#RF Rosetta
runefactorynonsense · 8 months
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Cozytober - Day 11 - Candles
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loraluna · 6 months
Rating Rune Factory Wedding Dresses (Because I have some opinions)
Rune Factory (1)
I honestly think this dress is top tier in terms of design. The snowy white with pops of color, the scalloped flowy sleeves, the barely exposed shoulders, that lovely subtle headdress and veil, it's all so pretty and elegant to me. I believe it suits all the girls in RF1 beautifully, though I do feel like Tabatha (center) and Rosetta (right) are standouts~
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Rune Factory 2
It's a very lovely design overall though I do think it creates a bit of an odd silhouette. There are still many elements to appreciate, like the lacey detailed edges and the bold but uncommon use of green. I also give them bonus points for containing a dress sprite of he/him character Ray (right) in the game's data (Trans RF character confirmed?) I think the dress best suits curvier girls like Yue (left) but it's also a real treat to finally see Dorothy's (center) lovely eyes~
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Rune Factory Frontier
This dress really doesn't do it for me. I can tell they were going for more of a ceremonial robes vibe rather than a traditional wedding dress and from a distance it almost works but the outfit up close is just bulky and unflattering. Maybe if they fixed the headdress or gave the robe some really pretty accents or beading it could work, but as it is, it's probably the last thing I'd wanna be virtually married in. The one thing I do like is that it gives most of the girls a unique updo for their wedding day.
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Rune Factory 3/RF3 Special
This used to be my least favorite RF wedding dress before that honor went to Frontier. The more I look at it, the more I realize that most of my disdain lies with the headdress and not the dress itself. The actual dress is fine, in fact there are some parts I really like, the sheer material on the upper arms for one, or the shawl, I just don't think it particularly looks like a wedding dress. That headdress though...oh boy, it looks like someone just glued a bunch of random sh*t they found to a headband and called it a day. It's just very cluttered and doesn't scream 'wedding' at all. If I have to pick a stand out it would probably be Raven (center) since her pose and hair color hide many of the design fails. Also Daria (right) because it seems like the sort of chaotic outfit she, herself would design.
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Rune Factory Tides of Destiny/Oceans
This game didn't get the usual character portraits so the images aren't great, but my opinion on these dresses was very so-so, I definitely wouldn't call them ugly, and I do love the colors and rare use of a real bouquet, they just didn't seem to stand out all that much. Especially in terms of RF costumes. They seem a little bulky on the models but I honestly think they could have fixed that by just having character portraits. Not bad. Not great. Just middle of the road dresses. As standouts I'd pick Sonja and Electra (left and center). Their hair colors complement the dress and Electra is already suited to the poofy ballgown look anyway.
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Rune Factory 4/RF4 Special
RF4's dress has a very ethereal, almost fairy-like look to it, which I personally find very gorgeous. It's pretty busy like many of the previous dresses, but unlike those, I feel like the elements here actually work together. The long flowy veil and blue rose accents are just beautiful, as is the detailed corset and neckpiece making up the torso. I'm not personally a huge fan of the flower petal looking design on the hips, but it does fit well with the whole aesthetic. As for standouts, It looks tailor made for Frey (left), but I definitely think taller, long haired girls like Dolce and Margaret (center and right) look amazing in it as well.
