theredeyeswolf · 9 months
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For @adrienaugust
Day 1: Feather
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jonathankai · 9 months
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Mom won't give a bad advice.
Agreste mansion finally becoming THE partyhouse it's always meant to be for @adrienaugust - Days 29-31 - New Beginnings
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N: I will miss your father too Adrien, but you must remember that his greatest wish was for you to be happy, and you know what we should do?
A: What?
N: Make a pool in the backyard and invite all of your friends over to a pool party.
A: Okay.
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adrienaugust · 11 months
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Welcome to Adrien August 2023!
We have 13 prompts this year! 1-2: Feather
3-4: Truth
5-6: Rain
7-8: Plagg
9-10: Friends
11-13: Protection
14-15: Passion
16-17: Piano
18-19: Masks
20-22: London
23-25: Rings
26-28: Freedom
29-31: New Beginnings
You are free to do whatever you want with them, be it fanart, fanfics, cosplays, skits, music videos... whatever makes you happy, as long as you show your love and appreciation for Adrien Agreste! It doesn't have to just be Adrien either, it can be any of his transformations or any wonderful AU out there or created by you!
NSFW IS ALLOWED! We only ask that you tag it as #passionfruit and place it 'below the cut'.
Tag @adrienaugust on the post and use the tags #adrienaugust #adrienaugreste for us to see them and reblog them!
Other than that! Have fun! We're excited to see what you all create!
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pearl484-blog · 10 months
Delightful Destruction
Adrien asks to see Plagg’s true form My entry for Adrien AUGreste 2023: Plagg
Ao3 link, Series
“Hey, Plagg,” Adrien called, looking at a video on his computer. “This ghost thing kinda looks like you.”
Plagg peered over Adrien’s shoulder as he relished the taste of a particularly delicious wheel of camembert. Huh, that was a cat spirit, a decently strong one too, from the looks of it. It wasn’t quite as well formed as him. Its tiny black body was mostly a head with tiny little bat wings, and its eyes were purple instead of his ravishing green, but he could see the resemblance. 
Then, having fed off enough fear from the civilians nearby, it transformed. Its wings grew to massive lengths and grew to four. Its face morphed from a simple fear to a pig nosed muzzle, and its main body became long and sleek like a panther’s.
“Oh,” Adrien said, frowning. “It doesn’t anymore.”
“Puh-lease,” Plagg remarked, lifting his nose up away from that pathetic transformation, “my true form is much cooler than that. 
Immediately, Adrien sat up straight, looking at Plagg in undisguised awe. “You have a true form?” Adrien asked.
“Of course I do,” Plagg said, grinning smugly as he revealed in the attention his chosen was giving him. He nonchalantly swallowed a roll of camembert whole as he smugly asked, “What, did you think those ghosts could be cooler than me? Trust me,” Plagg swept his paw through the air in a dismissive gesture, “compared to me, those ghosts are just the very beginnings of curdled milk. It would take them millenia to even be a fraction as smart or as powerful as I am.”
“Wait,” Adrien cocked his head, looking at Plagg in an adorable level of confusion, “why don’t you ever use it then?”
“Because it’s huge,” Plagg said, rolling his eyes. “And if you think my powers are tricky in this size, it’s nothing compared to my true self. Honestly, I could probably destroy the entire Milky Way on accident like that.” 
“Oh,” Adrien said softly. “I guess that makes sense.” 
Plagg hummed, eyeing Adrien carefully. It didn’t take a genius to see Adrien’s disappointment. His wielder wasn’t subtle about his emotions. How anyone could miss them was beyond Plagg, but showing someone his true form was a big deal. Most people only ever wanted to see it before they demanded that he fuse with Tikki to make reality bend to whatever stupid wish they wanted. Adrien though…
Plagg genuinely believed that Adrien might just want to see it. He was curious like that, always grabbing and reaching for whatever scraps of knowledge Plagg handed out to him, and his wielder was clever too. 
At first, Plagg had given Adrien the tiniest scraps of information to tease him, offering only a small taste of information to see his tiny little human mind get blown, but after a month or so, Adrien would surprise him by casually mentioning things to Plagg that he’d never even said out loud before, had never even needed to. 
