quinobiweek · 10 months
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Introducing QuinObi Week 2023!
What is QuinObi Week? 
Glad you asked! QuinObi week is a time to celebrate the relationship between Quinlan Vos and Obi-Wan Kenobi. The week is for any kind of relationship between these two: romantic and/or sexual, platonic best friends, friends with benefits, Queer Platonic, or anything in-between! There's not enough content for these two, and I'd like to change that (because however you see them, they are not normal about each other).
When is QuinObi Week?
It will run from October 16th-20th!
What Can I Make? 
Anything! Fic, art, graphics, playlists, anything that makes you happy! 
I have a few themes in mind to inspire folks, but they are optional! 
Day 1: Padawan years 
Day 2: Knighthood/Raising Padawans
Day 3: Clone Wars
Day 4: Post Order 66
Day 5: AU 
More to come! You can follow this blog or my main @kcrabb88 for updates (and information about how to share anything you make as we get closer!)
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fanfic-phoenix · 9 months
I'll be honest, I haven't got actual WiPs for @quinobiweek yet, but! What I do have is a teeny tiny plot summary for the prompts which I'll post, mostly because I started my postgrad this week and have been way too tired for real writing XD
Under the cut, just for space.
Day 1, Padawan Years: Two newly made Padawans attempt a joint meditation; pre-relationship, but they're definitely sweet on each other XD
Day 2, Knighthood: A few months after Qui-Gon's death, Quinlan comes to take Obi-Wan on the knighting celebration he should have had
Day 3, Clone Wars: In a lull between missions - Quinlan having just come home and Obi-Wan being about twenty minutes from shipping out - they catch a quiet moment in a storage cupboard. NSFW! And the newest installment of Counting to Coruscant :D
Day 4, Post Order 66: After sensing Obi-Wan's touch on the wall, Quinlan comes to find him on Tatooine.
Day 5, AU: Obi-Wan and Quinlan write for the same indie publisher and find themselves in neighbouring booths during a convention.
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ninjigma · 8 months
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QuinObi Week Part 2/5 - First / Next
Day 2: Knighthood/Raising Padawans Track: 'How Bad We Need Each Other' - Marc Scibilia (Spotify / YouTube)
"I'll grab the bags." "And I will grab the Padawans." "But they're already-" The sound of excited squealing from Aayla and Anakin echoed throughout the halls, Obi-Wan unable to stop his own laughter from joining in and Quinlan smiling broadly at seeing the joy return to his friends face.
Kind of just a fun moment for the group, one of their first missions all together, pretty early on in Anakin's journey to become a Jedi. I have a whole little fic thought up for this that I am so sad I didn't get the chance to write but it is the one I am most tempted to work on and publish later anyhow, because it is just an all around bit of fun for the little family XD
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wackusbonkus22 · 8 months
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Order 66 fix it. Can't get enough of thos. Also victory hugs/kisses are always the way to go.
For @quinobiweek prompt: post order 66
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palfriendpatine66 · 8 months
🚨New Fic Alert: Some Dance to Remember (Some Dance to Forget)
I've been holding onto this one and I'm SO excited to share this with you now. Post mission to Mandalore Obi-Wan is miserable back in the Temple, missing Satine. His buddy Quinlan brings him out for a night of drinks and dancing, and it's more than his feelings for Satine that get explored.
shared as part of @quinobiweek for the prompt: Padawan Years
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kcrabb88 · 8 months
I officially have all five of my @quinobiweek fics drafted (just need to revise) so I wanted to share a snippet of of my Clone Wars era fic--the premise is that Quinlan is the one who had to fake his death during the Rako Hardeen arc.
“It would be okay if you understood I had to, and you were a little angry anyway.” Quinlan catches Obi-Wan's fingers, which are still resting lightly on his cheek. “At the war. That I had to do this for the war. I get it, Obes.”  
Obi-Wan's hands tremble. All that grief he didn’t have time for, was afraid of, comes for him. It is a dilapidated deluge. It wants to overcome him but his nature pushes back, so he stands with this pressure in his chest, this drum, beating against his sternum.  
And he does the only thing that makes sense.  
He does the thing that his younger self, less worn and less tired and less everything, would have done.  
He presses himself close to Quinlan. His arms go around Quinlan’s neck. His fingers clutch at Quinlan’s tunics. Quinlan hugs him as close as they can get, and the lemon-scented smell of him fills Obi-Wan's nose.  
“You absolute bastard,” Obi-Wan mutters against the fabric of Quin’s robes. “I went to your funeral. Your funeral, Quinlan. I know you had to do it. But I--”  
“I know,” Quinlan murmurs against Obi-Wan's temple. “I know, Obes.”  
Obi-Wan pulls back, and those tears finally slip from his eyes. They're warmer than any other part of him. He’s cold, suddenly, out of Quinlan’s embrace.  
“Wonderful, you’ve made me cry now,” Obi-Wan complains. “What do you have to say for yourself?”  
