#Papi x Dega
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Louis Dega X Male!Reader Angsty prompt with a cute ending
!TW: Mention of ‘murderer’, mild violence, threat, mention of nightmare, mention of attempted stabbing (in the nightmare)!
This is a different adaptation of this character
“I hate you!” You snapped when you and Louis were having an argument, and he wore a hurt look on his face; he couldn’t believe you’d say that to him.
“No you don’t,” he contradicted, his voice briefly trembling. “Y/n-”
You threateningly stepped closer to him, and Louis backed away, scared. “I want to show you something,” you interrupted, and Louis looked around for Papillon.
“W-What?” Louis asked, the feeling of dread growing when he felt his back touch the metal fencing.
“How I got my nickname ‘The Final Station Murderer’,” you answered, and Louis began to panic, until he heard someone shouting.
“Get away from him!” Papillon shouted, before he shoved you away from Louis. “I knew I couldn’t trust you,” Papillon spat, blocking you from Louis.
You frowned when you heard Louis crying, and you began to feel guilty; you couldn’t believe you’d snapped at him like that, and threatened him. “Louis-”
You tried to get past Papillon, but he shoved you away. “Stay away,” Papillon commanded, but you ignored him, silently pleading with Louis, but he wouldn’t look at you.
“Louis, please,” you begged, your voice weak. “I’m sorry-”
“Get out of here!” Papillon yelled, and you felt your heart sink; you hated yourself for losing control with Louis - Louis, of all people.
“Fine,” you murmured, before you dragged yourself away from them, shoving past the small crowd of inmates who showed interest in the minor spectacle.
“Are you okay?” You heard Papillon ask Louis, and you found that you didn’t want to listen anymore, so you began to run until you pushed the doors open to escape into the usually crowded room, but it wasn’t as crowded as it was at night time or in the morning.
You had snuck into the small room, wanting to be alone as you cried in the corner; you couldn’t allow for anyone to see you like this. You would be startled when you heard the door opening, and you quickly turned away from it. “Y/n?” You heard Louis’ voice, and you hesitantly sat up, though you felt as if you didn’t deserve to even look at him.
Papillon grunted when he noticed you, and he tried to pull Louis out of the room, but he managed to pry his arm from Papillon’s grasp. “Louis, come on,” Papillon commanded, but Louis shook his head.
“Y/n,” Louis repeated, warily crouching down in front of you. You couldn’t help it as you sobbed, attempting to throw your arms around him, but Papillon thought you were going to attack him, so he pulled Louis away. “No, stop!” Louis cried, but Papillon wouldn’t let him go.
You sank back, beginning to break down again. “P-Please,” you begged, “I love him..”
“Cry me a river,” Papillon spat, “you threatened him!”
“I didn’t mean it,” you whispered shakily, looking up at Louis. “I - I just-.. I was angry,” you explained, “I would never hurt Louis!”
“Please let me go, Papi,” Louis pleaded, and Papillon let him go with great reluctance. Louis wrapped his arms around you, wanting to comfort you. “It’s okay, Y/n,” Louis reassured, and you buried your face into the crook of his neck, breathing shakily. “I know you didn’t mean it,” Louis claimed, lifting his hand to the back of your head. “I forgive you, okay?” Louis added, and you would express relief, glancing up at him, before you connected your lips to his.
Papillon thought he would be surprised, but he’d already guessed that there was something between you and him, so he wasn’t, at all. “I love you so much,” you professed, not caring that Papillon was in the room at this moment.
“I love you, too,” Louis returned, smiling softly as he connected his forehead to your’s.
You and Louis were sitting together outside behind the shower area so the others couldn’t see you both, and you would be surprised when you noticed Louis staring at you. “Quit looking at me,” you murmured, “you’re making me nervous.”
“S-Sorry,” Louis responded, “I just - N-Nevermind.” Louis quickly lowered his head, and you grinned, intertwining your fingers with his. Louis hesitantly looked up at you, and he smiled shyly at you.
You slowly leaned forward, before you connected your lips to his again. Louis wore a dazed expression on his face, before he looked up at you. “You’re adorable, Dega,” you remarked, and Louis chuckled softly, before he rested his head on your shoulder, feeling content.
You noticed that Louis was having another nightmare again, and you looked around to see if you were the only one awake, and when you felt that it was safe, you shuffled over to Louis again, before you slowly wrapped your arms around him, startling him as he woke up, whimpering. “It’s okay,” you whispered, trying to calm him down. “What was the nightmare about?” You inquired, and Louis turned around, hugging you tightly.
