#Optimus Prime has ADHD
void-occupation · 4 months
Me??? Projecting on Optimus Prime????? Blasphemy. Could never happen, you're being ridiculous. More likely than you'd think.
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Optimus: gotta stay focused
looks too old compared to his bot form.
I find it impossible for Optimus to be more than a million years old in this canon. In the least, he's older than 1000 years and since we have mfs that are canonically over 70 million years old(fagatron iykyk) compared to that, he feels like a dude in his early-to-mid-30's being the group parent.
-I made him more youthful, gave him curly hair, and tailored his clothing to actually look like his bot form.
-on the cusp of barley being able to hold his liquor
-doesn't own a pair of pajamas until Sari gets some for him
-usually forgets to put them on, but appreciates the gesture
-stays active for like, 3 days until he can't fight off sleep with work brain anymore, and unceremoniously passes out on the couch to sleep for a full 24 hours
-ratchet sighs and puts a blanket over him as per routine
-frequently checks security feed
-elf on the shelf despiser
-early morning talks with jazz and ratchet over coffee (they all wake up at 6 am)
-half thrives on caffeine and a vigorous training protocol
-is a dog person, loves German shepherds to death
David sama, pls forgive me ily very much
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Ratchet: to old for this nonsense
doesn't match his body type in the slightest.
Ratchet is really old, he's got a sallow face and a gramp gut, how dare they square him. He's wayyy too angular and peachy looking.
-I gave him his luscious curves back, adding all the equipment id expect a field medic to have because he is a field medic, not a regular doctor. I changed his facial proportions, and also made his face gaunt, for that dead inside PTSD look.
-drinks his coffee black with brown sugar, literally drinks it piping hot
-is one of those old people who complains about noise
-confiscates bumblebee and Sari's toy cars, and puts them in a high up cabinet
-neither of them know how to bypass the child safety lock lmao
-casual clothes includes a lot- a l o t of plaid shirts, and 10 pairs of the same blue jeans
-tunes out bulkhead and prowls convos about birdwatching
-big fan of political satire dramas
-Sentinel doesn't approve
-Ratchet doesn't give a rats ass about what he thinks of course
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Bumblebee: professional smart-ass
doesn't match his body type/age.
Bumblebees holoform is presented as a 10-12 year old child specifically for the fact that he's short, and the comedic relief. Total ass
I set his human age as 19-20 years old, making him more of a big brother to sari because that og model is disappointingly lackluster
-Bumblebee is a scrappy wisecracking punk, like an adhd kid who just got roller skates for Christmas.
-since he doesn't have wheels, I feel like he'd wear skates instead to emulate the feeling
-terrible at watching where he's going cuz he's too busy trying to show off, so ratchet makes him wear all that padding + training wheels
-legit despises the padding and training wheels
-Jealous of Blurr for mastering roller blades lmao.
-his favorite games are choose your fighter and fps
-saw ONE ancient ass assassins creed playthrough and begged ratchet to install hidden tasers in his arm bands (was denied)
-Sari used her key to do it instead
-self appointed "rizzler"
-Optimus has zero idea of what that means and thinks it's code for something dubious
-Ratchet knows what it means and thinks it's silly
-"I' was something of a rizzler myself back in my day, kid"
-bumblebee cringes
-loves summer and swimming
-wants to be the fastest thing in the sea because y'know, it's bumblebee
-is spooked from the beach for awhile cuz he saw sharks in Prowls nature documentary
-there are infact, no sharks in lake Erie
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Bulkhead: big guy, bigger heart
doesn't match his body type/aspirations.
Jesus fuck he's so wide?? And his belly migrated to his shoulders?? I'm gonna be honest, I really hate this design. I feel like it contributed to the "brute strength = stupid" take that most in the fandom associates with him.
-Bulkhead is a SWEET. CARING. NERD YOU FOOLS. He's like the male version of a tall goth gf-
-a tall-nerdy-farm hand-physics bf, You got me fucked up.
-Its already shown that bulkhead really likes art in Addition to creating it. He hates being only seen as the "muscle" so it wouldn't make sense for him to lean into that.
-bunny slippers that him and sari made together(she provided the buttons)
-the slippers go missing sometimes (basically considered community property unless he's wearing them)
(ratchet and prowl are the main offenders)
-frequent art museum goer
-really likes watching cooking shows, but is too shy to make food himself
-Owns a ton of star maps
-Really wants a treehouse that he, bumblebee and sari can hang out in
-pillowfort enjoyer
-casually reads quantum physics at the beach
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Prowl: draft dodger
Doesn't look like him at all.
Prowls holoform being a mustachioed,white, police officer was an actual jumpscare for 7 y/o me, I kid you not
- I know this bitch would not wear a helmet (you can't force him to) que windswept hair
-Not as much as starscreams, for obvious reasons but yk
-prowl is like one of those "shoes are a prison for your feet"
-emo hipster
-has a pet cactus named "planty"
-bumblebee heckles him for it
-can and has brought his cactus with him on early evening motorcycle rides
-the helmet is reserved for his cactus, bring your own >:(
-salad consumer
-him and jazz share custody of the cactus
-repeat victim of the cat distribution system
-ratchet has probably spent hours telling him they can't keep any animals at base
-frequent midnight picnics with jazz
-and beachcombing
-and roaming around antique stores cuz jazz wants to know what vinyl records are
-got a mug with an attempted pink chibi cat with big round shiny eyes painted onto it, courtesy of bulkhead trying to find an artsyle
-cherishes this mug to death
-has a shrine dedicated to it
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loveobsessed · 1 month
How the ES!Autobots would react to you singing a love song in another language
that silly idea just arrived in my head listening to "Mon Amour - Remix" because, idfk, it has such a good vibe. I KNOW i haven't written shit for literal years but transformers got the best of me! Link of the song as the end, ASKS OPEN!!
The terrans part is NOT ROMANTIC!!! IT'S YOU ASKING THEIR OPINION ON SINGING IT FOR YOUR CRUSH!! don't make this weird pls
(Also I know I'm bad at writing. I just do it for fun so no judging pls!! Apologies for any spelling mistakes, english isn't my first language!)
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Would look at you like that exact emoji : “🤨”
The fuck you mean you can sing?
He ends up loving it and even vibes a little, tapping his feet on the beat
Still confused about the meaning of the song
He asks you so many questions when you finish singing, since when you started learning the language, what does it mean, blablah.
You explain to him you were born and raised in Mexico, your parents would always talk to you in Spanish. You learned english by yourself when you changed country.
