seuncreative · 5 months
Fascinating Nature: Oxpeckers Cleaning Gazelle's Head! 🐦🦌😜#shorts #anima...
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twnenglish · 1 month
Unveiling the Most Amazing Wildlife Hotels worldwide
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Unveiling the Most Amazing Wildlife Hotels worldwide
You will be surrounded by incredible scenery and an abundance of animals at these rainforest lodges.
1. Gaia Amazon EcoLodge
Location: Via Ahuano - Campana Cocha Dorado, km 4, Ahuano, 150108, Ecuador 
The main feature of Gaia Amazon EcoLodge
The Gaia Amazon Eco Lodge, nestled in the enchanting Ecuadorian Amazon Rainforest, offers an immersive experience for nature enthusiasts. Here are the key details about Gaia Amazon Ecolodge:
Accommodations: The lodge provides comfortable rooms with various configurations:
Family Room with Balcony: Features 2 bunk beds and 1 queen bed, accommodating up to 4 guests.
Quadruple Room with Balcony: Offers 4 bunk beds, ideal for group stays.
Double Room with Balcony: Perfect for couples, with a queen bed.
Gaia Amazon EcoLodge Amenities:
Beachfront: Enjoy stunning river views and access to a private beach area.
Free WiFi: Stay connected during your rainforest adventure.
Hiking: Explore the lush surroundings on nearby trails.
Airport Shuttle: Arrange transportation from Quito Mariscal Sucre International Airport (approximately 133 miles away) for a fee.
Sustainability Efforts: Gaia Amazon Eco Lodge is committed to sustainability, making investments to minimize environmental impact.
To Read This Full ARTICLE, Click Here
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usnewsper-politics · 3 months
Alarming Decline: Flying Insects Vanish, Threatening Nature's Balance #Biodiversity #coauthors #consequences #conservationefforts #conservationists #decline #decomposition #decrease #diversity #ecosystem #ecosystemhealth #entomologists #environmentalissue #flyinginsects #foodsources #future #Germany #globalpopulation #habitatdestruction #habitats #insectabundance #insectpopulations #intensiveagriculturepractices #leadauthor #naturalhabitats #pesticideuse #policymakers #pollination #research. #species #sustainedmonitoring
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sunupstarcom · 1 year
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coffeenuts · 6 months
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selidor · 6 months
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suhailmyself · 10 months
International Tiger Day 🐯
2023International Tiger Day is an annual celebration held on July 29 to raise awareness for tiger conservation. It was created in 2010 at the Saint Petersburg Tiger Summit in Russia. The goal of the day is to promote a global system for protecting the natural habitats of tigers and to raise public awareness and support for tiger conservation issues.
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caanadavisa · 29 days
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🌍 Ready for the adventure of a lifetime? Canada's diverse fauna await you on the most incredible safaris in the world! 🐾
Embark on a journey to Churchill, Manitoba, the Polar Bear Capital of the World! Witness these majestic creatures in their natural habitat as they roam the tundra in search of seals. Plan your trip for October and November to catch the polar bear season at its peak! ❄️
Don't miss out on this unforgettable experience! Get your Canada E-Visa hassle-free with our assistance. ✈️
Visit https://www.canada-visas.org/explore-the-most-incredible-canadian-safaris for more details.
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ithisatanytime · 3 months
this is even pushin it a little im on the edge of my seat
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travelwithcrush35 · 10 months
Yellowstone National Park - America's First Wonderland!
Welcome to the iconic Yellowstone National Park, a realm of geysers, hot springs, and diverse wildlife. 🌳 Witness the majestic Old Faithful geyser erupt, explore the vibrant Grand Prismatic Spring, and behold the breathtaking Yellowstone Falls.
🌈 The park's unique geothermal features create a surreal landscape unlike any other on Earth. 🌎 Keep your eyes peeled for bison, bears, and wolves roaming freely in their natural habitat. 🦌 Yellowstone promises an unforgettable journey into the heart of nature!