For instance, after a few weeks of listening to Adrien drone on and on about his sickeningly sweet crush on Ladybug, Plagg had once again given his excellent cheese advice only for Adrien to counter that Plagg had never been in love. Or after Plagg had introduced the idea that he’d had many wielders before, it had only taken Adrien about 3 weeks to complain about how he couldn’t transform into a cat like Bast had.
From then on, it had become a game of sorts. Plagg would drop some little seed of information every so often, and Adrien would counter it by bringing up some surprisingly insightful tangential guesses about it with the surety of someone who’d known it for years. Sometimes he was wrong, hilariously wrong, like the time he’d thought Loki was a fox, but most of the time, his wielder was right on the money. 
Plagg had let a lot of secrets go this way. He knew he’d dropped far too many hints for his own good, but it was so satisfying to watch his little human grow and figure out things so quickly and easily. In fact, for the first time in a long time, Plagg felt like he trusted his wielder. So maybe, he could try something. 
“Do you want to see it?” Plagg asked cautiously. Immediately, Adrien lit up like a Christmas tree, but he hesitated. 
Biting his lip, Adrien hesitantly asked, “But didn’t you say it was dangerous?”
Plagg gave him an easy grin and waved his paw dismissively. “Don’t worry about it,” he said. “We’ll just have to find someplace big enough to hold me without anyone seeing us, and I’ll just need to avoid using my powers. No big deal.” Then he paused before quickly adding, “But, just in case, I can’t stay in that form for too long.” As Adrien nodded, he quickly added, “and it’s just the one time.”
Adrien hummed, before he grinned. “I think I know a place. Plagg! Claws Out!” ~*~ As it turned out, Adrien’s place was one of the cisterns in the sewer. It was hardly conspicuous. Both Ladybug and Chat Noir had hidden near a number of these several times,but Plagg was a little worried he wouldn’t be able to fit. 
Apparently, Adrien had the same idea, because he looked at it nervously as he asked, “Is it big enough?”
As Plagg listened to Adrien’s voice, he cursed his soft heart. As soon as he heard that tone in Adrien’s voice, Plagg knew, as clearly as he knew that pasteurized cheese was a crime against humanity, that if it wasn’t big enough, his wielder would blame himself. He was weirdly self-conscious like that: eager to blame himself at the slightest opportunity. Plagg blamed his stupid father for that, and Ladybug’s stupid obsession with secrets hadn’t been helping. 
“Yeah, it’s big enough,” Plagg said, quickly to assuage Adrien’s doubt. For Adrien, Plagg would find a way for it to be big enough. 
Quickly, he coached Adrien through the spell. “In order to do this,” Plagg told him, “you’re going to have to say, ‘Plagg, reveal yourself’. It’ll be a bit like transforming, but the magic’s not going towards you, it’s going away, so you’re going to have to be forceful, but not too forceful or we’ll bring this place down.”
Adrien nodded before following Plagg’s instructions to a tee. Feeling the bindings on his smaller form loosen, Plagg stretched his form out very carefully, making sure not to touch the ceiling or the water. He’d only be a fraction of his normal size like this, but he figured that Adrien would still be able to see all of his features.
As soon as he was finished, Plagg looked back at Adrien with all three of his eyes to find Adrien with eyes the size of dinner plates and beaming like the cat who caught the canary. 
“You look so cool,” Adrien gushed. “And look at those wings! They look just like Astrocat’s. And that eye! Can I have an eye like that? Can you see out of it? What does it look like? Does it look like it does with only two eyes or can you see in other dimensions?” 
Smiling, Plagg stretched and flexed, a strange feeling coming from his chest as Adrien oohed and awed at every new thing he noticed about Plagg, asking dozens and dozens of questions in barely contained glee. Adrien delighted in everything:  from the realization that his body was covered in eyes, “can you see from all of them?” to Plagg’s disembodied joints “how far can they move?” to the giant hole in his chest, “can I touch it?” 
Plagg had to admit, he let time slip away from them as Adrien admired Plagg. At first from the ground, but after Adrien asked to be picked up, from up close. There was something so simple, so joyful in being marveled at instead of being used as just half of a battery. 