He's actually amazed at how good you speak both languages
He still hasn't forgotten about the meaning tho.
He begs you to know, but you don't give in, and let it as a mystery, because you're just silly like that. :b
Optimus Prime
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If I had to also use an Emoji for his expression, it'll probably be : “😲”
He didn't expect you to sing at all, considering how shy you are
He even less expected you to sing WELL.
Not to complain.
He thinks your voice is very soft and even if he isn't too found of music in general, this one sounds strangely soft and optimistic.
Is it because you sing it? Maybe
It took him a few seconds to realize that if he wasn't understanding what you were saying wasn't because you were stumbling on your words, but because you were speaking another language.
He's very gently surprised by that fact, it makes him smile.
Not only because it only makes you look smarter to him, but also because he realizes you two are similar, both talking multiple languages.
He softly asks you what it means, not pushing too far.
He looks at you SO SOFTLY you cannot bring yourself to say no
You explain to him it's a love song, and he tries his best to fight the need to give in and kiss you. (He's a cutie patootie real no fake)
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Judges you at first. I'm not sorry.
Like why did you randomly start singing??
Why can't you even do it in THE RIGHT LANGUAGE
He seems annoyed tbh
You chuckle and tell him it's a love song, but you hold a strong bond to Spanish language
He relaxes and rolls his eyes, because he can't admit that it's actually sweet.
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You go up to him and asks him for an advice or two.
He immediately accept, staring at you like, bro/gurl, you got his full attention.
You explain to him you want to sing a song for a person you like, with a twist. It's a love song, but in another language.
He seems both interested and curious
You start singing it to have his opinion on the vibe, and when you're done, he aggressively nods. Approved by Thrash.
He seems curious on how you know Spanish, tho..
You explain to him your story real quick, that your parents come from Mexico but you changed country. You know the language by them.
He's amazed. You're such a cool person.
Will ask you a full translation of the lyrics!!
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You find her completing the chores to earn stars, she seems so focused and flying everywhere, it's hard to get her attention.
You have to tell her you'll give her your star if she helps you out.
It didn't take a lot more for her to sit on the floor, focused on what you're about to say. (Make it quick, her adhd head isn't going to hold for long :3)
You explain to her you want to impress your crush by using the little things you know the best.
Singing, and your ability to speak another language.
She immediately agrees, it's sweet and unique!!
She doesn't ask any questions and just tells you to go for it, like what are you waiting for??
Don't forget her star. :3
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Hellooo!! I was wondering if you could do a poly! Optimus Prime x Fem! Human! Reader x poly! Megatron where the reader has ADHD thankss♡♡
I hope I respectfully honored your request. And I hope you enjoyed my work. Since no continuity was specified, I'm making it open to individual interpretation :3
Under Pressure
Optimus x Megatron x Female Human Reader POLY
Word Count: 900
Warnings: None
It had been a rather stressful day for (Y/N). At work, your boss had unexpectedly sprung a group presentation project that he had assigned you to without consulting you. To make matters worse, there was a very tight timeline the project had to be completed by, on top of the other work projects you already had on your desk. It honestly felt like your boss wanted to watch you have a mental breakdown. After this bombshell, you spent the rest of your shift struggling to come up with any ideas for your portion of the project, and you felt a migraine creep up as you struggled to focus. After feeling burnt out mentally, you clocked out at the end of your long shift and couldn’t leave your workplace faster. 
As you stepped into the employee parking lot, a familiar semi-truck was waiting for you in the guest-parking section. You stepped onto the bar side step and climbed your way inside of the cab, quietly sitting in the passenger-side seat. After a few seconds of silence, Optimus spoke up “How was work today?” You paused a moment before responding hesitantly, “It… could’ve been a better shift.” Optimus was concerned by your response, but he could tell (Y/N) probably didn’t want to share details quite yet, so he wouldn’t press the issue for now. “I see. Would you like to listen to music on the drive home? You can choose whatever station you prefer,” his tone was gentle as he concealed his growing worry. You leaned towards the center console and tuned the radio to your favorite station, hoping the music would ease some of your stress, “Thanks, Optimus.” 
The rest of the drive was marked by silence as neither (Y/N) nor Optimus said a word. Eventually, Optimus would pull into a small and secluded base before coming to a stop. The passenger-side door opened, and as you began to climb down from the cab Optimus couldn’t help but speak. “(Y/N), if there’s anything ever on your mind, know I am always ready to lend an audio receptor,” he spoke softly, as if afraid he might scare you off. You paused for a moment before smiling quaintly, “Again, thank you Optimus but I’m okay, I promise you.” You stepped off of the cab and headed inside the base. Shortly afterwards, Optimus transformed out of his alt mode and slowly followed after you, being unable to shake the feeling you were ‘not’ actually okay. 
You made your way inside the base, you typed a code into the private quarters you shared with Optimus and Megatron. The doors opened for you, and you immediately went towards a large couch and collapsed on the thick cushions. As you attempt to calm your mind, a large servo gently presses on your shoulder. As you glance up you see none other than Megatron looking down upon you with a coy smile, “If it isn’t my stunning rose, beautiful as her thorns are sharp. How was your day?” Despite the pressure and stress you felt, Megatron’s cute pet names for you never ceased to make you blush. “Today was— it… honestly was terrible” you frowned, unable to fake how you truly felt. 
Hearing this, Megatron’s smile slowly faded and he knelt down before you, his gaze locked onto yours. “Did someone harm you? If so, they will surely pay for offending my rose…” His ruby optics narrowed and burned with anger. Not wanting any more stress, you quickly grasped his servo, “No, no— Please just… Don’t.” Megatron paused at your words and relaxed his frame, albeit confused. At this moment, Optimus made his way into your shared chambers, carrying a human-sized mug of tea in his servos on a tiny, human-sized tray and drawing Megatron’s attention. “I didn’t mean to bother you, (Y/N), but I could tell on our drive here that you were distressed, so I thought some tea might help,” he spoke softly as he handed the mug to (Y/N). 
You smiled up at Optimus as you took the mug of tea, wondering as to how he managed to prepare a human-sized portion of tea in a human-sized mug, “You’re too sweet… Both of you.” As you glanced at both Megatron and Optimus, they sat on either side of you on the massive Cybertronian-sized couch that had been custom-made. Megatron fluffed up a human-sized pillow you had purchased and laid it against your back before softly wrapping a servo around your right shoulder, “We are here to listen to you, (Y/N). And decimate your manager if you permit us to.” Optimus briefly shot dagger at Megatron, clearly disagreeing with any form of unnecessary violence as usual. “I’m certain Megatron means to state that both of us are here to support you and comfort you in whatever way you require. And that you should know you are the most valuable, talented, capable, and beautiful being in the entire universe.” Optimus wrapped his servo around your left shoulder and leaned closer to you, his signature soft smile across his faceplate as he gazed down at you. 
