#Phoenix drop high
starhvney · 2 days
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𝐂𝐖: blackmailing? kinda, no yeah blackmailing, gene smokes, allusions to reader being paranoid
𝐀/𝐍: so sorry for the long wait on this next chapter, writers block will kill you. i edited but am posting this at 1 am so if there's any typos pls let me know so i can cry about it thanks
𝐖𝐂: 4,900 +
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a week passed, then another, then another. it was now officially well into autumn and you had yet to be confronted by ivy again, or bothered by any other student for that matter. 
“an off-season soccer tournament? during school?”
“yeah,” laurance grins, dressed in his soccer uniform and some beat-up sneakers as he walks alongside you and aphmau. “don’t be too sad without me in our classes.”
a playful scoff leaves your lips as you roll your eyes at him, placing a hand over your chest.
“i’m heartbroken, devastated even. however will i survive without you, laurance?”
amused snickers leave his mouth, face scrunching as he covers his face before comically recomposing himself, imitating your dramatic pose. 
“i know, please forgive me. i’ll come back for you, my darling!”
“wait, what other schools are coming?” aphmau questions, brushing past both of your bantering. “enough for you to be out the whole school day?”
he nods, fluffing his hair with his fingers and sighing.
“yeah, nahakra high and… o’khasis prep is coming.” he groans under his breath, shoulders dropping as he shakes his head in disappointment. “that game is gonna be a total shi—“
he clears his throat.
“—i mean, it’ll be… a humbling experience. they’re hard to beat anyways, but our team right now is not doing so well.”
aphmau hums thoughtfully. “well, good luck? i wish i could come watch and cheer everyone on.”
laurance suddenly perks up, taking long steps forward and turning around. there’s a pep in his step as he walks backward, grinning at the two of you. 
“during free period and athletics i think you’re allowed to come watch if your teacher lets you. you should ask.”
“oh? guess we’ll finally get to see how you became the captain your sophomore year.”
he shrugs, lips curling up smugly as he tilts his head back.
“you’ll be sooo impressed.” he gloats, tone humorous.
his eyes focus back on you, eyes glinting in mischief. 
“if you come to watch me, i’m gonna call you out on the field to play on the team.”
“huh?” you raise an eyebrow. “no way, then your team would for sure lose.”
“nah, i bet you’re secretly a pro.”
“i’m not, but aphmau is pretty good.”
the girl looks up, shaking her head. “what? i’m okay at it, but…”
“garroth told me you totally clocked zane in the face when your families went to the park a couple weeks ago.” laurance snickers. “wish i could’ve seen that.”
“rude!” aphmau scolds lightheartedly. “i felt really bad about that!”
“oh, whatever. that little cyclops deserves it.” he rolls his eyes.
now that you didn’t have ivy breathing down your neck, you felt… really happy going to school. you grew closer with the volleyball team at practice every day, as well as lucinda and a few of the other girls you’d run into in your classes. you ended up seeing that meif’wa girl again too, and the little freshman was sickeningly adorable.
you also met jeffory, and while you felt for poor travis and his one-sided crush on the volleyball captain, you couldn’t blame katelyn for her choice of boyfriend. he had sat with katelyn a few times at lunch, and you’d see him coming in to help with the girls’ after-school practice as you were leaving for the day. you’d yet to find a flaw in him, unless being much too kind-hearted could be a flaw.
speaking of travis, you’d finally met his friend dante that he and aphmau had mentioned a few times. he wasn’t as elusive and mysterious as he had been when he was just a name floating in your brain, and was instead… quite the dork who was trying way too hard to be a ladies man. he was pretty funny, though, so you couldn’t even be mad at his shitty pick up lines and awful attempts at winking. 
although, despite all these new friends and feeling like a normal high school kid again, you still felt on edge. like you were only in the calm eye of the storm before getting your feet swept out from under you by the hurricane.
that hurricane really was imminent, and it came to you in the form of the tall senior you crashed into as you rushed to your next class, praying you wouldn’t be any later than you already were. the boy is much taller than you, and his lean muscles and firm frame didn’t provide a very comfortable cushion for you to run into. stumbling back with a surprised noise, you immediately go to apologize before even looking up. 
“i’m so—“ you start, stumbling on your words as your eyes land on sharp deep blue. “—um… so sorry.”
unruly black hair hangs over gene’s dark lashes as he looks down at you, eyes narrowing and canines peeking out in a cat-like grin. he looks like he had just caught your little mouse tail underneath his sharp claws, and you know that the hurricane’s winds have now swept you back up in the storm.
his tie is loose, top buttons of his uniform shirt undone, sleeves messily rolled up to his elbows. how has he not gotten dress coded for this? scratch that. maybe he did, and he just doesn’t care. 
suddenly he shifts his face from amusement to a rather sarcastic-looking pout, his performance not very convincing with the smug look still shining in his eyes. you’re sure that those upturned, almond-shaped eyes and the dark circles underneath them couldn’t appear innocent even if they tried.
“you know it’s rude to run into people like that, i could’ve gotten hurt.”
you can’t help the unimpressed pinch of your eyebrows at his words, especially as you crane your neck to look up at the boy who nearly knocked you over despite your momentum.
“i didn’t mean to.” your words are more clipped than you mean for them to be, your alarm overpowering the control over your voice.
