scheunensohn · 1 year
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Come into the woods and pray with me
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joegeniusblog · 8 months
HAIKU 5*7*5* Autumn calling
Brown leaves on cement The days are growing shorter Fall is heaven sent
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bookofchaos · 2 years
My current UPG of Judeo Christian 'Demons' as looked at when that lens is removed and re-evaluated.
Plus, this is just too damned cute!
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feelingcomplet · 14 days
Uma dívida de sangue deve ser paga com sangue.
( Shang Chi )
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ocombatenterondonia · 4 months
Caixa paga novo Bolsa Família a beneficiários com NIS de final 4
A Caixa Econômica Federal paga nesta quarta-feira (21) a parcela de fevereiro do novo Bolsa Família aos beneficiários com Número de Inscrição Social (NIS) de final 4. O valor mínimo corresponde a R$ 600, mas com o novo adicional o valor médio do benefício sobe para R$ 686,10. Segundo o Ministério do Desenvolvimento e Assistência Social, neste mês o programa de transferência de renda do governo…
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2t2r · 9 years
Les crocodiles dociles de Paga
Nouvel article publié sur https://www.2tout2rien.fr/les-crocodiles-dociles-de-paga/
Les crocodiles dociles de Paga
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smartbrief · 5 months
Enhancing Public Safety with PAGA Coverage Study, Precision Public Addressing, and General Alarm Systems
In today's dynamic and fast-paced world, ensuring public safety is of paramount importance. One of the crucial elements in emergency response and communication systems is the Public Address and General Alarm (PAGA) system. PAGA systems play a pivotal role in delivering clear and concise information to the public during emergencies, making them an integral part of modern safety infrastructure. In this blog, we'll delve into the significance of PAGA Coverage Studies, the precision of public addressing, and the meticulous planning involved in the selection and placement of loudspeakers.
PAGA Coverage Study:
A PAGA Coverage Study is a comprehensive analysis conducted by qualified sound experts to determine the optimal placement and coverage of loudspeakers in a given facility. The goal is to ensure that the entire area is covered with clear and intelligible announcements in the event of an emergency or general communication needs. This study involves the use of state-of-the-art computer modeling software, which takes into account various factors, including ambient noise levels, building structures, and potential sources of reverberation.
Qualified sound experts meticulously plan the installation of loudspeakers based on the specific requirements of the facility. This planning process is crucial to achieving high speech intelligibility and effective communication throughout the designated area. The study helps in identifying potential areas with poor coverage or high reverberation, allowing for adjustments to be made to the system design.
Precision in Public Addressing:
Precision in public addressing is a key aspect of PAGA systems. The goal is to deliver announcements with clarity and accuracy, ensuring that information is conveyed effectively to the intended audience. This precision is achieved through the careful selection of equipment, including high-quality microphones, amplifiers, and loudspeakers.
Modern PAGA systems are equipped with advanced technologies that enhance speech intelligibility and minimize background noise. Sound experts leverage these technologies to design systems that can deliver clear and concise messages even in challenging acoustic environments. Whether it's an emergency announcement, general information, or evacuation instructions, precision in public addressing is vital for the success of the PAGA system.
Meticulous Loudspeaker Placement:
The selection and placement of loudspeakers in a PAGA system require meticulous planning. Sound experts consider factors such as the layout of the facility, the presence of obstacles, and the need for uniform coverage. By strategically placing loudspeakers, they ensure that every corner of the facility receives the intended message.
The use of computer modeling software aids in visualizing the potential acoustic challenges and optimizing the placement of loudspeakers. By addressing areas with potential sound reflections or absorption issues, sound experts can fine-tune the system for optimal performance. The result is a well-planned PAGA system that delivers clear and effective communication in any circumstance.
The integration of PAGA systems with meticulous planning, precision public addressing, and general alarm capabilities is crucial for enhancing public safety. The expertise of qualified sound professionals, coupled with advanced computer modeling software, ensures that the loudspeaker placement is optimized for high speech intelligibility across the entire facility. As technology continues to evolve, PAGA systems will play an increasingly vital role in providing timely and accurate information during emergencies, contributing to a safer and more secure public environment.
