mattielawsonblogs · 1 year
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G I A N T S C A U S E W A Y 📍Giant's Causeway, Northern Ireland Over 40,000 columns exploding from the earth as a result of an ancient dormant volcano🌋. It is a UNESCO World Heritage Site as well as being named the 4th Greatest Natural Wonder in the UK. Access to the Giant's Causeway is entirely free, but you will have to pay for parking 🅿️. If you want to save money, then do not park at the visitors center. Go down the road a bit and park at the National Trust Parking Lot. It is much cheaper and the walk in along the coast is AMAZING🥾. 🙋🏼‍♂️ Hi, I am Matt. I am currently living and traveling throughout Europe. If you want access to Amazing and Exclusive travel content, then Click the link in my bio and Subscribe to my Monthly Newsletter 🧳 Hit that Follow Button to be Inspired Weekly with the Best Travel Content and Smash that Share Button to Inspire others to Travel. 🤟🏻😊 #northernirelandtourism #northernirelandphotography #giantscauseway #giantscausewayireland (at Giants Causeway) https://www.instagram.com/p/CqSbg2toG0Y/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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chasingcrystal · 1 year
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Good meowing Beautiful Earthlings! It’s time to move. Onward! No plans, no route, no place booked for the night. Let’s do this 💪 Any plans this weekend? Whatever you do, make the most of it. Life is so short. #chasingcrystal #northernirelandtourism #northernirelandtraveller #derry #londonderry #causewaycoastalroute #motodistancing #mototraveler #mototravel #winterride #asianamericanwomen #asianwomen (at City Of Derry Walls) https://www.instagram.com/p/CqLlNFtP90B/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Hop on Hop off Belfast is a fantastic way to explore Northern Ireland's capital city at your own pace. With a open-top bus tour, you can discover Belfast's rich history and culture through informative commentary, while enjoying flexibility to visit top attractions such as the Titanic Quarter, Stormont Estate, and the famous murals of Falls Road.
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ulstersnapper · 2 years
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D O W N H I L L D E M E S N E 🍁🍂 Some Autumnal colours along the trails of Downhill Demesne 😁 #downhilldemesne #downhill #fallvibes #northernireland #northcoast #fallcolors #causewaycoastandglens #autumn #causewaycoast #autumnvibes #visitcausewaycoastandglens #discoverni #northireland #northernirelandtourism #visitnorthernireland #autumnal #autumnleaves #fallleaves #foresttrail #walkinthewoods #optoutside #treepics #optoutdoors #treesofinstagram #trees #forestwalk #forestwalks (at Downhill Estate and Mussenden Temple) https://www.instagram.com/p/CkOnLPQj8Ol/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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warrenenglish · 2 years
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One version of the Dark Hedges. #darkhedges #canonphotography #northernirelandphotography #northernirelandtourism #landscapehotography #outdoorphotography #lightroommobile (at The Dark Hedges) https://www.instagram.com/p/ChYPQXRKEVB/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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The Giant's Causeway
The Giant's Causeway is one of Northern Ireland’s best-known natural wonders. Located on the gorgeous Causeway Coastal Route in County Antrim, this place is known far and wide for its hexagonal interlocking stone columns of layered basalt. It is a tourist hotspot and the only UNESCO World Heritage Site in Northern Ireland. And now, thanks to digital tech, you can enjoy these stepping stones stacked on the Causeway coast from the comfort of your homes.
The National Trust for Ireland is offering a 360-degree panoramic tour to the Giant’s Causeway. The virtual tour showcases the Grand Causeway, Aired Snout headland and the Giant’s Port at different times of the day and seasons.
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The origin of this causeway has always been a toss-up between science and mythology. Those following science argue that the landscape was formed 60 million years ago by cooled molten lava crystallizing into almost 40,000 interlocking hexagons. Then there are the locals who believe that the causeway is a product of the rivalry between two giants, Bennandonner in Scotland and Finn McCool in Ireland.
Since you're not there to decide which way you swing, just soak in these stunning shores with a virtual tour.