“running in the halls is against the rules, you know.” he clicks his tongue, shaking his head as you begin to try and walk around him. “but you’d never break the rules, right?”
you pause at the strange inflection in his voice with his last sentence, his words loaded with a different motive. turning around, you see a flash of satisfaction across his face, and you feel like a rabbit just caught in a hunter’s snare. his hand reaches into his pocket, pulling out his phone.
long legs stride forward, his torso hunching over as he leans towards you, facing his screen around for you to see. the picture very clearly shows you on top of ivy, hair wild as you pin her down, fist pummeling into her face.
you remember now, seeing him at the end of the hall as you stood up, curiously staring at you. you didn’t remember seeing a phone in his hand, but that must’ve been why he was there.
“i gotta say, you did an impressive number on her. i swear i thought she fucked up your face a little too, but you came back the next day all badass like nothing happened.”
“what do you want?”
“woah,” he grins, holding his hands up in defense. “no need to get aggressive. i just thought you might need some persuasion. to hang out with me and my friends today.”
“…you’re blackmailing me… to be your friend.”
he snickers, sliding his finger across his phone screen to show more pictures. others clearly show ivy being in the fault. one showing her fingers yanking back on aphmau’s ponytail as you two try to walk away, another of you pulling aphmau behind you defensively, and another of her ripping her nails into your hair and face.
“i don’t know if i’d like to call it blackmailing. after all, i could bend this situation any way i want. really, it just depends on if you’d give me a chance. i promise, i’m really not as bad as i seem.”
at first you say nothing, eyebrows furrowed as you try to catch one of the many thoughts that frantically race around in your brain for a solution.
“i’m sure laurance said otherwise,” gene continues. “but we’re really not awful people. i mean, we’re not great either, but we’re cool. besides, i think you want someone like me on your team in case the mrs.ro’meave-wannabe in this picture here decides to yap about what happened.”
you stare at the screen, heart racing. not only were you at risk, but so was aphmau. had he caught her in the halls today, too?
“just give it a try, this is your choice here. why don’t you have lunch with us outside by the bleachers today so we can get to know each other? i know a secret of yours, so if we become friends i can share a secret of mine with you.”
“are you secretly normal?”
laughter bursts from his mouth, and for a moment he looks so genuinely entertained with your words that the youthfulness in his young age actually shines through his rugged appearance. you’re not sure if you maybe secretly pissed him off or if he strangely liked the attitude you were giving him, so you find yourself standing there awkwardly as he gathers himself.
“no, not really.” he begins to walk away from you while shaking his head, more chuckles leaving his throat as he slides his phone back into his pocket and makes his way down the hall. “see you at lunch.”
you ended up zoning out for the rest of your morning classes, your head empty despite its screams to try and find a solution to this. garroth and katelyn sent wary glances your way pretty much the whole day, but left it alone when you didn’t tell them for the third time when they asked. as the lunch bell rang, you made the excuse that you weren’t feeling the best, and was gonna see if the nurse would give you some medicine. they shrugged, giving you one last worried look before making their way to your friend group in the cafeteria.
you were pretty sure eating outside was against the school’s rules, so your heart was racing when you made your way to the doors that led to all of the athletic fields. after your stressful searching you soon find the three of them behind the bleachers near the soccer field.
gene and the angry-looking boy lounge on the ground, and the silver haired girl is perched on one of the thick beams holding the bleachers up. their attention is immediately set on you as they hear the ground crunch under your feet, all three eyes turned to where you awkwardly stand.
“there she is.” gene gets up and strides towards you, throwing an arm around your shoulder and guiding you closer to his group.
he smells like cigarettes covered by cologne and… paint? your eyes meet a can of spray paint in the other boy’s hand before trailing up to see an sk symbol freshly graffitied onto one of the thicker pillars.
on school property? guess laurance wasn’t exaggerating about them.
“since laurance so rudely interrupted our introduction to you last time, let’s reintroduce ourselves, yeah? i’m gene hyun,” he gestures to himself, deep voice almost lifting in a teasing way  before pointing at his friends. “that’s sasha morozov, and that’s zenix brandt. say hi, everyone.”
“you’re already breaking the rules, i like this new look on you.” sasha speaks up first, lips curling up in a smile that didn’t meet her eyes. “it would be nice to not be the only girl in this group.”
“can’t take the pressure, sasha?” zenix teases with a grin.
“or maybe i just can’t stand your face, zenix.”
“shut up, you love me.”
“i’m not that desperate.”
zenix scoffs. “me neither.”
“will you two quiet down? you’ll scare away our new friend here. hey, we introduced ourselves to you, so now it’s only polite for you to do the same.” gene nudges your shoulder once before letting you go.
you shortly give your name, chest brewing with an uncomfortable fog as you debate just running back inside. either way you risked your reputation, so your feet end up sticking to the ground as you swallow at the dry feeling in your throat. 
“you didn’t get anything to eat?” sasha questions, sleepy eyes pointedly looking down at your empty hands.
you look down at them as well, as if you hadn’t very purposefully walked past the cafeteria so no one knew you were off doing something you weren’t supposed to. you turn to glance back towards the school, before looking back to shrug at the girl.
“um… no, i forgot.”
dark silvery eyebrows turn up unimpressed before she plucks an apple off of her tray and tosses it to you. it catches you off guard and you clumsily catch it, fumbling and nearly dropping it down into the gravel.
she shrugs, humming a small “mhm” in return.
“…hm. you know, thinking about it, i dunno about that name.” gene suddenly says.
“right? i think we should give her a nickname instead.”
