#Nat Turner
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akonoadham · 8 months
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By Stephen Millies
For 75 years, the Palestinian people have been driven from their land by the Israeli apartheid state. Millions of Palestinians live in exile, often in refugee camps.
The corporate media is screaming “terrorism” because Palestinian freedom fighters are fighting back. That’s how southern slave masters and their newspapers demonized Nat Turner when he led a revolt of enslaved Africans. Palestinians are also breaking their chains.
The same capitalist mouthpieces are howling about the prisoners taken by the Palestinian liberation fighters. They have been silent about the 5,250 Palestinians held hostage by Israel, 1,350 of whom are being held without trial. One hundred seventy of these prisoners are children.
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3rdeyeblaque · 8 months
Today we venerate Ancestor & Hoodoo Saint Nat Turner on his 223rd birthday 🎉
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King Nat was a Seer, prophet, preacher, & Freedom Fighter who used his intuitive gifts to spearhead one of the greatest slave rebellions in U.S. History; one that would shift the trajectory of Black lives under Maafa for decades to come.
King Nat was born enslaved on the Benjamin Turner plantation in Southampton Co., VA. He was a highly intuitive and gifted child. He could easily recall events that took place in his life as early as 3 or 4 years old. He also foretold of events that occurred before his time. His grandmother was a deeply spiritual elder and nurtured his spiritual development. His mother and many of those enslaved on the Turner plantation knew that he would become a prophet & was surely destined for a higher purpose.
For his "uncommon intelligence ", Nat learned to read & write at a young age at which time he was also indoctrinated into Christianity. His interpretation of the Christian bible convinced him that the Christian God condemned Slavery. This inspired him to become a preacher.
By age 21, King Nat was a prolific Seer & was known as, "The Prophet". Nat received many visions & Divine messages over the course of his life. Much of which guided him to avenge slavery & free our peoples from bondage. He had a series of 3 visions that would set him on course to fulfilling his highest purpose, thus forever impressing his name upon in U.S. history.
The 1st vision came as he was following in his father's footsteps, fleeing the plantation. To everyone's astonishment he returned of his own volition after spending 30 days in the woods because, “the Spirit appeared to [him] and said [he] had [his] wishes directed to the things of this world, and not to the kingdom of heaven, and that [he] should return to the service of [his] earthly master.” One year later, the devil died.
On May 12, 1828, Nat he received a 2nd vision, as he witnessed a solar eclipse. He “heard a loud noise in the heavens, and the Spirit instantly appeared to me and said the serpent was loosened, and Christ had laid down the yoke he had borne for the sins of men, and that I should take it on and fight against the serpent, for the time was fast approaching when the first should be last and the last should be first.” This, he believed to be the sign he had been promised.
On, August 13th 1831, Spirit delivered a 3rd message; in the form of lights across the night sky. At which time, an atmospheric disturbance across the sky in the aftermath of an eruption at Mount St. Helen's (3,000 mi away) caused the Sun to appear bluish-green in color. Nat prayed to learn their meaning. For Nat, this reaffirmed the work that he'd been called to do; to move forward with his mission to avenge Slavery & free those he could. From then on his plans were set into motion.
At 2am on August 22nd, King Nat led his peers & allies into rebellion. They struck their slaver's household first; slaughtering the entire family. From there they went from house to house, killing every single devil in their path. By noon, they marched toward the neighboring town of Jerusalem where a White militia of 3,000 men lie in wait for them.
Most of the rebels were either captured or killed - except for Nat. He managed to escape & eluded Virginian authorities for 2mo. He hid in the woods just miles from his former slaver's plantation. He was discovered on October 30th by an armed farmer who stumbled across him hiding in a foxhole. Emaciated and weak, he surrendered willingly. After his arrest, Turner was taken back to Jerusalem where he stood trial & was convicted, then sentenced to death by hanging. Nat was killed on November 11th.
