#Raphael waithe
legaciestm · 4 months
tvd/the originals: elena gilbet, caroline forbes, alaric saltzman, jeremy gilbert, stefan salvatore, bonnie bennett, damon salvatore, matt donovan, tyler lockwood, katherine pierce, all of the mikaelsons, the parkers, davina claire, marcel gerard.
teen wolf: scott mccall, allison argent, stiles stilinski, liam dunbar, kate argent, theo raeken, vernon boyd, jackson whittemore, cora hale, malia tate, peter hale, erica reyes, mason hewitt.
supernatural: dean winchester, sam winchester, ruby, castiel, gabriel, michael, lucifer, raphael, crowley, bobby singer, john winchester, claire novak, bela talbot, rowena macleod, jody mills, lisa braeden, meg masters.
legacies/next gen: landon kirby, josie saltzman, mg, penelope park, eli hale, ben braeden, nik mikaelson, jesse turner, kaleb hawkins, rafael waithe, cleo sowande, stefanie salvatore.
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soughthopearchived · 2 years
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Name: Ember “ Emmy ” Greenhardt
Age: 18-24
Gender & Pronouns: female, she/her
Faceclaim:  Abigail Cowen
Occupation: high school senior / Combat training assistant
Location: Mystic Falls, Virginia
Species:  Fire Fae
Sexuality: straight
Non-Blood brother: Landon Kirby, they met in an orphanage and became inseparable. Landon has that quality about him, he makes you feel safe but when he left with the plan to find the Mikaelson school she stayed behind in fear of something bad happening at first.
Ex Boyfriend: Raphael Waithe. They didn’t work out because back then Raph had no control of his temper and it didn’t take much to set Em off so they fought a lot. They convinced themselves it was passion because they were young and dumb but ultimately broke up when their issues spilled over into the house. That was the only option or leaving.
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fictionalnation · 3 years
Since legacies was a let down, here is my version.
Chapter 1: Not so fast, Raf.
Enter Kaleb and MG.
Together: Time to go, Hope's waiting on you. She found a way. She always does.
The four boys run towards the truck, driving back in silence. Landon is unsure of the plan, whether he would really be willing to give up the one thing that makes him special. But, Raf was his family. He couldn't be that selfish? Right?
They reach the school as Lizzie waits outside, she screams "HURRY UP IDIOTS." Rafael stops Landon shortly after the rest enter the school premises. "You don't have to do this Lan, I know how much being a phoenix means to you." "No, dude, no question about it, we are family, right?" "Yea."
They enter the gym room where Hope has set up a circle of protection in preparation for the spell. "You ready?" She asks pulling Landon away. "I would give anything up for him... the question is are you ready?" He looks into her eyes searching for an answer, but it's as if her mind is elsewhere. "Yes, of course." "Ready guys, and muppet." Says Lizzie as she holds a sharp binding object made of gold and copper in her hand. "This won't hurt a bit, well I hope." The boys walk into the circle and hold the binder. Hope vigilates the circle and looks at her time, the moon is almost up, that's when magic runs strongest. "Here goes nothing." Says Lizzie as she tries to syphon off the energy from Landon who has his eyes tightly closed. "Well?" Asks Hope, "Is it working?" "No... muppet has no magic. What the hell, Landon?" "What?" Hope says in a soft shock. Landon opens his eyes and moves back removing his hands from the binder. "I knew it..." He walks towards the bleachers and takes a seat. Raf walks behind him as Lizzie looks at Hope to find an answer. "Now what?" "I... I don't know Lizzie. Now I dont just have Raf to worry about." "Look Ms. Savior, I get how you must be feeling, but one problem at a time. Raf doesn't have much time left..." she walks closer to her in order to whisper, "and... I know you and him have unresolved history. So, get your act together." Hope swallows the nothingness. There she is all over again, it's ridiculous, she thinks... being stuck in a world where all she does is worry, it's exhausting. Her eyes begin to light up. Not now, she thinks. Control. She walks towards Landon and Raf. "Look... I am gonna go do some more research." "Hope..." Raf says holding her hand merely a second and letting go. His heartbeat still shuffles when she is around him. "Look, I know it won't work... my life... this is what always happens. Don't waste your time. Relax, let's go chill and have fun. If tomorrow is my last day." "It's not." She stops him abruptly and leaves the room. The three others go outside, they talk about the possibilities of using other energy to save Raf. Nothing occurs to them. Landon is still petrified about not being a Phoenix, he knows that's not where his mind should be at, but he can't help it.