…what? your name wasn’t hard to pronounce in the slightest. before you can protest they’re already discussing the matter, tossing around name ideas they should give you like you were their new pet.
“what about dolly? since she’ll be running our errands for us like a little doll.”
“no, that’s too much. hm… she really did give a good beating on ivy despite being smaller than her, she’s got claws. how about kitty?”
“hm, a cute pet’s name, i like it.” sasha says, leg swinging off the side of where she sat.
“sasha and kitty for sk. i like it.” zenix adds, smile taunting as he looks at you.
your eyebrows pinch together, voice tight in irritation. “my name isn’t hard. i don’t need a nickname.”
gene’s eyebrow raises, challenging as he tilts his head.
“oh? sounds like the voice of someone who’s bold enough to let a picture of her fighting skills spread around.”
you scoff.
“listen. i hate to say it, kitty, but we have the upper hand here. we know it’s a bit devious, but we just want you to join us. you wouldn’t reject people wanting to be your friend, would you? especially ones that are also bad and break the rules.”
“i’m not going to—”
“no? well if that picture starts floating around who do you think will be your friend? us, or those goody two shoes friends you hang out with?”
“it’s none of their business what happened.” you snap, your brain scrambling for responses and too exhausted from the conversation to come up with any.
“then why don’t you say that to one of them?” gene hums in taunting amusement, head tilting as he looks at you through his lashes. “look behind you.”
your heart thuds and drops in your chest as you turn to see laurance, walking up to you in his soccer uniform, eyes narrowing at gene.
“is he bothering you?” he looks to you, brows furrowed.
your mouth drops open, trying to find something to say. his eyes seem to catch onto the draining of the blood from your face, his hand reaching out to grab your arm and pull you closer to his side.
“come on, you don’t need to be hanging out with—”
“no need to get so defensive, laurance. she wants to hang out with us.” gene cuts him off.
laurance freezes, eyes narrowing as he looks between you and the trio. “huh?”
gene stares at you, a toothy grin on his sharp features. 
“yeah,” you barely keep your voice steady as everyone focuses on you. “they’re not so bad once you get to know them.”
“…what?” laurance questions again, as if he thought he was hallucinating your words.
“yeah, she’s a real sweet girl. i really think i’m starting to see the error of my ways because of her.” gene takes a few steps closer. 
“really?” laurance asks, tone disbelieving.
“yeah! in fact she was just telling us to stop hanging back here and tagging up the place. i’ve never felt more moved.”
sasha and zenix nod along to his words, taking his lead as he looks to them. gene then waltzes right up to you, handing you a crumpled and folded slip of paper.
“here’s my number. text me later, i may need some help on my homework later. why don’t you go with laurance and we’ll catch you later.” he chuckles. “i can really picture our friendship blossoming.”
you give a half-hearted breath of a laugh in return, backing up with laurance. 
“okay, later.”
you feel sick. 
“are you okay?” laurance asks you once you’re out of earshot, leading you to the benches where the soccer team sits, the area pretty empty at the moment other than a few players practicing on the field.
“huh? oh yeah, i’m good.”
he stares at you, fingers tapping against the other. 
“…you sure? you know, those three are really good at acting and putting up a front. i really don’t think—”
“i know! trust me, it’s fine.”
his eyebrows furrow like he wants to say something but changes his mind, glancing back at the empty bleachers you were just behind. 
“you know eating outside during lunch is against the rules though, don’t you?”
you hold back a sigh. 
“…no, i didn’t know.”
laurance sighs looking at the apple still clutched in your hands. “…is that all you have for lunch?”
“oh, yeah. i forgot to… get some.”
he looks back up at you, before reaching into the soccer team’s snack box and handing you chips and a cheese stick.
“you don’t need to—”
“eat.” he raises a challenging eyebrow when you hesitate, lips curling up in appeasement when you start peeling open the cheese wrapper.
a call of your name falls from his lips, prompting you to look up into concerned eyes. 
“be careful.”
as you change in the locker room out of your sweaty athletics uniform, your phone buzzes on the bench.
gene: meet me near the back of the school
you suppress a sigh, keeping your face neutral in front of your group of girl friends beside you.
you: ok
aphmau was able to catch you alone in the hallways at one point, round eyes wide with worry. apparently she had also been confronted by gene, but that guy from her werewolf class had supposedly interrupted their talk, cutting the confrontation short.
you weren’t as lucky, you groaned internally, as you swung open the back doors to the school, finding your way down the stairs and spotting gene by the fence line. he’s changed into casual clothes rather than his school uniform, you note, the dark and grungy clothes a polar difference from the neat school uniform he was forced to wear. 
“…what is it?”
“walk with me to my house.”
any anxiety you feel is overridden as you shoot a sharp glare up at him, nose wrinkling in disgust. “no. why would i do that? are you some kind of pervert?”
gene barks out a laugh, head throwing back as he holds up his arms defensively. “woah, put the claws away, kitty! it’s nothing like that. i won’t claim i’m a good guy, but i’m not a total piece of shit either. i need you to meet my mom.”
“i’ll explain on the walk there.” he nods at you to walk along with him, beginning to make his way down the street.
you hesitate, teeth gritting. before you realize it your feet have carried you after him, catching up to the long-legged boy.