Despite the pressure and stress of the day, you could find some respite and comfort in the arms of lovers. And certainly, they would be more than willing to assist you in relieving your workplace endeavors….
- Thank You, I hope you enjoyed this fluff :3
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catcake24 · 20 days
Okay so I have barely watched Earthspark due to ADHD but already have an au idea.
You know how in some continuities earth is implied or even stated to be Unicron??? What if… what if Unicron’s energy gave life to the Terrans??
He’s been asleep for thousands of years, awakening to find his body trapped and Primus’ creations having the nerve to live on the crust surrounding his body. This infuriates him, but all he can do is wait and bide his time… spreading his dark energon through the planet and waiting for the perfect moment… he has Scourge on speed dial, telling him to observe for the perfect moment…
But then, the most unexpected thing happens - his energon, diluted but still his dark energy, is combined with an artifact of Primus and creates the Terrans (I was spoiled on how the Terrans came to be somewhat, with some kind of Prime Artifact, but I’m not done the series yet so I don’t know much lol).
Now you might think Unicron wouldn’t care, or feel resentment to these two new dark sparks, but it’s quite the opposite. He had never created anything before, hadn’t felt the connection to another cybertronian being in millenia, and now he has two new creations. It’s not quite like a parental bond, but something almost unknowable to mortals - a feeling of connection and pride over them. He sees how they forge themselves, how they defy what they’re told, creating chaos in their own way, and he is nothing but delighted, especially as more come into existence with his own energy flowing through them and feeling more connections.
Meanwhile, the series mostly goes over as normal for awhile. The Terrans are completely unaware of Unicron or anything being weird with them, but there are some early signs
The Terrans energon in their lines is dark purple, the colour of dark energon. They can drink normal energon, as their systems basically just process it into dark energon, but this means their “blood” is a really weird colour when the other bots see it.
Anything related to Primus or the Primes (which channel his power) directly either has no effect or actively hurts them, whichever makes more sense in the series.
Their coding is actively evolving and isn’t set in stone, which follows the theme of chaos and evolution with Unicron, which is why they act a lot more like kids in the series. Normal Cybertronians usually grow up much quicker, their coding staying somewhat static when they emerge, since they are born almost fully cooked.
Eventually though, probably post series when there are more Terrans I have no idea about, Unicron wants to meet his creations. He could call Scourge, but he doesn’t trust him to handle it delicately, so he goes with a… different approach.
The Terrans start hearing a deep voice in their heads, calling them to somewhere. At first it’s ignored, then when they tell the others they try to see if someone is tampering with the Terrans, but eventually the call gets too strong to resist and they are basically going on a road trip against their will, their sparks being pulled by some invisible force that isn’t effecting the others.
Eventually, they are pulled into a cave system that eventually goes deep enough they enter Unicron, and it’s all revealed when Scourge emerges and fights the Cybertronian bots but then backs off when the Terrans go to help them defend themselves. Scourge is the one to bring them all to Unicron’s spark chamber, and then… Unicron has a little talk with them and fawns over his creations.
Optimus’ reaction? “Primus he’s just like Primus with his creations. How is the un-maker so… not evil?”
Yeah the twist, which has been obvious for awhile, is that Unicron isn’t evil here. He’s a representation of destruction and Chaos, but he’s been villainized by Primus’ creations since he had, what he calls, a “brotherly spat” with Primus. It’s turns out, Unicron’s job is to basically destroy things to make more room for Primus to create. However, due to some kind of interference or whatever they both ended up fighting then going dormant. They can’t exist without one another, which is why when Primus became a planet Unicron had to as well. Now, Unicron is very very happy to have his own creations and extensions of his will like Primus did - Unicron wanted creations of his own but his dark energon could only corrupt Cybertronians until now.
Everyone’s reactions from here require more knowledge about the series than I currently posses, so that’s all for now lol
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shoutout to woodrow burns. objectively hilarious guy that we absolutely need to talk more about!!
like. this guy is apparently interesting enough to have been talked about by optimus repeatedly (also they r canon friends), has traveled literally all over the world, has so many careers that his own family doesn't know what he does, can actually just. speak to animals?? and SO MUCH MORE. this guy is like such good blorbo material he's just in so little of the show.
i mean seriously he found out about the rescue bots because he was so boyfailure everyone felt bad for him and they just told him. optimus was there and everything and he was like "yeah sure this guy needs a win. tell him about aliens" and then they did!!
also super cool that woodrow is shown to be the most actively interested in cybertronian culture. he's constantly asking questions about who they are and what they can do, and it seems like the rescue bots actually enjoy that and like to tell him. v cute!!!
he has a lot of autistic/adhd swag also. like out of the humans i think he's the most neurodivergent coded. the show goes out of its way to emphasize his quirks and interests, and how he really just travels from one pet project to another. very reminiscent of a lot of irl neurodivergent people i know who have their ideal life as being free to work on whatever they like whenever they like, and being able to do a lot of different jobs during their life (pls sir teach me ur ways).
anyway woodrow burns is very slay and he's canonically bffs with optimus prime so u KNOW he gets mad bitches or whatever.
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moonlight-tmd · 4 months
Continuation of Bee' ADHD adventures!
There's this thing where some ADHD folks will do a thing and that thing will turn into a big thing and they done a whole lot more before they realize what happened. ADHD Trance per se.
So one time Team Prime left Bee all alone in base cuz they had to do something and he was supposed to stay at home cuz something- maybe an unhealed injury or Bossbot put him on monitor duty or smthn.
So he was sitting alone in base, Sari also went out to assist them with whatever they were dealing with. The others have been nagging at him about cleaning his room for a while and his processor seemed to not stop bothering him about it just now. So he gave in.
He went to his room and started picking stuff up one by one. It didn't do anything. He dropped it and decided to look for something to entertain himself. He did and he noticed few of his things were not arranged the right way. So he started organizing them. Then noticed another thing that needed proper organization, then another... and one by one he organized everything in his room and cleaned out the trash and things that needed to be thrown out.
But it didn't stop there, there were dirty sticky spots he didn't notice before- that needed cleaning. So he got to cleaning. On the trips to and from his room he noticed other things that needed some care...