Post Link: Yellowstone National Park
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fastdiet · 1 year
🌺 Orchid mantises are one of the most beautiful and fascinating insects in the world. These creatures are known for their stunning appearance, which allows them to blend in perfectly with their surroundings. However, one question that often arises is, what do they eat? 🍴 The diet of an orchid mantis is quite unique and specific. As a carnivore, they primarily feed on other insects, such as butterflies, bees, and moths. They are also known to eat other small creatures, such as spiders and even hummingbirds! 🔍 Understanding the orchid mantis diet is crucial for their survival. These insects rely heavily on their prey for sustenance and energy. Without a proper diet, they would not be able to survive in the wild. So, let's take a closer look at what these beautiful creatures eat and how they obtain their food.1. The Orchid Mantis: A Carnivorous Insect with Unique Feeding HabitsThe Orchid Mantis is a fascinating insect that looks like a flower. It is native to Southeast Asia and is known for its unique feeding habits. Unlike other mantises, it feeds exclusively on other insects. The Orchid Mantis is an ambush predator that uses its appearance to lure prey. It is also known for its impressive camouflage abilities. The Orchid Mantis can change color to match its surroundings. It can mimic the appearance of various flowers to attract prey. Its appearance also helps it avoid predators. The Orchid Mantis is a popular pet among insect enthusiasts. It requires a warm and humid environment to thrive. It is important to provide it with live prey, such as fruit flies or crickets. It is not recommended to keep wild-caught specimens as pets. Overall, the Orchid Mantis is a unique and fascinating insect that showcases the diversity of the natural world. 🌺🐜2. Understanding the Orchid Mantis Diet: What Do They Eat in the Wild?Orchid mantises are carnivorous insects that prey on other insects. They are known to be ambush predators, waiting patiently for their prey to come close before striking. Their diet mainly consists of bees, butterflies, and other flying insects. They also consume grasshoppers, crickets, and even other mantises. Orchid mantises have been observed to mimic the appearance of flowers to attract their prey. They use their coloration and body shape to blend in with their surroundings, making it easier to catch their prey. In captivity, orchid mantises can be fed with live insects such as fruit flies, crickets, and mealworms. It is important to provide them with a varied diet to ensure they receive all the necessary nutrients. It is crucial to avoid feeding them with insects that have been exposed to pesticides or other chemicals. This can be harmful to the mantises and may lead to health problems. Overall, understanding the orchid mantis diet is important for their survival in the wild and in captivity. Providing them with a proper diet can help maintain their health and longevity. 🦗🦋🌺3. Prey Selection and Hunting Techniques of the Orchid MantisOrchid mantises are ambush predators that rely on their camouflage to catch prey. They are known to mimic flowers to attract pollinators and other insects. Once a potential prey is within reach, the mantis will strike with lightning-fast speed, using its raptorial legs to grab and hold onto the victim. Orchid mantises are known to prey on a variety of insects, including bees, butterflies, and moths. They are also known to eat other mantises, making them cannibalistic predators. To further enhance their hunting abilities, orchid mantises have been observed swaying back and forth to mimic the movement of flowers in the wind, luring unsuspecting prey closer. Their hunting techniques are not only effective but also fascinating to observe. Orchid mantises are truly remarkable creatures 🌸🦗🦋.4. The Role of Coloration in Orchid Mantis Feeding BehaviorOrchid mantises use their coloration to attract prey. Their bright pink and white appearance mimics flowers. They wait for insects to land on them before striking. Their coloration also helps them blend in with their surroundings. 🦗🌸🌿 Orchid mantises prefer to feed on flying insects. Their coloration helps them blend in with flowers and foliage. This allows them to ambush their prey more effectively. 🦟🌸🌿 Studies show that the coloration of orchid mantises varies by region. This suggests that their coloration may be influenced by their environment. 🌍🌸🌿 Orchid mantises have been observed changing color over time. This may be a way for them to adapt to different environments. 🌈🌸🌿 Overall, is critical. Their bright pink and white appearance helps them attract and ambush prey.5. Feeding Frequency and Nutritional Requirements of Orchid MantisesOrchid mantises require a specific feeding frequency and nutritional requirements to thrive. Feed adult mantises every 2-3 days Feed nymphs every day or every other day Offer prey that is 1/3 the size of the mantis Prey should be gut-loaded with nutritious food, such as crickets fed with high-quality gut-loading diets. Offer a variety of prey, including flies, moths, and grasshoppers Supplement with calcium and vitamins Provide fresh water daily Overfeeding can lead to obesity and health problems, while underfeeding can stunt growth and reduce lifespan. Proper feeding and nutrition are essential for a healthy and thriving orchid mantis population. 