“if you try anything i’ll beat the shit out of you. i don’t care if you’re bigger and taller, i’ll find a way.” you threaten, even if you weren’t confident in your own words. 
gene seems amused by your threat, something you’ve begun to notice as a trend. “unless you were forced to take taekwondo as a kid i’m afraid you have no chance. i can appreciate your attitude, though. having a backbone looks good on you.”
you release a quiet sigh, glancing over warily at his tall frame, noticing the bit of lean muscle that cling to him. despite being on the thinner side, you knew he was most definitely right.
“what is it you want me to do?”
he hums. “ah, right. so, my mom’s been on my ass lately about hanging out with sasha and zenix too much… saying they’re bad influences.”
he scoffs, hands tucked into the pockets of his black jacket.
“i just need you to pretend like you’re a new friend of mine, helping me out with school and otherwise being a good influence. should be easy enough for you, you don’t need to even act.”
you huff. “why choose me?”
“why not? besides you doing this for me… and the whole picture thing… you seem pretty cool. maybe i just want to be friends.”
you don’t say anything to that, instead sending him a wary glance as he barks out an amused laugh in return.
on the way the two of you make it to a gas station, where gene turns to walk towards its doors rather than continue down the sidewalk, much to your chagrin.
when your footsteps stop from behind him he turns, looking back at you with a sigh.
“listen, i don’t live in a shady part of town necessarily, but at least come inside with me.” he says, his usual teasing cadence gone as he waves you to him. 
though he wasn’t implying anything you feel a shiver run up your spine, fingers drifting to zianna’s locket as your eyes drift around at the cars passing by. you spot one, all black, parked near the side of the building.
black rims, black paint, blacked out lights, blacked out windows.
no, it’s nothing.
plenty of people have all black cars.
quickly, you shuffle after gene, listening to the doorbell chime as you rush into the door after him.
he gives you a questioning look. the one time he wasn’t really trying to tease or scare you and you looked the most scared. he doesn’t question it though, instead telling you to look around while he buys what he needs.
you sigh, walking down the store aisles, eyes drifting to the different candies. turning to go to the next aisle you nearly bump into a taller man. he looked average. tanned skin and brown hair… but when you look into his eyes…
there’s a certain emptiness to the shade of brown you look into. something cruel and unforgiving—something you didn’t even see in gene’s. despite their warm color, they lacked any sense of care. it sends a cold chill starting from your cheeks and down your back, like someone had dumped ice water over your head.
“excuse me.” you mutter, shuffling past him and quickly putting yourself right next to where gene stood.
he glances at you from the corner of his eye, turning to see the man in the aisle. it’s a few seconds where he doesn’t say anything, face cold and unexpressive as he stares down the man until he leaves the store empty-handed.
the cashier, a rather unimpressed looking woman in her mid twenties glances over to you, raising a thinly plucked eyebrow.
“this your new girlfriend or something?” she glances down at your uniform, lip curling as she stares judgmentally back at gene. “...she looks a little young.”
“what? no, don’t be ridiculous,” gene scoffs. “just my little brothers friend. she’s coming home to study with him, so i’m walking her.”
the cashier deadpans at him. “yeah, okay. if you’re buying these for that lil’ girl i can’t sell em to you.”
“does it look like i’m buying these for her?” he gestures to you with one of his hands, giving an exasperated look to the cashier. “i mean she looks like she makes all a’s and never gets in trouble. c’mon.”
your eyebrows furrow. sell what to him?
the cashier looks you up and down for a moment before sighing, reaching down to the cabinets below her and pulling out a red cigarette case. your eyes widen and you look to gene, who only scoldingly stares you down from the corner of his eye.
“don’t say a thing and act natural.” is what you read from the dark blue irises challenging you to say something before he slides the money over the counter.
the cashier checks him out, narrowing her hooded green eyes at you once more with a concerned glint to them before humming. “you’re good to go. see you later.”
“thanks, donna.” gene casually replies, shoving the cigs in his pocket and ushering you out of the store.
you two walk in silence for a moment, making it a ways down the street before he reaches into the back of his jean pockets, pulling out one of the cigarettes and an old lighter. he lights one, huffing out the smoke and glancing down at you. 
“want one?”
you shake your head. he shrugs, stepping around you to walk on your other side when he sees you blink rapidly from the smoke blowing in your eyes.
“more for me.” he smirks, taking another deep inhale and looking away, slowly letting out his next breath.
“…how did you even buy those?” you ask, frowning as he flicks ash onto the concrete. 
he reaches into his pocket, pulling out his wallet and sliding out not his normal id, but instead another version that was flipped horizontally, the “under 21” warning nowhere to be seen.
“fake id.” he shrugs. “been using it since last year.”
it’s about ten more minutes before the roll of nicotine meets the end of its life. gene stops, crouching down for a second to snuff it out, before carelessly flicking it out onto the street.
“littering?” you narrow your eyes.
“what? it’ll decompose.”
“no, it won’t. not for a long time.”
“littering is really lame.”
gene scoffs, rolling his eyes. “c’mon, kitty. loosen up. the world will keep spinning to see another day.”
you huff, running back to scoop up the discarded cigarette, still warm from both its flame and staying snugly between gene’s fingers. he stops to look at you, eyebrows raised and pinched, the corner of his mouth turned down in confused amusement. you walk back to him, flipping up the top of the box that still hung out of his jeans and shoving the cigarette down into the empty spot.
he raises a brow before his head tilts back in silent laughter, eyes closed.
