#Pro TLJ
sjbattleangel · 8 months
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Sometimes I feel like I'm the only one who legitimately enjoyed the sequels (especially The Last Jedi); who loved the characters of Rey Of Jakku and Rose Tico.
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bluntblade · 5 months
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Remembered the John Ford scene in The Fablemans and wondered where the horizon was in-frame during Luke and Kylo's confrontation (alas, Ford didn't cover "when the horizon erupts out of the middle into the top of one corner, but on balance I think it comes under "it's interesting"). And now I'm thinking about how here, Luke is surrounded by clear blue sky and soft golden light (it even harmonises with the lightsaber). Meanwhile, Kylo hasn't just placed himself up against a wall; the cliff face's texture surrounds him with visual noise. It feels rough and kind of chaotic, and it means that his blade sticks out like a big angry burn. Harmony against raging dissonance.
I just really love it when Star Wars goes large on visual storytelling and also looks terrific.
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saltywinteradult · 9 months
am i really the one (1) person on this godforsaken site who liked the last jedi? because it seems like it sometimes and it makes me feel like i’m going insane
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daisythornes · 11 months
ughhh i have to wade through dumb opinions about the last jedi for research on something i'm writing ughhhhhh
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galacticvampire · 1 year
The Acolyte showrunner just gave an interview talking about how the show will be "jedi critical" because "that's the story george lucas was trying to tell" and I'm about to commit a crime
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short-wooloo · 2 years
I realized something about Kenobi
It's basically what we wanted Last Jedi to be
You've got this lonely sad old man who is a little bitter (but not an all consuming bitterness) who unfairly blames himself for what his fallen student has done
But he gets his resolve restored with the help of a plucky, wide-eyed young force sensitive
The old man's fallen student hunts his former master and is completely ruthless and there is no attempt made to justify the fallen student, who also refuses to take responsibility for his own actions while blaming his master for them
The fallen student has a squad of dark side minions who are actively involved in the plot and are not just set dressing
The Jedi are appreciated
Oh, and while hunted and few in numbers, the Jedi still survive
And the eventual end of the story is the old man restored to the Jedi we know, regaining his confidence and his fire
It reminds me of something I saw on Luke in TLJ: basically the film breaks Luke down and then builds him back up (the classic deconstruction-reconstruction), but the problem is too much of the film is spent on breaking Luke down, and too little on building Luke back up, compounded by having him die immediately after getting the Luke we know back
And like I said, Kenobi is shaping up to be what we didn't get with TLJ
At some point (4th or 5th episode by my estimate) Obi-Wan's going to "get his groove back" so to speak, and become more like the Jedi we know from ANH (or Rebels if we're speaking chronologically)
And unlike Luke, we get to enjoy good old Master Kenobi before he dies
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tarisilmarwen · 2 years
Why is Luke's characterization in TBOBF Chapter 6 considered OOC and character assassination when it is fully in-line with Jedi teachings? (Even if it was written by Lord Darth Dave Felonious and was clearly framed in a bad light because of that)
That... is a complicated story that basically boils down to two things:
1. A long-standing fandom-wide misinterpretation of Jedi philosophy and teachings.
2. Fandom nostalgia and attachment to Legends EU material. (That's pre-Disney-buyout Expanded Universe books/comics/games/whatever wasn't the six OG films. Note that EU material operated on a nebulous and often contradictory tier system of canon and could be overwritten at any time by Lucas himself on the "G tier".)
See, fandom conflates "attachment" with "any close or intimate interpersonal relationship whatsoever" and think the Prequel Order's prohibition on marriage is stupid so they basically have this whole insidious pervasive fanon where Jedi aren't allowed to love or have friends or express feelings/emotions and therefore they adore and One True Jedi Luke for "bucking" all of that and having compassion and saving his father and his friends with The Power Of Love or some shit and for allowing the members of his new Jedi Order to marry and have families.
A good chunk of the material about Luke's New Jedi Order, it should be noted, was written before the Prequel Trilogy came around and clarified how the Jedi Order of old actually operated (more monastic and structured, under the Senate's authority). And people... did not like that the portrayal of the Jedi in PT contrasted with the EU material they were reading and preferred Luke's Order to the seemingly more sterile and esoteric Prequel Order.
And thus emerged the first roots of the fanon idea that the Prequel Jedi were supposed to be portrayed as Having Things Wrong and that Luke, being of course the One True Jedi, came along and "fixed" things with his new order.
You can see now how people who were operating under this fanon framework came to decry Luke's The Last Jedi portrayal as him having "repeated the mistakes" of the old Order. (That's not why TLJ Luke was OOC but that is a rant for another day my friend.)
TBOBF Luke, being in line with the Prequel Jedi philosophy of "attachment bad, this is a serious commitment and you can't half-ass it, you gotta be 100% in on this" is seen as a continuation of the "bad characterization" established for him in The Last Jedi, because again, Luke is supposed to be the One True Good Jedi Who Fixed Everything Wrong About The Old Order.