"It will be okay Landon, Phoenix is not all that you are." Says Raf. "No it's just. Nevermind." He doesn't want to complain. "Let eat something." "Oh I know," Lizzie says as she finishes texting.
She says a spell and soon a meal of Mc Donalds appears to them. All the students join. "Oh, sometimes I forget the power of being a witch."
"GUYS. I FOUND IT." Hope emerges into the room, flying with her wolf energy. "Whattt???" Asks Lizzie. "Well, remember how our wolfman is a descendant of Arthur. That's just the answer."
Everyone stares at her.
To be continued...
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incessantshipper · 4 years
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So Eric Seaton that is a director posted this on twitter and honestly I'm supremely scared cause this may be the second last episode of this season and obviously something terrible is gonna happen as we have been told. I'm just hoping none of my babies die cause I would flip out if they do. All I'm asking is take it easy on my heart okay?
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hopexhappiness · 4 years
Legacies Thoughts 2/13/2020
Crazy theorizing Landon is to be expected
I hope he can fly/float again
Dark Josie’s hair is gorgeous
Kai is fucking crazy (but we knew that)
Dark Josie is terrifying and I need more
We love character growth within 2 episodes, I love Jade I hope she stays
GET THE FUCK OUT KAI (but stay on the show)
Supernatural bros being supernatural bros
Oh come on Kaleb
Was Kai erased from everyone’s minds or just those in the prison world?
Oh thank god for the purge spell, they can’t just not remember Kai that’s not okay
Nonononono do not fuck with Landon, Hope will destroy you and everything you love (and it will be really fun to watch)
A Legacies anti smoaking psa?
Oh no, Alyssa ain’t got shit on Kai and he doesn’t do team ups
Dark Josie is so smooth it’s so cool
Hope is so smart goddamn
Oh heck nope, I can’t decide if I want Hope to kick his ass or Kai to be his best villain self
I do love badass Hope, can we have both?
Tribrid vs shiphon vamp?
“Thank’s so much for the villain monologue, I’ll deal with you later”
Kai shouldn’t have messed with Landon this will end in only fan pleasing battles
The background banter I swear-
Wait why don’t they make Sebastian their person who stays?
Come on Hope you can do anything I believe in you
Goddamn Alyssa why do all those boys like you?
Dorian! Self sacrifice. Jesus Christ Emma’s gonna be pissed.
So much goddamn self sacrifice.
Hell yes Sebastian
Josie’s back! I’m happy but dark Josie was cool!
Oh no the shippers are gonna use the shit out of this choice shit
So is Dorian gonna live?
We love redemption. So much redemption.
Ok at least Dorian’s not dead.
They recreated the trolley problem for Hope.
Oh come on Hope and Landon are so cute
Sisterly love is good for the soul <3
They forgot Kai *insane laughter*
Seriously never trust him
Okay Hope did tell Alaric.
Is he? I don’t know how I feel. Kai?
Next weeks episode looks interesting.
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gayforhosie · 4 years
The fact that I’m going to have less Legacies than planned and things might end on an even bigger cliffhanger due to the fact that Legacies cut episodes actually makes me want to cry. I want to keep seeing everyone’s beautiful faces as long as I can.
I would like to add however that I do understand their reasoning for wrapping the season so suddenly. While I am greatly upset by this, it is the responsible thing to do.
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smthwolfyurlsmth · 4 years
Legacies fans, if reaction videos are your thing, go watch Abnormallyadam’s videos. They are everything ! Genuine and hillarious and really about just enjoying the show !
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bonniebirdjournal · 5 years
I'm so upset that Hope has been back all this time and has not turned Raphael back yet.