Together, he and Adrien spent a few hours down there until Adrien had started getting tired and -very reluctantly- suggested they go back. The next morning though, they paid for it. Adrien had come down with a cold, one of the nastiest that Nathalie had ever seen apparently, and Plagg had felt terrible. 
As soon as Plagg apologized though, in his own way, Adrien shook his head. 
“It was worth it,” Adrien insisted through a faceful of snot and mucus, and Plagg nuzzled him happily. He knew he must’ve been the luckiest kwami in the world.  
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chimpukampu · 2 years
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@adrienaugust #1 - Who I Am
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koheiri-neko · 2 years
Adrien August 2022 😺 Day 25-26
Cat Walker & Ladybug 😏😏
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yueasuka · 10 months
Day 2 of Adrien AUGreste : Truth for @adrienaugust
He didn't remember when he reached his room, he didn't even remember detransformed or when exactly he parted way with Ladybug. He just did, and now he's in his room, on his bed to be precise. For how long, he doesn't know.
"What now?" The voice that was so similar to Plagg's voice asked (or maybe his voice) but he couldn't answer it, he just didn't have enough energy to do so and even if he had, what should he answer anyway?
"Adrien, drink this."  
He lifted his head up from the pillow that he used to stuff his face with and saw Plagg with a glass of water in his hands. He looked worried, perhaps the most worried looks he ever saw from the years of time he had spent with the kwami and he shouldn't have worried him more than that. With whatever strength he had left, he pushed his body up from the bed and leaned his back against the wall before he accepted the glass. For a moment there he could see his own reflexion in it, a face that looked more tired than he had in his previous timeline despite looking much younger, green eyes that looked so dull that he wondered if there was any life in it anymore. If there's any means for his life-
"Adrien, please."  
Right, he should be focused on Plagg rather than whatever dark whisper he heard. After all, Plagg was the only one who truly cared for him. Apart from his mother, not even Ladybug ever came close. No, never her . He amended and drank the water after muttering a thank you to him.  Perhaps there was a time when he thought Ladybug did care, but upon knowing the truth thanks to another time travelling akuma, he doubted it was the case.  
If she cared, she would tell him about the reason why Rena Rouge (Furtive?) kept following them on patrol. If she cared, she would tell him the reason why she called him into the tower that night. But no, she didn't. She kept on silent even after he confronted her with the truth that he knew, because the akuma sent him back to those timeline, as if he knew what time to send him back. It's hurt, to be betrayed like this by someone who he once thought to be a partner despite them being chosen by a different person. (Perhaps, Adrien once thought, that was the reason why she always doubted him, never trusted him, because he came out of nowhere) but none of the pain from Ladybug's betrayal come as close as the betrayal from his own family.  
'How come they just replaced me with a sentimonster of all things?' After what he had done to cure his mother nonetheless.  
'Maybe a puppet is what they truly want.' He knew his father would, at least, after all those scolding and lecturing about how he must meet his father's standard for everything he did.  
Don't let Adrien remember me as a bad father. The last word from his father sparked something inside him. It was only a chuckle at first before it became a hysteric laugh.  
"Hey kid, you okay?"  
"Maybe I'm not. Maybe I'm insane after all." He answered in the middle of his laugh. He let out a loud sigh and patted his cheeks several times before he answered more for confused Plagg. 
"I always know he's never a good father. Perhaps there was a time when I thought he was just cold because he was busy and I kept disturbing him because, you know, I was a kid. But now I think again, I can't remember when exactly he ever became a good father and, as you already know, this is my third regression."
"The fact that I couldn't even remember when he was a good father, even with the combined life I had before this, just made his last wish become ironic." He scoffed. "Don't let Adrien remember me as a bad father, he said. As if he was ever a decent father before that."
"You know kid? You, trying to find good memories of your father doesn't mean you're insane. I've seen people trying to find the most mundane thing that they believe to exist. You're only insane if you said your father is a hero and went to worship him." Plagg floated, cheese in his hands before it went into the void that was his stomach, which made him smile at the sight and rub his cheek on Plagg's head lightly. "So what are you going to do after this?"  
"I don't know, sleep?"