“okay, fine, miss goody two shoes.” he laughs, before turning onto the pathway up to a dull blue house. “remember, just act like you’re a new friend of mine helping me out with my grades.”
he pulls out a key chain, unlocking the door and waving you inside. “hey mom, i have someone i want you to meet.”
the inside of the house… is not the environment that you’d expect for a guy like gene to live in. it was perfectly clean, the furniture neat and the fresh scent of lemons and lavender clinging to the air.
an older woman with a taller stature than you and lighter gray-blue hair appears from the hallway, face stern as she looks at her son.
“a new friend? if they’re anything like—” she stops her train of thought when her eyes land on you, face changing to a friendlier expression. “oh, hello sweetie. you’re… gene’s friend?”
gene huffs. “don’t sound too surprised.”
you control your breathing, already feeling guilty pulling in your chest as you prepare yourself to lie to this woman. you raise your hand to shake hers with a small smile, nodding along.
“yes ma’am. it’s nice to meet you.”
“it’s nice to meet you too! i’m maria.” her face is brightened as she grabs onto your hand, shaking it back. “oh, gene, honey. i’m surprised such a proper-looking and lovely girl wants to talk to you! she’s adorable.”
“what?” he sighs, looking much less intimidating than usual as he watches his tongue in front of his mother. “…anyways, mom, she’s been helping me with school. she makes amazing grades and never gets in trouble… right…?”
you nod.
“wow, i can’t believe you made friends outside of that little club of yours—”
“—it’s a gang—”
“—i’m so proud. do you need a ride home, sweetie? gene and i were just going to leave for dance lessons.”
“oh, that’s okay. i can walk.”
maria shakes her head. “oh, but a girl like you shouldn’t walk alone on the streets, especially with the traffic right now. we’re not necessarily in a dangerous part of town, but still.”
you freeze, before nodding. “if you don’t mind, that would be nice.”
“of course not! gene lets go.” she nods, pulling her keys out of the purse on her shoulder and walking out the front door.
you two stand there for a moment before you turn to gene with a raised eyebrow, a smirk fighting to break out on your face.
“…dance lessons?”
his nose crinkles before he bends his torso, the scent of cigarettes still fresh on his breath as he slits his eyes at you.
“don’t you dare utter a word of that to anyone, or everyone in the school will know about that picture.” he whispers, before straightening himself and pacing forward towards the door. “c’mon, sweetie, time to go home.”
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©starhvney, 2024. please do not steal or repost my works as your own.
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jamieenthusiast · 1 day
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Murder drones I havent left you but you cant stop me from going insane abt this series
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inozuart · 5 months
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garrance in 2024? likelier than you would think
been having a mcd brainrot this whole month, might do more of them
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darlinglledawn · 1 month
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me when old mc rps phases kicks back in
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artisthoi · 6 days
huh these guys look awfully familiar idk guys
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bbbeowulf · 8 months
Aphtober Day 7: In Another Life
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anyways name all the aphmaus for bragging rights /hj
See all my Aphtober submissions HERE!!
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schyrosoreffs · 9 months
i needed an excuse to draw pdh garrancemau *shrugs*
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untowardgloom · 10 months
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I’m back in my Mystreet era.
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roseinyoursaltwater · 5 months
Aphmau Ships fall into four categories
1: Aww 🥺
2: 🚨🚨
3: Aarmau
4: Polygamy
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wistfel · 6 months
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pdh doodles. i got *very* into pdh when i first saw it and its super nostalgic to draw fanart for it
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Dumbasses in love high-school version
(Og imagine undercut)
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333 notes · View notes
starhvney · 1 month
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𝐅𝐄𝐀𝐓𝐔𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆: blaze, garroth, gene, laurance
𝐒𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐘: your friend group has a certain game they like to play at your co-ed sleepovers–one that was exhilarating and full of tension. naturally, what’s a girl to do but use her wits and charm to win over the heart of the boy she’s playing with? and what if he’s the one pulling the strings all along?
𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐒: teens being teens, fluff and flirtyness, kissing and cooties! it’s implied that they’re dating the reader or at least have mutual crushes
𝐂𝐖: use of fake knives and nerf guns lol
𝐀/𝐍: erm..umm…hehe? bites lip
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𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐫𝐨𝐥𝐞: 𝐦𝐮𝐫𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐫. 𝐤𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐲𝐨𝐧𝐞.
“hey blaze, wanna go see something cool?” you ask suddenly, tilting your head and batting your eyelashes up at the tall werewolf.
he purses his lips, black ears twitching against his dark red curls. a suspicious hum leaves his lips for a moment as the rest of the group warily watches on.
“okay!” he goofily smiles, shrugging and following after you towards the house’s basement door.
“blaze… don’t fall for it.”
“but she’s such a trustworthy person!” he protests against the group’s warnings, beginning to follow you down the dim staircase.
you hold back a snort at his enthusiastic voice, wondering if he was playing up on his usual airheaded tendencies or if he really thought you weren’t going to kill him off from the game down here.
“the basement, definitely super romantic and cool and not suspicious at all!”
he definitely knew. you giggle as you make it to the end of the staircase, standing at the bottom as you awkwardly try to think of what you want to “show him” besides the plastic knife in your pocket.
“your laugh is usually cute, but when it’s so mischievous and in a dark basement it’s kind of creepy,” he shivers, backing up towards the stairs again. “actually… i just remembered i need to do something!”
“wait! you said i’m cute, right?” you snatch onto his flannel, dragging him back towards you—or rather dragging yourself towards his much heavier and unmoving body.