To our deepest disdain & no suprise, he was denied a formal burial. Instead, his body was taken to doctors for dissection, to be distributed among affluent White families. He was skinned to make their purses. His flesh was turned into grease. And his bones were divided up into trophies. These became heirloom souvenirs to be passereceive among these affluent White families for generations.
Although King Nat did not end slavery as he had hoped, he & his allies avenged those who wronged them, and they did, ultimately, achieve their freedom from this world. Nat became immortalized as a symbol; of warrior strength (for us) & a catalyst of White fear. King Nat single-handedly shook the institution of Slavert at its core. So much that it stretched the divide between Pro-Slavers & Abolitionists. Pro-slavery advocates began calling for greater restrictions on "Freefolk" & demanded that Abolitionists cease their interference with Slavery. In Virginia, politicians saw Nat's intelligence & education as a major threat, thus outlawing the practice of teaching enslaved Peoples how to read or write. Abolitionists' efforts to end Slavery only intensified. This set the stage in U.S politics for the Civil War.
"I had a vision - and I saw white spirits and black spirits engaged in battle, and the sun was darkened - the thunder rolled in the Heavens, and blood flowed in streams - and I heard a voice saying, 'Such is your luck, such are you called to see, and let it come rough or smooth, you must surely bear it." - Nat Turner; "Confessions of Nat Turner".
Let us remember that it was more than bravery, nerve, & standing ten toes down that drove King Nat's rebellion to success. It was, first and foremost, leading with Spirit & trusting in our intuitive/Ancestral gifts.
We pour libations & give him💐 today as we celebrate him for his gifts, Divine trust, bravery, and sacrifice. May we lift him up in prayer & offering in gratitude & lace toward his elevation.
Offering suggestions: prayers toward his healing/elevation, a Methodist bible, libations of water - especially on the battlegrounds of rebellion in Courtland, VA/Benjamin Turner plantation/, read & share his confessions
‼️Note: offering suggestions are just that & strictly for veneration purposes only. Never attempt to conjure up any spirit or entity without proper divination/Mediumship counsel.‼️
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alwaysbewoke · 2 months
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Around early 1828, Nat Turner was convinced that he "was ordained for some great purpose in the hands of the Almighty". A solar eclipse and an unusual atmospheric event and is what inspired Nat Turner to start his insurrection, which began on August 21, 1831. Nat Turner believed God was showing him a sign by putting a black man hand over the Sun. Its been known for thousands of years solar eclipse give off energy. On August 21, he began the rebellion with a few trusted fellow enslaved men. The rebels traveled from house to house, freeing enslaved people and killing their White owners. Turner's rebellion was suppressed within two days and he was captured October 30. On November 5, he was convicted and sentenced to death and was hanged November 11, 1831. The state executed 56 other Black men suspected of being involved in the uprising and another 200 Black people, most of whom had nothing to do with the uprising, were beaten, tortured, and murdered by angry White mobs. The Virginia General Assembly passed new laws making it unlawful to teach enslaved or free Black or Mulatto (mixed) people to read or write and restricting Black people from holding religious meetings without the presence of a licensed White minister.
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blackstar1887 · 9 months
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Nat Turner: A Rebel's Quest for Freedom and Inspiring Resistance
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shewhoworshipscarlin · 4 months
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Bible that belonged to Nat Turner, 1782.
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apenitentialprayer · 4 months
In regard to questions of conversion, it is well to keep in mind that resistance to slavery did not always entail rejecting the master’s religion. It could frequently mean, as is vividly manifested in the case of Nat Turner, interpreting the master’s religion in a manner he did not like.
- Ala Alryyes (A Muslim American Slave: The Life of Omar Ibn Said, page 25)
Using Christianity to colonize usually backfires eventually because colonized peoples end up discovering that the God they were forced to worship is really on their side. They discover that the God of the Bible is a God who frees enslaved people and condemns those who exploit them. The colonized discover that the Christian story is a story of a God saving people like them from the type of people that forced Christianity on them.
- Damon Garcia (The God Who Riots: Taking Back the Radical Jesus, page 63)
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sesiondemadrugada · 1 year
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Tetris (Jon S. Baird, 2023).