"Are you sure you're not going to do with this?" He pointed to his phone next to his pillow. At first he was confused at what Plagg was referring to until he saw a headline from a notification on his phone.
Breaking news : Ladybug and Chat Noir defeated Monarch. Gabriel Agreste died in the crossfire when he tried to protect the young heroes from Monarch's attack.  
He couldn't help but blink twice when he saw the notification, not believing what he had just read. He quickly took his phone and swiped right into the article and read it. Apparently, in his moment of daze (he was out of it for days???) Ladybug had already made an announcement about the result of their fight except… It's not the whole truth. She twisted the truth by saying Gabriel had sacrificed himself when Monarch tried to take their miraculous and, thanks to that heroic sacrifice of him, a statue will be built from the Alliance ring that was hacked by Monarch to honor  it.
"What? What the heck is this?" He asked in disbelief and Plagg could only shrug. "It's insane! How could she twist the truth like that?" He muttered before he swiped into another article, and another and another one, only for the result to be the same. It was the same twisted truth that Ladybug told the world about Gabriel's heroic sacrifice for the peace of the world and it made him feel sick.  
He wondered if somehow his father had already got his hands on his and Ladybug's miraculous and this was the world that he created. Except no, his father never got his hands on his miraculous. He got Ladybug's earrings, which exposed her identity to both him and his father, but in the end he never get his ring and he could get the earrings back. So, no wish. Then what is this insanity that makes her do this?  
"Forget sleeping," he said as he tossed his pillow and plushies aside before he climbed down from the bed and got dressed.
 "Let's find out the truth from her."e
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uptoolateart · 2 years
Although it's my banner, I don't think I actually shared this as a post - so here it is for the Cat Walker prompt for @adrienaugust month. I've always been so proud of how this turned out.
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Rating: General Audiences
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Chapters: 2/2
Words: 5,786
Additional Tags: season 4 divergent before wishmaker, partial identity reveal, temporary identity reveal, the ladybug and cat miraculous are supposed to be balanced so I am balancing the powers
Summary: Season Four sure gave us lots of Chat angst. Plenty of worries and doubts to make a worst-case scenario story with.
This is not that fic.
28. Risk Taker
29. Freedom
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So… I made another server banner for the @miraculousfanworks discord server. Happy Adrien AUGreste everyone! #miraculousladybug #miraculoustalesofladybugandcatnoir #miraculoustalesofladybugandchatnoir #adrienagreste #adrienaugreste #procreate #procreateart #procreateartist #miraculousfanworks #miraculousfanworksdiscord https://www.instagram.com/p/ChGXPchNcq8/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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theredeyeswolf · 5 months
Fics and comics Masterpost
Gabenath Series
As the sun rises again - Status: In progress
The catalyst - Status: Complete
Crash and Burn - Status: Complete
The villian she wanted to be  - Status: Complete
Gabenath and Miraculous Ladybug Oneshots and Drabbles:
Passion of the hunter - Gabenath
Revealed truth - Gabenath
Those sweet moments (will last forever)  - Gabenath
A disastrous dinner - Gabenath
In my shoes - Gabenath
Bunnix and the spirits of Christmas - Gabenath
Unknown future - Gabenath
Gabriel’s Wish - Minor Gabenath
The shelter - Adrinette
Journey to Healing -Adrinette
After the conflict - Adrinette
The stars love you - Adrinette
Comic series
Coming soon
Mini comics/Oneshot
Mother's day comic
Spanish Dussu
ShadowMoth new look
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jonathankai · 2 years
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In which Adrien gets to boss around and Gabe and Nathalie get to SHUT UP AND ABIDE, I GUESS!!!
(That day half of Agrestes’ wealth went into buying action figures. Worthy purchase.)
For @adrienaugust​ - Days 23-24 - Swap
Text under cut
Adrien: From now on, you MUST complete 336 hours of community service each week.
Adrien: But also you MUST produce new collections of clothes.
Adrien: But also all of your new collections MUST be cheese-themed.
Adrien: Also you MUST wear cheese costume at all time.
Adrien: Also you won't leave the house, so now you are banned FROM the house.
Gabriel: Can I at least get my tablet to work with?