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shellstrap-on-blog · 5 years
Hope is just the center of everyone’s ship and I’m living for it
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kolvina-klub · 5 years
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Season 2 Production
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legaciestm · 4 months
mw canons?
tvd/the originals: elena gilbet, caroline forbes, alaric saltzman, jeremy gilbert, stefan salvatore, bonnie bennett, damon salvatore, matt donovan, tyler lockwood, katherine pierce, all of the mikaelsons, the parkers, davina claire, marcel gerard.
teen wolf: scott mccall, allison argent, lydia martin, stiles stilinski, liam dunbar, kate argent, theo raeken, vernon boyd, jackson whittemore, cora hale, malia tate, peter hale, erica reyes, mason hewitt.
supernatural: dean winchester, sam winchester, ruby, castiel, gabriel, michael, lucifer, raphael, crowley, bobby singer, john winchester, claire novak, bela talbot, rowena macleod, jody mills, lisa braeden, meg masters.
legacies/next gen: hope mikaelson, landon kirby, lizzie saltzman, josie saltzman, mg, penelope park, eli hale, ben braeden, kaleb hawkins, rafael waithe, cleo sowande, stefanie salvatore.
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queenofthedramedies · 5 years
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Summary: Lizzie makes a difficult decision, to enter a Prison World. Will Josie accept her twin's choice? Set sometime in the yet-to-come S2 of Legacies. #SaltzmanTwinFic
Disclaimer: I do not own Legacies that would be the CW, Julie Plec, and the usual suspects.
Hello, my lovely readers. This fic is very much about what the twins will do for each other and presumes the twins know about Prison Worlds. On with the show…
                                                   Imprison Me:
A throbbing pain filled Lizzie Saltzman's head as she sat, taking slow, deep breaths. No. Nothing she'd seen in the last twenty-four hours made any sense to her. Shaking her head, she felt burning wetness under her lids and she gritted her teeth, trying to stop herself from allowing the grief to suffocate her. But she was losing the battle, her fingernails making a new pattern in her chair.
Having had enough, Lizzie stomped her way out of her bedroom and went in search of her dad. She knew what to do to stop this.
Twenty-Four Hours Ago:
"Hi," Hope Mikaelson gave the assembled group in the school cafeteria a quick wave. It was way past dinner time. No one else sat at the tables. Just Lizzie's group—or Hope's group—if, the stranger in their midst was to be believed. "So, you're probably all wondering why I asked you all to come here?" Hope said, clasping her hands together.
"Yeah," Lizzie replied. "I had planned a manicure, but, apparently you're the…boss?" Lizzie's eyebrows rose. "I still don't know who died and made you into the queen of the school?" Shaking her head, she tossed her blonde locks over her shoulder. Everyone knew the tale of Klaus Mikaelson. Big Bad, for over a thousand years who chose to take his own life to save lots of people, but no one really knew why. Well, until Hope popped out of nowhere with an odd tale to tell.
Caroline, Lizzie's mom, believed Hope and told Ric to give the girl room and board at the school. However, Lizzie thought the girl might still turn out to be a mind-wiping monster, or a body-snatcher, or something else gross, like a giant snake who could transform into a relatively pretty girl. Sneering at Hope, Lizzie turned to watch Raphael Waithe and Landon Kirby hang on Hope's every word.
Since Hope helped turn Raf back into a human boy, he seemed to be an all love-struck-pile-of-goop and it made Lizzie's gag reflex go into over drive and Landon's mopey-mop-headed body seemed to turn like the needle on a compass whenever Hope was in the room.
Hell, even Josie, Lizzie's twin had fallen under the thrall of Hope. Jo would sit, her chin on her hand, listening to Hope's tales of monster-fighting with Landon's absentee mom and repellent, mud brother, Ryan. Although Lizzie kind of liked Ryan's accent.
Smirking at Lizzie, like he could hear her thinking about him, Ryan leaned a little closer and Lizzie scoffed before turning her back on him. Alaric Saltzman, Lizzie's father, had told Dr. V, their new headmaster, that allowing Ryan Clarke to teach at The Salvatore School for the Young and Gifted was a huge mistake, but Dr. V thought that they could not do better in finding someone like Clarke to help them fight The Triad.