When Team Prime and Sari came back they noticed stuff was odd. It was... clean. Then they went into the living room and saw Bumblebee cleaning up some spills and organizing thing on counters/shelves. The music on the tv was playing loud and he was incoherently singing along to it. He didn't react when they called out to him, he didn't even seem to notice they were there. It took Prowl going up to him and grabbing his shoulder to notice- or well, let out a short startled scream, jumping and whipping his helm around to see his team standing near the doorway.
"Oh- You're back quick." He said, slightly embarrased at the scream. "'Quick'? We were gone for 4 hours." Optimus was so confused. And so was Bee. He didn't know this much time has passed.... He was even more confused when they mentioned he was cleaning. Huh? When did he-? Did he do that??
So they looked around- Somehow, Someway, Bee has cleaned up the whole base in the time they were gone. And not only his room was clean, every room that was in use was. Even their rooms- Bulkhead's art supplies were neatly stacked and prepared for work. Prowl's room was swept of fallen leaves, the potted plants were all watered. Ratchet's tools were put away and organized. Optimus' report datapads were organized on his desk- by date moreso! The berths were all made, everything that was dirty was washed and floors swept of dirt. The windows were washed too. Trash was taken out and dishes were done. Heck- Bee even managed to fix few of the minor damages around the building that Ratchet took forever to fix.
He did this all by himself. In less than 4h.
And he didn't even remember doing it.
They were all so confused while Sari was wheezing her ass off about it. So yeah, ADHD Trance has weird effects on cybertronians.
...They should leave Bee alone in base more often.
Anywho, is it obvious that i wrote this from experience just now? No? Good.
Update: i just learned the correct term for it. It's called Hyperfocus.
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evil-robot-husband · 11 months
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Resonance by @charlieslowartsies...
‘Do you understand, young heir? A Prime is not a scout, not a medic. Their ferocity in battle is unmatched. They stop only when the opposing spark is snuffed out.’  “But Optimus isn’t like that—” Cade choked out, his breath leaving his chest as he watched the battle turn horribly one sided. Yes, apparently, Optimus could be and currently was just like that. And it was horrifying.  This wasn’t a fight, not anymore. It was target practice.  ‘A Prime never loses.’ remarked Excalibur coolly. 
Bound in full-cloth with acrylic paint details and acrylic edges. Typeset and binding done by hand, by me.
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What to even say about this fic? Number one, it's fucking amazing. Number two, if you haven't read it, you need to read it now.
I read this and immediately thought "I need to hold this in my hands," so I made that happen! It took me less than a week (thanks, ADHD hyperfocus!) and every bit of it was fun.
Charlie did a fantastic job capturing Cade and Optimus' characters, to the point where I've basically accepted their work as my new canon and can't hear anything that Bay has to say because I'm too busy cheering on Cade as he sleeps on Optimus' giant metal chest.
What was I saying?
Right. Not only is the characterization amazing, the plot is absolutely captivating. It's fun! It's exciting! Every chapter has something that made me squee!
Yeah, so, read Resonance by CharlieMcarthy. You will thank me later.
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nova--spark · 5 months
So. Mortal Machines Ex-Cons. Could always explain their existence as an additional punishment for the too well adapted Team Prime.
Knockout is gonna freeaaaaaaaaaaak. When all the biology explanations are done, he will likely demand a mall trip. And try getting drunk. He also gives me the air of a nervous driver for some reason? Like, we all know he was vain as all get out. So maybe that transfers into an extreme fear of being hurt, because humans can scar, and it does NOT buff out. Add to that the fact that he is well versed in the darker aspects of driving and yeah. Paranoid KO.
Starscream would be a funny outlier to add to this as well. Like, dudes casually in a coma then POP he's in Unit Es base, with the other cons, and wide awake. How would flight-withdrawal affect him I wonder.
Shockwave would immediately be trying things out with his new form. Once done, he would throw himself into fixing the Squishy Plague.
Soundwave has a pet birb. African Grey Parrot maybe? It's Laserbeak. He's his usual quiet kid self. Maybe Bee teaches him sign? Human sign ofc. He totally knows CSL already.
Megs is just broken. And broken Megs is vulnerable Megs. He defiantly has ADHD tho. Idk why. I just always HC he does.
oK i LOVE all of this???
Knockout is absolutely uneasy, he knows very well humans are fragile [Silas was a fun little test of how fragile] and so, he is indeed a bit of a nervous driver, because while he could buff out a scratch as a bot, he can't replace anything in a human body as easily. And he absolutely made sure everyone has an impeccable wardrobe, i feel sorry for whomever is paying for it though--
Starscream is just wondering if this is just some horrendous nightmare most of the time, and he really just wants everything done with.
Shockwave surprisingly ??? Creates a bunch of cures??? For human illnesses that tend to frustrate people, and he simply shrugs when asked how he did it. Cybertronian science apparently made the cure for the common cold easy.
Who'd have known?
Soundwave is indeed now with an entire menagerie of pets, because he now has adopted 2-3 birds, 2 cats, a lizard, and somehow, a bat. In his defense, he didn't know bats weren't normal human pets, but the little one was doing no harm, being a fruit bat.
He has also kindly taken to the ASL lessons, but has also received a phone from Raf, which he uses a Text to Speech app on. Alternatively, he's resorted to using social media audios to express certain emotions.
The kids cannot stop laughing.
Megatron had...some issues adjusting, his fighting instincts indeed manifesting into what humans would call ADHD, for which he has taken to mild sparring, if only to calm his nerves.
Optimus has offered him to perhaps spend some time, and talk. After all, for them all, it has been a very overwhelming experience.
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weenwrites · 1 year
Could you write headcanons for Cybertron Vector prime, Cybertron Optimus, and Cybertron Jetfire being friends with a teenage reader who acts like a mixture of a chaos gremlin and an ADHD furet? (Totally not reflecting here)
Vector Prime can draw many similarities between you and the Minicons, so he's used to having someone like you around. He'd think that you're pleasant company to have around—albeit a bit too much for him to handle at times—but still nice nonetheless. The energetic and vibrant atmosphere around you is a nice difference to the quiet, solemn feeling he used to live in when he was watching over time.
Whenever the two of you talk, he's more often than not the listener, and it's not that he minds. He may not understand a majority of topics you're interested in (depending on what they are) but he's willing to try and understand them. He'll definitely ask a couple questions though. But if you show interest in any of the topics he has to talk about, he'll be a bit more talkative.
Basically he's like a grandpa. And he'd most definitely enjoy taking long walks through the forest with you (if that's something you'd enjoy doing.)