“Celier was trying to stab me,” Louis recalled, his voice shaking for a moment as he buried his face against your chest.
You frowned, lifting your hand to stroke his hair and soothe his nerves. “Well, he can’t hurt you anymore,” you responded, “I promise.” Louis tried to believe you, though he still felt unsafe. “Is there anything I can do to make you feel better?” You asked, and Louis shrugged. “What if I kissed you right now?” You suggested, and Louis hesitated, before he nodded, glancing up at you. “That would make you feel better?” You pried, and he nodded again. “Okay,” you responded, before you placed a gentle kiss on his lips. Louis felt a little better, but he still felt unsettled with all the other prisoners in the room. “Do you feel better, now?” You inquired, and he nodded; he didn’t want to worry you anymore than he already had. “Good,” you replied, “I’ll stay with you until you fall asleep again, okay?” Louis nodded, though he wished you could stay beside him for the entire night. Louis tried to put off sleep for a while to spend more time with you, but he knew he couldn’t put it off any longer when his eyes began to close repeatedly, and they felt heavy.
Hope you enjoyed this prompt! ❤️
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lesbvan · 4 years
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you know what these movies all have in common?
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xmxisxforxmaybe · 4 years
13. papi and vega for the fun sex tropes 😳😳
13. Anything involving the secretive brushing of fingertips against inner thighs in public spaces.
AU Papi/Louis, of course, because Papi-top would never live without his Louis-bottom. I struggled to think of a way to do this in public, so I didn’t . . . forgive me? 
* * * * *
Papi sits near the window of their small cottage, mostly because the fumes from Louis’s paints gets to be too much. Amazingly, the smell never bothers the smaller man, who will work for hours until his body is aching and so stiff that Papi has to help him into a hot bath.
Once Louis is settled in the tub, his muscles already responding to the heat, Papi will climb in behind him and start to massage away all the knots until his lover becomes pliant, lying back against Papi’s chest.
While the water is still warm and Louis is drawing closer to sleep, Papi’s hands change, morphing from virtuous to sinful, as they start to slide over Louis’s skin instead of massage.
He starts out innocently enough, feather light strokes over Louis’s arms, up and down until Papi sees the goosebumps appear. He smiles, knowing that although Louis is still enough to be asleep, he is very much awake.
With that knowledge, Papi’s hands slide under the water and stroke Louis’s sides; he’s still thin enough that Papi can count his ribs, his thick fingers all but fitting perfectly into each indentation. It used to concern him, but when after months of eating well, his physique never changed, Papi just accepted Louis as slight, feminine.
Louis’s head shifts, rolling to the side, and now his neck is bared for Papi. Up from beneath the water, like a Siren’s call, Papi’s hands respond to this new bit of flesh. He lightly strokes the muscles of Louis’s neck, one finger running over the soft skin of his lover’s pulsepoint, under which Papi can feel Louis’s heartbeat.
He rests his fingers here for a minute, counting, making sure the man he endured so much suffering for was real, making sure that he wasn’t still stuck in that awful place, alone with nothing but ghosts of memories and visions of what would surely never come because Papi was going to die.
Except he didn’t.
Sensing Papi’s pain, Louis’s hands move under the water and brush along the insides of his lover’s muscular thighs, the hair, coarse when its dry, soft and silky after its time submerged in the bath.
When Papi’s cock hardens against Louis’s back, he knows that he’s come home again.
Louis continues to ghost his fingers along Papi’s thighs, shifting so he can reach higher and higher.
“The water’s getting cold, mon chou,” Papi says quietly.
Louis smiles at the term of endearment, and turns his face towards Papi’s, his full lips silently begging to be kissed.
Papi’s hand slides along Louis’s jaw, cradling his face as he bends to kiss him.
A flash of tongues.
A breathy sigh.
And Papi breaks the kiss, Louis’s lips still pursed, begging for more.
“Come,” Papi commands, pushing his lover’s body forward so he can rise from the tub.
Louis follows, stretching and listening to his bones pop satisfyingly into place before he accepts the towel waiting in Papi’s hand. Louis smiles, knowing his lover watches every move he makes, his cock still hard, evident beneath the towel slung low on his hips.
Before they leave the bathroom, Louis stands in front of Papi and leans in to kiss the butterfly on his chest, three soft pecks, always: wing, body, wing.
Papi leans down and nuzzles Louis’s curls, pressing a quick kiss to his head before taking his hand and pulling him into their bedroom.