Even though the things that fandom thinks were wrong about the old Order weren't actually problems, for the most part, because "attachment" =/= "love" and Lucas has been clear and explicit about this from the beginning, attachment is the fear of loss and the inability to let go. Not "romantic relationships", not "family and friends", it has a very specific connotation in the Star Wars universe and people are very stubborn about ignoring that fact in favor of their preferred fanon interpretation.
Full disclosure I haven't actually seen TBOBF so I'm unclear about the tone of Luke's portrayal but just from what I've seen in gifs it seemed honestly more neutrally portrayed than negative. (Though given Filoni's track record of being mostly in-line with Lucas aside from annoying moments of, "Well but weren't the Prequel Jedi just a little bit in the wrong?"/"Isn't attachment just a little bit good sometimes?" I wouldn't put it past him to lean that way.) And you're right, nothing Luke said or did is out of step with Jedi teachings.
It's just that fandom doesn't like/doesn't understand Jedi teachings so they don't like Luke adhering to them.
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exploding-goobery · 3 months
Rian Johnson described his vision for The Last Jedi as a 'funky weirdo samurai movie', and that's just such a perfect way to describe its wonderful idiosyncraticities and how they manage to make it still feel Star Wars-ey (to me anyway lol).
What a movie.
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jedimasterbailey · 9 months
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This Loth Cat is a good representation of me not losing my mind on how badly the Jedi Order is being completely defiled by Feloni. Okay…so apparently according to Feloni anybody can just be a Jedi if they try really, really hard and believe in them because the Force resides in everyone when we all know that that’s not fucking true according to Lucas. Yes, the Force resides in all things HOWEVER it is the Force sensitive (I.e. the Jedi and Sith) that are able to wield the Force because they’ve got the blood to do so (midocholorians… I’m sure I’ve butchered the spelling forgive me). So with that being said, does anything in Star Wars even matter anymore? Like honestly.
By this logic…anybody in the OT could have just destroyed the Sith if they tRiEd HaRd EnOuGh. So I guess fuck the importance of Luke Skywalker and all the other survivors of Order 66? And I suppose by this logic none of the prequel Jedi or hell even Anakin doesn’t matter because anybody can just wield a lightsaber and tap into the Force if tHeY jUsT bElIeVeD iN tHeMsElVeS? Why does Rey matter when apparently anyone could have taken down the First Order and destroyed Palpatine when some fucking Mando could have just done the job of being Force sensitive doesn’t matter?
Like believe me guys, I am TRYING so hard not to be a hater but it truly makes me sad to see the one element of Star Wars I love so much (I.e. the Jedi Order and everything they do and stand for) just get picked apart and trashed over and over and over again. I just don’t understand it and I know I can’t be the only one feeling like this.
Also Ahsoka’s character right now is reminding me of Luke’s in TLJ where I feel like I’m seeing and hearing a completely different character and it’s heartbreaking when you’ve looked up and loved these heroes so much. Like for Gods sake can we settle the score in where Ahsoka stands with the Jedi? Is she or is she not? Because right now she’s doing a poor representation of all her mentors who have lost their lives staying true to themselves, Jedi who gave everything to protect and save lives. Now she seems to just go out of her way to scoff at the Order that raised her, similar to Luke dismissing the very thing that gave him hope in the OT.
As these new shows go on, it just makes the fall of the Jedi Order all the more tragic just seeing how their sacrifice and good will meant absolutely nothing. That’s why characters like Cal Kestis and Cere Junda are incredible. They stayed true to their Jedi values no matter what because that’s what the galaxy needs, heroes who care. Not heroes who have personal agendas.
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sjbattleangel · 2 months
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bluntblade · 8 months
Dan Olsen will always have my favourite take on The Last Jedi:
"I don't care if you hate this movie. I don't. It made me happy. (Gets a little emotional) It made me happy!"
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someoneintheshadow456 · 7 months
From all the screenshots of Andrew and Ashley I’m seeing it baffles me how antis missed the incest or worse thought they were normal siblings and pro shippers made the incest up.
This is the same crowd that thought Reylo was a sibling relationship AFTER TLJ.
Once again I do NOT want to know what kind of relationships y’all have with your siblings.
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antianakin · 6 months
what are your opinions on the sequels? specifically how luke (and his new jedi order) is portrayed. but also like just the jedi stuff in general, the training and everyone becoming force ghosts and somehow palpatine
Oh gosh, it has been a MINUTE since I've even watched the Sequels. I'm planning on rewatching them sometime early next year for Reasons, but for both episodes 8 and 9, it'll be the first time I've seen them since I saw them in the theaters. I MIGHT have seen episode 7 after its theater release, but not often. I can definitely say I haven't watched a single one of them since 2019 lol.