Optimus—similar to Vector Prime—is rather quiet and reserved in comparison to you, but he still enjoys your company, like he does the rest of his team. He tries his best to keep you out of any trouble that you might find yourself in. Sometimes he succeeds, sometimes you slip through his hands (literally).
He'd always ask about your day and anything you've told him about whenever he gets the chance to. And if he happens to be free at the time, you'll get to hitch a free ride on his shoulder and tell him the story at the same time!
Jetfire honestly finds your chaotic energy amusing and pretty funny at times, but then again he finds himself regretting his words whenever you get yourself in a pickle. But still he considers you to be a pretty good friend! From time to time he'll tell you to be more careful, and while it may get annoying, he just wants you to be safe.
He has a pretty good understanding of human culture, so he'll understand a majority of whatever you talk to him about. But then again there do come times where he doesn't get it, and a little explanation would be appreciated.
If you enjoy going out on rides, then he wouldn't mind taking you with him to go out on flights. He enjoys just going out and flying around. And depending on whether this is before or after the humans know about the Autobots' existence, he may or may not perform a couple aerial tricks in the sky just for fun. A little heads up though, you might get real airsick.
When he takes charge of Cybertron at the end, he's unfortunately become quite busy with all these new tasks he has to manage, so the two of you don't get to hang out as much anymore. He still tries to carve out as much time as he can to just relax and hang out with you though.
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starry-skies-116 · 9 months
My AU Synopsis for the main trio + June and Fowler: Jackson Darby: 16 yrs. Neurodivergent, Intersex ADHD Queer Black Pakistani-American kid from Brooklyn when he moved to Jasper Nevada at five, socially ostracized. bi as FUCK and not even subtle about it. dead father at seven lost due to illness and is being raised by his single mother June has a little drone friend named Emily for max gay adventurer scientist chaos energy. Huge fan of a show called Celestial Odyssey, side passion for music and gaming (bonds with Raf over it). Gains way too many parental figures over the course of the series. Hacked into the Pentagon at ten years old on a dare.
Miko Nakadai: 16 yrs. Heir apparent to Nakadai Industries. Short petite Japanese-American jock girl with slightly toned muscles that can actually send you to the gulag if you fought her. Was in multiple sports clubs and took Shaolin classes. Youngest daughter of a rich family of three other siblings and a lot of extended family back in Japan with a controlling immigrant businessman father, mood disorder af while dealing with the aftermath of generational trauma and a dysfunctional family. Has two older siblings that are both twins, older sister is Himeko and older brother is Sora. Himeko and Sora are both 18. Is the champion of multiple street brawls. Has gotten into many street-fights and fights at school. Secretly a nerd too, so it makes sense that she'd fall for the nerd.
Rafael Esquivel: 12 yrs. White, Italian-Cuban American, from a huge family. Basically near-blind without his glasses. Skipped a couple of grades due to his talents in IT and hacking, and regrets it immensely now due to the burnt-out gifted kid spiral that he's going through. goes to the same high school as Jackson and Miko, and nobody takes him or his decisions seriously since he's younger than the rest. being the youngest is hard honestly-
June Darby: 37 yrs. African American woman, passed down her broader and curvier physique to her intersex son (of whom's also genderqueer and bi as FUCK omg). M-spec, male-leaning. Learns about the Autobots later on and about the work her son does and the wonderful family and life he's building for himself, and instantly allies herself with them the moment she does. Quit her big-shot engineer job and became a mechanic just to be able to be home take care of her son. automatically adopts everyone else. best friends with Optimus Prime and Fowler naturally. she'd give the sun and moon and stars and universe and galaxies and planets and nebulas and black holes and MORE for her babies and our blood and all of us LIVE to see it. Closeted nerd and neurodivergent as well. (oh and btw Mama Darby once called Team Prime a more affectionate/familial nickname in French and the familial love +2 modifier was too much for them once their processors translated it and they understood what it and the connotations meant. Bumblebee was trying so hard not to break out into tears while Arcee was struggling to hold back a smile)
William Fowler: 35-37 yrs. Black American. Grew up in Detroit. Knew Jackson's father from his time in the army- they were both best friends. FBI agent and government personnel. Stern and no-nonsense authority figure at first, strict yet disciplined, takes it upon himself to be one of many Jackson's 'older sibling' figures that he gains. he and the kids both fight a lot but they are literally a package deal so do not separate anyways. HUGE cat-person, bonds with Miko over it. Actually really likes Emily because the drone behaves like an affectionate and excited puppy who's just happy to be there. He and June work together from the time she finds out the 'truth' to co-parent her son and his friends and to support them and the Autobots in all of their missions.
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keef-a-corn · 1 year
Dat’s right, people, it’s time for ‘Keef watches TFP and you just get the notes!’
This is for season 1, episode 16: Operation: Breakdown
I write down the timestamps, but I watch Transformers Prime on Stan (an Australian streaming service) so they may be slightly off.
ALSO! I try my best to note points for every character, but tend to get a little caught up by Bee (although I think I do a pretty good job with the notes regardless) so do be warned.
These notes are really critical and may give you whiplash + not many screenshots for this episode, sorry.
00:07 - first up, this visuals, the audio, really makes the place seem eerie. It’s perfect.
00:23 - Breakdown manages to keep it creepy.
00:38 - All things considered, decepticons calling humans ‘pets’ is not so much an insult as it is an interpretation.
00:47 - Once again, not so much an insult as it is a statement. Miko is a soft spot for Bulkhead (she’s also a weakness and a strength.).
00:51 - A ‘damn right’ would’ve been more suited, but go off
00:55 - beautiful spin. + I much prefer the rivalry between Breakdown and Bulkhead to Arcee and Airachnid. On paper both rivalries are the same. The decepticon is physically stronger, but also talks a lot during fights to get in the Autobot’s head and it totally works. It’s just that Bulkhead responds less to Breakdown’s taunts and doesn’t get as heavily affected by them (compared to Arcee).
01:10 - I may have laughed a bit too hard. + It feels like Breakdown has more respect for Bulkhead than Airachnid does for Arcee. One thing that makes an amazing rivalry is when there’s a level of respect.
01:46 - Aside from plot, why would they take Breakdown? As much as it increases their chances of dealing with the autobots, he’s in worse condition than Breakdown and they have an understanding of how much Bulkhead can endure.
02:37 - I had the same reaction as Bulkhead.