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cerebrodigital · 6 months
¿Cuáles son los mejores empleos? ¿Cuáles son los trabajos que mejor remuneran? En este video, MrBeast se pone el uniforme 👷 de distintos empleos, que van desde $1 hasta $10,000,000.⬇
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ocombatente · 7 months
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sitiweb-re · 8 months
Dalla busta paga alla velocità della pagina: strategie SEO
Il SEO è affascinante non solo per il grande aiuto che da ad aziende e piccoli imprenditori, ma anche per le sue molteplici sfaccettature e servizi che offre. #buste #funzioni #paga #seo #varie
  La SEO è fondamentale per le aziende moderne, soprattutto per quelle del settore SaaS. I potenziali clienti devono essere in grado di trovare il vostro sito web e una buona SEO vi offre questa visibilità fondamentale. Molte strategie SEO si applicano a tutti i tipi di SaaS, in cui è necessario dimostrare valore ai visitatori durante un lungo ciclo di vendita, ma il moderno settore delle buste…
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pirapopnoticias · 8 months
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mujeresdvueltaymedia · 9 months
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irreplaceable-spark · 10 months
California Businesses on The Verge of Going Under Because of Frivolous Lawsuits | Victor Gomez
Siyamak sits down with Victor Gomez, the executor director of "Citizens Against the Lawsuit Abuse" https://cala.com/ He’s going to tell us how some trial attorneys in California have found a way to make a lot of money of small businesses for their mistakes using the law. "I see California businesses fleeing the state. 750,000 jobs are lost every year. A lot of Vietnamese immigrants, a lot of Latino immigrants come here with an entrepreneurial spirit. They put all of their money to open up that taco shop, to open up that boqueria... That's their only income."
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eurekadiario · 10 months
Argentina paga con un préstamo de Qatar vencimientos de deuda del FMI
Argentina golpea todas las puertas que encuentra en busca de dólares. Con las reservas internacionales del Banco Central bajo mínimos, el Gobierno de Alberto Fernández recurrió este viernes por primera vez a Qatar para cumplir con sus nuevos compromisos con el Fondo Monetario Internacional (FMI). El país árabe le concedió un crédito equivalente a 770 millones de dólares, con los que pagó los vencimientos de deuda de este viernes, tras haber usado yuanes y dólares prestados por el CAF - Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo para desembolsar otros 2.700 millones el lunes.
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Según el decreto publicado en el Boletín Oficial, el acuerdo de facilidades sellado con Qatar establece un préstamo para Argentina por 580 millones de derechos especiales de giro (DEG, la moneda que emplea el FMI a partir de una cesta de las principales divisas), equivalentes a 770 millones de dólares.
A diferencia del swap de monedas con China, cuyos detalles se mantienen en reserva, las condiciones del crédito con Qatar se han hecho públicas. Argentina deberá pagar una tasa de interés variable de 4,033% anual y el compromiso es devolver los fondos cuando Argentina reciba del FMI la inyección de 7.500 millones de dólares pactada la semana pasada y pendiente de aprobación por el directorio del organismo a finales de mes.
Argentina está sin crédito. Las reservas brutas del Banco Central han caído más del 40% en lo que va de año, hasta los 24.020 millones de dólares, y las reservas netas —aquellas que no son propiamente del organismo financiero sino que tienen que ser devueltas, como los yuanes del intercambio de monedas con China— son negativas en más de 7.000 millones de dólares, una cifra inédita.
Ante ese difícil panorama, nadie sabía cómo iba a pagar Argentina el nuevo vencimiento de este viernes, vinculado a la deuda de 44.000 millones de dólares que el país contrajo con el FMI en 2018. Fuentes de la cartera económica señalaron que las negociaciones con Qatar fueron dirigidas “en el más absoluto hermetismo” por el ministro de Economía y precandidato presidencial por el peronismo, Sergio Massa. Otras fuentes señalaron que el FMI intercedió ante Qatar para que cediese parte de sus DEG. Semanas atrás, Argentina intentó sin éxito obtener un préstamo de Brasil.
El alivio que se respiraba en el oficialismo por haber cumplido con el último desembolso fue en parte correspondido por el mercado cambiario, que vivió un día de bastante estabilidad tras una semana agitada. Los distintos tipos de cambio que coexisten en Argentina debido a numerosas restricciones cambiarias se mantuvieron este viernes en valores récord: el dólar oficial cotiza a 291 pesos, el dólar MEP y el CCL (usados para operaciones financieras) a 515 y 547 respectivamente, mientras que el dólar blue llegó a los 574 pesos.
El objetivo inmediato del Gobierno es llegar a las elecciones primarias del 13 de agosto sin una devaluación brusca del peso que tanto el FMI como el mercado dan por descontada en el medio plazo. De ocurrir, la inflación —que está ya en el 115,6%— se aceleraría aún más y reduciría las opciones de Massa de cara a las elecciones presidenciales del próximo 22 de octubre.
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falldara · 1 year
El primer rayo de sol de la mañana
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Vere verità. Segui @ilsupremomacchinista 🚂 #ilsupremomacchinista 🚂 #lavoro #lavorare #soldi #denaro #paga #bustapaga #turni #lavorosuturni #turnidimattina #sveglia #svegliapresto #euro #lavorodacasa #benedictcumberbatch #benedict #macchinista #lavorostatale #postofisso #capotreno #work #job https://www.instagram.com/p/Cqabt3eI4hb/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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