🌺🦗6. Challenges and Adaptations in Orchid Mantis Feeding StrategiesOrchid mantises face challenges in their feeding strategies due to their unique appearance and behavior. Adaptations include mimicking orchids to attract prey and using their long legs to catch flying insects. However, they also face challenges such as low prey availability and competition from other predators. These challenges have led to the development of various feeding adaptations, including: Using their camouflage to blend in with their surroundings and ambush prey. Changing their hunting behavior depending on prey availability and season. Orchid mantises also have specialized mouthparts for feeding on insects. They have sharp mandibles for cutting and chewing prey, and a long proboscis for drinking fluids. They can also regurgitate digestive enzymes to break down their prey's exoskeleton. Despite their unique feeding strategies, orchid mantises still face challenges in finding enough food to survive. Climate change and habitat destruction also threaten their prey populations. Conservation efforts are needed to ensure their survival in the wild. Overall, orchid mantises have adapted to overcome challenges in their feeding strategies, but they still face threats to their survival in the wild. 🦗🌸🐜7. Orchid Mantis Diet in Captivity: Tips for Keeping Your Pet Well-FedFeeding your orchid mantis in captivity can be tricky, but it's essential to keep your pet healthy and happy. Here are some tips: Offer live prey, such as flies, crickets, and moths. Provide a varied diet to ensure your mantis gets all the necessary nutrients. Don't overfeed your mantis as it can lead to obesity and health issues. Remove any uneaten prey to prevent mold and bacteria growth. It's essential to provide a suitable habitat for your orchid mantis to thrive. Here are some additional tips: Keep the enclosure clean and free of debris. Provide a water source, such as a misting system or a water dish. Ensure the temperature and humidity levels are appropriate for your mantis species. Offer a place for your mantis to hide and molt. It's crucial to research your orchid mantis species' specific dietary needs and care requirements. Here are some additional tips: Consult with a veterinarian or experienced mantis keeper if you're unsure about your mantis's diet or care. Consider supplementing your mantis's diet with calcium and other essential vitamins and minerals. Observe your mantis's behavior and appetite regularly to ensure it's healthy and happy. Enjoy watching your beautiful and fascinating orchid mantis thrive in captivity! 🦗🦟🌿🍎🌡️💧🕷️ In conclusion, the orchid mantis is a fascinating insect with a unique diet. They primarily feed on other insects, such as butterflies, bees, and moths. Their camouflage and ambush tactics make them successful predators in their natural habitat. 🦗🦋🐝 It's important to note that orchid mantises are not suitable as pets, as they require a specific diet and environment to thrive. It's best to admire these beautiful creatures from a safe distance in their natural habitat. 🌿🌺🍃 https://fastdiet.net/orchid-mantis-diet-what-do-they-eat/?_unique_id=64748edd73fce
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indiaartndesign · 1 year
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A Residence that takes from and gives back to its Surroundings!
Studio Between Lines Architects carves out a compact, private ecosystem, where the unbuilt gives meaning to the built, and the built, in turn, allows the unbuilt to flourish. https://bit.ly/BL-IAnD
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nevzatboyraz44 · 11 months
Why should we help preserve our wildlife?
“I read about this wonderful woman and decided it was important to tell her story”
Cathy Halaszi Kawell USA #collaborative post.
⭐️ Part of the Richard DiPilla #linkedin Storytelling series
🗣️ Your #comments help others understand that we need to take special care of our planet and all its life.
“Imagine how many foxes are alive today because of this woman feeding them for over a quarter of a century.”
⭐️Kawell USA cares for the #welfare of your animal. We developed a new line of products based on natural extracts for animal skin and oral care for your #horse, #dog, #cat or other furry friends #conservation #veterinarians
There are many reasons why we need to preserve the #wildlife on our planet. Here are some of the most important ones:
🔶Wildlife provides us with essential #ecosystem services. These services include #pollination, #pestcontrol, #waterpurification, and #climate regulation. Without wildlife, these services would be lost, which would have a devastating impact on our planet and our own survival.
▶️ Wildlife is a source of #food, #medicine, and materials for humans. Many people around the world rely on wildlife for their livelihoods. For example, bushmeat is a major source of #protein for millions of people in #Africa.
▶️ Wildlife is a source of #beauty and #inspiration. The natural world is full of amazing creatures that can bring us joy and wonder. Watching animals in their #naturalhabitat can be a truly magical experience.
▶️ Wildlife is a part of our shared heritage. The #diversity of life on Earth is a precious gift that we should all cherish. It is important to protect this diversity for future generations.
🔶 The current #extinction rate is estimated to be 1,000 times higher than the natural rate. This means that we are losing species at an alarming rate. If we do not take action to conserve wildlife, many species will be lost forever.