“I love our freedom to do this, Louis,” Papi says as he opens Louis’s towel and gently pushes him to lie down on the bed.
“The one thing you have in abundance now. Freedom,” Louis says, the word never feeling tiresome on his tongue.
“Only one thing?” Papi asks as he smirks and drops his towel. “I’d like to think I also have you . . . in abundance.”
Louis laughs, his eyes bright with mirth since they aren’t currently hidden behind his glasses.
“Yes. Yes, you certainly have me,” Louis says, a pretty blush coloring his cheeks as Papi gazes at him, laid out on their bed and waiting.
This time, it’s Papi’s fingers ghosting along Louis’s inner thighs as he climbs into bed and takes his coveted place between them.
Louis’s lips are open and his eyes are shut and Papi is, as always, enamored by this small, sometimes still annoying man. He lets his eyes trace over his frame, lingering on the lean muscles of his chest and the angular sharpness of his jaw. Louis has such a masculine face, and Papi loves to cover it in kisses until Louis laughs and pushes him away, “Pas plus, pas plus.”
Louis’s body is covered in goosebumps now, so Papi ceases his stroking and switches to a touch with pressure. He grips Louis’s thighs and rubs them before he moves up to his hips, pushing him into the bed in a way that makes Louis’s cock fully erect.
Papi leans down, his muscular chest pressed into Louis’s hardness as he kisses across his lover’s lean torso before moving lower, his tongue following the dark hair on Louis’s stomach until he reaches his cock.
Papi takes him in his mouth, sucking him in all the way until he can bury his nose in the coarse hairs at the base. Louis moans, his fingers clutching the sheets and he knows he has to be still or Papi will move too soon.
Reaching between Louis’s legs, Papi cups his testicles and pulls on them, teasing them as he pulls his mouth up and lets go of Louis’s cock with a slight pop that seems to echo off the walls of their bedroom. Papi moves his hand up and strokes lightly, giving his wrist a little twist as he reaches Louis’s tip.
“Papi,” Louis moans. “I need you.”
Of course Louis tells Papi he loves him, and Papi returns the sentiment, but love was never their most powerful bond: it was need.
First, Papi needed Louis.
Then, Louis needed Papi.
Back and forth, until now . . . now they finally knew that all along, they needed each other.
So when Louis begs for him, when Louis needs him, Papi always, always gives.
Reaching into the nightstand, Papi pulls out the lubricant and spreads a generous amount on his fingers. He tosses it beside him on the bed and smears it over his fingers to warm it up. Louis’s propped up now, his big, blue-green eyes filled with an uncontained desire.
When Papi runs his fingers over Louis’s opening, he pulls his bottom lip between his teeth in anticipation. Papi has never been too rough with him, but there’s something about this part that makes Louis feel the most vulnerable—and sometimes, Louis wonders if it’s because he doesn’t feel good enough to belong to this pillar of a man who gave up everything for him.
But that question gets buried when Papi slides one finger inside of him, stretching him until he’s ready for two, and by the time Papi adds the third, Louis isn’t thinking anything at all except how good it feels to have Papi’s fingers moving in and out of him, brushing the part of him that makes him flush with pleasure.
“I’m ready,” Louis pants, his bottom lip freed by his declaration.
Papi reaches for the lubricant again and locks his eyes on Louis’s as he slickens his cock, his strong hand sliding up and down his substantial length. He’s so beautiful in this moment, so strong and sure; he needs to be because as soon as he plunges into Louis’s body, Papi becomes a slave to the sensation of his lover surrounding him, chasing nothing but Louis’s tight, tight heat.
Papi leans over Louis’s body, bending to kiss him as he aligns his cock with Louis’s entrance. He deepens the kiss as he pushes into his ass, his hands running up and down Louis’s body until he is fully sheathed.
Both of them groan in an almost identical sound, and when Papi starts to move, he straightens up and slides his hands under the cheeks of Louis’s ass and squeezes. Louis spreads his legs a little wider and Papi hooks his knees to bring him flush with his body. Once he slides his hands down to grip Louis’s thighs, he starts fucking him.
Hard and fast, just the way Louis likes.
Most of the time, the stimulation from Papi inside of him is overpowering and all Louis wants, but today, Louis’s cock stays hard and when he reaches down to stroke himself, Papi can’t help the long moan that leaves his throat.
Never is Louis a more delectable sight than when Papi is buried balls deep in his ass with Louis’s own hand wrapped around his hard cock.
