of making your existence up right away.
So of course the next day she wanted to introduce you to show it to everyone. Her reasoning was a little bit amusing, but you weren't against meeting her classmates.
You weren't exactly against the idea, but she didn't need to prove herself to anyone. Especially since if someone doubts your existence they might not want to believe her no matter what she says.
And of course the moment she told everyone that you're her boyfriend, you were accused of being a paid actor by Kokichi. But nobody else but Miu really cared about that comment.
The ones who talked to you were rather friendly (besides Kokichi with his mean jokes about your girlfriend). They weren't much surprised by her having a boyfriend in general.
As you got to know the other ultimates better you noticed that Miu certainly fits her peers... even among them though she was the loudest one for sure.
But hey, that's just your most special girl among special people. Naturally she'd be even more extraordinary even in a group of "similar" people.
The moment her duties as a maid were fulfilled, her class couldn't catch her at all. She immediately was gone from anyone's sight so naturally everyone was curious to know what could that be about.
She was always so mysterious. But whatever she did in her private time was her business and her class respected that.
One day when you were on a date, you were spotted together by her classmate. It was Tenko who was quick to assume that you were harassing her...
And of course she didn't just let her talk like that about you and she explained everything to her. It gave her the idea to introduce you to the rest, if you wanted to.
You decided to agree. And you didn't expect everyone to be so surprised to see Kirumi with a boyfriend.
As dedicated as she was to her work, she was just as dedicated to you during her free time. So you shut down any comments about her caring more about work than about you.
In the end things went smoothly, it was interesting getting to know the people she had helped during her time in school... And she deserves an award for putting up with some of the behavior.
~Mod Angie
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theultimatepianist · 2 months
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Happy birthday to the most perfect girl and my fav character ever my loml kaedee akamatsuu 🩷✨she has been stuck in my brain every single day for 5 years now! ✨
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lolroren · 1 year
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We were robbed of this duo that’s all I gotta say
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ultimate-sprite-maker · 5 months
Can I ask for Kaede Akamatsu and Setsuka Chiebukuro pallet swap?
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Kaede Akamatsu, trying to go over the case of a murder victim but very confused: Miu, why are you wearing in side?
Miu Iruma, wearing sunglasses to cover up her black eye that she got last night since she and her friends went for a joyride and events led to her head slamming into the steering wheel: uhhhh
Kiibo very desperately trying to hide this fact from the others because he's supposed to be the responsible one: Keade, if I may. Kokichi spoke to us all about a week ago about wearing sunglasses to all murder briefings moving forward to show respect for the dead. I simply forgot. And Miu refused because he has no value for human life.
Kokichi, very much enjoying watching his friends squirm but playing along because it's definitely his fault Miu's head slammed into the steering wheel: It's true, I don't.
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justrandomgrill · 2 years
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Dni people who don’t like pink 🙄
Commission status is in my pinned post!
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g0nta-g0kuhara · 2 years
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Realized recently I've only drawn Kaede like twice so I decided to fix that
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More Kazuko! Same base character, same credits to catboy-kiyotaka-edits, gentle-gelatin, and others for expressions, and same ability to be removed if the owners of the expressions would like me to! Once again, DO NOT USE FOR ANY PURPOSE!
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mti-mirai · 2 years
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Wearing turtleneck
Because yes
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faruun · 2 years
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Summertime, y'all! My wrists would like to file a formal complaint against my brain but it's fine! Theoretically a Family AU. Love them a lot, they run around in my head rent free Even Chiaki Jr is back! What a wonderful dog
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alterego14 · 2 years
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First attempt at side profiles and tbh it came out decent. I might of messed up on kaede’s shirt though.
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Kaede,Ibuki, and Miu with a male S/O that's on the shy but loves when they give him affection
These girls have so much love stored in them...
Kaede, Ibuki and Miu with shy S/O who loves affection
Reader here is male
She's often initiating affection without even realizing it. To her, it's almost a reflex. But to you? It's everything.
Her soft hands holding yours, the little greeting hugs... Everything is just perfect.
And affection was just something she did because that's what felt right to her. Because being with you and showing you her love is the most natural thing in the world.
If only she knew how happy she was making you feel. She knows that you like it, but she's not aware that this is more special to you.
But when you're the one to initiate affection she feels exactly the way you do, even though she doesn't know it.
You're usually shy to express your needs, so even just attempting to hold her hand is making her really happy.
You get A for being A-dorableee! Each time she gets to see your reaction she just dies out of your total adorableness!
That's why you get triple- no, quadruple the cuddles, kisses and anything alike! Just because she's NEVER done with displaying her love.
Your shyness is like a magnet to her. When she sees you she just has the urge to have any sort of physical contact with you.
She likes cupping your cheeks the most because then you make that super cute face and tons of kisses are sure to follow!
And if you ever manage to somewhat be the one to initiate affection (you'd literally have to make sure she doesn't see you first) then you're killing her. She's too overjoyed.
Even if it'd just be hand holding she'd just be vibrating out of happiness.
Seeing you be so affected by her is amusing to her... But you're affecting her just as much.
She won't try to show it but there is nothing she loves more than having your shy self overcome your shyness and hold her close.
It's just so special. You make her feel special although she won't say it. But you can tell, her reactions are very obvious.
Don't try to point it out though, unless you want her to be a total mess and deny every little thing and excuse her reactions.
Still, catching you off guard is just as if not more amazing. Of course you'd be flustered about such a gorgeous girl genius giving you attention!
It's boosting her ego so hard. And of course she always just drowns you with inappropriate comments and jokes as she's affectionate with you.
~Mod Angie
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theultimatepianist · 2 years
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Honestly ı don't believe in that one popular pregame kaede headcanon (ı have my little own headcanons)but ı still love how gorgeous kaede looks in this uniform ı had to draw her
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love2point0 · 3 months
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cynicism scale
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ultimate-sprite-maker · 11 months
I'm sorry for sending in another request while you haven't finished my first one, but... Kaede in an Eevee hoodie? Please? <3
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This doesn't look *totally* like an Eevee hoodie... I definitely should've used a side profile sprite... But it's like Chiaki's hoodie with the ears.
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