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botto-b-bobbs · 8 months
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Search up Gabriel's Rebellion, it would have been the largest enslaved rebellion in U.S. history and it would have had a very real chance of succeeding.
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theculturedmarxist · 7 months
Former progressive presidential candidate Bernie Sanders issued a second statement yesterday (12 October 2023) on the hecatomb in Israel and Gaza.  The gist of what he had to say was that, before October 7th, everything was going along more or less swimmingly in the struggle for justice:
For years, people of good will throughout the world, including some brave Israelis, have struggled against the blockade of Gaza, the daily humiliations of occupation in the West Bank, and the horrendous living conditions faced by so many Palestinians.
But then, along came “Hamas’s terrorist assault,” which constituted “a major setback for any hope of justice for the Palestinian people” and “will make it much more difficult to address that tragic reality.”
Here is a reality check. “For years,” no one was doing anything to end the blockade of Gaza.  Not Bernie.  Not me.  Not anyone.  The people of Gaza—70 percent of whom are refugees (from the 1948 war) and half of whom are children—had been left to languish and die in what Hebrew University sociologist Baruch Kimmerling called “the largest concentration camp ever to exist.”   The “people of good will throughout the world” were not “struggling against the blockade.”  The world had moved on.  On the eve of October 7, the Biden administration was cobbling together an agreement with Saudi Arabia that would have rendered null and void any prospect of “justice for the Palestinian people.”  
Israel is not “at war” with a foreign entity, let alone a foreign state.  Gaza is an integral part of Israel.  “There is one regime governing the entire area from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea,” Israel’s leading human rights organization, B’Tselem, observed some years back, “based on a single organizing principle” of “Jewish supremacy.”  What happened on October 7 was a slave revolt inside Israel.  
The largest slave revolt in U.S. history against “White supremacy” was led by Nat Turner.  Turner was a religious fanatic; he believed that the revolt was divinely inspired and sanctioned.  Here’s how Wikipedia describes what ensued: 
The rebels traveled from house to house, freeing enslaved people and killing many of the White people whom they encountered…. Historian Stephen B. Oates states that Turner called on his group to “kill all the white people”…. Turner thought that revolutionary violence would awaken the attitudes of Whites to the reality of the inherent brutality in slave-holding. Turner said he wanted to spread “terror and alarm” among Whites.
Scores of White innocents were deliberately killed.  Nonetheless, the Nat Turner Rebellion now occupies an honored place in American history.  
Turner’s rebellion provoked mass genocidal hysteria among Whites.  To gain one’s moral bearings at this fraught moment, it repays to peruse the statement issued by the great Abolitionist William Lloyd Garrison right after the revolt:
What we have so long predicted,—at the peril of being stigmatized as an alarmist and declaimer,—has commenced its fulfilment. The first step of the earthquake, which is ultimately to shake down the fabric of oppression, leaving not one stone upon another, has been made. The first drops of blood, which are but the prelude to a deluge from the gathering clouds, have fallen. The first flash of lightning, which is to smite and consume, has been felt. The first wailings of bereavement, which is to clothe the earth in sackcloth, have broken up our ears. 
The crime of oppression is national. The south is only the agent in this guilty traffic. But, remember! The same causes are at work which must inevitably produce the same effects; and when the contest shall have again begun, it must be again a war of extermination. In the present instance, no quarters have been asked or given. 
But we have killed and routed them now—we can do it again and again—we are invincible! A dastardly triumph, well becoming a nation of oppressors. Detestable complacency, that can think, without emotion, of the extermination of the blacks! We have the power to kill all—let us, therefore, continue to apply the whip and forge new fetters! 
In his fury against the revolters, who will remember their wrongs? What will it avail them, though the catalogue of their sufferings, dripping with warm blood fresh from their lacerated bodies, be held up to extenuate their conduct? It is enough that the victims were black—that circumstance makes them less precious than the dogs which have been slain in our streets! They were black—brutes, pretending to be men—legions of curses upon their memories! They were black—God made them to serve us! 