Papi knows he won’t last long like this and he gives Louis little commands in French. When Papi feels that tightening at the base of his spine he commands Louis to let go, and when the hot ropes of cum shoot from Louis’s cock onto his stomach and his chest, Papi is lost, groaning out Louis’s name as he stills inside of him and fills him up.
Papi slides out and stumbles back to stand, bending to grab one of their towels from the floor.
He cleans up Louis, and Louis smiles at him, shaking his head at what a mess he made. Papi towels off his own cock before climbing into bed and nestling into his lover’s back. Papi presses soft kisses to the smattering of freckles that dot Louis’s skin, and he’s thankful that Louis will never have to feel the harsh sun on his back again if he chooses not to.
That’s all Papi ever wanted.
And now, Papi has freedom . . . and Louis.
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hannaloony · 4 years
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kiwimidnight · 6 years
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You’re choosing another man’s life over your own.
—  PAPILLON (2017)
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desertdrift · 4 years
Summary: Sometimes he paints like he's still on that island.
Rating: G
Pairing: Papi/Louis
Archive Warnings: none
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s-k-y-w-a-l-k-e-r · 5 years
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hxyjr · 5 years
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snafus-gold-teeth · 5 years
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Dega never shuts up but Papi tolerates it
Some Depillon art for Silvereyedotaku :)
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crimson-shadowva · 6 years
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Just saw Papillon and I'm living for the Dega x Papi ship. If anyone wants to do a literate rp of it, hit me up. I need more of my prison boyfriends.
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northamlet · 5 years
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« ..dega. »
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Louis Dega X Male!Reader Hidden feelings prompt
This is just a different adaptation of this character
!TW: Mention of fighting, mention of getting hurt, mild violence, mention of wound, word ‘stitched’, word ‘crooks’, mention of murderers, robbers and gang members, implied swearing (‘cursed’), actual swearing, word ‘stole’, word ‘prison’, mention of blood, mention of strangulation, gun, mention of nightmare!
“I don’t ever want to live without you,” Louis murmured, not daring to lift his head as he was worried for your reaction, though he knew already that you felt the same way for him as you’d confessed when you thought you would lose him.
You hesitantly sat beside Louis, and he smiled subconsciously. “I don’t want to live without you, either,” you returned, and Louis glanced over at you, relieved as he thought you wouldn’t say it back.
You’d heard that Louis had gotten hurt whilst Papillon was fighting with Celier, and you searched desperately for him, until you found Papillon standing outside of a small room. “Is Dega in there?” You asked, and Papillon wouldn’t answer, skeptical of you; he’d clearly not seen you and Louis together before.
“Why should I tell you if he is or isn’t?” Papillon questioned, squaring up to you.
“Dega and I are friends,” you answered, and he hesitated, narrowing his eyes as if he was trying to recognise you. “I was worried about him when I heard that he got hurt,” you added, “can I please go in and see him, now?”
“He needs to rest,” Papillon uttered, and you grunted, before you pushed him out of the way to get into the room. Louis would be surprised when he noticed you, and he attempted to sit up, but found that he couldn’t as the pain grew more excruciating. “Get out, man!” Papillon shouted, trying to drag you out of the room, and Louis would be disappointed as he wanted you to stay.
“Papi, stop,” Louis whined in a weak, strained voice. “He’s my friend,” Louis reassured Papillon, and he begrudgingly let go of you.
You warily looked back at Papillon, before you approached Louis, crouching down beside his makeshift bed on the floor. “Where were you hurt, Dega?” You asked, and Louis showed you the bandage covering his stitched wound on his side. You winced, wishing you could have been there to protect him, yourself. “It’ll get better soon,” you promised him, and he hoped you were right.
It was starting to get later, and Louis was anxious as he thought you’d leave, and he wanted you to stay with him. You grunted when you heard the guards shouting outside, and you knew you’d have to leave, but you felt as if you shouldn’t leave him in this condition. “I should probably-”
“N-No,” Louis interrupted, and you frowned.
“I can’t stay here, Louis,” you responded, “the guards won’t allow me to stay with you - two people can’t stay with you.”
Before you could stand up, Louis caught your arm, making you feel worse, but you tried to hide it. “Please, will you stay?” Louis pleaded, and you looked back at Papillon who was stood by the door. Louis looked over at him, too, hopeful.
Papillon grunted, annoyed. “Seriously?” He uttered, and Louis would be disappointed by his reaction, lowering his head again. “Fine,” he muttered, giving in, “we should tell them that you’re taking over for me.” You nodded, silently relieved, before you followed Papillon out of the room to find one of the guards to tell them that you’d be looking after Louis.
