#Not even a little
5-pounds-of-carrots · 2 months
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*san lang has entered the chat*
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dealbrekker · 2 months
Head canon that while talking to Katara in the cave she starts getting the boy flustered and Zuko's immediately like omg not another "You're being too nice flu" and tries to shut it down by making categorically the WORST decision he can.
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respectthepetty · 8 months
Nick is a green boy.
Anon, I would categorize Nicolas as un pendejo, but I haven't really put any thought into his color. Not really at least. None. Not even a little. I haven't really thought about colors for Only Friends.
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*makes direct eye contact with you because I'm about to get creepy while you stare at the picture of Nick in a green and blue striped shirt*
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But if I were to really think about it, which I haven't, not at all, not even a little, Nicolas would a Blue Boy, not a Green Guy.
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He just masquerades as a Green Guy since they are chill and laid back
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and that's what he wants Boston to believe he is.
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Like Top!
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Boston is a "No Drama Llama" type guy. Green is cool for him!
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Which is why that hypocrite has the green car.
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So Nick is trying to be a chill Green Guy like Top.
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And it works for a bit when he changes his wardrobe and hairstyle.
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But, really, Nick is loyal, sensitive, inspirational, and just a teeny tiny bit sad, you know, like a Blue Boy.
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Because when he finds the pictures of Boston and Top in Boston's room, the lighting turns blue.
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And now that I think about it, which I haven't, not at all, not even a little, I've never seen a Green Guy and Red Rascal do well together romantically. It's usually a Green Guy paired with a Blue Boy.
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So it has to mean Nicolas is really a Blue Boy since Blue Boys usually partner well with Red Rascals, but oh, darn it. Sorry, you're probably confused because I forgot to mention who the hell the Red Rascal is! It's Boston, you know, because he is confident, sexual, aggressive, and vengeful.
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Which would make sense because when they first started sleeping together, the colors were Boston's red and Nick's fake green that we saw pop up in the first pictures mixed with his actual blue.
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Because the more they slept together and Nick developed feelings, his true blue color started emerging.
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So it makes sense that they both show their true color around each other.
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Or more like they both see each other's true color.
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Even though Boston tries to act like a Green Guy also.
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Nicolas sees him for what he really is - a Red Rascal trying to masquerade as a Green Guy too.
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Because when no one is watching, Boston is truly a Red Rascal, and Nicolas KNOWS this because Nicolas was allowed to go into Boston's real space, his red photo room.
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Yet no matter how much he stepped into Boston's red, he couldn't merge their colors.
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So it must have really hurt that just when Boston was possibly coming around to Nick's love (Boston is wearing a blue shirt with a green and blue checker board on the back that states "Make Love Not War" while Nick wears a blue and green striped shirt), just like Nick said to Sand, Boston got the rug ripped right out from underneath him.
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I know it sucked since Boston sits at the bar in Nick's blue, drinking and looking at pictures of him and Nick.
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So when they see each other at the Halloween party, all pretense is gone. They finally can admit that they see each other, as they stand there wearing their true color, yet standing in front of the other's color.
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Which is funny because right after, Boston fucks Atom and turns the reddest he has ever been. The audience probably hadn't even noticed how much Nick calmed Boston's red when he was in the photo room, but I noticed! Scroll back up! Look at the pictures. Wild, right?
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And Nick is, once again, trying to play the cool Green Guy with Dan as he wears his green shirt, yet Dan seems more than willing to see Nick's true color and merge.
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Because a Blue Boy can't really hide his color, mostly when Nick follows Boston into the bathroom to remind Boston that he sees who Boston really is and loves him because of it, you know, like a Blue Boy would.
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So maybe, just maybe, when they are sitting outside together next week, Boston will acknowledge that he, too, sees Nick for who he is. Not the guy wearing a green shirt across from him, but the sensitive Blue Boy who actually likes him for the Red Rascal he is.
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But I mean, I haven't really thought about colors at all for this show, so who knows?! Not me!
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redrapscalian · 10 months
Lucy and George have a competition amongst themselves on who can get Lockwood to fall asleep the most times without him figuring out that's what they're doing.
Like George brewing him sleepy-time tea and "rearranging" the blankets in the library while he's in there so they're conveniently close for him to grab, and Lucy humming soft little tunes while he's around, rubbing his shoulder, getting him to work somewhere in bed-vicinity so he'll just drift there naturally.
Yeah it's a competition, but when one walks out of the room, Lockwood successfully passed out, they give each other a high-five, a mission accomplished.