02:46 - Not liking the theme of ‘charge not recognising when something’s wrong with their guardian and what they’re doing is not the solution’. I can’t quite remember if it happened in Predatory, but I do know it happened in Out of His Head.
03:04 - Bee’s doing it again.. + For anyone else the phrasing Optimus used would be putting it nicely, for Optimus it’s harsh. Bulkhead has a very different dynamic with Optimus compared to the others so I think it’s more caused by Optimus not knowing how he’s supposed to talk to Bulkhead.
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03:08 - now what Optimus said makes it feel victim blame-y. It isn’t, but it comes off that way.
03:12 - Something about the ‘stay still’ felt so.. correct. It was firm and assertive, but in the way instructions should be given.
03:14 - Miko’s probably got something that means she can’t pick up on cues, probably ADHD (this is an observation, not an insult.), with that in mind, I will still say it’s frustrating to see her hyping him up while he’s injured and in trouble.
03:16 - One of the reasons I don’t like Miko and Bulkhead’s dynamic is the same reason as to why I hated the way Raf was acting when Bee was being controlled by Megatron, but to a worse extent. Miko, on purpose or by accident, puts pressure on Bulkhead to act a certain way for her. You can see he’s upset because he didn’t do it and that’s heartbreaking.
03:23 - Bulkhead woke up alone, why would the others have come, dealt with Breakdown, but left Bulkhead behind?
03:33 - I understand that it was a guess and that Bulkhead ain’t the smartest, but why would it be Fowler?
03:34 - I believe this is the first time Agent Fowler’s shown up and I haven’t wanted to punch him.
03:47 - Odd that Starscream would be the one to recognise it. Feels like it would’ve been more accurate for Knockout to have noticed.
03:54 - Rude and highly unnecessary.
04:07 - Love that confidence for Starscream.
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04:20 - big talk from someone that was tricked into saving Optimus.
04:46 - that shot was confusing. It implied that it was from Breakdown’s perspective but quickly changes.
05:08 - Kinda vibing with that description of a human.
05:10 - That was weirdly passive.
05:22 - breakdown deserves better.
05:30 - do they though? I thought they only wanted parts.
05:46 - Agent Fowler really stepping up rn.
06:00 - I have no clue what he could’ve possibly said.
06:07 - Seeking Validation from Miko.. Not how the dynamic should roll and really hurts to witness.
06:09 - Prime holding onto his values. Finally someone’s got their head screwed on. Throughout the delivery of his command, he was jolting slightly. Not heavily-animated, but certainly not ordinary.
06:15 - ‘h-what??’
06:17 - has everyone just forgotten their Values?? (Maybe- I seriously am in the dark on what Bee’s saying) Their whole thing is about rights and freedom. + They know MECH is smart and dangerous. Obviously they’re going to use Breakdown as a reference for Cybertronian Technology.
06:37 - This scene is so weird.. Why is there so much pushback??
07:02 - Fowler really showing change rn by admitting that MECH is dangerous to humans too, clearly in contrast to how he acted during Convoy.
07:11 - Glad that was addressed too.
07:14 - MECH’s location really ain’t impressive in the slightest.
07:27 - aw, no.. ;-;
07:43 - That’s.. horrifying you hear.
08:05 - Breakdown’s reactions are making me cry. Since he works with (and dates-) Knockout, you can imagine that he’s heard some of these lines before, but it’s a whole different thing to have them told to him.
08:18 - This is heartbreaking. I thought the scene would’ve ended sooner, but it didn’t and that makes it so much worse.
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08:29 - there’s something so.. perfect about this shot.
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08:32 - deary dear de I’m gonna loose my mind with the way Optimus (aka Peter Cullen) pronounces each character’s name.
08:33 - There’s something so unbelievably confusing about Bulkhead’s relationship with Optimus.
08:38 - the stutter- I can’t breatheee
08:40 - My school should learn a thing or two from Optimus rn. History with people can make things complicated. Optimus is making the right call, for Breakdown, for Bulkhead and for everything else that’s at stake.
09:18 - Go off, Fowler. Really behaved this episode and proved useful… Miko’s giving me whiplash.
09:30 - cover poster potential.
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09:43 - Why would that be the right call? Tracks are clues in a situation with vehicles involved.
09:47 - I feel like that isn’t actually a direction.
09:52 - Height difference- also colour palettes got me laughing fr. Like Arcee and Optimus have darker colours, better for blending in. Ratchet’s white and orange, but because of the blue hue he blends in a bit, meanwhile Bee’s just neon. He looks like a highlighter.
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09:55 - that’s an unfortunate concept. There’s a little part of me that wants to say that it’s a ploy (honestly cannot remember much of this episode) as it could be the same energon signal Bulkhead and Breakdown were responding to at the start and that’s why there was a focus on the tracks.
09:56 - Kongs vs Godzilla
10:12 - TFP didn’t have the rights to ‘Godzilla vs King Kong’
10:31 - translation: we’re exes. But in all seriousness, rivalries are always looked on in some sort of light but this is a prime (Hehe) example of what they can also be like.
10:45 - heavily animated Bulkhead
10:46 - Miko really just used ‘bromance’ and decided not to explain.
11:17 - Bee running like a child while Optimus just walks is an incredible visual despite the darkness of the episode.
11:21 - Arcee and Bee aren’t in sync but their movements are clearly practiced.
11:33 - Bee’s wings are sticking out. SERIOUSLY HOW DOES THIS BOT HIDE??
11:38 - They’re like dogs when you take them on a walk with the leash more relaxed.
11:41 - wouldn’t they benefit more from Optimus being behind Ratchet? Incase they’re attacked from behind and all.
11:52 - Horrifying and gross.
12:41 - under appreciated line right here.
12:47 - Optimus didn’t move, while everyone else reacted.
12:50 - Wouldn’t Silas have seen Ratchet first? Granted he wouldn’t know Ratchet.. or any other bots’ names, but he should’ve waited a moment to spot Optimus before addressing him.
12:57 - Optics- not eyes.
13:01 - all bots acting very calm.
13:16 - if Optimus had finished that line with ‘a lil bitch.’ I’m certain the show would’ve won thousands of awards.
13:19 - they’re not like other girls.
13:39 - it’s very heavily implied that there’s bomb. Why aren’t they moving??
14:15 - poor baby’s so confused.
14:27 - except that he warned the bots so odds are they are safe. (I know we know they are, but he doesn’t)
16:08 - proper rivals know when their differences must be put aside.
17:05 - incredible aim.
18:36 - That was awesome. Points to Starscream, amazing trick and amazing execution.