“Y’know, I forgot to ask you - What did you even do to end up in here?” You asked Louis; you’d both been put on the same task together of cleaning the clothes of your inmates, and you had no idea that he’d paid the guards to put you both together. Louis winced, looking over at you as he briefly stopped scrubbing the shirt. You would be intrigued by his reaction to the question, and you stopped scrubbing, too, focussing on him. “It can’t be that bad,” you stated, hesitantly stepping closer to him. Louis faltered, returning to the task of scrubbing the shirt. You felt bad for pushing him, and you let it go. “You don’t have to tell me,” you concluded, and he would suddenly become fearful that you perceived him as weak, and he reminded himself that he wanted to impress you, even though you’d already admitted that you had feelings for him, too.
“I was a forger,” he murmured, and you looked over at him again.
You tilted your head partially, lifting an eyebrow at him. “Why were you so afraid of telling me that?” You asked, and he lowered his head more.
“I was worried that you’d think of me as one of the biggest crooks, like the rest of them,” he answered, his voice barely audible. You shook your head, chuckling for a moment at the phrase ‘one of the biggest crooks’, but you were unaware of him not giving you all of the details. Louis tried to change the subject slightly, pulling the basket of clothes he was washing closer to your’s, and you grinned when you noticed. “It doesn’t bother you, does it? That I’m - merely a forger?” Louis inquired, and you scoffed. “Y’know - You have murderers and robbers and gang members,” Louis mused, “and you’re stuck with a forger. You could have even chosen a better forger than me-”
You shook your head, abandoning the hat you’d been washing, before you wrapped your arms around Louis’ waist, surprising him. “You’re the only forger I want,” you interrupted, and quickly moved away when the guard who’d been watching you both before returned; he’d had to leave the room briefly. Louis would be disappointed, cursing the guard internally.
“What did you do, anyway? You never told me,” Louis questioned, curious; he believed, or rather hoped, that you couldn’t have done anything worse.
You grimaced, knowing you couldn’t tell him the truth about what you’d done; you were afraid that he wouldn’t want to talk to you anymore. “Stole a few things,” you lied vaguely, and the guard by the door guffawed, prompting you to glare at him. Louis wouldn’t take any notice of the guard’s reaction; he just wanted to finish his task and enjoy his time with you.
When you were all let out into the small outside area of the prison, you searched for Louis, and smiled when you noticed him sitting near the shower area, but your smile faded when you noticed Papillon next to him, as usual. You cautiously approached them, nervously eyeing Papillon as you sat beside Louis. Louis closed his petite drawing book, smiling over at you. You returned the smile faintly, but felt awkward with Papillon around. Louis noticed this, and he hesitantly looked up at his friend. “H-Hey, Papi,” he broke the silence, and Papillon hummed in response, looking down at him, “can I talk to Y/n alone for a moment?” Papillon grunted, before he nodded, reluctantly leaving you both alone.
You felt more comfortable once he’d gone, and opened up to Louis more. “What stuff do you like to draw?” You asked, curious, and Louis hesitantly opened the book so you could see his drawings. “You like birds?” You guessed, and Louis nodded thoughtfully.
“They’re a good distraction for me,” he answered, and you agreed; you’d certainly taken a lot more interest in them, too, ever since you were locked up. Louis would try to stop you from turning the page, but he was too slow, and you caught a glimpse of the small sketch of you. Louis quickly closed the book again, embarrassed. “T-That was nothing,” he murmured, and you couldn’t help, but chuckle. “Don’t laugh,” he whined, feeling worse as he looked away from you.
You would be amused by his reaction, and found it adorable that he’d gotten so embarrassed about it. “I fucking love you, Dega,” you let slip as you began to laugh again, and Louis would be surprised, looking over at you; you rarely said the big ‘l’ word to him. Louis smiled softly, before he lowered his head slightly. A brief silence passed over the both of you, and you tried to think of something else to say. “Do you think you could teach me to draw like that?” You asked, and Louis nodded; he knew it would be difficult, but it meant that he got to spend more time with you. “Thanks,” you responded, grateful as you remembered that you’d always wanted to do more drawing, but you ended up getting distracted by - other things.
“You’re welcome,” he replied, smiling warmly at you, before he hesitantly shuffled closer, resting his head on your shoulder. You lifted your hand to stroke the exposed side of his head, and he felt relaxed and safe.