Adrien: No. You're only allowed to draw with needle on glass.
Adrien: Nathalie. You must participate in community service.
Adrien: You also get to wear cheese costume too.
Nathalie: Fair.
Adrien: Gorilla. You get a raise.
Adrien: Also we're going shopping. I'm buying you every action figure you want.
Adrien: Every. Single. One of them.
Gorilla: :D
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adrienaugust · 1 year
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pearl484-blog · 10 months
Well, That Went Suspiciously Well Adrien AUGreste Entry 2: Truth
After all the revelations from the Season 5 finale, Ladybug tells Adrien the truth. Adrien doesn't react as expected. Link to AO3 story. Link to Adrien AUGreste 2023 series.
Cards on the table, I originally made this as a joke, but my stupid writer brain can't resist adding character drama in there. Fire Opal says it detracts from the joke, but I say it adds to the plot so it's staying. After all, a joke MIGHT be funny one time if it lands well, but a sincere story can be enjoyed for awhile.
Like last time, this is an entry for Adrien AUGreste, but unlike last time, I can actually post this on time. Whoo! Considering my schedule, that's will probably going to be rare. As per usual, this was not Beta'd, so if you see errors or if anything is unclear, please let me know. ~*~ Ladybug took a deep breath as she tapped lightly on the window to Adrien’s bedroom. She had to do this. She needed to do this. It was the right thing to do, she told herself, even as her heart practically screamed at how wrong it was. She was going to have to tell Adrien the truth, even if it shattered him completely, and she had to do it tonight.   
Ladybug knew Adrien wouldn’t take it well. He’d just lost his Father, and things were…complicated after Monarch’s defeat, but after her fight with Monarch, the truth had begun eating Marinette alive. So, she’d done the only thing she could think of. She’d told Alya, and that had kicked off a massive argument that had lasted for weeks. 
Alya was insistent that this truth was way too big for Adrien not to know, that he had a right to know, even if it wasn’t a problem anymore since he had his amoks on him at all times. Alya had fought hard to get Ladybug to confess, and she’d pulled out all the stops. 
Alya had called Marinette a liar. She’d demanded to know what would happen if Adrien figured out the truth from someone else. She’d told Ladybug that she had crossed a line. She reminded Ladybug how all it took for evil to win was for good people to do nothing. She pointed out how Monarch had terrorized the city, and Marinette had just given him what he wanted, and as much as Ladybug hated to admit it, Alya had a point. 
But, Adrien was still at a fragile point in his life. He’d just lost his father. He’d just narrowly escaped being shipped off to London, and he’d been pushed to his limits again and again. Ladybug didn’t know that Adrien could even survive this, but Alya didn’t understand that. 
Instead, Alya had given a final ultimatum. Either Ladybug told Adrien the truth tonight or Alya would tomorrow. So, Ladybug had caved. It would be easier coming from her, especially if he had an entire night to process it before he went back to school, and she could stay with him throughout the whole night if she had to.   
It barely took a minute for Adrien to notice her tapping and rush over to let her in. It almost physically hurt to see the happy, innocent look he gave her as he invited her in. 
“Hey, Ladybug,” he said, smiling at her just a little starstruck -Adrien starstruck, with her!- as he helped her get down from the window gracefully. It felt like all the times that he’d helped her out of the car on those dates like a true gentleman, and Ladybug tried to stop her traitorous heart from beating too fast and hide her blush. 
This was serious, and Adrien didn’t know he was dating her. No matter how cute he was, she absolutely, positively could not flirt with her boyfriend now. It was time to get down to business. 
“It’s nice to see you, Ladybug,” Adrien said, with that infuriatingly adorable smile of his. “Do you want to take a seat?” He gestured to his couch like it was an offering to royalty, and Ladybug really had to fight back a blush. Dang it. Why was her boyfriend so friggin cute? 
Focus, Ladybug, she told herself as she took a seat. This is about to really hurt Adrien. You have to be sensitive. Scolding herself internally, she immediately gestured for Adrien to sit beside her. This was going to be a shock, and he’d want to sit. 
Thankfully, Ladybug was able to wait until Adrien was sitting before she started talking, but unfortunately, her mind was running too fast to wait much longer. 