Start by taking a beautiful summer morning tour at the Giant’s Port (Port Noffer). You’ll see the sun rise over a calm sea while embracing the Giant’s Loom. Then take a 360-degree sweep over the pretty bay that lies on the sheer green foot slopes of the Causeway Coast. To enhance your experience, be sure to turn on the sound effects icon. The sound of gentle waves and gawking seagulls will wash over you in an immersive experience.
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clickireland · 4 years
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The Great Light is one of the largest optics of its kind ever built in the world, and is around 130 years old. Weighing 10 tonnes and measuring 7 metres tall, the optic is a unique maritime heritage object with significance to Belfast's economic, maritime and industrial past. It is totally irreplaceable and is an exceptionally rare maritime artefact. It produced one of the strongest lighthouse beams ever to shine - a truly GREAT LIGHT. . . #thegreatlight #belfast #visitbelfast #northernireland #northernirelandtourism #visitireland #discoverireland #maritimehistory (at The Great Light) https://www.instagram.com/p/B6Xzk0Ohzqy/?igshid=jqdscq7ady5
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jcarlosisla · 5 years
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Belfast's Head Chef This astonishing piece of artwork is a giant wall mural in High Street Court in Belfast. It was created by a very talented artist, Smug One _ _ _ _ _ #belfast #belfastphotographer #belfastcityhall #belfastphotos #belfaststyle #belfastblog #NorthernIreland #northernirelandphotography #northernirelandtourism #northernirelandtop #igersireland #visitireland #loveireland #discoverireland #ireland #instaireland #tourismireland #ig_ireland #wanderireland #ireland_gram #insta_ireland #irelandaily #loves_ireland #irish #smugone #explorebelfast #explorebelfast #visitbelfast #lovebelfast #travelnorthernireland #streetart (en High Court Belfast) https://www.instagram.com/p/B4mKk4oIcem/?igshid=192jtamsb81yn
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aspirephotography1 · 5 years
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Showhawk duo at the limelight unbelievable performance as usual. #showhawkduo #theshowhawkduo #guitar #acousticguitar #guitarcover #edm #edmlifestyle #northernirelandtourism #springsummer2019 #limelight #belfast #belfastcity #belfastmusic #dance #dancemusic #duo #amazing #instagood #instagram #instamusic #nightout #unreal #instadaily #electricdancemusic (at Limelight Belfast) https://www.instagram.com/p/BwPZ093AsLm/?igshid=1g32tmzjc9v81
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erfigh · 2 years
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The Dark Hedges (Northern Ireland). ☘︎☘︎☘︎☘︎☘︎☘︎☘︎☘︎☘︎☘︎☘︎☘︎☘︎☘︎ #thedarkhedges #thedarkhedgesnorthernireland #thedarkhedges🌳 #northireland #visitnorthireland #northernirelandtourism #discovernorthernireland #northireland2019 #gameofthrones #northernireland #ireland #discoverni #ni #ulster #uk #irish #ireland_gram #lovegreatbritain #chusayinka (en The Dark Hedges) https://www.instagram.com/p/CblMFaeqAE3/?utm_medium=tumblr
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ryosukeshimizu · 3 years
