#Overcoming Limits
frenchiepal · 26 days
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9.5.24 🌇 found out my ba thesis is supposed to include more pages than i'd thought but it's totally fine :') also i bought a new book to help me out of my reading slump and so far it's working
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creekfiend · 9 days
do you ever think about how convenience is accessibility and how like... the path of least resistance creates a world which could be so different if only a few points of convenience were changed. like imagine if we didn't have gas stations. imagine if people had to buy gas in cans at stores that were only open sometimes etc
many such fucking cases but no one ever thinks about it bc that's Just How Things Are but. like. they could be different!
like every single person has Abilities and a Natural Limitation of Those. as humans we are not able to go 60mph down the highway without the aid of, CAR. which is a way to overcome the limitations of Humans Can't Travel That Fast Ourselves!
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sleepsucks · 1 year
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cemeterything · 9 months
I think your posts are often trite cliches presented as a sort of original insight (the crucifix as an icon of christianity is morbid, like wearing a guillotine around your neck) and your references are limited (guy who’s only read hamlet: this is just like hamlet)
But your joke posts are funny.
harsh but entirely true and correct
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pansetta · 1 year
I was watching Impulse's pov because I heard a lot of good things (the editing was so good) and just-
Skizz: So here's the deal, I really wanna blow somebody up!
Impulse: Why don't you just do it?
Skizz: Because I can't kill any yellows and there's lots of yellows down there.
Impulse: What do you mean? (places tnt) What do you mean you can't? (sets off the tnt down below)
DUDE THAT MOMENT GAVE ME CHILLS LIKE HELLO??? THE WAY HE ASKS IN THAT "INNOCENT" SORT OF TONE??? And just Skizz's reaction upon immediately realizing what's going on and why Impulse is acting like that. That whole thing was just so good what
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gonguji · 19 days
I have many more thoughts about cy/no, se/thos && electro overall...
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mymarifae · 8 months
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millies everywhere died
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sarah-lance · 2 years
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fomar · 5 months
honestly since deciding im going to be self indulgent with what i create ive been really enjoying developing my main pso character. i thought it would be interesting to have an epileptic force character because of the way photons interact with the technique user's brain and now i have the workings of a backstory
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imwritesometimes · 9 months
the elephant in the room no one wants to address when it comes to people like Mitch McConnell and Diane Feinstein is that their age isn't the true issue - it's term limits. Them being so very elderly that they shouldn't hold office is a problem specifically because there is nothing stopping them from seeking reelection over and over and over again. But neither party wants to address it because it would mean addressing their own hold on power.
Mitch McConnell specifically has been in politics since the 1970s. This man has held power in this country much, much longer than I've been alive, and I'm in my 30s. This man has been receiving a tax payer funded salary and tax payer funded health care for decades while voting to prevent the same rights to the very people he is supposed to represent.
He is a modern day America Lord or Earl. No one should be able to hold that kind of power until they are literally on their deathbed. It is, foundationally, Un-American that people can cling to actual, substantial, political power for 50+ years.
Every political office should come with firm term limits or this shit will only continue
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crownleys · 8 months
Kira, texting this video to Ava: this could be you if you let me show you any mobility training
Ava: [read at 3:58 pm]
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fern-queer · 5 days
babes i need you all to know that i tried mushrooms for the first time and i saw my higher self and she hugged me and held me and said we should fuck. And i said well i have to get over some internal shame about “contaminating” spirituality with sexuality. And she said ok you know where to find me. Also who are you pretending to be normal for. You’re an animal and you’re afraid of acting like one. And i said oh shit i’m the one who has to deal with me. I can do things other people want but i have to live with it. I’m in this body and i can’t get out no matter how good or obedient or normal i am. and she said “exactly” and graced me with the desire to eat taquitos like a wild beast
if you were wondering, she’s made of television static that’s black and deep maroon instead of black and white. Instead of a grating hiss she is a soothing rumble. She is as tall as the house, looming and dark with a sparkling purple outline. Her hands are so firm and steady.
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themandalalady · 6 days
24-150 Big-Thinking
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tiredassmage · 1 month
what type of villain are you?
your honor, i do love a good uquiz diagnosing the diseases and problems of my fictional characters and also i might be slightly procrastinating a final paper. saw this one from @sasslett and simply could not resist :3 quiz link! for those who'd like.
swtor edition first!
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tyr deckard - then let me be evil
You never wanted to hurt anyone, but the world never gave you a choice. You did the best you could with what you had, but every innocent mistake you made was held against you when it counted, every crossroads led you down the wrong path no matter which way you went. No matter what you did, the odds were stacked against you. It wasn't fair, and you are sick and tired of being told what a monster you are for things out of your control. Well, fine. They want a monster? YOU'LL GIVE THEM A MONSTER!
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alucren ellery - the betrayer
You like to do things up close and personal. As personal as you can get. You are an excellent actor, and you do adore putting on a smile knowing your worst enemy, the one you hate the most, doesn't suspect a thing when they tell you their deepest secrets. Your only motivation is revenge, and revenge you shall get. Perhaps you loved them once, long ago, but any fondness for your target you once felt has long since warped and twisted into perverse obsession, laced with malice and venom and seething hatred. Good or evil does not matter to you. All that matters is they get what they deserve.
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leo ashold - the coward
You didn't have another choice, honest! Have these people SEEN what the heroes are up against? It'd end you in an instant, whether that be a lovecraftian abomination with a hold on your soul, a rampaging monster that's destroying more than a hurricane and an earthquake could in one fell swoop, a shadow organization that has tabs on everyone you love and will end them in an instant, or just a particularly grumpy boss that might yell at you if you don't fall in with his excessively tyrannical methods, you can't go risking your neck for the poor saps that think they can stop it. No way, you're staying on the bad guy side, where it's SAFE.
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rhyst delavast - for the greater good
Perhaps you do not believe what you are doing can truly be classified as evil. Perhaps some people will be hurt from the immediate consequences of your actions, but what the masses fail to see is the immense good that will come of your plans. Maybe you act in the name of science, or for your people who have fallen on great tragedy. Maybe you see cracks in a failing system and want to uproot it through chaotic, destructive means to avoid greater tragedy down the line. Maybe you're just in with a bad crowd, but you can't leave them, no matter how unsavory their intentions, because they're your only ticket to your ultimate goals. No matter what, your goals are noble, and you take no joy in wreaking havoc or hurting those in your way, but the evils you partake in are necessary. If you need to play the bad guy to ensure a better future, then you are willing to play that part.
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savosta - no moral compass
You are cold, analytical, and you strive to be as objective as a person of flesh and blood can be. Either don't understand the concepts of good and evil, or you understand it perfectly and think it's a load of bull. Some may call you selfish, some may call you unfeeling, but you're just doing what you believe will yield the best results, plain and simple. Why bother with petty ideals of right or wrong when you can do what will actively help those you give a fuck about? Your goals may be selfish or noble or anything in between, but you will not let anyone make you feel like garbage for going after them. You couldn't care less about what people brand you as. You just care about getting shit done by any means necessary.
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t4tails · 1 year
crying as i start a new hollow knight save, a game i have both over 800 hours and every single achievement in: silksong could fix me
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dragoncarrion · 1 year
Post limit is so funny it's like tumblr forcing you to just shut the fuck up
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