Ryan slipped into a chair beside Lizzie and leaned his elbows on the table. "Come, tell us, Hope, what is it?" Ryan smirk's widened and Hope turned to glower at him.
"Why are you here?" Hope demanded.
Hope and Ryan still did not get along.
Ryan shrugged. "Nothing on TV."
Landon glared at his brother. "You tried to kill me," he snapped. "That I remember. Sort of."
Jumping in, Hope leaned over the table. "And that's why you're all here. I know none of you remember me…" She took a second for dramatic pause before smiling. "But I figured out how to help you. If you'll let me."
                                                  Read the story
Thank you for reading, liking, reblogging and following. 😊
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incessantshipper · 4 years
I don't know why but I'm in a legacies mood right now and I'm going through posts and wondering why the heck do people hate on Landon? He is a pure dorky character who has managed to make hope smile more than once and that is a big feat in and of itself. Back off my boy okay. He's discovering himself and as much as I remember no one liked Caroline in the starting season either but look how far we've come with her. Now as soon as he reaches his full potential I'm sure him and hope are gonna be a power couple and destroy monsters together.
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ishenwulf · 6 years
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I have a lot of secs.
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keeperofmemory · 5 years
hi. i watched the seven first episodes of Legacies and have (really long) opinions about the characters’ Hogwarts houses. (they’re under the cut because, like i said. long.) 
i’m using @sortinghatchats​ ‘s way of sorting (that i’m like... way too obsessed with) the way this game works, you have two houses (both equally as important): - your "primary” is WHY you do things (motivation/values) - your “secondary” is HOW you do things (methods/skills) 
HOPE MIKAELSON Hope has grown up within the Mikaelsons, who claim “Family is Always and Forever” (capitalisation intended). They use that vow to justify any and all actions, however cruel may they be, as long as it’s to keep their close ones safe. This girl has grown up in a family that is as Slytherin as they get. But she’s also still a child who was involved (?) in both of her parents’ death, and the trauma of these events have brought her to become a (mostly) Petrified Slytherin Primary. (A Petrified Slytherin is one who has come to believe, whether through death, betrayal, abandonment or otherwise, that making connections with people is not worth the pain that comes with their inevitable loss. They close themselves off to any kind of meaningful relationship because the consequence of losing them is too much of a risk considering how strongly they attach themselves to the people they select as their own.) 
So we begin the show with a Hope who claims to have closed herself off from making any sort of close relationship, who’s known on school grounds as a lone wolf (no pun intended). I, however, don’t think she petrified all the way, because you can see that Alaric is clearly an individual she’s latched unto as some sort of parental figure. Still, every time she can feel her heart go soft for Landon, she leaves. She can’t afford to just hand out her trust like that. People she lets in have a tendency of dying on her, you see.
There’s also a theme of responsibility that tends to make its way back on her shoulders. It could almost look Hufflepuff, this way she runs after Landon to protect the school. But she calls this her fight. Says Landon was at this school, got the knife, put them at risk of exposure, because of her. This is her fault, her school, her responsibility, and steps up with possession, with loyalty. When it’s time to vote on whether Landon will stay at the school or not, she says he has to leave because they can’t keep him safe. If he stays, it’s their responsibility to protect him. He becomes theirs. At this point, I think she’s already begun to include him in her inner circle, which explains why she insisted he leaves. She probably would have wanted him to stay if the circumstances were different, but this was about putting the people you love first. The right thing to do is to keep them safe, no matter your desires.
So she’s in the process of de-petrifying; you can see that she slowly begins to take in the idea of relying on other people, on letting them back in. She tells Raph she’s here if he needs someone to talk to, gives Josie a birthday present that keeps her safe, calls Penelope and MG her own Avengers squad. It’s a beautiful process, seeing this girl slowly learning to let herself have friends again.
I think she also models a Burnt Hufflepuff Primary. She wants so badly for the dragon lady to give her a reason not to kill her. She’s begging for explanations as she brandishes a knife. Hope also seems to hold a desire to simply belong. Not be supernatural, not be a loner, not be a tribrid, just normal, like everyone else. (It’s interesting, the parallel between Hope wanting to be normal and Landon wanting not to be, while both simultaneously want to belong.)