Obi-Wan beats a hand against Quinlan’s broad shoulder, and Quinlan, infuriating man that he is, takes it with nothing more than a smile. There is darkness behind his eyes despite the smile. Exhaustion.  
“Well?” Obi-Wan prompts.  
Quinlan thumbs away Obi-Wan's tears. “I’m sorry, Obi-Wan.” 
“I don’t care.”  
“I’m sorry.”  
Quinlan kisses behind Obi-Wan's ear like he could kiss away the war, the losses of Qui-Gon and Tholme, the screams of the dying and the thump of bodies on the ground that have lived in Obi-Wan's head since Geonosis. 
All of it.  
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kenobster · 8 months
In Sickness and in Health
Characters: Obi-Wan, Anakin, Quinlan, Aayla Note: This can be read as gen or ObiQuin.
Tags: Domestic fluff; Padawan Anakin; Padawan Aayla; a little bit of depression; a little bit of anxiety; brief, canonical mentions of slavery; some cuddling; and a whole lot of cute <3
Summary: Since arriving at the Temple, Anakin has become wary of strangers. Obi-Wan has been trying to nudge Anakin out of his shell and help him make new friends, and luckily for him, Quinlan and his Padawan Aayla are scheming to ensure all his effort pays off.
Notes: I wrote for @kcrabb88 's months-ago birthday and day 2 of @quinobiweek! It's far from the best thing I've ever written (mayhaps, it is even the most lackluster thing I've written in 10 years), but it is fluffy and cute and I hope you all enjoy it! :D
As he sets the table for dinner, Anakin dreams of running off and concealing himself in some distant nook or cranny. In his fantasy, Obi-Wan scours the halls of the Temple in a search that lasts hours. His Master’s face is stricken with panic when Anakin finally allows himself to be found—and there are no punishments, no scoldings, no beatings. In his fantasy, he’s enveloped in his Master’s arms, and they exchange promises—that all will be forgiven and that Anakin will never cause such worry again. In his fantasy, they have a midnight dinner, and his Master agrees to sleep on the floor in his room, and they spend the entire evening alone. Just them. No one else.
[read the rest on Ao3]
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quinobiweek · 10 months
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Two Months Until QuinObi Week!
It's August 16th, which means it is just two months until we'll have a week celebrating these two nerds! I'm very excited and am cooking up my own contributions for the week.
I do have themes for the week, but they are totally optional, and you can participate by making one thing or many! Those things include fic, art, gifs, meta, graphics, or whatever you like!
What is QuinObi Week? 
Glad you asked! QuinObi week is a time to celebrate the relationship between Quinlan Vos and Obi-Wan Kenobi. The week is for any kind of relationship between these two: romantic and/or sexual, platonic best friends, friends with benefits, Queer Platonic, or anything in-between! There’s not enough content for these two, and I’d like to change that (because however you see them, they are not normal about each other).
Day 1: Padawan years 
Day 2: Knighthood/Raising Padawans
Day 3: Clone Wars
Day 4: Post Order 66
Day 5: AU 
More to come! You can follow this blog or my main @kcrabb88 for updates. I'll be tracking the tag QuinObiWeek when the time comes. Rules and FAQ can be found here.
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quinobiweek · 9 months
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QuinObi Week 2023!
Excited for QuinObi Week? So are these two guys! We're just over a month away from the week, which will run from October 16-21st. If you've got things you're working on, snippets, art WIPS, or anything at all that's in-progress and you're in a sharing mood, feel free to tag this blog!
You can check out the FAQ for the week here!
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ninjigma · 8 months
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QuinObi Week Part 1/5 - Next
Day 1: Padawan Years Track: 'Only Place I Call Home' - Every Avenue (Spotify / YouTube)
Obi-Wan used to read the books out loud to Quinlan, to help him focus. But sometimes both of them couldn't help but steal a quick nap. And with how hectic things could be in their lives, the safety and comfort of the Jedi archives gives them the best rest.
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ninjigma · 8 months
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QuinObi Week Part 3/5 - First / Previous / Next
Day 3: Clone Wars Track: 'Hanging By A Moment' - Lifehouse (Spotify / YouTube)
They are a bit more comfortable with each other, and a lot more aware of just how little time they could have left (Obi-Wan can never quite get used to those long stretches without contact, and Quinlan hates waking up every day wondering if this is the one that will bring him news from the front he could never be prepared for). And they have a pretty great track record for stealing moments together, especially when they so desperately need the reminder of something else in this life that isn't this new age of destruction and death and loss and dwindling light...
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ninjigma · 8 months
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QuinObi Week Part 4/5 - First / Previous / Next
Day 4: Post Order 66 Track: 'Flaws' - Bastille (Spotify / YouTube)
Everything went so wrong, but at least this, this, they managed to once again make right. I think it would be a very dramatic reunion, of Obi-Wan always hoping and Quinlan always seeking, finally stumbling back together. Though a part of me also imagines Quinlan tackling Obi-Wan into the dunes and it being the first time since that horrible day that Obi-Wan hasn't cursed how the sand gets into his beard. And besides, Quinlan didn't seem to mind when he kissed it anyhow.
