#Peacock Adrien
saharthings · 1 year
Peacock Adrien:
- Fu still lost the Butterfly and the Peacock miraculous in this au
- Adrien didn't get the cat miraculous. Instead, he got the peacock when he stole it from the safe.
- Adrien's hero name is Irasation and the miraculous is still broken
- Hawk moth is desperate to get the peacock miraculous back when he saw a familiar being assisting the heroes.
- Hawk moth couldn't get the peacock miraculous since Irasation doesn't go to battles but instead use sentimonsters to help the heroes
- The Chat noir in this au is Kagami. Kuromai is her hero name
- Kagami and Adrien are good friends. She sometimes takes care of him when she notices how sick he is getting on duels, how he is getting slower which concerns her.
- When Adrien first made a sentimonster to help the heroes, the heroes were confused and shocked, especially Ladybug. She's certain that was the power of the peacock miraculous.
- After the battle, she went to Master Fu, who was still shocked and shaken when he sensed the peacock for the first time in centuries.
- He confirmed that was the peacock miraculous and how she and her partner should be careful since they don't know if this holder is working for Hawk moth and how they should never underestimate its powers.
- News reporters asked Ladybug and Kuromai about the senti being and if there was another miraculous holder that they were not familiar with.
- Ladybug and Kuromai just looked at each other hesitantly for a few seconds, but Ladybug just answered how she doesn't know this holder but whoever that was, was helpful. She didn't mention that the miraculous that was being use was lost along time ago
- Most of the time Adrien sends the sentimonster to help the heroes, which lower their defenses everytime he helps. But there still on guard.
- The heroes didn't know who the holder's name until they questioned a person whose ring got akumatize by the peacock holder. She told them that the person who made the sentimonster name was Irasation.
- As Adrien uses the peacock miraculous he is now getting weak. His aware that his mother was the previous user since Duusu accidentally called him Emilie once.
- Duusu is worried for her user. She doesn't want Adrien to have the same fate as Emilie
- Gabriel and Nathalie are getting concern for Adrien day by day every time he coughs and stumbles. Especially Gabriel, this reminds him of Emilie if not... exactly the same as her. His symptoms are practically the same as his wife.
- Gabriel sometimes drops off as Hawk moth sometimes to take care of Adrien, who is dangerously sick. Which makes Adrien happy
- Are Adrien and Felix sentimonster in this au? Not sure. I have not yet decided. But it would be interesting for Felix to find out that the peacock miraculous was some what loss again and how his cousin somehow have it. Using it.
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pearl484-blog · 10 months
The Strangest Thing about You
A cute little fluff piece about two Adriens bonding over a weird quirk in their Peacock transformation. A Replay Spin-off My entry for Adrien AUGreste 2023 Feathers Link to Ao3, Link to full Replay series, Link to Adrien AUGreste 2023 series
For those of you who are not familiar with my Replay series, it is about two Adriens, one post Season 3 and one post-Origins coming together to fight Hawk Moth to prevent Future!Adrien's Bad Ending. Future!Adrien has the Peacock and has taken the name Argos -which post Season 5, may be a bit confusing- and Past!Adrien is going by Chat Noir in this fic, as he still has the Black Cat Ring and is transformed.
If you asked most people what the weirdest part of Argos’s outfit was, they probably would’ve told you that it was his eyes. Granted, Argos’s eyes were certainly memorable. Black with red irises would do that to most people. Some people might even call them hellish. 
Yet in the Adriens’ eyes, they were cool, but mostly cosmetic. They didn’t even grant any boons like Chat Noir’s eyes did, a fact that Chat Noir was not ashamed to brag about to Argos on any given day. 
No, to the Adriens, the strangest part of Argos’s outfit were the feathers in his hair. At first glance, they seemed rather ordinary, like tiny white down feathers stuck in a very messy bed head. The uninitiated may have taken it as a reluctance to brush their hair or maybe a reflection of Argos’s bird-like nature, but nothing more. The Adriens though had soon discovered that the more that they messed with the feathers, the stranger they really were.
For instance, although the feathers themselves came out at the Adriens’ slightest touch, no matter how hard the wind blew, no matter how turbulent a current Argos swam through, no matter how roughly Argos himself was treated, the feathers stayed stubbornly in his hair. In fact, they seemed unmoved by any forces. Even stranger to the Adriens though was that they soon realized that no matter how many feathers were pulled from his hair, Argos’s hairstyle was always unchanged when they were done, with the same amount of feathers as they started.
Of course, once you had several fistfuls of feathers, you had to do something with them. So, naturally, the two decided to experiment with them. 
The first thing they noticed was that, while the feathers would behave like normal feathers in clumps, as soon as they held only one feather, it somehow always managed to get to the center of their palm, always in the exact same spot, always facing the exact same way. Naturally, they had immediately started rotating to see if it was a compass, but no. The feather seemed to want to stay in one position relative to their hand.  
Even stranger was that the feather didn’t seem to want to leave their hand, only doing so whenever the Adriens either deliberately plucked it and dropped it away from their hand or if they blew it off. Admittedly, it was a little funny testing it by flapping their arms up and down to try to catch the air or swimming around with it stuck to their hands in a contest of increasingly silly ways to swim, but science demanded a lot of repetition and a lot of variety, and who were they to deny science. 