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wrennieandthejets · 11 days
ok but guys what if lestat comes out at the end of the interview and they reveal that they’ve been a throuple this whole time. god bless
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luanneclatterbuck · 5 months
New game for me at work - I don’t start doing any actual work until the CFO shuts the fuck up and goes to work in his office. He stands around for a good 30-60 minutes every morning just talking to anyone who will listen.
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okay the cleveland gig videos are incriminating enough on their own (see: the serenading, the infamous boner moment, the post-gig all over each other acoustic performance), but the way alex talks about it is also SO LOUD oh my GOD
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iamthecomet · 1 year
Momet,,, bls can we have more cumdrop?
1.2k words of rough and sloppy Cumdrop below the cut. Because sometimes the queen wants to get railed and we all know Dew is up to the task.
Cumulus' knees ache. A pleasant burn rolling up through her thighs. Her jaw hurts too. Just enough. Enough that she'll still feel it tomorrow. That she'll go to sleep with the feeling of Dew still imprinted all over her body.
He cards his hand through her curls. The movement itself is gentle, but the way he gathers a fistful of hair in his hand is anything but. It doesn't hurt. Pressure spreads through her scalp. He doesn't pull, but he holds her in place. He pulls back, dragging the blunt head of his cock over her tongue, then pushes back in.
It's rough. She keeps her jaw loose, open, drool dripping over her crimson lips, down her chin. She opens her eyes, raises them to look up at him. Finds him staring down at her. Jaw clenched, a muscle working at the back of it as he grinds his teeth together.
His pupils are blown wide, copper irises reduced to narrow rings around all that black. He groans at the sudden eye contact, hips jerking forward, cock bumping against the back of her already bruised throat.
She keeps her manicured fingers flat on her thighs. Fingers dimpling into her skin. She's a sight--she knows. One that makes him weak. All doe eyes and soft skin. Unblemished so far. A canvas waiting for fangs and claws. For the press of his calloused fingers into her hips until they are mottled purple. For the press of his mouth to the inside of her thighs, her collarbone, her throat.
She hollows her cheeks, sucks. Tastes the salt musk of his pre on her tongue. Feels his fingers tighten in her hair. He drags her back, off, just as the muscles in his stomach start to jump.
"Bed," he says, voice hoarse like he's the one who just had a cock down his throat. "Ass up."
She stands. Pausing just long enough to stretch some of the stiffness out of her joints. She feels his eyes on her every step she takes her bed. Plush and smelling of line-dried linen. Her knees sink in as she adjusts herself, pressing her cheek to her pillow and watching him as he looks at her.
Eyes dragging over every inch of her skin. Over the swell of her breasts pressed against her sheets. Her belly, her hips, her ass.
She feels the heat of his gaze. There is nothing quite as powerful as being wanted like this. Even in this position. Spread open for him, on her knees. He's obsessed with her. He'll probably never admit it--emotion is a gift rarely received from Dewdrop. But she doesn't need the words--it's written all over his face.
Adoration. Even as he prepares to eat her alive.
He's behind her in record time, kneeling between her calves. Rough hands smoothing up over the back of her thighs, her ass, over her hips. He drags his claw over that sensitive skin, making a soft noise at the goosebumps left in their wake.
He digs both of his hands into her ass cheeks and spreads her open. He makes a noise deep in his chest. Reverence. Desperation. Obsession.
"You're soaked," he says, approval dripping from every syllable. She knows he's right. Her thighs are tacky with slick already and he hasn't even touched her except to play with her tits a little while he fucked her throat.
She thinks about how to respond. The slowly forming response evaporates when he sinks a little lower on his own knees and buries his face between her legs. Dragging his tongue through her folds. Flicking out to graze over her clit before he buries it inside of her as far as he can. She feels the way he groans against her.
His grip on her tightens to near bruising force. She moans, unabashed, loud enough to bounce around her room, as he feasts. Her fingers digging into her bedding. She grinds back against his tongue until he gets sick of her moving and shifts his grip to hold her still. Strong despite his size, capable of putting her where he wants her and keeping her there.
He doesn't linger for long, or waste any time as he raises back up. He swipes the blunt head of his cock through the mess of spit and slick, and then presses the head against her cunt. He grabs her hip with one hand and pulls her backward onto his dick. Hilting himself in one swift motion that makes both of them cry out.
She shifts, pressing her forehead into her forearm. Bracing herself. Digging her other hand into her hair, in an attempt to ground herself as he digs his fingers into her hips and starts to fuck her in earnest. She likes Dew when he’s soft with her. Likes their quiet nights, their long drawn out sessions. Likes when he spends hours eating her out, marking her thighs.