Her secondary is an impulsive, go-getter Gryffindor Secondary. Her way of handling things is just running to fix them, right now. She doesn’t care what she needs to get there: breaking rules, cutting corners, upsetting people. She needs to make things right. When Landon steals the knife, her motivation is part responsibility, part revenge. But the way she goes about it is that she charges. She disregards the rules about using black magic on school grounds, brings along a killing spell not caring about what anyone might think, lies to Raphael about giving him a whole 3 minutes to try things his way, and immediately shoots Landon against the wall. When Josie’s in trouble and Alaric needs her help, she takes a shovel and just runs into the woods without a plan. Hope finds the headmaster’s methodical, analytical way to go about things slow and ineffective. She discredits safety for results and recklessly rushes into things. It tends to get her into trouble.
LIZZIE SALTZMAN Lizzie Saltzman has a particularly selfish brand of a Gryffindor Primary that looks terribly similar to a Slytherin Primary. See a Gryffindor is defined by the way they interact with their system (instinctively, by trusting your guts and pursuing your beliefs), and not by the contents of the system (in this case, a prideful, selfish and loyalty-driven one). Her motivations, the things that fuel her actions seem to consist of two things: pleasing her dad, and her pride. She’s on board for losing the game because she wants her dad’s attention (not for the greater good, or the safety of the school), carries out her dad’s mission and acts like a caricature of a hero at Mystic Falls High because that’s how Hope acts, and it usually garners her father’s attention. And yet, when Dana takes several jabs at her and wounds her pride, she says “screw this game, screw the safety of the school, screw what dad cares about”, because making her feel like she doesn’t matter is wrong. Her dad tells her to stop going after the monster and she hangs up on him because her gut is telling her this is the right way to go. She gets mad at her sister for keeping the black magic she did with Hope a secret, and at her dad for keeping secrets with Hope that his daughters don’t know because not being truthful to the people close to you is not right. It’s an odd moral compass she has there, often based around her pride (this girl has a lot of self-esteem issues to sort through), but it’s one that’s intuitive and felt. 
Lizzie performs an obnoxious, overly confident Gryffindor Secondary on top of what I think is an actual Gryffindor Secondary. She unabashedly talks about her assured win at the elections, calls herself an influencer, asks Josie about what colour her outfit should be at the victory rally. She stands up in front of a crowd and calls herself a “hero”, tries to order people around with comic book references. It’s a performance that people don’t react well to, because it looks like a performance. Disingenuous. But when she tells her teammates that the way the opposite team treats them is not right, there’s something in the way she believes in what she says that inspires. People follow. She stands up to her dad when it matters, and when she says “let’s do this”, this charge gathers the people around her. They take down the bad guy. 
There's something unapologetic about her. She meets her problems head-on, without changing a thing about herself. Both her and Josie have a Slytherin system that fuels their actions, but where Josie tries to please her dad and get his attention by submitting to his rules and listening to him (Hufflepuff secondary), Lizzie does it by going all the way, and overboard (“we’re going to fail this game as epically as we ever have! let’s kill a giant spider like Hope would!”)
JOSIE SALTZMAN Josie’s Hufflepuff Secondary is so loud it’s often the only thing people see. She’s good at making people feel heard and shows care with kindness and dedication. Hufflepuff secondaries invest fully in whatever they do, and Josie does not love halfway. “[I get my heart broken] on the regular. I care too much, it’s kind of a problem,” she said once. And you can see it in the way she still goes after Raphael to calm him down even after he yells at her to leave him alone, leaving her with tears in her eyes. She doesn’t give up on people. If anything, she’s dependable to a fault. In fact, Lizzie has come to rely on the way her sister always shows up in her every time of need. Josie goes missing the entire night of their birthday and it’s only when a boy breaks her heart that she notices her absence. “Where is my sister?” she asks as soon as she gets hurt, because she’s so used for Josie to show up every time she needs her. Hufflepuffs also tend to generate trust and a sense of safety. That’s what makes Raphael open up so easily that night in front of the bonfire. There’s a steadiness in her that makes it easy for people to show softer parts of themselves.