“You're a senti-monster,” she blurted out before wincing at the tactlessness of her approach. Yeah, that was how to be sensitive to her boyfriend. Just throw it out in the open with absolutely no warning whatsoever. No build up, nothing to soften the blow, just go straight for the throat. God, Adrien must hate her.
Yet, instead of being shocked, Adrien kinda frowned, confused as he asked, “Me, a sentimonster? Are you sure?”
Mutely, Ladybug nodded her head, meekly averting her eyes as she waited for the truth to settle in.   
“That’s pretty cool,” Adrien said instead, and Ladybug opened her eyes to see that Adrien looked genuinely excited. “Am I super-strong? Invincible?” He gasped. “Do I have powers?”
“No, no no, you’re perfectly normal,” Ladybug said, before correcting herself, “I mean, you’re amazing, but you’re not, you know, superhuman. You should be completely perfectly human, or like a human, I guess, except you can be controlled by a ring.” 
“Oh, that’s it?” Adrien deflated before he straightened up in surprise. “Wait, did I hurt anyone? Did I do something without realizing it?” In a quiet voice, he whispered, “Did I hurt you?” 
“No, but your dad controlled you,” Ladybug admitted. “I don’t know what all he did, but from what I know about him,” Ladybug fidgeted anxiously, “it wasn’t nothing.”
“Oh,” Adrien nodded, taking a deep breath. “Okay, wow. That-that explains a lot, actually. I-”, Adrien laughed, a little self-consciously, “I thought I was going crazy, really. I thought I was just weak, you know? Everyone said I was a coward, but he had my amok.” 
Adrien sighed, looking… relieved? Ladybug marveled at her boyfriend’s resilience as he muttered, “All this time, I thought I was a coward. I couldn’t understand…but it wasn’t my fault. It was his.” 
Adrien laughed, and Ladybug wondered if this was it, this was the moment her boyfriend lost it before he relaxed completely into the sofa, running his fingers through his hair. He almost seemed satisfied, like Chat Noir did when one of his puns actually made Ladybug laugh.  
“Oh my God,” he said with a crooked half smile on his face that didn’t look happy, but it didn’t look sad either. “I want to say I can’t believe it, but he would, he totally would. All my life, he wanted to control me, and he found a way.” 
“You’re taking this really well,” Ladybug said, a little worried since she’d gotten this far, and Adrien had actually managed to take this a little too well. It shouldn’t have been possible. How was Adrien, the sweetheart of Paris, the one who had been made into a puppet by his own father, taking this better than Ladybug, an actual superhero?
Adrien shrugged, as if he’d heard news this life-altering all the time. "Well, yeah,” he said. “Mind-control akumas are a dime a dozen. It's not the first time I've been mind-controlled. Heck it’s not even the first time someone I cared about mind-controlled me. I've been through this like a bazillion times. It sucks, but,” Adrien shrugged in a ‘what can you do?’ way, “that’s life.” He paused for a second before he asked, “Do you happen to have my amok?”
Ladybug could’ve facepalmed. Of course Adrien would want his amok back. They were the things that could control his very existence. Who wouldn’t? Thankfully, that had already been taken care of. 
“It’s your parents’ wedding rings,” Ladybug said, grasping Adrien’s hands and holding them so they reflected the light. “The ones your father wanted you to have. Your amok’s in those.”
“Huh,” Adrien said, staring softly at the rings. “I guess my dad really did love me, in the end.”
“Of course he did,” Ladybug said. “Trust me, his last thoughts were of you.”
Adrien was quiet for a minute longer before he finally said, “Thanks, for giving these back to me.”
“Yeah, absolutely,” Ladybug said, “It was the right thing to do.”
“Are you sure though?” Adrien asked, still staring at the rings. “We don’t know if I still have to obey any of the commands people gave me before I had these, and I know Felix hurt you when he took the Miraculous last time. If you’d kept them, you would have had someone you would’ve known you could trust, who would never disobey you or hurt you. You would’ve felt safe with me.”
Ladybug shifted uncomfortably, not liking how the conversation was going. “It’s your free will, Adrien,” she said. “How could I have kept it and still been a hero? How could anyone have kept and still seen themself as a good person? This is yours, Adrien, and nobody else’s. There is no one else that I trust with this more than you.” 