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【世界遺産ジャイアンツ•コーズウェイ】 『バスツアーで疲れてもゆっくり寝させてくれないこの宿が面白い→Lagan backpackers🤣』   朝の活動 ↓ •退職サポートしている増山さんとMTG。下田光梅さん紹介ありがとうございます。 •デザインのお仕事をしている @niako0731 さんとMTG。舩津さんありがとうございます✨     本日は午前中から夕方まで1日バスツアー   目的地は!   北アイルランドの世界遺産   ジャイアンツ•コーズウェイ‼️   世界遺産と聞くと楽しみで仕方ないです!   朝9:30に待ち合わせ場所に集合!    バスで揺られること30分。   最初の目的地に到着! キャリックフォーガス城!   レッドベイキャッスルというお城を発見!     バスの中から美しい景色を眺めながら移動。   大きな橋を渡ったり、海の傍を走ったりしました。   北アイルランドの田舎は羊がめちゃくちゃ多いです。北アイルランドで合計1,000匹くらいは見ました。 冗談無しにそのくらい。     その後、ランチ休憩。   ご飯食べれるかと思ったら30分しか休憩がない💦 近くでフィッシュ&チップスを買ったのですが、出来上がるのにとても時間かかってしまって10分くらい待ちました   バスに置いてかれてしまう   急いでバスに戻ることに   バスに乗り15分くらい経ったら目的地に到着 13:30〜15:00まで自由時間!   バスに降りたら直ぐフィッシュ&チップスを食べました   食べ終わったら歩いて15分かけて景色を楽しみながら世界遺産のある海へ向かいました。   世界遺産はどのような表情を見せてくれるのか    歩く途中にも美しい崖の景色が見れました。   とことこ   とことこ とことこ     見えた世界遺産!ジャイアンツ•コーズウェイ! これが海岸?これ天然?この整った形がなんでできるの?なんでこの名前なの? と思ってしまう不思議な形   マグマが急に冷えてこの形になったというのだが、急に冷えたらこんなカクカクするもんなんですかね。。 岩の上の方は登るのが大変な高さ。     下の方が黒くなっているのは焦げているからなのか   これが海岸なのですが、海藻も生えています。 なんと不思議なことに海藻がレインボーでした。 味は美味しいのかチェックしておけば良かったと後悔しています。     ギリギリまで楽しんでいたのでバスツアーの待ち合わせ場所まで急いで戻りました。 走りました!   バスに乗る直前でバスが出発してしまい、バスが動き出してしまった、、、   と、、   思ったら   バスの運転手さんのジョークでした。。   あー、 やめてほしい。。     無事にバスに乗れたのですが、この日は気温が23℃くらいになりバスの中は暑かったです。   途中で立ち寄った場所が公園になっていてとても緑が綺麗な場所でした✨ 気分転換に歩いて体は涼しくなりました。     バスでしばらく自然の中を移動して解散場所に到着。      昨日は友達と『明日はバスツアー終わったらナイトクラブに行こう』と話していましたがお互いに疲れてしまいました。 お互いの意見は合致し、『今日はご飯食べたら、そのままホテルに戻ろう』と話しました。     お友達が船の��ケットを予約したらしいのですがうまく取れなくて困っていました。 困りすぎていて僕は1時間道のど真ん中で待っていました。 いつまでも待ってあげるジェントルマンの僕。     その後、中華料理が食べたいということなので30分も歩いて中華料理レストランに行きました。 もうクタクタ。。   振り回されました。   まあ時間と場所の余裕があるジェントルマンなので優しく許してあげました。   その後は公園でまったり寝転がりに付き合い、ホテルへ到着!     疲れたのでぐっくり眠れるかと思ったら朝早い時間にまたハプニングが起きました! インドの目覚まし音楽がベッドで爆音で流れ始めました!   みんな起きてしまい、寝起きが悪い人は気分悪そうな顔をしています。 最悪なことに爆音流していたスマホの持ち主がいなくしばらくインド音楽が部屋に響き渡っていました。 これに対して毎回誰かしらファックユーと怒る役割の人がいる!   ボケとツッコミの組み合わせは抜群なお部屋!   北アイルランドでは何故かいつもハプニングを起こすのはインド人。   インド人が多い北アイルランド。   このホテルには毎日多くのインド人が来る。   インド音楽は動画に保存してあるので、是非聴いてみてください! 次回、 【ベルファスト城は僕のオフィス!】 『クレープぶちまける日本人2人の旅をお楽しみに』   #イギリス #イギリス旅行 #uk #北アイルランド #northernireland #northernirelandtourism #世界遺産 #世界遺産巡り #ジャイアンツコーズウェイ #giantscauseway #worldheritage #carrickferguscastle #carrickfergus #redbaycastle #portaneevy #thedarkhedges (Giant Causeway Ireland) https://www.instagram.com/p/CUKx_1xoOO4/?utm_medium=tumblr
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mattielawsonblogs · 1 year
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📍The Causeway Coast of Northern Ireland ▪️A stretch of beautiful coastline that spans over 30 miles. Exhilarating cliffside walks that will have you OOOoooing and AAAaaahhhing at every step. There are many iconic places along the coast including: Giant's Causeway, Carrick-a Rede Rope Bridge, and Dunluce Castle. ▪️My recommendation: Fly into Belfast and spend the day there. Rent a car an make your way to the Dark Hedges the following day. After the Dark Hedges make your way along the coast visiting the locations mentioned above. You can see all of the highlights of Northern Ireland in 2 days 😀 🙋🏼‍♂️ Hi, I am Matt. I am currently living and traveling throughout Europe. If you want access to Amazing and Exclusive travel content, then Click the link in my bio and Subscribe to my Monthly Newsletter 🧳 Hit that Follow Button to be Inspired Weekly with the Best Travel Content and Smash that Share Button to Inspire others to Travel. 🤟🏻😊 #northernireland #northernirelandtourism #northernirelandphotography #causewaycoast (at Causeway Coastal Route) https://www.instagram.com/p/CqIXg6oocQi/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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chasingcrystal · 1 year
