#Napoleon movies
napoleondidthat · 6 months
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I will reserve judgement on Phoenix since I haven’t seen him yet but this love affair people have with Clavier is strange. He wasn’t a good Napoleon at all.
It’s funny too that this miniseries is held in pretty high regard now. I am old enough to remember the Napoleon circles online watching this and ripping it apart about how terrible it was (and is). A friend who is a big Josephine admirer lost her mind over how bad Isabella Rossilini was. The TV edition was mocked because of how terrible the editing was. Egypt was boiled down to Napoleon riding on a camel, pointing to the pyramids and saying “Look! The pyramids!” with viewers likening it to Napoleon appearing like a tour guide. The extended dvds made the movie marginally better.
Maybe in 10 years from now everyone will love Scott’s movie too.
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maggiec70 · 1 year
Hello ! My friend wants to know if there are any films or novels about Lannes, or that feature him in any significant capacity. I don't really know of any, but I figured that if anyone did it would be you. 💕
Unfortunately, Jean-Boy gets credit for some very secondary parts in films about Napoleon, most of them rather silly and none of which he'd approve. He gets a small clip in Abel Gance's 1960 movie "Austerlitz," the original French version rather than the edited English-dubbed version, and shows up in the disastrous 2002 mini-series "Napoleon," for a brief appearance that was meant to be heart-rending but sent me off in gales of laughter. I shudder to think he may appear, however briefly, in Ridley Scott's upcoming hot mess, "Napoleon." As for novels, he isn't featured any more than in the movies. However, there are two written by French authors that are nearly impossible to come by but are actually very good. One is an impossibly romantic--and pretty inaccurate--tale of Jean-Boy's first marriage to the vivacious and rather empty-headed Polette; the other is what can best be described as a "historical biography." Both of these authors were born and raised in Lectoure, Jean's hometown, so they know stuff. And one of these days--if I don't die of old age first--I might actually finish and publish my little historical fiction trilogy. I've posted a few excerpts on my blog from time to time.
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ic-napology · 1 year
Habemus a release date guys!
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illustraction · 6 months
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We end this Napoleonic era movie tribute with another Russian epic directed by Sergei Bondarchuk (see Part 2) focusing on Napoleon's final battle and ultimate defeat against the combined armies of the Alliance (Russia, Prussia and England) in Belgium.
An all-star affair with a moody Rod Steiger as Napoleon, it is a marvelous spectacle to watch showing that once more Russian Cinema had nothing to envy to Hollywood in terms of scales.
Above are posters from Italy and Japan printed for the original releases of the movie (Click on each image for details).
Director: Sergei Bondarchuk Actors: Rod Steiger, Christopher Plummer, Orson Welles
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The posters above courtesy of ILLUSTRACTION GALLERY
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justabigoldnerd · 6 months
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You know who is who lmao
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stydixa · 2 months
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NAPOLEON DYNAMITE (2004) Dir. Jared Hess
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xplore-the-unknwn · 6 months
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"Am I not Merciful?" - Joaquin Phoenix as Commodus (Gladiator, 2000)
Pt. 1, Pt. 2
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mysharona1987 · 7 months
Ridley Scott and Martin Scorsese on every film press tour these days:
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Oh, they have reached that level old where they simply do not care what anyone thinks of them.
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cowtiekentos · 5 months
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NAPOLEON DYNAMITE (2004) dir. Jared Hess
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freshmoviequotes · 5 months
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Napoleon (2023)
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norrevu · 4 months
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some napoleon2023 pics
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mel2002xd · 3 months
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Barbie movie meme, Match icons 💖 Welcome to hell
✨Instagram, Twitter : @meg_chan1391
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90s-2000s-barbie · 4 months
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Napoleon Dynamite (2004)
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racefortheironthrone · 6 months
Any thoughts on the upcoming Napoleon movie?
I just came back from seeing it.
An English schoolboy's narrative of the life of Napoleon done by a particularly bad student.
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illustraction · 6 months
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As Ridley Scott's napoelon is now out, I thought it would be interesting to have a glance back at several others movies featuring Napoleon Bonaparte, the French Emperor and greatest military tactician of the last 3 centuries, having conquered more land than any other save Genghis Khan, Alexander the Great and the Islamic armies (622 to 73).
While the greatest movie about Napoleon Bonaparte still remains the 6 hour long epic Napoleon vu par Abel Gance filmed in 1922, there are so many movies featuring the French Emperor focusing on his persona, his battles, his family and his romances
We start this 10 Part Blog with an all-star French affair directed by the genial Sacha Guitry who focuses less on the grand scale epics battle sand more on the struggles of a young and an older Bonaparte finding his way to conquer France then Europe while struggling with his libido and doubts
Above are various rare posters from Japan (Click on each image for details).
Director: Sacha Guitry Actors: Jean-Pierre Aumont, Danielle Darrieux, Jean Gabin, Daniel Gelin, Jean Marais, Yves Montand, Michele Morgan, Raymond Pellegrin, Serge Reggiani, Orson Welles
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The posters above courtesy of ILLUSTRACTION GALLERY
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the-marquis · 6 months
Don't worry I have more.
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Edmond Van Daële as Maximilien de Robespierre.
Napoleon 1927.
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