Adrien still looked doubtful, and so Ladybug grabbed him by the hands, careful not to touch the amoks. “You’re a good person, Adrien,” she told him. “Yeah, Felix hurt me, but there was a reason I gave you the Dog and the Snake Miraculous in the first place. I trust you, Adrien. I know you’d never hurt me.”
Adrien fidgeted again, weighing something in his mind, before he said, “My father never approved of my relationship with Marinette, my girlfriend, and he didn’t exactly keep it a secret. Near the end,” Adrien frowned, “a lot of the weird things that were happening messed with my relationship with her. I couldn’t do the things she wanted me to do, be there when she needed me to be.”
Adrien sighed, staring towards Marinette’s house. “I really hurt her,” he said, his voice cracking under his sorrow, “And I never wanted to do that to her. I just wanted her to be comfortable with me, but if my Father was using my rings to make me do that stuff, what if I still do it? What if I can’t undo those commands? What if I hurt her even more?” He rubbed the amoks. “She’s scared of me, Ladybug. Scared that I’ll break her heart. Do you know how hard it was for her to tell me that she loved me? Maybe if I gave her the amoks…if she knew that it was okay…”
“NO!” Ladybug cried, before she realized how harsh that came out and corrected herself. “No, Adrien, you can’t do that. You shouldn’t do that. Listen, I know what it feels like, worrying that you’re going to hurt somebody, but it’ll be okay. Now that you have your amok, no one can make you do anything anymore. All those orders are in the past now.” 
Or at least, Ladybug hoped so. She hadn’t exactly had the chance to confirm it with Duusu before Felix left with him, but that had to be how it worked. It worked for Senti-bug. It had to work that way for Adrien. It just had to.  
“This is your choice,” she told Adrien. “It’s your future. You can’t let anyone, and I mean anyone else have those rings, no matter how much you trust them.” 
Seeing that Adrien was still hesitant, Ladybug stared him in the eyes. “Promise me you won’t let anyone else have your rings, Adrien. Promise me.”   
Adrien nodded, averting his eyes. “Yeah,” he said. “I promise.”
“Good,” Ladybug said, letting out a smile. “I hate to have to beat up your girlfriend just to get it back for you again. Can’t let just anyone wander around with that sort of thing, you know what I mean?” 
Adrien nodded, giving her one of his least sincere smiles. “Yeah, thanks, Ladybug.”
“Anytime,” Ladybug said, her smile only just a little forced. 
They sat together for a minute, staring at Paris’s skyline before Adrien looked at Ladybug. 
“Do you think,” he asked hesitantly, “that there’s another me around?
“Another you?” Ladybug repeated dumbly. “What do you mean?”
“You know,” Adrien shrugged, “did I replace anyone? Did something happen to the real me,” Adrien stopped and corrected himself, “the human me, and that’s why Dad suddenly started being so nice to me before he died? Because his real son-his human son- died?” 
Then Adrien frowned, shaking his head. “No, wait,” he said, “that doesn’t explain..” he trailed off, lost in thought. Ladybug wanted to ask what he meant, or why he thought that he wasn’t the real Adrien, but Adrien had already pulled himself out whatever reverie that he’d gotten stuck in and started pacing agitatedly.    
“Unless,” Adrien said slowly, “the other me left or something and then something happened to him, and Dad got scared.”
Ladybug grabbed him by the arm, holding him firm. “Adrien, you are the real deal, and you’re irreplaceable. I’m pretty sure that you were born a senti-monster.” Ladybug took a breath as she decided to strike the lethal blow. “I think your mom making you with a broken Miraculous is what made her sick.”
Adrien stopped pacing, thinking for a moment, before he simply said, “Huh. That explains so much.”
Ladybug blinked before asking, “It does?”
Adrien nodded. “I always wondered why Father avoided me all the time and why he was always so over-protective.” Adrien hummed thoughtfully. “He must’ve felt really bad because Mom died. I get why he’s upset, but in a way I guess that we were lucky.”