All of that to say, I don't remember them super well. I liked episode 7, but didn't care AT ALL for TLJ and was ho hum on TROS. My overall opinion is that it's too bad these characters didn't have anyone writing for them who seemed to actually CARE about them at any point and that nobody bothered to create a fucking blueprint for the entire trilogy and then stick to it. Say what you will about the execution of the Prequels, but Lucas had a damn vision in mind and a clear end goal for the story and the characters and he STUCK TO IT. You can go back to those films and rewatch them and find that story and see the arc he was trying to take the characters on. You may not LIKE what he chose to do or feel like it worked very well, but it's clearly THERE. The same cannot be said for the Sequels. The characters change personalities in basically every film, the primary motivations and intended end goals for them are never consistent, the relationships aren't built up well, and the theme and message of the Sequels is so muddied with all of these changes that they may as well not exist.
All of that is very broad, though, and doesn't touch much on your specific question about the Jedi and Luke and how they were portrayed in the Sequels. To be honest, I don't remember it very well, and when I saw these films, I was a pretty casual Star Wars fan who was still what I would now consider Jedi critical. I didn't hate them by any means, but I had absorbed the fandom osmosis of the Jedi having been too repressive/old-fashioned and how they caused their own doom. So I haven't watched them from a more pro Jedi lens yet in order to comment on it with any level of authority.
What I DO remember feeling was that making Luke bitter was a bad choice. There's undoing a character a little in order to allow them to develop somewhere, and then there's complete and utter character assassination and TLJ's characterization of Luke falls closer to the latter for me. The biggest thing anyone remembers about Luke is that he chose not to kill Anakin in ROTJ. That's his big climactic triumph. He goes on an entire journey towards understanding Anakin and having to accept that Anakin was a person making evil choices so that he could believe in Anakin's ability to be BETTER. That's kind-of the core of Luke's WHOLE JOURNEY. So I don't really get the entire concept of Luke reacting so violently to "feeling some darkness" in his teenaged nephew. He's already sort-of worked through that particular flaw of his and overcome it, why is he suddenly reacting this way? What's the point of that? And why would Luke just completely lose himself to cynicism and bitterness in the aftermath of that kind of failure? What was the point of leaving a piece of map behind or whatever? None of it really seems to make any sense to me and you can just FEEL Rian Johnson sort-of tossing things in the trash as he wrote this so that he could do his own thing.
All of that being said, what I've seen other people comment on is that there's a lot of shit Luke says in TLJ that are pretty anti-Jedi, but that the whole point is that Luke is wrong. Luke is succumbing to despair and so he feels like he's defeated and there's no point to anything and he's WRONG. The movie does pretty strongly emphasize that he's WRONG to feel this way and act like this. So I think a lot of people take what Luke says in this film sort-of at face value without taking into account that context that you're not SUPPOSED to agree with him any more than Rey does. I'm interested to see how I feel about it when I do end up rewatching them in a few months, but it rings relatively true to what I can remember.
It doesn't seem wrong that Luke and Leia could end up being able to ghost, it doesn't make any sense that Han can ghost but we all know that that happened specifically because Carrie Fisher died mid-filming and they had to figure out how to work around that, so I'm willing to give a little bit of slack to TROS for that exact reason.
I don't remember much training even HAPPENING on screen. I remember Luke barely teaching Rey anything at all in the one week she spends with him and Leia sending Rey on an obstacle course at the beginning of TROS. I wish they'd chosen to spend more time really showcasing more of Rey's actual training (or, ya know, FINN training in Force abilities at all), but I don't have any strong feelings about it at this point.
And as for Palpatine, I think everybody knows it was a bad choice to make at this point. It was lazy, it was silly, and it doesn't work. It feels like a direct response to Snoke having been killed off too early and disagreements between the directors and the studio execs about whether Kylo Ren should be a villain or not. It doesn't work and nobody likes it.
So, yeah, my feelings are a little faded at this point because I disliked them enough that when I do my Star Wars marathons, I never include the Sequels in it and I just stop at ROTJ. I feel like that says enough on its own.
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short-wooloo · 2 years
It should not take Rian Johnson's commentary saying Luke was wrong in TLJ for people to understand that he was wrong
It shouldn't even take Luke outright saying "I was wrong" in ROS
Because in TLJ itself Luke says he was wrong through his actions
Earlier in the film Luke bitterly asks Rey what she expects him to do, "face the entire first order with a lightsaber"
And that's exactly what he does
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"Show don't tell" is bullshit, because you can show something and people will miss it completely
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You are the first person who say "fy too RJ" lol
But, yeah, feel bad for anyone who worked in the ST lol
🤣 In my defense!!!! I have said I disliked TLJ from day one (controversially), but I only started saying Rian specifically fucked up as much as the rest of them this year. 😂
I tried. I tried so hard to give him the benefit of the doubt because he seems like Such A Nice Guy and his other movies that don't have 10,000 execs trying to fuck with him come out beautifully. And to be fair I don't *know* how aggressive or not aggressive he was in trying to ensure coherence and consistency between films. But as time goes on it just more and more feels like despite the fact that TFA and TLJ had overlapping pre-pro, Rian just kinda sat in his sandbox and did his own thing after trying to raise his hand once or twice, and sadly that wasn't good enough.