18:54 - Some points taken away. They’ve got an unspoken truce going and until they both walk away, it’s still in play.
19:18 - That was beautiful.
20:05 - Damn Optimus, couldn’t even wait until you got home, huh?
20:11 - Nevermind- still do not understand their relationship though. + heavily animated Optimus.
20:18 - that’s the way a child explains how they one tip/tag at school
21:17 - Why would they use Breakdown as a reference for Optimus?? There are so many differences by physical structure alone.
And that was Operation: Breakdown.
Ignoring the fact that this episode would’ve gone very differently if Ratchet hadn’t dismissed Bee after he pointed out the tire tracks it’s a pretty good episode. Not a favourite, but still a good watch. Fowler really stepped up this episode, which was good. I liked the focus on Bulkhead, even when it came at the price of Miko.
I liked the way it portrayed Bulkhead and Breakdown’s relationship. Got thoroughly confused by Optimus and Bulkhead’s though.
Not much else to say.
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nuclearjacks · 2 months
13, 15, 23 for ask game 👀
13. A character or ship you haven’t drawn/written for yet but would like to someday?
MegaRod 100%. They're one of my favorite ships in the TF fandom but god I can't believe I've never made content for them ;-;
I have one spicy wip that's been laying around in my folders since 2022, and was going to make a comic for a zine I had to drop out of with hints of MegaRod but it's all stuff I never got around to or never finished. I need to fix that in the future >:)
They are my beloveds who are such beautiful mirrors of one another, on top of I relate so heavily with their characters for one reason or another so they mean a lot to me <3
15. Have you noticed your style change over time?
Absolutely! It's much easier to notice the changes over a larger amount of time like my art now vs my 2021 art. You can see the drastic change in my lineart and especially with my shape work and how saturated my colors are now pictured below vvv
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But there's definitely still some changes I've been noticing here and there in the past year, much more subtle and much more gradual. I've been improving on my speed and simplification of designs into my style, especially with Transformers. And I've also been getting a lot better with backgrounds/actually adding backgrounds in now bdavbdkvb not to mention, experimenting with lighting and learning about things like sub-surface scattering, reflective lighting, ambient lighting and a whole bunch of pretty overwhelming concepts tbh sdbksdbv
This year so far has mostly been a lot of experimenting and much more experimenting to come and I'm excited to see what my style evolves into next : )
23. Has your favourite character/ship changed over time?
Probably more my understanding of my favorite characters and ships.
I still ADORE MegOp and the mix of tragedy, pining and fluff it is but my understanding and interpretation of their characters has changed drastically from when I first entered this fandom at 18, now 23.
There were definitely influences from my anime fandom days where I thought "Orion is so baby and is a precious cinnamon roll who couldn't hurt a fly, lookit how smol he is with his big beefy warrior boyfriend who protecs him" to "Orion is a capable character who, while naive about the world, could be just as smart as Megatronus and in doing so created a whole other faction that inadvertently worked alongside a corrupt political system that Megatronus was trying to deconsruct" (Also not hating on anyone who still likes character interpretations like the first, it's just not my thing that much anymore personally kjbdvksbv)
I still like the concept of big beefy warrior boyfriend protecting his small librarian (cause c'mon that's just fun ksdbvksdb), but I merge it with my larger understanding of the classism themes, alongside the inherent religious themes of Optimus becoming a Prime that I'm such a bitch for kdbsdkjbv
Same goes for Rodimus in MTMTE. He went from "Haha he's just like me fr, lookit this ADHD baby who can't focus for a second haha he always forgets paperwork and has never done wrong I don't see how someone can hate him" to "Rodimus has done so much wrong and that's what makes him an insanely relatable character. People hate him because he's genuinely fucked up so bad and placed blame on everyone but himself because he wants so badly to be the hero of the story instead of the person everyone sees as the 'fuck up'. The fact he keeps trying to live up to a title that's bullshit and to a person (Optimus) who doubts himself every second of the day and doesn't see how fucked his own lineage actually is because the person he looks up to most is hiding things just like him and has fucked up just like he has, as has every other prime before him. But damn it, he's going to try and do better this time, he has to. Also he's so ADHD-coded it's not even funny."
Tldr: I merge the simpler concepts I loved when I was younger with the more complex concepts I love now that I'm older to create a nuanced narrative of the characters and their relationships while being a self indulgent fangirl skbgsbbihuft
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lonely-paracosmos · 2 years
Disability pride month?? (Tfp adition)
Miko has EDS (Ehlers-Danlos syndrome) she is very flexible, but has chornic pain bc of it. She wears braces to help her. She doesn't run a lot for this reason, but tries to stay active as she is constantly full of energy
She also has adhd!
Jackson APD (auditory processing disorder) and uses subtitles for about everything, he hates working drive through bc he has no idea what people are saying half the time.
Rafael is autistic and has CFS (chronic fatigue syndrome) he is sensitive to loud noises and is easily stressed. He is frequently fatigued and gets ill easily, he has chronic pain in his legs.
When his chronic pain is bad he uses a cane, and sometimes he uses a wheelchair.
Bulkhead is partially deaf, this is the reason he likes Miko. He doesn't mind her being loud and he finds her easier to understand bc she is not afraid to yell.
Wheeljack is dyslexic and has adhd! He struggles very much reading the human language and tries to avoid it when possible. His adhd just worsens it, so he uses a screen reader.
Ultra magnus has a prosthetic hand (this is canon xkxjxkxm) he is also autistic
Optimus prime and Ratchet both have chronic pain, Ratchet's chronic pain is a lot more severe which is partially why he chooses to stay a medic and focus less on battle. Op and ratch are both on the spectrum
Bumble bee and Smoke screen have RLS (restless leg syndrome) which is why they are both constantly moving around and rather active. They both have adhd as well and so they like infodumping and being able to do things
Soundwave is autistic and that is part of the reason he is nonverbal. He is very obervsant, but prefers to be alone. He hyperfixates on technology and is very particular with how things are
Predaking is mostly deaf which is one of the reasons he doesn't talk a lot, he knows many forms of sign language and even tought himself forms of earth sign language just incase.
Knockout also has EDS!! Its the reason his parts are fragile and why he stays mainly as a medic. He is easier to injure and constantly hurts himself. He is very flexible as well, but more embaressed about his disability than prideful :(
(Oc bonus)
Sightfree like his name suggests he is fully blind! He can scan and take pictures of things so he can see them in his system. He also can read heat signatures which allow him to drive safely. He relies heavily on screen readers and loves audio books. Hes also can read braile.