I think she might also have a Ravenclaw secondary model she whips up from time to time. I think she sees the usefulness in being observant, level-headed and prepared (think her studying offensive spells in her free time because the curriculum doesn’t cover them).
Josie primary’s a Slytherin, meaning her idea of what’s “right” is based around the people that are most important to her. She insists on losing the game and doing the community work harmoniously because it’s what her dad wants them to do. It matters to her because it matters to him. And Josie is content with following her father’s rules for a while, until following the rules puts the people she loves in danger. At that point she stands up to her dad, telling him his rules aren’t enough, and they should be learning offensive magic to protect themselves. And it’s not fairness or doing the right thing that drives her to do this, but the safety of the people she loves. You can see the clear Slytherin in her in the vote that decided if Landon were to stay the school. (That situation was a mess of Loyalists with different definitions of who they called theirs — but that’s another story). At the end of the day, Josie is going to put the safety of her family and her school before anything else, and won’t feel guilty over it. (Her inner circle consists of her father, her twin, and when it comes down to it, the school.) A Hufflepuff Primary would treat a stranger the same way they would treat their best friend — or would try very hard to. A Slytherin Primary doesn’t think they owe people in general but do think they owe everything to their own people. Her decision to make Landon leave was one of a Slytherin primary that said “I protect my own. This school is my family and it’s mine. I will make the hard call in order to keep them safe.”
She’s also a pretty obvious case of a Slytherin who kicked herself out of her inner circle, meaning she’ll be prioritizing the ones she loves fiercely and selflessly, but exclude her own self. (It’s what makes her look like a Hufflepuff Primary a lot of the time.) She puts her sister’s needs above her own in every circumstance without flinching; tells her crush to give her sister a chance the moment he seems to show interest in her, whole-heartedly tells Lizzie she’ll do everything to step down as the representative in the honour council so she can take her place. Penelope tells her Lizzie sucks the air out of every room she’s in and she replies with insistence: “She’s my twin. We can share oxygen.” Heck, she’s smiling when she tells Jo that no one will notice her missing from her own 16th birthday party. Josie Saltzman, bless her heart, doesn’t know how to be healthily selfish yet, because she’s lived being codependent for too long. When she tries, it looks like setting her ex’s hair on fire, or freeing a monster loose on school grounds.
PENELOPE PARK Penelope Park has the signature quick wit and knack for deception and manipulation of a Slytherin Secondary. Flexible and cunning, she improvises and adapts to the situation at hand. (Think her snatching the opportunity of Josie thinking she’s running for honour council without batting an eye, or just every one-liner that comes out of her mouth.) But she pairs that Slytherin Secondary with a Ravenclaw Secondary Model she clearly loves using. She’s a quick-footed strategist who loves making long-term plans to get to her goals. (Penelope Park canonically has “strategy sessions” and mentions “long cons”, like, twice.) “I do everything on purpose,” she told MG once, and spent the rest of the episode standing tall with her arms crossed, a confident smirk on her face. 
She’s also an unapologetic Slytherin Primary who feels validated in prioritizing herself as well as the ones most important to her. The line “Oh, she won’t ever burn your world down. So I will do it for her.” is one I can’t stop thinking about because how much it screams Slytherin. This is a girl who hates Lizzie Saltzman almost viscerally because she believes she sucks all the time, energy and love from someone she loves, someone whom she decided is hers. And she’s ready to wreak havoc against Lizzie because of her, through clever manipulation and long-term plans. Penelope puts Josie above any sense of morality, politeness or fair-play. She’s even ready to be hated by her, clearly someone she cares very deeply about, if it means Josie can find herself and get every ounce of love and space and care she deserves, in the end.
MG MG is a Hufflepuff primary who is beautifully devoted to the community in which he belongs. Hufflepuffs tend to hang some degree of worth or identity in their allegiances, and MG is a young and impressionable Puff who cares very much about the opinion of the people around him. He does things because there are rules in the community he’s part in, and he likes to please people, including the ones in a position of authority. Eventually, he does break the rules, but only because following them put people in danger. “People get hurt if I’m weak,” he said. And he wants, needs to be strong enough to protect them. This is about obligation, about loyalty. (And note that even when he decides he will be feeding on humans, MG has trouble actually doing so because he feels bad. They’re people. And people have worth, you know?) 