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Rune Factory 5
I think this dress is beautiful as a whole, a bit more traditional and subdued than previous wedding outfits but personally I love it. The silhouette is flattering on everyone and the color scheme is unique among the other dresses by sticking with only warmer colors as opposed to the cool blues and greens of past games. I also love how the tint of the roses changes slightly depending on who's wearing the dress. All in all it reminds me a lot of the subtle elegance of RF1's dress and that makes it a win for me. For standouts I think Fukka's (center) complexion and hair go beautifully with the dresses colors. Ludmilla (right) also looks divine with the rosy aesthetic~
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What's your favorite wedding look from the RF series? Who wore it best? Comment or tag if you feel like dishing some opinions of your own (Or just answer my poll ;)
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RF Bachelorette Tournament - Side B Round 2
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coderedblood · 11 months
Rune Factory English Voice Actors/Actresses:
I’m a huge fan of Rune Factory. It seems sort of niche bc when I ask other gamers (I’m a casual gamer, don’t ask me to be on any teams 😂) about it they don’t really know what it is. One of the things I love about is is how they get these huge voice actors for the games, which seem so small (but I know it isn’t, it’s sold hundreds of thousands of copies)
Raguna (Rune Factory and Rune Factory: Frontier) is Vash the Stampede, Ichigo from Bleach, Sabo from One Piece, and Nero from Devil May Cry
Mist (Rune Factory and Rune Factory: Frontier) is Haru from Persona 5
Bianca (Rune Factory and Rune Factory: Frontier) is Saya from Blood+ (I didn’t see that one coming)
Tabatha (Rune Factory and Rune Factory: Frontier) is Mima from Perfect Blue and Rem from Trigun
Iris (both of them, RFF) is Rukia from Bleach and Yuki from Haruhi Suzumiya
Anette (RFF) is Starfire (and Blackfire!) from Teen Titans and Princess Bubblegum from Adventure Time
Raven (RF3) is Amy Rose from Sonic Boom
Electra (Rune Factory: Tides of Destiny) is Annie from Attack on Titan (didn’t see this one coming either)
Bacchus (RFTOD) is Vampire Hunter D (and D’s left hand!) (loved this one)
Vishnal (Rune Factory 4) is Leonardo from the 2003 Ninja Turtles cartoon and Kappa Mikey
Clorica (RF4) is Shiki from The World Ends With You
Xiao Pai (RF4) is Jenny from My Life As A Teenage Robot
Doug (RF4) is Sasuke from Naruto
Margaret (RF4) is Hinata from Naruto, Kyrie from Devil May Cry and Orihime from Bleach
Forte (RF4) is Abbey Bominable from the first Monster High cartoon
Amber (RF4) is Morgana from Persona 5
Dolce (RF4) is Lust from Fullmetal Alchemist (this one actually makes sense), Maka Albarn from Soul Eater and the female protagonist of Persona 3
Frey (RF4) is Gaz from Invader ZIM
Ares (Rune Factory 5) is SwaySway from The Breadwinners
Scarlett (RF5) is Retsuko from Aggretsuko, Akko from Little Witch Academia and Ryuko from Kill La Kill
Lucy (RF5) is Loona from Helluva Boss and Emira Blight from The Owl House
Martin (RF5) is Louis from Beastars
Cecil (RF5) is Hunter from The Owl House and Remy from Big City Greens
Ryker (RF5) is Trebol from One Piece (also, also did not see this coming)
Livia (RF5) is Rebecca from One Piece
Misasagi (RF5) is Tatsuki from Bleach
Rudolph (RF5) is Mugman from The Cuphead Show!