“um… wanna… make out?”
“yeah!” he switches back to his himbo cheerfulness, very eagerly leaning down and pressing his lips against yours.
you indulge him for a moment, before your puckered lips spread into an evil smile and you’re pressing the plastic knife into his abs. a disappointed sigh leaves his lips as he dramatically sinks down to the floor to play dead.
“not cool, you’re gonna leave me in the spooky basement?” he pouts, his fluffy tail laying flat on the ground.
“you’ll be fine,” you giggle, pressing one last kiss to his forehead and happily skipping up the stairs to finish the round. “see you later!”
𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐫𝐨𝐥𝐞: 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐬. 𝐝𝐨𝐧'𝐭 𝐝𝐢𝐞!
“where is everyone…?” you trail, feeling uneasy as you look for all of the friends you were separated from. 
your search is interrupted when you hear footsteps rapidly approaching you across the grass of the backyard. 
despite knowing this was a silly game with friends, turning to see a six foot three beast of a werewolf sprinting at you with a plastic knife in hand was still a terrifying visual. you couldn’t help the terrified yelp that left your lips as you sprinted away from him, knowing your efforts were futile.
you’re caught up to within barely a few seconds, strong arms nearly crushing you as he scoops you up. a squeal leaves your lips as you cling onto his shirt, feeling your feet leave the ground.
“wait! wait!” you screech, heart racing as you catch your breath.
“nuh-uh,” he laughs.
you groan when you feel the knife firmly placed against your back, limply dangling in blaze’s arms.
“caught you.”
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𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐫𝐨𝐥𝐞: 𝐦𝐮𝐫𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐫. 𝐤𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐲𝐨𝐧𝐞.
your arms boldly slink around garroth’s shoulders as you lean onto him from behind where he sat, your face snuggling up to the side of his cheek.
automatically he tenses up, eyelids narrowing as his vision darts over to you from the side of his eye. he mutters your name suspiciously, but one of his hands comes up to softly grab onto one of your arms.
“hey, garroth,” you whisper into his ear, holding back the amused giggle that fights to escape your lips. “i was just wishing a tall, hot blonde guy would go into the closet to make out with me…”
garroth sighs, his ears turning a bright red where your breath ghosted along the skin.
“you said that last time, and i died.”
you can tell he’s trying to make his voice monotonous and unimpressed, but the amused intonation at the end of his sentence tells another story. your chest presses against his back, and the breathy, mischievous laughter that exhales from your lungs shakes the both of you.
“no, i’m for real this time!”
“oh yeah, that sounds perfect,” he sarcastically quips back. “i’ll go with the girl trying to seduce me into the closet with no witnesses.”
“garroth… would i ever betray you in such a way?”
“you just did a couple rounds ago.”
“yeahhh,” you drawl out, placing a kiss on his cheek as you quickly place the knife over his heart and press down. “sorry.”
he sighs, slumping forward on the table to play dead.
“so cruel and heartless,” he jokingly pouts, and you have to restrain yourself from placing another kiss on his jutted lower lip.
𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐫𝐨𝐥𝐞: 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐬. 𝐝𝐨𝐧'𝐭 𝐝𝐢𝐞!
“garroth, i’m sorry. why don’t we hug it out?” you suggest, arms spread wide as you look up at the blonde expectantly.
he rolls his eyes, leaning down and tightly wrapping his arms around you. after a moment you pay his back, expecting to be let go, but realization hits you as it’s his turn to giggle at you. 
the light rumbling of his laughter vibrates against you, before you feel the plastic knife pressing right up against the small of your back.
you groan, going limp in his arms and leaning your head back as you sigh in light hearted annoyance.
“wowwww, okay.”
he continues to laugh, leaning over and letting you slink down to the floor before gently letting you rest on the ground.
“sorry,” he smiles, looking the least bit sorry before leaning down and placing a kiss against your lips.
“i’m so gonna haunt you.”
“i wouldn’t mind a pretty ghost following me around,” he smiles back, before getting back up and running off to finish his job.
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𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐫𝐨𝐥𝐞: 𝐦𝐮𝐫𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐫. 𝐤𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐲𝐨𝐧𝐞.
“gene, wanna go make out?” you casually ask, smiling at the older boy cheekily and attempting to ignore the attractive look he stares back at you with.
his head falls back and he rolls his eyes, smirk plastered on his lips as he sighs in contemplation from where he sat.
“see, how am i supposed to refuse when you ask like that, though?”
“like what?” you tilt your head innocently, lacing your hands behind your back.
he pointedly stares at you through hooded eyes, before stretching up from his seat and shoving his hands in his pockets.
“alright, where are we going to make out?”
you shrug and guide him out of the house, passing a few people as you go.
“where are you two going?”
“to make out, apparently.”
“don’t tell me you’re falling for that.”
“it’ll be fine,” gene drawls, waving his hand as the two of you exit the house. “i have a feeling on how this is gonna end, but i’ll take my chances.”
“well, whoever’s the cop—be ready when she comes back alone,” you hear someone say as the door shuts behind you. 
you only take a few steps before turning around, pointing the knife at him with a small innocent smile on your face.
“damn, not even gonna give me a small chance at a kiss before you kill me?”
“so sorry,” you apologize emptily, the cheeky smile on your lips leaving when he leans forward into the knife, grabbing your face and devouring your lips for a moment with his own.
you blink at him in shock as he pretends to cough in pain, keeping forward into the ground and rolling onto his back to play dead.