Ye patriotic hypocrites! ye panegyrists of Frenchmen, Greeks, and Poles! ye fustian declaimers for liberty! ye valiant sticklers for equal rights among yourselves! ye haters of aristocracy! ye assailants of monarchies! ye republican nullifiers! ye treasonable disunionists! Be dumb! Cast no reproach upon the conduct of the slaves, but let your lips and cheeks wear the blisters of condemnation! 
Ye accuse the pacific friends of emancipation of instigating the slaves to revolt. Take back the charge as a foul slander. The slaves need no incentives at our hands. They will find them in their stripes—in their emaciated bodies—in their ceaseless toil—in their ignorant minds—in every field, in every valley, on every hill-top and mountain, wherever you and your fathers have fought for liberty—in your speeches, your conversations, your celebrations, your pamphlets, your newspapers—voices in the air, sounds from across the ocean, invitations to resistance above, below, around them! What more do they need? Surrounded by such influences, and smarting under their newly made wounds, is it wonderful that they should rise to contend—as other heroes have contended—for their lost rights? It is not wonderful. 
In all that we have written, is there aught to justify the excesses of the slaves? No. Nevertheless, they deserve no more censure than the Greeks in destroying the Turks, or the Poles in exterminating the Russians, or our fathers in slaughtering the British. Dreadful, indeed, is the standard erected by worldly patriotism! 
For ourselves, we are horror-struck at the late tidings. We have exerted our utmost efforts to avert the calamity. We have warned our countrymen of the danger of persisting in their unrighteous conduct. We have preached to the slaves the pacific precepts of Jesus Christ. We have appealed to christians, philanthropists, and patriots, for their assistance to accomplish the great work of national redemption through the agency of moral power—of public opinion—of individual duty. How have we been received? We have been threatened, proscribed, vilified, and imprisoned—a laughing-stock and a reproach. Do we falter, in view of these things? Let time answer. If we have been hitherto urgent, and bold, and denunciatory in our efforts,—hereafter we shall grow vehement and active with the increase of danger. We shall cry, in trumpet tones, night and day,—Wo to this guilty land, unless she speedily repent of her evil doings! The blood of millions of her sons cries aloud for redress! IMMEDIATE EMANCIPATION alone can save her from the vengeance of Heaven, and cancel the debt of ages! 
It is to be noted that, whereas he stated that the “excesses of the slaves” could not be justified and he was “horror-struck at the late tidings,” William Lloyd Garrison did not condemn the slave revolt.
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akonoadham · 1 year
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pasparal · 6 months
Israel vs. Palestine with Norman Finkelstein
November 17, 2023
Candace Owens speaks with political scientist and activist Norman Finkelstein whose primary fields of research are the Israeli–Palestinian conflict and the politics of the Holocaust. His parents are Holocaust survivors and in 2020, he was named the fifth most influential political scientist in the world.
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3rdeyeblaque · 9 months
Today marks the 192nd anniversary of the Southampton Insurrection of 1831. On THIS day we remember & honor those who fought in King Nat's rebellion, the deadliest in U.S. history. ✊🏾
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At age 21, Nat Turner was a Seer, considered a prophet, & a runaway slave in Southampton Co., Virginia. He had a series of 3 visions that would set him on course to fulfilling his higher calling & forever impressing his name upon history as the spearhead of rebellion.
In his 1st vision, Spirit instructed him to return to his "master's" plantation. One year later, the devil died. Three years later In 1831, Spirit delivered his 2nd vision; lights in the sky. Nat prayed to learn their meaning. On May 12th, he received his 3rd and final vision - a solar eclipse. This, he believed to be the sign he had been promised. War had come. He confided this in his four most trusted allies - Brother Henry, Brother Hark, Brother Nelson, & Brother Sam.
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On, August 13th, there was an atmospheric disturbance in the sky which caused the Sun to appear bluish-green in color. This affirmed the work that needed to be done. Thus, on August 21st, King Nat and six of his allies met in the woods to discuss their final plans over dinner.