Yuki (RF5) is Beauty from Bobobo-Bo Bo-bobo
Darroch (RF5) is Jelly Jiggler from Bobobo-Bo Bo-bobo (which brings back memories and makes actually a lot of sense)
Radea (RF5) is Reiju from One Piece (also makes sense)
Gideon (RF5) is Griffon from Devil May Cry and Scratchmen Apoo from One Piece
Lara (RF1 and Rune Factory: Frontier), Eunice (RFF) and Maerwen (from Rune Factory: Tides of Destiny) have the same voice actress (and are Kitana and Mileena from Mortal Kombats 9 and X)
Melody (RF and RFF) and Sonja (Rune Factory: Tides of Destiny) have the same voice actress
Carmen and Shara (both Rune Factory 3) have the same voice actress and is Triela from Gunslinger Girl
Rosetta (RF and RFF) and Beatrice (Rune Factory 5) have the same voice actress
Nancy (from RF4) and Hina (from RF5) have the same voice actress who’s also Kikimora from The Owl House
Ventuswill and Lin Fa (both RF4) and Selphy (RFF) have the same voice actress who’s also Faye Valentine from Cowboy Bebop
Micah (Rune Factory 3) and Bismarck (RFTOD) have the same voice actor who is also Ling Yao from Fullmetal Alchemist and Natsu Dragneel from Fairy Tail
Violet (RFTOD) and Priscilla (RF5) have the same voice actress
Lily and Sierra (both RFTOD) have the same voice actress
Pandora and Quinn (both RFTOD) have the same voice actress
James (RFTOD) and Leon (RF4) have the same voice actor who’s also Law from One Piece and Levi from Attack on Titan
Dylas and Bado (both RF4) have the same voice actor
Arthur and Jones (both RF4) have the same voice actor who is also Donatello from the 2003 Ninja Turtles cartoon
Father Gerard (RFF) and Heinz (RF5) have the same voice actor who’s also adult Gohan from Dragon Ball Z and Kiba from Naruto
Cinnamon (RFF) and Fuuka (RF5) have the same voice actress who is also Marinette from Miraculous Ladybug and Verosika Mayday from Helluva Boss
Simone and Julian (both RF5) have the same voice actress who’s also Ash from Pokémon and April from the 2003 Ninja Turtles cartoon
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radonx9 · 1 year
Rosetta Falls is coming to an end very soon.
It feels strange to be saying goodbye to a project i’ve been working very hard on for the past 2 and a bit years now, but Rosetta Falls will finally be wrapping up soon. I originally intended for the comic to only be about 100 - 120 pages in length and I originally intended for it to be wrapped up by the end of ‘21. I guess it all got away from me a bit, ahahaha. Oh well.
I have the last 6 or so pages all planned out and ready to draw, so expect to see those last pages all uploaded in one big final post. 
Once I’ve finished with RF and the last pages are all posted, I intend to write up a longer post (an essay, really) about the making of this comic, it’s conception and inspirations, the actual process of making a longform comic, the difficulties of making a long form comic while being a neurodivergent individual suffering from various mental illnesses, the lessons learned along the way - both practical and philosophical - and ultimately what all this has meant for me over the past two or so years.
I hope you have enjoyed the journey of reading Rosetta Falls thus far if you decided to check it out. If not then that’s okay, there’s already too much stuff to watch/read/play/hear in the world as there is, I can’t exactly expect every single person that happens upon my blog to dedicate their time and energy to my weird, messy, longform comic that they might end up not even liking. If you think you may like to read it at some point, then the whole thing pinned to my blog for the foreseeable future should you want to give it a read in full at some point further down the line. No pressure though, of course.
Once the essay goes up and RF is said and done I intend to take a looong break from making comics, ahahaha. I’ll get into it more in the actual essay itself, but this break has been a long time coming and one I sorely need after two whole years of work. I do intend to make more comics in the future, though next time I aim to make them much shorter and more straightforward in terms of execution, spending several years on one project is extremely taxing and exhausuting and it’s not something I want to repeat with my future projects, for my own sake.
I hope you are all doing well, and I hope you all look forward to the conclusion of this comic that’s been a long time in the making and the accompanying essay.
Thank you, and take care.