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Hello from the Walls of Derry! Why is Derry known as the Walled City? The Walls were built during 1613-1618 by the Irish Society as defences for early seventeenth century settlers from England and Scotland planters that had moved to Ulster as part of the Plantation of Ulster. The Plantation of Ulster was the organized colonization of Ulster (a province of Ireland) ordered by Great Britain’s King James I. It resulted in many of the native Irish nobility losing their land and led to centuries of ethnic and sectarian animosity, and conflict, notably in the Irish Rebellion of 1641 and the Troubles. Wild. Just wild. I might have learned some of this world history in grade school, but I definitely forgot it. Was anyone alive during the Troubles and what do you remember? #chasingcrystal #derry #derrycity #derrywalls #londonderry #northernirelandtourism #femalebikers #femalebiker #bikerchicks #bikerchicksofinsta (at City Of Derry Walls) https://www.instagram.com/p/CqBNsSppvjj/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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irelandandelsewhere · 3 years
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Good morning from the beautiful Slieve Donard! It's our last morning here, so time to head downstairs for some breakfast. 🥞🥐 We had a wonderful stay as always - definitely one of our favourite spots 💕 #luxuryhotel #luxurytravel #beautifuldestinations #irelandphotography #hotelbreak #hotelsofireland #countydown #mournecoastalroute #mournemountains #irish_daily #ireland_gram #northernirelandtourism #niexplorer #ireland #northernireland #daily #blog #bloggers #travelagain #hotelbreak #red #sky #green #door #entrance (at Slieve Donard Resort & Spa) https://www.instagram.com/p/CTJu5dzoYDM/?utm_medium=tumblr
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ulstersnapper · 2 years
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M A G H E R A C R O S S 🌊 The viewpoints in both directions 🥰 In snap 1 looking towards Whiterocks/Portrush and in snap 2 looking towards Dunluce. #magheracrossviewpoint #magheracross #dunlucecastle #dunluce #portrush #whiterocks #northernireland #discoverni #northcoast #visitcausewaycoastandglens #visitnorthernireland #goldentriangle #cliffs #causewaycoastandglens #causewaycoast #causewaycoastalroute #northireland #ireland #atlanticocean #byrhesea #goingcoastal #seaside #bytheseaside #northernirelandtourism #wildatlantic #crashingwaves (at Magheracross, Causeway Coast) https://www.instagram.com/p/CktbjVojIvl/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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superbusymumblog · 3 years
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This heatwave is amazing, but feels like hellfire at the same time! 🥵 What temperature did you reach today? Wherever you may live! 🌞 26 degrees C here in Belfast! 🌡 #developinglife #superbusymum #ukparentbloggers #ukmumsquad #belfastblogger #niblogger #belfastbloggers #bloggersofinstagram #northernireland #belfastgirl #capturingcolour #seekmoments #thehonestlens #momswithcameras #lifecloseup #dailyparenting #thisparentlife #pursuitofjoyproject #discoverunder10k #northernirelandtourism #discoverni #livebeautifully #pursuitofhappiness #photooftheday #bestphotooftheday #ukparentbloggers (at Northern Ireland) https://www.instagram.com/p/CRj1mteMAx0/?utm_medium=tumblr
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