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At 2am on August 22nd, they struck - on foot and on horseback. They struck the Travis household first; killing the entire family as they lay asleep. They continued their crusade from house to house, killing every single devil in their path. King Nat's force grew to 40 warriors, most on horseback.
Come noon, they marched toward the neighboring town of Jerusalem. By then word of the rebellion had spread among to the Whites who confronted them as a militia, which drove King Nat's forces to scatter into division and confusion. At nightfall they hid near slave cabins. They attempted to strike yet another house, but were met with force. Several of Turner's allies were captured. The remainder would face-off against State and Federal troops in a final skirmish the next day. One rebel was killed, the rest - along with Nat - successfully escaped. Between August 22nd - 23rd, King Nat and his allies stabbed, shot, and beat the hell out of 55 white slavers, making it the deadliest slave rebellion in U.S. History.
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Ultimately, the State of Virginia executed 55 rebels, banished many freefolk, and acquitted very few. The State reimbursed the slavers for their losses. Yet the most major impact of the rebellion was the hysterical climate that followed. Nearly 200 "Black" folk, both free and enslaved, were murdered by white mobs. Enslaved folk as far south as North Carolina were accused of having a connection with the insurrection, and were subsequently tried and executed. The State legislature of Virginia considered abolishing slavery, but in a very close vote decided to retain it and to support a repressive policy against the free & enslaved.
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Let us remember that it was more than bravery, nerve, & standing ten toes down that drove King Nat's rebellion to success. It was, first and foremost, leading with Spirit & trusting in our intuitive/Ancestral gifts. It was UNITY, ORGANIZATION, & LOYALTY amongst ourselves. We put the FEAR of their god in them. We did not turn the other cheek and we damn sure did harm. We freed ourselves from their shackles; in body, in mind, and spirit. It was because of King Nat's visions that freedom & force was made manifest.
"... While laboring in the field, I discovered drops of blood on the corn, as though it were dew from heaven, and I communicated it to many, both white and black, in the neighborhood; and then I found on the leaves in the woods hieroglyphic characters and numbers, with the forms of men in different attitudes, portrayed in blood, and representing the figures I had seen before in the heavens." - King Nat; excerpt from, "Confessions of Nat Turner".
We pour libations of water, blow tobacco smoke, speak their names, & offer prayers toward the elevation of King Nat, all who fought alongside him, & all those who perished in the sea of White Fear in the aftermath.
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reasoningdaily · 8 months
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#OnThisDay in 1831, Nat Turner led a rebellion of enslaved people in Southampton County, Virginia.
This early example of colonial rebellion and resistance represented a deep yearning enslaved Black Americans had to be free. #NMAAHCFutures
Published by Unidentified Owned by Turner, Nat, American, 1800 - 1831 Date 1830s Medium ink on paper (fiber product) Dimensions H x W x D: 4 15/16 x 3 1/2 x 1 1/2 in. (12.5 x 8.9 x 3.8 cm) Description A small Bible, missing its front and back cover. It has lost pages at the beginning and end of the text, losing the entirety of Genesis and parts of Leviticus and Revelation.
The first page contains Leviticus 4:32 through Leviticus 6:2. Place used Southampton County, Virginia, United States, North and Central America Classification Slavery and Freedom ObjectsDocuments and Published Materials-Published WorksReligious and Sacred Objects Type Bibles Topic Christianity FaithPreachingReligionResistanceSlaveryU.S. History, 1815-1861 Credit Line Collection of the Smithsonian National Museum of African American History and Culture, Gift of Maurice A. Person and Noah and Brooke Porter Object number 2011.28
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Originally called Armistice Day, it marks the end of World War I “at the 11th hour on the 11th day of the 11th month” of 1918. Twenty million people were killed during this imperialist war, half of whom were civilians. It was waged between colonial powers that had enslaved hundreds of millions in Africa, Asia and the Americas. So why should poor and working people commemorate Nov. 11? Because on Nov. 11, 1831, the liberator Nat Turner was executed.
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