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dcviated · 2 years
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send a fandom and i’ll tell you... || [ open ]
@orderbourne​ and @psychcdelica​ sent: Rune Factory
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The first character I first fell in love with: That would probably be Rosetta back when I first dipped my toes playing the first RF back in high school. Cute tsundere. Nice portraits. And then quickly Felicity as well. I still hold the same affection for both characters. The character I never expected to love as much as I do now: Raguna. Clearly. Look at this blog and his last one lmfao. But aside from him I did NOT expect to love Karina as much as I did. My eyes had been on Daria when I started RF3 but shortly into her character quest it was like BOOM. Dokis. The character everyone else loves that I don’t: Raven from RF3. Like she’s fine. But people go nuts over the kuudere. She is undoubtedly one of the most popular bachelorettes in the whole series. And I’m just like okay. The character I love that everyone else hates: Bianca from RF1/F. Not very popular but I think she’s cute and the times she does warm up to you feel all the better. I’m also weak to ojous so that has something to do with it. The character I used to love but don’t any longer: Hm. Violet from Tides. I got smitten with her in college because of the shy uwu thing but going back I’d probably pair up with Electra or Odette. The character I would totally smooch: You know Rosetta would have the best reaction. Shame RF1/F didn’t have special scenes with the girls romantically like later games. >:( The character I’d want to be like: ANYONE but Aden from Tides. FUCK that guy. Most unlikeable protag in the series by far. The character I’d slap: ADEN. WITH MY FOOT. A pairing that I love: You can tell me that Raguna is canon with any of the girls from his games and I’d be like “aight” but the best will always be Raguna and Felicity. A pairing that I despise: Aden stays forever alone. Outside of that I don’t think there’s any bachelor/ettes I disagree with? I even like Lest with Amber. So.
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riyandika · 1 year
brew install
Right click Terminal from the Application/Utilities folder, Get Info, and tick the "Open using Rosetta" box.
Uninstall Homebrew
/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/uninstall.sh)" rm -rf /opt/homebrew/* sudo rm -rf /opt/homebrew
Reinstall Homebrew
/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/HEAD/install.sh)"
Restart terminal
Check Homebrew is working fine: brew doctor
Reinstall openssl: brew install openssl
Install Ruby: rvm install 2.5.0
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kkst0904 · 3 years
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day two: surprise 🤍
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nerdtokwa · 4 years
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neur0515 · 6 years
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[ Rune Factory Official Memoirs ]
Mist, Rosetta, Lara, Felicity, Tori, Sharron
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viivianitearts · 6 years
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press f to pay respects to the rune factory series
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runefactorynonsense · 2 years
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Spooktober - Day 5 - Pumpkin/Jack-O-Lantern
See, farmer? Put to good use!
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for the headcanon thing: Rosetta!
thank you friend! here we go!
-has hay-fever which is why she gets upset when theres nothing but weeds in your shipping box
-the clips in her hair were her mother’s 
-she snorts when she laughs and is really embarrassed about it
-is the kind of person who would say a pun and then laugh at her own joke
-reads trashy romance books but would never admit it
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RF Bachelorette Tournament - Side B Round 1
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a-k-a-ruenis · 5 years
Rating; General
Fandom; Rune Factory
Relationship; Mist/Rosetta
Tags; Fluff ; Stargazing
almost done...!!! this event has been lots of fun, i’m so happy i get to write about runefa again <333
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forestofbeginnings · 6 years
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Rune Factory Gaiden: Another Day
Released in 2007, Rune Factory Gaiden: Another Day is a short visual novel developed as a collaboration between Marvelous Entertainment and Liveware Inc. It was only released for flip-phones and served as extra stories between Raguna, the heroines of the original Rune Factory, and some of the other villagers. Think of this game as providing the heart events that the original Rune Factory lacked (aside from the marriage events). 
This game was released as season trilogies containing three routes each, meaning there are Spring, Summer, Autumn, and Winter versions.
This service did cost money to play. I could not find the exact price for each route, but I did find a Bokujou Monogatari game, also made as a collaboration between Liveware and Marvelous, which had a monthly subscription of about 300 yen per month, so I would guess that it would be around the same price or more, though I’m guessing a little more since this would be a one-time purchase.
Unfortunately, Liveware has since went under. The company’s website is shut down (you can visit the website but it has nothing of interest - any research on them should be done via Wayback Machine), and I do not believe you can access these games anymore. If anyone has any leads on how to access these games in any capacity, please do not hesitate to let me know!
Special thanks to @ada-tan for finding some of the images~!
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