Their experiments with swimming though had shown them something strange as well. No matter what happened, the feather itself never seemed to get wet. A few rudimentary tests pulled up from their weapons proved that the feather wasn’t waterproof or at least, or if it was, it sucked at diverting water away from things, yet, it never lost its characteristic fluffiness or its shape. 
Perhaps, the Adriens had figured, if they gathered enough feathers, they could weave the feathers together to make something waterproof. Except that is when they finally noticed the strangest and most infuriating thing about the feathers. If they were forgotten about, or even if they were out of sight for long enough, they disappeared. 
The Adriens tried everything they could to try to see if they could make the feathers work for them, but nothing really panned out. The feathers were always too light, too flexible, or too little to really do anything of use, and their frequent disappearances made them impossible to prepare beforehand anyways.
After several failed attempts, they ultimately decided to give up on any of their plans to use them and just tell Ladybug about it later. They both agreed that if there was a use for them, Ladybug would figure it out eventually, and it would probably be very cool and impressive, but only really happen in the middle of a fight. It probably wasn’t worth the hassle of trying to contact her over nothing. 
As the Adriens sat together, nursing their damaged pride, Chat Noir ran his fingers through Argos’s hair, absently pulling out more of the feathers again. Then, they came to a realization. 
Yes, the feathers themselves may have been useless, but Chat Noir pulling them out of Argos’s hair had felt pretty nice to both of them. It reminded them of a simpler time, of more nostalgic and peaceful memories when a sleepover at Chloe’s and a makeover had been enough to drive away the constant fears and doubts for the night. When a bad hairdo was the worst thing that could happen and all it took to fix it was a little time, patience, and care. 
So, the two of them made it a routine. Every so often, when either Chat Noir or Argos was stressed, they’d come up to the rooftops of Paris and just talk. What they talked about didn’t really matter. They were always up to date and everything their counterpart was doing every day, but what did matter was the closeness, the feeling of someone being absolutely there and just content to sit there and do nothing but enjoy their company. That, the Adriens decided, was important enough to them.
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goatlilly · 2 years
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So I drew Adrien as the Peacock. Because I wanted to. I got most of my inspiration for his design from medieval European princes, so with that in mind I decided to call him Prince. Kinda cheesy, I know, but Miraculous is cheesy anyways, so I don’t care. I like to imagine that whatever sentimonster he creates in this form would be made using the lucky charm Marinette gave him. (Also I know this is messy, but I’m out of watercolor paper and I’m not very good with colored pencils. Also those are crayola, so there’s that too.)
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alexandriaellisart · 2 months
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magic always comes with a price
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bigfatbreak · 3 months
dad villain au: did emilie just. not consider at all that adrien was literally dying at the time. wow
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she's in the habit of deciding when Adrien's suffering is acceptable, and if it is, she'll just fix it later.
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nionom-art · 2 months
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Soooo… more designs for Adrien for my Miraculous Coccinella au. Sorry he isn’t doing anything more interesting than just standing there… haha…
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jattendschaton · 2 months
Émilie Agreste purposefully giving Adrien an allergy to feathers to make sure her son would never be able to use the peacock miraculous in the future
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buggachat · 2 years
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Part 161 of my bakery “enemies” au!
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coribomi · 8 months
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doodles i never posted
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hurryglow · 4 months
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"The Supreme & Apis" Emo Au
Some character sheets, headcanons, details of the story
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yunyin · 4 months
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Some sketches I've made for the (Fixed) Peacock AU! They're meant to be slightly aged up. I also gave Adrien a little brother (for plot reasons but also I love him)
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saharthings · 1 year
Peacock Adrien au Headcanon:
- Adrien doesn’t have a crush on Marinette nor Ladybug and Kuromai but she does like Kagami.
- Adrien was excited when he became a hero but soon realized the consequences of using it. After
- Felix tries to help Adrien when he and his mother visited and is sometimes concerned for his health
- Nathalie is becoming like a mother to Adrien ever seens he started becoming sick
- Duusu preferred food are sweets and fruits.
- When Adrien is at home, both him and Duusu watch anime and sometimes just lay around while Duusu comforts him
- Adrien never went to school.
- Adrien wears more comforting clothes after he began getting sick.
- He wears sweaters, underneath is black turtleneck, blue jeans, and brown shoes.
- His miraculous is behind his sweater; or is attached to his turtleneck shirt
- Adrien is more quiet, nervous, tired, exhausted, and is ambivert because of the emotions he is feeling around Paris
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ataraxianne · 1 year
I love how Felix put so much thought in his superhero name choosing "Argos" to reconnect it to the Argonauts, the army commanded by Jason, Hera's favourite hero. Hera, the Queen of the Gods, Mother of the Gods, whose symbolic animal was the peacock. So he literally presented himself as the hero of the creatures made with the power of the peacock because his whole intention in getting the miraculous was to protect the sentibeings created with it instead of seeing them being abused and exploited by others, and to be seen as herald in front of those who wanted to stop him.
And then we see the other heroes' names and they're like "Okay so the white rabbit is called Bunny(x), that purple tigress there is Purple Tigress and the black cat is called - wait for it - Black Cat"
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No one asked for this but I wanted to draw what Emilie might have looked like with the peacock miraculous. I made her color scheme a lot less dark because she’s not a villain or anti hero and her transformation wasn’t used for fighting so I took the liberty of making it more fashionable than practical.
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alexandriaellisart · 24 days
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they're gonna get in so much trouble
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officialprimadonna · 1 year
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the miracle team (1/2)
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