Beep is autistic and has adhd! They get excited easily and like to infodump. They are scared easily and tend to hide
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wait wait hold oh Rodimus too i forgot him sorry 😭😭 hope you see this
I SEE THIS AND I AM EXCITED!!!! Time to push my unpopular-opinion-agenda on everyone who follows me!! This guy has been a LEECH on my brain lately, so I got lots to say and little sense to make!!
one aspect about them i love: Despite everything he's been through, despite Nyon, despite dying, despite the WAR.. He's gotta be the only one that's handling the end of the war well in face. You know? He's got that Optimus thing going on with the positivity. Even with the dying sarcasm and adhd and unemployed vibes, he's still got that going for him. It's admirable. He's absolutely depressed, pushes everyone away despite being ''friendly'' with everyone. He's got one single best friend and he still pushed Drift away. Now when I started MTMTE I was expecting a totally different character. There is not much interaction between him and the others, he's rarely around actually. But I'll be damned if he isn't the most positive one on the ship. And I just know that helps somehow. He keeps it lighthearted and bears that agonizing weight of trauma on his own. Sheesh..
one aspect i wish more people understood about them: Despite his lack of thinking before he acts or speaks, I do think he's pretty smart to a fault. He's masking. He's literally masking. Like.. he may not understand the consequences or effect of what he does, but he isn't.. blatantly cruel on purpose? Does that make sense? He's confident and knows himself, but he's... Yeah. OH ALSO: Just because he's got a speedster frame doesn't mean he's a damsel in distress. He can take care of himself. He's not a tiny frail thing.
one (or more) headcanon(s) i have about this character: Here we go, my unpopular opinion: He's Asexual. 1000% Ace. That stuff just doesn't come naturally to him. He's not a prude, but he's not like.. actively seeking it out or jumping at the opportunity. He sees people eyeing him up and tells them where he got his paintjob, where he got his mods. He doesn't realize they're eyeing him up for other reasons. Don't tell him that either. He'll just get mad that people keep treating him like a meal rather than the leader he is. His frame is for being quick, fast, versatile. Flashy, yes, but he picked the colors to be SEEN, not drooled over. Yes, he seeks attention because he's never taken seriously, but he gets that by being loud, wild, irresponsible. Thats uh, thats it. There's no hidden meaning behind his actions or words. Maybe he's had a few flings in his past, or in current, but it ain't nearly as much as everyone assumes. Not even CLOSE. The real secret sex life of Rodimus Prime is that he's not focused on such a life.
one character i love seeing them interact with: Drift!! I love their friendship so much! It's so so soo great to see a close friendship in comics and shows. I have a best friend, an Amica, who I love and adore very much! So I see Rodimus and Drift and get excited! They're besties! They've had their ups and downs, but they're always there for each other!! When Rodimus told Magnus that he WANTED Drift's opinion? Love love loved that. That's his best fuckin FRIEND, Magnus! (Yes, he did do Drift HORRIBLY wrong on the Lost Light, I understand that and I'm very mad at him for it, but we all make shitty mistakes with friendships. This guy ain't had a friend in forever, he's self sabotaging constantly. Its no excuse but it doesn't mean he doesn't deserve a second chance at being a good friend.)
one character i wish they would interact with/interact with more: Okay very very odd, but Starscream. They'd both hate it, but I think they got quite a bit in common if you break them down to their basics and I think they'd have a lot to talk about. They both have this odd... not-so-friends but not-so-enemies with Megatron, (there's some trauma there that's shared with that as well). They both want to be taken seriously and be this leader but neither can really get there and even when they do get there, its taken from them very fast. I just want to see them talk. Just sit 'em down and fuckin crack them open like eggs for frying. If Starscream went Autobot, he'd be Rodimus and if Rodimus went Decepticon, he'd be Starscream. Does that make any sense? Its odd, I know.. BUT..
one (or more) headcanon(s) i have that involve them and one other character: I love the whole 'Ratchet and Rodimus have a Uncle-Nephew type relationship', and with Ratchet ending up with Drift in the end, I LOVE the idea of Rodimus being that tag-a-long that ends up somehow squeezing himself into hang outs with them. They're his friends! He loves them! He just wants to hang with them! All the time, yes, but he's just really enjoying how happy his bestie is, and enjoys being able to mess with Ratchet and get away with it to a degree. He's always in their habsuite eating their snacks. Drift doesn't yell at him for it but Ratchet does. Disclaimer!!! I don't ship them all together, I cherish the friendships.
I can talk forever about this onion. Roddy has so many layers and so much to his character and I am obsessed with diving into him. I have SO much to say and SO little cohesiveness to say it all!!
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rodismancave · 1 year
More Bulletpoint headcanons because i genuinely forgot I made this post?
Rodimus thrives on the happiness of the people he surrounds himself with. No matter how irrelevant or absent they seem to be, Rodimus cares deeply about every single member of his crew, and will always do his best to assure their well-being. However, this does not mean he is the best at showing that he cares.
He can be very, very mean and scary if you prod where you don't belong. Don't play with fire if you can't handle being burnt.
I had written more here, but I will explain his behavior quicker and easier: he has ADHD. He hates being still, he has piss poor attention if its not something hes immediately interested in.
He will tolerate "bad captain" remarks, but that is not true. Rodimus is as good a captain as he can be, and that is by no means little. He has loads of experience in leadership positions.
Rodimus is spontaneous, works better under pressure, and is absolutely a goof. He loves practical pranks, helping people out of bad situations, and is overall a sap. He flirts almost as a form of affection, he is incredibly touchy and will nearly always be touching someone while speaking to them (even if just a hand to the shoulder), but he will always be mindful of people who wish not to be touched. He often forgets how affectionate and touchy he can be, as it is a natural language for him, and he may forget to ask for permission before hugging or even just touching someone's shoulder. He'll understand if you ask him to not do that.
Rodimus is sort of self destructive in very inventive and discreet ways.
A good way to piss him off is to call him Hot Rod. He genuinely hates that-- not because it demeans his "title" as prime (he could not give less of a shit about the title), but because it demeans his growth as a person. He copes with Nyon by dissociating the name with himself.
He does hold some resentment over Optimus putting Megatron in the Lost Light. He doesn't care about Megatron's presence anymore (he quite enjoys it a bit too much) but the fact that Optimus was aware of what Megatron did to him and the Matrix and still chose to make him "co-captain" of his ship still stings.
Even though it has been 200 years, that's very little time for a Cybertronian as stubborn as Rodimus. He has a lot of baggage he just refuses to work on.
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