His Secondary is also a Hufflepuff. He invests himself in the people around him with service, dedication, and consistency. He brings Lizzie brownies after she gets attacked by the gargoyle, visits Kaleb and offers him blood while telling him he’ll make everything right. He woos the girl of his dreams because he’s put in the work. He’s invested in her since day one, gathered her favourite flower, colour, dessert, music, and song to put up one heck of a show on her sweet sixteen. Hufflepuff secondaries’ reputation also tends to generate trust in the people around them, and this boy has gained the headmaster’s trust enough that he has the school phone. I think MG might also have Gryffindor models, both Secondary and Primary, that he’s beginning to develop. He takes them out when he’s out slaying zombies or standing up for what he thinks is right (whether that is respecting women or duelling a guy for stealing his moment).
Landon Kirby looks to me like a Hufflepuff Primary who terribly and desperately longs for a community to burrow into. All he wants is to have a home, to belong, even when it doesn’t make sense or when his safety is put on the line. He asks to stay at a supernatural school, again and again, even when he knows he’s human, even when the headmaster has said no, even when he wouldn’t feel safe there. He’s just a boy who wants to be part of something that’s bigger than himself. 
But I think Landon models a Slytherin Primary from time to time; perhaps he’s begun to bond to individuals as a way to keep himself from Burning through his years in foster care? The way he puts a great amount of importance on standing up for the people that matter to you looks like a Slytherin’s loyalty: for them, it’s wrong to abandon your people and right to defend them. It means the world to him when Hope takes the time to change the sky of that cellar (this boy looked at her like she had become the sun) and it crushes him when she belittles him all day at Mystic Falls High. 
When backed into a wall, Landon naturally slides into a Slytherin Secondary and uses it incredibly easily at that. He lies like he breathes; pretends to be compelled so they won’t throw him back in the transitional cellar, keeps insisting he doesn’t have the knife when he does, lies to Raphael about the threat he received on the dollar bill, tells Hope about feeling safe in the school without flinching. I don’t think he likes to use it, but only because the community he’s trying to join disapproves of it, because it hurts a person he cares about. (Like the true Loyalist he is.) 
I think Landon might model a Ravenclaw secondary at times, when he’s not in danger. He collects information, asks a lot of questions. (“Wouldn’t you?” he retorts when Hope points it out.) And he’s observant, good at noticing things. The way Hope leaves when she gets a bit too close, the way she talks about her parents in the past tense, how she uses anger to keep herself from letting her guard down.
RAPHAEL WAITHE Raphael has a steadfast Gryffindor Secondary that colours every action he makes. (It makes it hard to figure out his Primary.) This boy has an incredible sense of morality (has to keeps his word with Lizzie through and through, is offended when Hope accuses him of lying), but this shiny brand of integrity is self-defined. He doesn’t just adhere to a system because it’s there. He already has his own. These rules are a deal with himself, not others. And there’s something very honest about the way he carries on with things. He never lies, always carries along with the truth, a steady thing. He’s honest about his intentions, even when it’s hard (think him telling the truth to Lizzie on her birthday), and you always know where he’s headed. Not to mention he has a way of charging into the things he believes in, like going after the Alpha position for Landon. 
Speaking of Landon, Raphael is a Slytherin Primary who basically only has Landon in his inner circle, and puts him above everything. It’s interesting to notice how Landon fervently seeks a bigger community, while Raphael is perfectly content with only having his brother by his side. Raphael is ready to give up the safety and stability of a home to be on the run with Landon, believes him at his word despite the evidence pointing against it, and literally beats up an alpha to take his place just so Landon can have a chance to stay. This boy is fearless loyal, and clearly bonds to individuals much more than he bonds to groups.
KALEB Kaleb has a loud Gryffindor secondary he uses to meet his problems head-on. His own integrity is put above social harmony or any set rules; he has defined what is right for him, and screw whatever anyone else says. This genuineness and bluntness inspired the vampires (like it usually happens with Gryff secondaries) and they all rallied behind him when it was time to elect someone to represent them in the honour council. He stands up and shouts it from the rooftops, these things he believes in. He doesn’t speak out without every fiber of him ringing with certainty. And people rally behind him for it. 