Oh well. Oh well!
In the end we are all left looking at Disney like--
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the-force-awakens · 2 years
Top 5 Poe scenes and why !
I've been staring at this ask. Staring at it. How can I possibly just break this down? I'm going to break this down and I'm prob going to go just a little feral over it so buckle in kids.
let's start with “who talks first, you talk first, I talk first?” because that moment rewired my entire fucking brain. No hyperbole, no exaggeration, from the bottom of my heart I swear I felt something shift in my head at that exact very moment: not only was it the moment I privately thought to myself "oh I'm in love", it was the moment I realized this was a star wars made for me and that I would utterly adore this trilogy (I was right). But more than that, this moment is so important to me because it was the first time I'd really seen anyone have my sense of humor/sarcasm that... simultaneously wasn't a dick? Poe wasn't rude or mean or a jackass that had a few redeeming qualities that makes us tolerate him for the sake of humor --- no, this guy was defiant and courageous and did the right thing and was kind and self sacrificing and reassuring, all while being snarky and sassy and that was absolutely and utterly everything to me.
when he hands Terex over to Malarus in the comics. I'm beating a dead horse but I'll scream about this moment forever!!! Because it is in fact the exact opposite of what you'd expect someone like Poe would do, and he does it. He asks for a minute to...boast, really, rub Terex's face in the fact that he lost. And then knowingly, willingly, hands Terex over with the full knowledge the First Order will likely kill him without even a single uttered vocal protest towards it -- and, as far as we can see in the comics, doesn't dwell on this or what it means for him. It's perhaps the most personal thing Poe has ever done, because it doesn't really boil down to anything to do with the Resistance or his duty or responsibilities or selflessness: this is him looking a man who's made his life a living hell in the eye and coldly telling that he failed, and that Poe is not only still alive but he will burn down the regime Terex once believed in and aligned himself with. Fucking DELICIOUS I had to walk it off when I first read it. Incredible, showstopping spectacular.
the moment in 'before the awakening' when he meets Leia for the first time as an adult, for no other reason besides the fact that the boy goes through every stage of grief over the fact that he's soaking wet and smells from a long flight when Leia Organa is standing a mere few feet away from him. Once again, another moment that made me fall a little more in love with him.
THE ROOFTOP SCENE IN TROS WITH ZORII. Not only is it a neat and subtle parallel to Leia in ROTJ, it's also one of my favorite moments because it's one of the rare times we see Poe actually be vulnerable in the films, where he does at last drop that (oh so similar to Leia's, you'd think it's woven from the same cloth) mask of bouncing back from everything to focus on what needs to be done, and we see how much he is afraid: afraid that the ideals he has dedicated his life to was not only shunned by the New Republic but also by the entire galaxy. And, as @buckyisdisabled pointed out, when Zorii offers for him to run away with her, you can see how badly he wants it. All in one moment, you see the push and pull between Poe Dameron: the duty and responsibility he's sworn himself to, and the secret desire to just...travel the galaxy with someone he loves with a few adventures along the way. And how, between the two, he can never ever put his own desires over his duty. Also he looks very pretty and I love the dialogue in the scene...also seeing as I interpret Zorii as being autistic but had to grow up heavily masking because of the generational cycle she was caught in, her quite LITERALLY and metaphorically dropping her mask/guard around Poe uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. kills the Nym.
the hand touch scene in tlj because that was another moment when something shifted in my head? Not so prominent as before but it was the moment it clicked, even so long after reading the comics and BTA, that Poe and Leia were not just General and Commander, not just mentor and protege, they are each other's family. The mother who lost a son, the son that lost a mother. The way that he walks away from Rose and Finn, still listening and ruminating over their plan and if he should support it and whether or not he should even step back into the role as leader — especially when this would mean him having to stay behind (because no way in hell is he leaving Leia) — so soon, goes over to Leia and watches her for a moment, his shaky exhale and the way his hand tremors as he settles it over hers oh-so-carefully, his thumb twisting into the fabric of her sleeve (he does the same when she's on the gurney immediately after the spacing), gathers his resolve to do what he knows is right given the information and take a risk, the way Leia's theme doesn't just play over Leia's shots in this scene but carries on over as Poe walks back to Rose, committed now, embracing his role as a leader? Chef's kiss baby. I cry every time.
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