But she loves this. Not many people will fuck her like this. Cirrus. Sunshine. Dew. The rest of the ghouls hold back, want to treat her delicately, like the queen she is. They want to worship her without realizing that this is the tribute she wants. To have her face pressed into the mattress.
To be fucked so hard she stops thinking.
Dew never disappoints.
Dew lets go of her hip and grabs a handful of her hair instead, dragging her up with little resistance to wrap that arm around her waist, hand snaking up between her breasts to rest over her throat. To tip her head back against his shoulder. He reaches down with his free hand and strums his fingers over her clit in quick strokes. Drives the head of his cock into the spot that makes her bones feel like they’re going to melt. Her headboard rattles against the wall with each harsh thrust.
She’s vaguely aware of her own noises. High pitched, punched out as each thrust knocks the breath from her lungs. She’s shaking against him already. Thoughts gone. Her body awash with sensation. The smell of him. The press of his fingers into her hammering pulse.
She’s so close, the pleasure building deep in her gut, each thrust driving her closer, winding her higher.
“Dew—” she whines, begging for something she doesn’t have a name for, for release she’s so close to reaching. “I’m right fucking there, Lus,” he drags his teeth over the shell of her ear. “Come on.” “I’m gonna—Dew—I—oh shit. Please—” “Yeah,” he groans, voice wavering. “Just like that, Lus. Clamp down on my cock.” Her eyes roll up when she comes, body tensing, bowing in. Clenching down on him. Sagging against his hold.
He digs his teeth into her neck as her orgasm sets his off, swearing against her pulse, fangs not quite breaking the skin. He shoves himself as deep as he can as he cums, cock kicking hard inside of her.
They stay like that for a minute. Catching their breath. Him supporting her weight as she leans against him, boneless and hazy. He shifts his grip to hold her more fully, wrapping his arms around her waist and pressing his face into her shoulder, kissing along her sweaty skin as she comes back.
She turns her head to look at him. At the flush high on his cheeks, and the dopey smile he always gets after they do this. She reaches back to card her hand through his hair, kissing his temple.
They share a wince as he pulls out of her. She rolls, flopping onto her back on her bed, looking down at him still knelt between her knees.
“Bath?” she asks.
“After.” “After what?”
He shifts to lay on his stomach between her legs. Breath huffing out over her oversensitive cunt. Claws dragging up her inner thighs. He presses the flat of his tongue into the mess between her legs and groans at the taste of both of them.
He looks up at her, a wicked glint in his eyes. “After this.”
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catboy randy catboy randy catboy randy turn him into cat man catboy randy catboy randy he's a cat now catboy randy catboy ra-
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mintydogg · 2 months
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CW: Nudity (full frontal), exposed breasts
Waiter! More trans bodies in art please!
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noemitenshi · 6 months
can't believe troy fucking otto didn't make sure his daughter had always a weapon on her - not even talking about guns, but like, a knife or something.
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dyrewrites · 3 months
Heads Up, Seven Up
@hallowedfury tagged me, and we're going to do something different with it >.>
Because I keep sharing my last things, we're instead going with a random seven lines...which are all about blood. I'm sorry. Maybe.
And her blood. Oh, her blood. As heady syrup it flowed; sweet, decadent, warm as fresh pastries it was—it was home. I was a child again in that bite, indulging in home-baked sweets. Dough crunched, ever so, in my teeth, jelly coated my tongue in warm fruity sweetness. Lucient swayed with me, with her, lost to the same sensation, the same memories but I knew—from enough small peeks—that he’d never had that in truth. But with all that blood filling me, washing away the lust for death and destruction, I wanted nothing more than to give it to him.
Tagging @starbuds-and-rosedust @aziz-reads @illarian-rambling @rmgrey-author @pb-dot and YOU and also whoever else
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nicosraf · 6 months
Doing myth research for my Quetzalcoatl story and I never realized how goofy Quetzalcoatl is akakdhkjdas
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bloodlurk · 1 year
thinking about smashing their head against the floor until it splits open, blood clouding their vision and burning their eyes; blurry vision the only thing peeking through. head too fuzzy to properly fight back— easily overpowered. pulling their head up by their hair and licking some of the blood off, throwing a little “you taste fucking delicious” at them as their cries only encouraging my brutal thrusts.
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I'll cause a new and confusing era to start on this blog
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spaciebabie · 10 months
my apologies good sir, i forget how sick you really are sometimes
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