I’d like to sort Kaleb in a Hufflepuff Primary; we haven’t seen that much of him so it can easily be argued otherwise, but he talks a lot about sticking with his people, about “them and us”. He has a community mentality: “vamps before tramps!” he repeats to MG again and again, and won’t let Landon stay in the school because if you let one human in, they’ll take everything away from them.
ALARIC SALTZMAN (This is only based on his character on Legacies. I haven’t watched TVD in years.) Alaric Saltzman loves to live in a Hufflepuff Primary Model and does so almost at all times. He has built a community around him, one that provides safety for supernatural kids, and has decided to put them first. (This “community first” mindset is one he tries to teach his kids — Hope included.) Alaric is also a man who adheres to the concept of “every person is a person, and therefore they have inherent worth”. I mean this is a man who kills monsters to protect his kids, but still gives every one of them a proper burial. Sits down with a dryad who can bring chaos to the world if set loose, and talks to her like a person, shows compassion for her losses.
It’s a model he lives in almost exclusively, until his daughters’ lives are threatened. Josie gets taken by a monster and suddenly his Slytherin Primary appears, in which case he goes: “Screw the world, screw the potential apocalypse. This monster has my DAUGHTER.” Lizzie is put in danger and he chastises her, telling her that being a hero will never be more important than her being safe. You can also see it in moments where the kids at the school are put in danger (think Matt warning Alaric about them); there’s a particular sense of possessiveness that comes out, which leans more towards a Slytherin than a Hufflepuff (whose loyalties are more broad, having more to do with a sense of belonging). These are his kids. “If you threaten my kids, Sheriff,” he warns him through gritted teeth. “I’ll be the one coming for you.“ 
Alaric has a Ravenclaw Secondary he shares with Dorian. He’s faced with an impossible problem of folklore creatures making their appearance in real life, and he turns to books for investigation. Methodically tests different ways to destroy the knife. Jumps in front of an attacking gargoyle because his research said he would be safe. He likes getting all the information he needs before proceeding, whether it’d be with the mystery surrounding Landon’s identity, or the monsters that head his way. (Hope’s Gryffindor secondary doesn’t understand the purpose of waiting, and rushes into their problems instead.) He probably has a Hufflepuff Secondary Model, too. I mean he’s built a community around him, literally. And he likes to do things with compassion and purposefulness, by helping others.
(As for the other adults, I think Emma is a Hufflepuff/Hufflepuff, and Dorian a Ravenclaw(?)/Ravenclaw)
Hope and Raphael are both Slytherin/Gryffindor. They prioritize the individuals they call their own and do so by charging into things that stand in their way. (Hope’s just in the process of letting people back in.)
Penelope is a Slytherin/Slytherin. She puts herself and the people she loves first through cunning adaptability and long-term plans.
MG is a beautiful and impressionable Hufflepuff/Hufflepuff who’s learning he loves to model Gryffindor/Gryffindor.
Kaleb has an “us vs them” mentality of a particular type of Hufflepuff Primary, and meets his problem with his own brand of integrity, typical of a Gryffindor Secondary.
Lizzie is a Gryffindor Primary with a very Slytherin-seeming system. She performs an obnoxious Gryffindor secondary performance under an actual inspiring Gryffindor Secondary.
Josie is a Slytherin Primary who’s ready to make the hard calls to protect her loved ones, while having kicked herself out of her circle. Her secondary is a Hufflepuff; quiet, caring, dedicated.
Alaric, like his daughter, has a Slytherin Primary that comes out when his kids are in danger. But he mostly lives in a Hufflepuff Primary model, treating everyone like people and solving problems with his Ravenclaw secondary’s analytical and methodical approach.
Anyway, you can read more about the sortinghatchats system here! (It’s fun! especially if you’re into personality tests and character analysis)
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9thmystery · 3 years
I need to address how nobody ever gives Raphael Waithe from legacies any love, like we need some mxm for him because it’s sad how there is nothing.
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