“it’s alright, you will be later,” he smirks back, laying flat on the ground and staring up at the stars.
𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐫𝐨𝐥𝐞: 𝐜𝐨𝐩. 𝐬𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐲𝐨𝐧𝐞!
finally! you found where your friends had been all round… only to see that they were all sprawled out on the floor, motionless. you take a cautious step into the room, slowly turning your head to the tall form standing in your peripheral.
you hear a few snickers from the ground as you and gene stare at each other, with your hands on your hips.
“well, it’s just us, huh?”
you don’t have enough time or a chance to pull out the gun, instead having to run away down the hall and through the back doors as he suddenly sprints after you.
“nooo! nonono, gene!” you call out, fumbling for the gun in your pocket as you run through the grass.
“why are you running?” he asks, the amused smile on his lips heard through his voice without even having to glance back. “don’t run from me.”
you point the gun back, shooting and missing the boy entirely, wasting your last bullet. one more stride and he catches up to you, knocking the gun out of your hand and restraining you against him with one arm in a single swoop. 
“wait! don’t!” you frantically scramble as he presses the knife up against your chest. “i will… um!”
“mhmmm…” he tauntingly hums, letting you continue.
“…go out? …with you?”
you whine as he presses the knife down against your chest, slumping over as he hunches over and slowly lets you down to the ground. deep laughter leaves his lips as he looks down at your pout, hands on his knees in amusement. 
“sorry, that’s not a good deal if you already do that, doll.”
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𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐫𝐨𝐥𝐞: 𝐦𝐮𝐫𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐫. 𝐤𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐲𝐨𝐧𝐞.
“laurance, follow me,” you tug on his shirt, backing up as you try to lure him out of the room.
“i’m not falling for that, silly girl,” he leans down towards you, smirk plastered on his face. “where’s everyone else you walked off with, then. hm?”
“falling for what?” you follow him as he starts backing away from you and towards the door. “i just love you so much. i wanna show you!”
“uh-huh, right,” he nods, before turning and taking off outside into the cool night air.
“laurance! wait, let me show you!” you laugh hysterically. “i wanna show you how much i love you!”
“get away!” he laughs, using his soccer skills to dodge and run away from you in the grass.
you manage to catch him, jumping onto his back and using the momentum to tackle the both of you down to the soft grass. your legs straddle his torso as you both catch your breath, chests panting for air.
“now it’s just us…” you trail, dragging your index finger across his lower lip. 
you pull on it before leaning down and pressing a kiss to his lips, simultaneously plunging the fake knife against his chest.
“that was both terrifying and hot at the same time,” he breathes with a smug grin.
𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐫𝐨𝐥𝐞: 𝐜𝐨𝐩. 𝐬𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐲𝐨𝐧𝐞!
“come on, you don’t trust me?” laurance tilts his head, pouting as you indecisively point your gun back and forth between him and katelyn—the rest of your friends laid out on the ground. “ouch, that hurts.”
katelyn stares at you with a deadpan expression. her and laurance have their arms raised in the air in surrender, leaving you as the one to make the game-settling decision.
“don’t let him woo you, you’re better than this—“
“she went off with aphmau alone and now aphmau is dead!” laurance insists, leaning forward towards you. “it’s obviously her, be smart. you’re smart.”
“um… i’m sorry katelyn!” you apologize, sending a bullet out toward katelyn’s stomach.
she laughs with a groan as she sinks to the ground. you come to the realization that you, in fact, made the wrong decision when nobody else gets up, leaving you and laurance at a standstill.
“…i’m out of bullets.”
“you better run…” someone mutters with a snort on the ground.
strings of shouts and scared curses leave your lips as you take off down the hallway, searching for any bullets to use now that you’ve cornered yourself at one end of the house.
“oh no!” you yelp, socks sliding as you land against a wall, laurance’s hands trapping you in before you can scramble anywhere else.
“hey,” he jokingly bites his lip, staring at you with faux seduction.
you sigh dramatically. “just kill me.”
he giggles, stabbing you with the knife before placing a kiss against your cheek.
“hey, it’s not your fault my charm works so well—“
“shut up.”
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©starhvney, 2024. please do not steal or repost my works as your own.
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sparklefaceaphblog · 8 months
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sunnified · 27 days
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synopsis. it's not your fault that, out of the two of them, you happen to like your best friend's brother more.
pairing. pdh!garroth, pdh!laurance, pdh!dante, pdh!gene, x gn!reader
content. cheesy pick up line in garroth’s, use of calling the reader “gorgeous” in laurance’s, dante just being a dude with a crush, gene is smoking, gene also offers that same smoke to you, he also calls you a name.
word count. 1.2k
a/n. zenix was also supposed to be in this,, my bad zenix fans </3
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unfortunately for you, vylad was far too perceptive for you to ever keep any secrets from him for long. luckily, he couldn’t be nearly as observational when he was on the soccer field, kicking a ball to his teammates and putting all of his focus on the game.
you stand off to the side, near the bleachers where the players keep their water bottles and such, under the pretence of watching vylad play. in actuality, you’re giggling as garroth reads off another cheesy pick up line that would make you cringe should it have come from anyone else, “you’re still coming to my house for dinner tonight, right?”
you nod, already sensing where this is going, “mhm.”