▶️ There are many things that we can do to help #conservewildlife. We can support organizations that are working to protect wildlife and their habitats. We can also make changes in our own lives to reduce our impact on the #environment. For example, we can eat less meat, #recycle, and conserve water. #sustainability
🌎By taking action to conserve wildlife, we can ensure that future generations will be able to enjoy the beauty and wonder of the natural world. We can also help to protect our own planet and our own future.
🗣️ All animals whether #domestic #pets or in the wild need our cooperation in assuring our future.
Yaban hayatımızı korumaya neden yardım etmeliyiz?
"Bu harika kadın hakkında bir şeyler okudum ve onun hikayesini anlatmanın önemli olduğuna karar verdim" Cathy Halaszi Kawell USA #ortak gönderi.
⭐️ Richard DiPilla #linkedin Hikaye Anlatma serisinin bir parçası .
🗣️ Yorumlarınız, başkalarının gezegenimize ve tüm yaşamına özel bir özen göstermemiz gerektiğini anlamasına yardımcı oluyor.
"Çeyrek asrı aşkın süredir onları besleyen bu kadın sayesinde bugün kaç tilkinin hayatta olduğunu bir düşünün."
⭐️Kawell USA, hayvanınızın #refahını önemser. #at, #köpek, #kedi veya diğer tüylü dostlarınız #koruma #veterinerler için hayvan derisi ve ağız bakımı için doğal özlere dayalı yeni bir ürün serisi geliştirdik.
İşte en önemlilerinden bazıları:
🔶Vahşi yaşam bize temel #ekosistem hizmetlerini sağlıyor.
Bu hizmetler arasında #tozlaşma, #haşere kontrolü, #su arıtma ve #iklim düzenleme yer alıyor.
Yaban hayatı olmadan, bu hizmetler kaybolacak ve bu da gezegenimiz ve kendi hayatta kalmamız üzerinde yıkıcı bir etkiye sahip olacaktır.
▶️ Yaban hayatı, insanlar için #yiyecek, #ilaç ve malzeme kaynağıdır.
Dünyanın dört bir yanındaki birçok insan geçim kaynakları için yaban hayatına güveniyor.
Örneğin, yaban eti, #Afrika'daki milyonlarca insan için önemli bir #protein kaynağıdır.
▶️ Yaban hayatı bir #güzellik ve #ilham kaynağıdır.
Doğal dünya, bize neşe ve merak uyandırabilen harika yaratıklarla doludur.
Hayvanları #doğal yaşam alanlarında izlemek gerçekten büyülü bir deneyim olabilir.
▶️ Yaban hayatı, ortak mirasımızın bir parçasıdır.
Dünyadaki yaşamın #çeşitliliği, hepimizin değer vermesi gereken değerli bir armağandır.
Gelecek nesiller için bu çeşitliliğin korunması önemlidir.
🔶Mevcut #yok olma oranının doğal oranın 1.000 katı olduğu tahmin ediliyor.
Bu, türleri endişe verici bir oranda kaybettiğimiz anlamına geliyor.
Yaban hayatı korumak için harekete geçmezsek, birçok tür sonsuza dek yok olacak.
▶️ #yaban hayatını korumaya yardımcı olmak için yapabileceğimiz birçok şey var.
Yaban hayatı ve yaşam alanlarını korumak için çalışan kuruluşları destekleyebiliriz.
#çevre üzerindeki etkimizi azaltmak için kendi hayatımızda da değişiklikler yapabiliriz.
Örneğin daha az et yiyebilir, #geri dönüşüm yapabilir ve su tasarrufu yapabiliriz. #sürdürülebilirlik
🌎Vahşi hayatı korumak için harekete geçerek, gelecek nesillerin doğal dünyanın güzelliğini ve harikasını yaşayabilmesini sağlayabiliriz.
Kendi gezegenimizi ve kendi geleceğimizi korumaya da yardımcı olabiliriz.
🗣️ İster #evcil #evcil hayvanlar ister vahşi doğada tüm hayvanlar, geleceğimizi güvence altına almak için işbirliğimize ihtiyaç duyar.
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coffeenuts · 1 year
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Little Bee-eater by cirdantravels (Fons Buts) https://flic.kr/p/2ooTqyr
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selidor · 5 months
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bladiwear · 26 days
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(vía "lioness with starry background" Photographic Print for Sale by BladiWear)
#redbubble  #Queen of the #Savannah: Discover the power and majesty of the #lioness in her #naturalhabitat
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