When you had been put onto the cleaning clothes task with him again, you would try to hide your excitement. “Hey, stranger,” you greeted as you walked into the room, but Louis wouldn’t respond, worrying you. “Dega?” You spoke quietly, glancing back at the door to check that the guard was still outside scolding a newer guard. “What’s wrong?” You questioned, and he hesitantly looked over at you, a hurt look on his face.
“You lied to me, Y/n,” he answered, “you’re a murderer.”
You stopped, feeling your blood run cold. “Dega-”
“You-” Louis looked toward the door, before he lowered his voice, “strangled people.”
You bowed your head, a pained expression on your face. “Who - Who told you that?” You asked, and Louis grimaced.
“Will you strangle them?” Louis assumed, and you shook your head quickly; you had no intention to hurt anyone anymore.
“L-Louis, I - I’m sorry,” you responded, rubbing the back of your neck. “I-.. I was just scared that you’d never talk to me again if I told you the truth,” you admitted, and Louis would think about how he could react. “Look - I understand if you don’t want to talk to me or see me again,” you murmured, and Louis shook his head slightly. “Just know that I hate myself for what I did to my victims,” you stated, and Louis hesitated, before he stepped closer to you.
“You - You do?” Louis replied, and you nodded. “Do you promise you won’t ever do it again?” Louis pried, and you nodded quickly, a hopeful look on your face. “O-Okay,” he responded, “I - I think I can see past it. I’ll try and forget about it, okay?”
“Thank you so much, Louis,” you whispered, hugging him tightly, and he returned the hug, patting your back to comfort you.
You would both be startled when the guard banged on the door once with his gun, and you both hesitantly let go of each other. “Get to work!” The guard demanded, and you grunted, following Louis as he began to clean the clothes in the basket he was assigned.
You would be concerned when you heard crying, and it was close to you; you’d made sure to try and get a sleeping place near Louis in the crowded room. “Dega?” You whispered, and looked over in his direction to find him curled up, his shoulders shaking. You noticed that Papillon was asleep, and you nervously looked around, before you shuffled closer to him. “What’s wrong?” You asked, before you wrapped your arms around him.
“I had a nightmare,” he answered, and you frowned, before you lifted your hand to play with his hair. “I needed you,” he whined, and you felt bad for not noticing earlier.
“Well I’m here now,” you responded, “try and get back to sleep, okay?” Louis nodded, letting his eyes close again as he felt more relaxed now that you were beside him.
“Do you know how to knock?” Papillon snapped when you opened the door to the small room Louis had stayed in whilst he was recovering; they’d been hiding in there and talking about lord knows what.
You glared at Papillon, before you looked over at Louis. “Papi,” Louis murmured, his voice barely audible. Louis then smiled apologetically up at you, and you smiled faintly back at him. “Are you okay, Y/n?” Louis asked, and you nodded.
“I was just wondering where you were,” you answered, and he would smile softly, flattered as he lowered his head slightly. Papillon looked between you both, suspicious. You winced when you noticed the look on Papillon’s face, and you backed up until you were by the door. “I’ll, er - just be outside,” you murmured, and Louis frowned, nodding gravely. “I’ll see you around, Dega,” you concluded, and Louis forced a smile, watching as you left the room.
Hope you enjoyed this prompt! ❤️ I decided to continue this idea as I honestly love it, and I’m glad I was requested it because I haven’t written for this character that much. Also, I apologise for not posting that much recently, but I’ll try and post more!
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lovelymalekk · 4 years
anyone who knows about the papillon fan fics on here help me find one I’m looking for?? I remember bits a pieces of it but I cant find it :(
I’m pretty sure y/n is the daughter of somebody important and she starts working at the hospital in the prison and meets them
And she gets louis a job working in the prison so she can be closer to him or something
And then basically she sneaks them onto a boat and they all get an apartment somewhere??
I think it’s multi chapter. Someone please help me find it so I can have it stop itching my brain
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kiwimidnight · 6 years
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I’m sorry. I may have prematurely judged you with an unworthy degree of suspicion. Well, don’t propose yet.
—  PAPILLON (2017)
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desertdrift · 4 years
happy valentine’s day y’all
I have 0 clue if I'm gonna get this posted on time, so for now I gift you the mental image of Louis worshipping and rubbing his face on Papi's thighs and feastin on that dick like a starved man at a banquet.
Bonus: ha makes Papi keep his hands off; any touching and Louis stops.
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hxyjr · 5 years
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source: gettyimages
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