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ninjigma · 8 months
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QuinObi Week Part 5/5 - First / Previous
Day 5: AU Track: 'Walking The Wire' - Imagine Dragons (Spotify / YouTube)
"You know it would be much easier to save you if you didn't insist on breaking out yourself." "Was getting bored Obes, you know me." Obi-Wan sighed, blocking blaster bolts even as she failed to stop the small smile. Because she does know Quinlan, and he knows her. Always has and always will, no matter what may happen.
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Yes this is a full, thought out AU. Nothing I have really written yet besides some QuinObi snippets and some little found family things, but none the less, it is the QuinObi story I have the most thoughts on hehe. Version without all the lights below the cut (this makes Quinlan's injuries more visible, as a heads up).
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wackusbonkus22 · 8 months
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He just needs a break poor guy.
For @quinobiweek promt: knighthood
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fanfic-phoenix · 8 months
QuinObi Week 2023, Day 2 - Knighthood
Rating: Teen
Word Count: 358
Read on AO3
“You drunk yet?”
“So drunk,” Obi-Wan assured him.
Obi-Wan’s head had flopped, heavy, on Quinlan’s shoulder about twenty minutes ago.  Quinlan kissed it.  “You drunk yet?”
“So drunk,” Obi-Wan assured him.
Obi-Wan’s drunkenness was, of course, the aim of the night.  A knighting celebration was an occasion for great drunkenness and - though belated, given the circumstances - this was a knighting celebration.
“You drunk?”
“Tipsy,” Quinlan said.  He’d decided that one of them should be sober enough to get them back to the Temple.
Obi-Wan hummed.  The vibrations of it thrummed through Quinlan’s neck and he shivered.  “Gonna drink more?”
“Not right now.”
“Dance with me, then.”
Sober, Obi-Wan was an expert in court dances, the sort of things used in negotiations and peace treaties and celebrations, danced with and judged by senators and royals used to looking down their noses at Jedi visitors.  Less than sober, he was apparently content to cling very close to Quinlan’s chest and sway, just about in time to the music.
“I’ve missed you,” Obi-Wan said.  So quiet, Quinlan barely heard him over the noise of the club.
“I’ve been right here,” he said.  Not…  Not stung, exactly, but perhaps aching a little.
Obi-Wan hummed again.  He did that a lot when he was drinking, always had, as if the introduction of booze to brain cells slowed everything down, made it harder for that magnificent mouth of his to start running.  “I haven’t.”
He didn’t ask where he’d been - or rather, where Obi-Wan’s mind had been.  Where his heart had been.  There was an empty place in both their vocabularies, recently, where the word Naboo had once been, and Quinlan wasn’t about to broach it now.  Later he would.  Tomorrow, after Obi-Wan shook off the hangover but before he picked up Anakin.
Right now, he held Obi-Wan tight and kept swaying.
“You know I’ll always wait for you, right?” Quinlan said, realising at the last moment that maybe he’d drank more than he realised, because it was about as clear as a Tatooian sandstorm.  “To come back to me, I mean.”
Obi-Wan smiled, syrupy slow, against Quinlan’s collar, fingers playing absently with the edge of his vest.  “I know.”
Tagging: @quinobiweek
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kcrabb88 · 9 months
Sharing a little snippet for one of my @quinobiweek fics I'm working on, which is set post Order 66 in the OWK show:
Sweat has already smeared the cheap pigment he bought to cover up his facial tattoos, so Quinlan dumps half the canteen of water over his head, and damn if it doesn’t feel good.   “Most Jedi get their first gray hair from training a Padawan,” Quinlan continues, shaking his hair and sending drops flying off his locs. “I know I gave my master a few. But my own Padawan was about as perfect as you could get, so I guess I avoided that. My best friend though? His gave him plenty and I’m pretty sure he found the first one in my fresher mirror. They loved each other anyway. Attached at the hip and all that.”   Best friend. That’s not enough of a word to describe Obi-Wan and him. It’s not wrong, but it doesn’t encompass the everything and the in-between they were. Are? He’ll settle for are. Friends. Lovers when there was time. Understanders of each other better than anyone, even when they fell in love with other people here and there. Ventress. Satine. They were always in love in some weird way that only made sense to them. It was always after the war whispered against rumpled sheets and tangled fingers and sped-up heartbeats, over crackling comms across lightyears where Quinlan could still hear the creak of Obi-Wan's bones and the exhaustion buried deep in his voice until it was a part of him. Sometimes they couldn’t talk. Sometimes he was on a mission for months and communication was forbidden until it was over. Sometimes Obi-Wan wasn’t much more than a saber in hand and the dust and dirt on his boots from the muck of a long campaign. They went from dreamy Padawans with the world stretched out in front of them to masters who only knew the day the minute the second coming next. Somewhere in-between, they were knights with their kids cuddled up together on the sofa while the two of them drank the tea Obi-Wan loved and that Quinlan pretended to like.   After the war.  They never knew what after the war meant.  
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