“Lucky?” Ladybug repeated in disbelief, unable to believe that Adrien -her sweet little drop of sunshine- could be so calm about this whole deal. His mom was dead because she’d made him, and now Adrien was saying that he was lucky? Did Adrien not understand what Ladybug was telling him? Was she doing this wrong?
Adrien suddenly realized that he was being a bit too insensitive and his face flushed as he avoided Ladybug’s eyes. “Yeah,” he said, suddenly sounding much less confident. “I mean, I guess. Look, all I’m saying is that if you’re saying having me is what killed her, then I got lucky to have 13 years with her. Not everybody gets that.” 
Adrien must’ve seen the skeptical look on Ladybug’s face because he continued, “I mean, look at Chloe. Her mom left her when she was really little, and she didn’t come back till the akumas drew her back. Plus, there’s Mylene’s mom, or Jagged Stone, or what about the people whose moms never even make it through childbirth. Some of them would’ve killed to have one day with their moms. I had 13 years.” 
For a minute, Ladybug stared at Adrien, looking for a sign that Adrien wasn’t really as calm about this as he seemed, that he was just putting on a strong front for his sake, but in the end, she had to admit defeat. 
“I don’t get it,” Ladybug said, shaking her head in disbelief. “How are you so calm about this?”
Adrien hummed, thinking about it for a moment before he finally said, “I guess it’s because I came to peace with Mom dying a long time ago. This doesn’t really change much. 
Then realizing how awful that sounded, Adrien backpedaled hastily, “I mean, I'm glad I finally know what happened. It's not GREAT news, but she was sick for awhile, and then when she disappeared, I mean, I wanted for her to be alive, but,” Adrien shrugged, “after awhile, I knew she was dead. There was no way that she would’ve been gone for so long and not be dead, you know?” 
Adrien shrugged helplessly, and Ladybug wanted nothing more than to hug him, but she didn’t know if that would be crossing a line. Adrien was Marinette’s boyfriend, not Ladybug’s, and they weren’t exactly friends, or were they? Ladybug didn’t really know, and she didn’t want to push it. 
In her hesitation though, the moment ended, and Adrien forced himself to relax as he sat back on the couch. 
“Besides, it’s not like I chose to be born,” Adrien said blithely. “Mom said she'd always wanted a kid, and she called me her little Miracle all the time. Mom wasn’t the sort of woman who let anyone make her do anything. I think she knew what she was getting into, but she still chose to have me anyway. She never regretted it, and I dunno,” Adrien hummed. “I guess I don’t either. I’ve had a good life, a good career. I’ve made some mistakes, but…I’m happy with who I am, I guess.”
Ladybug didn’t know what to say to that. She’d always known that Adrien was mature, but she’d never thought that this entire thing would go so smoothly. It was just such a relief. Honestly, it was silly that she’d be so worried about it. This was Adrien, probably the calmest person that Marinette knew.  
As if to prove that point, Adrien spoke up to say, “Thank you, Ladybug, for telling me this. I know this must’ve been really hard for you, but it means a lot, coming from you.”
With that, Ladybug’s mind was made. “Adrien,” she said, laying her hand over his, “About your dad,” she took a deep breath. “He was Hawk Moth.”
Ah, there was the reaction Ladybug had been expecting.
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naahiyaprincess110 · 2 years
Day 22: Camembert
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Picture Source: Miraculous Ladybug! @adrienaugust #AdrienAugust
#AdrienAgreste #AdrienAugreste
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koheiri-neko · 2 years
Adrien August 2022 💕 Day 1-2
I don't write very well in English, but I tried to translate this piece of my drabble for you:
"He was both the best swordsman in the city and an excellent pianist... But now, squeezing his wife's hand, Adrien felt like neither a company director nor a brave superhero. He felt like an ordinary person. The most ordinary one, who watched with tears in his eyes, as the doctor put their son on the chest of Marinette, crying with happiness and relief. So tiny and red and wrinkled. But such an infinitely and forever loved by them.
And when Adrien was finally given the opportunity to take Lewis, wrapped in sheets, in his arms, he fully felt like the person whose role he was ready to carry all his life. Like the role of a husband.
He became a father".
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Thanks @adrienaugust for the topic 💕
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