“well, on the menu tonight is me n’ u.” he beams, and you almost snort from how proud your charming lover looks with himself.
the game is almost over, and you know that you’re here to cheer on vylad, but you’ve spent most of the match flirting with garroth and giggling anytime he made a cheesy joke. honestly, you could live with your relationship being like this for the rest of high school, if you really wanted to — it’s not that he’s ashamed of you, but garroth knows his family can come off as intense, and he feels the intensity will only increase because of your close friendship with vylad.
not that you mind, it’s fun to sneak around with the hottest boy in school, knowing that you both harbour a silly secret together.
the ball is kicked in your direction, and vylad comes running over, “hey guys,” he greets, panting slightly as he bends down to pick up the ball. when he’s upright again, he turns to you and raises a brow, “i hope he’s not trying to charm you.”
you can’t help the heat in your cheeks as you hum, “i really don’t mind it all that much.”
one quick text is all it took for you to abandon cadenza’s room, creeping across the hall and peeking your head into the bedroom of her younger brother. unsurprisingly, laurance was awake and sitting on top of his duvet. his room was dimly lit, but provided enough light for you to see the grin spread across his handsome features, “well, hey there, gorgeous.”
you snickered, slipping through the crack in his door and officially stepping foot into his bedroom, “hey there yourself, handsome.”
six steps is all it took for you to reach his bed, sitting across from him as he let out an amused laugh. the relationship between you two is still fresh, and it’s exhilarating to be sneaking around like forbidden lovers right under everyone’s noses. even if you do feel slightly guilty for not telling cadenza about it — she’ll probably lose her mind once she finds out.
oh well.
a minute passes, before laurance decides he can’t stand the distance between the two of you and is actively tugging you to lay down with him. his ceiling seems to be the most interesting thing in the world as you can’t bring yourself to meet his piercing gaze. you barely talk, just enjoying the company of one another, until his lips find the skin of your cheek. when he pulls away, leaving a soft kiss in his absence, laurance hums, “you should sleep over more often.”
he’s seeing all of you, in moments like these, where it’s just the two of you against the world. “i’m supposed to be in your sister’s room right now.” you reply with a huff of laughter.
he smirks, “but you’re not.”
laurance’s arm encircles your waist, and he shifts to lay on his side. there’s something cute about this boy, who waited up until his sister fell asleep to see you, that makes your heart flutter.
“you’re right.” you agree, tilting your head to meet those pale blues he wears so well, “i’m not.”
usually, nobody would have the guts to approach the gang of four sitting off in the hallway. on your left, sasha was glued to her phone and occasionally adding to the conversation with half hearted quips. on your right, zenix was attempting to stack two spray paint cans on top of one another whilst his legs sprawled across the floor. the leader of your little group, gene, was pacing back and forth as he thought up ways to cause more havoc across the student body.
the four of you were widely regarded as troublemakers, and yet there seemed to be one soul in the entire school who couldn’t seem to stop ‘accidentally’ stumbling across you.
you tried to hide your amused smirk as gene stopped his scheming, blinking at the blue haired boy with the dopey smile across his face, “hey, gene.” he greeted his older brother, eyes flickering to meet yours for a second, “hi.”
you lifted a hand to wave in response, already charmed by whatever plan he had cooked up in order to talk to you around your friends. it’s not that you were attempting to hide your recently blossomed feelings from your friends, but they had never cared to ask, and you had never cared to tell.
gene raised a brow, “what do you want, dante?”
“just heading to class!” he grinned in response, barely even looking at his older brother as he fixed his sight on you. irene, you looked so good simply sitting there. it was unfair, “say, don’t you have class too?”
from each side of you, sasha and zenix groaned, as though they could already sense gene’s response. no matter what reputation the four of you garnered, gene wouldn’t tarnish the image his younger brother had of him, “you’re right. let’s go, guys.”
with a bit of pep in your step, you swung your backpack over your shoulder and headed over to dante; he seemed absolutely elated as you approached him. with a wave to your group of friends, you headed off down the hall, falling into footing with your not-so-secret secret boyfriend.
slipping away from dante had been easy, and finding gene had been easier. he was in your usual smoke spot in the park across from the school, rid of his usual lackeys. it was almost surprising, to see him without his two friends, but you didn’t question him. after all, it’s not like you wanted to talk about his friends when this was the first time you’d seen him alone in quite a while.
“you’re late.” he observed, huffing out a cloud of smoke whilst leaning against the bark of a tree.
you shrugged in response, because there was nothing you could say to make him forgive your misdeed. after all, actions spoke louder than words with gene. sinking into the shaded spot beside him, you hummed, “had to lose dante first.”
he offered you a puff of the cigarette he had been smoking, an incentive to stop talking. you didn’t accept, and he scoffed, narrowing teal eyes in your direction. “i don’t want to hear you talkin’ about other guys.” he muttered in annoyance, returning your confused look with a deadpan stare, “yes, even if the other guy is my brother.”
there was a beat of silence, your lip upturning in hilarity, “he’s my best friend.”
“go find him then, if he’s so great?”
you snickered, “you’re such a loser.”
“thin ice, doll.” he warned with a smirk, stubbing his cigarette out. you returned his smirk, sticking your tongue out, and gene laughed, “oh, you’re in for it.”
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just a lil reminder that my reqs are open rn <3
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beesthebees · 13 days
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i want to give them both a kiss on the cheek and ALSO IS THAT THE SK SYMBOL ON HIS SUIT THE FREAKING DORK
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dilftesbiggestfan · 3 months
Twink/Twunk Laurence and Bear Garroth truthers wya??
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